
1.What kinds of things cannot be noticed by a fish in the sea?A) The foodB) The climate and the environmentC) The danger and the natural enemyD) The water正确答案为D2.Human beings also have hardware and software. __________ is to human beings what software is to computer. 人类也有硬件和软件A) CultureB) BodyC) ShapeD) Color正确答案为A3.American scholars Daniel Bates and Fred Plog define culture from intercultural perspective which reflects the role of _________.美国学者丹尼尔·贝茨和弗雷德·普洛格从跨文化的角度定义文化,反映了文化的作用A) perceptionn. 知觉;觉察(力);观念;(农作物的)收获B) communicationC) sensationn. 感觉;直觉;知觉;轰动D) intellectual n. 知识分子;脑力劳动者;有极高智力的人;正确答案为B4.Many of the same proverbs appear throughout the world, because all people, regardless of their culture, share common _______.许多相同的谚语出现在世界各地,因为所有人,不管他们的文化如何,都是共同的A) storiesB) languagesC) experiencesD) arts正确答案为C5.We understand two characteristics of subgroups as ________ label and temporality.我们理解亚群的两个特征为________标签和时间性A) sameB) inferior ad j. 低劣的;下级的,下等的;(位置在)下面的;C) superior 优良的;更高级的;傲慢的;D) deviant 不正常的,异常的;离经叛道的正确答案为D6.__________ refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It means one’s sense of the culture to which one belongs.指一个人对某一特定文化或民族的归属感。

一、跨文化交际概论1.什么是跨文化交际跨文化交际是不同文化背景的人们之间的交际. 一个层面指不同国家和民族的人们之间的交际. 另一个层面指同一个国家或民族中, 不同性别、年龄、职业、地域的人们之间的交际.2.跨文化交际的特点是什么跨文化交际主要指人与人、面对面的交际;跨文化交际中涉及很多差异性;跨文化交际容易引起冲突;跨文化交际的误解和冲突大多属于“善意的冲突〞;跨文化交际常常引起情绪上的强烈反响;跨文化交际是一种挑战,更是一种收获.3.国际汉语教师为什么要学习跨文化交际学国际汉语教师学习跨文化交际的必要性表达在:更好地理解中国文化;建立敏锐的跨文化意识;提升文化适应能力;建立开放、宽容、尊重的文化态度;提升在不同文化环境中进行汉语教学的水平;掌握培养学习者跨文化交际水平的方法和策略.4.跨文化交际主要学习内容有哪些文化与交际;价值观与文化模式;语言交际; 非语言交际;文化身份&认同;文化适应;跨文化交际的心理因素;不同领域的跨文化交际;跨文化交际水平;跨文化交际练习.二、交际与文化1.什么是文化关于文化的定义,学界至今未有统一的定论.而作为跨文化交际的学习者,我们最关心的并不是哪位学者提出的文化定义最全面、最精确,而是哪个文化定义与跨文化交际最相关,最能表达文化与跨文化交际的关系.教材推荐跨文化交际学者Brislin(2000)的文化定义:文化是大多数说同一种语言和住在一起的人们所分享的价值和观念,这些价值和观念是世代相传的而且为人们提供对日常行为的指导.2.什么是文化要素文化要素包罗万象.其中与跨文化交际关系最为密切的是历史、宗教、社会组织、语言.理解这些文化要素,有助于我们理解文化在跨文化交际中的影响和作用.3.G. Hofstede与G.J.Hofstede(2004) 提出的文化要素包括几个层次包括象征符号、英雄人物、礼仪、价值观4个层次.4.在跨文化交际领域,常用的文化分类方法有几种分别是什么有两种文化分类的方法在跨文化交际领域最为常用.一种是客观文化与主观文化.另二种是主导文化与亚文化.5.文化有什么特点呢〔1〕文化是后天习得的.〔2〕文化是共享的,并世代相传.〔3〕大局部文化是无意识的.〔4〕文化是象征的.〔5〕文化是动态的.6.什么是交际与文化的定义相似,关于交际的定义也非常丰富和复杂.教材仅推荐与跨文化交际语用领域相关的定义.即Gudykunst& Kim〔2003〕提出的关于交际的定义:交际是编码和解码的过程,但是这种编码和解码的过程并非单纯的传递和接受过程,而是包含着意义的协商和共建.7.交际的要素是什么交际是互相交往的过程,交际的全部过程包含以下要素:传送者、信息、编码、解码、媒介、反响、噪音.8.交际有什么特点〔1〕交际是象征的〔2〕交际是动态的过程〔3〕交际涉及意义的协商和共建〔4〕交际发生在意识的各个层面.〔5〕交际是特定语境中发生的.9.文化对交际有什么影响文化从两个层面影响交际:一是从文化标准的层面,二是从个人层面.文化影响着人们的感知.首先, 文化影响人们对外部刺激的选择.其次,文化影响人们对外部刺激的分类.第三,文化影响人们对外部刺激的意义联想.最后,文化影响人们对外部刺激的解释.文化的特征值是它为行为提供指南.文化影响人们的饮食行为.文化还影响人们的衣着打扮.文化影响居住方式.文化影响人们的出行方式.文化也影响了人与人交往的方式.1.什么是价值观价值观不是实际的行为, 而是关于行为的规那么;价值观是一套关于什么是真善美的标准系统;这些规那么和标准是用来判断和指导人们的行为的;价值观不是个人的爱好或倾向,而是一种集体的文化意识.2.价值观如何分类一类是终极性价值观, 它是关于生命、生存等终极目标的价值观,另一类是工具性价值观,它是关于道德和水平的价值观.3.价值观有什么特点〔1〕价值观属于深层文化.〔2〕价值观是人们的行为指南. 〔3〕价值观既是稳定的,也是变化的.〔4〕不同文化的价值观既有相同的也有不同的成分.〔5〕价值观被违背时会引起情感上的强烈反响.4.关于价值观模式的研究具有影响力的理论是哪些1.价值取向理论〔由kluckhohn与Strodtbeck提出〕2.文化尺度〔由Hofstede提出〕3.高语境文化与低语境文化〔由Hall提出〕.5.中国文化模式有什么特点〔 1〕集体主义〔2〕以家庭为中央〔3〕尊重传统〔4〕等级观念〔5〕面子观念〔6〕重视人情6.美国文化模式有什么特点〔 1〕个体主义〔2〕平等观念〔3〕强调变化和进步〔4〕物质享受〔5〕科学与技术〔6〕工作与娱乐〔7〕竞争意识四、跨文化的语言交际1概念提要:1.萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说的含义萨丕尔-沃尔有三层含义.〔1〕不同的语言以不同的方式感知和划分世界.〔2〕一个人所使用的语言结构影响他感知和理解世界的方式.〔3〕讲不同语言的人感知世界是不同的.2.语言与价值观之间是什么关系语言与文化的关系最直接的表达是语言表达了人们对世界的看法、态度和价值取向.每种语言都拥有丰富的格言、警句和俗语.这些句子往往就是价值观的表达.3.词义与文化是什么关系在语言的各要素中,词汇与文化的关系最为密切,其对跨文化交际的影响也最为突出.语言的含义不具有普遍性,它受到文化和语境的制约.不同语言和文化的人们进行跨文化交际时,可能会由于对词语含义的误解而产生交流的障碍.4.什么叫委婉语学习它有什么意义禁忌是人类社会普遍存在的文化现象, 人们对诸如生老病死、隐私等许多方面多有避讳,因此产生了大量的委婉语. 了解不同文化中的禁忌和相应的委婉语不仅可以深入理解不同文化的价值取向,也可以防止在跨文化交际中出现不必要的误会.四、跨文化的语言交际2概念提要:1.礼貌原那么包括哪些准那么〔1〕得体准那么〔2〕慷慨准那么〔3〕赞扬准那么〔4〕谦虚准那么〔5〕一致准那么〔6〕同情准那么.2.中国人的礼貌特征包括哪些〔1〕贬己尊人〔2〕称呼准那么〔3〕文雅准那么〔4〕求同准那么〔5〕德、言、行准那么.3.礼貌策略的使用受到什么因素的制约〔1〕说话人与听话人之间的权力距离〔2〕说话人与听话人之间的社会距离〔3〕言语行为的强加程度4.什么是交际风格交际风格是指说话的特点.5.在跨文化交际领域中,常见的交际风格包括哪些〔1〕直接与间接的交际风格〔2〕谦虚与自信的交际风格〔3〕归纳与演绎的交际风格五、跨文化的非语言交际概念提要:1.什么是非言语交际非言语交际不包括语言,而是包括了各种非语言的交际行为;非语言交际具有互动性,涉及信息的发出者和接受者的编码和解码过程;非言语交际是在特定情境中产生的,与语境有密切关系;非语言交际可能是有意的,也可能是无意的.2.非语言交际的功能有哪些〔 1〕传达真实的内在感情〔2〕营造交际印象〔3〕进行会话治理3.非语言交际与语言交际是什么关系非语言交际对语言信息起着重复、补充、代替、标准和否认等作用.4.体态语包括哪些人们的外貌服饰、面部表情、眼神交流、手势、姿势以及身体接触都是体态语,都参与了交际,是非语言交际的一局部.5.时间观念与文化之间有什么联系时间观念是非语言交际的重要维度, 也是价值观的表达.6.什么是单时制文化其特点是什么单时制文化中的时间是线性的,可以向前延伸到未来,向后延伸到过去.单时制文化的人们通过方案和预约来限制时间,在一段时间内只做一件事,强调准时、预约和最后期限.7.什么是多时制文化其特点是什么多时制文化并不把时间看做是线性的.多时制文化中的人认为时间围绕着生活,在同一时间内可以做多件事情.工作常常被打断,方案也常改变.身处多时制文化中的人,维系人际关系和谐远比遵守时间重要.8.人们对于空间的利用与文化之间有什么联系空间利用也是非语言交际的重要内容.空间利用方式表达了特定文化中人际关系的特点.六、文化适应概念提要:1.文化适应策略有哪些同化、别离、融合以及边缘化.2.文化适应是一个复杂、动态的开展过程.短期旅居者的跨文化适应过程分为哪几个阶段蜜月期、挫折期、恢复期和适应期.3.焦虑处理理论认为什么因素影响跨文化适应个体性格因素、社会支持、性别、民族、处理文化适问题的策略等.4.什么是文化休克文化休克是一种因失去了熟悉的社会交往符号而产生的心理焦虑.5.应对文化休克可采取什么策略应对呢广交朋友,建立良好人际关系;学习目的国的语言;了解目的文化的知识;做自己感兴趣的事情;参加社会文化活动;改变自己的思维.6.什么是文化适应假说第二语言教学领域的学者很早注意到了文化适应与第二语言学习的关系.Schuman(1986跟出了文化适应假说〞.他认为, 学习者只有适应了第二文化以后才能习得第二语言,文化适应的程度决定第二语言学习的程度.7.Schuman(198觎出的社会距离的概念是什么社会距离指的是学习者的原有文化与目的语文化之间的差异程度.七、跨文化的人际交往概念提要:1.人际关系与文化的联系表达在哪几方面不同文化间的朋友关系、人情关系、工作关系、与陌生人之间的关系都受到文化的影响.2.交往习俗与文化之间有什么联系在社会交往中,人们需要遵循社交礼仪和规那么,而这些规那么会因文化而异.一种文化中得体、礼貌的规那么到了另一种文化中可能是不得体的,甚至还造成了冒犯.了解不同文化的社交习俗和礼仪,对提升跨文化交际的有效性和得体性是非常有必要的.3.公共礼仪与文化之间有什么联系遵守公共秩序和礼仪是现代人的基本素养,也是一个国家文明程度的表达. 在跨文化交往中,了解和遵守不同文化的公共礼仪非常重要.不遵守公共礼仪会给人留下负面的印象,甚至引起跨文化交往中的冲突.八、跨文化人际交际的心理与态度概念提要:1.什么是刻板印象刻板印象又作成见〞与谊型观念〞,是指一个群体成员特征的概括性看法.2.刻板印象有什么特点〔1〕刻板印象是人们正常思维的一局部.〔2〕刻板印象是文化的一局部.〔3〕刻板印象的最大局限是以偏概全,无视个体差异.3.如何克服刻板印象〔1〕意识到刻板印象的存在.〔2〕改变懒惰和简化的思维习惯.〔3〕扩大与不同文化的人的接触范围.〔4〕试图寻找充分的证据和例外的情况.〔5〕对于来自其他文化的个人的行为的描述,应采用表达性语言,而不是对这一文化群体进行评价和简单概括.4.什么是偏见偏见是对一个群体的成员建立在错误而僵化的概括根底上的负面感情5.如何克服偏见〔1〕坦诚面对自己的偏见.〔2〕扩大与不同文化的人的接触范围.〔3〕参加课程学习和培训.〔4〕在交际中防止使用带有偏见或歧视色彩的表达方式,特别是对弱势群体要注意使用委婉而礼貌的称呼.6.什么是种族中央种族中央指的是在思考和评价别的文化时,把自己的文化放在一切事物的中央位置,并且以自己文化的框架作为衡量的标准.7.什么是文化相对主义文化相对主义是与种族中央主义相对的概念.它最早由美国著名人类学家弗朗兹博厄斯所倡导.其包括两个方面的内容.第一, 每种文化都有自己长期形成的独特历史, 其形态并无上下之分;第二,任何一个民族都有自己的社会思想、世界观和道德观,人们不应该用自己的一套标准来衡量其它民族的文化.。

跨文化交际期末考试复习题Define the following items:1.intercultural communication: is simply defined as interpersonal communication between people from different cultural background.2.interethnic communication: refers to communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgrounds.3.verbal communication:communication done both orally and in written language.4.nonverbal communication: involves all nonverbal stimuli i n a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver.4. Monochronic time一元时间观念: means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time.5. Polychronic time多元时间观念: means being involved with many things at once.6. ethnocentrism :the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.7. stereotypes:refers to negative or positive judgment made about individuals based on any observable or believed groupmembership.针对目标群体成员所特有的正面或方面的判断。

T 1 As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. 作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。然而,作为一门学科,它的历史只有大约五十年。
F6.We can address Jason Douglas, who is a lawyer, as Lawyer Douglas. 我们可以解决杰森道格拉斯,他是个律师,律师道格拉斯。
F_7.Chinese hospitality toward the westerners is always greatly appreciated. 中国人对西方人的热情好客是非常赞赏的。
T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge ,what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given 约定的 特定的 culture. 文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文化中扮演适当的行为
T_4.Ranks in the armed forces like Captain, Colonel can be used as titles. 上校,上校,上校,可以用作头衔
F_5.Westerners can understand what Uncle policeman or P.L.A. Uncle means. 西方人能够理解警察叔叔和解放军叔叔的手段。
T_2、Don’t take offence-getting the form of address ”wrong” is rarely intended to be offensive. 不要拿“错误”的形式来攻击,这是很难得的进攻


跨文化交际复习题Translation1.Intercultural communication: 跨文化交际2.Intracultural communication: 主流文化背景下的亚文化交际3.negative transfer of culture: 文化的负迁移municative channel: 交际渠道5.value orientation: 价值取向1)verbal communication: 语言交际①oral form②written form2)non-verbal communication: 非语言交际①body behavior②space and distance③time④silence6.time orientation: 时间取向7.past time and future time orientation: 过去取向与未来取向8.geographical context: 地域环境9.cultural diversity: 文化多元性10.non-verbal communication: 非语言交际11.aesthetic orientation: 审美取向12.cultural equivalence: 文化的等同petitive spirit: 竞争意识14.psychological context: 心里语境/ 环境15.group vs individual orientation: 集体取向vs 个人取向16.inductive vs deductive: 归纳法vs 演绎法17.oneness vs dividedness between man and Nature: 天人合一vs 天人分离18.encoding vs decoding: 编码vs 译码19.ingredients of communication: 交际的要素20.message or behavioral source: 信息源或行为源21.sub-culture: 亚文化22.ethnic culture: 民族文化/ 伦理文化23.stereotypes: 文化定势24.high context culture: 强交际文化环境25.low context culture:弱交际文化环境26.context of situation: 语言环境27.psychological context: 心理环境28.seeking of change vs seeking of stability: 求变vs 求稳29.innately good vs innately evil: 人性本善vs 人性本恶30.interactions rules: 交往规则31.interpretation norms: 解释范围32.ethnocentrism: 民族中心主义municative distance: 交际距离34.spatial setting: 空间场合35.temporal setting: 时间场合36.instrumental type: 工具型37.affective type: 情感型38.parataxis vs hypotaxis: 意合vs 形合39.pragmatic transfer: 语用迁移40.pragmatic failure: 交际失误41.cooperative principle: 合作原则42.politeness principle: 文明原则43.positive face and negative face: 积极面对和消极面对44.gender communication culture: 性别交际文化45.generation communication culture: 代交际文化46.professional communication culture: 职业交际文化47.proxemic behavior: 体距行为48.multicultural communication: 多元文化交际49.globalization vs glocalization: 全球化vs 全球语境下的本土化50.interethnic communication: 跨种族交际True or False1. Usually, the husband serves the cocktails and the wife clears the dishes from the table.—T2. Frequent guests often help the host and the hostess with the daily activities of the family.—T3. The guest may say a short prayer of thanks before dinner begins.—F4. A woman should not have a sustained conversation with a man in a public place in American subways.—T5. Men usually extend their hands and shake hands with women when they meet for the first time.—F6. If a woman invites a man for a date, it is usually “dutch treat”.—T7. In the United Sates, men and women can date a variety of people respectively.—T8. If you are thinking as much of others as of yourself, you won’t made mistakes that annoy others.—T9. It is not proper to talk with another person in a language unfamiliar to the rest.—T10. At the end of a speech it is sufficient to make a very slight bow without saying anything.—T11. In the United States, people find silence uncomfortable, except when it occurs between close friends.—T12. Americans think it is not very good to have acquaintance with members of the opposite sex.—F13. In the United States setting a date to get together must be done quite a few days in advance.—F14. American people like to drink tea very much after meals.—F15. American people have little concern for social rank.—T16. In conversation people never use each other’s titles.—F17. If you meet a stranger in the West and ask him the way, you should say “Hello, can you tell me the way to the bus station?”.—F18. Supposed you are asked to make a speech, you should address the listeners as “Gentlemen and Ladies” or “Mrs. and Mr.”—F19. In the West, it is not normal for a man to shake hands.—F20. The British don’t normally shake hands when taking leave unless someone is leaving for a fair length of time.—T21. While giving a lesson to your students if you want to go to the “W.C”, you say “I am sorry.”—F22. When you speak you must try to keep the tone light, casual and natural.—T23. The person who extends an invitation is usually expected to pay, though there is no definite answer to the question of who pays.—F24. When you didn’t follow the speaker, it is not polite for you to say “Repeat your words, will you?” to hi m.—T25. When invited to a party or dinner, it is very common for the guest to take bottles of drink there and give them to the host or hostess on arrival.—T26. When the dinner or party is over, you may take leave or say goodbye to the host or hostess as quickly as you can.—F27. When taking a taxi in the West, you have to tip the driver.—T28.The person who makes a call is usually the one to end the conversation on the phone.—F29. Flowers are very lovely and beautiful; you may carry any flowers when taking planes.—F30. It is necessary for you to do shopping with a basket at the supermarket in the West, before you enter the supermarket.—F31. When you dislike the price, you may say“ Sorry, the price is very high.”—F32. If you receive an invitation to a conference, you needn’t reply to it unless you attend it.—F33. For every meeting, there is an opening ceremony and closing ceremony.—F34.Dinner talks are necessary for a formal conference.—T35. Usually a dinner party will be given to the guests after signing a contract. And only the person who signs the contract will present himself.—F36. When signing a contract the assistants from both parties will sign the contract.—T37. In an opening ceremony it is polite to invite some top officer to make a speech.—FChoice1. In America it is considered better to be invited to a person’s house.2. Flowers are not provided in hotels because flowers are too expensive.3. Standing around chatting with one another is the answer to best describe Americans behavior at parties.4. Not to stay too long in one place is the basic rule at a party in America.5. You should move from group to group meeting people if you are alone at a party.6. The best way for women to meet men is in group.7. In the West it is customary for a man to raise his hat slightly off his head when he meets with a girl or a woman.8. An invitation to come to the home for a meal or a longer visit is usually given by the hostess.9. Some invitations bear the letters “R.S.V.P” That means reply as soon as possible.10. If you are waiting for someone in his room, it is all right for you to pick up a newspaper or magazine from the table to read.11. If you find it absolutely necessary to spit, go into a lavatory.12. When a man is with a lady, he usually walks behind her except when for instance, they got off a train , want to open a heavy door , try to find a table in a restaurant. 13. In the western countries when you give something to a person or receive something from a person, you should use one hand only-usually the right hand.14. That a married woman servant is called Mrs. So-and-so is a failure of communication.15. If you eat at a restaurant, you have to give the waiter a tip. You say“Thank you” and put the tip into the waiter’ hand.16. When two persons of the same sex shake hands, the older one puts his( or her) hand out first.17. That you introduce a married woman to an unmarried woman is wrong when you introduce two persons.18. You will spoil the dinner by arriving late because you will both make the other guests unhappy and make the dishes tasteless.19. A woman (not the hostess) should never rise when she is being introduced.20. As a guest at the dinner table you will not feel doubtful about which seat you should take because there is no order of importance of seats.21. If you do not enjoy the party, you must still say something to please your hostess.22. One day, when an American lady accidentally bumped into Wei Lin. Lady: I’m terribly sorry. Wei: That’ all right.23. At a bus stop, Man: Excuse me, do you know which bus to catch for London Road, please? Woman: Sorry, I’ve no idea. Man: Oh.24. Li had something to tell the manager, Mr. Smith, so he went to his place, entering the room and said” Can I have a word with you, Mr. Smith?”25. If you are attending a family gathering and would like to know what the familial relationship is between one member and another, you may ask”Is her your…?”26. When introduced to an older professor or to a friend’s parents, you would say” Hi! Glad to know you.”27. When introducing yourself to someone you don’t know at a party, you would say”Hi, I’m…”28. Jack phones Xiao Song’s office.Jack: Hello, I’d like to speak to Song Hua, please. Song: This is Song Hua speaking.29. Mr. Green’s secretary, Pat Kent, went to the airport to meet Mr. Barnes for her boss. Miss Kent: Excuse me, would you be Mr. Barnes?Q & A1. What have contributed to increased international contacts?A: New technology, growth in the world’s population, and shifts in the global economic arena have contributed to increased international contacts.2. What are the characteristics of culture?A: Culture is learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, subject to change, integrated, ethnocentric and adaptive.3. What is interracial communication?A: Interracial communication occurs when the source and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.4. What is interethnic communication?A: Ethnic groups usually form their own communities in a country or culture.5. What are elements of intercultural communication?A: The interacting elements fall into four general groupings: perception, verbal processes, nonverbal processes, and contextural elements.6. What is perception?A: Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data ina way that enables us to make sense of our world.7. What factors influence human perception?A: Physical factor, environmental factor, and cultural factor influence human perception.8. Why do we say beliefs are important in intercultural communication?A: Belief systems are significant to the study of intercultural communication because they are at the core of our thoughts and actions, and they affect our conscious and unconscious minds, as well as the manner in which we communicate.9. What is value?A: Value is a learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts.10. What is cultural value?A: Cultural values tend to permeate a culture and are derived from the large philosophical issues that are part of culture’s milieu.11. What are dominant American cultural patterns?A: Individualism, equality, materialism, science and technology, process and change, work and leisure, and competition.12. What are Hofstede’s value dimensions?A: Individualism—collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance and masculinity and femininity.13. What do cultures differ in their attitudes towards?A: Individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity and femininity, human nature, the perception of nature, time, activity, relationships, context, formality and informality, and assertiveness and interpersonal harmony.14. What is world view?A: World view is a culture’s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, questions of existence, the universe and cosmos, life, death, sickness, and other philosophicalissues that influence how its members perceive their world.15. What are religious similarities?A: Sacred writings, authority, traditional rituals, speculation and ethics.16. What are the five main religions of the world?A: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.17. What different meanings toward life in five religions?A: Christianity—love, Judaism—order, Islam—authority, Hinduism—wisdom and Buddhism—suffering.18. Why is language important?A: Because we employ words to relate to the past, we use words to exercise some control over the present, and use words to form images of the future.19. What is the relation between language and culture?A: It is impossible to separate our use of language from our culture. In its most basic sense, language is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols that are used and understood by a large community of people.20. What are the problems of the translation in linguistic equivalence?A: V ocabulary or lexical equivalence, idiomatic and slang equivalence, grammatical-syntactical equivalence, experiential-cultural equivalence and conceptual equivalence.21. What is nonverbal communication?A: Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver.22. Why is nonverbal communication important?A: We make important judgments and decisions about others based on their nonverbal behavior. We use the actions of others to learn about their emotional states.23. What are the functions of nonverbal communication?A: To repeat, to complement, to substitute for a verbal action, to regulate and to contradict a communication event.24. What are nonverbal messages are communicated by means of?A: Body behavior, space and distance, time, and silence.。

跨文化交际复习资料1跨文化交际复习资料第一章跨文化交际概述1 在文化学研究领域,通常把文化分为主流文化和亚文化。
2 文化的特征:交际的符号性、民族的选择性。
3. 交际的本质属性:有意识行为和无意识行为、编码过程和解码过程以及语法规则和语用规则。
4. 除语言之外,人类在长期的社会实践中还创造了许多交际工具,主要有以下三大类:文字、盲文和手语、旗语、灯语和号语。
5. 跨文化交际的概念和要点:跨文化交际是指在特定的交际环境中,具有不同的文化背景的交际者使用同一种语言(母语或目的语)进行的口语交际。
主要包括四个要点:A. 双方必须来自不同的文化背景B. 双方必须使用同一种语言交际C. 交际双方进行的是实时的口语交际D. 交际双方进行的是直接的语言交际第二章文化背景与跨文化交际6.从跨文化交际的现实情况来看,影响交际的制约因素主要集中在三个方面:价值观念(文化特质的深层结构)、民族性格(文化特质的外化表现)、自然环境(文化特质的历史缘由)态度7. 态度由认知、情感和意动三个范畴构成。
8. 态度具有四个功能:功力实现功能、自我防御功能、价值表现功能和课题认知功能9. 直觉的整体性是整体思维的第一个特点,东方人以直觉的整体性和和谐的辩证性著称于世。
10. 民族中心主义:某个民族把自己当做世界的中心,把本民族的文化当做对待其他民族的参照系,它以自己的文化标准来衡量其他民族的行为,并把自己的文化与其他文化对立起来。
第三章社会环境与跨文化交际11. 有效的环境不仅依赖于对文化背景的认识,也依赖于对社会环境的认识,而社会环境对交际来说实际上是广义的“交际背景”12. 交际背景主要包括三个要素:交际者:社会地位是决定交际的重要情景因素交际目的:可分为文化型、职业型专业型普通型交际场景:最重要的是物理场景(分时间场景和空间场景)13. 社会角色就是某一特定社会群体对某一特定社会身份的行为的期望,人们社会交往从方式到内容都在不同程度上取决于人们的角色关系。

Intercultural communication in English1. Globalization (what & why)1)Dictionary: to organize or establish worldwide2)Wiki: Globalization refers to the increasingly global relationships of culture, people andeconomic activity.3)Globalization refers to the establishment of a world economy, in which national borders arebecoming less and less important as transnational corporations, existing everywhere and nowhere, do business in a global market.4)Globalization refers to “time-spaces compression”. That is, the way in which the worldappears to be getting smaller. (Reasons: the increasing global mobility of people; the impact of new electronic media on human communications)5)At the same time, people all over the world are faced with the same environmental issuesthat affect all cultures.6)Global instability stems from clashes between cultures as humankind createscatastrophes(灾难) that are far worse than natural disasters.7)Culture interdependence: people from different cultures attempt to get along with eachother and try to decrease conflicts.Driving force: technology, particularly telecommunications, computers2. Culture1)People who are raised or live in a particular place probably speak the same language, holdmany of the same values, and communicate in similar ways.2)the group of people who share the same ancestry3)commodities or products that are internationally exported and imported4) a particular way to satisfy our human needs. Maslow: physiological, safety, belongingness,esteem, self-actualization5)The coherent learned, shared view of a group of people about life’s concerns that rankswhat is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate and dictates behavior.6)Culture is coherent, learned, the view of a group of people, ranks what is important,furnishes attitudes2.1 elements of communication1)Context: the interrelated conditions of communication(aspects: physical settings, historical,psychological, culture)2)Participants: the participants in communication play the roles of sender and receiver,sometimes of the messages simultaneously.3)Messages: elements: meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding.4)Channels: a channel is both the route traveled by the message and the means oftransportation.5)Noise: noise is any stimulus, external or internal to the participants, that interferes with thesharing of meaning. They include: external noise, internal noise, semantic noise6)Feedback: some kind of verbal or nonverbal response3. Different lands, different friendships1)European: friendship is quite sharply distinguished from other, more casual relations, and isdifferently related to family life.2)American: a friendship may be superficial, casual, situational or deep and enduring.3)French: F is one to one relationship that demands a keen awareness of the other person’sintellect, temperament and particular interests; friends generally are of the same sex;disagreement and argument are the breath of live; compartmentalized (a man play chess with a friend for years without knowing his political opinion)4)Germany: F is much more articulately a matter of feeling; friends are brought to the family;disagreement on any subject that matters to both is a tragedy.5)English: F is based on shared activity, and are formed outside the family circle.4. Comparing and contrasting culturesFrederick:Human nature orientation; man-nature orientation; time orientation; activity orientation; social orientationKluckhohns and Strodtbeck:Human nature; relationship of man to nature; sense of time; activity; social relationships4.1Cultural dimensions (Geert Hofstede)Individualism versus collectivismUncertainty avoidancePower distanceMasculinity versus femininityLong-term versus short-term orientation5. High & low context culturesAdding: from wikipediaLow context culture and the contrasting "high context culture" are terms presented by the anthropologist Edward T. Hall in his book Beyond Culture. Low context culture refers to a culture’s tendency not to cater towards in-groups. An "in-group" is defined by the authors as being a discrete group having similar experiences and expectations, from which, in turn, inferences are drawn. Low context cultures, such as Germany or the United States make much less extensive use of such similar experiences and expectations to communicate. Much more is explained through words or verbalization, instead of the context.High context culture and the contrasting "low context culture" are terms presented by the anthropologist Edward T. Hall in his 1976 book Beyond Culture. It refers to a culture's tendency to use high context messages over low context messages in routine communication. This choice of communication styles translates into a culture that will cater to in-groups, an in-group being a group that has similar experiences and expectations, from which inferences are drawn. In a high context culture, many things are left unsaid, letting the culture explain. Words and word choice become very important in higher context communication, since a few words can communicate a complex message very effectively to an in-group (but less effectively outside that group), while in a lower context culture, the communicator needs to be much more explicit and the value of a single word is less important.6. How is language related to culture?1)Culture and language are intertwined and shape each other.2)Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols, as well asour perceptions of the universe.3)All languages have social questions and information questions. The meaning comes out ofthe context, the cultural usage.4)Language reflects cultural values.5)Sometimes different cultures use identical words that have rather different meanings. Theresults can be humorous, annoying, or costly, depending on the circumstances.6)Even if two people from different cultures can speak a common language, they maymisinterpret the cultural signals.7)To summarize, in the culture itself, language-and-culture is embedded in cultural products,practices, perspectives, communities, and persons. One reflects the other, and they are best seem as joined. Language , as a product of culture, is infused with culture.7. The sapir-whort hypothesis8. Nonverbal communication (what)Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless,(mostly visual) messages between people. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. Nonverbal messages could also be communicated through material exponential; meaning, objects or artifacts (such as clothing, hairstyles or architecture). Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, rate, pitch, volume, and speaking style, as well prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation, and stress. Likewise, written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the physical layout of a page. However, much of the study of nonverbal communication has focused on face-to-face interaction, where it can be classified into three principal areas: environmental conditions where communication takes place, physical characteristics of the communicators, and behaviors of communicators during interaction.I.e. voices, handshakes, hand gestures, eyes movement, face expressions (smile, laugh),touching behaviorIt is governed by culture.Functions: repeating, complementing, substituting, regulating, and contradicting.9. Social timethe peculiarities of the Past-Present-Future in social processes, and their unbreakable connection.10. Improving intercultural communication1)To begin with your own culture, regardless of what that culture might be.2)To identify those attitudes, prejudices, and opinions that we all carry around and that biasthe way the world appears to us.3)To learn to recognize your communication style.Advices:1)Both parties involved in intercultural communication should seek a common language andattempt to understand cultural differences in using the language.2)To develop empathy - be able to see things from the point of view of others so that we canbetter know and adjust to the other people.3)To be flexible when deciding on how to present yourself to another person.。
跨文化交际 复习资料

1、文化:cultureIt is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.The Characteristics of Culture:Learned、transmitted、Subject to change、unconscious、integrated、symbolic、adaptive.2、跨文化交际:intercultural communicationIntercultural communication means the communication between people from different cultural backgrounds. It is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.3、高语境文化:High-Context Cultures①Infer information from message context, rather than from content.②Prefer indirectness, politeness and ambiguity.③Convey little information explicitly.④Rely heavily on nonverbal signs.4、价值观:ValuesA standard by which members of culture define what is desirable or undesirable、good or bad、beautiful or ugly、acceptable or unacceptable. V alues are standards set by the members of a society.V alues are often highly contexted. V alues can change significantly over time. V alues can differ within one society and around the world.5、言语交际:verbal communication:It refers to any form of communication that is directly dependent on the use of language.非言语交际:Nonverbal communicationIt will be defined as the process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation or context.6、本地化:LocalizationThe process of adapting a product or service to a particular language, culture, and desired local “look-and-feel.”Aspects to be considered in localization: Language、Time zones、Money、National holidays、Local color sensitivities、Product or service names、Gender roles、Geographic examples 、Advertisements7、刻板印象:StereotypesA fixed general image, characteristic, etc. that a lot of people believe to represent a particular type of person or thing.Stereotypes are a form of generalization about some group of people, or a means of organizing images into fixed and simple categories that are used to stand for the entire collection of people. It is found in nearly every intercultural situation. The reason forthe pervasive nature of stereotypes is that human beings have a psychological need to categorize and classify.8、文化休克:Cultural shockIt is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.9、符号:SymbolA person,an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or situation.1、猫头鹰的故事:①This is because Chinese and English native speakers assign different associative meanings to the same bird—owl.②Owl in China is the sign of bad luck. The mere sight of an owl or the sound of the creature’s hooting is enough to cause people to draw back in fear.But in English it is associated with wisdom. In children’s books and cartoons, whenever there is a dispute among birds or beasts, it is the owl that acts as judge.③The term dog elicits different feelings in these two cultures. In China gou(dog) often has derogative meanings, such as 狼心狗肺. But in West is considered the best friend of man, which is well established in their cultures. So the feel disgusted at eating dog meat.④Long(龙) is a symbol of the emperor in ancient China. It has been almighty to us Chinese. Today long is often identified with China or Chinese. But to the English—speaking people, the Chinese long has been rendered in English as “dragon”. Dragon is a fire—spitting monster, cruel and fierce that destroys and therefore must be destroyed.⑤In Chinese ,松、柏、鹤、桃stand for longevity. In English, they are just plants.2、气泡空间:①This is because each person has a “bubble” of space (territory). Studies show that people from South America, Arab countries, and many Asian countries have a smaller personal territory than do North Americans, British and Germans. In Mexican and Arab cultures, physical distance between people when engaged in conversation is very close. In order to feel comfortable while talking, what the Mexican does is to move closer, while what the North American does is to step back a little.②In Western counties, personal territory is highly valued. Each one has his/her own space at home or in office which should not be invaded. In public places, they have “temporary territory”, not be intruded upon either.③As is in the case of human behavior, the use of space is directly linked to the value system of different cultures. The Americans whose culture stresses individualism generally demand more space than do people from collectivistic cultures and tend to take an active, aggressive stance when their space is violated.3、家庭第一:①One of the reason that Annie could not understand Rosa is this::in American culture, the nuclear family is much more important to the individual than the extended family. Most Americans feel little responsibility toward their second cousins, and may never even have met them. Therefore, Annie was confused because Rosa put so much effort into helping “just” a second cousin.②But in Rosa’s culture there is not such a big difference between nuclear and extended family responsibilities. In some countries, the extended family is the main financial and emotional support for people in times of crisis. However, this is not so far most Americans, who rely more on friends, institutions, and professionals.③Another reason is their possession of different cultural values. Rosa felt that “family comes first”, which means that her own needs come second. Annie had a hard time understanding that point of view because in her culture the individual usually comes first. In the United States the person who can “make it on his own”without help from family is respected, although of course many people do get help from their families.④Because of these differences, it is sometimes difficult for people to understand and accept the way family members in other cultures seem to treat each other. It is important, however, to remember that families show their love in different ways. These differences sometimes make it hard to see the reality of family love in every culture in the world.4、男女之间的约会:①Blanca thought that Kevin was going to pay for her because he had invited her to go out, this was the American custom. But things are changing. One reason is that many more American women work today. Therefore, many men and women think it is unfair for men to always pay for everything when they go out.②Another reason is that some women say that if a man pays for them, they feel like they own him something. And some American women prefer to pay because they like to feel like an equal partner on a date. They don’t feel equal if they are taken places and paid for.③Blanca’s understanding that Kevin was going to pay for her is an example of a cultural assumption. Our cultural assumptions are so much a part of us that many times we cannot believe that the whole world does not see things as we do. Trying to understand cultural assumptions that other people make can help to explain their way of thinking and acting.④Most Hispanic parents assume the worst will happen if they let their daughters go out alone with a man. And the Hispanic assumption about women is that they will not be able to stop a man.。

Chapter 1 CultureI.定义Culture(from intellectual perspective):从知性角度定义文化:作为整体的人类智力成就的艺术和其他表现Culture(from anthropologic perspective):从人类学角度定义文化:文化有清晰和模糊的行为模式构成,这些模式通过符号获得并传播,这些符号有人类群体的特别成就构成,包括具体的人工制品。
Culture(from psychological perspective) : 从心理学角度定义文化:文化是使一个人类群体成员区别于其他人类群体的思维的总体规划。
Culture(from sociological perspective):从社会学角度定义文化:文化是一种可习得的,基于群体的认知模式——包括言语与非言语符号,态度,价值观,信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。
Culture(from intercultural communication perspective):从跨文化交际学角度定义文化:文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获得的知识,经验,信仰,价值观,行为,态度,阶级,宗教,时间观,角色,空间观和艺术品的集合。
Culture Identity: 文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。
Co-culture 共文化——指具有独特的交际特征,感知特点,价值观,信仰和行为,区别于其他群体,社团以及主流文化的群体或社团。
Subgroup 亚群体——相对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体时代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。
Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural Communication1. Sender/Source信息发出者/信息源:指传递信息的人2. Message信息:只引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。


《跨文化交际》期末考试题型及复习提纲I. True-False: Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false”. (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)来自课后练习判断题部分II. Multiple Choice: Choose the ONE appropriate answer. (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.the concept and the origin of intercultural communication2.addressing in English3.safe topics in intercultural communication4.the social functions of compliments5.culturally loaded words6.gift-giving in the United States7.M-Time and P-time cultures8.touch culture9.learning styles10.adaptation to a new culture1。
7 m倍和P-文化。
III. Translation: Give the Chinese equivalents of the following expressions: (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)给下列表达式的汉语对应词:unit 4 verbal communication口头交流IV. Answer the following questions. (本大题共1小题,每小题20分,共20分)stereotypes and ethnocentrism,刻板印象和种族中心主义,文化的冲击与调适culture shock and adaptationV. Case Analysis: Analyze the following conversation from an intercultural perspective. You are expected to use the questions to aid your analysis. (本大题共1小题,每小题20分,共20分)从跨文化的角度分析下列对话。

跨文化商务交际复习资料Unit 1一、匹配1.culture:The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.munication:A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols,signs,or behavior,or the exchange of thoughts,messages,or information,as by speech,signals,writing,or behavior.3.ethnocentrism:The belief that your own cultural background including ways of an analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal.communication, is superior.4.horizontal communication:The communication at the same level in an organization.5.intercultural communication:The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.6.business communication:The communication is within business and administration,aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations.二、判断T:1.Culture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.2.The terms of intercultural communication and international communication can be used interchangeably.3.Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.4.Stereotypes, like culture itself, are learned in a variety of ways. They are the products of limited, lazy, and misguided perceptions.F:1.When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as “life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.2.The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels: a level of norms and values, or an invisible level, and a visible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.3.With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.4.In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.三、SummaryCulture and Communication①Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors,institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.②Only the outward symbols of a culture, 10 percent, are easily visible. The most important aspects of culture, 90 percent, its norms and values, are far more difficult to grasp. These moreprofound cultural differences can cause problems when communicating with someone from another culture.③Culture has six major characteristics: shared, learned, symbolic, integrated,dynamic, and ethnocentric.④ Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing,or behavior.⑤ There are three business communication patterns in terms of direction: upward communication, downward communication, and lateral communication⑥Culture and communication are inseparably linked. Culture gives meaning and provides the context for communication. Besides, meaning is in the person, not in the word.Intercultural Communication①Intercultural communication is the communication between persons of different cultures, or different cultural backgrounds.②There are five barriers in intercultural communication: language differences,nonverbal communication, stereotypes, cultural bias on judgments, and high level of stress.③ Technology has broken down cultural boundaries, and the world is becoming a global village, in which neighbors speak different languages, have different values and different lifestyles Understanding is a measure of communicative success in the global village.四、重点1.culture 文化的广义和侠义in the broad sense:It is estimated that there are more than 164 definitions of culture.In the narrow sense:meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.2.metaphors of culture 文化的比喻(1)the culture iceberg(文化冰山)① Culture above the waterline. ② Culture below the waterline.(2)the culture onion(文化洋葱)① Culture in the outer layer.② Culture in the middle layer.③ Culture in the inner nucleus layer.3.characteristics of culture(文化的特点)① Culture is shared. ② Culture is learned. ③ Culture is symbolic.④ Culture is integrated. ⑤ Culture is dynamic. ⑥ Culture is ethnocentric.munication(交际的4个特点)① dynamic ② symbolic ③ transactional ④ contextual5.patterns of communication(沟通方式)①Upward communication.Upward communication is the communication flowing from subordinates to superiors usually concerning employees’ comments about themselves, their reactions about others,their reactions to practices and policies,and their thoughts about their work.② Downward communication.Downward communication is the communication flowing from the top of the organizational management hierarchy,telling people in the organization what is important (mission) and what is valued(policy).③Lateral communication (or horizontal communication).Lateral,communication or horizontal communication refers to the communication at the same level in an organization.6.barriers in intercultural communication(跨文化交际障碍)① Language differences.② Nonverbal communication.③ Stereotypes.Stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.④ Cultural bias on judgments.⑤ High level of stress.Unit 2一、匹配1.pragmatics:It is the study of how speakers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors.nguage:It is a set of symbols and the rules for combining those symbols and rules that are used and understood by a large community of people.3.Semantics:It is the study of the meaning of words,a system that relates words to meaning.4.Verbal communication:It is carried out either in oral or in written form with use of words.5.memo:It is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization,usually short.二、判断T:nguage is a means to express and exchange thoughts, concepts, knowledge and information as well as to transmit experience and so on.nguage and culture are closely related, reflecting, influencing and shapingeach other.3.Written communication is the communication by means of written symbols,either printed or handwritten.F:1.Verbal communication is the transferring of thoughts between individuals only via spoken messages.2.Verbal communication is not as clarified and efficient as other ways of communication, e.g. written communication.三、SummaryVerbal Communication① Verbal communication includes oral communication and written communication.②Verbal communication can express all kinds of ideas we want to express. It can keep and disseminate information, and can be clearer and more efficient than other ways.③ Semantics is a system that relates words to meaning,It is the study of the meaning of words. Frequently the same word can be misunderstood by i people.from two countries because of their different cultural backgrounds.④ Pragmatics is the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors. Pragmatics is the study of how speakers use the language to effect successful communication.⑤Language is the cornerstone of a culture. Language is part of culture. Language.and culture interact and interplay.Oral and Written Communication① Generally.y there are three basic communication goals for giving oral presentations in business communication:to inform, to persuade,and to build goodwill.② Making calls is efficient and convenient for business people to send and receive information in their intercultural communication Most foreign business people have a habit of using telephones for what they are going to do before or after business, most frequently for making appointments.③Written communication is the communication by means of written symbols,either printed or handwritten. Letters, memorandums, and reports are the primary means of exchanging written information in business.④Letter writing is a very important activity in day-to-day business and personal life. A good business letter is brief, straightforward and polite.⑤ A memo is a hard-copy document. It is used for communicating inside an organization, usually short. A memo contains To," "From," Date." Subject Heading and Message" sections.⑥ In a report, we re supposed to report, not embroider or influence. Just state the facts, nothing but the facts. The best reports are written in a style that is clear with a logical structure which is easy to follow, and is concise and comes to the point.四、重点1.verbal communication’s attributes:(言语交际的特点)① Verbal communication can express all kinds of ideas we want to express.② Verbal communication can keep and disseminate information.③ Verbal communication can be clearer and more efficient than other ways.2.skillful and effective verbal communication(有效的言语交际的四个因素)① logical and emotional effects ② objective and subjective factors③ the needs of the message sender ④ cultural factors3.Words have two major dimensions of meaning, their denotation and connotation.4.(中美文化交际的不同点)① How to address people. ② Different perceptions of titles.③ How to show gratitude. ④ Conversation topics. ⑤ Being modest.5.Generally, there are three basic communication goals fou giving oral presentations business communication: to inform-to provide others with new information, to persuade-to modify attitudes and behaviors or to reinforce already-existing attitudes and behaviors, and to build goodwill.① Informative Presentations. ② Persuasive Presentations. ③ Goodwill Presentations.6.how to make an effective oral presentation① Analyze your audience.② Reduce your residual message.③ Restrict your main points to three.④ Design your introduction.⑤ Your pattern of organization must be absolutely clear to your audience.⑥ Conclude the business presentation with a call to action.⑦ Deliver your presentation confidently from beginning to end.7.(打电话目的)Most foreign business people have a habit of using telephones for what they are going to do before or after business. Most frequently for making appointments.8.written communication(书面交际方式)① business letters ② business memos ③ business report9.Memos should have the following sections and content:① A “To” ② A “From” ③ A “Date” ④ Subject heading. ⑤ The message.Unit 3一、匹配1.nonverbal communication:The process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages in a given situation or context.2.kinesics:The nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body.plementing:It means that nonverbal behavior can support, but could not replace the verbal message in communication4.proxemics:The study of peoples perception and use of space.5.personal territory:It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.二、判断T:1.Nonverbal behavior is significant because it spontaneously reflects the subconsciousness.2.As many movements are carried out at a subconscious or at least low-awareness level, kinesic movements carry a significant risk of being misinterpreted in an intercultural communication situation.3.A simple eye gesture might be interpreted in a diversity of meanings across cultures.4.Personal territory can be large or small, which is much related to certain elements such as place, sex, age and character.F:1.Nonverbal codes play an important part in communication or intercultural communication. But it is not as important as verbal codes.2.We put the index finger and mid finger apart with palm against the receiver to mean "OK," which was first used by Winston Churchill.3.Postures send same messages to all people,e,g. when you stand in an upright position, you impress others as being energetic.4.The British, like Americans, believe that looking someone directly in the eye is a mark of rudeness until a more intimate relationship is established.5.Eyes looking sideways can show one 's coldness and superciliousness.It is impolite to move your head side to side while you are communicating with people, e.g. in India or Pakistan.6.How closely people position themselves to one another during a discussion or talk cannot communicate what type of relationship exists between them.三、Summary1.Nonverbal Communication① Nonverbal communication is the process by which nonverbal behaviors are used. Nonverbal communication is everything except the actual words.② Nonverbal communication plays an important part in intercultural communication, even more important than verbal communication.③There are six functions of nonverbal communication in general:accenting, complementing, contradicting,regulating,repeating and substituting.2.Kinesics① Kinesics is the nonverbal behavior related to movement, either of any part of the body, or of the body as a whole.② Facial expressions are important in human communication; the meanings people attach to the same expression differ from culture to culture.③The same gesture may send different messages to those who have different cultural backgrounds.④Posture often goes unnoticed to many people, because it follows one' s natural habits, and therefore, it is subconscious in nature.3.Space and Distance① There are four types of distances. They are intimate distance, personal distance. social distance and public distance.② Private space refers to the space that people have for their own activities. The use of space is directly linked to the value system of culture.③The Chinese value togetherness in their nonverbal communication, while people from English-speaking countries value apartness.四、重点1.(非言语交际的功能)There are six functions of nonverbal communication in general. They are accenting, complementing, contradicting, regulating and substituting.2.(体距)Generally speaking, there are four categories of distances.intimate distance 0-45cm personal distance 45-120cmsocial distance 1.3meters to 3 meters work together or doing business together 1.3-2 meters public distance beyond 3 metersUnit 4一、匹配1.power distance:The degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society.2.values:A learned organization of rules for making choices and for resolving conflicts.3.uncertainty avoidance:The degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.4.masculinity:The degree to which traditional male values are important to a society.5.individualism:The degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society.二、判断T:1.Where power distance is large, the society believes that there should be a well-defined order of inequality in which everyone has a rightful place.2.Individualists prefer self-sufficiency while collectivists give more recognition to their interdependent roles and obligations to the group.3.In high masculinity societies, sex roles are clearly differentiated and men are dominant.4.In high masculinity societies, people tend to believe that matters of material comfort, social privilege, etc. are related to ability.5.Where uncertainty avoidance is low, the society is comfortable with a low degree of uncertainty and is open to the unknown.6.Where uncertainty avoidance is high, the society is concerned with certainty and security.F:rge power distance countries such as the United States, Austria, Finland,and Denmark hold that inequality in society should be minimized.2.Where individualism is high, the society emphasizes the role of the group.n, Latin American, and West African nations are societies high in individualism but low in collectivism.4.In feminine societies, men and women are considered socially unequal.三、Summary1.Cultural Values① A value system represents what is expected or hoped for, required or forbidden.It is the system of criteria by which conduct is judged and sanctions applied.② Cultural differences between the West and the East can be highlighted in cognition, relationship with nature, and the concept of truth.③ The Chinese are collectivist.. placing high value on group cooperation and individual modesty. Americans are individualist placing high value on self-reliance and freedom from externally imposed constraints.2.Cultural Dimensions① Power distance is the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society.②Individualism is the degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society.③ Masculinity is the degree to which traditional male values are important to a society.④Uncertainty avoidance is the degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.四、重点parison Between Chinese Values and American Values (中美价值观比较)① Differences in friendship. ② Differences in time consciousness.③ Differences in conception of the self. ④ Differences in approaches to tasks.⑤ Differences in social relationships.2.cultural dimensions(文化维度)① power distance ② individualism/collectivism③ masculinity/femininity ④ uncertainty avoidanceUnit 5一、匹配1. culture shock:This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate.2. reverse culture shock:It refers to the “shock” one experiences upon returning to one’s home culture after growing used to a new one.3. recovery shock:A stage of culture shock characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture.4. low-context culture:It refers to groups of cultures that value individual orientation and overt communication codes and maintains a heterogeneous normative structure with low cultural demand characteristics.5. repression:A coping mechanism against culture shock in which we pretend that everything is acceptable and nothing bothers us.6. honeymoon stage:A stage of culture shock, in which the new arrivals may feeleuphoric and be pleased by all of the new things encountered.7.rejection:A coping mechanism against culture shock in which we think we don’t need anybody, and we are coping fine alone.8.high-context culture:It refers to groups of cultures that value group identity orientation and covert communication codes and maintains a homogeneous normative structure with high cultural demand characteristics.二、判断T:1.People of different cultural backgrounds usually behave and respond in different ways in the same context.2.The term, culture shock, was introduced to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment, especially when a person arrives in a new country where he is confronted with a new cultural environment.3.For some multinational firms, they can alleviate culture shock by selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qualifications.4.In high-context communication the list ener is already “contexted” and so does not need to be given much background information.5.The French culture is a high-context culture; American culture is a low-context one.F:1.The easier it is to adjust to a new culture, the easier it is to readjust to home culture.2.In high-context culture, that of North America, for example, a large portion of the message is left unspecified and accessed through the context.3.In low-context cultures, people judge what someone is talking about not only by what he is saying but also by the context in which the message occurs.三、Summary1.Culture Shock① Culture shock expresses the lack of direction,the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate.② Five stages of culture shock can be identified as: honeymoon stage, hostility stage, recovery stage, adjustment stage and biculturality stage.③ The symptoms of culture shock include two aspects: physical and psychological.④ People can suffer from the symptoms of culture shock in a new place and in their own country as well.⑤ There are some mechanisms against culture shock, such as repression, regression, isolation and rejection. Culture shock can be alleviated, or minimized.2.High-context Culture and Low-context Culture① Members of high-context cultures use the context to communicate the message, as both senders and receivers understand the context of the message well.②Members of low-context cultures put their thoughts into words. They tend to think that if thoughts are not solidified in words, they will not be understood correctly or completely.四、重点1.feelings of culture shock(文化休克的感受)① Familiar signs and symbols are lost.② Familiar cues are removed.③ All cultures are not exactly the same.2.stages of culture shock(文化休克的阶段)① the honeymoon stage② the hostility stage③ the recovery stage④ the adjustment stage⑤ the biculturality stage3.two aspects of culture shock(文化休克的两个方面)① Physical symptoms of culture shock. Some of the physical symptoms of culture shock include: too much sleep or too little sleep, eating too much or having no appetite, frequent minor illnesses, upset stomachaches or headaches, and a general feelings of uneasiness.②Psychological symptoms of culture shock. Some of the psychological symptoms of culture shock include: loneliness or boredom, homesickness, idealizing home, feeling helpless and dependent, irritability and even hostility, social withdrawal, excessive concern for health or security, rebellion against rules and authority, feeling like you have no control over your life, feeling unimportant and being a foreigner, crying, negative stereotyping of people in the host country.4.It may be that an inverse relationship exists between ease of adjustment to an unfamiliar culture and degree of reverse culture shock: The easier it is to adjust to a new culture, the harder it is to readjust to home culture.5.defense mechanisms against culture shock(文化休克的防御机制)① Repression. The first coping mechanism is called “repression.”This happens when we pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers us.② Regression. The second one is called “regression.”This occurs when we start to act as if we are younger than we actually are. We act like a child. We forget everything and sometimes we become careless and irresponsible.③I solation. The third kind of defense mechanism is called “isolation.” We would rather be home alone, and we don't want to communicate with anybody. With isolation, we try to avoid the effects of culture shock. Isolation is one of the worst coping mechanisms we can use because it separates us from those things that could really help us.④Rejection. The last type of defense mechanism is called "rejection." With this coping mechanism, we thin k we don’t need anybody. We feel we are coping fine alone, so we don’t try to ask for help.6.alleviating culture shock(减缓文化休克)① Learning throughout your stay. ② Get involved.③ Master simple tasks. ④ Try to understand.⑤ Learn to live with ambiguity. ⑥ Be empathetic.⑦ Be flexible and resourceful. ⑧ Be humorous.Unit 6一、匹配1.introduction:The formal presentation of one person to another, in which people get to know each other and establish relationships with each other.2.etiquette:It refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.3.superstitions:Beliefs that are inconsistent with the known laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational.4.customs:They are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances.5.taboos:Practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or culture as improper or unacceptable.二、判断T:1.Shaking hands at different time will leave different impressions upon the person you are addressing.2.In Europe and North America, business cards are far less formalized and are used merely to keep track of who's who during a hectic meeting schedule.3.It is rude to season without tasting and this may actually reflect negatively on your character by implying that you are prone to making hasty decisions before checking out the facts.4.In Europe, people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand throughout a meal.5.In the United States, a businessman who is invited for dinner to the private home of a business contact is expected to write a thank-you note shortly after the event.6.Taboos often are rooted in the beliefs of the people of a specific region or culture and are passed down from generation to generation.F:1.Nonverbal greetings include shaking hands, kissing. bowing and making introductions.2.Clothes make the man or the woman and the reality is that how you look goes a long way toward leaving a great first impression.3.The goal at a cocktail party is to meet as many people as possible. Everyone expects to get into deep discussions.4.Some businesspersons maintain that American humor is helpful to export and appreciate.三、Summary1.Introductions and Greetings①An introduction is the formal presentation of one person to another, in which people get to know each other and establish relationships with each other.②Proper greetings can make you appear polite and sociable in intercultural business communication.2.Handshaking and Exchanging Business Cards① Shaking hands is an expression of mutual trust and respect, and it is a way to send greetings in business situation.② Presenting a card with two hands conveys respect and an appreciation of the importance of the ritual in most Asian cultures.3. Dressing and Dining① People communicate through what they wear, their hair style, and the polish of their shoes and even the look of their fingernails.②Though each culture has its own peculiarities when it comes to dining customs,some basic dining etiquette tips are workable in most countries.4.Social Customs①Customs are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances.② Attitudes toward time and punctuality vary in different cultures.③ The way people from different cultures send invitations and express appreciation for hospitality differs.5.Gift Giving and ReceivingIn many cultures it is appropriate to bring smalll gifs when one is invited to enjoy hospitality, though what kind of gifts is suitable and when to open gifts varies across cultures.6.Humor, Superstition and Taboos① While humor is a universal human characteristic, what is perceived as humorous varies from culture to culture.② Superstitions are beliefs that are inconsistent with the known laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational.③Taboos often are rooted in the beliefs of the people of a specific region or culture and are passed down from generation to generation.四、重点1.social customs(社会习俗的不同点)Customs vary not only country but also by region or location within a country.① punctuality② invitations③ meeting people at a cocktail in the U.S.2.An invitation specifies a time, a date, and a place.。

3、1948年,哈罗德·拉斯韦尔在《社会传播的构造与功能》一文中,提出了传播过程的"5w"模式,即:(who)谁、(say what)说什么、(in what channel)通过什么渠道、(to whom)对谁、(with what effects)得到什么效果。

有学者指出,跨文化敏觉力(intercultural sensitivity)代表跨文化沟通能力的情感面向,代表一个人在特殊情境或与不同文化的人们互动时个人情绪或情感的变化(Triandis, 1 977 )。

判断题T 1 As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. 作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。
F 2 Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe. 跨文化交际是欧洲第一门学科F 3 Culture is a static entity 静态的实体 while communication is a dynamic process. 文化是一个静态的实体而沟通是一个动态的过程T 4 Culture can be seen as shared knowledge ,what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given 约定的特定的 culture. 文化可以被看作是一种共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在一个特定的文化中扮演适当的行为T 5 Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization),it still contributes to a perso n’s cultural cognition.认识、认知文化刻板印象虽有其局限性,但仍有助于人的文化认知。
T 6 In intercultural communication, we should separate one’s individual character from cultural generalization. 在跨文化交际中,我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开。

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1.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time isperceived as a linear structure just like a ribbon stretching from the past into the future.2.polychronic time (P Time) :schedules several activities at the same time. In theseculture people emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them.3.intercultural communication :is a face-to-face communication between peoplefrom different cultural backgrounds4.host culture is the mainstream culture of anyone particular country.5.minority culture is the cultural groups that are smaller in numerical terms in relationto the host culture.6.subculture is a smaller, possibly nonconformist, subgroup within the host culture.7.multiculturalism is the official recognition of a country’s cultural and ethnic diversity.8.cross-cultural communication is a face-to-face communication between reprentativesof business,government and professional groups from different cultures.9.high-context culture :a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained inwords. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence. 10.low-context culture :a culture in which the majority of the information is vested inthe explicit code.11.perception: in its simplest sense,perception is ,as Marshall singer tells us,”the processby which an individual selects, evaluates,and organizes stimuli from the external world”In other words, perception is an internal process whereby we convert the physical energies of the world into meaningful internal experiences.Non-verbal communicationIt refers to communication through a whole variety of different types f signal come into play, including the way we more, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we wear, the direction of our gaze, to the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand from each other.. IndividualismIndividualism refers to the doctrine that the interests of the individual are or ought to be paramount, and that all values, right, and duties originate in individuals. It emphasizes individual initiative, independence,individual expression, and even privacy.13. ParalanguageThe set of nonphonemic properties of speech, such as speaking tempo, vocal pitch, and intonational contours, that can be used to communicate attitudes or other shades of meaning.12.人际交际interpersonal communication: a small number of individuals who are interactingexclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretaions from them.指少数人之间的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。
13.内文化交际intracultural communication is defined as communication between and amongmembers of the same culture .指同一文化内某成员之间的交际,总的来说,同一种族,政治倾向宗教,或者具有同样兴趣的人们之间的交际。
跨民族交际interthnic communication:refers to communication between people of the samerace ,but different ethnic backgrounds . 指同一种族,不同民族背景的人们之间的交际。
14.跨种族交际interracial communication:occurs when the sender and the receiver exchangingmessages are from different races that pertain to different physical characteristics.指信息源和信息来自不同的种族,种族具有不同的身体特征。
跨地区交际interregional communication:refers to the exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture within a country.指一个国家内主流文化成员之间的信息交换过程Context场景The final component of communication is context. Generally, context can be defined as the environment in which the communication takes place and which helps define the communication. All communication has seven components: the source, encoding, the message, the channel, the receiver, decoding, feedback.The Inferential Model of communication four presumptions:linguistic presumption, communicative presumption, presumption of literalness, conversational presumptions.Conversational presumptions five aspects:1relevance:the speaker’s remarks are relevant to the conversation2sincerity: the speaker is being sincere3truthfulness: the speaker is attempting to say sth true4quantity: the speaker contributes the appropriate amount of information5quality:the speaker has adequate evidence for what she or he says.The Message Model cannot account for:1disambiguation 2 underdetermination of reference3 underdetermination of communicative intent4nonliterality 5indirection 6 non communicative acts.Six characteristics of culture directly affect communication:1learned2 transmitted from generation to g3 based on symbols4 subject to change5 integrated 6EthnocentricThe primary characteristics of communication include:1 no direct mind-to-mind contact2 we can only infer3 communication is symbolic4 time-binding links us together5 we seek to define the world6 communication has consequence7 communication is dynamic8 communication is contextual9 communication is self reflectiveFunctions of nonverbal communicationNonverbal communication has its own unique functions in interpersonal communication. We will sum up some of the important ways of nonverbal communication in regulating human interaction.\ Repeating Complementing \ Substituting Regulating\Six important communication functions:1 indicate degrees of attentiveness, interest, and arousal2 influence attitude change and persuasion3 regulate interaction4 communication emotions5 define power and status relationships6 and assume a central role in impression managementculture :what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following themAn shared artifact(the material and spiritual products people produce)shared Behavior(what they do)shared Concepts(beliefs, values, world views……what they thinkCulture means:(a) The arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.(b).The beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people's way of life.5. What are the tour characteristics of culture? Dynamic/ shared/ learned/ ethnocentricCulture is shared. All communications take place by means of symbols.Culture is learned. Culture is learned, not inherited. It derives from one’s social environment, not from one’s genes. Enculturation(文化习得): All the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation .Culture is dynamic. (P6)Culture is subject to change. It’s dynamic rather than static, constantly changing and evolving under the impact of events and through contact with other cultures. Acculturation(文化适应): the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures.Culture is ethnographic(文化中心主义). Ethnographic is the belief that your own cultural background is superior. Ethnocentrism: the belief that your own culture background is superior.6. What are the six characteristics of communication?Dynamic/ irreversible/ symbolic/ systematic/ transactional/ contextualCommunication is dynamic.Communication is ongoing, ever-changing activity. A word or action does not stay frozen when you communicate; it is immediately replaced with yet another word or action.Communication is irreversible.Once we have said something and someone else has received and decoded the message, the original sender cannot take it back.Communication is symbolic.Symbols are central to the communication process because they represent the shared meanings that are communicated. Symbols are vehicle by which the thoughts and ideas of one person can be communicated to another person.Communication is systematicCommunication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a large system. It takes place in a physical and a social context; both establish the rules that govern the interaction. Communication is transactional. (P8)A transactional view holds that communicators are simultaneously sending and receiving messages at every instant that they are involved in conversation.Communication is contextual. (P8)All communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context. By context, we mean the place where people meet, the social purpose for being together, and the nature of the relationship. Thus the context includes the physical, social, and interpersonal settings.Studying Intercultural Communication Three main obstacles:•Culture lacks a distinct crystalline structure; it is often riddled with contradictions and paradoxes.•Culture cannot be manipulated or held in check; therefore, it is difficult to conduct certain kinds of research on this topic.we study other cultures from the perspective of our own culture, so our observations and our conclusions are tainted by our orientationBarriers to Intercultural CommunicationAnxietyAssuming similarity instead of difference EthnocentrismStereotypes & prejudiceNonverbal bahavioursLanguageThe Whorf hypothesisLanguage shapes thought patternsLinguistic determinism:Languages determine nonlinguistic cognitiveprocesses. That is, learning a language changes theway a person thinks.Linguistic relativity:The resulting cognitive processes vary fromlanguage to language. Thus, speakers of differentlanguages are said to think in different ways。