跨境电子商务 期末考试A卷(含答案)-跨境电子商务期末考试
学校 班级 姓名 学号______________________◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆装◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆订◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆线◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 第 1 页 共 7 页《跨境电子商务基础》期末考试试卷A 一、单选题(每题2分,共30分) 1. ( )在整个跨境电子商务中的比重最大,约占整个电子商务出口的 90%。
A. B2B B. B2C C. C2C D. C2F 2. 速卖通平台买家看到的国际支付宝是( ) A. Alipay B. WebMoney C. Escrow D. Boleto 3. 哪种快递方式不涉及按体积计算运费? ( ) A. EMS B. UPS C. TNT D. DHL 4. 以下按跨境电商平台成立的时间先后顺序排列正确的是( ) A. 淘宝全球购、蜜芽、苏宁海外购、京东全球购 B. 蜜芽、淘宝全球购、苏宁海外购、京东全球购 C. 淘宝全球购、蜜芽、京东全球购、苏宁海外购 D. 淘宝全球购、京东全球购、蜜芽、苏宁海外购 5. 关于店铺优惠劵哪些描述是不正确的 ( ) A. 分为领取型和定向发放型 B. 可与店铺满立减可以叠加 C. 不可与店铺满立减可以叠加 D. 活动开始后可告知老买家 6. 关于限时限量活动哪些描述是错误的 ( ) A. 结合买家需求,巧妙设置折扣及库存 B. 结合满立减和优惠券等其他活动,效果更好 C. 活动开始时间为美国时间 D. 活动开始时间为中国时间 7. 关于限时限量活动的设置,以下哪一项是不建议操作的?( ) A .活动开始后可告知老买家 B. 提价后打折 C. 设置时间不宜过长,一般一周为宜 D. 结合满立减和优惠券等其他活动,效果更好 8. 按照国家外汇管理政策,个人年度结汇额度为( )美元。
A. 2万 B. 3万 C. 5万 D. 6万 9. 如下关于俄罗斯市场相关内容描述错误的是?( ) A.俄罗斯消费者对商品的选择要求较高,具有严格的挑剔性 B.俄罗斯消费者喜欢追逐名牌,即使价格较贵,人们也愿意购买 题序 一 二 三 四 五 总得分 得分C.对俄罗斯市场必须建立质量第一的关键D.与俄罗斯客户进行商务谈判通常速度会非常快10.速卖通入驻需缴纳技术服务费,交易成功之后收取交易额()的手续费。
期末考试试卷试卷编号:( B )卷题号一二三四五六七八九十总分累分人签名题分10 20 20 20 10 20 100得分考生注意事项:1、本试卷共页,请查看试卷中是否有缺页或破损。
一、填空题(每空 1 分,共10 分)得分评阅人1. 工程经济学的研究对象是工程项目的。
2. 名义利率的实质是计息期小于一年的利率,化为年利率时,忽略了因素,没有计算的利息。
3. 内部收益率与净现值、将来值、年度等值等其他几个评价判据相比,其显著的特点是不需要预先知道的数值。
4. 我国税制改革以后的流转税由、、三个税组成。
5. 某银行贷款的年利率为12%,每月计息一次,则其名义利率为、年实际利率和月实际利率分别为、。
二、单项选择题(每题 2 分,共30 分)得分评阅人1、等额支付序列的投资回收系数可用于( ) 的计算。
A. 已知现值求等额年金B. 已知现值求终值C. 已知终值求现值D. 已知等额年金求终值2、用内插法求解的内部收益率的精确解与近似解之间的关系是()。
A. 精确解大于近似解B. 精确解小于近似解C. 精确解等于近似解D. 不确定3、在通常情况下,以下各种费用中不能作为固定成本的有( ) 。
A. 计息周期小于 1 年时B. 计息周期等于 1 年时C. 计息周期大于 1 年时D. 计息周期小于等于 1 年时6、生产成本控制的目的是要实现()A、产品的使用价值B、产品的价值C、目标成本D、产品的竞争力7、一般情况下,同一净现金流量的净现值随着折现率的增大而减小,故基准收益率定得越高,能被接受的方案( )。
《企业财务会计》期末考试试卷( A 卷)及答案一、单选题(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1、企业存放在银行的银行汇票存款,应通过()科目进行核算。
A. 其他货币资金B.银行存款C.应收票据D.库存现金2、企业现金清查中,发现库存现金账面余额短缺500 元,在未查明原因之前,应借记的会计科目是()。
A. 待处理财产损溢B.营业外支出C.其他应收款D.管理费用3、随同产品出售但不单独计价的包装物,应于发出时按其实际成本计入()中。
A. 其他业务成本B.管理费用C.销售费用D.主营业务成本4、在已经计提了坏账准备的情况下,已确认的坏账又收回时,应借记银行存款账户,贷记()账户。
A.坏账准备B.银行存款C.管理费用D.营业外收入5、某工业企业销售产品每件 120 元,若客户购买 100 件(含 100 件)以上每件可得到 20 元的商业折扣。
某客户 2000 年 12 月 10 购买该企业产品 100 件,按规定现金折扣条件为2/10 ,1/20 ,n/30 ,适用的增值税率为17% 。
该企业于12 月29 日收到该笔款项时,应给予客户的现金折扣为()元。
(假定计算现金折扣时不考虑增值税)A. 0B. 100C. 117D. 11006、存货采用先进先出法计价 ,在存货物价上涨的情况下 ,将会使企业的()。
A.期末存货升高,当期利润减少B期末存货升高,当期利润增加C. 期末存货降低,当期利润增加D. 期末存货降低,当期利润减少7、下列各项支出中,一般纳税企业不计入存货成本的是()。
A. 购入存货时发生的增值税进项税额B. 入库前的挑选整理费C. 购买存货而发生的运杂费D .购买存货而支付的进口关税8、某企业 2005 年 1 月 1 日以 80000 元购入一项专利权,预计使用年限为 10 年,法律规定的有效年限为 8年。
2007 年1月1日,该企业将该专利权以 70000 元对外出售,出售无形资产适用的营业税税率为 5%。
适用专业:一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共40分)1、最先发生萎缩的组织是()A 脂肪组织B 肌肉组织C 心D肾2、蜂窝织炎的基本病理变化是()A.浆液卡他性炎 B纤维素性炎C出血性炎 D化脓性炎3、白细胞增多是炎症的全身反应之一,寄生虫感染时,以()增多为主A嗜中性粒细胞B嗜酸性粒细胞C嗜碱性粒细胞D淋巴细胞4、创伤愈合时,不属于肉芽组织固有成分的是()A、新生毛细血管B、成纤维细胞C、中性粒细胞D、平滑肌细胞5、发热时体温一昼夜变化超过1℃,最低不降至正常,其热型为()A、稽留热B、弛张热C、间歇热D、回归热6、亚硝酸盐中毒,病畜的皮肤黏膜可呈()A苍白色B咖啡色C樱红色D青紫色7、充血局部组织温度增高是由于()A血流加快B散热减少C代谢加强D组织内压升高8、胎儿的脐动脉在出生后转变为膀胱圆韧带属于()现象A萎缩B改建C化生D变性9、机体内物质代谢发生障碍,在细胞内出现大小不等的空泡,细胞核被挤向一边是()A 脂肪变性B 颗粒变性C 水泡变性D玻璃样变10、“绒毛心”见于()A、变质性炎B、纤维素性炎C、浆液性炎D、增生性炎11、下列不属于代偿形式的是()A、呼吸加快B、心率增加C、创伤愈合D、代谢增强12、动物疾病发展不同时期中最具有临床上诊断价值的是()A、潜伏期B、前驱期C、临床明显期D、转归期13、动物心力衰竭细胞中的色素颗粒是()A、脂褐素B、黑色素C、胆红素D含铁血黄素14、动物某些原发性疾病导致体内NaHCO3含量降低,主要引起()A、代谢性碱中毒B、呼吸性碱中毒C、代谢性酸中毒D、呼吸性酸中毒15、对缺氧最敏感的是()A、肌肉B、结缔组织C、神经组织D、骨组织16、卡他性炎常发生在()A、肌肉B、皮肤C、黏膜D、浆膜17、左心功能不全常引起()A、肾水肿B、肺水肿C、脑水肿D、肝水肿18、水牛发生瘤胃膨气,由于放气速度过快,可发生()A、脑贫血B、脑充血C、脑出血D、脑瘀血19、猪瘟病例的回盲口出现纽扣状溃疡属于()A、增生性炎B、渗出性炎C、.变质性炎D、化脓性炎20、鳞状细胞癌组织中的癌细胞来源于A、上皮组织B、神经组织C、脂肪组织D、纤维组织二、判断题(每小题1分,共20分)1、左心功能不全可引起肺淤血,而右心功能不全可引肝淤血。
《 交直流调速系统A卷 》期末考试试卷附答案
《交直流调速系统A卷》期末考试试卷附答案一、名词解释(每题2分,共10分)1. V-M系统2. 静差率s3. ASR4. CSI5. SHEPWM二、判断正误(每题1分,共10分)1. PWM控制与变换器(简称PWM装置)也可以看成是一个滞后环节,其传递函数可以近似看成是一个一阶惯性环节。
( )2. 生产机械要求电动机提供的最高转速和最低转速之比叫做静差率。
( )3. 同一个调速系统,∆n N值一定,如果对静差率要求越严,即要求s 值越大时,系统能够允许的调速范围也越小。
()4. 当调节器饱和时,输出为恒值,输入量的变化不再影响输出。
( )5. M法测速只适用于低速段。
()6. 采用两组晶闸管反并联的可逆V-M系统,不流过负载而直接在两组晶闸管之间流通的短路电流,称作环流。
( )7.反馈控制系统能抑制所有的扰动。
( )8. 它组制动阶段可分成三个子阶段。
( )9. 在α = β配合控制下,两组晶闸管装置都在工作的状态。
( )三、填空(每题2分,共10分)1.应用线性控制理论进行直流调速系统分析或设计时,须事先求出这个环节的放大系数和()。
四、问答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 调速范围D与转差率之间的关系式是什么?2. 闭环调速系统减少稳态速降的实质在于随着负载的变化自动改变什么?3. 转速﹑电流双闭环调速系统启动过程的三个特点是什么?4.静态环流分为哪两种环流?5. 在反馈控制的闭环系统设计时,在什么情况下必须加入校正装置?6. 在无静差调速系统中,突加负载后又进入稳定运行状态,此时转速N和整流装置的输出电压U d是增加、减少、还是不变?五、简述题 (每题5分,共20分)1.转速负反馈闭环调速系统,转速比较环节△U N=U N*-U N,放大器环节输出U ct=K p△U N,晶闸管整流器与触发装置U do=K s U ct,测速发电机环节U N=αn。
新生代基础1(第二版) 期末试卷(A卷)附答案含听力脚本
新生代基础教程1(第二版)期末考试卷 A卷Part 1 Listening ComprehensionSection AA. Listen to the conversation. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.1. The doctor is speaking about _______.a. how to do well in sporting subjectsb. how to stay healthy at exam timec. how to stay healthy in winter time2. The doctor thinks students should get at least _______ hours of sleep a night.a. fourb. sixc. eight3. According to the doctor, it’s important to get enough sleep because _______.a. this will help you to stay calm and to focus on your studiesb. this will help you to look your bestc. your brain processes information while you sleep4. The doctor thinks it’s a good idea to _______.a. write a study scheduleb. find a group of friends and study togetherc. take time off studying to do something you enjoy5. The doctor thinks that students should eat _______ at exam time.a. more than usualb. less than usualc. fresh, healthy foodB. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.6. For Cindy, _______ is the most important.a. making a lot of moneyb. getting an apartment of her ownc. doing something creative7. Cindy’s friend suggests that she should _______.a. take an art course at collegeb. start her own businessc. get an office job8. Cindy’s friend offers to _______.a. help her find a jobb. lend her some money to start a businessc. help her make a websiteC. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence.9. The man is looking for _______.a. the supermarketb. the hospitalc. the school10. The woman tells the man to _______.a. go straight along the street and turn leftb. go straight along the street and turn rightc. go down the street and turn left, then rightListen to the following sentences and write down what you hear on the lines.1. Is there a(n) ______________ near here? I want to buy some books.2. Sally is always so calm. She just seems to ______________.3. That’s a nasty ______________! I think you should go to the doctor.4. The Plaza Hotel are looking for receptionists. T here’s a(n) ______________ on their website.5. I’m busy ______________. Can you come back later?Part 2 Vocabulary and StructureSection AFill in the blanks with words or expressions from the box.getting used to get off What a coincidence take your pulse out of luckpick up receptionist read through to-do list similar1. Are you going to Japan next year? So am I! ______________!2. I felt a little strange to college at first, but now I’m ______________ it.3. I’d like to go to the flower park. Can you tell me where to ______________?4. Can you sit down and take off your coat, please? I need to ______________.5. I’ll get my assignment done tomorrow. It’s at the top of my ______________.6. Are you and Maria sisters? You look very ______________.7. If you want to go to the beach tomorrow, you’re ______________. It’s going to rain.8. My friend works at that hotel. S he’s a ______________.9. I need to ______________ my chemistry notes before tomorrow’s t est.10. Can you ______________ my book, please? It’s just under your chair.Match the words to the definitions.1. excellent2. expert3. aspirin4. salary5. divider a. a piece of card you use to organize your notesb. very goodc. the money you earn from your jobd. a person who knows a lot about a particular subjecte. a tablet you swallow to take away painSection CChoose the best answer to complete each sentence.1 My sister _______ like cats. She prefers dogs.a. doesb. doesn’tc. don’t2. Do you _______ a part-time job?a. haveb. haven’tc. having3. I _______ with seven other students in a large apartment.a. livingb. livesc. live4. I _______ speak English when I was five years old, but I can now!a. canb. couldc. couldn’t5. Are you looking for Ben? He _______ be in the garden. I think I can hear his voice.a. couldb. canc. can’t6. You _______ watch TV before bed. It will stop you from sleeping.a. shouldb. shouldn’tc. have to7. You _______ rush. T he party doesn’t start till 8 o’clock.a. have tob. don’t have toc. shouldn’t8. You _______ wear a seat belt when you are in a car. I t’s the law.a. shouldb. shouldn’tc. have to9. “Are you going to the party?” “Yes, I _______ go tomorrow!”a. willb. mayc. might10. I _______ be at college tomorrow. I have a hospital appointment.a. willb. won’tc. maySection DComplete the passage, choosing the correct word.Is it your first day in a new job? Then you (1) _______(have to / don’t have to)make an excellent impression. You (2) _______ (should / shouldn’t) wear your best clothes and get to work early. If your boss sees that you are serious and hardworking, it (3) _______ (will / won’t)get you off to a very good start. You (4) _______ (should / shouldn’t) be friendly with your colleagues, but don’t spend too much time talking. Work hard, and this (5) _______ (could / couldn’t) be the beginning of a long and happy career.Part 3 Reading ComprehensionTask 1Read the passage. Write T (True) or F (False) for the statements.The perfect jobMilo Black has found his dream career. Every day he gets up early, puts on his trainers and checks his schedule to see his jobs for the day. Then he gets on his bike and cycles to his first house. Usually his first customer is waiting for him already: making a lot of noise and jumping up and down outside the house. Milo is a professional dog walker.Milo says, “I wasn’t very good at school. I never got good grades and I found a lot of subjects boring. When I left school, I didn’t know what to do. Then one day, my friend asked me if I could walk her dog while she was at work. I really enjoyed it and thought: ‘Hey, I could make a job out of this!’ So I went home, made a website and advertised my service. I usually walk about eight dogs a day and I make a good living from it.”For a boy who didn’t do well at school, Milo has found a job with a lot of benefits. He says, “I don’t need to spend money on smart clothes for work, although I do go through a lot of trainers! My customers are always friendly and happy to see me, and I love spending time with them. Finally, I’m always outside in the fresh air. Who wants to sit at a desk all day? Not me!”☐ 1. Milo doesn’t like his job.☐ 2. Milo’s job is to look after sick dogs.☐ 3. Milo didn’t do well in his studies.☐ 4. Milo advertised his business online at the beginning.☐ 5. Milo likes to wear smart clothes to work.Task 2Read the passage. Choose the best answer.A laugh a day keeps the doctor awayYou’re feeling stressed out. So what do you do? Go to the doctor? Speak to a friend? Have a warm bath and do some yoga? At Pro fessor Hart’s clinic in London you can find another way of dealing with the symptoms of stress. His treatment is called “Laughter Therapy” and it’s becoming more and more popular.Professor Hart holds his laughter sessions three times a week. “Most of my p atients are in their 30s and 40s,” he says. “But I do have some younger patients too—college students who are worried about their studies or nervous about exams.”So, what happens in a laughter session? Professor Hart explains, “Well, I take a group of ten patients together and I tell them to laugh. At first they find it very difficult. It’s not easy to laugh just because someone tells you to! But then, after a while, they start laughing, and when they start then they can’t stop. They laugh, all together, f or an hour. Their heart rates rise, their faces go pink and they look so much better when they leave. And they all come back for more! They tell me that the laughter sessions stop them feeling stressed.”It seems that laughter really is the best medicine!1. Professor Hart _______.a. is a yoga teacherb. helps patients who have backachesc. treats his patients’ stress2. Most of Professor Hart’s patients are _______.a. young childrenb. college studentsc. people in their 30s and 40s3. At Professor Hart’s sessions, _______.a. patients laugh together for an hourb. patients run and do exercises to keep fitc. patients talk to each other4. According to Professor Hart, _______.a. his patients will live for up to ten years longerb. his patients look much better when they leave his clinicc. few of his patients need to come back5. Professor Hart’s patients say the sessions help them to _______.a. feel less stressedb. get more done at workc. have better family relationshipsTask 3Read the passage. Fill in the blanks (in no more than 3 words).Welcome to Amsterdam!Why not see the city in style on one of our beautiful Dutch bicycles? Amsterdam is a city built for cyclists, so there is no better way to see the city than from the seat of a bicycle: cycle along the canals, visit the famous tulip fields and take a trip around the famous Vondel Park.Our bikes cost just 50 e uros per day. We also have children’s seats for family trips.Bicycle tours of the city are also available. See the sights in the company of one of our expert guides for only 100 euros. All major languages are spoken.1. This advertisement belongs to a company which is renting out ______________.2. Amsterdam is a city which is ______________.3. By bike you can cycle along the canals, visit the tulip fields and take a trip around ______________.4. Bikes cost 50 ______________.5. You can also take a bicycle tour with a(n) ______________.新生代基础教程1(第二版)期末考试卷 A卷参考答案Part 1 Listening ComprehensionSection AA 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. cB 6. c 7. b 8. cC 9. a 10. bSection B1. bookstore2. go with the flow3. cough4. ad5. right nowPart 2 Vocabulary and StructureSection A1. What a coincidence2. getting used to3. get off4. take your pulse5. to-do list6. similar7. out of luck8. receptionist9. read through 10. pick up Section B1. b2. d3. e4. c5. aSection C1. b2. a3. c4. c5. a6. b7. b8. c9. a 10. bSection D1. have to2. should3. will4. should5. couldPart 3 Reading ComprehensionTask 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. FTask 21. c2. c3. a4. b5. aTask 31. (beautiful Dutch) bicycles2. built for cyclists3. the Vondel Park4. euros per day5. expert guide新生代基础教程1(第二版)期末考试卷 A卷听力脚本Part 1 Listening ComprehensionSection AA. Listen to the conversation. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.W:We’re very happy to have Doctor Weber with us today on Health Matters. Today we’re talking about how students can stay healthy around exam time. Doctor Weber, what advice would you give?M: Well, it’s true that exams can be very stressful, but there are quite a few things which students can do to help themselves. First of all, it’s really important to get enough sleep. W: How much sleep do you think is enough?M:At least eight hours per night. Some students only get about four hours of sleep per night around exam time! If you don’t get enough sleep, i t’s easier to feel nervous and upset about things. It will be more difficult to memorize facts too.W: Anything else?M: Yes. Take time to do something you enjoy. Play the guitar, go for a long walk, go swimming. This will be good for your mental health and physical health too. And it means you can return to your studies with more energy and a clear head. Finally, I recommend eating as well as you can. Drink lots of water and eat plenty of fresh food.B. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence. M:Hey, Cindy. What’s up?W: I’m just thinking about what I’d like to do after college. I can’t decide what I want to do!M:Hm. Well, I suppose you need to think about what’s important to you. Do you want to make a lot of money?W: Well, I’d like enough money to live on. And I’d like an apartment of my own. But it’s not the most important th ing. You know I love art. I’d love to do something creative. And I’d love to work from home.M:Yeah, I’ve seen some of these sculptures you do. They’re really beautiful. Hey, Cindy, why don’t you start your own business? You could sell your sculptures on line!W: Hm, do you think they’re good enough?M:Sure! I’ll help you make a website…C. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the best answer to complete each sentence. M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the supermarket, please?W: Sure, go straight along the street. Then turn right. It’s opposite the hospital.M: Thanks for your help.W: No problem. Bye!Section BListen to the following sentences and write down what you hear on the lines.1. Is there a bookstore near here? I want to buy some books.2. Sally is always so calm. She just seems to go with the flow.3. That’s a nasty cough! I think you should go to the doctor.4. The Plaza Hotel are looking for receptionists. T here’s an ad on their website.5. I’m busy right now. Can you come back later?。
《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【 A卷】和答案
1《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【A卷】(学年第一学期)注意:1.本试卷共 3 页;2.考试时间: 90 分钟Section A (1×15=15分)Directions: Choose the appropriate letters A—D to complete the following statements.1. I knew a new classmate Ann today. She is _______ America.A. forB. inC. toD. from2. All of his friends came to the airport to______ him____ .A. send…downB. see…offC. send…downD. se e…awa y3. It is of _______for us to get everything read before the party.A. greatly importantB. great importantC. great importanceD. greatly importance4. S1: Can you spare some time for me next week?S2: ______________.A. I’m really very busy now.B. OK. What can I do for you?C. I usually go out seeing movies in my spare time.D. My family will go traveling this evening.5. Would you _____to join us for dessert and coffee?A mind B. please C. like D. care6. I would___ for daily necessities tomorrow. Will you go with me?A. go to shopB. make shoppingC. go shoppingD. buy7. Chinese people have a special way to celebrate the Mid-autumn _______. .A. HolidayB. VacationC. EventD. Festival8. Jack is _______ about stamp collecting. In fact, he is willing to give everything for a rare stamp.A. interestedB. illC. crazyD. sick9. Two hundred people are expected to _______ the meeting.A. attendB. haveC. takeD. go10. Please us at campuslife@ if you need detailed information.A. touchB. contactC. searchD. tell11. Will it be _________ for you to start work tomorrow.A. convenientB. convenienceC. convenientlyD. conveniences12. It is overclouding in the sky and it _____like rain.A. isB. seemsC. seemD. be13. Passengers to pay duty on overweighed luggage.A. requireB. requiredC. are requiredD. were required14. Supermarkets usually provide a(n) Lane for customers with a purchase less than 8 items.A. ExpressB. Hurry-upC. Speed-upD. Fast15. It is difficult for me to __________ the twins ________.A. tel l…fromB. tel l…apartC. tel l…betweenD. tel l…amongSection B (1×10=10分)Directions: Complete each statement with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.16. Jackie Chan is admired by millions as an excellent (act).17. He was about the same (high) as his wife.18. there are as many as 30 different (nation) in this school.19. Tom falls in love with the most (attract) girl in his class.20. Our house was built in a (tradition) Chinese style.21. Many animals have (good) hearing than we do.22. Coin (collect) is one of Jim’s hobbies.23. Sam used to (keep) a pet ,when he was young.24. It’s my pleasure to (introduction) tonight’s speakers.25. He is a very (talk ) child.Part II Reading ComprehensionTask1 (2×5=10分)Directions: Read the passage and choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.Perhaps the best way to think about making friends is to decide what makes a friend. I asked a group of 13 year old boys and girls to come up with a list of what they liked about their friends. They said that good friends: show an interest in what people dogo around with a pleasant expression on their facelaugh at people’s jokesare kindoffer to help others with work or carry thingsinvite people to do somethingare good at thinking of something interesting to doare willing to shareare humorous and tell jokesare fair26. According to the author, what is the best way to make friends?A) The best way is to talk to everyone.B) The best way is to do everything to make the person happy.C) The best way is to think everyone is good.D) The best way is to know what a good friend is.27. How did the author get the list?A) He thought it out.B) He copied it from a book.C) He summed up the ideas of a group of children.D) He made friends with a group of children.28. How many good qualities should a good friend have?A) 6. B) 7. C) 9. D) 10.29. Which of the following is NOT true?A) A good friend should have a sense of humor.B) A good friend should be able to tell jokes and enjoy others’ jokes.C) A good friend should always keep from getting into groups.D) A good friend should enjoy sharing things with others.30. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A) What Makes a Good FriendB) The Best Way to Make FriendsC) The Results of a SurveyD) How to Make FriendsTask 2 (2×5=10分)Directions: Read the passage and choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.Banks safeguard money and valuables and provide loans, credit, and payment services, such as checking accounts, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Banks may also offer investment and insurance products, which they were once prohibited from selling.As many models for cooperation and integration among finance industries have appeared, some of the traditional differences between banks, insurance companies, and securities firms have disappeared. In spite of these changes, banks continue to maintain and perform their primary role—accepting deposits and lending funds from these deposits.Commercial banks, which dominate the bank industry, offer a full range of services for individuals, businesses, and governments.31. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. It introduces the types of banks.B. It introduces the functions of banks.C. It explains the traditional functions of banks.D. It discusses the business of banks.32. What are the traditional functions of a bank?A. It safeguards money and valuables.B. It provides loans, credit, and payment services.C. It safeguards money and valuables and provides loans, credit, and payment services.D. It sells investment and insurance products.33. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Banks also play the role of insurance companies.B. Banks safeguard money and valuables like securities firms do.C. Insurance companies cannot play the role of banks.D. The primary functions of banks will always be there. 34. What is the basic role of banks?A. Accept customer’s deposits.B. Back individuals or firms by lending funds.C. Provide firms with investments.D. Accept customer’s deposits and invest the deposits as funds.35. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. Nature of Bank IndustryB. Types of BanksC. Changes in Bank IndustryD. Functions of BanksTask 3 (1×5=5分)Directions: Read an ad. Fill in the blanks with Not More Than 3 words in the table below.Shaw’s SupermarketEarn up to $100 from your Shaw’s Osco Pharmacy.Click here for more information.Click here for new dinner ideas from Shaw’s and Swift Premium.Fresh Meal Solutions for Your Family!Click here for detailsAt Shaw’s, we offer you all the attention you could ever want, both online and in your neighborhood store.From pharmacy prescriptions to our in-store CoinStar service. From photo processing to great gift ideas like Gift Cards, prepaid calling cards and cellular programs. From Shaw’s.Task 4 (1×10=10分)Directions: Choose the appropriate letters A—Q to translate the Chinese expressions in the table. A………………………………………………golf course B………………………………………………swimming pool C………………………………………………invitation D…………………………………………credit card E………………………………………………online bank F………………………………………………a deposit form G………………………………………………get-together H………………………………………………going-away party I………………………………………………..family album23J ………………………………………………..instant message service K ………………………………………………withdraw L ………………………………………………check-out desk M ………………………………………………post card N ………………………………………………cashO ………………………………………………international campus P ………………………………………………celebration Q ………………………………………………great grandparentsTask 5 (1×5=5分)Directions: Read the invitation card and answer the questions.46. Whose birthday is it?It is . 47. How old is she going to be?She is going to be . 48. When is her birthday?It ’s on . 49. Where is the party going to be ?I t’s going to be held at . 50. What kind of card is it?It is .Part III TranslationDirections: Each of the four sentences (NO. 51 to NO. 54) is followed by four choices of suggested translationmarked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and put the paragraph (No.65) into Chinese. (51-54:3×4=12分; 55: 8×1=12分)51. Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. A. 象棋必须是世界上最古老的游戏之一。
高等代数(II )期末考试试卷及答案(A 卷) 一、 填空题(每小题3分,共15分)1、线性空间[]Px 的两个子空间的交()()11L x L x -+=2、设12,,...,n εεε与12,,...,n εεε'''是n 维线性空间 V 的两个基, 由12,,...,n εεε到12,,...,n εεε'''的过渡矩阵是C ,列向量X 是V 中向量ξ在基12,,...,n εεε下的坐标,则ξ在基12,,...,n εεε'''下 的坐标是3、设A 、B 是n 维线性空间V 的某一线性变换在不同基下的矩阵, 则A 与B 的关系是4、设3阶方阵A 的3个行列式因子分别为:()21,,1,λλλ+则其特征矩阵E A λ-的标准形是5、线性方程组AX B =的最小二乘解所满足的线性方程组是:二、 单项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1、 ( )复数域C 作为实数域R 上的线性空间可与下列哪一个 线性空间同构:(A )数域P 上所有二级对角矩阵作成的线性空间; (B )数域P 上所有二级对称矩阵作成的线性空间; (C )数域P 上所有二级反对称矩阵作成的线性空间; (D )复数域C 作为复数域C 上的线性空间。
2、( )设 是非零线性空间 V 的线性变换,则下列命题正确的是:(A ) 的核是零子空间的充要条件是 是满射; (B ) 的核是V 的充要条件是 是满射; (C ) 的值域是零子空间的充要条件是 是满射; (D ) 的值域是V 的充要条件是 是满射。
3、( )λ-矩阵()A λ可逆的充要条件是: ()()()()0;A AB A λλ≠是一个非零常数;()()C A λ是满秩的;()()D A λ是方阵。
4、( )设实二次型f X AX '=(A 为对称阵)经正交变换后化为:2221122...n n y y y λλλ+++, 则其中的12,,...n λλλ是:()()1;A B ±全是正数;()C 是A 的所有特征值;()D 不确定。
yōu yǎ()jìng mì()miǎn lì()qīng shuǎng()yán sù()lǐng lüè()ké sou()shì shì()2.在括号里填上正确的同音字。
(╳ )。
2、一国在X 产品生产上具备绝对优势,那么该国在X 产品生产上就一定具备比较优势(╳ )。
3、根据H-O 理论,日本比美国人口少,所以劳动要素禀赋要差,日本适合资本密集型产品的专业化生产(╳ )。
4、根据特定要素模型,贸易会使专用于出口部门的生产要素获益(√ )。
5、要素价格完等化定理预期国际贸易将替代国际投资(√ )。
6、如果一国出口量已占世界市场的较大份额,则不宜采用出口补贴措施(√ )。
7、自由贸易会使国内所有的生产者获益(╳ )。
8、配额租金是配额垄断权的超额利润,是由进口国消费者支付的(√ )。
教师填写 2008 – 2009 学年度第二学期课程名称:国际贸易学授课教师姓名:国际贸易课程组考试时间: 年月日课程类别必修[ √ ] 选修[ ] 考试方式开卷[ ] 闭卷[ √] 试卷类别(A 、B) [ A ] 共 9 页考生填写学院(校) 专业班(级)姓名学号内招[ ] 外招[ ]题号号一二三四五总分得分9、出口国出口供给曲线缺乏弹性,而进口国需求曲线富有弹性时,出口补贴会改善出口国贸易条件(╳)。
共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、亚当·斯密认为,国际贸易和国际分工的原因与基础是各国间存在的劳动生产率和生产成本的( B )。
A. 相对差异B. 绝对差异C. 综合差异D.边际成本差异2、提出比较成本说的古典经济学家是(B)A. 亚当·斯密B.大卫·李嘉图C. 赫克歇尔D.俄林3、里昂惕夫之谜说明了(C)之间的矛盾。
《工程化学》期末考试试卷A及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共计20分)1. 将01.0mol/dm3HAc与0.10mol/dm3 NaOH等体积混合,其pH值为()。
(K a(HAc)=1.76*10-5)A. 5.27B. 8.73C. 6.73D. 10.492. 对催化剂特征的描述,不正确的是()。
A. 催化剂能缩短反应到平衡的时间B. 使用催化剂能实现热力学不能进行的反应C. 使用催化剂不改变平衡常数D. 催化剂具有选择性3. 预估某反应的熵变,随着下列哪个反应的进行,其熵值增加的最多()。
A. H2(g)+S(s)→H2S(g)B. 2Al(s)+3O2(g) →Al2O3(s)C. Ni(CO)4(s) →Ni(s)+4CO(g)D. MgCO3(s)→MgO(s)+CO2(g)4. 升温可以增加反应速率,其主要原因在于()。
A. 增加了分子的碰撞次数B. 增加了活化分子的百分数C. 降低了反应所需要的活化能D. 促使平衡移动5. 某化学反应的速率常数的单位是mol·dm-3·s-1时,则该化学反应的级数是()。
A. 3/2B. 1C. 1/2D. 06. 已知下列前三个反应的K值,则第四个反应的K值为()。
(1)H2(g)+1/2O2(g) ⇌H2O(l) K1(2)N2(g)+O2(g) ⇌2NO(g) K2(3)2NH3(g)+5/2O2(g) ⇌2NO(g)+3 H2O(l) K3(4)N2(g)+ 3H2(g) ⇌2NH3(g) KA. K1 + K2-K3B. K1 ×K2/K3C. K1×K3/K2D. K1 3× K2/K37. 下列实际中能使PbSO4(s)溶解度增大的是()。
A. Pb(NO3)2B. Na2SO4C. H2OD. NH4Ac8. 已知:K sp(AgCl)=1.8×10-10, K sp(Ag2CrO4)=2.0×10-12。
信息工程系 07级软件工程课程考试类型:闭卷 A卷答卷时间:90分钟一、判断题(每题1分,共20分)1.测试计划、测试用例和有关的分析报告一般不用长期保存。
()10. 数据字典是数据流图中的数据流动,加工、数据存储、数据的源和终点进行详细定义。
()11. 软件是指用程序设计语言编写的程序,软件开发实际上就是编写程序代码。
()12. 模块化程序设计中,模块越小,模块化的优点越明显。
()13. 集成测试主要由用户来完成。
《工程化学》期末考试试卷A及答案一、选择题(单选,10×2分)1. 某反应,其∆H与∆S均为负值,当温度升高时,其∆G会如何变化?( )A. 增大B. 减小C. 不变D. 无法确定2. NaOH与HCl的中和反应通常是在普通烧杯中进行,按照热力学规定,此反应系统为( )A. 封闭系统B. 孤立系统C. 敞开系统D. 其它系统3. 由等浓度的HX与X-组成的缓冲溶液,如HX的解离常数K a=10-10,此缓冲溶液的pH 为( )A. 4B. 5C. 7D. 104. 采用下列何种办法,可以使0.1mol∙L-1的NH3溶液的pH减小?( )A. 加入固体NaOHB. 使用密闭容器C. 加入固体NH4ClD. 升高温度5. 在难溶电解质BaSO4的饱和溶液中加入下列物质后,BaSO4的溶解度增大的是 ( ) A.Na2SO4 B.BaCl2 C.KNO3 D.H2SO46. CaF2和BaCO3的溶度积常数很接近(分别为5.3×10-9和 5.1×10-9 ),两者饱和溶液中的 Ca2+浓度与Ba2+浓度将会 ( )A. 相等B. 基本相等C. Ca2+浓度远大于Ba2+浓度D. Ba2+浓度远大于Ca2+浓度7. 配合物中形成体的配位数是 ( )A. 与一个中心离子形成配位键的配位体的个数B. 与一个中心离子形成配位键的配位原子个数C. 形成体的电荷数D. 其数值与配离子电荷数相等,符号相反8. 配位化合物[Co(NH 3)5Cl]Cl 2的名称为 ( )A. 二氯化一氯·五氨合钴(III )B. 三氯·五氨合钴(III )C. 二氯化五氨·一氯合钴(III )D. 五氨·三氯合钴(III )9. 已知:3+2Fe/0.771Fe V θϕ+=, -2/2I 0.535I V θϕ=,则在Fe 3+、Fe 2+、I 2、I -中具有最强的得电子能力的物质为 ( )A. Fe 3+B. Fe 2+C. I 2D. I - 10. Ag ++Fe 2+= Ag+Fe 3+,3+2+Fe/Fe 0.771V θϕ=, φAg +Ag ⁄θ=0.7991V ,欲使反应逆向进行,可采取的办法是 ( )A. 使用石墨电极B. 降低Fe 3+浓度C. 增大Ag + 浓度D. 加入NaCl二、填空题(10×1分)1. 当反应aA+bB=yY+zZ 自发进行时,其反应商J 与平衡常数K Θ之间的关系是 。
)C、ClD、Ar7、下列分子中只有离子键的是()A、NaOHB、H2OC、NaClD、CO28、根据原子序数,下列各组原子之间以离子键结合的是()A、1与8B、6与16C、12与17D、1和179、摩尔是()A、质量的单位B、摩尔质量的单位C、物质的量的单位D、物质的量浓度的单位10、0.5mol H2含()A、0.5mol H原子B、3.01×1023个H原子C、6.02×1023个H分子D、6.02×1023个H原子11、500mL生理盐水(9 g/L)含有NaCl质量()A、500gB、9gC、4.5gD、1g12、40gNaOH的物质的量是()A、1 molB、2 molC、4molD、10 mol13、配制0.1 mol/LNaCl溶液250mL,需要1 mol/LNaCl溶液()A、250mLB、25mLC、50mLD、10mL14、测定溶液pH最简便的方法是()A、口尝B、目测C、pH试纸D、指示剂15、可逆反应处于平衡状态时()A、V正›V逆B、V正‹V逆C、V正=V逆=0D、V正=V逆≠016、下列不属于电解质的是()A、NaOHB、H2OC、NaClD、Cu17、在纯水中加入少量酸,溶液的pH将()A、变大B、变小C、不变D、变为018、下列物质不能发生水解反应的是 ( )A 、NaAcB 、NH 4ClC 、NaClD 、NH 4Ac19、下列不属于氧化还原反应的是 ( )。
A 、2Na +Cl 2=2NaClB 、H 2 + Cl 2 = 2HClC 、CaCO 3 = CaO + CO 2↑D 、KClO = KCl + O 2↑20、实验室配制FeCl 3溶液时,在盛有FeCl 3固体的烧杯中先加入( ) A 、H 2OB 、HClC 、H 2SO 4D 、NaOH,错误的打“×”;每小题1分,共20分)21、原子的质量数等于核内质子数和中子数之和。
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期末考试试卷及答案A卷DOCUment number [SA80SAB-SAA9S YT-SAAT C-SA6UT-SA18] 一、单项选择题(本大题共20题,每题2分,共40分)C语言程序设计∙期末考试试卷(A卷)1、以下不是C语言的特点的是。
A、C语言简洁、紧凑B、能够编制出功能复杂的程序C、C语言可以直接对硬件进行操作D、C语言移植性好2、以下不正确的C语言标识符是A、ABCB、abcC、a_bcD、ab. C3、一个C语言程序是由。
#include<stdio. h>main() {int x;float y;SCanf ("=%f", &x, &y);}A、12345B、123C、45D、3458、若有以下定义int a, b; float x,则正确的赋值语句是。
A、a=l, b=2B、 b ;C、a∙z b zz□D、b=int(x):9、以下程序的执行结果是。
nclude<stdio. h>int i=10, j=10;Printf (,,%d> %d∖n", i, j—);}A、11, 10B、9, 10C、11,9D、10,910、巳知字母A的ASCll码是65,以下程序的执行结果是。
#include<stdio. h>main(){Char Cl二'A',c2二'Y';Printf (,z%d, %d∖n", cl, c2):A、A,YB、65,65C、65,90D、65,8911、下列运算符中优先级最高的是。
A、VB、十C> % D、!=12、设x、y和Z是int型变量,且x = 3, y=4, z = 5,则下面表达式中值为0的是。
A、' x' &&' y,B、x<=yC、X I Iy z&&y~zD、! ((x<y) & & ! Z I I 1) 13、判断Char型变量CI是否为小写字母的正确表达式为A、' a, <=clV = f' z'B、(cl >=a)&& (CK = Z)C、(匕'>=cl) ( 'z' < = cl)D、(cl> = ' a' )&&(cl< = ‘ z')14、字符串"a"在内存中占据的字节个数为。
A、0B、1C、2D、313、下面有关fo:T循环的正确描述是A、for循环只能用于循环次数已经确定的情况B、for循环是先执行循环体语句,后判定表达式C、在for循环中,不能用break语句跳出循环体D、for循环体语句中,可以包含多条语句,但要用花括号括起来16、下面程序的运行结果是#include<stdio. h> main (){int num=0;WhiIe(num<=2){num ;Printf( "%d , num);}}A、 1B、 1 2C、 1 2 3D、12 3 417、以下描述正确的是。
B、do-while循环由do开始,用WhiIe结束,在WhiIe (表达式)后面不能写分号。
A、int a(10);B、int n=10, aΓn];C、int n;D、int a[10];SCanf ( "%d” , &n)int a[nJ;19以下对二维数组a的正确说明是O、A、inta[3j [];B、float a (3,4);C、double a[l][4];D、float a(3) (4);20若二维数组&有m列,则在a[i][j]前面的元素个数为、A、j*m iB、i*m jC、i*m j-1D、i*m j 1得分阅卷人(签全名)二.填空题(本大题共10空,每空2分,共20分)1、结构化设计中的三种基本结构是、、2、在C语言中的实型变量分为两种类型,它们是和3、当a二5, b二4, c二2时,表达式a>b!= C的值是。
#include<stdio. h>main(){int i, j;for (i=4; i>=l; i一一) {printfΓ* 0;for(j=l;j<=4-i;j )rintfr* “);PPrintfe∖n');}}5、若有定义:int a[3][4] = {{l,2}, {0}, {4, 6, 8, 10}};则初始化后,a[l][2]得到的初值是,a[2][l]得到的初值是。
得分阅卷人(签全名)(本大题共2题,每题4分,共8分,描述程序功能并写岀程序执三、程序分析题行结果)1、#include<stdio. h>main() {int a, s, n, COUnt;a=2;S=OIn=I;COUnt=I;WhiIe(COUnt<=7) {n=n*a: S=S n; COUnt;}Printf ( "s=%d”,S);}2、#include〈stdio. h>main (){int a=[3] [3] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17}, SUnl=O, i, j: for (i=0;i<3;i )for(j=0;j<3;j )if (i=j) SUm二SUma[i] [j];Printf ( U SUm=%d∖n n J SUnl);}得分阅卷人(签全名)四、编程题(本大题共4题,每题8分,共32分)1、 编写摄氏温度、华氏温度转换程序。
要求:从键盘输入一个摄氏温度,屏幕就 显示对应的华氏温度,输出取两位小数。
转换公式:F 二(C 32) ×9∕5 O2、 试编程判断输入的正整数是否既是5 乂是7的正倍数。
若是,则输出yes ;否 则输岀noo3、 判断数In 是否为素数(只能被1和它本身整除的整数)?4、 对15个数进行排序,按从小到大的顺序输出。
二、填空题(本大题共10空,每空2分,共20分)1、 顺序结构分支结构 循环结构 2、 单精度型(或:float 型)双精度型(或;double型]3、 11、 B2、 D3、 B4、 B5、C6、 D7、 B8、 B9、 A 10、D 11、 C 12、 D 13、D 14、 C 13、D 16、 C17、C18、D19、 C20、B单项选择题 (本大题共20题, 每题2分, 共40分)≪C 语言程序设计》期末考试试卷 (A 卷)评分标准及标准答案4、** * ** * * *5、O 66、按行主顺序存放三、程序分析题(本大题共2题,每题4分,共8分)能正确表达出题LJ的含义、要求,即可得分,部分正确可按比例得分,否则不得分。
1、功能:求S=O 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 和。
1、#include〈stdio. h>main() { float c, f;・2分Printf (,z input c:");SCanf (zz%f,z, &c); ..................................................................... ・ 2 分f= (C 32. 0)*9. 0/5. O; .............................................................................. .2 分Printf (”F=%. 2f ∖n ", f) ; ............................................................................. 2 分}2、nclude<stdio. h>main (){int x;SCanf("%d", &x); ......................................................................... 2 分if(x%5=0&&x%7=0) ........................................................................... .2 分Printf ("yes") ; ........................................................................... 2 分elsePrintf ("no") ; ............................................................................ 2 分}3、# include <stdio. h># include <math・ h>main () {int m, i, k;SCanf (zz%d∖n,z, &m);・2分k=sqrt (In);for(i=2;i<=k;i ) .................................................................................. .2 分{if(m%i==0)break; ......................................................................... ・2 分}辻(i>k)Printf (,z m is a Prime number! \n,z) ; (2)分}4、# include <stdio. h>main (){int i, j, a[15], t;Printf C Z inPUt 15 numbers :\n,z):for(i=0;i<15;i )SCanf ("%d", & aΓi]) : ........................................................................ .2 分for(j=0;j<15;j ) .................................................................................. .2 分for(i=0;i<15-j:i ) ............................................................................... ・ 2 分if (aEi]>aLi 1]){t=a[i] ja[i]=a[i 1] ;a[i l]=t;} (2)分for(i=0;i<15;i )Printf ("∏Γ, a[ij);。