中英对照 光纤通信系统仿真
光纤通信系统Optical Fiber Communications英文资料及中文翻译Communication may be broadly defined as the transfer of information from one point to another .When the information is to be conveyed over any distance a communication system is usually required .Within a communication system the information transfer is frequently achieved by superimposing or modulating the information on to an electromagnetic wave which acts as a carrier for the information signal .This modulated carrier is then transmitted to the required destination where it is received and the original information signal is obtained by demodulation .Sophisticated techniques have been developed for this process by using electromagnetic carrier waves operating at radio requites as well as microwave and millimeter wave frequencies.The carrier maybe modulated by using either optical an analog digital information signal.. Analog modulation involves the variation of the light emitted from the optical source in a continuous manner. With digital modulation, however, discrete changes in the length intensity are obtained (i.e. on-off pulses). Although often simpler to implement, analog modulation with an optical fiber communication system is less efficient, requiring a far higher signal to noise ratio at the receiver than digital modulation. Also, the linearity needed for analog modulation is mot always provided by semiconductor optical source, especially at high modulation frequencies .For these reasons ,analog optical fiber communications link are generally limited to shorter distances and lower bandwidths than digital links .Initially, the input digital signal from the information source is suitably encoded for optical transmission .The laser drive circuit directly modulates the intensity of the semiconductor last with the encoded digital signal. Hence a digital optical signal is launched into the optical fiber cable .The avalanche photodiode detector (APD) is followed by a front-end amplifier and equalizer or filter to provide gain as well as linear signal processing and noise bandwidth reduction. Finally ,the signal obtained isdecoded to give the original digital information .Generating a Serial SignalAlthough a parallel input-output scheme can provide fast data transfer and is simple in operation, it has the disadvantage of requiring a large number of interconnections. As an example typical 8 bit parallel data port uses 8 data lines, plus one or two handshake lines and one or more ground return lines. It is fairly common practice to provide a separate ground return line for each signal line, so an 8 bit port could typically use a 20 core interconnection cable. Whilst such a multi way cable is quite acceptable for short distance links, up to perhaps a few meters, it becomes too expensive for long distance links where, in addition to the cost of the multiword cable, separate driver and receiver circuits may be required on each of the 10 signal lines. Where part of the link is to be made via a radio link, perhaps through a space satellite, separate radio frequency channels would be required for each data bit and this becomes unacceptable.An alternative to the parallel transfer of data is a serial in which the states of the individual data bits are transmitted in sequence over a single wire link. Each bit is allocated a fixed time slot. At the receiving end the individual bit states are detected and stored in separate flip-flop stages, so that the data may be reassembled to produce a parallel data word. The advantage of this serial method of transmission is that it requires only one signal wire and a ground return, irrespective of the number of bits in the data word being transmitted. The main disadvantage is that the rate at which data can be transferred is reduced in comparison with a parallel data transfer, since the bits are dealt with in sequence and the larger the number of bits in the word, the slower the maximum transfer speed becomes. For most applications however, a serial data stream can provide a perfectly adequate data transfer rate . This type of communication system is well suited for radio or telephone line links, since only one communication channel is required to carry the data.We have seen that in the CPU system data is normally transferred in parallel across the main data bus, so if the input -output data is to be in serial form, then a parallel to serial data conversion process is required between the CPU data bus andthe external I/O line. The conversion from parallel data to the serial form could be achieved by simply using a multiplexed switch, which selects each data bit in turn and connects it to the output line for a fixed time period. A more practical technique makes use of a shift register to convert the parallel data into serial form.A shift register consists of a series of D type flip-flops connected in a chain, with the Q output of one flip-flop driving the D input of the next in the chain. All of the flip-flops ate clocked simultaneously by a common clock pulse, when the clock pulse occurs the data stored in each flip-flop is transferred to the next flip-flop to the right in the chain. Thus for each clock pulse the data word is effectively stepped along the shift register by one stage, At the end of the chain the state of the output flip-flop will sequence through the states of the data bits originally stored in the register. The result is a serial stream of data pulses from the end of the shift register.In a typical parallel to serial conversion arrangement the flip-flops making up the shift register have their D input switchable. Initially the D inputs are set up in a way so that data can be transferred in parallel from the CPU data bus into the register stages. Once the data word has been loaded into the register the D inputs are switched so that the flip-flops from a shift register .Now for each successive clock pulse the data pattern is shifted through the register and comes out in serial form at the right hand end of the register.At the receiving end the serial data will usually have to be converted back into the parallel form before it can be used. The serial to parallel conversion process can also be achieved by using a shift register .In this case the serial signal is applied to the D input of the stage at the left hand end of the register. As each serial bit is clocked into the register the data word again moves step by step to the right, and after the last bit has been shifted in the complete data word will be assembled within the register .At this point the parallel data may be retrieved by simply reading out the data from individual register stages in parallel It is important that the number of stages in the shift register should match the number of bits in the data word, if the data is to be properly converted into parallel form.To achieve proper operation of the receiving end of a serial data link, it isimportant that the clock pulse is applied to the receive shift register at a time when the data level on the serial line is stable. It is possible to have the clock generated at either end of the link, but a convenient scheme is to generate the clock signal at the transmitting end (parallel-serial conversion )as the master timing signal. To allow for settling time and delays along the line, the active edge of the clock pulse at the receive end is delayed relative to that which operates the transmit register. If the clock is a square wave the simples approach might be to arrange that the transmit register operates on the rising edge of the clock wave, and the receive register on the falling edge, so that the receiver operates half a clock period behind the transmitter .If both registers operate on arising edge, the clock signal from the transmitter could be inverted before being used to drive the receive shifty register.For an 8 bit system a sequence of 8 clock pulses would be needed to send the serial data word .At the receiving end the clock pulses could be counted and when the eighth pulse is reached it might be assumed that the data in the receive register is correctly positioned, and may be read out as parallel data word .One problem here is that, if for some reason the receive register missed a clock pulse ,its data pattern would get out of step with the transmitted data and errors would result. To overcome this problem a further signal is required which defines the time at which the received word is correctly positioned in the receive shift register and ready for parallel transfer from the register .One possibility is to add a further signal wire along which a pulse is sent when the last data bit is being transmitted, so that the receiver knows when the data word is correctly set up in its shift register. Another scheme might be to send clock pulses only when data bits are being sent and to leave a timing gap between the groups of bits for successive data words. The lack of the clock signal could then be detected and used to reset the bit counter, so that it always starts at zero at the beginning of each new data word.Serial and Parallel Data lion is processed. Serial indicates that the information is handled sequentially, similar to a group of soldiers marching in single file. In parallel transmission the info The terms serial and parallel are often used in descriptions of data transmission techniques. Both refer to the method by which information isdivided in to characters, words, or blocks which are transmitted simultaneously. This could be compared to a platoon of soldiers marching in ranks.The output of a common type of business machine is on eight—level punched paper tape, or eight bits of data at a time on eight separate outputs. Each parallel set of eight bits comprises a character, and the output is referred to as parallel by bit, serial by character. The choice of cither serial or parallel data transmission speed requirements.Business machines with parallel outputs, how—ever, can use either parallel outputs, how—ever, can use either direct parallel data trans—mission or serial transmission, with the addition of a parallel—to—serial converter at the interface point of the business machine and the serial data transmitter. Similarly, another converter at the receiving terminal must change the serial data back to the parallel format.Both serial and parallel data transmission systems have inherent advantages which are some—what different. Parallel transmission requires that parts of the available bandwidth be used as guard bands for separating each of the parallel channels, whereas serial transmission systems can use the entire linear portion of the available band to transmit data, On the other hand, parallel systems are convenient to use because many business machines have parallel inputs and outputs. Though a serial data set has the added converters for parallel interface, the parallel transmitter re—quires several oscillators and filters to generate the frequencies for multiplexing each of the side—by—side channels and, hence, is more susceptible to frequency error.StandardsBecause of the wide variety of data communications and computer equipment available, industrial standards have been established to provide operating compatibility. These standards have evolved as a result of the coordination between manufacturers of communication equipment and the manufacturers of data processing equipment. Of course, it is to a manufacturer’s advantage to provide equipment that isuniversally acceptable. It is also certainly apparent that without standardization intersystem compatibility would be al—most impossible.Organizations currently involved in uniting the data communications and computer fields are the CCITT, Electronic Industries Association (EIA), American Standards Association (ASA), and IEEE.A generally accepted standard issued by the EIA, RS—232—B, defines the characteristics of binary data signals, and provides a standard inter—face for control signals between data processing terminal equipment and data communications equipment. As more and more data communications systems are developed, and additional ways are found to use them, the importance ways are found to use them, the importance of standards will become even more significant.Of the most important considerations in transmitting data over communication systems is accuracy. Data signals consist of a train of pulses arranged in some sort of code. In a typical binary system, for example, digits 1 and 0 are represented by two different pulse amplitudes. If the amplitude of a pulse changes beyond certain limits during transmission, the detector at the receiving end may produce the wrong digit, thus causing an error.It is very difficult in most transmission systems to completely avoid. This is especially true when transmission system designed for speech signals. Many of the inherent electrical characteristics of telephone circuits have an adverse effect on digital signals.Making the circuits unsatisfactory for data transmission—especially treated before they can be used to handle data at speeds above 2000 bits per second.V oice channels on the switched (dial—up) telephone network exhibit certain characteristics which tend to distort typical data signal waveforms. Since there is random selection of a particular route for the data signal with each dialed connection, transmission parameters will generally change, sometimes upsetting the effect of built—in compensationNetworks. In addition, the switched network cannot be used of for large multipleaddress data systems using time sharing. Because of these considerations, specially treated voice bandwidth circuits are made available for data use. The characteristics and costs of these point—to—point private lines are published in document called tariffs, which are merely regulatory agreements reached by the FCC, state public utilities commissions, and operating telephone companies regarding charges for particular types of telephone circuits. The main advantage of private or dedicated facilities is that transmission characteristics are fixed and remain so for all data communications operations.Correlative TechniqueCorrelative data transmission techniques, particularly the Duobinary principle, have aroused considerable interest because of the method of converting a binary signal into three equidistant levels. This correlative scheme is accomplished in such a manner that the predetermined level depends on past signal history, forming the signal so that it never goes from one level extreme to another in one bit interval.The most significant property of the Duobinary process is that it affords a two—to—one bandwidth compression relative to binary signaling, or equivalently twice the speed capability in bits per second for a fixed bandwidth. The same speed capability for a multilevel code would normally require four levels, each of which would represent two binary digits.The FutureIt is universally recognized that communication is essential at every level of organization. The United States Government utilizes vast communications network for voice as well as data transmission. Likewise, business need communications to carry on their daily operations.The communications industry has been hard at work to develop systems that will transmit data economically and reliably over both private—line and dial up telephone circuits. The most ardent trend in data transmission today is toward higher speeds over voice—grade telephone channels. New transmission and equalization techniques now being investigated will soon permit transmitting digital data over telephone channels at speeds of 4800 bits per second or higher.To summarize: The major demand placed on telecommunications systems is for more information-carrying capacity because the volume of information produced increases rapidly. In addition, we have to use digital technology for the high reliability and high quality it provides in the signal transmission. However, this technology carries a price: the need for higher information-carrying capacity.The Need for Fiber-Optic Communications Systems The major characteristic of a telecommunications system is unquestionably its information-carrying capacity, but there are many other important characteristics. For instance, for a bank network, security is probably more important than capacity. For a brokerage house, speed of transmission is the most crucial feature of a network. In general, though, capacity is priority one for most system users. And there’s the rub. We cannot increase link capacity as much as we would like. The major limit is shown by the Shannon-Hartley theorem,Where C is the information-carrying capacity(bits/sec), BW is the link bandwidth (Hz=cycles/sec), and SNR is the signal-to-noise power ratio.Formula 1.1 reveals a limit to capacity C; thus, it is often referred to as the “ Shannon limit.” The formula, which comes from information theory, is true regardless of specific technology. It was first promulgated in 1948 by Claude Shannon, a scientist who worked at Bell Laboratories. R. V. L. Hartley, who also worked at Bell Laboratories, published a fundamental paper 20 years earlier, a paper that laid important groundwork in information theory, which is why his name is associated with Shannon’s formula.The Shannon-Hartley theorem states that information-carrying capacity is proportional to channel bandwidth, the range of frequencies within which the signals can be transmitted without substantial attenuation.What limits channel bandwidth? The frequency of the signal carrier. The higher the carrier’s frequency, the greater the channel bandwidth and the higher the information-carrying capacity of the system. The rule of thumb for estimating possible order of values is this: Bandwidth is approximately 10 percent of the carrier-signal frequency. Hence, if a microwave channel uses a 10-GHz carrier signal.Then its bandwidth is about 100 MHz.A copper wire can carry a signal up to 1 MHz over a short distance. A coaxial cable can propagate a signal up to 100 MHz. Radio frequencies are in the range of 500 KHz to 100 MHz. Microwaves, including satellite channels, operate up to 100 GHz. Fiber-optic communications systems use light as the signal carrier; light frequency is between 100 and 1000 THz; therefore, one can expect much more capacity from optical systems. Using the rule of thumb mentioned above, we can estimate the bandwidth of a single fiber-optic communication link as 50 THz.To illustrate this point, consider these transmission media in terms of their capacity to carry, simultaneously, a specific number of one-way voice channels. Keep in mind that the following precise value. A single coaxial cable can carry up to 13,000 channels, a microwave terrestrial link up to 20,000 channels, and a satellite link up to 100,000 channels. However, one fiber-optic communications link, such as the transatlantic cable TAT-13, can carry 300,000 two-way voice channels simultaneously. That’s impressive and explains why fiber-optic communications systems form the backbone of modern telecommunications and will most certainly shape its future.To summarize: The information-carrying capacity of a telecommunications system is proportional to its bandwidth, which in turn is proportional to the frequency of the carrier. Fiber-optic communications systems use light-a carrier with the highest frequency among all the practical signals. This is why fiber-optic communications systems have the highest information-carrying capacity and this is what makes these systems the linchpin of modern telecommunications.To put into perspective just how important a role fiber-optic communications will be playing in information delivery in the years ahead, consider the following statement from a leading telecommunications provider: “ The explosive growth of Internet traffic, deregulation and the increasing demand of users are putting pressure on our customers to increase the capacity of their network. Only optical networks can deliver the required capacity, and bandwidth-on-demand is now synonymous with wavelength-on-demand.” Th is statement is true not only for a specific telecommunications company. With a word change here and there perhaps, but withthe same exact meaning, you will find telecommunications companies throughout the world voicing the same refrain.A modern fiber-optic communications system consists of many components whose functions and technological implementations vary. This is overall topic of this book. In this section we introduce the main idea underlying a fiber-optic communications system.Basic Block DiagramA fiber-optic communications system is a particular type of telecommunications system. The features of a fiber-optic communications system can be seen in Figure 1.4, which displays its basic block diagram.Information to be conveyed enters an electronic transmitter, where it is prepared for transmission very much in the conventional manner-that is, it is converted into electrical form, modulated, and multiplexed. The signal then moves to the optical transmitter, where it is converted into optical detector converts the light back into an electrical signal, which is processed by the electronic receiver to extract the information and present it in a usable form (audio, video, or data output).Let’s take a simple example that involves Figures 1.1, 1.3, and 1.4 Suppose we need to transmit a voice signal. The acoustic signal (the information) is converted into electrical form by a microphone and the analog signal is converted into binary formby the PCM circuitry. This electrical digital signal modulates a light source and the latter transmits the signal as a series of light pulses over optical fiber. If we were able to look into an optical fiber, we would see light vary between off and on in accordance with the binary number to be transmitted. The optical detector converts the optical signal it receives into a set of electrical pulses that are processed by an electronic receiver. Finally, a speaker converts the analog electrical signal into acoustic waves and we can hear sound-delivered information.Figure 1.4 shows that this telecommunications system includes electronic components and optical devices. The electronic components deal with information in its original and electrical forms. The optical devices prepare and transmit the light signal. The optical devices constitute a fiber-optic communications system.TransmitterThe heart of the transmitter is a light source. The major function of a light source is to convert an information signal from its electrical form into light. Today’sfiber-optic communications systems use, as a light source, either light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs). Both are miniature semiconductor devices that effectively convert electrical signals are usually fabricated in one integrated package. In Figure 1.4, this package is denoted as an optical transmitter. Figure 1.5 displays the physical make-up of an LED, an LD, and integrated packages.Optical fiberThe transmission medium in fiber-optic communications systems is an optical fiber. The optical fiber is the transparent flexible filament that guides light from a transmitter to a receiver. An optical information signal entered at the transmitter end of a fiber-optic communications system is delivered to the receiver end by the optical fiber. So, as with any communication link, the optical fiber provides the connection between a transmitter and a receiver and, very much the way copper wire and coaxial cable conduct an electrical signal, optical fiber “ conducts” light.The optical fiber is generally made from a type of glass called silica or, less commonly nowadays, from plastic. It is about a human hair in thickness. To protect very fragile optical fiber from hostile environments and mechanical damage, it is usually enclosed in a specific structure. Bare optical fiber, shielded by its protective coating, is encapsulated use in a host of applications, many of which will be covered in subsequent chaptersReceiver The key component of an optical receiver is its photodetector. The major function of a photodetector is to convert an optical information signal back into an electrical signal (photocurrent). The photodetector in today's fiver-optic communications systems is a semiconductor photodiode (PD). This miniature device is usually fabricated together with its electrical circyitry to form an integrated package that provides power-supply connections and signal amplification. Such an integrated package is shown in Figure 1.4 as an optical receiver. Figure 1.7 shows samples of a photodiode and an integrated package.The basic diagram shown in Figure 1.4 gives us the first idea of what a fiber-optic communications system is and how it works. All the components of this point-to-point system are discussed in detail in this book. Particular attention is given to the study of networks based on fiber-optic communications systems.The role of Fiber-Optic Communications Technology has not only already changed the landscape of telecommunications but it is still doing so and at a mind-boggling pace. In fact, because of the telecommunications industry's insatiable appetite for capacity, in recent years the bandwidth of commercial systems has increased more than a hundredfold. The potential information-carrying capacity of a single fiber-optic channel is estimated at 50 terabits a second (Tbit/s) but, from apractical standpoint, commercial links have transmitted far fewer than 100 Gbps, an astoundingamount of data in itself that cannot be achieved with any other transmission medium. Researchers and engineers are working feverishly to develop new techniques that approach the potential capacity limit.Two recent major technological advances--wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) anderbium-doped optical-fiber amplifiers (EDFA)--have boosted the capacity of existing system sand have brought about dramatic improvements in the capacity of systems now in development. In fact,' WDM is fast becoming the technology of choice in achieving smooth, manageable capacity expansion.The point to bear in mind is this: Telecommunications is growing at a furious pace, and fiber-optic communications is one of its most dynamically moving sectors. While this book refleets the current situation in fiber-optic communications technology, to keep yourself updated, you have to follow the latest news in this field by reading the industry's trade journals, attending technical conferences and expositions, and finding the time to evaluate the reams of literature that cross your desk every day from companies in the field.光纤通信系统一般的通信系统由下列部分组成:(1) 信息源。
实验室专业术语中英文翻译对照自动化实验室Automation Lab语言实验室Language Lab现代产品设计与制造技术实验室Modern Product Design & Manufacturing Tec hnology Lab计算机集成制造实验室Computer Integrated Manufac turing Sy stem Lab先进设计技术实验室Adv anced Design Tec hnology Lab机械设计基础实验室Machine Design Lab包装工程实验室Pac k ing Engineering Lab机械制造技术实验室Machine Manufacturing Lab精密机械测量技术实验室Precise Mac hine M easuring Tec hnology Lab数控技术与传动控制实验室NC Technol ogy & Trans mission C ontrol Lab设计创新实验室Innov ati on & Practic e Lab机械CAD中心Mechanic al CAD Center工作设计与时间研究实验室Job Design & Time Study Lab企业资源规划实验室Enterprise Resource Planning Lab系统仿真与设施规划实验室Sy s tem Si mulation & Facility Layout Lab人因工程实验室Human Fac tors & Ergonomics Lab液压与气动实验室Hy draulic & Pneumatic Lab汽车性能和结构实验室Auto Performanc e & C onstruc tion Lab发动机性能实验室Engine Perfor mance Lab汽车电子电气实验室Auto Elec tronic & Electric Lab数字媒体技术实验室Digital Media Technolog y Lab数字媒体技术基础实验分室Digital Media Technolog y Foundati on Lab数字影视实验分室Digital TV & Film Lab计算机动画与虚拟现实实验室Computer Animation & Virtual Reality Lab先进控制技术实验室Adv anced Control Tec hnology Lab楼宇智能化实验分室Intelligent Buildi ng Lab智能测控实验分室Intelligent Meas urement & Control Technolog y Lab运动控制与图象识别系统实验分室Motion C ontrol & Image R ecognition Sy stem Lab控制网络实验分室Control Network Lab自动控制系统实验分室Automatic Control System Lab自动控制原理实验分室Automatic Control Principl e Lab自动化学科创新实验室Automation Subject Innovation Lab电力电子技术分室Power El ectronics Technolog y Lab计算机控制技术实验分室Computer Control Technolog y Lab高压实验室High Voltage Technolog y Lab电机与控制实验室Electrical Machi ner y & C ontrol Lab电路与系统实验室Circuitry & Sy stem LabIC设计实验室IC Design LabESDA 与嵌入式技术实验室ESDA & Embedded Technolog y Lab微机原理实验室Microcomputer Principle Lab电力系统继电保护实验室Power Sy s tem Relay Protection Lab供配电技术实验室Power Supply Lab电力系统仿真实验室Power Sy s tem Emul ation Lab基础化学实验室Basic Chemistr y Lab无机化学分室Inorganic Chemistry Lab有机化学分室Organic Chemistry Lab基础分析化学分室Basic Analytical Chemistr y Lab物理化学分室Phy sical Chemistr y Lab综合仪器实验室Instrumental Lab化工原理实验室Chemic al Engineering Principle Lab化学工程与工艺实验室Chemic al Engineering & Tec hnology Lab食品科学与工程实验室Food Science & Engineering Lab生物工程实验室Biological Engineering Lab应用化学实验室Applied Chemistr y Lab制药工程实验室Phar mac y Engineering Lab清洁化学技术实验室Clean Chemical Tec hnol ogy Lab电动汽车研究实验室Electro-Motion Auto Res earch Lab电动汽车驱动性能检测分室Electro-Motion Auto Perfor manc e Tes t Lab现代信息技术实验室Modern Information Technol ogy Lab宽带及视频通信分室ADSL & Video Communic ation LabSDH技术分室SDH Technology Lab虚拟测试技术分室Virtual Test Technolog y Lab网络测控与光机电一体化分室Network Control & Electromec hanical Lab光电信息分室Photo-Electricity Infor mati on Technolog y Lab网络多媒体技术分室Network Multimedia Technolog y Lab生物特征图像识别技术分室Bio- Charac ter Image R ecognition Tec hnol ogy Lab EDA与DSP技术分室EDA & DSP Technolog y Lab现代通信技术实验室Modern C ommunicati on Technolog y Lab通信原理分室Communic ation Principl e Lab现代交换技术分室Modern Switch Tec hnolog y Lab无线通信分室Wireless Communic ation Tec hnol ogy Lab光纤通信分室Optic-Fiber Communic ation Lab移动通信分室Mobile Communic ation Lab网络通信与软件分室Network & Software Lab应用电子技术实验室Applied El ectronic Technolog y Lab信号与系统实验室Signal & Sy s tem Lab数字电视实验室Digital TV Lab微机测控技术实验室Microcomputer Measurement & Control Tec hnology Lab单片微机与嵌入式系统实验室Single Chip-Microcomputer & Embedded Sy stem Lab 动态测试与控制实验室Dy namic Test & Control Lab传感器与检测技术实验室Sens or & Measurement Technolog y Lab精密仪器与光电工程实验室Precise Instrument & Optoel ectronic Engineering Lab信息技术基础实验室IT Foundation Lab高频技术实验室High Frequenc y Tec hnol ogy Lab道路与桥梁工程实验室Highway & Bridge Engineering Lab给水排水工程实验室Water Suppl y & Was te Water Lab土木工程材料实验室Civ il Engineering Materials Lab唯雅诺自动化网建筑设备工程实验室Building Equipment Lab建筑学实验室Architectural Lab交通运输工程实验室Communic ation & Trans portation Lab结构工程实验室Structural Engineering Lab控制测量实验室Control Sur v ey Lab力学实验室Mechanics Lab流体力学实验室Hy drody namics Lab"S"技术实验室S Technolog y Lab岩土工程实验室Geotechnical Engineering Lab城市规划实验室Urban Pl anning Lab工程管理模拟实验室Engineering Management Si mulating Lab电子商务专业实验室Electronic C ommerc e Lab企业管理实验室Enter prise Management Lab地理信息系统实验室Geographic Information Sy stem Lab信息系统基础实验室Infor mati on Sy stems Lab会计手工模拟实验室Hand Acc ounting Imitati v e Lab计算机体系结构实验室Computer Architectures & Organization Lab计算机组成原理分室Computer Organization Lab接口与通讯分室Interface & Communic ation Lab智能工程分室Intelligent Engineering Lab微处理器设计分室Microprocessor Design Lab计算机软件工程实验室Computer Software Engineering Lab软件分室Computer Software Lab.图象处理和图形学分室Image Processi ng & Computer Gr aphics Lab网络安全分室Network Sec urity Lab软件项目管理分室Softwar e Projec t Management Lab现代计算机技术实验室Modern C omputer Tec hnol ogy LabSUN工作站分室SUN Wor k Station Lab计算机网络工程分室Computer Networ k Engineering Lab材料与能源学院热处理实验室Heat Treatment Lab金属腐蚀与防护实验室Metal Corrosion & Protec tion Lab金相显微镜实验室Metallographical Microscope Lab物理性能实验室Phy sical Pr operty Lab高分子材料制备实验室Pol y mer Materials Preparation Lab高分子材料结构与性能实验室Pol y mer Materials Str ucture & Properties Lab 高分子材料成型实验室Pol y mer Materials Processing Lab热工基础实验室Basic Ther mal Engineering Lab制冷与空调实验室Air Conditioning & R efrigeration Lab集成电路工艺实验室IC Process Lab电子元器件测试实验室Electronic D ev ice Measurement Lab电子薄膜材料实验室Electronic Fil m Materials Lab材料成型及控制实验室Material Proc essing & Control Lab模具技术实验室Die & Moul d Tec hnology Lab功能材料的制备与应用技术实验室非晶态材料分室Amor phous Materials Lab表面工程分室Surfac e Engineering Lab热型连铸分室Heated Mold Continuous C asting Lab储能材料分室Energy Storage M aterials Lab先进材料结构与性能分室Adv anced Materials Structure & Properties Lab 环境工程实验室Env ironmental Engineering Lab水污染控制工程分室Water Polluti on Control Lab大气污染控制工程分室Air Pollution Control Lab固体废物处理工程分室Solid Waste Treatment Lab噪声污染控制工程分室Noise Pollution Control Lab环境监测分室Env ironment Monitoring Lab环境科学实验室Env ironmental Scienc e Lab环境信息分室Env ironmental Information Sy stem Lab环境化学分室Env ironmental C hemistry Lab环境生物实验室Env ironmental Biolog y Lab大型精密仪器室Exactitude Apparatuses Room信息与计算科学实验室Infor mati on & Computati on Scienc e Lab光电技术实验室Optoelectronic Tec hnology Lab光信息技术实验室Technolog y of Optical Information Lab微电子技术实验室Microelectronic Tec hnology Lab电子技术综合实验室Electronic Technolog y Lab工业设计实验室Industrial Design Lab服装设计与工程实验室Apparel Design Lab基础造型实验室Fundamental Design Lab摄影分室Photography Lab陶艺设计与制作分室Pottery Design & F acture Lab环境艺术设计实验室Env ironment Design Lab视觉传达设计实验室Visual Communic ation Design Lab家具设计实验室Furniture D ecorati on Lab模拟法庭Mock Trial Room数码钢琴室Digital Piano Room社会工作实验室Social Wor k Lab工程训练实验教学示范中心Engineering Training Demons tration Center 铸造实习室Casting铣刨磨实习室Milling/ Planer/Grinder数控加工实习室CNC Machining数控编程实习室Programmi ng普通车床实习室Turning Lathe焊接实习室Welding钳工实习室Benc h Work热处理/金相分析实习室Heat Treatment & Microstructure压力加工实习室Forging测量实习室Measurement唯雅诺自动化网大学物理基础实验室College Phy sics F oundation Lab大学物理综合实验室College Phy sics Sy nthesized Lab电工电子实验中心Electrical & Electronic Ex perimental C enter电工基础实验室Electronic F oundation Lab电子技术实验室Electrical Technol ogy Lab电工与电子技术实训室Electrical & Electronic Training计算机基础实验中心Computer Ex perimental Center计算机基础实验室Computer Foundation Lab计算机组装实验室Computer Assembling Lab计算机组网实验室Computer Networ k Lab实验仪器名称中英文对照表仪器中文名称仪器英文名称英文缩写原子发射光谱仪Atomic Emission Spectrometer AES电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪Inducti v e C oupl ed Plas ma Emission Spectrometer ICP直流等离子体发射光谱仪 Direct Current Pl asma Emission Spec trometer DCP紫外-可见光分光光度计 UV-Visible Spec trophotometer UV-Vis微波等离子体光谱仪 Microwave Induc tive Pl asma Emission Spectrometer MIP原子吸收光谱仪Atomic Absorption Spec troscopy AAS原子荧光光谱仪Atomic Fluoresc enc e Spectroscopy AF S傅里叶变换红外光谱仪FT-IR Spectrometer FTIR傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR-Raman气相色谱仪 Gas Chromatograph GC高压/效液相色谱仪High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chr omatography HPLC离子色谱仪 Ion Chromatograph凝胶渗透色谱仪Gel Per meation Chromatograph GPC体积排阻色谱 Size Ex cl usion Chromatograph SECX射线荧光光谱仪 X-Ray Fluoresc enc e Spectrometer XRFX射线衍射仪X-Ray Diffractomer XRD同位素X荧光光谱仪Isotope X-Ray Fluoresc enc e Spectrometer电子能谱仪 Elec tron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy能谱仪 Energ y Disperse Spec troscopy ED S质谱仪 Mass Spec trometer MSICP-质谱联用仪ICP-MS IC P-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用仪 GC-MS GC-MS 液相色谱-质谱联用仪 LC-MS LC-MS 核磁共振波谱仪Nuclear Magnetic R esonanc e Spectrometer NMR电子顺磁共振波谱仪 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer ESR极谱仪 Polarograph伏安仪 Voltammerter自动滴定仪 Automatic Titrator电导仪 Conducti v ity MeterpH计 pH Meter水质分析仪 Water Tes t Kits电子显微镜 Elec tro Microscopy光学显微镜 Optical Microscopy金相显微镜 Metallurgical Microscopy扫描探针显微镜Sc anning Probe Microscopy表面分析仪 Surface Anal y z er无损检测仪 Ins trument for N ondestructi ve Testi ng物性分析Phy sical Property Anal y sis热分析仪Thermal Anal y zer粘度计 Visc ometer流变仪 Rheometer粒度分析仪 Particle Size Anal y zer热物理性能测定仪 Ther mal Phy sical Property Tester电性能测定仪 Electrical Property Tester光学性能测定仪Optical Property Tester机械性能测定仪Mechanic al Property Tes ter燃烧性能测定仪Combustion Property Tester老化性能测定仪Aging Property Tes ter生物技术分析 Biochemic al anal y sisPCR仪Instrument for Pol ymeras e Chain R eaction PCR DNA及蛋白质的测序和合成仪 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein传感器 Sens ors其他 Other/Miscellaneous流动分析与过程分析 Fl ow Anal y tic al and Pr ocess Anal y tical C hemistry气体分析Gas Anal y sis基本物理量测定Basic Phy sics样品处理Sample Handling金属/材料元素分析仪 Metal/material el emental anal y sis环境成分分析仪CHN Anal y sis发酵罐 F ermenter生物反应器 Bio-reactor摇床 Shak er离心机 Centrifuge超声破碎仪 Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor超低温冰箱 Ultra-low Temper ature Freezer恒温循环泵 Cons tant Temperature Circulator超滤器 Ultrahigh Purity Filter冻干机 Freeze Dr y ing Equipment部分收集器 Fraction Collector氨基酸测序仪 Protei n Sequenc er氨基酸组成分析仪 Ami no Acid Anal y z er多肽合成仪 Peptide s ynthesizerDNA测序仪 DNA SequencersDNA合成仪 DNA synthesizer紫外观察灯 Ultrav iolet Lamp唯雅诺自动化网化学发光仪 Chemiluminesc enc e Apparatus紫外检测仪 Ultrav iolet Detec tor电泳 Electr ophoresis酶标仪 ELIASACO2培养箱 CO2 Incubators倒置显微镜 Inverted Microscope超净工作台 Bechtop流式细胞仪 Flow C y tometer微生物自动分析系统 Automatic Analy z er for Microbes生化分析仪 Bioc hemical Anal y zer血气分析仪 Blood-gas Anal y zer电解质分析仪 Electrol y tic Anal y zer尿液分析仪 Urine Anal y zer临床药物浓度仪Anal y zer for Clinic Medicine Conc entration 血球计数器 Hematoc y te Counter实验室家具laborator y/lab fur niture威盛亚wilsonart台面countertop/wor k top实验台laborator y cas ewor k/cabinet中央台island bench边台wall benc h试剂架reagent s helf/rac k天平台balance tabl e仪器台instrument table通风系统v entilati on s y s tem通风柜/橱fume hood/c upboard药品柜medical (storage) c abinet/c upboard器皿柜v ess el cabinet气瓶柜gas cy linder (storage) c abinet实验凳laborator y/lab stool实验椅lab chair配件accessories。
通信行业英语中英对照手册(F)通信行业英语中英对照手册(F)F-CAPICH Forward-Common Auxiliary PIlot CHannel 前向公共辅助导频信道F-CPHCH Forward Common PHysical CHannel 前向公共物理信道F-DAPICH Forward Dedicated Auxiliary PIlot CHannel 前向专用辅助导频信道F-DCCH Forward Dedicated Control CHannel 前向专用控制信道F-DPHCH Forward Dedicated PHysical CHannel 前向专用物理信道F-EDFA Forward pumped EDFA 前向泵激励掺铒光纤放大器F-FCH Forward Fundemental CHannel 前向基本信道F-PCH Forward-Paging CHannel 前向寻呼信道F-PICH Forward-PIlot CHannel 前向导频信道F-RAMA Fair Resource Assignment Multiple Address 合理资源分配多址访问F-SCH Forward Supplemental CHannel 前向辅助信道F-SYNC Frame SYNChronizer 帧同步器F-SYNCH Forward-SYNchronous CHannel 前向同步信道FA Fiber Adaption 光纤适配FA Frame Aligner 帧定位器FA Frame Alignment 帧定位FAB Fiber Array Block 光纤阵列块FABM Fiber Amiplifier Booster Module 光纤放大器增强模块FAC Forward Acting Code 前向作用码FACCH Fast Associated Control CHannel 快速相关控制信道FACH Forward Access CHannel 前向接入信道FAITH Fiber Almost Into The Home 准光纤到家FAL Frame Alignment Loss 帧定位丢失FAL Frequency Allocation List 频率分配表FAM Frame Alignment Module 帧定位模块FAN Fiber in the Access Network 接入网光纤FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 常遇到的问题FART Frame Alighment Recovery Time 帧同步恢复时间FAS Fiber Access System 光纤接入系统FAS Flexible Access System 灵活接入系统FAS Frame Alignment Signal 帧定位信号FAST Fiber At Subscriber Terminal 用户端光纤FAT File Allocation Table 文件分配表FAT Flexible Access Termination 灵活接入终端FATDDL Frequency And Time Division Data Link 频分与时分数据链路FAW Frame Alignment Word 帧定位字FAXIWF FAX InterWorking Function 传真互通功能FB Fiber Booster 光纤增强器FB Fiber Bundle 光纤束FBB Fiber BackBone 光纤干线FBCN Fuzzy Backward Congestion Notification 模糊反向拥塞通知FBG Fiber Bragg Grating 光纤布拉格光栅FBGLS FBG Laser Sensor FBG激光传感器FBR Fiber Bragg Reflector 光纤布拉格反射器FBR Fixed Bit Rate 固定比特率FBS Flexible Bandwidth Sharing 灵活带宽共享FC Fiber Channel 光纤通道FC Forward Compatibility 前向兼容性FCA Fixed Channel Allocation 固定信道分配FCAL Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop 光纤信道仲裁环路FCB File Control Block 文件控制块FCC Facsimile Conrol Channel 传真控制信道FCC Federal Communications Commission (美国)联邦通信委员会FCC Frequency Channel Code 频道编码FCCCH Forward Common Control CHannel 前向公共控制信道FCFS First Come First Served 先来先服务FCH Facsimile Channel Handling 传真信道处理FCLS First Come Last Served 先来后服务FCM Fuzzy Cognitive Map 模糊认知图FCN Frequency-Converting Network 变频网络FCN Full Connected Network 全连接网络FCP Frequency Control Program 频率控制程序FCS Fast Circuit Switching 快速电路交换FCS Fiber Channel Standard 光纤信道标准FCS Frame Check Sequence 帧校验序列FCT Fixed Celullar Terminal 固定蜂窝终端FD Fiber Duct 光纤管道FD Frame Disassembler 帧分解器FD-SS Frequency-Diversity Spread Spectrum 频率分集扩频FDCT Forward Discrete Consine Transform 前向离散余弦变量FDD Frequency Division Duplex 频分双工FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 分布式光纤数据接口FDF Full-duplex Data Flow 全双工数据流FDI Feeder Distribution Interface 馈线分配接口FDL Fiber Delay Line 光纤延迟线FDM Frequency Division Mutiplexing 频分复用FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址接入FDP Fiber Distribution Point 光纤分布点FDR Forward Deflection Routing 前向改向路由选择FDX Full DupleX 全双工FE Function Element 功能单元FE Function Entity 功能实体FE-CDMA Frequency-Encoded CDMA 频率编码CDMAFEA Function Entity Action 功能实体作用FEAM Functional Entity Access Management 功能实体接入管理FEC Forward Error Conrol 前向差错控制FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错FEC Forwarding Equivalence Class 转发等价类型FECC-F Forward Error Correction Count-Fast data 前向纠错快速计数数据FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification 前向显式拥塞通知FED Forward Error Detection 前向检错FEFO First Ended First Out 先结束先送FEP Front-End Processor 前端处理器FER Frame Erasure Rate 帧删除率FER Frame Error Rate 误帧率FERF Far End Receive Failure 远端接收失效FES Fixed Earth Station 固定地球站FEXT Far-End CrosSTalk 远端串音FFH Fast Frequency-Hopping 快速跳频FFP Fiber Fabry-Perot 光纤法布里-珀罗FFP-TF Fiber Fabry-Perot Tunable Filter 光纤法布里-珀罗可调滤波器FFPF Fiber Fabry-Perot Filter 光纤法布里-珀罗滤波器FFPI Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer 光纤法布里-珀罗干涉仪FFRN Four-Fiber Ring Node 四纤环节点FFT Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅立叶变换FH Frame Handler 帧处理器FH Frame Header 帧头FH Frequency Hopping 跳频FH-CDMA Frequency-Hopped CDMA 跳频CDMAFHR Fixed Hierarchical Routing 固定等级选路FHSP Frame Handler SubPort 帧处理程序子端口FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 跳频扩频FI Format Identifier 格式标识符FIC Fiber Interface Card 光纤接口卡FICS Facsimile Intelligent Communication System 传真智能通信系统FIFO First In First Out 先进先出FIFS First In First Served 先进先服务FILO Firs In Last Out 先进后出FIM Fiber Interface Module 光纤接口模块FIM/CM Feature Interactive Management & Calling Management 特征交互管理与呼叫管理FIMS Feature Interaction in Multimedia System 多媒体系统特征交互FIN Full Interconnection Network 全互联网络FITL Fiber In The Loop 环路光纤FIU Facilities Interface Unit 设备接口单元FLAG Fiber Link Around the Globe 环球光纤链路FLL Fiber in the Local Loop 局域环路光纤FLM Fiber Loop Mirror 光环路镜像FM Facilities Management 设施管理FM Fault Management 故障管理FM Flexible Multiplexer 灵活复用器FM Forward Monitoring 前向监控FM Frequency Modulation 调频FM/FDMA Frequency Midulation / FDMA 调频/频分多址FM/TDMA Frequency Midulation / TDMA 调频/时分多址FMBS Frame Mode Bearer Service 帧模式承载业务FMC Fixed-Mobile Covergence 固定移动融合FMD Follow-Me-Diversion 跟我转移FMD Frame Mode Data 帧模式数据FMD Function Management Data 功能管理数据FMDI Function Management Data Interpreter 功能管理数据解释程序FMMS Fixed Media Mass Storage 固定媒体大容量存储器FMS File Management Subsystem 文件管理子系统FMS File Management System 文件管理系统FMSR FP-Mode Suppression Ratio 法布里-珀罗特模式抑制比FMUX Flexible MUltipleXer 灵活复用器FMV Full-Motion Video 全运动视频FN Fiber Node 光纤节点FN Functional Network 功能网络FNA Flexible Networking Architecture 灵活的网络结构FNA Free Network Address 空闲网络地址FNAE Free Network Address Element 空闲网络地址元素FNAS Frame relay Network Access Subsystem 帧中继网络接入子系统FNN Fuzzy Neural Network 模糊神经网络FNP Frontend Network Processor 前端网络处理机FO Fiber Optics 光纤FOA Fiber Optic Amplifier 光纤放大器FOAN Fiber Optic Access Network 光纤接入网络FOB FDM Output Buffer FDM输出缓冲器FOC Fiber Optic Cable 光缆FOC Fiber Optic Communication 光纤通信FOCC FOrward Control Channel 前向控制信道FOCN Fiber Optic Communication Network 光纤通信网FOCUS Fiber Optic Connection Universal System 光纤连接通用系统FOE Fiber Optic Extender 光纤延长器FOF Fluorescent Optical Fiber 发光光纤FOI Fiber Optic Isolator 光纤隔离器FOID Fiber Opitc Interface Device 光纤接口设备FoIP Fax over IP IP传真FOIRL Fiber Optic Inter-Repeater Link 中继器间光纤链路FOL Fiber Optic Laser 光纤激光器FOLAN Fiber Optic LAN 光纤局域网FOM Fiber Optic Modem 光纤调制解调器FOMAU Fiber Optic Medium Attachment Unit 光纤媒介附属单元FOP Failure Of Protocol 协议失效FOPMA Fiber Optic Physical Medium Attachment 光纤物理媒体装置FOS Fiber Optic Sensor 光纤传感器FOTC Fiber Optic Trunk Cable 干线光缆FOTIC Fiber Optic Transmitter Integrated Circuit 光纤发射机集成电路FOTN Fiber Optic Transmission Network 光纤传输网络FOTS Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor 光纤温度传感器FOX Fiber Optic eXtender 光纤扩展器FP Function Processor 功能处理机FPAD Facsimile Packet Assembly / Disassembly 传真分组组合/拆卸FPBS Fiber Polarization Beam Spliter 光纤偏振分束器FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列FPH FreePHone 免费电话(被叫集中付费) FPLL Frequency and Phase Locked Loop 锁频/锁相环FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems 未来公用陆地移动通信系统FPM Four Photon Mixing 四光子混合FPS Fast Packet Switching 快速分组交换FPSLA Fabry-Perot Semiconductor Laser Amplifier 法布里-珀罗半导体激光放大器FPT/FPS Fast Packet Transfer / Switching 快速分组传送/交换FR Frame Relay 帧中继FR Full Rate 全速率FRA File Relative Address 文件相关地址FRA Fixed Radio Access 固定无线接入FRAD Frame Relay Access Device 帧中继接入设备FRDTS Frame Relay Data Transmission Services 帧中继数据传输业务FRI Frame Relaying Information 帧中继信息FRMR FRaMe Reject 帧拒绝FRP Fast Reservation Protocol 快速保留协议FRP Fast Resolution Protocol 快速分辨协议FRP/DT Fast Reservation Protocol with Delayed Transmission 具有延迟传输的快速保留协议FRPH Frame Relay Packet Handler 帧中继分组处理程序FRS Frame Relay Service 帧中继业务FRS Frame Relay Switch 帧中继交换机FRSE Frame-Relay Switching Equipment 帧中继交换设备FRSF Frame Relay Service Function 帧中继业务功能FRT Frame Relay Terminal 帧中继终端FRTE Frame-Relay Terminal Equipment 帐中继终端设备FRTT Fixed Round-Trip Time 固定往返时间FS Fax Server 传真服务器FS Fiber Sensor 光纤传感器FS Frame Start signal 帧起始信号FS Frame State 帧状态FS Frame Switching 帧交换FS Frame Synchronizer 帧同步器FSAN Full Service Access Network 全业务接入网FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控FSL Flexible System Link 灵活系统链路FSM FDDI Switching Module FDDI交换模块FSM FDM-channel Selector Module FDM信道选择器模块FSN Full Service Network 全业务网FSS Fixed Satellite Service 固定卫星业务FSS Flying Spot Scanner 飞点扫描器FSS Frame Synchronous Scrambling 帧同步扰码FSU Fixed Subscriber Unit 固定用户单元FSW Frame Synchronization Word 帧同步字FSYN Frame SYNchronization signal 帧同步信号FT Fiber Termination 光纤终端FT Fixed radio Terminal 固定式无线电终端FTAM File Transfer Access and Management 文件传送存取和管理FTAMS File Transfer Access and Management Services 文件传递访问及管理服务FTC Facsimile Transport Channel 传真传送信道FTC Fault Tolerant Computer 容错计算机FTC Fault-Tolerant Computing 容错计算FTF Fiber Termination Frame 光纤终端架FTLA Fiber-To-the-Last Amplifier 光纤到末级放大器FTM FDM Transmitter Module FDM发送器模块FTM Fiber Terminal Module 光纤终端模块FTM Fiber Transfer Module 光纤传送模块FTM File Transfer Manager 文件传送管理器FTN Facsimile Transmission Network 传真传输网FTN Four-Terminal Network 四端网络FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议FTR Full Text Retrieval 全文检索FTS Fast Track Selector 快速磁道选择器FTS Frame Transport System 帧传送系统FTSA Fiber-To-the-Service Area 光纤到服务区FTSMSTR Frame Transport System MaSTeR 帧传送系统主程序FTTA Fiber To The Apartment 光纤到公寓FTTB Fiber To The Bridge 光纤到桥梁FTTB Fiber To The Building 光纤到楼宇FTTC Fiber To The Curb 光纤到路边FTTCa Fiber To The Cabinet 光纤到机箱FTTD Fiber To The Desk 光纤到桌面FTTF Fiber To The Feeder 光纤到馈送器FTTF Fiber To The Floor 光纤到楼层FTTH Fiber To The Home 光纤到户FTTK Fiber To The Kerb 光纤到路边FTTN Fiber To The Node 光纤到节点FTTO Fiber To The Office 光纤到办公室FTTP Fiber To The Pedestal 光纤到人行道FTTR Fiber To The Remote module 光纤到远端模块FTTR Fiber To The Rural 光纤到农村FTTS Fiber To The Subscriber 光纤到用户FTTSA Fiber To The Service Area 光纤到服务区FTTV Fiber To The Village 光纤到村FTTx Fiber To The… 光纤到…FTTZ Fiber To The Zone 光纤到小区FUNI Frame User Network Interface 帧用户网络接口FWA Fixed Wireless Access 固定无线接入FWAN Fixed Wireless Access Network 固定无线接入网FWC Frequency and optical Wavelength Converter 频率和光波长变换器FWM Four Wave Mixing 四波混频FWPCS Future Wireless PCS 未来无线个人通信系统FWS Fast-Wavelength-Switched 快速波长交换。
Optical Fiber Communication System Simulation and CommonCommunication Interface TechnologyAbstractThis paper describes the development direction of optical fiber communications, described the characteristics of system simulation and development at home and abroad. The second part is commonly used by communication interface interface discussion.KeywordsOpticalfibercommunications,development,SystemSimulation,Interfac e1 Outline1.1 Optical Fiber CommunicationIn the "information superhighway" concept was put forward after the optical fiber communication technology in increasing the capacity and extend the communication distance has made rapid development. Broadband fiber amplifier W-EDFA (Wide band Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier) and dense wavelength division multiplexing optical fiber communication technology development is the most eye-catching direction. Loss and dispersion in order to reduce the design of the dispersion shifted fiber DSF (Dispersion Shifted Fiber), in the 1525-1565nm band, the dispersion fell to -2 - +3 ps / (nm • km) between; zero dispersion at 1540nm. DWDM systems to reduce four-wave mixing effect, but also designed a new type of non-zero dispersion fiber NZDF (Non-Zero Dispersion Fiber). At the same time, integrated opto-electronics technologies (OEIC) is the rapid development of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser VCSEL (Vertical Ca-vity Surface Emitting Laser) and electro-optical receiver optoelectronic integration has been achieved. Around a variety of light (OTDM) At present, there are active in research units.1.2 System SimulationSystem simulation is developed in the last two decades a science and emerging technologies. Is the so-called computer simulation model on the computer system for experimental study of the actual process. The use of computer simulation can be repeated simulation of the same phenomenon of the objective world and thus to find out the inherent laws. In particular, contain random variables and random process, it is difficult to establish a mathematical model of an objective study of things, the computer simulation method has obvious advantages, has become the analysis, research and design of an important means of various systems. The application of computer simulation technology to the field of communications is one of an important branch. With the development of communication technologies, communications networks, the number and complexity of the rapid growth of the design of communication systems in use of computer simulation technology has become a new system designed to shorten the design cycle and improve design reliability and improved system performance has been an indispensable tool.2 Optical fiber communication system simulationOptical fiber communication technology is more than one cross-discipline integrated technology penetration. It involves the basic theory of communication (such as digital communicationtechnology), and microwave technologies (such as fiber channel analysis of electromagnetic fields), as well as circuit design and microelectronic technology (such as application specific integrated circuit ASIC) and so on. Therefore, whether it is systematic planning and design, or a new type of transmission system and the system of exploration and research, have experienced lengthy complicated calculations. In addition, in order to verify whether the performance requirements of Section need to research and experiment repeated testing. If every time the direct use of the real system experiments, not only the cost of expensive, labor-and time-consuming and sometimes difficult to find the crux of the problem, therefore, address these problems is an effective means of computer simulation techniques, namely through the establishment of device components and the system model , and model experiments on the computer, using high-speed computer processing capacity, completion of the fiber-optic communications equipment and systems analysis, design optimization and performance testing and evaluation.2.1 Optical fiber communication system simulation software, the status quoThe simulation is divided into circuit simulation and system-level simulation. Circuit-level simulation by resistors, capacitors, inductors and other components of the circuit modelequivalent to the outer characteristics of Analog Devices. System-level simulation is Rong transfer function or the number of formula characteristics of analog simulation. Abroad, some optical fiber communication system simulation software for circuit analysis, focusing on different, such as the Boss is a user-friendly optical link simulation software, which includes fiber-optic device model, but only in a single wavelength system. SCOPE (Super Co-mpact Optoelectronic Simulation) is a kind of the photovoltaic devices and optical devices using the two-port network model to simulate the nonlinear microwave simulation software, its main use is in the microwave frequency of IM / DD Optical Communication Systems simulation. DEX SOLUS (Simulation of Light Using Spice) is based on the Spice circuit simulation software dedicated to the field of optical communication signal analysis software, it uses the equivalent circuit model to simulate optoelectronic devices, optical power of the models used in the simulation of voltage to represent . There are other circuit-level simulation software such as iSMILE and MISIM. IBM's OLAP (Optical Link Analysis Program) is a low-level to SYSTID and simulation software of optical devices integrated with software applications. There are a number of new simulation software, such as iFROST (illinois FibeR-optic and OptoelectronicSystems Toolkit), etc., the user can call other simulation software to provide a mixed-level simulation environment.3 Common Communication Interface Technology3.1 Converters in parallel with the string attached to optoelectronic devicesIn high-speed optical fiber communication systems, transmission of data stream format conversion is required, that is, at the time of optical transmission in serial form and in electronic format when theparallel between the conversion. Serializer - deserializer (generally known as the Serial and Parallel converter) is used to achieve this conversion. Serial and Parallel converter and the interface between the photoelectric sensor is usually high-speed serial data stream, using a different coding schemes signaling, this can be embedded clock data recovery. According to the communication standards supported by the serial stream can be 1.25Gb / s (Gigabit Ethernet), 2.488Gb / s (OC-48/STM-16), 9.953Gb / s (OC-192/STM- 64) or 10.3Gb / s (10 Gigabit Ethernet) transmission conditions.3.2 Serial and Parallel interface converter to the framersIn the Sonet / SDH in the world, fiber optic data transmission is often in the form of the use of frames. Each frame, including additional information (for synchronization, error monitoring, protection switching, etc.) and payload data. Transmission equipment must beadded to output data in the frame of the additional information, the receiving device must be extracted from the frame payload data, and additional information frame systems management. These operations will be completed in the framersAs the framers of the need to achieve some complex digital logic, which determines the parallel series converter used with the framers of the interface between technology and the use of standard CMOS technology to create a high level of integration of the IC. The current CMOS technology can not support the 10Gb / s serial data stream, the parallel series converter and the need for parallel interface between framers. At present, the most popular choice is the Internet forum by the Optical Network (Optical Internetworking Forum) to develop the SFI-4, the interface speeds of up to two 622Mb / s 16-bit parallel data streams (one in each direction). SFI-4 and as many new interfaces, the use of source-synchronous clock, the clock signal and data that is shared by the transmission signal transmission devices. Source-synchronous clock can significantly reduce the clock signal and data signals between the offset, but it can not completely eliminate the line length does not match the PCB-induced migration effects. 16 data signals and clock signal are the use of IEEE-1593.6 standard LVDS signaling. The parallel interface only in the series converter and transmit data back and forth between framers, shorterdistance, there is no need to have a complex flow control or error detection.3.3 Control panel interfaceMotorola has been and Rapid IO Trade Association supported the use of Rapid IO switch architecture to achieve point-to-point link interface. The interface provides the data transport layer to package in the package, each packet has a data source and target information, the packet switch architecture will be sent to the appropriate destination. Rapid IO in each direction to provide 8 or 16-bit, 250MHz ~ 1.0GHz using Double Data Rate. In addition, Serial Rapid IO can be used with 8b/10b encoding a channel or 4-channel data, embedded clock of 3.125Gb / s, it has a differential CML signaling.AMD and the development of Hyper Transport Union Hyper Transport channel devices using point-to-point link. The form of data packet transmission, each packet includes a data source and target information. Access device to receive data in accordance with the packet header to determine the data transmitted to the next in the chain of devices, or deal directly with the data. Hyper Transport current norms for the needs of the width of 2 ~ 16-bit parallel data. Norms to support the next higher rate. PMC-Sierra and Bro AD Com has been the introduction of Hyper Transport communications products based on the MIPS processor.PCI-SIG has introduced high-speed PCI-X. They use the PCI-X same as the original 64-bit bus bandwidth to support double-data rate and four times the data rate. PCI-X 533 version is the fastest rate, maximum total bandwidth of 34.1Gb / s.PCI-X communication protocol of the transmission signal and the standard connector format in conjunction with the PCI-compatible, enabling 3.3V 32-bit PCI adapter card can be used in PCI-X expansion slots on. Of course, if you prefer, you can be 64-bit PCI-X adapter card access in the 32-bit PCI expansion slots, but bandwidth will be greatly reduced speed.4 ConclusionAt present, China's optical fiber communication system simulation study has been started, such as Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, etc. some success, to design a highly functional and reliable performance of the optical fiber communication system simulation package, to adapt to the rapid development of optical fiber communications have important theoretical and practical significance, has a high cost-effective and broad application prospects.光纤通信系统仿真及常用通信接口技术摘要介绍了光纤通信的发展方向,阐述了系统仿真的特点及国内外的发展状况,第二部分为现用通信接口中常用接口讨论。
通信光纤中英⽂缩略对照表!!光通信⾏业传说中的那部英汉对照⼤辞典,倾⼒之作,拿⾛不谢,赠⼈玫瑰,⼿有余⾹!AAAS Automatic addressingsystem ⾃动寻址系统AB Absorption Band 吸收带;Address Bus 地址总线;Aligned Bundle 定位光纤ABC Absorbing BoundaryCondition 吸收边界条件;AddressBus Control 地址总线控制;AutomaticBandwidth Control ⾃动带宽控制;Automatic Bias Compensation ⾃动偏置补偿ABCs Automatic BaseCommunication System ⾃动基地通信系统ABM Asynchronous BalancedMode 异步平衡模式AC Access control 访问控制(对指定⽤户⽽⾔)或接⼊控制;Access coupler通路耦合器ACA Adaptive channelallocation ⾃适应信道分配;Adjacent channel attenuation 相邻信道衰减ACC Area communicationcenter 区域通信中⼼;Automaticcontrol and checking ⾃动控制和检查ACCE Area communicationcenter equipment 区域通信中⼼设备ACCH Associaed controlchannel 相关控制信道ACCI Adaptive cyclecellinsertion ⾃适应循环信元插⼊ACCS Automatic checkoutand control system ⾃动检验与控制系统ACD Automatic calldistribution ⾃动呼叫分配Average core diameter 平均纤芯直径ACDMA Advanced codedivision multiple access ⾼级码分多址ACM Access control module接⼊控制模块ACNS Advancedcommunications operations network service ⾼级通信⽹业务ACPI Automatic cable pairidentification (光、电)缆线对⾃动识别ACS Access control system接⼊控制系统ACT Automatic codetranslation ⾃动译码,⾃动码型变换AD Avalanche diode 雪崩⼆极管;Average deviation 平均偏移,平均偏差ADM Add/drop multiplexer 分插复⽤器ADN Active destinationnode 有效地址节点;Add/Dropnode 上/下节点,插/分节点ATM Data Network 异步转移(传递)模式数据⽹络ADSL Asymmetrical digitalsubscriber loop ⾮对称数字⽤户环路ADSS Automatic dataswitching system ⾃动数据交换系统AE Actinoelectric effect 光(化)电效应;Aperture effect 孔径效应AFPM AsymmetricFabry-Perot saturable absorber 反共振法布⾥-珀罗可饱和吸收器AFS Acoustic fiber sensor光纤声传感器AFTV All-Fiber videodistribution 全光纤电视分配AGC Automatic GainControl ⾃动增益控制AGCC Automatic GainControl Calibration ⾃动增益控制校准AN Access network 接⼊⽹;Access node 接⼊节点;Active network 有源⽹络AOC All-opticalcommunication 全光通信AOD Active optical device有源光器件AOF Active optical fiber 有源光纤;Attenuation optimized fiber 衰减最佳化光纤AOFC Aerial optical fibercable 架空光纤AOI Active outputinterface 有源输出接⼝AON Active OpticalNetwork 有源光⽹络AOS Addressable opticalstorage 光(束)寻址存AOTA All-optical towedarray 全光牵引阵列AOTF Acoustic-optictunable filter 声光可调滤波器AOWC All-opticalwavelength converter 全光波长转换器AP Absorption peak 吸收峰APC Automatic PowerControl ⾃动功率控制APD Avalanche photondiode 雪崩光电⼆极管APOF All plastic opticalfiber 全塑光纤APS Automatic ProtectionSwitching. ⾃动保护开关ARP Address resolutionprotocol 地址解析协议ARPM Amplitude ratio andphase modulation 振幅⽐和相位调制ARROW Anti-resonantreflecting optical waveguide 反共振反射光波导ASA American standardsassociation 美国标准协会;Automaticspectrum analyzer ⾃动频谱分析仪ASB Asymmetric switchedbroadband ⾮对称交换宽带ASE Amplification ofspontaneous emission 受激发射放⼤ASEN Amplifiedspontaneous emission noise 放⼤⾃激发射噪声ASEP Amplifiedspontaneous emission power 放⼤⾃激发射功率ASF Air-supported fiber 空⽓间隙光纤ASG Arseno silicate glass砷硅玻璃ASI Alarm statusindicator 告警状态指⽰器;Alarm status interface 告警状态接⼝ASIC Application-specificintegrated processor 专⽤集成电路ASK Amplitude shift-keyed幅移键控ASLC Analogue subscriberline circuit 模拟⽤户线电路ATM Asynchronous TransferMode. 异步转移(传递)模式ATME Automatictransmission measuring equipment ⾃动传输测量设备ATMOS ATM optical switch 异步转移(传递)模式光交换ATM-PON Asynchronoustransfer mode-passive optical network 异步转移(传递)模式-⽆源光⽹络ATQW Asymmetric triplequantum well ⾮对称三重量⼦阱ATT Attenuator 衰减器,衰耗器;Automatic target tracking ⾃动⽬标跟踪AV Analogue video 模拟视频,模拟电视AWDS Active wavelengthdemodulation system 有源波长解调系统AWG Array waveguide grate阵列波导光栅;Arbitrary-waveformgenerator 任意波形发⽣器AWGM Array waveguidegrate multiplexer 阵列波导光栅复⽤器BBAP Broad band accesspoint 宽带接⼊点BBA Broad band access 宽带接⼊BBC Broad band coupler 宽带耦合器BBCC Broad bandcommunication channel 宽带通信信道BBF Base band filter 基带滤波器BBLED Broad bandlight-emitting diode 宽带光发射⼆极管BBTFP Broad band tunableFabry-Perot filter 宽带可调法布⾥-珀罗滤波器BC Bandwidth compression 带宽压缩BDSL Broad band digitalsubscriber line 宽带数字⽤户线B-EDFA Backward pumpedEDFA 后向泵浦掺铒光纤放⼤器BEF Band eliminationfilter 带阻滤波器;Beamexpanding fiber 光束扩展光纤BEFL Brillouin/Erbiumfiber laser 布⾥渊/掺铒光纤激光器BER Bit error rate. 误码率BEX Broad band exchange 宽带交换BF Band filter 带通滤波器;Beat-frequency 拍频,差频;Branching filter 分路滤波器,分⽀滤波器BFA Brillouin fiberamplifier 布⾥渊光纤放⼤器BFF Biconical fiberfilter 双锥光纤滤波器BFI Beat- frequencyinterferomenter 拍频⼲涉仪BFOC Bayonet fiber opticconnector 卡⼝式光纤连接器B-FOG Brillouin fiberoptic gyro 布⾥渊光纤陀螺仪BFOS Basic fiber opticalsubsystem 基本光纤⼦系统BFRL Brillouin fiber ringlaser 布⾥渊光纤循环激光器BG Band gap 能带隙;Base group 基群;Bragg grating 布拉格光栅BGA Back-groundabsorption 背景吸收BGS Brag grating sensor 布拉格光栅传感器BH Barrier height 势垒⾼度BIP-EDFA Bidirectonalpumped EDFA 双向泵浦掺铒放⼤器BIP-ISDN Broad band, intelligent and personalizedISDN 宽带化、智能化和个⼈化的综合业务数字⽹B-ISDN Broad bandintelligent services digital network 宽带综合业务数字⽹BIT Broad band interfacetester 宽带接⼝测试仪BJ Bundle jacket 光纤束护套BL Band-limited 频带限制;Black light 不可见光BLD Bistable laser diode 双稳激光⼆极管BLSR Bidirectional LineSwitched Ring. 双向线路交换环BOA Bifurcation opticallyactive 分⽀光有源BOAN Business-orientedoptical access network ⾯向商业的光接⼊⽹BOCS Birefringent opticalcircuit synthesis 双折射光电路合成BOD Balanced opticaldetector 平衡光检测器BOMUDEX Bidirectionaloptical multiplexer/demultiplexer 双向光复⽤器/解复⽤器BOTDA Brillouin opticalbiber time domain analysis 布⾥渊光纤时域分析BOTDR Brillouin opticalbiber time domain reflectometry 布⾥渊光纤时域反射法BRF Birefringent fiber 双折射光纤;Birefringent tuning filter 双折射调谐滤波器BS Base station 基站;Beam splitter 分光器,分束器;Beam spreader 光束扩散器CCA critical angle 临界⾓CATV Community AntennaTelevision 有线电视CC coaxial cable 同轴电缆CCF Chirp compensatingfiber 啁啾补偿光纤CD Chromatic dispersion ⾊散CDMA Code divisionmultiple access 码分多址CW center wavelength 中⼼波长CG-SOA Clamped-gain SOA 固定增益半导体光放⼤器Cladding 纤芯外部包裹的材料CLEC Competitive localexchange carrier 竞争性本地交换运营商CO Central office 中⼼局C-OFDR Coherent opticalfrequency domain reflectiometry 相⼲光频域反射法COLIDAR Coherent lightdetecting and ranging 相⼲光检测和测距COP Coherent opticalprocessor 相⼲光处理机COQ Channel optimizedquantizer 信道最佳化量化器COTDR Coherent detectionOTDR 相⼲检测光时域反射计CPW Circular polarizedwave 圆极化波,圆偏振波;Co Planar waveguide 共⾯波导CPWDM Chirped-pulsewavelength-division-multiplexing 线性脉冲波分复⽤CTB Composite triple beat复合三次拍频CTC Channel trafficcontrol 信道业务量控制CTV Conference TV 会议电视CWDM Coarse WavelengthDivision Multiplexing 粗波分复⽤DD&C-SW Delivery-and-coupling type optical switch 分配和耦合型光开关Dark fiber 暗光纤,备⽤光纤dB Decibel 相对功率的对数表达DC Directional coupler 定向耦合器;Depressed-cladding 凹陷型包层;Dispersion compensation ⾊散补偿;Diversity combiner 分集和路器;Drift compensation 漂移补偿;Drop cable 引⼊光(电)缆DCA Dynamic channel assignment动态信道分配DCC Digital communicationchannel 数据通信信道;Digitalcontrol channel 数字控制信道;Diversitycross connect 数字交叉连接DCF Dispersioncompensation fiber ⾊散补偿光纤;Dual coated fiber 双涂覆光纤DCM Directional couplermodulator 定向耦合调制器;Dispersion compensator module ⾊散补偿模块DCS Dynamic channelselection 动态信道选择DCSM Depressed claddingsingle-mode (fiber)凹陷型包层单模光纤DD Delay distortion 时延失真;Differential detection 差分检测;Drift-diffusion 漂移扩散DDE Dynamic data exchange动态数据交换DD-EDFA Dispersiondecreasing erbium-doped fiber amplifier ⾊散降低掺铒光纤放⼤器DDF Dispersion decreasingfiber ⾊散降低光纤DFB Distributed feedbacklaser 分布反馈布拉格激光器DFCF Dispersion flatcompensation fiber ⾊散平坦补偿光纤DFF Dispersion flat fiber⾊散平坦光纤;Dispersionflat single mode fiber ⾊散平坦单模光纤DFOS Distributed fiberoptic sensing 分布式光纤传感器;Dual frequency optical source 双频光源DFS Distributed fibersensor 分布式光纤传感器DFSM Dispersion flattenedsingle mode ⾊散平坦单模DM Dispersion management ⾊散管理DMF Dispersion managementfiber ⾊散管理光纤DG diffraction grating 衍射光栅DOAPDivision-of-amplitude photopolarimeter 分幅光偏转计DOESDouble-heterostructure optoelectronic switch 双异质结光电开关DOP Degree ofpolarization 偏转度DOS Digital opticalswitch 数字光开关DPON Domestic passiveoptical network 国内⽆源光⽹络DRB Double Raleighbackscattering 双瑞利背向散射DS Dispersion shift ⾊散位移DSCF Dispersion slopecompensation fiber ⾊散斜率补偿光纤DSF Dispersion-shiftedfiber ⾊散位移光栅DSL Digital subscriberline 数字⽤户线Distributed Service Logic分配式服务逻辑DS-SMF Dispersion shiftedsingle mode fiber ⾊散位移单模光纤DU Dispersion-unshifted (single mode fiber)⾮⾊散位移光纤(单模光纤)DWDM Dense wavelengthdivision multiplexing 密集波分复⽤EEA Electro absorption 电吸收EAM Electro absorptionmodulator 电吸收调制器EBL Expanding beamlaser-scan 扩展束激光扫描ECC Embeddedcommunications channel 嵌⼊式通信信道ECL External cavity laser外腔激光器;Externalcavity mode-locked semiconductor laser 外腔锁模半导体激光器ECM Echo cancellationmethod 回波消除法ECMLL External cavitymode-locked laser 外腔式锁模激光器ECSL Extended-cavitysemiconductor laser 扩展式腔半导体激光器;External cavity semiconductor laser 外腔式半导体激光器EDF Erbium-doped fiber 掺铒光纤EDFA Erbium-doped fiberamplifier 掺铒光纤放⼤器EDFFA Erbium-doped Fluoridefiber amplifier 掺铒氟化物光纤放⼤器EDFL Erbium-doped fiberlaser 掺铒光纤激光器EDFLS Erbium-doped fiberlaser source 掺铒光纤激光源EDFRS Erbium-doped fiberring laser 掺铒光纤环激光器EDPA Erbium doped planaramplifier 掺铒平⾯放⼤器EDWA Erbium dopedwaveguide amplifier 掺铒波导放⼤器EE-LED Edge-emitting LED 边发射发光⼆极管EELS Edge-emitting laser 边发射激光器EFBGL Erbium fiber Bragggrating laser 铒光纤布拉格光栅激光器EML Eroabsorptionmodulated laser 电吸收调制激光器EOM Electro-opticalmodulator 电光调制器EOTF Electro-optictunable filter 电光可调谐滤波器EP Eye pattern 眼图EPON Ethernet PassiveOptical Network 以太⽹⽆源光⽹络FFDDI Fiber DistributedData Interface 光纤分布式数据接⼝FDH Fiber DistributionHub 光纤分布集线器FE Fast Ethernet 快速以太⽹FOC fiber-optic cable光纤光缆FRP Fiber Reinforced Plastic纤维增强塑料FTTB Fiber To TheBuilding 光纤到⼤楼FTTC Fiber To The Curb 光纤到路边FTTD Fiber To The Desk 光纤到办公桌FTTH Fiber To The Home 光纤到户FTTO Fiber To The Office 光纤到办公室FWM Four-wave mixing 四波混频G,HGbps Gigabits per second.吉⽐特每秒GBps Gigabytes persecond. 吉位每秒GE Gigabit Ethernet. 千兆以太⽹GIF graded-index fiber 渐变折射率光纤GIMM Graded IndexPlasec-Cladding Fiber 渐变折射率多模(光纤)GI-POF Graded-indexPolymer Optical Fiber 梯度折射率塑料光纤GPON Gigabit PassiveOptical Network 千兆⽆源光⽹络HDPE High DensityPolyethylene ⾼密度聚⼄烯IILEC Incumbent localexchange carrier现有本地交换运营商IL insertion loss 插⼊损耗IP Internet Protocol ⽹际协议ISO InternationalOrganization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ITU InternationalTelecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ITU grid ITU 标准指定激光波长IXC Interexchange carrier交换机间载波J,K,LLAN Local area network 局域⽹LAP LaminatedAluminum-Polyethylene Sheath 铝-聚⼄烯粘接护套LD Laser Diode 半导体激光器LED Light Emitting Diode 发光⼆极管LEAF Large Effective AreaFiber ⼤有效⾯积光纤LEC Local exchangecarrier 市话载波;Localexchange center 市内交换中⼼LED Light emitting diode 光⼆极管LR Long reach 远距离;Link restoration 链路恢复;Local record 本地纪录;Location register 位置寄存器LSZH Low Smoke ZeroHalogen 低烟⽆卤MMAN Metropolitan areanetwork. 城域⽹Mbps 兆⽐特每秒MM fiber Multimode fiber.多模光纤MD modal dispersion 模式⾊散MDU Multi Dwelling Unit 多住户单元MFD Mode Field Diameter 模场直径MPLS MultiProtocol LabelSwitching 多协议标签交换MTBF Mean time betweenfailure 平均故障间隔时间NNAS Network attachedstorage ⽹络存储器NDSFNon-dispersion-shifted fiber ⾮⾊散位移光纤NL Non linearity ⾮线性NZDSF Non-zerodispersion-shifted fiber. ⾮零⾊散位移光纤OOA Optical amplifier. 光放⼤器OAN Optical Access Network光纤接⼊⽹OADM Optical add/dropmultiplexer 光插/分复⽤器OC Optical carrier 光载波ODN Optical DistributionNetwork 光分配⽹络ODT Optical DistanceTerminal 光远程终端ODF Optical DistributingFrame 光纤配线架OF optical fiber 光纤OLA Optical LineAmplifier 光线路放⼤器OLT Optical Line Terminal光线路终端ONU Optical Network Unit 光⽹络单元OCS optical channel spacing 光通道间隔OTDR Optical time domainreflectometer 光时域反射计PPAP Polyethylene-Aluminum-Polyethylene聚⼄烯-铝-聚⼄烯PBT PolybutyleceTerephthalate 聚对苯⼆甲酸丁⼆酯PE Polyethylene 聚⼄烯PDH PleisiochronousDigital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PD photo diode 光电⼆极管Photon 光⼦Photonic 光电PL physical layer 物理层PMD Polarization modedispersion 偏振模式⾊散POF Plastic Optical Fiber塑料光纤PON Passive OpticalNetwork ⽆源光⽹络POS Packet over SONETPP Polypropylene 聚丙烯PSPPolyethylene-Steel-Polyethylene 聚⼄烯-钢-聚⼄烯PTN Packet TransportNetwork 分组传送⽹PSTN Public switchedtelephone network 公共交换电话⽹PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯⼄烯RRS Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射RI refractive index 折射率REG Regenerator 再⽣中继器SSAN Storage area network 存储域⽹络SBS Stimulated BrillouinScattering 受激布⾥渊散射SDH Synchronous DigitalHierarchy 同步数字系列SFF Small Form Factor ⼩封装技术SMF Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤SPM Self-phase Modulation⾃相位调制SRS Stimulated RamanScattering 受激拉曼散射SI-POF Step Index PolymerOptical Fiber 阶跃折射率塑料光纤SNR Signal-to-noise ratio信噪⽐SONET Synchronous OpticalNetwork 同步光⽹络TTDM Time-divisionmultiplexing 时分复⽤TM TerminationMultiplexer 终端复⽤器U,V,W,XUPSR Unidirectional PathSwitched Ring 单向通道交换环VCSEL Vertical CavitySurface Emitting Laser 垂直腔表⾯发射激光器VPN Virtual PrivateNetwork 虚拟专⽤⽹WDMA Wavelength DivisionMultiple Acces 波分多址WAN Wide area network. ⼴域⽹Waveguide 波导WDM Wavelength divisionmultiplexing波分复⽤XPM Cross-phaseModulation 互相位调制限于⽔平,⽂中难免存在⼀些不妥和错误,敬请各位专家、同⾏和读者在阅读本⽂后提出宝贵意见,诚邀您⼀起勘误、修订和完善本⽂!。
通信领域专业词汇中英文对照通信领域专业词汇中英文对照(补充)所需磁盘空间[hw] disk space required磁盘储存[hw] disk storage磁盘子系统[hw] disk subsystem磁盘使用摘要[hw] disk usage summary软盘[hw] diskette软盘位置[hw] diskette location软盘邮递程序[hw] diskette mailer所需软盘[hw] diskette needed卸下[hw] dismount发送[hw] dispatch发送程序[hw] dispatcher色散补偿光栅[hw] Dispersion Compensation Grating色散平坦光纤[hw] Dispersion Flattened Fiber色散管理装置[hw] Dispersion-Management Device显示(v.),显示器(n.) [hw] display显示控制[hw] display control显示期限长度[hw] display due date length显示事件长度[hw] display event length显示间隔时间[hw] display time intervals站间距离[hw] distance between sites距离矢量[hw] distance vector判别名[hw] distinguished name分发,分布[hw] distribute分布式应用程序[hw] distributed applications分布式计算机环境[hw] distributed computer environment 分布式计算[hw] distributed computing分布式数据库[hw] distributed database分布式文件服务[hw] distributed file services分布式网络[hw] distributed network分布式办公支持系统[hw] distributed office support system分布式打印服务[hw] distributed print services分布式处理[hw] distributed processing分布式拉曼放大[hw] Distributed Raman amplification分布式事务处理服务[hw] distributed transaction processing services 配线柜[hw] distribution cabinet分发CD [hw] distribution cd配线架[hw] distribution frame分发表对象[hw] distribution list object分发媒体[hw] distribution media资产剥离;资产强制过户[hw] divestmentDMA 地址[hw] dma address不需等待回音[hw] do not wait for responses对接台(n) 对接(v) [hw] dock文档[hw] document文档代理[hw] document agent文档副本* [hw] document echoing文档寿命[hw] document life成套资料使用指南[hw] Documentation Guide文档摘要[hw] documentation summary域管理员[hw] domain administrator域控制数据库[hw] domain control data base域控制器[hw] domain controller域主机控制协议[hw] domain host control protocol国内[hw] domestic美国国内NICI [hw] domestic nici不要压缩特性[hw] don't compress attribute不要迁移[hw] don't migrate不要迁移特性[hw] don't migrate attribute不要子分配[hw] don't suballocate不要子分配特性[hw] don't suballocate attribute圆环(制图用) [hw] donutDOS 引导记录[hw] dos boot recordDOS 客户机[hw] dos clientDOS 设备[hw] dos deviceDOS DIR 扫描[hw] dos dir scanDOS 扩展程序[hw] dos extendersDOS 菜单实用程序[hw] dos menu utilityDOS 分区[hw] dos partitionDOS 提示符[hw] dos promptDOS 重定向层[hw] dos redirection layerDOS 请求程序[hw] dos requesterDOS 设置例程[hw] dos setup routineDOS 文本实用程序[hw] dos text utilityDOS 版本[hw] dos versionDosBox 处理程序[hw] dosbox handler点阵打印机[hw] dot matrix printer针式打印机[hw] DotMatrix Printer, Dot Matrix Printer 点阵十进制表示法[hw] dotted decimal notation双字节字符集[hw] double-byte character set双击[hw] double-click, double click停机[hw] down下行链路[hw] down link, downlink下行[hw] down, downstream停机时间[hw] downtime草稿[hw] draft(print quality)拖放[hw] drag and drop图纸[hw] drawing制图[hw] drawing疏通[hw] dredge疏通器[hw] dredger驱动器[hw] drive驱动器字母[hw] drive letter驱动器锁定[hw] drive lock驱动器映射[hw] drive mapping驱动器规格[hw] drive specification驱动程序[hw] driver驱动程序配置[hw] driver configuration驱动程序依赖性树[hw] driver dependency tree驱动程序软盘[hw] driver diskette下拉框[hw] drop box下拉框目录[hw] drop box directory下拉框文件夹[hw] drop box folder段连接电缆[hw] drop cable下拉式[hw] drop-down下拉表[hw] drop-down list下拉/弹出表属性[hw] drop-down/pop-up list properties 落线的[hw] droppedDS 树[hw] ds tree双15路[hw] dual 15 loops双30路[hw] dual 30 loops双5路[hw] dual 5 loops双配置[hw] dual configuration双路输入[hw] dual input双重处理[hw] dual processing双宿主机/堡垒主机[hw] Dual-homed host/Bastion host 管道光缆[hw] duct type FO期限[hw] due in到期[hw] due on虚设接收缓冲区[hw] dummy receive buffer转储[hw] dump转储文件[hw] dump file双工[hw] duplexing, duplex可复制的[hw] duplicatable复制[hw] duplicate复制FAT 和DET [hw] duplicate fats and dets重复键值[hw] duplicate key value重复名[hw] duplicate name持续时间[hw] duration动态数据交换[hw] dynamic data exchange动态色散补偿器[hw] Dynamic Dispersion Compensator 动态增益均衡器[hw] Dynamic Gain Equalizer Module 动态链接库[hw] dynamic link library动态链接例程[hw] dynamic link routine动态内存[hw] dynamic memory电子商务[hw] e-commerce电子邮件[hw] e-mail电子邮件ID [hw] e-mail idE1租用电缆[hw] E1 leased cable,E1 leased line回应请求包[hw] echo request packet边缘服务路由器[hw] Edge Services Router边缘放射的发光二极管[hw] Edge-Emitting LED侧面照射式光电二极管[hw] Edge-illuminated Photodiode编辑[hw] edit编辑格式[hw] edit format可编辑的拷贝[hw] editable copy编辑器[hw] editor有效权限[hw] effective rightsEGA 颜色[hw] ega colorEGP 同级[hw] egp peer经过时间[hw] elapsed time电磁泄露[hw] elecromagnetic leak , electromagnetic leakage 电接口,电口[hw] electrical interface电力电缆, 电力线[hw] electrical power cable, commercial power cable 电磁辐射[hw] electromagnetic radiation电子手册[hw] Electronic Documentation电子工业协会[hw] electronic industries association电子邮件[hw] electronic mail电子化勘测报告[hw] electronic survey report电子文本[hw] electrotext电子文本图标[hw] electrotext icon要素[hw] element网元管理系统[hw] Element Management System电梯,电梯式操作[hw] elevator电梯式方框[hw] elevator电梯操作式搜索[hw] elevator seeking椭圆[hw] ellipse电子邮件[hw] email电子邮件地址[hw] email address嵌入式SCSI [hw] embedded scsi逃生串口线[hw] emergency serial cable, emergency serial port cable 空闲日[hw] empty day空图形[hw] empty graphic空项目[hw] empty item空口令[hw] empty password清除所选项目[hw] empty selected items空槽[hw] empty slot清除废物桶[hw] empty trash仿真[hw] emulation仿真环境[hw] emulator context启用[hw] enable封装[hw] encapsulate, package仅加密[hw] encipher only编码[hw] encode加密口令[hw] encrypted password加密钥[hw] encryption key结束日期[hw] end date结束日志[hw] end log结束范围[hw] end range文件结尾[hw] end-of-file终点、末端、端点[hw] endpoint引擎[hw] engine工程文档[hw] engineering document , engineering documentation 工程设计文件[hw] Engineering Documents 工程图纸[hw] engineering drawing工程材料[hw] engineering material工程名称[hw] engineering name工程类型[hw] engineering type增强型图形适配器[hw] enhanced graphics adapter增强方式[hw] enhanced mode增强小型设备接口[hw] enhanced small device interface 增强请求[hw] enhancement request增强实用程序[hw] enhancement utility询问,查询[hw] enquiry输入,进入[hw] enter企业CNE [hw] enterprise cne企业CNE 项目[hw] enterprise cne program项,条目,入口[hw] entry输入框[hw] entry box必需项[hw] entry required枚举[hw] enumeration枚举编辑[hw] enumeration edit环境[hw] environment环境变量[hw] environment variable机器编号[hw] equip. No.设备;装备[hw] equipment设备容量[hw] equipment capacity设备配置[hw] equipment configuration设备布置[hw] equipment layout设备类型[hw] equipment type等电位电缆[hw] equipotential cable与我等效[hw] equivalent to me与我等效特性[hw] equivalent to me attribute可删除的[hw] erasable删除对象(制图用) [hw] erase删除[hw] erase删除权限[hw] erase right掺铒波导放大器[hw] Erbium-Doped Waveguide Amplifier 错误(n.),出错(v.) [hw] error错误库[hw] error library错误日志[hw] error log错误日志文件[hw] error log file错误入口[hw] error portal校正错误[hw] error recovery修正错误[hw] error repair错误报告[hw] error report错误控制信息[hw] error-control informationESC 字符[hw] esc characters转义字符[hw] escape charactersESDI 控制器[hw] esdi controller近似相关程度[hw] estimated relevance rank估计完成时间[hw] estimated time to completionET 期限间隔转换[hw] et age interval shiftEthernet 配置[hw] ethernet configuration以太网无源光网络[hw] Ethernet Passive Optical NetworkEtherTalk [hw] ethertalk欧洲光通信会议[hw] European Conference on Optical Communication欧洲综合铁路无线增强网络[hw] European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Net work事件控制块[hw] event control block事件通告[hw] event notification事件标签[hw] event tag事件文本[hw] event text事件类型[hw] event type示例[hw] example异常[hw] exception异常处理程序[hw] exception handler过度延迟[hw] excessive deferral交换[hw] exchange排除[hw] exclude排它方式[hw] exclusive mode排它写入方式[hw] exclusive write mode可执行的[hw] executable可执行代码[hw] executable code可执行文件[hw] executable file执行[hw] execute仅执行[hw] execute only仅执行特性[hw] execute only attribute执行[hw] execution执行线程[hw] execution thread原有容量[hw] existing capacity原有设备[hw] existing equipment展开[hw] expand展开文件夹[hw] expand folder完全展开[hw] expand fully展开一层[hw] expand one level可扩展的弹性网络[hw] eXpandable Resilient Networking 扩充文件分区[hw] expanded file partition大号邮件[hw] expanded mail扩充、扩容[hw] expansion扩改[hw] expansion and reconstruction扩容设备[hw] expansion equipment扩充指南[hw] expansion guide扩容规划[hw] expansion planning扩容位置[hw] expansion position扩充槽[hw] expansion slot扩充槽卡[hw] expansion slot card花费,费用[hw] expenses专家参数[hw] expert parameter失效[hw] expiration失效日期[hw] expiration date失效策略[hw] expiration policy失效[hw] expire失效程序[hw] expire program失效项[hw] expired entry失效口令[hw] expired password解释[hw] explanations显式事务处理[hw] explicit transaction明确的受托者指定[hw] explicit trustee assignments 分解(制图用) [hw] explode可出口的NICI [hw] exportable nici导出项点[hw] exported entry point残存的[hw] extant残存数[hw] extant number延伸[hw] extend扩展特性[hw] extended attribute扩展特性字节[hw] extended attribute byte扩展二进制码式十进制交换码[hw] extended binary-coded decimal interchange code 扩展工业标准结构[hw] extended industry standard architecture扩展内存[hw] extended memory扩展内存管理器[hw] extended memory manager扩展内存规范[hw] extended memory specification扩展网络[hw] extended network扩展名、分机[hw] extension加长长度[hw] extension length尺寸界线[hw] extension line扩展映射[hw] extension mapping外置式[hw] external外部地址[hw] external address外接时钟[hw] external clock外部时钟电缆[hw] external clock cable外部命令[hw] external command外部域[hw] external domain外部实体[hw] external entity外部实体对象[hw] external entity object外部数[hw] external number外置光传输[hw] external optical transmission外部程序[hw] external program外部同步器[hw] external synchronizer抽取[hw] extract抽取出的文件[hw] extracted file设施[hw] facility宏功能[hw] facility (macro)传真电话号码[hw] facsimile telephone number阶乘[hw] factorial出厂验收报告[hw] Factory Acceptance Report出厂配置参数[hw] factory set parameter(s), factory preset parameter(s)出厂设置[hw] factory-set失败[hw] fail失败保险计时器[hw] failsafe timer故障处理[hw] failure handling故障恢复选项[hw] failure recovery option虚拟根[hw] fake root风扇框[hw] fan shelf远程调用[hw] far call快速超速缓存反向代理服务器[hw] fast cache reverse proxy server快速编辑器[hw] fast editor快进[hw] fast forward快速任务[hw] fast worktodoFAT [hw] fat宽位[hw] fat bits致命错误[hw] fatal error错误[hw] fault故障、配置、统计、性能和安全[hw] fault, configuration management, accounting, p erformance, security传真[hw] fax传真号码[hw] fax number功能[hw] feature特性手册[hw] Feature Description馈线洞,馈线孔[hw] feeder hole光纤布喇格光栅[hw] Fiber Bragg Grating纤芯[hw] fiber core光纤数据分布接口[hw] fiber data distribution interface光纤盒,光终端盒[hw] fiber termination box光纤到用户[hw] Fiber To The User光纤传输损耗[hw] fiber transmission attenuation光纤[hw] fiber-optic, optical fiber, fiber图[hw] figure品质因数[hw] Figure of Merit文件[hw] file文件地址注册表[hw] file address register文件分配表[hw] file allocation table文件特性[hw] file attributes文件块[hw] file block文件块顺序[hw] file block sequence文件超速缓存[hw] file cache文件超速缓存缓冲池[hw] file cache buffer pool文件超速缓存[hw] file caching文件更改目录[hw] file change directory文件压缩[hw] file compression文件压缩程序[hw] file compressor文件控制块[hw] file control block文件描述符[hw] file descriptor文件分布式数据接口[hw] file distributed data interface 文件扩展名关联[hw] file extension associations文件柄[hw] file handle文件处理重映射[hw] file handling remapping文件I/O 错误[hw] file i/o error文件ID [hw] file id文件索引处理[hw] file indexing文件信息细节[hw] file info details文件锁定阈值[hw] file lock threshold文件锁定[hw] file lock(ing)文件管理器[hw] file manager文件菜单[hw] file menu文件名模式[hw] file name pattern文件路径[hw] file path文件权限[hw] file right文件扫描权限[hw] file scan right文件服务器[hw] file server文件服务[hw] file services文件共享[hw] file sharing文件签名[hw] file signature文件系统[hw] file system文件系统集合[hw] file system collection文件系统安全性[hw] file system security文件系统安全性权限[hw] file system security rights文件系统结构[hw] file system structure文件复制自[hw] file to copy from文件拷贝至[hw] file to copy to文件尾[hw] file trailer文件传送、访问和管理[hw] file transfer, access, andmanagement 文件类型关联[hw] file type associations已归类项目[hw] filed itemFILELINK [hw] filelink文件清单[hw] filelist文件扩展名[hw] filename extension文件名[hw] filename, file name文件规格[hw] filespec填充[hw] fill填充色[hw] fill color倒园角(制图用) [hw] fillet过滤(v.),过滤器(n.) [hw] filter过滤命令[hw] filter command过滤收件箱[hw] filter in box过滤项目表[hw] filter item list过滤寄件箱[hw] filter out box已过滤的路由[hw] filtered route查找[hw] find查找下个[hw] find next查找上个[hw] find previous查找器[hw] finder列头柜[hw] first cabinet of each row第一连接[hw] first connect名[hw] first name, given name修复[hw] fix固定[hw] fixation固定小数位[hw] fixed decimal places固定字宽字体[hw] fixed-pitch font落地安装[hw] fixing on the floor , fixation directly on the floor 标志设置[hw] flag settingsFLAG 实用程序[hw] flag utility氢氧焰沉积(法)[hw] Flame Hydrolysis Deposition平坦、扁平[hw] flat平放式[hw] flatwise浮动环境[hw] float context浮点协处理器[hw] floating-point coprocessor溢流[hw] flooding(房间地面)负荷[hw] floor load机房平面图[hw] floor plan软盘[hw] floppy disk下行,流下[hw] flow down清除[hw] flush左排齐[hw] flush left右排齐[hw] flush right文件夹表[hw] folder list文件夹名称[hw] folder name从哪个文件夹检索:[hw] folders to retrieve from: 字体[hw] font字形[hw] font face字体表[hw] font list字体映射[hw] font mapping字型[hw] font style支脚[hw] foot , adjustment foot脚注[hw] foot note页脚[hw] footer待进一步研究[hw] For further study供参考[hw] for reference用于Windows 的[hw] for windows仅您可看[hw] for your eyes only强制大写[hw] force uppercase前台,前景[hw] foreground前台进程[hw] foreground process前台任务[hw] foreground task国外[hw] foreign异域[hw] foreign domain异系统电子邮件地址[hw] foreign e-mail address异系统电子邮件别名[hw] foreign e-mail alias叉(n.) [hw] fork(打印机)纸型[hw] form (printer)(屏幕)样式[hw] form (screen)走纸[hw] form feed,formfeed样式名,表格名[hw] form name磁盘格式[hw] form on disk格式[hw] format格式化程序[hw] formatter公式[hw] formula公式文本[hw] formula text向前,转发,转交[hw] forward向前一天[hw] forward a day转发请求包[hw] forward request packet前斜线[hw] forward slash转发超速缓存管理器[hw] forwarding cache manager 基础密钥[hw] foundation key细分、细化[hw] fractionalize法国电信[hw] France Telecom空闲[hw] free空白可用[hw] free clean未写入可用[hw] free dirty可用磁盘空间[hw] free disk space空闲的大量页[hw] free lots pages可用内存[hw] free memory自由空间光通信[hw] Free Space Optics communication自由光谱范围[hw] Free Spectral Range可释放的碎块[hw] freeable limbo blocks冻结[hw] freeze频率[hw] frequency常用联系人[hw] frequent contact使卷曲[hw] fritzz来自格式[hw] from form来自自选设置[hw] from preference前端[hw] front end首端/尾端[hw] front end/back end (the other end)机柜正面[hw] front face of cabinet , front of cabinet , cabinet front 全部[hw] full (align)全备份[hw] full backup满配置[hw] full configuration全关闭[hw] full contract全展开[hw] full expand全页[hw] full page全线速[hw] full wire speed/rate, full line speed/rate全业务[hw] full-service transparency全谱波分复用[hw] Full-Spectrum WDM函数表[hw] function list产品功能/特性/业务清单[hw] Functions/Features/Services of ×××加利西亚语[hw] galician汽车库,汽车修理厂[hw] garage垃圾收集[hw] garbage collection垃圾收集间隔[hw] garbage collection interval垃圾收集器[hw] garbage collector门控时钟[hw] gated clock。
双 标准 温度 输出端 输出 其他 国际电信联盟远程通信标准化组织 国际标准化组织 包装 端口 长度 六维微调架 固定 光学零件 聚烯烃 聚氯乙烯 钢铁 塑胶 片状模塑料 无规共聚聚丙烯 雪崩光电二极管 (本征)型二极管(PIN Diode)
Optical Line Board OL
Optical Line Transceiver Board OLT
Optical Signal
Optical Character Recognition OCR
Optical Carrier Level N OC-N
optical tributary interface
超高速、超大容量、超长距离 局域网 广域网 以太网 可持续网络 新公众网 自动交换光网络 无源光网络 码分多址型无源光网络 无源光网络 以太无源光网络 Ethernet PON 时分复用
光分插复用(Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer)
频分复用 波长 多路(复用)器 粗波分复用 高隔离度波分复用器 空分多址 解复用(de-multiplex) 二进制位、比特 带宽、频宽 bit/s 再放大、再整形、再定时 再放大 交叉增益调制 四波混频 节点共享式 归零码 幅移键控 相移键控 偏振控制器 偏振分束器 平均无故障时间 光纤接续子 激发态吸收 光纤到户Fiber To The Home 光纤到路边 即交互式网络电视 适配器 衰减器 收发器 快速连接头field installable connector 源 功率计 光开关 胶粘剂 测试 赤裸 带状光纤 管 紧的 紧缓冲层
optical fiber; fiber
OFC SIF DCF POF PANDA光纤 HCF MCF 光纤阵列 AWG Coupler 熔融拉锥光纤分路器 Pump laser crystal LD LED DFB FP-LD SC LA OA OFA SRS SBS BRA(BFA) EDFA NDFA RL TL BIL ER PMD OFL MFD Coupler Splitter Optical switch Modulator Receive CW ( carrier wave) ODN ONT OTM OTU OXC DDF PCM
从2000年光通信(optical communication)市场崩溃后,光纤通信的成本也不断下探,目前已经和铜缆为骨干的通信系统不相上下。
对于光纤通信产业而言,1990年光放大器(optical amplifier)正式进入商业市场的应用后,很多超长距离的光纤通信才得以真正实现,例如越洋的海底电缆。
随着时间的前进,从烽火到电报,再到1940年第一条同轴电缆(coaxial cable)正式服役,这些通信系统的复杂度与精细度也不断的进步。
但是这些通信方式各有其极限,使用电气信号传递信息虽然快速,但是传输距离会因为电气信号容易衰减而需要大量的中继器(repeater);微波(microwave)通信虽然可以使用空气做介质,可是也会受到载波频率(carrier frequency)的限制。
然而,当时并没有同调性高的发光源(coherent light source),也没有适合作为传递光信号的介质,也所以光通信一直只是概念。
光通信中英文对照光纤:opticalfiber;fibergrating:光栅OFC:光缆GIF:渐变型光纤SIF:阶越型光纤DSF:色散位移光纤DCF:色散补偿光纤DFF:色散平坦光纤POF:塑料光纤(PlaticOpticalFiber)PCF:光子晶体光纤PANDA光纤:偏振保持光纤HNLF:高非线性光纤HCF:密封涂层光纤CCF:碳涂层光纤MCF:金属涂层光纤ECF:偏心光纤光纤阵列:fiberarray;FA;FABU;BFA光纤阵列模块:FiberArrayBlock(FAB)AWG:阵列波导光栅FBT:熔融拉锥Coupler:耦合器平面波导型光分路器:PLCplitter熔融拉锥光纤分路器:FuedFiberSplitterCW:连续Pump:泵浦Power:电源laercrytal:激光晶体PD:光电二极管LD:半导体激光器、激光二极管ILD:注入型半导体激光器LED:发光二极管LightEmittingDiodeDBR:分布式布拉格反射DFB:分布反馈DFB-LD:分布反馈式半导体激光器FP-LD:法布里-珀罗半导体激光器DSM-LD:动态单模半导体激光器SC:超连续光源(Supercontinuum)PA:前置放大器LA:线路放大器BA、PA:功率放大器OA:光放大器LNA:低噪声放大器OFA:光纤放大器SOA:半导体光放大器SRS:受激拉曼散射SRA(RFA):拉曼光纤放大器SBS:受激布里渊散射SBA:受激布里渊散射光纤放大器BRA(BFA):布里渊光纤放大器TDFA:掺铥光纤放大器(属掺杂稀土离子)EDFA:掺饵光纤放大器PDFA:掺错光纤放大器NDFA:掺铌光纤放大器IL:插入损耗RL:回波损耗EL:附加损耗TL:传输损耗PDL:偏振相关损耗BIL:弯曲附加损耗CR:分光比ER:消光比FL:均匀性PMD:偏振模色散、单模光纤中偏振色散EMB:有效模式带宽OFL:满注入带宽OM:光模式OpticalModeMFD:模场直径Iolator:隔离器Coupler:耦合器Connector:连接器Splitter:分路器Collimator:准直器Opticalwitch:光开关Attenuator:衰减器Modulator:调制器Filter:滤波器Receive:接收器OC:光载体、光纤载波CW:载波carrierwaveOLT:光缆终端设备、局端机房设备ODN:光配线网络ONU:光节点、光网络单元ONT:光网络终端OTN:光传送网OTM:光终端复用器OUT:光转发器OTU:波长转换器OSU:光用户单元O某C:光交换节点ODF:光纤配线架DDF:数字配线架OT:输出终端PCM:电端机CO:中心局3U:超高速、超大容量、超长距离OAN:光纤接入网LAN:局域网MAN:城域网高速短距离的光纤通信系统WAN:广域网Metronetwork:地下网路Ethernet:以太网Network:网络CUN:可持续网络NGN:下一代网络NPN:新公众网UN:一体化网ASON:自动交换光网络OAN:光接入网PON:无源光网络WDMPON:波分复用型无源光网络CDMAPON:码分多址型无源光网络PSPON:功率分割型无源光网络APON:BPON:宽带无源光网络BroadbandPONEPON:以太无源光网络EthernetPONGPON:吉比特无源光网络GigabitPONTDM:时分复用OTDM:光时分复用OADM:光分插复用(OpticalAdd-DropMultiple某er)CDM:码分复用FDM:频分复用WDM:波分复用Wavelength:波长Diviion:分开Multiple某er:多路(复用)器DWDM:密集波分复用CWDM:粗波分复用FWDM:滤波片式波分复用器HWDM:高隔离度波分复用器CDMA:码分多址(Code-diviionmultipleacce) SDMA:空分多址MU某:多路复用(multiple某)DEMU某:解复用(de-multiple某)GFF:增益平坦滤波器(gainflatteningfilter) bit:二进制位、比特Byte:字节、8位元组1字节=8比特bandwidth:带宽、频宽baud:波特率bp(bitperecond):bit/DFG:差频3R再生:再放大、再整形、再定时2R再生:再整形、再定时1R再生:再放大REG:再生器某GM:交叉增益调制某PM:交叉相位调制FWM:四波混频TOBPF:带通滤波器SPN::节点共享式SPL:链路共享式RZ:归零码NRZ:不归零码ASK:幅移键控FSK:频移键控PSK:相移键控IM-DD:强度调制-直接检测PC:偏振控制器OC:光环形器PBS:偏振分束器GEQ:增益平坦器MTBF:平均无故障时间matchgel:匹配液CamSplice:光纤接续子OTDR:光时域反射器ESA:激发态吸收DGD:微分群时延FTTH:光纤至U户FiberToTheHome FTTB:光纤到大楼FTTC:光纤到路边VOD:视频点播IPTV:即交互式网络电视CATV:有线电视网(采用模拟传输方式)Adapter:适配器connector:连接器Attenuator:衰减器Iolator:隔离器Tranceive:收发器Coupler:耦合器光耦合器(OC)FIC:快速连接头fieldintallableconnectorV-groove:V型槽Source:源lamp-houe:(仪器上的)光源PowerMeter:功率计Photoelectricdetector:光电探测器opticalwitch:光开关FVW:电子显微镜Adheive:胶粘剂OpticalAdheive:光学胶黏剂Setting:测试I/O:开/关Bare:赤裸BareFiber:裸纤RibbonFiber:带状光纤Looe:宽松Tube:管LooeTube:松套管Tight:紧的Buffer:缓冲层TightBuffer:紧缓冲层ingle:单dual:双Multi-mode多模Standard:标准torage:储存temperature温度lo:损耗Fan-Out:输出端Input:输入Output:输出Special:特殊的Other:其他TLC:泰尔认证ITU-T:国际电信联盟远程通信标准化组织IEC:国际电工委员会ISO:国际标准化组织GB/T:推荐性国家标准Package:包装Dimenion:尺寸Port:端口Type:类型Length:长度None:没有Si某-a某etage六维微调架Backtop:支架Fi某ing:固定Preciion:精密opticalpart:光学零件SidePull:侧拉LSZH:聚烯烃PE:聚乙烯PVC:聚氯乙烯Metal:属Steel:钢铁StainleSteel:不锈钢Platic:塑胶PMMA:亚克力或者亚加力、有机玻璃。
光纤通信系统Optical Fiber Communications 英文资料及中文翻译
光纤通信系统Optical Fiber Communications英文资料及中文翻译Communication may be broadly defined as the transfer of information from one point to another .When the information is to be conveyed over any distance a communication system is usually required .Within a communication system the information transfer is frequently achieved by superimposing or modulating the information on to an electromagnetic wave which acts as a carrier for the information signal .This modulated carrier is then transmitted to the required destination where it is received and the original information signal is obtained by demodulation .Sophisticated techniques have been developed for this process by using electromagnetic carrier waves operating at radio requites as well as microwave and millimeter wave frequencies.The carrier maybe modulated by using either optical an analog digital information signal.. Analog modulation involves the variation of the light emitted from the optical source in a continuous manner. With digital modulation, however, discrete changes in the length intensity are obtained (i.e. on-off pulses). Although often simpler to implement, analog modulation with an optical fiber communication system is less efficient, requiring a far higher signal to noise ratio at the receiver than digital modulation. Also, the linearity needed for analog modulation is mot always provided by semiconductor optical source, especially at high modulation frequencies .For these reasons ,analog optical fiber communications link are generally limited to shorter distances and lower bandwidths than digital links .Initially, the input digital signal from the information source is suitably encoded for optical transmission .The laser drive circuit directly modulates the intensity of the semiconductor last with the encoded digital signal. Hence a digital optical signal is launched into the optical fiber cable .The avalanche photodiode detector (APD) is followed by a front-end amplifier and equalizer or filter to provide gain as well as linear signal processing and noise bandwidth reduction. Finally ,the signal obtained isdecoded to give the original digital information .Generating a Serial SignalAlthough a parallel input-output scheme can provide fast data transfer and is simple in operation, it has the disadvantage of requiring a large number of interconnections. As an example typical 8 bit parallel data port uses 8 data lines, plus one or two handshake lines and one or more ground return lines. It is fairly common practice to provide a separate ground return line for each signal line, so an 8 bit port could typically use a 20 core interconnection cable. Whilst such a multi way cable is quite acceptable for short distance links, up to perhaps a few meters, it becomes too expensive for long distance links where, in addition to the cost of the multiword cable, separate driver and receiver circuits may be required on each of the 10 signal lines. Where part of the link is to be made via a radio link, perhaps through a space satellite, separate radio frequency channels would be required for each data bit and this becomes unacceptable.An alternative to the parallel transfer of data is a serial in which the states of the individual data bits are transmitted in sequence over a single wire link. Each bit is allocated a fixed time slot. At the receiving end the individual bit states are detected and stored in separate flip-flop stages, so that the data may be reassembled to produce a parallel data word. The advantage of this serial method of transmission is that it requires only one signal wire and a ground return, irrespective of the number of bits in the data word being transmitted. The main disadvantage is that the rate at which data can be transferred is reduced in comparison with a parallel data transfer, since the bits are dealt with in sequence and the larger the number of bits in the word, the slower the maximum transfer speed becomes. For most applications however, a serial data stream can provide a perfectly adequate data transfer rate . This type of communication system is well suited for radio or telephone line links, since only one communication channel is required to carry the data.We have seen that in the CPU system data is normally transferred in parallel across the main data bus, so if the input -output data is to be in serial form, then a parallel to serial data conversion process is required between the CPU data bus andthe external I/O line. The conversion from parallel data to the serial form could be achieved by simply using a multiplexed switch, which selects each data bit in turn and connects it to the output line for a fixed time period. A more practical technique makes use of a shift register to convert the parallel data into serial form.A shift register consists of a series of D type flip-flops connected in a chain, with the Q output of one flip-flop driving the D input of the next in the chain. All of the flip-flops ate clocked simultaneously by a common clock pulse, when the clock pulse occurs the data stored in each flip-flop is transferred to the next flip-flop to the right in the chain. Thus for each clock pulse the data word is effectively stepped along the shift register by one stage, At the end of the chain the state of the output flip-flop will sequence through the states of the data bits originally stored in the register. The result is a serial stream of data pulses from the end of the shift register.In a typical parallel to serial conversion arrangement the flip-flops making up the shift register have their D input switchable. Initially the D inputs are set up in a way so that data can be transferred in parallel from the CPU data bus into the register stages. Once the data word has been loaded into the register the D inputs are switched so that the flip-flops from a shift register .Now for each successive clock pulse the data pattern is shifted through the register and comes out in serial form at the right hand end of the register.At the receiving end the serial data will usually have to be converted back into the parallel form before it can be used. The serial to parallel conversion process can also be achieved by using a shift register .In this case the serial signal is applied to the D input of the stage at the left hand end of the register. As each serial bit is clocked into the register the data word again moves step by step to the right, and after the last bit has been shifted in the complete data word will be assembled within the register .At this point the parallel data may be retrieved by simply reading out the data from individual register stages in parallel It is important that the number of stages in the shift register should match the number of bits in the data word, if the data is to be properly converted into parallel form.To achieve proper operation of the receiving end of a serial data link, it isimportant that the clock pulse is applied to the receive shift register at a time when the data level on the serial line is stable. It is possible to have the clock generated at either end of the link, but a convenient scheme is to generate the clock signal at the transmitting end (parallel-serial conversion )as the master timing signal. To allow for settling time and delays along the line, the active edge of the clock pulse at the receive end is delayed relative to that which operates the transmit register. If the clock is a square wave the simples approach might be to arrange that the transmit register operates on the rising edge of the clock wave, and the receive register on the falling edge, so that the receiver operates half a clock period behind the transmitter .If both registers operate on arising edge, the clock signal from the transmitter could be inverted before being used to drive the receive shifty register.For an 8 bit system a sequence of 8 clock pulses would be needed to send the serial data word .At the receiving end the clock pulses could be counted and when the eighth pulse is reached it might be assumed that the data in the receive register is correctly positioned, and may be read out as parallel data word .One problem here is that, if for some reason the receive register missed a clock pulse ,its data pattern would get out of step with the transmitted data and errors would result. To overcome this problem a further signal is required which defines the time at which the received word is correctly positioned in the receive shift register and ready for parallel transfer from the register .One possibility is to add a further signal wire along which a pulse is sent when the last data bit is being transmitted, so that the receiver knows when the data word is correctly set up in its shift register. Another scheme might be to send clock pulses only when data bits are being sent and to leave a timing gap between the groups of bits for successive data words. The lack of the clock signal could then be detected and used to reset the bit counter, so that it always starts at zero at the beginning of each new data word.Serial and Parallel Data lion is processed. Serial indicates that the information is handled sequentially, similar to a group of soldiers marching in single file. In parallel transmission the info The terms serial and parallel are often used in descriptions of data transmission techniques. Both refer to the method by which information isdivided in to characters, words, or blocks which are transmitted simultaneously. This could be compared to a platoon of soldiers marching in ranks.The output of a common type of business machine is on eight—level punched paper tape, or eight bits of data at a time on eight separate outputs. Each parallel set of eight bits comprises a character, and the output is referred to as parallel by bit, serial by character. The choice of cither serial or parallel data transmission speed requirements.Business machines with parallel outputs, how—ever, can use either parallel outputs, how—ever, can use either direct parallel data trans—mission or serial transmission, with the addition of a parallel—to—serial converter at the interface point of the business machine and the serial data transmitter. Similarly, another converter at the receiving terminal must change the serial data back to the parallel format.Both serial and parallel data transmission systems have inherent advantages which are some—what different. Parallel transmission requires that parts of the available bandwidth be used as guard bands for separating each of the parallel channels, whereas serial transmission systems can use the entire linear portion of the available band to transmit data, On the other hand, parallel systems are convenient to use because many business machines have parallel inputs and outputs. Though a serial data set has the added converters for parallel interface, the parallel transmitter re—quires several oscillators and filters to generate the frequencies for multiplexing each of the side—by—side channels and, hence, is more susceptible to frequency error.StandardsBecause of the wide variety of data communications and computer equipment available, industrial standards have been established to provide operating compatibility. These standards have evolved as a result of the coordination between manufacturers of communication equipment and the manufacturers of data processing equipment. Of course, it is to a manufacturer’s advantage to provide equipment that isuniversally acceptable. It is also certainly apparent that without standardization intersystem compatibility would be al—most impossible.Organizations currently involved in uniting the data communications and computer fields are the CCITT, Electronic Industries Association (EIA), American Standards Association (ASA), and IEEE.A generally accepted standard issued by the EIA, RS—232—B, defines the characteristics of binary data signals, and provides a standard inter—face for control signals between data processing terminal equipment and data communications equipment. As more and more data communications systems are developed, and additional ways are found to use them, the importance ways are found to use them, the importance of standards will become even more significant.Of the most important considerations in transmitting data over communication systems is accuracy. Data signals consist of a train of pulses arranged in some sort of code. In a typical binary system, for example, digits 1 and 0 are represented by two different pulse amplitudes. If the amplitude of a pulse changes beyond certain limits during transmission, the detector at the receiving end may produce the wrong digit, thus causing an error.It is very difficult in most transmission systems to completely avoid. This is especially true when transmission system designed for speech signals. Many of the inherent electrical characteristics of telephone circuits have an adverse effect on digital signals.Making the circuits unsatisfactory for data transmission—especially treated before they can be used to handle data at speeds above 2000 bits per second.V oice channels on the switched (dial—up) telephone network exhibit certain characteristics which tend to distort typical data signal waveforms. Since there is random selection of a particular route for the data signal with each dialed connection, transmission parameters will generally change, sometimes upsetting the effect of built—in compensationNetworks. In addition, the switched network cannot be used of for large multipleaddress data systems using time sharing. Because of these considerations, specially treated voice bandwidth circuits are made available for data use. The characteristics and costs of these point—to—point private lines are published in document called tariffs, which are merely regulatory agreements reached by the FCC, state public utilities commissions, and operating telephone companies regarding charges for particular types of telephone circuits. The main advantage of private or dedicated facilities is that transmission characteristics are fixed and remain so for all data communications operations.Correlative TechniqueCorrelative data transmission techniques, particularly the Duobinary principle, have aroused considerable interest because of the method of converting a binary signal into three equidistant levels. This correlative scheme is accomplished in such a manner that the predetermined level depends on past signal history, forming the signal so that it never goes from one level extreme to another in one bit interval.The most significant property of the Duobinary process is that it affords a two—to—one bandwidth compression relative to binary signaling, or equivalently twice the speed capability in bits per second for a fixed bandwidth. The same speed capability for a multilevel code would normally require four levels, each of which would represent two binary digits.The FutureIt is universally recognized that communication is essential at every level of organization. The United States Government utilizes vast communications network for voice as well as data transmission. Likewise, business need communications to carry on their daily operations.The communications industry has been hard at work to develop systems that will transmit data economically and reliably over both private—line and dial up telephone circuits. The most ardent trend in data transmission today is toward higher speeds over voice—grade telephone channels. New transmission and equalization techniques now being investigated will soon permit transmitting digital data over telephone channels at speeds of 4800 bits per second or higher.To summarize: The major demand placed on telecommunications systems is for more information-carrying capacity because the volume of information produced increases rapidly. In addition, we have to use digital technology for the high reliability and high quality it provides in the signal transmission. However, this technology carries a price: the need for higher information-carrying capacity.The Need for Fiber-Optic Communications Systems The major characteristic of a telecommunications system is unquestionably its information-carrying capacity, but there are many other important characteristics. For instance, for a bank network, security is probably more important than capacity. For a brokerage house, speed of transmission is the most crucial feature of a network. In general, though, capacity is priority one for most system users. And there’s the rub. We cannot increase link capacity as much as we would like. The major limit is shown by the Shannon-Hartley theorem,Where C is the information-carrying capacity(bits/sec), BW is the link bandwidth (Hz=cycles/sec), and SNR is the signal-to-noise power ratio.Formula 1.1 reveals a limit to capacity C; thus, it is often referred to as the “ Shannon limit.” The formula, which comes from information theory, is true regardless of specific technology. It was first promulgated in 1948 by Claude Shannon, a scientist who worked at Bell Laboratories. R. V. L. Hartley, who also worked at Bell Laboratories, published a fundamental paper 20 years earlier, a paper that laid important groundwork in information theory, which is why his name is associated with Shannon’s formula.The Shannon-Hartley theorem states that information-carrying capacity is proportional to channel bandwidth, the range of frequencies within which the signals can be transmitted without substantial attenuation.What limits channel bandwidth? The frequency of the signal carrier. The higher the carrier’s frequency, the greater the channel bandwidth and the higher the information-carrying capacity of the system. The rule of thumb for estimating possible order of values is this: Bandwidth is approximately 10 percent of the carrier-signal frequency. Hence, if a microwave channel uses a 10-GHz carrier signal.Then its bandwidth is about 100 MHz.A copper wire can carry a signal up to 1 MHz over a short distance. A coaxial cable can propagate a signal up to 100 MHz. Radio frequencies are in the range of 500 KHz to 100 MHz. Microwaves, including satellite channels, operate up to 100 GHz. Fiber-optic communications systems use light as the signal carrier; light frequency is between 100 and 1000 THz; therefore, one can expect much more capacity from optical systems. Using the rule of thumb mentioned above, we can estimate the bandwidth of a single fiber-optic communication link as 50 THz.To illustrate this point, consider these transmission media in terms of their capacity to carry, simultaneously, a specific number of one-way voice channels. Keep in mind that the following precise value. A single coaxial cable can carry up to 13,000 channels, a microwave terrestrial link up to 20,000 channels, and a satellite link up to 100,000 channels. However, one fiber-optic communications link, such as the transatlantic cable TAT-13, can carry 300,000 two-way voice channels simultaneously. That’s impressive and explains why fiber-optic communications systems form the backbone of modern telecommunications and will most certainly shape its future.To summarize: The information-carrying capacity of a telecommunications system is proportional to its bandwidth, which in turn is proportional to the frequency of the carrier. Fiber-optic communications systems use light-a carrier with the highest frequency among all the practical signals. This is why fiber-optic communications systems have the highest information-carrying capacity and this is what makes these systems the linchpin of modern telecommunications.To put into perspective just how important a role fiber-optic communications will be playing in information delivery in the years ahead, consider the following statement from a leading telecommunications provider: “ The explosive growth of Internet traffic, deregulation and the increasing demand of users are putting pressure on our customers to increase the capacity of their network. Only optical networks can deliver the required capacity, and bandwidth-on-demand is now synonymous with wavelength-on-demand.” Th is statement is true not only for a specific telecommunications company. With a word change here and there perhaps, but withthe same exact meaning, you will find telecommunications companies throughout the world voicing the same refrain.A modern fiber-optic communications system consists of many components whose functions and technological implementations vary. This is overall topic of this book. In this section we introduce the main idea underlying a fiber-optic communications system.Basic Block DiagramA fiber-optic communications system is a particular type of telecommunications system. The features of a fiber-optic communications system can be seen in Figure 1.4, which displays its basic block diagram.Information to be conveyed enters an electronic transmitter, where it is prepared for transmission very much in the conventional manner-that is, it is converted into electrical form, modulated, and multiplexed. The signal then moves to the optical transmitter, where it is converted into optical detector converts the light back into an electrical signal, which is processed by the electronic receiver to extract the information and present it in a usable form (audio, video, or data output).Let’s take a simple example that involves Figures 1.1, 1.3, and 1.4 Suppose we need to transmit a voice signal. The acoustic signal (the information) is converted into electrical form by a microphone and the analog signal is converted into binary formby the PCM circuitry. This electrical digital signal modulates a light source and the latter transmits the signal as a series of light pulses over optical fiber. If we were able to look into an optical fiber, we would see light vary between off and on in accordance with the binary number to be transmitted. The optical detector converts the optical signal it receives into a set of electrical pulses that are processed by an electronic receiver. Finally, a speaker converts the analog electrical signal into acoustic waves and we can hear sound-delivered information.Figure 1.4 shows that this telecommunications system includes electronic components and optical devices. The electronic components deal with information in its original and electrical forms. The optical devices prepare and transmit the light signal. The optical devices constitute a fiber-optic communications system.TransmitterThe heart of the transmitter is a light source. The major function of a light source is to convert an information signal from its electrical form into light. Today’sfiber-optic communications systems use, as a light source, either light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs). Both are miniature semiconductor devices that effectively convert electrical signals are usually fabricated in one integrated package. In Figure 1.4, this package is denoted as an optical transmitter. Figure 1.5 displays the physical make-up of an LED, an LD, and integrated packages.Optical fiberThe transmission medium in fiber-optic communications systems is an optical fiber. The optical fiber is the transparent flexible filament that guides light from a transmitter to a receiver. An optical information signal entered at the transmitter end of a fiber-optic communications system is delivered to the receiver end by the optical fiber. So, as with any communication link, the optical fiber provides the connection between a transmitter and a receiver and, very much the way copper wire and coaxial cable conduct an electrical signal, optical fiber “ conducts” light.The optical fiber is generally made from a type of glass called silica or, less commonly nowadays, from plastic. It is about a human hair in thickness. To protect very fragile optical fiber from hostile environments and mechanical damage, it is usually enclosed in a specific structure. Bare optical fiber, shielded by its protective coating, is encapsulated use in a host of applications, many of which will be covered in subsequent chaptersReceiver The key component of an optical receiver is its photodetector. The major function of a photodetector is to convert an optical information signal back into an electrical signal (photocurrent). The photodetector in today's fiver-optic communications systems is a semiconductor photodiode (PD). This miniature device is usually fabricated together with its electrical circyitry to form an integrated package that provides power-supply connections and signal amplification. Such an integrated package is shown in Figure 1.4 as an optical receiver. Figure 1.7 shows samples of a photodiode and an integrated package.The basic diagram shown in Figure 1.4 gives us the first idea of what a fiber-optic communications system is and how it works. All the components of this point-to-point system are discussed in detail in this book. Particular attention is given to the study of networks based on fiber-optic communications systems.The role of Fiber-Optic Communications Technology has not only already changed the landscape of telecommunications but it is still doing so and at a mind-boggling pace. In fact, because of the telecommunications industry's insatiable appetite for capacity, in recent years the bandwidth of commercial systems has increased more than a hundredfold. The potential information-carrying capacity of a single fiber-optic channel is estimated at 50 terabits a second (Tbit/s) but, from apractical standpoint, commercial links have transmitted far fewer than 100 Gbps, an astoundingamount of data in itself that cannot be achieved with any other transmission medium. Researchers and engineers are working feverishly to develop new techniques that approach the potential capacity limit.Two recent major technological advances--wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) anderbium-doped optical-fiber amplifiers (EDFA)--have boosted the capacity of existing system sand have brought about dramatic improvements in the capacity of systems now in development. In fact,' WDM is fast becoming the technology of choice in achieving smooth, manageable capacity expansion.The point to bear in mind is this: Telecommunications is growing at a furious pace, and fiber-optic communications is one of its most dynamically moving sectors. While this book refleets the current situation in fiber-optic communications technology, to keep yourself updated, you have to follow the latest news in this field by reading the industry's trade journals, attending technical conferences and expositions, and finding the time to evaluate the reams of literature that cross your desk every day from companies in the field.光纤通信系统一般的通信系统由下列部分组成:(1) 信息源。
Optical Fiber Communication TechnologyOptical fiber communication is the use of optical fiber transmission signals, the transmission of information in order to achieve a means of communication. 光导纤维通信简称光纤通信。
Referred to as optical fiber communication optical fiber communications. 可以把光纤通信看成是以光导纤维为传输媒介的“有线”光通信。
Can be based on optical fiber communication optical fiber as transmission medium for the "wired" optical communication. 光纤由内芯和包层组成,内芯一般为几十微米或几微米,比一根头发丝还细;外面层称为包层,包层的作用就是保护光纤。
Fiber from the core and cladding of the inner core is generally a few microns or tens of microns, than a human hair; outside layer called the cladding, the role of cladding is to protect the fiber. 实际上光纤通信系统使用的不是单根的光纤,而是许多光纤聚集在一起的组成的光缆。
In fact the use of optical fiber communication system is not a single fiber, but that brings together a number of fiber-optic cable componentsOptical fiber communication is the use of light for the carrier with fiber optics as a transmission medium to spread information from one another means of communication. 1966年英籍华人高锟博士发表了一篇划时代性的论文,他提出利用带有包层材料的石英玻璃光学纤维,能作为通信媒质。
AAbsorption coefficient 吸收系数ac alternating current 交变电流交流Acoustic phonon 声学声子Active component 有源器件AM amplitude modulation 幅度调制AM,FM,PM:幅度/频率/相位调制AON all-optical network 全光网络AOTF acoustic optic tunable filter 声光调制器APD avalanche photodiode 雪崩二极管AR coatings antireflection coatings 抗反膜ASE amplified spontaneous emission 放大自发辐射ASK amplitude shift keying 幅移键控ASK/FSK/PSK 幅/频/相移键控ATM asynchronous transfer mode 异步转移模式Attenuation coefficient 衰减系数Attenuator 衰减器Auger recombination:俄歇复合AWG arrayed-waveguide grating 阵列波导光栅BBand gap:带隙Band pass filter 带通滤波器Beam divergence 光束发散BER bit error rate 误码率BER:误码率BH buried heterojunction 掩埋异质结Binary representation 二进制表示方法Binary 二进制Birefringence 双折射Birefringence双折射Bitrate-distance product 比特距离的乘积Block diagram 原理图Boltzman statistics:玻尔兹曼统计分布BPF band pass filter 带通滤波器Bragg condition 布拉格条件Bragg diffraction 布拉格衍射Brillouin scattering 布里渊散射Brillouin shift 布里渊频移Broad area 宽面Buried heterostructure 掩埋异质结CC3 cleaved-coupled cavity 解理耦合腔Carrier lifetime:载流子寿命CATV common antenna cable television 有线电视CDM code division multiplexing 码分复用Characteristics temperature 特征温度Chirp 啁啾Chirped Gaussian pulse 啁啾高斯脉冲Chromatic dispersion 色度色散Chromatic dispersion 色度色散Cladding layer:包层Cladding 包层CNR carrier to noise ratio 载噪比Conduction band:导带Confinement factor 限制因子Connector 连接头Core cladding interface 纤芯包层界面Core-cladding interface 芯层和包层界面Coupled cavity 耦合腔CPFSK continuous-phase frequency-shift keying 连续相位频移键控Cross-phase modulation 交叉相位调制Cross-talk 串音CSO Composite second order 复合二阶CSRZ:载波抑制归零码Cutoff condition 截止条件CVD chemical vapour deposition 化学汽相沉积CW continuous wave 连续波Cylindrical preform:预制棒DDBR distributed Bragg reflector 分布布拉格反射DBR: distributed Bragg reflector 分布式布拉格反射器dc direct current 直流DCF dispersion compensating fiber 色散补偿光纤Depressed-cladding fiber: 凹陷包层光纤DFB distributed feedback 分布反馈DFB: Distributed Feedback 分布式反馈Differential gain 微分增益Differential quantum efficiency 微分量子效率Differential-dispersion parameter:微分色散参数Diffusion 扩散Digital hierarchy 数字体系DIP dual in line package 双列直插Direct bandgap:直接带隙Directional coupler 定向耦合器Dispersion compensation fiber:色散补偿光纤Dispersion decreasing fiber:色散渐减光纤Dispersion parameter:色散参数Dispersion shifted fiber 色散位移光纤Dispersion slope 色散斜率Dispersion slope:色散斜率Dispersion-flatten fiber:色散平坦光纤Dispersion-shifted fiber:色散位移光纤Double heterojunction 双异质结Double heterostructure:双异质结Doubly clad:双包层DPSK differential phase-shift keying 差分相移键控Driving circuit 驱动电路Dry fiber 无水光纤DSF dispersion shift fiber 色散位移光纤DWDM dense wavelength divisionmultiplexing/multiplexer密集波分复用/器DWDM: dense wavelength division multiplexing密集波分复用E~GEDFA erbium doped fiber amplifier 掺铒光纤激光器Edge emitting LED 边发射LEDEdge-emitting 边发射Effective index 有效折射率Eigenvalue equation 本征值方程Elastic scattering 弹性散射Electron-hole pairs 电子空穴对Electron-hole recombination 电子空穴复合Electron-hole recombination:电子空穴复合Electrostriction 电致伸缩效应Ethernet 以太网External cavity 外腔External quantum efficiency 外量子效率Extinction ratio 消光比Eye diagram 眼图FBG fiber-bragg grating 光纤布拉格光栅FDDI fiber distributed data interface 光纤数据分配接口FDM frequency division multiplexing频分复用FDM:频分复用Fermi level 费米能级Fermi level:费米能级Fermi-Dirac distribution:费米狄拉克分布FET field effect transistor 场效应管Fiber Manufacturing:光纤制作Field radius 模场半径Filter 滤波器Flame hydrolysis 火焰裂解FM frequency modulation 频率调制Forward-biased :正向偏置FP Fabry Perot 法布里-珀落Free spectral range 自由光谱范围Free-space communication 自由空间光通信系统Fresnel transmissivity 菲涅耳透射率Front end 前端Furnace 熔炉FWHM full width at half maximum 半高全宽FWHM: 半高全宽FWM four-wave mixing 四波混频Gain coefficient 增益系数Gain coupled 增益耦合Gain-guided semiconductor laser 增益波导半导体激光器Germania 锗GIOF graded index optical fiber 渐变折射率分布Graded-index fiber 渐变折射率光纤Group index 群折射率GVD group-velocity dispersion 群速度色散GVD: 群速度色散H~LHBT heterojunction-bipolar transistor异质结双极晶体管HDTV high definition television 高清晰度电视Heavy doping:重掺杂Heavy-duty cable 重型光缆Heterodyne 外差Heterojunction:异质结HFC hybrid fiber-coaxial 混合光纤/电缆Higher-order dispersion 高阶色散Highpass filter 高通滤波器Homodyne 零差Homojunction:同质结IC integrated circuit 集成电路IM/DD intensity modulation with direct detection 强度调制直接探测IM/DD: 强度调制/直接探测IMD intermodulation distortion 交互调制失真Impulse 冲激Impurity 杂质Index-guided 折射率导引Indirect bandgap:非直接带隙Inelastic scattering 非弹性散射Inhomogeneous非均匀的Inline amplifier 在线放大器Intensity noise 强度噪声Intermodal dispersion:模间色散Intermode dispersion 模间色散Internal quantum efficiency:内量子效率Intramodal dispersion: 模内色散Intramode dispersion 模内色散Intrinsic absorption 本征吸收ISDN integrated services digital network 综合业务数字网ISI intersymbol interference 码间干扰Isotropic 各向同性Jacket 涂层Jitter 抖动Junction:结Kinetic energy:动能Lambertian source 朗伯光源LAN local-area network 局域网Large effective-area fiber 大有效面积发光Laser threshold 激光阈值Laser 激光器Lateral mode 侧模Lateral 侧向Lattice constant:晶格常数Launched power 发射功率LD laser diode 激光二极管LD:激光二极管LED light emitting diode 发光二极管LED: 发光二极管L-I light current 光电关系Light-duty cable 轻型光缆Linewidth enhancement factor 线宽加强因子Linewidth enhancement factor 线宽增强因子Linewidth 线宽Longitudinal mode 纵模Longitudinal model 纵模Lowpass filter 低通滤波器LPE liquid phase epitaxy 液相外延LPE:液相外延M~NMacrobending 宏弯MAN metropolitan-area network 城域网Material dispersion 材料色散Material dispersion:材料色散Maxwell’s equations 麦克斯韦方程组MBE molecular beam epitaxy 分子束外延MBE:分子束外延MCVD Modified chemical vapor deposition改进的化学汽相沉积MCVD:改进的化学汽相沉积Meridional rays 子午光线Microbending 微弯Mie scattering 米氏散射MOCVD metal-organic chemical vapor deposition金属有机物化学汽相沉积MOCVD:改进的化学汽相沉积Modal dispersion 模式色散Mode index 模式折射率Modulation format 调制格式Modulator 调制器MONET Multiwavelength optical network 多波长光网络MPEG motion-picture entertainment group视频动画专家小组MPN mode-partition noise 模式分配噪声MQW multiquantum well 多量子阱MQW: 多量子阱MSK minimum-shift keying 最小频偏键控MSR mode-suppression ratio 模式分配噪声MSR: Mode suppression ratio 模式抑制比Multimode fiber 多模光纤MZ mach-Zehnder 马赫泽德NA numerical aperture 数值孔径Near infrared 近红外NEP noise-equivalent power 等效噪声功率NF noise figure 噪声指数Nonradiative recombination 非辐射复合Nonradiative recombination:非辐射复合Normalized frequency 归一化频率NRZ non-return to zero 非归零NRZ:非归零码NSE nonlinear Schrodinger equation 非线性薛定额方程Numerical aperture 数值孔径Nyquist criterion 奈奎斯特准则O P QOC optical carrier 光载波OEIC opto-electronic integrated circuit 光电集成电路OOK on-off keying 开关键控OOK:通断键控OPC optical phase conjugation 光相位共轭Optical mode 光模式Optical phase conjugation 光相位共轭Optical soliton 光孤子Optical switch 光开关Optical transmitter 光发射机Optical transmitter:光发射机OTDM optical time-division multiplexing 光时分复用OVD outside-vapor deposition 轴外汽相沉积OVD:轴外汽相沉积OXC optical cross-connect 光交叉连接Packaging 封装Packet switch 分组交换Parabolic-index fiber 抛物线折射率分布光纤Passive component 无源器件PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PCM:脉冲编码调制PCVD:等离子体化学汽相沉积PDF probability density function 概率密度函数PDM polarization-division multiplexing 偏振复用PDM:脉冲宽度调制Phase-matching condition 相位匹配条件Phase-shifted DFB laser 相移DFB激光器Photon lifetime 光子寿命PMD 偏振模色散Polarization controller 偏振控制器Polarization mode dispersion:偏振模色散Polarization 偏振PON passive optical network 无源接入网Population inversion:粒子数反转Power amplifier 功率放大器Power-conversion efficiency 功率转换效率PPM:脉冲位置调制Preamplifer 前置放大器PSK phase-shift keying 相移键控Pulse broadening 脉冲展宽Quantization noise 量化噪声Quantum efficiency 量子效率Quantum limit 量子极限Quantum limited 量子极限Quantum noise 量子噪声RRA raman amplifier 喇曼放大器Raman scattering 喇曼散射Rate equation 速率方程Rayleigh scattering 瑞丽散射Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射Receiver sensitivity 接收机灵敏度Receiver 接收机Refractive index 折射率Regenerator 再生器Repeater spacing 中继距离Resonant cavity 谐振腔Responsibility 响应度Responsivity 响应度Ridge waveguide laser 脊波导激光器Ridge waveguide 脊波导RIN relative intensity noise 相对强度噪声RMS root-mean-square 均方根RZ return-to-zero 归零RZ: 归零码SSAGCM separate absorption, grading, charge, and multiplication吸收渐变电荷倍增区分离APD的一种SAGM separate absorption and multiplication吸收渐变倍增区分离APD的一种SAM separate absorption and multiplication吸收倍增区分离APD的一种Sampling theorem 抽样定理SBS 受激布里渊散射SBS stimulated Brillouin scattering 受激布里渊散射SCM subcarrier multiplexing 副载波复用SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字体系SDH:同步数字体系Self-phase modulation 自相位调制Sellmeier equation:塞米尔方程Sensitivity degradation 灵敏度劣化Sensitivity 灵敏度Shot noise 散粒噪声Shot noise 散粒噪声Single-mode condition 单模条件Sintering :烧结SIOF step index optical fiber 阶跃折射率分布SLA/SOA semiconductor laser/optical amplifier 半导体光放大器SLM single longitudinal mode 单纵模SLM: Single Longitudinal mode单纵模Slope efficiency 斜率效率SNR signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比Soliton 孤子SONET synchronized optical network 同步光网络SONET:同步光网络Spectral density:光谱密度Spontaneous emission:自发辐射Spontaneous-emission factor 自发辐射因子SRS 受激喇曼散射SRS stimulated Raman scattering 受激喇曼散射Step-index fiber 阶跃折射率光纤Stimulated absorption:受激吸收Stimulated emission:受激发射STM synchronous transport module 同步转移模块STM:同步转移模块Stripe geometry semiconductor laser 条形激光器Stripe geometry 条形STS synchronous transport signal 同步转移信号Submarine transmission system 海底传输系统Substrate:衬底Superstructure grating 超结构光栅Surface emitting LED 表面发射LEDSurface recombination:表面复合Surface-emitting 表面发射TTCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol传输控制协议/互联网协议TDM time-division multiplexing 时分复用TDM:时分复用TE transverse electric 横电模Ternary and quaternary compound:三元系和四元系化合物Thermal equilibrium:热平衡Thermal noise 热噪声Thermal noise 热噪声Threshold current 阈值电流Timing jitter 时间抖动TM transverse magnetic 横磁Total internal reflection 全内反射Transceiver module 收发模块Transmitter 发射机Transverse 横向Transverse mode 横模TW traveling wave 行波U ~ ZVAD vapor-axial epitaxy 轴向汽相沉积VAD:轴向沉积Valence band:价带VCSEL vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser垂直腔表面发射激光器VCSEL: vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers 垂直腔表面发射激光器VPE vapor-phase epitaxy 汽相沉积VPE:汽相外延VSB vestigial sideband 残留边带Wall-plug efficiency 电光转换效率WAN wide-area network 广域网Waveguide dispersion 波导色散Waveguide dispersion:波导色散Waveguide imperfection 波导不完善WDMA wavelength-division multiple access 波分复用接入系统WGA waveguide-grating router 波导光栅路由器White noise 白噪声XPM cross-phase modulation 交叉相位调制YIG yttrium iron garnet 钇铁石榴石晶体Zero-dispersion wavelength 零色散波长Zero-dispersion wavelength:零色散波长。
光网络术语英汉对照表AA,Agent,代理Access point(AP),接入点Accounting and Billing,计费ACE,Adaptive Communication Environment,适配通信环境Adjacency Discovery,邻近发现AF,Atomic Function,原子功能aggregation, 集成AH,Authentication Header,验证头ALC,Automatic Level Control,自动电平控制ALM,Alarm reporting,告警报告AON,All Optical Network,全光网络AP,Access point,接入点API,Access point identifier,接入点标识符APR,Automatic Power Reduction,自动功率减小ARC,Alarm report control,告警报告控制AS,Autonomous System,自治系统ASN.1,Abstract Syntax Notation One,抽象文法标记语言1 ASTN,Automatic Switched Transport Network,自动交换传送网Asynchronous Transfer Mode,ATM,异步传输模式BBER,Bit Error Ratio,比特错误率BGP,Border Gateway Protocol,边界网关协议BML,Business Management Layer,事务管理层CCAC,Connection Admission Control,连接访问控制Carrier Server,运营商服务Carrier class,运营商级别CC,Continuity Check,连续性检测CC,Connection Controller,连接控制器CCId ,Control Channel Identifier ,控制通道标识符Cell,信元 版权所有 中国最专业的通信网站Cell header,信头CF,Control plane function,控制平面功能Channel Identifier, When multiple channels are multiplexed onto the same port, thisidentifier is used to uniquely identify a channel.CLI,command line interface ,命令行接口Client-Layer, A layer acting as a client with regard to transport services provided bya server layer .Client-Layer Address, An address used in client-layer protocols.CMSN,Client management sub-network,客户端管理子网CN,Channel number,通道号Channel number,通道编号COMMS OH,General management communications overhead,普通管理通信开销connection attributes modification,连接特性修订Connection Identifier, A identifier for the connection that is unique within the scopeof the service provider network..connection provisioning,连接指配connection release,连接删除connection restoration,连接恢复Connection Termination Point, The client side of an adaptation function. Refer toM.3100 for complete definition of connectiontermination point.Contract identifier, An identifier which refers to the service contract under which aconnection is established. This identifier is created by the service provider.control agent,控制代理convergence,收敛性CORBA,Common Object Request Broker Architecture,公共对象请求代理体系结构CP,Control Plane,控制平面CP,Connection point,连接点CPE,Customer Premises Equipment,客户端设备CR-LDP,Constraint Routed Label Distribution Protocol,约束路由标记分发协议CSPF,Constraint-based Shortest Path First,约束受限最短路径优先CTP ,Connection termination point,连接终端点CTPSk,CTP Sink,CTP 宿点CTPSo,CTP Source,CTP 源点DDCC,Data communications channel,数据通信通道DCN,Data communications network,数据通信网络DDN,Digital Data Network,数字数据网Digital Wrapper,数字包封器Discovery,发现Dissemination,分发 版权所有 中国最专业的通信网站Diversely Routed Connections,分离路由链接DWDM,Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ,密集波分复用dynamic adaptive,动态自适应EE-NNI,External Network Node Interface,外部网络节点接口ECC ,Embedded control channel,嵌入控制通道EDFA,Erbium-Doped Fibre Amplifier,掺铒光纤放大器EGP,Exterior Gateway Protocol, 外部网关协议EGT,Gigabit Ethernet Transparent Transmission Board,千兆以太网透传处理板EML,Element management Layer,网元管理层EMS,Element Management Systems 网元管理系统ER,Explicit Route,显式路由FFault classification,容错分类FCAPS, Fault Management, Configuration Management, Account Management,Performance Management and Security Management,故障管理、配置管理、计费管理、性能管理和安全管理FEC,Forwarding Equivalence Class,转发等价类FEC,Forward Error Correction,前向纠错forwarding,转发,传送Forwarding Adjacency,转发邻接点FSC,Fiber-Switch Capable,光纤可交换GGCM,Global Cluster Manager,广域集群管理GCT, GUI Cut Through, 界面穿通General Service Concepts,普通服务概念GMPLS Generalized MPLS,扩展MPLSGNE,Gate Network Element,网关网元granularity 粒度grooming 调度II-NNI,Internal Network Node Interface,内部网络接口IE, Information Element, 信息元素Intra-Domain,域内IaDI ,Intra-Domain Interface,域内接口 版权所有 中国最专业的通信网站IGP ,Interior Gateway Protocol, 内部网关协议iMAP,_c_<_Integrated Management Application Platform,iMAP (综合管理应用平台)In-Band Signaling, In-band signaling refers to the transport of signaling traffic anddata traffic over the same connection in the same layer.In-Fiber Signaling, In-fiver signaling refers to the transport of signaling traffic anddata traffic over the same fiber, although not necessarily in thesame layer.Inter Domain Routing Protocols,域间路由协议ION,Intelligent Optical Network,智能光网络IPCC,IP Control Channel, IP 控制通道IPSEC,Internet Protocol SECurity extensions,Internet 协议安全扩展IrDI ,Inter-Domain Interface,域间接口IS-IS,Intermediate System to Intermediate System,中间系统到中间系统路由协议ISDN,Integrated Services Digital Network,综合业务数字网ISI,Internal Signaling Interface,内部信令接口LL2SC ,Layer-2 Switch Capablelabel,标记LAN,Local Area Networks 局域网Layer Network, For SONET Layers refer to ANSI T1.105For SDH Layers refer to ITU-T G.803For OTN Layers refer to ITU-T G.872A set of potentially connectable Access-Points(AP) all of the sameCharacteristic-Information(CI).A layer network can be either or both aclient-layer-network and/or a server-layer-network.(It can be isolated ,or it can be at the top or bottom of a stack , or it can be in the middleof a stack of layer-networks.) Refer to G.805 for complete definition oflayer-network.layer network functionality,网络各层的功能LC, Local Controller, 本地控制器LCN,Local communications network,本地通信网LCS,Leased Circuit Service,租用电路业务LCT,Local Craft Terminal 本地控制终端LDP ,Label Distribution Protocol,标记分发协议LER,Label Edge Router,边界标记交换路由器Line layer,SONET 中的线路层,相当于SDH 里面的复用段层Link, Represents the available transport capacity between two sub-networks. Referto G.805 for complete definition of link.Link Connection , An entity that represents the smallest granularity capacity thatcan be allocated on a link. Refer to G.805 for complete definitionof link connection.link provisioning,链路供应 版权所有 中国最专业的通信网站liquid crystal,液晶LMP,Link Management Protocol,链路管理协议Lookback Location Identifier,环回定位标识LRM,Link Resource Manager,链路资源管理器LSA,Link State Advertisements,链路状态公告LSC,Lambda Switch Capable,波长可交换LSP,Label Switched Path,标记交换路径LSR,Label Switching Router,标记交换路由器LTE,Line Terminating EquipmentMMAC,Media Access Control,媒体接入控制MAF,Management application function,管理应用功能MCF,Message communications function,消息通信功能MD5,Message Digest 5,一种加密算法MDP,Message Dispatch Process,消息分发进程Meta Requirements, 详细需求MF,Management function,管理功能Mgr,Manager,OSI 管理概念中的管理者MI,Management information,管理信息MIB,Management Information Base,管理信息库MIT,Managed Object Instance Tree,被管对象实例树MML,Man Machine Language,人机命令语言MO,Managed object,管理对象MOC,Managed object class,管理对象类MP,Management point ,管理点MP,Management Plane,管理平面MPLS,Multi-Protocol Label Switching,多标记协议交换技术MS,Multiplex Section,复用段NNAD, Network Access Domain, 分权分域管理NCC, Network Call Controller,网络呼叫控制器NE,Network element,网元NEF ,Network element function,网元功能NEL,Network element level,网元层Neighbor Discovery,邻居发现Network Connection, Entity that transports information transparently across aparticular network layer without any check on the quality of thetransport. Refer to G.805 for complete definition of network connection.network flooding technique 网络泛洪法 版权所有 中国最专业的通信网站network survivability,网络生存NFS,Network File System, 网络文件系统NML,Network Management Layer,网络管理层NMS,Network Management System,网络管理系统NNI,Network Network Interface,网络-网络接口neighbor discovery,邻居发现OOADM,Optical Add/Drop Multiplex,光分插复用OCh ,Optical channel,光通道ODU ,Optical channel Data Unit,光通道数据单元OIF,Optical Internetworking Forum,光互连网论坛OLA ,Optical Linear Amplifiers,光线性放大OLS ,Optical Line System,光线路系统OMS,Optical multiplex section,光复用段ONE,Transport network Element,传输网元设备ONE, Optical Network Element,光网元optical fiber,光纤Optical transport network layered structure,OTN 分层结构OSC,Optical Supervisory Channel,光监控通道OSF ,Operations systems function,操作系统功能OSN,Optical Switch Node,光交换节点OSNR,Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio,光信噪比OSPF,Open Shortest Path First,开放最短路径优先路由协议OSRP,Optical Signaling and Routing Protocol,CIENA 公司的CoreDirector 的路由信令协议,能处理像GMPLS 一样的协议,是GMPLS 的前期实现,并支持OIF UNI 版本的GMPLS,有拓扑结构自动发现能力,有动态、自动、快速电路配置功能,网络配置采用点对点配置。
(完整word版)光纤通信RF方面的中英文翻译RF和微波光纤设计指引Name:Class:Student NO.:(完整word版)光纤通信RF方面的中英文翻译RF and Microwave Fiber-Optic Design GuideAgere Systems Inc., through its predecessors, began developing and producing lasers and detectors for linear fiber-optic links nearly two decades ago. Over time, these optoelectronic components have been continually refined for integration into a variety of systems that require high fidelity, high frequency, or long-distance transportation of analog and digital signals. As a result of this widespread use and development, by the late 1980s, these link products were routinely being treated as standard RF and microwave components in many different applications.There are several notable advantages of fiber optics that have led to its increasing use. The most immediate benefit of fiber optics is its low loss. With less than 0.4 dB/km of optical attenuation, fiber-optic links send signals tens of kilometers and still maintain nearly the original quality of the input.The low fiber loss is also independent of frequency for most practical systems. With laser and detector speeds up to 18 GHz, links can send high-frequency signals in their original form without the need to downconvert or digitize them for the transmission portion of a system. As a result, signal conversion equipment can be placed in convenient locations or even eliminated altogether, which often leads to significant cost and maintenancesavings.Savings are also realized due to the mechanical flexibility and lightweight fiber-optic cable, approximately 1/25 the weight of waveguide and 1/10 that of coax. Many transmission lines can be fed through small conduits, allowing for high signal rates without investing in expensive architectural supports. The placement of fiber cable is further simplified by the natural immunity of optical fiber to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Not only can large numbers of fibers be tightly bundled with power cables, they also provide a uniquely secure and electrically isolated transmission path.The general advantages of fiber-optics first led to their widespread use in long-haul digital telecommunications. In the most basic form of fiber-optic communications, light from a semiconductor laser or LED is switched on and off to send digitally coded information through a fiber to a photodiode receiver.By comparison, in linear fiber-optic systems developed by Lucent, the light sent through the fiber has an intensity directly related to the input electrical current. While this places extra requirements on the quality of the lasers and photodiodes, it has been essential in many applications to transmit arbitrary RF and microwave signals. As a result, tens of thousands of Agere Systems’ transmitters are currently in use.The information offered here examines the basic link components, provides an overview of design calculations related to gain, bandwidth, noise, and dynamic range and distortion. A section on fiber-optic components discusses a number of key parameters, among them wavelength and loss, dispersion, reflections, and polarization and attenuation. Additional information evaluates optical isolators, distributed-feedback lasers and Fabry-Perot lasers, predistortion, and short- vs. long-wavelength transmission.One of linear optical fiber relation main usages or receives between the electronicinstallation and the remote localization antenna in the transmission transmits RF and the microwave signal。
数字通信1 引言在本书中,我们将介绍作为数字通信系统分析和设计基础的基本原理。
1.1数字通信系统的基本组成部分图1.1 显示了一个数字通信系统的功能性框图和基本组成部分。
1 光纤通信技术定义光纤通信是利用光作为信息载体、以光纤作为传输的通信力式。
2 光纤通信技术优势2.1 频带极宽,通信容量大光纤比铜线或电缆有大得多的传输带宽,光纤通信系统的于光源的调制特性、调制方式和光纤的色散特性。
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Optical Fiber Communication System Simulation and Common Communication Interface TechnologyAbstractThis paper describes the development direction of optical fiber communications, described the characteristics of system simulation and development at home and abroad. The second part is commonly used by communication interface interface discussion.Keywords Opticalfibercommunications,development,SystemSimulation,Interface 1 Outline1.1 Optical Fiber CommunicationIn the "information superhighway" concept was put forward after the optical fiber communication technology in increasing the capacity and extend the communication distance has made rapid development. Broadband fiber amplifier W-EDFA (Wide band Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier) and dense wavelength division multiplexing optical fiber communication technology development is the most eye-catching direction. Loss and dispersion in order to reduce the design of the dispersion shifted fiber DSF (Dispersion Shifted Fiber), in the 1525-1565nm band, the dispersion fell to -2 - +3 ps / (nm • km) between; zero dispersion at 1540nm. DWDM systems to reduce four-wave mixing effect, but also designed a new type of non-zero dispersion fiber NZDF (Non-Zero Dispersion Fiber). At the same time, integrated opto-electronics technologies (OEIC) is the rapid development of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser VCSEL (Vertical Ca-vity Surface Emitting Laser) and electro-optical receiver optoelectronic integration has been achieved. Around a variety of light (OTDM) At present, there are active in research units.1.2 System SimulationSystem simulation is developed in the last two decades a science and emerging technologies. Is the so-called computer simulation model on the computer system forexperimental study of the actual process. The use of computer simulation can be repeated simulation of the same phenomenon of the objective world and thus to find out the inherent laws. In particular, contain random variables and random process, it is difficult to establish a mathematical model of an objective study of things, the computer simulation method has obvious advantages, has become the analysis, research and design of an important means of various systems. The application of computer simulation technology to the field of communications is one of an important branch. With the development of communication technologies, communications networks, the number and complexity of the rapid growth of the design of communication systems in use of computer simulation technology has become a new system designed to shorten the design cycle and improve design reliability and improved system performance has been an indispensable tool.2 Optical fiber communication system simulationOptical fiber communication technology is more than one cross-discipline integrated technology penetration. It involves the basic theory of communication (such as digital communication technology), and microwave technologies (such as fiber channel analysis of electromagnetic fields), as well as circuit design and microelectronic technology (such as application specific integrated circuit ASIC) and so on. Therefore, whether it is systematic planning and design, or a new type of transmission system and the system of exploration and research, have experienced lengthy complicated calculations. In addition, in order to verify whether the performance requirements of Section need to research and experiment repeated testing. If every time the direct use of the real system experiments, not only the cost of expensive, labor-and time-consuming and sometimes difficult to find the crux of the problem, therefore, address these problems is an effective means of computer simulation techniques, namely through the establishment of device components and the system model , and model experiments on the computer, using high-speed computer processing capacity, completion of the fiber-optic communicationsequipment and systems analysis, design optimization and performance testing and evaluation.2.1 Optical fiber communication system simulation software, the status quoThe simulation is divided into circuit simulation and system-level simulation. Circuit-level simulation by resistors, capacitors, inductors and other components of the circuit model equivalent to the outer characteristics of Analog Devices. System-level simulation is Rong transfer function or the number of formula characteristics of analog simulation. Abroad, some optical fiber communication system simulation software for circuit analysis, focusing on different, such as the Boss is a user-friendly optical link simulation software, which includes fiber-optic device model, but only in a single wavelength system. SCOPE (Super Co-mpact Optoelectronic Simulation) is a kind of the photovoltaic devices and optical devices using the two-port network model to simulate the nonlinear microwave simulation software, its main use is in the microwave frequency of IM / DD Optical Communication Systems simulation. DEX SOLUS (Simulation of Light Using Spice) is based on the Spice circuit simulation software dedicated to the field of optical communication signal analysis software, it uses the equivalent circuit model to simulate optoelectronic devices, optical power of the models used in the simulation of voltage to represent . There are other circuit-level simulation software such as iSMILE and MISIM. IBM's OLAP (Optical Link Analysis Program) is a low-level to SYSTID and simulation software of optical devices integrated with software applications. There are a number of new simulation software, such as iFROST (illinois FibeR-optic and Optoelectronic Systems Toolkit), etc., the user can call other simulation software to provide a mixed-level simulation environment.3 Common Communication Interface T echnology3.1 Converters in parallel with the string attached to optoelectronic devicesIn high-speed optical fiber communication systems, transmission of data stream format conversion is required, that is, at the time of optical transmission in serial form and in electronic format when theparallel between the conversion. Serializer -deserializer (generally known as the Serial and Parallel converter) is used to achieve this conversion. Serial and Parallel converter and the interface between the photoelectric sensor is usually high-speed serial data stream, using a different coding schemes signaling, this can be embedded clock data recovery. According to the communication standards supported by the serial stream can be 1.25Gb / s (Gigabit Ethernet), 2.488Gb / s (OC-48/STM-16), 9.953Gb / s (OC-192/STM- 64) or 10.3Gb / s (10 Gigabit Ethernet) transmission conditions.3.2 Serial and Parallel interface converter to the framersIn the Sonet / SDH in the world, fiber optic data transmission is often in the form of the use of frames. Each frame, including additional information (for synchronization, error monitoring, protection switching, etc.) and payload data. Transmission equipment must be added to output data in the frame of the additional information, the receiving device must be extracted from the frame payload data, and additional information frame systems management. These operations will be completed in the framersAs the framers of the need to achieve some complex digital logic, which determines the parallel series converter used with the framers of the interface between technology and the use of standard CMOS technology to create a high level of integration of the IC. The current CMOS technology can not support the 10Gb / s serial data stream, the parallel series converter and the need for parallel interface between framers. At present, the most popular choice is the Internet forum by the Optical Network (Optical Internetworking Forum) to develop the SFI-4, the interface speeds of up to two 622Mb / s 16-bit parallel data streams (one in each direction). SFI-4 and as many new interfaces, the use of source-synchronous clock, the clock signal and data that is shared by the transmission signal transmission devices. Source-synchronous clock can significantly reduce the clock signal and data signals between the offset, but it can not completely eliminate the line length does not match the PCB-induced migration effects. 16 data signals and clock signal are the use of IEEE-1593.6 standard LVDS signaling. The parallel interface only in the seriesconverter and transmit data back and forth between framers, shorter distance, there is no need to have a complex flow control or error detection.3.3 Control panel interfaceMotorola has been and Rapid IO Trade Association supported the use of Rapid IO switch architecture to achieve point-to-point link interface. The interface provides the data transport layer to package in the package, each packet has a data source and target information, the packet switch architecture will be sent to the appropriate destination. Rapid IO in each direction to provide 8 or 16-bit, 250MHz ~ 1.0GHz using Double Data Rate. In addition, Serial Rapid IO can be used with 8b/10b encoding a channel or 4-channel data, embedded clock of 3.125Gb / s, it has a differential CML signaling.AMD and the development of Hyper Transport Union Hyper Transport channel devices using point-to-point link. The form of data packet transmission, each packet includes a data source and target information. Access device to receive data in accordance with the packet header to determine the data transmitted to the next in the chain of devices, or deal directly with the data. Hyper Transport current norms for the needs of the width of 2 ~ 16-bit parallel data. Norms to support the next higher rate. PMC-Sierra and Bro AD Com has been the introduction of Hyper Transport communications products based on the MIPS processor.PCI-SIG has introduced high-speed PCI-X. They use the PCI-X same as the original 64-bit bus bandwidth to support double-data rate and four times the data rate. PCI-X 533 version is the fastest rate, maximum total bandwidth of 34.1Gb / s.PCI-X communication protocol of the transmission signal and the standard connector format in conjunction with the PCI-compatible, enabling 3.3V 32-bit PCI adapter card can be used in PCI-X expansion slots on. Of course, if you prefer, you can be 64-bit PCI-X adapter card access in the 32-bit PCI expansion slots, but bandwidth will be greatly reduced speed.4 ConclusionAt present, China's optical fiber communication system simulation study has beenstarted, such as Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, etc. some success, to design a highly functional and reliable performance of the optical fiber communication system simulation package, to adapt to the rapid development of optical fiber communications have important theoretical and practical significance, has a high cost-effective and broad application prospects.光纤通信系统仿真及常用通信接口技术摘要介绍了光纤通信的发展方向,阐述了系统仿真的特点及国内外的发展状况,第二部分为现用通信接口中常用接口讨论。