
科技英语翻译个人练习作业及答案个人练习1. This partner, it seems, has a mass 10 or 20 times greater thanthe sun---yet we can’t see it.2. Using the method, one machine part had its working lifeincreased by 14 times.3. The energy available in a wind stream is proportional to thecube of its speed, which means that doubling the wind speed increases the available energy by a factor of eight.4. The natural disaster has caused the output of the crops todecrease three times.5. According to the report, the new type of cells would reducethe cost of producing solar power by a factor of 10.6. The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5times through technical innovation.7. Scientists said the expansion next year will permit the systemto deal with 1000 million pieces of information each second, four times more than now.1。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题(答案解析)1.The development of artificial intelligence has brought about significant changes in various fields.A.人工智能的发展在各个领域带来了重大变化。
答案解析:A 选项翻译准确,符合中文表达习惯。
B 选项“人工的智能”表述不自然。
C 选项“进步”不如“发展”准确,“造成”没有“带来”贴切。
涉及语法知识为现在完成时态has brought about。
2.Biotechnology has made remarkable progress in recent years.A.生物技术在近几年取得了显著的进步。
答案解析:三个选项意思相近,A 选项最为简洁自然。
B 选项“非凡的”稍显夸张。
C 选项“惊人的”也不太符合一般的翻译习惯。
涉及语法知识为现在完成时态has made。
3.Space exploration is a challenging but rewarding field.A.太空探索是一个具有挑战性但有回报的领域。
答案解析:A 选项表述清晰。
B 选项“宇宙探索”不如“太空探索”或“航天探索”常用。
C 选项“有价值”与“有回报”意思相近,但“有回报”更能体现原文的意思。
涉及语法知识为but 连接的并列结构。
rmation technology has revolutionized the way we live and work.A.信息技术已经彻底改变了我们生活和工作的方式。
科技英语 答案和译文

Unit 1 练习答案及课文译文Part 2 Reading AI1 F2 T3F 4T5T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.F 10.TII1. Reducing the time and cost of product development and production.2. The product cycle is composed of two main processes:the design process and the manufacturing process.3. The activities involved in the design process can be classified largely as two types:synthesis and analysis.4. Rapid prototyping is becoming popular because this technology enables the construction of a prototype by deposition layers from the bottom to the top.5. This includes the preparation of drawings,reports,and bills of materials.III1.d2.e3.b4.j5.i6.c7.f8.h9.g 10.aIV1.处理速度2.用户友好的交互图形3. 产品周期4. 设计规格5. 设计评价6.CAD7.CAM8.CAE9.design process 10.production processV1. 除非能以较低的价格提供更好的质量及更短的交货时间提供新产品,否则任何企业都无法在当今的国际竞争中立足。
2. 设计过程始于由市场人员认定的用户需求,止于对产品的完整描述,通常用图形来表现。
3. 例如:尺寸缩小表示一张薄的材料由具有厚度属性的等效曲面来代表,或一个细长区域由具有截面特性的线段来表示。

科技英语翻译1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The powerplantis the heartof a ship.The powerunit for drivin g the machin es is a 50-hp induct ion motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semico nduct or device s, called transi stors, are replac ing tubesin many applic ation s.Crampe d condit ionsmeansthat passen gers’legscannot move around freely.All bodies are knownto posses s weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The remova l of minera ls from wateris called soften ing.A typica l foliag e leaf of a plantbelong ing to the dicoty ledon s is compos ed of two princi pal parts: bladeand petiol e.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einste in’srelati vitytheory is the only one whichcan explai n such phenom ena.All four (outerplanet s) probab ly have coresof metals, silica tes, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

科技英语翻译6.1 介词的一般译法第1节翻译练习1In general, man serves as the source of infection while animals act as such only occasionally.An industrial robot shares many attributes in common with a numerical control machine tool.一般来说,人可作为感染源,而动物只是偶然如此。
第1节翻译练习2With non-changeover control both the boiler plant and the chiller plant operate to provide simultaneous heating and cooling throughout the year.The online service delivers substantially more value to our global audience of e-business professionals in the chemical, plastics and allied industries.This device can mimic photosynthesis to produce usable energy from sunlight.采用非转换控制,锅炉设备和制冷装置都在运行,全年可同时供暖和制冷。
第1节翻译练习3The longitudinal axis of the turbine generator is perpendicular to the axis of the steam generator. In the right conditions, membranes are self-assembling.Winding of the spring induces residual stresses through bending.汽轮发电机的纵轴与锅炉轴线垂直。

英语科技翻译考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "nanotechnology" refers to the technology that deals with structures on a scale of ________.A. nanometersB. millimetersC. centimetersD. meters答案:A2. In the context of artificial intelligence, "neural network" is a model inspired by ________.A. human brainB. computer algorithmsC. natural languageD. mechanical engineering答案:A3. The process of converting solar energy into electricity is known as ________.A. photosynthesisB. thermodynamicsC. solar photovoltaicsD. nuclear fusion答案:C4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a quantum computer?A. SuperpositionB. EntanglementC. DeterministicD. Quantum tunneling答案:C5. The term "biotechnology" is often associated with the manipulation of ________.A. electronic devicesB. living organismsC. chemical compoundsD. geological formations答案:B6. In the field of robotics, "actuator" refers to a component that ________.A. senses the environmentB. processes informationC. moves or controls a mechanismD. stores energy答案:C7. "Internet of Things" (IoT) involves the interconnection of everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data,which is based on ________.A. cloud computingB. artificial intelligenceC. machine learningD. traditional networking答案:A8. The abbreviation "AI" stands for ________.A. Artificial IntelligenceB. Artificial InputC. Advanced InterfaceD. Automated Interaction答案:A9. "Genetic engineering" involves the ________ of an organism's genes.A. removalB. additionC. modificationD. replication答案:C10. "Cybersecurity" is concerned with protecting ________.A. physical infrastructureB. digital informationC. environmental resourcesD. financial assets答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The smallest unit of data in computing is called a________.答案:bit2. A ________ is a type of computer system designed to recognize, interpret, and simulate human actions.答案:robot3. In computer science, "algorithm" refers to a well-defined procedure that produces an answer to a ________.答案:problem4. The study of the behavior and interactions of dispersed phase(s) in a fluid medium is known as ________.答案:fluid mechanics5. A ________ is a device that uses light to transmit information.答案:fiber optic6. The process of converting data into a format that can be easily shared or analyzed is called ________.答案:data mining7. "Virtual reality" is a computer-generated simulation of a ________ environment.答案:three-dimensional8. The ________ is a set of rules that defines how data is formatted, transmitted, received, and processed.答案:protocol9. A ________ is a type of computer program that canreplicate itself and often spread to other computers.答案:virus10. "Machine learning" is a subset of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from and make decisions based on ________.答案:data三、阅读理解题(每题5分,共30分)阅读以下段落,并回答问题。

第4节 翻译练习4
1. Almost any insulated body processes to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric charge.
2. The angular contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity.
2. 上下文(co-text):
第1节 翻译练习2
3. 搭配(collocation):
第1节 翻译练习3
4. 学科专业/语域(register): 第1节 翻译练习4
第1节 翻译练习1
1. The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.
3. All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.
第1节 翻译练习3
1. The removal of minerals from water is called softening.
要使印刷品的质量达到要求,部件调试及修理就必须定期进 行。(意译)
第4节 翻译练习2
1. The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water.
科技英语翻译 课后答案

科技英语翻译1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

英语科技文献翻译50题1. The discovery of a new species of bacteria has significant implications for biotechnology. 下列翻译正确的是:A. 一种新的细菌物种的发现对生物技术有重要影响。
B. 一种新细菌物种的发现对生物科技有重要的意思。
C. 一个新物种的细菌的发现对生物技术有重大暗示。
D. 新的一种细菌物种的发现对生物科技有重要的含义。
2. Genetic engineering has the potential to revolutionize medicine. 以下翻译恰当的是:A. 基因工程有潜力去革命化医学。
B. 基因工程具有彻底改变医学的潜力。
C. 基因工程有革命医学的可能性。
D. 基因工程有使医学革命化的可能。
3. The research on stem cells offers promising prospects for treating various diseases. 正确的翻译是:A. 关于干细胞的研究为治疗各种各样的疾病提供有希望的前景。
B. 干细胞的研究提供了治疗各种疾病的有希望的前景。
C. 对干细胞的研究为治疗各种疾病提供了有希望的前景。
D. 关于干细胞的研究给治疗不同的疾病提供了有前景的希望。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题含答案解析1.The development of artificial intelligence has brought many changes.中文翻译:人工智能的发展带来了许多变化。
答案解析:本句较为简单,“development”是“发展”的意思,“artificial intelligence”是“人工智能”,“brought”是“带来”的意思。
2.Scientists are researching new energy sources.中文翻译:科学家们正在研究新能源。
答案解析:“scientists”是“科学家”,“research”在这里是动词“研究”,“new energy sources”是“新能源”。
3.The application of 5G technology is widespread.中文翻译:5G 技术的应用很广泛。
答案解析:“application”是“应用”,“5G technology”是“5G 技术”,“widespread”是“广泛的”。
句子主要描述了5G 技术的应用状态。
4.Robots are becoming more and more intelligent.中文翻译:机器人正变得越来越智能。
答案解析:“robots”是“机器人”,“become”是“变得”,“more and more intelligent”是“越来越智能”。
5.The innovation of medical technology saves many lives.中文翻译:医疗技术的创新拯救了许多生命。
答案解析:“innovation”是“创新”,“medical technology”是“医疗技术”,“saves”是“拯救”。
129366134196562500科技英语 翻译部分答案

科技英语翻译部分答案Unit 1 AutomationIV. 1. 各级的 2. 准确无误的 3. 根据 4. 总管理计算机 5. 高效率地6. intergrated information 7. steel-making 8. corrective action9. punched cards 10. screw conveyorsV.1. 自动化按其确切的意义,只有全面运用通信、计算和控制三个主要组成部分(“三C" )才能完全实现。
2. 就高炉来说,需要给计算机提供装入高炉的原料的信息、高炉工作温度的信息和处理各种各样配料的最好方法等方面的资料。
3. 钢厂的高炉操作是一项复杂而要求技术熟练的作业,需要大量的知识和大量的综合信息,并迅速地做出判定选择,以便确保高炉工艺流程中的下一阶段的有效工作。
4. 信息数据和计算机据此所进行的运算,也总是往上面送到称为总管理计算机的机构中去(或许我应该说,为了防止误解,总管理计算机就是对管理人员起辅助作用的计算机),帮助他们决定在例行工作中或组织机构中进行什么样的变化(如果有的话),以便更有效地管理各个部门,使之与总的经营政策协调一致。
5. 一个受欢迎的结果将可能是使委员会会议和大会讨论更加简洁和条理清晰,更加实事求是和有效率。
VI. 1. Grain was fed into a flour mill by means of a bucket conveyor,and water power moved it over a series of endless belt and screw conveyors through coarse and fine grinding operations until flour emerged.2.Having the combination of two or more automatic operations on a standard machine, such as found with automatic bar machines, vertical turret lathes, and others,is not what is meant by automation. These machines are highly mechanized.3."Automation" has been, and still is, a greatly misused word, but its proper meaning, and therefore its implications, is gradually becoming better understood.4.The computer-aided manager is in a completely different position. Before he gets it,and even before he needs it,the information is processed or digested,all action which can be decided by the machine already taken, giving him the essential factsnot as a rag-bag but in a clear-cut form,so that he may sometimes be faced with one, two, or three basic choices.5.It makes sure that the people who have to make these decisions have adequate predigested information to work on. It is not a question of machines replacing men, it is largely a question of extending men’s faculties by machines so that in fact they become better, more competent men.Unit 2 AutomobileIV. 1.手动或自动挡 2.内部设计 3.薄板锂离子电池 4.太阳能电池板 5.头尾灯 6 concept car 7. Horse power 8. test bed 9. battery pack 10. turning circleV. 1. 尼桑推出了一种新产品—城市汽车Pixo和一款电力驱动的概念车—NuVu,预示了尼桑未来的重点会放在电力驱动车上。

科技英语翻译EST TRANSLATION第11章篇章的翻译1、总复习题第9章句子的翻译1、句子成分的译法2、否定句的译法3、总复习题第10章长句的翻译1、并列句的译法2、名词性从句的译法3、定语从句的译法4、状语从句的译法5、复合长句的译法6、总复习题第1节翻译练习31.low damping2.low brake3.low limit4.low shot5.low current6.low order7.low access8.low key9.low brass 弱阻尼低速制动器下限低位仰视拍摄低强度电流慢速存取低音调键下半轴瓦1.solid angle2.solid bearing3.solid body4.solid line5.solid borer6.solid color7.solid crankshaft8.solid gold9.solid measure10.solid circuit11.solid injection12.solid lubricant13.solid pole 钻头单色实心曲轴固态电路赤金体积无气喷射润滑脂,固体润滑剂磁极实线固体整体轴承立体角第1节翻译练习4 apron (n.):►机械行业►造船业►建筑业►地质►运输业►航空业►军事护床船头护船木(皮带)运输机护墙,挡板冰川前的沙砾层停机坪(炮的)口罩,伪装天幕2.4 词的增译1.增译名词2.增译动词3.增译形容词4.增译副词5.增译代词第4节翻译练习16.增译量词7.增译表示名词复数的词8.增译时态词9.增译概括性的词10.增译连接词11.增译转折词第4节翻译练习2。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题40题含答案解析1.The new technology has greatly improved efficiency.这句话的中文意思是:A.新技术已经大大提高了效率。
重点词汇:new technology( 新技术)、greatly( 大大地)、improved( 提高,过去分词形式,这里表示已经完成的动作)、efficiency 效率)。
整句话是现在完成时态,结构为“have/has + 动词的过去分词”,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。
2.The development of artificial intelligence is changing our lives.这句话的中文意思是:A.人工智能的发展正在改变我们的生活。
重点词汇:development( 发展)、artificial intelligence 人工智能)、changing( 改变,现在分词形式,表示正在进行的动作)、lives(生活,life 的复数形式)。
这句话是现在进行时态,“be + 动词的现在分词”。
3.Scientists are researching new energy sources.这句话的中文意思是:A.科学家们正在研究新能源。
重点词汇:scientists( 科学家们)、researching( 研究,现在分词形式)、new energy sources 新能源)。
4.The application of 5G technology brings many conveniences.这句话的中文意思是:A.5G 技术的应用带来了很多便利。

科技翻译课后练习题含答案1.翻译如下句子:The processor’s clock speed is the governing factor in how fast the computer runs.处理器的时钟速度是决定计算机运行速度的关键因素。
4.翻译如下句子:Quantum computing is an emerging technology that promises to revolutionize the way we process information.量子计算是一项新兴技术,有望彻底改变我们处理信息的方式。
7.翻译如下句子:Virtual reality technology is expected to havea significant impact on a variety of industries, from entertnment to healthcare.虚拟现实技术预计将对各个行业产生重要影响,从娱乐到医疗。
8.翻译如下术语:machine learning机器学习。
10.翻译如下句子:Artificial intelligence has thepotential to automate many tasks that currently require humaninput.人工智能有潜力自动化许多目前需要人类参与的任务。

科技英语翻译练习答案(重排版)科技英语翻译1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor. 动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can e_plain such phenomena.All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, andwater.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。
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科技英语翻译1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。
(意译)The designer must have access to stock lists of the materials he employs.Part adjustment and repair must be performed on regular basis if an acceptable printed product is to be the end product.设计师必须备有所使用材料的储备表。
(意译)第4节翻译练习2The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water. The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.The apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.植物生长的各因素中最重要的是水的供应。
(分译)These fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one. Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.这些石块和铁块的碎片大小不等,大的直径有1000公里,小的不到1公里。
(分译)第4节翻译练习3Cartography is the science of making maps.Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.制图学是研究绘制地图的科学。
(增译)The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltage and that of current.That like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fundamental laws of electricity.电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特:后者是电压的单位,前者是电流的单位。
(省译)第4节翻译练习4Almost any insulated body processes to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric charge.The angular contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity.The properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation.几乎任何一种绝缘体都多少具有保留电荷一段时间的能力。
2.1 词义的选择第1节翻译练习1The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.The earth isn’t completely round; it is slightly flattene d at the poles.In each round of operation the particle picks up energy from the oscillating electric field.锭子同时绕两个互相垂直的轴旋转。
(形容词)An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.Her waist measures forty inches round.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。
(副词)第1节翻译练习2Rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by the tool. Scientists are constantly striving to find fast and convenient way of obtaining quantitative data. To find the area of a square or oblong, you merely multiply its length by its width.Certain isotopes are not found in nature.人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受的净压力成正比。
New fibers find expanding applications in engineering and industry.Kangaroos are found in Australia.This plant is found in the sea near the mouth of rivers.Microcomputers have found their application in the production of genius sensors.Plastics find wide application in our daily life.大袋鼠产于澳大利亚。
第2节翻译练习1The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls.Traditionally, NC programming has been performed offline with the machine commands being contained on a punched tape.The occurrence of large mats of floating algae may result in the death of many fish from lack of oxygen.滚动阻力的起因在于滚动体的配合面和它滚动的滚道的变形。
(修辞引申)The splitting of the uranium or plutonium nucleus is accompanied by the release of very considerable amount of energy.The major contributors in component technology have been in the semiconductor.The distance between the two plates is small compared with their linear dimensions.Just as different solids and liquids vary in density, so do gases and vapors.元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。