
Detail description
High school students should be able to read carefully and analyze the structure, language, and content of texts. They should also be able to identify the author's purpose, arguments, and evidence used in the text.
Practice suggestions
Provide students with critical reading assignments, encourage them to question and evaluate the information in texts, and train them to use reasoning skills effectively.
Problem solving strategies
Strategies for finding the main idea
identify the topic sentence or the conclusion paragraph, summarize the content, or find the repeated or key words.
02 03
Detail description
High school students should be able to infer the author's implicit meanings, evaluate the credibility of the information presented in the text, and make informed judgments based on the evidence provided.
High school students should be able to read carefully and analyze the structure, language, and content of texts. They should also be able to identify the author's purpose, arguments, and evidence used in the text.
Practice suggestions
Provide students with critical reading assignments, encourage them to question and evaluate the information in texts, and train them to use reasoning skills effectively.
Problem solving strategies
Strategies for finding the main idea
identify the topic sentence or the conclusion paragraph, summarize the content, or find the repeated or key words.
02 03
Detail description
High school students should be able to infer the author's implicit meanings, evaluate the credibility of the information presented in the text, and make informed judgments based on the evidence provided.
高三英语高考备考复习 阅读理解课件(共281张PPT)

抓手指游戏 规则:
1、左手出掌,掌心向下,右手伸出食指向 上,顶在旁边同学的掌心之下;
2、老师讲一段话出现“快乐”的时候,左 手迅速去抓旁边人的右手食指,同时, 右拥抱你的情绪
• 两只猴子同时关在笼子里,一只被捆住,不能 动;一只可以在笼子里活动。 实验者每隔20秒对猴子进行一次电击,每次放 电前5秒,笼里的红灯就会亮起。笼里有一个 开关,每当红灯亮起,只要按动开关就可以逃 出笼子。 可以活动的那只猴子发现了这个开关。实验在 不间断的进行,结果有一只猴子死了。
• 是哪一只猴子先死?为什么?
高空体验 • 情绪来源于人的心理感受,人的想法。
愤怒: 痛苦: 焦虑: 恐惧: 悲伤: 内疚: 委屈:
请接纳、拥抱 你的情绪!
比如,你看见一朵云飘过时,可以 说:“云啊,你知道吗?刚才 ……”
抓手指游戏 规则:
1、左手出掌,掌心向下,右手伸出食指向 上,顶在旁边同学的掌心之下;
2、老师讲一段话出现“快乐”的时候,左 手迅速去抓旁边人的右手食指,同时, 右拥抱你的情绪
• 两只猴子同时关在笼子里,一只被捆住,不能 动;一只可以在笼子里活动。 实验者每隔20秒对猴子进行一次电击,每次放 电前5秒,笼里的红灯就会亮起。笼里有一个 开关,每当红灯亮起,只要按动开关就可以逃 出笼子。 可以活动的那只猴子发现了这个开关。实验在 不间断的进行,结果有一只猴子死了。
• 是哪一只猴子先死?为什么?
高空体验 • 情绪来源于人的心理感受,人的想法。
愤怒: 痛苦: 焦虑: 恐惧: 悲伤: 内疚: 委屈:
请接纳、拥抱 你的情绪!
比如,你看见一朵云飘过时,可以 说:“云啊,你知道吗?刚才 ……”
高考英语阅读理解解题技巧 课件 38张PPT

B、干扰项 可能属从文中某些 (不完全的) 事 实或细节片面推出的错误结论。
C、干扰项 可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。
D、正确项 是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳 概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过 其实或以偏概全。
1. The main idea of the passage is ______. 2. Which of the following statements best summarizes the author’s main point? 3. This paragraph centers/focuses on ______. 4. This passage is chiefly concerned with ______. 5. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is ______. 6. What is the best title of the passage?
A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick
Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved.
C、干扰项 可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。
D、正确项 是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳 概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过 其实或以偏概全。
1. The main idea of the passage is ______. 2. Which of the following statements best summarizes the author’s main point? 3. This paragraph centers/focuses on ______. 4. This passage is chiefly concerned with ______. 5. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is ______. 6. What is the best title of the passage?
A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick
Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved.
人教版 高三英语 阅读理解专题 课件(共27张PPT)

C.being made to read too much
Hale Waihona Puke D.being made to read aloud before others
If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and
stars,we would go in darkness happily,the midnight world as
A.The Magic Light
B.The Orange Haze
C.The Disappearing Night D.The Rhythms of Nature
———— pollution causes us to lose sight of our true place in the universe, ——————————— to forget the scale of our being,which is best measured against the
D.had to stay at home with the light of the moon
2015浙江C片段(7) Living in a glare of our own making,we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural heritage—the light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night. In a very real sense,light

A tip on being a teacher: inspire instead of telling.
(一) Practical writing - 应用文
I. Sources of materials
1. advertisements, posts, manuals, guidebooks, a notice… 2. Letters II. Characteristics (length, language) 1. short length and brief language 2. title and subtitles, 3. pictures, forms
1. What type of practical writing is it ? A recommendation. 2. What is the main idea? It recommends four great books in terms of its title, author, content and theme.
(二)Narrative writings – 记叙文
I. Sources of materials: stories, novels, biographies, news II. Key elements: time, key events, feelings, theme III. Common items: plot, cause and effect, emotional changes, the author’s attitude, theme, title, the main idea
III. Language characteristics:
Formal, objective and highly logical language; Big words, long and complex sentences.

two parts 5. describe the philosophical foundations of digital minimalism 6. start with an examination 7. the forces are making
so many people’s digital lives increasingly intolerable 8. moving on to a detailed discussion of the digital minimalism philosophy
1. statement
What is the statement(problem,phenomenon…)
2. explanation
What causes the problem ? What effect does it have? H act on the big ideas of the chapter. You can view these practices as a
toolbox meant to aid your efforts to build a minimalist lifestyle that words for B. Recommend them to friends.C. Evaluate their your particular circumstances.
9. conclude by introducing my suggested method for adopting this philosophy 10. the digital declutter 11. This process requires

It will be very hard but very brittle — that is , it will break easily.
(adj. 易碎的, 脆的)
The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.
(adj. 巨大的;极大的)
4. Cause Effect 因果法:从原因推 测结果,从结果推测原因。
One who is destitute has a great need for food and clothing.
(adj. 贫穷的,穷困的)
That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.
(adj. 大的)
5. Example 例举法:利用文中的举例 猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instance, for example, such as等 。
Today young couples often spend lots of
their money on appliances, for instance,
逗号后的or water给出了irrigate的准确含义,即“灌溉” 的意思。
washing machines, refrigerators and
color televisions.
(n. 电器用具)
• 方法6:
Using word formation
6. Guessing the meaning
prefix (前缀)
(adj. 易碎的, 脆的)
The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.
(adj. 巨大的;极大的)
4. Cause Effect 因果法:从原因推 测结果,从结果推测原因。
One who is destitute has a great need for food and clothing.
(adj. 贫穷的,穷困的)
That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.
(adj. 大的)
5. Example 例举法:利用文中的举例 猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instance, for example, such as等 。
Today young couples often spend lots of
their money on appliances, for instance,
逗号后的or water给出了irrigate的准确含义,即“灌溉” 的意思。
washing machines, refrigerators and
color televisions.
(n. 电器用具)
• 方法6:
Using word formation
6. Guessing the meaning
prefix (前缀)

• 位于段首:一般而言,以演绎法撰写的文章, 主题句往往在文章的开头,即先点出主题,然 后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。判断第一句是 否为主题句,可具体分析段落的首句与第二, 三句的关系;如果从第二句就开始对第一句进 行说明,论述或描述,那第一句就是主题句。
• 有些段落,在主题句后面有明显引出细节的信 号词,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。
that_____. • The passage/ text is mainly about_____. • What’s the article mainly about ?
• ③解题提示
• 主题句一般出现在文章的开头或结尾。主题句 具有简洁性、概括性的特点。主题句在文章中 的位置主要有以下几种情况:
• 位于段尾:有些文章会在开头列举事实, 然后通 过论证阐述作者的核心论点。因此,如果第一 句话不是概括性的或综合性的话,最好快速读 一读段落的最后一个句子,看看它是否具备主 题句的特征。如果它具备主題句的特征,段落 的主题思想就很容易确定了。一般说来,当一 种观点不易向人解释清楚或不易被人接受时, 主题句便会到段落的末尾才出现。
stated? • ②预测推理判断题 • 根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,
• What do you think will happen if/when…? • At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to
• 有些段落,在主题句后面有明显引出细节的信 号词,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。
that_____. • The passage/ text is mainly about_____. • What’s the article mainly about ?
• ③解题提示
• 主题句一般出现在文章的开头或结尾。主题句 具有简洁性、概括性的特点。主题句在文章中 的位置主要有以下几种情况:
• 位于段尾:有些文章会在开头列举事实, 然后通 过论证阐述作者的核心论点。因此,如果第一 句话不是概括性的或综合性的话,最好快速读 一读段落的最后一个句子,看看它是否具备主 题句的特征。如果它具备主題句的特征,段落 的主题思想就很容易确定了。一般说来,当一 种观点不易向人解释清楚或不易被人接受时, 主题句便会到段落的末尾才出现。
stated? • ②预测推理判断题 • 根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,
• What do you think will happen if/when…? • At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to

The author seems to tell us in Paragraph 1 that _B__.
A. time alone will tell B. time goes by quickly C. time will show what is right D. time makes one forget the past
1、细节理解题 (details) 2、推理判断题 (inference) 3、词义猜测题 (paraphrase) 4、观点态度题 (attitude) 5、主旨归纳题 (theme)
1. 正确答案一般不能有绝对化语言 (eg: never, all, always…) 注意 :Not all = All … not
1. 干扰项往往是片面的, 不能涵盖原句的全部意思 2. 干扰项中的某个成分, 如时间、地点等与原句存 在出入;
3. 干扰项与原句意思完全不符。
被猜测句子的特点: 往往是上文语境的结果或结论。 例如:
We couldn’t afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn’t even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely lost, the teacher’s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.
I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman. Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit, but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my father’s age, but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.
A. time alone will tell B. time goes by quickly C. time will show what is right D. time makes one forget the past
1、细节理解题 (details) 2、推理判断题 (inference) 3、词义猜测题 (paraphrase) 4、观点态度题 (attitude) 5、主旨归纳题 (theme)
1. 正确答案一般不能有绝对化语言 (eg: never, all, always…) 注意 :Not all = All … not
1. 干扰项往往是片面的, 不能涵盖原句的全部意思 2. 干扰项中的某个成分, 如时间、地点等与原句存 在出入;
3. 干扰项与原句意思完全不符。
被猜测句子的特点: 往往是上文语境的结果或结论。 例如:
We couldn’t afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn’t even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely lost, the teacher’s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.
I recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman. Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit, but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me. Fifty is supposed to be my father’s age, but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.

General information about text
Information from text
Pleasure or interest
A. Main Idea/Best Title
In the United States, old people who no longer have an income or who suffer from a loss of physical abilities are often forced to give up living alone. They must leave their homes and depend on someone else to give them a place to live and to take care of their physical needs: they must either live with relatives or live in homes for the aged. This loss of independence is a major problem for the aged.
3. 4.
Tips: Not too general, not too specific ! Question forms: The main idea/key point/purpose/subject matter of this passage is that _________. From the passage we learn/can conclude that ________. The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with _________. What’s the best title/headline for the passage? Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? Skills: Find out topic/key sentences

常见问题形式有: 1.According to the passage, who/ what/
which/ when/ Where / why / how/ how many/how much/ how long/ How soon/ how often, etc. ? 2. According to the passage, which of the following is true/ not true? 3. According to the passage, Which of the following is not mentioned ? 4. All of the following are true EXCEPT ___. 5. In the passage the writer states that ____. 6. Choose the best order in which the people do________. 7. Which of the following is true/false except…? 8. Which of the following is mentioned except…
This huge dam was called Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States. Hoover Dam, one of the highest dams in the world,is situated between the states of Arizona andollowing is NOT true? A. Luo Lin is a native of Shanghai. B. Luo Lin moved to Hong Kong with her parents. C. Luo Lin won the title of Miss Asia in 1991. D. Asia TV Station helped Luo Lin to become Miss Asia.

例3. Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar, and reindeer with surprising sauces . (04福建) According to the passage, The Pines is a ______. A. place in which you can see many mobile homes B. mountain where you can get a good view of the valley C. town which happens to be near the Banff National Park D. restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food
例如: To date, more than 400,000 people have set in applications, more than 270,000 of them from Beijing. C We can infer that_______ A.many Chinese applicants can speak English B.most applicants are Beijing natives C.at present most of the applicants are from Beijing D.the applicants must pass th的特点: 与原文情节表达手法不同,但所表达的 意思相同。 干扰选项的特点: 1. 是原文信息,但与题目要求不符; 2. 符合常识,但不符合原文内容; 3. 与原文情节极为相似,只是在程度上有些 变动; 4. 选项中所提供的信息部分正确,部分错误; 5. 在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
However, it still took her three months to learn the art of walking on the stage, dancing, singing,making-up and other proper manners, designed by the Asia TV Station.
A large number of U.S presidents had experiences in the army. The two best known were Ulysses Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Grant was a general in the American Civil War and Eisenhower was a hero in the second World War. It happened that they graduated from the same school──West Point Military Academy(西点军校)……
Q: President Eisenhower became well-
A. while studying in West Point Military
B. during the American Civil War
C. after he was elected President of the U.S.
1) Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage? 2) The author mentions all of the following except___ . 3)In the passage, the author states that ______. 4) The reason for . . .is . . . 5) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) ... 6)From the passage we know that ______.
D. during World War II.
Eisenhower was a hero in the second World War.
Invited by Mr. Ye Huixian, host of the well received TV programme “Stars Tonight”, Miss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of 1991, appeared as the guest hostess on the Shan ghai TV screen last Sunday.
1 Many American presidents in the 19th century were born in poor families. They spent their childhood in little wooden rooms. They got little education. Washington and Lincoln, for example, never went to school and they taught themselves. Lincoln once did jobs of a worker, shop-keeper and post officer in his early years.
• 细节理解题 • 主旨判断题 • 推理判断题
细节理解题就是我们常见的wh-题,它们 大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例 证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。有 些问题可以在文章中直接找到答案,有些 则要我们在理解的基础上将有关内容系统 化才能找到,比如计算、排序、是非判断、 图形比较等。做此类题的方法一般是先用 寻读法找出与问题相关的词语或句子,再 对相关的部分进行细读,找出正确答案。
高三英语专题复习 英语阅读理解技巧
要求学生读懂简易的英语文学作品,科普文章, 公告,说明,广告以及书,报,杂志中关于一般 性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。考生应能: 1` 理解语篇主旨大意 2` 理解文中具体信息 3` 根据上下文提供的线索推测生词的词义 4` 根据文中事实和线索作出简单的判断和,意图和态度
Born in Shanghai and taken to Hong Kong when she was only six years old, Luo Lin has never dreamed of being Miss Asia. Her childhood dream was to be an air hostess. Before she took part in the competition, she had been an airhostess in Cat hay Airline for seven years.
一` 题材分析能力 二` 题干分析能力 三` 猜词能力 四`综合应用语言能力
般有这样几种文体,即记叙文、 描写文、说明文、应用文和 论述文。不同的文体有不同的 段落组织方式和脉络层次。
从阅读题的题干入手,题目 可分为以下三种类型
“It’s really a hard job for me. I won’t enter for such competition any more. Anyhow, I am quite lucky. I am also glad to have had more