Benjamin Franklin
• 光学:他发明了老人用的双焦距眼镜,能够看清近处及远处的事 物,并且因此最先解释了北极光。
发明了口琴、摇椅、路灯、避雷针。 发现了墨西哥海湾的海流。 最先绘制暴风雨推移图。 发现人们呼出气体的有害性。 发现了颗粒肥料。 设计出夏天穿的白色亚麻服装,设计了最早的游泳眼镜和蛙噗。 制定了新闻传播法。 最先组织了消防厅。 创立了近代的邮信制度。 创立了议员的近代选举法。
• 1 读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。 • 2 诚实和勤勉应该成为你永久的伴侣。 • 3 读书是我唯一的娱乐,我不把时间浪费与酒店、赌博或者任何 一种低劣的游戏。 • 学而不能致用的人是一头背着书的牛马。蠢驴是否知道它背上背 的是一堆书而不是一捆柴?
• 1 懒鬼起来吧!别再浪费时间,将来在坟墓内有足够的时 间让你睡的。 • 2 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体;常使用的钥匙 ,总是闪闪亮的。 • 切勿坐耗时光,须知每刻都有无穷的利息;日计不足,岁 月有余。 • 3 不劳苦,无所得 • 4 时间就是生命,时间就是金钱。 • 5 今日能做的事,勿延至明日。 • 6勤劳的人,饥饿过其门而不入
• • • • • 1 恶习知道自己委实很丑陋,所以往往戴了假面具。 2 虚伪和欺诈师一切罪恶之母。 3 真话说一半常是弥天大谎。 4 饮食节制常常使人头脑清醒,思想敏捷。 5 早眠早起,使人健康,富有,明智。
• A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle. • -------Benjamin franklin, inventer • 一个只关心自己的人只能成就很小的事。
• •
• •
富兰克林对邮政工作格外偏爱,是出于非常现实的考虑——这当然不是指他 自己可以免费寄信这种蝇头小利,而是说他发现了邮政和他家族的产业—— 报纸印刷出版之间的联系。曾经,殖民地时期的邮政局并不热衷于担当报纸 的发行渠道,甚至会因为不喜欢某些报纸的内容而拒绝邮寄。富兰克林出任 邮政局长后,很快制定了一项政策:任何出版商都可以通过邮局发行自己的 报纸,邮局不仅不会干涉,而且还在邮费上面给出了非常优惠的折扣。
• 美国独立战争: • 美国独立战争(American War of Independence) (1775年4月19日~1784年1月14日),美国独立战争, 又称北美独立战争或美国革命。为世界历史上首次殖民地 居民打败宗主国并获得独立的战争,美国在脱离英国独立 后,其经济及军事迅速发展,很快便跃升为世界主要强国 之一。是世界史上第一次大规模的殖民地争取民族独立的 战争,它的胜利,给大英帝国的殖民体系打开了一个缺口, 为殖民地民族解放战争树立了范例。 • 18世纪中叶,随着北美殖民地资本主义经济的发展和美利 坚民族意识的增强,英国与北美殖民地之间的矛盾日益激 化。尤其是七年战争后,英国为弥补战争损失,加重对殖 民地人民的盘剥与压迫,从而使殖民地抗英斗争从经济、 政治斗争发展到武装斗争。 • 原因 • 英国的殖民统治阻碍了北美经济的发展。
The Autobiography
商务英语本科二班 二组
作者简介 内容介绍
• 时代背景: • 富兰克林生活的时代正值美国从殖民地向独立的 资产阶级国家迈进的重大转折时期,他积极投身 革命运动,对独立战争的胜利和美国国家制度的 初期建设作出了重大的贡献.
1701年,普鲁士国王腓特烈一世想拥有一件珍品 ——一个壁上嵌满琥珀的房间
美国文学 富兰克林传.ppt
Literary Giant: Benjamin Franklin
Major works
Poor Richard's Almanack 2.The Autobiography 1.
Poor Richard's Almanack
Poor Richard's Almanac (1733-1758) took Franklin twentyfive years to contrive homely aphorism out of whatever source he could tap and improve most of then with his gift for pungenct and imagery.
The Autobiography
In his Autobiography , told how and when he began to write it "Memoires De La Vie Privee...,”1791,in Paris The first English translation, "The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin ”,1793,in London
"The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”was written for Franklin's son William The work portrays a fascinating picture of life in Philadelphia The first five chapters were written in England in 1771,resumed in 1784-1785 in Paris,and later in 1788 in the US
• 阅读本书,就像与一个伟大心灵对话, 能收获一份人生修养的智慧,完成一次 实现美国梦的奋斗历程和完美道德的精 神之旅。它是一部影响了几代美国人、 历经两百余年经久不衰的励志奇书,它 包含了人生奋斗与成功的真知灼见,以 及诸种善与美的道德真谛,被公认为是 改变了无数人命运的美国精神读本。
A story that a person writes about his or her own life is called an autobiography. Autobiographies are written in first-person point of view, and biographies in thirdperson point of view.
The Representative of American Enlightenment:
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
• If you would not be forgotten , as soon as you are dead & rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing. --B. Franklin
It is a Puritan document -it is a record of selfexamination(自我审视) and self-improvement ( 自我完善): he believes that God helps those who help themselves and that every calling is a service to God, in order to get on in the world, one has to be industrious, frugal, and prudent.
Benjamin-Franklin本杰明富兰克林 PPT
It was considered to be the greatest autobiography produced in Colonial America which was published here contained 14 chapters.
• 省一文等于挣一文;聚沙可以成塔,积水可以成河 。 • 早睡早起,使人健康、富有和聪明 。 • 天助自助者 。 • 小小开支不可随意,小小漏洞会沉大船。 • 吃饭是为了活着,活着不是为了吃饭。 • 选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 《本杰明·富兰克林自传》
Serving god best is to contribute your talent
to the people and community
Franklin’s Contributions to Science
A scientist with lots of inventions and a famous experiment (kite, electricity, thunderstorm); first applied the terms “positive” and “negative” to electrical charges.
Benjamin Franklin
1. Life Experience 2. Great Contributions 3. Literary Worperience
He was born in Boston, the youngest son of a poor craftsman on January 17,1706. He had little formal education, but he taught himself by reading widely.
• 省一文等于挣一文;聚沙可以成塔,积水可以成河 。 • 早睡早起,使人健康、富有和聪明 。 • 天助自助者 。 • 小小开支不可随意,小小漏洞会沉大船。 • 吃饭是为了活着,活着不是为了吃饭。 • 选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 《本杰明·富兰克林自传》
Serving god best is to contribute your talent
to the people and community
Franklin’s Contributions to Science
A scientist with lots of inventions and a famous experiment (kite, electricity, thunderstorm); first applied the terms “positive” and “negative” to electrical charges.
Benjamin Franklin
1. Life Experience 2. Great Contributions 3. Literary Worperience
He was born in Boston, the youngest son of a poor craftsman on January 17,1706. He had little formal education, but he taught himself by reading widely.
Benjamin Franklin 课件
13 Humility Imitate Jesus and Socrates. (谦虚(qiānxū) 仿效耶稣和苏格拉底。)
2 Silence Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation. (沉默 说话必须对别人或你自己有益(yǒuyì);要避 免无益的聊天。)
3 Order Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. (生活秩序 将每一样东西放在它们应该放的地方; 每件日常事务应当有一定的时间(shíjiān)。)
Teaching Procedure:
I Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was a printer, publisher, editor, postmaster, educator, economist, scientist, inventor, musician, man of letters(scholar or author), diplomat and statesman. He didn’t receive much formal education. At the age of 12, he was apprenticed to his brother, a printer, and at 16 took over the editorship of the paper New England Courant. At 17 he moved to Philadelphia and became sole owner of a printing firm.
13 Humility Imitate Jesus and Socrates. (谦虚(qiānxū) 仿效耶稣和苏格拉底。)
2 Silence Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation. (沉默 说话必须对别人或你自己有益(yǒuyì);要避 免无益的聊天。)
3 Order Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time. (生活秩序 将每一样东西放在它们应该放的地方; 每件日常事务应当有一定的时间(shíjiān)。)
Teaching Procedure:
I Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was a printer, publisher, editor, postmaster, educator, economist, scientist, inventor, musician, man of letters(scholar or author), diplomat and statesman. He didn’t receive much formal education. At the age of 12, he was apprenticed to his brother, a printer, and at 16 took over the editorship of the paper New England Courant. At 17 he moved to Philadelphia and became sole owner of a printing firm.
area, by Mayflower and found Plymouth Colony (普利茅斯殖民地).
ship of Mayflower
roast turkey
❖ The origin of Thanksgiving Day
New England
2. American Puritanism
To achieve freedom , prosperity and success through honest hard work.
The ability to rise from rags to riches through hard work.
"life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with for each according to ability or achievement“
❖What is Puritan?
The Puritans were originally devout members
of Church of England who advocated highly
religious and moral principle. They wished to
“purify” their religious belief---to clean up the
❖What is American Puritanism?
❖ Puritanism is the practices and religious beliefs of puritans in America.
ship of Mayflower
roast turkey
❖ The origin of Thanksgiving Day
New England
2. American Puritanism
To achieve freedom , prosperity and success through honest hard work.
The ability to rise from rags to riches through hard work.
"life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with for each according to ability or achievement“
❖What is Puritan?
The Puritans were originally devout members
of Church of England who advocated highly
religious and moral principle. They wished to
“purify” their religious belief---to clean up the
❖What is American Puritanism?
❖ Puritanism is the practices and religious beliefs of puritans in America.
《美国文学史及选读》(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 4 Benjamin Frankli
CChhapatpert3er 4 Benjamin Franklin
Brief Comment Successful in business, renowned in science, this most modern-spirited man
of early Americans also served his nation brilliantly.
born in Boston
went to Philadelphia as a young man and began his career as a printer
was the sole owner of a successful printing shop, and was the editor and publisher of The Pennsylvania Gazette (later The Saturday Evening Post) at twenty-four
CChhapatpert3er 4 Benjamin Franklin
my Father was impatient to have me bound8 to my Brother. I stood out some time, but at last was persuaded and signed the Indentures9, when I was yet but 12 Years old. I was to serve as an Apprentice till I was 21 Years of Age, only I was to be allow’d Journeyman’s Wages10 during the last Year. In a little time I made great Proficiency in the Business, and became a useful Hand to my Brother. I now had Access to better Books. An Acquaintance with the Apprentices of Booksellers enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one, which I was careful to return soon and clean. Often I sat up in my Room reading the greatest Part of the Night, when the Book was borrow’d in
美国文学史 Benjamin franklin
❖ The style:use of humor、simple、clear in order、 direct and concise、predome work was one of the first autobiographies in the English language
❖ The autobiography tell us today what life was like in 18th country American.
❖ Franklin’s autobiography is also a reflection of 18th century idealism.
Philade About political advocations
13 virtues
❖ Temperance 节制 ❖ Silence 缄默 ❖ Order 条例 ❖ Resolution 决心 ❖ Frugality 节俭 ❖ Industry 勤奋 ❖ Sincerity 真诚 ❖ Justice 正义
❖ Moderation 适度 ❖ Cleanliness 整洁 ❖ Tranquility 平静 ❖ Chastity 纯洁 贞操 ❖ Humility 谦逊
Why are we still reading this book over 200 years after it was written?
❖Appeared from 1732—1758 and contained information that typical almanac would contain.
❖Many aphorisms and proverbs. (eg, action speak loud than words)
❖ The autobiography tell us today what life was like in 18th country American.
❖ Franklin’s autobiography is also a reflection of 18th century idealism.
Philade About political advocations
13 virtues
❖ Temperance 节制 ❖ Silence 缄默 ❖ Order 条例 ❖ Resolution 决心 ❖ Frugality 节俭 ❖ Industry 勤奋 ❖ Sincerity 真诚 ❖ Justice 正义
❖ Moderation 适度 ❖ Cleanliness 整洁 ❖ Tranquility 平静 ❖ Chastity 纯洁 贞操 ❖ Humility 谦逊
Why are we still reading this book over 200 years after it was written?
❖Appeared from 1732—1758 and contained information that typical almanac would contain.
❖Many aphorisms and proverbs. (eg, action speak loud than words)
美国 牛人——本杰明·富兰克林
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
A scientist
The prototype of the
American dream
姓名:Benjamin Franklin 中文名:本杰明·富兰克林 性别:男 出生日期:1706年1月17日 身高:未知 体重:未知 星座:摩羯座 配偶:Deborah Read 特长:上通天文下晓地理,才高八斗 职业:科学家、发明家、政治家、外
造蜡烛和肥皂为业,生有十七个孩子,富兰克 林是最小的儿子。
富兰克林八岁入学读书,虽然学习成绩优 异,但由于他家中孩子太多,父亲收入无法负 担,他十岁时就离开学校,回家帮父亲做蜡烛。 十二岁时,他到哥哥詹姆士经营的小印刷所当 学徒,自此他当了近十年的印刷工人,但他的 学习从未间断过,他从伙食费中省下钱来买书。 同时,利用工作之便,他结识了几家书店的学 徒,将书店的书在晚间偷偷地借来,通宵达旦 地阅读。第二天清晨便归还。
The Autobiography
本杰明·富兰克林的父亲若西亚·富兰克林(Jo siah Franklin)是英格兰北安普顿郡一个铁匠家庭 之子。母亲艾比亚·富尔家(Abiah Folger)则是出生 于一教师家庭。若西亚·富兰克林于1677年在英 格兰结婚,生下数名儿女后,在1683年举家离 开英格兰移居波士顿,以售卖杂货为生。之后 他首任妻子去世,再娶的妻子艾比亚于1706年 在波士顿生下本杰明·富兰克林。
美国 牛人——本杰明·富兰克林
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
A scientist
The prototype of the
American dream
姓名:Benjamin Franklin 中文名:本杰明·富兰克林 性别:男 出生日期:1706年1月17日 身高:未知 体重:未知 星座:摩羯座 配偶:Deborah Read 特长:上通天文下晓地理,才高八斗 职业:科学家、发明家、政治家、外
造蜡烛和肥皂为业,生有十七个孩子,富兰克 林是最小的儿子。
富兰克林八岁入学读书,虽然学习成绩优 异,但由于他家中孩子太多,父亲收入无法负 担,他十岁时就离开学校,回家帮父亲做蜡烛。 十二岁时,他到哥哥詹姆士经营的小印刷所当 学徒,自此他当了近十年的印刷工人,但他的 学习从未间断过,他从伙食费中省下钱来买书。 同时,利用工作之便,他结识了几家书店的学 徒,将书店的书在晚间偷偷地借来,通宵达旦 地阅读。第二天清晨便归还。
The Autobiography
本杰明·富兰克林的父亲若西亚·富兰克林(Jo siah Franklin)是英格兰北安普顿郡一个铁匠家庭 之子。母亲艾比亚·富尔家(Abiah Folger)则是出生 于一教师家庭。若西亚·富兰克林于1677年在英 格兰结婚,生下数名儿女后,在1683年举家离 开英格兰移居波士顿,以售卖杂货为生。之后 他首任妻子去世,再娶的妻子艾比亚于1706年 在波士顿生下本杰明·富兰克林。
美国文学——Benjamin Franklin课件
Benjamin Franklin and The
First of its kind in literature Writing when he was 65 An introduction of his life to his own son Including four parts written in different time Puritanism’s influence, such as self-examination and self-improvement (timetable, thirteen virtues, life style) Enlightenment spirits (man’s nature good, rights of liberty, virtues includes “order〞) Style: simple, clear in order, direct and concise (“Nothing should be expressed in two words that can as well be expressed in one.〞) (Puritanism’s influence) Popular, still well-read today, his values and style influenced lots of Americans
The End
Literary works
Poor Richard’s Almanac?穷查理的年历? Modeled on farmers’ annual calendar; kept publishing for many years; includes many classical sayings, such as “A penny saved is a penny earned.〞 The Autobiography:
CONTENTS content
Benjamin Franklin
About his identities About his books
About his famous
Famous Quotation
The world is full of fools and faint hearts and yet every one has courage enough to bear the misfortunes and wisdom enough to manage the affairs of his neighbor.
Scientist Add your title
The lightning rod, bifocal glasses, armonica etc.
Social Add your activist title
Established library ,founded the college etc.
Industrialist Add your title
Байду номын сангаас
Pennsylvania Gazette
Politician Add your title
Declaration of Independence
Lightning rob 避雷针
Rocking chair 摇椅 Franklin stove 富兰克林电炉
Road lamp 路灯
CONTENTS content
Benjamin Franklin
About his identities About his books
+ Franklin wrote many things during his lifetime:
articles for his newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette(宾夕法尼亚公报), letters about his life (later published as his Autobiography), letters on an amazingly wide range of subjects, including politics, science, libraries, even fire stations. + Sometimes he was humorous, but he always followed his own rule for writing: make it "smooth, clear and short."
节制(restrained)、沉默(silent)、 秩序(plan)、意志(strong-willed)、 节俭(thrifty)、产出(effective)、诚 恳(sincere)、公平(fair)、中道()整 洁(tidiness)、平静(calm)、洁身 (integrity)、谦逊(modest)
1.He developed and improved the postal system , making it run at a profit after years of losses.(邮政系统) . 2.He supported and aided Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言). 3.He conducted the difficult negotiations with France that support for America in the war. 4.He was a delegate to the Convention that wrote the Constitution.
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d. Therefore, Franklin is a writer, printer, publisher, scientist, philanthropist, and diplomat.
Benjamin Franklin (17061790)
• “Franklin was the only good American author before the Revolutionary War.”
The Representative of American Enlightenment:
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
• If you would not be forgotten , as soon as you are dead & rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.
A scientist
Benjamin Franklin (17061790) His contributions
• His Contributions to Society a. Pennsylvania Hospital; b. America’s first circulating library in Philadephia; c. University of Pennsylvania; d. American Philosophical Society; e. the postal system.
Benjamin Franklin (17061790)
• His Contributions to Science
a. Inventions : Franklin stove, effective street lighting, bifocal glasses, a miniature printing press, efficient heating devices and even a strange musical instrument called an “armonica”玻璃口琴.
politician, public-spirited citizen, prose writer
He was the only
American to sign the founded the
four documents that
first public
created the United
--B. Franklin
• America has never forgotten Benjamin Franklin because he did both.
• Today, we honor Franklin as one of the Founding Fathers and as one of America’s greatest citizens.
b. He conducted the difficult negotiations with France that brought financial and military support for America in the war.
c. He was a delegate to the conversation that wrote the Constitution.
• “The Scottish philosopher David Hume called him America’s “first great man of letters”.”
★ He appears on the American 100 dollar bill.
Franklin on U.S. Postage
• Benjamin Franklin has been honored on US Postage stamps many times
Franklin’s Kite Experiment
d. He was one of the first men to study and map the Gulf Stream(墨西哥湾流) .
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
• His Contributions to the U.S.
a. He supported the cause of independence, served in the Continental Congress, and aided Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence.
founded a
Peace with England,
school and a
The Constitution hospital.
the great man of letters
Poor Richard’s Almalin (1706-1790)
organized the
The Declaration of first fire
department and
The Treaty of
the first paid
Alliance with France, police force,
The Treaty of
b. And for his lightning-rod, he was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire from heaven.”
c. the theories of electricity; first applied the terms “positive” and “negative” to electrical charges.
Benjamin Franklin (17061790)
• “Franklin was the only good American author before the Revolutionary War.”
The Representative of American Enlightenment:
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
• If you would not be forgotten , as soon as you are dead & rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.
A scientist
Benjamin Franklin (17061790) His contributions
• His Contributions to Society a. Pennsylvania Hospital; b. America’s first circulating library in Philadephia; c. University of Pennsylvania; d. American Philosophical Society; e. the postal system.
Benjamin Franklin (17061790)
• His Contributions to Science
a. Inventions : Franklin stove, effective street lighting, bifocal glasses, a miniature printing press, efficient heating devices and even a strange musical instrument called an “armonica”玻璃口琴.
politician, public-spirited citizen, prose writer
He was the only
American to sign the founded the
four documents that
first public
created the United
--B. Franklin
• America has never forgotten Benjamin Franklin because he did both.
• Today, we honor Franklin as one of the Founding Fathers and as one of America’s greatest citizens.
b. He conducted the difficult negotiations with France that brought financial and military support for America in the war.
c. He was a delegate to the conversation that wrote the Constitution.
• “The Scottish philosopher David Hume called him America’s “first great man of letters”.”
★ He appears on the American 100 dollar bill.
Franklin on U.S. Postage
• Benjamin Franklin has been honored on US Postage stamps many times
Franklin’s Kite Experiment
d. He was one of the first men to study and map the Gulf Stream(墨西哥湾流) .
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
• His Contributions to the U.S.
a. He supported the cause of independence, served in the Continental Congress, and aided Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence.
founded a
Peace with England,
school and a
The Constitution hospital.
the great man of letters
Poor Richard’s Almalin (1706-1790)
organized the
The Declaration of first fire
department and
The Treaty of
the first paid
Alliance with France, police force,
The Treaty of
b. And for his lightning-rod, he was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire from heaven.”
c. the theories of electricity; first applied the terms “positive” and “negative” to electrical charges.