Unit Seven Reservation文秘英语课件

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Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 老板或顾客出差时,秘书负责处理这些细 节问题。
2. 预定的种类多种多样,可以有多种方式。 3. 如果可能的话,帮我提供一间八楼的面向
大海的房间。 4. 如能告知现在的价格,包括服务费用,不
5. I wish to arrange for a banquet on the evening of that day, with an attendance of approximately 100 people. 本句中,arrange for sth. 意为“为……做 准备/安排”,arrange也可用于以下结构: arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. arrange to do sth. arrange+that从句 请看下例:
confirmation [,kɒnfə'meɪʃən] n. 确认 efficiency [ɪ'fɪʃənsɪ] n. 效率 headquarters ['hed,kwɔːtəz] n. 总部 on a business trip 出差 in advance 提前 in detail 详细地 owing to 因为,由于 as follows如下
3. In the Restaurant Reservation example, which of the following is NOT TRUE about the banquet?
A. It will be held on January 18. B. It will be held at Heping Restaurant. C. About 100 people will attend the banquet. D. It is supposed to be a first-class dinner.
4. With the development of the computer technology, reservation on Internet becomes more and more popular. What are the advantages of Internet reservation?
2. Only when everything is well arranged in advance can things run smooth. 当only和它所修饰的状语位于句首时,句子 需要部分倒装。请看下例: Only in Paris do you find bars like this. 只有在巴黎你才能看到这样的酒吧。 Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.
A. To make a schedule about their activities. B. To book the plane tickets. C. To reserve the conference rooms etc. D. All of the above.
2. In the Hotel Reservation example, which of the following is NOT TRUE about Mr. John Smith?
Notes to the Text
1. In order to make everything in order, preparing work like reservation is indispensable. 本句中,indispensable意为“不可缺少的 ;绝对必要的”。请看下例: She made herself indispensable to the department. 她成为这个部门不可缺少的一分子。
followed by the recipient’s last name. 3. While writing the main body of the
reservation letter, make sure you do not miss out on any relevant information. For example, if you write a reservation letter for making a booking of hotel rooms, then always mention what kind of room you would prefer. Besides, you can also
The doctor was on the spot a few minutes after the accident.
3. I made reservations for dinner tonight to celebrate your promotion.
4. I’d like to buy a round-trip ticket to New York on the net.
5. Could you check other flights leaving for New York in the late afternoon of the 8th as well, please?
大约地 estimate ['estɪmeɪt] v. 估计,评价 prospective [prəs'pektɪv] a. 预期的;未来的 oral ['ɔːrəl] a.口述的;口头上的 prompt [prɒmpt] a. 迅速的,立刻的 executive [ɪg'zekjʊtɪv] n. 总经理,董事
A. He is an export manager in Helen White’s company.
B. He will stay in the hotel from the 26th of August to 10th of September.
C. He will leave in the morning on the 10th of September.
4. Mr. Smith will arrive on the evening of the 26th August and is intending to leave in the afternoon on the 10th of September. 本句中,intend to意为“打算(做)……, 想要(做)……”,其名词为intention (目 的)。on the evening of the 26th August这 一短语中,morning,afternoon, evening, night与某一天连用,一般用介词on。请看 下例:
胜感激。 5. 预定之后如计划或日程没有更改,你需要
departure, number of days that you wish to stay and the like, if you are booking for a hotel.
2. The choice of words and its presentation continues to be important in this kind of letter as well. The basic format will be like a business letter with the name and address of the recipient in the top left corner. The address should be slightly formal with “Dear Mr./Ms./Miss/Mrs.”
提供住宿 overlook [,əʊvə'lʊk] v. 俯瞰,眺望 confirm [kən'fɜːm] v. 确立,确认 cordially ['kɔ:djəlɪ] ad. 热诚地;亲切地 annual ['ænjʊəl] a. 每年的,年度的
convention [kən'venʃən] n. 大会,会议 attendance [ə'tendəns] n. 出席;出席人数 approximately [əpɒɒksɪ'mətlɪ] ad. 近似地,
intend to do sth. 打算做某事 on the spot当场,在现场 refer to 涉及;提到,谈及 round ticket 往返票
1. What preparation work does a secretary have to do in order to take care of the detailed matters when their bosses and guests are on a business trip?
A. Easy and money-saving. B. Interesting and easy. C. Easy and without delay. D. Interesting and without delay.
5. If there are any changes after a reservation is made, you need to _____.
只有在一年以后,我才开始见到自己工作 的成效。
3. Owing to the different purposes of reservation, there may be different reservations as follows: hotel reservation; restaurant reservation; reservation of the plane or train ticket; reservation of the conference room; vehicle reservation and making a reservation for a banquet etc. 本句中,owing to意为“由于,因为”; as follows意为“如下”。请看下例:
We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport.
我们安排了一辆轿车到机场接我们。 Have you arranged to meet him? 你安排好去见他了吗? I’ve arranged that we can borrow their car. 我已经说好了,我们可以借用他们的车。
Unit Seven Reservation文秘英语课件
vehicle ['viːɪkl] n. 交通工具 banquet ['bæŋkwɪt] n. 宴会 suite [swiːt] n.套间 accommodate [ə'kɒmədeɪt] vt. 容纳;向……
6. By oral it may include telephone order and order on the spot; while by written it refers to mail reservation.
本句中,on the spot 意为“当场”;refer to意为“涉及;与……有关”,另外,refer to还可表示“提到,谈及,说起”。请看下 例:
A. stay in your company and wait. B. change your reservation and sometimes
cancel your reservation. C. pay the cost by check. D. compensate for the hotel’s loss.