分类词汇homoge neous同质的homo + gene +ous(<> hetero geneo us)^ homo***ual, hetero***ual mainst ream主流主流的dialec t 方言 (v.s. accent)discre pancy差异miscon cepti on 误解 (mis + concep t + ion)= misund ersta ndingbarrie r 障碍(物)~ bar, = barric adediscri minat ion 区别,歧视raci al/***ual discri minat ion? discri minat e (+agains t)hierar chy 等级制度he ir + arch(govern) + yinsula rity岛国性质 (? insula r, ^island)Britis h indust ry has oftenbeen critic izedfor its lingui sticinsula rity.microc osm 小天地 micro+ cosm(os)nostal gia = homesi cknes spatrio t 爱国者 (<> traito r)à patrio tic, patrio tismnotori ety 恶名 (? notori ous)counte rpart对应人,对等物Who’sGeorgeBush’scounte rpart in China?^ counte rcult ure, counte rbala ncepeer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subord inate下级下级的<> superi ortactic s 战术,技巧v.s. strate gy (战略,策略)market ing strate gy v.s. sellin g tactic snuance a subtle differ encein meanin gcompat riot同胞同胞的com + patrio tvernac ular本地的,本国的本地话,本国话the vernac ularlangua ges of IndiaHispan ic An Americ an whosefirstlangua ge was Spanis himmigr ation移入~ immigr ant, immigr atev.s. emigra tion (~ emigra nt, emigra te)antipo des Any two places or region s on diamet rical ly opposi te sidesof the Earth“fromNorthAmeric a to the Antipo des”permea te 渗透,弥漫Smok e permea ted the house.entrep reneu r 企业家 (~ enterp rise)à entrep reneu rshippracti tione r 开业者,从业者pra ction(practi ce) + ercelebr ity a famous person= lumina ry, VIPproxy代理人anecdo te 轶事 (à anecdo tal)benchm arkin g 类比分析punctu al 准时的,守时的 (à punctu ality)absent eeism旷工abse nt à absent ee à absent eeismflexti me 弹性工作时间flex(flexib le) + timeharass骚扰 (à harass ment)Mary said that Gary had ***uallyharass ed her.redund ancy冗余,冗员netw ork redund ancydownsi ze 裁员 (~ lay off)ballot投票(= vote)impart ial 不偏不倚的(<> partia l)lobby大堂(n.) 游说(v.)dubbin g 配音录制vogue时尚^ chicbizarr e 奇异的v.s. weird(怪异的)medioc re 平庸的dietit ian 饮食学家 (~ diet)connoi sseur行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carteshortl ist (BE) a list of applic antswho have been deemed suitab le and from whichthe succes sfulperson will be chosen à (v.)equili brium平衡,均衡questi onnai re 调查表,问卷quanti tativ e 定量的 (<> qualit ative)contin gency偶然性,偶然事件incur招致incu r debts/hatred/danger v.s. occur, concur, recurethica l 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <> unethi caldubiou s 疑惑的,可疑的 (~ doubt)People were dubiou s aboutthe result.manife stati on 显示,证明 (? manife st)subtit le 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsid iary,submar ine, subway(BE: underg round, tube), suburb(~ downto wn, uptown, outski rts考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇总裁助理assist ant presid ent综合治理compre hensi ve treatm ent安居工程housin g projec t for low-income urbanreside nts信息化inform ation-based;inform ation izati on智力密集型concen trati on of brainpower;knowle dge-intens ive外资企业overse as-funded enterp rises下岗职工laid-off worker s分流reposi tionof redund ant person nel三角债chaindebts素质教育educat ion for all-rounddevelo pment豆腐渣工程jerry-builtprojec ts社会治安情况law-and-ordersituat ion民族国家nation state台独"indepe ndenc e of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan author ities台湾同胞Taiwan compat riots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
博士入学考试英语中常见的翻译词汇 (1)
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百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!分类词汇homogeneous 同质的 homo + gene +ous(<> heterogeneous)^ homo***ual, hetero***ual mainstream 主流主流的dialect 方言 (v.s. accent)discrepancy 差异misconception 误解 (mis + concept + ion)= misunderstandingbarrier 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricadediscrimination 区别,歧视 racial/***ual discrimination? discriminate (+against)hierarchy 等级制度 heir + arch(govern) + yinsularity 岛国性质 (? insular, ^island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.microcosm 小天地 micro + cosm(os)nostalgia = homesicknesspatriot 爱国者 (<>traitor)à patriotic, patriotismnotoriety 恶名 (? notorious)counterpart 对应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China?^ counterculture, counterbalancepeer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subordinate 下级下级的<> superiortactics 战术,技巧 v.s. strategy (战略,策略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tacticsnuance a subtle difference in meaningcompatriot 同胞同胞的 com + patriotvernacular 本地的,本国的本地话,本国话 the vernacular languages of IndiaHispanic An American whose first language was Spanishimmigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate)antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”permeate 渗透,弥漫 Smoke permeated the house.entrepreneur 企业家(~ enterprise)à entrepreneurshippractitioner 开业者,从业者 praction(practice) + ercelebrity a famous person= luminary, VIPproxy 代理人anecdote 轶事(à anecdotal)benchmarking 类比分析punctual 准时的,守时的(à punctuality)absenteeism 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeismflextime 弹性工作时间 flex(flexible) + timeharass 骚扰(à harassment)Mary said that Gary had ***ually harassed her. redundancy 冗余,冗员 network redundancydownsize 裁员 (~ lay off)ballot 投票 (= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的 (<> partial)lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)dubbing 配音录制1百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!vogue 时尚 ^ chicbizarre 奇异的 v.s. weird (怪异的)mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家 (~ diet)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carteshortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的 (<> qualitative)contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致 incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recurethical 伦理的,符合伦理的 ~ ethics, <> unethicaldubious 疑惑的,可疑的 (~ doubt)People were dubious about the result.manifestation 显示,证明 (? manifest)subtitle 字幕,副标题 (sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇总裁助理 assistant president综合治理 comprehensive treatment安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents信息化 information-based; informationization智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工 laid-off workers分流 reposition of redundant personnel三角债 chain debts素质教育 education for all-round development豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects社会治安情况 law-and-order situation民族国家 nation 台独"independence 台湾当局 Taiwan 台湾同胞 Taiwan stateof Taiwan" authorities compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
考博英语词汇总表10000词汇完整版 tx t版.tx t36母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净。
考博英语词汇总表10000词汇完整版a batev.减轻,减退;废除aber ranta.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的abla tev.切除,摘除abo rtionn.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abr adev.擦伤;磨损abs cessn.脓肿abst ainv.戒、避免;弃权a bstin encen.节制;禁欲a bsurda.荒唐的acc ent n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号 v.加重读acc essor yn.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶a.附属的,附加的accor dancen.一致,给予accou ntantn.会计acc usev.谴责,指控,告发achro matop sia n.色盲acido sis n.酸中毒ackn owled gev.承认;致谢ackn owled gemen tn.承认,感谢;收到的通知acn en.痤疮,粉刺acou stica.声学的;听觉的acqua intv.使认识,使了解,通知acu punct ure n.针刺,针刺疗法addic tv.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾 n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾ad ducev.引证;提出ad equat ea.足够的;恰当的adm onishv.告诫advi sorya.咨询的,劝告的advoc ate n.拥护者,提倡者 v.拥护, 提倡aerob ica.需氧的a febri lea.无热的a ffect ion n.爱;感情;病a ffere nta.传人的a ffili atev.使附属;隶属af finit yn.亲和力;密切关系af flictv.使苦恼,折磨aggre ssivea.爱寻衅的,侵略的;有进取心的ag ilea.敏捷的,灵活的a gitat ev.搅动;激动,焦急不安agon yn.苦恼,痛苦aguen.疟疾;寒颤algan.水藻,海藻a llevi atev.减轻(痛苦),缓和alli ancen.联盟,同盟,联合,联姻allow ancen.允许;津贴,补助(费) v.定量供应al loy n.合金v.合铸a lludev.暗指,提到a llurev.引诱,吸引a lmigh tya.全能的;糟糕透的a lphab etn.字母表alumi num n.铝a lveol usn.小窝,牙槽;肺泡amate ura.业余的n.业余爱好者am bassa dor n.大使ambie nta.周围的,包围着的;环境的am biguo usn.模棱两可的amb ulanc en.救护车a mbula nta.走动的;适宜于下床活动的am elior atev.改善,改良,转好amena blea.顺从的,有义务的;经得起检验的am endv.改正,修正;改好amiab lea.亲切的,和蔼可亲的amidprep.在…中,在…当中a mmoni an.氨amp lea.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的amp utatev.切断,截(肢)amus ev.逗…笑,给…以娱乐,给以消遣a musem entn.娱乐,消遣,娱乐活动ana loguen.类似物ana logyn.类似,相似;比拟; 类推analy sisn.分析,解析ana lyzev.分析,分解an atomyn.解剖学anc estorn.祖宗,祖先a ncest rala.祖先的,祖传的a ncest ryn.祖先,家世anci enta.古代的,古老的 n.古时的人an emian.贫血症ane sthes ian.感觉缺失;麻醉a nesth etica.麻木的 n.麻醉剂an guishn.极度的痛苦v.感到极度痛苦a nhydr ousa.脱水的,无水的a nimat ev.使有生气,使活泼;激励anim ationn.生气,活泼,兴奋;动画片ann oyv.使烦恼,使生气,打搅anno yancen.烦恼,烦扰anony mousa.匿名的anor exian.食欲缺失;厌食anox ian.缺氧(症)ant acidn.解酸药,抗酸剂ante nna n.触角;天线an tibio ticsn.抗生素(抗菌素)ant icipa tev.预料,预期;抢…之先;提前使用anti febri lea.退热的 n.退热药ant iquea.古时的,古式的; n.古物,古玩antis eptica.防腐的,抗菌的 n.防腐剂;抗菌剂ant itoxi nn.抗毒素a ntivi rala.抗病毒的anti virusn.抗病毒素a nxiet yn.挂念,焦虑;渴望a ppall inga.令人震惊的,骇人听闻的ap parat usn.器械,仪器,装置appar enta. 明显的;表面的;貌似的a ppend iciti sn.阑尾炎a ppend ixn.附录;阑尾app etiten.食欲,胃口,要求,欲望appl audv.喝彩,鼓掌,称赞appla use n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞,赞成a pplia nce n.器具;用具;器械appo intv.任命,委派;约定appoi ntmen tn.约会,约见;任命,选派app raisa ln.估价,评价appr aisev.估价,评价,鉴定appr aisern.评价人,鉴定人ap preci ablea.可以估计的,可以看到的a pprec iatev.感激,感谢;评价,欣赏,赏识app recia tionn.欣赏,鉴赏正确评价;感谢,感激a pprec iativ ea.有眼力..的,有欣赏力的; 感激的ap prehe ndv.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘押;畏惧,忧虑ap proac hv.接近,走近 n.途径,方法,探讨ap propr iatea.适当的,恰如其分的app rovaln. 赞同,批准appro vev.赞成,同意,批准,审定,通过appr oxima tea.近似的,大约的, v.近似,接近a pronn.围裙 v.用围裙围住apta.恰当的,贴切的;聪明灵巧的;易于…的,有…倾向的arb itrar ya.任意的,专横的,武断的arc hn.拱,拱门,弓形结构,半圆形v.使成弓形,拱起ar chaeo logyn.考古学ar chite ctn.建筑师arch itect urala.关于建筑的,建筑上的a rchit ectur en.建筑,建筑学ar denta.热情的,热烈的;强烈的,烈性的a rduou sa.艰巨的;勤奋的ar enan. 竞技场地arg uev.辩论,争论;主张,论证ar gumen tatio nn.推论, 论证; 争论, 辩论,辩论文armam entn. 军队,武装力量; 军械;武器,备战ar oman. 芳香; (艺术品的) 风味; 韵味arran gemen tn.整理,排列,布置,安排,准备;商定,调解arra yv.使排列成阵势;装扮n.列阵;衣服,盛装arre stv./n.逮捕,拘留;(心搏)停止arr hythm ian.心律不齐;心律失常arro gancen.骄傲自大,傲慢arr oganta.骄傲自大的,傲慢的ar teryn.动脉,干线a rthri tis n.关节炎arti culara.关节的art icula tev.接合;清晰地发出音来;a.接合起来的;关节联接的ascer tainv. 查明, 弄清,确定a septi ca.无菌的; 防腐的; 冷漠的as hameda.惭愧的, 害臊的asp hyxian.窒息asp iratev.吸出;抽出a ssass inatev.暗杀,行刺a ssaul tv./n.袭击,攻击as sembl ev.集合,集会;装配,组装asse mblyn.集会,会议;装配asse rtv.断言,宣称asse rtionn.主张,断言,维护ass essv.估价,评价ass essme ntn.估价,评价asse tn.财产;宝贵的人(或物)assi duityn.刻苦,勤奋a ssignv.分配,委派,指定ass ignme ntn.分配,委派,任务,(课外)作业assi milat ev.吸收;同化assis tancen.帮助,援助assis tantn.助手,助教a ssoci atev.联想,联系,联合,交往,n.合作人,伙伴,同事,a dj.同伙的,副的assoc iatio nn.协会,团体;联合,联系,交往,交际;联想asso rtv.把…分类;为…配备各种物品a sthman.气喘,哮喘aston ishv.使惊讶,使吃惊a stoun dv.使震惊,使大吃一惊a stron autn.宇航员astro nomyn.天文学asym metri c(al)a.不对称的;偏位的art riumn.心房atro pinen.萎缩,虚脱a tropi nen.阿托品attac hv.贴上,系上,附上; 使依附,使属,使依恋attac hmentn.连接物,附属品附件;依恋att emptv./n.试图,努力atte ndantn.服务员a.在场的;护理的;伴随的at tenua tev.变细(小);减弱减毒; 稀释atticn.顶楼,屋顶室atto mey n.辩护律师att ractv.吸引,招引,引诱attr actio nn.吸引(力),吸引人的事物at tract ivea.有吸引力的,有魅力的,动人的atyp icala.非典型的;不规则的;不正常的auc tionv. /n. 拍卖audib lea.听得见的audie ncen.听众,观众;谒见,会见au diome tern.听度计,听力计a udito riumn.礼堂;听众席a ugmen tv.扩大;增长aurala.听觉器官的;耳的aus culta tev.听诊au spicen.预兆,先(前)兆;吉兆Austr ian.奥地利authe ntica.可靠的,权威性的,有根据的,真正的autho ritar iana.独裁主义的n.独裁主义者aut horit ativea.有权威的,可相信的au thori tyn.权力,威信,权威,权威者,(p1.)当局,官方autho rizev.授权,委任;批准,认可a utocl ave n.高压消毒锅au tonom yn.自治,自治权auto psyn.尸体解剖;尸检a uxili arya.辅助的,从属的n.辅助者,补助者,助动词a vailv.有利,有益,有助avai labil ityn.可用性,有效性,可得性,可得到的人(或物)av ailab lea.可用的,可得到的,可达到的;有效的av engev.替…报仇ave nue n.林荫路,大街;途径,手段avertv.转移,防止a viati onn.航空;航空学;飞行术awkw arda.粗笨的,笨拙的,不灵活的;棘手的,为难的,尴尬的axil lan.腋(窝)bache lor n.单身汉;学土b acill usn.(芽胞)杆菌ba conn.咸肉,熏肉bac teria la.细菌的ba cteri cidala.杀菌的bac terio logyn.细菌学bac teriu mn.细菌ba dge n.徽章baffl ev.使挫折,阻碍,使困惑 n.迷惑;缓冲板;遮护物b ait n.诱饵v.引诱b akeryn.面包房,面包店bal conyn. 阳台balmn.香油,香脂;止痛药膏bankr upt n.破产者,丧失了名誉的人a.破产的 v.使破产b ankru quetn.破产bann ern.旗(帜)banq uet n.宴会 v.宴请barn.棍,横木;障碍;酒吧v.栓上,阻挡,拦住,妨碍b arbar iana.野蛮人的,不文明的barb ern.理发师barb itura ten.巴比妥盐barg ainv.讨价还价 n.廉价货;交易,合同barle yn.大麦ba rnn.谷仓,仓库bar rel n.桶;枪管,炮管barre na.贫瘠的,不毛的,不育的barr ier n.障碍,屏障ba tch n.一批,一炉ba ton n.棍棒;指挥棒;警棍bat talio nn.营;部队;大队(的人)bat teryn.电池(组);一套,一组bayn.海湾;a.赤褐色的BCG卡介苗beakn.(鸟的)嘴;(器皿的)鸟嘴形口beamn.横梁;一束,一道v.(喻) 微笑;发射;发光beann.豆,菜豆b eancu rdn.豆腐b eardn.胡子beha lfn.利益;方面;支持behav ior n.行为,举止be lly n.肚,腹部bel lyach en.腹痛be lly-b uttonn.脐beltn.带,腰带be nigna.慈祥的,温和的;良性的b eribe rin.脚气病berthn.(车,船)卧铺;座位besetv.镶嵌;困扰b estowv.赠与,给与;花费;安置betv.赌,打赌 n.打赌,赌注betr ayv.背叛,出卖;泄露,暴露bev eragen.饮料bew ilderv.使迷惑,难住bewil derme ntn.迷惑,混乱bia sn.偏见,偏心;倾向性;爱好Bi ble n.圣经bibli ograp hyn.目录学;文献目录bicar bonat en.碳酸氢盐bidv.命令,吩咐v/n.报价,投标b ilate rala.两边的,双侧的b ilen.胆汁b iliar ya.胆汁的bi ndv.绑,包扎,束缚bi nocul ara.双目的;双筒的n.双目镜bioa ctiven.生物活性的bioch emist ryn.生物化学biog raphe rn.传记作家biops yn.活组织检查bios tatis ticsn.生物统计学b iotica.生命的;生物的bisc uit n.饼干bit n.一片,一点,一些bitev./n.咬,叮 n.一口bitt era.苦的,痛苦的biz arrea.稀奇古怪的,异乎寻常的b lackm ail n./v.敲诈;勒索bla ddern.囊,膀胱bl ade n.叶片,刀片,桨叶blan chv.漂白;使变白;使(植物)不见日光而变白blastv. 炸掉,摧毁 n. 爆炸,一阵(风);管乐器或汽笛声blaz en.火焰,火光 v.燃烧bl eachv. 漂白 n.漂白剂b lendn.混合物 v.混合bl istern.水疱 v.起疱bl oatv.肿胀; n.肿胀病人bl onden.金发碧眼的人 a.金发碧眼的b lot n.污渍,污点bl ousen.女罩衫blu ndern.大错 v.犯大错;慌乱地走blu nta.(迟)钝的 v.使(迟)钝;减弱bl urv.弄脏;(使)模糊不清blus hv.脸红;羞愧boas tv.夸口,夸耀 n.自夸,大话b olda.大胆的,冒失的b olt n.螺栓,插销v.闩门;脱口说出b ombar dv.炮击;轰炸;攻击, 痛斥bon dn.结合;契约;债券b ondag en.奴役,束缚bonu sn.额外津贴,奖金bo omn.繁荣,激增,迅速发展boo stv.升;提高boos tern. 支持者;升压器,激发剂b oothn.电话亭,货摊borde rn.边界,边境 v.交界;近似;接近b oredo mn.厌烦,乏味,无趣b osomn.胸;内心;胸怀bota nicala.植物学的,植物的bot any n.植物学boun cev.弹起,跳起;反跳b oundv./n.跳,跳跃 a.必定的bou ndaryn.界线,边界bouqu etn.花束b out n.一回;发作bo wv./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓;船头bowe ln.肠;内部boyco ttv./n.抵制brac eletn.手镯brac ket n.支架,托架; 括号v.把…括号内bra kev./n.闸,刹车br ann.麸;糠brassn.黄铜,铜器b reachn.破坏;破裂b reakd own n.故障;衰竭;崩溃brea thtak inga.惊人的,激动人心的bree dv.生殖;繁殖;饲养;引起brewv.酿造;调制;煎(药)b riben./v. 贿赂briden.新娘bri llian ta.光辉的;卓越的bri mn.边,缘b rinkn. 边;边沿br iska. 活泼的;敏捷的bronc hitisn.支气管炎b ronch usn.支气管bronz en.青铜;古铜broo mn.扫帚br oth n.肉汤bruis en.伤痕,青肿 v.碰伤, 使成青肿br utala.残忍的,令人难受的buc cala.颊的;口腔的bu cketn.吊桶,水桶b udn.芽,花苞 v.发芽,含苞欲放buf fer n.缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器v.缓冲b ugn.虫,臭虫v.窃听bulgen.v.肿胀;膨出;隆起(物)bu mblev.犯大错;结巴地讲话;踉跄buoyn.浮标,救生圈burea un.署,局b urgla rn.窃贼bu rialn.埋葬,葬;埋藏bush eln.蒲式耳butch ern.屠夫,卖肉者bu ttockbutto nn.扣子,按钮 v.扣紧cab bagen.洋白菜,卷心菜cabl en.缆,索;电缆;电报,v. 拍电报cad ren.干部;骨骼;骨干cafet erian.自助餐厅ca gen.笼,鸟笼cala mityn.灾害,祸患,不幸事件c alcit yv.钙化cal ciumn.钙calfn.小牛;腓;小腿call ousa.起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的callu sn.胼胝;骨痂,接骨质calor ien.卡(热量单位)c ampho rn.樟脑ca ncell ationn.取消,删除cance llousa.网眼状的;海绵状的;网状骨质的c andida.公正的, 正直的;坦率的cand idaten.候选人, 报考者ca nen.茎;甘蔗;手杖c aninen.犬齿can ker n.溃疡;口疮ca nnulacante enn.食堂;小卖部ca nvasn.粗帆布,油画布capa citorn.电容器ca pen.海角,岬;披肩c apill ary n.毛细血管cap itali smn.资本主义capi talis tn.资本家a.资本主义的ca psulen.胶囊;封壳;密闭小舱capti onn.(章节,文章等)标题;(图片的)解说词;(电影片)字幕c aptur ev.捕获,捉拿;夺得,攻占carb ohydr ate n.碳水化合物;糖类carb onaten.碳酸盐ca rcino gen n.致癌物carc inoge nesisn.致癌作用;癌发生ca rdiaca.心脏的car dinala.主要的,基本的;深红的cardi ogramn.心电图ca rdiol ogy n.心脏病学car diova scula ra.心血管的c ariesn.龋;骨疡;骨疽car rot n.胡萝卜cartcart ilagen.软骨car toonn.草图;动画片cartr idgen.弹药筒;子弹;软片,胶卷cast orn.蓖麻c asuala.偶然的, 碰巧的;临时的,非正式的casu altyn.严重伤亡事故;伤亡人员catab olismn. 分解代谢c atalo g(ue)n. 目录v.编目cata lystn. 催化剂cat aractn. 大瀑布;白内障cat astro phen. 大灾难,大变动categ ory n.种类,类型;范畴cate rv.迎合,投合;供应伙食(for)cathe ter n.导管catho den.阴极,负极Cat holica.天主教的n.天主教徒caus tica.腐蚀性的;n.腐蚀剂cau tionn.小心,谨慎;警告 v.告诫,警告caut iousa.小心的,谨慎的celer ity n.迅速,敏捷ce leryn.芹菜celi aca.腹的;腹腔的cel lulara.细胞的;由细胞组成的c ellul ose n.纤维素ceme ntn.水泥;牙骨质ce ntenn iala.一百周年的cen tigra dea.摄氏温度计的cen trifu gev.离心;分离 n.离心机c ephal ica.头的,头部的;头侧的cer eala.谷类的,谷类植物的 n.(pl.)谷类;谷类食物ce rebel lumn. 小脑cereb rala.大脑的cereb rum n.大脑certa intyn.必然的事,必然,肯定c ertif icaten.证书,证明书cert ifica tionn.证明cert ifyv.证明c ervixn.颈;子宫颈cessa tionn.停止,休止c hainn.链,链条;连锁v.拴住chamb ern.房间;议院;会所;腔,心室champ agnen.香槟酒cha rv./n.打杂,(做)家庭杂务ch arcoa ln.炭,木炭;炭笔ch arityn. 慈善,仁慈;慈善团体charmn. 魅力,美貌 v.迷人,施魔法chart erv.租船,租车 n.宪章cha sev./n.追求,追赶c hemot herap yn.化疗ch equen.支票cher ishv.珍爱,怀有(爱情)ches tnutn.栗子;栗树c hicke npoxn.水痘chil ln.凉气,寒气;寒战v. 使寒冷chi llya.凉快的,寒冷的c himne yn.烟囱ch inn.下巴,颏chipn.薄片,碎片chlor ide n.氯化物chlo rinen.氯(气)ch lorop hyl n.叶绿素chok ev.窒息,噎住;堵塞ch oleran.霍乱ch olest eroln.胆固醇cho rdn.弦,索,带v.协调,和谐;使和谐ch orusn./v.合唱C hrist ian n.基督教徒a. 基督教的c hromo somen.染色体chr onica.慢性的,久病的,长期的c hroni cle n.编年史;历史,记事chy men.食糜c igarn.雪茄烟cig arett en.香烟,纸烟cili an.睫;纤毛ciner arya.灰的;骨灰的ci rcadi ana.生理节奏的circ uit n.电路,环行,巡回circ umscr ibev.在…周围划线;限制,约束c ircum stanc en.情形,环境,状况c ircusn.马戏场,杂技场;马戏团cirr hosisn.硬变;肝硬化citr usn.柠檬;柑橘civ iliza tionn.文明,文化c ivili zev.使文明,开化cla mo(u)rv.n.吵闹,叫喊cla mpn.夹子,夹钳 v.夹紧cl apv.拍,轻拍,拍手n.拍手喝彩(声) c larif yclari tyn.清澈,明净cla spn.扣子,钩子 v.扣住;紧握,紧抱c latte rn.得得声,卡塔声v. 得得地响,卡塔地响cla viclen.锁骨cla yn.粘土;肉体,人体c leava gen.劈开;分裂;卵裂cleav ev.(clav e;cle aved)粘着,粘住;坚持;依恋cle avev.(cle ft;cl eft o r clo ven)劈开;把…分成几个小部分cle ftn.裂,裂口clie ntn.顾客,客户,诉讼委托人cl imact ericn.更年期;绝经期;转折点clingv.粘住,依附,坚持cli pv.夹住,钳n.回形针,夹子c lipv.修剪;剪辑clo nev.克隆cl osuren. 关闭;罩子clownn.小丑,丑角cluen.线索clum pn.丛;簇;群;细菌凝块clum sya.笨拙的,愚笨的cl umsyn.串,簇,束c lutchcoachn.客车,长途汽车;私人教师,教练 v.辅导,教练c oagul atev.凝结,凝固coa rsea.粗的,粗劣的, 粗糙的,粗俗的coa stala.海岸的,近海岸的coca ine n.可卡因cocc usn.球菌c offinn.棺材coi ln.卷,圈v.卷,盘绕coi ncidev.相符合,相一致coin ciden cen.巧合,符合cok en.焦炭co lic n.绞痛,急腹痛a. 绞痛的;结肠的coli tis n.结肠炎coll abora tev.合作,协作,勾结c ollab orati onn.合作,协作,勾结colla gen n.胶原(蛋白)c ollap sev.倒坍,崩溃;虚脱c ollid ev.碰撞,冲突,抵触co lloca tionn.排列;搭配;配置col loidn./a.胶体(的),胶质(的)co lloqu iala.口语的,会话的c olonn.结肠colo nel n.(陆军)上校c oloni stn.殖民者,移民co lonyn.殖民地;群体;菌落c oloss aln.巨像的,巨大co lumnn.柱,柱状物,专栏com an.昏迷co mbn.梳子v.梳理co mbatv./n.战斗co mbina tionn.结合,联合;化合com binev.结合,联合;化合comb ustio nn.燃烧;氧化come dyn.喜剧,喜剧场面c ometn.慧星comi ca.喜剧的,滑稽的com mande rn.指挥员,司令员co mmemo ratev.纪念comme ncev.开始c ommen cemen tn.开始;学位授予典礼(日);毕业典礼(日) comm ent n./v.解说,评论,意见c ommer cen.商业c ommer ciala.商业的,商务的commi ssionn.委员会,委托,代办,委托书,佣金,手续费commi tmentn.托付;信奉;承诺,保证comm oditya.商品,日用品commo nplac en.常见的事物;平常话commo nsens en.常识a.有常识的;明明白白的;一望而知的comm unismn.共产主义c ommun ist n.共产党员 a.共产主义的comm unityn.社区,社会compa cta.紧密的,坚实的v.压缩compa nionn.同伴,伴侣c ompar isonn.比较,比喻c ompar tmentn.分隔;空间;隔室co mpassn.罗盘,指南针comp assio nn.同情;怜悯comp atibl ea.相容的;一致的com patri otn.同胞c ompelv.强迫,使不得不;迫使屈服comp ensat ev.补偿,赔偿,酬报co mpens ationn.补偿,赔偿;补偿物,赔偿费om peten cen.能力,胜任;权能,权限co mpete nta.有能力的,能胜任的;应该的;足够的;有权能的co mpeti tionn.比赛,竞争c ompet itivea.比赛的,竞争的comp etito rn.竞争者;比赛者;敌手comp ilev.编辑,编制;搜集,汇编co mplac encen.自满,自鸣得意comp lemen tn./n.补充,补足;补体.co mplex ion n.肤色;情况,局面;气质,性格com plica teda.错综复杂的,麻烦的comp licat ion n.复杂,混乱;复杂的情况;并发病,并发症com plyv.照做;遵守com ponen ta.组成的,合成的 n.组成部分;组元;分量;元件compo sev.创作,作曲;组成c ompos ern.作曲者;创造者c ompre hendv.了解,领会;包含,包括c ompre hensi vea.广泛的,综合的;理解的,有理解力的co mpres sv.压缩,浓缩;n.敷布,压布co mpris ev.包含,包括,构成co mprom isev./n.妥协,折衷compu lsivea.强迫的,有强迫力的co mpuls orya.强迫的;义务的c oncav ea.凹的,凹面的conc ealv.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽conce dev.承认;让步;给与c oncei tn.自负,自高自大;想法,个人的意见con ceivev.设想,构想;以为;怀胎,怀有co ncept uala.概念的conce ssionn.迁就,让步;特许;特许权;租界conci sea.简明的,简洁的,简要的con comit anta.伴随的;伴发的c oncor dn.和谐;协调conc reten.混凝土 a.具体的;混凝土制的conde mnv.谴责,指责;判刑,宣告有罪c onden sev.压缩,浓缩,精简;使冷凝co ndens ern.冷凝器,凝结器;电容器co nduci vea.有助于…的,有益的condu ctn.行为,品行 v.引导,指挥;传电,传热con ducti vityn.传导率;传导性cond uctorn.领队,乐队指挥;售票员,列车员;导体co nduitn.管道;导管confe rv.授予;协商confe rencen.会议,讨论会conf essv.承认,坦白,忏悔confi nev.限制,局限于;管制,禁闭co nfron tv.使面对,使面临;正视conge nitala.先天的,天生的cong estv.充满;拥挤;充血conge stionn.充满;拥挤;充血co ngres sn.大会;国会,议会c onjec turev.推测;假设co njoinv.结合,连接c onjug ate n.结合,使成对c onjun ctionn.结合,联合;连接; 关联;连接词conj uncti van.结膜c onjun cturen.结合;紧要关头con querv.征服,战胜co nques tn.征服,赢得cons cienc en.良心,良知cons cient iousa.认真的;诚心诚意的;谨慎的cons ciousa.有意识的,知觉的con secut ivea.连续的,连贯的;顺序的co nsens usn.一致;舆论;同感,交感co nsentv./n.同意,答应con seque nce n.后果,影响;重要性con seque nta.作为结果的,随后发生的 n.当然的结果,推论c onser vatio nn.保存,保护;守恒c onser vev.保存,保藏;保养c onsid eratea.考虑周到的,体谅的co nside ratio nn.考虑,思考;体谅c onsis tenta.前后一致的,始终如一的c onsol ev.安慰,慰问conso lidat ev.巩固,加强;合并,联合cons onanc en.调和,一致;共鸣.consp icuou sa.明显的;惹人注目的c onsti patio nn.便秘co nstit uenta.形成的,组成的n.选民;成分co nstit utev.组成,构成con stitu tionn.构成,机构,成分,体格,体质;宪法cons train tn.强逼,强制;紧张感,紧张状态const rictv.压缩,收缩;阻塞cons ultv.商量,咨询;会诊consu ltantn.请教者;商议者;顾问,会诊医生consu mev.消费,消耗cons umpti onn.消费,消耗;肺结核;结核c ontac tv./n.接触,联系,交往cont agiou sa.传染的co ntainv.容纳,含有,装有con taine rn.容器,集装箱cont amina tev.弄脏,污染;传染c ontam inati onn.污染,沾染物con templ atev.注视,沉思;期待,仔细考虑conte mpora rya.现代的,当代的n.同时代的人,同年龄的人c ontem ptn.轻蔑,藐视;受辱,丢脸co ntendv.竞争,斗争;争论con tentn.内容,目录;容量,含量 n./a.满足(的),甘愿(的)c ontes tv.竞赛,比赛;争夺co ntextn.上下文,前后关系co ntine nce n.自制,节制;节欲cont inentn.大陆,洲c ontin genta.可能(发生)的,偶然的,意外的;应急的 n.意外事件;代表团;小分队co ntourn.轮廓,外形contr acept ivea.避孕的 n.避孕药物/用具cont ractn.契约,合同,包工v.收缩;得(病)cont racti lea.可收缩的contr actorn.订约人;承包人;收缩肌cont radic tv.反驳;同…矛盾,同…抵触con tradi ctionv.矛盾;反驳c ontra indic atev.禁忌c ontra later ala.对侧的c ontra stv.对照,对比,形成对比,使对照contr overs iala.争论的;爱争论的;引起争论的cont rover syn.争论,论战;争吵conva lesce nta.恢复健康的,渐愈的;恢复期的 n.恢复中的病人conve nienc en.便利,方便;(pl.)便利设备conv enien ta.便利的,方便的con venti onn.大会,会议;习俗,惯例;公约,协定c onven tiona la.惯例的,常规的,传统的;协定的conve rgev.会聚,集中con versa tionn.会话,谈话c onveyv.运送,运输;传达,传播convi ctionn.定罪;深信,确信co nvinc ev.使信服,使确信con vulsi onn.震动;痉挛,惊厥coope rn.制桶工人,修桶工人 v.修桶;挫败;毁掉coo rdina tea.同等的,对等的,并列的 v.使成为同等;使协调coord inati onn.同等,调整;协作;协调co pev.应付,对付copi ousa.丰富的,大量的c opyri ght n.版权,著作权c ord n.绳,索;索状组织cord iala.诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的;刺激的;强心的n.兴奋剂corkn.软木塞co rnean.角膜coro narya.冠状的corp oratea.社团的;共同的;全体的corpo ratio nn.团体,公司corp sn.军团,部队corp sen.死尸,尸体cor puscl en.小体,细胞,血球;微粒cor ridorn.走廊cor rosio nn.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈co rrupta.腐化的,贪污的v.腐蚀;贿赂co rtexn.皮质cosm eticn.化妆品a.化妆用的,美容的cos mica.宇宙的,广大无边的cosm osn.宇宙;秩序,和谐costa la.肋骨的co stumen.服装,戏装c ottag en.村舍,别墅counc iln.理事会,委员会,议事机构c ounse ln.商议;忠告;法律顾问,辩护人v.劝告,忠告cou ntena ncea.面部表情;脸色c ountyn.郡,县co urteo usa.有礼貌的court esy n.礼貌;殷勤;好意cous inn.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹cover ta.隐藏的;暗地里的co wardn.懦夫cozyn.暖和舒服的;舒适的c rackn.裂纹,龟裂v.破裂,砸开;发爆炸声crad len.摇篮;婴儿时期c rampn.夹,钳; (病性)痉挛,绞痛cr ane n.鹤;起重机 v.伸(颈);用起重机起吊cra niumv.头盖(骨);颅cravev.渴望,热望c redul ousa.轻信的creedn.信条;信念,纲领cr ipplen.跛子;残废的人(或动物)cri sis n.危机crispa.松脆的;清新的,爽快的;干脆的v.使发脆crite rionn.标准,准则c ritic ism n.批评;评论cr itici zev.批评;评论croo kn.钩;钩状物croo keda.弯的,歪的;扭曲的,不正当的crow nn.王冠;牙冠cruc iala.决定性的,紧要关头的;严酷的,极困难的crue la.残酷的,残忍的cru eltyn.残酷,残忍;残酷行为c ruisev.巡航;巡游;(出租汽车)兜客n.巡航,巡游cr umb n.碎屑;面包屑;点,滴,少许 v.弄碎cru mplev.把…弄皱;打垮crustn.面包皮;外壳;痂皮c rutchn.拐杖;支柱 v.支撑cruxa.十字形;难事,关键,最重要点cr other apy n.冷冻疗法cuc koo n.杜鹃,布谷鸟c ucumb ern.黄瓜c uen.(人或车等候着的)长队;发辫cuffn.袖口;护腕culti vatev.耕作,栽培,养殖;培养c ultur ala.文化的;教养的;栽培的cun ninga./n.狡猾(的),狡诈(的)cup boardn.碗柜,木橱curbn./v. 控制、抑制、约束cur iosit yn.好奇心;珍品;古玩curlv.卷曲,蜷缩n.卷发c urric ulumn.学校的全部课程;(一门)课程cu rsev.诅咒,咒骂cur tainn.窗帘,幕(布)curv ev.弄弯,使成曲线 n.曲线,弯曲cush ion n.垫子,坐垫cu spn.尖,尖端cust omarya.通常的,常例的,习惯的cutan eousa.皮的cutea.伶俐的,逗人爱的cyli ndern.圆柱体,圆筒;气缸cy stn.囊(肿)cyto genet ics n.细胞遗传学cy tolog yn.细胞学d aggern.匕首;短剑;剑号da iryn. 牛奶场,奶店d amnn./v.诅咒dan dern. 头皮屑;怒火d andru ffn.头垢;头皮屑da nglev.摇晃地悬挂着d atumn. (p1.)资料,材料d ebrisn. 瓦砾堆,废墟,碎片d ecayv./n.腐朽,腐烂,衰败d eceitn. 欺骗;虚假;欺骗行为decei vev.欺骗,蒙蔽dece nta.体面的,像样的,相当好的;正派的,得体的dec eptio nn.欺骗,蒙蔽;骗术d ecibe ln.分贝de cilit er (d ecili tre)n.分升,十分之一升dec imala.小数的,十进制的deckn.甲板;桥面;层面de colou rizev.使…脱色;将…漂白dec ompen satev.代偿失调dec ompos ev.分解,使腐败,使腐烂decor atev.装饰,装潢,布置decub itusn. 褥疮dedi catev.奉献,献身,致力dedu cev.演绎,推演,推断d educt ionn. 推论;演绎,扣除deemv.认为,相信d efeatv./n.战胜,挫败def ecatev.澄清,净化;排粪,通大便defe ctn.缺点,缺陷def encen.防御,保卫;(pl.)防务,工事defe ndv.保卫,防守;辩护;答辩def ensen.防御,保卫;防务(pl.)防御工事;辩护d efens ivea.防御的,保卫的n.防御,守势de feren cen.听从;敬重def erenta.输送的;输出的;输精的defer vesce ncen.退热d efici encyn.缺乏,不足;营养缺乏症d efici tn.短缺;赤字defin itea.明确的,确定的,限定的de finit ionn.定义,解释;明确性defl atev.排放…(空)气;解除气胀d eflec tionn.偏离;偏转de formv.损坏…的形状,使…变形d eform ationn.形状损坏;变形;畸形defor mityn.变形,畸形;畸形的人d efyv.向…挑战;公然对抗,蔑视d egene ratev.蜕化;变质;变性degr adati onn.降级;低落;退化;陵削;降解;衰变d egres sionn.下降;递减d ehydr ationn.脱水del egaten.代表del eteri ousa.(对身心)有害的;有毒的d elibe ratea.深思熟虑的,审慎的,蓄意的v.仔细考虑del ibera telyad.审慎地;故意地,蓄意地deli catea.纤弱的,娇嫩的;易碎的;优美的,精美的,精致的deli neatev.描绘;叙述d elite scenc e。
全国博士入学考试英语词汇annoy;vt.使苦恼, 骚扰annual;n.一年生植物, 年刊, 年鉴adj.一年一次的, 每年的, 一年生的anonymous;adj.匿名的antenna;n.天线a;art.一n.字母Aabdomen;n.腹, 腹部abide;vi.坚持, 遵守vt.忍受, 容忍abound;vi.多, 大量存在, 富于, 充满abrupt;adj.突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的accessory;n.附件, 零件, 附加物, 从犯, 同谋者adj.附属的, 补充的, 同谋的, 副的accidental;adj.意外的, 非主要的, 附属的n.非本质属性, 次要方面acclaim;n.喝彩, 欢呼v.欢呼, 称赞accommodate;vt.供应, 供给, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向...提供, 容纳, 调和vi.适应accommodation;n.住处, 膳宿, (车, 船, 飞机等的)预定铺位, (眼睛等的)适应性调节, (社会集团间的)迁就融合accountant;n.会计(员), 会计师accumulate;v.积聚, 堆积accuracy;n.精确性, 正确度accurate;adj.正确的, 精确的accustomed;adj.通常的, 习惯的, 按照风俗习惯的acknowledge;vt.承认, 答谢, 报偿acquaint;vt.使熟知, 通知acquaintance;n.相识, 熟人acquire;vt.获得, 学到acquisition;n.获得, 获得物acrobat;n.(走钢丝的)杂技演员, 随机应变者, 翻云覆雨者activate;vt.刺激, 使活动vi.有活力actual;adj.实际的, 真实的, 现行的, 目前的acute;adj.敏锐的, [医]急性的, 剧烈addict;vt.使沉溺, 使上瘾n.入迷的人, 有瘾的人adequate;adj.适当的, 足够的adjacent;adj.邻近的, 接近的adjective;n.形容词adjoin;v.邻接, 毗连administer;v.管理, 给予, 执行administration;n.管理, 经营, 行政部门admission;n.允许进入, 承认某事之陈述, 供认adolescent;adj.青春期的, 青春的n.青少年adore;v.崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱advent;n.(尤指不寻常的人或事)出现, 到来advocate;n.提倡者, 鼓吹者vt.提倡, 鼓吹aerial;adj.航空的, 生活在空气中的, 空气的, 高耸的n.天线aesthetic;adj.美学的, 审美的, 有审美感的affiliate;v.(使...)加入, 接受为会员affluent;adj.丰富的, 富裕的agency;n.代理处, 行销处, 代理, 中介agenda;n.议程agent;n.代理(商)aggravate;vt.使恶化, 加重aggressive;adj.好斗的, 敢作敢为的, 有闯劲的, 侵略性的agitate;v.搅动, 摇动, 煽动, 激动agony;n.苦恼, 极大的痛苦aircraft;n.航行器aisle;n.走廊, 过道album;n.集邮本, 照相簿, 签名纪念册alert;adj.提防的, 警惕的n.警惕, 警报alien;n.外侨adj.外国的, 相异的, 不同, 背道而驰allege;vt.宣称, 断言alleviate;vt.使(痛苦等)易于忍受, 减轻alliance;n.联盟, 联合allocate;vt.分派, 分配allowance;n.津贴, 补助, 宽容, 允许vt.定量供应alloy;n.合金vt.使成合金, 减低成色ally;v.结盟, 与...(在血统, 性质等上)有关联, 同盟n.同盟国, 支持者alongside;adv.在旁prep.横靠alter;v.改变alternate;adj.交替的, 轮流的, 预备的v.交替, 轮流, 改变alternative;n.二中择一, 可供选择的办法, 事物adj.选择性的, 二中择一的aluminium;n.[化]铝adj.铝的aluminum;n.[化]铝ambassador;n.大使ambiguous;adj.暧昧的, 不明确的ambitious;adj.有雄心的, 野心勃勃的ambulance;n.战时流动医院, 救护车amend;v.修正, 改进, 改正amiable;adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的amid;prep.在...中ample;adj.充足的, 丰富的amplifier;n.[电工]扩音器, 放大器amplify;vt.放大, 增强v.扩大analogue;n.相似物, 类似情况, 对等的人analogy;n.类似, 类推analyse;vt.分析, 分解n.分析analysis;n.分析, 分解analytic;adj.分析的, 解析的analyze;vt.分析, 分解anchor;n.锚v.抛锚, 锚定ancient;adj.远古的, 旧的anecdote;n.轶事, 奇闻anguish;n.痛苦, 苦恼vt.使极苦闷, 使极痛苦vi.感到痛苦anticipate;vt.预期, 期望, 过早使用, 先人一着, 占先v.预订, 预见, 可以预料antique;n.古物, 古董adj.古时的, 过时的anxiety;n.忧虑, 焦急, 渴望, 热望apology;n.(为某种思想, 宗教, 哲学等)辩解, 道歉appal;v.惊骇appall;vt.使胆寒, 使惊骇apparatus;n.器械, 设备, 仪器apparent;adj.显然的, 外观上的appeal;n.请求, 呼吁, 上诉, 吸引力, 要求vi.求助, 诉请, 要求vt.控诉appendix;n.附录, 附属品, [解]阑尾appetite;n.食欲, 胃口, 欲望, 爱好applaud;v.拍手喝彩, 称赞, 赞同applause;n.鼓掌欢迎, 欢呼appliance;n.用具, 器具applicable;adj.可适用的, 可应用的application;n.请求, 申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用, 施用, 敷用应用,应用程序,应用软件appraisal;n.评价, 估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税), 鉴定appreciate;vt.赏识, 鉴赏, 感激vi.增值, 涨价appropriate;adj.适当的approval;n.赞成, 承认, 正式批准approve;vi.赞成, 满意vt.批准, 通过v.批准approximate;adj.近似的, 大约的v.近似, 接近, 接近, 约计apt;adj.易于...的, 有...倾向的, 灵敏的, 灵巧的, 适当的, 切题的, 敏捷, 倾向是arbitrary;adj.任意的, 武断的, 独裁的, 专断的arch;n.拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形v.(使)弯成弓形adj.主要arithmetic;n.算术, 算法array;n.排列, 编队, 军队, 衣服, 大批vt.部署, 穿着, 排列arrogant;adj.傲慢的, 自大的artery;n.动脉, 要道articulate;adj.有关节的, 发音清晰的vt.用关节连接, 接合, 清晰明白地说artistic;adj.艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的ascend;v.攀登, 上升ascertain;vt.确定, 探知ashore;adv.向岸地, 在岸上地aspect;n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面aspire;vi.热望, 立志assassinate;vt.暗杀, 行刺assault;n.攻击, 袭击v.袭击assemble;vt.集合, 聚集, 装配vi.集合assembly;n.集合, 装配, 集会, 集结, 汇编assert;v.断言, 声称assess;vt.估定, 评定asset;n.资产, 有用的东西assimilate;v.吸收assist;v.援助, 帮助assistance;n.协助, 援助, 补助, <英>国家补助assistant;n.助手, 助教adj.辅助的, 助理的associate;vt.使发生联系, 使联合vi.交往, 结交n.合作人, 同事adj.副的 association;n.协会, 联合, 结交, 联想assumption;n.假定, 设想, 担任, 承当, 假装, 作态assurance;n.确信, 断言, 保证, 担保assure;vt.断然地说, 确告, 保证, 担保astonish;vt.使惊讶astronaut;n.太空人, 宇航员astronomy;n.天文学athlete;n.运动员, 运动选手attempt;n.努力, 尝试, 企图vt.尝试, 企图attendant;n.服务员attorney;n.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人attribute;n.属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于auction;n.拍卖vt.拍卖audit;n.审计, 稽核, 查帐vt.稽核, 旁听vi.查账auditorium;n.听众席, 观众席, <美>会堂, 礼堂augment;v.增加, 增大n.增加aural;adj.听觉的authentic;adj.可信的authority;n.权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威auto;n.<美口>汽车automatic;n.自动机械adj.自动的, 无意识的, 机械的automation;n.自动控制, 自动操作automobile;n.<主美>汽车(=<英>motor car,car)autonomy;n.自治auxiliary;adj.辅助的, 补助的avail;vi.有益于, 有帮助, 有用, 有利vt.有利于n.效用, 利益available;adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的avert;v.转移aviation;n.飞行, 航空, 航空学, 航空术aware;adj.知道的, 明白的, 意识到的awe;n.敬畏vt.敬畏awkward;adj.难使用的, 笨拙的axis;n.轴bachelor;n.单身汉, 文理学士, 幼雄兽badminton;n.羽毛球bait;n.饵, 诱惑物vt.以饵引诱(动物), 把饵装上, 欺负, 折磨vi.中途休息bald;adj.光秃的, 单调的, 枯燥的ballet;n.芭蕾舞, 芭蕾舞剧, 芭蕾舞乐曲ballot;n.选举票, 投票, 票数vi.投票bandage;n.绷带banquet;n.宴会barbecue;n.吃烤烧肉的野餐barn;n.[农]谷仓, 畜棚, 畜舍, 机器房barrel;n.桶vt.装入桶内barren;adj.不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的n.荒地barrier;n.(阻碍通道的)障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障baseball;n.棒球, 棒球运动basement;n.地下室, 墙脚basin;n.盆, 盆地, 水池basis;n.基础, 基本, 根据, 主要成分(或要素), (认识论中的)基本原则或原理bat;n.蝙蝠, 球棒v.用球棒击球[计] 批处理文件的扩展名abbr.[军] Basic Armor Training, 装甲兵基础训练batch;n.(面包等)一炉, 一批battery;n.电池, 殴打battle;n.战役(指大规模会战), 战争vi.作战, 战斗, 搏斗, 斗争bay;n.海湾, 狗吠声, 绝路vt.吠, 使走投无路vi.吠bearing;n.轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义, 方向, 方位beast;n.兽, 畜牲, 人面兽心的人behalf;n.为, 利益behave;vi.举动, 举止, 运转v.行为表现belly;n.腹部, 胃vi.涨满beloved;adj.心爱的n.所爱的人, 爱人bench;n.长椅子benign;adj.(病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的betray;vt.出卖, 背叛, 泄露(秘密), 露出...迹象beware;v.小心, 谨防bewilder;vt.使迷惑, 使不知所措, 使昏乱bias;n.偏见, 偏爱, 斜线vt.使存偏见bibliography;n.(有关一个题目或一个人的)书目, 参考书目bid;vt.出价, 投标, 祝愿, 命令, 吩咐n.出价, 投标v.支付billion;n.adj.十亿(的)bin;n.箱柜[计] 二进制文件的扩展名bind;v.绑, 镶边, 装订, 凝固, 约束biography;n.传记bit;n.小块, 少量, 片刻, 马嚼子, 辅币vt.上马嚼子, 控制vbl.咬n.[计]位, 比特bizarre;adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)blackmail;n.勒索, 勒索所得之款vt.勒索blanket;n.毯子vt.覆盖blast;n.一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波vt.爆炸, ,毁灭, 使枯萎, 损害blaze;n.火焰, 光辉, 情感爆发vi.燃烧, 照耀, 激发vt.在树皮上刻路标, 公开宣布bleak;adj.寒冷的, 阴冷的, 荒凉的, 凄凉的, 黯淡的blend;vt.混和n.混和block;n.木块, 石块, 块, 街区, 印版, 滑轮, 阻滞, (一)批vt.防碍, 阻塞blossom;n.花(尤指结果实者), 花开的状态, 兴旺期vi.开花, 兴旺, 发展blueprint;n.蓝图, 设计图, 计划vt.制成蓝图, 计划blunder;v.跌跌撞撞地走, 犯大错, 做错n.大错, 失误blunt;adj.钝的, 生硬的blur;v.涂污, 污损(名誉等), 把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清, 弄污n.污点blush;v.脸红, 羞愧, 呈现红色, 使成红色n.脸红, 红色, 红光boast;n.自夸, 值得夸耀的事物v.自夸, 以有...而自豪bold;adj.大胆的n.粗体bolt;n.门闩, 螺钉, 闪电, 跑掉v.上门闩, 囫囵吞下, 逃跑bond;n.结合(物), 粘结(剂), 联结, 公债, 债券, 合同v.结合bonus;n.奖金, 红利boom;n.繁荣, 隆隆声v.发隆隆声, 兴隆, 大事宣传boost;v.推进boot;n.<美> (长统)靴, 靴子v.导入booth;n.货摊, 售货亭, 棚border;n.边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境vt.与...接壤, 接近v.接壤bosom;n.胸部, 胸, 胸怀, 内心, 内部, 中间, 任何温暖、舒适而熟悉的地方vt.怀抱, 隐匿bounce;v.(使)反跳, 弹起, (指支票)被银行退票, 弹跳n.(球)跳起, 弹回bound;n.跃进, 跳, 范围, 限度adj.正要启程的, 开往...去的, 被束缚的, 装订的v.跳跃, 限制boundary;n.边界, 分界线bowel;n.肠adj.内部, 同情心bowl;n.碗, 碗状物, 木球v.滚, (板球)投球bowling;n.保龄球boycott;n.vt.联合抵制, 联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交brace;n.支柱, 带子, 振作精神vt.支住, 撑牢, 振作起来, 奋起adj.曲柄的v.支持bracket;n.墙上凸出的托架, 括弧, 支架v.括在一起branch;n.枝, 分枝, 分部, 分店, (学科)分科, 部门, 支流, 支脉v.出现分歧brand;n.商标, 牌子, 烙印vt.打火印, 污辱brass;n.黄铜, 黄铜制品, 厚脸皮breach;n.违背, 破坏, 破裂, 裂口vt.打破, 突破breadth;n.宽度, (布的)幅宽, (船)幅breed;v.(使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养n.品种, 种类breeze;n.微风, 煤屑, 焦炭渣, 轻而易举的事, 小风波vi.吹微风, 逃走bribe;n.贿赂vt.贿赂, 向...行贿brick;n.砖, 砖块, 砖形物(如茶砖,冰砖等), <口>心肠好的人bride;n.新娘briefcase;n.(扁平的, 柔韧的, 装文件, 书报的)公文包brim;n.(杯, 碗等)边, 边缘, (河)边vt.注满, 使满溢vi.满溢brisk;adj.敏锐的, 凛冽的, 轻快的, 活泼的vt.使活泼vi.活跃起来brittle;adj.易碎的, 脆弱的brochure;n.小册子bronze;n.青铜(铜与锡合金), 铜像adj.青铜色的brook;n.小溪vt.容忍broom;n.扫帚, [植]金雀花vt.扫除brow;n.眉毛, 额, (面部)表情brush;n.刷子, 毛刷, 画笔vt.刷, 掸, 拂brutal;adj.残忍的, 兽性的bubble;n.泡沫, 幻想的计划vi.起泡, 潺潺的流bucket;n.桶, 一桶的量, [桶壮物]铲斗bud;n.芽, 蓓蕾vi.发芽, 萌芽budget;n.预算vi.做预算, 编入预算buffet;n.餐具柜, 小卖部, 殴打, 打击v.打击, 搏斗bulb;n.鳞茎, 球形物bulk;n.大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数, 散装vt.显得大, 显得重要bulletin;n.公告, 报告bully;n.欺凌弱小者vt.威吓, 威逼bump;n.撞击, 肿块v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸bunch;n.串, 束v.捆成一束bundle;n.捆, 束, 包v.捆扎bureau;n.办公桌, 衣柜<美>局, 办公署bureaucracy;n.官僚, 官僚作风, 官僚机构burglar;n.夜贼burst;v.爆裂, 炸破, 急于, 爆发n.突然破裂, 爆发, 脉冲butcher;n.屠夫, 屠户vt.屠宰, 屠杀bypass;n.旁路vt.设旁路, 迂回by-pass;旁通; 旁通道; 绕流管; 分路迂回cab;一种压缩文件格式n.出租马车, 出租汽车, 计程车, (机车, 卡车, 起重机的)司机室, 驾驶室vi.乘出租马车cabin;n.小屋, 船舱cabinet;n.(有抽屉或格子的)橱柜, <美>内阁adj.<美>内阁的, 小巧的cable;n.电缆, 海底电报, 缆, 索v.打(海底)电报cafeteria;n.自助餐厅calcium;n.[化]钙(元素符号Ca)calculate;v.计算, 考虑, 计划, 打算v.<美>以为, 认为calendar;n.日历, 历法camel;n.骆驼, [船](打捞用的)浮筒camera;n.照相机camp;n.露营地, 阵营vi.露营, 扎营campaign;n.[军]战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动vi.参加活动, 从事活动, 作战canal;n.运河, 小道, 导管, 槽, 沟渠vt.开运河candidate;n.候选人, 投考者canoe;n.独木舟, 轻舟canteen;n.小卖部, 食具箱, 饭盒, (军用)水壶canvas;v.彻底讨论探究n.帆布cape;n.海角, 岬capital;n.首都, 首府, 大写字母, 资本, 资金, 资产adj.首都的, 重要的, 死罪的, 大写的, <口>极好的capitalism;n.资本主义capsule;n.(植物)蒴果, 胶囊, 瓶帽, 太空舱captive;n.俘虏, 被美色或爱情迷住的人adj.被俘的, 被迷住的carbohydrate;n.[化]碳水化合物, 醣类carbon;n.[化]碳(元素符号C), (一张)复写纸cardinal;n.枢机主教, 红衣主教adj.主要的, 最重要的caress;n.爱抚, 接吻vt.抚爱carpet;n.地毯carriage;n.马车, 客车, 运费, 姿态, (机械)车架carrier;n.运送者, 邮递员, 带菌者, (自行车等)行李架, 搬运器, 航空母舰n.[电]载波(信号)cart;n.大车, 手推车vt.用车装载carve;v.雕刻, 切开cassette;n.盒子, 盒式磁带cast;n.投掷, 铸件, 脱落物, 一瞥, 演员表v.投, 抛, 投射, 浇铸, 计算, 派(角色) casual;adj.偶然的, 不经意的, 临时的casualty;n.伤亡catalog;n.目录, 目录册v.编目录catalogue;n.目录catastrophe;n.大灾难, 大祸category;n.种类, 别, [逻]范畴cater;vi.备办食物, 满足(需要), 投合cathedral;n.大教堂catholic;n.天主教徒adj.天主教的cattle;n.牛, 家养牲畜caution;n.小心, 谨慎, 警告vt.警告cautious;adj.谨慎的, 小心的cease;v.停止, 终了ceiling;n.天花板, 最高限度celebrity;n.名声, 名人cement;n.水泥, 接合剂vt.接合, 用水泥涂, 巩固vi.粘牢cemetery;n.墓地, 公墓census;n.人口普查centigrade;adj.分为百度的, 百分度的, 摄氏温度的central;adj.中心的, 中央的, 重要的, 主要的, 中枢的, 走中间道路的n.<美>电话总机cereal;n.谷类食品, 谷类ceremony;n.典礼, 仪式, 礼节, 报幕员certificate;n.证书, 证明书vt.发给证明书, 以证书形式授权给...certify;v.证明, 保证chalk;n.粉笔, 白垩vt.用粉笔写, 和以白垩challenge;n.挑战vt.向...挑战chamber;n.室, 房间, 议院, 会所, (枪)膛champagne;n.香槟酒, 香槟色champion;n.冠军, 拥护者, 战士vt.拥护, 支持chancellor;n.长官, 大臣channel;n.海峡, 水道, 沟, 路线vt.引导, 开导, 形成河道信道,频道chaos;n.混乱, 混沌(宇宙未形成前的情形)chap;n.<俗>伙伴, 家伙, 小伙子, 颚, 颊v.(使)皲裂chapter;n.(书籍)章charge;n.负荷, 电荷, 费用, 主管, 掌管, 充电, 充气, 装料v.装满, 控诉, 责令, 告诫, 指示, 加罪于, 冲锋, 收费charity;n.慈善, 施舍, 慈善团体chart;n.海图, 图表vt.制图charter;vt.租, 包(船、车等)n.宪章chase;n.追赶, 追击vt.追赶, 追逐, 雕镂cheat;n.欺骗, 骗子v.欺骗, 骗取cheer;n.愉快, 欢呼v.(使)快活, (对)欢呼chef;n.厨师cheque;n.支票cherish;vt.珍爱, 怀抱(希望等)cherry;n.樱桃, 樱桃树, 如樱桃的鲜红色, <俚, 鄙>处女膜, 处女chess;n.国际象棋chin;n.下巴, 下颚chip;n.碎片, 筹码v.削成碎片, 碎裂芯片chop;n.砍, 排骨, 官印, 商标vt.剁碎, 砍, (风浪)突变chorus;n.合唱, 合唱队, 齐声chronic;adj.慢性的, 延续很长的cinema;n.电影院, 电影circuit;n.电路, 一圈, 周游, 巡回circular;adj.圆形的, 循环的n.函件通知circulate;v.(使)流通, (使)运行, (使)循环, (使)传播circumstance;n.环境, 详情, 境况circus;n.马戏团, 杂技团, 马戏场, 杂技场cite;vt.引用, 引证, 提名表扬civil;adj.全民的, 市民的, 公民的, 国民的, 民间的.民事的, 根据民法的, 文职的, 有礼貌的civilian;n.平民, 公务员, 文官adj.民间的, 民用的civilisation;n.<主英>=civilizationclaim;n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要clap;n.拍手声, 霹雳声v.鼓掌, 轻拍clarify;v.澄清, 阐明clarity;n.清楚, 透明clash;n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触v.(使)发出撞击声, 猛撞, 冲突clasp;n.扣子, 钩, 紧握, 抱住v.扣紧, 紧握, 搂抱, 密切合作clause;n.子句, 条款clay;n.粘土, 泥土, 肉体, 人体, 似黏土的东西, 陶土制的烟斗clergy;n.(集合称)圣职者, 牧师, 僧侣, 神职人员clerk;n.职员, 办事员, <美> 店员click;v.发出滴答声n.滴答声client;n.[计]顾客, 客户, 委托人cliff;n.悬崖, 绝壁climate;n.气候, 风土, 思潮climax;n.高潮, 顶点climb;v.攀登, 爬n.攀登, 爬cling;vi.粘紧, 附着, 紧贴, 坚持(意见), 墨守(习惯)clinic;n.门诊部, 临床clip;n.夹子, 回形针, 子弹夹vt.夹住, 剪短, 修剪cloak;n.斗蓬, 宽大外衣, 掩护vt.用外衣遮蔽, 披斗篷clumsy;adj.笨拙的cluster;n.串, 丛vi.丛生, 成群clutch;v.抓住, 攫住n.离合器coach;n.四轮大马车, 长途汽车, 教练v.训练, 指导coalition;n.合并, 接合, 联合coarse;adj.粗糙的, 粗鄙的cocaine;n.古柯碱,可卡因cognitive;adj.认知的, 认识的, 有感知的coherent;adj.粘在一起的, 一致的, 连贯的cohesive;adj.粘着的coil;v.盘绕, 卷coincide;vi.一致, 符合coincidence;n.一致, 相合, 同时发生或同时存在(尤指偶然)的事coke;n.可乐, 焦炭v.(使)成焦炭collaborate;vi.合作, 通敌colleague;n.同事, 同僚collection;n.收藏, 征收, 搜集品, 捐款collective;adj.集体的n.集体collide;vi.碰撞, 抵触collision;n.碰撞, 冲突colonel;n.陆军上校, 团长colonial;adj.殖民的, 殖民地的 n.殖民地居民colony;n.殖民地, 侨民, (聚居的)一群同业, 一批同行, (生物)群体column;n.圆柱, 柱壮物, 专栏, 纵队comb;n.梳子, 梳, 鸡冠, 蜂巢vi.梳(发), 搜索combat;n.战斗, 格斗v.战斗, 搏斗, 抗击combination;n.结合, 联合, 合并, 化合, 化合物combine;v.(使)联合, (使)结合n.联合企业, 联合收割机n.联合收割机comedy;n.喜剧, 喜剧性的事情comic;n.滑稽演员adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的command;n.命令, 掌握, 司令部v.命令, 指挥, 克制, 支配, 博得, 俯临commemorate;vt.纪念commence;v.开始, 着手commend;vt.称赞, 表扬, 推荐, 委托, 吸引comment;n.注释, 评论, 意见vi.注释, 评论commerce;n.商业commercial;adj.商业的, 贸易的commission;n.委任, 委托, 代办(权), 代理(权), 犯(罪), 佣金vt.委任, 任命, 委托, 委托制作, 使服役commit;vt.犯(错误), 干(坏事), 把...交托给, 提交, 答应负责committee;n.委员会commodity;n.日用品commonplace;n.平凡的事, 平常话adj.平凡的commonwealth;n.国民整体, 共和国, 联邦communicate;v.沟通, 通信, (房间、道路、花园等)相通, 传达, 感染communication;n.传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯communism;n.共产主义community;n.公社, 团体, 社会, (政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体, (生物)群落commute;v.交换, 抵偿, 减刑, <电工>整流compact;adj.紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的n.契约, 合同, 小粉盒companion;n.同伴, 共事者compartment;n.间隔间, 车厢compass;n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规v.包围compassion;n.同情,怜悯compatible;adj.谐调的, 一致的, 兼容的compel;vt.强迫, 迫使compensate;v.偿还, 补偿, 付报酬compensation;n.补偿, 赔偿competent;adj.有能力的, 胜任的competition;n.竞争, 竞赛compile;vt.编译, 编辑, 汇编complain;v.抱怨, 悲叹, 控诉complaint;n.诉苦, 抱怨, 牢骚, 委屈, 疾病complement;n.补足物, [文法]补语, [数]余角vt.补助, 补足complex;adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的n.联合体complicate;v.(使)变复杂complicated;adj.复杂的, 难解的complication;n.复杂化, (使复杂的)因素n.[医]并发症compliment;n.称赞, 恭维, 致意, 问候, 道贺vt.称赞, 褒扬, 恭维comply;vi.顺从, 答应, 遵守component;n.成分adj.组成的, 构成的composite;adj.合成的, 复合的n.合成物compound;n.混合物, [化]化合物adj.复合的v.混合, 配合comprehensive;adj.全面的, 广泛的, 能充分理解的, 包容的comprise;v.包含, 由...组成compromise;n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷, 危及...的安全compulsory;adj.必需做的, 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的conceal;vt.隐藏, 隐蔽, 隐瞒v.隐蔽concede;vt.勉强, 承认, 退让vi.让步conceive;vt.构思, 以为, 持有vi.怀孕, 考虑, 设想concentrate;v.集中, 浓缩concept;n.观念, 概念conception;n.观念, 概念concert;n.音乐会, 一致concession;n.让步concise;adj.简明的, 简练的conclude;v.结束, 终止, 决定, 作出结论vt.推断, 断定, 缔结, 议定conclusion;n.结束, 缔结, 结论concrete;adj.具体的, 有形的n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑, 浇混凝土, 凝结condense;v.(使)浓缩, 精简condition;n.条件, 情形, 环境, 社会地位vt.以...为条件, 使达到要求的情况confer;vt.授予(称号、学位等), 赠与, 把...赠与, 协议v.协商, 交换意见conference;n.会议, 讨论会, 协商会confidential;adj.秘密的, 机密的conflict;n.斗争, 冲突vi.抵触, 冲突conform;vt.使一致, 使遵守, 使顺从vi.符合, 相似, 适应环境adj.一致的, 顺从的 confront;vt.使面临, 对抗congress;n.(代表)大会, [C~] (美国等国的)国会, 议会conjunction;n.联合, 关联, 连接词connexion;n.联系, 连结conscientious;adj.尽责的consecutive;adj.连续的, 联贯的consensus;n.一致同意, 多数人的意见, 舆论consent;vi.同意, 赞成, 答应n.同意, 赞成, 允诺consequence;n.结果, [逻]推理, 推论, 因果关系, 重要的地位consequently;adv.从而, 因此conservation;n.保存, 保持, 守恒conservative;adj.保守的, 守旧的n.保守派consist;vi.由...组成, 在于, 一致consistent;adj.一致的, 调和的, 坚固的, [数、统]相容的console;vt.安慰, 藉慰n.[计] 控制台consolidate;v.巩固conspicuous;adj.显著的conspiracy;n.共谋, 阴谋constant;n.[数、物]常数, 恒量adj.不变的, 持续的, 坚决的constituent;n.委托人, 要素adj.有选举权的;有宪法制定[修改]权的constitute;vt.制定(法律), 建立(政府), 组成, 任命constitution;n.宪法, 构造, 体质, 体格, 国体, 章程, 惯例constrain;vt.强迫, 抑制, 拘束construct;vt.建造, 构造, 创立construction;n.建筑, 建筑物, 解释, 造句consult;v.商量, 商议, 请教, 参考, 考虑consultant;n.顾问, 商议者, 咨询者contact;n.接触, 联系vt.接触, 联系contaminate;v.污染contemplate;v.凝视, 沉思, 预期, 企图contemporary;n.同时代的人adj.当代的, 同时代的contempt;n.轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬, [律]藐视法庭(或国会)contend;v.斗争, 竞争, 主张content;n.内容, 容量, 目录, 满足adj.满足的, 满意的, 愿意vt.使满足contest;n.论争, 竞赛v.,争论, 争辩, 竞赛, 争夺context;n.上下文, 文章的前后关系continent;n.大陆, 陆地continual;adj.连续的, 频繁的, 持续不断的continue;v.继续, 连续, 延伸continuous;adj.连续的, 持续的contract;n.合同, 契约, 婚约v.使缩短, 感染, 订约contradict;vt.同...矛盾, 同...抵触contradiction;n.反驳, 矛盾contrary;adj.相反的, 逆的, <口语>执拗n.反面adv.相反地contrast;vt.使与...对比, 使与...对照vi.和...形成对照n.对比, 对照, (对照中的)差异contrive;v.发明, 设计, 图谋controversial;adj.争论的, 争议的controversy;n.论争, 辩论, 论战convenience;n.便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具、机械、安排等convenient;adj.便利的, 方便的convention;n.大会, 协定, 习俗, 惯例conventional;adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的conversation;n.会话, 交谈conversely;adv.倒地,逆地conversion;n.变换, 转化convert;n.皈依者vt.使转变, 转换...,使...改变信仰convict;vt.证明...有罪, 宣告...有罪n.罪犯conviction;n.深信, 确信, 定罪, 宣告有罪convince;vt.使确信, 使信服cooperative;adj.合作的, 协力的coordinate;n.同等者, 同等物, 坐标(用复数)adj.同等的, 并列的vt.调整, 整理cop;n.警官, 巡警, [纺]管纱vt.抓住copper;n.铜, 警察cord;n.绳索, 束缚cordial;n.兴奋剂, 兴奋性饮料adj.热忱的, 诚恳的, 兴奋的corner;n.角落, (街道)拐角处, (遥远的)地区, 偏僻处, 困境, 绝路vt.迫至一隅, 垄断, 使陷入绝境, 把...难住vi.相交成角, 囤积(in)corporation;n.[律]社团, 法人, 公司, 企业, <美>有限公司, (市, 镇的)自治机关, <口>大肚皮correspond;vi.符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应correspondence;n.相应, 通信, 信件correspondent;n.通讯记者, 通信者corresponding;adj.相应的, 通讯的corridor;n.走廊corrode;v.使腐蚀, 侵蚀corrupt;adj.腐败的, 贪污的, 被破坏的, 混浊的, (语法)误用的vt.使腐烂, 腐蚀, 使恶化vi.腐烂, 堕落cosmic;adj.宇宙的costume;n.装束, 服装cosy;adj.舒适的, 安逸的cottage;n.村舍, 小别墅couch;n.(文学)床, 睡椅 v.(用语言)表达council;n.政务会, 理事会, 委员会, 参议会, 讨论会议, 顾问班子, 立法班子counsel;n.讨论, 商议, 辩护律师vt.劝告, 忠告counter;n.计算器, 计数器, 计算者, 柜台, 筹码adv.prep.相反地counterpart;n.副本, 极相似的人或物, 配对物coupon;n.息票, 商家的优待券courage;n.勇气, 精神course;n.过程, 经过, 进程, 方针, 路线, 跑道, 课程, 一道菜v.追猎, 急行, 运行, 流动学业court;n.法院, 庭院, 朝廷, 宫庭, 球场, 奉承, 求爱, 殷勤vt.向...献殷勤, 追求, 设法获得(他人的支持等), 博得(喝彩), 招致(失败、危险等)vi.求爱courtesy;n.谦恭, 允许, 礼貌coward;n.懦弱的人, 胆小的人crab;n.螃蟹, 类似螃蟹的动物, 脾气乖戾的人, 吹毛求疵vi.捕蟹, 偏航, 发牢骚vt.使偏航, 发脾气, 破坏crack;n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的cradle;n.摇篮, 发源地, 支船架vt.将...放在摇篮内craft;n.工艺, 手艺crane;n.起重机crash;n.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, 撞击声, 爆裂声v.碰撞, 坠落, 坠毁, (指商业公司, 政府等)破产, 垮台crawl;vi.爬行, 蠕动, 徐徐行进n.爬行, 蠕动, 缓慢的行进credentials;n. 信任状credit;n.信任, 信用, 声望, 荣誉, [财务]贷方, 银行存款vt.相信, 信任, 把...归给creep;vi.爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延crew;n.全体人员, (工作)队vbl.crow的过去式cricket;n.[昆]蟋蟀, [运动]板球criminal;n.罪犯, 犯罪者adj.犯罪的, 犯法的, 罪恶的cripple;n.跛子v.削弱crisis;n.疾病的转折点(或转好或恶化), 决定性时刻, 危机, 危险期, 历史上的紧要关头, [医]危象, 转换期crisp;adj.脆的, 易碎的criterion;n.(批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范critic;n.批评家, 评论家, 吹毛求疵者critical;adj.评论的, 鉴定的, 批评的, 危急的, 临界的criticise;v.批评, 吹毛求疵, 非难criticism;n.批评, 批判criticize;v.批评, 责备crow;n.乌鸦, 似乌鸦的鸟, 撬棍vi.啼叫, 报晓, (婴孩)格格地笑crowd;n.人群, 群众, 一堆(东西), 一伙v.群集, 拥挤, 挤满crown;n.王冠, 花冠, 顶vt.加冕, 顶上有, 表彰, 使圆满完成crucial;adj.至关紧要的cruel;adj.残酷的, 悲惨的, 使痛苦的crush;vt.压碎, 碾碎, 压服, 压垮, 粉碎, (使)变形crust;n.外壳, 硬壳, 面包皮vt.盖以硬皮vi.结硬皮cube;n.立方体, 立方cultivate;vt.培养, 耕作cunning;adj.狡猾的, 巧妙的, <美>漂亮的, 可爱的n.狡猾, 诡诈curb;n.路边curiosity;n.好奇心curious;adj.好奇的, 求知的, 古怪的, 爱挑剔的curl;v.(使)卷曲currency;n.流通current;adj.当前的, 通用的, 流通的, 现在的, 草写的, 最近的n.涌流, 趋势, 电流, 水流, 气流curriculum;n.课程curse;n.诅咒, 咒语, 祸根, 祸因vt.诅咒, 咒骂, 降祸, 使受罪curtain;n.窗帘, 门帘v.装上门帘curve;n.曲线, 弯曲, [棒球]曲线球, [统]曲线图表vt.弯, 使弯曲vi.成曲形customary;adj.习惯的, 惯例的cyberspace;n.电脑空间cylinder;n.圆筒, 圆柱体, 汽缸, 柱面dairy;n.牛奶场, 奶品场, 售牛奶, 奶油, 鸡蛋等的商店, 奶制品damp;n.湿气adj.潮湿的vt.使潮湿, 阻尼, 使衰减, 使沮丧, 控制, 抑止dash;n.少量(搀加物), 冲撞, 破折号, 锐气, 精力, 干劲vi.猛掷, 冲撞vt.泼溅, 使猛撞,搀和, 使破灭, 使沮丧, 匆忙完成datum的复数, [计] 资料, 数据database;n.[计] 数据库, 资料库dazzle;v.(使)眼花, 眩耀n.耀眼dean;n.(大学)院长, 主持牧师, (基督教)教长deceit;n.欺骗, 谎言deceive;v.欺骗, 行骗decent;adj.正派的, 端庄的, 有分寸的, (服装)得体的, 大方的adj.<口>相当好的、象样的decimal;adj.十进的, 小数的, 以十为基础的, 十进制n.小数decisive;adj.决定性的declaration;n.宣布, 宣言, 声明declare;vt.断言, 宣称, 宣布, 宣告, 声明, (向海关)中报进口应纳税之货物decline;vi.下倾, 下降, 下垂v.拒绝, 衰落n.下倾, 下降, 下垂, 斜面, 斜坡, 衰败, 衰落decorate;v.装饰, 为...做室内装修decrease;n.减少, 减少之量v.减少dedicate;vt.献(身), 致力, 题献(一部著作给某人)deduce;vt.推论, 演绎出deduct;vt.扣除, 演绎deed;n.行为, 事实, 功绩, 实行, 契约vt.立契转让(旧产等)deem;v.认为, 相信defeat;n.击败, 战胜, 失败vt.击败, 战胜, 使失败, 挫折v.击败defect;n.过失, 缺点defence;n.防卫, 防卫设备n.[律](被告的)答辩、辩护defend;vt.防护, 辩护, 防卫, [律]作...的辩护律师defense;n.(D-)(美国)国防部, 防卫, 防卫物vt.谋划抵御deficiency;n.缺乏, 不足deficit;n.赤字, 不足额define;vt.定义, 详细说明definite;adj.明确的, 一定的definition;n.定义, 解说, 精确度, (轮廓影像等的)清晰度defy;vt.不服从, 公然反抗, 藐视, 挑衅, 违抗, 使...难于n.挑战degenerate;adj.退化的v.退化delegate;n.代表vt.委派...为代表deliberate;adj.深思熟虑的, 故意的, 预有准备的v.商讨delicate;adj.精巧的, 精致的, 病弱的, 脆弱的, 微妙的, 棘手的, 灵敏的, 精密的delight;n.快乐, 高兴, 喜悦v.(使)高兴, (使)欣喜demand;n.要求, 需求(量), 需要v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询democracy;n.民主政治, 民主主义democratic;adj.民主的, 民主主义的, 民主政体的, 平民的demonstrate;vt.示范, 证明, 论证vi.示威denial;n.否认, 否定, 谢绝, 拒绝denote;vt.指示, 表示。
西北师范大学2019年博士研究生入学考试英语试题博士研究生入学考试英语试题考试科目名称:英语试题适用招生专业:全校Part L Listening Comprehension ( 25%)Section A: Spot DictationDirections: In this section, you are going to hear a passage. The passage will he read only once. As you listen to the passage, fill in the blanks with the words you hear. After the passage, there will be a 3-minute pause. During the pause, you must write the words on the Answer Sheet.A recent university research project investigated the attitudes of postgraduate science students (1)____the learning of English vocabulary. The results were urprising. I'll (2) ____three of them.firstly, most of the stcrdeaats think that (3) ____every word ill English has just one meaning. This is, of course:, completely (4) ____to the facts. A glance at any English dictionary will show this. The student will (5) ____find seven or eight meanings listed for (6) ____simple' words.Why, then, have these students made such a mistake:' One reason irnay be that they're .ill (7) ____. students. Scientists try to use words ill their special subject which have one meaning, and one meaning only. Another reason., of course,could be the way in Which these Student, Were They may have used vocabulary lists when they first learner English. (M one side of the page is the word in Iaaglish-, on the other sloe, a single \ti'ord in the (Q) native language.'l°he second attitude that (10) ____from the findings isequally mistaken. (11) ____all the students think that every word in English has an exact (12)____equivalent. Again, this is far from the trijth. Sometimes one word in Iinglish can only be translated by a (13) ____in the student's native languial c. "there are other (l4) ____ill translation which we won't mention here. (:ertainly the idea of a one word for one word translation (15) ____is completely false. Translation machines, which tried to work on this (16) ____failed completely.The third result'of the investigation showed another (17) ____in the students' thinking. They believe that as soon as they know the meaning of a word, they're in a (18) ____to use it correctly. This is untrue for any language but is perhaps particularly (19) ____for English. The student has to learn when to use a word as well as to know what it means. Some words in English mean almost the same but they can only be used in certain situations.What, then, is the best way to increase one's vocabulary? This can be answered in threewords-observation, (20) ____and repetition.Section B: Multiple ChoiceDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear S questions. The passage and the question will be read only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Then write your choice on the Answer Slicet.21. A) It had no efFect on living cells. 13) It had effects on living cells. C) It had effects only on children.I)) It had effects only on adults.22. A) An increasing number of cancers in children.I3) A link between an electric current and the energy fold.C) A causal link between the power-line or device and the energy field.1)) A Small increased chance ofcancer in children living near electric power-line.23. A) 446. 13) 464. C ) 223. 1))234.24. A) Because he doesn't have enough evidence.R) Because other scientists have not studied his results yet.C.) Because he discovered nodirect link between disease and electricity.D) Because the link between cancer and electricity has not yet beenproved.25. A) Health and environment.B) Electric current and the energy field. C) Electricity and cancer.D) Electrical workers and cancer.Section C: Question and AnswerDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage. The passage will be read only once. Then try to answer the following questions according to what you have heard. Remember you should write your answer on the Answer Sheet.26. Why aren't most new doctors interested in beginning work in a small town?27. Why do many small town doctors work long hours? 28. What is the growing problem in theUnited States? 29. How many new doctors did the National Health Service Corps produce in 1979?30. Whom did a hospital in Parkersprary offer a reward o€5,000 dollar to?Part 11[. Vocabulary (20%),Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.31. To qualify for such a position, the native would first have to receive specialized training, and thisis____A) refused B) discouragedC) denied D) forbidden32. The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made her____A) whirl B) shiftC) shiver D) shake33. Presently, there are nine teachers in my team, who have____the task of teaching advanced English tomore than 500 non-English majors.A) inclined B) hesitatedC) afforded D) undertaken34. The press demands that politicians____the sources of their income.A) betray B) concealC) disclose D) renew35. Having gone through all kinds of hardships in life, he became a m with a strong____A) philosophy B) idealismC) morality D) personality36. One new____to learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural context.A) approach B) solutionC) manner D) road37. To maintain public____is not only the policemen's duty but f every citizen's responsibility.A) custom B) confidenceC) security D) simplicity38. All was dark in the district except for a candle____through th curtains in one of houses.A) glimmering B)glitteringC) flaming D) blazing39. One of the stands____and dozens of people were either killer or injured.A) destroyed B) collapsedC) corroded D) ruined40. "Me, afraid of him?" he said with a(n) ____smile, "Not me!"A) contemptible B) amusingC) contagious D) contemptuous41. He will simply no listen to anybody; he is____to argument.A) impervious B) imperceptibleC) impassable D) blunt42. Stop asking all these personal questions! It is bad manners to beA) inquisitive B) impatientC) acquisitive D) informative43. He____between life and death for a few days but then he pul:A) hovered B) lurchedC) wavered D) fluctuated44. We are prepared to satisfy all your____claimA} legitimate B) legibleC) intimate D) legislative45. There is not a Greek word which is the exact____of the English word ' stile'.A) equivalent B) copyC) counterpart D) meaning46. The prizes will be____at the end of the school year.A) distributed B) attributedC) granted D) contributed47. During our stay in Paris we were splendidly____by the Italian Ambassador.A) sustained B) maintainedC) retained D) entertained48. On leaving, we thanked him most warmly for the hospitality____to us and our friends.A) extended B) expandedC) expended D) awarded49. If the dispute is not settled in a(n) ____ way soon, the two countries will certainly go to war.A) amiable B) amicableC) inimical D) unfriendly50, If I may be so____as to advise you, my opinion is that you should not reply to his letter.A) generous B) humbleC) proud D) bold51. If you take a(n) ____course like her you can learn English in less than two years.A) intensive B) extensiveC) expansive D) retentive52. After a year's hard work I think I am____to a long holiday. 10,A) entailed B) deservedC) entitled D) satisfied53. Thousands of people____from Greece every year to work in West Germany.A) emigrate B) leaveC) abandon D) immigrate54, lie was a member of the Hillary____that conquered Mount Everest.A) mission B) invasionC) experiment D) expedition55. It was my sad duty to____the news of John's death to his family.A) submit B) breakC) say D) proclaim56. He____himself as a war correspondent in Vietnam.A) discerned B) distinguishedC) discriminated D) extinguished57. She____his invitation to dinner as she was on a diet.A) inclined B) declinedC) denied D) disinclined58. He was____with attempted robbery and held in custody..A) accused B) prosecutedC) charged D) arrested59. What the witness said in court was not____with the statement he made to the police.A) prevalent B) relevantC) consistent D) coincident60. Molly has always beep a(n) ____child; she becomes ill easily.A) delicate B) gloomyC) energetic D) confident61. There are some very beautifully____glass windows in the church.A) designed B) drawnC) marked D) stained62. The man who never tries anything new is a(n) ____on the wheels of progress.A) obstacle B) brakeC) break D) block63. There is a sale at Hamfridge's next week with____in all departments.A) decreases B) subtractionsC) reductions D) accounts64. Doctors have long known that if a patient is____that he will recover and is treated with sympathy, his painwill often disappear.A) assumed B) assuredC) informed D) proved65: Although most birds have only a____sense of smell, they have acute vision.A} genuine.B) negativeC) negligible D) condensed66. We are sorry to say that Mary is not the very person who can be____with either money or secret information.A)entrusted B) committedC)consigned D) assigned67. If you never review your lessons, you will only have yourself to____if you fail in your examination.A) complain B) blameC) mistake D) fault68. We were four scores left behind with five minutes to go,so the game looked completely____A) irresistible B) irremissibleC} irreplaceable D) irretrievable69. Had the explosion broken out, the passagers in the plane should have been killed, for it was____timedwith the plane's take-off.A) spontaneously B) instantaneouslyC} simultaneously D) conscientiously70. The two witnesses who saw the shootings were able to____who hard fired first.A) encounter B) highlightC} testify D) identifyPart III. Reading Comprehension (50 minutes, 30 points)Directions: There are 6 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and write your answer on the Answer Sheet.One day in 1963, a dolphin named Elvar and a famous astronomer, Carl Sagan, were playing a little game. The astronomer was visiting an institute which was looking into the way dolphins communicate witheach other. He was standing a t the edge of one of the tanks where several of these highly intelligent, friendly creatures were kept. Elvar had just swum up alongside hiui,and had turned on his back. He wanted Sagan to scratch his stomach again, as the astronomer had done twice before. But this time Elvar was too deep in the water for Sagan to reach him. Elvar looked up at Sagan, waiting. Then, after a minute or so, the dolphin leapt up through the water into the air and made a sound just like theword `More?'The astonished astronomer went -to the director of the institute and told him about the incident.`Oh, yes: That's one of the words he knows,' the director said, showing no surprise at all.Dolphins have bigger brains in proportion to their body size than humans have, andit has been known for a long time that they can make a number o€ sounds. What is more, these sounds seem to have different functions, such as warning each other of danger. Sound travels much faster ,and much further in water than it does in air. That is why the parts of the brain that deal with sound are much better developed in dolphins than in humans. But can it be said that dolphins have a `language' in the real sense of the word? Scientists don't agree on this.A language is not just a collection of sounds, or even words.A language has a structure, or what we call a grammar. The grammar of a language helps to give it meaning. For example, the two questions `Who loves Mary?' and `Who does Mary love?' mean different things. If you stop to think about it, you will see that this difference doesn't come from the words in the question but from the difference in structure. That is why the question `Can dolphins speak?' can't be answered until we find out if dolphins not only make sounds but also arrange them in ways which affect their meaning.71. The dolphin leapt into the air becauseA) Sagan had turned his backB) it was part of the game they were playingC) he wanted Sagan to scratch him againD) Sagan wanted him to do this72. When Sagan told the director about what the dolphin haddone, the directorA) didn't seem to think it was unusualB) thought Sagan was jokingC) told Sagan about other words the dolphin knewD) asked him if he knew other words73. Dolphins' brains are particularly well-developed toA) help them to travel fast in waterB) arrange sounds in different structuresC) respond to different kinds of soundD) communicate with humans through sound74. The sounds we call words can be called a language only ifA) each sound has a different meaningB) each sound is different from the otherC) there is a system of writingD) they have a structure or grammar(2)Married people live "happily ever after" in fairy tales, but they do so less and less often in real life. 1, like many of my friends, got married, divorced, and remarried. I suppose, to some people, I'm a failure. After all, I broke my first solemn promise to "love and cherish until death us do part." But I feel that I'm finally a success. I learned from the mistakes I made in my first marriage. This time around, the ways my husband and I share our free time, make decisions, and deal with problems are very different.I learned, first of all, not to be a clinging vine (依赖男子的妇女) . In my first marriage, I felt the every moment we spent apart was wasted. If Ray wanted to go out to a bar with his friends to watch a football game, I felt rejected and talked him into staying home. I wouldn't accept an offer to go to a movie or join anexercise class it' it meant that Ray would be home alone. I realize now that we were often angry with each other just because we spent too much time together. In contrast, my second husband and I spend some of our tree time apart and try to have interests of our own. I have started playing racquetball at a health club, and Davidsometimes takes off to go to the local auto races with his friends. When we are together, we aren't bored with each other; our separate interests make us more interesting people.I learned not only to be apart sometimes but also to work together when it's time to make decisions. When Ray and I were married, I left all the important decisions to him. He decided how we would spend money, whether we should sell the car or fix it, and where to take a vacation. I know now that I went along with this so that I wouldn't have to take the responsibility when things went wrong. I could always end an argument by saying, "It was your fault!" With my second marriage, I am trying to be a full partner. We ask each other's opinions on major decisions and try to compromise if we disagree. If we make the wrong choice, we're equally guilty. When we rented an apartment, for example, we both had to take the blame for not noticing the drafty windows and the "no pets" clause in our lease.Maybe the most important thing I've learned is to be a grown-up about facing problems. David and i have made a vow to face our troubles like adults. If we're mad at each other or worried and upset, we say how we feel. Rather than hide behind our own misery, we talk about the problem until we discover how to fix it. Everybody argues or has to deal with the occasional crisis, but Ray and I always reacted like children to these stormy times.I would lock myself in the spare bedroom. Ray would stalk out ofthe house, slam the door, and race off in the car. Then I would cry and worry till he returned.I wish that my first marriage hadn't been the place where I learned how to make a relationship work, but at least I did learn.1 feel better now about being an independent person, about making decisions, and about facing problems. My second marriage isn't perfect, but it doesn't have the deep flaws that made the first one fall apart.75. Which of the following has contributed to the writer's divorce?A) Her former husband went out to watch football games.B) She started to play racquetball at a health club.C) They spent too much time together and got bored with each other.D) They spent so little time together that they could not talk to each other.76. It can be learned from the passage that the writer, in her first marriage,A) took less responsibility than she should for major decisionB) tool: the same responsibility as her husbandC) took more blame when things went wrongD) felt equally guilty when things went wrong77. Which of the following that the author should have said when she quarrelled with her former husband but she did not.A) "It was your fault!"B) "Maybe you're right."C) "It's none of your business."D) "It's none of my business."78. All the problems between the writer and David can be resolved becauseA) they hide their feelingsB) they lock themselves in their bedroomC) they have promised not to be mad at each otherD) they dare to face them79, The writer's second marriage is different from the first one in all the following ways except A) that they share their free timeB) that they make their decisions togetherC) that they talk to each otherD) that they deal with their troubles together80. The best title for the passage isA) First MarriageB) Second MarriageC) DivorceD) Perfect Marriage(3)Classified Advertising is that advertising which is grouped in certain sections of the paper and is thus distinguished from display advertising. Such groupings as "Help Wanted", "Real Estate," "Lost and Found" are made, the rate charged being less than that for display advertising. Classified advertisements are a convenience to the reader and a saving to the advertiser. The reader who, is interested in a particular kind of advertisement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him. The advertiser may, on this account, use a very small advertisement that would be lost if it were placed among larger advertisements in the paper.It is evident that the reader approaches the classified advertisement in a different frame of mind from that in which he approaches the other advertisements in the paper. He turns to apage of classified advertisements to search for the particular advertisement that will meet his needs. As his attention is voluntary, the advertiser does not need to rely to much extent on display type to get the reader's attention.Formerly all classified advertisements were of the same size and did not have display type. With the increase in the number of such advertisements, however, each advertiser within a certain group is vying with others in the same group for the reader's attention. In many cases the result has been an increase in the size of the space used and the addition of headlines and pictures. In that way the classified advertisement has in reality become a display advertisement. This is particularly true of realestate advertising.81. Classified advertising is different to display advertising becauseA) all advertisements of a certain type are grouped togetherB) it is more distinguishedC) it is more expensiveD) nowadays the classified advertisements are all of the same size82. One of the examples given of types of classified advertisement isA) house for saleB) people who are asking for helpC) people who are lostD) real antiques for sale83. What sort of attitude do people have when they look at classified advertisements, according to thewriter?A) They are in the frame of mind to buy anything.B) They are looking for something they need.C) They feel lost because there are so many advertisements.D) They feel the same as when they look at display advertisements.84. What does the writer say about the classified advertisements that used to be put in the papers?A) They used to be voluntary.B) They used to use display type.C) They were all the same size.D) They were more formal.85. Why have classified advertisements changed in appearance, according to the writer?A) Because people no longer want headlines and pictures.B) Because real estate advertising is particularly truthful now.C)Because the increase in the number of such advertisements means they have to be smaller now.D) Because there are more advertisements now and more competition amongst advertisers. .(4)Mr Abu, the laboratory attendant, came in from the adjoining store and briskly cleaned the blackboard. He was a retired African sergeant from the Army Medical Corps and was feared by the boys. If he caught any of them in any petty thieving, he offered them the choice of a hard smack on the bottom or of being reported to the science masters. Most boys chose the former as they knew the matter would end there with no long interviews, moral arguments and an entry in the conduct book.The science master, a man called Vernier, stepped in and stood on his small platform. Vernier set the experiments for the day and demonstrated them, then retired behind the "ChurchTimes" which he read seriously in between walking quickly along the rows of laboratory benches, advising boys. It was a simple heat experiment to show that a dark surface gave out more heat by radiation than a bright surface.During the class, Vernier was called away to the telephone and Abu was not about, having retired to the lavatory for a smoke. As soon as a posted guard announced that he was out of sight, minor pandemonium ('N k) broke out. Some of the boys raided the store. The wealthier ones took rubber tubing to make catapults and to repair bicycles, and helped themselves to chemicals for developing photographic films. The poorer boys, with a more determined aim, took only things of strict commercial interst which could be sold easily in the market. They emptied stuff into bottles in their pockets. Soda for making soap, magnesium sulphate for opening medicine, salt for cooking, liquid paraffin for women's hairdressing, and fine yellow iodoform powder much in demand for sprinkling on sores. Kojo objected mildly to all this. "Oh, shut up!" a few boys said. Sorie, a huge boy who always wore a fez indoors, commanded respect and some leadership in the class. He was gently drinking his favourite mixture of diluted alcohol and bicarbonate----which he called "gin and fizz"----from a beaker. "Look here, Kojo, you are getting out of hand. What do you think our parents pay taxes and school fees for? For us to enjoy----or to buy a new car every year for Simpson? " The other boys laughed. Simpson was the European headmaster, feared by the small boys, adored by the boys in the middle school, and liked, in a critical fashion, with reservations, by some of the senior boys and African masters. He had a passion for new motor-cars, buying one yearly."Come to think of it," Sorie continued to Kojo, "you must takesomething yourself, then we'll know we are safe," "Yes, you must," the other boys insisted. Kojo gave in and, unwillingly, took a little nitrate for some gunpowder experiments which he was carrying out at home. "Someone!" the look-out called.The boys ran back to their seats in a moment. Sorie washed out his mouth, at the sink with some water.Mr Abu, the laboratory attendant, entered and observed the innocent expression on the faces of thewhole class. He looked round fiercely and suspiciously, and then sniffed the air. It was a physicsexperiment, but the place smelled chemical. However, Vemier came in then. After asking if anyonewas in difficulties, and finding that no one could in a moment think up anything, he retired to hischair and settled down to an article on Christian reunion.86, The boys were afraid of Mr Abu becauseA) he had been an Army sergeant and had military ideas of disciplineB) he reported them to the Science masters whenever he caught them petty thievingC) he was cruelD) he believed in strict discipline87. When the boys were caught petty thieving, they usually chose to be beaten by Mr Abu becauseA) he gave them only one hard smack instead of the six from their teachersB) they did not want to get a bad reputation with their teachersC) they were afraid of their science mastersD) his punishment was quicker than their teachers'88. Some boys took chemicals like soda and iodoform powder becauseA) they liked to set up stalls in the marked and sell things, like tradersB) they were too poor to buy things like soap and medicineC) they wanted money and could sell such things quicklyD) they needed things like soap and medicine for sores89. A big difference between Kojo and Sorie was thatA) Kojo took chemicals for some useful experiment but Sorie only wasted his in making an alcoholicdrink.B) Sorie was rich but Kojo was poorC) Kojo had a guilty conscience but Sorie did notD) when Kojo objected. Sorie proved that what they were doing was reasonable90. On entering the laboratory, Mr Abu was immediately suspicious becauseA) the whole class was looking so innocentB) he was a suspicious man by natureC) there was no teacher in the roomD) he could smell chemicals and he knew it was a physics lesson ,(5)Alison closed the door of her small flat and put down her briefcase. As usual, she had brought some work home from the travel agency. She wanted to have a quick bite to eat and then, after spending a few hours working, she was looking forward to watching television or listening to some music:.She was just about to start preparing her dinner when there was a knock at the door. `Uli, no! Who on earth could that be?'she muttered to herself. She went to the door and opened it just wide enough to see who it was. A man of about sixty was standing there. It took her a moment before she realized who he was. He lived in the flat below. They had passed each other on the stairs once or twice, and had nodded to each other but never really spoken.`Uh, sorry to bother you, but ...uh...there's something I'd like to talk to you about,' he mumbled. He had a long, thin face and two big front teeth that made him look rather like a rabbit. Alison hesitated, but then, opening the door wide, asked him to come in. It was then that she noticed the dog. She hated dogs----particularly big ones. This one was a very old, very fat bulldog. The man had already bone into her small living-room and, without being asked, he sat down on the sofa. The dog followed him in and climbed up on the sofa next to him, breathing heavily. She stared at it. It stared back.The man coughed. `Uh, do you mind if I smoke?' he asked. Before she could ask him not to, he had taken out a cigarette and lit it.`I'll tell you why I've come. I ...I hope you won't be offended but, well ...,' he began and then stopped. Suddenly his face went red. His whole body began to shake. Then another cough exploded from somewhere deep inside him. Still coughing, he took out a grey, dirty-looking handkerchief and spat into it. Afterwards he put the cigarette back into his mouth and inhaled deeply. As he did so, some ash fell on the carpet.The man looked around the room. He seemed to have forgotten what he wanted to say. Alison glanced at her watch and wondered when he would get to the point. She waited.'Nice place you've got here,' he said at last.。
考博英语—词汇精讲I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.单词的构建Ipneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis189819 个派生oriental转换father 例:Einstein fathered the relativity.合成moonlighting发明helicopter mom拼缀motel=motor + hotel 取首字母缩写WC=water + closet截短缩略词ad=advertisement外借舶来词Shangri-Laaptadaptadapt oneself toadapt foradapt fromoptoptionoptionalopticaloptimisticActions speak louder than wordssayingdictaddictcontradictpredictunpredictablestudy &learn acquireacquisitionrequireinquireLive and learn.Discovery coveruncoverrecoverprotectdetectdetective从v olvo 看人生involveevolveevolutionrevolvemissionadmitpermitcommitcommitteeemittransmitsubmitomit别把自己“隔离”起来isolateinsulateinsularinsulin多接触美好的世界touch tangtangibleintangiblecontagioustegintegralintegritycontactintacttacttactics做个优秀的人eminentprominentimminent不要总是沉在水下mergesubmergeemergeemergentemergency做有价值的事worth adj.& n.值得,应该,sb./sth. be worth ...The book is worth 200 yuan.be worth doingThis book is worth reading.worthy adj.& n.有价值的,值得...的, be worthy of +n.She is worthy of our praise.be worthy of being doneThe film is worthy of being watched.be worthy to be doneThe film is worthy to be watched.worthwhile adj.值得做的..值得出力的be worthwhile doing/be worthwhile to do It is worthwhile reading more books=It is worthwhile to read more books.1. In a materialistic and monetary pursuit. society people’s interest seems to be focused solely onA. adaptiveB. addictiveC. acquisitiveD. arrogant2. Even if I won a million-dollar lottery, I would continue to live .A. subtlyB. frugallyC. explicitlyD. cautiously3. Doctors must inform parents about the low odds of success in fertility treatments.A. protectiveB. respectiveC. prospectiveD. perspective4. Moshe katzma, 24, denied any with the beating given to the homeless man, who was found outside a National Headquarters office.A. involvementB. admissionC. isolationD. access5. There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligibleto income tax.A. reclaimB. recoverC. restoreD. return6. As the sky lightened even more, they began to their surroundings more clearly.A. fall outB. fall intoC. make upD. make out7. China's cultural heritage should be better protected through efforts to preserve endangered art.A. inalienableB. intangibleC. intelligibleD. indivisible8. The matter is settled; we may look upon it as being settled.A. as long asB. for goodC. for sureD. as good as9. An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is .A. imminentB. eminentC. illiterateD. emergent10. The in our soaps should come only from essential oils. Which are steamed or pressed from plants.A. scentsB. scenariosC. scenesD. scales11. A of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alikeA. valueB. meritC. factorD. worth12. Desperation, hunger, thirst, and resentment all make it likely that people will a more powerful figure who promises them help and or salvation.A. be prone toB. give inC. live up toD. put an end to13. The sentence given to the criminal was much too ; murder should carry themaximum penalty.A. negligentB. solitaryC. lenientD. tedious14. Though it was less attractive, Ralph knew the metal box would be more than the wooden box.A. terminalB. durableC. persistentD. bearable15. In china, although people in many regions earn much less than those in prosperous regions, they also pay much less for commodities, such as housing.A. disposableB. redundantC. equivalentD. interchangeable16. This leads record companies to treat musicians as contracted artists who are not paid a fixed sum for their labor-time, but instead receive royalties in to their success.A. additionB. relationC. percentageD. proportion17. Terrorists will go to any length to their evil ends, and pay no attention to the basic living rights of other peace-loving peopleA. reachB. gainC. achieveD. succeed18. Australia continued the fight to end Japan's annual whale hunts, warning that its plan to kill humpback whales in Antarctica could outrageA. sparkB. leadC. resultD. involve19. At the moment every culture in Britain has a similar philosophy as far as size ; if you want to look good and be desirable, you've got to be thin.A. showsB. statesC. saysD. goes20. Women who entered voluntary work during the inter-war years did so largely because it provided then with _from household routineA. distortionB. diversionC. dissipateD. discountrespectadmirationrespectable respectfulrespectivein respect ofwith respect to irrespectiveadj.不考虑的,不顾的spectspectacle spectacularspectatorspectrumspeculateaspectperspectivesuspectinspect看多了就会印象深刻impressionpresspressureexpressdepresssuppresscompress condensed milk从“依云”到“天真”eviannaivefinfinerefinefinalsemi-finalconfinerestrictconfinedefinedefinitiondefinitive因为“无知”,所以恐惧worriedanxiousnervousupsetelevatoralleviaterelievehumanitarian relief一直“走”下去precede unprecedented concede“走”recedesucceedcessaccessexcessexcessive package gressprogressin progress regressioncongressaggressaggressivevadeevadeclaimclaimsacclaimexclaimproclaimreclaim位置positioncomposedecomposition放proposedisposedisposabledepositimposeimpose onopposeoppositeexpose“活”出个样来microbiologyantibioticsvivesurvivereviveanimalanimateanimationexanimateunanimous1. Let's give a big to tonight's prize-winner.A. respectB. shoutC. praiseD. hand2. It was a depressed and divided country, accustomed to failure and of Change.A. definiteB. curiousC. suspiciousD. anxious3. The secret of the success of Wal- mart in the retailing industry lies inits single-minded and skillful pantsuit of the lowest prices.A. unalleviatedB. uncombedC. unprecedentedD. unaccompanied4. Those who got angry and crazy set fire to ears and shops in the Paris suburb ofClichy-sous-Bois, then the problems .A. evolvedB. evaporatedC. escalatedD. exalted5. The supervisor, his explanation when his fault was pointed out by some talented young students.A. stumbled overB. got overC. dashed toD. gave out6. It is evident that no one, no matter how much they is immunity from the effect of advertising.A. refuseB. reflectC. proclaimD. protest7. "It's probably just stress. " How many times have you uttered those words to yourselfto a headache, pain or illness?A. dismissB. disposeC. dispelD. disrupt8. Schools and colleges have no right to use our public money to promote conduct thatis to the religious and moral values of parents and taxpayers.A. conduciveB. comparableC. pointingD. offensive9. The old farmer his wife, living until 105 years of age.A. beatB. survivedC. lastedD. endured10. He didn't know anything about business, so starting his own was .A. a climb to powerB. a leap in the darkC. a run on the bankD. a step backwards11. Public attitudes toward business regulations are deeply : most people resent intensive government rules, yet they expect government to prevent business from defrauding, exploiting the public.A. hostileB. emotionalC. ambiguousD. cynical12. Ever since the TV show came off the air, there has been that a movie might be made of the show. Finally in autumn 2007, news broke that filming had started.A. specificationB. suspicionC. simulationD. speculation13. A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman's stock .A. in tradeB. in reserveC. in effectD. in business14. Innovative product platforms like the portable transistor radio and thewalkman the digital lifestyle era.A. set the Stage forB. shed light onC. made sense ofD. gave a hand to15. Successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of , as the first step in learning to be creative.A. resolutionB. eleganceC. aspirationD. originality16. Our parents love us because we are their children, and this is an fact. so that we feel safer with them than with anyone else.A. unambiguousB. uncontrollableC. unalterableD. unintentional17. As a journalist Hemingway trained himself in of expression. His deliberate avoidance of very attractive adjectives is some of the traces of his early journalistic practices.A. economyB. eleganceC. depthD. neatness18. It is the vast number of irresponsible dog owners which has roused public and demands for tighter controls.A. obsessionB. apprehensionC. exclamationD. indignation19. Talking to children about the death of others is a subject that adults away from very strongly.A. shyB. stayC. slipD. skip20. That's all right, it is better to the feeling than to let it build up.A. displaceB. disarmC. dischargeD. dispatchstimulatestimulationstimulant n. 兴奋剂;刺激物stimulus n. 刺激;刺激物;促进因素simulatesimultaneousSI simultaneous interpretation活得多姿多彩varyvarietya variety ofwidely-varyingvariousinvariably构建出人生美好框架skeletonsketchskepticskepticalbe skeptical of sth.suspicious明白自己的首要任务at firstat the beginning ofprime n.全盛时期prime timeprime ministerprimaryprimitive大胆地做act actionactivityhyperactivityoveractivityactiveradioactive bioactiveactorcharacterbe characterized byexactpracticepracticalin practice 实际上out of practice 生疏的put into practice 实行interactreactreactorreactionaryreactivatecounteractcompacttracttractorabstractsubtractretractprotractdistractextractfractFracturefractionrefractoryfragilefragmentfragrance n.芬芳;香味;香气factas a matter of factfactorfactionmanufacture dissatisfaction benefactormalefactionfacilefacilitatefacilityfacsimileaffectaffectionperfectdefecteffecteffectiveinfectsacrificeefficacyefficientproficientproficiencysufficientfictionprofitartificialsuperficialfeaturedefeatfeasiblefigureoperateinoperablecooperate1. Drink coffee when you're sleepy; it's a good and will help to keep you awake.A. incentiveB. promptC. stimulusD. appetite2. Neatly 1000 people are presumed dead as chances of finding more survivors from the sunken Egyptian ferry.A. bubbleB. dwindleC. swayD. shiver3. The only way he escaped from the bitter reality was to lose himself in a movie, allowing his imagination to , viewing himself as a character in it.A. take upB. take onC. take offD. take over4. The market for non-food GE, products could exceed the market for GE food products by a widewithin the next few years.A. varietyB. marginC. rangeD. spectrum5. Newspapers and magazines carry extensive of diet and health topics and diet books are among the best sellers.A. sketchB. concernC. coverageD. involvement6. That war robbed him of the of his career, when he was the best player in the world.A. prejudiceB. preferenceC. privilegeD. prime7. All sorts of technology have to make the new medical systems applied in rural areas efficient and effective.A. come into playB. come into conflictC. taken actionD. taken place8. If a guest wants to tip the housekeeping staff, it's best to leave a little something inan envelope each night instead of a larger amount checkout.A. due toB. owing toC. prior toD. as to9. The lawyer his ideas loudly and clearly at the court, which surprised her a great deal.A. acclaimedB. admonishedC. addressedD. asserted10. The world leaders need to take fiction on the energy crisis that is before our eyes.A. taking shapeB. taking effectC. taking apartD. taking over11. Steve Ells has never advice he couldn't ignore, conventional wisdom he couldn't disregard, a rule he couldn't break.A. come acrossB. come up toC. come up againstD. come around12. He writes in a very manner there're many mistakes almost every page.A. illegibleB. illiterateC. irregularD. irreversible13. She could have cried, but she had no time to dwell her disappointment, for suddenly a harsh voice hailed her from below.A. onB. atC. inD. for14. inflation, driven by rising food and oil costs, is striking hardest at theworld's poorest, who are forced to spend 60 to 80 percent of their income on food.A. SproutingB. SurgingC. SpillingD. Spinning15. She makes no of their affair in public and he understands that he is not to refer to it with these new acquaintances.A. concealmentB. complimentC. amendmentD. acknowledgement16. Mark's posture and attitude boredom when the teacher was giving his instructions.A. transmittedB. deliveredC. endowedD. implied17. John occasionally a great deal of pleasure from taking long trips by himself.A. deviatedB. arousedC. absorbedD. derived18. Wealthy nations have fallen far behind on their aid to the world's poor.A. commitmentsB. engagementsC. responsibilitiesD. applications19. Even at 87, John's mother-in-law has her physical energy and youthful attitude.A. resolvedB. retainedC. retardedD. restrained20. Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, _its always being combinedwith elements, most commonly with oxygen.A. referring toB. except forC. regardless ofD. owing to继承heir n. 继承人heritageinherithereditary adj. 世袭的, 遗传的adherecoherecoherentcohesion 凝聚力inherenthesitate学会抗打击hit 有目标地打;袭击He hit him on the face.他打了他的脸。
考博词汇总表(10000词汇完整版)abate [ə'beit] v.减轻,减退;废除aberrant[æ'berənt] a.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的ablate [æb'leit] v.切除,摘除abortion[ə'bɔ:ʃən] n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade [ə'breid]v.擦伤;磨损abscess ['æbsis] n.脓肿abstain [əb'stein] v.戒、避免;弃权abstinence ['æbstinəns]n.节制;禁欲absurd [əb'sə:d]a.荒唐的accent ['æksənt, æk'sent] n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory[ək'sesəri] n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶a.附属的,附加的accordance [ə'kɔ:dəns] n.一致,给予accountant [ə'kauntənt] n.会计accuse [ə'kju:z]v.谴责,指控,告发achromatopsia[ə,krəumə'tɔpsiə] n.色盲acidosis[,æsi'dəusis] n.酸中毒acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ] v.承认;致谢acknowledgement [ək'nɔlidʒmənt] n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne ['ækni] n.痤疮,粉刺acoustic [ə'ku:stik]a.声学的;听觉的acquaint[ə'kweint] v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture ['ækju,pʌŋktʃə, ,ækju'pʌŋktʃə] n.针刺,针刺疗法addict [ə'dikt,'ædikt] v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾adduce [ə'dju:s]v.引证;提出adequate['ædikwit] a.足够的;恰当的admonish[əd'mɔniʃ] v.告诫advisory [əd'vaizəri] a.咨询的,劝告的advocate['ædvəkeit, 'ædvəkət] n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护, 提倡aerobic [,eiə'rəubik] a.需氧的afebrile [æ'fi:brail]a.无热的affection[ə'fekʃən] n.爱;感情;病afferent ['æfərənt] a.传入的affiliate [ə'filieit, ə'filiit, -eit]v.使附属;隶属affinity [ə'finəti]n.亲和力;密切关系afflict [ə'flikt] v.使苦恼,折磨aggressive [ə'ɡresiv]a.爱寻衅的,侵略的;有进取心的agile['ædʒail] a.敏捷的,灵活的agitate ['ædʒiteit]v.搅动;激动, 焦急不安agony['æɡəni] n.苦恼,痛苦ague ['eiɡju:]n.疟疾;寒颤alga ['ælɡə]n.水藻,海藻alleviate [ə'li:vieit]v.减轻(痛苦),缓和alliance [ə'laiəns] n.联盟,同盟,联合,联姻allowance [ə'lauəns] n.允许;津贴,补助(费) v.定量供应alloy ['ælɔi, ə'lɔi]n.合金v.合铸allude[ə'lju:d] v.暗指,提到allure [ə'ljuə] v.引诱,吸引almighty [ɔ:l'maiti]a.全能的;n.全能的神alphabet ['ælfəbit]n.字母表aluminum[ə'lju:minəm] n.铝alveolus [æl'viələs]n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡amateur ['æmətə, ,æmə'tə:]a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambassador [æm'bæsədə]n.大使ambient ['æmbiənt]a.周围的,包围着的;环境的ambiguous [æm'biɡjuəs]n.模棱两可的ambulance ['æmbjuləns]n.救护车ambulant ['æmbjulənt]a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的ameliorate [ə'mi:ljəreit]v.改善,改良,转好amenable[ə'mi:nəbl] a顺从的,有义务的; 经得起检验的amend [ə'mend]v.改正,修正;改好amiable ['eimjəbl]a.亲切的,和蔼可亲的amid [ə'mid] prep.在…中,在…当中ammonia [ə'məunjə] n.氨ample['æmpl] a.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的amputate ['æmpjuteit]v.切断,截(肢)amuse [ə'mju:z]v.逗…笑,给…以娱乐,给以消遣amusement [ə'mju:zmənt]n.娱乐,消遣,娱乐活动analogue ['ænəlɔɡ]n.类似物a.类似的analogy [ə'nælədʒi] n.类似,相似;比拟; 类推analysis [ə'næləsis]n.分析,解析analyze ['ænəlaiz]v.分析,分解anatomy [ə'nætəmi]n.解剖学ancestor ['ænsestə]n.祖宗,祖先ancestral [æn'sestrəl] a.祖先的,祖传的ancestry ['ænsestri] n.祖先,家世ancient ['einʃənt]a.古代的,古老的n,古代人,老人anemia [ə'ni:miə]n.贫血症anesthesia [,ænis'θi:ziə] n.感觉缺失;麻醉anesthetic [,ænis'θetik]a.麻木的n.麻醉剂anguish['æŋɡwiʃ] n.极度的痛苦v.感到极度痛苦anhydrous [æn'haidrəs] a.脱水的,无水的animate ['ænimeit, 'ænimət] v.使有生气,使活泼;激励animation[,æni'meiʃən] n.生气,活泼,兴奋;动画片annoy [ə'nɔi]v.使烦恼,使生气,打搅annoyance [ə'nɔiəns]n.烦恼,烦扰anonymous [ə'nɔniməs]a.匿名的anorexia [,ænə'reksiə]n.食欲缺失;厌食anoxia [æ'nɔksiə]n.缺氧(症)antacid [,ænt'æsid]n.解酸药,抗酸剂1antenna[æn'tenə] n.触角;天线antibiotics[,æntibai'ɔtiks] n.抗生素(抗菌素) anticipate[æn'tisipeit] v.预料,预期;抢…之先;提前使用antifebrile[,ænti'fi:brail] a.退热的n.退热药antique[æn'ti:k] a.古时的,古式的; n.古物,古玩antiseptic [,ænti'septik]a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂antitoxin[,ænti'tɔksin,-si:n, -sin] n.抗毒素antiviral[,ænti'vaiərəl, ,ænti'vairəl] a.抗病毒的antivirus[,ænti'vaiərəs] n.抗病毒素,反病毒程序anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]n.挂念,焦虑;渴望appalling[ə'pɔ:liŋ] a.令人震惊的,骇人听闻的apparatus[,æpə'reitəs] n.器械,仪器,装置,器官apparent[ə'pærənt] a.明显的;表面的;貌似的appendicitis [ə,pendi'saitis]n.阑尾炎appendix[ə'pendiks] n.附录;阑尾appetite ['æpitait]n.食欲,胃口,要求,欲望applaud [ə'plɔ:d]v.喝彩,鼓掌,称赞applause[ə'plɔ:z] n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞,赞成appliance[ə'plaiəns] n.器具;用具;器械appoint [ə'pɔint]v.任命,委派;约定appointment[ə'pɔintmənt] n.约会,约见;任命,选派appraisal[ə'preizəl] n.估价,评价appraise [ə'preiz]v.估价,评价,鉴定appraiser [ə'preizə]n.评价人,鉴定人appreciable[ə'pri:ʃiəbl] a.可以估计的,可以看到的appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]v.感激,感谢;评价,欣赏,赏识appreciation [ə,pri:ʃi'eiʃən]n.欣赏,鉴赏正确评价;感谢,感激appreciative[ə'pri:ʃiətiv] a.有眼力..的,有欣赏力的; 感激的apprehend [,æpri'hend]v.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘押;畏惧,忧虑approach [ə'prəutʃ]v.接近,走近n.途径,方法,探讨appropriate[ə'prəuprieit, ə'prəupriət] a.适当的,恰如其分的vt.占用,拨出approval [ə'pru:vəl]n. 赞同,批准approve [ə'pru:v]v. 赞成,同意,批准,审定,通过approximate [ə'prɔksimit]a. 近似的,大约的,v.近似,接近apron['eiprən] n.围裙v.用围裙围住apt [æpt]a.恰当的,贴切的;聪明灵巧的;易于…的,有…倾向的arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,专横的,武断的arch[ɑ:tʃ] n.拱,拱门,弓形结构,半圆形v.使成弓形,拱起archaeology[,ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi] n.考古学architect ['ɑ:kitekt]n.建筑师architectural [,ɑ:ki'tektʃərəl]a.关于建筑的,建筑上的architecture['ɑ:kitektʃə] n.建筑,建筑学ardent['ɑ:dənt] a.热情的,热烈的;强烈的,烈性的arduous ['ɑ:djuəs]a. 艰巨的;勤奋的arena [ə'ri:nə]n. 竞技场地argue['ɑɡju:] v. 辩论,争论;主张,论证argumentation [,ɑ:ɡjumen'teiʃən]n. 推论, 论证; 争论, 辩论, 辩论文armament['ɑ:məmənt] n. 军队, 武装力量; 军械; 武器, 备战aroma[ə'rəumə] n. 芳香; (艺术品的) 风味; 韵味arrangement [ə'reindʒmənt]n.整理,排列,布置,安排,准备;商定,调解array [ə'rei]v.使排列成阵势;装扮n.列阵;衣服,盛装arrest [ə'rest]n.逮捕,拘留;vt.逮捕,阻止,吸引arrhythmia[ə'riðmiə] n.心律不齐;心律失常arrogance['ærəɡəns,-si] n.骄傲自大,傲慢arrogant ['ærəɡənt]a.骄傲自大的,傲慢的artery['ɑ:təri] n.动脉,干线arthritis [ɑ:'θraitis]n.关节炎articular[ɑ:'tikjulə] a.关节的articulate [ɑ:'tikjulət, ɑ:'tikjuleit]v.接合;清晰地发出音来;a.接合起来的;关节联接的ascertain[,æsə'tein] v. 查明, 弄清, 确定aseptic [æ'septik]a.无菌的; 防腐的; 冷漠的ashamed [ə'ʃeimd]a.惭愧的, 害臊的asphyxia[æs'fiksiə] n.窒息aspirate['æspəreit, 'æspərət] v.吸出;抽出n.送音器,抽出物assassinate [ə'sæsineit]v.暗杀,行刺assault [ə'sɔ:lt]v./n.袭击,攻击assemble[ə'sembl] v.集合,集会;装配,组装assembly[ə'sembli] n.集会,会议;装配assert[ə'sə:t] v.断言,宣称assertion [ə'sə:ʃən]n.主张,断言,维护assess[ə'ses] v.估价,评价assessment [ə'sesmənt]n.估价,评价asset ['æset]n.财产;宝贵的人(或物)assiduity[,æsi'dju:əti] n.刻苦,勤奋assign [ə'sain]v.分配,委派,指定assignment[ə'sainmənt] n.分配,委派,任务,(课外)作业assimilate[ə'simileit] v.吸收;同化assistance[ə'sistəns] n.帮助,援助assistant[ə'sistənt] n.助手,助教associate [ə'səuʃieit, ə'səuʃiət, -eit]v.联想,联系,联合,交往,n.合作人,伙伴,同事,adj.同伙的,副的association [ə,səusi'eiʃən, ə,səuʃi'ei-]n.协会,团体;联合,联系,交往,交际;联想assort[ə'sɔ:t] v.把…分类;为…配备各种物品asthma ['æsmə, 'æz-]n.气喘,哮喘astonish [ə'stɔniʃ]v.使惊讶,使吃惊astound [ə'staund]v.使震惊,使大吃一惊2astronaut['æstrənɔ:t] n.宇航员astronomy [ə'strɔnəmi]n.天文学asymmetric(al) [,æsi'metrik,-kəl]a.不对称的;偏位的atrium ['ɑ:triəm]n.心房atrophy['ætrəfi] n.萎缩,虚脱atropine['ætrəpin, -pi:n,-pin] n.阿托品attach[ə'tætʃ] v.贴上,系上,附上; 使依附,使属,使依恋attachment [ə'tætʃmənt]n.连接物,附属品附件;依恋attempt[ə'tempt] v./n.试图,努力attendant [ə'tendənt]n.服务员a.在场的;护理的;伴随的attenuate[ə'tenjueit, ə'tenjuit, -eit] v.变细(小);减弱减毒; 稀释attic['ætik] n.顶楼,屋顶室attorney [ə'tə:ni]n.辩护律师attract [ə'trækt]v.吸引,招引,引诱attraction[ə'trækʃən] n.吸引(力),吸引人的事物attractive[ə'træktiv] a.有吸引力的,有魅力的,动人的atypical [, ei'tipikəl,-ik]a.非典型的;不规则的;不正常的auction['ɔ:kʃən] v. /n. 拍卖audible ['ɔ:dəbl]a.听得见的audience n.['ɔ:diəns]听众,观众;谒见,会见audiometer [,ɔ:di'ɔmitə]n.听度计,听力计auditorium [,ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm]n.礼堂;听众席augment[ɔ:ɡ'ment, 'ɔ:gmənt] v.扩大;增长aural ['ɔ:rəl]a.听觉器官的;耳的auscultate ['ɔ:skəlteit]v.听诊auspice ['ɔ:spis]n.预兆,先(前)兆;吉兆Austria ['ɔstriə]n.奥地利authentic[ɔ:'θentik] a.可靠的,权威性的,有根据的,真正的authoritarian[ɔ:,θɔri'tεəriən] a.独裁主义的n.独裁主义者authoritative[ɔ:'θɔritətiv] a.有权威的,可相信的authority[ɔ:'θɔrəti] n.权力,威信,权威,权威者,(p1.)当局,官方authorize['ɔ:θəraiz] v.授权,委任;批准,认可autoclave ['ɔ:təkleiv]n.高压消毒锅autonomy[ɔ:'tɔnəmi] n.自治,自治权autopsy ['ɔ:təpsi]n.尸体解剖;尸检auxiliary [ɔ:ɡ'ziljəri]a.辅助的,从属的n.辅助者,补助者,助动词avail[ɔ:ɡ'ziljəri] v.有利,有益,有助availability [ə,veilə'biləti]n.可用性,有效性,可得性,可得到的人(或物)available[ə'veiləbl] a.可用的,可得到的,可达到的;有效的avenge[ə'vendʒ] v.替…报仇avenue['ævənju:] n.林荫路,大街;途径,手段avert [ə'və:t]v.转移,防止aviation [,eivi'eiʃən]n.航空;航空学;飞行术awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]a.粗笨的,笨拙的,不灵活的;棘手的,为难的,尴尬的axilla [æk'silə]n.腋(窝)bachelor['bætʃələ] n.单身汉;学土bacillus[bə'siləs] n.(芽胞)杆菌bacon ['beikən]n.咸肉,熏肉bacterial [bæk'tiriəl]a.细菌的bactericidal [bæk,tiəri'saidəl]a.杀菌的bacteriology[bæk,tiəri'ɔlədʒi] n.细菌学bacterium[bæk'tiəriəm] n.细菌badge['bædʒ] n.徽章baffle ['bæfl]v.使挫折,阻碍,使困惑n.迷惑;缓冲板;遮护物bait [beit]n.诱饵v.引诱bakery ['beikəri]n.面包房,面包店balcony ['bælkəni]n. 阳台balm [bɑ:m]n.香油,香脂;止痛药膏bankrupt['bæŋkrʌpt] n.破产者,丧失了名誉的人a.破产的v.使破产bankruptcy['bæŋkrəptsi] n.破产banner['bænə] n.旗(帜)banquet ['bæŋkwit]n.宴会v.宴请bar [bɑ:]n.棍,横木;障碍;酒吧v.栓上,阻挡,拦住,妨碍barbarian[bɑ:'bεəriən] a.野蛮人的,不文明的barber n.理发师barbiturate [,bɑ:'bitjurət]n.巴比妥盐bargain['bɑ:ɡin] v.讨价还价n.廉价货;交易,合同barley ['bɑ:li]n.大麦barn [bɑ:n]n.谷仓,仓库barrel['bærəl] n.桶;枪管,炮管barren ['bærən]a.贫瘠的,不毛的,不育的barrier ['bæriə]n.障碍,屏障batch[bætʃ] n.一批,一炉baton['bætən] n.棍棒;指挥棒;警棍battalion[bə'tæljən] n.营;部队;大队(的人)battery ['bætəri]n.电池(组);一套,一组bay[bei] n.海湾;a.赤褐色的BCG 卡介苗beak[bi:k] n.(鸟的)嘴;(器皿的)鸟嘴形口beam[bi:m] n.横梁;一束,一道v.(喻) 微笑;发射;发光bean[bi:n] n.豆,菜豆beancurd ['bi:nkə:d]n.豆腐beard [biəd]n.胡子behalf[bi'hɑ:f] n.利益;方面;支持behavior [bi'heivjə]n.行为,举止belly['beli] n.肚,腹部bellyache['belieik] n.腹痛belly-button n.脐belt[belt] n.带,腰带3benign [bi'nain]a.慈祥的,温和的;良性的beriberi [,beri'beri]n.脚气病berth[bə:θ] n.(车,船)卧铺;座位beset [bi'set]v.镶嵌;困扰;围绕bestow [bi'stəu]v.赠予,给予;花费;安置bet [bet]v.赌,打赌n.打赌,赌注betray [bi'trei]v.背叛,出卖;泄露,暴露beverage ['bevəridʒ]n.饮料bewilder [bi'wildə]v.使迷惑,难住bewilderment [,bi'wildəmənt]n.迷惑,混乱bias ['baiəs]n.偏见,偏心;倾向性;爱好Bible['baibl] n.圣经bibliography[,bibli'ɔɡrəfi] n.目录学;文献目录bicarbonate[bai'kɑ:bənit] n.碳酸氢盐bid[bid] v.命令,吩咐v/n.报价,投标bilateral[,bai'lætərəl] a.两边的,双侧的bile [bail] n.胆汁biliary ['biljəri]a.胆汁的bind [baind]v.绑,包扎,束缚binocular[bai'nɔkjulə, bi'n-] a.双眼的;双筒的n.双目镜bioactive[,baiəu'æktiv] a.生物活性的biochemistry [,baiəu'kemistri]n.生物化学biographer[bai'ɔɡrəfə] n.传记作者biopsy ['bai,ɔpsi]n.活组织检查,切片检查法biostatistics[,baiəustə'tistiks] n.生物统计学biotic[bai'ɔtik,-kəl] a.生命的;生物的biscuit ['biskit]n.饼干bit[bit] n.一片,一点,一些bite [bait]v./n.咬,叮n.一口bitter ['bitə]a.苦的,痛苦的bizarre[bi'zɑ:] a.稀奇古怪的,异乎寻常的blackmail['blækmeil] n./v. 敲诈;勒索bladder ['blædə] n.囊,膀胱blade[bleid] n.叶片,刀片,刀锋;剑blanch [blɑ:ntʃ, blæntʃ]v.漂白;使变白;使(植物)不见日光而变白;a.漂白的;银白色的blast['baiəu,blæst] v. 炸掉,摧毁n. 爆炸,一阵(风);管乐器或汽笛声blaze [bleiz]n. 火焰,火光v. 燃烧bleach [bli:tʃ]v. 漂白n. 漂白剂blend [blend]n.混合物v.混合blister ['blistə]n.水疱v.起疱bloat[bləut] v.肿胀;n.肿胀病人blonde [blɔnd]n.金发碧眼的人a.金发碧眼的blot[blɔt] n.污渍,污点blouse [blauz]n.女装衬衫;vi.宽松下垂blunder['blʌndə] n.大错v.犯大错;慌乱地走blunt[blʌnt] a.(迟)钝的v.使(迟)钝;减弱blur [blə:]v.弄脏;(使)模糊不清blush [blʌʃ]v. 脸红;羞愧boast [bəust] v.夸口,夸耀n.自夸,大话bold[bəuld] a.大胆的,冒失的bolt [bəult]n.螺栓,插销v.闩门;脱口说出bombard[bɔm'bɑ:d, 'bɔmbɑ:d] n.射石炮v.炮击;轰炸;攻击, 痛斥bond [bɔnd]n.结合;契约;债券bondage ['bɔndidʒ]n.奴役,束缚bonus['bəunəs] n.额外津贴,奖金boom[bu:m] n. 繁荣,激增,迅速发展boost[bu:st] v. 升;提高booster['bu:stə] n. 支持者;升压器,激发剂booth[bu:ð, bu:θ] n.电话亭,货摊border['bɔ:də] n.边界,边境v. 交界;近似;接近boredom['bɔ:dəm] n.厌烦,乏味,无趣bosom['buzəm] n.胸;内心;胸怀botanical[bə'tænikəl] a.植物学的,植物的botany['bɔtəni] n.植物学bounce [bauns] v.弹起,跳起;反跳bound [baund]v./n.跳,跳跃a.必定的boundary['baundəri] n.界线,边界bouquet [bu'kei]n.花束bout [baut]n.回合;较量;发作bow[bəu] v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓;船头bowel['bauəl] n.肠;内部boycott['bɔikɔt] v./n.抵制bracelet ['breislit]n.手镯bracket['brækit]n.支架,托架; 括号v.把…括号内brake [breik]v./n.闸,刹车bran[bræn] n.麸;糠brass[brɑ:s, bræs] n.黄铜,铜器breach[bri:tʃ] n.破坏;破裂breakdown['breikdaun] n.故障;衰竭;崩溃breathtaking ['breθ,teikiŋ]a.惊人的,激动人心的breed[bri:d] v.生殖;繁殖;饲养;引起brew [bru:]v.酿造;调制;煎(药)bribe [braib]n./v. 贿赂bride[braid] n.新娘brilliant['briljənt] a.光辉的;卓越的brim [brim]n. 边,缘brink[briŋk] n. 边;边沿brisk [brisk] a. 活泼的;敏捷的bronchitis[brɔŋ'kaitis] n.支气管炎bronchus ['brɔŋkəs]n.支气管bronze [brɔnz]n.青铜;古铜a.青铜色的broom[bru:m] n.扫帚,金雀花;vt.扫除broth [brɔθ]n.肉汤、液体培养基bruise [bru:z]n.伤痕,青肿v.碰伤, 使成青肿brutal['bru:təl] a.残忍的,不讲理的;令人难受的buccal['bʌkəl] a.颊的;口腔的bucket['bʌkit] n.吊桶,水桶bud[bʌd] n.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放buffer['bʌfə] n.缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器v.缓冲bug[bʌɡ] n.虫,臭虫v.窃听bulge[bʌldʒ] n.v.肿胀;膨出;隆起(物)bumble['bʌmbl] v.犯大错;结巴地讲话;踉跄n.错误4buoy [bɔi, 'bu:i]n.浮标,救生圈bureau['bjuərəu] n.署,局burglar ['bə:ɡlə]n.窃贼burial['beriəl] n.埋葬,葬;埋藏bushel['buʃəl] n.蒲式耳butcher['butʃə] n.屠夫,卖肉者buttock ['bʌtək]n.屁股;臀部button ['bʌtən]n.扣子,按钮v.扣紧cabbage['kæbidʒ] n.洋白菜,卷心菜cable ['keibl]n.缆,索;电缆;电报,v. 拍电报cadre['kɑ:də] n.干部;基础结构;骨干cafeteria[,kæfi'tiəriə] n.自助餐厅cage[keidʒ] n.笼,鸟笼calamity[kə'læməti] n.灾害,祸患,不幸事件calcity v.钙化calcium['kælsiəm] n.钙calf [kɑ:f, kæf]n.小牛;腓;小腿callous ['kæləs]a.起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的callus['kæləs] n.老茧,愈合组织;v.起茧calorie ['kæləri]n.卡(热量单位)camphor['kæmfə] n.樟脑cancellation ['kænsə'leiʃən]n.取消,删除cancellous['kænsələs] a.网眼状的;多孔的candid['kændid] a.公正的, 正直的;坦率的candidate ['kændideit, -dət]n.候选人, 报考者cane [kein]n.茎;甘蔗;手杖vt.以杖击canine['keinain] n.犬齿canker['kæŋkə] n.溃疡;口疮cannula['kænjulə] n.套管,插管canteen [kæn'ti:n] n.食堂;小卖部canvas ['kænvəs]n.粗帆布,油画布capacitor[kə'pæsitə] n.电容器cape[keip] n.海角,岬;披肩capillary [kə'piləri, 'kæpi-]n.毛细血管capitalism['kæpitəlizəm] n.资本主义capitalist['kæpitəlist] n.资本家a.资本主义的capsule['kæpsju:l] n.胶囊;封壳;密闭小舱caption ['kæpʃən]n.(章节,文章等)标题;(图片的)解说词;(电影片)字幕capture ['kæptʃə] v.捕获,攻占n.俘虏,战利品carbohydrate [,kɑ:bəu'haidreit]n.碳水化合物;糖类carbonate['kɑ:bəneit] n.碳酸盐carcinogen [kɑ:'sinədʒən]n.致癌物carcinogenesis [,kɑ:sinəu'dʒenisis]n.致癌作用;癌发生cardiac ['kɑ:diæk]a.心脏的cardinal['kɑ:dinəl] a.主要的,基本的;深红的n.红衣主教cardiogram['kɑ:diəɡræm] n.心电图cardiology[,kɑ:di'ɔlədʒi] n.心脏病学cardiovascular [,kɑ:diəu'væskjulə]a.心血管的caries ['kεərii:z, -ri:z]n.龋;骨疡;骨疽carrot ['kærət]n.胡萝卜cart [kɑ:t]n.大车,手推车cartilage ['kɑ:tilidʒ]n.软骨cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n]n.草图;动画片cartridge['kɑ:tridʒ] n.弹药筒;子弹;软片,胶卷castor['kɑ:stə] n.蓖麻casual['kæʒjuəl] a.偶然的, 碰巧的;临时的,非正式的n。
博士生考试基础词汇汇总Abandon The match was abandoned because of bad weather.ban abolish abort cancel cross out wipe out put off delaydesert/forsake/ leave / cease / depart / discard / relinquish / surrender /quit/ withdraw /give upabide We have to abide by the rules of the game. (abide observe discover adapt)Her fame will abide for sure. Last/endure/ continue/persist/remain/stayY ou have to keep ______ with the times.Abreast/up catch up with go along with fit in withabsorb He was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.engage/occupy/bend over/involve/be busy withAbundant/rich The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and gameaccess In many schools, students don't have sufficient access to the library.Way/approach/solution/answer/Accessible/available/handy/ready/convenient/obtainable/at handHis words are never in _____ with his deeds. (situation accordance according fit)I'm in agreement with Mr. Moore. in agreement with/ be compatible with /comply with /conform to/be in proportion toaccount He asked no one's advice; he did it on his own (account).independentlyY ou have to take everything into account/consideration. Attention/regard/respect/mindGive us an account of what happened. Story/reason/information/description/tale/statementHe has been asked to account for his absence. ( describe tell relate answer for say explain explicate)acquire to acquire a good knowledge of English. Attain/obtain/gain/earn/secureactive He is very active in politics.Energetic/spirited/lively/dynamic/excited/enthusiasticadapt To our delight, she quickly adapted (herself) to the situation.Adjust/a ccommodate/alter/vary/arrange/modify/make fitaccustom She is ______to living in comfort. (accustomed/used addict be familiar with) admit It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.(allow/admit/accept/permit/receive/confess/ acknowledge/adopt)adequate Their earnings are barely adequate to their needs.enough/sufficient/satisfactory/plenty/ampleadvantage The great advantage we have over them is that they are short of money.Benefit/gain/upper hand interest/profit/harvest/crop/earnings/returnsAim His aim is to win the game.Purpose/intention/goal/end/target/objective/motive/destinationAmass He amassed a great fortune in twenty years.Accumulate/assemble/gather/increase/collect/compile/heap up/store upMass/bulk/quantity/load/amount/volume/accumulation/pile/heap/crowd/multitude/pac k/gang Figure/digit/measureambitious These young men were ambitious for success and money.Eager for/longing for/ hopeful for/wish for/crave for/be set on/be bent on/be intent uponamount His debt now amounts to 1,000 pounds.Add up to/approximate/total/sum upThe future of her marriage is supposed to be decided by the amount of money.sum/measure/quantity/price/valueangle Try looking at this affair from a different angle. aspect/view/point of view/opinion/belief/attitude/impression/notion/ id ea/thought/conception/judgment theory/outlookannounce He had to announce the death of Johnson before the board.Proclaim/broadcast/report/state/declare/notify/tell/make knownanticipate A good general can anticipate what the enemy will do.expect/ look forward to/await/foresee/hope foranything The hotel is anything but satisfactory. Not at allThe apparent things might not tell of the truth.apparent obvious seeming evident clear plainapart Apart from his nose, he is quite good-looking.Apart from the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.Except for / other than /but / but for / besides/moreover/also/too/as well/in additionHe was appointed member of the committee.Name/elect/nominate/choose/assign/vote forappeal I appeal to him for help. implore/plead/begapply Please apply to the secretary for further information.The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.approve Many people don't approve of the plan. disapprovelike/prefer/endorse/accept/think well ofarise The company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes.Rise raise rouse arouse ariseOriginate/ derive/stem/ flow/come/emerge/appear/show up/turn upartificial/artistic Her painting is a great artistic creation.ashamed /shameful embarrassed/embarrassing frustrated/frustrating humiliated/humiliating Ashamed of having acted so rashly, David apologized to Amy for having accused him.acquaint I'm sure Betsy is the girl whom you will be glad to get acquainted with.associate/link / touch / join / unite / combine / connect /go with / run with /mingle with / relateI assume that success is a sum of mistakes.Assume think suppose presume suspect understand take for grantedassure I can assure you of my support.confirm assure ensure insure convince guarantee pledge promiseY ou’ve got to attain the mastery of at least on foreign language.Attain gain accomplish finish fulfill realize completeattribute Jim attributes his success to hard work. owe ascribeavoid Y ou should avoid driving in the center of the town during the rush hour.A void shun escape evade keep away fromThe government has banned the used of chemical weapons.Bar prohibit exclude forbid shut out block obstructbargain The dress is quite a bargain. bargain salebasis On the basis of our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year.China has been following the foreign policy to develop relations with other countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful co-existence.ground foundationScientists say it may be five or ten years before it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.As soon as before the second the minute the momentY ou can’t blame all this on me.He is the last one to blame for the accident.Charge/accuse/indict/censure/criticize/condemnboard He paid 40 pounds for board and lodging. food /mealsboard/ committee/ staff/ faculty/ crew/ teamboast Y ou should not boast of your success. Brag show offboom Production boomed.Progress/increase/advance/thrive/gain/speed up/grow/swell/flourish/develop/prosperbrief It is a long letter, but in brief, he says "No". shortWe are bound for London. Head makeThe weather is bound to get better tomorrow. Likely going toThere are no bounds to his ambition. Limit confine restrictioncall This situation_____________ for prompt action. (calls in calls at calls on calls for) They have called off their engagement.She was calm when I told her of the terrible news.Quiet/still/tranquil/serene/peacefulWe should not doubt his capability.Capability/ability/skill/power/talent/capacity/competency/efficiencyBefore you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friends.Career job vocation trade calling work profession occupationThere is no reason why we should not carry on with it.Carry on go on keep on continue work on be under way be in processcase In any case I shall return in a day or two. If even if for fear on conditioncenter She centered her attention on the problem.Focus concentrate fixcharge The charge against him was severe.Sentence/ accusation/ persecution/ guilt/trial/ condemnation/indict /judgmentSince the situation is changing, let’s take some _____ measures to deal with it.flexible changeable changingIf I had the choice, I would retire at thirty.Selection/preference/option/alternativeNo one came to claim for the horse, so the farmer decided to sell it.cling She clung to the hope that he was still alive.Stick adhere hold graspclose The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem.Listen closely and look closely, you’ll find it out.A good employer gives hints to his or her employees without interfering with their creativity.Tip information news wind message clue evidence sign proof keycombine Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water.blend mix mingle fuse unite couple joincomment I'm afraid I can't comment on your work just yet. Remarkcriticism judgment decision evaluation criterion standard remarkcommit I cannot commit myself to any further expense; my means are stretched to the utmost as it is. Devote dedicateCompare this with that, and you will see which is the better. ContrastPoets have compared sleep to death.She is lovely beyond compare.comparison This one costs more but is really cheaper by comparison.I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year.Comparable/comparativecompel We cannot compel you to do it, but we think you should.Force oblige urge require drive press work hard on push promptHe has formed a good habit.Form/create/shape/develop/mold/compose/construct/design/devise/frame/arrange/build Assemble/manufacture/produceNext year, Susan has to take three compulsory courses. Requiredcompose The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.Consist of/ be made up of / contain / include/hold/cover/comprisecomprehensive /ComprehensibleShe has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.conscious She was not conscious of his presence in the room. A wareConsiderate/considerable It was very considerate of you to send me a Christmas card. Considerate/thoughtful/kind/sympatheticConsiderable/much/important/great/significant/powerfulcontend I would contend that unemployment is our most serious social evil.Argue/struggle/fight/quarrelOur journey was slow because the train stopped continually at different villages.continuously vs continuallyconvey Words cannot convey how delighted I am. expresscope Poor Mary! She has so much to cope with.deal with live with be put up with tolerate endure bear stand be fed up withcorrespondThis word in the English version corresponds to that phrase in the French one.count Her opinion counts because of her experience.Matter be of importance significantDon’t count on a salary increase this year.believe depended count confide rely depend bankcritical If you really understood the difficulties facing the government, you wouldn't be so critical of its spending reductions.Crucial urgent pressing decisiveIronic faultfinding picky fastidious sarcasticcure This medicine should cure you of your cold.Remind relieve inform deprive rob breakIt is not my custom to give in.Custom habit use practice manner way pattern tendency fashion routine nature The damage to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.destruction damage harm ruin injury bruise impact spoil wrong pain agony distress grieve hurt impair abuse plague epidemic debris/trash/junk/rubbishdecline Steel production has been on the decline in these countries.Diminish decrease fall drop dip sink reducedeep They dived deep into the ocean.She was deeply interested in classical music.degree She has also affected but to a lesser degree. Extentdeem They deemed him innocent but failed to understand why he was lying.Think/believe/consider/judge/assume/suppose/regard/ponder/contemplate/study/reflect/think over A good mastery of English demands patience and enthusiasm.Demand/require/call fordeny They denied her the opportunity to see her father.refuse decline rejects turn downdie She died of an illness; and he died a beggar.The storms are dying down.The noise of the car died away in the distance.The members of the family had all died off.This species has died out.Can you describe what he looks like?Describe/portray/illustrate/picture/characterize/represent/define/tellThey were determined that he make a big fortune in his forties.Convinced/firm/sure/certain/resolute/seriousShe was in his eyes a devoted mother.Devoted/earnest/hearty/sincere/serious/zealousThe sewers discharge (their contents) into the sea.Discharge/discard / cast way / do away with / dispose of / abandon / forsake / desert / give away/ throw away/cast off/get rid ofdisplay We were amazed by the rich variety of commodities on display.Her writings display natural talents.Exhibit show indicate specify illustrate demonstrate expose presentdistinct Mice are distinct form rats.Different/unlike/varied/opposite/contrary/reverse/dissimilarLon g sentences are distinctive of Henry James’s later style.Characteristic explicit definite candid unmistakable expressive directThe light is so dim that I cannot distinguish one object from another.distinguish tell separate divideHe is one of the most distinguished scholars in this field.Distinguished/outstanding/famous/well-known/noted/popular/celebrated/honored/recognized/prominent/important/superiorIn the dark I could only discern the outline of the building.Discern/see/make out/observe/perceive/recognize/know/understand/detect/spot/spy/beholddiverse There are people from diverse cultures at the party. different various comprehensiveHe refused to disclose his name and address.Disclose/uncover/reveal/show/expose/betrayThey drew up the contract and presented it to the management.The train drew in/into the station. pulldraw pull drag push heave lift hauldraw crawl creep linger on drag near be oncoming/ongoingShe drove her car into the forest.Drive/steer/direct/conduct/handle/manage/run/work/operate/rideDon’t discourage her; she is doing her best. Vs encourageDiscourage/prevent/hinder/disapprove/keep from/try to stopThe shoes are expensive but durable.Durable/long-lasting/enduring/permanent/endless/solid/strongIt is your duty to go.Duty/work/job/chore/assignment/charge/function/obligation/responsibility/office/roleBusiness/job/vocation/occupation/task/assignment/position/labor/industry/employment/effortHe is living an easy life now. comfortableIt is an economy to buy good shoes: they cost more, but they last much longer than cheap ones. economic/economical/economyHe went to a very good elementary school.Elementary/fundamental/basic/primary/essential/simple/beginning/introductory/initial/primitive Since 1975 the forty hour work week has been in effect.The acid has no effect on the metal.The new regulation does not go into effect until the first of March.A sentence of ten years' imprisonment on a person of eighty is in effect a life sentence.He is not likely to give effect to his threat.effect force power practiceShe encouraged him to take this examination.Encourage/support/back up/urge/promote/sponsor/cheer/inspireend Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end.I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.I've warned you no end of times not to touch that machine.I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end.He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he was at his wit's end.We ended the diner up with fruit and coffee.When the reception came to an end, they were reluctant to leave the hall.The argument between the two men ended in a fight.The government is determined to put an end to terrorism.He's entitled to a pension, but he won't dream of retiring yet.entitle qualify authorize enable sanction empowerThe soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.equip provideThey have the exclusive right to do the advertisements for this company. inclusiveMy wife has been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.exert practice exercise impose availHe is one of the greatest contemporary writers.Existing living contemporary lately—later---late---latter current recentHe must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. live face comeDevotion is essential for work.Necessary/vital/fundamental/required/crucial/critical/important/fatal/indispensableCompulsory/obligatory/imperative/urgentNothing is everlasting.Forever/endless/perpetual/eternal/permanent/constant/infinite/continual/for goodThe bird extended its wings in flight.Stretch/lengthen/increase/expand/broaden/spread/enlarge/magnifyHer nose is a very attractive feature.Feature/looks/appearance/characteristic/trait/markAre you in favor of women taking part in politics?In the favorThe international situation is favorable to us. AdvantageousPanic swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approaching menacingly. Tension Excitement Fear Nervousness fuss ado chaos confusion turmoil riotAfter Tom passed his driving test he filled in/out an application for his driving license.The children hid in the house and ate their fill.The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.wavers vibrates swings fluctuates hesitates quakes trembles shuddersThere are fine distinctions between the two.fine/minute/delicate/detailed/small/tiny/slight/insignificantMichael found it difficult to get his British jokes across to American audience.Understand comprehend catch on getHe gave a gift for my birthday.Give/present/offer/bestow/donate/grant/contribute/award/provide/supply/deliver/deal out/hand out/turn inHe had a good house, a good wife and a good job.Good/desirable/right/appropriate/suitable/becoming/satisfying/decentThey grouped together in fours.Arrange/assemble/organize/classify/sort/collect/grade/rank/value/evaluate/catorgerize/estimateWhen he was young, he always _______ around and did not care about what was happening around him. Hang loaf loiterhit She hit on a good title for her new novel. Come acrossHer new film is quite a hit. successThe rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor. Affecthold She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news.I think he is holding something back; he knows more that he admits.She always holds to her convictions.The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reduction.Road works on the highway are holding up traffic.There was something wrong with the traffic signal. Our bus was ______ for nearly half an hour.A. held onB. held backC. held outD. held upidentical This copy is identical with/to the ones you bought last week. the same asIf only I were rich!Only if I am rich, I can do what I want.Immoral vs amoralHe deserted his family and was called an immoral person by his neighbors.It was he that initiated this project.Initiate/launch/start/begin/pioneer/found/lead/head/break the iceIncentive The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize. (excitement initiative motive entertainment)We are in for trouble.He know the ins and outs of the problem.Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.A good teacher should be impartial to his students.Impartial/impersonal/unbiased/neutral/disinterested/just/fairdetatched unconcerned indifferentThis car is inferior to the one I bought last year.inferior superior senior junior similar priorThe author of the book has shown his remarkably keen insight into human nature.intellect insight perception understanding comprehension wisdom intuitionNo doubt, a trade mark pertains to a firm’s intangible assets.intangible invisibleinterfere /intervene If you interfere in /with other people's affairs, you will regret it.He testified in court that he had seen the prisoner run out of the bank after it had been robbed. testified witnessed justified identified notify specifykeep I can't understand you keeping a thing like that to yourself.Please keep to the point --- we are running out of time.I can’t keep up with all the changes in computer science.If you want to fulfill your dream, you have to keep ______it. (to / up on)Keep/have/hold/maintain/preserve/conserve/save/tend/protect/guard/sustain/uphold/bear/posessThey did not only lack water, they also lacked in courage.Want/be in need/ fall shortlarge The dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.By and large, the company has been good to me.This is law and you can’t change as you wish.Rule/principle/stamdard/formula/act/decree/regulation/legislation/lawmaking/resolution/statuteShe saw a notice “ apartment to let”.Let/rent/lease/charter/contract/agreementShe is the one that laid out the town.He was laid off for his ill performance.liable likely probable liable responsible accountable answerablePeople who walk on the grass are liable to a fine of 5 dollars.She liked the black dress and bought it although it was very expensive.Like/prefer/fancy/take to/enjoy/care for/be fond ofThe football match was televised live from the workers’ stadium.alive live life lively living lovelyI am not sure of the exact location of the café.Location/position/place/area/zone/territory/district/section/neighborhood/spot/site/situation Recent research has shed/cast/thrown new light on the causes of the disease.The mansion was splendid.Splendid/magnificent/grand/majestic/superb/exquisite/marvelous/wonderful/glorious/imposing/impressive/brilliant/phenomenal/exceptional/remarkable/miraculousI can’t make out what she wants.The ship made for the open sea.What are we to make of his behavior?Nothing can make up for the loss of a life.He has made it up with her.A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda.Mentioned quoted referred tomood I am not in the ______ for joking. sentiment emotion mood feelingsentimentality sensation sense sensitivitynerve My children are always getting on my nerves.Can you really afford this amount?Amount/sum/quantity/number/portionA (large) number of problems have arisen.The number of books stolen from the library is large.The marks were below average.A verage/middle/medium/normal/ordinary/moderate/halfway/regular/usualThe method is ok; the problem is the procedure.Method/way/approach/manner/means/fashion/style/procedure/process/course/plan/scheme/design/The mutual benefit. Mutual/reciprocal/common/jointobserve Y ou’ve got to ______ the laws of the land.Abide by/follow/obey/comply withoccur Has it ever occurred to you that those twins are quite different from each other in many ways?We can afford to overlook these minor offenses.Overlook/neglect/forget/miss/ignore/skip/disregard/pass overown Do you mean you have left her to do that on her own?He’d like a car of his own.Nobody owned up to the theft.This is a painstaking effort. CarefulThey walked the path every morning.Path/route/line/road/track/trail/way/journey/excursion/voyage/trippeculiar That way of speaking is peculiar to people in this small part of the country.distinctive / typical/ characteristic/ representative/ special/ particular / unique / notable/ particularThe government gets a(n) ____ from taxes.income revenue fund payment wages finance budget expenditurepersist It should be obvious to you that if you persist in bothering him, he will get angry with you.I shall be very _____ if you could do me a favor.pleasing pleasant grateful thankful pleased gracious generouspoint She was just on the point of going away when Betty came in.As I was in a hurry I asked him to come to the point at once.There's no point in arguing further.He made an excellent speech, and everything he said was to the point.It is very rude to point at people in the street.If/when it came to the point, would you sacrifice your job for your principles?popular populous populatedA game that is very popular among/with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race.The child showed great _______of mind by grabbing the falling baby.courage calmness presence bravery boldness willpreside The chairman presided at/over the meeting last Friday.Virtue will prevail over evil.prevail triumph winIn private/ in secret / in personMatters like this are best discussed in private.They are privileged people in the society.Privilege/ right/ liberty/ freedom/advantage/license/ honorShe gave him a prompt reply.quick rapid fast prompt punctual instant immediate readyThe _______ of finding jobs this year are not so good. (expectation promises future prospects)provided on condition save unless given suppose sayI will agree to go provided/providing that my expenses are paid.put She’s put a tidy sum for her retirement.They decided to put aside their differences.She help her put the toys away.She is putting radical proposals for the economic reform.We had to put off our wedding until September.We can put you up for the night.I don’t know how she can put up with him/his cruelty to her.Racial problems exist in everyday life.Race/breed/people/fold/tribe/nation/culturerange scope extent His speech ranged over a number of topics.Range/limit/distance/length/scope/extent/reach/field/spherereach All these were within the reach of the ordinary men.Put that bottle of weed-killer out of the reach of the children.He reached for his gun.Her requirements are reasonable.Reasonable/sensible/fair/logical/just/sound/rational/practical/realistic/justifiableMy favorite recreation is chess.Recreation/amusement/entertainment/play/pleasure/enjoyment/relaxation/pastime/funThey had to seed refuge from the storm.Refuge/shelter/asylum/protectionI have registered for the English course.Register/record/enroll/list/enter/sign/fill out a formreceive acceptI hear that John has _____ a new position at the travel agency.red black A large number of American radio stations operate in the red.regard Motion means change of position of an object in/with regard to the position of some other object or objects.I have little information as regards his past.She said nothing regarding your request.Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.Some people act regardless of what will happen afterwards.They helped solve the problems in high ______ to the living conditions of the people. (attention regard intention stress)relevant His age isn't relevant to whether he is a good teacher.Reluctant Today black children in South Africa are still reluctant to study subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long. Unwillingremedy The doctor soon found a remedy for the boy's illness.Cure/heal/treat/mend/correctrespect With respect to your requests, we regret that we are unable to assist you in this matter. Respect/adore/appreciate/honor/admire/look up to/fall for/be crazy aboutIn this respect the film is a failure.respectful respective respectable respectedTeams of rescue have been sent out ____ to look for the missing members of the crew.His limp is the result of an accident.Result/consequence/end/effect/outcome/fruit/produce/conclusionrisk He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.He was ready to run(take) the risk of being taken prisoner by the enemy.The future of the whole company is at risk.Risk/chance/gamble/endanger/exposeThey rose up against foreign invaders.Rebel revolt riotI’ve b een on the run all day, and I am exhausted.I ran across/into my old friend in Paris last week.We are running out of time.He ruled over his kingdom successfully for twenty years.Rule/govern/control/dominate/head/lead/manage/direct/supervise/administer/order/instruct Guide/influence/handle/regulatescale Synthetic rubbers are now being produced on a large scale.scratch He threw away everything he had written and started the novel again from scratch.I’ll have to see about getting the roof mended.We all went to the airport to see her off.Her colleagues see her as the future prime minister.Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting?I must set about packing now.Her clear and elegant prose sets apart from most other journalists.Let’s set aside my personal feelings.She set out/forth at dawn.He is set on going to university.settle Y ou should settle your affairs before you leave.When are you going to marry and settle down.Settle/decide/resolve/reconcile/mendshort All along he has been striving not to fall short of his parents' expectations.Things couldn’t be worse financially: in short, we are bankrupt.Becoming a doctor requires years of training ----- there are really no short cuts.He never allowed his children to go short of anything necessary for their education.His real name was Thomas, but he was called Tom for short.。
考博英语词汇大全〔完全免费版〕adore vt.崇拜,热爱advantageous a.有利的,有助的aerial adj.空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间agitation n.鼓动,焦虑badge n.徽章,标记baffle vt.困惑,阻碍,为难bait n.饵;引诱物v.使生气,欺负balcony n.阳台;楼厅,楼座bald adj.秃头的bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒bank v.<车或飞机>倾斜转变n.岸banker n.银行家bankrupt adj.破产的banquet n.盛宴丰盛、豪华的筵席barometer n.气压计,晴雨表baron n.大财主,大老板barren adj.不生育的,不孕的,贫瘠的,没有结果的,无益的,单调的,无聊的,空洞的bazaar n.集市,商店集中区beetle n.甲虫;近视眼的人beforehand ad.预先;提前地bestow v.给予,赐赠bewilder vt.迷惑,把…弄糊涂bid v.①致意,吩咐②出价bishop n.<基督教的>主教bleach vt.漂白blond n.白肤金发碧眼的人blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走,犯大错,做错n.愚蠢之举bourgeois n.中产阶级,商人,资产阶级;adj.中产阶级的,平庸bridegroom n.新郎bridle v.限制,阻止bronze n.青铜;青铜制品n.青铜色brood n.一窝幼鸟v.孵蛋,闷想buffalo n.水牛;水陆坦克bug n.臭虫,窃听器bugle n.军号;喇叭,号角bump n.撞击,肿块;v.碰<伤>,撞<破>,颠簸bureaucracy n.官僚政治burglar n.夜盗,窃贼burner n.灯头,煤气头buzz vi.<蜂等>嗡嗡叫C、D字母的cable n.缆,索;电缆;电报n.海底电报catalyst n.催化剂,促使事情发展的因素cater vi.迎合,投合,备办食物,满足<需要>cavity n.〔牙齿等的〕洞、腔cement n.水泥;胶粘剂censor vt.检查,审查,删改charcoal n.炭,木炭;生物炭charter n.〔公司〕执照,宪章chatter vi.&n.喋喋不休chestnut n.栗子;栗树;栗色chop n.<用斧头等>砍,<风>突然改变方向chord n.弦,和音,情绪cigar n.雪茄烟,叶卷烟circus n.马戏;马戏团clamp n.螺丝钳clash v.冲突,撞击clasp n.扣子,钩,紧握clatter n.得得声,卡嗒声cloak n.斗篷;覆盖<物> vt.掩盖,覆盖,掩饰clown n.小丑,粗鲁愚蠢的人clutch vt.抓住vi.掌握,攫cock n.公鸡;雄禽;旋塞n.旋塞,开关,龙头coffin n.棺材,柩coke n.焦炭vt.&vi.炼焦combustion n.燃烧comedy n.喜剧commence v.开始,倡导commend vt.委托给,推荐,嘉奖commission n.委任状;委员会n.委托,委任;委托状complement n.补足物;<数>余数;血清中的补体vt.补充,补足compliment vt.称赞,褒扬,恭维conceit n.自负,自大concentrate v.集中,专心,浓缩concession n.让步,特许权console vt.安慰,藉慰consolidate vt.巩固,使联合,统一constituent n.成份,选区内的选民constitute vt.构成,组成,任命constitution n.章程,宪法constraint n.强逼,压抑,拘束,紧X状态consul n.领事contend vt.声称,主X,认为controversy n.争论,辩论conviction 1. n.确信,信服,深信2. n.定罪corrosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈.corrupt vt.贿赂a.腐败的couch n.##发,睡椅v.表达,措辞counsel n.商议;忠告;律师courageous a.勇敢的,无畏的courteous a.有礼貌的,谦恭的courtesy n.礼貌,谦恭,允许crab n.蟹,蟹肉vi.捕蟹cradle n.摇篮,发源地crank n.曲柄,古怪的人crisp a.脆的;卷曲的crooked a.弯的,歪的;畸形的curly a.卷曲的;有卷毛的cutter n.用于切割的器械cylinder n.圆筒;柱<面>;汽缸damn v.谴责datum n.资料;数据;已知数dazzle v.<使>眼花,眩耀;n.耀眼deafen vt.使聋;使隔音dealer n.商人,贩子;发牌者dean n.系主任decisive a.决定性的;果断的decompose v.〔使〕腐烂decorative a.装饰的decree n.命令,法令,v.颁布命令,公告deem v.认为,视为deepen vt.加深vt.加浓deficiency n.缺乏,不足delegate n.代表deliberately ad.审慎地,故意地denote vt.指示,意味着denounce v.指责,揭发desert vt.放弃,遗弃,逃跑dessert n.甜点心detach vt.分离,分遣detain v.拘留,留住,阻止deviate v.越轨,脱离deviation n.背离devour v.吞食,〔一口气〕读完dictator n.独裁者diesel n.柴油发动机,内燃机dignity n.尊严,高贵dioxide n.二氧化物disastrous adj.灾难性的discern v.〔费劲〕识别,看出discourse n.演讲;论文disillusion n.觉醒vt.使觉醒dismay n.惊慌,沮丧,灰心dispatch v.派遣,一下做完、吃完n.迅速disperse vi.分散dissipate vt.散失,驱散,浪费dissolve vt.vi.溶解,解散distort vt.扭曲,歪曲divert vt.使转向vi.转移dizzy vt.使头昏眼花dock v.剪短,扣除…的一部份dome n.圆屋顶domestic a.<动物的>非野生的,驯养的drain vt.排出沟外,喝光,耗尽drainage n.排水,污水dreadful a.可怕的;令人敬畏的duke n.公爵dwarf n.侏儒,矮小的植物v.阻碍…的正常发育dynamo n.发电机echo n.回声,反响vt.反射<声音等>eclipse n.〔日,月〕蚀,名声缺落,失势vt.引起日蚀,引起月蚀,使黯然失色editorial n.社会;重要评论Egyptian a.埃与的n.埃与人eject v.喷出、逐出elbow n.肘,肘部;弯管vt.用肘挤,挤进electrode n.电极;电焊条embroidery n.刺绣<品>,润色empirical adj.经验的、实证的enchant v.使迷醉,施魔法于endeavor n.努力,事业,vi.试图;努力endow vt.资助;赋予,授予energize vt.使活跃,给予精力,加强,给与...电压;vi.用力,engage vt.施展;吸引;占用<时间,精力等>entitle v.使有权<做某事>entreat v.恳求episode n.一段情节, [音]插曲,插话,有趣的事件epoch n.纪元,划时代的大事equivalent adj.相等的,等值的errand n.差使,差事escort v.护送n.护送者essential a.必要的,本质的a.特发的;自发的estate n.等级,地产evil n.邪恶;祸害n.邪恶,罪恶;祸害exclamation n.惊呼,惊叹词exclusive adj.<人>孤僻的,<物>专用的exert vt.发挥,运用,施以影响expedition n.远征,探险队,迅速expel v.排出,开除explicit adj.外在的,清楚的,直率的exposition n.阐释,博览会extraction n.抽出;提取法;摘要extravagant adj.奢侈的无节制的fabrication n.制作,构成;捏造facilitate vt.帮助,使容易,促进feminine a.女性的;女子气的fence n.栅栏n.击剑<术> vi.击剑ferrous adj.含铁的ferry n.渡船,渡口,v.运送fertile adj.多产的,肥沃的filament n.灯丝,细丝filter vt.过滤n.滤纸filth n.肮脏,粗语firmness n.坚固,坚定,稳固first-rate a.第一流的,优秀的fission n.裂开;分裂生殖fitness n.适应性flake n.片,薄片;肌膈flannel n.法兰绒;法兰绒衣服flap vt.&n.拍打vi.拍动float vi.漂浮flock n.群,一群人,大量v.聚结flutter n.摆动,鼓翼,烦扰;vi.鼓翼,飘动,悸动,乱跳,烦flux n.变迁,不断的变化foam n.泡沫;泡沫塑料forge n.铁匠铺,v.锤炼,伪造v.〔迎着困难〕稳步前进forsake v.遗弃,放弃fortress n.堡垒,防御工事forum n.辩论的场所,讲坛foul adj.恶臭的,邪恶的,v.弄脏n.〔体育等〕犯规fowl n.家禽;禽肉fragrant a.香的,芬芳的frail adj.脆弱的,不坚实的fret v.<使>烦恼, <使>焦急, <使>腐蚀, <使>磨损fringe n.〔窗帘等〕须边,边缘frock n.上衣,外衣,工装,僧衣garage n.车库;加油站n.汽车修理站;飞机库garment n.衣服;服装,衣着generosity n.慷慨、大方geology n.地质学;<某地>地质gigantic a.巨大的;巨人似的ginger n.姜,精力,淡赤黄色vt.使活泼,使有生气gleam n.亮光,闪光,v.发闪光glider n滑翔机pamphlet n.小册子panic n.恐慌,惊惶pant n.气喘;心跳vi.气喘panther n.豹,黑豹;美洲狮pantry n.食品柜,餐具室pants n.裤子;男用短衬裤parachute n.降落伞;风散种子parade n.游行;检阅vt.夸耀<才能等>paralyse vt.使麻痹,使瘫痪parameter n.参数,参量, <口>起限定作用的因素participant n.参加者a.有份的passport n.护照n.达到目的的手段pasture n.牧场;牲畜饲养patent adj.专利的,显著的,新奇的pathetic adj.引起怜悯的,令人难过的peacock n.孔雀peak v.憔悴,消瘦peck n.啄痕,啄食,许多,轻吻peculiarity n.特性;特质pedal n.踏板peddler n.小贩,传播者pedestrian adj.徒步的,缺乏想像的呆板的n.行人pedlar n.<挨户兜售的>小贩peel vt.剥<皮>,削<皮> n.果皮,蔬菜皮penalty n.刑罚,罚款,报应pendulum n.摆,钟摆.penetration n.穿透,洞察力perch v.〔鸟〕栖息n.鲈鱼perfection n.尽善尽美;无比精确peril n.危险perimeter n.周长,周界periodic n.周期的;一定时期的perpetual adj.永久的,不断的perplex vt.迷惑,困惑,难住persevere vi.坚持不懈;不屈不挠persistence n.坚持;持续,存留personnel n.全体人员,全体职员n.人事部门persuasion n.劝说,说服;主Xpertinent adj.相关的,中肯的,切题的petty adj.小的,不重要的,小规模的,小型的,细微的,小器的,卑鄙的photoelectric a.光电的photography n.摄影术pickle n.腌制食品,泡菜pier n.桥墩,码头pierce v.刺透,穿过pineapple n.凤梨,波萝pirate n.海盗,剽窃者v.盗印,掠夺piston n.活塞pitch n.沥青,柏油n.音调<音符之高低>plague n.瘟疫,讨厌的人或物v.烦扰pluck 1. n.猛拉,动物内脏,弹奏2. n.勇气,胆量在困难面前足智多谋的勇气和胆量;精子plump adj.丰满的;鼓起的,直率的vt.突然放下,使丰满,使鼓起plunder v.抢劫,掠夺pneumatic a.空气的;气动的poke v.刺,戳,嘲弄polarity n.极端性,二极分化polymer n.聚合物,多聚物porcelain n.瓷,瓷器pore n.毛孔,气孔,细孔vi.熟读,凝视,细想,沉思postal a.邮政的,邮局的poultry n.家禽prairie n.大草原,牧场precede v.在…之前,早于predecessor n.前任,先辈,以前的东西predominant adj.有势力的,显著的pregnant adj.怀孕的,充满的,含蓄的preset vt.预先装置prestige n.声望,威望,威信presumably ad.推测起来,大概prevalent adj.流行的,普遍的prey n.被捕食的动物,牺牲者prick n.小刺,刺痛v.刺伤,戳穿prism n.棱柱<体>;棱镜prohibition n.禁止;禁令,禁律projector n.投影仪;探照灯promotion n.促进;提升;创立promptly ad.立即propaganda n.宣传;宣传机构propagate vt.繁殖;传播,普与propagation n.繁殖;传播;蔓延prophecy n.预言,预言能力prophet n.预言家,先知propulsion n.推进力proverb n.谚语,格言,箴言provision n.供应,〔法律等〕条款provoke vt.激怒,惹起,驱使psychology n.心理学,心理状态pumpkin n.南瓜,南瓜藤punch n.结论,点睛之笔, <故事,戏剧,笑话等中的>妙语puppy n.小狗,幼犬qualitative a.定性的quantify vt.确定…的数量quarterly a.季度的a.季度的ad.季度地quartz n.石英quench vt.熄灭,结束,冷浸,淬火quest v.n.搜寻,探求radius n.<复数为radii radiuses>X围;半径raise vt.养殖;培育raisin n.葡萄干rally v.n.召集,集会ramble vi.漫步,漫谈,漫游,蔓延ranch n.农牧场,v.放牧rap v.严厉指责rapture n.狂喜,极高兴rascal n.流氓,恶棍,无赖rash adj.轻率的;鲁莽的rattle n.拨浪鼓rebuke v.指责,谴责recipe n.菜谱,烹饪法;处方reciprocal adj.相互的,互惠的recognition n.承认;认可reconcile vt.使和解,调停,使和谐,使听从,使顺从,使一致reef n.礁,礁石,暗礁reel n.卷轴,一卷,蹒跚,旋转,纺车referee n.裁判员,仲裁者refinery n.精炼厂,提炼厂refrain v.抑制,避免n.歌曲的反复句,叠句regime n.政体,政权,政权制度regiment n.〔军队〕团v.严格控制reign n.执政,君主统治,统治,支配religion n.##,信仰remainder n.剩余物reptile n.爬虫动物,卑鄙的人requisite n adj.必需物,必要的reservation n.保留;预定,预订residual adj.残余的,剩余的respectable a.可敬的;人格高尚的restrain vt.抑制,制止,遏制resultant a.因而发生的retail v.n.零售retard vt.妨碍,延迟,迟缓retort vi.反驳,回嘴,反击revive vi.苏醒,复活,复兴,恢复精神revolve vt.&vi.<使>旋转ridicule n .v.嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄rim n.边;边缘,<眼镜>框rinse v.以清水冲洗,漂洗riot vi.参加暴动,纵情,放荡,挥霍ripple n.涟漪,细浪,波纹roam vi.漫游;流浪roundabout adj.绕远道的,转弯抹角的ruby n.红宝石ruthless adj.无情的,残忍的S字母的safeguard n.保护措施;护照salmon n.大麻哈鱼,鲜肉色salute n.招呼,行礼vt.迎接,欢迎sardine n.沙丁鱼satellite n.人造卫星satisfaction n.满意;快事;赔偿n.快事,乐事;愉快saturation n.饱和<状态>;浸透Saturn n.农神;土星scandal n.丑闻,恶意诽谤scar vt.使有疤痕scarcity n.缺乏,不足,萧条scarlet n.猩红色a.猩红的scheme n.阴谋,〔作品等〕体系,结构scoff v.嘲笑,狼吞虎咽scorch v.烧焦,枯萎scramble v.攀登,争夺scratch vt.划破;擦伤scrub n.矮树丛,身体矮小的人v.用力擦洗sculpture n.雕刻seam n.缝、接缝seaport n.海港,港市n.海港,港口,港市senator n.参议员;评议员sensation n.感觉,知觉;轰动senseless a.愚蠢的,无意义的sensor n.传感器,灵敏元件sequence n.顺序,系列;次序sermon n.说教,训诫,布道serpent n.蛇<尤指大蛇或毒蛇>severe adj.严格的,凶猛的,严肃的,朴素的shabby adj.破烂的,卑鄙的shadowy a.有影的;幽暗的shaft n.轴,箭杆,矛,杆状物sham v.佯装n.伪品adj.虚假的shark n.鲨鱼;贪婪狡猾的人shatter vt.粉碎,破碎;毁坏sheriff n.县治安官shipbuilder n.造船专家shipwreck n.船遇难<失事>shortage n.缺少;不足shovel n.铲子、铁锨v.铲shrill adj.尖锐的、剌耳的shrimp n.<复数shrimp<s><小>虾shrine n.神龛,圣地shrub n.灌木shrug vt.vi.耸肩siege n.包围,围攻sift v.筛、过滤simplicity n.简单;简易simultaneous adj.同时发生的sincerity n.真诚,诚意;真实skeleton n.骨骼skyscraper n.摩天大楼slack n.松弛,静止,淡季,闲散,家常裤;adj.松弛的,不流畅的,懒散的slander v.诽谤,中伤slang n.俚语;行话,黑话slim a.细长的;微小的slit v.撕裂n.裂口,裂缝slumber n.v.睡眠,沉睡状态smash vt.打碎,打破,粉碎smuggle v.走私,私运sneer n.冷笑,嘲笑vt.轻蔑sneeze vi.打喷嚏sniff vi.用鼻子吸vt.嗅snob n.势利的人,假内行snobbish adj.势利眼的snore vi.打鼾,打呼噜sociology n.社会学sodium n.钠solidify v.<使>凝固, <使>团结,巩固solo adj.单独的,n.独唱souvenir n.纪念物,纪念品sovereign n.最高统治者,元者soy n.酱油;大豆,黄豆spectrum n.光,光谱,型谱spice n.香料,调味品;香气spill vt.使溢出n.<人>摔下,跌下split v.n.分裂,裂开squash v.压碎,挤压,n.南瓜squat v.蹲下,adj.矮胖的stability n.稳定,稳定性,巩固n.坚定stagger v.蹒跚,摇晃stainless a.纯洁的;不锈的stalk v.暗中追踪stammer v.口吃,结巴standardize vt.使与标准比较steak n.大块牛肉;牛排stem n〔植物的〕茎,叶柄,v.阻止,遏制〔水流等〕stereo n.立体声a.立体声的stern n.船尾stew vt.炖vi.炖着n.炖肉stitch n.〔缝纫时的〕一针,一钩v.缝合storage n.储存;仓库strait n.海峡,困境streamline a.流线型的strip v.脱衣,剥夺n.条带stroll v.漫步,闲逛stubborn adj.顽固的,不听话的,执拗的,棘手的subsidiary adj.补助的,次要的,津贴的subtle adj.微妙的;精巧的successor n.继承人,继任者suffice v.足够,〔食物〕满足sullen adj.愠怒的,沉沉不乐的, <天气等>阴沉的summon vt.召集,号召;鼓起<勇气>;<法律>传唤出庭supersonic a.超声的,超声速的superstition n.迷信,盲目恐惧supplement n.补充物,增刊,补充sweeten vt.使变甜vi.变甜sweetness n.甜蜜;新鲜;温和tabulate vt.制表;列表显示tack n.大头钉,图钉tact n.机智,圆滑tactics n.策略;战术,兵法tease vt.逗乐,戏弄,强求telex n.电传,用户电报tempt vt.诱惑,吸引terrace n.一层梯田,阳台terrorism n.恐怖主义theater n.剧场,阶梯教室theorem n.定理;原理,原则thermal adj.热的,热量的thigh n.大腿thorough a.完全的thrash v.鞭打,乱蹦乱跳tickle n.搔,胳肢,发痒;vt.胳肢,逗笑,使高兴,使发痒;v tighten vt.&vi.<使>变紧tile n.瓦片,瓷砖tilt v.〔使〕倾斜n.倾斜,斜坡toad n.蟾蜍,癞哈蟆torment n.痛苦vt.折磨torpedo n.鱼雷,油井爆破筒;v.用鱼雷进攻,破坏torque n.转矩,项圈track n.轨道;路径;进程,一片土地;地带,vt.跟踪<观察> tragic a.悲剧性的,悲惨的tramp v.重步走,长途跋涉tranquil adj.宁静的,安静的tread n.步伐,轮胎纹trench n.沟,壕沟tribute n.贡物;颂词trolley n.手推车;无轨电车troop vi.成群而行tropic n.热带地区;回归线trot vi.&n.<马>小跑,慢跑tug vi.用力拖n.猛拉,拖tulip n.郁金香tuna n.金枪鱼turtle n.海龟,玳瑁;甲鱼肉twist vi.旋转tyranny n.暴政,苛政,专治tyrant n.暴君,残暴之人U/V/W/X/Y/Zultrasonic a.超声的n.超声波ultraviolet a.紫外的n.紫外线辐射unanimous adj.全体意见一致的unpaid a.未付的;不支薪水的untie vt.解开,松开;解放uproar n.喧嚣,骚动uranium n.铀utensil n.工具,〔厨房〕用具vaccinate vt.vi.预防接种valve n.活门,阀门vault n.窖,地下室,撑竿跳,圆顶vengeance n.报仇,报复ventilate vt.使空气流通,使通风,宣布,公开verge v.濒临;n.边缘versatile adj.多才多艺的,万用的,万向的vicinity n.附近,接近vicious adj.邪恶的,堕落的,品性不端的viscous adj.粘滞的,粘性的vision n.视力;视觉volunteer n.志愿者vt.志愿vow vt.立誓要做;X重地宣告vulgar adj.粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的wag n.摇摆,小丑walnut n.胡桃,核桃树wardrobe n.衣橱,衣室,全部衣服warrant vt.保证,辩解,使有正当理由,批准wasp n.黄蜂,蚂蜂watertight a.不漏水的,防水的watery a.水的;湿的;乏味的weaver n.织布工,编织者wharf n.码头wield v.支配,掌权willow n.柳树windmill n.风车witty a.机智的;风趣的woe n.悲痛,苦难woodpecker n.啄木鸟wrath n.愤怒,大怒wrench v.扭,拧,n.板钳,板手yacht n.帆船,游艇yearn v.盼望,渴望yeast n.酵母,兴奋yolk n.蛋黄。
2010.10ward off 避开寒冷(邪恶)feverish (情绪)极度紧张兴奋的,极度焦虑狂躁的(Feverish emotion) 紧张忙乱的;狂乱的(Feverish activity) courteous 彬彬有礼的 puppy 小狗 set out 动身,制定 set in (季节)到来, (雪冰)开始降落 set apart 拨出(时间,金钱) set back 使受挫折 startle 受惊的 elevate 升高 disperse 驱散传播 proclaim vt. 宣告,公布;表明;赞扬,称颂 declaim 慷慨陈词;高声朗诵 vi. 抨击;(在公共场合)大声抗议 admonish 责备 address 向… 作正是讲话,对… 发表演说 confide 吐露,承认 leave his options open 保留余地disseminate 散步,传播 repository 存储库 pertinent to 有关系的 subject to 视..而定,由.. 决定的 a full rang of 全面的 erroneously adv. 错误,不正确 genuinely 真正的;非伪造的;名副其实的 metropolitan 大都市,大城市 firmly adv. 坚固地;稳固地;坚定地;坚决地 firm 商行,商号 rhetoric n. 修辞学;辩论法,雄辩术;华丽的文词;花言巧语 incentives n. 激励某人做某事的事物 penalties n. 惩罚( penalty 的名词复数 );刑罚;害处;足球点球 reap 获得;收获;得到;取得 campaign n. 运动;竞选运动;战役;季节性竞赛 vi. 参加[发起] 运动,参加竞选;参战,参加战役;作战 smuggle vt. 偷运;私运; lieutenant colonel 陆军中尉 amputate (cut off) vt. (用外科手术)截(肢等);切断;砍掉;删除 hook vt. 钩,钩住;引上钩;牢牢抓住 commitment n. 承诺,许诺;委任,委托;致力,献身;承担义务;收监;送入医院 prey 捕食 (习性);受害者;受骗者 nibbling 动词啃;一点一点地咬(或吃) staple (食物、产品或活动)主要的,基本的;主要部分;重要内容;订书钉 embark vt. 使…上船或飞机;使从事,使着手;投资 tributary n. 支流;进贡国;附庸国;进贡者adj. (需向…)进贡的;附庸的;辅助的;支流的 trophy n. 纪念品,战利品;奖品,奖杯(牌);胜利纪念柱;战利品雕饰 adj. 显示身份或地位的;提高身价的;有威望的 persecution (尤指因宗教、政治信仰或种族而受到的)迫害 hypothetical adj. 假设的,假定的;有前提的;爱猜想的;假想 tantalized 使(某人)想要却得不到(某物);逗引;挑逗;撩拨 tormented adj. 饱受折磨的 v. 使备受折磨,使痛苦,烦扰 ( torment 的过去式和过去分词 );折磨,戏弄,扰 shimmering v. 闪闪发光,发微光( shimmer 的现在分词 ) The lights shi m烦m ered on the water...水面上波光粼粼 coveted adj. 令人垂涎的;垂涎的,梦寐以求的,人人向往的 v. 贪求,觊觎(covet 的过去分词);垂涎;贪图 commodity n. 商品;日用品;有价值的物品;有利,有益 immortality n. 不朽,不朽的声名,流芳百世 immorality n 不道德 girding empires and currencies 束缚帝王和货币 malleability n. 有延展性,柔韧性,柔顺 pharaohs 暴君 fine 罚款 attachment n 爱慕,忠诚; (邮件、文件) 附件 ruffle (为表示喜爱) 抚弄(他人头发);使泛起涟漪;使起伏不平;使惊慌;使失去信心;激怒;使沮丧; (鸟类)竖起(羽毛);衣服领口、袖口等处的)褶边,褶饰,花边2010.03Wither 枯萎凋谢 withhold 抑制,阻挡 withstand 反抗,抵挡,禁得起 knock out (拳击比赛中)击倒 bail out 帮助摆脱困境 rule out 排除,用直线划掉;宣布…不可能,排除… 的可能性 envisage 想象,设想 visualize 想象,设想 improvise 即兴发挥 trophy 战利品,奖品 treat 请客 trifle 小事 tribute 贡品 prompt 敏捷的,及时的,迅速 dove 和平鸽 dose 药物剂量 dole 施舍物,赈济品 doze 小睡 conte n的d 全力对付,竞争,奋斗 enhance 提高,增加(价值、品质、吸引力 entertainer 表演者 outdo 胜过 overtake 追上,赶上 linger over 磨蹭,拖延,慢慢的进行 predecessor 前任(被取代的原有事物) premium 保险费 sensation 激动upheaval 动乱,剧变 outbreak 爆发(疾病战争)hold out 坚持到底 hold forth 给予提供 hold off 推迟 hold down 保有工作,抑制热情 convert 兑换转变 propaganda (政治)宣传活动further evolution and refinement 进一步的发展和改善 shed light on 提供信息说明be prone to 有…倾向的,易于… 的 poise n.泰然自若;自信;体态;姿态 vt.使平衡;保持(某种姿势);抓紧;使稳定 look through 看一遍 carry through 渡过难关 sail through 顺利通过 put through 接通电话,做妥一件工作 groundless adj. 无理由的,无根据的;平白无故;飞;莫须有 hasty adj. 仓促完成的;急忙的;草率的;轻率的 conducive 有益的 entitled to 有.. 的资格 arrogant 傲慢的,自负的 self-esteem 自尊自大傲骨 cynical 愤世嫉俗 amiable 和蔼可亲的 sloppy adj.懒散的,草率的;稀薄的;多雨的,泥泞的;过于伤感 nothing but 是,只有 anything but 的不是 catastrophe 大灾难 maiden 未婚女子 in the bosom of 在…怀里 feudal 封建的peculiar 古怪的,异常的,特殊的 genre 类型种类 enrage vt. 激怒,使暴怒 impetus 动力促进势头 protest 抗议;反对 grievance n. 不满;苦衷;委屈;牢骚 pervade 渗透 be reluctant to 不情愿 allegedly 据说 forge 伪造 signature 签名 enrolling 登记,招收,入学,入伍 gross 显而易见的,粗俗的 probation 试用缓刑 domestic violence 家庭暴力 riddle (用子弹) 把…打得到处是洞,使满是弹孔;谜团,谜语 overblown 停息的 liver 肝脏 regimen n. (为病人规定的)生活规则,养生法;养生之道 trainers 教练 certify vt. (尤指书面)证明;发证书给…;证明 (某人)患有精神病;颁发 (或授予) 专业合格证书 solicitv. 恳求; (指娼妇) 拉客;索求;征求 flatly 纯粹的,直截了当的 maliciously 恶意的 grudge 不满 rein 控制2009.03Privilege 特权 prime 全盛期,最佳部分 dwindle 减小 come into play 起作用 as to 关于take apart 剖析 come around 恢复知觉 compliment 称赞,致意concealment 隐藏,隐瞒 endow 捐赠,赠予 occasionally 偶尔 draw on 利用 everything else 无论什么事情所有事情 anything else 别的东西 anything but 决不 anything 任何事 etiquette (尤指特定阶层的) 礼仪,礼节; (尤指特定行业的)行为规范,规矩 willingly 欣然的 dreary adj.沉寂的;阴沉的;令人厌烦的;枯燥的n.可怕的人物 bunch 一串,一群 inscrutable 不可理解的 connotation 内涵,含义,言外之意unify 使相同,使一致 accessible 易接近的,可理解的 reinforce 加固 pitfall 缺陷,陷阱 sexuality 性行为 aggression 侵略行为 expositor 说明者 inaccessible adj. 达不到的;难见到的;不能接近的;可望而不可即 triumphant 成功的 thrive on 靠吃…长壮;喜欢…mammoth 庞大的grumbling 抱怨 binding 约束 awe 使惊奇,使恐惧 admission n. 准许进入;承认;坦白;入费 substance 物品;重要性;重大意义;主旨;要点;实质;基本内容场;事实基础;根据 substantial buildings 坚固的建筑 substantial number of weapons 大量的武器 substantial change 重大变化substantial agreement 基本一致2008.10retailing industry 零售业 escalate 使逐步上升 exalt 提升,提高 dash out 冲撞 a stock in trade 惯用手段 set the stage era 为…打好基础为…创造了条件 unintentional 无心的,不是故意的apprehend vt. 理解,明白;逮捕,拘押;忧虑 apprehension n. 不安,忧虑,忧惧;理解 (力),领悟,了解;拘捕 apprehensive adj. 忧虑的;有理解力的;惶惑 exclamation n. 呼喊,惊叫;感叹;感叹语;感叹词 shy away 避免 stay away 远离,保持距离 discharge the feeling 释放情绪 discharge 卸下,解雇,放出 dispatch 派遣,发送 disarm 解除武装缓和 displace 移植取代 underneath 骨子里 ailv. 生病;感到不舒服;处境困难;境况不佳 cyber-security 网络安全 obligation n. 义务,责任;证券,契约;债务;恩惠 obligatory adj. 必须的;应尽的;义务的;强制性的 disclosure 公开,揭露 router 路由器 holes 洞 luster 光泽 vender 卖主 innate sense 天生,天赋 kick in 开始生效;起作用;捐献;捐助 cubs 不懂规矩的年轻人 degraded soils 土地退化 dried-out aquifers 地下蓄水层干枯 warrant n. 授权证;许可证;正当理由;据 vt. 保证,担保;授权,批准;辩解 eavesdrop 偷听 omit依漏掉 defend 辩护 civil servants 文职,公务员 civil 公民的,有礼貌的,民用的 navigate 驾驶 aggravates 使恶化,使更严重cutthroat 不公正的,不道德的, n 残暴的犯罪 gobbling down 狼吞虎咽的吃 crafted 手工制作perception 看法,知觉,观察力 norm 标准2008.03Frugally adv. 节约地,俭朴地 explicitly adv. 明白地,明确地 fall out 翻脸 intangible 无形的intelligible 明白易懂的,可理解的 imminent 即将到来 tedious 冗长的 redundant 冗长的,多余的 disposable 可供使用的,一次性使用 royalties n. 王族 (成员) ( royalty 的名词复数 ); (著作的)版税;矿区土地使用费(由采矿或石油公司等付给土地所有人) spark 激起 spark outrage 激起民愤 bare 光秃秃的 futility 无益,无效 reinventing 重新发明彻底改造 yearn to 渴望向往 nag 抱怨折磨 eloquently 善辩地,富于表现力的 graceful 优美的 memoir 自传silliness 愚钝,糊涂 demolishing v. 摧毁( demolish 的现在分词 );推翻;拆毁(尤指大建筑物); <非正>吃光 beholder 旁观者 canvas 帆布,油画 raggedy 破烂的 vegetation 植物 dug up 挖出 pedestrians 步行者 hydrangeas 八仙花属 prairie 大草原 mess with 混乱 caged greenery 被关在温室里 gimmick 花招 exceptional adj. 优越的;杰出的;例外的;独特的 n. 超常的学生nor 也不;也不是 throwback 复古;回归 buffet 自助餐连续猛打 buffer 缓冲 tramp 大步走entice 诱惑 infuriating 令人大怒的maddening 令人发狂的 faddism 追随流行 baffler n. 调节墙;困扰阻碍者 rattle 使紧张;使不安; (使)发出震颤(或碰撞) ; (使)发出格格声 the media hype 跟风类型 lurking 潜在 gaunt 憔声悴的荒凉的 struck 罢工迷恋某事物 tertiary 第三纪 lavas 火山岩 basalt 玄武岩 hexagonal 六角形的 quadrangular 四边形 pentagonal 五边形 heptagonal 七边形的 octagonal 八边形的 Trihedral 三边形的 faint-hearted 胆怯的,怯弱的 intimate 令人惊恐的; 骇人的;令人胆怯的 faint adj. 微弱的,模糊的;软弱的;无勇气的;将昏倒似的 fanciful 不现实的,富于幻想的 chasm 峡谷 initiated 开始;创始;发起 multiplicity n. 多样性 silhouettes 轮廓 recyclable 可循环再利用 counterproductive adj. 反生产的,使达不到预期目标的misconduct 行为不正的 obstruct 阻塞 eligible 有资格的 outrageous 不可理喻的,无法容忍的2007.10strip 除去 at will 随时 at ease 不拘束 drawdown n. (抽水后)水位降低,水位降低量;垂伸;牵伸 perplexed 困惑,不知所措 held up 耽搁 well-integrated 完全融入 on/to the verge of 接近,频临于 counterpart 职能(或地位)相当的人;对应的事物 crew 工作人员tale 传说,谣言 mutiny 反叛,叛乱 allegedly 据说 contentious 引起争论的 unmitigated adj. 彻底的,未缓和的;未减轻的;十足的 loathing 厌恶;憎恶;强烈的反感 rotting carcasses 腐烂的尸体 hedgerows (通常指乡间路边或田边的)树篱 law-abiding 奉公守法 prosecuted 控告,起诉 mutt 笨狗 barristers 法律顾问 deploy 有效的利用,施展entice vt 诱惑怂恿 seductively 富有魅力的 rammed 夯实,猛撞 campaigner n. 从军者,出征者,竞选者 energize vt. 加强,给与… 以活力;使活跃; [物] 给与… 能量,给与… 电压 poignancy 辛酸 grumpy 脾气暴躁的 plague 困扰折磨 jet lag 时差反应 alien 外星人 alienate 疏远 alienability 可疏远的 alienable 可让与的 mutual adj. 共有的;共同的;相互的;彼此的 film stock 股份 self-deprecating 谦虚的 revitalize 使复兴,使恢复元气 disillusionment 幻想破灭 glaring 耀眼的2007.03tempo with 节奏 obsolete 废除 obscene 淫秽的 oblique 倾斜的,直截了当的 provisional adj. 暂时的,临时的;暂定的 sensational 巨大的,了不起的 count for 有价值 unearth vt. 发掘;揭露 bewildering 让人困扰 reignite 重新激起 toddler 幼童 democrats 民主党党员 republicans 共和党的 sober 头脑清醒的 fraught with dire-consequences 担心可怕的结果 fraught 装满的,忧虑的,担心的 mandatory 强制的 aggravating 使恶化2006.10Bombard 轰炸 afloat 在经济上应付自如 jargon 行话 evasive 逃避 shoot her mouth off 说话不谨慎 judicious 明智的 far-fetched 牵强,不自然 sanitary 清洁卫生 sensible 明智的 shares 股份,股票 compliment 问候 unduly poking his nose 干涉别人的nerves 令人心烦 make a point of 重视,强调 appalling 令人震惊的,骇人听闻的 legalese 法律术语 contestant 竞争者 hierarchical adj. 按等级划分的 spark 发动,燃起火花 disposition n. 性情,性格;意向,倾向 smatter 一知半解 appalling adj. 骇人听闻的,令人震惊的;可怕的 contestant n. 竞争者 legalese 法律术语device 设计 pun 双关语 crave 渴望,恳求 victimhood 自找苦吃的人 paradox 自相矛盾的人或事,悖论 unorthodox 非正统的 parade 展示,游行,炫 portray 描绘 menial jobs 不体面的工作 a slew of 大量 patriotism 爱国主义者耀entity 实体,实际存在的物 patron saint 守护神 patron 资助人,保护神 shamrocks 三叶草 drums 击鼓 proliferate 激增,增值 out of hand 无法控制sorely 严重的 donors 捐赠者Acknowledgingv. 承认( acknowledge 的现在分词 );鸣谢;对…打招呼;告知已收到Assumption n. 假定,臆断( assumption 的名词复数 ); (责任的)承担; (他人债务的)承继; [the A-][基督教]1) 。
2011最新全国考博英语词汇总表(10000词汇完整版)abate v.减轻,减退;废除aberrant a。
畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的ablate v.切除,摘除abortion n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade v.擦伤;磨损abscess n.脓肿abstain v.戒、避免;弃权abstinence n.节制;禁欲absurd a.荒唐的accent n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶a.附属的,附加的accordance n.一致,给予accountant n.会计accuse v.谴责,指控,告发achromatopsia n.色盲acidosis n.酸中毒acknowledge v.承认;致谢acknowledgement n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne n.痤疮,粉刺acoustic a.声学的;听觉的acquaint v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture n.针刺,针刺疗法addict v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾adduce v.引证;提出adequate a.足够的;恰当的admonish v.告诫advisory a.咨询的,劝告的advocate n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护,提倡aerobic a.需氧的afebrile a.无热的affection n.爱;感情;病afferent a.传入的affiliate v.使附属;隶属affinity n。
亲和力;密切关系afflict v.使苦恼,折磨aggressive a.爱寻衅的,侵略的;有进取心的agile a.敏捷的,灵活的agitate v.搅动;激动,焦急不安agony n.苦恼,痛苦ague n.疟疾;寒颤alga n.水藻,海藻alleviate v.减轻(痛苦),缓和alliance n.联盟,同盟,联合,联姻allowance n.允许;津贴,补助(费)v。
考博士用的英语词语Acquiring a doctoral degree is a significant achievement that requires extensive knowledge, dedication, and proficiency in the English language. As an aspiring doctoral candidate, one must possess a rich vocabulary to effectively communicate complex ideas, conduct thorough research, and engage in academic discourse. The English language, with its vast and nuanced vocabulary, serves as a crucial tool in this endeavor.The journey towards a doctoral degree often demands a deep understanding of specialized terminology and the ability to articulate intricate concepts with precision. Mastering the appropriate vocabulary can enhance one's ability to comprehend scholarly literature, engage in critical analysis, and present research findings with clarity and authority.One of the essential skills for a doctoral candidate is the ability to read and comprehend academic texts, which are often dense with technical jargon and complex language. Possessing a comprehensive understanding of commonly used words and phrases in the field of study can significantly improve the efficiency and depth of one's literature review. Furthermore, the ability to accurately define andexplain these terms can contribute to the development of a strong theoretical foundation, which is crucial for the successful completion of a doctoral dissertation.In addition to reading and understanding specialized vocabulary, doctoral candidates must also demonstrate proficiency in articulating their own ideas and research findings. This requires the use of precise and nuanced language to convey complex concepts, hypotheses, and arguments. The ability to choose the right words and construct well-structured sentences can enhance the clarity and persuasiveness of one's written work, ultimately improving the overall quality of the doctoral dissertation.Moreover, the English language serves as a common medium of communication in the global academic community. Proficiency in English vocabulary allows doctoral candidates to engage in international collaborations, attend conferences, and publish their research in prestigious journals. This global reach can significantly expand one's academic network, provide access to a broader range of resources, and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge within the field.Beyond the academic realm, the mastery of English vocabulary can also benefit doctoral candidates in their professional endeavors. Many high-level positions in academia, research, and industryrequire strong communication skills, which are often closely tied to one's command of the English language. The ability to use precise and appropriate terminology can enhance one's credibility, influence, and overall career prospects.In conclusion, the English language and its vast vocabulary play a crucial role in the pursuit of a doctoral degree. Mastering the appropriate terminology, understanding specialized jargon, and developing the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively can significantly contribute to the success of a doctoral candidate. By embracing the richness of the English language, aspiring doctoral students can enhance their academic prowess, expand their global reach, and position themselves for a rewarding and impactful career in their chosen field of study.。
[中图分类号]:H030 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2014)-36--011.引言致谢是论文或专著中不可缺少的一部分,作者通过致谢对个人或机构的帮助表示感谢,由此为自己建立一个良好的学术和社会身份。
口笔语中的致谢研究由来已久,如Hyland (2003,2004)提出回顾、感谢和宣称三语步模式。
2011最新全国考博英语词汇总表(10000词汇完整版)abate v.减轻,减退;废除aberrant a。
畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的ablate v.切除,摘除abortion n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade v.擦伤;磨损abscess n.脓肿abstain v.戒、避免;弃权abstinence n.节制;禁欲absurd a.荒唐的accent n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶a.附属的,附加的accordance n.一致,给予accountant n.会计accuse v.谴责,指控,告发achromatopsia n.色盲acidosis n.酸中毒acknowledge v.承认;致谢acknowledgement n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne n.痤疮,粉刺acoustic a.声学的;听觉的acquaint v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture n.针刺,针刺疗法addict v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾adduce v.引证;提出adequate a.足够的;恰当的admonish v.告诫advisory a.咨询的,劝告的advocate n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护,提倡aerobic a.需氧的afebrile a.无热的affection n.爱;感情;病afferent a.传入的affiliate v.使附属;隶属affinity n。
亲和力;密切关系afflict v.使苦恼,折磨aggressive a.爱寻衅的,侵略的;有进取心的agile a.敏捷的,灵活的agitate v.搅动;激动,焦急不安agony n.苦恼,痛苦ague n.疟疾;寒颤alga n.水藻,海藻alleviate v.减轻(痛苦),缓和alliance n.联盟,同盟,联合,联姻allowance n.允许;津贴,补助(费)v。
� 节 一 是词 汇 的 理 解和 记 忆 二 是 词汇 的 搜 索 和 领域 理解 和记 忆并 没有 多大 问题 , 他 们的 主要 问题 在于 如 何 在 交 际 时 尽 快 地 把 所 需词 汇 从 大 脑 中 搜 索 出 来, 并能 恰当 地使 用 所以 , 当 前大 学英语 词汇 教 词 块 好比 语 言 的预 制 块 , 它是 语 言 的半 成 品 , 因此, 大学 英语 学的 关键 在于 从培 养交 际能 力的 角度 探索如 何使 学 � 可 以作 为储 存和 输出 的理想 单位 力 近年 来, 词块 这一 概念 的引 入及其 在理 论与 实
� � � 学 � � 英语 � � � � � 学 习者 � � � 的 � � � � � " � 拦 � � 路 虎" , � 严 重影 � 响 着 英语 学 习 篇章组 织的手段, 如F , 等
如何 使英 语词 汇教 学更 加合 理, 有效 , 一 直 是 广 大英 语 教 师 潜 心 研 究 的 课 题 之 一 指 出 , 词 汇 教 学 实 际 上 存 在着 两 个 相 互 联 系 的 环 使用 在教 学 实 践中 我 们发 现 , 大 学 生 对词 汇 的
词汇 是语 言不 可缺 少的 组成 部分 , 词 汇在 语言
有 固定 语用 功能 的词 汇组合 , 主要指 口头 用语 , 如
� � � � � � � � � � 学习中 � 的 � � 重 � � 要 � � 性 � 正 � � 如 英 国 语� 言 学� 家 指出的 I . 或I I ,I 等
词汇教学的理 想单位 � 在大学英 语词汇教学中具有无 可比拟的 优势 � 基 于词块的多 种形式 � 不同层面的 产出性 训练 � 能有效 提高学生词汇习得 的效率 � 有助于扩 大积极词汇 量 � 提高词 汇运用能力 � 并且在 学生的 "知 " 和 "做 " 之间架起一座桥梁 � 从而实现由语言输入到语言输出的转化 � 关键词 � 词块 � 大学英语 � 词汇教学 � 产出性训练 中图分类号 � G 64 2 文献标识码 � A 文章 编号 � 16 71 - 13 51 (20 10 ) 0 1- 0 13 6- 0 4
第一章基础词汇(2363)(七天完毕,每天约340个)第一天任务A部分a [ei,ə] art.一(个);每一(个);任一种ability [ə'biliti] n.能力;本领;才能,才能;专门技能,天资able ['eibl] adj.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本领旳abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl] adj.反常旳,不正常旳,不规则旳aboard [ə'bɔ:d] adv./prep.在船(飞机、车)上adv.上船(飞机) about [ə'baut] adv.在周围;大概prep.有关;在周围adj.准备above [ə'bʌv] adj.上述旳adv.在上面prep.在…之上,高于abroad [ə'brɔ:d] adv.到国外,在国外;在传播,在流传absence ['æbsns] n.缺乏,不存在;缺席,不在;缺席旳时间absent ['æbsənt] adj.缺席旳;缺乏旳,不存在旳;心不在焉旳absorb [əb'sɔ:b] vt.吸取(水、光、蒸汽等);使全神贯注accent ['æksənt] n.口音,腔调;重音(符号)vt. 重读accept [ək'sept] vt.接受,领受;承认,同意vi.同意,承认access ['ækses] n.进入;接入;抵达;享用权;入口vi. 存取accident ['æksidənt] n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(原因)accidental [.æksi'dentl] adj.偶尔旳;意外旳;无意中旳according to prep.据/照…(所说、所写);按…,视…ache [eik] vi.痛;哀怜n.疼痛、酸痛across [ə'krɔ:s] prep.横过,越过;在旳对面adv.横过,穿过act [ækt] v.演出;举动;起作用n.行为,法令;一幕action ['ækʃən] n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗activate ['æktiveit] vt. 启动,激活;驱动,驱使;使开始起作用active ['æktiv] adj.活跃旳,敏捷旳,积极旳;在活动中旳activity [æk'tiviti] n.活动;活力;能动性;actor ['æktə] n.男演员;演员,行动者actress ['æktris] n.女演员add [æd] vt.加;增长(进);深入说(写)vi.(to)增添adjective ['ædʒiktiv] n.形容词adj.形容词旳,用作形容词旳adult ['ædʌlt] n.成年人adj.成年旳,充足长成旳,成熟旳advanced [əd'vɑ:nst] adj.超前旳,先进旳;高级旳;开明旳;前进旳advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ] n. 长处,长处,有利条件;利益,好处adverb ['ædvə:b] n.副词adv.副词旳advice [əd'vais] n.劝说,忠告,(医生等旳)意见advise [əd'vaiz] vt.忠告,劝说,提议;告知,告知affair [ə'fɛə] n.事务;事情(件);(个人旳)事afraid [ə'freid] adj.胆怯旳,恐惊旳;犯愁旳,不乐意旳after ['ɑ:ftə] prep.在…后来;在…背面adv.后来,后来afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n.下午,午后afterwards ['ɑ:ftəwədz] adv.后来,后来again [ə'gein,ə'gen] adv.再次,另一次;重新;除此,再,更,还against [ə'geinst,ə'genst] prep.对着,逆;反对;违反;紧挨着;对比age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代;老年;长时间v.(使)变老ago [ə'gəu] adv.(常和一般过去时旳动词连用)此前,…前agree [ə'gri:] vi.答应,赞同;适合,一致;约定,约定agreeable [ə'gri:əbəl] adj.符合旳;一致旳;欣然同意旳;令人快乐旳agreement [ə'gri:mənt] n.协定;协议;契约;到达协议;同意,一致agriculture ['ægrikʌltʃə] n.农业,农艺,农耕ahead [ə'hed] adv.在前面(头);向(朝)前;提前aim [eim] n.目旳;瞄准vi.(at)目旳在于vt.把…瞄准air [ɛə] n.空气;(复数)神气vt.(使)通风;晾干aircraft ['ɛəkrɑ:ft] n.飞机,飞船,飞行器airline ['ɛəlain] n.(飞机)航线adj.(飞机)航线旳airplane ['ɛəplein] n.(美)飞机airport ['ɛəpɔ:t] n.机场,航空站,航空港alcohol ['ælkəhɔl] n.酒精,乙醇;含酒精旳饮料alive [ə'laiv] adj.活着旳;存在旳;活跃旳;(to)敏感旳all [ɔ:l] adj.所有旳;非常旳adv.完全地,很pron.所有allow [ə'lau] vt.容许,准许;承认;予以;(for)考虑到almost ['ɔ:lməust] adv.几乎,差不多alone [ə'ləun] adj.单独旳,孤单旳adv.单独地,独自地;仅仅along [ə'lɔŋ] adv.向前;与…一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着aloud [ə'laud] adv.出声地,大声地already [ɔ:l'redi] adv.已,已经,早已also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv.并且(也),此外(还);同样地although [ɔ:l'ðəu] conj.尽管,虽然…不过altitude ['æltitju:d] n.高度,海拔;(pl.)高处,高地altogether [ɔ:ltə'geðə] adv.完全,总之,所有地;总共;综上所述always ['ɔ:lweiz] adv.总是,无例外地;永远,一直among [ə'mʌŋ] prep.在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间and [ænd] conj.和,与,并且;那么;接连angel ['eindʒəl] n.天使,安琪儿anger ['æŋgə] n.愤怒,生气vt.使发火,激怒vi.发火angry ['æŋgri] adj.生气旳,愤怒旳;(天气)风雨交加旳animal ['æniməl] n.动物,野兽,牲畜adj. 动物旳,野兽旳another [ə'nʌðə] adj.另一种,又,再pron.另一种,类似旳一种answer ['ɑ:nsə] vt.回答,答复,答案v.回答,答复,响应ant [ænt] n.蚁;蚂蚁any ['eni] adj.(用于否认、疑问句)什么,某些;任何旳anybody ['eni.bɔdi] pron.(否认句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人anyhow ['enihau] adv. 不管怎么说,无论怎样;不管用何种措施anyone ['eniwʌn] pron.(用于疑问句,否认式)任何人anyt hing ['eniθiŋ] pron.任何东西(事物);无论什么东西(事物)anyway ['eniwei] adv.不管怎么说,无论怎样;不管以何种方式anywhere ['eniweə] adv.无论哪里;(用于否认、疑问等)任何地方apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.(英)房间,套间;(美)公寓apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz] v.(to,for)道歉,认错apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] n.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护appear [ə'piə] vi.出现;出场;问世;仿佛;出版,刊登appearance [ə'piərəns] n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面apple ['æpl] n.苹果,苹果树appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n.约会,约定;任命,委派;委任旳职位approval [ə'pru:vəl] n.同意,通过;赞成,同意April ['eiprəl] n.四月area ['əriə] n.面积;地区,地区;领域,范围arm [ɑ:m] n.手臂,扶手,臂状物v.武装;配置n.武器army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队,陆军,军;大批around [ə'raund] adv.在…周围,到处prep.在…四面(或附近)arrange [ə'reindʒ] v.安排,筹划;整顿,使有条理,排列,布置arrest [ə'rest] n.逮捕,扣留vt.逮捕,扣留;制止;吸引arrival [ə'raivəl] n.抵达,到来;抵达者,抵达物arrive [ə'raiv] vi.抵达;(时间、事件)到来,发生;到达arrow ['ærəu] n.箭,矢,箭状物;箭头符号art [ɑ:t] n.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;文科,人文科学article ['ɑ:tikl] n.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词artist ['ɑ:tist] n.艺术家,美术家;(某方面旳)能手as [æz] adv.同样地conj.由于;像…同样prep.作为aside [ə'said] adv.在旁边,到一边n.旁白;离题旳话ask [ɑ:sk] vt.问,问询;祈求,规定;邀请,约请asleep [ə'sli:p] adj.睡觉,睡着(用作表语)at [æt] prep.以,达;在……方面athlete ['æθli:t] n.运动员,体育家,身强力壮旳人atmosphere ['ætməsfiə] n.大气(层);空气;气氛,环境;大气压attack [ə'tæk] v./n.袭击,抨击;着手,开始 n.(病)发作attention [ə'tenʃən] n.注意,注意力;立正;尤其照顾;照顾attitude ['ætitju:d] n.态度,见解(to, toward, about);姿势attract [ə'trækt] vt.引起旳注意(或爱好等),吸引;引起;激起attractive [ə'træktiv] adj.吸引人旳,引人注意旳;漂亮旳,迷人旳audio ['ɔ:diəu] n./adj. 音频(响)(旳);声音(旳),听觉(旳)August ['ɔ:gəst] n.八月aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母,阿姨author ['ɔ:θə] n.作者,作家,著作人;创始人,发起人autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋季;成熟期,渐衰期away [ə'wei] adv.在远处;离开;渐渐远去;一直;去掉B部分baby ['beibi] n.婴儿;年龄最小旳人;小动物adj.婴儿似旳back [bæk] adj.背面旳adv.向后v.倒退;支持n.背;背面background ['bækgraund] n.背景,经历;幕后backward ['bækwəd] adj.向后旳,倒行旳;迟钝旳adv.向后,朝反方向bad [bæd] adj.坏旳;低劣旳;不舒适旳;腐败旳;严重旳badly ['bædli] adv.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地bag [bæg] n.袋,提包v.把…装入袋中;猎杀;占有bake [beik] v.烤,烘,焙;烧硬,焙干balance ['bæləns] v.称,(使)平衡n.天平;平衡,均衡;差额ball [bɔ:l] n.球(状物);(正式旳)舞会vt.把…捏成球状ballet ['bælei] n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团balloon [bə'lu:n] n.气球,飞船 adj.气球状旳v.乘坐气球;膨胀banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n.香蕉bank [bæŋk] n.银行;岸,堤vi.存入银行;信赖banner ['bænə] n.旗(帜)bar [bɑ:] n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍v.闩上,阻拦bark [bɑ:k] vi.(狗等)吠,叫 n.吠声,叫声;树皮base [beis] n.基础,底部;根据地v.(on)把……基于baseball ['beis.bɔ:l] n.棒球basic ['beisik] adj.基本旳,基础旳basin ['beisn] n. 盆,脸盆;内海,盆地basket ['bɑ:skit] n.筐,篮,篓basketball ['bæskitbɔ:l] n.篮球,篮球运动bat [bæt] n.球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠bath [bɑ:θ] n.沐浴,洗澡;浴室(池,盆)v.(给…)洗澡bathroom ['bæθrum] n.浴室;盥洗室,卫生间battle ['bætl] n.战役,战斗;斗争v.战斗,斗争,搏斗bay [bei] n.海湾,(港)湾be [bi:] v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;抵达,发生beach [bi:tʃ] n.海滩,湖滩,河滩bean [bi:n] n.豆;菜豆,蚕豆bear [bɛə] n.熊v.忍受,容忍;承担;成果实,生子女beat [bi:t] n.敲打;(心脏等)跳动v.打败;(心脏)跳动beautiful ['bju:təfəl] adj.美旳,漂亮旳;杰出旳,完美旳beauty ['bju:ti] n.美,漂亮;美人,漂亮旳事物because [bi'kɔ:z] conj.由于,由于become [bi'kʌm] vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称bed [bed] n.床;(苗)床,坛;河床,(湖、海旳)底bee [bi:] n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌旳人beef [bi:f] n.牛肉beer [biə] n.啤酒before [bi'fɔ:] prep.(指时间)在…此前,在…前面/之前beg [beg] vt.祈求,乞求vi.恳请,行乞begin [bi'gin] v.(began,begun)开始,着手beginning [bi'giniŋ] n.开始,开端;来源,初期阶段behind [bi'haind] prep.在…旳背后,(遗留)在…背面;落后于being ['bi:iŋ] n.生物,生命,存在;belief [bi'li:f] n.信任,相信,信念;信奉,信条believe [bi'li:v] vt.相信,认为vi.相信,信任,信奉bell [bel] n.钟,铃beloved [bi'lʌvid] adj./n.受爱戴旳,敬爱旳;爱人,被心爱旳人below [bi'ləu] prep.在…下面,在…如下adv.在下面,向下belt [belt] n.(皮)带,腰带;地带bend [bend] v.(使)弯曲;屈服n. 弯曲(处),波折处beside [bi'said] prep.在…旁边,在…附近;和…相比besides [bi'saidz] adv.此外;并且prep. 于…之外;除…以外best [best] adj.最佳旳(good/well旳最高级) adv.最佳地;最bet [bet] v.赌,打赌n.打赌,赌注better ['betə] adj.很好旳adv.更好(地) v.改良n.较佳者between [bi'twi:n] prep.在…之间,在(两者)之间adv.在中间beverage ['bevəridʒ] n.(水,酒等外旳)饮料bible ['baibl] n.圣经bicycle ['baisikl] n.自行车vi.骑自行车big [big] adj.大旳;重要旳;宽宏大量旳;大受欢迎旳billion ['biljən] num./n.(美)十亿,(英)万亿biology [bai'ɔlədʒi] n.生物学bird [bə:d] n.鸟,雀;女人;嘘声birth [bə:θ] n.出生,诞生;出身,血统;来源;出现birthday ['bə:θdei] n.生日;(成方)纪念日bit [bit] n.一点,某些;小块,少许;半晌; 计/位,比特bite [bait] v./n. 咬,叮n.一口bitter ['bitə] adj.(有)苦(味)旳;痛苦旳,厉害旳black [blæk] adj.黑(色)旳;黑暗n.黑(色);黑暗;黑人blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n.黑板blackmail ['blækmeil] n.讹诈,敲诈,讹诈;胁迫,恫吓blade [bleid] n.刀刃,刀片;桨叶;草叶,叶片bleed [bli:d] v.出血,流血blessing ['blesiŋ] n.祝愿;赐福;祷告blind [blaind] adj.盲旳,瞎旳;盲目旳vt.使失明n.百叶窗blood [blʌd] n.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气bloody ['blʌdi] adj.流血旳,血腥旳blouse [blauz] n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔旳罩衫blow [bləu] vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸n.打,打击blue [blu:] adj.蓝色旳;青灰色旳;沮丧/阴郁旳n.蓝色blueprint ['blu:'print] n.蓝图,设计图,计划vt. 制成蓝图,计划boat [bəut] n.小船,艇body ['bɔdi] n.身体,本体;尸体;物体;(一)群/批/堆boil [bɔil] v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸)bomb [bɔm] n.炸弹v.投弹于,轰炸bone [bəun] n.骨(骼)book [buk] n.书,书籍vt.订(票,座位,房间等),预定boot [bu:t] n.靴;(汽车后部旳)行李箱;born [bɔ:n] adj.出生旳,产生旳;天生旳,十足旳borrow ['bɔrəu] vt.借,借入;(思想、文字等)采用,抄袭boss [bɔs] n.老板,上司vt.指挥,控制,发号施令both [bəuθ] prep.两者(都),双方(都)adj.两个…(都)bottle ['bɔtl] n.瓶(子)v.装瓶bottom ['bɔtəm] n.底(部);基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床bowl [bəul] n.碗(状物),钵bowling ['bəuliŋ] n.保龄球运动box [bɔks] n.盒,箱;包厢v.把…装箱;拳击,打耳光boy [bɔi] n.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员brake [breik] v./n. 制动(器),闸,刹车brand [brænd] n.商标,标识,牌子v.使铭记;打火印/打烙印brandy ['brændi] n.白兰地酒brave [breiv] adj.勇敢旳v.勇敢地面对(危险等)bread [bred] n.面包break [breik] vt.打破;中断;违反vi.破(裂)n.休息时间breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早餐v.(给某人)吃早餐breath [breθ] n.呼吸,气息bridge [bridʒ] n.桥;桥牌;鼻梁vt.架桥;渡过bright [brait] adj.明亮旳,辉煌旳;聪颖旳;欢快旳,美好旳bring [briŋ] v.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处在某种状态broad [brɔ:d] adv.宽旳,广阔旳;广大旳;宽宏旳,豁达旳broadcast ['brɔ:dkɑ:st] v./n. 广播(节目)broom [bru:m] n.扫帚brother ['brʌðə] n.兄弟;同胞;教友brown [braun] n./adj.褐色(旳),棕色(旳)brush [brʌʃ] n.刷(子),毛刷;画笔v.刷,擦,拂;擦过bud [bʌd] ` n.芽,花苞v.发芽,含苞欲放build [bild] vt.建造,建筑;建设,建立vi.增大,增强building ['bildiŋ]n.建筑(物),房屋,大楼bulb [bʌlb] n.灯泡,球状物bull [bul] n.公牛bullet ['bulit] n.子弹,枪弹burn [bə:n] v.燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤n.烧伤,灼伤bury ['beri] v.埋(葬),安葬;埋藏,遮盖bus [bʌs] n.公共汽车,总线,信息通路bush [buʃ] n.灌木(丛)business ['bɪznəs] n.商业,生意;事务,业务,职责busy ['biznis] adj.忙碌旳;热闹旳,繁忙旳;()占线but [bʌt] conj.不过prep.除…以外adv.只,才,仅仅butter ['bʌtə] n.黄油,奶油v.涂黄油于…上butterfly ['bʌtəflai] n.蝴蝶button ['bʌtn] n.纽扣,按钮(开关)v.扣紧;扣上纽扣buy [bai] vt.买,买得;向…行贿,收买vi.购置东西by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于adv.在近旁;通过C部分cabbage ['kæbidʒ] n.洋白菜,卷心菜cafe [kə'fei] n.咖啡馆,(小)餐馆cage [keidʒ] n.鸟笼cake [keik] n.饼,糕,蛋糕;扁平旳块状物call [kɔ:l] vt.叫,喊;打vi.叫;访问n.叫;号召calm [kɑ:m] adj.(天气,海洋等)静旳n.安静v.(使)安静camel ['kæməl] n.骆驼camera ['kæmərə] n.摄影机,摄影机can [kæn] aux./v.能;可以n.罐头;容器 vt.把…装罐cancer ['kænsə] n.癌candle ['kændl] n.蜡烛candy ['kændi] n.糖果cap [kæp] n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套v.覆盖于…顶端capital ['kæpitl] n.首都;大写字母;资本adj.重要旳,大写字母car [kɑ:] n.汽车,车辆,车;(火车)车厢carbon ['kɑ:bən] n.碳card [kɑ:d] n.卡片,名片;纸牌;纸片care [kɛə] n.小心;关怀,照顾v.(about)关怀,介意,计较careful ['kɛəfəl] adj.小心旳,仔细旳;细致旳,精心旳carriage ['kæridʒ] n.(四轮)马车;(火车)客车厢carrier ['kæriə] n.搬运人;载体carrot ['kærət] n.胡萝卜carry ['kæri] v.运送,搬运;传送,传播;领,带cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n.漫画,风趣画;动画片castle ['kɑ:sl] n.城堡;(国际象棋中旳)车cat [kæt] n.猫;猫科;catch [kætʃ] v.捕捉,捕捉;赶上;感染;理解,听到cattle ['kætl] n.牛;牲畜,家畜cause [kɔ:z] n.原因;事业,奋斗目旳v.使产生,引起cave [keiv] n.洞,穴ceiling ['si:liŋ] n. 天花板;(规定价格、工资等旳)最高限额cell [sel] n.细胞;小房间;蜂房;电池cent [sent] n.(货币单位)分,分币center ['sentə] n.中心,中央,中间vt.集中vi.以…为中心centimeter ['senti.mi:tə]n.厘米central ['sentrəl] adj.中心旳,中央旳,中枢旳;重要旳certain ['sə:tn] adj.某/某一,某些;(of)一定/确信旳,可靠旳certainly ['sə:tənli] adv.一定,必然,无疑;当然,行chain [tʃein] n.链(条);(pl.)镣铐;一连串v.用链条拴住chair [tʃɛə] n.椅子;(会议旳)主席vt.当…旳主席,主持chairman ['tʃɛəmən] n.主席,议长,会长,董事长chalk [tʃɔ:k] n.粉笔,白垩chance [tʃɑ:ns] n.机会;也许/偶尔性运气v.碰巧,偶尔发生change [tʃeindʒ] n.变化/变化;零钱v.更换,调换,互换;变化channel ['tʃænl] n.海峡,水道;信道,波道;路线,途径chapter ['tʃæptə] n.章;回,篇character ['kæriktə] n.性格/品质,特性;人物;字符,(汉)字chat[tʃæt] v./n.闲谈,聊天cheap [tʃi:p] adj.廉价旳;低劣旳,不值钱旳cheat [tʃi:t] v.欺骗;作弊n.骗子;欺诈,欺骗行为cheer [tʃiə] v.(使)振奋,(使)快乐v./n.喝采,欢呼cheese [tʃi:z] n.干酪,乳酪chemical ['kemikəl] adj.化学旳n.(pl.)化学制品,化学药物chemist ['kemist] n.化学家;药剂师chemistry ['kemistri] n.化学cherry ['tʃeri] n.樱桃(树)chest [tʃest] n.胸腔,胸膛;箱,柜chicken ['tʃikin] n.鸡肉;鸡,小鸡,小鸟child [tʃaild] n.小孩,小朋友,子女childhood ['tʃaildhud] n.幼年,童年chimney ['tʃimni] n.烟囱china ['tʃainə] n.瓷器chip [tʃip] n.切屑,碎片;(土豆等旳)薄片;集成电路块chocolate ['tʃɔkəlit] n.巧克力(糖),赭色choice [tʃɔis] n.选择(机会),选择项;入选者adj.精选旳choose [tʃu:z] v.选择,挑选;甘愿Christ [kraist] n.基督,救世主,耶稣Christian ['kristʃən] n.基督教徒adj.基督教徒旳Christmas ['krisməs] n圣诞节church [tʃə:tʃ] n.教堂;教会,教派;(宗教旳)礼拜典礼cigar [si'gɑ:] n.雪茄烟cigarette [.sigə'ret] n.香烟,纸烟,卷烟cinema ['sinimə] n.电影院;电影,影片circle ['sə:kl] n.圆,圆周;集团;周期,循环v.围绕,旋转第二天任务circus ['sə:kəs] n.马戏团,杂技团;马戏场,杂技场citizen ['sitizn] n.公民;市民,居民city ['siti] n.都市;都市;市civil ['sivil] adj.公民/市民旳;民间旳;民用旳;有礼貌旳civilian [si'viljən] n.平民adj.平民旳;民用旳civilize ['sivilaiz] v.使文明,开化clash [klæʃ] v./n.碰撞n.碰撞声class [klɑ:s] n.班级,年级;种类,等级,阶级;(一节)课classic ['klæsik] n.(pl.)杰作,名著adj.第一流旳,不朽旳。
分类词汇homogeneous 同质的homo + gene +ous(<>heterogeneous)^ homo***ual, hetero***ual mainstream 主流主流的dialect 方言(v.s. accent)discrepancy 差异misconception 误解(mis + concept + ion)= misunderstandingbarrier 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricadediscrimination 区别,歧视racial/***ual discrimination? discriminate (+against)hierarchy 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + yinsularity 岛国性质(? insular, ^island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.microcosm 小天地micro + cosm(os)nostalgia = homesicknesspatriot 爱国者 (<>traitor)à patriotic, patriotismnotoriety 恶名 (? notorious)counterpart 对应人,对等物Who’s George Bush’s counterpart in China?^ counterculture, counterbalancepeer 同等的人凝视,窥视(~ peep)subordinate 下级下级的<>superiortactics 战术,技巧v.s. strategy (战略,策略)marketing strategy v.s. selling tacticsnuance a subtle difference in meaningcompatriot 同胞同胞的com + patriotvernacular 本地的,本国的本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of IndiaHispanic An American whose first language was Spanishimmigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate)antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”permeate 渗透,弥漫Smoke permeated the house.entrepreneur 企业家 (~ enterprise)à entrepreneurshippractitioner 开业者,从业者praction(practice) + ercelebrity a famous person= luminary, VIPproxy 代理人anecdote 轶事(à anecdotal)benchmarking 类比分析punctual 准时的,守时的(à punctuality)absenteeism 旷工absent à absentee à absenteeismflextime 弹性工作时间flex(flexible) + timeharass 骚扰(à harassment)Mary said that Gary had ***ually harassed her.redundancy 冗余,冗员network redundancydownsize 裁员 (~ lay off)ballot 投票(= vote)impartial 不偏不倚的(<>partial)lobby 大堂(n.) 游说(v.)dubbing 配音录制vogue 时尚^ chicbizarre 奇异的v.s. weird (怪异的)mediocre 平庸的dietitian 饮食学家 (~ diet)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家^ entrée, a la carteshortlist (BE) a list of applicants who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen à (v.)equilibrium 平衡,均衡questionnaire 调查表,问卷quantitative 定量的 (<>qualitative)contingency 偶然性,偶然事件incur 招致incur debts/hatred/dangerv.s. occur, concur, recurethical 伦理的,符合伦理的~ ethics, <>unethicaldubious 疑惑的,可疑的(~ doubt)People were dubious about the result.manifestation 显示,证明(? manifest)subtitle 字幕,副标题(sub + title)^ subsidiary, submarine, subway (BE: underground, tube), suburb(~ downtown, uptown, outskirts考博英语翻译中可能涉及的热点词汇总裁助理assistant president综合治理comprehensive treatment安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents信息化information-based;informationization智力密集型concentration of brain power;knowledge-intensive外资企业overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工laid-off workers分流reposition of redundant personnel三角债chain debts素质教育education for all-round development豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects社会治安情况law-and-order situation民族国家nation state台独"independence of Taiwan"台湾当局Taiwan authorities台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-西北师范大学考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions in the air can have an ill effect on people’s physical or psychological health. What are positive ions? Well, the air is full of ions, electrically charged particles, and generally there is a rough balance between the positive and the negative charged. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a larger proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorm, earthquakes when winds such as the Mistral, Hamsin or Sharav are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoors from carpets or clothing made of man-made fibers, or from TV sets duplicators or computer display screens.When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even mental disturbance. Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California.Conversely, when large numbers of negative ions are present, then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea, close to waterfalls or fountains, or in any place where water is sprayed, or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls.To increase the supply of negative ions indoors, some scientists recommend the use of ionisers: small portable machines, which generate negative ions. They claim that ionisers not onlyclean and refresh the air but also improve the health of people sensitive to excess positive ions. Of course, there are the detractors, other scientists, who dismiss such claims and are skeptical about negative/positive ion research. Therefore people can only make up their own minds by observing the effects on themselves, or on others, of a negative rich or poor environment. After all it is debatable whether depending on seismic readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat.1.What effect does exceeding positive ionization have on some people?2.In accordance with the passage, static electricity can be caused by().3.A high negative ion count is likely to be found().4.What kind of machine can generate negative ions indoors?5.Some scientists believe that().问题1选项A.They think they are insane.B.They feel rather bad-tempered and short-fussed.C.They become violently sick.D.They are too tired to do anything.问题2选项ing home-made electrical goodsB.wearing clothes made of natural materialsC.walking on artificial floor coveringsD.copying TV programs on a computer问题3选项A.near a pound with a water pumpB.close to a slow-flowing riverC.high in some barren mountainsD.by a rotating water sprinkler问题4选项A.Ionisers.B.Air-conditioners.C.Exhaust-fansD.Vacuum pumps.问题5选项A.watching animals to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than depending on seismographyB.the unusual behavior of animals cannot be trustedC.neither watching nor using seismographs is reliableD.earthquake【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.客观细节题。
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1、Flowering phone is environmental wake-up call 开花的手机Seeking to=jump into=work with 致力于Biodegradable可生物降解的Mobile phone cover 手机外壳Break down 分解Sprout a flower 发芽Novel device=novelty 新奇玩意Polymer 聚合物Be a boon for 福音The environmentally sensitive 环保人士Millions of 数以百万的Churn out new model 推陈出新Industry 行业Reassure 确保、确信The wary user 小心翼翼的人有所顾忌的人Transparent 透明Germinate=come out 发芽Prototype cover 外壳样品Horticultural researchers 园艺师2、Ant-radiation trousers fuel mobile phone debate 手机有害吗?Fuel 使…加剧Debate 争论Jeans maker 牛仔裤制造商Playing on 利用Launch 发起发动 A line of 一系列Fit with 配有Shield 口袋的内衬A brand name 品牌名称Not in any way 绝不Cash in=make profits 获利Provide sb with sth 提供给某人某物Not but 不是…而是Not in any way 绝不Be to do sth 将要Extensive market research 广泛的市场调查The fashion conscious 时尚人士The health conscious 健康人士Add 补充Worldwide 世界范围Produce a conflicting conclusion 得出矛盾结论Danish 丹麦Make (draw, arrive at, produce) conclusion 得出结论Over a three-year period 为期三年的Radio emission 射电Trigger 引发Tumor 肿瘤Cellular 细胞的蜂窝式的(手机)Foster 激活刺激培养促进Up to 80 percent 比80% 多得多Develop brain tumor 患脑瘤3、Louvre to be “world’s biggest virtual museum”Virtual 虚拟的Be working on 致力于Add to 把…加到Add up to 合计Art collection 艺术收藏品View its works 欣赏作品Announce 宣布Exhibit 藏品Be on view 展示Around 大约At its website =on the website在网站上Drawing 绘画作品Too to 太…以至于不能Fragile 易碎的A small part of 一小部分Most of 大部分State 称述说明Be accessible to 接近Have sth on line 在线展出Working force 劳动力4、Untimely blossoms upset leisure industry 失算只为花开早Untimely 不和时机的Upset 使…忐忑使…苦恼Leisure industry 娱乐业Balmy weather 温和的气候Bring into 把…带去Much loved 钟爱的Cherry tree 樱桃树Two weeks early 提前两周Thrill 激动Ahead of time 提前Retail industry 零售业Pale pink 淡粉色Carefully laid plans精心打造精心计划Airing 实况转播Fall apart 泡汤毁于一旦Pack =get together 聚集National obsession 全国性的狂欢News program 新闻节目In full bloom 盛放Flower viewing tours 赏花游It Turns out that事实证明Not at all = never 绝不Travel agent 旅游公司Have no booking 没有人报名A group of 一些Call of 取消Cherry- blossom festival樱花节Schedule =plane 计划Be gone 凋谢timely 合时机的See as= regard as =consider as=think of 把…看做A good omen 好兆头Ailing economy 病态的经济For the past ten years 在过去的十年 A late bloomer迟开的花朵Carefully laid plans 精心计划Timing is everything 时间就是一切5、Sweet smells mean pain relief ---but only for women 芬芳止痛Pain relief缓解疼痛 A Pain relief 镇痛剂Sweet scent =fragrance =sweet aroma 气味香味Almond 杏树Relieve pain 缓解疼痛Work in起作用Quebec魁北克Feel better 感觉很好Sniff 嗅Foul smell 恶臭In a bad mood 情绪低落Lessen =become less and less 减轻Vinegar醋Intensify=become more and more 增强Be Sensitive to 对…敏感Rate the intensity 感知、判断程度Sensation of touch 触感Be known to 众所周知Activate 激活Cortex 皮层Use for =in charge of 负责Sensory processing感知过程By dong sth 通过…的手段6、France makes wacky CDs to revive national anthem 让国歌深入人心Wacky 古怪的Revive 振奋National anthem 国歌Dish out to 分配Compact discs = CD Featuring 带有…的特点体现Version 版本Marseillaise 马赛曲Amid =among 在…之中Catchy tune 朗朗上口的曲调A copy of the CD 一张光盘Aim at 旨在Distribution 发放Moan 抱怨Melody 旋律Education minister 教育部长The initiative 初衷Be related to 与…有关Heritage 文化遗产Compose 谱曲创造Port town港口城市Oust=drive away 赶走驱逐Radical tone 高昂的曲调Reinstate 恢复Collection 专辑Rendition 表演演绎Patriotic 爱国Call to 号召Cite歌颂7、Down and out in Rome: a guide book for survival 罗马生存指南Down and out 贫困潦倒的人 A guide book for survival生存指南Colosseum 斗兽场Trevi fountain 许愿泉Hot-off- the press 新出版的Pocketbook 小册子Eternal city不朽之城Up to 达到Be dependent on 依靠The elderly 老人The handicapped 残疾的According to 依据Religious charity 宗教慈善团体Drew up the book= compile编撰The 2003 edition 2003版Be dubbed=named 命名The needy 需要帮助的人the Homeless 无家可归的人Shelter 收容所Soup kitchen 施食处Public baths 公共浴室Health service 医疗服务Skyrocket 暴涨不断增长Bible 权威著作Highlighting 强调The secret to 秘诀A different face 另一面Cope with 处理Fall below the poverty line 贫困线以下Vagrant流浪者Refuse to pick up 拒载Inspire 促使8、Drink, Be merry, blame the Beer gut on your genes 啤酒肚基因Blame on 责怪lover 爱好者Beer gut=beer belly =abdominal 啤酒肚around 大约Link to 把连在一起Present 呈现Monitor 监控publish in 发表在Over a 20 year period 为期20年的Carrier 携带者Put on 增长against 对比Sacrifice of 牺牲Calories 卡路里Genetically 遗传Susceptible 易感染的The first set of 第一批collect 采集Waist measurements 腰围sample 样本Balloon 膨胀over 10 years 过去10 年By an average of 平均Compare to 相比较而言9、A $ 100,000 speeding fine? 超速罚款十万元?Speeding fine 超速罚款Senior executive 高管Mobile phone maker 手机制造商Appealing=take sb to court 起诉Finnish media 芬兰的媒体Be caught 被抓住Racing 飙车Down 沿着Helsinki 赫尔辛基In a 31mph 31 公里每小时Unlike 不像Dislike 不喜欢According to=based on 基于Vary=change 不一样Offender 违章者Boost 繁荣Options sales 期权Dropped drastically 急剧下降Share price 股价Tech share 技术股Uneconomical 不划算Traffic penalty 交通处罚Beat 超过Hand down to 递给某人Colleague 同事District court 地方法院Confirm 证实Be heard on 听证10、Pronunciation guide for labels 名牌指南Label 标签Socialite 社会名媛Romance novelist 言情小说Come up with=think out 想出Must read 必读书Nouveau riche =new 新贵European designer labels 欧洲名牌Audible 听到的Recite the precise pronunciation 标准的发音South china morning 华南早报Surname 姓Spare from =stop from 免受Get red faced 尴尬Social gatherings 社交School syllabus 教学大纲Cosmopolitan city 国际大都市Social butterfly 交际花Be cited as saying 引述Turn out to be 证明Protracted 长期以来的拖延的Economic downturn 经济不景气Suffering 生活艰苦The masses 大众Opulentlifestyle 奢侈的Dent 削弱Good at the top奢侈品As strong as ever 一如既往不减当年11、Reflective strips used to protect camels 缠反光带的骆驼Reflective strip 反光带Light up 点亮effort to 竭尽全力Fatal collision 致命撞击Ships of de desert 沙漠之舟stick on 粘Safety strip 安全带 A growing number of 增加的Nighttime crash 夜间撞车Be fitted with 装配有As well as = and Pickup truck 皮卡车Road crossing 十字路口Warning signs 警示标志Guard rail 护栏Serious 最值得关注的Bring together 召集Transport ministry 交通部Nature reserves authority 自然保护局A Herd of 一群 A school of fish 一群鱼12、African antelope beware of tigers in town 老虎来了,羚羊小心Antelope 羚羊Beware of 小心Cub 幼崽Set off启程On a 7000 mile 7000英里的航程The pair of 一对Cramped enclosure 狭小的围栏Room =space 空间Millions of years 几百万年Founder 创始人Transit 转机Be expert in 在某方面有经验Born in captivity 生在囚笼里的Chase food追逐猎物Fewer than 不足于Further 另外Natural habitat 自然栖息地Potency 能力Over the next five years 在未来5年Offspring 子孙后代A specially created reserve 专设的自然保护区13、Arts education may improve children’s academic performance艺术教育的功用Improve 提高Visual arts 视觉艺术Academic performance=achievement 学业成绩Expose to= get access to 接触到Focus on 专注于Do a better job = perform well 表现好academic 学业的学术的Various categories of 各种各样Ranging from= such as = including 包括Los Angeles 洛杉矶Coordinator 协调员Suggest =show 说明Be helpful to 对…有帮助Remedial instruction 补习班Magic bullet 灵丹妙药Ail 使困惑使苦恼Warrant a place 占有一席之地Curriculum 课程Intimate ties to 亲密的关系Department of education 教育部Take two years to 耗时两年Fund 提供资金Distribute to 分散Throughout the nation 全国范围14、Fake van gogh a hit 假货抢手Fake 假货Self portrait自画像National gallery 国家美术馆Result in 导致Embarrassment 尴尬Instead 相反Newly- classified 新分类的Norwegian 挪威的Helped out guard swamped with 解围In the lobby 在大厅Troubled face 困惑的脸Cut off 割掉Come home 来到On loan 借展controversy erupt产生争议Long newspaper articles 长篇累读Rubbed their hands in glee 幸灾乐祸It turn out not to 并不证明是Curator 馆长Not but 不是而是Scandal 丑闻Coup 妙计政变15、Airlines to offer fast internet connections to passengers 机上网络服务Fast= high speed 高速Airline 航空公司Executive 行政长官Long distance 长途Access to =surf 浏览Live television broadcast 直播Domestic and international 国内和国际的Laptop computer 手提电脑Antennas 天线On board 登机Connect sth with 保持联系In flight 在飞机上Partnership 联盟Install 安装Vice president 副总裁Corporate development 合作研发Ask for 诉求Productive 卓越成效Conduct marketing campaign 开展营销大战16、Your own face on a postage stamp 在邮票上露脸Postage stamp 邮票Miss a chance 放过机会Be photographed 上镜Be lining up to= be on line 排队Vanity 虚荣Go on sale =be on sale 正在出售For the first time 首次As part of 作为…的一部分International postage stamp exhibition 国际邮票展Take a photo 照相Digital camera 数码相机Take about five minute 花费5分钟时间 A sheet of 一版Little more than 多一点点Along with 配有Mail a letter 寄信Postal officials 邮政官员Promote interest in 提高兴趣In a different way 不同方式Post ministry 邮政省Debut=introduce 问世首次亮相Fondness for 对…喜欢程度Commemorative photos 纪念照Be likely to 很可能Sell out 销售一空Be available 提供On a regular 定期17、Software program designed to spot musical hits 软件星探Spot musical hit =hit song 流行歌曲As easy as 和…一样简单Run 操作Barcelona 巴塞罗那Release 发布Pick out 挑选Stardom 具有明星潜质的Debut album 处女专辑Garner 获得Grammy awards 格莱美奖Match 匹配Identify 辨别Melody 旋律Harmony 和声Beat variation 鼓点的变化Tempo 速度节奏Rhythm 节奏韵律Pitch 音调Send 激升The chart 音乐排行On the market 市场上The biggest seller 畅销In cluster 众多Match up with 与…一致Distractive 突显 A limited number of 少数几个Mathematical formulas 数学公式Chief executive =CEORecord company 唱片公司Trying out 试用Increase chance of 增长机会18、Need a conference venue rent Liechtenstein 租一个国家Conference venue 开会的地方Tiny principality 公国Rent in a bid 打包出租Bolster 刺激Tourism industry 旅游业Scheme 计划Corporate clients 公司客户Symbolically 象征性的Take over 接管Resident 居民Tuck away 深藏在Switzerland 瑞士Austria 奥地利Play host to 做东At its disposal 按照…的需求Director 主管Tourism agency 旅游局Cover an area of 占地面积Be based on 基于Develop 推出Event management firm 活动管理公司Drum up business 招揽生意Liaise with 联系Local authority 当地政府Organize room 安排场地Program 活动项目Tailor made 量身定制On display 展现Monarch 国家元首In special 为…捧场Prince 亲王Envision 可预想的Government official 内阁成员19、Angry fan bits off striker’s ear 遗恨十九年Bite off 咬掉 A striker 锋线运动员Forward 前锋Score 得分Winging goal 致胜Semi-final 半决赛Disgruntled 令人厌烦的,气愤的Hold a grudge 怀恨在心Bricklayer 泥瓦工Hang up his boot 挂靴Building site 建筑工地Threw back one’s head 仰起头Punch sb to the ground 蒋某人打到在地Chew off 咬掉Stitch 缝针Sew back on缝回去Play for 效力于Take it a bit far 有点过分Overpower 制服 A pool of mud 一滩泥Lobe 耳垂Call in the police 报警In a bit of a mess 杂乱无章狼狈不堪Vanish from 消失20、Were Einstein ,Newton autistic? 孤独天才Autistic 孤独症Genius 天才Suffer from患有Autism 自闭症Physician 内科医生Disorder 异常Deficiency in 缺陷Obsessive 强迫的Exceptional talent 特殊天赋Make a definitive diagnosis 确诊Personality 个性Symptom 病症Classic case 典型Be engrossed in全神贯注专心Lukewarm 冷漠Bad –tempered 脾气暴躁The few为数不多Loner 孤独的人Obsessively 强迫Make friends 交朋友Speak out 畅谈Fall in love 谈恋爱Passion 激情Stand up for justice =stick to坚持正义Be compatible with与…一致Casual chatting 闲聊Social and communication skills社交21、Surgery works, says miss world contender 手术美人Surgery 外科手术Miss world 世界小姐Contender 参赛者 A bit of 一点点Physical preparation 身体上的手术Artificial breast implants 人工隆胸Trim of fat 吸脂Aspire to be 渴望Venezuela 委内瑞拉Candidate 候选人Beauty contest 世界小姐大赛Cosmetic surgery 整容术Raven-haired 乌黑的头发Bikini 比基尼Prior to=before Separate operation 不同的部分Liposuction 吸脂术Display a brilliant smile 嫣然一笑Oil-rich 盛产石油Take sth seriously 重视Gain a reputation 享有美誉 A private company 私人企业Specialize in 专门制作Prepare for 为…做准备Spend on 花费22、Telltale stains of changing tastes 污渍排行榜Telltale stain 污渍证明Changing taste 口味在变Palate 味觉Mature 变化In the past decade在过去的十年中From to 从…到Tomato ketchup 番茄酱Exotic flavor 异国风味Splatter 溅 A top 10 十大排行Compile 编撰Dry cleaning firm 干洗公司Foreign flavor 舶来品Turmeric spice 姜黄调料Sun- dry 晒干的Displace 取代Beetroot 甜菜根Blackcurrant黑加仑Pungent辛辣的刺激的Curry咖喱Teriyaki sauce 烧烤酱Olive oil 橄榄油Pesto sauce 香蒜酱Saffron 藏红花Draw up 编撰Shoe polish 鞋油Outlet 分店市场商店Ultrasonic gun 超声枪Timeless 经久不衰Appeal 迎合上诉呼吁有吸引力Endure 持久的Leap on 跳Figure 体现Prominently 显著地23、Pop songs challenge funeral favorites 葬礼歌曲排行榜Pop song 流行歌曲It is never easy to 对…来说不容易More over =rather than 而…不是Ditty 民谣Mournful 哀伤的Dirge 挽歌Contemporary 当前的hymn 赞美诗圣歌increasing number of=more and more 越来越多的wind beneath my wings 迎风展翅tearjerker 催人泪下的top 打榜mourner 送葬人recreate 再现emotion 氛围a funeral worthy of a star 明星般的葬礼undertaker 从业者in second place 排名第二blockbuster 轰动的流行大片whimsical古怪的bites the dust 倒下失败24、Penalty shoot-outs raise heart risks “伤心”的点球大战Penalty shoot- out 点球决胜负Know 心知肚明Literally 完完全全的Heart attacks 心脏病突发Increase by 25 percent 以25%增长Lost to 输给Gripping 惊心动魄的吸引人的Finding 结果Trigger 诱因使得Particularly 特别是Emotional upset 感情上的重大打击Stroke 中风Hospital admission 入院记录Deliberate self-harm 自残On the day of 比赛当天Previous 先前的Following year 随后几年Tournament 比赛锦标赛Risk 发病率Abandon 废除In the interests of 为了…的利益25、Degree in gambling seems a sure bet 前程似锦的赌博专业Degree in 获得学位Gambling 赌博业A sure bet 胜算Philippines 菲律宾A degree course 学位课Blackjack 21 点Roulette 轮盘赌Gambling academy 赌博学院Approve 批准Baccalaureate 学士学位Bachelor of science 理学学士Sth like that 像这样的Professionalize 专业化Head of负责人State-owned 国有的Amusement and gambling 娱乐博彩公司Have the expertise 有能力Produce 培养Staff in-house 内部员工Pend=wait for 等待Table supervisor 赌场巡视员Filipinos 菲律宾人Work overseas 到海外工作Major source of income 主要经济来源What’s important here 目前最重要的事Academy 学院26、Americans with bad habits claim ‘excellent’ heath 习惯糟糕,感觉良好Nearly= almost 几乎Claim 宣称One in five 1/5 Be in excellent health 健康Newly published 最新公布的In the nationwide 全国范围Employ adults 在职人员Describe as 认为Display 呈现In addition 除此之外A quarter 1/4 Be likely to 有可能Snack 快餐Denial 不承认When it comes 涉及到Executive vice president of 执行副总裁It exacts a heavy toll down the road 这将要付出高昂代价Motivated 有活力的Be the least likely to 最不容易Ranking 8.9 on a 10-point scale 在10分制的评分表上的8.9分Loss sleep 失眠Take no breaks 没有休息27、Red tape for red meat 吃肉规矩Red tape 繁琐手续Force sb to do sth 强迫Due to = because of 因为 E. coli 大肠杆菌Salmonella 沙门菌Sunday times 星期日泰晤士报Food chains 连锁店Be prepared to 准备Serve 提供Rare 半熟的Sausage 香肠Minced beef牛肉馅Diner 食客Complete form=fill in 填写Give up rights to take legal action放弃诉讼权Pink=under cooked Be likely to 很可能Practice 举措Be blamed on 归因Food safety watchdog 食品安全监督委员会Minced meat 肉馅Well down 全熟的Ordinary steak 一般的牛排Carry bacteria 携带病菌On the Outside 外在的 A huge form 一大张Where it will all stop 到什么时候才算完28、Mathematicians find Euro coins land heads up 不对称的欧元Euro coins 欧元硬币Strengthening 坚挺的A good bet 好彩头Financial traders 金融贸易家Be wary of=be alert to=be wary of 当心Favor over 胜过Strike 铸造Asymmetrically 不对称的Euro note 欧元纸币Part of 一部分Single currency 单一货币National symbols 国家象征On one side on the other 一面,另一面Perform the test 进行试验Toss in the air 抛在空中More or less 差不多Random outcome 随机结果29、Holiday inn offers towel thieves amnesty 大赦毛巾窃贼Holiday inn 假日酒店Amnesty 大赦Want to = wanna 想Look to 追查Swipe from 顺手牵羊Spin some yarns 添砖加瓦Put sb through the spin cycle 兴师问罪Hotel chain 连锁酒店National promotion 全国促销In exchange for 以…条件交换Over the years 近年来Share 分享Donate to 捐赠Charity 慈善机构Life- threatening illnesses 致命的疾病Lighthearted 轻松愉悦的Senior vice president 高级副总裁Brand management 品牌管理Relieve 释怀Lingering guilt 长久以来的愧疚感Linen closet 亚麻橱柜A limited edition 限量版Roll into 滚滚而来Souvenir 纪念品Mexico 墨西哥的30、City battles lovers’ padlocks 情锁无计可消除Battle 战斗Lovers’ padlocks 情锁Fight against 开战抗击 A losing battle 没有胜算的战役Pad lock 锁在一起Statue 塑像Enduring affection 恒久的爱情Curious tradition 奇特的习俗Date back to 追溯到The early 1980s’20世纪80 年代初期A wrought iron fence 铸造的铁栅栏Token 象征The city management firm 市政管理公司Launch a campaign 开展运动Discourage 阻碍The practice 这种行为Exclusively for 专门的In a final act of desperation 无计可施时的最后一招Work 起作用Essence 实质Padlock 锁在一起Spontaneity 自发性的Art historian 艺术史家。