ZEISS 倒置荧光显微镜操作手册-Axio Observer D1——【蔡司安装】
ZEISS 倒置荧光显微镜操作手册
若使用荧光,开启HBO100开关(见图1 A);
若使用ApoTome,开启ApoTome开关(见图1 B)。
(1)打开透射光开关(TL),关闭反射光开关(RL)(见图2 A);
(2)荧光滤块位置选择空位(见图2 B);
(3)选择适当的观察模式(见图2 C);(H-明场;Ph-相差;DIC-微分干涉)(4)选择适当的光强(见图2 D);
(5)选择适当的物镜(见图2 E);
(6)调节焦距(见图2 F)
3. 使用反射光观察:
(1)打开反射光开关(RL);关闭透射光开关(TL)(见图2 A);
(2)根据染料选择适当的荧光滤块(见图2 B);
(3)选择适当的物镜(见图2 E);
(4)调节焦距(见图2 F)
4. 利用相机获取图像:
(1)手动调节显微镜光路至相机(见图3 A )
(2)利用Axio Vision 软件进行拍摄(具体应用参加Axio Vision 操作手册)
5. 显示屏各项参数意义:
(1)物镜信息 (见图4A ):包含放大倍数(如20X )、数值孔径(如0.3)、物镜属性(如
LD-长工作距离;A Pln-平场;Ph1-相差)
(2)总放大倍数(见图4B ):如200X
(3)透射光开关(见图4C ):如ON 或OFF
(4)反射光开关(见图4D ):如○或●
(5)荧光滤块位置(见图4E ):如05 AF 430
E D C B A。
1. 安装与准备1.1 确保在操作荧光显微镜之前,您已经将其安放在一个平稳的台面上。
1.2 使用专用的电源线将荧光显微镜连接到稳定的电源插座上。
1.3 确保荧光灯泡已正确安装,轻轻旋紧螺丝,使用调节凸轮进行灯泡亮度的调节。
2. 样本准备2.1 在操作荧光显微镜之前,准备好待观察的样本。
2.2 使用移液管将样本滴到盖玻片上,并轻轻覆盖一个玻璃片或载玻片。
3. 荧光显微镜操作步骤3.1 打开荧光显微镜的电源开关,并将放大倍数调至最低。
3.2 调节聚焦旋钮,使样本清晰地呈现在目镜中。
3.3 通过调节荧光滤光片,选择适当的荧光波长进行观察。
3.4 使用荧光显微镜配套的光源控制器来调节荧光灯的亮度。
3.5 通过调节眼PIE镜,使左右目镜成像重叠,获得清晰的三维像。
4. 荧光显微镜的功能与特点4.1 荧光显微镜具备普通显微镜的观察功能,同时能够通过荧光染色技术研究生物样本。
4.2 荧光显微镜的激发光源与观测光路相分离,可以有效地抑制杂散光的干扰,提高观测质量。
4.3 荧光显微镜配备多种滤光片和滤镜,可选择不同波长的激发光源和观测光源进行观察与记录。
4.4 荧光显微镜配备数字相机接口,可方便地连接到计算机进行图像采集和分析。
5. 注意事项5.1 使用前请仔细熟悉该设备的使用说明,并遵循安全操作规范。
5.2 操作荧光显微镜时,请注意保持实验环境的整洁和无尘,确保样本不受外界污染。
5.3 荧光显微镜操作结束后,将其电源开关关闭,并确保设备处于干燥通风的环境中。
IMPORTANT: This Guide describes how to set up the LS720 (Section I) and start using Lumaview 720/600-Series (Section II). It is important that you follow this Guide.For assistance, please call 760-298-2355 or email support@ .Etaluma, Inc.3129 Tiger Run Court, Suite 112Carlsbad, CA 92010Lumascope™ and Lumaview™ are trademarks of Etaluma, Inc.™2009-2017 Etaluma, Inc. All rights reserved.LS720 Microscope (Lumascope)-- Startup Guide --withLumaview 720/600-Series SoftwareTable of ContentsI.Hardware: Setup of LS720A.Items included with LS720B.Optional Accessories (purchased separately)C.Recommended Computer SpecificationsD.Placing the LS720E.Phase ContrastF.BrightfieldG.LED PowerH.Installing ObjectivesI.About Lumaview 720/600-SeriesJ.Downloading and Installing Lumaview 720/600-SeriesK.Connecting the LS720L.Live Cell Imaging with LS720 in an IncubatorII.Software: Getting Started with Lumaview 720/600-SeriesA.Starting Conditionsunching Lumaview 720/600-SeriesC.Instrument CalibrationD.Instrument SetupE.Finding a Live Image With Manual FocusF.Snapping ImagesG.Generating Composite ImagesH.Recording Live VideosI.Setting Up AutofocusJ.Writing and Using ProtocolsK.Generating a Z-MapL.Editing a Z-MapM.Tiling Across LocationsIII.AppendicesA.Lumaview LS720/LS600-Series File OrganizationB.Installing Lumaview 720/600-Series on a Computer with Different Lumaview Version InstalledC.Capturing and Compiling Live Video Using AviSynth and MeGUID.Troubleshooting (in progress)This document is available for download at .I. Hardware: Setup of LS720A. Items included with LS720• USB communication cable• External power supply/cord with country-specific plug• Hex wrench (3 mm) for removing/replacing shipping lock• Fluorescence shroud• Calibration 1536 well microplate• Calibration 4x objectiveB. Optional Accessories (purchased separately)• Phase Contrast Accessory LS720 (Olympus)• Holder for 35 mm Petri dishes, fits inside Holder for 60 mm Petri dishes• Holder for 60 mm Petri dishes & Terasaki plates, SBS outer dimensions• Holder for microscope slides & 50 mm Petri dishes, SBS outer dimensions• Holder for 4 microscope slides in parallel, SBS outer dimension carrier• Lumaquant, image analysis software• Microvolution, deconvolution software licenseC. Computer SpecificationsWindows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10; Core i5 or better Processor; solid state 1 TB minimum HD; 4 GBminimum RAM, single 4K monitor or two with 1080p HD resolutionD. Placing the LS7201. Remove the LS720 from the shipping box (save box and packing materials) andplace on a sturdy bench or counter in a standard room environment.WARNING: You must remove red shipping lock before plugging the LS720 intopower! If not removed, the LS720 will be damaged!2. Using the supplied 3 mm hex wrench, loosen the 2 set screws on the top of theinstalled shipping lock. Loosen the 2 set screws (smaller and more internal) onthe bottom of the lock.3. Unscrew the 2 larger 1-inch screws on the bottom of the shipping lock completely. Slide the shipping lock toward you to remove.4. Keep the 4 set screws screwed into the shipping lock and place in a secure place along with the two1-inch screws and 3 mm hex wrench.WARNING: If packing the LS720 for shipment, you must install the red shipping lock before placing into the shipping carton! If not installed, the LS720 can be damaged!5. If the LS720 will be used in an incubator or hood, it is recommended that the initial setup be carriedout in a room with ambient conditions before placement into the specialized environment. SeeShipping lock6.Plug the external power supply/cord into the left side port (when viewing from the front) and theplug into an AC outlet. Wait to connect the USB cable to the computer (see Section I. G. below).E.Phase Contrast1.If using the Phase Contrast Accessory LS720 (Phase Accessory), remove it from its shipping box (savebox and packing materials). Attach the Phase Accessory by inserting the pegs on the bottom of the Phase Accessory arm into the holes on the upper surface (right rear) of the LS720. Make sure the pegs are fully seated and tighten the large thumb screw at the back of the Phase Accessory arm.2.Connect the free end of the Phase Accessory communication cable to the round port on the LS720back panel (left side) labeled External Lamp Power Out. This allows the Phase Accessory to becontrolled by Lumaview 720/600-Series. Insert the included Slider into the appropriate slot in the phase condenser body.F.Brightfield1.For optimal brightfield, use of the Phase Accessory (Section I.E. above) with the included Slider in anopen position (no phase ring) is recommended. The Phase Accessory provides collimated light and is directly connected to the LS720, allowing it to be controlled by Lumaview 720/600-Series. It should also be used when imaging in a dark environment such as an incubator. To mount the Phase Accessory above the LS720, see Section I.E. above. Brightfield images will be in gray scale due to the monochromatic CMOS camera.2.If the Phase Contrast Accessory is not available, ambient light in a typically lit area can sometimes beused. The light should be as uniform as possible to prevent shadows or other dark or light areas.Overhead fluorescent lighting can cause uneven brightness including a striped pattern; if observed, move the LS720 or partially shade the light to reduce unevenness across the sample.G.Installing Objectives1.Unscrew the white deck knob at the front of the instrument (side with LS720 logo) and raise the topdeck (the top layer of the hinged 2-layer deck). Unscrew the black cap (or previously installedobjective) on top of the optics block and screw in the objective. Do not overtighten. Lower the top deck and tighten the deck knob.2.When installing or changing an objective, carry out the replacement quickly to minimize the chanceof dust falling onto the mirrored dichroic filter. If any dust is observed on the filter, carefully blow it off using a compressed air duster, making sure to hold the can UPRIGHT and bending the straw to aim the air directly toward the filter. DO NOT tilt the can or liquid can be emitted, which will require further cleaning. Other methods to remove dust may damage the dichroic filter and must NOT be used.H.About Lumaview 720/600-Series1.The LS720 is controlled by the Lumaview 720/600-Series software program. The latest Lumaviewversion is downloadable from Etaluma’s website and must be installed prior to connecting yourcomputer for the first time to the LS720 (due to the need for two Drivers that are installed on the computer at the same time).2.Lumaview 720/600-Series will run on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. Both desktop computers andlaptops can be used, but the best visualization correlates with monitor resolution (Note: the monitor does not affect image resolution unless you are using a low quality monitor that affects your ability to judge focus). The computer should have Windows .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher installed; see https:///en-us/library/bb822049%28v=vs.110%29.aspx for more information. If your computer has an earlier .NET version, downloading Lumaview may automatically take you to the Microsoft .NET download page.I.Downloading and Installing Lumaview 720/600-Series1.To download Lumaview 720/600-Series, go to /products/downloads (under theResources tab). Click on Lumaview 720/600-Series - ZIP link to start the download and save the folder when prompted. Go to your downloads location and click to open the Lumaview720_600-SeriesInstall_v(version#).zip file.Alternatively, the same Lumaview 720_600-SeriesInstall_v(version#).zip file can be copied from the flash drive that comes with the LS720. Verify that this file is the latest version as posted on the Etaluma website.2.Lumaview 720/600-Series cannot run on a computer with Lumaview 500/400 installed. To uninstallLumaview 500/400, use the procedure described in Appendix B.3.To install Lumaview 720/600-Series, right click on the .zip file and Open with Windows Explorer.Double click on the .msi installer file to start the installation. You will be asked about the location;note that the default is a new Etaluma folder inside the Program Files (x86) folder. Duringinstallation, a Device Driver Installation Wizard will open. Click to continue (twice) and finishinstalling the two drivers. Installation of Lumaview 720/600-Series will then finish. Afterinstallation, a Lumaview 720/620-Series shortcut (orange circle) convenient for launching thesoftware will be present on the desktop.J.Connecting the Lumascope 7201.If connecting with a computer that has been off, turn computer on. Make sure computer isconnected to its monitor(s). Insert the standard USB-A end of the supplied USB communication cable into a USB port on your computer and the other square USB-B end into the square port on the LS720 left side. We highly recommend use of the same USB port on your computer each time you connect to the LS720. It is also best to connect the LS720 directly to the computer USB port rather than through a USB hub.If Lumaview 720/600-Series has not been run previously, it is important that the LS720 andcomputer be connected using the USB cable before launching Lumaview. This is because Windows needs to load the USB drivers before Lumaview can run. After the first time, the program can be launched before the LS720 and computer are connected. In the latter case, only the Outer Main Window will open (see Section II.B. below). Connecting the LS720 and computer with the USB cable will result in opening of the Live Image Window as well.K.Live Cell Imaging with LS720 in an Incubator1.Prior to imaging in an incubator, place the LS720 inside for 6-12 hr to allow equilibration to theincubator temperature.2.Place the sample on the LS720, focus, and close the incubator door. After 60 minutes, check thefocus. If satisfactory, imaging can be initiated.3.When live cell imaging at magnifications of 40x and above, the focus can sink several microns as themechanism relaxes. If the image has drifted out of focus, estimate the amount of focus knobrotation required to bring the image back into focus and overcompensate the same amount past the point of focus. Check the focus again after 60 minutes. The image should be in focus and imaging can be initiated. (Repeat process as needed).II.Software: Getting Started with Lumaview 720/600-SeriesThe following sections give instructions for getting started with Lumaview 720/600-Series on the LS720 and are intended as a quickstart guide only. Not all options are given and not all features may be explained in any particular section. The complete User Guide for Lumaview 720/600-Series is contained in the Help Section after Lumaview is opened. Click on Help in the Title Bar to open the pulldown menu and then click Contents, or simply Click F1 to open the Help Section. Becoming familiar with the complete Help Section is a must for using the LS720 optimally and taking advantage of the many features of this Microscope and accompanying software.CAUTION: When any LED is turned on, do NOT look directly at the light. Be sure to turn off all LEDs at the end of a session so any sample remaining on the deck is not photo-bleached.A.Starting Conditions1.Lumaview 720/600-Series has been downloaded and installed on the computer.2.The LS720 is connected to the computer via the UBS communication cable.3.The LS720 power cable is plugged into a standard AC outlet.unching Lumaview 720/600-Seriesunch the Lumaview 720/600-Series software from the desktop icon (or other chosen location) andallow the LS720 to be discovered. This may take a minute or so the first time. Two windows will open on your monitor:a.Live Image Window inside the larger Main Window. “Live Image Window” will be in the title barwhen the Window is not maximized. When Live Image Window is maximized, [Live ImageWindow] transfers to the end of the Main Window title bar.The Live Image Window status bar at the bottom shows communication with the sensor viacontinuous display of several useful metrics: current frame rate, data transfer rate, number of frames collected thus far in the session, frame size, and session date and time start.b.Main Window with Lumaview 720/600-Series v(version number) in the title bar. When the LiveImage Window is maximized, the title bar becomes Lumaview 720/600-Series v(version number) – [Live Image Window].The LS720 will automatically initialize every time LV720/600-Series is started by moving the microplate carrier to the Home position. The Home Position consists of the left front corner of the microplate carrier frame being positioned over the objective that is retracted to the lowest Z level. No image can be obtained at the Home position.C.Instrument CalibrationIf this is the first time the LS720 has been connected to the current computer, it is first necessary to do a Calibration. Once completed, calibration is not needed unless a different computer becomes connected or the XY position appears to be different from the expected position, e.g., center of microplate wells.1.To calibrate the LS720, install the provided Motic EFN 4x Objective. Place the provided1536 well microplate into the microplate nest.2.Click Utilities in the File Menu bar and in the drop-down menu click Calibrate menu,click Calibrate to open its dialog box. A communication dialog box will open asking if a4x objective has been installed. Click Yes and the dialog box will close.3.The Live Image Window will now show red crosshairs, and the microplate carrier willmove so well A1 is close to being over the objective.4.Click the Manual Image icon in the left tool bar (top icon) to open its dialog box.5.To use ambient light for calibration (recommended; see Section I.F.), check Brightfield in ManualImage to activate Gain and Exposure sliders. Start with Gain as low as possible and adjust Exposure until a mid-gray tone is shown in the Live Image Window.6.If using the Phase Contrast Accessory for brightfield illumination (Section I.F. above),move the phase slider to an open position (without phase ring) and turn the phasecondenser aperture (small lever on condenser front above Slider) so only a low level oflight is transmitted. In Manual Image, check Brightfield, set Gain and Illumination tothe lower levels, and lower Exposure as needed until a mid-gray tone is shown in theLive Image Window.7.In Calibration, move the Focus slider up while watching the Live Image Window todetect when the well outline can be seen and is sharp. The Focus slider area willbecome green whenever the Focus slider is active. Using the X/Y Move arrows (andStep size arrows if needed), move the microplate carrier until the A1 well is centered in the Live Image Window. Make sure the centered well is A1 by moving the image to the left and up using the X/Y Move arrows, and then re-center the A1 well.8.Continue to adjust the focus using the Focus Z up and down arrows until the well outline is in sharpfocus.9.In Calibration, click Accept Calibration. The Calibration dialog box will now convert tothe Manual XYZ dialog box.10. Test the calibration on other wells by clicking the Manual XYZicon in the left tool bar (second from top) to open its dialogbox (latter step needed if Manual XYZ was not previouslyopen). Click the Select Labware button to open its dialog box.Click on Generic1536WellMicroplate.elf to highlight it andthen click OK. The appropriate Labware Map dialog box (1536well in this case) will open. Click on any well and themicroplate carrier will move to center that well over theobjective. Test the microplate corners and other wells distantfrom each other. If any wells are not centered, repeat theCalibration procedure described above in this Section.D.Instrument Setup1.Click on Configuration in the File Menu bar to open the drop-down menuand select Instrument Setup to open its dialog box.2.Check the Lumaview version to make sure it is the most recently postedversion on the Etaluma website(/products/downloads/). Ensure LS720 is checked.3.Click the Objective button to open its dialog box (called Objective LensSelection). Select the desired objective to highlight it. Note that theother fields about the objective and image automatically fill based onmagnification and a frame size of 1600 x 1600 pixels. Click OK. Afterselection, the same information automatically fills in Instrument Setup.4.Click the Frame Size button to open its dialog box. Using the pull-down menu, select frame size (frame size will be the numbertimes itself because it is square). While the maximum is 1900 x1900 pixels, the default is set to 1200 x 1200 pixels. Note: 1700x 1700 pixels is the maximum recommended frame size butthere will still be some vignetting in the corners. (Whencapturing live video, if faster frame rates are needed, usesmaller frame sizes, e.g., < 1200 x 1200 pixels.)If a different Frame Size is chosen and OK is clicked in Frame Size, a communication dialog box will open directing you to shut down and restart Lumaview. Click OK and then shut down Lumaview.Upon restarting Lumaview, the frame size in the lower status bar will bethe new size. If a different frame size is selected and the computer is notrestarted, the new frame size may show in Instrument Setup but it may notactually be changed. Always check the lower left status bar of Live ImageWindow to make sure your desired changes have been incorporated.5.Continue to check the various settings in Instrument Setup. Root:Enter desired file name root for all images in a run or test. Select thefile format desired (Tiff is recommended).6.Select the time in seconds for each LED to be on before image snap. One second is typically used forfluorescence. Check Auto Composite to have images in multiple channels automatically composited and saved in the Composites folder. Check Individual Channel Folders to have images for each channel saved in a separate folder (e.g., for compiling a time-lapse video in one channel).7.Of the next 6 features listed on the left, check those desired:a.Date/time label will be displayed in the lower left corner of each image.b.Region within the field of view (FOV) used for autofocus will be displayed in the Live ImageWindow.c.Hot pixel removal. To set up this feature, click on Utilities and from the pull-down menu selectHot Pixel Mapping to open its dialog box. Information on next steps is available in the Helpsection.)d.Enable pseudo coloring results in live and snapped fluorescent images colored according to thechannel used and signal intensity.e.“Click” sound for manual image snap results in a “camera shutter-like” sound whenever amanual image is snapped.f.Manual snap auto-save results in images being savedautomatically without the Save As dialog box opening each time.Each image is numbered according to DOYHHMMSSmm whereDOY is day of year, HH is hour in 24 hour time, MM is minutes, SSis seconds, and mm is milliseconds. Each image number isunique and in numerical order.Not checking Manual image autosave will result in opening ofthe Save As dialog box every time after the camera icon is clickedand the image has been snapped. If the dialog box opens, enterthe desired file name and click Save.8.On the right side of Instrument Setup, checking Display scale bar results in scale bar in lower rightcorner of live and snapped images. Set Scale Bar Parameters, including color, whether to display the objective magnification, and width of the bar.9.Be sure to click OK to save the settings before exiting Instrument Setup.E.Finding a Live Image With Manual Focus1.Install the desired objective and sample labware. For labware thatis not SBS (microplate dimensions), use a labware holder such asthe Multi-Slide Holder for 1-4 microplate slides. Update Objectivein Instrument Setup as needed (Section II.D above) and click OK.2.Click on the Manual Image icon in the Left Toolbar (top icon) toopen its dialog box. Click the Manual XYZ icon in the Left Toolbar(second icon from top) to open its dialog box. Manual Image andManual XYZ will be used together to find and focus on samples inyour labware. If desired, move dialog boxes to the sides of theLive Image Window. If closed and then reopened, they will open in the same locationsprior to closing. Note: when Lumaview is closed, the dialog box positions will not besaved.3.Select a desired XY location in a sample labware using one of two options in Manual XYZ:e the X/Y Move arrows (and Step size arrows if needed) to move todifferent locations or wells in the sample labware, orb.Click on Select Labware to open its dialog box. Click on the labwaretype desired to highlight it and click OK. The appropriate Labware Mapwill then open. Click on a location and the microplate nest will move sothe location is centered over the objective. For further movementfrom the location, use the X/Y Move arrows (and Step size arrows ifneeded) in Manual XYZ. Clicking again on the original location inLabware Map will re-center on the location.4.In Manual Image, select the channel to use. For fluorescence, the includedShroud (or other protection from light) must be placed over the labware.Start with Exposure at maximum and Gain as low as possible. IncreaseIllumination gradually to the desired brightness. For dim samples, ifIllumination is at maximum, increasing the Gain can be used to increase signalbut it will also increase the background.For brightfield using ambient light, start with Gain as low as possible and adjust Exposure until a mid-gray tone is seen in the Live Image Window.For brightfield using the Phase Contrast Accessory (use open position in Slider, see Section I.F.), check Brightfield in Manual Image and turn the phase condenser iris (on front of condenser) so onlya low level of light is transmitted. Turn Exposure to near maximum and Gain to very low. IncreaseIllumination (%) until a mid-gray tone is seen in the Live Image Window.For phase contrast using the Phase Contrast Accessory (use appropriate Slider phase ring forobjective, Section I.E.), check Brightfield in Manual Image and turn the phase condenser iris (on front of condenser) to the left to the fully open position. Turn Exposure and Gain to very low.Increase Illumination (%) until a mid-gray tone is seen in the Live Image Window.5.In Manual XYZ, move the Focus slider up while watching the Live Image Window to detect thesample coming into focus. Continue to adjust the focus using the Focus Z up and down arrows (and Step size arrows if needed) until a sharp image is achieved. Adjust the Illumination and Gain settings during the focus process. Click the Set Bookmark button to record the focus level for easier return to this level.6.To facilitate the focusing process, click on the Zoom icon on the Left Tool Bar (seventh from the top).The Zoom feature toggles between displaying the entire image fitted to the Live Image Window and displaying the image matched 1:1 with the monitor resolution (pixel: pixel). If the monitorresolution in pixels is less than the frame size, the image will be enlarged (zoomed). The Live Image Window will now show a center portion of the entire image. Click the Zoom icon again to fit the image to the Live Image Window.F.Snapping Images1.When the desired field has been illuminated and focused in Live Image Window (Section II.E. above),click the Camera icon in the Left Tool Bar (third from the top) to snap the image. If the Zoomfunction was used to focus, the image captured will include the entire image, not just the portion visible on the monitor while in Zoom mode. If “Click” sound for manual image snap was checked in Instrument Setup, a click will sound when each image is snapped and a negative of the image will appear briefly on the Live Image Window.2.If Manual image auto-save was checked in Instrument Setup, images will be saved automaticallyusing the time-based numbering system (see Section II.D.7.f. about Instrument Setup for moreinformation). If Manual image auto-save was not checked, a Save As dialog box will open after the image was snapped (see Section II.D.7.f. about Instrument Setup for more information.) Images will be saved in the Etaluma folder formed automatically whenever Lumaview (any version) isdownloaded and installed. See Appendix B for the automatic subfolder directory that is formed automatically within the Etaluma folder.3.Images are captured and saved as seen by the camera, i.e., from the bottom. If desired, images canbe flipped horizontally to show how they would appear from the top. In the example Manual XYZ dialog box shown in this Guide, the “Horz flip image” is checked and “The image is flippedhorizontally and so appears as if viewed from above” is displayed at the top of the dialog box.4.To view the last image snapped, click the Folder icon in the Left Tool Bar (bottom icon) to launchWindows Explorer and open the most recently used Destination Folder.G.Generating Auto Composite Images1.Click the Composite icon in the Left Tool Bar (fourth from the top) to openits dialog box. Check the channels desired. To use values optimizedpreviously in Manual Image (Section II.E above), click Use Manual Settingsto upload the settings. Values can also be entered manually.2.Click OK to start the snapping of individual images in series. Each LED willturn on for the pre-snap interval and then flash when the image issnapped. If “Click” sound for manual image snap was checked in Instrument Setup, the click sound will be heard.3.The composite image will appear automatically in the Main Window matched 1:1 with the monitorresolution (pixel:pixel) and with its Title Bar showing the full path where it is located.H.Recording Live VideosEtaluma provides several options for compiling videos:1.Lumaquant software offered by Etaluma (see Lumaquant Startup Guide) for compiling imagesinto video),e of your own compiling software such as ImageJ, Fiji, MSMoviemaker, iMovie, ore of two freeware software programs together, i.e., AviSynth and MeGUI (instructionsdescribed in Appendix C).I.Setting Up Autofocuse Manual Image and Manual XYZ to find a focused live image in a desired XYposition as described in Section II.E. above. In Manual XYZ, click the AutofocusSetup button to open its dialog box.2.Transfer the manually determined Focus Z level in Manual XYZ to the Centerposition field of Autofocus Setup. The Focus range will be set to a default valuebased on the objective entered in Instrument Setup. The Max focus time will be setto the default of 15 sec.3.Click OK and autofocus will occur. The Focus Z level in Manual XYZ will now beupdated to the new autofocused Z level. Also in Manual XYZ will be the time takento reach autofocus, i.e., the Autofocus time (sec).4.If autofocus did not result in a sharp live image, make sure the Center positiontransferred was correct. In general, if autofocus consistently uses the full Maxfocus time, the range is too great for the time entered or the time is insufficient.It may be necessary to decrease the Focus range and/or increase the Max focustime. Higher magnifications (20x and greater) will require greater autofocus time。
荧光显微镜型号:Leica DMR生产商:德国Leica公司Leica 荧光显微镜操作指南有关显微镜的的结构:荧光显微镜荧光汞灯:荧光汞灯价格昂贵,样品应集中观察,荧光光源关闭后距离下次开机时间须在30分钟以上,否则会大大降低你观察的效果及灯泡的寿命。
光圈:孔径光阑挡板,荧光转换光路倾斜器:照明视场光阑:一般调至最大不动变倍器:1.0×,Bose 一般不用只有在相差时选用。
)载物台:上有压片夹(注意:放取样本时应扳动压片夹小夹不应直接扳动压片夹)XY调节机械装置:将样品前后左右移动聚光镜转盘:10倍以上要用聚光镜相差环:H 明场直接观察亮1、2、3、相差,观察不染色的样品D 暗场主要用于观察金属材料显微镜臂上有焦距调节,粗的调节钮为粗调调节幅度较大,细的调节钮为细调,调节幅度小慢调节。
基座:A孔径光阑高大低小,相差时最大视场光阑一般最大Gray on 光强减少,off 光强增大DLF( Day Light Filter )一般白光滤片N4灰度滤片减少1/4Green:绿色滤片B 调中操作指南:1.使用显微镜前,请打开空调除湿一小时。
2. 打开总电源,打开电脑,打开电脑桌面上的的Adobe Photoshop软件的下拉菜单Import Leica.3 打开显微镜上的电源。
荧光显微镜使用说明书1. 引言荧光显微镜是一种高级显微镜,它通过荧光染料和荧光体来观察生物样本。
2. 设备使用前的准备在开始使用荧光显微镜之前,请确保以下准备工作已经完成:2.1 样本准备- 准备待观察的生物样本,并进行适当的固定和染色处理。
- 使用适当的荧光染料标记待观察的目标结构,比如细胞核或细胞器。
- 确保样本处于干燥且无尘的环境中,以免影响显微镜观察效果。
2.2 显微镜设置- 将荧光显微镜放置在水平且稳定的台面上,避免震动。
- 连接电源线并确保电源稳定。
- 打开显微镜主机,并调节照明系统到适当的亮度。
- 确保镜头已正确安装并调节到焦点位置。
3. 操作步骤3.1 调节荧光滤光片- 根据所使用的荧光染料种类,选择相应的滤光片组合。
- 将滤光片安装到显微镜的滤光器单元上,确保滤光片与光源相匹配。
3.2 焦距调整- 放置已准备好的样本到显微镜的载物台上,并使用载物台调节样本水平位置。
- 通过调节镜头的焦距轮和对焦杆,使样本逐渐变得清晰可见。
3.3 荧光成像- 使用显微镜的放大倍率调节旋钮,逐渐增加放大倍率以观察细节。
- 通过调节显微镜的聚光镜或荧光照明系统,确保样本受到均匀且适当的荧光照明。
- 使用取景器或相机从目镜观察孔观察并记录样本图像。
4. 注意事项- 在操作显微镜时,请务必小心轻放,避免撞击或其他损坏。
- 建议在室温下使用荧光显微镜,避免极端温度或湿度对设备造成不利影响。
- 使用前请确保手部清洁,避免在样本处理过程中引入杂质。
- 镜头润滑剂可能对荧光染料造成负面影响,请避免使用含润滑剂的显微镜油。
- 使用完毕后,请关闭显微镜并拔出电源线。
5. 故障排除如果在使用荧光显微镜过程中遇到问题,请尝试以下解决方案:5.1 样本无法观察到荧光信号- 检查荧光滤光片是否正确安装。
- 检查荧光染料是否已正确标记在待观察的结构上。
(1)更换保险丝前,必须将显微镜主开关及汞灯电源 箱开关均置于“O” (OFF)状态,拔掉电源线。
(2)用手指扣住保险丝固定座②下方凹槽处①,从 保险插座⑤中拔出,从保险丝固定座②上方凹 槽处③取出保险丝组④,换上新的保险丝后, 在放进凹槽处③,将保险丝固定座②轻推入保 险插座⑤,听见“喀嚓”一声安装完成。(如图 13)
图8 图9 图 10 图 11
XD - RFL 荧光系列
2-2-3 安装汞灯灯源组
(1)用 M4 的内六角扳手将紧固螺钉①旋松。(如图 9) (2)将汞灯灯源组②轻轻推入荧光装置连接体③中,
并且推到底,然后旋转灯源组,使之上平面④处 于水平位置,再用 M4 的内六角扳手拧紧紧固螺 钉①。
★ 在使用过程中,应确保灯源周围有足够的空间散 热,特别是在灯源的顶面和底面。
★ XD-RFL 荧光显微镜只能同时安装两组荧光滤光 镜组进行观察,标准配制为 B1 和 G1 两个波段, 也可选购其它波段进行观察。
★ 按以上的方法将荧光滤光镜组 G1 安装到导轨座 左边位置。
★ 荧光滤光镜组安装时按两侧面的标记(如 DMB1) 方向正确安装 ,不能上下颠倒放置。
★ 在观察时,左、右防护罩不能被拆下,因为它们 在荧光滤光镜组移动时起到了一个保护的作用。
(2)避免将显微镜放置在有阳光直射、高温或高湿、 多尘、以及容易受到强烈震动的地方,确保工作 台平坦、水平并足够坚固。工作环境要求:室温 5℃~40℃,最大相对湿度 80%。
(3)需要移动显微镜时,双手分别紧握观察筒的较低 侧①和照明组件支架②。(如图 1)
(4)荧光显微镜使用时要在光线尽量暗的环境下进 行。
下面图解如何安装各种组件,数字表示安装顺序。 ★ 安装前,应确认各部分没有灰尘、污物以及其它影响组装的异物。 ★ 安装时要小心,注意不要刮、擦任何部分或碰到玻璃表面。
二、仪器配置与组装1. 基本配置荧光显微镜主体部分包括显微镜主体、荧光照明系统、像差校正系统等。
2. 组装步骤a) 将荧光显微镜主体放置于平稳的工作台上,确保镜筒与显微镜架正常插入。
b) 连接荧光照明系统,确保光源与显微镜主体之间的连接牢固。
c) 安装所需滤光片和物镜,注意正确对准并轻轻旋固定。
三、荧光显微镜的使用方法1. 准备样品根据实验需求,准备好要观察的荧光标记样品。
2. 调节光源与荧光照明a) 打开荧光照明系统,并调节合适的光源亮度和荧光照射时间。
b) 使用滤光片,选择合适的荧光激发波长,避免背景干扰。
3. 调节对焦与镜头切换a) 通过转动焦距调节手轮,将样品调至清晰可见。
b) 利用显微镜附件,如镜筒切换器、滤光片切换器等,按需切换并调整观察条件。
4. 图像采集与分析a) 连接相应采集设备,如相机、计算机等。
b) 在合适的荧光激发条件下,采集样品图像,并进行相关的分析和处理。
四、维护与保养1. 日常维护a) 避免直接日光照射,保持仪器干燥清洁。
b) 注意使用时避免碰撞以及接触腐蚀性物质。
c) 定期清理镜头、滤光片等附件,并保持其表面光洁度。
2. 镜头保养a) 使用专用镜头纸轻轻擦拭,避免使用过于湿润或有腐蚀性的物质。
b) 镜头不使用时,应盖上防尘罩,并存放在干燥通风的地方。
3. 故障排除在使用过程中,如发现显微镜工作异常或出现故障,请参照用户手册进行故障排除或联系售后服务人员。
荧光显微镜使用指导书一、荧光显微镜的整体布局说明图中项目说明:A・・荧光显微镜光路部分B-光路电源及数据采集卡C-数据采集电脑A1■…汞光A2-—卤素灯A3 ■…卤素灯(底光)A4 ■…滤光模组A5--目镜组A6■…观察模式切换(0镜/数据采集)A7 ■…反光镜A8--差分光度计・卤素灯A2电源2一汞光A1电源3 ■…数据采集卡二、观察外延表面状态1,打开卤素灯A2电源开关1并通过卤素灯A2电源开关1上的旋钮调整其亮度(如图1,具体亮度可根据个人要求决定)。
图1卤素灯电源1 图2反光镜扳手位置图3滤光片插条位置图4滤光模组A43, 确定左边的D/UV插条进入光路,调整其余两个ND4和ND32插条以使进入光路的亮度合适(如图3),如需耍微调可以通过改变右侧光栅插条(标注ASTOP)的状态以达到合适的亮度,如需要调整视野的大小可以通过调整右侧的光圈插条(标注:F.STOP)来达到(一般情况下不需要调整)。
4, 转动滤光模组A4的转盘选择4#滤光模组(如图4)o5, 在载物台上放上需要观察的样品,先选择目镜A5中低倍目镜去选取耍观察的区域并且调整焦距使视野内的观察物体清晰,然后切换到合适放大倍数的目镜进行观察。
调焦时先顺时针旋转粗准焦螺旋(如图5)把载物台升到最高位置并观察不要让物镜碰到物体;然后眼睛靠近目镜观察视场同吋逆吋针旋转粗准焦螺旋让载物台下降,当观察到视场最亮时切换细准焦螺旋进行调整(如图6)o图5粗准焦螺旋的调整图6细准焦螺旋的调整6, 如需要调整观测样品表烦显示的颜色,则需要差分光度计A8中3 个透镜插条同时插入,然后通过其中带旋钮的插条调整表面颜色以方便观察(如图刀。
打开电源-放入片子-调节灯光-调节倍数-调 节图像清晰
打开荧光电源-放入片子-调节荧光显色-调 节图像清晰
注意事项:汞灯电源开关的预热时间为 15-30分钟,一旦关闭后若再次开启需要
拍摄软件的主要功能 1拍摄
线条(测量长度) 测量角度 箭头 文字
LIVE—EXPOSE—分辨率-SNAP 不可使用白平衡
如果荧光比较弱,可 以调节Binning,但是
1 拍摄录像 2 批量加注修改标尺(仅限蔡氏文件) 3 伪3D功能 4 shading correction –去除背景黑点功能 5 拍摄后调节白平衡功能(生成新的文件)
肉眼观察 光栅调节 Live 显微镜微调 Snap
3200k 自 然光对应 的白色色
ZVI格式:未压缩,重要文件可以先保存这个 Tiff格式:目前用的比较多
该保存标尺不可去除 标尺必须在选对物镜以及选择1380*1440的 情况下才是可靠的
Smooth 明场平 滑(边缘)
1 软件计算点(细胞个数) 2 测量角度,面积 3 轨迹测量工具 4 修改图片-锐化增加对 比度 5 确定细胞内颗粒数量
Keep tools: 同样功能
同时可测面积平均灰度值, 线条和长度
电子荧光显微镜使用说明书首部:简介电子荧光显微镜(Electronic Fluorescence Microscope)是一种高性能的显微镜,利用荧光原理实现对样品的观察和分析。
第一章:仪器结构电子荧光显微镜由以下部分组成:1. 显微镜主体:包括显微镜支架、光路系统和检测系统。
2. 高分辨率CCD相机:用于捕捉样品荧光图像。
3. 控制系统:包括仪器控制软件和操作面板。
第二章:操作方法2.1 打开电子荧光显微镜在确保仪器连接稳固的情况下,按下电源按钮打开电子荧光显微镜,待仪器启动完成后进入下一步操作。
2.2 放置样品将需要观察的样品放置在样品台上,并根据需要选择合适的镜头。
2.3 荧光染料选择根据样品的性质和目的,选择适当的荧光染料。
2.4 调整光源和滤光片在操作软件中选择正确的光源,并根据荧光染料的发射波长选择相应的滤光片。
2.5 调整焦距和曝光时间通过操作软件调整焦距和曝光时间,以获得清晰且明亮度适中的荧光图像。
2.6 观察和记录图像在光学系统和检测系统正常工作的情况下,可以开始观察样品,并通过CCD相机捕捉荧光图像。
2.7 关闭电子荧光显微镜实验结束后,先停止样品的观察,并在关闭电子荧光显微镜前,将光源调至最低亮度,并关闭电源。
第三章:注意事项3.1 安全操作使用电子荧光显微镜时,应注意仪器周围的安全环境,并严格遵守相关实验室操作规范。
3.2 仪器保养定期清洁电子显微镜的镜片、滤光片和检测系统,以确保观察图像的质量和准确性。
材料准备在使用荧光显微镜之前,需要准备以下材料:1. 标本或样品:根据实验的需要,准备好荧光标记的细胞、组织或其他待观察的物质。
2. 封片:将标本放置在封片上,以便于放置到显微镜观察。
3. 荧光染料:根据实验需求,选择适当的荧光染料,并按照说明书的要求进行染色。
操作步骤以下是荧光显微镜的基本操作步骤:1. 准备显微镜:a. 检查显微镜是否处于正常工作状态,确保电源连接正常。
b. 调整光源的亮度,以便于观察样品。
c. 确认滤光片的波长与荧光染料的激发波长相匹配。
2. 样品安装:a. 将封片放置在显微镜的物镜台上,并通过样品夹固定。
b. 调节物镜的焦距,以获得清晰的视野。
3. 荧光设置:a. 根据荧光染料的激发波长,选择合适的滤光片,并将其安装在显微镜上。
b. 调节荧光染料的激发光源,确保样品被充分激发。
4. 观察:a. 使用目镜对准感兴趣的区域,并调节放大倍数,以获得所需的放大效果。
b. 使用荧光滤光片,观察样品的荧光发射情况。
c. 调节显微镜的对焦,以获得清晰的图像。
注意事项为了保证操作的准确性和安全性,请遵守以下注意事项:1. 操作前请佩戴个人防护装备,如实验手套和护目镜。
2. 避免直接暴露在荧光光源下,以免眼睛受伤。
3. 调节荧光染料激发光源的强度时,逐渐增加光线强度,以避免损坏样品。
4. 操作完成后,请关闭显微镜和荧光光源,并将其清洁干净。
以下是一些建议的维护保养步骤:1. 定期清洁显微镜的透镜和物镜,避免灰尘和污垢的影响。
2. 注意橡胶密封件的保养,防止老化和松动。
荧光显微镜操作手册Olympus BX51物镜: 4 ×0.16 (无DIC)10×0.4020×0.7540×1.00 oil100×1.40 oil荧光滤色块转盘: 1. WU 蓝2. WIB 绿(长通)3. WIBA 绿(带通)4. WIG 红5. CFP 青6. YFP 黄操作步骤:(注意:样品须在低倍镜下放置和取下)DIC观察:1.打开明场电源开关(“︱”为开,“○”为关)2.将样品置于载物台上,用样品夹夹好3.将起偏器、检偏器、DIC棱镜推入光路,荧光滤块转盘拨到“1”位置,DIC棱镜应与相应的物镜倍数相匹配4.先选用低倍物镜(“10×”)5.调节透射光的强度,调节焦距,找到视野6.换到高倍镜头,观察样品7.DIC观察时,光路选择拉杆拉到中间位置,既可观察,也可拍照荧光观察:1.打开明场电源开关2.打开汞灯电源开关3.将样品置于载物台上,用样品夹夹好4.检偏器、DIC棱镜在光路外5.将荧光光路shutter打开(“○”为开,“●”为关),需保护样品时关闭shutter6.光路选择拉杆推至最里边7.根据样品的标记情况将荧光滤块转盘转到相应的位置8.通过两组减光滤片调节激发光强度9.从低倍镜开始观察,调焦,找到预观察视野,10.依次换到高倍镜头,观察样品11.拍照时光路选择拉杆完全拉出普通明场观察:1.打开明场电源开关(“︱”为开,“○”为关)2.将样品置于载物台上,用样品夹夹好3.起偏器、检偏器、DIC棱镜在光路外,荧光滤块转盘拨到“1”位置,DIC棱镜拨到明场(BF)位置4.先选用低倍物镜(“4×”)5.调节透射光的强度,调节焦距,找到视野6.依次换到高倍镜头,观察样品7.光路选择拉杆拉到中间位置既可观察,也可拍照关机:1.关闭汞灯电源(注意:汞灯需使用半小时以上方可关闭,关闭半小时以后方可再次开启)2.将透射光调到最小,关闭明场电源开关3.将镜头转到低倍镜,取出样品,若使用过油镜用干净的擦镜纸擦拭镜头4.确认数据已经保存,关闭软件5.使用光盘拷贝数据(禁止使用移动储存设备拷贝数据)6.关闭电脑,登记使用时间、荧光数字等使用情况Olympus IX71物镜:物镜倍数相差环4 ×0.13 PHL10×0.30 PH1 20×0.45 PH1 40×0.60 PH2 60×1.35 oil (无相差)荧光滤色块转盘: 1. WU 蓝2. WIB 绿(长通)3. WIBA 绿(带通)4. WIGA 红5. CFP6. YFP操作步骤:相差观察:1.打开明场电源开关(“︱”为开,“○”为关)2.将样品置于载物台上3.将光路选择旋钮调至观察位置4.从低倍镜开始观察,调节到与镜头相匹配的相差环,荧光滤块转盘拨到“1”的位置5.调节透射光光强,调节焦距,找到预观察视野6.依次换到高倍镜,(注意调节相差环)观察样品7.拍照时将光路选择旋钮调至相机位置荧光观察:1.打开明场电源开关2.打开汞灯开关3.将样品置于载物台上4.将荧光光路shutter打开(“○”为开,“●”为关),需保护样品时关闭shutter5.将光路选择旋钮调至观察位置6.根据样品的标记情况将荧光滤块转盘转到相应的位置7.通过两组减光滤片调节激发光强度8.从低倍镜开始观察,调焦,找到预观察视野,9.依次换到高倍镜头,观察样品10.拍照时将光路选择旋钮调至相机位置普通明场观察:1.打开明场电源开关(“︱”为开,“○”为关)2.将样品置于载物台上3.将光路选择旋钮调至观察位置4.从低倍镜开始观察,相差环拨到明场(BF)位置,荧光滤色块转盘拨到“1”的位置5.调节透射光光强,调焦,找到预观察视野6.依次换到高倍镜,观察样品7.拍照时将光路选择旋钮调至相机位置关机:1. 关闭汞灯电源(注意:汞灯需使用半小时以上方可关闭,关闭半小时以后方可再次开启)2. 将透射光强调到最小,透射光选择按钮按出3. 关闭明场电源开关4. 将镜头转到低倍镜,取出样品,若使用过油镜用干净的擦镜纸擦拭镜头5. 确认数据已经保存,关闭软件6. 使用光盘拷贝数据(禁止使用移动储存设备拷贝数据)7. 关闭电脑,登记使用时间、荧光数字等使用情况Olympus SZX16物镜:1×变倍:0.7~11.5荧光滤色块转盘:UV 蓝GFPHQ 绿RFP2 红操作步骤:明场观察:1.将样品置于载物台上2.推入光路选择拉杆,荧光滤块转盘拨到空位3.选择合适的光源⑴冷光源观察使用不透明的底板(黑或白),打开环形光电源开关(“︱”为开,“○”为关),调节光强度,找到预观察视野,调节变倍比,观察样品⑵底光源观察使用透明玻璃底板,打开底座电源开关(“︱”为开,“○”为关),将LBD滤片推入光路,调节反光镜方向、对比度和光强度,找到预观察视野,调节变倍比,观察样品4.拍照时将光路选择拉杆拉出荧光观察:1.将样品置于载物台上2.一般选择黑色不透明底板3.打开汞灯电源开关4.荧光光路挡板推出5.根据样品的标记情况将荧光滤块转盘转到相应的位置6.找到预观察视野,调节变倍比7.观察样品8.拍照时将光路选择拉杆拉出关机:1.关闭汞灯电源(注意:汞灯需使用半小时以上方可关闭,关闭半小时以后方可再次开启)2.将明场光强调到最小,关闭明场电源开关3.取出样品,将变倍比调到最小4.确认数据已经保存,关闭软件5.使用光盘拷贝数据(禁止使用移动储存设备拷贝数据)6.关闭电脑,登记使用时间、荧光数字等使用情况软件应用1.双击打开DP Controller软件2.点击预览键,选择image size(一般1360 X 1024)、objective、ISO sensitivity(明场拍照选择ISO200,荧光拍照选择ISO400)、exposure mode(一般选择manual),调节exposure time3.调节黑/白平衡(明场拍照用白平衡,荧光拍照用黑平衡)。
1. 准备样品:将待观察的样品制备好,例如细胞、组织切片等。
2. 准备溶液:根据样品的要求,准备好适当的荧光染料或荧光探针溶液。
3. 调整显微镜:将荧光显微镜调整到合适的工作状态。
4. 定位样品:将样品放置在显微镜的样品台上,并使用样品台上的移动装置将样品调整到适当的位置。
5. 调节对焦:使用显微镜的焦距调节旋钮或移动装置,将样品调焦到清晰的图像。
6. 切换到荧光模式:调整显微镜的光源切换到荧光模式。
7. 观察和记录图像:通过目镜观察到样品中的荧光发射,并使用显微镜配备的相机或摄像设备拍摄或记录图像。
8. 清洁和存储:使用完毕后,关闭显微镜的光源,将样品从样品台上取下,并清洁显微镜的镜头和样品台。
采集单幅图像1. 切换到“采集”布局。
为此,请使用 (例如)“视图>布局>采集”命令。
2. 在“摄像控制”工具窗口中单击实时观察按钮。
选定物镜3. 在“显微镜控制”工具栏上,单击您想要用于图像采集的物镜所对应的按钮。
打开实时图像4. 转到实时图像中所需的样品位置。
设置图像质量5. 对焦到样品上。
6. 核对色彩再现。
7. 核对曝光时间。
8. 选定所需的分辨率。
采集和保存图像9. 在“摄像控制”工具窗口中单击“拍照”按钮。
10. 使用“文件>另存为...” 命令保存该图像。
请使用推荐的 TIF 文件格式。
采集录像1. 切换至“采集”布局。
为此,请使用 (例如)“视图>布局>采集”命令。
选定物镜2. 在“显微镜控制”工具栏上,单击您希望用于采集录像的物镜的按钮。
选定存储位置3. 在“摄像控制”工具窗口的工具栏中,单击“采图设置”按钮。
4. 在树状视图中选定“保存>录像”选项。
5. 确定在采集流程完成后如何保存所录制的录像。
6. 单击“路径”字段旁边的 [...] 按钮可更改此目录。
二、准备工作1. 确保荧光显微镜已经连接好电源并打开开关。
2. 检查样本是否准备完毕,确保样本已标记荧光染料。
3. 确认荧光显微镜的荧光滤光片组件已安装并与荧光染料相匹配。
4. 检查其它辅助设备,如计算机和相机连接线是否插入正确。
三、基本操作步骤1. 调节镜筒高度,使样本平面与物镜焦平面相等,获得清晰的图像。
2. 选择适当的目镜和物镜,插入物镜并旋转使其锁定。
3. 调节瞳孔间距,将左眼和右眼的视觉合并为一个图像。
4. 调节荧光照明强度,选择适当的亮度以保证荧光信号的检测。
5. 观察样本,在目镜中寻找荧光信号,调节焦距和聚焦,以获得最佳的视觉质量。
6. 调节荧光滤光片,根据染料的激发光和发射光波长选择相应的滤光片。
四、注意事项1. 使用前请确保已仔细阅读用户手册,并按照操作指南使用设备。
2. 避免荧光照明强度过高,以免损坏样本或减少荧光信号的可见性。
3. 定期清洁荧光显微镜的光学元件,以保持良好的成像质量。
4. 在操作过程中避免触摸镜片和荧光滤光片,以免污染或划伤。
5. 使用后,请关闭荧光显微镜并断开电源,以节约能源并延长设备寿命。
五、故障排除1. 如果荧光信号非常弱,请检查荧光滤光片是否正确安装并且与染料匹配。
2. 如果图像模糊或不清晰,请确保样本调焦正确,并检查物镜是否清洁。
3. 如果荧光显微镜无法打开或没有电源供应,请检查电源线是否连接稳定。
4. 如果设备出现其它问题,请参考用户手册或联系厂商技术支持。
六、安全警示1. 使用荧光显微镜时,请注意避免直接观察强烈的荧光光源,以免对眼睛造成伤害。
2. 在操作荧光显微镜时,请保持仪器的稳定,并避免碰撞或摔落。
七、维护保养1. 定期进行荧光显微镜的清洁和维护,清除灰尘和污垢。
NIKON 正置荧光显微镜80i
孔径光阑 X 方向平台移动
Y 方向平台移动
CCD 数据线
C 接口 卤素灯开关
5. 对焦观察观察,并可通过插入减光片来调节激发光的强度:注意初步找像前
6. 观察后关闭汞灯电源开关。
生物荧光显微镜(奥林巴斯CX41RF)操作说明简版明场观察步骤:1. 将主开关拨到“I”(开),旋转光强旋钮调节光强。
2. 把样品放到载物台上。
3. 转动物镜转换盘将相应物镜转进光路。
4. 使用孔径/视场光阑调节旋钮调节孔径光阑和视场光阑。
5. 使用粗/微调焦旋钮对标本聚焦。
6. 开始观察。
荧光观察步骤:1. 打开汞灯电源开关,预热10-15min。
2. 将标本放在载物台上,在明场选择要观察的标本视野,关闭明场光源。
3. 转动滤色片,将紫光V/蓝光B/绿光G激发滤色片转入光路。
4. 可再次调节粗/微调焦旋钮对标本聚焦。
5. 开始观察。
备注:1. 不使用显微镜时,要从墙上插座中拔出电源线。
2. 显微镜时精密仪器,操作时要小心,并避免突然和剧烈的震动。
3. 使用100X物镜时,应将视场光阑缩小至最小直径,避免视场中看不到视场光阑图像。
4. 使用厚度为0.17毫米的盖玻片,可以改善物镜总体性能。
5. 应使用厚度为0.9-1.4毫米的载玻片,使用更厚的载玻片可能会使标本的视场光阑图像成像不精确。
6. 推荐孔径光阑设置为物镜数值孔径的70%-80%,若设定得太小,可能会观察到图像重影。
7. 当需要得到较强的荧光图像时,可将聚光镜移入光路,可获得较明亮的荧光图像。
8. 汞灯在使用过程中,不要随意开关汞灯电源。
9. 汞灯极为昂贵,使用寿命一般只有300h,使用寿命与开关次数成反比,应集中一批样品做2-3h的观察。
荧光显微镜操作说明荧光显微镜(Fluorescence Microscope)是一种用于观察荧光标记生物分子的显微镜。
一、荧光显微镜的基本结构荧光显微镜主要由以下几个部分组成:1. 光源系统:荧光显微镜通常使用荧光灯作为光源,荧光灯发出的紫外光经过滤波器后被用于激发样品中的荧光发射。
2. 物镜系统:荧光显微镜使用高倍物镜进行观察,一般有10x、20x、40x、60x、100x等不同倍率的物镜,可以根据需要选择合适的物镜进行观察。
3. 荧光滤光片组:荧光滤光片组由激发滤光片、切分镜和发射滤光片组成,用于选择特定波长的激发光和荧光发射光,以增强信号和抑制背景噪音。
4. 检测系统:荧光显微镜的检测系统包括物镜、光学透镜、眼镜和CCD相机等,用于接收和记录荧光发射的图像。
二、荧光显微镜的操作步骤1. 准备样品:将待观察的样品制备好,可以是细胞、组织或标记了荧光染料的生物分子。
2. 打开荧光显微镜:首先,确认荧光灯是否打开并运行正常。
3. 调节照明:调节照明系统以获得适当的亮度和对比度。
4. 切换滤光片:根据样品的特点和所需的荧光发射波长,选择合适的激发滤光片、切分镜和发射滤光片。
5. 调节焦距和倍率:使用适当倍率的物镜进行观察,并通过调节焦距和对焦机构以获得清晰的图像。
6. 观察样品:将载玻片放置在显微镜的样品台上,并通过移动样品台和调整操纵旋钮来观察样品。
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图1 卤素灯电源1图2 反光镜扳手位置
图3 滤光片插条位置图4 滤光模组A4
图5 粗准焦螺旋的调整图6 细准焦螺旋的调整
图7 差分光度计插条插入状态图8 差分光度计插条退出状态
图9 图10 图11
1,调整好焦距使要观测的物体在目镜内呈现的图形清晰,然后打开数据采集连接装置的开关(如图12),等待其绿色的指示灯不再闪烁时可以打开NIS ELEMENTS D 2.30 数据采集软件并点击绿色按钮(如图13),然后如图14拉出显微镜数据采集切换的插条即可对数据进行采集和处理。
图12 图13 图14
图15 图16 图17