人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 9

Logistics (后勤学) mathematics (数学) mechanics (机械学力学)
Physics (物理学) politics (政治)
statistics (统计学)
3.1 名词所有格的构成法
英语中许多名词主要是指有生命的名词可以加’s来表 示所有关系,例如:Where is the president’s office?
1.4 抽象名词 (1)在多数情况下,抽象名词都用于单数形式,并不加任 何冠词:
Knowledge is power. He loved beauty, and there he found beauty.
(2)但有时也可加定冠词the或不定冠词 a 或 an: I did not have the courage to tell you. There is a beauty in simplicity. It is a pleasure to work with you.
His family is not poor any more. 他家不再穷了。 Your family are quite well, I hope. 希望你家里人都好。
The Committee of Public Safety is to deal with this matter. 公共安全委员会将处理此事。 The committee are of the opinion that the time is inopportune. 委员会认为时机尚不适宜。
(2)表语: History is her major.
(3)宾语: She gave her child a first-rate education. (4)定语:
张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件lecture 14-16 独立主格结构

▪ 他躺在草地上,双手交叉枕在头下。 He was lying on the grass,his hands crossed under his head. =He was lying on the grass, and his hands were
crossed under his head. ▪ 如果给我们更多的时间,我们就能完成这项工作。 Given more time, we can finish the work. =If we are given more time, we can... More time given to us, we can finish the work. =If more time is given to us, we can finish the work.
=Because the boy led the way, we had no ...
▪ 如果我的健康状况允许的话,我会工作到深夜。 My health permitting, I will work far into the night. =If my health permits, I will work far into the night.
▪ The old man, with thick glasses on his nose, is a pianist.
▪ 独立主格结构是一种特殊的结构,可以理解为一 个在句中做状语的短语,用于修饰整个句子,常 用于书面语。
▪ 其位置灵活,可位于句前、句中或句末,常由逗 号将其与句子的主干部分分开。
▪ Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea.
▪ The teacher entered the classroom, book in hand.
人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 1

-ist (scientist), -dom (freedom), -ship (friendship).
形容词词尾 -ful (careful),
-ive (active),
-less(homeless), -ous (famous),
-ish (selfish), -able(agreeable).
He admitted that his motive was profit.(作宾语) (2)连接代词或副词及 whether (if) 引起的从句:
Do you know where they are?(作宾语) (3)关系代词型的 what 引起的从句:
He began to think about what he should do.(作介词宾语) (4)由各种连词引起的从句(多用作状语):
Are you from the South or from the North? (4)反意问句(disjunctive questions):也可称 tag-questions(tag 指简 短问句):
This is your car, isn’t it?
3.1 单词(words)
实词 Notional words
虚词 Form words
1.2 词尾
词类有时可以从词形上看出,如以 -ly 结尾的词多数为副词,以 -ful结尾的词 多数为形容词。现将常见的词尾举例如下:
-er (fighter), -tion (action), -ness (dryness),
-or (sailor), -ment(government), -ism(socialism),
(5)过去分词短语(-en participle phrases): Is there anything planned for tonight ?(作定语) Moved by his sincerity, we accepted the gift.(作状语)
张道真实用英语语法课件Chapter 21

General introduction
b. Indirect object It is usually after the ditransive verbs. The one is direct object, and the other is the indirect object, which indicates the action is done for whom or to whom. e.g. My wife sends you her greeting. I will play you some light music. c. Complex object object + complement e.g. She saw a girl waving to her. They elected him vice-president.
B. Preparatory “it”
a. To indicate the infinitive e.g. She found it difficult to convince him. I’d think it well worthwhile to go. b. To indicate that clause e.g. I took it for granted (that) you would be coming. You can put it that it was arranged before. * Sometimes indicate the gerund or clause introduced by conjunctive pronoun or adverb e.g. He hasn’t made it clear when he is coming back. I think it very unwise going on like this.
张道真实用英语语法课件Chapter 13

C. Subject + Intransitive verb + Adverbial
(phrasal verbs) e.g. The meeting broke up in great confusion. The baby is coming on well. If you don’t like the idea, drop off.
a. Subject + Intransitive verb e.g. Everybody smiled. b. Subject + Transitive verb + Object e.g. He knows everything. c. Subject + Ditransive verb + Indirect object + Direct object e.g. I showed him my passport.
e.g. Did you sleep well?
They sat together very quietly. He danced for joy. You go first and I will follow behind.
The Verb Pattern — Subject + Intransitive verb
General introduction
Modifier a. Attribute 1) Numeral
e.g. Five people were injured. 2) Pronoun e.g. He must marry her, there is no other alternative. 3) Adjective e.g. Your nephew is a nice little boy. He is an out-and-out conservative. 4) Noun or the possessive case e.g. He majors in computer science. We’re studying Robert Burns’ (s) poems.
张道真实用英语语法课件Chapter 8 Tense

A. Formation will + be + V-ing B. Usage a. The action which will be doing in the certain time of the future e.g. Next Wednesday we’ll be flying to Sydney. b. The arranged thing or expected to happen e.g. He won’t be coming to the party. c. Usually used in spoken English, sometimes can be changed with the present continuous tense e.g. I am meeting her tomorrow evening. I’ll be meeting her tomorrow evening.
B. Stative verbs and instantaneous verbs
a. Stative verbs e.g. What does the word mean? b. Instantaneous verbs e.g. I advise that you leave at once.
B. The way to express future
a. be going to e.g. I’m going to buy her some flowers. b. The present continuous tense e.g. My brother is having a party tomorrow.
张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件lecture 10非谓语动词补充知识点

有的分词在句子中并没有逻辑主语,而是一种习惯 表达,如:
• Judging from his face, he must be ill.
• Generally speaking, boys are more interested in football games than girls.
• I have a lot of clothes to be washed. 我有很多衣服要洗(找别人洗)。
• Do you have anything to take to your parents? 你有东西要带给你父母吗?(自己带)
• Do you have anything to be taken to your parents? 你有东西要带给你父母吗?(别人带)
We have no choice but to turn back.
We could do nothing but obey the order. 但固定用法can't help but do sth.=have to do
不得不做,只能做 4.Why not...后面的动词不定式符号to省略。 5.情态动词(除ought外, ought to do) 6. would rather, had better
3. 不定式做状语
• wrong:To save money, every means has been tried.
• right:To save money, he has tried every means.
(2)表结果(往往是与预期愿望相反的结果意料之 外): 常放在 only后

第4章冠词4 . 1 . 1定冠词和不定冠词冠词是一种虚词,不能独立担任一个成分,只能附着在一个名词上,帮助说明其词义,英语中有两个冠词:1) 定冠词(The Definite Article) 即 the;2) 不定冠词(The Indefinite Article) 即 a和 an。
the通常读作/ds/,在元音前读作/di/,特别强调或单念时读作/di:/:谁是这书的作者?Who is the /di/ author of the /ds/ book?他是那时代最伟大的诗人。
He was the /di:/ greatest poet of the /di/ age.不定冠词在元音(指音,不指元音字母)前用an这个形式,读作/3n/:在其他情况下一槪作a,读作“/:a girl /s ’g3:l/a red apple /a "red jSepl/a university /9 ju:mV3:siti/ a one-act play /3 •wAiiaekt丨plei/a European city /〇 Jusrs'piisn rsiti/ a humble man /a'hAmbl ^aen/4- 1-2 冠词的基本意义不定冠词a(n)与数词one同源,表示“一个”的意思,用在可数名词单数前:她是个护士,在一家医院工作。
She is a nurse. She works in a hospital.他是一位英国人,有一个爱尔兰妻子。
He is an Englishman,with an Irish wife.定冠词the,与this和that同源,有“这(那)个”的意思,但比较弱,表示一(几)个特定的人或东西,有时可译作“这个(些)”或“那个(些)”:这就是你要的那本书。
That’s the book you want.那边那个年轻人是谁?Who is the young man over there?中间这位老太太是我的祖母。
人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 12

1.6 -ed形容词
(2)有些这类形容词,意思和相关动词有些距离,例如: animated cartoons 动画片
strained relations 紧张的关系
determed feelings
1.6 -ed形容词
(3)还有一些 -ed 形容词可说是类属形容词,也由动词的过 去分词变来,但不能用于比较级:
annual available commercial democratic economic
empty independent
agricultural basic
communist direct public
external south
alternative central
remaining resounding rising
booming dying
recurring ruling
bursting existing reigning
1.5 -ing形容词
除了这些,还有不少-ing 形式可用作定语,但这些词还不能 算作形容词。如:
the governing body of a university
a simply-furnished rooms a well-known novelist a tall, powerfully built man
1.7 合成形容词
a good-looking girl
a light-hearted mood
well-behaved children long-lasting friendship
人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 21

1.5 其他的的倒装句
(1)某些表示祝愿的句子: Long live the solidarity of the people of the world! (2)含直接引语的插入语: ①在直接引语后的插入语中,主语可以放到谓语后面,特别是当它比较 长时: "Try again." said Ann's friends encouragingly. ②如果主语不长,直接引语放在谓语前后都可以: "I've just heard the news," said Tom. "I've just heard the news," Tom said. ③如果谓语后面有宾语,主语也不能放到后面: "That man is a famous film star, " Bill told me in a whisper.
1.5 其他的的倒装句
(3)出于修辞考虑的表语提前: ①为了给表语以更突出的位置: Very grateful we are for your help. ②为了使这个句子和前面句子联系更紧密: He was born poor and poor he remained all his life. (4)原形动词提前: 助动词或情态动词后的原形动词,有时也可能提到句子前部: We'll win through and win through we shall.
3.2 定语放在所修饰词后面的情况
放在所修饰词后面的主要有下面几种定语: (1)定语从句: People whose rents have been raised can appeal. (2)介词短语: It was a bolt from the blue. (3)分词短语及不定式短语: Here are the seats reserved for you.

to be done to have been _____________ done ——
Practice: To compromise appears advisable. 妥协似乎是明智的。 It’s impossible for the job to be finished in time. 这项任务要按时完成是不可能的。 It’s an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 我很荣幸被邀在这里讲话。 It is fool of her to do that thing. 她做那件事真是愚蠢。 (谚)吵架要有两个人。 It takes two to make a quarrel. 要解释这些我力所不及。 It’s beyond me to explain these.
More bare infinitives
He wants to move to France and ________(marry) the girl. but前有do后无to go Why not _______(go) out for a walk? but前无do后有to go (go) out. He wants to do nothing but ______ wait (wait). He did nothing but ______ to take He wants to believe anything but ________(take)the medicine. hope I cannot but ______(hope) that we may have good luck. You'd better _______(have) that bad tooth pulled out. have listen He would rather ________(listen) to others than talk himself. to stay go I would prefer _________(stay) home rather than ____ (go) out on such a rainy day.

定语(The Attribute)
• 定语用来说明名词的性质特点,分为前置定 语和后置定语。
1. The black bike is mine. 形容词
2. She is a chemistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ] teacher. 名词
3.Help yourself to some fish. 代词
Lecture Two
Members of the Sentence 英语句子成分
“就句子的结构而论, 西洋语言是法治的, 中国语言是人治的。”
单词 词组 句子 段落 文章
句子 句子 句子 成分 结构 种类
Members of the Sentence 英语句子成分
Tom didn't do his homework yesterday. The young should respect the old. What he has said is true. Seeing is believing.
说明主语“做什么” 或“怎么样”, 谓语
He has a bad cold.
We love China.
• 谓语必须由动词构成,有时只包含一个动 词,有时候可包含几个词(如情态动词+动 词,助动词+动词),并且有时态和语态的 变化。
1. She runs fast. 2. He can speak English. 3.We have finished reading this book. 4.The game has been cancelled.
张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件lecture 8 -9非谓语动词

• It is necessary ___fo_r__ you to go there in person.
Lecture 8
Non-finite Verbs 非谓语动词
• 学习非谓语动词,关键需要掌握以 下内容:
动词的非谓语形式有三种: 1.不定式(The Infinitive):to +v 2.动名词(The Gerund),v-ing 3.分词(The Participle)
see, hear等词
• +sb.+do sth.强调动作的真实性、完整性; I saw him work in the garden yesterday. 强调“我看见了”这个事实。 • +sb.+doing sth. 强调动作的连续性、进行
性。 I saw him working in the garden yesterday. 强调我见他“正在干活”这个动作。
1)现在分词(The Present Participle) v-ing
2)过去分词(The Past Participle) v-ed
• It’s kind/wise/clever… of sb. to do sth It is very kind of you to help us.
In the past, traveling by plane was unimaginable for most Chinese people.

3) 由wh-疑问词引导的表语从句。 What, which, who, whom, whose等连接代词 及when, where, how, why等连接副词既引 导句子又充当一定的句子成分。例如:
读书对于人的思想就好比食物对于人的身体一样重 要。 Reading is to the mind what food is to the body. 问题是我们能让谁代替他。 The problem is who we can get to replace her.
3. Predicate in singulars 1)名词性从句及不定式、动名词作主语时,谓语动词 一般用单数形式。 e.g. To finish the work in advance is what he wants. Smoking cigarettes is dangerous to your health What seems easy in theoed the accident is a complete mystery.
2、谓语有两类:简单谓语和复合谓语 A. 简单谓语(Simple Predicate) e.g. The space shuttle will be launched at 6 p.m.(一个动词) I wish you wouldn't look down upon this kind of work.(成语动词) We are looking forward to your answer.
2. Predicate in plurals
1)both, some, few, many等用作主语或修饰主语时, 谓语动词用复数。 e.g. Both of my parents are over seventy years old. Many students in my class have creative thoughts and wide knowledge.

张道真实用英语语法课件Chapter 23

Prepositional phrases and adverbs used as adverbial
d. To indicate causes e.g. I am so sorry for what I said to you. She is now, owing to ill health, not so active in class. e. Others e.g. In my opinion, the scheme is unsound. I think you are prejudiced against Jack.
General introduction
d. Participle (phrase) e.g. Compared to her affection, nothing else had any worth. e. Adjective e.g. He said nothing but sat silent smoking. f. Phrases e.g. First thing in the morning we swept the courtyard for the landlord. g. Compound structure e.g. It being a holiday; the library isn’t open. h. Clauses e.g. Next time you come in, please close the door. i. Noun (sometimes) e.g. She’s feeling miles better today.
Prepositional phrases and adverbs used as adverbial
C. Adverb particles used as adverbial