

























期末复习题I. Multiple Choices: choose the best answer to complete every sentence. (20*1'=20')1. It would have been more ______ to save the money than to spend it all on clothes.A. sensibleB. goodC. badD. clear2. It was the strangest ______ I can remember in my university days.A. occurrenceB. doctorC. bootD. difference3. The union and the management ______ a new contract.A. put outB. come outC. agree onD. agree in4. They ______ that the aging population is adding one percent yearly to health service costs.A. supposeB. calculateC. assumeD. throw5. In the case of a polluted river, the ______ lies in the hands of the national government.A. bounceB. emphasisC. damageD. remedy6. It is an almost ______ truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.A. specialB. respectiveC. activeD. universal7. He insisted that the idea ______ out of work done by British scientists.A. evolvedB. putC. inspectedD. became8. It is getting more and more difficult to ______ experienced staff.A. recruitB. askC. inspectD. persuade9. The committee did not ______ the plan to build a new bridge over the river.A. come upB. approve ofC. go overD. sum up10. Education should aim to ______ a child’s mind to its utmost potential.A. curseB. cultivateC. payD. get11. The offered me only $5 for a whole day’s work--- I felt really ______.A. hardB. hotC. insultedD. cold12. The new teaching program didn’t work well in the school ______.A. for saleB. up toC. at the outsetD. on sale13. He ______ himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around.A. tookB. prayedC. disguisedD. felt14. She was the director’s ______ assistant in whom he could have absolu te confidence.A. faithfulB. simpleC. difficultD. easy15. It’s completely dark, so I had to ______ the car key with my fingers.A. feel forB. read aboutC. learn ofD. call on16. —Little Jim has been eating sweets all day.—It’s no ________ he is not hungryA. matterB. doubtC. problemD. wonder17. She returned home from the office, only ________ the door open and something missing.A. findingB. to be foundC. to findD. found18. ________ is known to everybody, Taiwan is a part of China.A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. Which19. —Let’s go to the zoo this Sunday, OK?—________. I love to see all kinds of animals.A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I’m afraid notC. I believe notD. I don’t think so20. We should ________ ourselves assiduously and faithfully to the duties of our profession.A. devoteB. spendC. offerD. provide答案:1. A2. A3. C4. B5. D6. D7. A8. A9. B 10. B11. C 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. AII. Reading Comprehension: (15*2=30')Passage OnePassage TwoPassage ThreeThere were once many sheiks (阿拉伯的酋长) who wanted to marry Queen Maura, for she was one of the most beautiful and powerful queens of Arabia.However, she did not like most of the sheiks, and soon there were only three left on her list of possible husbands. These three sheiks were all equally young and handsome, rich and strong. It was hard for the Queen to choose the best one.One evening, she disguised herself and went to where the three sheiks were having their evening meal. She asked them to give her something to eat.The first sheik gave her some stale (不新鲜的) food left over from the day before.The second sheik gave her a tough piece of old camel’s tail.The third sheik, whose name was Hakim, gave her some of the most tender (嫩的) and tasty meat.The next day, she invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She told her servants to give each sheik what he had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of tender and tasty meat, would not eat it unless the other two sheiks could share it with him.Queen Maura was certain which of the sheiks she wanted to marry.“Hakim is the most generous of you,” she told them, “so I want to marry him and he will become king.”11 What was Queen looking for?A. A sheik.B. A king.C. A man.D. A husband.12 Why did the Queen disguise herself?A. Beca use she didn’t want to be recognized by the sheiks.B. Because she wanted to get an evening meal.C. Because she wanted to get some hard food.D. Because she wanted to get some tasty food.13. What did she give the sheiks to eat the next evening?A. An evening meal.B. Some stale food.C. A plate of tender and tasty meat.D. Three different meals.14. Why didn’t Hakim want to eat his meal?A. Because he was not hungry.B. Because it was too tasty.C. Because the other sheiks had worse food.D. Because the other sheiks had better food.15. When did the Queen finally decide who to marry?A. When she went to see Hakim.B. The next evening after the meal.C. The next day.D. When Hakim refused to eat his meal.III. Cloze: (20*1'=20')大学英语读写教程Section A 后面练习题的完型填空(重点看Unit1 和Unit 2的完型填空)IV. Translation: from Chinese into English (2*3'=6')大学英语读写教程SectionA 后面练习题汉译英的翻译。



培养全面发展的人 注重个性发展 倡导创新精神和实践能力 强调德育为先
注重综合素质教育,培养学生全面发展 提倡启发式教学,引导学生主动思考和创新 强化实践教学,提高学生动手能力和实践能力 关注个性化教育,尊重学生个性差异和特长发展
数字化校园建设:利用信息技术提升教学质量和管理效率 多元化教育模式:开展课外活动、实践课程等,促进学生全面发展 绿色校园:注重环保,推广可持续发展理念 国际化办学:加强国际交流与合作,提升学校国际影响力
城市化进程加速,社区规模不 断扩大
社区服务设施不断完善,居民 生活更加便利
社区文化活动丰富多彩,居民 精神生活更加充实
智能化、信息化技术在社区管 理中的应用越来越广泛
学校的教育理念与特色课 程
学校的历史建筑与文化遗 迹
学校的发展规划与未来展 望
环境:自然环境、人文环 境等
提供居住环境 满足生活需求 促进社会交往 保障居民安全
早期社区:以家庭为单位,规模较小,功能简单 现代社区:规模扩大,功能多样化,有物业管理、绿化、卫生等设施 未来社区:智能化、绿色环保、共享经济等新特点,更加注重居民的参与和互动 社区变迁的影响:对人们的生活方式、价值观和人际关系等方面产生深远影响
培养孩子的道德品质和行为习惯 促进孩子的情感发展和心理健康 帮助孩子建立自我认知和自信心 为孩子未来的成功奠定基础



小学三级语文上册期末复习资料全1、 正确书写,默写299个生字。

2、 朗读、背诵课文3、 阅读训练4、 习作练习 四、 复习措施学困生:力求扎实基础知识,加强训练,落实课本知识的复习° 中等生:进一歩扎实基础知识与课本知识,加强课外阅读训练a 优等生:拓展知识面,加深难度,培养他们的综合能力。

五、 复习时间第1,2周复习1——4单元 第3,4周复习5——8单元二. 多音字 似 发 几 调 假好推准诚城仰迎拣捡測侧耍要坊访坪评遥揺 抢枪娇桥锯据待持恼脑村材油 ( ) 懒( ) 慢( 红 ( ) 笑( ) 乐( 雾 ( ) 雨( )绿(2、 A ABB 式:严严实实来来往往 紆舒服服 葱葱茏茏 密密层层 祖祖輩輩3、 A BCC 式: 白发 ______ 风尘_4, 又…又…: :又松又软 又香又脆 5、 不…不…: :不慌不忙 不紧不慢6. 含有反义词的成语:____ 闻名相间 三.词语。

1、ABB 式: 成积 7,四字词语:确确实实 飘飘摇摇胖静白义唱又跳 又说又笑 又丿旧又不如不觉 不闻不冋 不言不语 ____ 倒置 舍_ 求大名 ______ 又踢又跳头—脚应—合邻舍口声卷爪当倒散看朝相待风餐露宿 日夜兼程 满載而归 如愿以偿 没精打采 沉默不语 刻舟求 剑 目不转晴恍然大悟 五洲四海 举世闻名 高楼大厦 应有尽有 一本正 经 引人注目自言自语 欢蹦乱跳 大惊失色 千呼万唤 垂头丧气 争奇斗 芬芳迷人准确无误 挤来挤去 远近闻名 奔流不息 双龙戒珠 风景优 美 特产丰富 五光十色 高低不平 各种各样 成群结队 千奇百怪 四脚朝 天 合二为一 乱成一团 大显神威相提并论不假思索兴高釆烈闻鴻起舞 8、成语归类: 描写种态的成语: 没精打采 沉默不语 目不转崎 恍然大悟 垂头丧气词 义 反靜乎乐 安似快 用特快 静像兴真 宁好高打扮一装扮愤弱——勇敢 丑陋——美丽快乐——痛苦勤劳 --- 怫I 楕穩稳当当——有意——无意简单——复杂远近闻名——默默无闻黑暗——光明 巨大——微小清清楚楚——模模糊糊 减少——増加 果然——居然候省迎节贵过定 宝匯镇词 义 静瘠安犹常 t r 4候约等节贵受静 珍谁镇 暴悉视 重粗熟轻、加L ±—―五、短语。



《行政组织学》期末复习指导一、单项选择题(每题只有一个正确答案)1.以明文规定的形式确立下来,成员具有正式分工关系的组织为( D )。

A.非正式组织 B.企业组织C.行政组织 D.正式组织2.组织内若干成员由于相互接触、感情交流、情趣相近、利害一致,未经人为的设计而产生交互行为和意识,并由此自然形成一种人际关系,此种组织为( A )。

A.非正式组织 B.互利性组织C.规范性组织 D.正式组织3.以镇压、暴力等控制手段作为控制和管理下属的主要方式,此种类型的组织为( C )。

A.企业组织 B.规范性组织C.强制性组织 D.功利性组织4.以组织的参与者或成员为主要的受惠对象,组织的目的在于维护及促进组织成员所追求的利益,此种类型的组织为( B )。

A 服务性组织 B.互利性组织C.文化性组织 D.群众性组织5.行政组织是追求( A )。

A.公共利益的组织 B.利润最大化的组织C.公共价值的组织 D.行政权力的组织6.( C )是科学管理运动的先驱者,被誉为“科学管理之父”。

A.古里特 B.怀特C.泰勒 D.韦伯7.1911年,泰勒发表了( B )一书,掀起了一场科学管理的革命。

A.K公共组织理论 B.《科学管理原理》C.《组织结构与设计》 D.《一般管理和工业管理》8.行政管理学派的代表人物( B ),被誉为“管理理论之父”。

A.泰勒 B.法约尔C.卡斯特 D.梅奥9.德国著名的社会学家韦伯在( D )一书中,提出了理想型官僚组织理论。

A.《管理的一般原则》 B.《高级管理人员的职能》C.《工业管理与一般管理》 D.《社会和经济组织的理论》10.在霍桑试验的基础上,梅奥于1933年出版了( C )一书,系统地阐述了与古典管理理论截然不同的一些观点。

A.《管理心理学》 B.《人类动机的理论》C.《工业文明中的人的问题》 D.《组织与管理》11.阿吉里斯在《个性与组织》一书中提出了( A )。

A.“成熟与不成熟理论” B.“Y”理论C.“需要层次理论” D.“公平”理论12.( A )由于在决策理论研究方面的贡献而荣获1978年诺贝尔经济学奖。



课程名称:质量管理学 试卷:(A ) 考试形式:闭卷 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 阅卷人 授课专业:______ 考试日期: 年 月 日 试卷:共 页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 、单项选择题:(10小题,每题1分,共0分) 装订线内不要答题1、 国际标准IS09000 : 2005《质量管理体系——基础和术语》中对质量管理的定义为:“在质量方面(D )组织的协调的活动。

” A.发展与管理 B.发展与传承 C.检查和监督 D.指挥和控制 2、 在我国的国家标准分类中,强制性标准代号为(C ) A. GB/T B.gb/t C. GB D.gb 3、 I SO 质量管理体系的基本原则中,建立之初以为(B )为出发点 A.成本和利益 B.产品类别和组织 C.满足组织和顾客的需要 D.改进工作 4、 我国的质量体系认证工作正式起步于(A ) A. 1978 年 B. 1988 年 C. 1992 年 D. 1996 年 5、质量管理体系策划是一项十分复杂的工作,仅需要有专门的机构和人员来进行,所以组 织中质量管理体系策划由(B )主持 A.管理者代表 B.最高管理者 C.部门经理 D.上级首长 6、朱兰认为外部损失成本的最佳构成比例分别为(C )。

A. 1%-5% B 、15%-20% C. 25%-40% D. 10%-50% 7、己分组总体数据的方差的表达式为:(B ) CT 2 i=l N B.决=~~j ------------------ Sz i=l C. 工(X,-乂严 i=l N 8、 针对多个总体的均值是否有显著性差异的检验问题一般采用哪种分析方法(D )。

A.相关分析 B.回归分析 C.假设检验 D.方差分析 9、 控制图的应用步骤中首先要选定(C )。

A.控制图B.分析用控制图C.控制对象D.抽样和分组10、平均检出质量的最大值,称为平均检出上限,记为(B )。












【紧度】紧度是定量与厚度的比值(g/cm3 )【抗张强度】一定宽度(15mm)的试样所能承受的最大抗张力,单位为KN/m,抗张强度更普遍的用裂断长表示。
















3、当某一个建筑材料的空隙率增大时,材料的密度、强度、吸水性、抗冻性、导热性是如何变化的?答:孔隙对材料性质的影响(孔隙增多) 1〕材料的体积密度减小 2〕体积密度减小,导热系数和热容随之减小 3〕材料受力的有效面积减小,强度降低 4〕透气性,透水性,吸水性变大 5〕对抗冻性,要看孔隙大小和形态而定,有些能提高抗冻性,抗渗性4、简述新型建筑材料特点及其选用原则?答:特点:复合化;多功能化;节能化、绿色化;轻质高强化;生产工业化。






























































人音版三年级上册期末复习资料第一课童年《摇啊摇》是一首上海童谣,速度是中速;《我们多么幸福》是合唱歌曲;《小酒窝》的情绪是甜美地,速度是稍快;《捉迷藏》是一首钢琴曲;第二课草原《草原上》是一首蒙古族民歌,情绪是甜美地,速度是中速稍快;四分音符:X 八分音符:X “3 5 6”的唱名分别是“mi sol la”;休止符:0 ;顿音符号:▼《我是草原小牧民》的速度是欢快地;《森吉德玛》是一一首管弦乐;《赛马》是由二胡演奏的歌曲;第三课好伙伴《同伴进行曲》是一首吹奏曲;《我和你》的速度是中速稍慢,曲作者是陈其钢;《原谅我》是一首美国民歌;《噢!苏珊娜》的速度是中速,情绪是活泼地;第四课放牧《老水牛角弯弯》速度是中速;《放牛山歌》是一首四川儿歌,情绪是高亢、愉快地;《草原放牧》选自琵琶协奏曲《草原小姐妹》,是用琵琶演奏的;二分音符:X - ;“1 2”的唱名分别是“do re”;第五课妈妈的歌《妈妈的心》速度是中速,情绪是亲切地;四分休止符:0《妈妈教我的歌》属于人声中的男声;《妈妈宝贝》是人声中的女声;《唱给妈妈的摇篮曲》情绪是深情、轻柔、宁静地,速度是中速;第六课四季的歌《四季童趣》情绪是天真、活泼地;《捉迷藏》速度稍快;《樱花》是一首日本民歌,速度稍慢,情绪是晴朗地,是长笛与乐队演奏的,是一首齐唱歌曲;第七课钟声《美丽的黄昏》是一首欧美歌曲;《钟声叮叮当》是一首澳大利亚民歌;“4 7 i”唱名分别是“fa si do1”;《维也纳的音乐钟》是一首管弦乐;《灵隐钟声》是用电子琴模仿的钟声和木鱼声;第八课丰收歌舞《桔梗谣》是一首朝鲜族民歌,情绪是欢乐地;《如今家乡山连山》情绪是欢快地;《丰收》选自管弦乐《海霞》组曲;《好朋友来了》速度中速;《落水天》是一首广东民歌;《浏阳河》是用古筝演奏的;C、D、E、F、G、A六个唱名在钢琴键盘上的对照表:这学期学过的乐器有:电子琴、钢琴、二胡、古筝、琵琶;。



第三章语言是符号系统1. 符号符号就是全体社会成员共同约定用來表示某种事物或意义的标志(记号、标记)。







2. 语言符号语言是一种符号,因为它能用来表示某种事物或意义。


语音是语言符号的物质表现形式, 语义是语言符号的表现内容。



3. 语言符号与一般符号第一,语言符号是声音和意义的结合体,它是一种以听、说、读等形式作为人类交际的重要工具。




语言符号单位最多,上层是音位层,下层是符号层, 符号层又能够分出语素、词、句子三层,每一层次都有相当数量的符号单位,另外语言符号系统又可分为语咅系统、语义系统、语法系统、词汇系统等,各个子系统又冇自己的系统。
















大气污染控制工程 期末复习

大气污染控制工程 期末复习
















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D) in honor ofD) studiedD) unrealD) obedienceA) catch oncaught oncaught upcatch up& The professorD) exploredD) indexfaster than we think.A) catching onVocabulary and StructureDirections: For each of the following incomplete sentences, there are four choices marked A, B 、C and D ・ Choose one answer that best completes the sentence ・ 1 ・ In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ________ with the rapid changes of society.A) step B) progress C) pace D) touch2. Here, as in most other parts of the hilly country, one school served for up to four or five __________ villages.A) scattered B) maintained C) outdated D) suiTounded3. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th ________ the birth of Jesus Christ.A) in accordance with B) in hopes of C) in favor of4. There was no person _____ enough to understand it.A) known B) learned C) taught5. There were some _____ flowers on the table.A) artificial B) unnatural C) false6. Don't place too much _____ on his advice ・A) reliance B) emphasis C) trust7. It was not until three hours later did I _______ t o what he said.the whole chapter, saying it was not difficult for us to study it by ourselves.A) dismissed B) covered C) skipped 9. The cost of living ____ has gone up all the time.A) indicationB) levelC) standard10. We must come to a decision and take action quickly, for time isB) stepping upC) running out D) revolving around 11 ・ He is not such a fool as you ______ him to be.A) thinkB) regardC) assumeD) consider12. Dr. Smith is starting the first training program himself, and his methods of teaching will be used in all_______ training programs.A) temporary B) subsequent C) fruitful D) energetic 13・ Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really ______ of the reality that they represent. A) reflections B) demonstration C) illustrations D) reproductions 14. He came back late, ______ which time all the guests had already left.A) after B) by C) at D) during 15. Whoever disobeys the company's safety regulations shall be ________ on the spot.A) interrupted B) switched C) dismissed D) revealed 16. Fd rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than _________ a room with someone else ・ A) share B) to share C) sharing D) to have shared 17・ It seemed for a while that infants were ________ to Aids. A) contributeB) attendC) attribute D) immune18. ____ I read novels and _______ I watch TV for a change ・A) Sometime / sometime B) Sometimes / sometimes C) Some time / some time D) Some times / some times19. Many young women do aerobics every day in their _______ to achieve the perfect body.A) questB) strainC) temptationD) campaign20.The government has _______ d efense spending.A)cut away B) cut across C) cut back on D) cut through21 ・ I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ________ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here・A)while B) since C) after D) as22.The old lady took the cheese and _______ to eat.A)commended B) commented C) renounced D) commenced23.I ______ upwards and could see a few stars twinkling in the sky; one seemed much brighter than the others.A) gazed B) turned C) pleaded D) twisted24.Because her jeans fit too _____ she didn't feel comfortable at all.A) firmly B) tightly C) closely D) fastenedA) tension B) obligation C) press D) pressure25.The manager finally changed his mind under _____ .26._______ t he warning that smoking kills , the number of smokers does not seem to frop in our country.A) With B) Despite C) For D) As, if properly used, can _____ a child's imagination.A) cause B) arise C) encourage D) stimulate28.The museums in the developing world often have fewer security measures and thus remain more thefts.A) weak to B) flexible to C) sensitive to D) vulnerable to29.A judge must be ______ when weighing evidence.A) interested B) disconnected C) detached D) separated30.We can't ______ the suspects to be guilty simply because they've decided to remain silent.A) interpret B) grant C)assume D)arrest31 ・ As Christmas drew near, the children were ______ ・A) filled with anticipation B) full of anticipationsC) full with anticipation D) filled of anticipation32・ Large-scale studies are needed to _________ the encouraging results we have obtained so fa匚A) confirm B) conduct C) commit D) contract33・ Prior _____ 1944, there was no atomic bomb・A) at B) to C) in D) before34.When her mother came back, she ______ in the sofa watching TV.A) curled up B) called up C) setting up D) torn upA) to do B) to C) doing D) with35.After he learned the bad news, he couldn^ set his mind _____ his job.36・ If these problems are not _________ early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves and to their instructors ・A)sipped B)spotted C)contacted D)responded37.The clerk held my passport four inches from his face and __________ to read it.A) affected B) flipped C) strained D) giggled38.He is quite sure that it's ______ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days・A) absolutely B) exclusively C) fully D) roughly39.The new machine _______ seeds evenly and quickly over the whole field・A) switched B) controlled C) risked D) distributed40.When his wife was away on business, he could _____ the entire house ______ .A)have---to himself B) take••- to himselfC) get ee* to himself D) occupy •• to himself41.All flights ______ b ecause of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train.A) having been canceled B) having canceledC) had been canceled D) were canceled42.In order to reach __________ physical fitness for the coming match, he cut out all social activities and concentrated on his training.A) maximum B) temporary C) extensive D) detached43.You don^ have to be in such a hurry, I would rather you ________ o n business first.A) would go B) will go C) went D) have gone44・ Clara was _____ to sell her late husband's paintings to pay her debts.A)qualified B)assumed C)racked D)compelled45._________________________________ All the questions the police asked what she had been doing on the night of the robbery.A)brought up B) built on C) revolved around D) singled out46.Breaking Mary's doll was purely _______ ; John did not mean to do it.A) occasional B) accidental C) casual D) incidental47.The lawyer outlined the case to him, being careful not to ________ a nything important.A) save up B) cut through C) leave out D) take out4& The official __________ of events is that the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves.A) version B) issue C) illusion D) perspective49. Suggesting something which he or she can do ___________ the child's sense of achievement.A) makes up B) adds to C) brings to D) pass on5(). Our system has been designed to give the user quick and easy _______ to the required information.A) accent B) response C)access D)approach51 ・ I was the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.A) to B) on C) at D) in52・ The time of day when you feel most is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak.A) energetic B) vigor C) enthusiastic D) dynamic53. This is a very formal occasion. It is not appropriate to wear pants or skirts.A) messy B) frantic C)jcalous D)casual54. So far only a dozen people who had direct contact with live chickens have the bird flu.A) distributed B) displayed C) constituted D) contracted55. English dramatic changes in sounds throughout the history of the English language・A) underwent B) undertake C) understate D) undermine56. The mother didn't know who for the broken glass.A) blamed B) be blamed C) to blame D) would blame57. Those postcards are their trip toAmerica •A) mementos of B) mementoes of C) traces of D) memento of58. People must their way of thinking according to the changed circumstances・A) restore B) reform C) acquire D) adjust59. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling heavy schedules・A) with regard to B) as to C) in relation to D) owing to60. They sot a result, and they were wild iov.A) magic B) magician C) magnetic D) magical(一)A strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from animals. The main objection to vegetarianism (素食主义)on a long-term basis is the difficulty of getting enough protein 一the body-building element in food. If you have ever been without meat or other animal foods for some days of weeks (say, for religious reasons) you will have notice that you tend to get physically rather weak. You are glad when the fast (禁食)is over and you get your reward of a delicious meat meal.Proteins are built up from about twenty food elements called H amino-acid n(氨基酸),which are found more abundantly in animal protein than in vegetable protein・ This means you have to eat a great deal more vegetable than animal food in order to get enough of these amino-acids. A great deal of the vegetable food goes to waste in this process and from the physiological (生理学的)point of view there is not much to be said in favor of life-long vegetarianism ・The economic side of the question, though, must be considered・ Vegetable food is much cheaper than animal food. However, since only a small proportion of the vegetable protein is useful for body-building purposes, a consistent vegetarian, if he is to gain the necessary 70 grams (克)of protein a day, has to consume a great bulk of food than his digestive organs can comfortably deal with. In fairness, though, it must be pointed out that vegetarians claim they need far less than 70 grams of protein a day. (276 words)1・ A strict vegetarian _________ .A.rarely eats animal productsB. sometimes eats eggsC. never eats any animal productsD. never eats protein2We feel weak when we go without meat and other animal products _______ .A.because we are reducing our food amountB. because we do not get enough proteinC. because vegetables do not contain proteinD. unless we take plenty of exercise3.Proteins are built up from _________ ・A.about twenty different foodsB. about twenty different vegetablesC. various fats and sugarsD. about twenty different amino-acids4.Physiologically, life-long vegetarianism may not be good because ________ ・A. it makes people very thinB. the body must process too much wasteC. the farmer lose moneyD. vitamin-deficiency diseases may result5.One thing in favour of vegetarianism is that _________ ・A. vegetable food is easier to digestB. animal food is less expensiveC. vegetable food is cheaper D・ it is good for the digestion(二)One day, when I was on my way to my high school, another young man who waswalking past me decided to show off in front of his friends and show them how "manly" he really was. Without saying a word, he walked up to me and began punching me. Once I began fighting back, he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at me. After seeing this, I ran as fast as I could towards my school, hearing the group of boys laughing badly behind me. While most people hold the belief that inner-city schools can only hinder the learning process, I would argue that these schools provide experiences which enrich one f s education simply because of their location (位]置)in the city.To clarify this point, I must first describe the ways in which Saint Ignatius High School is different from the typical inner-city school. This private, Catholic (天主教“勺)institution consists mostly of white students who come from wealthy families. Although Saint Ignatius is in the city, it also gives its students one of the best education in the state. Society usually tends to focus on the negative side of inner-city schools. Many people like to stereotype (模工弋化)these schools which, while these general statements may be true in some cases, tend to be worse most of the time・Take Mrs. Bononi, my Spanish teacher, for example・ She would often take time out of her class to tell her students about the numerous activities after class with which we should get involved・ She loved her job so much that she stayed after school every day to moderate activities such as Amnesty International and the Spanish Club. Her students, including me, joined all of the clubs which she moderated just because she made them so interesting. Because of Mrs. Borroni, I got heavily involved in the schooVs activities and learned a lot in the process. (313 words)1.The authors argument that inner-city schools ^provide experiences which enrich one's education simplybecause of their location in the city” is based on_________ ・A. consensus opinionB. his personal experienceC.a film he saw D . a story he read in a book2.Saint Ignatius High School differs from the typical inner-city school in all the following except ____________ ・A. minority studentsB. poor students C・ location in a city D. inferior education system3.Many people tend to speak more of _________ ・A.the negative sides of inner-city schoolB.teachers* lack of love for teaching at St. IgnatiusC・ students1 lack of love for learning at St. IgnatiusD.daily fights at St. Ignatius4.All the following describes Mrs・ BoiToni except _________ ・A. hard-workingB. considerate C・ responsible D・ indifferent5.It seems that the author's attitude toward inner-city school is _________ ・A. optimisticB. defensiveC. criticalD. bitter(三)Do you know how to use a mobile phone (手机)without being rude to the people around you?Talking during a performance irritates (激怒)people. If you are expecting an emergency call, sit near the exit doors and set your phone to vibrate (振动).When your mobile phone vibrates, you can leave quietly and let the others enjoy the performance・Think twice before using mobile phones in elevators, museums, churches or other indoor public places—specially enclosed spaces・ Would you want to listen to someone^s conversation in these places? Worse yet, how would you feel if a mobile phone rang suddenly during a funeral! It happens more often than you think. Avoid these embarrassing situations by making sure your mobile phone is switched off.When eating at a restaurant with friends, don't place your mobile phone on the table. This conveys the message that your phone calls are more important than those around you.Mobile phones have sensitive microphones that allow you to speak at the volume you would on a regular phone・This enables you to speak quietly so that others won^t hear the details of your conversations. If you are calling from a noisy area, use your hand to direct your voice into the microphone・Many people believe that they can, live without their mobile phone・ Owing a mobile phone definitely makes life more convenient, but limit you5re your conversation to urgent ones and save the personal calls until you are at home ・1.What should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a performance?A)Call back after the performance B) Answer it near the exit doorC) Talk outside the exit door D) Speak in a low voice2.Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think __________ ・A)you prefer to talk to your friends at the tableB)you value your calls more than your friendsC)you are enjoying the company of your friendsD)you are polite and considerate of your friends3.When you are calling in a noisy area, you are advised to _________ ・A)use a more sensitive microphoneB)shout loudly into your microphoneC)go away quietly to continue the phone callD)use your hand to help speak into the phone4.The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be _________ ・A)limited B) expected C) discouraged D) recommended5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A)You should limit your mobile phone calls to personal affairsB)You should speak quietly into your phone while in a churchC)You are supposed to turn off your mobile phone at a funeralD)You are supposed to use your mobile phone as much as possible(四)Pm coming off this plane, and landing at London airport. Im looking around for a middle-aged woman, my Aunt Penn, who Fve seen in pictures・ The photographs are out of date, but she looked like the type who would wear a big necklace (〜[)and flat shoes, and maybe some kind of narrow dress in black or gray. But I'm just guessing since the pictures only showed her face.Anyway, Pm looking and looking and everyone's leaving and there's no signal on my phone and Fm thinking Oh great, I'm going to be abandoned at the airport so that's two countries they don't want me in, when I notice everyone's gone except this ki d who comes up to me and says, "You must be Daisy.” And when I look relieved he does too and says JTm Edmond.” "Hello Edmond/ I said, "nice to meet you/1 I look at him hard to try to get a feel for what my new life with my cousins might be like.Now let me tell you what he looks like before I forget because it's not exactly what you'd expect from your average fourteen-year-old what with the cigarette and hair that looked like he cut it himself with a knife in the dead of night, but aside from that he s exactly like some kind of mutt, you know the ones you see at the dog shelter who are kind of hopeful and sweet and put their nose straight into your hand when they meet you with a certain kind of dignity and you know from that second that you f re going to take him home? Well (hat's him.Only he took me home. Fll take your bag, he said, and even though he r s about half a mile shorter than me and has arms about as thick as a dog leg, he grabs my bag, and I grab it back and say Where's your mom, is she in the car? And he smiles and takes a drag on his cigarette, which, even though I know smoking kills and all that, I think is a little bit cool, but maybe all the kids in England smoke cigarettes? I don't say anything in case it's a well-known fact that the smoking age in England is something like twelve and by making a big thing about it Fll end up looking like an idiot when I've barely been here five minutes. Anyway, he says Mum couldn r t come to the airport because she's working, and everyone else seemed to be somewhere else, so I drove here myself.1.Daisy flew to London toA) see England B) live with her aunt C) meet Edmond D) visit a friend2.Before Edmond greeted her, Daisy feltA) anxious B) curious C) relieved D) excited3・ Edmond waited till everyone was gone before greeting Daisy because —A)he did not want to talk to a girl before othersB)he did not get Daisy's phone callC)he had never seen Daisy beforeD)he was looking for a middle-aged woman4.What did Edmond look like in Daisy's eyes?A) An average fourteen-year-old・B) A lost dog.C) An old friend. D) A man with dignity.5.Daisy did not make any comment about Edmond smoking becauseA)she knew all children in England smoke cigarettesB)she thought smoking did harm to one's healthC)the smoking age in England is about 12D)she did not want to make a fool of herself(五)Throughout my childhood, I rarely ever heard about any kind of crime. Obviously I was going to have to behave (表现)a little bit differently in this new environment. Because of St. Ignatius's view as an essential part of the community, people could not exactly be banned from walking around the campus during the day. This meant that I would sometimes see homeless people begging for money as I ran from class to class・ One day I ran into someone begging on the comer near school. I decided to give the homeless person a dollar. At the time I saw no reason in my teachers1 warnings. For the next week straight, this man waited for me at the same place in the hopes that I would give him more money. He hassled me every day until I finally told him that I was not going to give him anything else. Because this may have been an unusual case, I did not want to make any conclusions about homeless people・However, I did learn from this experience that I should probably listen to my teachersmore often on issues such as this one.Students1 lives become enriched simply by attending an inner-city school. For someone who had lived in the suburbs all his life, such as myself, a new style of living can be experienced. If St. Ignatius High School were not in the middle of Cleveland, I would not have had so many opportunities to grow and mature as a person. Going to school in the city helped me to overcome the childish views I once had, and I am now better prepared to take on the challenges which await me in life. (282 words)1 ・ Why did people there walk around the campus during the day?A. Because the local people came to learn here・B.Because his school was viewed as an essential part of the comm unity.C・ Because his school was opened to all people・D. Because the local people wanted to take shortcuts・2.In the sentence in Paragraph 1 H Hc hassled me every day until I finally told him that I was not going to givehim anything else.11 the word "hassled" means _________ ・A. attackedB. beggedC. troubledD. asked3.What lessons did the author learn from the beggafs case?A.He realized how dangerous it was as a middle school student.B.He learned from the experience that he should listen to his teachers on the issue.C.He decided he would not help anyone anymore・D.He thought all homeless people were bad・4.Which of the following statements is not the evidence that students* lives became enriched by attending an inner-city school?A.The religious aspect of one's life grew.B.One was easily able to get involved in community.C.One would never make mistakes.D.One became much more aware of the dangers which exist in the city・5. _______ makes the author better prepared to take on the challenges which await him in life.A. His teachersB. The curriculum of St. IgnatiusC.His life experience at St. IgnatiusD. His religious belief(六)I was born with a disability that affects my sense of balance, causing me to walk with a limp. Not only does it affect the function of the legs, but it also has an impact on the kidneys.The disability has had its ups and downs・ As a young child, I can remember the way other children would stare at me because of the way that I walked. There were many times that my schoolmates would laugh at me and call me names simply because of their lack of understanding, especially back in the mid 70s and early 80s. Children then were just unwilling to take the time to learn why one of their classmates might walk, speak or seem noticeably different from themselves.Now that I am an adult, I have noticed that the stares and names have begun to fade, and judgments that once were negative have begun to turn toward acceptance・ The signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has played a great part in breaking down some of those barriers (障碍)that, as a child, left me to fight a war that seemed to have no end. Now I look beyond what I can' do and focus on what I can. I have learned that limitations open doors that have been closed, showing other ways to meet our needs. I have always looked at life as a challenge, grasping each obstacle with open arms・There is nothing in this world that comes easy・ I must stand tall and look forward, to be ever so ready for what still lies ahead・ People often feel sorry for those who were born with some type of disability・ But their compassion(怜悯)is misplaced・Yes, I may not be able to run as fast or perform certain tasks, but my disability gives me a better look at life and all that's around me. I want to be seen not as a disability but as a person who has, and will continue to, bloom (成长).So I decide to become an advocate (倡导者)on behalf of disabled Americans, to fight for our rights that for so long have been ignored・I feel that it only takes one powerful voice to change the minds of many nations, and as long as I have a mouth to use and a mind to think I will continue to work to bring peace upon the disabled community•1 ・ Why did children stare at the author when he was young?A)He walked in an uneven wayB)He often lost his balance and fell to the groundC)He had an appearance quite different from othersD)He spoke in a different way from others2.It can be inferred from the passage that in the 1970s, disabled children __________ ・A)were not accepted by their peersB)received different treatment at schoolC)had frequent tights with their classmatesD)had ups and downs in their life3.Being disabled, the author __________ .A)has lost many a battle in his lifeB)looks at life as a challengeC)focuses on the limitations he has to sufferD)is angry for the many opportunities he has lost4.According to the author, his disability __________ .A)has given him a better understanding of lifeB)aroused sympathy from people around himC)is a constant barrier between him and the communityD)has prevented him from growing up to a full person5.Why did the author decide to become an advocate for the disabled?A)He still has a mouth to see and a mind to thinkB)He has got a powerful voice to change people's mindsC)The signing of the ADA has failed to change a thing in their lifeD)Their rights are still being ignored。
