人教版七年级下册英语Unit 7完成句子专项练习(含答案)

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Unit 7


1. 女孩们正在拍照。

The girls ________ ________ ________.

2. 孩子们在水池里玩得很开心。

The kids are ________ ________ ________ ________ at the pool.

3. 让我看看你学校的照片。

Let me ________ ________ the photo of your school.

4. 现在欧洲天气怎么样?

the weather Europe now?

5. 你能给他捎个信吗?

Could you for him?

6. 李梅,你最近好吗?

it, Li Mei?

7. 现在老师们正在度假。

Now the teachers are.

8. 这个女孩正在高兴地唱歌。

The girl is singing.

9. 在昨晚的聚会上,我们每一个人都玩得很愉快。

Each of us _________ a great _________ at the party last night.

10. 你的寒假过得怎么样?

_________ _________ your winter vacation _________ ?

11. 我再一次见到贺军翔是如此开心。

I’m so happy _________ _________ He Junxiang again.

12. 许多人在那边。其中一些人在唱歌,一些人在散步。

Many people are there. _________ _________ them are singing; some of them are walking.

13. 我想写信给你,但我不知道你的地址。

I want to _________ _________ _________ ,but I don’t know your address.

14. 我的家人和我在群山中度假。

My family and I are _________ _________ in the mountains.

15. 每年有很多人在这儿度假。

There are _________ _________ here _________ _________ every year.

16. 我们正在街上漫步,天气很晴朗。

We are walking in the street. It’s _________ _________ day.

17. 我的一些朋友喜欢TFBOYS组合。

_________ _________ my friends like the group TFBOYS.

18. 这水是温热的,正好适合游泳。

The water is warm, _________ _________ _________ swimming.

19. 我的电脑坏了,我能用一下你的吗?

My computer _________ _________. Can I use yours?

20. 露西和迈克在操场上玩得很开心。


21. 我很开心看见这么雪白的世界。


22. 他正在公园里很开心地滑冰。


23. 他们非常享受这次暑假,是吧?


24. 你能给他捎口信吗?

Can you_________ _________ _________ _________him?

25. 请告诉他给我回电话。

Please tell him_________ _________ _________ _________.

26. 在加拿大我去看望我的姑姑,玩得很开心。

I’m_________a great time_________my aunt_________ _________.

27. 我想给你打电话,单数我的电话不好用。

I want_________ _________you but my phone_________ _________.

28. 这儿的天气很凉爽,正适合散步。

The weather here is cool, _________ _________ _________ _________.


1. are taking photos

2. having a good time

3. look at

4. How’s, in

5. take a message

6. How’s, going

7. on vacation

8. having a good/great time

9. had; time 10. How was; going 11. to see

12. Some of 13. write to you 14. on vacation 15. many people; on vacation 16. a sunny 17. some of 18. just right for 19. isn’t working/doesn’t work/is broken

20. Lucy and Mike are having fun on the playground.

21. I’m happy to see the white world.

22. He is having a good time skating in the park.

23. They enjoy the summer vacation very much, don’t they?

24. take a message for 25. to call me back

26. having visiting in Canada 27. to call, isn’t working

28. just right for walking
