例如:conduct(行为),write (签字),witness(证明),goods(商品),individual(个人),sum(总额),signing(签署),insurance(保险),gambling(赌博),rule(规则),marriage (婚姻),divorce(离婚)等等。
例如:law(法律),lawyer(律师),debt(债务),murder(谋杀),crime(罪行),prison(监狱),court(法庭),contract(合同),police(警察),will(遗嘱),fine(罚款),punishment (惩罚),sentence(判决),judgement(审判),robbery(抢劫),theft(偷窃)等等。
另外由于这类术语都是常用词,所以其构词能力较强,如law lawful和lawyer, crime criminal, contract contractual,而且有的具有多义性,应用时要注意词形变化和语境。
[2]著名法律语言学家DavidMellinkoff也曾说“法律是措辞的职业”,[3]在其专著The Language of the Law (1963)中,他总结出了法律语言措辞的九大特点。
(一)古体词例1: INWITNESSTH WHEREOFPthe partiesheretohave executed thisContractby their authorized representatives as of the date first abovewritten·法律英语已有较长的历史,至今仍保留着一些古英语和中世纪英语的词汇。
• Bill Time Bill /overdue bill /
• This contract is made the 4th day of July, 1996
by and between Away (China) daily necessities company Limited (hereinafter
• Rights and interests • the Rights and Interests of Women and Children
• Aid and Comfort • Clause 1:Treason against the United States, shall consist only in
inclusive of your 2% commission.
• Herewith • Please sign the document enclosed herewith. • My resume is enclosed herewith. • Thereto • The relevant inspecting organs shall give
assistance thereto. • The signature on a negotiable instrument
shall be the true name of the party thereto.
Doublets(legal pairs)
• Null and void • The contract was declared null and void.
[关键词]法律英语词汇特点[中图分类号] H31 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-3437(2013)09-0063-02随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,中外法律的交流愈加频繁和重要,法律英语翻译越来越受到人们的重视。
法律语言的功能决定了其属于“冷冻体”(frozen style)语言,所以法律语言又呈现出保守型和专业化的特点。
一、法律术语的准确性、严谨性美国法律语言学家David Mellinkoff 认为,法律术语(terms of law/ terms of legal art)是指具有特定意义的专门化词汇(a technical word with a specific meaning)。
比如agreement(协议),contract(合同),debt(债务), trial(审判)等。
例如,单词“action”在法律中的含义是“诉讼”:“damage”是造成的“损坏”而“damages”为“损害赔偿金”:“demise”(死亡)在法律中的含义是“转让,遗赠”,这个词经常出现在出租、赠与这类场合,例如:“demise premises”(遗赠房产)。
“consideration”通常指“考虑” “体贴”,而在法律英语中的含义是“对价” “约因”:“instrument”(器具)在法律中的含义是“法律文件”。
古词ye是you 的复数“你们”,在普通英语中已经不再使用了,但在法庭开庭时仍沿用here ye “静听”(宣读、审判)或用古词oyez “静听”。
这里的here ye 实际相当于现代英语中的listen up!古词sayeth等于现代英语中的say ,在普通英语中早已不用了,但在法庭上仍然常用。
试看一下一段合约:Provided further that this policy shall be subject to the Conditions herein contained and to any Memoranda endorsed hereon and such Conditions and part of the Policy and the observance and performance by the Insured of the times and terms therein contained so far as they relate to anything to be done by the Insured are of the essence of this contract and shall be conditions precedent to any liability on the part of the Insured under this Policy.上例合约条款选自一份现代的保险合同,但其中herein,hereon ,such全是普通英文中废弃的典型的古旧副词,而其他旧式用法还有provided that ,subject to 等。
(3)古词、旧词的频繁使用 frequent Use of the archaic words or phrases Esp. archaic adverbs and prepositional phrases aforementioned ( =previously mentioned), aforesaid ( = above) ,behoove ( = to be necessary/ tobe proper) ,foregoing ,forthwith ( = immediately) , henceforth( = from now on) , hitherto ( = until this time/ up to now) ,pursuant to ( = under/ according to) hereafter , herebefore ,hereby ,herein ,herinabove ( = above) ,hereinafter ,hereinunder( = below) , hereof , heretofore ( = before/ up to this time) ,hereunder , herewith ( eg. enclosed herewith = enclosed)
一部分法律英语的的专门术语常常以here-, there-, where-作前缀与另一个词构成一个正式法律词语,如:hereafter, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, hereunder, hereupon, herewith, thereafter, thereby, therefrom, therein, thereafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereupon, therewith; whereas, whereby, wherein, whereon, etc. 下面列举几个实例来解释汉译英时使用这些词的意义及用法:例1:“合同生效后,当事人就质量、价款或者报酬、履行地点等内容没有约定或者约定不明确的,可以协议补充;……”(《中华人民共和国合同法》第61条)。
翻译此条款时,应从语内译入手,因该条款暗含一个条件句:“如果合同生效后,当事人就……约定不明确的,”其主句是“可以协议补充;……”因此可以译为:If, after the contract made by and between the parties becomes effective, there is no agreement therein on the terms and provisions regarding quality, price or remuneration and place of performance, etc. or such agreement is unclear, the parties may, through consultation, agree upon supplementary terms and provisions.译文there is no agreement后面用了therein,为agreement下了明确的界说,指agreement in the contract,因therein表示 in that; in that particular context; in that respect之意,在此它指上文所指的范围。
试析法律英语的词汇特点摘要法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。
比如我国“对外贸易法”这部法律中有十处提到“应当”这个词,具有英语常识的人都知道,在普通英语中,“应当”的常用词汇有be supposed to,should,be ought to等。
根据我的学习与研究体会,法律英语语言具有以下几个基本特点:1. 用词比较准确。
2. 用词比较正式、拘谨。
比如,不用before而用prior,不用but 而用provided that,不用after而用sequent,不用tell而用advise,不用begin或start而用commence,不用use而用employ,不用according to而用in accordance with,不用show而用demonstrate,等等。
3. 大量使用外来词语,特别是拉丁词语。
比如,de facto(事实上的),in re(关于),inter alia(除了别的因素以外;特别),alibi(不在犯罪现场),bona fide(真正的,真诚的),quasi(好像;准),per se(自身), ad hoc(专门的;专门地),等等。
4. 使用具有不同意义的常用词。
比如,action(诉讼),avoid (取消),consideration(对价),execute(签署),prejudice (损害),save(除了,除……外),serve(送达),said(上述,该),minor(未成年)或major(已成年),instrument(法律文件),等等。
5. 经常使用古英语和中古英语。
古英语(Old English)是公元约1100年以前的英语,中古英语(Middle English)则是公元约1100年至1500年间的英语。
这一点主要体现在大量使用以here, there和where与介词合成的词,比如,hereafter,herein,hereunder,hereafter,thereto,whereby,wherein,等等。
论法律英语的词汇特点与翻译原则摘要:法律英语就其文体而言属于职业专用语言(english for occupational purposes),具有其自身的语言特征。
关键词:法律英语; 词汇特征; 翻译原则法律英语是一门专门用途英语。
一般认为法律英语主要指的是以英语为母语的普通法(common law)国家的法学研究人员、法官、律师和其他司法工作者在以法律为职业和以法学研究为目的的过程中所使用的法律习惯语言(customary language)。
一般主张用legal english来表述“法律英语”,而美国法律语言研究权威mellinkoff则认为legal english会产生“合法的英语”的歧义,认为“法律英语”用the english language of law更合适。
2018年9月 山西省政法管理干部学院学报 S e p .,2018 第31卷 第3期 J o u r n a l o f S h a n x i P o l i t i c s a n dL a wI n s t i t u t e f o rA d m i n i s t r a t o r s V o l .31N o .3【司法实务】收稿日期:2018-06-17作者简介:樊慧燕(1979-),女,山西省政法管理干部学院基础教学部讲师。
法律英语的词汇特征及其翻译方法樊慧燕(山西省政法管理干部学院,山西太原 030012)〔摘 要〕 法律英语作为众多专用英语的重要组成部分之一,与日常英语相比,更为复杂和专业。
〔关键词〕 法律英语;词汇特征;翻译方法〔中图分类号〕D F 0-055 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕1672-1500(2018)03-0110-03 随着国际交流日益的频繁,法律英语在涉外英语中发挥着无可替代的作用。
法律英语特点法律英语(Legal English),在英语国家中被称为Legal Language或Language of the Law,即法律语言,在英语中指表述法律科学概念以及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语。
)今天要讲的五个内容:正式性,准确性,模糊性,专业性,法律英语词汇来源2 ,准确性A,法律英语作为一种具有规约性的语言的分支,有其独特的语言风格,而其中最重要、最本质的特点就是语言的准确性。
请看例句:No law or administrative or local rules and regulations shall contravene the constitution. (一切法律、行政法规和地方法规都不得同宪法相抵触)。
Shall通常译为“应、应当”,而Shall的否定式shall not则译为“不得”。
C,I will pay back in a year.法律文本所要阐明的就是权利和义务,为了维护法律的尊严,不至于产生语义上的分歧而发生纠纷,一词一句都应力求无懈可击。
shall not constitute a waiver; shall not be deemed a consent; including but not limited to… nothing contained herein shall…
8. 大量使用累赘词以表达单一的 法律概念
Ex 1. He was awarded (判给)$500 damages(损 害赔偿)for the injury he suffered in the accident.
Ex. 2. 1) The testator died without issue(子女). 2) Parties must wait for process(传票)to
provisions of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China;
or (ii) to effectuate necessary adjustments in order to preserve each Party’s economic benefit under this Agreement on a basis no less favorable than the economic benefit it would have received if such law, regulation, decree or rule had not been adopted, amended, repealed or so interpreted or implemented.
例如,“stare decisis”(遵循先例)、“alibi”(不在犯罪现场的申辩)等。
例如,在翻译“actus reus”(犯罪行为)时,不能简单地直译为“行为错误”,而要根据法律语境和功能,译为“犯罪行为”,以确保目标语读者能够准确理解其法律含义。
例如,“intellectual property”直译为“知识产权”,“due diligence”意译为“尽职调查”,“patent”音译为“专利”,对于一些复杂的术语,如“mortgagebacked security”(抵押支持证券),可以在翻译后加注进行解释。
关键词:法律英语,词汇特征,古语,术语ABSTRACTThe present thesis is an attempt to discover the lexical characteristics of law English. With the continuously intensifying communication between China and the word, the growth in quantity of foreign-related cases is an inevitable result. Consequently, law English plays an all the more important role notably in economic field. Due to the special function of law which is to formulate people‘s rights and obligations hence to facilitate the domination of ruling class, law English is endowed with the nature of formalness, exactness, precision and accuracy.Nevertheless, law English is ―infamous‖ for the obscure and obsolete expressions that even in English-speaking countries legal English is regarded as a ―foreign language‖. Among the many unique features of legislative English, a variety of EST (English of Science and Technology), lexical characteristics are the most outstanding ones. This article will be devoted to illustrate the origin and features of legal English lexis from the aspects of archaism, foreign expressions, terms and paired words, aiming at generalizing the universal principles and common phenomena in legislative texts.The results of this study demonstrate that a good comprehension of the unique features of law English can contribute a lot to the study of law English and the translation of foreign law documents. The author hopes this paper can throw light on the study of the evolution of English vocabulary.KEY WORDS: law English, lexical features, archaism, terminologyContentsIntroduction (4)Chapter One Archaism (5)Chapter Two Foreign Origin Words (8)2.1 Latin Words and Latinized English (8)2.2 Old French words (10)Chapter Three Terminology (12)3.1 semi-technical terms (12)3.2 pure technical terms (13)3.2.1 Legal Terms (13)3.2.2 Borrowed Terms (14)Chapter Four Paired Words (16)1.1 paired synonyms (16)1.2 paired antonyms (17)Conclusion (18)Bibliography (19)IntroductionLaw English refers to the language of law of England, America and some other countries whose official language is English, such as Canada, Australia, Singapore, and New Zealand. Most of these countries belong to the Common Law system or English—American Law system, which mainly consist of case law and equity law.Distinguished from demotic English, legal English is falls into the category of English for specific purpose, scientific English, medical English, business English and financial English alike (Tom, H. &A. Waters, 2002:16).According to Martin Joos‘ classification (1957) of the range of formality, legal documents belong to the frozen level (the most solemn one) for that law is the embodiment of the ruler‘s sovereignty. To render the high formality and dignity, law composers often adopt words and phrase that are only applicable to law articles. As a consequence, law is notable for the merits of formalness, precision, conciseness and authoritativeness, but only in the specialist community. Common people are beset with those obscure expressions and antique words. Although, in recent years there has been continual process of simplification and clarification, the gap between legislative language and everyday lexicon is still very wide.In the wake of globalization and prosper of some super English—speaking countries, people get more access to law English especially in economic field. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the lexical features of law texts, not only for those legal professions (lawyers, judges, law translators, etc.) but also for every one as some common senses.This paper will elaborate the lexical characteristics of legal English in the following aspects: archaism, foreign words, terms, paired words. Notwithstanding, it is impossible to fully detail all the examples, the author still singles out some typical ones for the reader‘s references.Chapter One ArchaismA profusion of archaism exists in legal documents. Archaism refers to old English prevailed during the period from Norman conquest to 1100AD and the middle English used in the period from1100 to 1500AD.Over centuries, all kinds the old—fashioned, obscure, antique English words have been abandoned or annulled from daily life, especially from oral English system. However, archaic expressions continue to thrive in the legislative writings and judicial activities. Some primitive words are passed down relying on some ancient careers as navigation, missionary professions. Until now clergymen consistently quote the classical sentences in the King James Bible.Attribute to the convention left by the long history of the common law system, case law is the main resource for the law drafter to formulate laws and regulations. The principle ―Stare Decisis‖, or the doctrine of binding precedent, is more precisely known as ‗Stare rationibus decidendis‘ (keep to the decisions of past cases). Generally speaking, the doctrine operates to secure certainty in the law by following previous decisions, in case they are inconsistent with a higher court‘s decision or wrong in law. Spontaneously, judges would go through the files to see if there are some references when facing a new case.―Legal language often strives toward great formality; it naturally gravitates towards archaic language.‖(Tiersma 1999:95) Apart from formality, antique words also reflect the conservative of legal English. ―What has been tested and found adequate i s best not altered.‖(Cristal & David 1986:213) To avoid ambiguity that may generated by changing the original words recorded on the file paper, most of the archaism are kept unchanged and now has become the unique feature of legal texts. Further, law has b een the reflection of the dominants‘ will, and aims at maintain the majesty and supreme status. Therefore, archaism does remain in the legislative texts in light of the formality, conservation, correctness and perfectly contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of law.The majority of the archaic words are the combination of here, there, where with a preposition; typical ones are enumerated in the following table:More examples:Attachments hereof shall be made an integral part of this contract and effective as any other provisions of this contract.Neither party hereto shall assign this agreement or any of its rights and interests hereunder without the other party‘s prior written consent.When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive Authority thereof show issue rights of election to fill such vacancies.A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the issuer undertakesto identify the assured.―Legal English h as retained several morphological forms which have died out in daily English‖ (郝雪靓2006). The representative one is the use of witness with the meaning of testify, witnesseth being the third person singular present form. For instance:In witness whereof, I have set my hand…This policy witnesseth that…Other archaism like aforementioned, aforesaid, thence, thenceforth, etc. are also commonly found in legal texts.To conclude, the employment of archaism helps to ensure the accuracy, formalness and authoritativeness of legal English while at the same time tougher to understand.Chapter Two Foreign Origin WordsAnother merit of legal English which can not be neglected is the mass introduction of foreign words, notably Latin and French, which render the language formal and solemn. English proper is the mixture of many civilizations. Anglo—Saxon Conquest, Norman Conquest, Roman Invasion have great influenced the politic, economy and culture of England especially the language system.It is universally acknowledged that the common law system was formed in the Norman Co nquest period. ―There was English law before the Norman Conquest but there was no distinct profession, no centralization of justice‖ (Mellinkoff 1963:46) The author will elaborate the use of Latin and French in legislative documents respectively.2.1 Latin Words and Latinized EnglishThe history of Latin words permeated into English can be retrospect to 597AD, when Christianity was brought into England and the Roman culture along with it. From then on, Latin began to prevail in England firstly by the priests.Another big event that influenced the spread of Latin is the Renaissance Movement. This movement unfolds a vigorous mass campaign for learning Latin and Roman culture. This monopolistic language in the 13th and 14th century was regarded as the ―noble language‖. It was exclusively used by the upper class for that, historically, England has been a country using different languages to distinguish levels of social class. Latin even became a tool for the dominant class to rein the whole country. Law composer s used it as the ―common language‖ to formulate laws and regulations. In western civilizations, legal idioms and proverbs of Latin elements prevailed for a time. For example:Rest my case, verse versa.Jus est ars boni et aequi (Law is the art of kind and justice).Salus populi suprema lex (T e benefits of people is the supreme law).Latin borrowings gained the unprecedented position in legislative language. Some Latin words has intermingled with English and if not further study their roots, you can hardly find their Latin features such as: declaration, register, convict, jury, omission, litigant, felony, offence, injury, compensate, negotiate, affirm, deprive, etc. While some still maintain the Latin appearance. The following examples are given by the author:Latin is also characterized by concise, popular, and precise in expression, such as: ―Nullm crimen ma jus est inobedientia‖ means ―No crime is greater thandisobedience.‖―Res inter alios acta alteri nocere no debet‖ means ―A transaction between two parties shouldn‘t operate to the disadvantage of the third party not in their debt.‖To conclude, Latinisms have the distinct advantage in articulating law composer‘s inte ntions with concise phrases for their conceptions defined no ambiguity and long history of practice. That‘s one of the main reasons why they are not replaced by plain English. Having a good command of Latin would greatly facilitate the study of legal English for that Latin has been an indispensable shaping factor in tradition.2.2 Old French wordsThe period of Henry Ⅱ(1154-1189) is deemed to be “one of the most critical periods in the history of common law”(Denis 1986:1) England initiates the formation of common law system. Edicts made by the king, customary law of German, decrees from Norman emperor constitute the resources of common law system.To a large extent, the evolution of case law relies on the record of judicial precedents and on the law reporting. The English case law reporting institution has went through the eras of Year Books (1727-1535), Private Reports (1535-1865), and present system of law reporting (1865 till now). In practical, law reporting institution lays the foundations of the establishment of ―Stare Decisis‖.Norman Conquest is the inception of the French entering into English language system. Since then, Britain had been controlled by France. Consequently, Norman-French became the official language used in religion, education, politic, and judicial fields. English people were keen on imitating the elegance French tone used by the upper class and spoke it in various formal occasions. Law, acting as the ruler‘s instrument to rein England, was naturally formulated in French.In the 14th century, French gained an undeniable position in legal sphere of England, and continue to be so to the end of the 15th century. Later, though this language was no longer the legislative language, large number of French origin words were reserved in the form of legal precedent.Similar to Latin, some French words lost their morphological features. For instance: insurance, attorney, plead, dependant, equitable, dossier, dispose, arrest, assault, contract, damages, heir, larceny, mortgage, reprieve, treason, trespass, etc. Some words are still looks as it did originally. The following are some examples given by David Mellinkoff in The Language of Law:The formalness inclined the legislative body to use French and passed down from centuries ago.In the18th century English parliament proposed that all the Latin and French be abandoned permanently in tort law. However, later it is virtually proved impossible on account that no concise English expressions can substitute for the Latin and French without changing the original meaning. Tiersma said, ―Once establi shed legal phrases in authoritative texts take on a life of their own; you meddle with them at your own risk‖(1999:8) Ultimately English law language was inherited as a special language system consists of 3 kinds of languages: English (Anglo-Saxon), Latin and French.Chapter Three TerminologyAccording to Feng Zhiwei‘s comprehension, terms generally reflect people‘s achievements in research, and are regarded as the crystal of expert‘s professional knowledge (1997:2). Although law technical terms are obscure and tough to understand for average people, it is essential for lawyers, judges, and other law staff to dealing with law suits, drafting new articles, and things alike. ―If a word or phrase is used exclusively by a particular trade or profession or if that profession uses it in a way that differs from its normal meaning and the form has a relatively well-defined sense, it should be considered a technical term‖ (Tiersma: 108).The most fundamental virtue of term is that ambiguity and misapprehension are effectively avoided. Terms guarantee the exactness and accuracy of law articles hence inclined the legislative body putting terms into use.Alcaraz and Porian (2002: 17) classified technical vocabulary into pure technical terms and semi-technical terms. Pure technical terms are exclusively applicable in professional fields, while semi-technical terms refer to everyday lexicon which has gained extra meaning in the legal variety.3.1 semi-technical termsHao xueliang (2006) demonstrates in her articl e, ―A great number of common words are employed in legal English, but with uncommon meanings, which is one of the important factors that help creating the gap between legal English and everyday speech‖. Prestigious English jurist Firth explained that each word would have diverse conceptions with the changing of language environment. Common words are deprived of the everyday meanings and adopted new ones of legislative importance. As an indication of the difference between the daily and legal notion a chart is given by the author below:On account of the above analysis, researchers should deliberate on the proper meaning rather than translating the terms literally.3.2 pure technical termsPure technical term is ―a technical word with a specific meaning‖ (Mellinkoff 1963: 16). This variety of term renders the legal English clear and precise. Chen Peixing (1995) of Guizhou Police Officer V ocational College conducted a survey, and found that merely 30% of the law English vocabulary is professional ones, of which 3/4 being legalized common words. As a consequence, very few genuine pure technical terms exit, while due to the requirement of accuracy, concise and formalness, they can not be substituted.3.2.1 Legal TermsPure technical terms can also be subdivided into borrowed terms and legal terms. Legal law terms refer to the English terms peculiarly falling into the legislative sphere. This type of terms are the standardized ones, with only one specific notion and highly precision. They exclusively belong to law realm and rarely found in others in that pure legal terms are created especially for legislative and judicial activities.Pure legal terms, though in small quantity, play a quite important identifying role in the realization of concision and precision of legal English. Typical ones are as follows:plaintiff: A person who brings a case against another in a court of law.defendant: Any person against whom a relief is claimed by a plaintiff, or a person against whom a criminal prosecution is broughtrecidivist: A person who continually returns to criminal behavior notwithstanding the imposition of punishment for crimes committed.bigamy: Entering into a second marriage while lawfully married to another personhomicide: A killing, lawful or unlawful, of a human being by another human being;unlawful killing with or without intent to kill or do grievous bodily harm.affray: An indictable offence at common law originally designed to provide protection against violent disturbance of the peace, whose necessary element is that persons are put in fear.parole: The release of a prisoner from custody after the completion of a minimum period of imprisonment determined by a court so that the prisoner may serve the rest of the sentence on conditional liberty.tort: A wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other than under contract) leading to liability.3.2.2 Borrowed TermsBorrowed terms refer to the specific terms in other technical fields as engineering, economic, medical, financial, etc. With the all-round rapid development of the whole world and the increasingly intensive international communication of many fields, unfortunately disputes are also in a growing tendency. Law, serving asthe sovereign power, extends to every part of the industry to settle the disputes.Followings are some examples given by the author for the reader‘s favor: acceptance (of economy): The signification by a drawee of assent to the order of a drawer, requiring the drawee to sign the bill and an expression that the drawe e‘s promise will be performed only by money payment.balance (of economy): A figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account; the amount of money held in an account.alignment (of engineering): arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions.coverage (of insurance): the amount of protection given by the insurance.risk (of insurance): a possibility of harm or damage against which something is insured.maturity (of finance)The time at which a bill of exchange becomes due for payment.Borrowed terms in law are mainly encountered in specialized codes, which are enacted to specify the issues in these fields. For example UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985 is for regulating international commercial arbitration.Chapter Four Paired WordsLaw refers to a set of rules enacted by the authorities or developed from the custom which is recognized by the community as binding to all members. From the very beginning, law has been recognized as the sovereignty to specify people‘s rights and obligations, hence extreme formalness and definition being the critical demands of legislative language. Spontaneously, a profusion of paired words exit in legal documents. Paired synonyms exit for the rigorousness, while paired antonyms for the representative of the right and obligation parties.4.1 paired synonymsSynonym means a word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language. One study found that binomial expressions (a technical linguistic term for two parallel words joined by a conjunction) were used five times as often in legal writing as in other prose styles. (Tiersma 1999:60) Paradoxically, one of the essential merits of legal texts is concise, thus why these lexical repetition or redundancy been adopted.On account of the unique historical background, the courthouse occupied a dominant position in the process of legislation. However, after the 13th century, the legislative power was held by the congress. To keep the privilege, the court use the power of legal interpretation to interpret the law clauses in the judicial process at will, broadening or narrowing the original legal intention. Consequently, the congress listed the synonym s, leaving no room for the court‘s distortion. Later with the development of legislative system, this tradition has been preserved. Here are some examples: Any such advantages as is mentioned in this ordinance are customary in any profession, trade, vocation or calling.The seller shall pay all the custom duties and tariffs for export of the equipment.Others like: power and authority; terms and conditions; alter and change; make and enter into; any and all; final and conclusive; when and as; by and between; saveand except; null and void; children and issue; last will and testament, etc. can frequently found in any law.The adoption of synonyms or nearly synonyms endows precise to the denotation leaving no chance for misunderstanding.4.2paired antonymsDetermined by the mission of specifying the rights and obligations, law norms possess large quantities of paired antonyms to represent the two opposite parties. Generally, one party‘s right is reflected as the counter party‘s duty.Examples are as followings: offerer and offeree; appellant and appellee; creditor and debtor; right and duty; principal and accessory; the breaching party and the nonbreaching party; the justice and the evil; the criminal and the victim; drawer and drawee; libeler and libellee; mortgagor and mortgagee; plegor and pledgee indorser and indorsee ; insurer and insured; accuser and accused; blackmailer and blackmailee; trustor and trustee; legator and legatee, etc.We can conclude from the above examples that in legal English mass synonyms are formed with suffixes as -er/or and –ee to refer the counter party. This regular pattern may favor the study of legal English.ConclusionThe characteristics, described above, generally have a significant effect on the study of legal English and subsequently on the comprehension, translation and reference of English common law. English lexicon differs to a great extent from demonic English in many aspects.The author analyzed the characteristics of legal English respectively with some typ ical cases for the readers‘ references. Determined by the specific function of legal English to signify the legislative intent, conservativeness, formality, accuracy, preciseness and authoritativeness are of essential. Antique expressions, foreign elements, technical terms and paired words succeed in rendering the unique features herein, nevertheless, at the same time bringing about obscurity.This paper is conductive to the learning of legal English and to the comprehension of foreign laws written in English, hence promoting international communication. Globalization is an undeniable tendency, which means people from different countries get more access to exchange the modern achievements with each other. English, as one of the official languages of the UN, is practically the international language applied by the world. Consequently, international regulations and laws of many countries (China included) have an English version.Legal English is rather complicate and hard to understand, the author hopes that this paper would be of beneficial to the learning, teaching, and translation of legal English. Due to the limitation of time, it is impossible for the author to reach the depth expected, but hoping to be helpful to further studies.BibliographyAdvanc ed Learner‘s English-Chinese Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 6th ed.Crystal, David & Davy, Derek.Investigating English Style University of British Columbia Press. New York: 1969.Crastal David, & Derek Davy. Investigating English Style.London Group Limited.London:1969.David Mellin, on legal language. Boston: 1970.Martin ,Elizabeth A. Oxford Dictionary of Law. New York: Oxford University Press.5th ed.Mellinkoff, David. The Language of the Law. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1963.—.On legal language, Boston: 1970.Tiersma , PeterM. Linguistic Aspects of Legislative Expression.University of British Columbia Press. Vancouver: 1989.冯志伟,《现代术语学引论》。
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例1He was awarded $ 500 damages for the injury hesuffered in the accident .在这个例句中award和damage是法律上的用法。
试看以下一段合约:例3Provided further that this Policy shall be subject to theConditions herein contained and to any Memoranda endorsed hereon and such Conditions and Memoranda are to be takenas part of the Policy and the observance and performance bythe Insured of the times and terms therein contained so far asthey relate to anything to be done by the Insured are of theessence of this contract and shall be conditions precedent toany liability on the part of the Insured under this Policy. (薛华业,1989:98)上例合约条款选白-份现代的保险合约,但其中herein, here-on,such以及thereon全是普通英文中废弃的典型的占旧副词,而其他旧式用法还有provided that, subject to等。
以下这些仍然是当代英文法律文献中常用的古旧副词:aforesaidforthwithhere words: hereafter,hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereinbefore, hereof, hereto, heretofore, hereunder, here-withlet (如在without let or hindrance这个短语中)said (作形容词使用时)pursuant tosuchthence, thenceforththere words: thereabout, thereafter, thereat, thereby,therefor, therefore, therein, thereon, thereto, theretofore,thereunto (相当于in the document/place referred to), thereunder, thereupon, therewithwhere words: whereas (相当于“given the fact that" ),whereat, whereby, whereofwitness (以签名或宣誓方式作证时用,如In witnesswhereof, I have set my hand)witreseth(意为提供某事的正式证据,在古英语的陈述句中,该词作为第三人称单数的动词)5.4 频繁使用拉丁词当代法律英语的基础是普通法。
这类词主要有:affidavitaliasalibibona fideprovisoquorumhaheas corpusprima facieversuswrit of fieri facias但还有很大一部分拉丁词是人们日常生活中极少使用或很少有机会接触到的。
例如:ex parteex post factoguardian ad l:temin flagrante delictoin locum parentisin reminter aliainter partesnulla poena sine legeper stirpesres ipsa lcquiturin pari materia5.5大量使用大众词汇中比较陌生的法语词由于英国曾经很长一段时间是受法国人统治的,故英文法律词汇中属法语词源的词汇数量也相当庞大,而且这些已经构成了基本的英文法律词汇。
这些词主要有:actioncourtagreementcovenantappealcrimearrestdamagearsondebtassaultdeclarationattorneysdefendantuallerydermandbilldescentclaimcondition easement constables evidence contract execution counsel felonycountgoals (jails) grantpartner guarantee payment guardian plaintiffheir pleacings indictment pledgeinfantpolice judges possession judgment prisonsjurors pruperty justice purchase justices reprieve larceny robberylien senlence marriage servant misdemeanour slander moneysuitnoteobligationtreasonpardontrespasspartiesverdict还有一部分古旧的法文词尚木进入普通英文的词汇表,其使用范围只局限在法律专业人员之间的书面交流中。
这些专用的法语法律用词有:alien (意思相当于to transfer)chose in actiondemurrerestoppelestoppel in paisesquirefee simple and fee uail (保留法语语序)attormey general (保留法语语序)lachesmetes and boundsoyezquashroll (如在judgment roll这个短语中)save (相当于except)spec:alty (等于sealed contract)style (如在这个name and style短语中)voire dire5.6大量使用专业术语法律专业术语(terms of art) 概念上相当于科技术语,具有明确的、特定的法律上的含义。
略举如下:agencydefendantalias summonsdemurreralibidry trustappcalfee simplebailfee tailcommon countsfictitious defendantmaster and servanthabeas corpusmonth- to month tenancyguarantornegotiable instrumentjudicial noticeplaintifflachesprincipal and suretylandlorc/1essorsurrendertenant/lesseetortletters patentvoir dire以上这些可称之为术语词的法律用词,概念非常确切,词义明确,不会一词多义。
如proximate cause, negligence, 以及foreseeability,都只有专门的法律上的意义。
在词源上,它们可以是拉丁词(如res ipsa loquitur),也可以是法语词(如indictment),也可以是普普通通、道道地地的英语词(如surrender),但数量上以法语词居多。
5.7 经常使用法律行话术语可以是对内的,即对从事同一行业的人士,如律师对律师或法官对律师;但也可以是对外的,即对律师的客户和法律所服务的对象,即普通民众。
行话( argot)则不然,它是完全对内的,即同行的语言,虽然有时并非是故意要将行外人十排斥在外。