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附录 A















随着生产技术的发展,动力转向系统在体积、价格和所消耗的功率等方面都取得了惊人的进步。电动助力转向技术得到迅速发展,其应用范围己经从微型轿车向大型轿车和客车方向发展。日本的大发汽车公司、三菱汽车公司、木田汽车公司,美国Oelph 公司,英国Lueas公司,德国的ZF公司,都研制出了各白的EPS。EPS技术日趋完善,并且其成本大幅度降低,为此其应用范围将越来越大。

在国内,越来越多的企业参与到转向器生产研发中来,江门兴江、沙市久隆、荆州恒隆等一些本土企业开始将液压动力转向器作为企业的战略重点来发展,而国内外资企业如上海采埃孚、广州昭和、一汽光洋等主要生产轿车用液压动力转向器。2006年我国27家主要汽车转向器生产企业的产量达804.3万台。出口规模超过进口,出口数量达3048.1万千克,实现创汇14451. 8万美元。


附录 B

A situation at home and abroad, and subject.

Steering gear and name to machine, machine, it is the direction of the most important to the parts. The role of steering gear is: increase steering wheel steering transmission mechanism to the force and change the direction of the force transmission.

Steering gear in the form of the structure can be divided into DuoZhong type. At present the more commonly used have super-modulus gear type, worm crank refers to pin type, circulation ball-rack tooth fan type, circulation ball crank refers to pin type, worm wheel type, etc. If in power, can divide again to form (no power), the mechanical and the power type (help) two kinds, in power steering gear and can be divided into the air pressure power type, hydraulic power type, electric power type, such as type electric hydraulic booster species.

The working principle of steering gear is, when the driver to turn right or left, through the steering wheel with universal transmission device of the rotation of the steering to screw rotation, circulation ball in a spiral tubular channels in rolling, and formed a "ball flow". Steel ball in tubular channels in around two weeks later, the outflow to one end of the catheter into the nuts, along with an catheter to the other end of the flow back to spiral tubular channels. So in the steering gear work, two columns of steel ball in their respective closed cycle, and do not send in the pipeline to get out. The flow of steel ball while pushing nuts along the screw moved back and forth. Then, rack drive teeth, make swing door lock shaft rotation happened. Finally, through the steering wheel drive mechanism to promote deflection, and to make the turn to.

In recent years, automobile industry in our country present a steady and rapid growth trend. As one of the key components of the automobile redirector also obtained fast development, the scale of production and marketing in growing at the same time, the technical level also got some degree of ascension.

In the domestic cars equipped with the steering gear products (mainly trucks, commercial vehicle) more than 95% is the independent brand steering gear. In the upscale cars, two-thirds of the vehicle use is a sino-foreign joint venture or a wholly foreign owned enterprise production of steering gear, a third of the vehicle use independent brand steering gear. Cheap car is almost all of the use of the independent brand steering gear [4].

Automobile redirector agencies involved in the vehicle handling, stability and safety, its quality also reflect the quality of the vehicle, is directly related to vehicle performance of the key components.

To turn to the requirements of the system, the most is to the sensitivity of the
