





三、联合体成立事宜:1. 联合体成立日期为_____________。

2. 联合体名称为_____________。

3. 甲方作为联合体负责人,负责联合体日常管理和项目推进。

四、联合体各方责任和义务:1. 甲方责任和义务:- 负责联合体的日常管理和协调。

- 提供项目所需的资金和技术支持。

- 保证联合体向招标人提供真实、准确的资料。

- 确保联合体按时履行合同义务。

2. 乙方责任和义务:- 提供项目所需的专业知识和技术力量。

- 配合甲方完成项目进度安排。

- 向联合体提供真实、准确的资料。

- 保证联合体按时履行合同义务。

五、分工和合作方式:1. 联合体各方在项目中的具体分工及职责如下:- 甲方:_____________- 乙方:_____________- 其他联合体方:_____________2. 联合体各方应积极配合,共同完成项目,确保项目质量和进度的达到要求。

六、投标文件的编制:1. 投标文件的编制由甲方负责,乙方提供相关技术支持。

2. 投标文件的内容应包括但不限于:- 项目概况和背景介绍。

- 技术方案和实施计划。

- 项目实施的风险控制和应急预案。

- 预期的成果和交付标准。

- 资金需求和预算安排。

- 联合体各方的合作协议和合同样本。

七、合同签订和履行:1. 如果联合体获得项目中标,各方应立即签订正式合同,并按合同约定履行义务。

2. 合作期限自合同签署之日起,直至项目完成并验收合格。


九、其他事项:1. 本协议一式两份,各方各执一份。




我们双方同意以联合体的形式参与投标,并达成如下协议:1. 联合体成员- [投标者名称]:[公司简介]- [投标者名称]:[公司简介]2. 联合体投标责任分工- [投标者名称]负责[具体责任]- [投标者名称]负责[具体责任]3. 联合体投标费用和风险分担- 联合体投标费用由各方共同承担,并按照下述比例分担:- [投标者名称]:[比例]- [投标者名称]:[比例]- 在投标过程中产生的风险和损失由各方按照下述比例承担:- [投标者名称]:[比例]- [投标者名称]:[比例]4. 联合体解散- 在[项目名称]投标结束后,本联合体自动解散,除非双方另有协商一致。

- 如果其中一方解散联合体,应承担相应的风险和责任,并向另一方进行赔偿。

5. 合同签署- 如果我们的联合体被选定为中标者,各方同意按照约定的比例分别承担合同履行责任,并在相关合同签署之前达成书面协议以明确各自的权益和义务。

6. 其他事项- 本协议的效力、解释和争议解决均适用[国家/地区]的法律。

- 双方同意在本项目中保持机密性,不得向任何第三方泄露相关信息。





此致[公司名称][代表人签名][代表人姓名]同意并接受:[投标者名称][代表人签名] [代表人姓名]。



联合体协议书投标模板甲方(牵头方):______________________乙方(联合体成员):______________________丙方(联合体成员):_____________________鉴于甲方、乙方和丙方(以下简称“各方”)拟共同参与____________________(以下简称“项目”)的投标活动,各方本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,就联合体投标事宜达成如下协议:第一条联合体组成1.1 甲方作为牵头方,负责联合体的组织协调工作,并对联合体的投标活动负总责。

1.2 乙方作为联合体成员,负责____________________(具体工作内容)。

1.3 丙方作为联合体成员,负责____________________(具体工作内容)。

第二条投标文件的编制与提交2.1 各方应共同参与投标文件的编制工作,确保投标文件的完整性和准确性。

2.2 牵头方负责投标文件的最终审核,并在规定时间内提交给招标方。

第三条投标保证金3.1 投标保证金由牵头方统一缴纳,各方应按照各自承担的工作量比例分担保证金。

3.2 若联合体中标,保证金将按照招标方的规定退还;若未中标,保证金将在招标方退还后按比例返还给各方。

第四条中标后的权利与义务4.1 若联合体中标,各方应按照本协议及招标文件的要求,履行各自的职责和义务。

4.2 各方应按照各自承担的工作内容,负责项目的实施和管理。

4.3 各方应确保项目的质量、进度和安全,并对各自的工作成果负责。

第五条利益分配与风险承担5.1 项目收益按照各方在投标文件中承诺的工作量比例进行分配。

5.2 项目风险由各方按照各自承担的工作量比例共同承担。

第六条保密条款6.1 各方应对在投标过程中知悉的商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务,未经其他方书面同意,不得向第三方泄露。

6.2 保密义务在本协议终止后继续有效,直至相关信息公开或不再具有商业价值。

第七条违约责任7.1 任何一方违反本协议的约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿由此给对方造成的损失。



联合体共同投标协议书甲方(牵头方): [甲方全称]乙方(合作方): [乙方全称]鉴于甲方和乙方(以下简称“双方”)拟共同参与 [具体项目名称]的投标活动,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条定义1.1 本协议中所称“联合体”是指甲方和乙方为共同参与投标而组成的临时性合作组织。

1.2 “项目”是指双方拟共同投标的 [具体项目名称]。

第二条联合体的组成2.1 甲方作为联合体的牵头方,负责投标文件的准备、提交以及与招标方的沟通协调。

2.2 乙方作为联合体的合作方,负责提供必要的技术支持和资源配合。

第三条权利与义务3.1 甲方的权利与义务:- 3.1.1 负责联合体的对外联络和谈判工作。

- 3.1.2 确保投标文件的准确性和及时性。

- 3.1.3 在中标后,负责与招标方签订合同。

3.2 乙方的权利与义务:- 3.2.1 提供所需的技术和服务支持。

- 3.2.2 按照甲方的要求,参与投标文件的编制。

- 3.2.3 在中标后,按照合同约定履行相应的工作职责。

第四条投标保证金4.1 投标保证金由甲方负责缴纳,乙方不承担此项费用。

第五条中标与合同签订5.1 若联合体中标,甲方应负责与招标方签订合同,并确保合同条款符合本协议的规定。

5.2 乙方应按照甲方的通知,参与合同的履行。

第六条成本与收益分配6.1 双方应根据各自在项目中的贡献和工作量,协商确定成本和收益的分配比例。

6.2 具体分配方案应在中标后 [具体时间] 内确定,并作为本协议的附件。

第七条保密条款7.1 双方应对在合作过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。

第八条违约责任8.1 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应向守约方支付违约金,违约金的数额为违约方因违约所获得利益的 [具体比例]。

第九条争议解决9.1 因执行本协议所发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。

9.2 如果协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。

第十条协议的生效与终止10.1 本协议自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。

联合投标协议书 (中英文)5篇

联合投标协议书 (中英文)5篇

联合投标协议书(中英文)5篇篇1Joint Bidding AgreementThis Joint Bidding Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into effective as of [Date], by and between [Party A], located at [Address], and [Party B], located at [Address].WHEREAS, the Parties desire to cooperate and jointly bid on certain projects or contracts in their respective areas of expertise, andWHEREAS, the Parties wish to set forth their understanding and agreement with respect to such joint bidding and any resulting contracts.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:1. Purpose of Joint Bidding. The Parties agree to collaborate and jointly bid on specific projects or contracts in their respective fields of expertise. Each Party agrees to contribute their uniqueskills, experience, resources, and capabilities to the joint bid in order to increase the likelihood of success.2. Terms of Joint Bids. The Parties shall agree upon the terms of each joint bid, including the scope of work, price, delivery schedule, and any other relevant details. Each Party shall be responsible for their respective portion of the bid, and shall share equally in any costs, expenses, or liabilities incurred in relation to the bid.3. Allocation of Work. In the event that a joint bid is successful and a contract is awarded, the Parties shall mutually agree upon the allocation of work, responsibilities, and resources necessary to fulfill the contract. Each Party shall perform their respective tasks diligently and in accordance with industry standards.4. Confidentiality. The Parties agree to keep all information related to joint bids and contracts confidential. This includes any pricing, technical specifications, or other proprietary information shared between the Parties. Neither Party shall disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.5. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of [Term], unless earlier terminated by mutualagreement of the Parties. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other Party at least [Notice Period] prior to the intended termination date.6. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [Arbitration Location] in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Organization].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.[Party A]By: ___________________Name: _________________Title: __________________[Party B]By: ___________________Name: _________________Title: __________________篇2Joint Bidding AgreementThis Joint Bidding Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between [Company A], with its principal place of business at [Address A], and [Company B], with its principal place of business at [Address B], collectively referred to as the "Parties".1. PurposeThe Parties wish to enter into a joint bid for the project [Project Name] (the "Project"). The Parties agree that a joint bid will increase their chances of winning the Project.2. Scope of Joint BidThe Parties agree to collaborate and jointly prepare a bid for the Project. Each Party will contribute its expertise and resources to the bid preparation process. The bid will clearly indicate the roles and responsibilities of each Party.3. Responsibilities of the Parties- [Company A] will be responsible for [specific responsibilities].- [Company B] will be responsible for [specific responsibilities].- Both Parties will jointly be responsible for [specific responsibilities].- All Parties will ensure that the bid complies with all laws and regulations.4. Sharing of Costs and ProfitsThe Parties will share the costs incurred in preparing the bid in proportion to their respective contributions. In the event that the bid is successful, the Parties will also share the profits in accordance with their agreed-upon percentages.5. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to keep all information related to the joint bid confidential and to not disclose it to any third party without the express consent of the other Party.6. Term and TerminationThis Agreement shall commence on the date of signing and shall continue until [date]. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other Party.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, oral or written, between the Parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.[Company A]Name:Title:Date:[Company B]Name:Title:Date:(End of Document)Note: This is a general template for a joint bidding agreement and should be customized to fit the specific needs ofthe Parties involved. It is recommended to seek legal advice before entering into any agreement.篇3Joint Bidding AgreementThis Joint Bidding Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company 1], located at [Address], and [Company 2], located at [Address].WHEREAS, the parties desire to jointly submit a bid for [Project Name] (the "Project");NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:1. Joint Bid: The parties agree to jointly submit a bid for the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the bid documents. The parties shall each be responsible for specific aspects of the bid as outlined in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Responsibilities: Each party shall perform its responsibilities diligently and in accordance with all applicablelaws and regulations. Each party shall also promptly inform the other party of any developments that may affect the bid.3. Confidentiality: The parties shall keep all information related to the Project and the bid confidential. This includes but is not limited to bid prices, technical specifications, and any other information deemed confidential.4. Ownership of Bid: The parties agree that the bid submitted for the Project is jointly owned by both parties. In the event that the bid is successful, the parties shall enter into further agreements to determine the rights and responsibilities of each party.5. Non-Disclosure: The parties agree not to disclose any information related to the bid to any third parties without the prior written consent of the other party.6. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].7. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the parties shall cease all joint bidding activities and return all confidential information to the other party.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Company 1]By: ________________________Name: ______________________Title: _______________________[Company 2]By: ________________________Name: ______________________Title: _______________________Exhibit A[Outline responsibilities of each party in the joint bid]This Joint Bidding Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which the parties will submit a joint bid for the Project. By signing this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree to be bound by its terms.篇4Joint Bidding AgreementThis Joint Bidding Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on this _____ day of _______, 20__, by and among the following parties:1. [Company Name 1], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Party A".2. [Company Name 2], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as "Party B".WHEREAS, Party A and Party B desire to collaborate and join efforts in the submission of a bid for [Project Name] (the "Project") being undertaken by [Client Name];NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Collaboration: Party A and Party B shall cooperate and work together in the preparation of the bid proposal for the Project.2. Allocation of Responsibilities: Party A and Party B shall allocate responsibilities and tasks for the preparation of the bidproposal among themselves, ensuring that each party contributes effectively towards the submission.3. Sharing of Costs: Party A and Party B shall share the costs associated with the preparation of the bid proposal, including but not limited to, costs for documents, research, and other related expenses.4. Confidentiality: Party A and Party B shall maintain the confidentiality of all information shared between them in relation to the Project and shall not disclose any sensitive information to third parties without prior written consent.5. Decision Making: In the event of any disagreements or disputes arising during the preparation of the bid proposal, both parties agree to address such issues promptly and resolve them amicably through mutual discussions.6. Submission of Bid: Party A and Party B shall jointly sign and submit the bid proposal to the Client in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the Request for Proposal (RFP).7. No Agency: This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, or any other type of legal relationship between Party A and Party B.8. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Signature of Party A]Name: _____________________Title: ______________________[Signature of Party B]Name: _____________________Title: ______________________Date: ______________________This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between Party A and Party B with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, representations, and warranties.篇5Joint Bidding AgreementThis Joint Bidding Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the parties listed below (the "Parties") on this day ______________.1. PartiesParty A: [Name of Party A]Address: [Address of Party A]Contact Person: [Name of Contact Person]Email: [Email Address]Phone Number: [Phone Number]Party B: [Name of Party B]Address: [Address of Party B]Contact Person: [Name of Contact Person]Email: [Email Address]Phone Number: [Phone Number]2. PurposeThe Parties agree to jointly bid on the following project: [Project Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Project." TheProject details, including scope of work, timelines, and other relevant information, are attached as Exhibit A.3. Terms of Cooperation3.1 Each Party agrees to contribute their respective expertise, resources, and capabilities to the joint bidding process in order to maximize the chances of winning the Project.3.2 Party A and Party B shall designate a project manager ora team to oversee the joint bidding process and ensure effective communication and coordination between the Parties.3.3 The Parties shall share all relevant information and documents related to the Project, including but not limited to technical specifications, pricing, and other bid requirements.3.4 Any disputes or disagreements that arise during the joint bidding process shall be resolved amicably through mutual discussion and negotiation between the Parties.4. Responsibilities4.1 Party A shall be responsible for [list of specific responsibilities of Party A].4.2 Party B shall be responsible for [list of specific responsibilities of Party B].4.3 The Parties shall jointly bear the costs and expenses associated with the joint bidding process, including but not limited to travel expenses, marketing materials, and other related costs.5. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information shared during the joint bidding process and not disclose any sensitive or proprietary information to third parties without prior consent.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State] without regard to its conflict of law principles.7. TerminationEither Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other Party in the event of a material breach of the terms and conditions outlined herein.8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereinand supersedes all prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Party A: ________________________ Party B:________________________。



联合投标英文协议书Joint Bidding AgreementThis Joint Bidding Agreement (the "Agreement") is enteredinto as of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Party A Name], a [Insert Party A Jurisdiction] corporation with its principal place of business at [Insert Party A Address] ("Party A"), and [Insert Party B Name], a [Insert Party B Jurisdiction] corporation with its principal place of business at [Insert Party B Address] ("Party B").WHEREAS, Party A and Party B (collectively referred to as the "Parties") wish to collaborate and jointly bid for the [Insert Project Name] (the "Project"), andWHEREAS, the Parties have agreed to work together in good faith to prepare and submit a joint bid to the [Insert Project Owner or Authority] for the Project,NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:1. Formation of Joint Venture1.1 The Parties hereby agree to form a joint venture for the purpose of bidding on and, if successful, executing the Project.1.2 The joint venture shall be known as [Insert Joint Venture Name] and shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement.2. Roles and Responsibilities2.1 Party A shall be responsible for [Insert Party A Responsibilities].2.2 Party B shall be responsible for [Insert Party B Responsibilities].2.3 Each Party shall perform its respectiveresponsibilities with due diligence and in accordance with industry standards.3. Bid Submission3.1 The Parties shall jointly prepare a bid proposal in response to the [Insert Project Owner or Authority]'s request for proposals or tender documents.3.2 The bid proposal shall be submitted in the name of the joint venture and shall comply with all requirements setforth by the [Insert Project Owner or Authority].4. Financial Commitments4.1 Each Party shall contribute to the joint venture in accordance with the following schedule: [Insert Contribution Details].4.2 The Parties shall maintain accurate records of all financial transactions related to the joint venture.5. Confidentiality5.1 The Parties agree to keep confidential all information obtained from the other Party in connection with thisAgreement and the Project.5.2 Confidential information shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party.6. Intellectual Property6.1 Each Party retains ownership of its respective intellectual property brought to the joint venture.6.2 Any intellectual property developed during the course of the joint venture shall be owned jointly by the Parties.7. Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through good faith negotiations between the Parties.7.2 If negotiations fail, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Insert Arbitration Institution].8. Termination8.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon [Insert Termination Conditions].8.2 Upon termination, the Parties shall settle any outstanding obligations and wind up the joint venture in an orderly manner.9. Governing Law9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Governing Law Jurisdiction].10. Entire Agreement10.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.11. Amendments11.1 This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by both Parties.12. Notices12.1 All notices and communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered to the addresses set forth below or to such other address as either Party may designate in writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Insert Party A Name] [Insert Party B Name]By:___________________________By:___________________________Name:___________________________________Name:___________________________________Date:___________________________Date:___________________________。



中英对照招标合同协议书合同编号:______________Contract No.: ___________甲方(招标方):______________Party A (Tenderer): ___________乙方(中标方):______________Party B (Successful Bidder): ___________鉴于甲方需要采购以下服务/商品,乙方已通过招标程序获得中标资格,双方本着平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,就乙方提供服务/商品事宜达成如下协议:Whereas Party A requires the procurement of the following services/goods, and Party B has been qualified as the successful bidder through the tendering process, both parties, in accordance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, have reached the following agreement regarding the provision of services/goods by Party B:1. 服务/商品描述Description of Services/Goods1.1. 乙方同意按照甲方的要求提供以下服务/商品:1.1. Party B agrees to provide the followingservices/goods as required by Party A:(详细描述服务/商品的规格、数量、质量标准等)(Detailed description of the specifications, quantity, quality standards, etc., of the services/goods)2. 价格条款Price Terms2.1. 本合同项下服务/商品的总价为人民币/美元__________元整(¥__________)。

联合投标协议书 (中英文)

联合投标协议书 (中英文)



二、联合投标各方信息甲方:(公司名称、法定代表人、注册地址等)乙方:(公司名称、法定代表人、注册地址等)丙方:(公司名称、法定代表人、注册地址等)(各方详细信息的填写)三、各方职责及分工1. 甲方负责本次投标的商务部分编写及整体协调工作;2. 乙方负责本次投标的技术部分编写工作;3. 丙方负责与业主沟通联络及相关资料的收集工作。

四、合作费用及支付方式1. 各方按照约定的职责开展工作,费用各自承担;2. 如中标,则根据各方贡献大小,共同协商确定收益分配比例。




(英文版)Joint Bid AgreementThis Agreement is made to clarify the responsibilities, rights and obligations of all parties involved in the joint bidding, and to ensure smooth cooperation during the bidding process. After friendly consultation, the parties hereby agree as follows:I. Purpose of the AgreementThe parties, based on the principles of equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, jointly participate in this joint bidding activity, and strive to win the project.II. Information of Joint Bidding PartiesParty A: (Company name, legal representative, registered address, etc.)Party B: (Company name, legal representative, registered address, etc.)Party C: (Company name, legal representative, registered address, etc.)(Fill in the detailed information of each party)III. Responsibilities and分工of Each Party1. Party A is responsible for the preparation of the business section of the bid and overall coordination;2. Party B is responsible for the preparation of the technical section of the bid;3. Party C is responsible for communication with the employer and collection of relevant information.IV. Cooperation Cost and Payment Method1. Each party shall bear its own costs based on the agreed responsibilities;2. If the bid is successful, the revenue distribution ratio will be jointly determined based on the contribution of each party.V. Confidentiality ClauseEach party shall keep the business secrets and other confidential information related to this bidding confidential, and shall not disclose them to any third party without the consent of the other parties.VI. Liability for Breach of ContractIf any party breaches the agreement, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract and compensate for the losses caused.VII. Settlement of DisputesAny disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultation among the parties; if no settlement is reached, it may be submitted to an arbitration agency for arbitration or filed with a people's court.。



联合体协议书(中英⽂)联合体协议书CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT(所有成员单位名称)⾃愿组成(联合体名称)联合体,共同参加(项⽬名称)标段施⼯投标。


( name of all member units ) voluntarily form a consortium ( name of consortium ) to jointly participate in the bidding for section contracting of construction ( name of project ). We hereby conclude the following agreement on the bidding of the consortium.1、(某成员单位名称)为(联合体名称)牵头⼈。

( name of a member unit ) is the leader of ( name of consortium ).2、联合体牵头⼈合法代表联合体各成员负责本招标项⽬投标⽂件编制和合同谈判活动,并代表联合体提交和接收相关的资料、信息及指⽰,并处理与之有关的⼀切事务,负责合同实施阶段的主办、组织和协调⼯作。

The leader of the consortium is legally responsible for the preparation of bidding documents and contract negotiation activities on behalf of all members of the consortium, and submits and receives relevant materials, information and instructions on behalf of the consortium, and handles all matters related thereto, and is responsible for host, organization and coordination of the implementation hereof.3、联合体将严格按照招标⽂件的各项要求,递交投标⽂件,履⾏合同,并对外承担连带责任。

联合投标协议书 (中英文)5篇

联合投标协议书 (中英文)5篇




三、合作范围与分工1. 招标项目概况:[项目名称]、项目地点、投资规模及其他相关信息。

2. 各成员职责划分:详细列出各方的具体职责和工作范围。

3. 资源共享:各方同意共享投标所需的信息、资质、经验等资源。

4. 投标组织:共同组建投标小组,确保投标文件的编制及递交符合规范。

四、合作模式与机制1. 建立联合投标工作组,负责日常沟通、协调及决策。

2. 制定工作计划和进度安排,确保投标进度与质量。

3. 设立专项账户,管理投标经费,确保专款专用。

4. 风险共担,利益共享,共同承担投标风险及中标后的项目风险。







英文部分:Joint Bidding AgreementThis Agreement is made to clarify the cooperative relationship and responsibility allocation among the members participating in the bidding project, ensure the protection of all parties' rights and interests, and work together to successfully bid and fulfill the obligations after winning the bid. After friendly consultation, the parties have reached the following agreement on the joint bidding matters:I. Purpose of the AgreementThe parties cooperate to participate in bidding projects, in order to integrate resources, share advantages, improve the probability of winning bids, and jointly respond to market competition.II. Cooperative MembersMember names: [Member Name 1], [Member Name 2], ..., [Member Name N].III. Scope of Cooperation and Work Division1. Overview of bidding project: [Project Name], project location, investment scale, and other relevant information.2. Division of responsibilities among members: list the specific responsibilities and scopes of work of each party in detail.3. Resource Sharing: All parties agree to share the information, qualifications, experience, and other resources required for bidding.4. Bid Organization: Jointly establish a bidding team to ensure that the preparation and submission of bidding documents comply with the specifications.IV. Cooperative Mode and Mechanism1. Establish a joint bidding working group responsible for daily communication, coordination, and decision-making.2. Develop work plans and schedules to ensure the progress and quality of bidding.3. Set up a special account to manage bidding expenses and ensure their exclusive use.4. Risks are shared by all parties, and interests are shared as well; jointly bear the risks of bidding and the risks of the project after winning the bid.V. ConfidentialityAll parties shall strictly keep confidential business secrets, technical secrets, and other sensitive information related to bidding, and shall not disclose them to third parties without authorization.VI. Intellectual Property Rights篇2联合投标协议书Agreement for Joint Bid本协议由以下双方共同签署:This Agreement is made and jointly signed by the following parties:甲方:[甲方名称] (以下简称“甲方”)Party A: [Name of Party A] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")乙方:[乙方名称](以下简称“乙方”)Party B: [Name of Party B] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")鉴于甲、乙双方根据市场项目需求,拟联合投标某一特定项目(以下简称“该项目”),为此达成如下协议:WHEREAS, Party A and Party B intend to jointly bid for a specific project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") based on market demand, and therefore have reached the following agreement:一、协议目的本协议旨在明确甲、乙双方就该项目联合投标的合作关系及相关事项。



(中英文)联合投标协议书(中英文) 联合投标协议书根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》和土地管理的有关规定,征用上述土地由甲方按下列标准和金额支付给乙方作为土地补偿费、安Z 补助费及青苗补偿费。


联合投标协议书 (中英文)CONSORTIUM AGREEMENTSonora wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. Smart, who was a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state.甲方:Party A乙方:Party B为保证协议的实际履行,双方自愿提供所有向其他投资人提供担保。


丙方: Party C甲方与乙方及丙方就招标编号为的招标项目投标有关事宜,经各方充分协商一致,达成如下协议:Party A,Party B and Party C fully agree on with respect to the bidding project No , and arrive at the following agreement: 第十一条协议签署地为南京市。




联合投标协议书 (中英文)6篇

联合投标协议书 (中英文)6篇

联合投标协议书(中英文)6篇篇1联合投标协议书Agreement for Joint Bid本协议由以下双方共同签署:This Agreement is made and jointly signed by the following parties:甲方:(名称、注册地址、法定代表人等基本情况)Party A: (Name, Registered Address, Legal Representative, etc.)乙方:(名称、注册地址、法定代表人等基本情况)Party B: (Name, Registered Address, Legal Representative, etc.)鉴于甲乙双方有意就(项目名称)进行联合投标,为明确各方权利义务,达成如下协议:WHEREAS Party A and Party B intend to submit a joint bid for the (Project Name), this Agreement is entered into for the purpose of defining the rights and obligations of each party.一、合作背景及目的The background and purpose of cooperation:双方基于各自的核心能力和资源共享,希望通过联合投标的方式共同承接(项目名称),提高中标几率,实现共赢。

Both parties, based on their respective core competencies and resource sharing, wish to undertake the (Project Name) through joint bidding, improve the probability of winning the bid, and achieve win-win results.二、合作内容及分工The content and division of cooperation:1. 甲乙双方共同组建联合投标团队,共同编制投标文件。





一、联合体组成1. 甲方作为联合体的牵头方,负责投标文件的准备、提交及与招标方的沟通协调。

2. 乙方作为联合体成员,承担项目实施中的特定工作或提供特定资源。

二、投标范围及责任1. 投标项目名称:_____________________2. 投标范围:_____________________3. 甲方负责投标文件的编制、提交和投标过程中的法律事务。

4. 乙方负责提供投标所需的技术方案、商务报价等,并确保其真实性和有效性。

三、费用及利润分配1. 投标过程中产生的费用由甲方先行垫付,乙方根据实际情况提供必要的财务支持。

2. 若联合体中标,双方按照事先约定的比例分配利润,具体比例为:甲方______%,乙方______%。

四、保密条款1. 双方应对投标过程中获得的商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密责任。

2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方泄露或使用投标过程中获得的保密信息。

五、违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议约定,应向守约方支付违约金,并赔偿由此造成的一切损失。

2. 违约金的具体数额为违约行为发生时,联合体投标总金额的______%。

六、争议解决1. 本协议在执行过程中如发生争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。

2. 若协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。

七、其他1. 本协议自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。

2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。






乙方:(英文公司名称或个人姓名),Registered Address: (具体地址),Unified Social Credit Code: (Unified Social Credit Code)。

二、联合投标项目根据甲乙双方的共同意愿,同意在以下项目中联合投标:项目名称:(项目名称)招标单位/发包人:(招标单位/发包人)项目编号:(项目编号)投标截止时间:(投标截止时间)三、合作方式1. 甲乙双方建立联合投标关系,共同参与上述项目的投标工作。

2. 甲方负责:(甲方具体责任)3. 乙方负责:(乙方具体责任)4. 甲乙双方共同商讨决定关于投标文件的编制、提交和后续工作分工事宜。

四、盈亏分配1. 甲乙双方签署的中标合同所产生的收益,按照各自所承担的责任和工作量比例进行分配。

2. 若因某一方违约导致合同失败,该方应承担相应的经济损失。

五、保密条款1. 甲乙双方在履行本协议过程中涉及到的商业机密、技术资料和其他信息,应当予以保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方透露。

2. 协议终止后,保密责任仍然有效。


七、其他事项1. 本协议自签署之日起生效,至联合投标项目结束。

2. 本协议正本一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。




[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Address][City, State, Zip Code]Subject: Authorization Letter for Joint Bid SubmissionDear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to confirm our authorization as a joint consortium to submit a bid for the [Project Name] project. We are delighted to collaborate with your esteemed organization and are confident that our combined expertise will result in a compelling proposal.On behalf of [Your Company Name], I am pleased to authorize [Recipient's Company Name] to act as our representative in the joint bid submission process. This authorization is valid for the duration of the [Project Name] project and covers all activities related to the bidding process, including but not limited to, the preparation, review, and submission of the joint bid document.We understand that a successful bid for the [Project Name] project requires a strong and cohesive team. By forming this joint consortium, we believe that our combined resources, skills, and experience will provide us with a competitive advantage. We are confident that our collaboration will lead to a successful outcome and the delivery of an exceptional project.As part of the joint bid submission, we authorize [Recipient's Name] to enter into agreements and make decisions on behalf of the joint consortium, in consultation with our respective teams. We trust in [Recipient's Name]'s judgment and expertise and believe that [Recipient's Company Name] will act in the best interests of the joint consortium throughout the bidding process.Please find attached a detailed list of the responsibilities and authorities granted to [Recipient's Name] in connection with the joint bid submission. We request that you acknowledge the receipt of this authorization letter and confirm your acceptance of the roles and responsibilities outlined.We would like to express our gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate with your organization on this project. We are committed to working together to submit a comprehensive and competitive bid that showcases the strengths and capabilities of our joint consortium.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require further clarification regarding the authorization letter or the joint bid submission process. We look forward to a successful partnership and the opportunity to contribute to the [Project Name] project.Yours sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company Name]。



全面版联合体投标协议书英文版Comprehensive Consortium Tender AgreementThis agreement, entered into by and between the undersigned parties, outlines the terms and conditions for the joint bidding on projects. The purpose of this agreement is to establish a collaborative effort to increase the chances of success in securing bids and contracts.1. Parties Involved- The parties involved in this agreement are [list of participating entities].2. Scope of Agreement- This agreement covers the joint bidding process for projects that require the expertise and resources of multiple entities.3. Roles and Responsibilities- Each party will contribute their unique strengths and resources to the bidding process.- Responsibilities will be divided based on the expertise and capabilities of each party.4. Decision-Making Process- Decisions regarding bid submissions will be made collectively by all parties involved.- Unanimous agreement will be sought before finalizing any bid submission.5. Sharing of Costs and Profits- Costs related to the bidding process will be shared among the parties in proportion to their involvement.- Profits from successful bids will also be distributed based on the agreed-upon terms.6. Confidentiality- All parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the bidding process.- Non-disclosure agreements may be required for certain projects.7. Dispute Resolution- Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through mediation or arbitration.- The goal is to maintain a harmonious and productive working relationship among the parties.8. Term and Termination- This agreement will remain in effect for [duration].- Termination of the agreement will require written notice from any party involved.In witness of their agreement to the terms and conditions outlined above, the parties affix their signatures below:[Signatures of all parties]This comprehensive consortium tender agreement is effective as of the date of the last signature affixed.。



全版的联合体投标协议书英文版Full Version of Joint Bidding AgreementThis document serves as a comprehensive agreement between all parties involved in a joint bidding process. The purpose of this agreement is to outline the terms and conditions under which the parties will collaborate and submit a bid collectively for a specific project or opportunity.1. Parties InvolvedThis agreement is entered into by the following parties (list names and contact details of all participating entities).2. Scope of CollaborationThe parties agree to collaborate and combine their resources, expertise, and capabilities to submit a joint bid for the project. Each party will contribute in their respective areas of strength to enhance the overall competitiveness of the bid.3. Decision-Making ProcessAll decisions related to the bidding process, including the bid amount, technical specifications, and project timeline, will be made jointly by all parties. Unanimous agreement must be reached before finalizing any major decision.4. Responsibilities of Each PartyEach party will clearly define their roles and responsibilities within the joint bidding process. It is crucial that all parties fulfill their obligations in a timely manner to ensure the success of the bid.5. ConfidentialityAll information shared among the parties during the bidding process is strictly confidential and should not be disclosed to any third party without prior consent. Confidentiality agreements may be required to protect sensitive information.6. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any disputes or disagreements among the parties, a designated mediator or arbitration process will be used to resolve theissue. The goal is to reach an amicable solution that is mutually beneficial for all parties involved.7. Termination of AgreementThis agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of all parties or in the event of a breach of contract by any party. Termination should be communicated in writing with clear reasons stated.8. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction] and any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved in the courts of [Jurisdiction].9. Effective DateThis agreement shall become effective upon signature by all parties involved. It will remain in effect until the completion of the bidding process or until terminated as per the terms outlined herein.10. SignaturesAll parties involved in the joint bidding process must sign this agreement to indicate their acceptance of the terms and conditions stated herein.By signing below, the parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this agreement and agree to abide by them throughout the joint bidding process.[Signatures with date]。



is the leading party for the tender, and the
CONSORTIUM submit a bid on the behalf of the leading party, if the
参加项目的投标,代理人在投标、开标、评标、合同谈判过程中所签署的 一切文件和处理与本次招标有关的一切事务,联合体各方均予以承认并承 担法律责任。
following agreement:

as a leader, and
members, form a CONSORTIUM to make a joint bidding for the project.
take share of the responsibility for
works, and
the detailed work is subject to contract.
五. 同四 六、各方对于分享项目成果和知识产权的约定为:
九、未中标,本协议自动废止。 九. If the contract is not awarded to the CONSORTIUM, the agreement shall automatically be terminated.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

, and fully agree on with respect to the bidding project No , and arrive at the following agreement:

一. as a leader, and , as members, form a CONSORTIUM to make a joint bidding for the project.

二. is the leading party for the tender, and the CONSORTIUM submit a bid on the behalf of the leading party, if the CONSORTIUM is awarded, all members of the CONSORTIUM sign a contract with the employer and assume joint and several liability for the employer on the project.

三. The leader is in charge of works(可省略,下同); and the members
Xx , xx and xx complete xxx works.

四. take share of the responsibility for works, and the detailed work is subject to contract.


六. The agreement for sharing results and intellectual property of the projects is:

七. The responsibility, right and obligation of members, consulting with each other on them and by agreement of the employer after award, are stated in further agreement or contract.



八. Each member shall not make a bid in this project in one’s own name. The leader shall not be a member of other CONSORTIUMS or solo bid party. If the CONSORTIUM bid becomes abandoned tender due to the problems above, other members of CONSORTIUM can take actions against his breach.

九. If the contract is not awarded to the CONSORTIUM, the agreement shall automatically be terminated.
Leader Members
Seal: Seal:
Legal representative: Legal representative:
Address: Address:
Zip code: Zip code:
Telephone: Telephone:
Legal representative:
Zip code:
(注:联合体各方成员应在本协议上共同盖章,不得分别签署协议书) (Note: the members shall seal jointly on the agreement, not sign agreements separately.)
The Agreement Authorized Leader by CONSORTIUM


(The names of members), and form a CONSORTIUM, and make a joint bid for the project No , now we authorize XX (the name of CONSORTIUM) as the leader of CONSORTIUM and the leader is in charge of all organization and coordination work for bidding, and authorize tender agent to bid on the behalf of CONSORTIUM, and then all the members acknowledge and bear legal the liability for all documents signed and events dealt relating to the bid in the process of bidding, bid opening, bidding evaluation and contract negotiation by tender agent.
The authorization is valid until the related events of the bid ends.
Authorized party: Authorized by:
Seal: Seal:
Telephone: Telephone:
Address: Address:
Authorized by:
(注:本协议书需完全注明联合体其它方组成成员) (Note: all members of CONSORTIUM shall be fully stated in the agreement)。
