

美国第32任总统富兰克林·D·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)(1933—1945),一直被视为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一,是20世纪美国最孚众望和受爱戴的总统,也是美国历史上惟一连任4届总统的人,从1933年3月起,直到1945年4月去世时为止,任职长达12年.曾赢得美国民众长达7周的高支持率,创下历史记录.
历届美国总统介绍 第26任总统 西奥多·罗斯福

历届美国总统介绍:第26任总统西奥多·罗斯福Theodore "Ted dy" Roosevelt was the 26th Presidentof America. He served for two terms between 1901and 1909. He was born in 1858 in New York City. Hewas mostly home schooled because of ill health as achild. He graduated from Harvard (where he was aboxing champion) and in 1880 entered law school.He dropped out a year later to enter politics. He isoften ranked as the greatest ever U.S. President.西奥多·罗斯福是美国第26任总统,人称“泰迪”。
During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt waslieutenant colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment, which he led on a charge at the battle of SanJuan. His war-hero status prompted New York Republicans to nominate himas Governor todraw attention away from the s tate’s scandals. Roosevelt won the election and served withdistinction for two years.美西战争期间,罗斯福担任第一志愿骑兵旅的中校,并在圣胡安战役中冲锋陷阵。

富兰克林·罗斯福 (Franklin Roosevelt )1882年1月30日出生于美国纽约。

• 1908: He worked as a clerk for a Wall Street firm.
• 1921: He fell ill and became paralyzed(瘫痪) from his waist down.
Early political career
State Senator 州参议员(1910) Assistant Secretary of the Navy 海军助理国务卿(1913) Campaign for Vice-President 副总统竞选(1920) Governor of New York 纽约州长(1929-1932) Presidential election 总统大选 (1932)
First Term of Presidency(1933–1937) First Presidential Election: 1932
Great Depression(1929-1933)
The Great Depression had devastating effects in this country .
wants Roosevelt!
World War Ⅱ
Roosevelt secured a declaration of war against Japan after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Roosevelt launched major legislation and a profusion of executive orders that gave form to the New Deal—a complex set of programs designed to produce relief (especially government jobs for the unemployed), recovery (of the economy), and reform (through regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation)

6月16日批准《格拉斯-史蒂格尔银行条例》﹐将商业银行和投资银行分开﹐以抑制银行利用客户存款进行证券投机活动﹔公布《银行存款保险法》(1934)﹐建立联邦银行存款保险公司 (FBDIC)﹐由政府对5000美元以下存款(后增至1万美元以下存款)实行保险﹐力图恢复存户对银行的信任。

中兴总统罗斯福富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt,1882—1945),美国历史上唯一蝉联四届(第四届未任满)的总统。

逝世日期及地点:1945年04月12日, 父亲:詹姆斯·罗斯福 母亲:萨拉·德拉诺·罗斯福 1854-1927) 夫人:安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福 (1884-1962),于1905年3月17日结婚 子女:四子一女
佐治亚沃姆斯普林斯(Warm Springs) 宗教:Episcopalian 美国新教圣公会教徒
人 物 生 平 简 介
小富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(1914-1998); 约翰·阿斯平沃尔·罗斯福(1916-1981) 教育:毕业于哈佛学院(1903);后又上哥伦比亚 法律学校 身高:188cm 政党:民主党 其他政府位置:纽约州立法机关成员(1911-
Height: 188cm Political parties: the Democratic Party Other Government Positions: a member
of the New York State Legislature
(1911-1913) The Navy Assistant Minister (19131920)
1913~1920年 任海军部副部长 1921年 因患脊髓灰质炎下肢瘫痪。 1928~1933年任纽约州长。任期内, 美国发生严重经济危机,他采取措施, 建立救济机构,深得人心。 1932-1936年 当选美国总统,推行新政
人 物 年 表
1936-1940年 第二次当选美国总统,继
兄弟:詹姆斯·罗斯福·罗斯福(同父异母, 职业:官员,律师、美国总统
个 人 档 案 一

罗斯福的简介与语录的简介:美国第26任总统西奥多·罗斯福(theodore roosevelt),俗称老罗斯福,昵称泰迪(teddy)1858年10月27日—1919年1月6日),美国军事家、政治家。
美国第32任总统·德拉诺·罗斯福(franklin delano roosevelt )(1882.1.30—1945.4.12),俗称小罗斯福,一直被视为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一,是20世纪美国最受民众期望和受爱戴的总统,也是美国历史上惟一连任4届总统的人,任职长达12年。
罗斯福的:☆ 幸福并不仅仅取决于拥有多少钱财,而在于成功的喜悦和创造活动所带来的心灵震颤。
☆ 单纯坐而论道是完全于事无补的,我们必须行动起来,而且必须迅速行动起来。
☆ 检验我们进步的标准,并不在于我们为那些家境富裕的人增添了多少财富,而要看我们是否为那些穷困贫寒的人提供了充足的生活保障。
☆ 在每一片土地上,时刻都有使人分道扬镳和使人走到一起的种种力量在发挥作用,在为各遂其志而奋斗的时候,我们乃是个人主义者;但在作为一个国家而寻求经济和政治进步的过程中,我们就成了一个整体,不是全体向上,就是一起坠入深渊。

罗斯福的生平事迹简介富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt,1882年1月30日—1945年4月12日),美国第32任总统,美国历史上唯一连任超过两届(连任四届,病逝于第四届任期中)的总统,美国迄今为止在任时间最长的总统。

罗斯福英文简介富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福,史称“小罗斯福”,是美国第32任总统,美国历史上唯一连任超过两届的总统,下面是小编为你整理的罗斯福英文简介,希望对你有用!富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福简介Franklin D. Roosevelt (English: Franklin D.Roosevelt, January 30, 1882 - April 12, 1945), known as "Little Roosevelt", is the 32nd president of the United States, the only re-election in the history of the United States more than The president of the two (re-elected four, died in his fourth term), the longest president of the United States to date. Roosevelt family in the United States about 300 years of history, the 26th president of the United States Theodore Roosevelt is Franklin Roosevelt's uncle.During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Roosevelt pursued the New Deal to provide unemployment and recovery in the economy and set up numerous institutions to reform the economy and the banking system, rescued the United States from the abyss of the economic crisis, and some of the programs he initiated continued in the country Plays an important role. In addition, some of the systems established within its term remain so far. Roosevelt has led to the reorganization of the party, he and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt is still a model of modern American liberalism.Roosevelt was one of the key leaders of the Allies camp during the Second World War. After the Pearl Harbor incident in 1941, Roosevelt advocated war on Japan and introduced price controls and rations. Roosevelt to lease the bill to the United States into a "democratic country arsenal", so that the United States as the main arms of the major arms suppliers and financing,but also makes the US domestic industry a substantial expansion, to achieve full employment. After the late Allied forces gradually reversed the situation, Roosevelt played a key role in shaping the postwar world order, and its influence was particularly evident in the Yalta meeting and the establishment of the United Nations. Later, with the assistance of the United States, the Allies defeated Germany, Italy and Japan.Roosevelt has repeatedly been rated as the United States the best president of the United States authoritative journal "Atlantic Monthly" as the impact of the United States 100 characters fourth. 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福人物生平Early lifeFranklin Delano Roosevelt was born in New York on January 30, 1882. His father, James Roosevelt, is an active figure in the diplomatic and business world. His mother, Sarah Delano, is a beautiful woman who has been educated and educated. James Bissar is 26 years old. After the mother's enlightenment education, Roosevelt studied Latin, French, German, calligraphy, arithmetic and European history with tutors. Roosevelt 5 years old to follow his father to see the then president of Cleveland, the President gave him a strange wish: "pray that God will never let you the president of the United States." But he has become the history of the longest ruling president, but also One of the most prestigious presidents.In 1896, Roosevelt was sent to cultivate political figures as the goal of the Groton school, began to adapt to the new environment. He has a lot of reading, knowledgeable, gentle, loving sports, good at tennis, golf, hiking and sailing. At that time, Groton school football popular football, he took the initiative to organize the cheerleaders, when the administrator. He is good atarguing, a member of the "Debate Society" who excelled in his high school at Grotton, giving the impression that he was able to strengthen his position with a pleasing way so that Rexford Tegwell The practice of dealing with difficult problems in Groton became the pattern of his behavior in subsequent similar situations. After graduating from Groton College, he once wanted to enter the Annapolis Naval Academy, hoping that he would be a naval officer in the future. But the old father resolutely opposed.In 1900, Roosevelt entered Harvard University, studying political science, history and journalism. This year, his 72-year-old father died, leaving $ 120,000 in deposits, his mother inherited from the grandfather's $ 1.3 million heritage, the University of Roosevelt is very keen on social activities, academic performance is not prominent, the number Travel to Europe, like ball activities. In Harvard he became a good assistant to the journal "Crimson". He made use of the influence of the reign of Theodore Roosevelt, where he served as the governor of New York, who came to Harvard to speak, and the press absorbed him as an assistant, and at that time Roosevelt was a partner of McKinley and the Democratic Party Brian ran for president. He will take the initiative to visit the principal, Elliott principals met with the first year of the new students. Roosevelt's offensive principal said: "If your vote represents your faith, you should be happy to put your influence on the balance." Elliot answered his question. Not only in the "crimson newspaper" published Franklin exclusive news, the United States has also been reproduced in other major newspapers. So that when Roosevelt graduated soon, promoted to the editor of the newspaper. In order to maintain his reputation, he studied at Harvard University for a year.In 1904, Roosevelt entered the Columbia University School of Law. In March 1905, married to Eleanor (President Theodore Roosevelt's niece). The president personally attended the wedding ceremony, making the wedding very solemn, but Franklin found that most people are from the president, which inspired his determination in politics. In 1907, Roosevelt graduated from the law school, into the law firm as a lawyer. At that time, he also for the famous overseas Chinese leader, the founder of the Chinese party to the founder of the Stuart Church in New York set up the "Anliang T ong" when the legal adviser for 10 years.Get involved in politicsIn 1910, Franklin Roosevelt began to get involved in politics as a Democrat. When he told the decision as a Republican president of the uncle, the other side of anger and cursed: "You despicable little bastard! You traitor ... ..." But Franklin Roosevelt did not change the direction of the forward. He was riding a red car, more than 10 times a day speech, and finally lucky elected New York senator.In 1913, President Wilson appointed him as the assistant minister of the Navy, where he was outstanding for seven years, advocating the construction of a "strong and capable naval force", and Franklin Roosevelt established the influence throughout his life in the Navy. In 1919, Franklin Roosevelt ran for Wilson's League of Nations, which led to the failure of the Vice-President of the campaign in 1920. Although the campaign failed, but his light as a political star has not cut. Since then, Roosevelt has served as vice chairman of the Maryland Credit and Savings Company, while re-operating the division. In addition, Franklin Roosevelt is also engaged in a variety of business adventureactivities.In August 1921, Franklin Roosevelt took the family in Campo Belo Island vacation, after extinguishing a forest fire, he jumped into the cold sea water, so suffering from poliomyelitis. High fever, numbness, and lifelong disability, did not make Franklin Roosevelt give up the ideal and faith, he has been unremittingly exercise, trying to restore walking and standing ability, he used to treat the Georgia Spa was everyone called " Laughter earth place ". During the rehabilitations, Franklin Roosevelt read books in great numbers, with many biographies and historical writings, but few economic or philosophical works.Franklin Roosevelt's diplomatic thought stems from his most admired two presidents. His faraway Church, Theodore Roosevelt, taught him how to defend the national interests and achieve checks and balances of power. Woodrow Wilson taught him that the international order was based on the common maintenance of peace.In 1928, with the understanding and support of Mrs. Roosevelt, Roosevelt returned to politics and took part in the governor's campaign and won the governor of New York in 1929 (he was re-elected in 1930). New York can be said to be a place where Roosevelt fosters political activities and the ability to manage state affairs.Overcome the crisisMain entry: Great Depression, Roosevelt New DealThe presidential campaign in 1932 was conducted in the context of a serious financial crisis. November 1932 as a Democratic presidential candidate to participate in the election, put forward the implementation of the "New Deal" and the revitalization of the economy program. Political opponents oftenuse his disability to attack him, this is Franklin Roosevelt have to fight with things for life, but he always with excellent performance, excellent eloquence and plenty of energy to become an advantage. The first time he went to the campaign, he told the people: "A governor is not necessarily an acrobat, and we have not chosen him because he can roll it forward or roll it, and he is working hard for the benefit of the people. Relying on such perseverance and optimism, Roosevelt finally defeated Hoover in 1933 as an absolute advantage to become president of the United States.In Franklin Roosevelt's first president, at the beginning of 1933, when the storm of the Great Depression swept across the United States, it was full of unemployment, bankruptcy, collapse, and collapse, and the pain, fear and despair of the United States. Franklin Roosevelt showed an overriding self-confidence that he gave a passionate speech at the time of his swearing to tell people that the only thing we fear is fear itself. In the cold afternoon of March 4, 1933, the new president's determination and relaxed optimism, "ignited the new spirit of the nation's heart and soul." And put forward a policy objective aimed at achieving national rejuvenation and good-neighborliness and friendship. Roosevelt entered the White House, the positive implementation of relief, reform and revival as the main content of the "Roosevelt New Deal." "New Deal" abandoned the traditional laissez-faire, to strengthen government intervention in the economic field, the implementation of deficit finance, vigorously develop the public utilities to stimulate the economy. In order to carry out the New Deal, Roosevelt will be a group of lawyers, experts and scholars of liberalism to form a think tank, consult the policy issues; through the "furnace conversation" approach, close ties with themasses, and against the New Deal of the Supreme Court resolute And successfully reorganized the Supreme Court.From 9 March to 16 June 1933, the United States Congress convened a special session of President Roosevelt. Roosevelt has made various statements, urging and directing the legislative work of Congress. Congress, at an alarming rate, passed the Emergency Banking Act, the Federal Emergency Relief Act, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the National Industrial Renewal Act, the Tennessee River Basin Management Act, and so on.1933 to 1934 the New Deal focused on "revival", the main measures are: to maintain bank credit, the implementation of the depreciation of the dollar, to stimulate foreign trade, to limit agricultural production to maintain agricultural prices, to avoid bankruptcy of farmers; to stipulate the price of the agreement to reduce competition between enterprises , To stop the closure of enterprises 1935 - 1939 New Deal is focused on "relief" and "reform", the main measures are: more effective use of administrative intervention, the implementation of slow inflation, extensive public works and emergency relief, the implementation of social insurance , To expand employment opportunities and improve the social purchasing power; to carry out tax reform, according to the tax capacity of tax, levied corporate income tax and excessive profits tax. The Roosevelt New Deal has restored public confidence in the US political system and strengthened the federal government. And thus the United States of industry, agriculture gradually comprehensive recovery. The first term of office in 1936, the face of 50% increase in national income, Roosevelt soundsfully described: "At this moment, the factory machine playing music, the market is booming, bank credit strong, full of passenger and cargo travel Mercedes-Benz"Therefore, Roosevelt was elected president again in 1936, it is not surprising.The beginning of World War IIIn the mid-1930s, Germany, Italy and Japan fascist formed two war sources in Europe and Asia. However, at this time the United States prevailed in isolationism. In 1935, the US Congress passed a Pittman resolution aimed at keeping the United States neutral. The resolution stipulates that the war prohibits the United States from exporting weapons and equipment and credit, and the two-year "cash" clause authorizes the president to require the purchase of non-military goods in the United States to pay cash and ship with their own ships. In the face of the fascist country's aggression and expansion, isolationism and neutrality are tantamount to acquiescence and connivance of aggression and expansion. In order to guide the United States and its public to prepare for the anti-fascist war, to strengthen the US defense forces, Roosevelt and isolationism launched a resolute and artistic struggle.In October 1937, Roosevelt delivered a speech at the inauguration ceremony of the new bridge in Chicago, noting that "when a contagious disease began to spread, in order to protect the health of the residents, to prevent epidemic, social permission and common isolation of patients We are determined to be outside the war, but we can not guarantee that we are not affected by the effects of war and to avoid the crisis of warfare. "The quarantine speech," the war, the war, the war, the war, the war, the war, "And even after Roosevelt is not without fear, said:" You want to take a head, but look back, behind a person did not, how terrible this situation! "But" isolation speech "after all to the American public Pointing out the existence of war terror.In January 1938, Roosevelt urged a 20% increase in naval construction costs in the special message. Congress in a heated debate in May through Vincent to expand the naval law, allowing the development of the Navy 1 billion US dollars. This fact shows that most Americans who have seriously considered the problem have seen the threat of war and thus agree to strengthen defense. In December 1938, at the initiative of Roosevelt, the Pan American Conference adopted the Lima Declaration, which reflected the determination of the antiques of the American countries. In March 1938, after the Germans entered Prague, the US Deputy Secretary of State, on behalf of the President, condemned Germany's "unscrupulous wrongdoing" and "hegemony."In September 1939, after the outbreak of the Deborah war, Roosevelt had to publish a formal statement of neutrality and the implementation of legislation. At a special meeting held on Sept. 21, Roosevelt tried to use the embargo policy to bring disaster to the United States.In 1814 the parliament building was partially burned to persuade Congress to abolish the embargo clause, and claimed that "of course, to you to review this point is just a repeat of history." After a heated debate inside and outside the Congress, Congress passed the amendments to the legislature, abolished the embargo clause, the implementation of the principle of cash purchase (cash purchase, transport themselves). Roosevelt was signed immediately.In May 1940, the British and French troops defeated and defeated by the Germans. Roosevelt asked Congress to add additional defense funds to strengthen the combat readiness. In order to get the support of the Republicans, Roosevelt appointedHenry Stimin as Army Minister, Frank Knox for the Navy Minister. During the war, the US Army Minister for Harry Woodlin (1937 to June 1940), Henry Stimson (June 1940 to September 1945). Former Navy Minister for Claude Swanson (as of 1939), Charles Edison (1940), Frank Knox (June 1944 to 1944), James Forrest (1944) Year succession). At the moment of the British face of danger, Roosevelt began to provide weapons and equipment to the United Kingdom.Three reelectionIn the early years of the presidential campaign in 1940, Roosevelt devoted all his energies to the expansion of military preparations. Under the influence of Roosevelt, Congress approved the expansion of Lu Haijun, and Berke-Worthworth selected the military service law. On September 2, Roosevelt signed an agreement with Britain to transfer 50 destroyers to the UK, while Britain leased some naval bases to the United States. This agreement means the end of a formal neutrality, marking the beginning of the limited US war. In July 1940, when Democrats held a presidential nomination meeting in Chicago, delegates were still unclear whether Roosevelt would seek a third term without a precedent from the president of Washington.In this regard, Roosevelt played a little trick. He made a statement to the nomination meeting by Senator Albert Barkley, declaring that he did not have the wishes and purpose of the next president and urged the delegates to elect whatever they were, but then through Senator Lister Hill put his name on the nomination list. However, the Republican presidential candidate Wendell Wilke was wantonly launched: "The election of Roosevelt means sending their sons, brothers and lovers into the grave." The assembly began to vote. When the list of Roosevelt as acandidate was submitted to the General Assembly, the whole meeting was a mess, and the delegates expressed strong opposition to booing and drinking. Roosevelt was forced to change his strategy to assure the voters that he was peace, even at the promise: "Your child will not be sent to any foreign war ... The purpose of our defense is defense." Mrs Roosevelt, From the New York to Chicago, made a speech outside the meeting, which soon changed the atmosphere of the venue, she said: "1940 is not the usual period, but the war is approaching the extraordinary period, in addition to what we can do for the whole national interests In addition to this problem, we should not quarrel over any other problem. The words of Mrs. Roosevelt touched the hearts of the delegates, and in the evening there was a prominent position in the speeches of Mrs. Roosevelt, and the mood of the voters turned to Roosevelt at that time, because of the frequent world war, to ensure that the US foreign policy In the same way, the Americans, especially the isolationists, did not approve of the leaders' halfway, so 55% of the voters chose Roosevelt, so Roosevelt finally broke the tradition of the "father" George Washington president, America president.In December 1940, Roosevelt, who was visiting the Caribbean region of Latin America, received an urgent letter from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, known as the German military force, the British needed a lot of weapons, but the British finance could not pay cash for US weapons and equipment The day is coming. So, Roosevelt did not mention the proposal by the US loan to the United Kingdom or to the British military supplies, but talked about the usual analogy - "I" lined the garden water pipe to the house of fire neighbors to help the neighbors Fire, and fire after the neighbors are returned to the water pipe orcompensation for water pipes, are good to discuss; then in the fireside statement declared: "We must become a great arsenal of democratic countries," "I ask our people absolutely believe that our common cause will be Great success ". The American public is in favor of this.On January 6, 1941, Roosevelt urged Congress to "authorize and allocate sufficient money to create more arms and a variety of military supplies for the transfer of countries that are now fighting in real terms with the aggression of the country". On March 11, 1941, the bill passed by Congress (the President had the right to lease weapons and equipment to the United States security-related countries) entered into by the President. (60% to the UK, 32% for the Soviet Union). The passage of the lease bill, leaving the United States in a state of non-war, is an important milestone for the United States to actively intervene in the anti-fascist war.June 22, 1941, after the outbreak of the Soviet war, Roosevelt condemned the German aggression, announced that the United States will aid the Soviet Union. In August, Roosevelt and Churchill held talks in Newfoundland and published the Atlantic Charter. The Charter states that the United States and the United Kingdom do not seek territorial expansion and are reluctant to violate territorial changes in respect of national will and respect the right of peoples to choose their forms of government.The United States warDecember 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the Pacific War broke out. The United States and Britain declared war on Japan. The next day, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The United States formally participated in the Second World War. General of the US Pacific Army Commander,Lieutenant General Walter Schott, and Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Husbonde Kimmel, who was responsible for the Pearl Harbor incident, were discharged on 17 December. In February and March of the following year, Schott and Kim Meyer retired from Major General and Major General Navy.In order to win the war, Roosevelt ordered the implementation of the war to mobilize and reorganize the army command.Before the end of the war, the US Armed Forces reached 15.14 million, of which the army was 10.42 million, the Army Air Force was 2.3 million (more than 70,000 aircraft), 388,000 were naval (4,500 ships), the Marine Corps 59 More than 10,000 people, the coast garrison more than 240,000 people. In June 1941 the establishment of the Bureau of Scientific Research and Development in charge of national defense science and technology research, the main achievements are: radar and electronic equipment development, combat rockets, bombs, missiles and other radio fuels, atomic bombs and so on. Production Administration in the spring and summer of 1941 to the United States gradually completed the transition to the wartime economy. Since then, the Preferential Distribution Commission, the Wartime Production Committee, the Economic Stability Committee, the Wartime Mobilization Committee (Institutional Functions or Crossing, or Inheritance) are responsible for the production and distribution of war materials and ensured the war needs of the United States and its allies. The Press Inspectorate and the Wartime Information Bureau are responsible for US journalism and publicity. Since 1939, Roosevelt on the frail old general forced retirement, to promotethe ability to combat the command of the officers into the highest command class. In 1942, Roosevelt ordered the formation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the basis of the Joint Liaison Committee of the Land and the Navy (by Army Chief of Staff George Marshall, Navy Operations Minister Ernest King, Army Air Force Commander Henry Arnold and Presidential Staff Officer William · Li Hai), the implementation of unified command of the armed forces.Roosevelt awakened American external interventionism in the 1940s, and he decided to establish a world peace organization after World War II - the United Nations. In order to jointly study the military situation and develop a joint operational plan, Roosevelt and Churchill held the "Arcadia" meeting in Washington (December 1941), the main agreements reached: 1942 and 1943 US production targets; the establishment of "military (The formation of the Sino-Burmese war zone US military headquarters); the establishment of the Sino-British war zone, the United States and Britain, the United States and Britain Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, coordination of the Allied joint operations; Reaffirmed the Allies strategy as "the first in Europe" that is the first victory over Nazi Germany; the development of "joint national declaration".In 1942 New Year's Day, under the auspices of Roosevelt, representatives of 26 countries, such as the United States (Roosevelt) (Churchill) Su (Li Weinuo Fu), signed the Joint Declaration of the United Nations in Washington, Formation, it is worth mentioning that, at the time of signing, China to "four countries" as one of the identity of China's international status unprecedented increase. "On the 6th of January, Roosevelt said in his statement to the US Congress:" The millions of Chinesepeople have been fighting bombing and famine, and have been attacking the aggressors again and again in Japan's armed and equipment dominance. " On February 7, Roosevelt called Chiang Kai-shek: "The heroic resistance of the Chinese army to your country's brutal aggression has won the highest praise from the United States and all the free peoples." The Chinese people, armed and armed are equally In the unfavorable circumstances, the tenacious struggle against the enemy, who had a great advantage over equipment for almost five years, was encouraged by the other coalition forces and the whole people.In the first half of 1942, the British troops in North Africa were repeatedly defeated, and the military situation faced by allies was extremely unfavorable. In order to get rid of the military dilemma and as the Allies can not be opened in Europe in 1942 the second battlefield compensation, Roosevelt regardless of Marshall's opposition, and Churchill decided to implement the North African landing plan. North Africa fighting to destroy the German and German troops.In early 1943, Roosevelt and Churchill led the command and staff officers to Morocco's Casablanca, held a military meeting. The meeting decided: 1943 attack Sicilian, attack the French operations extended to 1944. Announce the principle of unconditional surrender of Axis. At the joint press conference after the meeting, Roosevelt declared: "The fascist axis must surrender unconditionally." "This is not to say that we want to destroy all the inhabitants of Germany, Italy and Japan, but it is necessary to eliminate the conquest in these countries And enslave the philosophy of the other people ". In August with Churchill held a meeting in Quebec to discuss the Allies in France to open up the second battlefield "Overlord" program. From1943 onwards, the Allies from strategic defense to strategic attack. In order to coordinate the Allied operations and explore the allies of the postwar policy, Roosevelt has held a series of important meetings with the Allies summit.In March 1943, Roosevelt spoke with Aydin about the establishment of an international organization to maintain world peace and security after the war. Under the efforts of Roosevelt, Congress agreed with the United States to participate in such international organizations. In May, Roosevelt, Churchill, and the command and staff officers held a "Trident" meeting in Washington, DC, decided to seize the Azores to provide new naval and naval military bases; to strengthen air strikes against Germany; to order Eisenhower after the occupation of Sicily To prepare for the attack on the Italian mainland; May 1 next year to implement the "Overlord" plan date; to develop detailed plans to launch a new offensive in the Pacific region. After the collapse of the Mexican government of the Mexican government, Roosevelt and Churchill held a "quadrant" meeting in Quebec in August and decided to negotiate a truce with the new government. But the Allies are still fighting for the Germans for Italy.From November 22, 1943 to November 26, 1943, Roosevelt held a Cairo meeting with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President of the Chinese Kuomintang, Chairman of the National Government and Chairman of the Military Commission, Chiang Kai-shek. The meeting discussed the military situation in China and Myanmar and decided to implement the "Ana Jim" plan, signed the three countries "Cairo Declaration." The Declaration stipulates that the three countries are designed to deprive Japan of all the islands mentioned in the Pacific since the First World War, so that Japan's theft of China's territory to return。

Thank you!
• 在经济大萧条中,由于前总统胡佛仍然坚持“ 自由放任”的传统经济政策,等待经济形势的 好转,结果致使经济危机更加严重,社会更加 动荡不安。到1933年初,美国已有半数的银行 倒闭,13万家以上的企业破产,完全失业的人 数达到了1 300万。全国上下不满情绪和要求 改革的呼声日益高涨,越来越多的人希望有一 个强有力的政府,采取有效的政策,迅速改善 经济状况,使美国摆脱经济危机。
• 第三,新政在很多方面改变了美国人的 生活。
• 1939年9月,第二次世界大战爆发 • 1940年法国战败 竞选总统 • 1941年8月 与丘吉尔联合宣布《 大西洋宪章》 • 1941年12月7日,日本偷袭珍珠 港 • 1942年元旦,国际反法西斯同盟正式形 成 • 1943年1月,宣布轴心国必须无条 件投降这一原则。 • 1944年11月17日,罗斯福再次以53%的 得票率第四次当选为美国总统。
• 调整农业政策
成立农业调查局;减耕;政府为农业 提供补贴;调整农产品结构;提高并稳 定农产品价格;保护土壤。调整农业政 策的目的是摆脱农业危机,缓和农民的 斗争。
• 复兴工业
制订了包括工资、工时、禁止童工及 保障工会谈判集体合同权利条款的行业 公平竞争法规,要求工业各行业遵守; 管制公用事业控制股公司;加强对通讯 和海、陆、空运输的管制。
• 社会救济与公共工程
建立联邦紧急救济署、工程进展署、 公共工程局等机构;发放紧急救济金; 推行“以工代赈”;兴办筑路、市政、 水利、军用设施及田纳西河流域改造等 公共工程;为老年人、残疾人、失业者 和儿童提供社会保障。
• 第一,新政使美国度过了经济大危机 。
• 第二,新政在很大程度上缓和了美国的 社会矛盾。

美国历届总统:西奥多·罗斯福 2008年10月13日10:50 腾讯文化我要评论(0)第 1 2 3 页西奥多·罗斯福西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt,Jr.,人称老罗斯福,昵称泰迪(Teddy) 18 58年10月27日—1919年1月6日),美国军事家、政治家,第26任总统(1901-1909)。
1901年总统威廉·麦金莱(William McKinley)被无政府主义者刺杀身亡,他继任成为美国总统,时年42岁,是美国历史上最年轻的在任总统。

富兰克林罗斯福富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt),是美国历史上最具影响力和最受欢迎的总统之一。

1900年至1904年就读于哈佛大学,1905年转入哥伦比亚大学法学院,参加了纽约 律师考试合格后即辍学。1910年任纽约市参议员,1912年连任。1913年任海军副部 长。1921年8月休假期间患脊髓灰质炎症,仍为民主党积极分子,由其妻代为参加 会议。 罗斯福努力促进民主党内城、乡两派的团结。1920年作为詹姆斯· 米德尔顿· 考克斯 的竞选伙伴参加总统竞选失败。1920年至1928年在纽约任律师。1928年任纽约州 州长;由于对农民实行减税,大得人心,1930年连任。1932年竞选总统,提出 “新政”计划,以压倒多数选票获胜。在他统治美国时期,总统手中的实权空前 加大。1933年就职时,美国大多数银行纷纷倒闭,工业生产水平比1929年下降了 56%,失业人数达1300万,农民极为贫困。罗斯福在就职演说中表达了他对复兴 国家经济的决心。因而怀抱各种不同政见的人都成为他的同盟者,其“新政”得 以顺利实施。
1945年4月12日罗斯福在佐治亚州的温泉因突发脑溢血 去世。其遗体安葬在海德公园。按照罗斯福的遗愿, 美国设立罗斯福图书馆保存罗斯福的公私文件,供后 人研究。 作为政治家,他在美国历史上既最受人尊敬,也最被 人憎恨。他的政敌认为他浅薄、无能、狡猾、独裁; 而其拥护者则称他是美国经济的救星,认为他是全世 界民主政治的保卫者。一般人都承认:作为政治领袖, 他获得广大人民的支持,在他的政府中容纳了各种观 点的领袖人物。许多专家认为:尽管偶尔有混乱现象, 总的说来,罗斯福政府的行政效率毕竟是很高的。
1937年富兰克林· 罗斯福连任 就职宣誓 雅尔塔会议“三巨头”
罗斯福与丘吉尔在威尔 士亲王号甲板上 罗斯福:国会珍珠港演说

富兰克林;德拉诺;罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt,1882年1月30日--- 1945年4月12日),美国第32任总统。

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
阿德勒于,1870年出生于维也纳郊区一个中产阶级犹 太人家庭,但富裕的家庭条件并没有给他带来快乐的 童年。在他的记忆中,他的童年生活是不幸与多灾多 难的。他自己曾说他的童年生活笼罩着对死的恐惧和 对自己的虚弱而感到的愤怒。他在弟兄中排行第二, 长相既矮又丑,幼年时患软骨病,身体活动不便。他 四岁才会走路;又患佝偻病,无法进行体育活动。在 身体健康的哥哥面前他总感到自惭形秽,觉得自己又 小有丑,样样不如别人。他还被汽车轧伤过两次。5 岁时,他患了严重的肺炎,甚至连他的家庭医生也对 他绝望了。然而,几天后病情却意外地好转。从此他 想当一名医生。在后来的回忆中,他曾说自己的生活 目标就是要克服儿童时期对死亡的恐惧。进学校读书 以后,开始他的成绩很差,以至老师觉得他明显不具 备从事其他工作的能力,因而向他的父母建议及早训 练他做个鞋匠才是明智之举。
西汉史学家、文学家、思想家。 司马迁10岁开始学习古文书传。20岁时,从京师长安南下漫游,足 迹遍及江淮流域和中原地区,所到之处考察风俗,采集传说。元封三 年(前108),司马迁继承其父司马谈之职,任太史令,此后,司马迁 开始撰写《史记》。后因替投降匈奴的李陵辩护,获罪下狱,受宫刑。 出狱后任中书令,继续发愤著书,终于在公元前91年完成了《史记》 的撰写。人称其书为《太史公书》。是中国第一部纪传体通史,对后 世史学影响深远.
富兰克林· 德拉诺· 罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt ,1882年1月 30日-1945年4月12日)美国第32位总统(1933年3月4日——1937年1 月20日,1937年1月20日——1941年1月20日,1941年1月20日—— 1945年1月20日,1945年1月20日——1945年4月12日 ) 美国历史上唯 一蝉联四届(第四届未任满)的总统。罗斯福在20世纪的经济大萧条和第 二次世界大战中扮演了重要的角色。被学者评为是美国最伟大的三位总 统之一。美国第26任总统西奥多· 罗斯福是富兰克林· 罗斯福的远房堂叔。

铁血总统西奥多西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt,1858—1919)是美国第26任总统,罗斯福继任总统时,不到43岁,所以成为美国历史上最年轻的总统。

Reporter: Li Zhansheng 1501120265
Brief Introduction
The greatest president in 20th century. His legs were disabled. Roosevelt is the only four term president of the United States.(1933-1945)
Great Depression Hoover failed to deal with the Great Depression. Roosevelt was elected to the new president.
Neal Deal
Background of New Deal:
Great Depression Hoover failed to deal with Great Depression. Roosevelt was elected to the new president.
Neal Deal
In order to deal with economic crisis:
Precious Legacy
US Presidential Library
From Roosevelt, after the president stepped down, it will set up a library in the president’ hometown.
World War II
Fought against Germany
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Personal life
Roosevelt sailing with half-niece Helen and father James, 1899.
His uncle, Theodore Roosevelt(西奥 多●罗斯福), is the 26th president of America. (Republican Party, 共和党)
World War Ⅱ
After Pearl Harbor he decided that the defeat of Germany was more important. In December he met Churchill and planned an alliance between the USA, Britain, China and the Soviet Union.
Early political career
State Senator 州参议员(1910) Assistant Secretary of the Navy 海军助理国务卿(1913) Campaign for Vice-President 副总统竞选(1920) Governor of New York 纽约州长(1929-1932) Presidential election 总统大选 (1932)
Second Term of Presidency(1937–1941)
Second Presidential Election: 1936
World War Ⅱ
As World War II loomed after 1938, with the Japanese invasion of China and the aggressions of Nazi Germany, Roosevelt gave strong diplomatic and financial support to China and Britain, while remaining officially neutral.
Fourth Term and Death (1945)
Roosevelt's funeral procession in Washington, watched by 300,000 spectators.
Roosevelt's grave site at Hyde Park
January 1941: Four Freedom Speech
World War Ⅱ
Roosevelt secured a declaration of war against Japan after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. He supervised the mobilization of the US economy to support the Allied war effort. Unemployment dropped to 2%, relief programs largely ended, and the industrial economy grew rapidly to new heights as millions of people moved to new jobs in war centers.
Personal life
• He was educated privately at home until age 14 • 1905: After graduation at Havard University he entered Columbia Law School • 17 March 1905: Marriage with Anna Eleanor Roosevelt • 1908: He worked as a clerk for a Wall Street firm. • 1921: He fell ill and became paralyzed(瘫痪) from his waist down.
First Term of Presidency(1933–1937)
First Presidential Election: 1932
Great Depression(1929-1933)
The Great Depression had devastating effects in this country .
Third Term of Presidency(1941–1945) The two-term tradhe loud speaker screamed:
We want Roosevelt… The world wants Roosevelt!
It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century.
Great Depression(1929-1933)
Roosevelt launched major legislation and a profusion of executive orders that gave form to the New Deal—a complex set of programs designed to produce relief (especially government jobs for the unemployed), recovery (of the economy), and reform (through regulation of Wall Street, banks and transportation)
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!
Great Depression(1929-1933)
Total employment numbers in the United States from 1920 to 1940
GDP of the United States from 1929 to 1941
Thank you!
Fourth Term and Death (1945)
1945: Roosevelt met Churchill and Stalin in Yalta to discuss post-war plans. 12 April 1945: He died because of a cerebral hemorrhage (脑出血).
Franklin D. Roosevelt
the longest American presidency
• Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945) was the 32nd President of the United States (1933-1945) and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. He is the only American president who was elected more than two terms,and served for a total of 16 years, of which he served 12 before his death.