



塑料件不良缺陷斑蚊(Bloom):在塑料中有添加剂形成成品表面色泽不连续.烧焦(Burn):热分解引起的异色.喷痕( blush):注塑过程中塑料流动引起的异色,常出现在胶道附近.喷痕(Gate blush):胶道周围异色.污痕或斑点(Contaminant or speck):原料不纯净或有异物.流痕(Flow marks):表面出现的条纹或波纹.异色(Discoloration):与原来的颜色或料想的颜色有些不同,颜色不符.撞伤(Gouge):能用手感觉出的刻痕或凹痕光泽不良(Incorrect gloss level):光泽不协调或不正确.雾痕(Haze):在一个其它部分透明的产品上有云状的痕迹.痕迹(Marks):麻点,擦痕,加工痕或其它斑点.麻点(Pit):表面上的小坑合模断差(Parting line flash):合模在线垂直于表面的薄塑料突起.气孔(Porosity):气洞,凹坑凸痕(Protrusion):气泡,肿胀或突起.划伤(Scratches):很浅的沟.缩水(Sink):表面收缩造成的凹陷咬花不均(Texture flaw):咬花上有变异或不均匀空穴(Void):塑料没有完全填充到模穴中.整修欠肉:修理过度造成产品结构不完整.整修划伤:整修后刀在产品表面留下的痕迹.冷胶(冷胶屑):模具上残留的胶屑留到下一模的产品内.粘模:脱模时,部分产品粘在模具上未脱落.产品表面或结构被破坏.崩模:模具结构损坏,造成产品多肉或少肉.尺寸不良:SPC尺寸经专用治具/三次元量测后不符合规格.欠肉:塑料成品不完整,有部分位置欠缺塑料原料而形成缺毛边:塑料成品有多余的塑料薄膜片破裂:成品有裂开的现象起疮(银线):塑料成品的表面有银白色长线条纹变形:塑料成品的形状发生翘曲的现象不能保持平整尺寸不稳定:塑料产品的尺寸不固定,有些变异黑纹:产品的表面有黑色的流痕颜色不均:成品的表面染色不均匀,有不规则的纹路会胶线(Knit/Weld line):由于两股塑料向前流动汇合时,在表面上产生的可目视到的线或痕迹.表面白痕:成品光滑的表面部份地方有白色痕迹,尤其冲击强度高的塑料所制的制品较易发生.MFI值不合格:经过测试MFI数据不符合检验标准上的规格喷漆不良(Paint in-perfection)水痕(Water Spotting):漆膜上的白色区域退色(Faring):颜色变浅纹路(Checking):短又直的线粉沫(Chalking ):来自漆膜上的粉沫缺口(Chipping):喷漆表面漏喷的点裂纹(Cracking):喷漆后裂开的细小的线碰触痕(Marring):表面因接触造成破坏,漆膜过软.皱褶(Wrinkling):许多细小的搓起来的褶子楔形(Wedging):漆面顶部过薄,底部过厚.气泡(Blistering):漆面中有气泡或水滴.粗糙痕(Dry spray):有磨砂感的喷漆面.溢漆(Over-spray):喷漆到不该有漆的地方.雾痕(Hazing):零件上有不协调的光泽.色差(shade of color):与标准颜色相比,颜色有差异.剥落(Peeling):漆未能附着在成品表面流痕(Runs and Sags):漆涂的过厚引起的漆滴.光泽不良(Incorrect gloss level):光泽不协调或不正确.异物污染(Contamination):喷漆面上有灰尘或其它异物.颗粒(particle):喷漆面上有园形异物.毛屑(fiber ):喷漆面上有细长的异物.膜内小空洞(Popping):漆膜里极小的洞.漆薄(Paint too thin):透过漆面产品表面露出来.鱼眼(Fish Eyes):喷漆表面有凹陷或小坑,产品的表面可能暴露出来.斑点(Mottling):在漆膜里的任意不定的位置上有金属片,漆面上有斑点或云状的痕迹.边缘漆厚(Too thick along an edge):尖端处的光泽或颜色不协调,漆涂的过厚.桔皮(Orange peel):涂漆后没有在漆膜还湿的时候亦整平,造成漆面有不平的附着物,表面有可目试到的酒窝或不平坦感觉,但用手摸起来又是光滑的.印刷不良的缺陷:重影(Double print):在印刷的过程中,第一次印刷与第二次印刷有错位.字体不完整(Incomplete Logo):字体的一部份与原稿不符.错位(Miss-registration):印刷的字体没与原件对齐.溢墨(Protrusion):油墨印到了原稿边界以外.墨点(Ink splatter):在原件上有油墨的斑点.墨丝(Ink strings):穿过组件很小的墨迹.掉墨(Voids):印刷面上油墨脱落.针孔(pit): 印刷面上小的漏印区.lens不良缺陷杂质(Inclusions):lens的透明区域不纯净或是异物.污点(Speck):lens透明区有油墨.气泡(Bubbles):lens原料里混有空气.指印(Finger-prints):lens生产过程中因接触造成的油痕或印记.所有其它塑料件和喷漆的不良缺点都可适用于lens.组装不良螺钉反装:螺钉安装时方向颠倒.混装:不同模号的产品装在同一箱内粘胶:将离型纸撕起时连同双面胶一起撕起.漏装物料:该装的物料没有装全装错物料:与指定物料不相符保护模痕迹:镜面上有保护模粘过的雾状痕迹溢胶:胶溢到边界以外电镀不良颗粒/麻点:金属原料不纯净,或有异物,遗留在表面漏镀:表面电镀不全面,露出半成品.百格不过:属于一种功能测试,金属的附着性不过,容易剥落冷热冲击不过:属于一种功能测试,产品耐高低温及高低温冲击性能不过.镀层粗糙:有磨洒感的电镀表面.凹坑:表面不平滑造成凹陷.气泡:电镀液里混有气体.表面起雾:电镀后,产品表面有不协调的光泽.IMD不良尺寸不稳定:塑料产品的尺寸不固定,有些变异.镜面亮点:透明区有亮点.镜面污点:透明区有油墨.移位:薄膜与塑料件未完全重合.薄膜起皱:薄膜覆盖LES后,表面不平整.。



中文 缺劃 混周期 混機種 露銅線 無鋁線
Band 電鍍不良 PIN 彎 Bend Pin 氣泡(氣洞) Bubble Cont /Contamination in paint 油墨髒污 Cleaning water consists Cu10 水洗含銅粉 power 11 Cold soldering joint 假焊 12 Conformal Coating 13 Cross talk 14 Dim/Segment Dim 15 Display NG 16 Dice Bonding fails 17 Dice damaged 18 Dice peeling off 19 Dice position incorrect/Dice mis-alignment 20 Dirty on solering pad 21 Dot-spot/Hot-spot 22 Electrode oxidation 23 Electrode damaged 24 Epoxy crack 25 Epoxy on PIN 26 27 28 29
PIN沾膠 70 表面沾膠 71 側面爬膠(沾膠 72 多膠(溢膠) 73 少膠 74
Epoxy on surface Epoxy on wall Epoxy overfill Epoxy QTY low /Epoxy underfill 30 Electromigration(Micro 微短路 PCB短路 75 Short circuit on PCB short circuit) 銀膠短路 76 Poor silk screen 絲印不良 31 Epoxy caused short circuit 銀膠浮起 77 Sop sponge wheel adhere Cu-power 吸水海棉轆沾有銅粉 32 Epoxy floating up 33 Foreign material /object /body異物 78 Solder Bridge 連錫 34 Fiberglass uneven 纖維布不均 79 The durability of epoxy is insufficient 銀膠膠力不夠 第一焊點脫落 Uneven brightness 80 亮度不均 35 First stitch peeling off 36 High Vf 正向壓降高 81 Uneven color 顏色不均 37 Highly viscosity/highly chance 太粘/很大可能 82 Highly toxic gase/highly suspect 巨毒氣體/很懷疑 IC管孌形 83 Void 白點 38 IC tube warpage 39 Inner carton&shipping box 內外包裝箱 84 Water cleaning insufficient 水洗不充分 40 INT 不穩定 85 Warp/Transform 孌形 41 IR/Reverse current 反向電流 86 White(Green) masking 白(綠)油 光強 打不上線 42 IV 87 Wire Bonding fails 泄光 88 Wrong bin grade 亮度等級錯 43 Light leakage 背光板不良 89 Wrong dice 用錯晶片 44 Back Light board failure 45 Marking permancy 印章永久性 89 Wrong label 標簽錯 46 Marking out of position 印章位置錯 90 Wrong mark 印章錯 Missing dice 46 91 Wrong pole and bining cop 極性與等級印章錯 漏上晶片 可以表示不良的英文詞有:failure,defect,poor,imperfect,fault,flaw,weak,insufficent,not well,problem,,shortcoming, Failure:含义包括,失败、失效、故障、事故、中断、损坏、折断、衰退、缺少、不足等 prepared by: Patrick Chu Confirmed by: Donald Mok



验货缺陷中英文对照供大家参考carton marking wrong/箱唛错carton was damaged/箱烂carton wrinkle/箱邹poor printing on carton/箱唛印刷不良carton marking illegible/箱唛不清楚carton too tight/箱太紧bar code wrong/电脑纹错wrong printing on carton/箱印刷错bar code illegible/电脑纹模糊missing date code/漏日期贴纸missing bar code/漏电脑纹missing vendor code/漏厂编号missing product inside carton./漏装产品carton joint opened/箱驳口开裂carton unsealed/外箱无密封glue mark on carton/外箱胶水印gift box unseal/彩盒无密封gift box crushed/彩盒压烂压皱master carton/外箱shipping carton/落货箱inner carton/内箱blister pack/吸塑袋gift box pack/彩盒袋display box pack/开口彩盒solid pack/独立装assortment pack/混合装bulk pack/散包装cable tie/扎线带shrink warp/吸塑包装whole pack/完整包装bilingual pack/两种语言装gift box dirty/soil/彩盒污糟gift box wrinkle/彩盒皱gift box scratched/彩盒刮伤gift box deformed/dent/彩盒变形/凹陷gift box illegible/彩盒字迹模糊gift box wet/彩盒湿gift box poor sealing/彩盒封口不良gift box unsealed/彩盒无封口gift box flap seam opened/彩盒盖破裂tape poor sticking/胶纸粘贴不良gift box color deviation/彩盒颜色偏差poor printing on gift box/彩盒印刷不良gift box abrasion/彩盒擦伤gift box adhesion/彩盒相粘window box film damaged/彩盒胶窗烂window box film stress/彩盒胶窗顶白window box film dent/彩盒胶窗凹陷window box film detach/彩盒胶窗脱落window box film poor sealing/彩盒胶筒粘合不良window box film poor transparency/彩盒胶袋透明度不够foreign brand model/错型号wrong destination label/错目的地贴纸no suffoca tion warring on poly bag/胶袋无警告字语no recycling mark/无环保贴纸missing serial number/漏号码贴纸serial number don’t correspond/号码与彩盒不符missing label/漏贴纸missing manual/漏说明书missing accessories/漏附件gift box slightly damage/彩盒轻微损坏uneven coloring/颜色不平均illegible printing/印刷模糊wrong/missing coloring/错/漏颜色missing printing/漏印刷字句missing caution tags for transit漏搬运小心贴纸blister card was dirty/soil卡片是肮脏的/土壤insert(cardboakd)wrinkle 皱纹blister card damaged卡片损害blister card incorrect 备置卡片不正确的cardboard color deviationcardboard 彩色偏离shrinkage缩水deformed变形flash/gate remnantmatted无光泽flow line/stress mark夹水纹/顶白poor molding喷塑不良contamination mark混色,混料mark 痕迹,污点,标记colourized 混色color deviation 颜色偏差color mismatched 颜色不配合burnt mark 烧焦痕damaged 烂/损坏poor trimming 修整不良dull surface 哑色poor spraying 喷油不良over spraying 飞油paint under coverage油太薄paint chipped off脱油orange peel painting油面呈橙皮壮foreign painting染油poor re-painting touchup补油不良missing spraying漏喷油dirty on paint surface油面有尘点paint bubbles油泡paint color deviation油颜色偏差paint color mismatched喷油颜色不配合paint abrasion fail油漆被擦paint adhesion fail油漆被甩paint dirty油面污糟spraying scratched喷油刮花dull of paint surface喷油哑色paint matted/frayed喷油无光泽/磨损yellowish painting油面发黄paint peel off 油面起皮spraying uneven喷油不整齐paint damped油漆不干paint abrasion甩油bubble冒泡,气泡uneven paint coverage喷油厚薄,不均paint misregistration错色poor coating油漆外层不良塑胶原料6 `9 K9 B% c6 e$ _' r- I. Lacrylic 压克力casein 酪素" m a( B% `, y3cellulose acetate 醋酸纤维素CA 2 F(cellulose acetate butyrate 醋酸丁酸纤维素CAB 3 ?2 v9 [ composite material 复合材料cresol resin 甲酚树脂CF' J% y# F" V8 [4 g7 P4 F% `dially phthalate 苯二甲酸二烯丙酯disperse reinforcement 分散性强化复合材料" h) Z8 \' engineering plastics 工程塑胶epoxy resin 环氧树脂EP + X' c# A' n$ v. D( L5 jethyl cellulose 乙基纤维素ethylene vinylacetate copolymer 乙烯-醋酸乙烯EV A) s4 x5 o- P; k1 ]; iethylene-vinlacetate copolyme 醋酸乙烯共聚物EV A expanded polystyrene?泡聚苯乙烯EPS C+ h2 L# h7 fiber reinforcement 纤维强化热固性/纤维强化复合材料9 C! p4 O, d1 ] Qhigh density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HDPE + \0 ~4high impact polystyrene 高冲击聚苯乙烯HIPS0 y* f$ W& C& Q' Shigh impact polystyrene rigidity 高冲击性聚苯乙烯8 t9 t" r1 F9 T' C' V1 h% P9 N( llow density polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯LDPEmelamine resin 三聚氰胺酚醛树脂MF nitrocellulose 硝酸纤维素phenolic resin 酚醛树脂plastic 塑胶polyacrylic acid 聚丙烯酸PAP1 z6 H+ Z* G4 p9 B5 D! hpolyamide 耐龙PA polybutyleneterephthalate 聚对苯二# u" G- d6 U5 b9 g* N4 a; H/ }甲酸丁酯PBT( \' ~( S6 P0 p/ `polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯PC polyethyleneglycol 聚乙二醇PFG, d8 y( L# Q; |polyethyleneoxide 聚氧化乙烯PEO polyethyleneterephthalate 聚乙醇对苯PETPM5 |4 x( n* L& `7 o- o: ~polymetylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯PMMA polyoxymethylene 聚缩醛POM ; q, Y! O/ K- \3 }7 F: spolyphenylene oxide 聚硫化亚苯polyphenyleneoxide 聚苯醚PPO ) i. ~( q* y/ C) E$ ?( P* ? polypropylene 聚丙烯PPpolystyrene 聚苯乙烯PS 6 v6 j+ n B+ i; `2 J polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯?, T) q4 [$ N4 U( \( O% F+ M. @- Mpolythene 聚乙烯PE polyurethane 聚氨基甲酸酯PU! S/ X! K4 i7 a4 Jpolyvinylacetate 聚醋酸乙烯PV AC polyvinylalcohol 聚乙烯醇PV A 9 _# n1 n$ p# r X polyvinylbutyral 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛PVBpolyvinylchloride 聚氯乙烯PVC+ @5 W; K- a6 Ipolyvinylfuoride 聚氟乙烯PVF polyvinylidenechloride 聚偏二氯乙烯PVDC; b+ O. ~) T9 M Wprepolymer 预聚物silicone resin 矽树脂' I8 i+ q3 T$ m5 b7 Nthermoplastic 热塑性thermosetting 热固性- w7 B5 e% A- @% sthermosetting plastic 塑胶unsaturated polyester 不饱和聚酯树' x3 _1 {, h8 ?+ J- n脂# H: o/ q3 G# p# n, a成形不良用语8 ?1 d7 D; {4 Kaberration 色差atomization ?化8 q. ^& J5 U7 ^0 z2 h- Xbank mark ?料纹bite 咬入0 }( q5 { P$ u) i1 hblacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵)blacking scab 涂料疤; j. f. i! }7 k3 f5 M! l. u/ Vblister 起泡blooming 起霜: Y) g" J. |, ^blow hole 破孔blushing 泛白9 Q% h/ n% U8 [+ W! _+ rbody wrinkle 侧壁皱纹breaking-in 冒口带肉% F* {3 m' A2 r6 a: Z _" Xbubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑/ t1 s* c) l# e) [: fburr 毛边camber 翘曲- h) }; U: m7 B7 _8 G3 zcell 气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱% {; t' j7 E# Z7 @# u- @check 细裂痕checking 龟裂* q6 c: @6 @6 {. C. F4 gchipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕% f! ~" B! W0 C% C1 b% |& u; n collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑# r: W) m# K. T0 `$ tcorrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕6 h& J9 G4 g: `+ mcrazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂' \! X+ X# e8 C1 E4 O7 ]- Vdeformation 变形edge 切边碎片$ e( Z6 y/ x9 q6 t1 wedge crack 裂边fading 退色3 z0 i* B7 L" Q1 \) Ofiller speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹; M, Z- N0 W- j% ~flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤& e# j4 H) y# A/ Y" n2 X* Eflow mark 流痕galling 毛边2 b8 D) D( Z' J- P, Dglazing 光滑gloss 光泽 a4 P, C2 `) Kgrease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕( E, e. C& W( T% }! l+ i3 thaircrack 发裂haze 雾度% u" a3 V; Z% D5 V, ^# g- Jincrustation 水锈indentation 压痕) m5 \& N6 g; Z0 j! uinternal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模$ f/ g( f! X% e' X Umottle 斑点necking 缩颈7 D& b3 b0 y+ Znick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷& v G2 t! R+ C8 e2 Z overflow 溢流peeling 剥离" r x0 D2 J9 ]/ p2 e* Q8 _ Wpit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀# j8 |$ g, R% Hplate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点2 p: }+ J4 r0 J) d: Lpock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹6 J# y1 m# g$ j/ Fresin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷. {- Y" A& G1 csagging 松垂saponification 皂化/ X$ A: S7 A' C" kscar 疤痕scrap 废料6 E! g+ Z a3 k7 x, o/ e' _scrap jam 废料阻塞scratch 刮伤/划痕& D% b1 q& X- s) Qscuffing 深冲表面划伤seam 裂痕. c4 v" u' _3 Eshock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足5 T+ I7 L/ B/ lshrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕* y4 z8 g z7 B) m' _skin inclusion 表皮摺叠straightening 矫直' W5 m5 Q( { q0 S7 astreak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕" {' i3 v3 Y4 i2 H1 i( ]# Csurface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱摺surging 波动" c! L- d8 n E: O/ @( Isweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲- m; r" B- w; Z* Z+ p9 {9 |: Fwarpage 翘曲waviness 波痕$ _; J: R$ n: Fwebbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕+ m# Q w* N9 S p1 Y4 ~whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹% K# K8 p; S4 Y! Q模具常用刀具与工作法用语6 m* U5 h* P: z/ I; i' V8 ladjustable spanner 活动扳手angle cutter 角铣刀anvil 铁?arbour 心轴; n8 B# s" K1 G8 P( @% s4 w- Z obacking 衬垫belt sander 带式打磨机" @: } Y0 p& ?buffing 抛光chamfering machine 倒角机, ]8 @2 o- q: T2 ichamfering tool 去角刀具chisel 扁錾+ n$ g- Q( [% F c2 N; Y {& Jchuck 夹具compass 两角规& h+ X" g3 D% }/ z+ U+ @4 Dconcave cutter 凹面铣刀convex cutter 凸形铣刀+ L+ C3 i! U1 Q( e/ rcross joint 十字接头cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角drill stand 钻台edge file 刃用锉刀file 锉刀flange joint 凸缘接头1 [7 i) U6 K6 s5 xgrinder 砂轮机hammer 铁锤hand brace 手摇钻hatching 剖面线1 I; Y1 W! } K" [1 ^% E/ shexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓hexagon nut 六角螺帽, n: M$ t& [# T6 s+ y5 Aindex head 分度头jack 千斤顶% F4 i. r- Q9 ~/ K% yjig 治具kit 工具箱, f% |; r Y( W: ~. N7 n3 S5 c& l! Tlapping 研磨metal saw 金工锯0 B6 g6 N @# G2 r1 y4 p* snose angle 刀角pinchers 钳子$ H3 _2 a) s! g1 spliers 铗钳plug 柱塞头! k' ]& b X6 m( v% mpolisher 磨光器protable driller 手提钻孔机5 v, L; S& E. Z; u5 Epunch 冲头sand paper 砂纸0 E8 b H+ `# D( f( K5 j! Sscraper 刮刀screw driver 螺丝起子) S" Q$ `# S9 }+ k+ p( c. O scribing 划线second out file 中纹锉* V5 B$ i* |1 a& A: l- yspanner 扳手spline broach 方栓槽拉刀+ \0 Z& H" c: M$ V, b; I1 Y square 直角尺square sleeker 方形镘刀3 ]! f6 l7 ~7 u' ]4 \2 Jsquare trowel 直角度stripping 剥离0 O& t; ?' Y0 i! o/ x! V2 a工具1 q( S+ I4 g: N7 uT-slot T形槽tool for lathe 车刀7 Q; S! [/ q1 M6 J) S: T) Wtool point angle 刀刃角tool post 刀架4 p+ A5 c: J8 I2 N4 A2 Atosecan 划线盘trimming 去毛边# | E2 ]+ P. Q2 ]% M7 J2 nwaffle die flattening 压纹效平wiper 脱模钳# Q% {7 o# C) j* ?9 ?8 W9 S7 bwrench 螺旋扳手8 u9 B+ a: h% Z4 Q# T0 y* I电脑关联用语0 Z6 ]9 ^5 q B% l; M5 c7 Y; v3D modeling 三次元模拟access 通路; B2 J: L4 K" s6 G# ~+ H7 [animation 卡通影片application 应用% F% `. t3 r( s0 E8 {7 g4 b0 Qboard 基板bug 故障, O3 X" B8 g: u; Y" m/ s$ v; [5 O* Qbus 汇流排CAD 电脑辅助设计: B/ [/ |% ^* u+ w; \CAE 电脑辅助工程分析CAM 电脑辅助制造" ?; ]9 O3 j- x$ [( \: ecassette 卡座color display 彩色显示器& w; k9 @; R: ?0 m, a+ ^ command 指令communication 通信" n+ \; d& K9 B- s( Bcompact 精简小型computer 电脑" H) {* p. T1 ?* ] V( dcopy 复制cursor 游标0 C$ T1 U- A! Scurve modeling 曲面模拟database 资料库5 r: x7 n6 u+ R+ X- Y4 _design 设计digitizing 数位化7 o" \6 {$ y" Zdisk 磁碟dot 点% `; o. M* M8 O& M) Q8 l$ H1 x- Q eyelet 眼孔floppy 磁碟片& }; {: P m( @1 L& ]format 格式化graphic 圆解! p+ Z/ @6 f" l' \ \6 s: {hardware 硬体honeycomb 蜂巢: \. s5 C: K/ Ainterface 界面know how 秘诀) p' {9 ?+ Z* v: Flaser printer 雷射印表机lay out 布置0 [) o5 V* T2 ]memory 记忆memory swap 交换记忆. W/ @3 Y% z1 D microprocessor 微处理器modeling 造型" _9 C! m3 M8 p& j8 pmodule 模组monitor 萤幕1 W1 ? \+ U& c- S9 F+ g2 O- o. Z4 s mouse 滑鼠need 需求& i: V/ i4 f2 q$ T6 D! C1 Anetwork 网路new version 新版+ I! Y0 R/ }$ F6 Fon line 上线中option 选择1 V- `+ Z0 S m/ r& ^PC 个人电脑plotter 绘图机3 z! |; m# H. x$ w* rprogram 程式scanning 扫描! h8 ]4 h3 h6 ^1 x- O) ~ simulation 模拟software 软体% H7 b8 j2 r: Bsolid model 实体模型system 系统8 F/ u1 I3 X* d9 w8 ]) A8 u' Gtape 磁带terminal 终端机, Z. A6 \+ K: F# i) x% Q* Mtexture 构造trim 修边6 ~ h( w& s# p. b* [0 p( |venter 排气风扇word processor 文书处理器6 J3 D' ^: D# y% \+ n' l! O各种冲模加工关连用语6 \0 v: A3 X/ M5 ibarreling 滚光加工belling 压凸加工( v L& s/ x6 T- ]$ _bending 弯曲加工blanking 下料加工. J8 a. ]& [* z. n# p7 hbulging 撑压加工burring 冲缘加工0 n7 F3 @# E# c0 }6 icam die bending 凸轮弯曲加工caulking ?合加工/ l: }& ?. ~$ w3 l, [! S1 ~coining 压印加工compressing 压缩加工6 b: w- p; X* p( U% Hcompression bending 押弯曲加工crowning 凸面加工7 ]: P8 ^) b/ _* M, |2 Kcurl bending 卷边弯曲加工curling 卷曲加工8 {% p9 s5 z8 p3 wcutting 切削加工dinking 切断蕊骨- F% B0 w M, s! v4 Odouble shearing 叠板裁断drawing 引伸加工/ K6 p0 q0 w9 i$ Udrawing with ironing 抽引光滑加工embossing 浮花压制加工6 a5 a) v" A3 x" h A1 t! \ extrusion 挤制加工filing 锉削加工/ m0 u, r- Z- o& ]; Zfine blanking 精密下料加工finish blanking 光制下料加工5 }: T- C1 F: B' {" V; wfinishing 精整加工flanging 凸缘加工! w& f5 F# r" B6 t# mfolding 折边弯曲加工folding 摺叠加工/ [: t7 c9 D* P9 i5 w! ~forming 成形加工impact extrusion 冲击挤压加工2 o. [1 j6 v2 }; t- |) e: Xindenting 压痕加工ironing 引缩加工* L( j3 Y) y" W# Y2 D, ~knurling 滚花lock seaming 固定接合9 j0 ?& d( m1 S9 M$ }7 B) r4 i+ mlouvering 百叶窗板加工marking 刻印加工' t* `1 m1 Y4 b, y9 m- B4 inecking 颈缩加工notching 冲口加工% ~% [' E5 ], T6 V! N) w' R- iparting 分断加工piercing 冲孔加工8 e+ W$ c) O/ _/ j( R& A progressive bending 连续弯曲加工progressive blanking 连续下料加工progressive drawing 连续引伸加工progressive forming 连续成形加工+ P/ m0 E6 q6 L4 X reaming 铰孔加工restriking 二次精冲加工7 w( I8 b. T) O1 A( wriveting ?接加工roll bending 滚筒弯曲加工% y1 J% I3 Y d$ P. t+ D# e! L) J roll finishing 滚压加工rolling 压延1 s. `( ]8 S# E8 f加工, B# a# `3 r& k' o7 |7 f1 r1 p6 R! `+ droughing 粗加工scrapless machining 无废料加工* ^6 k1 q* L* `9 g _ seaming 折弯重叠加工shaving 缺口修整加工0 n: O5 F5 i7 ]% ]shearing 切断加工sizing 精压加工/矫正加工/ q+ j" \5 V" C z/ }/ A8 ~ slitting 割缝加工spinning 卷边?接- Q" I- u8 |7 q4 \( L6 N1 a6 ostaking ?固stamping 锻压加工& V/ h$ X3 E9 L% X0 x- I2 sswaging 挤锻压加工trimming 整缘加工: P. W1 x* C/ E- Vupsetting 锻粗加工wiring 抽线加工6 N% t1 ]% j/ m冲压机械及周边关连用语$ L; B! X( X' G* e5 {4 N! X9 oback shaft 支撑轴blank determination 胚料展开* k8 ]' b2 ]$ L7 Mbottom slide press 下传动式压力机board drop hammer 板落锤! q. b% ]5 K5 V, K- ?, Abrake 煞车buckle 剥砂面8 ?- ~ j5 Y5 ^. p ~0 z/ jcamlachie cramp 铸包casting on flat ?合: s& I C6 W ~; T" _chamotte sand 烧磨砂charging hopper 加料漏斗3 [$ d! F$ v0 }" q4 O' I clearance 间隙closed-die forging 合模锻造R5 q9 d& Q: W7 W- g- {clump 夹紧clutch 离合器# X3 H4 Y: N& o/ s$ fclutch brake 离合器制动器clutch boss 离合器轮壳& w- \& y! a1 o: C7 Yclutch lining 离合器覆盖coil car 带卷升降运输机! k: Q" S& X1 u) G# k$ q3 Q1 ycoil cradle 卷材进料装置coil reel stand 钢材卷料架% Z! K$ @! K n! j8 _column 圆柱connection screw 连杆调节螺钉: B6 V6 M1 s& \: G( h4 E core compound 砂心黏结剂counter blow hammer 对击锻锤8 {( F( ?2 \+ U# i L2 K' ? cradle 送料架crank 曲柄轴/ C% ^ t D& j# ]crankless 无曲柄式cross crank 横向曲轴0 R; Q, W o: s4 L) Ecushion 缓冲depression 外缩凹孔0 ?: `- _4 l; F' i, odial feed 分度送料die approach 模口角度6 y: @- |) G' G' [% I0 kdie assembly 合模die cushion 模具缓冲垫* ^. O/ x: F- C" g2 R }die height 冲压闭合高度die life 模具寿命% e. B& v% l6 w0 r, s) G5 n2 udie opening 母模逃孔die spotting press 调整冲模用压力机/ _ m/ ?5 O( _ e4 j# Rdouble crank press 双曲柄轴冲床draght angle 逃料倾斜角edging 边锻伸embedded core 加装砂心feed length 送料长度feed level 送料高度filling core 埋入砂心filling in 填砂$ r% _: g0 q% W; d' `0 f& qfilm play 液面花纹fine blanking press 精密下料冲床forging roll 辊锻机finishing slag 炼後熔渣fly wheel 飞轮fly wheel brake 飞轮制动器foot press 脚踏冲床formboard 进模口板frame 床身机架friction 摩擦3 L+ `% ^6 ]" j- x( U. Zfriction brake 摩擦煞车gap shear 凹口剪床+ F/ B7 X( U9 N6 t: y+ t% Y$ s) Cgear 齿轮gib 滑块引导部gripper 夹具gripper feed 夹持进料gripper feeder 夹紧传送装置hammer 槌机/ S/ ?9 t; [! _" Z9 ^0 thand press 手动冲床hand rack pinion press 手动齿轮齿条式冲床hand screw press 手动螺旋式冲床hopper feed 料斗送料idle stage 空站inching 微调尺寸isothermal forging恒温锻造key clutch 键槽离合器knockout 脱模装置knuckle mechanic 转向机构land 模具直线刀面部level 水平loader 供料器unloader 卸料机loop controller 闭回路控制器lower die 下模. S0 E# B5 | @; _micro inching device 微寸动装置microinching equipment 微动装置/ [( i B: e9 X1 _% J$ g" `, Qmotor 马达moving bolster 活动工作台9 [9 {2 h9 ^1 [4 G. |. tnotching press 冲缺口压力机opening 排料逃孔1 R- k7 E+ K% `* H7 D. ]" Boverload protection device 防超载装置pinch roll 导正滚轮0 `5 r" c* }/ T/ K/ n/ h, i8 l& v, k- ipinion 小齿轮pitch 节距1 }' ~2 A$ a% o9 bpressfit 压入progressive 连续送料! g. I( E7 R( N7 }pusher feed 推杆式送料pusher feeder 料片押片装置" u W6 e% N: E5 N0 T: A& K! Gquick die change system 快速换模系统regrinding 再次研磨releasing 松释动作reversed blanking 反转下料6 L; a; b( O' z- h/ [" grobot 机器人roll forming machine 辊轧成形roll forming machine 辊轧成形机roll release 脱辊roller feed 辊式送料roller leveler 辊式矫直机. e+ K- M o9 R6 b! a& O$ D, t% i qrotary bender 卷弯成形机safety guard 安全保护装置' z2 x8 |: o( x8 u' D: Z. iscrap cutter 废料切刀scrap press 废料冲床s$ W3 l- x, H [3 k6 r' z4 V fseamless forging 无缝锻造separate 分离9 g1 x6 b3 m2 L' X x8 Pshave 崩砂shear angle 剪角sheet loader 薄板装料机shot 单行程工作- n4 C& I# ]& ?) y/ kshrinkage fit 收缩配合shut height 闭合高度sieve mesh 筛孔sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴5 X" F6 }( M) E7 j w$ mslide balancer 滑动平衡器slug hole 逃料孔spin forming machine 旋压成形机spotting 合模( v+ v: X; Q2 L' a% b- V/ Ostack feeder 堆叠拨送料机stickness 黏模性straight side frame 冲床侧板stretcher leveler 拉伸矫直机strip feeder 料材送料装置stripping pressure 弹出压力stroke 冲程take out device 取料装置, D* R& h1 i0 I8 x# o2K: H! O. n3 L& t/ Ntoggle press 肘杆式压力机transfer 传送- X, N% [" Z& U transfer feed 连续自动送料装置turrent punch press 转塔冲床: O/ H) o9 G# o S$ Ttwo speed clutch 双速离合器uncoiler 闭卷送料机8 o" `& A3 e# H" q0 ?3 Iunloader 卸载机vibration feeder 振动送料机' Z: o0 G' p; `# Ewiring press 嵌线卷边机线切割放电加工关连用语abnormal glow 不规则辉光放电arc discharge 电弧放电0 [: O* H+ @/ J- Tbelt 皮带centreless 无心chrome bronze 铭铜clearance angle 後角# k, u9 U. I8 A+ ^0 D$ _9 m+ qcorner shear drop 直角压陷deflection 桡曲度discharge energy 放电能量dressing 修整8 ]! g7 M2 n: v/ r7 [' [. vdwell 保压flange 凸缘gap 间隙graphite 石墨2 U) y& y1 |" {. S. igraphite contraction allowance 电极缩小余量graphite holder 电极夹座& \2 z( z9 }! V3 x6 dhair crack 发裂horn 电极臂jump 跳刀magnetic base 磁性座master graphite 标准电极pipe graphite 管状电极& u, i! p* g4 N o0 n3 x! f" bpulse 脉冲rib working 肋部加工; Z9 W3 {" G( q# ~2 troller electrode 滚轮式电极rotary ( H4 Q" G/ n8 `) k- V& D' P! gsurface 旋转面; l/ n( V" r* M" Z" \shank 柄部sharp edge 锐角部2 H5 g+ C! v# @ N) l% I. Utough bronze 韧铜traverse 摇臂# a/ i% B4 T x2 jtungsten bronze ?青铜waviness 波形起伏work 工件working allowance 加工余量1 z4 j2 ^0 U U+ ^" v1 lworking dischard 加工废料锻铸造关连用语$ i$ M# E( z4 v: a6 kaccretion 炉瘤acid converter 酸性转炉acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉acid open-hearth furnace 酸性平炉3 }' B- b& E: E( R( ^+ Haerator 松砂机air set mold 常温自硬铸模+ C" S/ d( v& z$ Bairless blasting cleaning 离心喷光all core molding 集合式铸模, a3 ~- c9 O- L/ Yall round die holder 通用模座assembly mark 铸造合模记号back pouring 补浇注backing sand 背砂0 t9 y; v1 T- kbase bullion 粗金属锭base permeability 原砂透气度belling 压凸billet 坏料bleed 漏铸blocker 预锻模膛blocking 粗胚锻件blow hole 铸件气孔3 l, P/ |7 a/ wboard drop hammer 板落锤bottom pour mold 底浇7 Z" D# v2 e4 N6 o* q( Pbottom pouring 底注boxless mold 脱箱砂模塑胶产品常见不良描述的中英文对于照blister起泡blooming起霜blow hole破孔blushellong泛白body wrinkle侧壁皱纹儿breaking-in冒口带肉bubble膜泡burn mark糊斑burr毛边camber翘曲cell气泡儿center buckle外貌中部波皱check细裂缝checking龟裂chellopping修整外貌缺陷clamp-off铸件凹痕collapse沉陷color mottle色斑corrosion腐蚀crack裂缝crazing碎裂crazing龟裂deformation变型edge切边碎片edge crack裂边fading退色filler speak填充料斑fissure裂纹flange wrinkle凸缘起皱flaw刮伤flow mark流痕galling毛边glazing光滑gloss光泽grease pits污斑grinding defect磨痕haircrack发裂haze雾度incrustation水锈indentation压痕internal porosity内部气眼mismatch偏模mottle雀斑necking缩颈nick割痕orange peel橘皮状外貌缺陷overflow溢流peeling剥离pit坑pitting corrosion点状腐蚀plate mark模型板印痕pock麻点pock mark痘斑resin streak树脂流纹resin wear树脂脱落riding凹陷sagging松垂sap onification皂化scar疤痕scrap废料scrap jam废料阻塞scratch刮伤/划痕scuffing深冲外貌划伤seam裂缝shock line模口挤痕short shot充填不足shrinkage pool凹孔sink mark凹痕skin inclusion表皮折迭straighte ning矫直streak条状痕surface check外貌裂缝surface roughening橘皮状表皮皱折surging波动sweat out冒汗torsion扭曲warpage翘曲waviness波痕webbing熔塌weld mark焊痕whellotening白化wrinkle皱纹儿missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极紧张缺陷major defect首要缺陷minor defect非主要缺陷not up to standard分歧规格dimension/size is alittle bigger尺寸偏大(小)cosmetic defect外不雅不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺钉狡徒slipped screwhead/shelloppery screw thread滑手speckle雀斑mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变型burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大塑胶产品缺陷grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage抽水mixed color杂色scratch划伤手机组常见不良的英文表示Dirty脏污foreign material result in discoloration or dust on surface外来物所致的变色或吸附在零件表面上的异物Spot斑点printing ink on the clear surface of the lens or foreign substance in the material在镜片的透明表面有印刷油墨或原料中有杂质Foreign Material杂质dust or other particles embedded in the painted surface灰尘或其他颗粒埋在涂层中Discoloration色差surface is different from standard color整体的外观面与标准颜色有差异Black & White Dot异色点surface have aberration (such as shape have a point or line or block )外观面中局部的颜色差异(如点状、线状、块状)Scratch 刮伤foreign matters result in surface of eyeable scar 外来硬物碰擦、划伤造成的可见的表面伤痕Deformation变形appears shape be changed in part 局部形狀产生变异Fibre毛丝fibre fall into paint空气中的纤维丝附着产品表面Gap间隙gap appear between two or more parts link surface两个或多个零件结合面之间的缝隙Step断差vertical step of parts on surface零件同一段面高度差Poor Elasticity弱弹The keypad returns to elasticity to have no dint按键回弹力无力Sink凹陷be knocked or press result in surface dent因撞击或压力造成的表面不连续下凹Sand Hole沙眼small crater on surface表面上的小凹印Protrusion突起bump or apophysis of parts surface零件表面之肿块或隆起Burr毛边appears scratch ,protrusion in sharp edge or hole有划伤力,在沿边或孔上呈突起状Dimension NG尺寸不良dimension beyond the specification尺寸超出图面规格Orange桔皮surface appears wavy or uneven表面起波纹或不均匀Polish Mark磨纹appears mark after sanding打磨后的痕迹NGGloss NG光泽gloss appears inconsistent or incorrect光泽度表面不一致或不正确Crack裂纹appears little gap on surface NG 在材料表面产生的细小缝隙Flatness平面度flatness NG平面度不合格Fitting实配beyond specification after assembly与实体组装后相关项目超出规格Deformity 缺料single part deformity单件本身少料Uneven Color阴阳面appear color inconsistent on same surface同一产品上表面的颜色不一致Push & pull Force推/拉力push/ pull force out of specification推/拉力测试值超出规格Film Thickness膜厚film thickness out of specification膜厚测试值超出规格Abrasion耐磨耗abrasion out of specification耐磨耗测试值超出规格Adhesion附着力adhesion out of specification附着力测试值超出规格Oil Contamination油污foreign oil adhere to parts surface粘附在零件表面上外来油脂Poor Printing印刷不良the defect with unclear, missing, moving or double print印刷图案不清,残缺,偏移或重叠等印刷形成的缺失Broken破损零件被撞坏parts be damaged缺件Missing Part 组件少装零件assembly missing压印Marks 表面上砂眼、砂纸打磨、加工等印痕Pits, sanding, machining or other marks on part surface积油Wedging 涂层顶部薄底部厚Coating is thin at top and thick at bottom起泡Blistering 涂层中有气泡或水泡The formation of hollow bubbles or water droplets in a paint film 剝落Peeling 油漆没有粘附到产品上Paint fails to adhere to the part.多料Extra Material 零件本身多料single part Extra Material缩水 Sink 表面上因压力不够引起的收缩 Shrink resulting in a depression on surface其他Other 未有明确定义之缺失或不良现象definition missing or defect phenomena not clearly2.组装缺陷Assemble Defect热熔不良Heat Stacking NG 热熔后工件有压伤/破裂/毛边等制程不良defect with pit, crack, burr after heat stacking排线受损Flex Damage 组件排线外观有压伤/破损appears pit or damage on assembly flex surface卡钩干涉Hook interference 前盖卡钩组合回弹不顺畅flip not smoothly of hook assembly溢胶Glue Leak 背胶超出粘贴位置glue be adhibited to unwanted areas插头NG(PIN针不良)PIN Fault 插头歪斜或失效PIN appears deflection or ineffect轴紧Tight Hinge 转轴组件配合过紧,致回弹不顺畅hinge assembly too tight result in spring not smoothly轴松Loose Hinge 转轴组件配合过松,致回弹无节奏感hinge assembly too loose result in spring not rhythmic3.功能缺陷Function Defect主显示背光不良Main Backlight Luminance NG 开机状态主LCD背光亮度不合格main LCD backlight luminance is NG under power on副显示背光不良LCI Backlight Luminance NG 开机状态副LCD背光亮度不合格CLI Backlight Luminance is NG under power on音效不良Audio Defect 语音接听时有听到异常声音或者杂音abnormal sounds or cacophony will be heardLCD无法显示LCD no Display 开机后LCD无法显示正常画面LCD cant not display normally after power on显闪Flash 图像测试闪烁display flash when testing picture像素不良Pixel Fault 像素缺失超规pixel miss out of specification声音强度超规Speaker volume NG 喇叭的声音强度测试超出规格speaker level test out of specification声音损耗超规Speaker Distortion NG 喇叭的声音失真度测试超出规格speaker distortion test out of specificationLCD显示不正常LCD Display Abnormal 正常开关机时LCD显示黑线、亮紋、缺少像素,重影、画面歪斜等LCD display defect with blackline, light texture, lack image, double or deflection under power on or power off震动异常Vibration NG 手机震动有异常声音或者震动幅度频率异常等mobile phone appearing defect with abnormal sound and vibration frequency背光测试异常Backlight Test Fail LCD显示无背光,背光亮度异常,缺少像素等不良LCD display defect with no backlight ,abnormal brightness, lack image开合异常Opening and Closing of Flip NG 翻盖组件和前支撑座组件呈45°时翻盖无法自动闭合,或两组件呈90°时翻盖无法自动打开。



那些常见的注塑缺陷、不良点怎么用英语表达?注塑、模具专业英语•Surface Appearance 外观•Glossiness/gloss finish 光洁度、粗糙度•Matt finish/matt surface 毛面•Glass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 玻纤外露、浮纤•Blooming/surface blooming 表面析出•White patches on surface 表面白斑•Silver marks/silver streak 银纹•Splay mark 水纹、料花•Flow mark 流纹•Brittle/brittleness 脆、脆性•Bubbles/trapped gas 气泡/困气•Void 孔、气泡•Burn marks 烧伤•FR failed 阻燃不合格•Flame rating V-2•阻燃等级V-2 Poor dispersion 分散不好•FR/PTFE …agglomerates etc 阻燃剂/PTFE…结块•Pellet porous 颗粒料孔隙•Low impact/tensile strength etc 低冲击强度/拉伸强度等•High flow/filler content etc 高流动性/过度填充•Longs/fines/doubles 长粒/碎屑/连粒•Poor cut 粒形不好•Bristle/voids 表面有小气泡/孔•Glass bundles 纤维结团•Product was rejected due to 产品不能接受因为…•High moisture level 高水分、高湿度•Warpage/warped 翘曲/变形•Shrinkage/shrink 收缩/收缩率•Sink marks 凹陷、缩水•Short shot/short molding 打不满、欠注•Distortion 变形•Over dimension 尺寸过大•Under dimension 尺寸过小•Flashing 飞边、披锋、溢边•Discoloration 变色•Off color 颜色差异•Flow rate 流动速率•Viscous/viscosity 粘性的、粘的/黏度•High flow 高流动•Low flow 低流动•Sticky 粘的,粘性的•Sticking core 粘后模,粘模芯•Sticking sprue 粘水口•Sticking cavity 粘前模•Mold release(agent)脱模(剂)图:焦痕•Surface Appearance 外观•Glossiness/gloss finish 光洁度、粗糙度•Matt finish/matt surface 毛面•Glass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 玻纤外露、浮纤•Blooming/surface blooming 表面析出•White patches on surface 表面白斑•Silver marks/silver streak 银纹•Splay mark 水纹、料花•Flow mark 流纹•Brittle/brittleness 脆、脆性•Bubbles/trapped gas 气泡/困气•Void 孔、气泡•Burn marks 烧伤•FR failed 阻燃不合格•Flame rating V-2•阻燃等级V-2 Poor dispersion 分散不好•FR/PTFE …agglomerates etc 阻燃剂/PTFE…结块•Pellet porous 颗粒料孔隙、•Low impact/tensile strength etc 低冲击强度/拉伸强度等•High flow/filler content etc 高流动性/过度填充•Longs/fines/doubles 长粒/碎屑/连粒•Poor cut 粒形不好•Bristle/voids 表面有小气泡/孔•Glass bundles 纤维结团•Product was rejected due to 产品不能接受因为…•High moisture level 高水分、高湿度•Warpage/warped 翘曲/变形•Shrinkage/shrink 收缩/收缩率•Sink marks 凹陷、缩水•Short shot/short molding 打不满、欠注•Distortion 变形•Over dimension 尺寸过大•Under dimension 尺寸过小•Flashing 飞边、披锋、溢边•Discoloration 变色•Off color 颜色差异•Flow rate 流动速率•Viscous/viscosity 粘性的、粘的/黏度•High flow 高流动•Low flow 低流动•Sticky 粘的,粘性的•Sticking core 粘后模,粘模芯•Sticking sprue 粘水口•Sticking cavity 粘前模•Mold release(agent)脱模(剂)图:欠注•Antioxidant 抗氧剂•Flame retardant agent 阻燃剂•Heat stabilizer 热稳定剂•Chopped glass fiber 短切玻纤•Roving glass fiber 粗纱/长玻纤•Glass beads 玻璃微珠•Milled fiber 碾磨纤•Molybdenum disulfide/moly/MoS2 二硫化钼•Colorant 着色剂•Pigment 颜料•Dye 染料•Accepted product specification 接受产品规格•Approved our product 认可我们的产品 Re-set spec 重新定标准•Add in extra … 添加多一点…•Reduced … content 减少…含量•Dropped/reduced … by x%减少…含量…%•Confirmed color standard 确认颜色标准•Approved color standard 认可颜色标准•Re-confirmed color standard 重新确认颜色标准•Qualified our product 认可我们的产品•Undergoing heat aging test 在做热老化实验•Product is under testing 产品在测试当中•Received first order 接了第一个定单•Expected to finish by … 预计在…完成•Expected order is xMT 预计定单量…吨•Estimated annual/monthly consumption 预计年/月用量模具方面:•Ejection system 顶出系统、脱模系统•pin 顶针、推杆•spring 弹簧•Gate type 浇口类型•sprue 主流道•runner 分流道•cavity 模腔•Sprue gate 直浇口•Pin point gate 点浇口•Tab gate 护耳浇口•Fan gate 扇形浇口•Tunnel or submarine gate 潜伏式浇口•Jump gate 跳跃式浇口•Diaphragm gate 片状浇口•Ring gate 环形浇口•The cavity of the mould 模腔•Heated cylinder 加热料筒•Surface finish 表面光洁度图:飞边•Sink mark 缩水•Air trap 困气•Gas trapped 气体困着,困气•void 空隙,孔•galling 烧焦•Weld line 熔接痕,熔合线•Drag mark 划伤、脱模痕•Scratch mark 模具刮花•Deformed/ warp 变形•Ejector not returned 顶针不回位•slide 滑块、行位•streak 波纹、条纹、色痕•delamination 分层•Jetting mark 喷射痕•Gate mark 浇口痕 rib 筋、加强筋、骨位•boss 凸台、凸起、凸痕•Melt flow length 熔体流线长度•Ejector plate 顶针板•Stop pin 限位销•Push rod 推杆、顶针•Push back pin 复位杆•Ejector guide pin 顶针导柱•Cold-slug-well冷料井、冷料穴 plate 模板•Ejected mark 顶痕,顶白 nozzle 喷嘴•Surface defect 表面缺陷 Air vent 排气口•Filling uneven 走胶不平衡、进胶不平衡推荐阅读:•塑料件不良缺陷、喷漆件缺陷到底是嘛意思?•怎样应对注塑件变形、有缺陷•【收藏!】史上最全注塑缺陷技术术语及解释•价值5W的注塑手册,朋友圈转疯了!。



Defect descriptionNick 刻痕pit 凹洞scratch 刮伤haze 模糊不清flash 毛边flow mark 流痕shrink 缩水discoloration 异色mismatch 断差burn/burn mark 烧伤shrink color difference 色差laboratory 实验室protrusion 突出fixture 治具double print 重印packing area 包材区excess ink 溢墨chemical storage 化学品室mask damage 字迹破损maintenance 维修室streaks 条纹Wave soldering 波峰焊flakes 雪花Stuffing 插件bubble 气泡buttons tight 按钮紧loss of texture 材料缺失Missing/wrong welded 错漏焊partial carton 尾箱Tattling? 掉落waiting for inspection area待检区Double click 双响waiting for shipping area备货区crushing material area 粉料区temporary area 暂放区assistant material 辅料pallet 筏板accessory 辅件stock material area 备料区ejector 顶针scrapped warehouse 报废区Glue 粘胶damage warehouse 危险品区defective printing 移印不良inclusions 内杂质Shine mark/shining 亮点scratches 刮伤bad pad printing 印刷不良Hard to press buttons/sticks 按键不良Bad laser etching /laser area light leak 镭射区域露光Buttons not centered/the words of buttons decentred 按钮偏移Black spots/loose particles inside the buttonsDarkness button 按钮问题Different tonality on the buttons 按钮色差。



塑胶产品常见不良中英文对照blister 起泡blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕galling 毛边glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折迭straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤。



注塑产品不良英语注塑产品不良英语磨痕grinding defect 压伤pressure hurt 刮伤scratches 擦伤abrasions削伤cut wounds变形deformation破裂crack缩水shrinking缺胶lack of plastic 缺料short shot针孔microvoid凹坑dent填充不足short filling 翘曲warpage多孔porosity气孔underfills凸点Protrusion堵孔plugged hole油污oil mark手指印fingerprint模垢contamination 披锋Flash困气trapped gas烧焦burn起苍void雾面haze焦痕burn mark糊斑gas mark 结合线weld line毛边burr/ flash分型线毛边parting line flash合模线parting line涨模parting line with flash拉模pulling mark粘模mold sticking /part sticking色差chromatic aberration /color deviation光泽偏差incorrect gloss level 光泽不良lusterless应力痕stress mark流痕flow mark料花bloom异色blush冷料痕cold slug亮痕shine mark /light mark 白痕white speck水痕water stain顶针印ejector pin marks拖痕drag mark冲料痕ejector mark喷痕jetting mark异色点color stain污点spot斑点speck /stain杂点miscellaneous黑点black spot黑线black streak银丝纹sliver mark污渍dirty mark白点white spot颗粒particles汽泡air bubble沾漆remnant paintPU漆脱落PU paint peel断字fracture letter偏位wrong position不完整incompletion模糊illegible印刷变形deformation during printing 喷漆不均uneven paint褪色color fading偏斜bias歪斜skew折痕crease未倒角no chamfer倒角不良bad chamfer溢胶melt overflow表面模糊surface haze表面不平坦unevenness表面剥落surface peeling破碎brittleness扭曲torsion异色discoloration腐蚀/铁锈corrosion碰伤bumps进胶点未修平gate flash trimming NG进胶口点不良dull spots near the sprue孔径太大hole over large结合线明显weldline obviously尺寸过大over dimension 尺寸过小under dimension 扭力过低low torque定位不良poor on line(offset)拋光不良poor polish喷漆不良poor paint印刷不良poor printing整修不良trimming NG埋钉不良poor insert組裝不良poor assembly射出不良poor injection原料不良poor raw material 外观不良poor appearance 超音波结合不良poor sonic welding电镀不良poor plating铆钉脱落rivet peel铆钉松动rivet slack弹片脱落spring plate peel 多装overflow loading少装shortage loading缺口nick磨损abrasion瑕疪speck斑点speckle间隙过大excessive gap水渍water spots错位mismatch脱色discoloration银丝纹sliver mark污渍dirty mark白点white spot颗粒particles汽泡air bubble沾漆remnant paintsop---Standard Operation Procedure,标准操作规程DRI--directly responsibility indictor/individual 直接责任人sip :standard inspection procedure 标准检验指导书。



主要缺陷中英文对照序号中文英文序号中文英文1 披峰 burr 16 流痕 Flow mark2 缺胶 Short shot 17 色差 abberration3 变形/注塑后变形 Deformation 18 夹水线 Weld lines4 偏模 Mismatch 19 碰伤 Bump damage5 起泡 Blister 20 银线 Silver6 污斑 Grease pits 21 少数量 Packing shortage7 雾化 Atomization 22 泛白 Blushing8 烧焦 Burn mark 23 发白 Whitening9 油污 Oil mark 24 刮伤 Scratch10 气泡 Blister 25 气纹 Gas lines/gas mark11 划痕 Scatches 26 混色 Color mixture12 泛黄 Yellowing 27 斑点/污点 Macula13 缩水 Sink mark 28 结合线 welding line(metal)14 段差 29 拉伤 Pull15 抛光不良 Polishing mark 30 水印 Watermark主要测量仪器中英文对照序号中文英文序号中文英文1 分厘卡(千分尺) Micrometer 14 卡尺 Caliper2 C表 Dial gauge 15 扁分厘卡 Blade micrometer3 块规 Block gauge 16 针规 Pin gauge4 CMM X-Y-Z Coordinate 17 电子卡尺 Digital caliper5 扭力计 Torque meter 18 投影仪 Projection apparatus6 高度仪 Height gauge 19 直角尺 Square master7 游标卡尺 Vernier caliper 20 硬度机 Durometer8 牙规 Scre gauge 21 半径规 Radius gauge9 角度规 Universal protractor 22 特别塞规 Ring gauge10 拉/推力计 Pull/Push gauge 23 弹力计 Spring balance11 塞尺 Clearance gauge 24 专用夹具 Special fixture12 工具显微镜 Tool-measuring microscopeInspection1 抽样 Sampling 11 抽样计划 Sampling plan2 样品数量 Sample size 12 合格 Conformity3 批量 lot size 13 缺陷 Defect4 目测 Eyeballing 14 让步 Concession5 外观 Appearance 15 检验 Inspection6 测量 Measurement 16 规范 Specification7 质量 Quality 17 报废 Scrap8 接收 Acceptance 18 纠正 Correction9 不良品 Defective products10 返工 Rework一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口: pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座: connector socket密封/封料: seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components三板模:3-plate mold二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板:support plate螺丝: screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock斜顶:lifter模胚(架): mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块): slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴: sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate. 不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length稳定性好:good stability,stable强度不够:insufficient rigidity均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差:tolorance铜公(电极):copper electrode。


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Defect Description AB不良(AB defect) 膠區尺寸不同(dimision change) 口小(mouth small) 變形(deformation) 開口大(mouth big) 破損(damaged) 長度偏大(length too long) 刮傷(scratch) 試機(test defect) 有孔洞(hole defect) 偏薄(too thin) 無插頭(have not plug) 無粘性(stickiness NG) 有孔(have hole) 沒彈性(no flexibility) 生鏽(rustiness) 折皺(fold wrinkle) 套筒過小(sleeve too small) 異音(noise) 線斷(wire break) 黑邊(black edge) 尺寸不符(dimension NG) 沒彈性(no flexibility) 尺寸過長(dimension too long) 顏色不同(color differ) 孔大(hole too big) 划傷(scratch) 斷裂(crack) 結合線披峰(weldling burr) 結合線錯位(weldling step) 頂針披峰(injector pin burr) 頂針凸台(injector pin convex) 頂針下陷(injector concave) 進膠口高出(gate too high) 進膠口穿孔(gate have hole) 進膠口拉絲(gate have silks) 進膠口余肉(gate extra material) 色差(chromatic aberration) 披峰(overflow edge) 毛刺(burr) 毛邊(raw edge) 縮水(sink) 殘缺(mutilation) 殘肉(extra material) No. Defect Description 45 碰傷(bump injury) 46 印刷不良(printing defect) 47 打折(wrinkle) 48 斷線(break line) 49 裂縫(crack) 50 燙傷(burned defect) 51 無螺紋(screw NG) 52 多膠(extra plastic) 53 錯料(wrong material) 54 鏍孔裝反(screw assembly wrong) 55 白點(white spot) 56 轉不動(rotate NG) 57 變白(change white) 58 卡不緊(assembly defect) 59 從FUSER中取出(fetch out from fuser) 60 料號與實物不同(part No. differ part) 61 臟污(dirty) 62 熔斷(weld break ) 63 白線(white line 64 破裂(crack) 65 無膠(no plastic) 66 無軸(no shaft) 67 插頭不良、燈不亮(plug defect,lamp don't light) 68 損缺(damaged) 69 黑點(macula) 70 皺紋(wrinkle) 71 毛邊(burr) 72 測試不良(test defect) 73 損壞(damage) 74 銀紋(silver lines) 75 渦輪(worm) 76 頂白(pin mark) 77 拉傷.拉白(pull defect) 78 拉斷(pull break) 79 凸點(protruding spot) 80 汽泡(bubble) 81 雜色(varicolored) 82 雜物(sundies) 83 熔結線(weldline) 84 偏芯(leaaning core) 85 粘模(stick cavity) 86 面振(face vibrate) 87 芯振(core vibrate)


Foreign object inside carafe
Missing the plug of pin hole of basket
Sharp edge on carafe
Flashing block the outlet of basket
Paddle scratch bottom
Motor no rotation while self-inspection
Gap between metal jacket and metal housing
Soleplate temperature higher than the spec
Missing plug on basket axes
Keep warming plate seal ring out the position
Oxidate mark on bottom cover
Protective paper clamped between tank and base
Flashing on measuring cup
Loose heater
Dirty on rating label



那些常见的注塑缺陷、不良点怎么用英语表达?注塑、模具专业英语•Surface Appearance 外观•Glossiness/gloss finish 光洁度、粗糙度•Matt finish/matt surface 毛面•Glass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 玻纤外露、浮纤•Blooming/surface blooming 表面析出•White patches on surface 表面白斑•Silver marks/silver streak 银纹•Splay mark 水纹、料花•Flow mark 流纹•Brittle/brittleness 脆、脆性•Bubbles/trapped gas 气泡/困气•Void 孔、气泡•Burn marks 烧伤•FR failed 阻燃不合格•Flame rating V-2•阻燃等级V-2 Poor dispersion 分散不好•FR/PTFE …agglomerates etc 阻燃剂/PTFE…结块•Pellet porous 颗粒料孔隙•Low impact/tensile strength etc 低冲击强度/拉伸强度等•High flow/filler content etc 高流动性/过度填充•Longs/fines/doubles 长粒/碎屑/连粒•Poor cut 粒形不好•Bristle/voids 表面有小气泡/孔•Glass bundles 纤维结团•Product was rejected due to 产品不能接受因为…•High moisture level 高水分、高湿度•Warpage/warped 翘曲/变形•Shrinkage/shrink 收缩/收缩率•Sink marks 凹陷、缩水•Short shot/short molding 打不满、欠注•Distortion 变形•Over dimension 尺寸过大•Under dimension 尺寸过小•Flashing 飞边、披锋、溢边•Discoloration 变色•Off color 颜色差异•Flow rate 流动速率•Viscous/viscosity 粘性的、粘的/黏度•High flow 高流动•Low flow 低流动•Sticky 粘的,粘性的•Sticking core 粘后模,粘模芯•Sticking sprue 粘水口•Sticking cavity 粘前模•Mold release(agent)脱模(剂)图:焦痕•Surface Appearance 外观•Glossiness/gloss finish 光洁度、粗糙度•Matt finish/matt surface 毛面•Glass fiber rich surface/glass emergence on the surface 玻纤外露、浮纤•Blooming/surface blooming 表面析出•White patches on surface 表面白斑•Silver marks/silver streak 银纹•Splay mark 水纹、料花•Flow mark 流纹•Brittle/brittleness 脆、脆性•Bubbles/trapped gas 气泡/困气•Void 孔、气泡•Burn marks 烧伤•FR failed 阻燃不合格•Flame rating V-2•阻燃等级V-2 Poor dispersion 分散不好•FR/PTFE …agglomerates etc 阻燃剂/PTFE…结块•Pellet porous 颗粒料孔隙、•Low impact/tensile strength etc 低冲击强度/拉伸强度等•High flow/filler content etc 高流动性/过度填充•Longs/fines/doubles 长粒/碎屑/连粒•Poor cut 粒形不好•Bristle/voids 表面有小气泡/孔•Glass bundles 纤维结团•Product was rejected due to 产品不能接受因为…•High moisture level 高水分、高湿度•Warpage/warped 翘曲/变形•Shrinkage/shrink 收缩/收缩率•Sink marks 凹陷、缩水•Short shot/short molding 打不满、欠注•Distortion 变形•Over dimension 尺寸过大•Under dimension 尺寸过小•Flashing 飞边、披锋、溢边•Discoloration 变色•Off color 颜色差异•Flow rate 流动速率•Viscous/viscosity 粘性的、粘的/黏度•High flow 高流动•Low flow 低流动•Sticky 粘的,粘性的•Sticking core 粘后模,粘模芯•Sticking sprue 粘水口•Sticking cavity 粘前模•Mold release(agent)脱模(剂)图:欠注•Antioxidant 抗氧剂•Flame retardant agent 阻燃剂•Heat stabilizer 热稳定剂•Chopped glass fiber 短切玻纤•Roving glass fiber 粗纱/长玻纤•Glass beads 玻璃微珠•Milled fiber 碾磨纤•Molybdenum disulfide/moly/MoS2 二硫化钼•Colorant 着色剂•Pigment 颜料•Dye 染料•Accepted product specification 接受产品规格•Approved our product 认可我们的产品 Re-set spec 重新定标准•Add in extra … 添加多一点…•Reduced … content 减少…含量•Dropped/reduced … by x%减少…含量…%•Confirmed color standard 确认颜色标准•Approved color standard 认可颜色标准•Re-confirmed color standard 重新确认颜色标准•Qualified our product 认可我们的产品•Undergoing heat aging test 在做热老化实验•Product is under testing 产品在测试当中•Received first order 接了第一个定单•Expected to finish by … 预计在…完成•Expected order is xMT 预计定单量…吨•Estimated annual/monthly consumption 预计年/月用量模具方面:•Ejection system 顶出系统、脱模系统•pin 顶针、推杆•spring 弹簧•Gate type 浇口类型•sprue 主流道•runner 分流道•cavity 模腔•Sprue gate 直浇口•Pin point gate 点浇口•Tab gate 护耳浇口•Fan gate 扇形浇口•Tunnel or submarine gate 潜伏式浇口•Jump gate 跳跃式浇口•Diaphragm gate 片状浇口•Ring gate 环形浇口•The cavity of the mould 模腔•Heated cylinder 加热料筒•Surface finish 表面光洁度图:飞边•Sink mark 缩水•Air trap 困气•Gas trapped 气体困着,困气•void 空隙,孔•galling 烧焦•Weld line 熔接痕,熔合线•Drag mark 划伤、脱模痕•Scratch mark 模具刮花•Deformed/ warp 变形•Ejector not returned 顶针不回位•slide 滑块、行位•streak 波纹、条纹、色痕•delamination 分层•Jetting mark 喷射痕•Gate mark 浇口痕 rib 筋、加强筋、骨位•boss 凸台、凸起、凸痕•Melt flow length 熔体流线长度•Ejector plate 顶针板•Stop pin 限位销•Push rod 推杆、顶针•Push back pin 复位杆•Ejector guide pin 顶针导柱•Cold-slug-well冷料井、冷料穴 plate 模板•Ejected mark 顶痕,顶白 nozzle 喷嘴•Surface defect 表面缺陷 Air vent 排气口•Filling uneven 走胶不平衡、进胶不平衡推荐阅读:•塑料件不良缺陷、喷漆件缺陷到底是嘛意思?•怎样应对注塑件变形、有缺陷•【收藏!】史上最全注塑缺陷技术术语及解释•价值5W的注塑手册,朋友圈转疯了!。

塑胶产品常见不良描述的中英文对照 123

塑胶产品常见不良描述的中英文对照  123

Blister 起泡blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞scuffing 深冲表面划伤shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折迭straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy= mouldy 发霉laser 激光rust n,铁锈v使生锈deformation n变形flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excessive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污impurity 杂质painting peel off 脏污shrinking / shrinkage 缩水nmixed color 杂色scratch划伤,刮傷PPT =PowerPoint 幻燈片Withdrawal force =lessen force。



塑胶缺陷术语解释1. 夹水纹(WELD LINE):两股或两股以上胶料熔接在一起时在产品的表面形成的可见痕。

2. 缩水(SINK MARKS):由于胶件结构厚薄不匀等原因引起的表面收缩或陷痕。

3. 批峰(FLASHFS):由于合模力不够或注射压力太大或模具合模面贴合不好形成的边位溢料。

4. 烧焦(BURNS):由热引起的材料分解,看起来象烧焦痕迹。

5. 混色(DISCOLORATTON):偏离原色或颜色不一致的纹路。

6. 黑色(BLACK SPOT):材料内部或表面的黑色可见杂质或烧焦的塑胶碎片形成的黑点。

7. 色粉扩散不良:由于混料不均等原因,色粉在啤作时扩散不良形成的颜色斑点或条状痕迹。

8. 粘模:胶件在脱模时未完整脱出有一部分残留在模上的现象。

9. 断针(BROKENPIN):由于模具上的针断掉,而使啤出的胶件无孔或多胶。

10. 入水纹(FLOWMARKS):由于注射速度或模温等因素不当,而在入水位或胶薄(厚)处形成光泽不同又称光影。

11. 花痕(SCRACHES):产品表面损伤或划伤。

12. 变形:胶件由于啤作太低或冷却时间太短或长时间变压,而形成的扭曲之现象。

13. 走胶不齐:由于温度太低或压力不足或射胶时间太短等原因使胶件缺料。

14. 光泽不良:由于水口不光滑等原因易有一些冻胶残留其中。

15. 胶丝:在下一啤注射时被带出,使产品表面形成象疤痕一样的缺陷。

16. 顶白:在于胶件在模具中冷却后收缩较大,胶模时太困难顶针顶出胶件时受力太大而在胶件上留下的痕迹。

17. 拖白拖伤:胶件边缘与模具磨擦使胶件产生拖白甚至拖伤。

18. 尺寸大或小:由于压力等因素不当,使胶件尺寸与规定尺寸相比较大或较小。

19. 料花:主要指原料烘料不足,有水份产生气体或材料分解产生气体而形成的放射式V 型条纹。

20. 模伤:因型腔被划伤,碰花而在胶件表面留下的花痕。

21. 模渍:因模具生锈或脏污而在胶件表面形成痕迹。



Defect descriptionNick 刻痕pit 凹洞scratch 刮伤haze 模糊不清flash 毛边flow mark 流痕shrink 缩水discoloration 异色mismatch 断差burn/burn mark 烧伤shrink color difference 色差laboratory 实验室protrusion 突出fixture 治具double print 重印packing area 包材区excess ink 溢墨chemical storage 化学品室mask damage 字迹破损maintenance 维修室streaks 条纹Wave soldering 波峰焊flakes 雪花Stuffing 插件bubble 气泡buttons tight 按钮紧loss of texture 材料缺失Missing/wrong welded 错漏焊partial carton 尾箱Tattling? 掉落waiting for inspection area待检区Double click 双响waiting for shipping area备货区crushing material area 粉料区temporary area 暂放区assistant material 辅料pallet 筏板accessory 辅件stock material area 备料区ejector 顶针scrapped warehouse 报废区Glue 粘胶damage warehouse 危险品区defective printing 移印不良inclusions 内杂质Shine mark/shining 亮点scratches 刮伤bad pad printing 印刷不良Hard to press buttons/sticks 按键不良Bad laser etching /laser area light leak 镭射区域露光Buttons not centered/the words of buttons decentred 按钮偏移Black spots/loose particles inside the buttonsDarkness button 按钮问题Different tonality on the buttons 按钮色差。



序号汉语英文日本语1数量不足amount badness員数不足2尺寸不良dimension badness寸法不良3装配不良assemblage badness勘合不良4加工不良process badness仕上げ不良5粘模Sticking Cavキャビ取られ6划伤flaw;scratch傷7压痕indentationダコン8擦伤scratchカジリ9充不满(成形不足)short shotショートモールド10缩水sink markヒケ11毛刺burr;gallingバリ12胶丝thread barr糸バリ13流痕flow markフローマーク14熔接痕Weldlineウェルド15料花silver lineシルバー16烧焦burnヤケ17翘曲warpage;camberソリ18变形deformation変形19扭曲torsionネジリ20白化whitening白化21顶白Stress Mark突き出し白化22托高メクレ23裂纹crack;nick;seam;fissure割れ24污迹grease pits汚れ25油污oil grease pits油汚れ26焊痕weld markウェルドマーク27气泡cell気泡28麻点pockブツブツ29废料scrapスクラップ30异物混装eyewinker異物混入31断裂rupture折れ32气泡blister気泡33龟裂checking;crazing亀裂34色偏差aberration色むら35光泽gloss ツヤ36不平concave face凹凸37台阶step段差38皮纹シボ序号汉语英文日本语39雾化atomization霧化40斜料纹bank mark41咬入biteカジレ42涂料孔(铸疵)blacking hole43涂料疤blacking scab44起霜blooming45泛白blow hole白っぼい46侧壁皱纹blushing縦壁しわ47冒口带肉body wrinkle48糊斑breaking-in 模様マーク49膜泡bubble 気泡50橘皮状表面缺陷orange peel51溢流overflow オーバフロー52表面中部波皱center buckle センターしわ53细裂痕check クラック54修整表面缺陷chipping55铸件凹痕clamp-off56塌陷collapse ヘコミ57色斑color mottle 色マーク58腐蚀corrosion59碎裂crazing 割れ60痘斑pock mark61树脂流纹resin streak フラシュー62切边碎片edge エッジ63裂边edge crack 割れ64退色fading 変色65填充料斑filler speak66凸缘起皱flange wrinkle 縁しわ67光滑glazing スベリ68磨痕grinding defect 研磨傷69发裂haircrack ひび70雾度haze71水锈incrustation 水錆72内部气孔internal porosity 内部気泡73偏模mismatch 偏心74斑点mottle 麻点75缩颈necking76皱纹wrinkle しわ77剥离peeling ハガレ78坑pit ヒケ79点状腐蚀pitting corrosion80模板印痕plate mark プレートマーク81树脂脱落resin wear82凹陷riding ヘコミ序号汉语英文日本语83松垂sagging84皂化saponification85疤痕scar86废料阻塞scrap jam87深冲表面划伤scuffing88模口挤痕shock line89凹孔shrinkage pool ヒケ90表皮折叠skin inclusion91矫直straightening 整形92条状痕streak93表面裂痕surface check 表面割れ94橘皮状表皮皱折surface roughening しわ95波动surging96冒汗sweat out あせ97波痕waviness 波マーク98熔塌webbing。



Aberration 色差 atomization 化bank mark 滞料纹 bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking scab 涂料疤blister 起泡 blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉Bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑Burr 毛边 camber 翘曲Cell 气泡 center buckle表面中部波皱Check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂Chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕Collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑Corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕Crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂Deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边 fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤flow mark流痕 galling毛边glazing光滑 gloss光泽grease pits污斑 grinding defect磨痕haircrack发裂 haze雾度incrustation水锈 indentation压痕internal porosity内部气孔 mismatch偏模mottle斑点 necking缩颈nick割痕 orange peel橘皮状表面缺陷overflow溢流 peeling剥离pit坑 pitting corrosion点状腐蚀plate mark模板印痕 pock麻点pock mark痘斑 resin streak树脂流纹resin wear树脂脱落 riding凹陷sagging松垂 saponification皂化scar疤痕 scrap废料scrap jam废料阻塞 scratch刮伤/划痕scuffing深冲表面划伤 seam裂痕shock line模口挤痕 short shot充填不足shrinkage pool凹孔 sink mark凹痕skin inclusion表皮折叠 straightening矫直streak条状痕 surface check表面裂痕surface roughening橘皮状表皮皱折surging波动sweat out冒汗 torsion扭曲warpage翘曲 waviness波痕webbing熔塌 weld mark焊痕whitening白化 wrinkle皱纹。

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后加工产品常见问题 电镀堆积 漏电镀 裂纹 断环 尘点 少油 色差 喷油不均 积油 喷油薄 油点 麻点 掉油 移印针孔 字体飞油 字体重影 字体移位 油漆粘附 镭雕重影 镭雕暗影 镭雕仪位 镭雕漏光 镭雕色差 漏镭雕 镭雕图案错误 漏涂油 漏装指示器 指示器混色 漏装薄片 漏热熔薄片 漏装按键 按键装反 按键卡键 按键粘黏 按键 面板 底板 指示器 条形码 漏条形码 条形码错误 漏写日期 电镀件 heavy plating mis-plating craze broken ring dust point mis-paint aberration paint inconformity paint heavy paint thin paint oil point granule paint lost pad print pinhole pad print rough double pad print shift pad print paint stuck double graphic dark graphic shift graphic lightleak graphic aberration graphic missing graphic laser etch graphic wrong missing grease missing jewel jewel colour mixture missing sheet sheet missing heat staking missing button button inverted button stuck button stick button bezel backer plate jewel bar code bar code missed bar code wrong missed write the date plating piece& trim夹水线(融接痕) 批峰 碰伤 削伤(剪伤) 缺口 困气(烧焦) 模印 错位 顶高 凹痕 拉裂 拉伤 发亮 发白 发黄 混色 黑点 杂料 缩水 颗粒 堵孔 变形 流痕 水口冲印 水口余料 纹理不均 手印 缺胶 起级 间隙 脏污 毛丝&胶丝 气泡 多胶 弯曲 骨位 槽位 少数 白点 螺丝孔 倒扣 scratch flow line weld line flash damage cut damage chip burning mark mismatch pin push dent snap pull damage shining white yellowing colour mixture black point mixed material shrinkage grain block hole warp flow mark gate mark residualgate texture odds fingerprint short shot step gap contamination burr bubble add plastic bend rib slot shortage white point boss & screw hole under cut