艾米莉狄金森I taste a liquor never brewed英文版简介
Emily Dickinson(1830- ) Great female productive American poetHer work: Poetry of Emily Dickinson (1955) <艾米莉.狄金森诗集>Her view and theme:1) Her poetry is a clear illustration of her religious- ethical and political-socialideas;2) Her basic tone was tragic;3) Her themes concern death and immortality;4) She sees nature as both gaily benevolent and cruel.5) She emphasizes free will and humanresponsibility.6) She holds that beauty, truth and goodness are ultimately one.Her styles P134Her poems:I tasted a liquor never brewed《我品味未经酿造的饮料》A bird came down the walk《一只小鸟沿小径》I died for beauty – but was scarce《我为美而死—但几乎尚未》Because I could not stop for death《因为我不能停止赴死》I heard a fly buzz – when I died《我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声》I taste a liquor never brewedI taste a liquor never brewedFrom tankards scooped in pearl;Not all the vats upon the RhineYield such an alcohol!Inebriate of air am I,And debauchee of dew,Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue.When landlords turn the drunken bee Out of the foxglove's door,When butterflies renounce their drams, I shall but drink the more!Till seraphs swing their snowy hats, And saints to windows run,To see the little tipplerLeaning against the sun! 我品尝了一种从未酿造过的酒,用珍珠掏空挖成的酒杯;并非莱茵河上所有的酒桶都能流出这样的琼浆!我是空气的酒鬼,我纵情于露水,从熔化的蓝天的酒馆中,踉跄而出,穿过无尽的夏日。
艾米莉狄金森I taste a liquor never brewed英文版简介
stanza two
Inebriate of air am I, And debauchee of dew, Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue.
我在空气中沉醉,我在露珠间放荡,如洗的天空, 看见我从酒吧中踉跄而出,在无尽的夏日中徜徉
This implies that she will never have to abstain this intoxicant she has diacovered,as it is the natural state of those in paradise.
• The speaker is tasting a liquor that is very enjoyable,then comparing her feeling to the nature.The respond from the nature only approves her ectasy and finally she concluded to keep drinking forever.
Major works
• I'm nobody! who are you? • Because I could not stop for death • There's been a death in the opposite house
• The nature intoxication (陶醉) lead to spiritual ecstasy in a form of being drunken • Mood: Joyful ,positive.
History And Anthology of American Literature (6)附:作者及作品一、殖民主义时期The Literature of Colonial America1.船长约翰·史密斯Captain John Smith《自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍》“A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony”《弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述》“A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country”《弗吉尼亚通史》“General History of Virginia”2.威廉·布拉德福德William Bradford《普利茅斯开发历史》“The History of Plymouth Plantation”3.约翰·温思罗普John Winthrop《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”4.罗杰·威廉姆斯Roger Williams《开启美国语言的钥匙》”A Key into the Language of America”或叫《美洲新英格兰部分土著居民语言指南》Or “A Help to the Language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England ”5.安妮·布莱德斯特Anne Bradstreet《在美洲诞生的第十个谬斯》”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America”二、理性和革命时期文学The Literature of Reason and Revolution 1。
我品尝未酿之酒I taste a liquor never brewed
五行天 /txt/28/28759/
本节中,用夸张的手法把酒徒对美酒的热爱比作诗 人对自然的热爱。并将这一切与自然经历相对比, 诗人因清新的空气而沉醉,豪饮大自然的甘露,露 珠也令她陶醉不已。诗人沉醉于空气与露珠,这些 意象都代表了自然。天空就是一个大酒肆,“美酒 ”四溢,使诗人徜徉在无尽的夏日中。末行诗人用 inns 而没有用 inn,可以想象这个酒徒从一个酒肆 又进另一个酒肆,仿佛要品尽所有的美酒,一醉方 休。这个意象为下诗节埋下伏笔。
本节中,诗人用饮酒的比喻来表达内心对自然的感 受,将自己醉心于自然的感受比作酒徒醉酒的经历 ,但使她沉醉的美酒是未被酿造的,也就是说,她 不是由于饮用了美酒而沉醉。
第二行用精美的珍珠酒杯来品尝美酒,这种陶醉的 心情是发自内心、妙不可言,甚至难以用语言来形 容的,只有经历过的人才知道真正的感受。狄金森 在第一诗行用醉酒作比喻,并且用珍珠的酒杯来衬 托酒的醇美,是任何莱茵河畔的美酒所无法比拟的 。莱茵河流经德国,德国以盛产美酒闻名,即使莱 茵河畔最香醇的美酒也无法与她所热爱的自然美酒 相比,她所爱的美酒更令人心驰神往
Inebriate of Air — am I —, And Debauchee of Dew, Reeling — through endless summer days — From inns of Molten Blue —
我陶醉于清新的空气, 我豪饮那晶莹的露水, 熔蓝的天空,我从酒吧中踉跄而出 在无尽的夏日中徜徉。
Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats — And Saints — to windows run — To see the little Tippler From Manzanilla come!
Emily Dickinson的短诗
Emily Dickinson’s poetry1Because I could not stop for Death,He kindly stopped for me;The carriage held but just ourselvesAnd Immortality.We slowly drove, he knew no haste,And I had put awayMy labor, and my leisure too,For his civility.We passed the school where children played,Their lessons scarcely done;We passed the fields of gazing grain,We passed the setting sun.We paused before a house that seemedA swelling of the ground;The roof was scarcely visible.The cornice but a mound.Since then 'tis centuries but eachFeels shorter than the dayI first surmised the horses' headsWere toward eternity.2Bustle In A House~The bustle in a houseThe morning after deathIs solemnest of industriesEnacted upon earth.The sweeping up the heartAnd putting love awayWe shall not want to use againUntil eternity.3"Hope" is the thing with feathersThat perches in the soulAnd sings the tune without the wordsAnd never stops at all,And sweetest in the gale is heard;And sore must be the stormThat could abash the little birdThat kept so many warm.I've heard it in the chillest landAnd on the strangest sea,Yet never, in extremity,It asked a crumb of me.4"Faith" is a fine inventionFor gentlemen who see,But Microscopes are prudentIn an emergency!5’T is so much joy! ’T is so much joy!If I should fail, what poverty!And yet, as poor as IHave ventured all upon a throw;Have gained! Yes! Hesitated soThis side the victory!Life is but life, and death but death!Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath!And if, indeed, I fail,At least to know the worst is sweet.Defeat means nothing but defeat,No drearier can prevail!And if I gain,—oh, gun at sea,Oh, bells that in the steeples be,At first repeat it slow!For heaven is a different thingConjectured, and waked sudden in,And might o’erwhelm me so!6It was not death, for I stood up,And all the dead lie down.It was not night, for all the bellsPut out their tongues for noon.It was not frost, for on my fleshI felt siroccos crawl,Nor fire, for just my marble feetCould keep a chancel cool.And yet it tasted like them all,The figures I have seenSet orderly for burialReminded me of mine,As if my life were shavenAnd fitted to a frameAnd could not breathe without a key,And 'twas like midnight, some,When everything that ticked has stoppedAnd space stares all around,Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns,Repeal the beating ground;But most like chaos, stopless, cool,Without a chance, or spar,Or even a report of landTo justify despair.7Success is counted sweetestBy those who ne’er succeed.To comprehend a nectarRequires sorest need.Not one of all the purple hostWho took the flag to-dayCan tell the definition,So clear, of victory,As he, defeated, dying,On whose forbidden earThe distant strains of triumphBreak, agonized and clear8IF I can stop one heart from breaking,I shall not live in vain;If I can ease one life the aching,Or cool one pain,Or help one fainting robinUnto his nest again,I shall not live in vain.9Much madness is divinest senseTo a discerning eye;Much sense the starkest madness.’T i s the majorityIn this, as all, prevails.Assent, and you are sane;Demur,—you ’re straightway dangerous,And handled with a chain.10A wounded deer leaps highest,I've heard the hunter tell;T'is but the ecstasy of death,And then the brake is still.The smitten rock that gushes,The trampled steel that springs:A cheek is always redderJust where the hectic stings!Mirth is the mail of anguish,In which it caution arm,Lest anybody spy the bloodAnd Youre hurt exclaim!11A PRECIOUS, mould eringpleasure ’t isTo meet an antique book,In just the dress his century wore;A privilege, I think,His venerable hand to take,And warming in our own,A passage back, or two, to makeo times when he was young.His quaint opinions to inspect,His knowledge to unfoldOn what concerns our mutual mind,The literature of old;What interested scholars most,What competitions ranWhen Plato was a certainty,And Sophocles a man;When Sappho was a living girl,And Beatrice woreThe gown that Dante deified.Facts, centuries before,He traverses familiar,As one should come to townAnd tell you all your dreams were true:He lived where dreams were born.His presence is enchantment,You beg him not to go;Old volumes shake their vellum headsAnd tantalize, just so.12I felt a funeral in my brain,And mourners, to and fro,Kept treading, treading, till it seemedThat sense was breaking through.And when they all were seated,A service like a drumKept beating, beating, till I thoughtMy mind was going numb.And then I heard them lift a box,And creak across my soulWith those same boots of lead, again.Then space began to tollAs all the heavens were a bell,And Being but an ear,And I and silence some strange race,Wrecked, solitary, here.- Emily Dickinson13There is no frigate like a bookTo take us lands away,Nor any coursers like a pageOf prancing poetry.This traverse may the poorest takeWithout oppress of toll;How frugal is the chariotThat bears a human soul!14XVITO fight aloud is very brave,But gallanter, I know,Who charge within the bosom,The cavalry of woe.Who win, and nations do not see,Who fall, and none observe,Whose dying eyes no countryRegards with patriot love.We trust, in plumed procession,For such the angels go,Rank after rank, with even feetAnd uniforms of snow.15I taste a liquor never brewed,From tankards scooped in pearl;Not all the vats upon the RhineYield such an alcohol!Inebriate of air am I,And debauchee of dew,Reeling, through endless summer days,From inns of molten blue.When landlords turn the drunken beeOut of the foxglove's door,When butterflies renounce their drams,I shall but drink the more!Till seraphs swing their snowy hats,And saints to windows run,To see the little tipplerLeaning against the sun!16Who never lost, are unpreparedA Coronet to find!Who never thirstedFlagons, and Cooling Tamarind!Who never climbed the weary league—Can such a foot exploreThe purple territoriesOn Pizarro's shore?How many Legions overcome—The Emperor will say?How many Colors takenOn Revolution Day?How many Bullets bearest?Hast Thou the Royal scar?Angels! Write "Promoted"On this Soldier's brow!17Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat?Then crouch within the door --Red -- is the Fire's common tint --But when the vivid OreHas vanquished Flame's conditions,It quivers from the ForgeWithout a color, but the lightOf unanointed Blaze.Least Village has its BlacksmithWhose Anvil's even ringStands symbol for the finer ForgeThat soundless tugs -- within --Refining these impatient OresWith Hammer, and with BlazeUntil the Designated LightRepudiate the Forge –18I can wade Grief—Whole Pools of it—I'm used to that—But the least push of JoyBreaks up my feet—And I tip—drunken—Let no Pebble—smile—'Twas the New Liquor—That was all!Power is only Pain—Stranded, thro' Discipline,Till Weights—will hang—Give Balm—to Giants—And they'll wilt, like Men—Give Himmaleh—They'll Carry—Him!19For each ecstatic instantWe must an anguish payIn keen and quivering rationTo the ecstasy.For each beloved hourSharp pittances of years—Bitter contested farthings—And Coffers heaped with Tears!20The only news I knowIs bulletins all dayFrom immortality:The only shows I seeTomorrow and today.Perchance eternity.The only one I meetIs God, the only streetExistence; this traversed.If other news there beOr admirabler show,I’ll tell it you.21Wild nights! Wild nights!Were I with thee,Wild nights should beOur luxury!Futile the windsTo a heart in port,Done with the compass,Done with the chart.Rowing in Eden!Ah! the sea!Might I but moorTo-night in thee!22My life closed twice before its close;It yet remains to seeIf Immortality unveilA third event to me,So huge, so hopeless to conceive,As these that twice befell.Parting is all we know of heaven,And all we need of hell23Empty my Heart, of Thee --Its single Artery --Begin, and leave Thee out --Simply Extinction's Date --Much Billow hath the Sea --One Baltic -- They --Subtract Thyself, in play,And not enough of meIs left -- to put away --"Myself" meanth Thee --Erase the Root -- no Tree --Thee -- then -- no me --The Heavens stripped --Eternity's vast pocket, picked --24I know that He exists.Somewhere -- in Silence --He has hid his rare lifeFrom our gross eyes.'Tis an instant's play.'Tis a fond Ambush --Just to make BlissEarn her own surprise!But -- should the playProve piercing earnest --Should the glee -- glaze --In Death's -- stiff -- stare --Would not the funLook too expensive!Would not the jest --Have crawled too far!25Behind Me -- dips Eternity --Before Me -- Immortality --Myself -- the Term between --Death but the Drift of Eastern Gray,Dissolving into Dawn away,Before the West begin --'Tis Kingdoms -- afterward -- they say --In perfect -- pauseless Monarchy --Whose Prince -- is Son of None --Himself -- His Dateless Dynasty --Himself -- Himself diversify --In Duplicate divine --'Tis Miracle before Me -- then --'Tis Miracle behind -- between --A Crescent in the Sea --With Midnight to the North of Her --And Midnight to the South of Her --And Maelstrom -- in the Sky --26Let Us play Yesterday --I -- the Girl at school --You -- and Eternity -- theUntold Tale --Easing my famineAt my Lexicon --Logarithm -- had I -- for Drink --'Twas a dry Wine --Somewhat different -- must be --Dreams tint the Sleep --Cunning Reds of MorningMake the Blind -- leap --Still at the Egg-life --Chafing the Shell --When you troubled the Ellipse --And the Bird fell --Manacles be dim -- they say --To the new Free --Liberty -- Commoner --Never could -- to me --'Twas my last gratitudeWhen I slept -- at night --'Twas the first MiracleLet in -- with Light --Can the Lark resume the Shell --Easier -- for the Sky --Wouldn't Bonds hurt moreThan Yesterday?Wouldn't Dungeons sorer frateOn the Man -- free --Just long enough to taste --Then -- doomed new --God of the ManacleAs of the Free --Take not my LibertyAway from Me --27I died for beauty, but was scarceAdjusted in the tomb,When one who died for truth was lainIn an adjoining room.He questioned softly why I failed?"For beauty," I replied."And I for truth,--the two are one;We brethren are," he said.And so, as kinsmen met a night,We talked between the rooms.Until the moss had reached our lips,And covered up our names.28I SHALL know why, when time is over,And I have ceased to wonder why;Christ will explain each separate anguishIn the fair schoolroom of the sky.He will tell me what Peter promised,And I, for wonder at his woe,I shall forget the drop of anguishThat scalds me now, that scalds me now.29I shall keep singing!I shall keep singing!Birds will pass meOn their way to Yellower Climes --Each -- with a Robin's expectation --I -- with my Redbreast --And my Rhymes --Late -- when I take my place in summer --But -- I shall bring a fuller tune --Vespers -- are sweeter than Matins -- Signor --Morning -- only the seed of Noon --30LET down the bars, O Death!The tired flocks come inWhose bleating ceases to repeat,Whose wandering is done.Thine is the stillest night,Thine the securest fold;Too near thou art for seeking thee,Too tender to be told.31GOING to heaven!I don’t know when,Pray do not ask me how,—Indeed, I ’m too astonishedTo think of answering you!Going to heaven!—How dim it sounds!And yet it will be doneAs sure as flocks go home at nightUnto the shepherd’s arm!Perhaps you ’re going too!Who knows?If you should get there first,Save just a little place for meClose to the two I lost!The smallest “robe” will fit me,And just a bit of “crown”;For you know we do not mind our dressWhen we are going home.I ’m glad I don’t believe it,For it would stop my breath,And I ’d like to look a little moreAt such a curious earth!I am glad they did believe itWhom I have never foundSince the mighty autumn afternoonI left them in the ground.32I READ my sentence steadily,Reviewed it with my eyes,To see that I made no mistakeIn its extremest clause,—The date, and manner of the shame;And then the pious formThat “God have mercy” on the soulThe jury voted him.I made my soul familiarWith her extremity,That at the last it should not beA novel agony,But she and Death, acquainted,Meet tranquilly as friends,Salute and pass without a hintAnd there the matter ends.33THEY dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars,Like petals from a rose,When suddenly across the JuneA wind with fingers goes.They perished in the seamless grass,No eye could find the place;But God on his repealless listCan summon every face.。
本节诗人将蜜蜂、蝴蝶比作酒客,当主人将它们赶 出毛地黄花装饰的酒肆时,我依然在啜饮。这里蜜 蜂和蝴蝶饮用的美酒就是自然的甘露,是露珠、是 花蜜。而作者亦不是在啜饮美酒,而是沉醉于自然 、空气、露珠、天空等一切与自然有关的现象。诗 歌通过具体形象体现思想,诗人的任务在于以生动 的意象表达抽象的概念。数量众多、新颖别致的意 象正是狄金森诗歌中最吸引人的特点,她以丰富的 想象力把这些意象应用于诗作中,加上采用大量隐 喻和象征手法,使诗歌更加形象具体。
Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats — And Saints — to windows run — To see the little Tippler From Manzanilla come!
直到天使们无奈地摇头, 还有圣徒们奔向明窗, 争看这小小的酒徒 醉倚着残阳!
I taste a liquor never brewed
I taste a liquor never brewed— From Tankards scooped in Pearl— Not all the Frankfort Berries Yield such an Alcohol! 用精美的珍珠酒杯 我品尝一杯未经酿造的美酒, 纵然莱茵河畔所有的酒桶 也未盛过如此美味琼浆!
I taste a liquor never brewed
Dickinson was greatly influenced by Emerson’s transcendentalism. She had a profound love for nature and was often intoxicated with the beauty of nature. This poem is a fine example. The poet compares nature to liquor that has never been brewed and herself to a debauchee who loves wine more than her life. The image the poet uses to suggest drunkenness epitomizes her deep love for nature.
Emily Dickinson艾米莉·狄金森-美国文学
Pay attention to the bird’s behavior.
Who makes the bird fly off?
---Emily Dickinson
• A Bird came down the Walk—一只鸟飞到路上a • He did not know I saw—他不知我已看到他b • He bit an Angleworm in halves他把蚯蚓撕成两半c • And ate the fellow, raw,活着吃下了b • • And then he drank a Dew后来他就着身边的草a • From a convenient Grass—饮了一滴露水b • And then hopped sidewise to the Wall又跳到墙角边c • To let a Beetle pass—给一只甲虫让路b
Major Subjects/Themes
1. Emily Dickinson's poetry comes out in bursts. 2. The poem are short,many of them being based on a single image or symbol. 3. Within her little lyrics Dickinson addresses those issues that concerned the whole human beings,which include: • religion • death • immortality • love • nature
一位“遁世绝俗”的女诗人。 在诗歌艺术上的追求是执着的,勇敢的,在任何时候 决不趋时媚俗,宁可遭受占主流地位的保守诗人、诗 评家、编辑、出版家乃至读者的误解,讽刺,嘲笑, 甚至抨击,却毫不妥协地与传统的诗美学作彻底的决 裂,表现了任何革命者、创新者所具备的胆略和气魄。 其自然诗歌清新质朴,却又充满着诗人的感性、智慧 以及敏锐的观察。
艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)是美国传奇女诗人,在她有生之年,她的作品未能获得青睐,然而周遭众人对她的不解与误会,却丝毫无法低损她丰富的创作天分。
I'm nobody!—Emily Dickinson 我是无名之辈
Emily Dickinson 艾米莉·狄金森
I'm nobody!Who are you?
Are younobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us--don't tell!
They'd banishi us, you know!
How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog,
To tell your name the livelong day,对着欣赏的小水洼
To an admiring bog!
Emily Dickinson艾米莉·狄金森-美国文学
Analysis of this poem
• Theme: love of nature;worried relationship between nature&man; the danger and the beauty of nature; • Writing style: • PUN:one • ALLITERATION: and • END-RHYTHM: ocean&noon;seam&swim;around&head • HALF-RHYTHM:home&crumb • SYMBOLIC: bird(potential danger&) • Four sentences in each saction • Imagery
我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声——当我死时 房间里,一片沉寂 就像空气突然平静下来— 在风暴的间隙
注视我的眼睛——泪水已经流尽— 我的呼吸正渐渐变紧
I willed my Keepsakes - Signed away What portions of me be Assignable - and then it was There interposed a Fly –
东西—-然后我就看见了 一只苍蝇—-
With Blue - uncertain stumbling Buzz Between the light - and me And then the Windows failed - and then I could not see to see -
Pay attention to the bird’s behavior.
Emily Dickinson
read Bible, Shakespeare, and Keats. She remained home except for a visit of a few weeks to Washington, a visit to Philadelphia in 1853, and a brief stay in Boston. That’s why she got the title “the eccentric recluse of Amherst”. In her later years, she remained at home and saw few people, but she wrote to her friends. She spent most time composing poems and helping the family.
Poems of Emily Dickinson 1, 2, 3. Because I Could Not Stop for Death 《因为我 不能等 待死神》 I Heard a Fly Buzz—When I Died 《我死时听 到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声》 My Life Closed Twice Before Its Close《我从 未失掉过这么多但有两次》 I Like to See It Lap the Miles 《我愿看它穿 千里》
different, and whimsical Original: breaking away from conventional form Concise, direct and simple diction and syntax Her tone was basically tragic
Through the Dark Sod - as
Education -
穿透黑暗的地壤 -如 同教育 -
These are the days when Birds
come back -
这是鸟儿归来的日子 -
Dominion lasts until obtained -
A Route of Evanescence
堆叠如雷鸣直 到最后
It will not 2
harm her magic pace
那不会妨害她 神奇的步履
4 Look back
on Time, with kindly eyes -
以和善的眼睛, 回望时间 -
A loss of something ever felt I
我总感觉我失 去了什么 -
Like Eyes that looked on Wastes -
像双目凝望荒原 -
The Tint I 1
cannot take - is best -
我捕捉不到的 色调 -最美 -
3 You see I
cannot see - your lifetime -
你看我看不到 -你的人生 -
She Her
阅读吧 -亲爱的 看看别人是怎样奋斗 -
The Spider holds a Silver Ball
蜘蛛捧着银色 的小球
The Poets
作家作品:〔或参考课本目录,黑色斜体为课本目录〕The literature of Realism:Drum Taps (《桴鼓集》)Good-Bye, My Fancy ( 《再见,我的梦想》,)Leaves of Grass (《草叶集》)Passage to India ( 《通向印度之路》)Sequel to Drum Taps (《桴鼓集续集》)Song of Myself 《自己之歌》I Sit and Look Out 《我坐在这儿眺望着》Beat! Beat! Drum! 《敲呀!敲呀!鼓啊!》I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed 《我品味未经酿造的饮料》I felt a Funeral, in my Brain 《我感受了一场葬礼,在脑中》A Bird came down the Walk 《鸟儿沿着小径过来》I died for Beauty--- but was scarce《我为美而死》I heard a Fly buzz- when I died 《我听到苍蝇的嗡嗡声---在临死之前》Because I could not stop for Death 《因为我不能停下来等候死神》I’m Nobody! Who are You?Success is Counted SweetestUncle Tom's Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Mark Twain 马克. 吐温The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆.索亚历险记》.The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County ([kælə‘verəs] 《卡拉韦拉斯县著名的跳蛙》2.Innocents Abroad (《傻子国外旅行记》)3.Roughing It (《艰苦岁月》)4.The Gilded Age (with Charles Dudley Waenner, 《镀金时代》与查尔斯·达德利·沃纳合写)5.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (《汤姆·索耶历险记》)A Tramp Abroad (《国外流浪汉》)7. The Prince and the Pauper (《王子与贫儿》)8. Life on the Mississippi (《密西西比河上》)9.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》)10.The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson ( 《傻瓜威尔逊》)11. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court ( 《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》)12. The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg (《败坏赫德莱堡的人》)13. What Is Man? (《人是什么》)O.Henry 欧. 亨利The Cop and the Anthen 《警察与赞美诗》Henry James 亨利. 詹姆斯A Tragedy of ErrorsTransatlantic SketchesThe American 《美国人》Daisy Miller 《戴茜·米勒》The Europeans 《欧洲人》The Portrait of a Lady 《贵妇的肖像》Washington Square 《华盛顿广场》The Bostonians 《波士顿人》The Princess Casamassima 《卡萨玛西玛公主》The Tragic MuseGuy Domville (play, )What Maisie KnewThe Turn of the Screw 《碧庐冤孽》The Awkward AgeThe Wings of the Dove ) 《鸽之翼》The Ambassadors 《大使》(或译:奉使记) The Beast in the JungleThe Golden Bowl 《金碗》English HoursThe American SceneJack London 杰克. 伦敦The Sea Wolf《海狼》Martin Eden 《马丁.伊登》Theodore Dreiser 西奥多. 德莱赛Sister Carrie 《嘉莉妹妹》Jennie GerhardtThe FinancierThe TitanThe GeniusAn American TragedyTwentieth-Century Literature:Ezra Pound 埃兹拉. 庞德A Virginal 《处女无暇》Salutation《再次致敬》A Pact 《合同》In a Station of the Metro 《在地铁车站》The River-Merchant'sWife: A Letter 《长干行》Personae 《人物》Exultations 《狂喜》Cathay 译著《华夏》Homage to Sextus Propertius 《向赛克斯特斯.普罗波蒂斯致敬》Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 《休.赛尔温.毛伯利》The Cantos 《诗章》The ABC Reading (Literary Essay)Edwin Arlington Robinson 埃德温. 阿林顿. 罗宾逊The House on the Hill 《山上的古屋》Richard Cory 《理查.珂利》Miniver Cheevy 《米尼弗.契维》The Torrent and the Night Before 《急流与昨夜》The Town Down the River 《河下游的城镇》The Children of the Night 《夜之子》Mr. Flood’s Party 《弗罗德先生的酒会》The Man Against the Sky 《天边人影》Robert Frost 罗伯特. 弗洛斯特After Apple-Picking 《摘苹果之后》The Road Not Taken 《没有走的路》Stopping by Wood on a Snowy Evening 《雪夜林边小立》Departmental 《职责分明,各管各的》Design 《天意》The Most of It《他至多是》My butterfly 《我的蝴蝶》A Boy’s Will 《少年的意志》North of Boston 《波士顿以北》Mountain Interval 《山间》New Hampshire 《新罕布什尔》West-Running Brook 《向西流去的小溪》A Further Range 《又一片牧场》Mending Wall 《修墙》The Birches 《白桦树》A Witness Tree 《见证树》Steeple Bush 《尖塔丛》A Masque of Mercy 《假慈悲》Collected Poems 《诗选》Complete Poems 《诗歌全集》In the Clearing 《林间空地》Carl Sandburg 卡尔. 桑德堡In Reckless Ecstasy <心醉神迷>Chicago Poems <芝加哥诗集>Famous Imagist poems:Fog <雾>The Harbor <港口>←→Chicago <芝加哥>Cool Tombs <清冷的墓>The People, Yes <人民,是的>Flash Crimson 《闪烁的深红》Lost <失落>I Am the People, the Mob <我是人民群众>The American Songbag <美国歌集> or <美国歌袋>--folk songs of cowboys, vagabond and black peopleBiography of Lincoln (6 volumes) <林肯传>1 autobiography1 historical novelCornhuskers <碾米机>Smoke and Steel <烟与钢>Good Morning, America <早安,美国>Collected Poems <诗集>Wallace Stevens 华莱士. 斯蒂文斯Peter Quince at the Clavier 《彼得.昆士弹琴》Anecdote of the Jar 《坛子的轶事》The Emperor of Ice-Cream 《冰淇淋皇帝》Harmonium <风琴> (first collection of his poems at the age of 44)Notes toward a Supreme Fiction <关于高度虚构的笔记>The Idea of Orders <关于秩序的思想>The Man with the Blue Guitar <带蓝吉它的人>Parts of a World <一个世界的某些部分>Transport to Summer <转入夏季>The Auroras of Autumn <秋天的晨曦>Collected Poems <诗集>Opus Posthumous <遗作集>The Necessary Angel <必不可少的安琪儿>Thomas Stearns Eliot 托马斯. 斯特恩斯. 艾略特The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock〔杰阿尔弗雷德普鲁夫洛克的情歌〕The Waste Land 〔荒原〕The Hollow Men 〔空心人〕Preludes 《序曲》Journey of the Magi 《三贤者的旅程》Ash Wednesday 〔圣灰星期三:复活节前的第七个星期三〕Four Quartets〔四个四重奏/托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特〕F. Scott Fitzgerald 司各特. 菲茨杰拉德(1) This Side of Paradise 《人间天堂》(2) Flappers and Philosophers 《轻佻女郎与哲学家》(3) The Beautiful and the Damned 《漂亮冤家》(4) The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》(5) Tender is the Night 《夜色温柔》(6) All the Sad Young Man(7) The Last Tycoon 《最后的巨石》8〕Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) 《爵士乐时代的故事》Ernest Hemingway 厄内斯特. 海明威1) In Our Time(2) Men Without Women(3) Winner Take Nothing(4) The Torrents of Spring(5) The Sun Also Rises 《太阳依照升起》(6) A Farewell to Arms 《永别了武器》(7) Death in the Afternoon 《午后之死》(8) To Have and Have Not(9) Green Hills of Africa 《非洲的青山》(10) The Fifth Column(11) For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》(12) Across the River and into the Trees《过河入林》(13) The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》14〕The Spanish War 《西班牙战争》(1) Cup of Gold(2) Tortilla Flat(3) In Dubious Battle(4) Of Mice and Men(5) The Grapes of Wrath 《愤怒的葡萄》(6) Travels with Charley(7) Short stories: The Red Pony, The PearlWilliam Faulkner 威廉. 福克纳A Rose for Emily 《给艾米莉小姐的玫瑰》The Sound and the Fury 《喧哗与骚动》As I lay Dying 《在我弥留之际》Light in August 《八月之光》Absalom, Absalom!《押沙龙,押沙龙!》Go down, Moses 《去吧,摩西》2.terms:(课件版在课件相关知识拼凑版,需自己整理一下)1)Free verse(参考书版)It is a form of poetry. It means that the poetry is without a fixed beat or regular rhyme, a looser and more open-ended syntactical structure is frequently favored. Lines and sentences of different lengths are left lying side by side just as things are, undisturbed and separate. There are few compound sentences to draw objects and experiences intoa system of hierarchy2) American realism(参考书版)Realism refers to the literary tendency appeared after the American Civil War. The harsh realities of life as well as the disillusion of heroism resulting from the dark memories of the Civil War had set the nation against the romance. The Americans began to be tired of the sentimental feeling of Romanticism. A new generation of writers, dissatisfied with the Romantic ideas in the older generation ,came up with a new inspiration. This new attitude was characterized by a great interest in the realities of life. It aimed at the interpretation of the actualities of any aspect of life, free from subjective prejudice, idealism, or romantic color. Instead of thinking about the mysteries of life and death and heroic individualism, people's attention was now directed to the interesting features of everyday existence, to what was brutal or sordid, and to the open portray of class struggle. This literary interest in the so-called"reality" of life started a new period in the American literary writings knows as the Age of Realism.3)Local colorism(参考书版)Local color is a term applied to fiction or verse which emphasizes its setting, being concerned with the character of a district or of an era, as marked by its customs, dialect, costumes, landscape, or other peculiarities the have escaped standardizing cultural influences. As a variation of American realism, local colorism came into particular prominence in the U.S. after the Civil War, perhaps as an attempt to recapture the glamour of a past ear, or to portray the sections of the reunited county one to the other. The representive writer of this movement is generally accepted as Mark Twain who depicts the beautiful scenes along the Mississippi Rover that he knows very well from his childhood. Other local colorists include Bret Harte, Hamlin Garland and Kate Chopin.4)Naturalism(参考书版)Naturalism is a critical term applied to the method of literary composition that aims at a detached, scientific objectivity in the treatment of natural man. It is thus moreinclusive and less selective than realism, and holds to the philosophy of determinism. It conceives of man as controlled by his instincts or his passions, or by his social and economic environment and circumstances. Since in this view man has no free will, the naturalistic writer does not attempt to make moral judgements, outgrowth of 19th-century scientific thought, following in the general the biographical feterminism of Darwin's theory, or the economic determinism of Mars. In a word, naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. It is no more than a different philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.5)the Imagism(参考书版)Imagism is a poetic movement of England and the United States, flourished from 1909 to 1917. Its credo, expressed in Some Imagist Poets(1915), included the use of the language of common speech, preoject matter, the evocation of images in hard, clear poetry, and concentration. Origination in the aesthetic philosophy of T.E. Hulme, the movement soon attracted Ezra Pound, who became the leader of a small group opposed to the romantic conception of poetry and inspired by Greek and Roman classic and by Chinese, Japanese, and modern French poets.6〕Object Correlative〔课件版〕Eliot’s famous principle of “objective correlative”〔客观对应物〕refers to using related objects, situations, events, all external facts, to express emotions. He said that the only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding the ‘objective correlative’, in other words, a set of objects, a situation, a chain of events which shall be the formula〔配方〕of that particular emotion; such that when the external facts, which must terminate in sensory experience, are given, the emotion is immediately evoked.7〕Lost Generation〔课件版〕It refers to, in general, the post-World War First’generation, but specifically a group of expatriate disillusioned intellectuals and artists, who experimented on new modes of thought and expression by rebelling against former ideals and values and replacing them only by despair or a cynical hedonism〔快乐论, 快乐主义〕.Lost generation brilliantly describes those expatriates who had cut themselves off from their past in America in order to create new types of writing.The generation was "lost" in the sense that its inherited values were no longer relevant in the postwar world and because of its spiritual alienation from a U. S. that seemed to its members to be hopelessly provincial, materialistic, and emotional barren.The term embraces Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, E. E. Cummings, and many other writers who made Paris the center of their literary activities in the 1920s.8)Psychological realism〔参考书版〕It is the realistic writing that probes deeply into the complexities of character's thoughts and motivations. Henry James 's novel The Ambassador is considered to be a masterpiece of psychological realism. And Henry James is considered the founder of psychological realism made by life on the spectator, and not in any facts of which the spectator is unaware. Such realism is therefor merely the obligation that the artist assumes to represent life as he sees it, which may not be the same life as it "really"is.3.Short Question and Answers:1)The social significance of Uncle Tom's CabinIt is the story of an old black slave, Uncle Tom, who has the hope of freedom held before him but who never escapes from his slavery. In the end, he welcomed the death caused by his cruel master, Simon Legree. As a masterpiece of Abolitionist propaganda, the book had its effect. It helped expand campaign in the North against Southern slavery that led to the Civil War.The novel exposed and denounced the slavery in the south in the 19th century. It arose at the historic moment of the high tide of the anti-slavery movement and exerted a great influence upon and greatly pushed forward the movement after its publication. Influence: enormous after the forty versions of different languages appeareda. It stirred the Civil War.b. It caused a lot of mothers sacrificing their sons.c. It also brought about the emancipation of black slaves.2)The International theme of Portrait of a Lady“The international theme”refers to the moral and psychological complications when the American innocence encountered the European sophisticationThe typical Americans in James: fresh, enthusiastic, eager to learn, and basically “good”, disregard of the conventions, stand for moralityThe Europeans in James : highly cultivated, elegant in manners, but sophisticated , stand for manners〔礼貌〕The meeting of America and Europe, American innocence in contract and contrast European decadence, and its moral and psychological complicationsIsabel Archer VS Madame Merle and Gilbert Osmond3)The analysis of Sister Carrie's themeWhen a girl leaves her home at 18, she does either of the 2 things:A.falling into saving hands and becoming better,B. or rapidly assuming the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and turning worse. Underthe circumstances, there is no possibility.The theme in Sister Carrie, a novel written by Theodore Dreiser, is materialism. The theme is primarily personified through Carrie with her desire for a fine home, clothes and everything else money can buy.Materialism, including the desire for money, is an important theme in Sister Carrie. The materialism is shown mostly through Carrie's character but also through Hurstwood, a man with a respectable life and money, who still wants more and for that reason commits a crime. The city in itself is also a place of materialism, it is a place that offers all kinds of amusements, pleasures and things to buy, but to participate in what the city has to offer one has to have money.4)The possible reason of Richard Cory's commit suiside〔好似是上课提到过的〕Abnormal state of mindMeaningless social valuesPerfect personSharp contrast sketches5)Analyse the character of The Love Song of J.Alfred PrufrockPrufrock is a bald middle-aged man fails the courage himself to confess his love to the woman which seems to be neither realistic romance nor nasty sexual desire, but somehow a sheer abstract symbol of adventure and departure. He leaves his love song in the hell of inner heart, locked up.Prufrock is the typical kind of modern educated man who hold the self-consciousness as a decent person, the moody, urban, isolated-yet-sensitive thinker. They want to pursue desire but worried about the effects it will brings to them. He undergoes the contradiction between reason and lust, and suffers in hesitation.With interior monologue as skill, Eliot presents a portraiture of modern man in awkwardness, impotence, and inner hollowness.Prufrock is typically a representative of modern man on this “Waste land”.6)Analyse the influence of American Dream on GatsbyA great number of his stories started with the basic situation in which a rising young man of the middle class is in love with the daughter of a very rich family. While The Great Gatsby explores a number of themes, none is more prevalent than that of the corruption of the American dream.Gatsby appears to be the embodiment of this dream –he has risen from being a poor farm boy with no prospects, to being rich, having a big house, servants, and a large social circle attending his numerous functions. He has achieved all this in only a few short years, having returned from the war penniless.However, Fitzgerald explores much more than the failure of the American dream –he is more deeply concerned with its total corruption.Gatsby has not achieved his wealth through honest hard work, but through bootlegging and crime. His money is not simply ‘new’money –it is dirty money, earned through dishonesty and crime.7)Hemingway's Iceberg TheoryAfter the publication of his last major work, The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway explained his "iceberg" theory of fiction writing in a Paris Review interview: “If it is any use to know it, I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg.”Hemingway's "iceberg theory" of prose style suggests that the writer should leave unsaid the vast majority of what might be written on a subject. The writer gains power by knowing what to leave out.4.Analysis1)I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed by Emily DickinsonThis peom is a ballad and the rhyme scheme of it:abcb1 stanzaI taste a liquor never brewed-----I taste a strong/sweet alcoholic spirit that has never been made to beer. Note the metaphor here.“A liquor never brewed”refers metaphorically to nature. The poet is lost in the beauty of nature.2 stanzaMolten blue---metaphorical use, referring to “heaven”or “nature”(天堂) The poet told readers humorously that she was drinking air and dew, and described herself as a drunken man to express she was intoxicating in nature very much. Image---inns of molten blue---the poet was deeply absorbed in the good days of summer full of blue sky and green grass.3 stanzaThe poet would intoxicate in nature for ever, comparing the bee, the butterfly. When the yellow flowers stopped blooming, the butterflies quitted gathering honey, the poet was still intoxicating in nature. (用类比的手法,把自己在自然中的沉醉之深比作喝了醇香美酒的感觉)From simple objects such as bees, butterflies, the poet shows her love towards nature and life.4 stanzaAlliteration: saints, swing, snowy, seraphsIn order to express her intoxication in nature, the poet described through the angels, the saints, and the snowy clouds. Even the saints and god also praised her“intoxication”.Emily Dickinson was greatly influenced by Emerson’s transcendentalism. She had a profound love for nature and was often intoxicated with the beauty of nature.The poet compares nature to liquor that has never been brewed and herself to a debauchee who loves wine more than her life. The image the poet uses to suggest drunkenness(醉态;酒醉)epitomizes her deep love for nature.The use of dash can delay the time to reflect the poet's slow advanced thinking and he lost in the beautiful nature.2)A Pact by Ezra Pound只找到前五节分析First,the words "pact" means "agreement"In these lines Pound comes to agree the importance of Walt Whitman although he has in the previous time rejected and attacked the achievements made by Whitman. Pound calls himself a grown child ,which means he has matured so that he would like to take up what Whitman has left. The poem shows the undeniable position of Walt Whitman in American literature.(As time went by, Pound had realized that some agreement existed between"Whitmanesque" free verse, which he used to attack for its carelessness in composition. He'd like to learn from the free verse and show respect to Whitman. )后面的老师上课提过的分析This reflect that the poet want to reform the old poetry style and follow Whitman to create new poetry style.〔或者自己翻译“改革旧的诗风,追随惠特曼创造新的诗风”〕3)The Road Not Taken by Robert FrostThis poem is written in classic five-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-a-b and conversational rhythm.The poem seems to be about the poet, walking in the woods in autumn, choosing which road he should follow on his walk. The poet uses "the road " to symbolize life's journey.In reality, it concerns the important decisions which one must make in life, when one must give up one desirable thing in order to possess another.Then, whatever the outcome, one must accept the consequences of one' s choice for it is not possible to go back and have another chance to choose differently.In the poem, the poet hesitates for a long time, wondering which road to take, because they are both pretty.In the end, he follows the one which seems to have fewer travelers on it. Symbolically, he chose to follow an unusual solitary life, perhaps he was speaking of his choice to become a poet rather than some commoner profession.But he always remembers the road which he might have taken, and which would have given him a different kind of life.The literal meaning of this poem by Robert Frost is pretty obvious. A traveler comes to a fork in the road and needs to decide which way to go to continue his journey. After much mental debate, the traveler picks the road "less traveled by."The figurative meaning is not too hidden either. The poem describes the tough choices people stand for when traveling the road of life. The words "sorry" and "sigh" make the tone of poem somewhat gloomy. The traveler regrets leaves the possibilities of the road not chosen behind. He realizes he probably won't pass this way again.。
Emily Dickinson
Dickinson was a prolific private poet, though fewer than a dozen of her nearly eighteen hundred poems were published during her lifetime.
Dickinson's poems are uhey contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often utilize slant or half rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation.
MR. HIGGINSON,--Your kindness claimed earlier gratitude, but I was ill, and write to-day from my pillow.
Thank you for the surgery; it was not so painful as I supposed. I bring you others, as you ask, though they might not differ. While my thought is undressed, I can make the distinction; but when I put them in the gown, they look alike and numb. You asked how old I was? I made no verse, but one or two, until this winter, sir. I had a terror since September, I could tell to none; and so I sing, as the boy does by the burying ground, because I am afraid.
金酒 雪莉
苦艾酒 伏特加
品尝苦艾酒时,人们通常会用3-5份的冰水配一份苦艾酒,不仅是因 为苦艾酒拥有极高的酒精度数和浓度,而且这样的品尝方式会使人带 来一种朦胧的感觉。这样的冰水还有一个作用,就是溶解添加的糖以 减轻苦味。另外,还有一个很关键的步骤,甚至已经形成了一种仪式, 就是最好使用一种开槽的苦艾酒匙或其它专用的用具来饮用。苦艾酒 的味道有点像茴芹味的利口酒,略显苦涩且由于加入了多种草药而具 有更复杂的味道。
香槟杯Champagne glass
香槟酒杯常用于祝酒的场合,杯子种类很多,形状各异最好 的杯子应该是郁金香花形或笛型,由于杯底较尖,这样能使 气从一点散开,会更长久和美观。
鸡尾酒杯Cocktail glass
较流行的鸡尾酒杯是英国式的杯皿,杯身呈三角形的高脚杯。 它的主要作用不在于外形上的美观,而是考虑到手温传到酒 的问题。
一只好酒杯应该薄身、无花纹、无色而透明,并要有高脚。同时,为 了令葡萄酒能舒适地呼吸,杯的容量必须够大。
白兰地杯Brandy glass
独一无二的郁金香型酒杯,也叫小口矮脚杯或拿破仑酒杯, 使用时可以用手握着杯皿,让手温通过杯壁传给杯内的酒, 使酒温上升,以增加酒意。
烈酒分类: 金酒(Gin) 威士忌(Whisky) 白兰地(Brandy) 伏特加(Vodka) 兰姆酒(Rum) 龙舌兰酒(Tequila) 中国白酒(Spirit) 日本清酒 (Sake)
Inebriate of air - am I And Debauchee of Dew Reeling - thro' endless summer days – From inns of molten Blue -
• When "Landlords" turn the drunken Bee Out of the Foxglove's door • When Butterflies - renounce their "drams" • I shall but drink the more! • Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats • And Saints - to windows run To see the Tippler • Leaning against the - Sun! • (From Manzanilla come)
《这是我写给世界的信》是其去世后出版第一 本书的第一首诗,说明狄金森诗歌的总主题— — 自然。 艾米莉· 狄金森深受惠特曼超验主义的影响, 深深热爱大自然,并沉醉于自然美景中。《我品 尝从未酿造的美酒》是她自然之爱的最好表达, 暗喻陶醉于自然之美中。
全诗包含四个诗节,每节四行, 二、四行押韵,如第一节中二、 四诗行Pearl和Alcohol、第二 节的dew和blue、第三节的 door和more、第四节的run和 SUn。这样读起来充满了韵律 美。艾米莉· 狄金森的诗歌意象 不仅仅是形象的比喻,而且是 诗人用来表现诗义的媒介,整 首诗歌的意境和内涵都是以意 象为中心慢慢延伸展开的。
History And Anthology of American Literature (VolumeⅡ)美国文学史及选读2PartⅣ The Literature Of Realism现实主义文学1.美国国内战争Civil War 1861-1865.美国现实主义文学:他们寻找描写美国人真实生活的方法,他们声称平凡的、就近的事件同重大的、遥运的事件一样都是艺术创作的源泉they sought to portray American life as it really was,, insisting that the ordinary and local were as suitable for artistic portrayal as the magnificent and the remote.2.现实主义一词来源于法语realism, 她是一种文学原则,她强调描写平凡的生活,强调其“真实性和现实性”。
Realism had originated in France asrealism, a literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth” in the depiction of ordinary life. “现实主义要求创作素材绝对真实,即不能夸张,也不能缩小”,William Dean Howells(豪厄斯) defined realism as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material”.他反对那些表现失意和绝望类苍白无力的小说,他强调现实主义作品要发掘出生活中微笑的一方面,因为美国人都坚信自己的国家是一个充满希望,什么奇迹都有可能发生的一个国家,作为文学也应该把这些特征表现出来he spoke out against the writing of a bleak fiction of failure and despair. He called for the treatment of the “Smiling aspects of life” as being the more “American”, insisting that Americ an was truly a land of hope and of possibility that should be reflected in its literature.3.美国现实主义文学总体说来对生活的表面现象进行了乐观的处理,这是其局限,然而最伟大的现实伟大的现实主义大师亨利·詹姆斯、马克·吐温则摆脱了对十九世纪美国进行肤浅描写的局限,詹姆斯对他作品中的人物个性心理进行了深度探讨,他运用深厚的和复杂的写作方式对复杂的个人经历进行了揣摩。
著名女诗人艾米莉狄金森我品尝未酿之酒,陶醉于自然之美中(20世纪初英美意象派的先驱)美国著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森我品尝未酿之酒,陶醉于自然之美中美文分享(十二)I Taste a Liquor Never BrewedEmily DickinsonI taste a liquor never brewed -From Tankards scooped in Pearl -Not all the Frankfort BerriesYield such an Alcohol!Inebriate of air - am I -And Debauchee of Dew -Reeling - thro' endless summer days -From inns of molten Blue -When 'Landlords' turn the drunken BeeOut of the Foxglove's door -When Butterflies - renounce their 'drams' -I shall but drink the more!Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats -And Saints - to windows run - To see the TipplerLeaning against the - Sun!我品尝未酿之酒艾米莉·狄金森[美]我品尝未经酿造的酒,以大杯啜饮玉液琼浆;并非莱茵河畔的每间酒坊都能产出这样的佳酿!我是狂饮空气的酒徒,是饱吸露水的流浪汉,从炙热的蓝色小酒馆蹒跚走过无尽夏日。
• 狄金森的诗歌打破了传统的抑扬顿挫和五 步格律的束缚,采用了一种前所未有的形 式,赋予美国文艺方面的独立性。本诗广 泛的运用了普通格律,即通过单数诗句抑 扬四步格以及双数诗句抑扬三步格的交替 转换。这种微妙的韵律结尾,留下了一连 串令人难以捉摸的隐隐嗡嗡声,给读者以 强烈的感受。
以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正, 谢谢大家!
This poem reflected her "early and lifelong fascination" with illness, dying and death. She reserved her sharpest insights into the "death blow aimed by God" and the "funeral in the brain", often reinforced by images of thirst and starvation. The process of dying is an outward expression of her needy self-image as small, thin and frail. Dickinson's most psychologically complex poems explore the theme that the loss of hunger for life causes the death of self and place this at "the interface of murder and suicide&那露水引来了冷颤寒气-因我的女礼服--仅为纤细的薄纱 织物 我的披肩--不过是绢网而已 我们暂停于一幢建筑物前 它看上去好似一片地面隆起-那屋顶几乎看不见-宛如飞檐装饰着大地-自那以后--若干个世纪-可还是感觉比那天短, 我第一次猜测到那马头 是朝向永恒之地--
If You Were Coming in the Fall如果你在秋天到来If you were coming in the Fall,如果你在秋天到来,I’d brush the summer by我将轻拂夏日而过With half a smile, and half a spurn,半带微笑,半带弃绝,As Housewives do, a Fly。
If I could see you in a year,如果能在一年之中将你盼来,I’d wind the months in balls—我将把月份缠绕成一个个纱球—And put them each in separate Drawers, 把它们分开,各自放进抽屉,For fear the numbers fuse—以免这些数字熔合,不在分开—If only Centuries, delayed,如果只是延至数个世纪,I’d count them on my hand,我愿搬弄手指度日数数,Subtracting, till my fingers dropped逐日递减,直到手指全部掉入Into Van Dieman’s Land。
If certain, When this life was out—如果确定无疑,当今生度完—That your’s and mine, should be它应属于你和我,I’d toss it yonder, like a Rind,我愿把它,像果壳,扔向遥远,And take Eternity—去到来生把你赢得—But, now, uncertain of the length而目前,日期遥遥,Of this, that is between,等待无期,天各一方,It goads me, like the Goblin Bee—像妖蜂,使我伤痛不已—That will not state-it’s sting。
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stanza three
When landlords turn the drunken bee Out of the foxglove's door, When butterflies renounce their drams, I shall but drink the more!
当房东哄走了喝醉的蜜蜂,留下了毛地黄花独守空房,当蝴 蝶不再醉饮,我仍继续我的品尝.
Major works
• I'm nobody! who are you? • Because I could not stop for death • There's been a death in the opposite house
• The nature intoxication (陶醉) lead to spiritual ecstasy in a form of being drunken • Mood: Joyful ,positive.
我用精美的珍珠酒杯,将一杯从未酿造的酒品尝,纵 然莱茵河畔的所有的酒桶,也未曾产出如此美味琼浆
Beginning the extended alcohol/intoxication metaphor by claiming that she is Experiencing a state of awareness that she has never encountered. By comparing the technique Using objects
stanza two
Inebriate of air am I, And debauchee of dew, Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue.
我在空气中沉醉,我在露珠间放荡,如洗的天空, 看见我从酒吧中踉跄而出,在无尽的夏日中徜徉
This implies that she will never have to abstain this intoxicant she has diacovered,as it is the natural state of those in paradise.
• The speaker is tasting a liquor that is very enjoyable,then comparing her feeling to the nature.The respond from the nature only approves her ectasy and finally she concluded to keep drinking forever.
i taste a liquor never brewed
• author • poetry
• theme • analysis • summary
About the author
• After 25,refused to go out,and wrote poems at home peacefully • Very strong master in language • She is skilled in using novelty,fancy and concise image to express her inner feeling and profound truth 擅长使用新颖,奇特,凝练的意象这一技巧来表达抽 象的内心情感和深奥的道理 • She had a profound love for nature and was often intoxicated with the beauty of nature.The poem is a fine example • Born in1830.Died in 1886,her death is a great loss to the Americans
The"endless summer days"make her feel as though she has been imbibing at "inns of molten blue".as if the sky was one huge taver from which the liquor flowed,after she has drunk her fill.she goes"reeling'from the intoxication through those"endless summer days".
The word"landlord" is a metaphor for god and she says that until the gods turn the bee out of the foxglove flowers and the butterflies renounce(放弃)the nectar(花蜜).She will drink the nature.
TexБайду номын сангаас of the poem
stanza one
I taste a liquor never brewed, From tankards scooped in pearl; Not all the vats upon the Rhine Yield such an alcohol!
stanza four
Till seraphs swing their snowy hats, And saints to windows run, To see the little tippler Leaning against the sun!
直到六翼天使摆动她们的雪帽,而且圣徒奔向窗口,去 看小酒鬼斜靠太阳.