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丙烯制冷压缩机系统管道设计柳 坤 中国成达工程有限公司 成都 610041摘要 丙烯制冷压缩机系统是石化装置烯烃分离装置的关键系统之一,其制冷过程中介质温度经历自72 2℃至 40 6℃的工况,存在大量低温管道,合理的管道设计对装置的正常运行有着重要的意义。
关键词 烯烃分离装置;丙烯制冷压缩机;管道设计;应力分析DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-6247.2023.05.007 丙烯制冷压缩机系统是烯烃分离装置的关键系统之一[1],介质温度经历自72 2℃至-40 6℃的工况,冷热条件同时存在,具有与一般压缩机系统不同的特点,其管道设计的合理与否直接影响着装置的正常运行。
1 机组概况及工艺流程本文中丙烯制冷压缩机系统由压缩机组及其附件(包括油站、高位油箱等设备)、蒸汽透平机组及其附件(包括凝汽器、两级射汽抽气装置、凝结水泵、排气安全阀等设备)、多段吸入罐、冷凝器、冷剂储罐、排污罐等组成。
1 透平;2 丙烯制冷压缩机;3 丙烯冷凝器;4 丙烯冷剂储罐;5 预切割塔再沸器;6 四段吸入罐;7 三段吸入罐;8 二段吸入罐;9 一段吸入罐;10 丙烯液相排出泵图1 丙烯制冷压缩机组及附属设备工艺流程简图 丙烯制冷压缩机为四段离心式压缩机,气相丙烯从四段吸入罐注入系统,将系统压力充压至0 3MPa,再泄压至火炬系统,反复三次将系统内氮气置换,然后将系统充压至适合压力,将液相丙烯注入四段吸入罐,并在二、三、四段吸入罐内建立液相,以使系统启动。
CHAPTER THREEOPERA TIONINTRODUCTIONTurbine applications differ widely; therefore, operating procedures must be tailored to each particular installation. Instructions in this chapter provide a recommended procedure for the initial start-up and serve as a guide for establishing routine operating procedures.Operating personnel must review this technical manual to become familiar withthe safety precautions and operating procedures for YR Turbines. Particularattention should be directed to the WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES inthis chapter.For location of parts described in the following text, refer to the Steam Chest Assembly and Typical YR Turbine Assembly figures in Chapter 4.STEAM SUPPL YSteam should be free from moisture and preferably superheated. A receiver type separator with ample drains should be provi ded upstream of the shut-off valve to prevent water from entering the turbine. When a separator is not provided, a continuous drain must be connected to the lowest point of the steam inlet piping.CAUTIONIf continuous drainers are on the steam piping orturbine drains, check frequently to verify that properoperation is maintained. Failure to drain water fromsteam lines or turbine casing may result in erosion,thrust failures, and/or poor performance.The steam strainer protects the turbine from large particles of scale, welding beads, etc. This strainer does not protect against abrasive matter, boiler compound, acids or alkaline substances, all of which may be carried over in the steam. These substances may corrode, erode or form deposits on the internal turbine parts, thus reducing efficiency and power. Feed water treatment and boiler operation must be carefully controlled to verify a supply of clean steam for long-term satisfactory operation.Chapter 3OperationSAFETY PRECAUTIONS1. Do not operate the turbine if inspection shows that the rotor shaft journals and/or shaft packing case areas are corroded.2. Before starting, verify the rotor rotates freely by hand and that it is not rubbing any stationary parts.CAUTIONDo not rotate shaft until lubrication has been applied.Rotating the shaft without lubrication may result indamage to the rotor shaft and bearing liners .If rubbing or vibration occurs during operation,immediately shut down the turbine, investigate andcorrect the cause.3. Verify all piping (steam, water, air) and electrical connections are made before operating the turbine.4. Verify that all valves, controls, trip mechanisms and safety devices are in good operating condition.-WARNING-UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE TRIPV ALVE BE BLOCKED OR HELD OPEN TO CAUSE THETRIP SYSTEM TO BECOME INOPERA TIVE.OVERRIDING THE TRIP SYSTEM AND ALLOWING THETURBINE TO EXCEED THE RATED (NAMEPLATE) TRIPSPEED MAY RESULT IN FATAL INJURY TOPERSONNEL AND EXTENSIVE TURBINE DAMAGE.IN THE EVENT THE TRIP SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS:IMMEDIATEL Y SHUT THE TURBINE DOWN BYCLOSING THE INLET STEAM SHUT-OFF V ALVE.5. Before initial start-up, after major maintenance and after an extended shutdown, do not leave the turbine unattended at any time until proper operation with load has been Demonstrated.PREPARING THE TURBINE FOR INITIAL START-UPNOTEComplete installation work before attempting to operateturbine. (Refer to Chapter 2.)1. Disconnect the coupling between the turbine and driven machine. Turbines driving through reduction gears can remain coupled to the gear and operated together.2. Disconnect the steam inlet piping at the turbine and blow out the line with the supply steam to remove any foreign material from the pipe. Use targets for determination of cleanliness. (Refer to NEMA SM23 section 8.4 for additional details.)3. Verify the steam strainer is clean and properly installed in the steam chest inlet flange. Connect the pipe to the turbine as a permanent joint. Adjust piping hangersto eliminate any unacceptable strain on the turbine in cold and hot conditions. Piping strains must be calculated in agreement with current NEMA SM23 standards.4. If operating a condensing turbine, clean rust preventative compound from internal turbine surfaces.CAUTIONRust preventative compound will foul surfacecondenser tubes if not removed before operating theturbine.NOTEAs an alternative to manually cleaning the turbine internalsto remove rust preventative compound, the turbine may berun for several hours while exhausting to atmosphere.5. Remove bolting from the steam end bearing cap and the exhaust end bearing cap. Lift the caps approximately 1 inch (25 mm) and pry out the top bearing liners torelease the oil rings (if supplied). Remove the bearing caps and roll out the bottom bearing liners by lifting up on the rotor and rotating the bearing liners toward the positioning lugs. Clean and inspect the bearing liners. Keep the steam and exhaust end bearing liners separate.CAUTIONAttempting to remove the bearing caps without pryingout the top bearing liners can distort the oil rings.Distorted oil rings will not rotate and fail to provideadequate lubrication, resulting in bearing failures.NOTETurbines with Class 3 (or higher) rotors are pressurelubricated and may not have oil rings supplied. (Refer tothe Turbine Operating Data page located in the front of thismanual to determine the rotor class.)6. Clean the rotor shaft journals, locating bearing, and the bearing housings with clean,lint free rags. If turbine is equipped with Kingsbury type thrust bearings, removethrust bearings and clean; reassemble per Supplement 03-91, located in Chapter 8 Accessories.7. Lift the weight off the rotor and roll the bottom bearing liners into place. Make certainthe positioning lugs on the liners are correctly seated in the bearing housing locatinggrooves.CAUTIONVerify that the steam end and exhaust end bearingliners are not interchanged.8. Place the top bearing liners on the shaft journals. If the turbine is ring oiled, positionoil rings in the slots of the top liners. Flood the rotor locating bearing, shaft journals,and bearing liners with oil. (Refer to Chapter 5 for proper oil levels and lubrication requirements.)9. Replace the bearing caps. Verify that the positioning lugs on the top liners engagethe grooves in the bearing caps. Apply a very thin coat of sealant to the split line.Insert the dowel pins and tighten all bolts.10. If supplied, review the driven machine instruction manual for pre-start inspection procedures.11. Inspect the governor linkage. For specific details on preparing the governor for start-up, refer to Chapter 6, and the governor manuals located in Chapter 8 Accessories.12. Verify that all lube oil piping has been installed and the lubrication system has been flushed.CAUTIONIf the turbine is pressure lubricated, verify orifice plugsare installed at the bearing housings. If orifice plugsare not installed, oil leakage will occur.13. Verify free movement and clearances of the trip system. Manually activate theoverspeed trip pin to verify the ov erspeed trip system is functional.14. Fabricate a clamp or other blocking device to secure the coupling sleeve (if supplied) to the hub while operating the uncoupled turbine.NOTEUse a balanced adapter to secure balanced gear typecoupling hubs during uncoupled operation.15. Verify that the exhaust relief valve is installed correctly and operates at the correct pressure.-WARNING-THE TURBINE SHOULD NOT BE OPERATED UNLESSTHE A TMOSPHERIC RELIEF V ALVE OR OTHERPROTECTIVE DEVICE HAS BEEN INSTALLEDBETWEEN THE TURBINE EXHAUST CONNECTIONAND FIRST EXHAUST ISOLATION V ALVE (ORCONDENSER, IF THE TURBINE IS A CONDENSINGTURBINE).THE A TMOSPHERIC RELIEF V ALVE OR OTHERPROTECTIVE DEVICE MUST BE DESIGNED FOR FULLRELIEF OF THE MAXIMUM STEAM FLOW THROUGHTHE TURBINE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE EXHAUSTPRESSURE.FAILURE TO INSTALL THIS TYPE OF DEVICE MAYRESULT IN SEVERE EQUIPMENT DAMAGE AND/ORSEVERE INJURY OR DEATH TO PERSONNEL.16. Fill oil lubricators (if ring oiled) or oil reservoir (if pressure lubricated) with proper oil. (Refer to Chapter 5 for details.)17. Inspect and test all controls, alarms, trips and relief valves. Calibrate and install all instrumentation.18. Roll the shaft by hand through several revolutions, checking for possible binding or rubbing. Any sign of binding or rubbing should be thoroughly investigated before attempting to start the unit.19. If automatic controllers or regulators are supplied, do not enable during initial start-up; use only after the general operation of the equipment has been determinedsatisfactory.INITIAL START-UP1. Open drain valves to drain water from the steam inlet piping, turbine casing, steam chest, and the exhaust piping.2. V erify that the lube oil temperature is greater than 70°F (20°C).3. If turbine is ring oiled, check that oil lubricators are filled. If turbine is pressure lubricated, prime the oil pump(s) and verify that the oil reservoir is filled to the correct level. Start the auxiliary oil pump (if supplied) and circulate the lubricating oil. Check the oil piping for leaks and that oil is being delivered to the bearings.4. Adjust the governor speed setting to minimum speed. (Refer to “Governor Operation” in Chapter 6.)5. Completely open the overload hand valves (if supplied). For further details review the section on overload hand valves in this chapter.6. V erify that the trip valve is closed and open the turbine exhaust isolation valve.7. V erify proper oil pressure is present (pressure lubricated with auxiliary oil pump only).8. Latch the trip valve resetting lever.9. Commission the eductor/ejector (if supplied).NOTEWhen ejectors/eductors are used on packing case leakofflines, the customer can turn on at their discretion.However, care must be taken to prevent steam fromblowing out of packing cases along the turbine shaft, whichmay contaminate oil in bearing housings.10. Close the intermediate leakoff valve (BYRHH and optional on BYRH turbines) and maintain closed position until leakoff pressure builds to line pressure.11. For condensing turbines, close all drain valves and commission main condenser according to manufacturer’s instructions.12. Slowly open the main steam isolation valve until the turbine reaches approximately 500 rpm.CAUTIONSteam should not be admitted to the turbine casing bypartially opening the main steam isolation valve while the rotor is stationary. This condition will cause uneven heating of the turbine rotor and casing, which may result in a distorted casing, bowed rotor shaft or other related problems.13. For condensing turbines, adjust the sealing steam supply valve to permit a slight amount of steam to be discharged from the packing case leakoff drain lines. Apressure of 3 to 5 psig (0.20 to 0.35 bar) is usually sufficient sealing steam pressure. However, care must be taken to prevent steam from blowing out of the packing casesand along the turbine shaft.CAUTIONIf sealing steam is allowed to leak into the bearinghousings, the lubricating oil may becomecontaminated and form sludge and foam. To preventthis condition, adjust the sealing steam accordingly.14. Immediately verify operation of the trip valve by striking the trip lever. Close the main steam isolation valve as the turbine speed decreases.15. Latch the resetting lever and slowly open the main steam isolation valve to bring the turbine back to 500 rpm. If the turbine is ring oiled, remove the inspection plugs fromthe bearing caps and check to be sure the oil rings are rotating. Verify proper oilpressure is present (pressure lubricated only). Monitor the speed carefully during thelow speed operation.CAUTIONDo not leave the turbine unattended at any time duringthe initial start-up.16. Introduce cooling water to bearing housing cooling chambers or oil cooler (if supplied) to prevent overheating. (Refer to Chapter 5 [Table 5-3], for recommended bearing operating temperatures.)17. Listen for any unusual noises, rubbing, or other signs of distress in the turbine. Do not operate if any of these conditions are present. Monitor the turbine for signs of overheating and excessive vibration. (Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in Chapter7 for possible causes and corrective actions for abnormal conditions which mightoccur.)18. When the turbine is thoroughly warmed up and low speed operation is determined tobe satisfactory, close the overload hand valves (if supplied).19. For non-condensing turbines, close all drain valves provided no signs of condensateare visible at all drain lines.20. Proceed with wearing in of the carbon rings (if supplied). (Refer to Turbine Operating Data Sheet located in the front of this manual, for steam seals supplied with this unit.)a. Gradually increase turbine speed to 1000 rpm and hold for 10-15 minutes.b. Reduce turbine speed to 500 rpm and hold for 5-10 minutes, allowing shaft tocool.c. Increase turbine speed by 1000 rpm and hold for 10-15 minutes.d. Reduce turbine speed by 500 rpm and hold for 5-10 minutes, allowing shaft tocool.e. Continue increasing turbine speed by 1000 rpm and decreasing by 500 rpm untilrated operating speed as shown on the turbine nameplate is achieved.NOTEThe stepped start up procedure (wearing in of the carbonrings) must be done for the first 2 or 3 turbine starts, orafter installation of new carbon rings. Failure to do so mayresult in improper wearing in of carbon rings and causeexcessive packing case steam leakage.21. After the turbine is operating, closely observe oil pressures and temperatures. For condensing turbines, adjust sealing steam to maintain 3 to 5 psig (0.20 to 0.35 bar).22. Verify the overspeed trip by temporarily overriding the governor to actuate the overspeed trip mechanism. (Refer to Control System, Chapter 6, for specific detailson overspeeding the turbine.)CAUTIONDo not operate the turbine more than 2% above therated trip speed listed on the turbine nameplate. If theoverspeed trip does not operate within 2% of thedesignated speed, shut the turbine down and makenecessary adjustments as described in Chapter 4,Overspeed Trip System.Three consecutive, non-trending trip speeds within the required range (refer toTurbine Data sheet located in the front of this manual) must be recorded to verify safe trip system operation. After a turbine trip and the speed decreases by 15-20% ofrated speed, the resetting lever may be relatched and the turbine brought back up in speed.-WARNING-DURING TESTING OF THE MECHANICAL OVERSPEEDTRIP, THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES MUST BEADHERED TO:A. LIMIT PERSONNEL TO THE MINIMUM NUMBERREQUIRED TO CONDUCT THE OVERSPEEDTESTS.B. THE MAIN STEAM ISOLATION V ALVE TO THETURBINE MUST NOT BE FULL Y OPENED. ITSHOULD ONL Y BE OPENED AS FAR ASNECESSARY TO REACH THE TRIP SPEED.C. DURING THE TEST, TRAINED PERSONNEL MUSTOPERATE THE MAIN STEAM ISOLATION V ALVETO THE TURBINE.D. TWO SOURCES OF SPEED INDICATION AREPREFERRED. BOTH SHOULD BE OF KNOWNACCURACY AND CURRENT CALIBRATION.23. Continue operating the turbine for approximately one hour, while carefully monitoring bearing temperatures, turbine speed, vibrations levels, and listening for any unusual noises.24. Shut down the turbine upon satisfactory completion of the initial run. (Refer to “Turbine Shut Down” at the end of this chapter.)25. Couple the turbine to the driven equipment. If the turbine is used with a speed reduction gearbox or other special equipment, follow all instructions pertaining tothose particular items.ROUTINE START-UP1. V erify proper oil pressure is present (pressure lubricated only).2. Open drain valves to drain water from the steam inlet piping, turbine casing, steam chest, and the exhaust piping.3. V erify that the lube oil temperature is greater than 70°F (20°C).4. If turbine is ring oiled, check that oil lubricators are filled. If turbine is pressure lubricated, prime the oil pump(s) and verify that the oil reservoir is filled to the correctlevel. Start the auxiliary oil pump (if supplied) and circulate the lubricating oil.5. Completely open the overload hand valves (if supplied). For further details, review the section on overload hand valves in this chapter.6. V erify that the trip valve is closed and open the turbine exhaust isolation valve.7. Latch the trip valve resetting lever.8. V erify proper oil pressure is present (pressure lubricated with auxiliary oil pump only).9. Commission the eductor/ejector (if supplied).NOTEWhen ejectors/eductors are used on packing case leakofflines, the customer can turn on at their discretion.However, care must be taken to prevent steam fromblowing out of packing cases along the turbine shaft, whichmay contaminate oil in bearing housings.10. Close the intermediate leakoff valve (BYRHH and optional on BYRH turbines) and maintain closed position until leakoff pressure builds to line pressure.11. For condensing turbines, close all drain valves and commission main condenser according to manufacturer’s instructions.12. Slowly open the main steam isolation va lve until the turbine reaches approximately 500 rpm.CAUTIONSteam should not be admitted to the turbine casing bypartially opening the main steam isolation valve whilethe rotor is stationary. This condition will causeuneven heating of the turbine rotor and casing whichmay result in a distorted casing, bowed rotor shaft orother related problems.13. For condensing turbines, adjust the sealing steam supply valve to permit a slight amount of steam to be discharged from the packing case leak off drain lines. A pressure of 3 to 5 psig (0.20 to 0.35 bar) is usually sufficient sealing steam pressure. However, care must be taken to prevent steam from blowing out of the packing casesand along the turbine shaft.CAUTIONIf sealing steam is allowed to leak into the bearinghousings, the lubricating oil may becomecontaminated and form sludge and foam. To preventthis condition, adjust the sealing steam accordingly.14. Immediately verify operation of the trip valve by striking the trip lever. Close the main steam isolation valve as the turbine speed decreases.15. Latch the resetting lever and slowly open the main steam isolation valve to bring the turbine back to 500 rpm. If the turbine is ring oiled, remove the inspection plugs fromthe bearing caps and check that the oil rings are rotating. If the turbine is pressure lubricated, verify proper oil pressure is present.16. Introduce cooling water to bearing housing cooling chambers or oil cooler (if supplied) to prevent overheating. (Refer to Chapter 5 [Table 5-3] for recommended bearing operating temperatures.)17. Listen for any unusual noises, rubbing, or other signs of distress in the turbine. Do not operate if any of these conditions are present. Monitor the turbine for signs of overheating and excessive vibration. (Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in Chapter7 for possible causes and corrective actions for abnormal conditions which might occur.)18. For non-condensing turbines, close all drain valves, provided no signs of condensate are visible at all drain lines.19. Adjust governor to attain desired speed as load is applied to the turbine. (Refer to “Control System”, Chapter 6). Close ov erload hand valves as required by turbine operation. (Refer to the “Unit Outline” in Chapter 10, Technical Drawings, foroverload hand valve settings.)20. After the turbine is operating, closely observe oil pressures and temperatures. For condensing turbines, adjust sealing steam to maintain 3 to 5 psig (0.20 to 0.35 bar).OVERLOAD HAND V ALVES (Optional)Overload hand valves are used sometimes to control the steam flow through an extra bank of nozzles. These valves can serve three functions:a. When closed, the valves will provide more efficient turbine operation at reduced load with normal steam conditions by reducing the nozzle area and also reducing thesteam flow.b. In some applications, overload hand valves are used to develop the required powerby opening the valves when steam conditions are less than normal (such asencountered during boiler start-up).c. Sometimes overload hand valves are used to develop increased power for meeting overload requirements with normal steam conditions.(Refer to the “Turbine Outline” in Chapter 10, Technical Drawings, for overload hand valve positioning versus turbine power, speed and operating steam conditions.) For the bestefficiency and speed control, open only the overload hand valves required for the actual steam conditions present and power required.TABLE 3-1OVERLOAD HAND V ALVESTurbine Frame Size Number of TurnsAYR 7BYR, BYRIH 9CYR, CYRH 12DYR, DYRH, DYRM, DYRN 12DYR, DYRH, DYRM, DYRNwith 8" inlet14BYRH, BYRHH 12NOTEOverload hand valve must be positioned either completelyopen or completely closed. Turning the stemcounterclockwise approximately 1½ turns will open thepilot valve. (Refer to Table 3-1 for the correct number ofturns required to completely open the main valve disk.)Open all overload hand valves during start-ups to verifyeven heating of casing and prevention of valves binding inthe casing. The overload hand valves can be completelyclosed if not needed when governor control is reached.CAUTIONOperation of the overload hand valve, in anythingother than completely open or completely closedposition, can cause valve failure and possible internaldamage to the turbine.For further information on Auto-Overload hand valves (if supplied), refer to Supplement 02-86-R1, in Chapter 8.TURBINE SHUTDOWNCAUTIONBefore shutting down turbine, verify that the governorsystem and trip system are in proper working order. Ifthe operational integrity is uncertain, shut off the mainsteam isolation valve to stop the turbine.1. Reduce the turbine speed to a minimum.2. Shut down the turbine by striking the top of the trip lever by hand.3. Observe the action of the trip valve and linkage.4. Close the main steam isolation valve.NOTEIsolation valves, located in the turbine inlet steam piping,must be closed after the trip valve has closed. Do not usethe trip valve as a long-term shut-off valve.5. If non-condensing turbine, close the exhaust valve and open turbine casing drains.6. If condensing turbine, shut down the condensing equipment, open the turbine casing drains and close the sealing steam shut-off valve.CAUTIONDo not apply sealing steam to the packing cases whilethe turbine rotor is idle. This condition will causeuneven heating of the turbine rotor and casing whichmay result in a distorted casing, bowed rotor shaft orother related problems.7. Allow the rotor to come to a complete stop and cool down for approximately 2 hours before turning off the cooling water or stopping auxiliary oil pump, if supplied.8. If the turbine is to be taken out of service for an extended period, follow the storage instructions in Chapter 1.OPERATION OF EMERGENCY AND STANDBY TURBINESEmergency and standby turbines do not require a warm-up period before applying the load and may be rapidly placed into service. However, it is important that turbines used for emergency and standby services have drain li nes open and isolating valves closed whenthe turbine is idle. Turbines not used for extended periods should be inspected and operated occasionally to verify good working condition.Where impractical to operate the turbine, the rotor should be turned over by hand to introduce oil to the journal bearings (oil ring lubricated turbines). If an auxiliary oil pump is furnished (pressure lubricated turbines), oil can be supplied to the bearings by operatingthe pump. To prevent corrosion, introduce dry, heated air into the casing during shutdown periods.CAUTIONSteam should not be admitted to the turbine casing bypartially opening the main steam isolation valve whilethe rotor is stationary. This condition will causeuneven heating of the turbine rotor and casing, andmay result in a distorted casing, bowed rotor shaft orother related problems.。
压缩机乙烯工业2017,29(2) 60~64ETHYLENE INDUSTRY丙烯制冷压缩机蒸汽透平单试技术彭志莱,类占峰,王鹏鹏(中国石油四川石化有限责任公司,四川彭州611930)摘要:介绍了中国石油四川石化有限责任公司乙烯装置丙烯制冷压缩机蒸汽透平单试技术,包括 蒸汽暖管、辅助系统开车、联锁系统调试、透平启动升速及单试项目检查,结合施工现场实际情况及其它 乙烯装置蒸汽透平单机试车经验,提出了具体的实施方案。
关键词:丙烯制冷压缩机透平试车中国石油四川石化有限责任公司乙烯装置共 有3台压缩机组,分别是裂解气压缩机、丙烯制冷 压缩机和乙烯制冷压缩机,主要为整个乙烯装置 提供动力和冷剂。
丙烯制冷压缩机系统是1个封 闭的由蒸汽透平驱动的四段离心式压缩机系统,制冷介质为丙烯,为装置提供-37, -21,-7,7 P4个级位的冷剂,是乙烯“三机”中的核心机组,其 透平单试尤为重要。
1透平单试运行1.1透平单试的目的透平单试的目的是为了检验透平在空负荷运 转过程中的轴振动、轴位移、轴承温度、转速等运 行参数以及控制系统、保护系统等是否满足其设 计要求,并在试运行过程中检验和调整机组各部 分的执行机构是否动作灵活、满足设计要求。
检 验和调整电气、仪表自动控制系统及其配套设备 的可靠性和灵敏性;检验机组的油系统、复水系 统、抽真空系统、蒸汽系统、干气密封系统等辅助 系统的协调工作情况,同时对设备设计、制造和安 装质量和性能进行全面考核,为乙烯装置联动试 车和实物料开车创造必要条件。
1.2透平单试说明丙烯制冷压缩机透平单试前,应通知设备制 造厂技术人员到场并采取由建设单位指挥,施工 单位配合,总承包单位协调,监理单位确认的工作流程。
在透平单试过程中,应由建设单位安排合 格的操作人员进行操作,建设单位应建立有效的 操作指挥系统。
施工单位负责准备透平单试所需 的材料、工具,并负责透平单试的记录工作。
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫相称。——韩非
21、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要 适应孤 独,没 有人会 帮你一 辈子, 所以你 要奋斗 一生。 22、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该 是坚强 。 23、要改变命运,首先改变自己。
24、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之 首,因 为这种 德性保 证了所 有其余 的德性 。--温 斯顿. 丘吉尔 。 25、梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的 ,它只 是让人 们的脚 放上一 段时间 ,以便 让别一 只脚能 够再往 上登。
• 丙烯贮槽出来的温度压力1.80MPa的液体丙
烯进入低温甲醇洗工序各换热器做蒸发制 冷剂,各冷点蒸发后的气体返回本系统完 成制冷循环。
• 为了防止压缩机喘振,采用了两段防喘振
回路,压缩机出口经一段防喘振阀FV2528 进入丙烯闪蒸分离器为一段防喘振回路, 经二段防喘振阀FV2526进入丙烯闪蒸槽为 二段防喘振回路。
• 压缩机防喘振分为二段回路,分别由一段防喘振阀与二段
防喘振阀控制,当出口气量过小时,出口气返回到进口, 以补充气体流量起到防止丙烯压缩机喘振的作用,出口气 量也不能过大。无论压缩机的压缩比是多少,要保证压缩 机的吸入流量比喘振流量大,只有这样,才能保证压缩机 稳定的工作。
10.046 81.08 1957 7790 3467 11257 46.21 11.77 57.98
12.911 84.32 1510 8043 3249 11292 47.06 10.71 57.77
16.307 87.52 1177 8303 3033 11336 47.88 9.68 57.56
20.299 91.47 922.0 8565 2800 11365 48.68 8.67 57.35
• 压缩机结构概述:
该机组由3MCL527压缩机和NK32/36汽 轮机组成,3MCL527型离心压缩机由一缸 两段七级组成(一段四级,二段三级), 压缩机与汽轮机由膜片联轴器(无锡创明 公司供)联接,压缩机和汽轮机安装在同 一钢底座上,整个机组采用润滑油站供油 润滑,压缩机的轴端密封采用约翰克兰科 技(天津)有限公司的干气密封,干气密 封的控制系统也由约翰克兰科技(天津) 有限(正
(二)正常开停车1、开车前准备1) 打开所有冷却水(按正常操作水量投用)。
2) 投用所有仪表。
3) 油温20℃以上。
4) 通知变电所送电。
5) 检查各分离罐液位是否低于5%(超过5%不能起动),并检查各阀流向是否正确。
6) 确认曲轴箱润滑油液位正常。
7) 确认PV34001全开状态。
8) 打开C301进/出口阀门。
9) 启动辅助油泵,调节油压至0.35-0.4Mpa,手动盘车。
10) 设定C301负荷为0,以减少启动转矩。
3、停车1) 来自DCS或者来自LOP的压缩机停机信号(按压“压缩机停机”按钮)。
2) 阀门卸荷器应保留在它们当前的负载处。
压缩机内各级叶轮之间采用迷宫密封,压缩机两端装有英国John Crane公司生产的28AT型干气密封。
压缩机与增速箱之间采用齿式联轴器连接(改为膜片式联轴器),增速器型号为HS35,速比 3.059,转速为n1/n2=9131/2985r/min。
1 问题分析首先查阅机组相关资料,丙烯压缩机油路如图:从图中可以看出油泵出口油压PIAS_17103在油过滤器后,实际现场压力变送器导压管从油过滤器后长度约为3米位置处开孔取压,管径为φ12,润滑油压力调节阀PIC_17101由PIAS_17103在机组康吉森PLC内部PID自动调节控制,而润滑油回油压力调节阀PIC_17100由PIAS_17100在机组康吉森PLC内部PID自动调节控制,这个原因导致了油压调节的滞后性。
%Propylene is an environmentally friendly refrigerant .By contrast , the unit volume refrigerating capacity of the propylene is higher .The basic principle of propylene refrigeration is introduced .From the aspects of material compatibility , the special design because of inflammable and explosive property , and the design of oil lines ,the matters needing attention are introduced when the propylene is used for refrigeration unit .Cite an example for calculations about refrigerating capacity and the shaft power of the propylene unit .【期刊名称】《低温与特气》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】4页(P5-8)【关键词】丙烯;制冷;材质相容性;易燃易爆性【作者】于明【作者单位】大连冷冻机股份有限公司,辽宁大连西南路888号 116033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB657在制冷领域,丙烯代号为R1270,属于不饱和碳氢化合物制冷剂。
三、操作步骤1. 检查设备:确保设备无异味、无明显损坏,润滑系统和冷却系统正常运行。
2. 开启电源:按照设备接线图连接电源,确保电压稳定。
3. 启动冷却系统:按照说明书操作,启动冷却系统,确保设备温度处于正常范围。
4. 打开压缩机:根据设备的操作面板,逐步打开压缩机的阀门,将气体进入气缸。
5. 监测压力:通过控制系统的压力表,随时监测气体的压力,确保在安全范围内运行。
6. 停止压缩:当压力达到设定值时,关闭压缩机的阀门,停止压缩。
7. 输送气体:通过管道将高压气体输送到目标地点,确保管道连接良好,无泄漏。
8. 关闭设备:根据操作面板的操作步骤,逆序关闭设备,断开电源,保证设备的安全性和使用寿命。
冷冻站装置操作规程南耀煤制气有限责任公司二○一八年十二月★内部资料,注意保密冷冻站装置操作规程(试行本)编号:编制:审核:审定:批准:日期:发布日期:年月日实施日期:年月日目录1 岗位任务及意义 (1)2 装置说明 (1)3 工艺过程概述 (1)3.1 生产原理 (1)3.1.1 离心式压缩机的工作原理 (1)3.1.2 丙烯压缩制冷原理 (1)3.2 工艺流程简述 (2)4 工艺参数和设计指标 (3)4.1 工艺指标 (3)4.2 原料规格 (4)4.3 产品规格 (4)4.4 公用工程物料规格 (4)4.5 原料消耗、公用工程消耗及能耗指标 (5)5 原始开车 (8)5.1 开车前的准备工作 (8)5.2 开车统筹图 (8)5.3 投用干气密封系统 (8)5.4 投用润滑油系统 (9)5.5 压缩机联试 (11)5.6 工艺气开车 (11)5.6.1气密性试验 (11)5.6.3 系统N2置换 (12)5.6.4 系统丙烯气置换 (12)5.6.5系统充液 (13)5.6.6系统的启动 (13)6 工艺操作及调整 (14)6.1 丙烯分离器的液位调节参数调节 (14)6.2 压缩机防喘振控制 (14)6.3 系统丙烯补充 (14)7 装置正常停车 (14)7.1 停工准备 (14)7.2 停工统筹图 (15)7.3 停工操作 (15)7.3.1 长期停车 (15)7.3.2 短期停车 (16)8 装置紧急停车 (16)8.1.紧急停车程序 (16)8.2.紧急停车后的处理 (17)9 单体设备操作规程 (17)9.1 油冷器的切换维修或清洗 (17)9.2 油过滤器的切换维修或清洗 (18)9.3 润滑油泵的开停与倒泵 (18)9.3.1 开泵 (18)9.3.2 停车 (18)9.3.3 倒泵 (18)10 常见故障处理 (18)10.1 丙烯压缩机机组故障 (18)11 装置联锁与控制方案 (30)11.1 DCS系统概述 (30)11.2 联锁及紧急处理说明 (30)11.2.1 联锁说明 (30)11.3 丙烯压缩机控制方案 (32)12 安全生产及环境保护 (33)12.1 安全生产制度 (33)12.2 丙烯液体的灌装安全须知 (33)12.3 安全技术要点 (34)12.3.1 丙烯CH3CH3 (34)12.3.2 氮N2 (34)13 附表和附图 (35)13.1 工艺参数自动控制一览表、报警值一览表 (35)13.1.1 温度显示报警一览表 (35)13.1.2 压力显示报警一览表 (35)13.1.3 液位控制及报警一览表 (36)13.1.4 流量控制及报警一览表 (36)13.2 分析化验项目频次一览表 (36)13.3 安全阀定压一览表 (37)13.4 SIS联锁值一览表 (37)13.5 带控制点的工艺流程图PFD (39)14 以岗位责任制为中心的八项管理制度:(单独成册) (41)14.1 岗位责任制 (41)14.2 交接班制 (41)14.3 巡回检查制 (42)14.4 安全生产责任制 (43)14.5 设备维护保养制 (43)14.6 质量负责制 (44)14.7 岗位练兵制 (44)14.8 班组经济核算制 (45)1岗位任务及意义本岗位使用电机驱动离心式压缩机,以丙烯为介质,通过压缩,用循环水冷凝,节流降压蒸发,达到制冷效果,提供冷量给低温甲醇洗单元中各深冷器,补偿系统冷量损失。
7、翩翩新 来燕,双双入我庐 ,先巢故尚在,相 将还旧居。
9、 陶渊 明( 约 365年 —427年 ),字 元亮, (又 一说名 潜,字 渊明 )号五 柳先生 ,私 谥“靖 节”, 东晋 末期南 朝宋初 期诗 人、文 学家、 辞赋 家、散
文 家 。汉 族 ,东 晋 浔阳 柴桑 人 (今 江西 九江 ) 。曾 做过 几 年小 官, 后辞 官 回家 ,从 此 隐居 ,田 园生 活 是陶 渊明 诗 的主 要题 材, 相 关作 品有 《饮 酒 》 、 《 归 园 田 居 》 、 《 桃花 源 记 》 、 《 五 柳先 生 传 》 、 《 归 去来 兮 辞 》 等 。
1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
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过高时,它可以自动关小调节汽门使汽轮机 转速下降;
3.1 速关装置油路走向 高压油从“P”进入基本模块,在基本模块壳体内分为五路:
• 第一路经手动停机阀(2274)和电磁阀(2225)进入停 机卸荷阀 (2030),克服弹簧力使阀处于关闭状态。正常 运行时,通向停机卸荷阀的速关油不泄油。速关油是由冗 余模块内部管路引入的。
油温:40±5℃ 润滑油压:0.25~0.35MPa 调速油压: 0.85MPa 油过滤器压差:<0.15MPa 主油泵出口压力:1.1MPa 油箱液位:液位计60% 回油温度:<85℃ 氮气压力为:200mmH2O,氮气流量:10Nm3/h。
• 1.汽轮机调速系统的任务 • 1.1.1使汽轮机组输出的功率与负荷保持平
• 速关阀在线试验阀 (1845)
• 供速关阀活塞做活动 性试验
3.3.2 冗余模块
• (2226)电磁阀
• 电动紧急停机
• (2040)停机卸荷阀 • 快速卸掉速关油压
3.3.3 启动模块
• (1839)启动阀 • (1830)关闭阀 • (1742)电液转换器 • (5600)单向阻尼阀
讲述ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ容
一、润滑油系统: 1、润滑油的作用 2、油路的介绍 3、油系统主要设备介绍 4、高位油槽与蓄压器 5、润滑油系统控制指标
1、调速器的任务 2、调速系统的油路介绍 3、速关装置 4、紧急停车的原理 5、建立启动油、速关油、开
6、速关阀在线试验 7、错油门与油动机 8、电液转换器原理 9、盘车系统
3.3 速关控制装置的构成
3.3.1 基本模块 3.3.2 冗余模块 3.3.3 启动模块 以上功能由这三块来实现。
3.3.1 基本模块
• 手动停机阀(2274) • 手动紧急停机
• 电磁阀(2225)
• 电动紧急停机
• 停机卸荷阀(2030) • 快速卸掉速关油压
• 调节油切换阀(2050) • 把压力油转为调节油
• 第二路油经调节油切换阀(2050)变为调节控制油经冗余 模块内部管路进入启动模块成为电液转换器供油。
• 第三路通向速关阀在线试验阀(1845)以供速关阀活塞活 动性试验。
• 第四路进入冗余模块及启动模块,成为该两个模块的高压 油源。
• 第五路从“G1”引出,以供危急保安装置使用。通常危急 保安装置直接从高压油源供油时,这时“G1”是被堵住的。
5.2 建立启动油
启动阀(1839)是两位阀。在停机状态 时,启动阀处于启动油路和回油接通的位 置,启动油不能建立。启动时,顺时针旋 转启动阀手轮,启动阀在弹簧力作用下将 滑阀向上移动到另一位时,这时高压油经 启动阀变为启动油从“F”接口通向速关阀 活塞上腔,将速关阀活塞压向活塞盘。同 时启动油从“M”接口通向危急保安装置使 之挂钩。该功能不用时,可将“M”接口堵 住。
• 保证压缩机停车过程中的 短时间供油。
• 使油系统在切换油泵时避 免因油压波动而引起压缩 机跳车。
• 4.1 高位油槽的作用:当系统出现故障停 车时保证压缩机停车过程中的短时间供油。
• 4.2 蓄压器的作用:使油系统在切换油泵 时避免因油压波动而引起压缩机跳车。
3.2 速关控制装置说明
3.2.1 速关控制装置是汽轮机保安系统和控制系 统的集合。它将原来该系统中单个部套组合 在一起。这样,克服了管路繁多、安装复杂 的缺陷,在运行中也避免了监控困难和产生 漏油着火的事故,增加了汽轮机运行可靠性 和安全性。
3.2.2速关控制装置能实现汽轮机正常启动与停 机、电动与手动紧急停机、速关阀在线试验 和危急遮断器自动挂钩等。为了增加安全性, 速关控制装置还设置了电动紧急停机的冗余 系统。
• 建立启动油
• 建立速关油
• 电信号转为二次油压
• 将二次油路中出现的压力波动 或振荡衰减,以防止压力波动 或振荡传递到错油门滑阀上而 影响错油门正常工作。二次油 反向流动时,单向节流阀起单 向阀的作用,加速二次油的下 降。
4.1 电动紧急停机
进入冗余模块的高压油是从基本模块内部供给的。高压油经电磁 (2226)进入停机卸荷阀(2040),克服弹簧力使阀处于关闭状态。 在正常运行时,通向停机卸荷阀的速关油不泄油。速关油是由启动模 块引入的。
(1)润滑作用与降低磨擦、减少磨损; (2)冷却作用; (3)冲洗作用; (4)减振作用; (5) 卸荷作用; (6)保护作用;
• 3.1名称
• 油箱 • 油泵 • 事故油泵 • 油滤器 • 油冷器 • 高位油箱
• 蓄压器
• 3.2功能
• 储存润滑油 • 提高油压达到要求值 • 停电时使用 • 净化润滑油 • 降低油温
4.2 手动紧急停机
操纵手动停机阀(2274),使控制油与回 油接通,卸荷阀(2030)由于控制油压力 下降迅速开启,这时速关油与回油接通, 速关油压力下降使速关阀迅速关闭。同时, 调节油切换阀(2050)动作切断调节油源, 调节油排放到油箱,使调节汽阀讯速关闭。
4.3 危急遮断跳闸
扳动调节系统中危急保安装置(2210) 的手柄或者危急遮断器跳闸,以及轴向位 移达到不允许值时,此时危急保安装置 (2210)进油口被封闭,这时速关油和回 油口“T”接通,速关油排放到油箱,速关 阀快速关闭。同时,速关控制装置中调节 油切换阀(2050)动作切断了调节油源, 调节油排放到油箱,使调节汽阀迅速关闭。
电动紧急停机时,电磁阀(2226)接受信号电源(手动或远程自 动)。根据用户需要可以设计为常开(NO)状态或常闭(NC)状态。 在常开(NO)状态时或(常闭(NC)状态时)电磁阀不带电或(电磁阀 带电),高压油经电磁阀通向停机卸荷阀(2040)活塞中,油压力克 服弹簧力使阀处于关闭状态。当接通电源信号后或(切断电源信号后), 电磁阀动作切断通向停机卸荷阀(2040)的控制油源,这时控制油与 回油接通,卸荷阀开启,速关油泄压,速关阀迅速关闭。同时基本模 块中调节油切换阀(2050)动作切断调节油源,调节油排放到油箱, 使调节汽阀迅速关闭。