



教案国际贸易实务国际支付与结算教案:国际贸易实务 - 国际支付与结算一、引言在当今全球化的时代,国际贸易愈发繁荣,国际支付与结算成为各国贸易往来中一个重要的环节。




1. 国际支付的基本方式- 信用证支付:信用证是一种由银行开具的保证,买方通过银行为卖方提供付款保证。


- 托收支付:托收是指买卖双方通过银行作为中介,卖方将货物和相关单据托付给银行,买方通过银行支付货款。


2. 国际结算的基本方式- 电汇结算:电汇是通过银行间的电子系统进行资金转移的方式,双方银行之间通过电信传递结算账户之间的指令,实现资金的结算。

- 支票结算:支票是一种付款工具,持有人可以通过银行兑现或转账。


- 汇票结算:汇票是卖方开具的一种允许买方在未来一定期限内付款的承诺文件。



1. 汇率风险:由于国际贸易中经常涉及不同货币的结算,汇率波动会对支付和结算产生影响。


2. 信用风险:对于买方来说,可能会出现无力支付货款的情况;对于卖方来说,可能会遇到买方拒绝支付货款的风险。


3. 法律风险:由于不同国家的法律体系和商业法规存在差异,国际贸易中可能发生各种纠纷。




国际结算考试题型和重点:题型:单选:40*1=40多选:20*1=20判断题:20*1=20案例分析题(选择题):4*5=20重点:第一章导论转账结算,联行,代理行,帐户行,SWIFT, CHIPS, FOB, CFR, CIF1、传统国际结算特点;2、现代国际结算特点3、国际结算的目标和发展趋势4、国际结算中往来银行的种类第二章票据对付价,善意持票,正当持票人,票据抗辩1、票据的含义与其基本特点2、票据流通转让的特点3、票据的基本功能4、票据的权利与一般债权的区别5、票据义务与一般债务的区别第三章票据2汇票,银行承兑汇票,本票,支票,划线支票,保兑支票,空头支票1、汇票收款人抬头的类型2、远期汇票的种类3、支票出票人应具备的条件及其主要责任4、汇票成为国际结算中使用最广泛的结算工具的使用第四章票据3票据行为,出票,背书,承兑,保留承兑,参加承兑,保证,保付,合格提示,正当付款,拒付,追索1、狭义票据行为应当具备的条件2、狭义票据的特点3、出票,背书的影响4、追索的条件5、被追索者的义务和权利第五章贸易汇款中心汇票,退汇,M/T, T/T, D/D, 0/A1、汇款种类2、贸易汇款结算程序3、汇款偿付方式4、贸易汇款优缺点5、汇款贸易融资方式(出口T/T融资,信保融资,进口T/T融资)及风险管理6、汇款结算适用条件第六章跟单托收D/D, D/A,T/R,URC5221、银行在托收中的地位和作用2、托收结算程序3、跟单托收结算方式4、托收贸易融资方式(托收出口押汇,信保融资,凭T/R借单提货,凭银行保函提货)及风险管理5、跟单托收的优缺点6、跟单托收适用条件第七章信用证保兑,议付,付款,偿付,保兑信用证,预支信用证,承兑信用证,可转让信用证,循环信用证,L/C, UCP600, URR, EUCP, ISBP1、信用证的含义和特点2、信用证计算程序3、付款行对相符单据和不相符单据的处理4、议付行对相符单据和不相符单据的处理5、受益人的收款方式(议付,收妥结汇,直接信用证,福费廷)6、比较议付、付款、偿付的特点7、开证行的付款方式8、可转让信用证的特点9、信用证贸易融资方式(打包放款、议付、福费廷、远期信用证、免收押金、假远期信用证、T/R贷款)及风险管理10、比较真、假信用证的异同11、信用证结算优、缺点12、信用证结算适用背景第九章银行保函担保与反担保、指示行与转开行、独立保函与从属性保函、索偿条件、见索即付、SL/C、ISP、URDG1、银行保函的含义、特点2、银行保函的开立方式3、保函种类(理解)4、备用信用证SL/C的含义与特点第十章国际保理服务FACTORING> FCL 保理商1、国际保理服务■基本内容2、国际保理服务■种类3、双保理服务的运行程序4、国际保理服务的使用背景5、国际保理服务的规则第11章福费廷运期费承担费IFA1.福费廷的含义,特点2 •债权凭证担保银行风险如何控制3.包买银行面临的风险及防范措施4.福费廷的贴现率是如何确定的?其影响因素有哪些?第12章国际结算方式选择顺汇递汇基本结算方式附属影响国际结算方式选择的基本因素第14章单据1基本单据装船条款与备运提单清洁与不清洁提单正常与过期提单倒签与预借提单物权凭证B /2 CY CFS MTO MTD1.单据的含义与作用2.海运单据的含义,作用3•比较《海》和《汉》的特点。



国际支付与结算大纲一、简称写全称1.T/T Telegraphic Transfer2.CIF Cost Insurance and Freight3.D/A documents against acceptance4.L/C Letter of Credit5.B/L Bill of Lading6.T/R Trust Receipt7.D/D (Remittance by Banker’s) Demand Draft8.D/P documents against payment9.M/T Mail Transfer二、填空1.Settlement on commercial credit includes payment in advance, open account,remittance and collection.2.Before the sixth century B.C., goods were exchanged between traders in differentcountries on a barter basis3.The maker of promissory note has prime liability while the other parties havesecondary liability.4.There are four parties concerned in the international remittance; they are theremitter, the remitting bank, the paying bank, and the payee.5.According to whether the credit can be transferred or not, there are transferablecredit and non-transferable credit.6.The Uniform Rules for Collection (URC) and the Uniform Customs and Practicefor documentary (UCP) were all developed by the International Chamber for Commerce in Paris.1.Settlement on commercial credit includes payment in advance, open account,remittance and collection.2.From the point of view of a Chinese bank, a nostro account is our bank’s accountin books of an overseas bank, denominated in foreign currency.3.Before a draft is accepted, the drawer has prime liability while the other partieshave secondary liability.4.There are four parties concerned in the collection; they are the principal, theremitting bank, the collecting or presenting bank, and the drawee.5.According to whether the credit can be revoked or not, there are revocable creditand irrevocable credit.6.The Uniform Rules for Collection (URC) and the Uniform Customs and Practicefor documentary (UCP) were all developed by the International Chamber for Commerce in Paris.三、计算题1. Suppose an accepted bill for USD80, 000 falls due on July 12 and the exporter takes it to a discount bank on March 9. If the discount rate is 5% (year), what would be the discount interest and how much can the payee get?贴现日:3.9 到期日:7.12 天数:125天到期价值=(80000×5%×125)/ 360=1388.89元The Payee Can Get=80000﹣1388.89=78611.11元2. A draft was issued on July 30th, 2008. The par value was ten thousand RMB. The rate of interest per annum was 8%. The tenor was 3 month after sight and the drawee accepted it on August 27th, 2008. The holder discounted and draft at the rate of 10% per annum on September 19th, 2008.(1) When the draft fall due?November 27th, 2008(2) How much is the discount interest? How much can the holder receive?Face value of the bill=(10000×8%×120)/360+10000=10266.67Discount interest=(10266.67×10%×69)/360=196.78So the discount interest is 196.78 RMB.贴现净值=10266.67-196.78=10069.89So the holder can receive 10069.89 RMB.四、名词解释1. Bill of Exchange: A bill of exchange is defined officially as an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the first person, requiring the second person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a certain amount of money, to, or to the order of, a specified person or to the bearer.2. Collection: Collection is an arrangement whereby the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller’s bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent bank located in the domicile of the buyer.3. Letter of Credit: A letter of credit is a written undertaking by a bank (issuing bank) given to the seller (beneficiary) at the request, and on the instruction, of the buyer (applicant) to pay at sight or at a determinable future date up to a stated sum of money, within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents which complied with the terms and conditions of the credit.4. Remittance: the forward direction of payment instruments and the flow direction of funds are the same.5. D/P: The collecting bank may release the documents only against full and immediate payment, insofar as national, federal or local laws or regulations do not prevent it.6. D/A: The presenting bank may release the documents to the buyer against the buyer’s acceptance of a draft, drawn payable 30-180 days after sight or due on a definite date.7. Check: A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer.8. Documentary Collection: Documentary collection my be described as collectionson financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or collections on commercial documents without being accompanied by financial instruments, that is, commercial documents without a bill of exchange.五、简单题或案例分析1.Advantage and disadvantage of M/T.Advantage: In involves bank-to-bank instructions with bank responsible for making payments, so it is rather reliable.Disadvantage:(1)It is possible for the mail transfer order to be delayed or lost in the post, thuscausing difficulty for its payment.(2)As the mail transfer exclusively depends on international airmail service, itstransmission is slower than that of T/T and cannot serve the purpose of quick payment.(3)Unlike the remittance by demand draft, the beneficiary must awaitnotification from the bank concerned.2.Function of bill of lading.(1) It is a receipt for goods signed by the shipping company and given to theshippers.(2) It is a document of title. It can be freely bought and sold just like commodity.In case the buyer dishonors payment, the seller may sell it to other alternative buyers.(3) It is also evidence of contract of carriage between the shipping company andshippers.(4) It can be used for the buyer to take delivery at the port of destination.3.Procedure for amendment of the letter of credit.(1)The seller requests that the buyer make an amendment to the credit. This canbe made by a telephone call, a fax, or by face-to-face negotiation.(2)If the buyer agrees he orders the issuing bank to issue the amendment.(3)The issuing bank amends the credit and notifies the advising bank of theamendment.(4)The advising bank notifies the seller of the amendment.4.Function of negotiable instrument.(1)As a means of payment.(2)As a credit instrument.(3)As a transferable instrument.(4)As a mean of financial5.According to the tenor, list the classification of bill of exchange.(1)Sight bill. It is a bill payable on demand or sight or on presentation.(2)Time bill or usance bill. It is a bill payable at a fixed or determinable futuretime.6.Parties to documentary credit.(1)Applicant/importer/the buyer; (2) Issuing/opening bank/the buyer’s bank;(2)Advising bank; (4) Beneficiary/exporter/the seller; (5) Confirming bank;(6) Negotiation bank; (7) Paying bank/drawee bank; (9) Reimbursing bank.7. Characteristics of letter of credit.(1) It is a kind of banker’s credit. The issuing bank undertakes primary liabilitiesfor payment;(2) The obligation of payment born by the bank is limited and conditional.(3) A letter of credit is self-sufficient documents and is independent of the salescontract;(4) Letter of credit is a pure documentary business, that is, banks deal withdocuments and not with goods, services or other performances to which the documents relate.。



第1篇一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)使学生掌握国际结算的基本概念、原则和程序;(2)使学生熟悉国际结算的各种支付工具和信用工具;(3)使学生了解国际结算的主要法律法规和惯例。

2. 能力目标:(1)培养学生独立分析和解决国际结算问题的能力;(2)提高学生的实际操作能力和团队合作能力;(3)培养学生的创新意识和实践能力。

3. 素质目标:(1)培养学生的职业道德和敬业精神;(2)提高学生的法律意识和社会责任感;(3)培养学生的国际视野和跨文化沟通能力。

二、教学内容1. 国际结算概述(1)国际结算的概念、原则和程序;(2)国际结算的历史和发展;(3)国际结算的法律法规和惯例。

2. 国际结算工具(1)汇票、本票、支票等支付工具;(2)信用证、银行保函、备用信用证等信用工具;(3)电子支付工具。

3. 国际结算业务流程(1)信用证结算业务流程;(2)汇款结算业务流程;(3)托收结算业务流程。

4. 国际结算风险及防范(1)信用风险、操作风险、汇率风险等;(2)风险防范措施及应对策略。

5. 国际结算案例分析(1)信用证案例分析;(2)汇款案例分析;(3)托收案例分析。

三、教学方法1. 讲授法:教师系统讲解国际结算的基本概念、原则、程序和法律法规,使学生对国际结算有一个全面的认识。

2. 案例分析法:通过分析实际案例,使学生了解国际结算业务的具体操作和风险防范。

3. 讨论法:组织学生就国际结算相关问题进行讨论,培养学生的思维能力和表达能力。

4. 实践操作法:指导学生进行国际结算业务的模拟操作,提高学生的实际操作能力。

5. 多媒体教学法:运用多媒体技术,使教学内容更加生动、形象。

四、教学过程安排1. 第1-2周:国际结算概述、国际结算工具2. 第3-4周:国际结算业务流程3. 第5-6周:国际结算风险及防范4. 第7-8周:国际结算案例分析5. 第9-10周:实践操作与总结五、考核方式1. 期末考试:占总成绩的50%,主要考核学生对国际结算知识的掌握程度。



(一)名词解释(1)Presentment: A draft must be duly presented for payment if it is a sight bill or dully presented for acceptance first and then presented for payment at maturity if it is a time bill.(2) Acceptance: Acceptance of a draft is a signification by the drawee of his assent to the order given by the drawer.(3) Protest : A written statement under seal drawn up and signed by a notary public or other authorized person for the purpose of giving evidence that a bill of exchange has been presented by him for acceptance or for payment but dishonored(4) Endorsement: It is an act of negotiation.prerequisites for a valid endorsement:It should be normally effected on the back of a draft and signed by the endorserIt must be made for the whole amount of the draft. (5) Definition of International payments and settlements .International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts , debts, claims, etc, emerged in the course of political economic or cultural contacts among then.(6) Definition of collection 托收的定義----is an arrangement where by the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the seller's bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent bank located in the domicile of the buyer.(7)D/P(documents against payments)The collecting bank may release the documents only against full and immediate payment ,insofar as national ,federal or local laws or regulations do not prevent it.(8)D/A(documents against acceptance)The presenting bank may release the documents to the buyer against the buyer’s acceptance of a draft, drawn payable 30-180days after sight ordue on a definite date.(9)议付二、简答(1) Evolution of International Payments and Settlementsa: From Cash Settlement to Non-Cash Settlementb: From Direct Payment Made between International Traders to Payment effected through a Financial Intermediary(從貨商之間支接支付到通過金融中介進行支付)c: From payments under Simple Price Terms to Payments under More Complex price Terms(從使用简单贸易术语支付到使用复杂贸易术语支付)(2) Four kinds of endorsementsa: Blank Endorsement An endorsement in blank is one that shows an endorser's signature only and specifies no endorseeb: Special endorsement. A special endorsement is one that specifies an endorsee to whom or whose order the draft is to be paid, in addition to the signature of on endorser. For example, "Pay Hhn Smths"c: Restrictive endorsement: An endorsement is restrictive when it prohibits further transfer of the draft.For example "Pay John Smiths only" d: Conditional endorsement: A conditional endorsement is a special endorsement adding some word there to that create a condition bound to be merit before the special endorsee in entitled to receive payment.The endorsement is liable only if the condition is fulfilled(3)票据的性质1、流通转让性(negotiability)2、无因性(non-causative nature)3、要式性(requisite in form)4、提示性(presentment)5、返还性(returnability)6、设权性(Right Establishing)7、文义性(Word Meaning)三、填空题Chapter 2(1)Before the sixth century B.C. , goods were exchanged between traders in different countries on a (barter) basis.(2)A (coin) ended the barter transactions.(3)The shipment of gold or silver across national boundaries was both (expensive) and risky.(4)Nostro account means (our) account.(5)(Vostro) account means your account.(6)To Bank of China, a RMB account held by Bank of England is called (vostro) account(7)If a British bank has an account in Paris with a French bank, it will refer to that account as (nostro) account(8)Control documents are lists of (specimen of Authorized signatured), (Telegraphic Test Keys), (Terms and Conditions)and (SWIFT Authentic Key).Chapter 4(1)International remittance happens when a client (payer) asks his bank to send a sum of moner to a <beneficiary> abroad by one of the transfer methods at his option.(2)A (payment orde r,mail advice, or debit advice)is an authenticated order in writing addressed by one bank to anther instructing the latter to pay a sum oertain in moner to a specified person or a beneficiary named thereon.(3)Telegraphic transfer is often used when (the remittance amount is large) and (the transfer of funds is subject to a time limit). The only means of authenticating a cable transfer is the (test key).(4)Under D/D, upon receipt of the draft, the beneficiary can either present is for payment at the counter of the drawee bank or (sell it to his own bank for crediting his account).(5)The whole procedure virtually is done by entries over banking accounts, where the buyer's bank (remitting bank) <debits> his account and <credits> the account of the correspondent bank.(6)In time of war, one can transfer funds out of the enemy country bymeans of the (demand draft) in virtue of its negotiability.(7)The remitting bank under D/D is generally reluctant to stop payment on a draft issued by itself for this would mean an (act of dishonor) on its part which will have an unfacorable effect on its credit-worthiness.(8)A large number of international remittances are carried out by telecommunications (swiftness, r eliability, safety) and (inexpensiveness) are major advantages of transactions among member banks by means of SWIFT messages.(9)If the paying bank maintains the remitting bank's account, the reimbursementmay be effected by (debiting remitting banks nostro account)(10)Any methods of transfer may be used to transfer the payment before (delivery of the goods) from the ......Chapter 5(1)If the collecting bank is not located near the importer, it would send the documents to a (presenting bank) in the importer's city(2)In a documentary collection the bank, acting as the exporter's agent, regulates the tming and sequence of the exchange of goods for value by holding the (title documents) until the importer either ((pays the draft) or (accepts the obligation to do so ).(3)The clean collection method lacks the protection of the documentary collection. It is generally used in countries where a draft is needed for (legal) purposesor because it is required by (t he exchange control authorities )(4)Under documents againse acceptance, after acceptance, after acceptance, the buyer gains possession of the goods before (the payment is made) and is able to dispose of the goods as he wishes.(5)Collections serve as a conpromise between (open account) and (advance payment) in settlement of international transactions concluled by the implrter and the exporter.(6) (Inward collection) is a banking business in which a bank acting as the collecting bank receives the draft with or without shipping documents attached as well as the instructions from a bank abroad and endeavors to collect the payment or obtain the acceptance from the importers.(7)Collection bill purchased inbolves great risk for (the remitting bank) for lack of bank's guarantee, so they are seldom willing wo do so .(8)The collecting bank authorizing the release of title documents on (trust receipt) must realize that this financing requires a great degree of confidence in the reputation ,honesty , and integrity of the customer acting as trustee.(9)Under(D/P at sight), the seller issres a draft. The collecting bank presents the draft to the buyers. When the buyer sees it he must pay the money at once, then he can get the shipping documents.(10) The remitting bank sends (documents, draft and collection order) to the collecting/presenting bank in the importer's country that notifies the importer.Chapter 7(1)When the beneficiary presents the documents to his bank,he must follow the "3C principle" in his documentation, the "3C" represent (completeness, correctness, c onsistenly).(2)The credit is legally quite independent of the (underlying transaction)(3)If a letter of credit is issued by air mail, it ought wo be authenticated by (authorized signatures) and when issued by cable/telex it is authenticated by (test key).(4)The documents of the credit must (comply with ) the terms and conditions of the letter of credit on the one hand and they must ( comply with ) with each other on the other hand(5)The currency in which the credit is to be issued should be indicated as shown in the ( Iso currency code )汇票的要义EXCHANGEfor USD5461.50 21st, August, 1995On 23rd October of this FIRST OF Exchange(Second of Exchange being unpaid)pay to Johnson & Smith Inc.or orderthe sum of FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE US DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTSDrawn against shipment of wool from Australia to New YorkTO Irving Trust Company, New York For George Thomas Inc., New YorkSignature Experiment One Financial Instruments1.Please answer, fill the blanks in or make choice of the following questions. Exchange for GBP1,250.00 Beijing, 1 April, 200X At 90 days after sight pay to the order of DEF Co.the sum of Pounds one thousand two hundred and fifty onlyTo XYZ Bank, For ABC Co., Beijing London Signature__________Refer to the above bill you may understand that a bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing addressed by ___ ABC Co.___ to _ XYZ Bank ___ signed by __ ABC Co._______giving it requiring __ XYZ Bank ___ to whom it is addressed to pay_ At 90 days after sight _____ the sum of __ GBP1,250.00__ to __ the order of DEF Co.___.The holder of this bill is _ DEF Co.__who must firstly present it to _ XYZ Bank _for Acceptance_. At maturity, the holder must present it again for__Payment___.2. Fill in the following blank forms to draw four bills of exchange. Each bill includes the requisite items as follows:date:23 July., 200Xamount: USD35,461.50tenor: on 31 Oct., 2000 fixeddrawer: George Anderson Inc., New Yorkdrawee: Irving Trust Company, New Yorkpayee: Brown and Thomas Inc. or orderdrawn against shipment of cotton from Australia to St. LouisEXCHANGE for _ USD35,461.50___ _ New York _,_23 July.,200x_ on 31 Oct., 2000 fixed _____pay this first Bill of Exchange(Second of same tenor and date unpaid) to the order of ___ Brown and Thomas Inc. or order ___________________________________________________________________the sum of __Thirty-five Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-one and 50/1000 US Dollars_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Drawn__ against shipment of cotton from Australia to St. Louis _______________________________________________________________________________________To__ Irving Trust Company _______ For__ George Anderson Inc.________ New York _____________ ____ New York _____3. Please answer, fill the blanks in or make choice of the following questions. Exchange for GBP5,000.00 London, 1 April, 200XAt 60 days after sight pay to the order of Bank of Australiathe sum of Pounds five thousand onlyTo The Importing Co. For The Exporting Co.Melbourne LondonSignature__________(1)refer to the above bill, the holder i.e. _ Bank of Australia has the right of __transferring__ it to _another______ person, or the right of presentment for ___acceptance___ and/or _____payment_______ to the Importing Co. Melbourne. If the latter refuses to pay, the holder has the right of ___recourse___against _the other parties thereto_.。


















国际结算考试题型和重点 2

国际结算考试题型和重点 2

1.单选10×2' 1.判断10×2'
2.问答4×10' 2.问答4×10'
3.论述1×40' 3.论述1×40'









mercial check:商业支票2.Promissory note:本票3.Bill of lading:提单4.Instrument policy:保险单5.Certificate of original:原产地证书6.Expiry date:到期日stest date for negotiation:议付的最后日期8.financial document:金融单据9.letter of guarantee:银行保函mitment fee :佣金/保证金11.endorsement:背书12.letter of credit:信用证13.clean collection:光票托收14.D/P:付款交单 D/A:承兑交单15.Correspondent bank:代理银行1.本票与汇票的区别:Difference between a promissory note and a bill of exchange1)It is a payment promise , not a payment order.2)There are only two parties to a promissory note, the maker and the payee.3)The maker is primarily liable on the promissory note.4)When issued, it has an original note only.5)There is no acceptance requirement.汇票与支票的区别:Difference between Draft and Check1) A bill may be drawn upon any person, whereas a cheque must be drawn upona banker.2) A bill may be payable on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time,whereas a cheque must be payable on demand.3)Unless a bill is payable on demand, it is usually accepted, where upon theacceptor is the party primarily liable to the holder. A cheque is not usually accepted, and the drawer is the party primarily liable.4)There is no provision which enable bills to be crossed, whereas cheques maybe crossed.5)Draft is a set of two, whereas check is sola.6)There is no Drawn Clause on the check.2.描述信用证的流程1)Basic Ordering Agreement:The buyer and seller agree to terms and conditionsof the Credit.2)Application: The buyer / Applicant completes an LC Application to his bank.3)Credit: The issuing bank reviews the buyers Application and credit.4)Issue: The bank issues the Credit through a bank in the seller’s country.5)Advice: The correspondent bank advises the Credit to the Beneficiary.6)Ship: The seller accepts the Credit and ships the goods to the Applicant,and prepares the documents.7)Presentation: The seller / Beneficiary presents the documents to thenegotiating bank, who sends them to the issuing bank.8)Examination: The issuing bank examines the documents for compliance withthe LC and reimburses the negotiating bank.9)Payment: The issuing bank debits the buyer’s account and releases thedocuments, or agrees to pay at maturity of the time draft.10)Claims Goods: The buyer exchanges the shipping documents for thegoods. 3.提单的定义及作用:定义definition:A bill of lading is a document issued by a carrier to a shipper, signed by the goods(cargo), agent, or owner of a vessel, providing written evidence regarding receipt of the goods (cargo), the conditions on which transportation is made (contract of carriage), and the engagement to deliver goods at the prescribed part of destination to the lawful holder of the bill of lading.作用function:1)Acting as a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporter.2)Being evidence of the contract of carriage between the exporter and the carrier.3)Being a quasi negotiable documents.4)Acting as a document of title for goods being shipped overseas.4.国际结算的定义以及现代结算的特征:含义:Definition of International settlement International settlement refers to the money transfer via banks to settle accounts,debts and claims among different countries.特征(Characteristics)1)instruments are widely used in international settlement.2)bank becomes the center of international settlement.3)some commercial documents have become title documents4)electronic devices are widely used in international settlement。


• A. collecting bank B. presenting Bank
• C. remitting bank D. importer’s bank • 5、In a documentary collection,the buyer is
also named(B C )
• A. the principle B. drawee C. importer D.drawer
• 10.
If a bill is payable “60 days
after date”, the date of payment is
decided according to__ C ___.
• 6.To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is___ B ____.
• A.letter of credit B.cash in advance • C.open account D.banker’s draft • 7. To the importer,the fastest and safest method
• 5.To the seller of the goods, the most
satisfactory arrangement as far as payment is
202c0o/10n/1c3erned is to receive it in advance ( T
• 6.The term FAS can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport ( T )























国际结算重点教学提纲国际结算重点一.名词解释1.票据2.汇票3.付对价持票人4.正当持票人5.承兑人6.背书人7.承兑8.背书9.记名式背书10.空白背书11.限制背书12.贴现13.提示14.追索权15.跟单汇票16.光票17.本票18.支票五.计算题1.一商人手持一张金额为US$3,600的汇票,提前120天向A 银行贴现,当时市场贴现率为10%p.a.(按360天计算),该商人应得票款净值是多少?2.假设目前的三个月贴现率为10%p.a.,请用两种方法计算其等值的利率是多少 (按360天计算)?3. 2月20日,Smith开立了一张金额为US$100,000.00,以Brown为付款人,出票后90天付款的汇票,因为他出售了价值为US $100,000.00的货物给Brown。



3月10日,Jack持该票向A 银行贴现,当时的贴现利率为10%p.a. (按360天计算),请计算到期日、贴现天数及实得票款净值。


























×16、使用电汇时资金到账速度快, 但是费用比信汇高。

√17、汇款结算都是通过银行来传递资金的, 所以是以银行信用为基础的结算方式。









• 9. The trade term CIF should be followed by__ A ___.
• A. named port of destination B. named port of shipment
• C. named place of destination D. named place
also named(B C )
• A. the principle B. drawee C. importer D.drawer
• 6.To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is___ B ____.
• A.letter of credit B.cash in advance • C.open account D.banker’s draft • 7. To the importer,the fastest and safest method
• 10.
If a bill is payable “60 days
after date”, the date of payment is
decided according to__ C ___.
• A. the date of acceptance
• B. the date of presentation
• 10.Trade on open account terms usually satisfies the seller’s desire for cash and the importer’s desire for credit( F )



国际结算期末复习要点、选择题⑴ SWIFT is _____ B ____________A. in the Uni ted StatesB. a ki nd of com muni cati ons bel onging to TT system for in terba nk ' s fund tran sferC. an in stituti on of the Un ited Nati onsD. a gover nmen tal orga ni zati on(2) Fund tran sfers are processed and settleme nt through ____ C__A. banksB. SWIFTC. Cleari ng systemD. telecom mun icatio n systems(3) An additional risk borne by the seller when granting a credit to thebuyer is that the later will not ___ D _____A. accept the billB. take up the docume ntsC. take deliveryD. make payme nt at maturity(4) To the importer, the fastest and safest method of settlementis CA. letter of creditB. cash in adva neeC. ope n acco untD. banker ' s draft(5) _____ A _____ refers to an excha nge of services or assets betwee ncoun tries.A. I nvisible tradeB. visible tradeC. Intern ati onal tradeD. Bala nee of trade(6) ________________________________________ F rom the point of view of a Chinese bank, ______________________________ B __ i s our bank' s account in the books of an overseas bank , denomin ated in foreig n curre ncy.A. a vostro acco untB. a no stro acco untC. a mirror acco untD. a record acco untof a check. A. payee B. en dorser C. drawer D. en dorsee (9) If a bill is payable“60 days after date ” , the date of payment is decided accordi ng to A. the date of accepta neeB. the date of prese ntati onC. the date of the billD. the date of maturity (10) A(n) to pay for imports. A. drawer B. drawee C. holder D. en dorser (7) The exporter can receive the payme nt only when __ C A. he has shipped the goods B. he has prese nted the docume ntsC. the docume nts prese nted comply with he credit termsD. the importer has taken delivery of the goods(8) The pers on pay ing the money is ais a finan cial docume nt. A. bill of lad ing B. bill of excha nge C. in sura nee policyD. commercial inv oice(11) Each country has to earn A. moneyB. foreig n excha ngeC. cashD. curre ncy(12) A time bill may be accepted by(13) _________ is draw n by the exporter and sent to the buyer. A. Draft B. Promissory n ote C. I. O. U D. Check (14) Large payme nts should be made by _______ A. TT B. SWIFT C. MT D. A or B(15) Mail tran sfer are sent to the corresp ondent bank _______ , uni ess other wise in structed by clie nts.A. by courier serviceB. by ordinary mailC. by airmailD. by seamail (16) The only means of authenticating a cable transfer is the ___ . A. SWIFT authe ntic key B. payme nt orderkeyD. authorized sig natures(17) Which type of collection offers the greatest security to the exporter A. Documentsagainst acceptaneeB.Documentsagainst paymentC. Clea n collecti onD. Accepta nee D/P(18) Con firmati on of a credit may be give n by .A. the ben eficiary at the request of the importerB. the issu ing bank after the receipt of correct docume ntati onC. the advising bank after the receipt of correct documentationD. the advis ing bank at the request of the issu ing bank(19) gives the ben eficiary double assura nee of payme nt.A. The irrevocable creditB. The revocablecreditC. The con firmed creditD. The irrevocablecon firmed credit(20) The red clause credit is ofte n used as a method of .A. providing the buyer with funds prior to shipmentB. providing the seller with funds prior to shipmentC. providing the buyer with funds after shipmentD. providing the seller with funds after shipment(21) All the parties to a collection are bound by _________500 C(22) To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlementis ________A. letter of creditB. advanee paymentC. collectionD. banker ' s draft(23) All guarantees should include the principle debtor, the _______________ and the guara ntor.A. ben eficiaryB. creditorC. mortgageeD. le nder(24) The docume nts will not be delivered to the buyer until _________A. the goods have arrivedB. the bill is paid or acceptedC. the buyer has cleared the goodsD. both A and B(25) When is a bill of lad ing issued ______A. Whe n the shipper makes up the orderB. Whe n the carrier received the goodsC. Whe n the producer manu factures the goodsD. When the carrier delivers the goods to the con sig nee(26) When a customer ask its bank to make a telegraphic tran sfer to aben eficiary abroad, the charges may __________A. be paid either the remitter or the remitteeB. be debited aga inst the no stro acco untC. be credited to the vostro acco untD. be paid by the remitt ing bank(27) It will be more convenient if the collect ing bank appo in ted by theseller _____A. is a large bankB. is the remitting bank 's correspondent in the place of the importerC. is in the exporter 's countryD. acts on the importer 's instructions(28) If it is stated as D/P, the documents can be releasedA. aga inst payme ntB. aga inst accepta neeC. in either wayD. aga inst accepta nee pour aval(29) Before ope ning a credit, the issu ing bank should.A. go through the con tract termsB. fill in the application formC. sign an agreement with the customerD. inquire into the customer ' s credit standing(30) The bond should state that claims must be received __________ tha n the(出票expiry date.A. a litter earlierB. a little laterC. not earlierD. not later二、操作题 (一)汇票BILL OF EXCHANGENo.(汇票号码) _______________________Exchange for 汇票金额(小写) ___________________ __________ , ______________ At 票期 _____________________ sight of this FIRST of exchange (second of exchange Being Un paid ) pay to the order of 收款人 _________________________________the sum of SAY:汇票金额(大写) _______________________________________To:受票人(付款人) For andon behalf of(二)电汇(cable 格式的) FM 汇出行 TO 汇入行 DATE 发电日期 TEST 密押OUR REF NO 汇款编号NO ANY CHARGES FOR US 行不负担费用 PAY 金额 VALUE 起息日 TO 收款人 MESSAG 附言FOR CREDITING ACCOUNT N 收款账号ORDER:款人COVE头寸拨付(四)托收申请书BANK OF CHINADocume ntary Collect ion In struct ion1) TO:托收行2) DATE_ 日期____________________77(五)托收指示COLLECTION INSTRUCTION(1)DATE:_托收日期 ___________________⑵PLEASE ALWAYS QUOTE OU交易编码__________________(3)MAIL TO: 代收行___________________________DEAR SIRS,TO:开证行DATE 开证日期WE ENCLOSEDRAFT(S) AND DOCUMENTAS UNDERMENTIONEDHICH PLEASE COLLECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS INDICATED HEREIN.ST1 MAIL票据要求(11) DRAFT ______________________(12) COMMERCIAL INVOICE ______________________(13) CLEAN ON BOARD OCEAN BILLS OF LADING _____________________(14) CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ______________________(15) PACKING LIST ______________________(16) REIMBURSEMENT INSTRUCTIONS(分):拨头寸指示(六)开证申请书IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT APPLICATION□Issue by airmail 开证方式□W ith brief advice by teletra nsmissi onCredit No. ***********□Issue by express delivery到期日和到期地点Date and place of expiryfreight [ ] to collect/[ ]prepaid []show ing freight amount ” and con sig ned to3.( ) In sura nee Policy/Certificate inclaims payable in_ ________________ ( )Airway bills/cargo receipt/copy of railway bills issued by _____________________________________ showingcopies for % of the in voice value show ing in curre ncy of the draft, bla nk en dorsed, coveri ng4. ( )Pack ing List/Weight Memo in _______ copies in dicati ng qua ntity, gross and weights of eachpackage5. ( ) Certificate of Quan tity/Weight in ____ copies issued by _____ ______6. ( ) Certificate of Quality in _________ _____ copies issued by [ ] manufacturer/] ] public recognizedsurveyor _____7. ( ) Certificate of Origi n in _______ copies issued by ___________________________________ 8. ( ) Ben eficiary ' s certified copy of fax/telex dispatched to the applica nt with in _____ h ours _________after shipme nt advis ingL/C No., n ame of vessel, date of shipme nt, n ame, qua ntity, weight and value of goods.Other docume nts, if anyDescripti on of goods:货物描述名称、规格数量单价包装 Additi onal in struct ions: 1241. ( ) All banking charges outside the opening bank are for beneficiary ' s account2. ( ) Docume nts must be prese nted withi n ______ days after date of issua nee of the tran sportdocume nts but with in the validity of this credit.3. ( ) Third party as shipper is not acceptable, Short Form/Bla nk B/L is not acceptable.4. ( ) Both qua ntity and credit amount ______ % more or less are allowed.5. ( ) All docume nts must be forwarded in _____________________()Other terms, if any。

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documents without commercial docuபைடு நூலகம்ents being
• 10.Trade on open account terms usually
satisfies the seller’s desire for cash and the
importer’s desire for credit(
• 7. “Payee J. Smith endorsed James Smith
pay to L.Green”, this is a__ A __ endorsement.
• A. specific B. blank D. restrictive
C. general
• 一、判断题(每题1分共10分)
• 1.Incoterms set out the obligation of the
buyer( F
• 2.Under the term CFR, it is the seller’s responsibility to procure the insurance for the goods transport ( F )
• 9、货物已越过船舷:the goods passed the ship’s rail
• 10、国际贸易合同是在与国内贸易合同完全不同的环 境下进行的
• international contracts must be prepared and negotiated in a completely
• 6. international settlements • 7. check • 8. crossing • 9. bill of exchange • 10. International remittance
• 11. Trust Reciept • 12. cancellation of the reimbursement • 13. Collection • 14. case of need • 15. documentary collection • 16. outward collection • 17. collection bill purchased • 18. D/P • 19. D/A • 20. demand draft
• 5.To the seller of the goods, the most
satisfactory arrangement as far as payment is
concerned is to receive it in advance ( T
• 6.The term FAS can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport ( T )
• (1) definition
• Financing by banks for exporters under documentary collection methods takes the form of collection bill purchased. Collection bill purchased means that the remitting bank purchases the documentary bill drawn by the exporter on the importer.
also named(B C )
• A. the principle B. drawee C. importer D.drawer
• 6.To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is___ B ____.
• A.letter of credit B.cash in advance • C.open account D.banker’s draft • 7. To the importer,the fastest and safest method
• 先翻译成中文,再用中文解释。内容基 本教材后面练习。
• 1.international trade
• International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for those produced in another country. In most cases countries do not trade the actual goods and services.Rather they use the income or money from the sale of their products to buy the products of another country.
• 9. The trade term CIF should be followed by__ A ___.
• A. named port of destination B. named port of shipment
• C. named place of destination D. named place
• 4) When the collection is paid, the collecting bank remits it to the remitting bank that has given the advance.
• (3) Comment评论
• Collection bill purchased, however, involves great risks for the remitting bank due to lack of a guarantee and, so, many remitting banks are unwilling to do so.
重点关注以下内容: 1、国际贸易的主要程序 2、贸易术语介绍 3、银行往来帐户 4、流通票据的当事人 5、汇票的票据行为 6、汇票与本票的不同之处
7、支票的清算 8、划线支票 9、汇兑业务流程 10、偿付方法 11、跟单托收业务流程 12、托收押汇与信托收据
• 例如:
• Bill purchased
• 4、In a documentary collection,the buyer’s bank is called (A D )
• A. collecting bank B. presenting Bank
• C. remitting bank D. importer’s bank • 5、In a documentary collection,the buyer is
• 6、国际贸易的主要参与者
• The major participants in international trade
• 7、商品检验条款: Commodity inspection clause
• 8 、 履 行 交 货 责 任 : fulfills his obligation to deliver
• 3.Documentary credit affords a high degree of
safety for both the buyer and seller ( T
• 4.Advance payment, open account, documentary collection and letter of credit are the usual means of payment to settle international trade tractions ( T )
• (2) Process
• 1)When the exporter hands the bill and the full set of shipping documents over to the remitting bank for collection of payment, the bank may purchase the documentary bill if the export goods enjoy great popularity in the market abroad and both the exporter and the importer are thought reliable.
• 10.
If a bill is payable “60 days
after date”, the date of payment is
decided according to__ C ___.
• A. the date of acceptance
• B. the date of presentation
• 2)The bank then sends the exporter the net amount after deducting from the face value the bank fees and the interest incurred.
• 3)Thus, the remitting bank becomes the holder of the documentary bill and sends the bill and documents to the collecting bank for presentation to the importer.