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Preoccupation, compulsive behavior, wariness oppressive energy and self-defeating behavior固执、强迫行为、警惕 性、压迫性和自毁性
Solution: get in touch with the stuck point.行为解决方法: 接触桎梏的地方。
Projection: the reverse of introjection; we disown certain aspect of ourselves by assigning them to the environment投射:投射的相反方向;我们通过把自 己的某个方面分配给环境而否定了自己的某些方面。
The Now 当下
Ask “what” and “how” instead of “why”询问“什么” 和“如何”而不是“为什么”
Our “power is in the present” 我们的“力量就在当下”
Nothing exists except the “now”除了“当下”之外什么都 不存在
Contact (connect) and Withdrawal (separate)
RESISTANCE TO CONTACT – the defenses we
develop to prevent us from experiencing the present fully抵抗连接——我们为阻止我们充分体验当下而 发展的防御措施。
Individuals have the capacity to self-regulate in their environment个人有能力在自己的环境中自我调节。
The process of “reowning” parts of oneself that have been disowned重新拥有被自己拒绝的部分的过程。
Pay attention to where energy is located, how it is used, and how it can be blocked注意能量的位置,如何使 用,以及如何阻止它。
Blocked energy (resistance):阻碍能量:
Tension some part of the body; numbing feelings, looking away from people when speaking, speaking with a restricted voice紧张存于身体的某一部分;麻木的感觉, 说话时目光远离人,说话声音受限。
Relationship Between Therapist and Client 客户与治疗师的关系
The quality of therapist-client relationship治疗师 与客户关系的质量很重要
Therapists knowing themselves治疗师了解自己
Clients are encouraged to become increasingly aware of their dominant style of blocking contact鼓励客户越 来越意识到其主要的抵制方式。
Energy and blocks to energy 能量和阻碍
Unfinished Business 未完结事项
Feelings about the past are unexpressed未表达的感受
These feelings are associated with distinct memories and fantasies这些感觉与独特的记忆和幻想有关。
Discovery (increasing awareness)发现(提高认 知)
Accommodation (recognizing that they have a choice)和解(认识到他们有选择)
Assimilation (influencing their environment)吸收 理解(影响他们的环境)
Contact and Resistances to Contact 连接和抵制
CONTACT – interacting with nature and with other
people without losing one’s individuality连接——与自 然和他人互动,而不丧失自我
Stay with their awareness, unfinished business will emerge.持续保持客户的认 知,未完成的事情就会出现。
Therapist’s function and Role 治疗师的作用与角色
Increase clients’ awareness提高客户意识 Pay attention to the present moment专注当下
Therapists share their experience to clients in the here-and-now治疗师与客户在“当下”分享自己 经历
Therapist Use of self in therapy在治疗中使用 自我
Therapeutic techniques and procedures 治疗的技术与流程
Confluence: less differentiation between the self and the environment.合并:减小自我与环境之间的差异。
e.g., a need to be accepted---to stay safe by going alone with other and not expressing one’s true feeling and opinions.例如,被接受的需要会通过与他人合并,而不 表达自己真实的感觉和观点来保持安全。
Feelings not fully experienced linger in the background and interfere with effective con来自百度文库act缺省的体验会在成长过程 中滞留,干扰积极的连接。
Pay attention on the bodily experience because if feelings are unexpressed they tend to result in physical symptom注 意身体的体验,因为如果感觉无法表达,就会导致身体 症状。
Retroflection: turning back to ourselves what we would like to do to someone else回顾:回到我们自己,我们 想对别人做什么?
Directing aggression inward that we are fearful to directing toward others. 我们害怕直接攻击他人
Five major channels of resistance:五大阻力通道:
Introjection 内向投射
• Deflection偏离
Projection 外向投射
• Confluence 合并
Retroflection 回顾
Contact and Resistances to Contact
The experiential work体验性工作方式
Use experiential work in therapy to work through the stuck points and get new insights在治疗中使用体验式工作来克 服困难点并获得新的见解。
Pay attention to clients’ body language, nonverbal language, and inconsistence b/w verbal and nonverbal message (e.g., anger and smile) 注意客户的肢体语言、非言语语言和 前后不一致的言语和非言语信息(如愤怒和 微笑)
Contact and Resistances to Contact 连接和抵制
Deflection: A way of avoiding contact and awareness by being vague or indirect.偏离:通过模糊或间接的 方式来避免接触和意识。
e.g., overuse of humor例如,过度使用幽默
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy 咨询理论与实践
Chapter8: Gestalt Therapy 第八章:格式塔疗法
View of Human Nature 人性观
Self-reliance and reintegration韧性与自我整合 Dialogue b/w client and therapist (therapist has no agenda客户
Recognize how their resistance is being expressed in their body认识到他们阻碍是如何透过身体表达的。
Exaggerate their tension and tightness in order to discover themselves夸大他们的紧张,以便自我觉知
“I” message 自我信息
Client’s Experience in Therapy 客户的咨询体验
Therapist no interpretation治疗师无解读
Client making their own interpretation 客户 做出自己的解释
Three-stage (Polster, 1987) 咨询的三个阶段 (波尔斯特,1987)
The past is gone and the future has not yet arrived过去已经 过去,未来还没有到来
For many people, the power of the present is lost对许 多人来说,现在的力量已经丧失了
They may focus on their past mistakes or engage in endless resolutions and plans for the future他们可能会专注于过去 的错误,或是为未来做出无休止的决定和计划。
Spontaneous; here and now experience自主体验 “当下”
Human nature is rooted in existential philosophy, phenomenology, and field theory人性植根于存在主义哲学、 现象和实践中。
Introjection: uncritically accept others’ belief and standards without thinking whether they are congruent with who we are内省:不加批判地接受他人的信仰 和标准,而不去思考他们是否与我们是一致的。
Therapeutic Goals 治疗目标
Increasing Awareness and greater choice提高认 识和创设选择
Awareness includes knowing the environment, knowing oneself, accepting oneself, and being able to make contact. 认知包括了解环境,了解 自己,接受自己,和能够连接。