电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)
为了确保您享受到优质的售后服务,我们郑重承诺:1. 退换货政策:如果您对所购商品不满意或有质量问题,您可以在购买日起30日内申请退换货。
2. 售后咨询服务:我们的客服团队将提供24小时在线咨询,并及时解答您的问题和疑虑。
3. 维修保修服务:我们承诺为您提供合格商品的维修保修服务。
4. 快速处理:我们将尽最大努力为您提供快速处理服务。
5. 客户满意度:您的满意度是我们最大的追求。
英文版After-sales Service CommitmentWe highly value your satisfaction and shopping experience. In order to ensure that you enjoy high-quality after-sales service, we make the following solemn commitments:1. Return and Exchange Policy: If you are unsatisfied with the purchased item or there is a quality issue, you can apply for a return or exchange within 30 days from the date of purchase. We will provide free return service or replace the item with a brand new one.2. After-sales Consultation Service: Our customer service team will provide 24/7 online consultation and promptly answer your questions and concerns.3. Repair and Warranty Service: We promise to provide repair and warranty services for eligible products. If there is a quality issue, you can enjoy free repair service within a certain period of time.4. Quick Processing: We will make every effort to provide you with quick processing service. Once you submit a return, exchange, or repair request, we will reply within 3 working days and resolve your issue as soon as possible.5. Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our utmost pursuit. If you have any dissatisfaction with our after-sales service, please feel free to contact us. We will carefully listen to your feedback and make every effort to improve.。
售后服务承诺书中英文对照版售后服务承诺书销售商(以下简称“甲方”)与购买用户(以下简称“乙方”)在购买商品后,为了保障乙方的购物权益,甲方特此承诺以下售后服务条款及条件:第一章:质量保证1.1 甲方保证所售商品为正品,并通过合法渠道购买。
1.2 商品质量问题在售后服务期内,乙方有权提供以下售后服务:(1)退货:若商品存在非人为损坏的质量问题,乙方可在收到商品后7日内提出退货申请,并在退货过程中不收取任何费用。
第二章:售后服务期限2.1 商品的售后服务期限为自乙方收到商品之日起,根据商品性质和售后说明进行确认。
第三章:售后服务流程3.1 乙方在享受售后服务时,应按照以下流程进行操作:(1)联系甲方客服提供相关信息,包括订单编号、商品问题描述等。
第四章:其他约定4.1 甲方承诺为乙方提供及时、周到的售后服务,确保乙方购物的满意度。
4.2 若乙方在使用商品过程中自身操作不当、维修非授权的情况下导致商品损坏,甲方将无法提供免费售后服务。
4.3 乙方需妥善保管商品发票、购物凭证等售后服务所需的相关证据,以便在需要时提供给甲方。
4.4 对于售后服务过程中的纠纷,甲方与乙方应友好协商解决。
This After-Sales Service Contract (the "Contract")") is entered into as of [Date] ("Effective Date"), between [Company Name] ("Company"), a company registered in [Country], having its registered office at [Company Address], and [Customer Name] ("Customer"), an individual or entity registered in [Country], having its address at [Customer Address] (collectively referred to as the "Parties").1. Scope of After-Sales Service1.1 The Company agrees to provide the Customer with after-sales services for the Products purchased by the Customer (the "Products") in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.1.2 The after-sales services provided by the Company include, but are not limited to, the following:a. Technical support and assistance by phone, email, or online chat during normal business hours.b. Troubleshooting and diagnosis of any technical issues related to the Products.c. Replacement or repair of defective Products within the warranty period.d. Provision of spare parts and accessories for the Products.e. Installation and demonstration of the Products.f. Training for the Customer's staff on the use and maintenance of the Products.2. Warranty2.1 The Company warrants that the Products shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of purchase (the "Warranty Period").2.2 The warranty does not cover any damage caused by misuse, improper installation, or any modifications made to the Products by the Customer or any third party.2.3 In the event of a defect covered by the warranty, the Customer shall notify the Company in writing within [Number of Days] days of the discovery of the defect.3. Service Response Time3.1 The Company shall respond to the Customer's request for after-sales service within [Number of Hours] hours from the time the request is received.3.2 The Company shall endeavor to resolve the issue within [Number of Days] days of receiving the request, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.4. Costs and Payment4.1 All costs associated with after-sales service, including labor, travel, and materials, shall be borne by the Customer unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.4.2 The Customer shall pay the Company for the after-sales services rendered within [Number of Days] days of the completion of the service.5. Confidentiality5.1 The Parties agree to keep all information exchanged during the course of this Contract confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].6.2 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiations between the Parties. If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, it shall be submitted to the [Name of Court or Arbitration Body] for arbitration in accordance with its rules.7. General Provisions7.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether written or oral.7.2 Any amendment or modification of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both Parties.7.3 If any provision of this Contract is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this After-Sales Service Contract as of the Effective Date.[Company Name]By: __________________________Name: [Signature]Title: [Position]Date: ________________[Customer Name]By: __________________________Name。
设备买卖英文合同模板这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!设备买卖英文合同模板合同双方:甲方:(以下简称“卖方”)地址:联系方式:乙方:(以下简称“买方”)地址:联系方式:鉴于卖方是设备的生产商和供应商,买方希望购买卖方的设备,双方经协商,达成如下合同条款:第一条:设备描述1.1 设备名称:____________________1.2 设备型号:____________________1.3 设备数量:____________________1.4 设备单价:____________________1.5 设备总价:____________________第二条:交付及交付方式2.1 卖方应在合同签订后的____个工作日内,将设备交付给买方。
2.3 交付方式:____________________第三条:支付方式3.1 买方应在设备交付后的____个工作日内,向卖方支付设备总价。
3.2 支付方式:____________________第四条:质量保证4.1 卖方保证所提供的设备符合国际质量标准,并承诺在交付后____个月内,对设备出现的非人为损坏问题提供免费维修或更换服务。
第五条:售后服务5.1 卖方应提供设备的安装、培训和维护服务。
5.2 售后服务费用:____________________第六条:违约责任6.1 如卖方未能按约定时间交付设备,应向买方支付合同总价____%的违约金。
6.2 如买方未能按约定时间支付设备总价,应向卖方支付合同总价____%的违约金。
第七条:争议解决7.1 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;如协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
第八条:其他8.1 合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年。
8.2 合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。
合同编号: [合同编号]签订日期: [签订日期]甲方(买方): [甲方名称]地址:[甲方地址]联系人:[甲方联系人]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方(卖方): [乙方名称]地址:[乙方地址]联系人:[乙方联系人]联系电话:[乙方联系电话]鉴于甲方有意向购买乙方提供的电子产品,乙方同意向甲方出售下列产品,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、产品规格及数量1. 产品名称:[产品名称]2. 型号:[产品型号]3. 规格参数:[详细规格参数]4. 数量:[购买数量]二、价格及支付方式1. 产品单价:[产品单价]2. 总价:[总价]3. 支付方式:甲方应在签订本合同之日起 [支付期限] 内,以以下方式支付乙方全部款项:- 银行转账:[银行名称],[收款账号],[收款人名称]- 现金支付:[具体支付时间及地点]三、交货时间及地点1. 交货时间:[交货时间]2. 交货地点:[交货地点]四、质量保证1. 乙方保证所售产品符合国家相关产品质量标准,并在产品保修期内对产品进行质量保证。
2. 产品保修期:[保修期]3. 保修期内,若产品出现质量问题,乙方应在接到甲方通知后 [响应时间] 内予以处理。
五、售后服务1. 乙方提供 [售后服务期限] 的售后服务。
2. 售后服务内容包括:产品使用指导、维修、更换零部件等。
3. 甲方在使用过程中遇到任何问题,应及时联系乙方,乙方将尽快予以解决。
六、违约责任1. 若甲方未按时支付款项,应向乙方支付 [违约金比例] 的违约金。
2. 若乙方未按时交货或交付不合格产品,应向甲方支付 [违约金比例] 的违约金。
3. 若任何一方违反本合同规定,给对方造成损失的,应承担相应的赔偿责任。
七、争议解决1. 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。
2. 若协商不成,任何一方均有权将争议提交至 [仲裁委员会名称] 仲裁。
3. 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。
八、其他1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
电子产品定制购销协议中英文版本合同目录一览1. 合同主体及定义1.1 甲方名称及定义1.2 乙方名称及定义1.3 甲方地址及定义1.4 乙方地址及定义1.5 甲方联系人及定义1.6 乙方联系人及定义2. 产品定制2.1 产品名称2.2 产品型号2.3 产品规格及技术参数2.4 定制数量2.5 产品单价2.6 总价3. 交付及验收3.1 交付时间3.2 交付地点3.3 验收方式3.4 验收合格标准3.5 售后服务4. 支付及结算4.1 支付方式4.2 付款时间4.3 发票开具4.4 结算周期4.5 违约金计算5. 保密条款5.1 保密内容5.2 保密期限5.3 违约责任6. 违约责任6.1 甲方违约责任6.2 乙方违约责任7. 争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 争议解决地点7.3 适用法律8. 合同的生效、变更和终止8.1 合同生效条件8.2 合同变更8.3 合同终止9. 其他条款9.1 不可抗力9.2 合同的解释权9.3 合同的修改和补充10. 英文版合同主体及定义10.1 甲方名称及定义10.2 乙方名称及定义10.3 甲方地址及定义10.4 乙方地址及定义10.5 甲方联系人及定义10.6 乙方联系人及定义11. 英文版产品定制11.1 产品名称11.2 产品型号11.3 产品规格及技术参数11.4 定制数量11.5 产品单价11.6 总价12. 英文版交付及验收12.1 交付时间12.2 交付地点12.3 验收方式12.4 验收合格标准12.5 售后服务13. 英文版支付及结算13.1 支付方式13.2 付款时间13.3 发票开具13.4 结算周期13.5 违约金计算14. 英文版违约责任、争议解决及其他条款14.1 违约责任14.2 争议解决14.3 其他条款第一部分:合同如下:第一条合同主体及定义1.1 甲方名称及定义1.2 乙方名称及定义1.3 甲方地址及定义甲方地址:甲方注册地址或合同约定的其他地址。
售后服务合同范本英文---After-Sales Service AgreementThis After-Sales Service Agreement (the "Agreement") is made on [Date] etween [Comany Name], with its registered office at [Address], (hereafter referred to as "Seller"), and [Customer Name], with its registered office at [Address], (hereinafter referred to as "uyer").1. urose:The urose of this Agreement is to estalish the terms and conditions under which the Seller will rovide after-sales service to the uyer for the roducts urchased under the urchase order numer [Order Numer].2. Scoe of Services:The after-sales services to e rovided y the Seller shall include the following:a. Technical suort and trouleshooting assistance.. Reair or relacement of defective arts.c. rovision of udates and ugrades where alicale.d. User training and guidance.e. Regular maintenance and check-us.f. Customer suort through various channels such as hone, email, and live chat.3. Service Duration:The Seller shall rovide after-sales service for a eriod of [Service Duration], starting from the date of delivery of the roduct.4. Resonse Time:The Seller shall resond to the uyer's service requests within [Resonse Time Frame], working days. In case of emergency situations, the resonse time shall e reduced to [Emergency Resonse Time].5. Warranty:a. The Seller warrants that the roducts sold under this Agreement will e free from defects in materials and workmanshi for a eriod of [Warranty eriod].. If any defects are found within the warranty eriod, the Seller shall reair or relace the defective roducts without any charge to the uyer.6. Limitation of Liaility:The Seller's liaility under this Agreement shall not exceed the total rice aid y the uyer for the roducts covered y this Agreement.7. Indemnification:The Seller shall indemnify the uyer against any loss or damage caused y the Seller's reach of this Agreement, rovided that the uyer has notified the Seller in writing within [Notice eriod].8. Governing Law:This Agreement shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Law Country].9. Disute Resolution:Any disute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall e resolved through friendly negotiation etween the arties. If negotiation fails, the arties agree to sumit the disute to [Disute Resolution Method].10. Termination:Either arty may terminate this Agreement uon [Termination Notice eriod] written notice to the other arty if the other arty fails to fulfill its oligations under this Agreement.11. General rovisions:a. No amendment to this Agreement shall e effective unless made in writing and signed y oth arties.. This Agreement suersedes all rior agreements and understandings etween the arties, whether written or oral.c. If any rovision of this Agreement is found to e invalid or unenforceale, the remaining rovisions shall remain in full force and effect.12. Entire Agreement:This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement etween the arties and suersedes all rior negotiations, reresentations, and understandings, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the arties have executed this Agreement as of the date first aove written.[Seller Name]y: ___________________________Name: [Titleosition]Date: ___________________________ [uyer Name]y: ___________________________ Name: [Titleosition] Date: ___________________________ ---。
English After-sales Service Contract TemplateThis English After-sales Service Contract Template is designed to establish the terms and conditions of the after-sales service agreement between a seller (hereinafter referred to as "Supplier") and a buyer (hereinafter referred to as "Customer") for a product or equipment.1. Scope of After-sales Service1.1 The Supplier agrees to provide the Customer with after-sales service, including but not limited to the following:(a) Maintenance and repair of the product or equipment;(b) Technical support and advice;(c) Spare parts supply;(d) Training for the Customer's personnel.1.2 The after-sales service shall be provided in accordance with the Supplier's standard service procedures and policies.2. Warranty Terms2.1 The Supplier warrants that the product or equipment shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [warranty period] from the date of delivery.2.2 During the warranty period, the Supplier agrees to repair or replace any defective product or equipment at its own expense, subject to the following conditions:(a) The Customer must provide the Supplier with a written notice of the defect within [warranty notice period];(b) The defect must be confirmed by the Supplier;(c) The product or equipment must have been used, stored, and maintained in accordance with the Supplier's instructions and guidelines.2.3 The Supplier's warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse, mishandling, accident, or any factors beyond the Supplier's control.3. After-sales Service Fees3.1 The Customer agrees to pay the Supplier the following fees for the after-sales service:(a) Maintenance and repair: [fee];(b) Technical support and advice: [fee];(c) Spare parts: [fee];(d) Training: [fee].3.2 The Supplier may adjust the after-sales service fees from time to time with prior notice to the Customer.4. Service Hours and Response Time4.1 The Supplier agrees to provide after-sales service during the following hours: [service hours].4.2 The Supplier shall respond to the Customer's service requests within [response time] hours after receiving the request.5. Customer's Responsibilities5.1 The Customer shall provide the Supplier with necessary information and access to the product or equipment for the purpose of providingafter-sales service.5.2 The Customer shall use the product or equipment in accordance with the Supplier's instructions and guidelines.5.3 The Customer shall promptly notify the Supplier of any changes in the product or equipment's operating environment or any other circumstances that may affect the performance of the product or equipment.6. Term and Termination6.1 This after-sales service contract shall be effective for a period of [term] from the date of delivery.6.2 either party may terminate this contract by giving written notice to the other party in advance of [termination notice period].7. Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this after-sales service contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [arbitration institution].7.2 The seat of arbitration shall be [arbitration seat], and the language of arbitration shall be [language].8. Governing LawThis after-sales service contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [governing law].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this after-sales service contract as of the date first above written.Supplier: _______________________________By: _______________________________Name:Title:Customer: _______________________________By: _______________________________Name:Title:。
电脑购销英文合同范本Computer Purchase and Sale ContractThis Computer Purchase and Sale Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Buyer's name] (the "Buyer") and [Seller's name] (the "Seller").1. Product DescriptionThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase [brand and model of the puter] puters (the "Computers").2. Quantity and PriceThe quantity of Computers to be purchased is [number of puters], and the unit price is $[price per puter]. The total price for all Computers is $[total price].3. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the Computers to the Buyer's designated location on or before [delivery date].4. PaymentThe Buyer shall pay the total price to the Seller within [number of days for payment] days after the receipt of the Computers.5. WarrantyThe Seller warrants that the Computers will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [warranty period] months from the date of delivery.6. InspectionThe Buyer has the right to inspect the Computers upon delivery. If any defects or non-conformities are found, the Buyer shall notify the Seller within [number of days for notification] days.7. Limitation of LiabilityNeither party shall be liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with this Contract.8. TerminationIn the event of a material breach of this Contract either party, the other party may terminate this Contract upon written notice.9. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable law].10. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration organization].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Contract as of the date first above written.Buyer: [Buyer's signature]Seller: [Seller's signature]Please note that this is just a sample and can be customized according to your specific needs and circumstances.。
电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)
电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)Computer Sales and After-sales Service Agreement鉴于甲方是一家电脑销售商,乙方是一位顾客,双方就电脑买卖及售后服务事宜达成以下协议:第一章:订单1.1 订购电脑:乙方确认向甲方购买电脑,并提供所需的型号、配置和其他定制需求。
1.2 付款方式:乙方应按照甲方要求的付款方式支付订单金额。
1.3 订单确认:甲方收到乙方支付的订单金额后,将确认订单,并开始处理。
1.4 订单取消:乙方如需取消订单,应在收到订单确认前提出,否则可能需要支付相应的取消费用。
第二章:交付与验收2.1 交付时间:甲方将在双方约定的时间内将电脑交付给乙方。
2.2 运输责任:甲方将承担电脑在运输过程中的损坏或丢失风险,但乙方在签收前应检查包装完好和电脑是否有明显损坏。
2.3 验收:乙方应在交付后的48小时内对电脑进行验收,如发现问题应立即联系甲方。
第三章:保修服务3.1 产品保修:乙方购买的电脑享有甲方提供的售后保修服务,具体保修期限及范围详见附件1。
3.2 保修处理:乙方遇到电脑故障时,应联系甲方提供的售后服务渠道,甲方将根据保修政策处理维修或更换。
第四章:责任限制4.1 甲方责任:甲方依据本协议的约定提供电脑买卖和售后服务,但不对由以下情况导致的损失承担责任:a) 被非法修改或擅自拆卸;b) 受到水、火、意外事故等不可抗力的损坏;c) 未经授权的维修、保养或操作;d) 自然损耗、正常磨损或人为损坏。
第五章:争议解决5.1 本协议的履行和解释适用中华人民共和国法律。
5.2 对于因本协议引起的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
售后服务条款样本■ 安装及调试:●产品出厂后由公司指派专业人员免费进行指导安装,同时可免费协助安装单位进行设备调试。
■ 考察及培训:●用户可随时到工厂进行实地考察,公司免费对用户操作人员进行现场培训(包括设备原理,构造,设备的使用,设备的维护,设备的养护,设备的维修等)。
■ 维修:●公司在各地设立专业维修中心,在接到用户维修电话24 小时内到达现场。
●产品保修期为产品出厂后18 个月,产品出厂后发现产品本身质量问题,公司对产品实行三包:保修、包退、包换。
●产品更新换代,原配件保留10 年供应权。
■ 保养:●公司可与用户签订维护保养协议,由公司派有关人员对设备进行定期维护保养。
■ Installation and Adjustment:● After the product has been sold, we will send specialist to guide theinstallation free of charge, and assist the installation unit in performing adjustment.■ Inspection and Training:● The use may come to our factory for inspection at any time. For those users located in Beijing, we will perform the on-site training to the operators of the user’s free of change, covering such contents as equipment theory, structure, operation, maintenance and repair, etc.■ Ma intenance and Repair:● There are specialized maintenance centers all over established by us. They are able to arrive at the site for maintenance within 24 hours after receiving a receiving a request from the user.● We have spare parts and products of all models needed, able to be provided to the users at any time.● All the maintenance and repair personnel of company and its agents have been strictly trained, They have acquired the professional skills and are qualified for maintenance, fully capable of satisfying the user’s maintenance needs.● The warranty period of our products is 18 months form purchase. If a defective is found due to qualified problems of the product, we will perform three commitments: repair, replace and refund.● During warranty period the labor and transportation costs for ma intenance are free of charge; out of this period we charge only a little of the labor and transportation costs. If a problem is due to the quality issue of the product itself, we will provide the spare parts needed free of charge, if necessary, replace the product. If a problem occurred is due to the user’s improper operation or installation reasons, we will collect the spare parts only.● When any product has been updated, its original spare parts are guaranteed to be provided for 10 years.● We will visit the user’s site regularly to solve real problem and guarantee the use of the product by the user.■ Maintenance:● A maintenance agreement can be signed between manufacture and the user, by which we can dispatch personnel to the user’s site for regular ma intenance on the product.。
电脑购销英文合同范本合同编号:_______日期:_______卖方:名称:_______地址:_______联系人:_______买方:名称:_______地址:_______联系人:_______鉴于卖方愿意出售,买方愿意购买电脑,双方特此达成如下协议:1. 产品描述型号:_______数量:_______配置:_______价格:_______2. 交付2.1 卖方应在合同签署后_______个工作日内将产品交付给买方。
2.2 产品的交付地点为:_______。
2.3 产品的运输和保险费用由_______承担。
3. 付款3.1 买方应在收到产品后_______个工作日内支付合同总价。
3.2 付款方式为:_______。
4. 保证和售后服务4.1 卖方保证产品符合合同规定的质量、规格和性能要求。
4.2 卖方应在产品交付后提供_______年的免费售后服务。
5. 违约责任5.1 如卖方未能按合同约定的时间交付产品,应向买方支付违约金,违约金的计算方式为:_______。
5.2 如买方未能按合同约定的时间支付款项,应向卖方支付违约金,违约金的计算方式为:_______。
6. 争议解决6.1 本合同的解释和执行均适用_______法律。
6.2 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的任何争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向_______法院提起诉讼。
7. 其他条款7.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
7.2 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年电子产品购销协议中英文版本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语1.1 合同各方1.2 电子产品1.3 购销数量1.4 交付地点与时间1.5 价格与支付1.6 质量标准1.7 售后服务1.8 违约责任1.9 争议解决1.10 合同的生效、变更与终止1.11 法律适用与争议解决1.12 保密条款1.13 合同的份数与签署1.14 其他条款第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与术语1.1 合同各方1.1.1 甲方:指(填写甲方全称)1.1.2 乙方:指(填写乙方全称)1.2 电子产品1.2.1 指本合同附件中规定的产品(产品名称、型号、规格等详细信息)1.3 购销数量1.3.1 购销数量:根据附件中规定的具体数量(填写数量)1.4 交付地点与时间1.4.1 交付地点:(填写具体交付地点)1.4.2 交付时间:按照甲方需求分批次交付,具体批次和交付时间见附件(附件中填写具体批次和交付时间)1.5 价格与支付1.5.1 价格:产品价格为(填写价格),根据附件中规定进行调整1.5.2 支付方式:(填写支付方式,如银行转账、承兑汇票等)1.5.3 支付时间:(填写支付时间,如交付后多少天内支付)1.6 质量标准1.6.1 产品质量应符合(填写相关标准名称,如GB/T某某标准)1.6.2 检测方法:(填写检测方法,如目视检查、功能测试等)1.6.3 乙方应在交付后(填写时间)内提供产品质量保证书1.7 售后服务1.7.1 乙方应在交付后(填写时间)内提供操作培训和技术支持1.7.2 乙方应在(填写时间范围内)内负责产品的维修和更换1.8 违约责任1.8.1 若乙方未能按照约定时间、数量交付产品,应向甲方支付违约金,违约金为合同金额的(填写比例)1.8.2 若甲方未能按照约定时间支付款项,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金为合同金额的(填写比例)1.9 争议解决1.9.1 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决1.9.2 若协商不成,任何一方均有权将争议提交(填写争议解决机构名称,如某仲裁委员会)仲裁1.10 合同的生效、变更与终止1.10.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效1.10.2 合同的变更需经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认1.10.3 合同终止的条件和程序见附件1.11 法律适用与争议解决1.11.1 本合同的签订、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律1.12 保密条款1.12.1 双方在合同履行过程中获取的对方商业秘密和机密信息,应予以严格保密1.12.2 保密期限自本合同生效之日起算,至合同终止或履行完毕之日止1.13 合同的份数与签署1.13.1 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份1.13.2 本合同自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效1.14 其他条款1.14.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充1.14.2 本合同的修改和补充,应以书面形式进行,并与本合同具有同等法律效力2. 交付与验收2.1 交付方式:(填写交付方式,如物流运输、自提等)2.2 验收标准:(填写验收标准,如外观检查、功能测试等)2.3 验收时间:(填写验收时间,如交付后多少天内进行验收)2.4 验收结果:(填写验收结果,如合格、不合格等)2.5 验收记录:(填写验收记录的保存方式和时间)3. 检验与保证3.1 产品质量检验:(填写检验项目、检验方法、检验周期等)3.2 产品质量保证:(填写保证期限、保证内容等)3.3 乙方对产品进行的改进和维修,应不影响产品质量和性能4. 知识产权4.1 乙方保证其销售的电子产品不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权4.2 乙方应承担因侵犯第三方知识产权而引起的一切责任和损失5. 风险承担5.1 产品交付后,风险由甲方承担,但乙方应负责产品质量问题5.2 乙方在交付产品前,应采取适当措施防止损失和损害6. 违约责任6.1 乙方未按约定时间、数量交付产品的,应向甲方支付违约金6.2 甲方未按约定时间支付款项的,应向乙方支付违约金7. 争议解决7.1 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决7.2 若协商不成,任何一方均有权将争议提交某仲裁委员会仲裁8. 合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效8.2 合同的变更需经双方协商一致,并以书面形式确认8.3 合同终止的条件和程序见附件9. 法律适用与争议解决9.1 本合同的签订、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律10. 保密条款10.1 双方在合同履行过程中获取的对方商业秘密和机密信息,应予以严格保密10.2 保密期限自本合同生效之日起算,至合同终止或履行完毕之日止11. 合同的份数与签署11.1 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份11.2 本合同自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效12. 其他条款12.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充12.2 本合同的修改和补充,应以书面形式进行,并与本合同具有同等法律效力13. 附件13.1 附件包括产品详细描述、交付时间表、付款方式等具体信息13.2 附件为本合同不可分割的一部分,与合同具有同等法律效力14. 签署14.1 本合同由双方代表签字,并加盖公司公章后生效第二部分:其他补充性说明和解释说明一:附件列表:附件一:产品详细描述详细描述产品的名称、型号、规格、性能参数、技术标准等。
This Contract is made and entered into this [Date] between the following parties:Seller:[Full Legal Name of Seller][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Contact Person][Phone Number][Email Address]Buyer:[Full Legal Name of Buyer][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Contact Person][Phone Number][Email Address]WHEREAS, the Seller is engaged in the business of selling computers and related equipment, and the Buyer desires to purchase certain computer equipment from the Seller, and the parties have agreed to the following terms and conditions:1. Sale of Equipment:The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following computer equipment (the "Equipment") described below:Description of Equipment:- Brand: [Brand Name]- Model: [Model Number]- Processor: [Processor Type]- Memory: [RAM Size]- Storage: [Hard Drive Size]- Operating System: [Operating System]- Additional Features: [List any additional features or software included]2. Quantity:The quantity of the Equipment to be sold is [Number of Units].3. Price:The purchase price for the Equipment (the "Price") is [Amount in Currency]. The Price includes all applicable taxes, but does not include shipping and handling fees, which shall be borne by the Buyer.4. Payment Terms:The Buyer shall pay the Seller the full Price within [Number of Days] days from the date of this Contract. Payment shall be made by [Payment Method] to the Seller’s designated bank account or via an electronic payment platform.5. Delivery:The Seller shall deliver the Equipment to the Buyer at the Buyer's designated address within [Number of Days] days from the date of receipt of full payment. Delivery shall be made during regular business hours and the Buyer shall be responsible for inspecting the Equipment upon delivery.6. Warranties:The Seller warrants that the Equipment will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Number of Days] days from thedate of delivery. The Seller agrees to repair or replace any defective Equipment covered by this warranty at no additional cost to the Buyer, subject to the following conditions:- The Buyer must notify the Seller of any defects within the warranty period.- The Buyer must provide proof of purchase and delivery.- The Seller's warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, misuse, or damage caused by external causes.7. Limitation of Liability:In no event shall the Seller be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the sale of the Equipment, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of data, even if the Seller has been advised of the possibility of such damages.8. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].9. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.10. Amendments:Any amendment or modification of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.11. Signatures:The parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Seller:_________________________Buyer:_________________________Witness:_________________________[Name][Title][Date]Note:This is a sample contract and should be reviewed and customized by a legal professional to meet the specific needs and circumstances of the parties involved.。
电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)
电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)电脑买卖及售后服务协议本协议由买方(以下简称“甲方”)与卖方(以下简称“乙方”)共同签订,针对电脑的买卖及售后服务等相关事宜,双方遵循自愿、平等的原则,达成如下协议:________第一章买卖合同1. 甲方同意购买乙方所出售的以下电脑产品(以下简称“商品”):________商品名称:____________________________规格型号:____________________________数量:____________________________单价:____________________________2. 乙方同意向甲方出售上述商品,并保证商品的质量符合相关的技术标准和法律法规的要求。
3. 甲方应在购买商品时支付全部的购买款项。
第二章商品交付1. 商品应在双方约定的交货期内交付给甲方,交付方式为_______________。
2. 甲方收到商品后应进行验收,如发现商品有质量问题或与约定规格不符等情况,甲方有权拒绝验收,并要求乙方进行处理。
3. 交付后的商品,由甲方自行负责保管和使用。
第三章商品质量保证及服务1. 乙方承诺所售商品具备商用标准的合格质量,并保证商品在正常使用条件下有效运行。
2. 商品质量保证期为____个月/年(以乙方的保修条款为准),自商品交付之日起计算。
3. 在质量保证期内,如商品出现质量问题,甲方可向乙方提出保修申请,并提供足够的证明材料以支持其保修申请,乙方应根据具体情况提供相应的维修、更换或退货服务。
第四章售后服务1. 乙方应提供完善的售后服务,包括但不限于维修、技术咨询等,以确保甲方能够正常使用所购买的商品。
2. 如甲方需要售后服务,应及时与乙方联系,提供相关证据和描述商品故障的详细情况。
3. 乙方应在收到甲方的售后服务请求后,及时响应并提供解决方案,如需要维修或返厂维修,乙方应承担相应的费用。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年电子产品销售协议英文正式版一本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语解释1.1 合同双方1.2 电子产品1.3 销售数量1.4 销售价格1.5 交付日期1.6 交付地点1.7 违约金1.8 争议解决1.9 法律适用1.10 合同生效2. 销售产品的描述2.1 产品规格2.2 产品质量标准2.3 产品商标与专利3. 销售数量与价格3.1 销售数量3.2 销售价格3.3 价格调整4. 交付与运输4.1 交付方式4.2 运输责任4.3 延误与损坏5. 支付条款5.1 支付方式5.2 支付时间5.3 利息与罚金6. 保修与售后服务6.1 保修期限6.2 售后服务承诺7. 违约责任7.1 卖方违约7.2 买方违约8. 争议解决8.1 协商解决8.2 调解8.3 仲裁8.4 法律诉讼9. 合同的变更与终止9.1 合同变更9.2 合同终止10. 保密条款10.1 保密义务10.2 例外情况10.3 违约责任11. 适用法律与管辖11.1 法律适用11.2 争议管辖12. 合同的生效、修改与解除12.1 合同生效12.2 合同修改12.3 合同解除13. 合同附件13.1 产品清单13.2 技术参数13.3 其他文件14. 其他条款14.1 不可抗力14.2 合同转让14.3 附件说明14.4 合同的语言版本第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与术语解释1.1 合同双方1.2 电子产品电子产品包括但不限于:智能手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能穿戴设备等。
1.3 销售数量本合同项下的销售数量为[具体数量],具体产品名称、型号及数量详见附件一。
1.4 销售价格本合同项下的销售价格为[价格],根据产品名称、型号和销售数量计算得出。
电脑买卖及售后服务协议(中英文)电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)AGREEMENT OF COMPUTER PURCHASE AND MAINTENANCE甲方(买受人):Party A (the buyer)乙方 (出卖人):Party B:(the seller)根据甲乙双方友好协商,并依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,就甲方办公电脑由乙方进行销售安装,特签订本合同。
双方遵守以下条款:Through friendly consultation by parties hereto,and in accordence to the provisions of People's Republic of China Law of Contract, parties hereto conclude and inter into this contract on the pa rty B’s sale and installment of computer to party A for observance of parties hereto.一、乙方售出的电脑应通过专业人员测试,符合国家《产品质量法》、《标准化法》相关规定,器材于售出前都在设备的特定位置贴有保修封条。
All computers sold by party B are tested by professional and conform to the related prescriptions of Law of Product Quality and Law of Standardization. Prior to sale of computer and other equipments the maintenance seal shall gluded on the special place on sold equipment.二、售出的器材,都由乙方专业人员传授器材的使用方法,必要时并作适当的技术培训。
电脑销售合同范本 英文
电脑销售合同范本英文Computer Sales ContractThis Computer Sales Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between [seller's name] (the "Seller") and [buyer's name] (the "Buyer").1. Product DescriptionThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the following puter(s) (the "Computers"): [list the detls of the puters, such as model, configuration, etc.].2. Price and PaymentThe total price for the Computers is [amount] (the "Purchase Price"). The Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price to the Seller in accordance with the payment terms as follows: [specify the payment terms, such as down payment, installments, etc.].3. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the Computers to the Buyer at the address specified the Buyer within [number of days] days after the receipt of full payment. The risk of loss or damage to the Computers shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.4. WarrantyThe Seller warrants that the Computers will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [number of months/years] from the date of delivery. In the event of a defect, the Seller shall repr or replace the defective Computers at its own expense.5. Limitation of LiabilityNeither the Seller nor the Buyer shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in connection with this Contract, except to the extent such damages are caused the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the liable party.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract in the event of a material breach the other party. Notice of termination shall be given in writing.7. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Seller and the Buyer with respect to the sale of the Computers and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, negotiations, or understandings, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Seller: [signature of seller]Buyer: [signature of buyer]。
电脑英文销售合同合同编号:[Contract Numer]签订日期:[Date]签订地点:[Location]甲方(卖方):[Seller's Name]地址:[Seller's Address]联系方式:[Seller's Contact Information]乙方(买方):[Buyer's Name]地址:[Buyer's Address]联系方式:[Buyer's Contact Information]鉴于甲乙双方同意按照以下条款进行电脑产品的买卖,现订立本合同:1. 产品描述本合同所涉及的电脑产品(以下简称“产品”)详细规格、型号、数量及价格如下:- 型号:[Model]- 规格:[Secifications]- 数量:[Quantity]- 单价:[Unit Price]- 总价:[Total Price]2. 交付条件甲方应在合同签订后的[X]个工作日内将产品交付至乙方指定地点。
3. 付款方式乙方应在收到产品并经检验无误后[Y]个工作日内,通过[Z]方式支付全部货款至甲方指定账户。
4. 质量保证甲方保证所售产品为全新正品,无任何质量缺陷,并提供自交货之日起[A]月的质保服务。
5. 违约责任如一方未能履行合同中的任何义务,应向对方支付违约金,金额为未履行部分合同总额的[B]%。
6. 争议解决因本合同引起的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。
7. 法律适用本合同的签订、效力、解释、变更、执行及争议解决均适用甲方所在地的法律。
8. 其他条款[如有其他约定,双方可在此另行书面说明。
]9. 生效条件本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方代表(签字):[Seller's Reresentative Signature]日期:[Date]乙方代表(签字):[Buyer's Reresentative Signature]日期:[Date]。
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电脑买卖及售后服务协议(中英文)(2011-12-14 07:36:15)转载▼分类:买卖补偿贸易合同标签:电脑买卖协议杂谈电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)AGREEMENT OF COMPUTER PURCHASE AND MAINTENANCE 甲方(买受人):Party A (the buyer)乙方 (出卖人):Party B:(the seller)根据甲乙双方友好协商,并依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,就甲方办公电脑由乙方进行销售安装,特签订本合同。
双方遵守以下条款:Through friendly consultation by parties hereto,and in accordence to the provisions of People's Republic of China Law of Contract, parties hereto conclude and inter into this contract on the party B’s sale and installment of computer to party A for observance of parties hereto.一、乙方售出的电脑应通过专业人员测试,符合国家《产品质量法》、《标准化法》相关规定,器材于售出前都在设备的特定位置贴有保修封条。
All computers sold by party B are tested by professional and conform to the related prescriptions of Law of Product Quality and Law of Standardization. Prior to sale of computer and other equipments the maintenance seal shall gluded on the special place on sold equipment.二、售出的器材,都由乙方专业人员传授器材的使用方法,必要时并作适当的技术培训。
The application method with the sold equipments shall be provided by party B’s professional. At any necessary appropriate technical training shall be made for party A.三、所有器材自售出即日起,一年内由器材本身质量所产生的故障,将实行:Any failure or malfunction due to equipment’s itself from and on the date of selling will be treated by ways as below:1、三个月保换;Exchange same model product within three months from the date of selling.2、三年内免费保修;Maintenance free of charge within three years form the date of selling;四、从系统验收后起,三个月的保用期内,若因设备本身质量问题发生故障,乙方予以更换同型号新产品;Where any failure or malfunction of equipment’s quality arise within three months from and on the date of check and acceptance of equipment system by party A, party B shall replace new product of same model.五、保修期为三年。
于接到用户故障后,即时派专业人员到场;Guarranty period is three years, within which party B shall provide maintenance service free of charge to party A and send professional to the scene as soon as possible upon receiving party A’S trouble notice.六、发生如下因素之一,所造成的损失故障,不属保用、保修范围,乙方恕不负任何经济责任:The loss / malfunction being produced or due to one of factors or couses below is not within maintenance and warranty, and no any economical responsibility borne by party B.1、非属乙方之专业维修人员或工程人员撕毁保修封条,拆开机器的;Not specialty of serviceman or the project personnel of our company tears maintains seal, disassembles the machine;2、火灾,电击、外界物体倒塌或其它自然灾害所导致的设备损坏;Fire,electric shock, outside object collapse or other natural disasters causes make the equipment damage.3、非乙方职工或非乙方授权使用者使用,或使用权用者进行操作造成的人为故障;Failure or malfunction due to non- party B staff or non-user authrized by party B or man-made by authrized operator.七、乙方出售并施工安装的器材于工程验收后,都必须建档,并填写“设备备案卡”。
以后器材的维修运行情况都应填入此卡;Card of equipment record should be filled in after the acceptanceof work on party B sell and install equipment and make files related the same.八、甲方若有功能的增加或服务需求,均以双方书面、电子邮件或传真为依据,所有变动,都以双方负责人确认为准。
Where the increase or function or service demand by party A, parties hereto’s writing, e-miel or facsimile should be as proof on the same. Any and all alteration in relation to this contractual subject should be affirmed by the officials in charge of parties hereto.九、设备维护期:term of Maintenance自年月日起from the date of month year至年月日止,为期月till the date of month year, is months.十、付款及交货方式:payment and delivery1)全部合同款项,合计总金额为…元人民币,安装完毕后,甲方采用一次性付清全部款(用支票汇款)给乙方。
Total contractual sum equals the aggregate amount for RMB , upon Party B finish installs Party A shall make payment in a lump sum (with check remittance) to Party B.2)运输方式和费用负担:transport and fee乙方按甲方要求安装调试好提供给甲方,运输费由乙方承担。
The Party B shall, according to Party A request ,installs equipmnet and provides to Party A at Party B’s transportation expense.3)交货日期:delivers the date:4)交货地点:delivery place十一:双方责任Responsibility of parties hereto乙方责任Responsibility of Party B:1、必须保证上述产品为原厂生产的并从正式的、合法的渠道进口;Party B guarantee the products hereabove made by origenal manufacturer and imported legally.2、保修标准:由甲方验收合格之日起按生产厂家保修标准执行;Maintenance standard executed by Party B shall be according to manufacturer’s maintenance standard as of the date of acceptance by Party A.3、保修及维护方式:乙方对提供的设备提供三年的免费维护服务(若硬件出现故障,不能及时解决,乙方需及时提供同型号产品临时代用)。
Maintenance and its service: Party B should provide three year’s service of maintenance for equipment provided by Party B, if hardware occur faulure and cannot solve in time, Party B should provide same model product for temporary substitution. Where Party A’s equipment occur failuer and inform Party B, Party B’s technical professional should arrive the site within six working hours.甲方责任 Responsibility of Party A1、货到后立即验收,如发现问题,应于7日之内电话通知乙方解决或要求更换,否则视为验收合格。