



CONFINDENTIALITY AGREEMENTFOR XXX CO., LTD.上海恒润数码影像科技有限公司保密协议This CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT is made and effective on the [ ] day of [ ], 2006 by and between XXX CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as OWNER) and someone who was transmitted the proprietary information by OWNER (hereinafter called RECIPIENT).本保密协议由XXX有限公司(以下简称“所有方”)与保密信息的接受方(以下简称“接受方”),于2006年[ ]月[ ]日共同签署。

OWNER:Legal Representative:Address:所有方:法定代表人:地址:RECIPIENT:Legal Representative:Address:接受方:法定代表人:地址:Both OWNER and RECIPIENT agree as follows:所有方与接受方达成如下协议:1. Confidential Information保密信息1.1 OWNER’s Confidential Information is any information which OWNER identifies asconfidential and delivers to RECIPIENT orally, in writing or by any other media, or allows RECIPIENT to observe at OWNER’s facilities which relates to OWNER’s business, including but not limited to drawings, specifications, production schedules, marketing, application, test data, manufacturing lines, processes, machine tools, samples or the like with the following exceptions:本协议所称保密信息指:所有方认为应当保密的通过口头、书面或者其他媒体途径披露给接受方,或者由接受方利用所有方的设备亲自获取的,与所有方业务有关的所有信息,包括但不限于:图纸、规格、生产计划、市场、申请书、文本数据、生产流程、工艺、设备工具、样品及其他类似信息,但以下情况中获得的信息除外:a) Information that is explicitly approved for release by OWNER所有方明确公开的信息b) Information that was already known by RECIPIENT, as shown by RECIPIENT’s writtenrecords, prior to receiving the information from OWNER or is given to RECIPIENT by a third party through no wrongful act on the part of RECIPIENT or the third party.在所有方向接受方披露之前,披露方的书面记录中已经显示的信息,或者由第三方通过合法途径获得并以合法方式披露给接受方的信息;c) Information that is known or available to the general public.众所周知的信息。



Mutual Confidentiality Agreement相互保密协议between本协议由Name[address]hereinafter referred to as PARTNER以下简称合作方and与公司名地址hereinafter referred to as 公司简称以下简称XXX签订。

Subject of discussion (“Purpose”):讨论主题(“目的”):…………………………………Whereas, the Parties intend to enhance their commercial relationship relating to the purpose as stipulated above. Whereas, during the commercial relationship it will be necessary for each party to disclose to the other party information of a confidential or proprietary nature.鉴于,双方计划加强双方之间关于上述目的的商业关系。


Therefore the parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions governing the exchange of such information:因此,双方同意下列条件和条款适用于信息的交换:1. Proprietary Information专有信息1.1 "Proprietary Information" shall be all information of a proprietary nature which is disclosed by one party or on its behalf (the "Disclosing Party") to the other party or any of its employees or agents (the "Receiving Party") orally, in writing, or by drawings or inspection of parts or equipment, by demonstrating or in any other form, including, but not limited to samples, materials, articles, drawings, technical data or know-how relating to a party’s research, products, product ideas, services, inventions, manufacturing processes, software programs, production techniques, purchasing, accounting, assembly, distribution, engineering, marketing, merchandising and/or sales, etc. of theDisclosing Party. If the Proprietary Information is embodied in tangible material (including without limitation, software, hardware, drawings, graphs, charts, disks, tapes, prototypes and samples) it shall be labeled as “Proprietary” or “Confidential”.“专有信息”应指由一方或代表一方(“披露方”)以口头、书面,或零件或设备的绘图或验收,演示或其他任何方式披露给另一方或其任何职员或代理人(“接收方”)的具有专有性的所有信息,包括但不限于属于披露方的与其研究、产品、产品创意、服务、发明、制造工序、软件程序、生产工艺、采购、记账、组装、配送、工程、市场、推销和/或销售等相关的样品、材料、商品、图纸、技术信息或专有技术等。



NDA 保密协议中英文MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT保密协议This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreeme nt(this “ Agreeme nt” ) en tered in to this ___ by and betwee nName: ___________________________________________________________Compa ny: _______________________________________________________Address: _______________________________________________________(Here in after referred to as the "Compa ny")AndName: ____________________________________________________Compa ny:SHENZHEN LIGHT VENUS ELECTRONICS FACTORYAddress:Building 6, Shayi Western Industrial Zone, ShaJing BaoAn, ___ She nZhe n China, P.C.518104(Here in after referred to as the "Participa nt").Compa ny and Participa nt are each a disclos ing Party ("Discloser") and a recei ving Party ("Recipient") under this Agreement, and collectively the “ Parties ”本保密协议(以下通称本“协议”)由 Name , 一家公司,地址为:Address (以下通称“公司”)与 name ,一家中国公司,地址为:(以下通称“参与者”)签订。



全新nda保密协议中英文2024年合同目录第一章:前言1.1 合同目的1.2 合同背景1.3 定义与解释第二章:保密信息2.1 保密信息的范围2.2 保密信息的标记2.3 保密信息的处理第三章:保密义务3.1 保密信息的使用限制3.2 保密信息的保护措施3.3 保密期限第四章:信息披露4.1 披露的允许条件4.2 披露的程序4.3 披露的限制第五章:违约责任5.1 违约行为的界定5.2 违约责任的承担5.3 赔偿范围与计算方法第六章:合同的变更与终止6.1 合同变更的条件与程序6.2 合同终止的条件6.3 合同终止后的权利义务第七章:法律适用与争议解决7.1 法律适用7.2 争议解决方式7.3 争议解决的程序第八章:附加条款8.1 附加条款的效力8.2 附加条款的内容第九章:签字栏9.1 各方代表签字9.2 签订时间9.3 签订地点第十章:附件10.1 保密信息清单10.2 相关法律文件10.3 其他相关文件合同编号:______全新NDA保密协议第一章:前言1.1 合同目的本保密协议(以下简称“本协议”)旨在保护双方在合作过程中可能涉及的保密信息,确保信息的安全与机密性。

1.2 合同背景鉴于甲方与乙方(以下简称“双方”)将在业务合作中互相提供或获取保密信息,特订立本协议。

1.3 定义与解释本协议中的关键术语和定义,以及对本协议的解释规则,详见本协议附件。

第二章:保密信息2.1 保密信息的范围保密信息包括但不限于商业秘密、技术秘密、经营策略、客户信息等,具体范围详见附件。

2.2 保密信息的标记所有保密信息应明确标记为“保密”或“专有”,以便双方识别。

2.3 保密信息的处理双方应采取合理措施妥善处理保密信息,防止信息泄露。

第三章:保密义务3.1 保密信息的使用限制双方同意,保密信息仅用于本协议指定的合作目的,不得用于其他任何目的。

3.2 保密信息的保护措施双方应采取包括但不限于物理安全、网络安全等措施,保护保密信息不被未授权访问、泄露、滥用或丢失。



NDA保密协议模板一、背景保密协议(Non-Disclosure Agreement,简称NDA)是指在商业交易过程中,双方为了保护各自的商业秘密和敏感信息而签署的协议。


二、定义1. 保密信息:指一方向另一方提供或披露的有形、无形或口头形式的信息,包括但不限于商业秘密、技术信息、客户信息、财务信息等。

2. 接受方:指接收、使用或获取保密信息的一方。

3. 提供方:指向另一方提供保密信息的一方。

三、保密义务1. 接受方应保密并不得以任何形式披露、使用、复制、转让或透露提供方的保密信息,除非得到提供方书面许可。

2. 接受方应采取合理的措施,确保保密信息不被未经授权的第三方获取、使用或披露。


3. 接受方不得对保密信息进行任何形式的逆向工程、反编译、拆分或模仿。


四、保密期限1. 保密期限从本协议签订之日起生效,持续至双方书面协议的终止之日。

2. 在保密期限内,双方应持续遵守协议的保密义务。

五、违约责任1. 一方如违反了本协议的保密义务,应承担赔偿责任,包括但不限于损害赔偿、违约金等。

2. 如接受方违反本协议,提供方有权终止协议并追究法律责任。

六、其他条款1. 本协议的签订不构成合作、合资或代理关系。


2. 本协议的解释、生效、履行和争议解决均适用中国法律。

3. 如双方因本协议产生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。










二、保密信息的定义在本协议中,“保密信息”是指以下信息:1. 任何一方的商业机密、技术秘密、专有技术、专利、商标、著作权、商业计划、合同、报价、客户信息、供应商信息、财务信息、销售数据等;2. 任何一方在合作过程中知晓的对方的信息,包括但不限于技术、产品、服务、市场、客户、供应商等;3. 任何一方在合作过程中产生的新的技术成果、产品成果、服务成果等。

三、保密义务1. 双方应对所有保密信息严格保密,并采取合理的措施防止保密信息泄露。

2. 双方不得以任何形式复制、传播、披露或使用保密信息,除非得到对方的书面同意。

3. 双方在合作结束后,应立即归还或销毁所有包含或涉及保密信息的文件、资料、设备等。

4. 双方应对保密信息的使用承担连带责任,即任何一方因使用保密信息而产生的法律后果,应由双方共同承担。

四、例外情况以下情况不视为违反保密义务:1. 保密信息已经公开或进入公共领域;2. 得到对方书面同意后使用保密信息;3. 因法律、法规或行政命令而披露保密信息。

五、违约责任任何一方违反本协议的保密义务,应承担以下责任:1. 赔偿因此给对方造成的全部损失,包括但不限于直接损失和间接损失;2. 支付违约金,违约金为违约方因违约所获得的利益或给对方造成的损失;3. 承担因此产生的全部诉讼费用和律师费用。

六、争议解决1. 本协议的生效、解释、履行和争议解决均适用中华人民共和国的法律。

2. 双方应首先通过友好协商解决因本协议产生的争议。



MUTUAL NONDISCLOSURE AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT相互保密协议Party A: 甲方:Party B: 乙方:Whereas: 鉴于:Exchanging of relevant business and technological information is required for the ongoing business discussions or cooperation between Party A and Party B with respect to , this agreement is entered into by and between Party A and Party B through friendly consultations and under the principle of mutual benefit and joint development. 甲乙双方正在就进行会谈或合作,需要取得对方的相关业务和技术资料,为此,甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商签订本协议。

1. Definition of Confidential Information 1. 保密资料的定义Confidential information refers to data and information with respect to relevant businesses and technologies, whether in written or other forms, that have been disclosed by either Party A or Party B to the other party with clear label or designation of “confidential information"(hereinafter referred to as “confidential information"), excluding the following data and information:甲乙双方中任何一方披露给对方的明确标注或指明是“保密资料”的相关业务和技术方面的书面或其它形式的资料和信息(简称:保密资料),但不包括下述资料和信息:(1)Information that is already or to be make public available, except those disclosed by either Party A or Party B or their representatives in violation of this agreement and without authorization; (1) 已经或将公布于众的资料,但不包括甲乙双方或其代表违反本协议规定未经授权所披露的;(2)Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of thereceiving party before the disclosure of the other party;(2) 在任何一方向接受方披露前已为该方知悉的非保密性资料;(3)Non-confidential information offered by either party, before the disclosure of which the receiving party is not informed of the fact that the provider of this information (a third party) has signed a binding confidentiality agreement with the party disclosing the non-confidential information under this agreement, and the receiving party may reasonably presume that the information discloser is not forbidden to offer the information to the receiving party. (3) 任何一方提供的非保密资料,接受方在披露这些资料前不知此资料提供者(第三方)已经与本协议下的非保密资料提供方订立过有约束力的保密协议,且接受方有理由认为资料披露者未被禁止向接受方提供该资料。





Confidentiality Agreement (NDA)This Confidentiality Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date] (the "Effective Date") by and between:________________________________________________ [Name of Party Disclosing Confidential Information], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction] and having its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Disclosing Party"), and________________________________________________ [Name of Party Receiving Confidential Information], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction] and having its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Receiving Party").The Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party shall collectively be referred to as the "Parties".WHEREAS, the Parties desire to explore a businessopportunity/project/event [Description of Opportunity/Project/Event] (the "Purpose of Disclosure") which may require the exchange and disclosure of certain confidential information;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:1. Definition of Confidential InformationThe term "Confidential Information" as used in this Agreement shall mean any and all information, in whatever form, tangible or intangible, disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, including but not limited to:1.1 Trade secrets, designs, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques, processes, formulas, inventions, patents, copyrights, trademarks, and any other intellectual property;1.2 Financial, commercial, technical or marketing information relating to the Disclosing Party's business operations;1.3 Information regarding the Disclosing Party's customers, suppliers, contractors, and other related third parties;1.4 Any other information identified by the Disclosing Party as confidential at the time of disclosure, or which, under the circumstances of disclosure, would be understood by a reasonable person to be confidential.2. Obligations of the Receiving Party2.1 The Receiving Party shall hold the Confidential Information in strict confidence, using the same degree of care and security measures as it uses toprotect its own confidential information of a similar nature, but not less than a reasonable standard of care.2.2 The Receiving Party shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any third party, except as expressly permitted in writing by the Disclosing Party.2.3 The Receiving Party shall use the Confidential Information solely for the Purpose of Disclosure and shall not use it for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party.3. Exceptions to ConfidentialityThe obligations of confidentiality set forth in this Agreement shall not apply to any Confidential Information that:3.1 Was known to the Receiving Party prior to its receipt from the Disclosing Party, as evidenced by written records;3.2 Is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the Receiving Party;3.3 Is disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party without any obligation of confidentiality;3.4 Is independently developed by the Receiving Party without reference to or use of the Confidential Information;3.5 Is required to be disclosed by a court, administrative agency, or regulatory body, provided that the Receiving Party provides prompt notice to the Disclosing Party before making such disclosure.4. Return or Destruction of Confidential Information4.1 Upon the written request of the Disclosing Party, or upon the termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs earlier, the Receiving Party shall promptly return or destroy all copies of the Confidential Information, including any notes, summaries, or analyses derived therefrom.4.2 Notwithstanding the above, the Receiving Party may retain copies of the Confidential Information solely for its legal and archival purposes.5. Term and TerminationThis Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until [Duration], unless terminated earlier by either Party upon [Notice Period]. The obligations of confidentiality set forth herein shall survive the termination of this Agreement.6. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiations. In the event that the Parties are unable to resolve such dispute amicably within [Time Period], either Party may refer the dispute to mediation or arbitration in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].7. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Confidentiality Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date.[Name of Disclosing Party]______________________________[Title][Date][Name of Receiving Party]______________________________[Title][Date]。



完整版保密协议NDA中英文保密协议 NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement)完整版(中英文)本协议(以下简称"本协议")由下列各方(以下统称为"各方")于日期(以下简称"本协议生效日")签署:甲方:[甲方名称]地址:[甲方地址]联系人:[甲方联系人]电话:[甲方电话]电子邮件:[甲方电子邮件]乙方:[乙方名称]地址:[乙方地址]联系人:[乙方联系人]电话:[乙方电话]电子邮件:[乙方电子邮件]考虑到:1.在这份协议下,甲方可能会向乙方透露保密信息(以下统称为"信息");2.本协议是为了确保双方就任何披露及接收信息的程序、保密义务和责任作出清晰规定;3.双方同意遵守并履行本协议。

根据上述条件,各方达成以下协议:第一条:定义1.1 "保密信息"指甲方的商业、技术、客户、方法和策略等方面的机密信息,包括但不限于口头、书面、电子或任何其他形式的信息,同时上述信息已被标明为保密或根据实际情况应该被当做保密信息对待。

1.2 "接受方"指乙方以口头、书面或电子方式接收保密信息的一方。

1.3 "披露方"指甲方以口头、书面或电子方式披露保密信息的一方。

第二条:保密义务2.1 乙方同意保密并对保密信息负有保密义务,并承诺采取适当的措施确保保密信息不被未经授权的第三方泄露或使用。

2.2 乙方仅限于在履行本协议规定的目的范围内使用保密信息,并且不得将保密信息用于与本协议目的无关的任何目的。

2.3 乙方承诺对其拥有的保密信息保密,且不得向未经甲方事先书面同意的任何第三方披露。

2.4 对于接收到的保密信息,乙方应采取合理的安全措施保护该信息的机密性。

第三条:保密信息的限制3.1 下列情况不适用于保密信息的范围:(a)已为公众所熟知的信息;(b)接收方通过合法途径从第三方处获得的信息,且该第三方对该信息无保密义务;(c)接收方在接收保密信息之前已经独立开发的信息,且无法通过保密信息的内容证明否;(d)接收方在不违反本协议约定的情况下,根据法律、法规、监管机构的要求或法院的命令进行信息披露。



机密契约NDA(中英文)机密契约 NDA (中英文)一、背景本机密契约(以下简称"契约")由以下的签约各方(以下简称"双方")订立并同意遵守以下条款和条件:甲方:[___名称]地址:[地址]联系方式:[联系方式]乙方:[___名称]地址:[地址]联系方式:[联系方式]二、定义在本契约中,以下定义适用于所有条款和条件:1."机密信息" 指任何非公开的、商业敏感的信息,包括但不限于商业计划、客户名单、产品开发信息等。

2."接收方" 指接收机密信息的一方。

3."披露方" 指向接收方提供机密信息的一方。

三、保密义务1.接收方理解并同意,机密信息是披露方的财产,并承诺采取必要的措施保护机密信息的保密性,包括但不限于:- 将机密信息视为商业秘密,不向任何第三方披露;- 仅限于需要知道机密信息的公司员工披露;- 采取合理的物理和电子安全措施,防止机密信息泄漏。











保密协议本协议的双方为:有限公司(依照中华人民共和国法律成立,注册地址)和______________________________________ (依照_________________________ 法律成立,注册地址为________________________________________________ )鉴于双方已经建立或正在探求建立某种合作关系,一方可能向另一方透漏一些保密信息,双方同意并达成以下协议:1、本协议适用于双方在数字音频解码方案合作中一方向另一方透漏的保密信息。













编号:__________2024版全新nda保密协议中英文下载-甲方:___________________乙方:___________________签订日期:_____年_____月_____日2024版全新nda保密协议中英文合同目录第一章:前言1.1 合同的目的和适用范围1.2 合同的签订主体1.3 合同的生效条件第二章:定义与解释2.1 保密信息2.2 保密期限2.3 保密义务主体2.4 保密信息的使用范围第三章:保密信息的范围3.1 技术信息3.2 商业信息3.3 其他应保密的信息第四章:保密义务4.1 双方对保密信息的保密义务4.2 保密义务的期限4.3 保密义务的终止第五章:保密措施5.1 物理保密措施5.2 技术保密措施5.3 管理保密措施第六章:违约责任6.1 违反保密义务的责任6.2 违反保密义务的补救措施6.3 违约方的赔偿责任第七章:争议解决7.1 争议解决的方式7.2 争议解决的地点7.3 争议解决的适用法律第八章:合同的变更和终止8.1 合同的变更8.2 合同的终止条件8.3 合同终止后的保密义务第九章:合同的转让9.1 合同的转让条件9.2 转让方的通知义务9.3 受让方的保密义务第十章:一般条款10.1 合同的有效期10.2 合同的履行地点10.3 合同的履行方式第十一章:附则11.1 合同的修订11.2 合同的附件11.3 合同的签署日期第十二章:英文版本12.1 英文合同的翻译准确性12.2 英文合同的法律效力12.3 英文合同的签署日期第十三章:其他约定13.1 双方的其他约定13.2 附件的补充说明13.3 合同的修订记录第十四章:附件14.1 NDA保密协议中英文版本14.2 附件的签署日期14.3 附件的有效期合同编号NDA2024第一章:前言1.1 合同的目的和适用范围本合同旨在明确双方在合作过程中对保密信息的保密义务,确保双方合法权益的实现。


nda(non disclosure agreement)

nda(non disclosure agreement)

nda(non disclosure agreement)摘要:一、NDA概述1.NDA的定义2.NDA的作用二、NDA的主要内容1.保密信息的定义2.保密义务3.保密期限4.违约责任三、NDA的签订与履行1.NDA的签订主体2.NDA的签订流程3.NDA的履行要求四、违反NDA的法律责任1.法律责任的种类2.法律责任的追究五、我国NDA的法律法规1.NDA相关法律法规概述2.NDA法律法规的具体规定正文:一、NDA概述DA(Non-Disclosure Agreement,非披露协议)是一种保护商业秘密的合同,主要目的是确保双方在合作过程中所涉及的保密信息不被泄露。

















MUTUALNON-DISCLOSUREAGREEMENT保密协议This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement(this “Agreement”) entered into this ___________by and betweenNamea company,Address(Hereinafter referred to as the "Company")AndNamea Chinese company,Address(Hereinafter referred to as the "Participant").Company and Participant are each a disclosing Party ("Discloser") and a receiving Party ("Recipient") under this Agreement, and collectively the “Parties”本保密协议(以下通称本“协议”)由Name ,一家公司,地址为:Address (以下通称“公司”) 与name ,一家中国公司,地址为:(以下通称“参与者”) 年月日签订。


WITNESSETH 兹证明:WHEREAS each of Company and the Participant possess certain proprietary valuable and confidential information and technology; and 鉴于,公司与参与者均拥有某些专有的、有经济价值且秘密的信息和技术;WHEREAS the Parties desire to enter into discussions for the purpose of evaluating the possibility of cooperation in China and for such other purposes as the Parties may agree in writing 鉴于,协议双方为探求在中国境内合作的可能性以及协议双方书面同意的其他目的拟进行商谈;WHEREAS in order to determine their interest in entering into such a business transaction, theParties wish to exchange or to provide one another with access to their respective “Confidential Information” (as defined below), without undermining its confidential nature and economic value;鉴于,为确定各自在合作交易中的利益,在不破坏其机密性和经济价值的前提下,协议双方愿意相互交换或向对方提供各自拥有的保密信息(定义见下文);NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and promises herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 因此,基于如下相互的保证和承诺,协议双方达成如下条款:1. Confidential Information保密信息 1.1 The term "Confidential Information" means any and all information and know-how of a proprietary, private, secret or confidential nature, in whatever form, that relates to the business, financial condition, technology and/or products of the Discloser, its customers, potential customers, suppliers or potential suppliers, provided or disclosed to the Recipient by the Discloser, or any on its behalf, or which otherwise becomes known to the Recipient, whether or not marked or otherwise designated as “confidential”, “proprietary” or with any other legend indicating its proprietary nature. By way of illustration and not limitation, Confidential Information includes all forms and types of financial, business, technical, including but not limited to specifications, designs, techniques, processes, procedures, methods, compilations, inventions and developments, products, samples, algorithms, computer programs (whether as source code or object code), data, marketing and customer information, vendor information, personal information, projections, plans and reports, and any other data, documentation, or information related thereto, as well as improvements thereof, whether in tangible or intangible form, and whether or not stored, compiled or memorialized in any media or in writing, including information disclosed as a result of any visitation, consultation or information disclosed by Parties to this Agreement or other parties on their behalf such as consultants, clients, suppliers and customers, etc. The Discloser shall determine in its sole discretion what information and materials it shall disclose to the Recipient. 1.1 “保密信息”是指任何及所有专有的、私有的、秘密的或机密性质的,无论以何种形式,与披露方及其客户、潜在客户、供应商或潜在供应商的业务、财务状况、技术和/或产品相关的资料和技术。



NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTbetweenandWHEREASThe parties may have disclosed and will further disclose certain confidential information (hereinafter referred to as “Information”) for the purpose of (hereinafter referred to as “Purpose”).WHEREASThe parties wish to define their rights and obligations with respect to said Information by establishing the basis upon which said Information and/or documents will be disclosed by one party (hereinafter referred to as the “Disclosing Party”) and received, held, safeguarded by the other party (hereinafter referred to as the “Receiving Party”).1.For the purpose of this Agreement, Information means information relating to one party which ismade available by such party to the other party for the Purpose, including but not limited to analyses, studies, knowledge and samples but excluding information which:(ⅰ) is publicly available or becomes publicly available (other than as a result of disclosure by the Receiving Party or any other person contrary to the terms of thisAgreement); or(ⅱ) was available (as can be demonstrated by the Receiving Party’s written records or other reasonable evidence) to the Receiving Party or another person to whomit is furnished hereunder free of any restriction as to its use or disclosure prior toits being so furnished; or(ⅲ) becomes available to the Receiving Party (as can be demonstrated by the Receiving Party’s written records or other reasonable evidence) from a sourceother than the Disclosing Party, which source is not bound by any obligation ofconfidentiality to the Disclosing Party in relation to such Information; or (ⅳ) is independently developed by the Receiving Party; or(ⅴ) is required to be disclosed, retained or maintained by law or any regulation or any governmental organization.2.Both parties shall(ⅰ) treat the Information with the same degree of care to avoid disclosure to any third party as is used with respect to the Receiving Party’s own information of likeimportance which is to be kept confidential;(ⅱ) keep the Information relating to the other party secret and confidential and not disclose any of it to any other person other than the Receiving Party’s directions,employees, advisers or subsidiaries and affiliates who need to know the same forthe Purpose;(ⅲ) use the Information only for the Purpose unless the Disclosing Party gives itsprior written consent to such Information being used for some other agreedpurpose;(ⅳ) keep the Information, relating to the Disclosing Party, and any copies thereof secure and in such way so as to prevent unauthorized access by third party, normake any copies of it or reproduce it in any form;(ⅴ) ensure that its advisers comply with the terms of this Agreement.3.Either party shall have the right to refuse to accept any Information under this Agreement priorto any disclosure and nothing herein shall obligate either Party to disclose any particular Information.4.All Information exchanged between the Parties pursuant to this Agreement shall upon respectiverequest of the Disclosure Party either be returned to the Disclosing Party or be destroyed. On request the Receiving Party shall supply a certificate signed by any of its directors confirming the destruction of the Information.5.The Information, relating to the other party, shall remain the property of such other party (asDisclosing Party) and its disclosure shall not confer on the other party (as Receiving Party) any rights. No license is hereby granted by either party to the other party, directly or indirectly, under any patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property.6.The parties disclaim any warranty (including but not limited to warranties of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement) regarding Information under this Agreement.7.The Agreement shall continue in force for three years from the signing of this Agreement.Thereafter it shall automatically continue unless terminated upon thirty days prior notice in writing. The obligations accruing prior to termination as set forth herein, shall, however, survive the termination of this Agreement for a period of two years.8.The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the China courts. Venue shall beShanghai, P.R.China.9.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with China law.10.If any of the provisions of this Agreement are or become wholly or partly void, invalid orunenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provision.11.The provision of this Agreement may not be modified, amended, nor waived, except by a writteninstrument duly executed by the parties hereto. The requirement of written form can only be waived in writing.12.This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of theother.13.Insofar as one of the parties undergoes a transformation by change in its legal form preservingits identity or by a change in legal personality due to merger, break up or transfer of assets this Agreement shall be continued with the newly formed legal successor or the legal successor taking over one of the Parties.Signed for and on behalf ofDate:Signed for and on behalf ofDate:。



Mutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement保密协议This Mutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of this day of , 2018 (the “Effective Date”) by and between (the "Party A"), a company duly organized and registered under the laws of , whose registered address is situated at, and(the “Party B"), a company duly organized and registered under the laws of , whose registered address is situated at. Each of Party A and Party B may be referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.本保密协议(“本协议”)由以下双方于年月日(生效日)签订:(“甲方”),其依据国法律成立并注册,注册地址为;和(“乙方”),其依据国法律成立并注册,注册地址为。


WHEREAS the Parties have an interest to discuss some cooperation about (the "Possible Project"), wherein either Party might share information with the other Party in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.鉴于:双方有意洽谈一些有关的合作(“潜在项目”),且任一方均可能依据本协议约定与另一方分享信息。

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Mutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement保密协议This Mutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of this day of , 2018 (the “Effective Date”) by and between (the "Party A"), a company duly organized and registered under the laws of , whose registered address is situated at, and(the “Party B"), a company duly organized and registered under the laws of , whose registered address is situated at. Each of Party A and Party B may be referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.本保密协议(“本协议”)由以下双方于年月日(生效日)签订:(“甲方”),其依据国法律成立并注册,注册地址为;和(“乙方”),其依据国法律成立并注册,注册地址为。


WHEREAS the Parties have an interest to discuss some cooperation about (the "Possible Project"), wherein either Party might share information with the other Party in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.鉴于:双方有意洽谈一些有关的合作(“潜在项目”),且任一方均可能依据本协议约定与另一方分享信息。

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:鉴此,双方约定如下:1.Except as set forth in Section 2 below, “Confidential Information” means all non-public, confidential orproprietary information disclosed before, on or after the Effective Date by either Party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other Party (the “Recipient”) or its affiliates, or to any of Recipient's or its affiliates' employees, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, agents, attorneys, accountants or advisors (collectively, “Representatives”), in connection with the Possible Project, whether disclosed orally or disclosed or accessed in written, electronic or other form or media, and whether or not marked, designated or otherwise identified as "confidential", including but not limited to: (a) business plans, methods, and practices; (b) personnel, customers, and suppliers; (c) inventions, processes, methods, products, patent applications, and other proprietary rights; or (d) specifications, drawings, sketches, models, samples, tools, computer programs, technical information, or other related information.除第二条约定外,“机密信息”是指所有在生效日之前、之中、之后,由一方(“披露方”)披露给另一方(“接收方”)或其关联公司、或任何接收方或其关联公司的雇员、管理人员、董事、合作伙伴、股东、代理人、律师、会计师或顾问(统称“代表们”)的,所有非公开的、保密的或专有的、与潜在项目有关的信息,不管这些信息是口头披露的还是通过书面、电子或其他形式获取的,不管这些信息是否被标记、注明、或定义为“机密的”,包括但不限于:a)业务计划、方法和实践;(b)员工、客户和供应商;(c)发明、流程、方法、产品、专利申请和其他专有权利;或(d)规格、图纸、草图、模型、样品、工具、计算机程序、技术信息、或其他相关信息。

2.Confidential Information does not include information that:机密信息不包括以下信息:a) is already known by the Recipient or becomes known to them from a source other than the DisclosingParty without a breach of any existing confidentiality obligations;在不违反任何现有保密义务的情况下,已被接收方或正被接收方从披露方以外的来源知道的信息;b) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Recipient, its affiliates or Recipient’s or itsaffiliates’ Representatives; or在接收方或其关联公司、接收方或其关联公司的代表们没有任何违法违约行为的情况下,已经或正在变成公开的信息;或c) is independently developed by the Recipient without reference to any Confidential Information disclosedhereunder.接收方在不参考任何本协议项下被披露的机密信息的情况独立研发出来的信息。

3.Confidential Information could be disclosed by the Recipient pursuant to the lawful requirement of a courtor governmental agency provided that the Recipient shall prompt notify the Disclosing Party of such requirement and reasonable assist the Disclosing Party in opposing such disclosure or seeking a protective order or other limitations on disclosure.接收方可以按照法院或政府机关的合法要求披露机密信息,但是接收方应及时将此种要求通知给披露方,并合理地协助披露方反对此种披露,寻求对披露的保护措施或其他限制。

4.Recipient shall:接收方应:a) not exploit or make use, directly or indirectly, and/or copy, duplicate or reproduce the ConfidentialInformation, for any purpose other than the Possible Project;不得为任何潜在项目外的目的,直接或间接地利用或使用、模仿、重复、或复制机密信息;b)refrain from reverse engineering decompiling or disassembling any software code and/or pre-releasehardware devices disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party under the terms of this Agreement;不得对本协议项下披露方向接收方披露的任何软件代码及/或预先发布的硬件设备进行反向工程,反编译或拆解;c) protect the Confidential Information from inadvertent disclosure to a third party using the same care anddiligence that the Recipient uses to protect its own proprietary and confidential information, but in nocase less than reasonable care and unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, refrain from disclosing theConfidential Information to any other third party without prior written approval from the DisclosingParty;使用与保护自己专有的和保密的信息一样的谨慎和勤奋,但在任何情况下不少于合理的谨慎,来保证机密信息不会无意披露给第三方,且除非本协议另有约定,在没有披露方事先书面同意的情况下,不得向任何其他第三方披露机密信息;d) restrict disclosure to those of its affiliates or Recipient’s or its affiliates’Representatives who clearlyhave a need-to-know the Confidential Information, and then only to the extent of such need-to-know,and only in furtherance of the Possible Project, and ensure each of them is informed of its proprietaryand confidential nature and is required to abide by the terms of this Agreement and be responsible forany breach of this Agreement caused by itself or its affiliates, Recipient’s or its affiliates’Representatives; and仅向确有必要知道机密信息的关联公司、接收方或其关联公司的代表们披露机密信息,且仅限在必须知道的范围内进行披露,且仅限为潜在项目,且应确保他们知道机密信息的专有的和保密的性质以及必须遵守本协议的约定,并为接收方或其关联公司、接收方或其关联公司的代表们导致的违约行为负责;以及e) promptly notify the disclosing Party of any disclosure of the Confidential Information in violation of thisAgreement and fully cooperate with the Disclosing Party in any effort undertaken by Disclosing Party toenforce its rights related to any such unauthorized disclosure.迅速通知披露方因违反本协议而导致的机密信息的任何披露,在披露方进行的任何努力中充分配合披露方,以行使其对这些未经授权的披露有关的权利。
