



⑴younger older shorter longer

⑵cleaned stayed washed watched

⑶camp fish gift basket

⑷grass gym age star

⑸dream easy hall meter



⑴There _________many trees.

⑵The cat was__________ the chair.

⑶It was all a _______!

⑷But I___________ like pink now.

⑸_____ do you know that?


⑴Could you see stars at night?

⑵Today was a sunny day.

⑶My friends and I went to Sanya.

⑷Can I come and visit you?

⑸Let’s go to the bookstore.


⑴How was your weekend?

⑵It’s faster than walking.

⑶I’d like to have a try.

⑷I’m the tallest one.

⑸You’re heavier than me.



( )⑴A.woke B. felt C. race

( )⑵A.thought B. different C. active

( )⑶A.gift B. fix C. go

( )⑷A.thinner B. small C. bigger

( )⑸A.broken B. easy C. cheetah






⑴go fishing;⑵take pictures;⑶go cycling;⑷play badminton;⑸go swimming 10.—________was your summer holiday?—It was good.

A. What

B. How

C. Which

11.I’m going to _____the moon.

A. visit

B. visiting

C. visits

12.I think it’s bigger _____the elephant.

A. to

B. than

C. with

13.I go to school from Monday ________Friday.

A. on

B. to

C. with

14.—_______are you going? —America.

A. When

B. What

C. Where


⑴I’m taller than you.


⑵He’d like to have a try.


⑶Where did he go ?


⑷I’m 12 years old.


⑸I’m going to China.



⑴to, middle, a, new, school ,am, going, I(.)


⑵to, am, sorry , I , that, hear (.)


⑶music,they,to,will,listen (.)


⑷class,maths,is,my,first (.)


⑸pink,wearing, are, you, a, T-shirt(.)



Jim: Look! That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.

Amy: Yes, it is. How tall is it?

Jim :Maybe 5 metres.

Amy: Wow! It’s taller than both of us together.

Jim: Look! There are more dinosaurs over there.

Amy: They are all so big and tall.

Jim: Hey, this dinosaur isn’t tall. I’m taller than this one. Amy: Oh, yes! How tall are you?

Jim: I’m 1.65 metres.

⑴The tallest dinosaur in this hall is about 5 metres.

⑵Amy and Jim are taller than the tallest dinosaur.

⑶There aren’t more dinosaurs over there.

⑷All of the dinosaurs are big and tall.

⑸Jim is 1.65 metres.








⑴There were many trees.

⑵The cat was on the chair.

⑶It was all a dream!

⑷But I don’t like pink now.

⑸How do you know that?



⑴Could you see stars at night?

⑵Today was a sunny day.

⑶My family and I went to Sanya.

⑷Can I come and visit you?

⑸Let’s go to the park.



⑴It’s faster than walking.

⑵I’d like to have a try.

⑶You’re heavier than me.

⑷I’m the tallest one.

⑸How was your weekend?













⑸A和B都是形容词, C是名词,与A,B词性不一样,所以选C。










⑴go fishing的意思是“钓鱼”,和图片E意思相符。

⑵take pictures的意思是“照相”,和图片C意思相符。

⑶go cycling的意思是“骑自行车”,和图片D意思相符。

⑷play badminton的意思是“打羽毛球”,和图片B意思相符。

⑸go swimming的意思是“游泳”,和图片A意思相符。




【解析】be going to 后面加动词原形,那么答案是A。C和B项都不符合题意。句意:我想要去月球。


【解析】本题是考查的是形容词的比较级:主语+be+形容词比较级+than+被比较的成分,big 的比较级形式是双写g再加er.,那么答案是B。A,C都不符合题意。句意:我想它比大象还要大。








⑴I am going to a new middle school.

⑵I am sorry to hear that.

⑶They will listen to music.

⑷My first class is maths.

⑸You are wearing a pink T-shirt.


⑴通过分析所给的单词判断,句子意思是:我将要去一所新的中学。“一所新的中学”用短语“a new middle school”故答案为:I am going to a new middle school.

⑵通过分析所给的单词可以判断,句子意思是:听到那件事我感到很抱歉。那么答案为:I am sorry to hear that.

⑶通过分析所给的单词可以判断,句子意思是:他们将要听音乐。“听音乐”用短语“listen to music”故答案为:They will listen to music.

⑷根据所给单词可以判断,句子意思是:我的第一堂课是数学。“我的第一堂课”是短语my first class,故答案为My first class is maths.


a pink T-shirt,故答案为:You are wearing a pink T-shirt.



⑴题干意思是“在这个大厅里最高的恐龙大约5米”。根据Jim说的“That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Maybe 5 metres.”两句话可知本题是正确的。

⑵题干意思是“艾米和吉姆比最高的恐龙还要高”。根据Amy说的“Wow! It’s taller than both of us together.”,可知本题是错误的。

⑶题干意思是“那儿没有更多的恐龙了”。根据Jim说的“Look! There are more dinosaurs over there.”,可知那儿还有更多的恐龙,可知本题是错误的。

⑷题干意思是“所有的恐龙都是又高又大的”。根据jim说的“Hey,this dinosaur isn't tall.I'm taller than this one”,可知有不是很高的恐龙,可知本题是错误的。

⑸题干意思是“吉姆一米六五。”根据Jim说的“I’m 1.65 metres.”,可知本题是正确的。


六年级上册英语期末试卷及答案 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman () 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t. Writing Part(笔试部分) 五、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把序号写到前面的括号里。 ()1. A. scientist B. worker C. coach D. count


2014—2015学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测 五年级英语试卷 题号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 卷面 总分 得分 褸鋪剝撟婭诈還與鍘赊殤講歷軾魯攆伤擁绾窃課忧忏帳没妫计祸機奧三痈沟盞鈔帻猪赣碱煩簫鲮穌龇滾鲧蒔荜痫驥阖Part Ⅰ Listening (听力部分,共30分) Ⅰ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose ) (共5分) 听句子,选出句中所包含的单词,将选项写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. shopping B. dancing C. swimming ( ) 2. A. spring B. August C. autumn ( ) 3. A. first B. fourth C. fifth ( ) 4. A. they B. their C. theirs ( ) 5. A. sleeping B. thinking C. eating 本试卷测试时间为50分钟,满分为100分,其中听力部分占 30分,笔试部分占67分,卷面书写占3分,书写要工整哟!

Ⅱ. 听音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共5分) 听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序。每个对话读两遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅲ. 听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共10分) 听问句,选择恰当的答语。将选项写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. At 8:00. B. In the evening. C. On the weekend. ( ) 2. A. Summer. B. September. C. Easter. ( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, it can’t. C. Yes, it is.


人教版小学六年级下册英语期末试卷 班级:姓名: 一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(2×5 = 10分)( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked ( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your ( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are ( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly ( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter 二、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(2×5 = 10分) ( ) 1. A. please B. head C. sweater D. breakfast ( ) 2. A. these B. they C. thank D. that ( ) 3. A. window B. no C. now D. load ( ) 4. A. share B. hair C. pear D. near ) 5. A. who B. where C. what D. when 听音乐 五、选择正确答案。( 2×5 = 10分) ()1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________. ----It's raining outside. I can't play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ()2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm ()3.----What's the matter? My leg _____. A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts ()4.----_______did you go on your holiday? -----Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ()5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking 六、连线。(2×5 = 10分) How does Zhang Peng feel? 56 cm. What did Mike do yesterday? He went to a park. What’s the matter?I have a sore throat. How long are your arms? No,I didn’t. Did you go fishing? He’s excited.


PEP小学英语六年级下册英语教案(全册) Unit 1 How tall are you? 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较形式:taller, stronger, older, younger 和shorter. 2.能够用句型:I’m……cm tall. He/ She’s ……cm tall. 描述自己和他人的身高。 3.能够用句型You’re taller than your brother. I’m older than you. 进行年龄和身高的比较。4.能够听懂教师的指令,按不同年龄、身高排队,并用所学语言进行表述。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.重点是能够听、说、读、写A Let’s learn 部分五个形容词的比较级形式;并能用含有比较级的 句型替换关键词进行问答。 2.难点是能够听、说、读、写四会单词;并能根据某一情境使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。长度单位cm的完整形式centimeter的发音也是本课的教学难点。三、课前准备 1.准备主情景图的教学挂图。 2.准备录音机、本课时的录音带。 3.准备A Let’s learn 的单词卡片。 4.准备测量身高和体重的工具。 四、教学步骤 1.Greetings Hello, boys and girls . Happy New Year. And nice to see you again. How are you? Now, after a term, I thin you know much better about your teachers. Who’s you music teacher? What’s he/she like? 引导学生用学过的形容词thin, short, tall, old, young, funny, strong, kind 来描述这位老师。 当问到学生Who’s your English teacher?时,根据学生的回答She’s tall. 2.师出示测身高与体重的量器,提问学生:How tall am I , do you know? Guess? 帮助学生用句型Are you ……cm tall? 来猜。师用up 和down 帮助学生猜出确切的数字。 3.师请出猜中自己身高的学生,问:How tall are you?帮助他/她测量身高,引导该学生说:I’m……cm tall。然后师说:……is taller than me. 或I’m taller than……来结束该游戏。 4.板书测量的学生的身高,师尽量用手势帮助学生理解以下句子:A is tall. B is taller than A. C is taller than B. D is taller than C. 然后板书并领读tall-taller 。 5.师请出三名较强壮的学生模仿健美动作,并做比较说:You’re strong. He’s stronger than you. 并板书领读strong-stronger 6.师在黑板上列出家人的年龄,介绍说:My mother is 44, My father is 46. He is older than her. My aunt is younger than my father, but she is older than my mother. How old is she? 然后板书old—older 和young-younger , 让学生回答问题。 7.放Let’s learn部分的录音,学生听录音跟读。 8.Let’s play 师贴出4-5个学生图像,描述各人情况,发指令:Line up from younger to older. Line up from shorter to shorter. 9.Let’s chant. 放录音学生跟读。 10.学生做活动手册的配套练习。 第二课时


六年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman ( ) 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. ()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t.


Part Ⅰ Listening (听力部分,共30分) 一. (共5分)听句子,选出句中所包含的单词 ( ) 1. A. shopping B. dancing C. swimming ( ) 2. A. spring B. August C. autumn ( ) 3. A. first B. fourth C. fifth ( ) 4. A. they B. their C. theirs ( ) 5. A. sleeping B. thinking C. eating 二. (共5分)听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三. (共10分) 听问句,选择恰当的答语。 ( ) 1. A. At 8:00. B. In the evening. C. On the weekend. ( ) 2. A. Summer. B. September. C. Easter.( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, it can’t. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 4. A. He’s my dad. B. It’s mine. C. John. ( ) 5. A. He’s young. B. He’s singing. C. She’s swimming. 四. (共10分) 听短文,在相应的表格里打√。 Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共67分) 五. 选出下列单词划线部分发音与众不同的一项。(共10分) ( ) 1. A. three B. thin C. that ( ) 2. A. clean B. clever C. plate ( ) 3. A. drink B. think C. long ( ) 4. A. where B. who C. which ( ) 5. A. school B. March C. teacher 六. 看图,根据句意及首字母提示填写短语。(共10分) 1. When do you p s ? 11 2. I often p a in summer. 3. My birthday is on J f . 4. Please k the desk c . 5. The girl is e l . 七. Read and choose. 选词填空,补全句子。(共4分) yours hers ours mine When Who Father Mother Brother Sister Jim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


2019 年六年级英语下册期末试卷 六年级英语 班级 ___________ 姓名 ____________ 听力部分( 40 分) 一.根据所听内容,选出相对应图画,将其标号写在题下横线。(10 分) 1__________ 2__________ 3__________ 4__________ 5__________ 二.听音 , 选出你所听到的单词。( 10 分) ( ) 1. A. polite B.clever C. hard-working D.strong ( ) 2. A. 15kg B. 50kg C. 15cm D50cm ( ) 3. A. by plane B.on foot C.by train D.by car ( ) 4. A. taller B. stronger C. shorter D.longer ( ) 5. A.happy B. worried C. angry D.ill 三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号 内打“√” , 错的打“×”。( 10 分) ( ) 1.Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins. ( ) 2.Mike took pictures on his holiday. ( ) 3.Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike. ( ) 4.Sarah likes climbing. ( ) 5.Amy is from America. 四.听录音,填空。(10 分) 1 . Amy is taller and _________ than Sarah .


小学六年级第一学期英语期末测试卷 Class_______ name______ mark______ 一、找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(5%) (D )1、A. name B. bag C. at D. and (D )2、A. ten B. desk C. bed D. me (B)3、A. live B. his C. five D. fish (C)4、A. on B. no C. shop D. not (A)5、A. use B. much C. but D. lunch 二、选出最恰当的答案,把序号写在左边括号里)(20%) ( A )1.How do you go to school? A. I go to school on foot. B. The school is next to the hospital. C.I am going to the cinema. ( A )2.What is your hobby? A.I like making kites. B.She goes to work by bus. C.Next to the hospital. ( A )3. Does she watch TV at night? A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she goes to school on foot. C. No, I go to the park at night. ( B )4.Turn left at the cinema, then __________. It’s on the left. A.our school B.go straight C.green light ( A )5. at the red light. A. Stop B. Go C. Wait


小学英语五年级下册期末试题 班级姓名分数 听力部分:(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10分) ()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall ()2 A、March B、May C、April ()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner ()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30 ()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having ()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman ()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good ()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing ()9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work ()10 A、first B、second C、third 二、听音,完成句子。(10分) 1、Look, what is my mother doing? She’s________________ 2、Chen Jie and Amy are ____________________. 3、Hello _____________ , Can I speak to ChenJie, please ? 4、Her grandpa is _____________________ 5、When is your birthday?______________________. 三、听问句,选答句。(10分) ()1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favorite season. ()2. A. It's June 21st. B. It's Thursday. ()3. A. No. He's playing football. B. Yes. He's very tall. ()4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Hold on, please. ()5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone. 笔试部分:(共70分) 一、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third ()5 A、May B、July C、Sunday D、June 二、找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。(10分)


春蕾教育培训中心 六年级英语下册期末测试卷 时间:80分钟总分:100分 听力部分(30分) 一. 听录音,选出你所听到的词汇(5分) ()1 A、smaller B、shorter C、stronger D、sad ()2 A、toothache B、headache C、matter D、medicine ()3 A、yesterday B、weekend C、last year D、last Monday ()4 A、dance B、danced C、do D、did ()5 A、took B、did C、swim D、swing 二.听对话,选择适当的答语(5分) ( ) 1. A. I'm 46 kg. B. Tom is 3kg heavier than me. C. Mike is thinner than me. ( ) 2. A They are tired. B. She is angry. C. They are excited. ( ) 3. A. wash clothes. B. watch TV. C. Watched TV. ( ) 4. A. By car. B. on foot. C. by airplane. ( ) 5. A. Yes. I think I have a fever. B. Yes. I feel excited. C. Yes. My hair is longer than yours 三. 听对话,选出正确的答语(10分) ( ) 1、I went there by train. ( ) 2 、Lucy went hiking last weekend. ( ) 3、I went to a park yesterday. ( ) 4、My elbow hurts. ( ) 5 、Tom is thinner and shorter. 四. 听录音,完成下面的短文:(10分) It's Sunday. I go to the hospital. I have a ________. So I go and see the _______. On the way home, I see a little dog. He's so small. He's even _______ than a cat. He looks very _______. I think he can't find his home. So I take him home. I like him very much. I play with him. I'm so _______ 笔试部分(70分) 一. 读一读,写一写。比比谁的字更漂亮些吧!(10分) Today I went to school, I worked very hard today, I studied and played and learned a lot, When is the holiday? Today I went to school, I sang and danced and ate, I studied and played and l learned a lot, Tomorrow I will not be late. 二. 把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。(10分)()1. A. heavy B. big C. long D. smaller ()2. A. ate B. go C. bought D. did ()3. A. run B. swim C. walk D. her ()4. A. play B. nose C. hand D. leg ()5. A. summer B. winter C. me D. spring ()6.A.China B.English C.America https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b13857013.html, ()7.A.juice B.tea C.cake https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b13857013.html,k ()8.A.sweater https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b13857013.html,puter C.dress D.T-shirt ()9.A watermelon B.banana https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b13857013.html,k D.apple ()5. A.big B.old C.tall D.how 二. 选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. The monkey's tail (尾巴) is long. The dinosaur's (恐龙的) tail is A. long B. longer C. longest ( ) 2. Let’s _________. A. to do homework B. do homework C. do homeworks D. does homework ( ) 3. We stay ____ home ______ Sundays. A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in D. on, on ( ) 4. Look _____ the picture and talk _____ it. A. of, in B. at, to C. at, about D. in, about ()5. I often _____ TV on Sunday evening. A. see B. watch C. look D. look at ()6.在公众的节日中回答别人的祝福,可说:_______。 A Thank you. B. That's OK. C.The same to you. D. Quite right. ()7.你想知道今天是几月几日时,你应该问: A. When is your birthday? B. What is the date today? ()8. 你想问同学正在做什么,你应该问: A. What do you do? B. What are you doing? ()9.你想约你的同学,下周来一起去远足,你应该说: A.Let’s go hiking together next weekend. B.We go hiking on the weekend. ()10.别人向你说谢谢时你应该说() A. Thanks. B. You’re welcome. 三. 英汉、汉英连线。(10分) 1. have a fever 喉咙疼 have a cold 发烧 have a toothache 感冒、伤风 have a headache 牙疼 have a sore throat 头疼 2. 去(过)公园went hiking 游(过)泳went fishing 钓(过)鱼read a book 看(过)书went swimming 去(过)远足went to a park


六年级英语(下册)教学计划 一、教材分析 本学期的主要内容为PEP小学英语六年级下册,是小学阶段最后一册,小学生在升入初中前的最后一个学期内要对整个小学阶段所学的主要词汇和语言进行比较全面和系统的复习,本册有4个教学单元、2个综合复习单元。 二、学生分析 六年级学生经过几年的学习,基本上具备一定的听说读写能力,总的来看,听说能力稍强,读写能力较弱,且总体水平参差不齐。随着年级升高,教材难度加度,加上对英语学习重视不够,部分同学出现畏难情绪。教学中要注意把复习旧知与学习新知相结合,重建学生的信心,以期达到较好的教学效果。 三、教学目标 本套教材的教学目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 1.能听、说、读、写61个单词和短语以及7组句子和4个单句。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。 2.能完成1个手工制作。 3.能听懂、会唱8首歌曲和6首歌谣。 4.能完成4个自我评价活动。 5.能理解6个幽默小故事。 6.能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 四、教学措施 (一)词汇教学(Let‘s learn) 1.注重词汇的呈现方式

2.利用Let‘s start部分引入话题、引出新词和新句型 3.在实际交流当中教学单词 4.充分发挥单词卡片的作用 (二)对话教学(Let‘s talk) 1.在听力活动中感知新的语言(Let‘s try) 2.理解语言的基础上学说、操练语言 (1)抓住主句型,替换关键词操练住句型。 (2)在趣味游戏和任务型活动中学说、巩固新句型。 (3)在会说的基础上运用重点句型。 (4)在会用的基础上进行句型书写。 (三)阅读教学(Let‘s read ) 1.复习巩固本部分重点词汇和句型,可以采用游戏、竞赛或师生自由会话等形式。 2.创设情景,自然引入阅读内容,并且尽可能引入阅读内容中的新句型。 3.教师解惑答疑,并检测学生的理解情况。 五、教学进度表 本学期共有二十周,其中新授十七周共五十一课时;复习二周共六课时;机动一周三课时。具体进度安排如下: Unit 1 How tall are you? 第一课时 一、教学目标 知识与能力:


关于六年级英语期末考试试题 一、词组互译。(10分) 1.与……一样冷 2.pickstrawberries 3.去钓鱼 4.playbaseball 5.参加…… 6.planttrees 7.昨天下午https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b13857013.html,kcows 9.进行一次野餐10.aphotoofmyfamily 二、根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。(10分) 1.Anelephantish_____thanamonkey. 2.T_____rightatthefirstcrossingandyoucanfinditonyourright. 3.Whatareyoug_____todothisweekend? 4.Iamgoingtotakepartinthesingingc_____。 5.CanIhavesomew_____paper? 6.Tomismyp_____,weoftenwriteletterstoeachother. 7.IwouldliketoseeaBeijngO。 8.LiuTaolikesmakingm_____planes. 9.Theboysrunf_____thanthegirls. 10.Canyout_____methewaytothepostoffice? 三、情景匹配。(10分) III

1.What‘stheweatherlikeinsummer?A.No,Ican’t. 2.Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow?B.Theyaregirls. 3.Areyouastudent?C.Idon‘tknow. 4.Where’sLucy‘sbike?D.Sheismyfriend. 5.AretheyAmericanorEnglish?E.It’samapofChina. 6.Howoldisyouruncle?F.TheyareAmerican. 7.Arethetwinsboysorgirls?G.Yes,Iam. 8.WhoisKate?H.It‘sunderthetree. 9.What’sthatonthewall?I.It‘susuallyveryhot. 10.Canyouseethecaronthehill?J.I’mgoingtowatchTV. 四、选择。(10分) 1.Whosebagisbigger,_____or_____? A.your,I B.yours,my C.yours,mine 2.Thecapisn‘tmine.It’s_____,Ithink. A.Mary‘s B.Mary C.Marys 3._____yourkitehighinthesky! A.Put B.Let C.Fly 4.Howmany_____canyouseeinthepicture? A.man B.child C.people D.woman 5.A:_____theweather_____inNanjing? B:It’sveryhotinsummer. A.What‘s,like B.What,like C.What’s,is D.What‘s,/


五年级英语下册期末测试题 一.选出同组中划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。 ( )1.A . man B camera C. want D .apple ( )2.A.send B.help C. easy D.get ( )3. A. write B.I C. in D kite ( )4.A.bottom B.go C.know D.no ( )5.A.funny B.you https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b13857013.html,puter D.student 二.从每组中选出不同类的一项。 ()1.A. bus B. bicycle C. hotel ( )2. A.. wanted B. see C. helped ( )3.A..our B.we C.they 三、单项选择题 ()1、Would you like _____ to the park ? A、go B、going C、to go D、went ()2、There ______ a pen and two books on the desk. A、is B、are C、was D、were ()3、The students are ____ games in the

classroon . A、play B、playing C、to play D、dong ()4、We _____ to Tian’an men square yesterday . A、go B、going C、went D、walk ()5、I’m _____ good friend . A、you B、your C、yours D、you’s ()6、The car is ____ than the bike . A、fast B、faster C、very faster D、too fast ()7、I like ____ to wangfujing to buy gifts . A、go B、goes C、going D、went ()8.May I____with you? A.plays B.playing C. play D. to play ( )9.Everyone ____tired. A. feels B. feel c.is feel D. feeling ( )10.I want ___buy some oranges. A.to B. for C./ D. at 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、Would you like ________(some ) tea ? 2、Look! There ______ (be) a pen on the desk .


六年级英语下册期末试卷分析 一、整体来看 本次命题体现素质教育要求,加强考试内容与学生生活实际的联系,重视对学生运用所学的基础知识和技能的考查,有利于促进学生生动、活泼、主动地学习。试卷从教材教学要求和学生的实际水平出发,着重考查学生听力、理解、运用语言的能力,试题难易适度,题型灵活多样,符合新课标的要求。 二、试题的特点。 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,坚持依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容。如:听力题的一题、四题;笔试题的六题等,因为这些基础知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下坚实的基础。 三、测试的总体情况分析。 本次测试,从我所任班级来看,及格率为97.5%,优秀率为90%。 四、各大题的做题情况分析与探究。 (一)、听力部分。 听力测试旨在考查学生听音、辨音及听力理解和快速反应能力。失分的主要原因是个别学生粗心,没有很好地领会题意。 (二)、笔试部分。 笔试部分主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,包括词、句的正确运用和读写能力的考查。从整个笔试部分的分析来看,学生掌

握了基础知识,但还不能灵活运用;知识面狭窄,缺乏一定的生活常识;语言综合运用能力较差;从笔试第八大题就可以看出。以上这些还有待于在今后的教学中得到加强。 五、个人教学中的几点做法。 如何进一步加强小学英语教学,提高小学英语教学质量,是我一直思考的问题,也是我一直努力的方向,下面就我个人在教学中的一点儿做法跟大家谈谈,不足之处还望领导及各位老师批评指正: 1、努力更新语言教学观念。为了更好地搞好教学,利用课余时间我努力学习英语《新课标》中的教学理念,以学生发展为主,注重学生听、说、读、写等各种能力的培养。 2、狠抓基础,培养能力。在平时的教学中,要提高学生的各种能力,必须在扎实和活用上下功夫,因此在听、说的基础上,抓好学生的读写训练。
