



• 欧盟1994年发起针对我国原产的大屏幕彩电的反倾销调 查就是一个典型案例。当时我国向欧盟出口的大屏幕彩电 共计51.5万台,为欧盟2450万台彩电消费总量的2.1%, 超过了2%的最低限额。但实际上其中3家中日合资企业 出口的11.7万台采用了日本产显像管。按照欧 盟彩电原 产地标准的规定,彩电原产地应依显像管的原产地而定, 即11.7万台采用日本产显像管组装的彩电应视为原产于日 本。这样,另外采用中国产显像管取得“中国国籍”的 39.8万台彩电仅占到了欧盟消费总量的1.6%, 低于2% 的最低限额,从而不能构成欧盟对我国彩电提起反倾销诉 讼的前提条件。然而依照我国彩电原产地标准,彩电只要 在我国境内进行“插件、焊接和装配”工序即可视为中国 原产。欧盟在进行反倾销调查时,按照中国的原产地规则 标准,将这11.7万台彩电判定为原产于中国。结果,上述 中日合资企业的11.7万台彩电,包括中国的39.8万台彩电 都被欧盟征收28.8%的反倾销税,导致我国彩电丧失确定的原则,以确定生产或制 造货物的国家或地区的具体规 定
• 整件生产标准。即产品完全是受惠国 生产和制造,不含有进口的和产地不 明的原材料和部件。 • 实质性改变标准。是适用于确定有两 个或两个以上国家参与生产的产品的 原产国的标准。
原产地规则应用国际贸易的一些范畴 • • • • • • • • 贸易统计 差别关税的计征: 地区经济一体化的互惠措施 进口配额的管理 反倾销(反补贴)诉案的审理 原产地标记的监管 政府采购中货物的原产地判定 涉及濒危动植物的保护
• 世界大多数国家根据进口产品的不同来源, 分别给予不同的待遇。在实行差别关税的 国家,进口货物的原产地是决定其是否享 受一定的关税优惠待遇的重要依据之一。 在采取禁运、反倾销、进出口数量限额、 贸易制裁、联合抵制、卫生防疫管制、外 汇管制等贸易措施中,只有在对进口货物 的原产地能够作出准确的判定时,其贸易 措施才能真正发挥作用。因此,在许多情 况下,原产地规则都是国家贸易政策的重 要组成部分,具有广泛的多方面的作用。

产地证(Certificate of Origin)及原产地标准(Origin Criterion)

产地证(Certificate of Origin)及原产地标准(Origin Criterion)

产地证(Certificate of Origin)及原产地标准(Origin Criterion)第一部分:产地证(Certificate of Origin)产地证分为一般产地证和普惠制产地证。




一、中国为出口货物签发的原产地证书有:(一) 非优惠原产地证书《中华人民共和国原产地证书》即通常所称的“一般原产地证书”,简称CO证书。




对仅在中国进行转口.未经过任何加工的货物,可以签发“转口证书”(二)优惠性原产地证书1.普惠制原产地证书(即 FORM A 证书)根据普惠制给惠国原产地规则和有关要求签发的原产地证书,它是受惠国货物出口到给惠国时享受普惠制关税优惠待遇的官方凭证。


给予中国普惠制待遇的国家共有39个分别为:英国、法国、德国、意大利、 荷兰、卢森堡、比利时、爱尔兰、丹麦、希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、瑞典、芬兰、波兰、匈牙利、捷克、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶 宛、塞浦路斯、马耳他、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、瑞士、列支敦士登、挪威、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、日本、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、土耳其、 美国(除美国外,其它39个国家均给予中国普惠制待遇)2.《亚太贸易协定》(原称《曼谷协定》)原产地证书(FORM B 证书)《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书根据《亚太贸易协定》的要求签发.在协定成员 国之间就特定产品享受互惠减免关税待遇的官方证明文件,签证依据为《亚太贸易协定》原产地规则及《亚太贸易协定原产地证书签发和核查程序》。

WTO规则中英文教程第十七章 WTO原产地规则_OK

WTO规则中英文教程第十七章 WTO原产地规则_OK
• 原产地规则应以肯定标准为依据。作为澄清肯 定标准的一部分或在不需使用肯定标准确定原 产地的个别情况下,可允许使用说明什么情况 不授予原产地的原产地规则(否定标准)。
(一)原产地的认定标准及相应要求 (Determining Criteria of Origin and Corresponding Requirement)
• 在原产地的认定时涉及两类产品,一类是“完 全原产”(wholly obtained)的产品,另一类是发 生“实质性改变”(substantial transformation)的 产品。对前者原产地的认定勿需赘述,对后者 原产地的认定则较为复杂,其认定标准有三种:
countervailing duties,safeguard measures, origin
marking requirements and any discriminatory
quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas. They shall
also include rules of origin used for government
• Rules of origin are based on a positive standard. Rules of origin that state what does not confer origin (negative standard) are permissible as part of a clarification of a positive standard or in individual cases where a positive determination of origin is not necessary.



原产地规则一、原产地规则概述“货物的原产地”(The origin ofgoods)是指某一特定产品的原产国或原产地区,即货物的生产来源地。

















原产地的英文是country of origin,指货物的“国籍”,在长期的国际贸易实践中形成了以“实质性改变”作为判定多国生产产品原产地的原则,其在确定对一种产品适用何种贸易措施、贸易救济或贸易优惠时被广泛应用。

(一)实质性改变原则来自美国1886年的Hartranft V. Wiegmann案。

该案争论的焦点是进口的清洗及磨光后的贝壳是否是贝壳制品(Manufactured Shells)。













美墨加协定(USMCA)对原产地 规则的修订及其影响分析何蓉连增郭正琪内容提要: 2018年11月30日,美国、墨西哥和加拿大三国签署了《美国—墨西哥—加拿大协定》,简称“美墨加协定(USMCA)”,正式替代“北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)”。




关 键 词: 美墨加协定;原产地规则;修订作者简介: 何蓉,博士,北京外国语大学国际商学院副教授,研究领域为国际贸易。



(北京,100089)中图分类号: F74 文献识别码: A 文章编号: 2096-4536(2019)06-0048-17一、引言由于美国与墨西哥、加拿大之间巨大的贸易逆差,以及北美自由贸易协定的原有条款已无法满足美国经济贸易发展的需要,美国重启了美墨加自贸协定谈判, 2018年11月30日,美国、墨西哥和加拿大一致达成新的贸易协定——美国–墨西哥–加拿大协定(The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement,USMCA),至此,1994年签署的北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement,NAFTA)正式成为历史。

美墨加协定(USMCA)对原产地规则的修订及其影响分析 —美墨加协定(USMCA)保留了原北美自贸协定的主要框架,在部分章节中做了调整和补充。


‘ ,


实质 性 改变 原 则 过 于 笼 统 各 国在 海 关

平 常谁 也 不 会 重 视 它

操 作 中 常 采 用 以 下 三 种 标 准 :税 则 归 类 改 变 标 准
从 价 百 分 比标 准和 制造 或 者 加
工 工

这 个 字 在 西 欧 各 国 的 语 言 中都 是 外 来 语
为 此 鲁 先 生根 据 产 品 质 量 法 和 消 费者 权 益

木柄 从 俄 罗斯进

刷 毛 在 中国 加 工 成

保 护 法 的相 关 规 定
将沃 尔玛告上 法庭

木刷 出 口 到韩 国
由于 木 柄 和 刷 毛 的 功 能 发 生 的
区 法 院 经 审理 后 认 为
被告沃 尔玛 销售 的狮王 牌
35 %

f a c tu

者对不 同原产地 的商 品 的 印象存在 显 著差异
极 大 地 影 响到 他 们 的购 买 决 策

税 对 贝 壳制 品 则 需 征 收
近 年 来 由于 商 品

的从价 税

最 高 法 院 最 后 判 定 清 洗及 磨 光 后

原 产地 标 记 错 误 而 引发 的 争端 也 曰 益 增加
原 产地 的原 则 其 在 确定 对

糖 类 再 出 口 到 印 度 此 时这 批 糖 的 原 产 地 是 中 国 ;
而 不 像 文 章 中所 说
种产 品适用 何种 贸 易












1/ 1。




C PTPP 、R C EP 、美国原产地规则的对比张华宇,刘晓伟(苏州经贸职业技术学院,江苏苏州215009)摘要:原产地规则在国际贸易中具有举足轻重的地位,它是区域自由贸易协定必不可少的组成部分。

目前,全球覆盖范围最广最具影响力的两大跨区域自由贸易协定—C PT PP (全面进步的跨太平洋伙伴关系协定,日本主导)和R C EP (区域全面经济伙伴关系协定,东盟主导)以及作为全球第一大经济国的美国,在原产地标准上都做了详细规定。

全面了解这三大原产地规则的主要内容与特点对于国际经贸相关从业者和研究者是十分必要的,而本文则通过对C PT PP 、R C EP 、美国原产地规则的主要内容进行梳理归纳,为关注者提供一个较全面的对比分析框架。

关键词:原产地规则;C PT PP ;R C EP ;美国法中图分类号:F740文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-913X (2022)05-0019-05C om pari son of C PT PP,R C E P and U S R ul es of O ri gi nZ hang H uayu ,Li u X i aow ei(Suzhou I ns t i t ut e ofT r ade&C om m er ce,Suzhou J i angs u215009)A bs t ract :R ul es of or i gi n ar e of gr eat i m por t ance i n i nt er nat i onalt r ade;t hey ar e al s o an i ndi s pens abl e par tofr egi onal f r ee t r ade agr eem ent s .A t pr es ent ,t he t w o t r ans -r egi onal f r ee t r ade agr eem ent sw i t h t he m os text ens i ve cover age and t he m os t i nf l uent i ali nf l uence i n t he w or l d —C PT PP(C om pr ehens i ve and Pr ogr es s i ve T r ans -Paci f i c Par t ner s hi p,l ed by J apan)and R C EP (R egi onal C om pr ehens i ve Econom i c Par t ner s hi p,l ed by A SEA N ),as w el l as t he W or l d's l ar ges t econom y,t he U ni t ed St at es ,have m ade det ai l ed r ul es on or i gi n s t andar ds .I t i s ver y neces s ar y f orpr act i t i oner sand r es ear cher sr el at ed t o i nt er nat i onal econom y and t r ade t o f ul l y under s t and t he m ai n cont ent s and char act er i s t i csoft he t hr ee r ul esofor i gi n.T hi spaper ,by s or t i ng out t he m ai n cont ent s of C PT PP,R C EP,U S r ul es of or i gi n,pr ovi des a r el at i vel y com pr ehens i ve com par at i ve anal ys i s f r am ew or k f ort he f ol l ow er s .K ey w ords:R ul esofO r i gi n;C PT PP;R C EP;U .S.C.A原产地规则(Count r y ofor i gi n)是一国根据国家法令或国际协定确定的原则制定并实施的,以确定生产或制造货物的国家或地区的具体规定,是该国针对进口商品实施贸易差别待遇的法律依据。



[基金项目]本文系 2019 年上海市教委本科重点课程项目《管理学》[沪教委高(2019)39 号]。 [作者简介]林黎(1983—),女,上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院高级经济师;研究方向:工商管理。
的 《北美自由贸易协定》(NAFTA)。 地规则对于成员方引资以及促进核 准,如核心零部件的原产地价值量
《美墨加协定》基本上保留了 NAFTA 心技术回流能够起到一定的推动作 含量为 75%,主要零部件的含量标
的基本框架,但内容涵盖更为广泛, 用。总体看,USMCA 对原产地规则的 准是 70%,附加零部件的价值含量
的贸易保护措施,其内容的修订引 在北美各国经济体系中占据重要地 外的国家向这两国出口汽车的份额
起了广泛的关注,对中国外贸出口 位。NAFTA 和 USMCA 均对汽车原产 基本持平。可见,美国汽车对加拿
及全球经济走势必然会产生深远的 地规则进行了细致的规定,涵盖了 大、墨西哥两国的市场依赖度有所
■ 林 黎 上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院
摘 要:《美墨加协定》对汽车、纺织业原产地规则做了较大的调整,不仅提升了区域价值含量标准,还设 定了劳工价值含量标准及相关贸易实施机制。USMCA 原产地规则的变化,对中国汽车零部件,纺织品、服装 及其原料对北美出口会造成一定冲击,对来自于北美的整车进口也会有一定影响。原产地规则作为隐性的区 域贸易保护政策,对进出口及投资有重要导向作用。因此,我国在对外自贸区构建谈判中,应该借鉴 USMCA 的做法,适当提升原产地标准的设定,同时提升原产地标准设定的针对性,为特殊行业提供特殊保护。



第17卷第1期2002年3月广西政法管理干部学院学报JOU R NAL OF GU A NGX I ADM IN IST RAT IVE CADRE IN ST IT U T E OF P OL IT ICS A ND L AWV ol 17 No 1M ar 2002[收稿日期]2001-12-18[作者简介]高胜(1972 ),安徽大学法学硕士研究生,主要从事国际经济法研究。

On Substantial Transformation of Rules of OriginGO Sheng(Law school of Anhui University 230039)[Abstract]Rules of orig in are the laws applied to deternine the country of origin of goods.Different ial treatment of goods ac -cording to t he countr y of o rigin is a fact in internatio nal trade,therefore,rules of o rigin are not simply a technical matter,but a tool of tr ade polity.Based on the Ag reement on Rules o f O rigin and the laws applied by EU and U.S.A,the present paper has made so me analyses of the cr iterion of substantial transfomat ion.In addition,the author thinks that we should modify the law s to pursue economic objectives.[Key words]Rules of O rigin;Substant ial T transfor mation;Protectionism论原产地规则中的 实质性改变 标准高 胜(安徽大学法学院,安徽合肥 230039)[摘 要]原产地规则是为确定货物原产地而实施的法律制度。








♦报关资格凭证(Evidence of right to make entry)是表明相关主体有资格办理报关业务的重要证据。


申报时限电子申报——通过美国海关与边境保护局的「自动化商业系统」(Automated Commercial System,ACS)中的自动报关介面(Automated Broker Interface,ABI)提交电子报关单。

近年来,美国海关开发了自动商业环境系统(Automated Commercial Environment, ACE),这是一套旨在便利贸易和增强边境保护的商业贸易处理系统,将逐步取代原有的自动商业系统,未来将成为单一窗口式的企业申报、政府管理的单一平台。









美墨加协定(USMCA)对原产地规则的修订及其影响分析一、USMCA概述USMCA(United StatesMexicoCanada Agreement,美墨加协定)是美国、墨西哥和加拿大之间签署的一项贸易协定,旨在取代之前的北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)。



二、原产地规则的修订1. 修订了汽车和汽车零部件的原产地规则。



2. 修订了纺织品和服装的原产地规则。



3. 修订了农业产品的原产地规则。



三、USMCA对原产地规则修订的影响分析1. 对三国经济的影响USMCA对原产地规则的修订有助于促进三国之间的贸易自由化和经济一体化。



2. 对非北美地区经济的影响USMCA对原产地规则的修订可能对非北美地区的经济产生一定影响。



3. 对全球贸易体系的影响USMCA对原产地规则的修订可能对全球贸易体系产生一定影响。




























中闻外n:DEC 15, 2020市场。


二是 资本市场和资金的跨境流动。

包括跨境支付和货币转移服务、外汇业务、衍生品业务、汇率和利率工具、金融资产的结算和清算业务等,都涉及 货币市场、资本市场更高水平的幵放和更便捷的跨境资金流动。

R C E P自签署至生效还有一段时期。


R C E P15个缔约方目前的金融幵放程度存在差异,需要根据协定调整相关法律法规和政策。

另外,根据协定,在服务贸易方面,曰本、韩国、澳大 利亚、新加坡、文莱、马来西亚、印度尼西亚等七个成员采用负面清单方式承诺,中国等其余八个成员采用正面清单承诺,并将于协定生效后六年内转化为负面清单。


需要注意的是,各缔约方可以援引“金融服务例外”条款来 确保与金融服务条款不相抵触的法律和法规得到遵守;但这些措施不得构成任意或不当歧视,或 对金融机构投资或金融服务贸易构成变相限制。

为履行R C E P金融服务条款,我国要按照金融与经济、贸易的发展相适应的节奏,稳步推进资本项目更高水平幵放。

这也契合了 R C E P金融服 务高水平幵放的标准和要求。

我国应在现有金融服务业幵放的基础上,加完成R C E P国内核准程 序,推进服务贸易、金融服务更高水平的幵放,履行协定承诺;同时,要切实加强金融幵放条件下的监管,提高监管的能力和效率,防范金融风险。

此外,也要注意在必要时运用R C EP金融服务 条款的审慎措施、金融服务例外、磋商、争端解决等机制,以有效维护国家利益。

®作者系上海财经大学自由贸易K研究院院长R C E P下的原产地规则R C E P使得15个成员国达成统一的原产地执行标准。

由此可以预见,R C E P的原产地规则将成为亚太地区通行 的原产地规则,并将影响未来全球多边F T A原产地规 则的制定。



美国原产地证明书[篇一:原产地证明种类]原产地证明种类form a: generalized system of preferences certificate of origin 〔combined declaration and certificate〕form a它是受惠国<一般为发展中国家>的原产品出口到给惠国<一般为发达国家>时享受普惠制减免关税待遇时必备的官方凭证,所有的给惠国都接受.格式a证书由受惠国出品商填制申报,受惠国签证机构审核,证明与签发.在我国,国家出入境检验检疫局是签发普惠制产地证的官方机构.发达国家对进口商品征税至少有三种税率标准:一般税率、最惠国待遇税率、普惠制税率gps目前给予我国普惠制待遇的国家共39个:欧盟27国〔比利时、丹麦、英国、德国、法国、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典、波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、匈牙利、马耳他、塞浦路斯、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚〕、挪威、瑞士、土耳其、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和列支敦士登公国.但有1个给惠国不对中国给惠,即美国form b: 《亚太贸易协定》原产地证明书20##9月1日起签发《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书.可以签发《亚太贸易协定》原产地证书的国家有:韩国、斯里兰卡、印度、孟加拉等4个国家.降税幅度从5%到100%不等form d: 是中国出入境检验检疫局针对我国出口到东盟十国的货物所签发的一种产地证,就跟form a一样,在当地的商检局可以办理.form e: 中国- 优惠原产地证明书可以签发《中国——东盟自由贸易区》优惠原产地证书的国家有:文莱、柬埔寨、印尼、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南等10个国家中国和东盟六个老成员国〔即文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡和泰国〕20##1月1日将关税最终削减为零. .form f: 中华人民##国政府和智利##国政府自由贸易协定form l: 《certificate of origin form for china-costa rica free trade agreement》凭贸促会出具的中国-哥斯达黎加原产地证书form l可享受10%至100%的关税减免form m: 是尼日利亚买方要申请的一个表格,上面会有一个form m 编号.是进口商向尼日利亚当地银行领取,然后依据出口商这边提供的p/i〔proforma invoice,就是形式发票〕填写,填写form m表的内容应该和p/i中的内容是完全一致.然后将填写完毕的form m表连同p/i交银行,这样进货商在尼日利亚就完成了进口前的必要手续.申请下来的form m甚至申请公司名称要求显示在提单上,这主要是关系着尼日利亚当地清关与外汇管制.form p: certificate of origin china-pa-kistan fta <combined declaration and certificate> 中巴产地证form p的签发,限于已公布的《中国—巴基斯坦自贸区协定》项下给予关税优惠的产品,这些产品必须符合《中国—巴基斯坦自由贸易区原产地规则》.[篇二:产地来源证]产地来源证顾名思义就是成品生产地的证明,如今随着国际贸易的发展,产地来源证在其中扮演这不可或缺的重要角色.一般产地证如何办理这是很多外贸企业需要了解的事宜.产地来源证对企业进出口有重要意义,根据wto的规定,进口国对来源于不同地区的产品会征收不同的税,所以国与国之间会签定一个产地优惠的协议,这样会减轻进口商的税赋,对进出国来说都是有好处的.产地证可以在当地商检局办,需要先备案,这个手续在当时办进出口许可时就已经做了.产地证的定义是什么,一般产地证如何办理,关于产地证form a的一些问题产地证的定义是什么?产地证明书<certificate of origin >是证明货物原产地和制造地的文件,也是进口国海关采取不同的国别政策和关税待遇的依据.产地证一般分为普通产地证、普惠制产地证和欧洲纺织品产地证.上述产地证虽然都用于证明货物产地,但使用X围和格式不一样.<1>普通产地证普通产地证又称原产地证.通常不使用海关发票或领事发票的国家,要求提供产地证明可确定对货物征税的税率.有的国家限制从某个国家或地区进口货物,要求以产地证来确定货物来源国.此种产地证根据签发者的不同,分为:1. 出口商自己出具的产地证.2. 国家进出口商品检验局签发的产地证明书.3. 中国国际贸易促进委员会<即中国商会>出具的产地证.4. 厂商自己出具的产地证.由谁出具普通产地证要根据信用证要求办理. <对意大利出口,有时要求在产地证上除加盖贸促会印章外,还要增加手签.><2>普惠制产地证普惠制产地证< generalised system of preference certificate of origin firm a>是普惠制的主要单据.凡是对给惠国出口一般货物,须提供这种产地证.由我进出口公司填制,并以中国进出口商品检验局出具,作为进口国减免关税的依据.<3>纺织品产地证对欧洲经济共同体国家出口纺织品时,信用证一般都规定须提供特定的产地证,即纺织品产地证.此种产地证在我国是由出口地的经贸委<厅、局>签发的.除以上几种产地证外,在对出口美国的纺织品交易中,一般使用原产地声明书.它有三种格式:单一国家产地声明书,简称格a;国产地声明书,简称格式b;非多种纤维纺织物声明书,用于麻或丝面料的服装.一般产地证如何办理原产地证申领程序:一、办理注册登记所有向出入境检验检疫局申请签发产地证书的单位必须先在出入境检验检疫局办理注册登记,经审核,被确认具有申请资格者,才能按正常程序向我局申请签发产地证书.办理注册登记程序如下:1.申请单位凭营业执照和批准证书<进出口经营权批准证书;独资或合资企业批准证书;来料加工批准证书>到出入境检验检疫局领取产地证注册登记表和其他有关表格,并按要求填写.2.出入境检验检疫局对申请单位提交的表格和资料进行审核,并派员到生产企业进行产地证注册调查.调查内容主要为生产加工单位的性质以与生产出口商品的能力;产品的生产加工工序;所用原料、零部件的来源情况与它们在产品中所占的比例;出口产品的包装、商标与唛头情况.生产单位应配合出入境检验检疫局调查人员工作,并负责提供调查所需的有关材料,提供的材料必须真实、有效.经过调查,出入境检验检疫局对申请单位是否给予注册做出结论.3.对予以登记注册的企业,出入境检验检疫局将为其建立企业注册档案.每个注册企业都有一个注册号,该注册号在申请产地证时应填在申请书上,供计算机识别使用.二、产地证书的申领1.各单位产地证申领人员<证书手签人员>必须是经过检验检疫机构培训,并通过考试取得申领员##者.各单位凭申领员证到出入境检验检疫局办理产地证书业务,特殊情况下,可凭单位介绍信办理.2.申请产地证时,申请人需提交以下文件资料: <1>《普惠制原产地证明书申请书》或《一般原产地证明书申请书》一份,申请书需盖申请单位公章; <2>缮制完整的《普惠制原产地证书》或《一般原产地书》一套,证书需签字、盖章.签字人员应是取得产地证申领资格的人员; <3>正式出口商业发票副本一份,发票需盖章,并应注明包装、数量、毛重,否则还需另附装箱单; <4>含有进口成分的商品,需提供《含进口成分商品成本明细单》;<5>后发证书,需提供提单; <6>如有必要,还需提供合同、信用证等其他有关的单据.3.出入境检验检疫局在接受产地证申请后,签发时间为一个工作日.特殊情况,可以签发急件.关于产地证form a的一些问题问:客人是德国客户,收货人地址也是德国某地.但是客人要求的fob港是荷兰的鹿特丹,于是问题出现了:申请产地证时,1-目的港是写鹿特丹么?2-目的国是写荷兰还是德国呢?3-产地证的原产国是写荷兰还是德国?4-目的国家/地区是写荷兰还是德国呢?答:1.目的港写鹿特丹;2.目的国写荷兰;3.原产国只有可能是中国;4.目的国家还是荷兰.5.从荷兰到德国的这一段需要自己想办法.[篇三:原产地证明练习<有答案>]原产地证明练习一、判断题1、普惠制的原则有非普遍原则、非互惠原则和非歧视原则.b2、含有进口成份的产品,出口到加拿大,普惠制原产地证明书form a的原产地标准栏目填"w〞.b3、商检机构可以接受对外贸易关系人的申请,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定签发普惠制原产地证、一般原产地证.a 4、非歧视原则是指应对所有的发展中国家都给予优惠待遇,不应区别对待,不应有例外.a5、非互惠原则是指非对等的原则,发达国家应单方面给予发展中国家优惠关税待遇,而不要求发展中国家给予同等待遇.a 二、单选题1、关于中华人民##国出口货物原产地证明书,下列表述中错误的是:〔〕ca、货物确系中华人民##国原产的证明文件备证件 d、各地商检局和贸促会均可签发此证 2、 "gsp产地证〞表示〔〕.ba、一般原产地证书b、普惠制原产地证书c、欧盟体纺织品专用产地证 3、普惠制产地证主要有三种形式,其中, 使用X围较广.aa、普惠制产地证明书格式ab、普惠制产地证明书格式59ad、对美国出口纺织品声明书d、普惠制产地证明b、进口国海关对该进出口商品适用何种税率的依据c、出口报关的必c、普惠制产地证书格式apr书4、原产地证书是证明本批出口商品的生产地并符合《中华人民##国出口货物原产地规则》的一种文件,如果信用证或合同对签证机构未作具体规定,一般由〔〕签发.aa、中国出入境检验检疫局b、中国国际贸易促进委员会c、海关d、出口商5、普惠制产地证中的"origin criterion<原产地标准>〞一栏,应根据货物原料进口成份的比例填制,"p〞表示 b a、含进口成份 b、无进口成份c、进口成份要在40%以下6、普惠制原产地证书的原产地标准一栏"P〞字表示〔〕.cd、进口成份在20%以下d、其它a、含有进口成份b、含有进口成份,但符合原产地标准c、完全原产,无进口成份7、根据我国有关规定,出口企业最迟于货物出运前向签证机构申请办理原产地证书.c a、l天 b、2天 c、3天 d、4天8、按我国和东盟之间签署的双边优惠贸易安排提供的产地证是〔〕.ba、form ab、form ec、form cd、form f9、当前,全球有30个给惠国,其中27个国家或地区给予中国产品以普惠制待遇.不在这27个国家中的是〔〕. b a、德国、比利时、荷兰 b、波兰、韩国、##c、卢森堡、法国、丹麦d、日本、加拿大、澳大利亚 10普惠制产地证中的运输方式和路线一栏应按信用证规定填写,如中途转运,应注明转运地,若不知转运地,则用表示.a a、w/t b、no c、n/m d、n/n 三、多选题1、出口企业在向签证机构审核签发普惠制原产地证明书form a时,应递交的文件有〔〕.abcda、普惠制原产地证明书申请书b、普惠制原产地证明书formac、商业发票d、签证机构要求的其它文件e、2、原产地证明书是由出口国政府有关机构签发的一种证明货物原产地或制造地的证明文件,通常多用于不需要提供〔〕的国家或地区. aba、海关发票b、领事发票c、证实发票d、联合发票e、3、普惠制原产地证书是指受惠国有关机构就本国出口商向给惠国出口受惠商品而签发的,用以证明原产地的文件,其主要有〔〕三种.abca、普惠制原产地证明书格式ab、普惠制原产地证明书格式59ac、普惠制原产地证书格式aprd、普惠制原产地证明书e、4、在下列叙述中,符合原产地规则中的实质性改变标准的是〔〕 . aba、经过加工后,在海关进出口税则的税号4位数一级的税则号列已经有了改变值的比例已经达到30%与其以上的c、新包装整理后的货物 5关于原产地证明书,下列说法错误的是〔〕. abdb、货物经过加工后,增值部分占新产品总d、经过重新筛选并重新包装的货物a、《框架协议》规则的原产地证明书应当自东盟国家有关机构签发之日起6个月向我国境内申报地海关提交,经过第三方转运的,提交期限延长为8个月.b、中国—巴基斯坦自由贸易区原产地规则的原产地证明书应当自东盟国家有关机构签发之日起4个月向我国境内申报地海关提交,如果经过第三方转运的,提交期限延长为6个月. c、原产于东盟国家的进口货物,如果产品的fob价不超过200美元,无须要求我国的纳税义务人提交原产地证书,但是要提交出口人对有关产品原产于该出口成员方的声明. d、《亚太贸易协定》规则的原产地证明书,一个原产地证书可多次使用,适用于多批进口货物. 四、单证模拟题 1、e、1.根据下列信用证和商业发票填写一般原产地证明书〔其是:0566589,hs编码是61.12〕 a.信用证:aug.8th, 2003 14:10:38mt s701 issue of documentary creditpage 00001 func swpr3msgack dws765i authentication successful with primary key basic headerf 01 bkchcnbja300 5976 662401*<formerly the mitsui taiyo kobe> logical terminal p005*tokyouser header bank. priority 113:msg user ref 108: sequence of total form of doc. credit doc. credit number data of issue expiry applicantbeneficiary amountadd.amount covered available with/by drafts at… draweepartial shipment transshipment loading in charge for transport to… latest date of ship. description of goodspresentation period confirmationreimbursement bank instructionsdocuments required*27:1/3*40 a:irrevocable *20:090-3001573 *31c:030804*31d:date 030915 place in the country of beneficiary*50:tianjin-daiei co.,ltd,shibadaimon mf blog,2-1-16,shibadaimon, minato-ku, tokyo, 105 japan*59:shanghai garment corp,no.567 maotai rd.,shanghai, china *32b:currency usd amount 74 157.00 39 c:full cif invoice value*41 d:bank of china by negotiation 42 c:draft<s> at sight42 a:commercial bank *new york, ny 43 p:partial shipments are allowed 43 t:transshipment is not allowed 44 a:shanghai 44 b:kobe, japan 44 c:03083145 a:girl’s t/r vest suits st/no.3537136 000 sets.usd6.27/set usd37 620.003537145 700 sets.usd6.41/set usd36 537.00 total: 11 700 sets.usd74 157.00 48:documents must be presented within 15 days after the date of shipmeent *49:without53 a:*commercial bank *new york, ny78:+ signed commercial invoice in 5 copies indicating import order no.131283 and contract no.03-09-403 dated jul.12, 2003 and l/c no.090-3001573+ full set of 3/3 clean on board ocean bills of lading madeout to order of shipper and blank endorsed and marked"freight prepaid〞notify tianjin-daiei co.,ltd 6f, shibadaimon mf bldg., 2-1-16shibadaimon,minato.ku tokyo 105 japan. tel no.03-5400-1971, fax no.03-5400-1976. + packing list in 5 copies+ certificate of origin in 5 copies+ insurance policy or certificate in 2/2 and endorsed in blank for 110 pct of full total invoice value covering all risks, war risks as per the relevant ocean marine cargo clause of p.i.c.c dated jan.1st, 1981. with clams, if any, payable at destination+ telex or fax copy of shipping advice despatched to tianjin-daiei co.,ltd.<div:1,dept:3 ,fax no.03-5400-1976> immediately after shipment.+ beneficiary’s certificate stating that three sets copies ofnon-negotiable shipping documents have been airmaild directly to the applicant immediately after shipment.additional cond.47 b:<1>5pct more or less in both amount and quantity per each item will be acceptable.<2>buyer’s import order no.131283 must be mentioned on any shipping documents.<3>above cargo shall be containerized.<4>shipping mark of each carton should include buyer’s import order no.131283<5>t.t. reimbursement is not acceptable.<6>all banking charges outside japan are for account of beneficiary.it is subject to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits<1993 revision>,international chamber of commerce publication no.500.b.商业发票##市服装集团公司shanghai garment corporationno.567 maotai road shanghai chinatel:8621-55876423 fax:8621-55886756commercial invoiceto:m/stianjin-daiei co.,ltd.shibadaimon mf bldg,2-1-16,shibadaimonminato-ku,tokyo,105 japan 装船口岸from 信用证号数no.订单或合约sales confirmationno. 日期date aug.18th,2003目的地to 开证银行we certify that the goods are of chinese originshanghai garment corporation ⅹⅹⅹ答案一般原产地证明书申请书:一般原产地证明书:普惠制产地证明申请书:。

合同法司法解释 原产地

合同法司法解释 原产地



案例:1886年Hartranft V.Wiegmann案该案争论的焦点是进口的、经清洗及磨光后的贝壳是否为贝壳制品(Manufactured Shells)。









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U.S. Origin Rules in Uncertain Times——Substantially Transformed美国原产地规则之实质转变规则Until the Trump administration’s war on trade, many companies did not consider country of origin to be of critical importance to their import process. Certainly, country of origin questions were, and remain, important for determining whether goods are subject to import restraints (quotas) or for qualification under various free trade agreements and special duty programs such as 9801 or 9802; and it is of critical importance when we consider whether certain goods and materials are subject to Antidumping or Countervailing duties, but, for much of the goods that are imported, it was a non-issue. But no longer. Un der the Trump administration’s war on trade, we must now contend with and consider whether the goods we import are subject to additional duties under Section 201, 232 and the overwhelming impact of section 301 duties on goods from China. Companies are asking about whether they can shift their supply chain to take advantage of more favorable countries, and if so, how far down the supply chain the shift must occur.Whose Responsibility is It to Determine Country of Origin?Section 484 of the Tariff Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. - 1484), obligates an importer of record (IOR) to use reasonable care when entering or classifying imported merchandise, assessing duties, reporting accurate trade statistics and determining whether any other applicable legal requirement has been met. Determining and reporting the origin of imported goods falls within the scope of section 1484, both for purposes of duty preference claims as well as complying with basic entry requirements for reporting the correct country of origin of imported merchandise. (CBP Form 7501 "Entry Summary" Instructions: Detailed instructions on completing CBP Form 7501. ) False statements with respect to origin can result in the assessment of penalties under 19 U.S.C. -1592. Additionally, errors made with respect to the country of origin can result in the loss of special duty privileges, detention or exclusion of goods at the time of admission, or a demand for redelivery of the articles to Customs custody. Articles that are not timely returned to Customs custody are subject to liquidated damages equal to the value of the unreturned articles. Goods that are improperly marked or not marked in accordance with the country of origin marking statute (19 U.S.C. - 1304) can also be assesseda special “marking duty” equal to 10 percent of the value of the mis-marked goods.In United States v. Golden Ship Trading Company, 25 C.I.T. 40 (2001) the government sued an importer of t-shirts from the Dominican Republic, claiming that the true country of origin of the t-shirts was China and not the Dominican Republic as reported. The government sought a monetary penalty for negligence. The importer argued that it was not negligent in misrepresenting the origin of the t-shirts because she relied on the information provided by the exporter and accepted his representations that the Dominican Republic was the country of origin of the t-shirts. The court, however, determined that the importer, Ms. Wu, failed to exercise reasonable care because she failed to verify the information contained in the entry documents related to country of origin. The court explained that under the definition of reasonable care, Ms. Wu had the responsibility to at least undertake an effort to verify the information on the entry documents. The court said that there is a distinct difference between legitimately attempting to verify the entry information and blindly relying on the exporter’s assertions. Had Ms. Wu inquired as to the origin of the imported t-shirts or, at minimum, attempted to check the credentials and business operations of the exporter, she could make an argument that she attempted to exercise reasonable care and competence to ensure that the statements on the entry documents were accurate, but she had not. The court found that Ms. Wu’s failure to at tempt to verify the entry document information shows she did not act with reasonable care, and had, therefore, attempted to negligently introduce merchandise into the commerce of the United States in violation of 19 U.S.C.- 1592 (a)(1)(A). Because of this, she was required to pay a civil penalty for her negligence. Understanding the U.S. Country of Origin RulesFor non-preferential duty treatment, the U.S. country or origin (COO) rules follow the U.S. country of origin marking rules laid out in section 134 of the Customs Regulations. (19 CFR Part 134, et seq.)These rules provide that the “country of origin” of a good is the country in which the good is wholly manufactured, produced, or grown. Such an article is said to be "wholly the growth or product" of that country and as such, it is considered to be “originating” in that country. Similarly, articles that are processed or manufactured exclusively in a country from materials that have been wholly grown or produced in that same country are also considered to be "wholly the product or manufacture" of that country.When an article is not wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of that country, that is, when the product incorporates or reflects materials orprocessing, or both, which are attributable to two or more countries, origin determinations become more problematic. In such cases, the impact of materials or articles that originate in a country other than the country of final processing must be considered when determining the country of origin of the finished good.If the article in question is not wholly manufactured, produced, or grown within a single country, then we must consider the source or origin of any component or material that is used in the manufacture, production, or assembly of the good, and whether the further work or material added to an article in a subsequent country effected a “substantial transformation” on that part, component or material, so as to render such other country the “country of origin” of the end product. (19 CFR Part 134.1)U.S. Customs” Country of Origin RegulationsA common misconception by importers and the trade is that Part 102 of the Customs Regulations provides for general non-preferential origin rules. This is not the case. The preamble to Part 102 of the Customs Regulations provides that this part sets forth rules for determining the country of origin of imported goods for the purposes the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement regulations; the United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement, and for determining the country of origin of textile and apparel products.The Substantial Transformation RuleFirst set forth a century ago by the U.S. Supreme Court in Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass’n v. United States, 207 U.S. 556, 562 (1908) the “substantial transformation” rule has been applied throughout the United States customs laws to determine the origin of goods for such varied purposes as: admissibility, eligibility for preferential trade programs, country of origin marking, drawback of duties, administration of the U.S. textile import program, American goods returned, and government procurement under the Trade Agreements Act of 1979.The essence of the substantial transformation rule is that a product cannot be said to originate in the country of exportation if it was not manufactured there. The question, therefore, has been whether operations performed on products in the country of exportation are of such a substantial nature so as to justify the conclusion that the resulting product is a manufacture of that country. In Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass’n the Supreme Court said: "[m]anufacture implies a change, but every change is not manufacture * * *.There must be transformation; a new and different article must emerge, 'having a distinctive name, character, or use.'"In United States v. Gibson-Thomsen Co., Inc., 27 C.C.P.A. 267 (C.A.D. 98) (1940) the Court of Customs & Patent Appeals held that a product undergoes a "substantial transformation" if, as a result of further manufacturing or processing, the product loses its identity and is transformed into a new product having "a new name, character, and use." As observed in Tropicana Products, Inc. v. United States (6 C.I.T. 155, 159, 789 F. Supp. 1154,1157 (1992)) substantial transformation is a concept of major importance in administering the customs and trade laws."Complexity and Confusion AboundsAccording to Customs, the substantial transformation rule of Gibson-Thomsen (the change of “name, character, and use" test) has been difficult for the importing community, Customs, and the courts to apply, and that the rule has often resulted in a lack of predictability and certainty to its decisions. At the root of this frustration is the fact that the Gibson-Thomsen substantial transformation rule must to be applied on a case-by-case basis, often involving subjective judgments as to what constitutes a new and different article, or whether certain processing resulted in an article with a new name, character, or use.The concepts and rules surrounding substantial transformation can be confusing for the uninitiated. Very often, importers mistakenly base their conclusion on a local or “Regional Value Content” (RVC), or a change or shift in tariff classification, as evidence of a substantial transformation for purposes of determining origin. While these concepts have their place in determining the origin of goods for specific preferential trade programs, they have limited application when determining the origin of goods for general origin determinations. (Many of the current U.S. preferential trade programs, such as NAFTA, Chile (CLFTA), Singapore (SGFTA) Australia (AUFTA), Bahrain (BHFTA), Morocco (MAFTA), Oman (OMFTA), CAFTA-DR, Peru (PETPA), Korea (KORUS), Colombia (COTPA), and Panama (PATPA apply a tariff shift and/or a RVC requirement for determining the origin of goods. See CBP Side-by-Side Comparison of Free Trade Agreements and Selected Preferential Trade Legislation Programs--Non-Textile. While other trade preference programs, such as Israel (ILFTA), Jordan (JOFTA), GSP, AGOA and CBERA all base their origin rule on the traditional substantial transformation rule and the change of “name, character, and use" test first enunciated in Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass’n and in Gibson-Thomsen Co., Inc.)The Substantial Transformation Rule: Variations on a ThemeWhile the traditional substantial transformation rule and the change of “name, character, and use" test remains the lodestone of country of origin determinations, it is not without its variations.A Change in Name by Itself, Not so MuchFor instance, A name change, for example, is not always considered determinative. (United States v. International Paint Co., 35 C.C.P.A. 87, 93-94, C.A.D. 376 (1948)) Although it is clear that a change in name from "wire rod" to "wire" occurred in Superior Wire v. United States (when only a change in name is found, "such a change has rarely been dispositive"), this fact alone is not necessarily determinative of a substantial transformation. (Superior Wire, Div. of Superior Prods. Co. v. United States, 11 C.I.T. 608 (1987), aff'd, 867 F.2d 1409 (CAFC, 1989)) It may be supportive, however, of a finding of substantial transformation, as it did in Ferrostaal Metals v. United States, 11 C.I.T. 470; 664 F. Supp. 535 (1987). The name criterion is generally considered the least compelling of the factors that will support a finding of substantial transformation. National Juice Producers, ("a change in the name of the product is the weakest evidence of a substantial transformation"). Uniroyal, Inc. v. United States, 3 C.I.T. 220, 542 F. Supp. 1026 (1982), aff'd, 702 F.2d 1022 (CAFC, 1983) and United States v. International Paint Co. ("Under some circumstances a change in name would be wholly unimportant and equally so is a lack of change in name under circumstances such as [in this drawback case]."). See Ferrostaal Metals Corp., and Superior Wire.A Focus on Change in Use or CharacterIn recent years Customs and the courts have concentrated on change in use or character of the components or materials when processed into finished goods, and sometimes finding other various subsidiary tests appropriate to consider, depending on the situation at hand. (Energizer Battery, Inc. v. United States, 190 F. Supp. 3d 1308) Courts have held that when the properties and uses of a product are predetermined by the material from which it was made, no substantial transformation occurs. For example, in Superior Wire, wire rod in coils was shipped to Canada where it was drawn into wire. The court determined that the drawing operation did not result in a substantial transformation, pointing out that the properties of the wire rod and its uses were determined by the chemical content of the rod and the cooling processes used in its manufacture, and therefore, the wire rod dictated the final form of the finished wire."Character" is defined as the "mark, sign [or] distinctive quality" of a thing. Webster's Third New Int'l Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged (2002) at 376. For courts to find a change in character, there often needs to be a substantial alteration in the characteristics of the article or components. See, e.g., Ran-Paige Co., Inc. v. United States, 35 Fed. Cl. 117 (1996) and National Hand Tool Corp. v. United States, 16 C.I.T. 308 (1992). Changes that are deemed cosmetic are insufficient for a finding of substantial transformation. See, e.g., Superior Wire. The court previously has found a change in character when a "continuous hot-dip galvanizing process transformed a strong, brittle product which cannot be formed into a durable, corrosion-resistant product which is less hard, but formable for a range of commercial applications," Ferrostaal Metals, but not when the "form of the components remained the same" and a heating process "change[d] the microstructure of the material, but there was no change in the chemical composition." While there can be changes in the "characteristics of the material, they d[id] not change the character of the articles." Nat'l Hand Tool, 16 CIT at 311.In other cases, the court has attempted to ascertain the "essence" of a completed article to determine whether an imported article has undergone a change in character as a result of post-importation processing. (See Uniden America Corp. v. United States, 24 CIT 1191, 120 F. Supp. 2d 1091 (2000) a GSP case in which a cordless telephone consisted of 275 parts sourced in the Philippines and third-countries and an A/C adapter imported pre-assembled in China, where the court found that the A/C adapter did not impart the essential character of the cordless telephone and, thus, did not undermine the conclusion that the cordless telephone's other imported parts, once assembled together, had undergone a substantial transformation and were a product of a beneficiary developing country (BDC); see also Uniroyal where the court held that imported shoe uppers were the "essence of the finished shoe" and were not substantially transformed into something different by the addition of an outer sole in the United States.)In analyzing whether there is a change in use, the court has found that such a change occurred when the end use of the imported product was no longer interchangeable with the end use of the product after post-importation processing. (See Ferrostaal Metals where the court found "substantial changes in the use of the [imported cold-rolled] steel sheet as a result of the continuous hot-dip galvanizing process" because "the frequency with which the two types of steel compete with or are interchangeable with each other is 'very limited,' perhaps less than one or two percent.")However, when the end use was predetermined at the time of importation, courts have generally not found a change in use. See, e.g., Nat'l Hand Tool (when post-importation processing primarily consisted of an assemblyprocess, having one predetermined end use at the time of importation does not preclude a finding of substantial transformation; however, based on the totality of the evidence, the court did not find substantial transformation had occurred). See also Ran-Paige (when post-importation processing consisted primarily of attaching handles to pans and covers the court likened it to Nat'l Hand Tool when "plaintiff did not change the use of the components, especially given the fact that the use was predetermined at the time of importation") and see Uniroyal (the court did not find substantial transformation when the imported upper underwent no physical change, "[n]or was its intended use changed. It was manufactured by plaintiff in Indonesia to be attached to an outsole; it was imported and sold to Stride-Rite for that purpose; and Stride-Rite did no more than complete the contemplated process").Consideration of Subsidiary or Additional Factors附加因素的考量In addition to name, character, and use, the courts have also considered from time to time, subsidiary or additional factors, such as the extent and nature of operations performed, value added during post-importation processing, a change from producer to consumer goods, or a shift in tariff provisions. Consideration of subsidiary or additional factors is not consistent, and there is no uniform or exhaustive list of acceptable factors. For example, the court is split on whether to consider value added or costs incurred as a factor. See Superior Wire ("[a]n inquiry that is sometimes treated as a type of cross-check or additional factor to be considered in substantial transformation cases is whether significant value is added or costs are incurred by the process at issue"), but see Nat'l Hand Tool (rejecting value added as a factor because it "could lead to inconsistent marking requirements for importers who perform exactly the same processes on imported merchandise but sell at different prices").An article, however, need not experience a change in name, character, and use to be substantially transformed. All three of these elements need not be met before a court may find substantial transformation. Koru North America v. United States, (1988). SDI Technologies Inc., v. United States (1997). Likewise, components or materials that change in tariff classification is not dispositive, although it also may be supportive. (Belcrest Linens v. United States, 741 F.2d 1368, 1372 (CAFC, 1984)) An inquiry that is sometimes treated as a type of cross-check or additional factor to be considered in substantial transformation cases is whether significant value is added or costs are incurred by the process at issue. See United States v. Murray (1980).Courts have also attempted to distinguish between minor manufacturing and combining operations or simple assembly, and processing that is more complex. See and compare Uniroyal, Belcrest Linens and Ran-Paige.Substantial Transformation and Post-Importation Assemble of ComponentsWhen the post-importation processing consists of assembly, courts have been reluctant to find a change in character, particularly when the imported articles do not undergo a physical change. See, e.g., Uniroyal. In cases in which the post-importation processing entails assembly, courts have considered the nature and complexity of the assembly together with the name, character, or use test in making a substantial transformation determination. See Ran-Paige; Belcrest Linens; Uniroyal. The Federal Circuit, in Belcrest Linens, considered the difference between minor manufacturing and combining operations and substantial transformation when stenciled, marked and embroidered bolts of cloth were cut into individual pieces, scalloped, folded, sewn, pressed and packaged, and found that substantial transformation occurred based on "the extent of the operations performed and whether the parts lose their identity and become an integral part of a new article." Belcrest Linens.When assembly operations, however, are manual and required some "skill and dexterity to put components together with a screw driver" but the names of each article and the form and character of each component remained unchanged, and the use of the imported articles was predetermined at the time of importation, the court concluded that substantial transformation had not occurred. See Nat'l Hand Tool.但是,当组装操作是手动的并且需要一定的“技巧和灵活性用螺丝刀将组件组装在一起”时,而每个商品的名称以及每个组件的形式和特征都保持不变,并且进口商品的使用已在进口时预先确定,则法院认为尚未发生实质性的转变。
