

思科 思科 Webex 网真 7800 型号 使用指南说明书

思科 思科 Webex 网真 7800 型号 使用指南说明书

Using Skype for Business Clientswith Pexip InfinityQuick GuideIntroductionThis guide helps you to understand how you can use a Microsoft Skype for Business / Lync client within a Pexip Infinity deployment. It explains how to make a call from Skype for Business / Lync to a Pexip Infinity VMR, and how to make a call from Skype for Business / Lync to other non-Skype for Business / Lync users.Making a video call to a Pexip Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) You can make a video call from Skype for Business / Lync to any Pexip Virtual Meeting Room (VMR).Calling the VMRYou can make a video call to a VMR in exactly the same way as you would make a video call to any other Skype for Business / Lync user, initially either by typing in the address of the VMR or by selecting an existing VMR from your list of contacts, for example which in this case has a name of "Alice's meeting room":l If the VMR name is correct, the contact's presence should show as Available. By default, the picture (avatar) used to represent the VMR contact will be the Pexip logo, as shown above. However, the VMR may have been set up to use a different image (potentially a different image for each VMR).A VMR presence of Available means that you can make a video call to that VMR. It does not necessarily mean that otherparticipants are currently in that VMR, so when the VMR answers, you may be the only participant.If the presence status is not Available, e.g. it displays as Presence unknown, you should check that you have entered the VMR address correctly.l Your administrator may have configured the VMR to automatically call other participants, whenever the first participant calls into that VMR. In which case you may initially be the only participant, but other participants may join shortly.l If the VMR is PIN-protected, you can use the Skype for Business / Lync dial pad or keyboard to enter the conference PIN.Alternatively, to bypass the PIN entry stage, you can include the PIN as part of the contact address in the format: <vmr_ alias>**<PIN>@<domain>. For example, if the alias of the Virtual Meeting Room is and the PIN is 1234, then the address would be .l Some conferences may not start until the conference Host has joined. In this case, you will see a holding screen. If you are the conference Host, you should enter the Host PIN.Making an audio-only callYou can make an audio-only call to a Pexip VMR in exactly the same way a s you would make any other audio-only call to a Skype for Business / Lync user.You will be connected to the VMR and the participants in the VMR will only receive your audio. Depending upon how your administrator has configured your system, you will either receive video and audio from the VMR (assuming it has video participants),or just receive audio and an avatar image of the conference. In either case, you can escalate your call from audio-only to video in the normal way by starting your video, if required.Calling out to other (non-Skype for Business / Lync) endpoints You can make video calls to other non-Skype for Business / Lync endpoints such as SIP and H.323 devices, providing your administrator has configured the Pexip Distributed Gateway to allow such calls.As with making a video call to a Pexip VMR, you can just dial the address of the endpoint, or first add the video address of the other (non-Skype for Business / Lync) endpoint to your Contact List before calling it.As with VMRs, if the address is valid, the contact's presence should show as Available. By default, the picture (avatar) used to represent the contact is the Pexip logo, as shown below. However, the administrator may have configured the system to use a different image.A presence of Available means that the Pexip Distributed Gateway recognizes the endpoint address and knows how to contact the endpoint. It does not necessarily mean that the endpoint itself is registered/signed in and is available to be called.If the presence status is not Available, e.g. it displays as Presence unknown, you should first check that you have entered the endpoint address correctly, and then check that your administrator has enabled direct calling to that address.Calling an endpoint or VMR from within an existing Skype for Business / Lync video call or conferenceYou can add an endpoint to a current (in progress) Skype for Business / Lync video call or video conference. You do this in the same way as you would add any of your other contacts into a current call, such as by dragging and dropping the endpoint from your Contact List into your call.Screen and program sharingScreen and program sharing with Pexip VMRs and other endpoints works in the same way as when sharing between Skype for Business / Lync users.Sharing your screen, program or PowerPoint files with VMR participants or other endpointsIf you are in a video call with a VMR or in a video call or conference with other endpoints, you can share your desktop, a specific program or PowerPoint files in the same way as you normally would with other Skype for Business / Lync participants. Viewing shared content from other endpointsIf the external endpoint or a VMR participant starts content sharing, you will be invited to view the content in the standard manner. The content is shown in the main window and the active speaker from the VMR or the other endpoint participant is shown in a compact window.When a participant in the VMR is sharing content, the SfB/Lync presentation tab will always indicate that "<VMR contact name> is presenting" regardless of which of the VMR participants is sharing their screen.Instant messaging with VMR participants or with other endpointsSkype for Business / Lync users can send and receive instant messaging (IM) when they are connected to a Pexip VMR, or when in a direct person-to-person call with another non-Skype for Business / Lync client providing that chat is supported by that client device (such as Pexip's own Infinity Connect web, mobile and desktop clients). Note that standard video conference system users will not see chat messages.When connected to a VMR, all Skype for Business / Lync users will see the content of any Skype for Business / Lync instant messaging (IM) conversations as usual. All messages from VMR participants are seen as coming from the VMR participant (e.g. meet.alice) but each individual message from the VMR is prefixed with that VMR participant's own display name e.g. "bob: hello". Calling out to a Skype for Business / Lync user from within a Pexip conferenceNote that as well as calling out to Pexip VMRs and other endpoints from within a Skype for Business / Lync video call, Skype for Business / Lync users can also be called from a VMR or other endpoint.When a VMR or other endpoint calls your Skype for Business / Lync address, an alert pops up on your screen in the same manner as when another Skype for Business / Lync user calls you.。

cisco 思科 Catalyst 9400 管理引擎模块 产品手册

cisco 思科 Catalyst 9400 管理引擎模块 产品手册

思科公开信息思科 Catalyst 9400 管理引擎模块目录产品概述 (3)详细信息 (4)特性 (5)平台优势 (12)许可 (16)规格 (19)保修 (23)订购 (24)Cisco Capital (25)文档历史记录 (26)产品概述思科 Catalyst® 9400 系列是思科专为安全性、物联网 (IoT) 和多云环境打造的主打模块化企业交换接入和汇聚平台。

该系列交换机是思科领先的企业架构思科® SD-Access 的基本组件。

该平台采用最高支持 9 Tbps 系统带宽的机箱架构,并具备符合高密度 IEEE 802.3bt 标准的业界领先功率输出(60W 和 90W PoE),可为您提供强大的投资保护。


依靠无中断转发和状态切换 (NSF/SSO)、服务中软件升级 (ISSU)、上行链路恢复能力、电源 N+1/N+N 冗余以及思科 StackWise®虚拟 (SVL)(带 ISSU)等功能,思科 Catalyst 9400 系列交换机可实现一流的高可用性。

该平台面向企业进行了优化,采用了创新的双向维护风扇托架和侧向气流设计,非常适合对深度约为 16 英寸的配线柜进行部署。

单个系统可扩展至最多 384 个接入端口,并可选择 1 千兆以太网铜缆、1 千兆以太网光纤、思科 UPOE +©、思科通用型以太网供电(思科 UPOE®)和增强型以太网供电 (PoE+) 等多种端口类型;也可扩展至最多 192 个端口,并可选择 10G 光纤和多千兆等多种端口类型。

该平台还支持高级路由和基础设施服务、SD-Access 功能,以及网络系统虚拟化。


软件定义架构的基础要应对高级持续性安全威胁、物联网 (IoT) 设备的指数级增长、无处不在的移动性和云的采用等等趋势,必须采用一种集高级硬件和软件创新于一身的网络交换矩阵,在保护和简化客户网络的同时,使客户网络实现自动化。

Cisco 网真 IX5000系列

Cisco 网真 IX5000系列

产品手册Cisco 网真 IX5000系列产品概述通过最先进的技术和富媒体系统,创造出格外活力四射的沉浸式网真体验,思科全新一代沉浸式网真IX5000系列,精雕细作的制造工艺,简单易用的操作方式,这一切都使得团队与客户、合作伙伴更加紧密的汇集在一起快速作出决策。



图1. 思科网真IX5000,6位与会者这套造型优美且功能强大的系统采用了业界首创的3×4K超高清(Ultra High Definition - UHD)镜头集群,3×70英寸高清LCD显示屏以及剧场级音响系统,思科IX5000系列网真将人们置身于如同身处桌子对面的沉浸式协作体验。






产品功能和特性思科网真IX5000系列通过现代设计和技术无缝集成,营造出一个高质量,简单,可靠,且身历其境的协作体验:∙3×70英寸1080p60 LCD高清屏幕营造出真人大小,栩栩如生的远程会议效果。

∙3个业界首创的4K超高清(Ultra High Definition - UHD)镜头组成镜头集群,提供最佳的眼神交互和全房间的全境体验。

Cisco Business Edition 7000 解决方案

Cisco Business Edition 7000 解决方案

产品手册Cisco Business Edition 7000 解决方案协作系统发行版 10.6 和 9.1 版利用单一模块化平台上预装的功能全面的集成协作应用,将您分布广泛或发展迅速的员工团队联系起来。

Cisco® Business Edition 7000 (BE7000) 以虚拟化的思科统一计算系统™(思科 UCS®)平台为基础构建,配备出色的协作应用,可满足音频、视频、移动性、消息传送、会议、即时消息与在线状态,以及联系中心等多种需求。

随着您的协作需求增长启用这些功能,通过部署额外的 BE7000 服务器轻松扩展您的用户和设备规模。

无论您的部署只有数百用户还是多达上万用户,BE7000 模块化的构建块设计都是您的理想选择,可为您的未来发展提供充足的空间。


不过,也许您还不确定是否要部署一个全新的大型 IT 系统。

有了 Cisco BE7000,您可以在部分员工中先试用一系列协作技术,然后快速地扩大规模。


Cisco BE7000 针对拥有 1000-5000 名用户和 3000-15000 台设备的大规模组织进行了优化,但同时也很适合预期将迅速增长的较小部署。

此外,通过堆叠更多服务器,还可以随时支持用户数量超过 5000 的部署。

BE7000 解决方案功能非常全面。


您还可以从丰富的 Cisco DevNet 第三方合作伙伴应用中挑选其他应用进行添加。


思科 Webex Room 70 产品手册说明书

思科 Webex Room 70 产品手册说明书

产品手册思科 Webex Room 70思科 Webex Room 70 Single思科 Webex Room 70 Dual思科Webex Room 70是思科Webex Room系列产品组合中的旗舰款视频协作产品。

包含两款配置:70英寸4K LED单显示屏的Room 70 Single (70S),用于打造以人为本的使用体验;70英寸4K LED双显示屏的Room 70 Dual (70D),用于打造以人为本以及以人或内容为本的使用体验。


无论要组织世界各地团队参与的会议,还是组织本地会议,Room 70都能帮助您把会议空间转化为一个强大的视频协作中心。

思科 Webex Room 70概述思科Webex™Room 70系列为客户带来无与伦比的视频和音频体验,完美契合了他们对于思科产品的预期。


和Webex Room系列其他终端一样,Webex Room70在设计上亦精雕细琢,斩获了“红点设计大奖”(Red Dot Design Award)。

Room 70包含以下组件:一款功能强大的编解码器、内置Quad Cam,以及集成了高保真扬声器和语音跟踪麦克风的70英寸单/双4K超高清显示屏,非常适用于大中型会议室。



图 1. 落地安装的思科 Webex Room 70D和Webex Room 70S思科 Webex Room 70的特性和优势特性优势设计功能●精妙而含蓄的工业设计斩获 2017 年“红点设计大奖”(Red Dot Design Award) 的创新设计奖。


对于非专业人员来说,配置和管理可能具有一定 的难度。
思科ACS网络设备安全管理方 案
实施严格的访问控制措施,如门禁系统、监控摄像头等,以防止未 经授权的进入。
支持多种接口类型和协议,满足 不同网络架构的需求。
提供多层安全防护,有效抵御各 类网络威胁。
适用于大型数据中心的网络出口安全防护,确保数据 传输的安全性。
适用于企业总部和分支机构的网络安全防护,保障关 键业务的安全运行。
为云服务提供安全的网络环境,保护租户数据的安全 性。
思科ACS网络设备安全管理 方案
汇报人: 2024-01-09
Hale Waihona Puke 录• 引言 • 思科ACS网络设备概述 • 思科ACS网络设备安全管理方
案 • 实施步骤和注意事项 • 案例分析和实际应用
随着网络技术的快速发展,网络设备的安全管理变得日益重要 。
本文旨在介绍思科ACS网络设 备的安全管理方案,以提高网
通过实施有效的安全管理措 施,可以降低网络设备遭受 攻击的风险,保护企业的信



大学视频会议系统解决方案目录1 需求分析 (3)1.1用户现状 (3)1.2视频平台的建设目标 (4)1.2.1技术领先性 (4)1.2.2高度的稳定性 (4)1.2.3多样化的使用模式 (4)1.2.4便捷的操作 (5)1.2.5低人工高效率的维护方式 (5)1.2.6良好的兼容性和扩展性 (5)1.3建设内容 (6)1.4思科协作之道 (6)2 系统架构及方案设计 (8)2.1大学视频会议系统拓扑架构 (8)2.2会议系统功能设计 (9)3 主要产品技术参数 (11)3.1统一通讯平台CUCM (11)3.2思科网真服务器410V (14)3.3VCS视频协议转换系统 (17)3.4思科防火墙穿越系统 (21)3.5SX80会场视频终端 (23)3.6移动软终端Jabber (24)4 附件:会议室效果图 (26)4.1北京主会场效果图 (26)4.2北京分会场效果图 (27)4.3新疆分会场效果图 (27)1需求分析1.1用户现状传统视频会议由于受到场地、维护、会议保障等多方面的因素,已经无法完全满足目前大学通讯的需求,无法实现更多小规模会议、远程教学、即时通讯、师生员工移动办公等现代企业应用场景。





思科网真系统方案建议书(CTS1000/CTS3000)Cisco System (China)2009.2目录1 什么是思科网真 (2)1.1今天通信遇到的挑战 (2)1.2解决方案——思科网真 (2)1.3什么是思科网真 (2)2 思科网真视频会议系统总体设计建议 (5)2.1项目背景 (5)2.2系统整体架构 (6)2.3思科网真系统设计 (6)2.4网络带宽需求 (7)3 网真技术详解 (9)3.1思科网真3000 (9)3.1.1产品概述 (9)3.1.2应用 (9)3.1.3主要特性和优势 (10)3.2思科网真管理器(C ISCO T ELE P RESENCE M ANAGER) (11)3.2.1产品概述 (12)3.2.2应用 (12)3.2.3主要特性和优势 (12)3.3思科网真多点交换机CTMS (13)3.2.1产品概述 (13)3.2.2应用 (13)3.2.3主要特性和优势 (13)附件1 思科网真的安装需求 (14)房间尺寸(CTS-3000): (15)门和窗的要求 (15)门、墙和地板的材料 (16)1 什么是思科网真1.1今天通信遇到的挑战为了迎接越来越强的挑战,各个企业和机构需要不断完善通信手段,提高员工生产力。







Cisco TelePresence SX20 Quick Set SX20产品概述Cisco SX20 Quick Set (SX20 Quick Set) 能够将任何平板显示屏转变成造型优雅且功能强大的网真系统。

SX20 Quick Set 旨在传送高清视频并具备多方会议功能,灵活适用于各种大小的房间及各种配置,并且价格合理。

SX20 Quick Set 支持嵌入式功能,可多点支持思科?网真多站点技术,让用户可在网真呼叫中添加另外三名参与者。

SX20 Quick Set 在一个易于部署和使用的解决方案中,融入了强大的编解码器,提供三种摄像头选择,并可选择双屏模式。

无论您是刚刚开始使用网真的小型企业还是设法扩展现有部署的大型企业,SX20 Quick Set 都能够通过功能丰富的简约封装为您提供卓越性能,丝毫不逊于价格更高的系统。

Cisco SX20 Quick Set 旨在将面对面功能真正扩展至所有地点、所有用户。

图 1.小型会议室环境中的Cisco SX20 Quick Set图2.Cisco SX20 Quick Set,带PrecisionHD 摄像头、壁装套件(选配)、桌面麦克风以及遥控器功能和优势1 总结了Cisco SX20 Quick Set 的主要特点。

1.Cisco SX20 Quick Set 特点总结特点总结设计特点●将平板显示屏转变成1080p 高清会议设备●连接直观,让设置如同连接DVD 播放器一样容易●提供高达1080p60 的分辨率,与基于标准的视频相兼容而不会牺牲功能●设计优雅简约应用特点●轻触按钮即可共享多媒体和演示文稿●通过IP(Telnet 或安全外壳协议[SSH])提供基本API●可选择双屏模式●高清内容共享,分辨率高达1080p15●通过一键式操作(OBTP) 召开会议性能特点●最佳分辨率高达1080p60●H.323/SIP 高达6 Mbps●内置单独转码的多点会议功能,可添加另外三名呼叫者●利用Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)、思科网真视频通信服务器(VCS) 或Cisco Callway轻松进行调配和自行配置●充分利用思科网真总体解决方案方法,包括思科网真Multiway 功能、录制和流媒体以及防火墙穿越服务●原生支持Cisco Unified Communications Manager(需要Cisco Unified CommunicationsManager 8.6 或以上版本)图3.Cisco SX20 Quick Set 壁挂式安装产品规格2 列出了Cisco TelePresence SX20 Quick Set 的产品功能规格。

Cisco Webex Room Kit

Cisco Webex Room Kit

思科 Webex Room Kit的主要特性/优势
思科 Webex Room Kit采用一体化视频创新技术,可显著提高中小型团队协作会议室的智能化程度和可用性水平。 在其他公司尽力向其高端产品添加高级功能(例如发言者跟踪、无线共享和 4K 内容)的同时,思科已经能够以简 单且具成本效益的方式,将这些创新技术引入到中小型团队会议室。思科推出Room Kit,帮助客户体验更智能的会 议,进行更智能的演示,并实现更智能的会议室和设备集成。过去,这些特性仅为高端视频会议室所独有,但是现 在可以引入到每个会议室和每个团队。此外,如果注册到思科 Webex,还可实现更多基于云的功能,从而增强用户 体验和团队工作流,并进一步简化部署。
● 思科统一通信管理器 - Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) ◦ 原生注册至CUCM ◦ 需要CUCM 9.1.2 或更高版本,以及相对应的device package
● 思科视频通信服务器 - Cisco Video Communication Server (VCS) ◦ 原生注册至VCS
● 内置4方 SIP/H.323 MultiSite 会议功能 ● 支持即时(Ad-hoc)会议:
◦ Cisco Unified Communications Manager Media Resource Group(需要 Cisco Meeting Server 或思
科网真服务器或思科网真 MCU) ● 思科Active Control功能 ● Dual Screen Expreience,支持两个屏幕同时显示不同的远端会场
● 两路 HDMI 输出,最高分辨率为 3840×2160,60 fps (4Kp60) ● 实时视频(编码和解码)最高分辨率可达 1920×1080,60 fps (HD1080p) ● 消费电子控制 (CEC) 2.0



1.1Cisco EX90 1080P个人桌面网真设备Cisco EX90 是全新一代 1080P个人桌面网真系统,1080P极致高清视频体验,简单易用的触摸屏操作,高保真立体声音频体验以及24英寸全高清液晶显示屏,一体化的设备将传神的网真眼神交互延伸至个人办公桌面。



借助优质的1080p 视频、简单直观的触摸界面、无与伦比的协作功能,腾博EX90 可以提供真实的网真体验——过去只能在大房间的系统上实现。

EX90 不仅仅局限于提供出色的音频和视频——它能够让您做您想做的任何事情。

EX90 是一款多功能协作与办公工具,可以改善信息访问,加快决策制定,提高工作效率。

腾博触摸控制器与 T3 和 T1 界面一样易于使用和控制,可以让用户拨打电话、共享演示文稿、添加参与方、无缝管理工作流程,而这一切操作只需用户轻轻挥动手指即可实现。

只需轻轻转动1080p 高清精密摄像头,用户便能轻松共享文档和对象。

EX90 允许用户按需添加显示屏、多媒体设备和其它外设,创建自定义网真体验,满足各个用户的具体需求。


用户可以滚动浏览联系人,全面管理 EX90 网真体验,实现快速连接和协作。


借助1080p 分辨率和经过优化的光学变焦视角,网真体验的每一个细节都会得到显著改善。



双显示屏功能——灵活添加额外显示屏,充分利用 EX90 的协作功能。

1.1.2应用特性利用腾博 EX90 将普通桌面改造成非凡的个人网真系统和协作空间。

思科 TelePresence 管理套件扩展适用于 Microsoft Exchange 软件版本

思科 TelePresence 管理套件扩展适用于 Microsoft Exchange 软件版本

Cisco TelePresence Management Suite Extension for Microsoft Exchange Software version 5.11User GuideApril 2020Cisco Systems,Inc. 1Cisco TMSXE2ContentsIntroduction3 How Booking Works3 The WebEx Scheduling Mailbox4 Best Practices for Booking4 Booking with Outlook5 Using Cisco TMS to Update Bookings Created in Outlook5 When There is a Problem with a Booking5 Using t he Cisco TelePresence Form6 Limitation When Receiving Meeting Invites6 Cisco TelePresence Form Settings7 Adding Call-in and Call-out Participants7 Booking Using WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence7 Using Basic Settings8 Using Advanced Settings8 Skype Meetings9 Prerequisite9 User12 Create a dedicated Skype Meeting13 Cisco Legal Information25 Cisco Trademark25 IntroductionWhen your organization has Cisco TMSXE installed, you can book telepresence meetings the same way you would book any other meeting using Outlook. I f your organization has a WebEx site set up to work with telepresence, you can also add WebEx to your telepresence meetings from Outlook.This short guide explains how to make use of these features.How Booking WorksWhen you book from Outlook, the telepresence management backend (Cisco TMS) will automatically add default set-tings, reserve the necessary infrastructure resources, and route your telepresence meeting. If you are booking WebEx, the WebEx backend will set this up for you according to the default settings.Cisco Systems,Inc. 3If you want to modify any of these settings, or allow additional participants to dial into your meeting, you need access to one of the following: ■The Cisco TelePresence form—a custom Outlook form that shows up in your meeting invitations as a separate Cisco TelePresence tab.See Using t he Cisco TelePresence Form, page 6.Note that the form does not include WebEx settings. ■WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence—an Outlook plug-in that adds a special panel to your meeting invitations.See Booking Using WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence, page 7.The WebEx Scheduling MailboxIf configured by your administrator, you can also add WebEx to your meeting invitation directly from Outlook by including a special invitee; the WebEx Scheduling Mailbox.The mailbox may be called simply "webex" or something different—request this information from your administrator if it has not been made available to you.Best Practices for BookingNote that you cannot move a meeting from the past to the future. This includes changing the start time of a meeting that is already ongoing.We also recommend the following practices to keep calendars consistent and ensure a reliable booking experience: ■Send any updates immediately if updating an occurrence of a meeting series, rather than accumulating updates on different occurrences before sending.If prompted, always make sure to send updates to all participants to ensure that calendars stay in sync. ■Use the Resources field or the Add Telepresence Rooms button on the Productivity Tools panel to modify the participant list.Adding and removing participants by using the checkboxes in the Outlook Scheduling Assistant is not reliably detected by Cisco TMSXE. ■When changing the recurrence pattern of a meeting series or creating exceptions from the series, use Outlook to update your booking if that is where you created it.■Send any meeting invites from your own mailbox rather than booking directly from room mailboxes.■When creating a booking through an Exchange client, ensure that the Show As meeting option is set to Busy . When scheduling a meeting with some clients, selecting the option for the meeting to be an All day event , the Show As option may get automatically switched to Free . When you are making the booking, you have to manually reset the Show As option to Busy before saving the meeting. Meetings that have a Show As set to Free for room mailboxes will not be considered by Cisco TMSXE.For WebEx users only: ■Do not edit ongoing meetings that include WebEx.■To schedule WebEx-only meetings, use the Productivity Tool or another WebEx booking tool.Using the WebEx Scheduling Mailbox to book meetings with no telepresence participants will take up telepresence resources and is not recommended.4Cisco TMSXE User Guide How Booking Works■When you want telepresence and/or WebEx for a single occurrence of a meeting series, cancel the occurrence in question and replace it with a new single meeting that includes the required resources.■If you use Cisco TMSXE to book rooms with delegate approval, you cannot use WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence for Outlook.Booking with OutlookTo book a meeting without access to advanced settings: 1.Open a meeting invitation and fill in the meeting subject, start and end time as you would for any Outlook meeting invitation.2.To make your meeting include telepresence, the invitation must include:—Two or more rooms that you know to be telepresence rooms/video enabled, or a combination of rooms and call-in/call-out participants.If the invitation o nly includes one room, the room will be reserved, but no telepresence resources will be booked. —If Using t he Cisco TelePresence Form, page 6, make sure you book at least one room i n addition to any call-in participants.If the booking contains only call-in participants, no telepresence resources will be booked.3.If you want your meeting to include WebEx, add the WebEx Scheduling Mailbox as an invitee.4.Send the meeting invitation.If your booking includes more than one telepresence room, you will receive confirmation from Cisco TMS that the meeting has been set up, and information on how participants will connect. 5.Forward this information to the invitees, or paste it into the original meeting invitation and send an update to distribute the information.Note that if you book a meeting with a length of three minutes or less, it will not be processed by Cisco TMSXE.Using Cisco TMS to Update Bookings Created in OutlookIf you or your administrator modifies a booking created from Outlook using Cisco TMS, Cisco TMSXE will keep the resource reservations u p to date.Note however that because of security restrictions in Exchange, Cisco TMSXE will not be able to update the original booking in your own calendar according to the changes made in Cisco TMS.We also r ecommend against using Cisco TMS to change the recurrence pattern of or creating an exception from a series originally booked in Outlook.When There is a Problem with a BookingIf all of the requested resources are not available for a meeting, you may get a response from Cisco TMS saying that an action is required on your part, usually: ■Rescheduling at a different time or, if there is a room availability issue, with different rooms. ■Contacting your administrator for assistance if rescheduling does not resolve the issue.Until any such issues reported to you have been resolved, the telepresence meeting will not be able to start, and it will not be sent to telepresence endpoint calendars. The meeting will be stored in Cisco TMS as Defective .5Cisco TMSXE User Guide Booking with OutlookUsing t he Cisco TelePresence FormIf the administrator has made the Cisco TelePresence custom form available to users, it will show up as a button/tab in allyour meeting requests.As a meeting organizer you can use this form to specify additional settings for the conference, override the conference defaults, and add external video or audio participants.To use the form for a new or existing meeting:1.Select the Cisco TelePresence tab for the calendar entry and make changes as desired.Any values left as Default will use the default setting as defined in Cisco TMS by the administrator.2.When you are done changing the settings, use the Send Update button if submitting changes to an existingmeeting.Do not click Save and Close as this will only modify your own calendar.Limitation When Receiving Meeting InvitesOutlook security does not allow previewing a meeting invite if the meeting was created using the Cisco form. When using the Reading Pane in Outlook, you must open the invite to view the meeting details.6Cisco TMSXE User GuideUsing the Cisco TelePresence FormCisco TelePresence Form SettingsSettings and ButtonsDescriptionReservation TypeOptions: ■Automatic Call Launch : the meeting is routed and launched automatically.■One Button to Push : an on-screen button becomes available on supported endpoints when themeeting starts.■Manual Connect : r outing is set up, and the videoconference master must launch the meeting. ■No Connect : routing is set up, and all participants must call in to the meeting. ■Reservation Only : only the rooms are reserved. No routing is attempted.The default reservation type will usually include conference routing. If routing resources are unavail-able, Cisco TMSXE will attempt to book the meeting as Reservation Only instead.MeetingPINSpecifying a numeric password here will require dial-in conference participants to enter this password to join the conference, provided it is supported by the Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) being used. If in doubt, confer with your administrator.Billing Code You can supply a billing code for the conference that will be saved with the meeting in Cisco TMS (thismay be optional or required depending on Cisco TMS settings defined by your administrator).Add >>Use this button to add video or audio participants not listed in Exchange to the meeting. See AddingCall-in and Call-out Participants, page 7.Adding Call-in and Call-out ParticipantsUsing the Cisco TelePresence form you can add video or audio participants that are not bookable as resources in Exchange and Cisco TMS to your meeting. ■Call-out participants: enter their contact information to have Cisco TMS automatically connect them to the conference at the scheduled time.■Call-in participants: Cisco TMS will reserve the resources needed to host the participants in the conference and provide you with precise dial-in information to forward to the participants.To add call-in or call-out participants to your conference: 1.Open the Cisco TelePresence tab.2.Click Add >> to display a panel where you can define the values f or each participant.3.Click either the Call-in or Call-out tab.4.Enter the values appropriate for the type of participant you are adding and click Add . The participant will appear in the External Participants list.5.Repeat for each participant you wish to add to the meeting.To delete participants, select them from the list and click Delete Selection .Booking Using WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresenceWebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence integrates with Microsoft Outlook by adding a special panel to meeting invit-ations.7Cisco TMSXE User GuideBooking Using WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresenceUsing this panel and the advanced settings, you can book meetings that include telepresence and WebEx, telepresence only, and WebEx only. Note that WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence require Outlook to be in online mode in order to book telepresence resources.If Productivity Tools are already installed, a special button will appear on your Outlook toolbar. If not, you may need to perform the installation yourself. Request this information from your administrator.Caution: Do not use WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresence if you are using Cisco TMSXE to book rooms that must be approved by a delegate.Using Basic SettingsFrom the Productivity Tools panel, you can access the following tele-presence options: ■Add telepresence rooms that will be scheduled for your meeting.■Set a number of call-in participants. Resources will bereserved for this number of people or meeting rooms to call into the meeting in addition to any scheduled rooms. ■Go to advanced settings.The following WebEx options are available:■Add a WebEx conference to your meeting.■Add a WebEx meeting password (not your WebEx password) and select whether the password should be included in email invitations.■Set an alternate WebEx host for your meeting. ■Go to advanced settings.Using Advanced SettingsIn the advanced telepresence settings, you can specify a meeting PIN, add call-out participants, or a billing code for your conference. For detail on each field in the advanced settings, see WebEx Pro-ductivity Tools with TelePresence help.To access the help, click on the Schedule Meeting drop-down button:8Cisco TMSXE User GuideBooking Using WebEx Productivity Tools with TelePresenceCisco TMSXE User GuideSkype MeetingsSkype MeetingsPrerequisiteYou have to install Skype for Business Basic 2016 before you schedule a Skpye meeting and after installation, the fol-lowing screen is displayed:.9Cisco TMSXE User GuideSkype MeetingsEnter Username and Password and click Sign In.10UserAs a user , you can schedule a Skype meeting in the following ways:■My Dedicated Meeting Space: The conference id will be same for all the new Skype meetings. By default, the Skype meeting is a dedicated meeting.■ A new meeting space: The conference id is different for each Skype meeting.Create a dedicated Skype Meeting1.Open Microsoft Outlook 2013.2.Click the Skype Meeting button.The Skype details are displayed in the email body, which consists of the Phone number and Conference id of theSkype meeting.Add participants to the Skype meeting1.Click Scheduling Assistant and click Add Attendees or Add Rooms and select the required resources.2.Click OK. The selected resources are added in the Skype meeting.3.Click Send. A confirmation mail will be received .4.Click on the Video address to join the Skype meeting.You are now a participant in the Skype meeting.Schedule a new meeting space for Skype meeting1.Refer to Steps 1- 4 as given above.2.Click Meeting options.A pop-up window is displayed where you can select the option A new meeting space (I control permissions).3.Click OK. The dedicated Conference id will changed and you will be assigned a new conference id.4.Click Send. You will receive a confirmation mail with a new video address.Create Recurrent Skype meeting1.Click Recurrence.2.Select the required recurrence pattern like Daily, Weekly and Monthly.3.Refer to Steps 1 - 7 as given above.Edit Skype MeetingYou can edit a Skype meeting in the following scenarios:Scenario 1When you edit a single Skype meeting, you can update the meeting details such as title, time and participants (add or delete participants). .1.Click on the Skype meeting that has to be modified.2.Make the required modifications. 3.Click Send . A confirmation mail is send with updated details to the organizer.Scenario 2 When you change the meeting from Dedicated to New space meeting, then the default conference id is changed and a new conference id is generated for the meeting.1.Click on the Skype Meeting that has to be modified. 2.Make the required modifications. For example: date, time, title and participants. 3.Click Meeting options.A pop-up window is displayed where you can select the option A new meeting space (I control permissions).Cisco TMSXE User GuideSkype MeetingsCisco TMSXE User GuideSkype Meetings1.Click OK. The dedicated Conference id will be changed and you will be assigned a new conference id.2.Click Send. You will receive a confirmation mail with the updated details.Delete Skype MeetingYou can delete a Skype meeting in the following ways:Delete a single Skype meetingYou can delete a Skype meeting in the following ways:1.Click on the meeting that has to be deleted. The meeting is displayed.2.Click Delete. The meeting is removed from Outlook and Cisco TMS.OrSelect the meeting, right click on it and select Delete.OrSelect the meeting and click Delete option available in the menu bar.Delete a recurrent Skype meetingYou can delete a Skype meeting in the following ways1.Click on the Skype meeting series that has to be deleted. There are two options that are available:a.Just this one - This options allows you to delete the single occurrence of the Skype meeting.When you select 'Just this one' option,Cisco TMSXE User GuideSkype MeetingsThe meeting is opened. click Cancel Meeting. A confirmation message whether to delete all occurrences of themeeting or only the selected occurrence is displayed.Click Delete this occurrence and click OK. The selected occurrence is deleted from Outlook and Cisco TMS.b.The entire series - This option allows you to delete the series of the Skype meeting.When you select The entire series option, Click D elete the series and click OK. The selected series is deletedfrom Outlook and Cisco TMS.Or1.Select the meeting, right click on it and select Cancel. There are two options availableCancel Occurrence: Click on this option, the cancellation mail is displayed, click ' Send Cancellation'. Theselected occurrence is deleted from Outlook and Cisco TMS.Cancel Series: Click on this option, the cancellation mail is displayed, click Send Cancellation. The selectedseries is deleted from Outlook and Cisco TMS.Or1.Select the meeting and click Cancel option available in the menu bar.There are two options availableCancel Occurrence: Click on this option, the cancellation mail is displayed, click Send Cancellation. The selectedoccurrence is deleted from Outlook and Cisco TMS.Cancel Series: Click on this option, the cancellation mail is displayed, click Send Cancellation. The selectedseries is deleted from Outlook and Cisco TMS.Cisco TMSXE Skype MeetingsCisco TMSXE User GuideCisco Legal InformationCisco Legal InformationTHE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TOCHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS.THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY FOR THE ACCOMPANYING PRODUCT ARE SET FORTH IN THE INFORMATION PACKET THAT SHIPPED WITH THE PRODUCT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO LOCATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE OR LIMITED WARRANTY, CONTACT YOUR CISCO REPRESENTATIVE FOR A COPY.The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of Cali-fornia, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB’s public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copy-right © 1981, Regents of the University of California.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER WARRANTY HEREIN, ALL DOCUMENT FILES AND SOFTWARE OF THESESUPPLIERS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH ALL FAULTS. CISCO AND THE ABOVE-NAMED SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE.IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATAARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.All printed copies and duplicate soft copies are considered un-Controlled copies and the original on-line version should be referred to for latest version.Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco web-site at /go/offices.© 2014-2020 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cisco TrademarkCisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other coun-tries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: /go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks men-tioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1721R)Cisco TMSXE Cisco Trademark。




它与思科统一通信管理器(Cisco Unified Communications Manager)配合使用,可将多方视频整合到统一通信部署中。


您可以使用基于标准的视频终端、移动设备、Cisco WebEx®客户端和第三方视频终端,轻松创建、发起和加入会议。



与Cisco TelePresence Conductor 配合使用,提供灵活、经济高效的会议。




●凭借包括 Cisco ActivePresence®网真浮雕布局、ActiveControl 简单直观的会议控制,独立的与会者标识,以及 Cisco ClearPath 技术在内的多种丰富功能增强用户体验,以确保最佳视频效果。


●通过将会议扩展到 WebEx®会议中心用户,实现更广的覆盖范围。


思科网真服务器可作为一种与标准思科统一计算系统™ (思科 UCS®)服务器兼容的虚拟化应用,您也可将其部署在专用硬件平台上。


您可以借助思科Personal Multiparty-PMP(请访问/go/personalmultiparty)的方式订购思科网真服务器许可;也可以按并发呼叫(屏幕许可)进行订购,让整个企业能够无限制地使用此功能。





1.腾博首次与思科网真实现拟真三屏网真互操作 [J],
2.思科视频会议类产品登陆京东商城-思科视频会议类产品登陆京东商城 [J], 阿呆
3.三联屏玩暗黑三!爽爆你的视觉享受!——可外接三显示屏的技嘉Z77X-UP系列主板 [J], 皮杰
5.上海三思科技交通诱导屏——城市交通的“千里眼” [J],

Cisco TelePresence MX700 和 MX800

Cisco TelePresence MX700 和 MX800

● 一路标准输入(复合视频或 S 最高为 1080p (1920 x 1080)
Cisco TelePresence MX700 和 MX800 ● 20 倍总变焦(10 倍光学变焦,2 倍数字变焦) ● 电动倾斜 +20°/-20° ,电动平移 +/-90° ● 水平视野:80° ● 垂直视野:48.8° ● 光圈 1.5 ● 分辨率:1080p60 和 720p60 ● 自动或手动变焦、亮度调节和白平衡 ● 远端摄像头控制 ● 通过以太网控制摄像头 ● 对焦距离 3.28 英尺(1 米)至无穷远 ● 集成全音域多信道低音扬声器 ● 200W 放大器系统 pr 屏幕 ● 有关编解码器音频功能的详细信息,请参阅表 3
PC 和第二源视频输入 支持的 PC 输入分 辨率 摄像头概述
音响系统 用户界面 语言支持
Cisco TelePresence MX700:
Cisco TelePresence MX800 单显示器
● 2x 55 英寸 (1.4 米)TFT-LCD 显示器,侧光式 LED
● 分辨率:1920 x 1080 (16:9)
表 1 概述了 MX700 和 MX800 系统的主要特性。
表 1.
特点总结 设计特点
● 市场上性能最强的多功能视频系统之一,可提供最优质的视频和音频 ● 下一代高清视频协作编解码器 ● 下一代高清 PTZ 摄像头 ● 将所有您需要的设备集于一体(屏幕、扬声器、编解码器、摄像头、用户界面、麦克风和安装配件) ● 壁装式或落地式(包括 2 种落地式选项:独立式和固定于墙上的落地式) ● 提供业界首个内置扬声器跟踪系统选项 ● 支持 Cisco Intelligent Proximity 将内容共享到移动设备,以及从 Mac 和 PC 进行无线共享* ● 支持 Switched Conferencing (SVC) 用于增强布局及在双屏幕终端的两个屏幕上启用视频* ● 1080p30 高清嵌入式思科网真 MultiSite 功能,支持单独转码 ● 通过四路同步视频输入进行协作 ● 高清协作,支持 1080p60 主视频和 1080p30 内容 ● 通过一键式操作 (OBTP) 即可召开会议 ● 基于团队的协作、会场、会议室以及以视频为中心的会议室的理想之选 ● 在呼叫外提供双演示(增加呼叫外系统的使用率 - 使用 MX700 双屏幕来比较 2 个演示/文档)

Cisco 网真 IX5000系列

Cisco 网真 IX5000系列

产品手册Cisco 网真 IX5000系列产品概述通过最先进的技术和富媒体系统,创造出格外活力四射的沉浸式网真体验,思科全新一代沉浸式网真IX5000系列,精雕细作的制造工艺,简单易用的操作方式,这一切都使得团队与客户、合作伙伴更加紧密的汇集在一起快速作出决策。



图1. 思科网真IX5000,6位与会者这套造型优美且功能强大的系统采用了业界首创的3×4K超高清(Ultra High Definition - UHD)镜头集群,3×70英寸高清LCD显示屏以及剧场级音响系统,思科IX5000系列网真将人们置身于如同身处桌子对面的沉浸式协作体验。






产品功能和特性思科网真IX5000系列通过现代设计和技术无缝集成,营造出一个高质量,简单,可靠,且身历其境的协作体验:∙3×70英寸1080p60 LCD高清屏幕营造出真人大小,栩栩如生的远程会议效果。

∙3个业界首创的4K超高清(Ultra High Definition - UHD)镜头组成镜头集群,提供最佳的眼神交互和全房间的全境体验。



⽇前,Cisco思科系统公司在美国加州圣何塞宣布,为履⾏其⾃防御络战略的,思科公司推出了新开发的内容安全和控制安全服务模块,为其⾃适应安全设备ASA 5500系列提供业界全⾯的Anti-X服务和增强型SSL VPN服务,并树⽴了统⼀威胁防御市场上的新标准,帮助客户更好地发现、防御和应对各种安全威胁。

同时推出的还有⾃防御络新型集成式安全管理套件,它能帮助客户管理不同供应商的解决⽅案,通过收集、关联、分析各种安全事件,提供防御点 为思科⾃适应安全设备(ASA)5500系列新开发的内容安全和控制安全服务模块(CSC-SSM)提供了市场的Anti-X服务。






与提供有限保护的解决⽅案不同,Cisco ASA 5500系列能够将强⼤的防病毒和内容安全技术与市场的防⽕墙和能够抵御威胁的VPN服务有机地集成在⼀起,使客户不但能够在易于管理的解决⽅案中有效保护络安全,还能降低运营成本以及部署和管理多点解决⽅案的复杂性。

SSL VPN提供络安全接⼊ 如果将为Cisco(ASA)5500系列安全设备开发的SSL VPN服务与Cisco IOS路由器上的SSL VPN功能结合在⼀起,将能够扩⼤市场的思科安全产品系列的使⽤范围。

这两种产品都提供最新开发的⽆客户端和客户端SSL VPN功能,不但能增强端点和络的安全性,还能降低运营和设备成本。

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协议 (LDAP)、网守和基于文件的导入。 ● Cisco TMS 支持分级电话簿结构,可实现在终端用户界面上轻松浏览联系人。
● 管理计划内和计划外的会议活动。 ● 管理点对点和多点控制单元 (MCU) 以及思科网真服务器托管的会议。 ● 监控会议事件,了解所有连接、警报和更改。 ● 智能诊断可查询托管设备的配置和状态,从而发现错误。 ● 该服务为您提供对托管设备的所有状态和配置错误的集中图像,并按严重程度排序。 ● 然后会建议修复错误状态的方法。 ● Cisco TMS 可通过电子邮件按事件、设备和用户就系统事件向您发出通知。 ● Cisco TMS 支持用于将事件发送到第三方 SNMP 管理平台的简单网络管理协议第 2 版 (SNMPv2) 陷阱。 ● Cisco TMS 可提供动画图形图像或地理地图图像,以便您查看所有呼叫活动和设备状态。
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产品特点 基础架构管理 资产管理
管理拨号方案 配置备份和还原
软件升级 定制报告和分析 审计 标准报告
● 所有思科产品和所选的第三方网真设备均使用同一个管理控制台,包括整个组织内的终端、呼叫控制服务器、 MCU、思科网真服务器及其他基础设施。
● Cisco TMS 通过针对客户端和服务器通信的安全 HTTP (HTTPS) 完整 X.509 证书验证,为选定的思科应用提 供“仅限安全内容”模式,禁用所有不安全的通信协议。
图 1.
Cisco TelePresence® 管理套件 (Cisco TMS) 可对网真会议和媒体服务基础设施和终端进行全面的控制和管理, 使企业能够提高生产效率,降低成本,最大限度实现网真投资回报(图 1 和图 2)。
● 您可以通过直观的界面管理拨号方案设置。 ● 您可以对所有受支持设备的配置进行检索和备份。 ● 您可以将当前和先前设备的配置进行对比。 ● Cisco TMS 可为所有受支持设备提供已保存配置的单项或批量还原。 ● 自动软件升级有助于以最少的管理员干预,确保受支持的托管设备实现最新的软件更新和许可密钥检索。 ● 针对多个系统的批量软件升级可通过单个请求实现。
© 2012 思科和/或其附属公司版权所有。本文档所含内容为思科公开发布的信息
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表 4.
产品名称 思科网真管理套件 思科网真管理套件的初始订购选项 Cisco TMS - 附加 25 个系统 Cisco TMS - 附加 100 个系统 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 25 个附加用户许可证 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 100 个附加用户许可证 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 500 个附加用户许可证 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 2000 个附加用户许可证 Cisco TMSAE - 分析扩展产品 Cisco TMS 网络集成扩展产品(Polycom、MGC、Radvision ViaIP、Cisco 3540) Cisco TMSBA - 扩展预订 API - 每 25 个系统注册 Cisco TMSXN - 适用于 IBM Lotus Notes 的扩展产品 - 每 25 个系统注册 Cisco TMSXE - 适用于 Microsoft Exchange 的扩展产品 - 每 25 个系统注册 Cisco TMS 应用集成包 - 每一个集成的服务器 为现有安装添加设备许可证或可选功能 用于思科网真管理套件安装的电子交付许可证 PAK Cisco TMS - 附加 25 个系统 Cisco TMS - 附加 100 个系统 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 25 个附加用户许可证 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 100 个附加用户许可证 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 500 个附加用户许可证 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 - 2000 个附加用户许可证 Cisco TMSAE - 分析扩展产品 Cisco TMS 网络集成扩展产品(Polycom、MGC、Radvision ViaIP、Cisco 3540) Cisco TMSBA - 扩展预订 API - 每 25 个系统注册 Cisco TMSXN - 适用于 IBM Lotus Notes 的扩展产品 - 每 25 个系统注册 Cisco TMSXE - 适用于 Microsoft Exchange 的扩展产品 - 每 25 个系统注册 Cisco TMS 应用集成包 - 每一个集成的服务器
科网真系统 EX90 以及思科网真系统 EX60 设备的调配。 ● Microsoft Active Directory 的集成使您能够使用企业登录。 ● 可定制并可控制权限的用户组。 ● Cisco TMS 通过使用 Microsoft Active Directory 可支持自动的组成员资格。
● Cisco TMS 支持思科的集中式电话簿和目录服务,并且可选择第三方 H.323 和 SIP 终端。 ● Cisco TMS 支持自动导入目录记录和同步多个数据源,包括 Microsoft Active Directory、H.350 轻量级目录访问
© 2012 思科和/或其附属公司版权所有。本文档所含内容为思科公开发布的信息
第 2 页,共 7 页
表 1 列出 Cisco TMS 的特色和优点。
表 1.
产品特点 调配和配置管理 调配
目录和电话簿管理 电话簿
会议管理 会议控制中心
诊断和警报 派工单服务 事件通知 图形监控 预订和调度 会议调度程序 呼叫路由
● Cisco TMS 支持主流的独立网真服务器、MCU 以及思科网真终端的多站点功能。 ● 调度自动化不需要使用 MCU。 ● Cisco TMS 产品支持时区和夏令时规则的自动处理。 ● Cisco TMS 支持 Cisco WebEx® 会议的网络会议。
© 2012 思科和/或其附属公司版权所有。本文档所含内容为思科公开发布的信息
© 2012 思科和/或其附属公司版权所有。本文档所含内容为思科公开发布的信息
第 1 页,共 7 页
图 2.
● 集中式调配:Cisco TMS 支持快速进行大规模部署,覆盖各个不同的客户场所,多达 100000 个网真终端 ● 轻松管理联系人:Cisco TMS 可实现与电话簿轻松集成,快速准确地创建会议,并与内部目录保持一致 ● 集中式管理:Cisco TMS 可简化会议的管理和协调,降低资源成本,帮助确保网真基础设施投资的最高回报 ● 一键式操作:Cisco TMS 使您能够在越来越广的终端范围内快捷轻松地安排会议,降低网络管理开销并优化
● 英语(美国、英国和澳大利亚) ● 挪威语(巴克摩语和尼诺斯克语) ● 中文(简体) ● 中文(繁体) ● 西班牙语 ● 法语 ● 日语 ● 俄语 ● 葡萄牙语 ● 意大利语 ● 德语 ● 瑞典语 ● 韩语 ● 加泰罗尼亚语 ● 芬兰语 ● 泰语 ● 捷克语 ● 丹麦语 ● 土耳其语 ● 波兰语 ● 罗马尼亚语
表 2 列出了 Cisco TMS 的平台和语言规范。
表 2.
平台 基于网络的界面
服务器灵活性 冗余和可恢复配置
语言支持 资产管理和电话簿中的 语言支持 针对 Cisco TMS 主界面的语言支持
● 可定制的电子邮件通知模板 ● 包含公司徽标的可定制网络界面 ● 以软件形式提供,以便在客户服务器上安装 ● 灵活的数据库配置,包括本地服务器数据库层和专用服务器数据库层 ● 支持 Microsoft SQL Server 群集 ● 支持专用 Microsoft SQL Server 安装 ● 支持多种部署情景,包括具有或不具有负载平衡的多个应用服务器,以实现高可用性
资源使用 ● 有效的资源管理:Cisco TMS 提供对整个网真网络的全面监控,从而优化资源可用性和分配,同时缩减运营
开销 特点:
Cisco TMS:
● 对临时和预订的所有会议进行实时的集中式管理 ● 灵活的用户界面,既能满足基础用户快速创建会议的需求,又能为高级用户提供高级会议预订和安排 ● 强大灵活的电话簿管理,支持各种目录(包括外部资源)的同步,从而能轻松管理联系人 ● 通过图形图像,对所有网真基础设施系统和终端进行集中式控制 ● 有大量现成的报告可供选择,支持创建全面定制报告以解决特定的业务问题 ● 对终端进行集中式调配和配置,实现快捷轻松的部署 ● 与 Microsoft Exchange 等组件应用集成,实现网真调度功能
V.35 和电话)。 ● 智能呼叫路由可自动处理所有拨号计划和基础设施要求,以满足用户的会议请求。
● 强大的基于网络的调度程序可提供规划人员图像以及集成的状态和详细信息显示。 ● Cisco TMS 支持定制调度界面,也能通过思科网真管理套件扩展预订 API (Cisco TMSBA) 与其他日历产品集成。 ● Cisco TMS 可通过适用于 Microsoft Exchange 的思科网真管理套件扩展产品 (Cisco TMSXE) 支持 Microsoft Outlook
表 3 列出了 Cisco TMS 的要求。
表 3.

● 基础软件产品包含许可证,最多可用于 10 台托管设备 ● 通过购买更多的许可证可以扩展基本容量:
o 附加系统许可证(可用于多达 2000 台托管设备或 100000 台大型调配设备);附加 Cisco Jabber 网真视频 (之前称为 Cisco TelePresence Movi)最多可用于 100000 个用户
的调度(通过 Microsoft Exchange Server 2003、2007 和 2010)。 ● Cisco TMS 可通过适用于 IBM Lotus Notes 的思科网真管理套件扩展产品 (Cisco TMSXN) 支持 IBM Lotus Notes 的