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本次设计系统的精确量包括以下变量:变化量e,变化量的变化速率ec还有参数整定过程中的输出量△ K P,△ K D,△ K,在设计模糊PID的过程中,需要将这些精确量转换成为模糊论域上的模糊值。本系统的误差与误差变化率的模糊论域与基本论域为:E=[-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6];Ec=[-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6] 。
变化ec为输入;△ K P,△ K D,△ K为输出的自适应模糊PID控制器,见图1。
(1) 模糊变量选取
七个,分别为NB, NM NS ZQ PS, PM PB
(2) 语言变量及隶属函数
e,ec 论域:{-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
△心,△ K D,△ K 论域:{-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6} 应用模糊合成推理PID参数的整定算法。第k个采样时间的整定为
K p(k)二K p。:K p(k) , Kdk)二K I。水心),K°(k)二K D。 *D(k).
式中K P0,K|0,K D0为经典PID控制器的初始参数
设置输入变量隶属度函数如图2所示,输出变量隶属度函数如图 3所示 Membership Function Editor; fuzzyl File Edit View
Current Van able
Current Membershiip Function (click on MF to select) Name e Name zo
input TyP® gLaussmf v
[-6 6]
Params [0.B493 OJ
Display Range [-6 &]
Membership Function Editor: fuz2y1
File Edit View
(3) 编辑模糊规则库
FIS v^riable& ki
Membership fuitctlon plots- otat oonis : 181
FIS vulablas ec ki
w htemi 祐活術p funaBon pkk 憎 “刃m ■肝咏 101
1. If (e is NB) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is NS)(1)
2. If (e is NB) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is PS)(1)
3. If (e is NB) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PB)(1)
4. If (e is NB) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PB)(1)
5. If (e is NB) and (ec is PS) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PB)(1)
6. If (e is NB) and (ec is PM) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PM)(1)
7. If (e is NB) and (ec is PB) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is NS)(1)
8. If (e is NM) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is NS)(1)
9. If (e is NM) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NB)(ki is PB)(kd is PS)(1)
10. If (e is NM) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PB)(1)
11. If (e is NM) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)
12. If (e is NM) and (ec is PS) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)
13. If (e is NM) and (ec is PM) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)
14. If (e is NM) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PS)(ki is ZO)(kd is ZO)(1)
15. If (e is NS) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NM)(ki is PB)(kd is ZO)(1)
16. If (e is NS) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PS)(1)
17. If (e is NS) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NM)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)
18. If (e is NS) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PM)(1)
19. If (e is NS) and (ec is PS) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)
20. If (e is NS) and (ec is PM) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is PS)(1)
21. If (e is NS) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is ZO)(1)
22. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is ZO)(1)
23. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NM)(ki is PM)(kd is PS)(1)
24. If (e is ZO) and (ec is NS) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is PS)(1)
25. If (e is ZO) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is PS)(1)
26. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PS) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is PS)(1)
27. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PM) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is PS)(1)
28. If (e is ZO) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is ZO)(1)
29. If (e is PS) and (ec is NB) then (kp is NS)(ki is PM)(kd is ZO)(1)
30. If (e is PS) and (ec is NM) then (kp is NS)(ki is PS)(kd is ZO)(1)
31. If (e is PS) and (ec is NS) then (kp is ZO)(ki is ZO)(kd is ZO)(1)
32. If (e is PS) and (ec is ZO) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is ZO)(1)
33. If (e is PS) and (ec is PS) then (kp is PS)(ki is NS)(kd is ZO)(1)
34. If (e is PS) and (ec is PM) then (kp is PM)(ki is NM)(kd is ZO)(1)
35. If (e is PS) and (ec is PB) then (kp is PM)(ki is NB)(kd is ZO)(1)