第一单元in-class 课后练习答案
B2U5课文翻译及课后练习答案 (1)

Unit 1 DreamsIn—Class Reading Are You A Dreamer?你做梦吗?1 梦,我们为什么会做梦?梦有意义吗?真的有梦中所见之事成为现实这种事吗?几千年来人们对这些问题一直很感兴趣.过去几十年的科学发展使我们对睡眠的自然过程有了更多的认识,然而对于与梦有关的诸多问题依然没有最终答案,这些问题还在继续困惑着我们。
2 人人都做梦——只不过有些人不记得做过梦罢了。
每晚我们有四个或五个REM睡眠阶段,第一次出现在入睡后的90分钟左右.此后,梦期每90分钟复现一次,每次持续15到45分钟,持续时间随着夜晚的深入逐渐延长.3 睡眠的主要目的(除让我们休息外)也许就是让我们做梦——让我们以一种截然不同的方式回顾我们的生活、我们的忧虑和希望,以及在潜意识中观察自我,把不再需要的资料从记忆中剔除。
4 有些梦可能是由简单的生理原因引起的.例如,梦到在灼热的煤块上行走很可能是由睡眠时脚太靠近取暖器引起的。
所有这些都是潜意识和意识共同引导和启示我们的简单例子.5 不过这些从生理角度进行的解释尚不足以说明为什么我们会做梦.有些人认为梦纯粹是无稽之谈,仅仅是人脑中电脉冲无的放矢的结果,然而,有些人则认为即便是最简单的梦也具有重要的含义。
6 有些梦反映的内心忧虑是立即可以识别的.梦见失去工作或者没了房子,也许是反映了真实的忧虑,即便这些忧虑只是潜意识的.我们大多数人都梦见过必须参加一门很难的课程的期末考试,也许是一门从未修过的课,也许是一门学得很糟糕的课.7 但是,有一些梦并没有这样明显的含义,对它们该如何解析呢?多少世纪以来,男男女女都从所谓的解梦字典中寻找答案,这类字典最早的有可能可以追溯到公元前5000年。

译林英语3年级下册Unit 1 In class一、词组Mr. Green 格林先生open your books 打开你们的书close the window 关窗come in进来good afternoon下午好good night晚安open the door 开门look at the blackboard看黑板good morning早上好good evening晚上好listen to the teacher听老师的二、句型1. Stand up. 起立。
2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。
3. Good morning, Mr. Green. 格林先生,早上好。
4. Come in, Mike. 迈克,进来。
5. Liu Tao, please open the door. 刘涛,请开门。
6. Yes, Mr. Green. 好的,格林先生。
7. I’m sorry, Mr. Green. 对不起,格林先生。
8. Wang Bing, please close the window. 王兵,请关窗。
9. Look at the blackboard, Sam. 山姆,看黑板。
10. Don’t listen to the parrot. 不要听鹦鹉说的话.三、知识点1、the的用法定冠词the 用来特指人或事物,它与this、that乃是同一个源头有“这个/那个”之意,也有“这些/那些”之意。
the的发音:辅音前读/ðə/,元音前读/ði:/例:the apple 这个苹果(许多的苹果中,特指这一个苹果,而不是其他的苹果。
)the students 这些学生Array 2、Mr的用法Mr… …先生(对男士的尊称)Mrs 太太、夫人(是对已婚妇女的称呼)Miss 小姐(是对未婚妇女的称呼)Ms [miz] Ms=Miss女士(是对婚姻状况不明的女子)3、询问“这/那是什么?”的句型及其答句无伦是W hat’s this?还是What’s that ? 来问都要用It’s… 来回答。

本课是新部编版小学语文二级上册第一单元 第二课时《我是什么》。这是一篇 科普短文。课文采用拟人手法,以第一人称“我”的叙述方式,并结合谜语的形式,图 文并茂地向学生展示了水在不同的条件下,会呈现出的不同状态以及水给人类生活带来 的利弊。文中始终不点明“我”就是水,而是通过水的形态变化和与人类关系的描写, 让读者去猜,更增加了文章的趣味性。全文共五段,重点内容可分为三个部分:水的变 化;水的形态;水给人类带来的利弊。
1. 自主学习法。 2. 合作学习法。
在教学中,我主要渗透了以上两种学法的指导。通过教师与学生、学生与学生面 对面地听、说、读、问、评、议等去实现,培养学生自主学习的能力。并根据阅 读教学的特点,坚持把“读”的训练贯穿在整个教学过程中,力求取得最好的教 学效果。
在此基础上,充分利用互动的形式,在教师的引导下,通过自主、合作的学 习方式研读全文。
“变”字的上面先写点、横,再按照先中间后两边的顺序写竖、竖、左点、右点。 上下两部大小相当,第四笔竖紧靠竖中线,左点、右点的收笔分别与横的起笔和收 笔上下对齐,“又”的横撇起笔在横中线下侧,横短撇长,捺更长。
“海”中的“母”先写竖折、横折钩,再从上到下写点、横、点。左右结构,左窄 右宽,左低右高,左短右长;“每”第二笔短横,第三笔竖折起笔在竖中线上,竖 折的竖向左下稍斜再折向右,第四笔横折钩的横短,折向下时稍向左斜写长再出钩, 竖折和横折钩围起来呈上窄下宽,第九笔在横中线下侧,左右出头。
(3)自己采用一看、二写、三对照的方法练写其余的字。书写《习字册》生 字,端正写字姿势,做到正确、整洁。
(4)展示学生书写作品,集体评议,引导学生养成良好的写字习惯。(对照 自己的字能做到正确,整洁的就加颗星。)
二册第一单元 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Unit 1 LoveIn-Class Reading A Good Heart to Lean On善良之心,久久相依当时我没有意识到,是爸爸帮我保持平衡。
1 在我还未成年时,每当别人看见我和爸爸在一起,我就会觉得很尴尬。
2 要协调我们的步伐并不容易,他的步子一瘸一拐的,我走起来则缺乏耐心。
”3 我们通常往返于家和地铁之间,他是坐地铁去上班的。
4 当地上有雪或冰的时候,即使有人帮忙他也无法走路。
5 一个成年男子要有多少勇气才能承受这种屈辱和压力,我现在想来都惊讶不已。
6 他从不把自己当作被同情的对象,也从不嫉妒比自己幸运或能干的人。
7 随着年龄的增长,我相信那是一种用来判断人的恰当的标准,尽管我还不能确切地知道什么是一颗“善心”。
8 尽管很多活动我爸爸不能参加,但他还是尽量用某种方式参与。
三年级下册英语Unit 1 In class知识梳理+巩固练习 译林版三起

Unit 1 In class知识梳理+巩固练习(含答案)一、语音解析:字母b在单词中发/b/,例如:例如:b all, b irthday, b ook, ro b ot二、重点单词四会open 打开the这,那door门close关上window 窗户book书三会Mr 先生please 请sorry 对不起blackboard 黑板rubber 橡皮parrot 鹦鹉三、核心短语in class在课堂上stand up 起立sit down 坐下open the door 开门come in进来close the window关窗look at the blackboard看黑板 a rubber 橡皮a robot一个人机器人listen to the parrot听鹦鹉说two big books两本大书say “Hello!”说“你好”四、重点句型1. Stand up/Sit down/Come in, please.知识点:祈使句用法:这三句均为以动词原形开头的肯定祈使句,之所以会以动词原形开头,实则是省略了句子的主语you。
有时为了让语气变得更加委婉,可以在祈使句中加上please, please既可以放在句首,也可以放在句末。
我们通常用“Yes./OK./All right./Sure./Thank you.”等对祈使句进行回答。
例句:(1)--Please open the door. --Yes, Miss Li.(2)--Have a cake,please. --Thank you.(3)Don't laugh at others.2. Good morning, Mr Green.知识点:Mr意为“先生”用法:在英语中是对男性的尊称,与姓名或姓氏连用,放在姓名或姓氏之前,但不能与人名连用,在本单元课文中则是指“老师”。
小学英语牛津译林版三年级下册Unit 1 In class同步练习及答案

Unit 1 In class第一课时习题一、连线题。
1.Stand up A. 坐下e in B. 对不起3.Sit down C. 起立4.I’m sorry D. 打开门5.Open the door E. 进来二、根据要求填空。
1 .close(反义词)____________2. sit down(对应词)______________3. I’m sorry(汉语)______________4. close the window (汉语) ___________5.进来(英语) ______________三、根据汉语提示写单词。
1. This is our _______ (黑板).2. Please open the _______ (门).3. Please close the ______ (窗户).4. Please_____ (进来) .5. I’m ______ (对不起) .四、选择题。
( ) 1. Look _______the blackboard.A. atB. onC. in( ) 2.Please ____open the book ,please.A. toB. /C. in( ) 3. Come ____ please.A.inB. onC. at( ) 4. Stand ____, please.A. onB. downC. up( ) 5. 想请对方打开盒子,应该说:A. Close the door.B. Open the book.C. Open the box.五、按要求完成句子。
1. the, at, look, blackboard (.) (连词成句)___________________________________________2. door, the, please, close (.)(连词成句)___________________________________________3. O____ the window, please. (根据句意及首字母提示写出单词)_________________________________________4. Sit down , please. (翻译成汉语)_________________________________________5. 起立!(翻译成英语)__________________________________________Unit 1 In class第一课时答案一、【解析】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1—C 2—E 3—A 4—B 5—D二、【解析】1. close译为“关闭”,反义词是open“打开”,故答案为open。

2) disagree disagreement A. Literary critics were in total _______________ about the value of the book. B. My stomach really hurts—I must have eaten something disagreed that _____________ with me. C. She said some very ______________ disagreeable things. 3) decide A. A winning debate was the ________ decisive turning point in John’s campaign. B. The _________ decision to build a new airport would raise people’s taxes. C. I could not _________ decide on what to order from the menu.
To be continued
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
6) perfect perfect as it could be. A. Everything seemed as _________ perfection in poetry. B. There’s no such a thing as ___________ perfected it C. It’s just a working model; we haven’t ___________ yet. 7) determine A. They were admired for their dogged determination to learn the language. ______________ B. Your parents’ income is used to __________ determine your level of financial aid. C. He is ____________ determined to finish the project at noon.

Unit 1 Personal RelationshipIn-Class Reading The Gift of Life以生命相赠1 炸弹落在了这个小村庄里。
2 传教士和一两个孩子已经丧生,还有几个孩子受了伤,其中有一个小女孩,8岁左右,双腿被炸伤了。
3 几小时后,医疗救援小组到了。
4 他们明白必须给小女孩输血,但是他们的医药用品很有限,没有血浆,因此需要匹配的血型。
5 医生会讲一点越南语,护士会讲一点法语,但只有中学的法语水平。
6 对医生和护士的请求,孩子们瞪大眼睛,一声不吭。
7 “噢,谢谢,”护士用法语说。
“你叫什么名字?”8 “兴,”小男孩回答道。
9 兴很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消毒后,针就扎了进去。
10 过了一会儿,他发出了一声长长的抽泣,但立即用那只可以活动的手捂住了自己的脸。
11 “兴,疼吗?”医生问。
12 兴默默地摇了摇头,但一会儿忍不住又抽泣起来,并又一次试图掩饰自己的哭声。
13 但现在,偶尔的抽泣变成了持续无声的哭泣。

八上英语课课练答案八上英语课课练答案人教版20XX年-20XX年新版新目标英语八年级上Unit2课课练及答案(4份)Unit 2 Whats the matter?Practice 1作业导航Ⅰ.看图填空1.A:Whats the matter?B:I have a head__________and tooth__________. (共4份试题)2.A:Whats the __________?B:I have a st___m___ch.3.A:__________?B:I have a sore throat.4.A:Whats the matter?B:I __________ a cold.Ⅱ.情景对话(Doctor:D Patient:P)D: 1 the mater?P:I have a cold,cough!Cough!I have a terrible c 2 ,ouch!Head 3 ,Oh,my god,help me!D: 4 it easy.Let me exam.Open your mouth,ok,good,take your fever,please.Oh,38.9℃.You have a f 5 .You have a bad cold. P:Is it terrible?D:Maybe.You should 6 some medicine and go to bed for a good rest.I hope you feel 7 soon.P:Its very kind of you,doctor.Thanks a lot.D:My pleasure.Ⅲ.改错1.How long do you usually watch TV?A B C D 2.How often do you ill?Often.A B C D 3.Lucy was never away to school last term.A B C D 4.I usually does seven hours of sports every week.A B C D 5.There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in the basket.A B C DⅣ.按要求转换句型1.She often does housework at home.(改为一般疑问句) __________she often __________housework at home? 2.I bought some fruit this morning.(改为否定句)I__________ __________ __________ fruit this morning. 3.She never gets to school very early.(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ does she get to school very early. 4.I was away from school for about a week.(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ __________ you away from school?5.I think a chicken can swim.(改为否定句)I __________ __________ a chicken __________ swim.6.Miss Wang likes her students.(改为一般疑问句)__________ Miss Wang __________ her students?7.He cant hear anything.(改为同义句) He __________hear __________. 8.The dog likes to follow people.(对划线部分提问) __________ does the dog like __________ __________?参考答案Ⅰ.1.headache;toothache 2.matter;stomach3.Whats the matter?4.haveⅡ.1.Whats 2.cough 3.headache 4.Take 5.fever 6.take 7.betterⅢ.1.B long→often 2.C do→are 3.D to→from 4.A does→do 5.A are→isⅣ.1.Does;do 2.didnt buy any 3.How often 4.How long were5.dont think;can6.Does;like7.can;nothing8.What;to doUnit 2 Whats the matter?Practice 2作业导航Ⅰ.看图对话D:Whats the matter?A:Im not feeling well.I have a h __________and t__________.D:When did it start?A:About__________ago.D:Oh,that is too bad.You should __________.A:Yes,I think so.D:I hope you feel better soon.Next one ,whats the matter?Do you have a sore throat?B:__________.D:When did it start?B:__________.D:Oh,take it easy.You should take some medicine at first and have more water every day.You will be better soon.B:Thank you,doctor.D:__________.Ⅱ.自我提升Every morning in our class,Mr.Smith calls the roll.He calls the names of all the students,one after another,in alphabetical order(按字母表顺序).For example,he sa ys:“John White.”“Present.”“Helen Williams.”“Here.” “Henry Williams.” “Henrys absent today.”“Oh,yes.Henrys your pother.Wheres Henry today?”“Hes at home.Sir.”“He is sick.I suppose.”“Yes,sir.He has a bad cold.”“I hope he feels better tomorrow.”“Thank you,sir.”“Page 19,sir.”“Thank you.First lets read a few lines aloud for pronunciation (听写).And later,we can have some dictation (听写).John,you go to the black-board and write on the blackboard while the others write at their desks.You all like dictation,dont you?”“No.I like reading stories and translating (翻译)them,” John says.“Butdictation is important.It teaches you the correct spelling(拼写)of words and it also helps with pronunciation.”“Last time,I made twenty-five mistakes in spelling,” says John.“But how many words did I dictate?”“Twenty-six.”1.What does Mr.Smith do every morning in the English class?.2.How does he call the names of the class?.3.How do the students answer when Mr.Smith calls their names?.4.If a student is ill,does he usually go to school or stay at home?.Compression questions: 1.Do you say yes or no when Mr.Smith says that dictation is very important? . 2.Does your English teacher often or seldom give you dictation?.3.Do you find English spelling easy or difficult?.4.Do you make many or few mistakes in spelling your English?.Ⅲ.开心一刻Five Dollars a Visit(拜访一次5块钱)Miss White:(to Paul whose father is a doctor)Paul,if your work doesnt improve(改进),I think it will be necessary for me to call on your father.Paul:(politely)That will be fine,Miss White.His office hours are three to five,and his fee is five dollars a visit.参考答案Ⅰ.A:headache;toothache;A:two days;D:take some medicine; B:Yes.B:About two days ago.D:You are welcome.Ⅱ.1.He calls the roll every morning.2.He calls the names of all the students,one after another,in alphabetical order.3.They answer “present”or “Here”.4.He usually stays at home.Comprehsion question(略)Unit 2 Whats the matter?Ⅰ.你了解你身体的各个部位吗?请你写出他们的英语名称。

新编大学英语第三册第三版第一单元课文翻译及课后新编大学英语第三册第三版第一单元课文翻译及课后练习答案Unit 1 PersonalityIn-Class Reading羞怯的痛苦1 对许多人来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。
2 很显然这种不安的感觉会对人产生不利的影响。
3 相比之下,羞怯的人自尊心较弱,往往消极被动并且容易受他人影响。
5 如果仅仅因为在某些领域有困难,就把自己列为差生,这不恰如其分。

Directions: Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word from Column A. Change the form if necessary. Check the answers with your partner.
__T__ 9) It can be inferred from the passage that men are more factual than women. __T__10) It’s important for men to think about what women really mean before getting into an argument.
1) The expression on Bill’s face _c_o_n_v_e_y_e_d_/_c_o_nv_e_y_s_ his thoughts.
__F__ 6) It is mainly women’s fault when men and women fail to understand each other.
__T__ 7) To understand women, men shouldn’t take women’s complaints literally.
1) Your books and magazines are almost in a _m__e_ss_ (杂乱). Go and put them in order.
2) History will not _r_e_p_e_a_t__ (重复) itself. 3) Don’t let his friendly manner _m_i_sl_e_a_d__ (引入歧途) you

2024年人教版三年级上册英语第一单元课后练习1(含答案和概念)试题部分一、选择题:1. Which letter is the first in the English alphabet?A. AB. BC. CD. D2. What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. ShortD. LongA. bigB. smallC. tallD. short4. Which of the following is a vowel?A. BB. CC. AD. D5. What is the plural form of "cat"?A. CatB. CatsC. CatesD. Catess6. Which word means "not"?A. YesB. NoC. NotD. None7. What is the English word for "苹果"?A. OrangeB. BananaC. AppleD. PearA. readB. writeC. eatD. drink9. What is the past tense of "go"?A. GoedB. WentC. GoneD. Going10. Which of the following is a question word?A. HowB. BecauseC. ButD. And二、判断题:1. The English alphabet has 26 letters. ( )2. "Dog" and "cat" are both nouns. ( )3. "Run" and "running" are the same tense. ( )4. "I" is a pronoun. ( )5. "She" refers to a male person. ( )7. "Hello" is used to greet someone in the morning. ( )8. "Goode" means "see you later". ( )9. "What" and "where" are both question words. ( )10. "One" and "first" both represent the number 1. ( )三、填空题:1. The English alphabet consists of ______ letters.2. The opposite of "hot" is ______.3. "I am" is the first person singular of the verb ______.4. The past tense of "do" is ______.5. "He", "she", and "it" are ______ pronouns.6. A noun is a word that represents a ______, place, or thing.7. An adjective is a word that describes a ______.8. "Please" is a word used to make a request ______.9. "Sorry" is an expression of ______.10. "What time is it?" is a question that asks about the ______.11. "I can" is used to express ______.12. "I can't" means ______.13. "My name is" is followed a(n) ______.14. "I like" is used to express ______.15. "I don't like" is used to express ______.16. "Where is" is a question that asks about the ______.17. "How old are you?" is a question that asks about a person's ______.18. "This" and "that" are demonstrative ______.19. "These" and "those" are plural forms of ______ and______.20. "Who" is a question word that asks about a(n) ______.四、简答题:1. What is the difference between a vowel and a consonant?2. How do you form the plural of most nouns in English?3. What is an adjective and give an example.4. Explain the difference between "I am" and "I have".5. What is the purpose of using "please" in a sentence?6. How do you ask someone's name in English?7. What is the past tense of "play"?8. Write a sentence using the word "because".9. How do you ask for permission in English?10. What is the difference between "I like" and "I would like"?一、选择题答案:2. A3. A4. C5. B6. C7. C8. A9. B10. A二、判断题答案:1. √2. √3. ×4. √5. ×6. √7. √8. √9. √10. ×三、填空题答案:1. twentysix2. cold4. did5. subjective6. person7. noun or pronoun8. polite9. apology10. time11. ability12. inability13. noun (or name)14. preference15. disliking16. location17. age18. pronouns19. this; that20. person四、简答题答案:2. Most nouns form the plural adding s or es to the singular form.3. An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Example: "The red car is fast."4. "I am" is used to describe a state or condition, while "I have" is used to indicate possession.5. "Please" is used to make a request more polite.6. "What is your name?" or "May I ask your name?"7. Played8. I went to the store because I needed to buy milk.9. "Can I?" or "May I?"10. "I like" is used to express a general preference, while "I would like" is more polite and often used when making a request.英语字母表:识别和记忆英语字母表的顺序和组成。

In classUnit 2 Ability Part A一、教材内容分析本课时为闽教版三起三年级下册第二单元Ability的Part A部分,教学内容为教材第9和10页内容。
这一课时有三个部分:1.Listen and follow. 2.Look and say. 3.Listen and learn the English sounds. 1.部分借助听大家会什么,情境化地呈现了4个目标词汇:dance,swim,draw,run让学生通过看、听等途径来感知并学习这些词汇。
2.部分通过看图片说对话,帮助学生操练词汇,学会句型“I can….”。
4、学会句子:I can….5、学会歌曲:My Little Bicycle能够唱给父母或朋友听。
2、借助插图理解情景对话,正确朗读句子,“I can draw. I can dance. I can run. I can sing.”。
三年级英语下册Unit 1 In class 同步练习(二)(含答案)

三下Unit1 In class同步练习(二)班级______________ 姓名________一、选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。
( ) 1. blackboard A. rubber B. parrot C. don't( ) 2. down A. dog B. please C. door( ) 3. listen A. is B. music C. class( ) 4. book A. go B. bus C. birthday二、单项选择。
( ) 1. –Don’t listen__________ Liu Tao, Mike. –OK.A. /B. toC. for( ) 2. I have two __________.A. bookB. big bookC. books( ) 3. –What’s this? –It’s __________.A. an dollB. a dollC. doll( ) 4. –Look __________ the blackboard, Tim. –Yes, Miss Li.A. atB. onC. /( ) 5. –The toy robot is for you, Su Hai. –__________A. Goodbye.B. Thank you.C. Sorry.三、根据情境,选出正确的答案。
( ) 1. 当你接受别人的指令时,可以这样回答:A. Yes.B. I’m sorry.C. Thank you. ( ) 2. 你迟到了,进教室时,应该说:A. I’m sorry.B. Come in.C. Yes, Miss Li. ( ) 3. 你想知道远处的东西是什么,可以说:A. What’s this?B. What’s that?C. It’s a rubber. ( ) 4. 让别人不要打开书,你说:A. Don’t close the book.B. Don’t open the book.C. Open the book. ( ) 5. 老师让你进办公室后,你应该说:A. Come in, please.B. Thank you.C. May I come in? ( ) 6. 上课时你没有认真看黑板,老师提醒你,她会说:A. Look at the blackboard, please.B. Don’t look at the blackboard.C.I’m sorry.四、连词成句。

一.重点短语1. ask sb. for help 请求某人的帮助be patient 耐心点儿2.improve one’ s speaking skills 提髙某人说的能力3. spoken English=oral English英语口语4. make word cards 制作单词卡片5. listen to tapes 听磁带5. pay attention to 注意6. connect…with…把....与....联系起来7. write down key words 摘抄重点词17. in class 在课堂上after class 课后18. be interested in… 对.......感兴趣8. do sth. on one’s own 独立做某事20. worry about 为...而担忧9. depend on=rely on10. the secret to language learning 语言学习的诀窍11. be afraid to do sth.不敢'做某事8. fall in love with.. . 爱上12. body language 肢体语言10. take notes 记笔记13. make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误14. learning habits 学习习惯13. have sth. in common 有...共同点依赖;取决于Unit1 检测题一.单项选择1.—_______ do you study English? —By listening to tapes.A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. Why2.You can improve your English practicing more. A.by B.with C.of D.in3. Why not practice your _________English in _________ English-speaking country?A. speaking, aB. speaking, anC. spoken, an6. We’ll go out to play _________ it rains tomorrow. A. so B. unless C. because7. Can you ________which is the right answer to the question? A. look for B. findC. find out8. Jenny used to be afraid to ________in class, so she always ________nothing.A. speak, talkedB. speak, saidC. say, spoke4. ________conversations with others is one of the secrets to _________a successful learner.A. Practice, becomeB. Practice, becomingC. Practicing, becoming5 ---There’re a few new words in the article? ---What about _________in your dictionary?A. looking it upB. looking up itC. looking them up12. ________or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits.A. IfB. WeatherC. Whether13. I have finished _________my report. May I start to learn ________the guitar?A. writing, playingB. writing, to playC. to write, playing14. ---I often make mistakes _______grammar. ---Why not ask your teacher _______help?A. in, toB. in, forC. at, to9.— Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?—It’s ________ difficult _______ I can’t follow. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that10. A good learner often thinks about ________he needs to practice more.A. thatB. whatC. how11.--I’m going to listen _______the tape. --OK. Remember to listen ________the key words.A. to, toB. to ,forC. for, to15. _________write down the new words in your notebook?A. Would you likeB. How aboutC. Could you please二用所给单词的适当形式填空。

三年级英语下册第1单元试卷姓名____________听力部分( 30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。
(10分)( )1。
A. door B. doll C。
ball()2.A.is B.yes C. please( )3。
book B.look C.good()4。
who B。
too C。
you( )5。
A.colour B. close C.cake()6。
robot B。
rubber C.red( )7。
A.what B.white C。
A.Mr B。
Miss C。
me( )9。
A.the B.that C。
and( )10.A.sorry B。
orange C. open二、听录音,给下列句子标上正确的数字序号。
(6分)() 1。
sit down, please。
Good morning,class。
Wang Bing, please open the door.( )e in, please ,Yang Lin。
()5.Happy New Year.( )6.She is my friend,Yang Lin。
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Further Development 1.B 2. A 3.A 4. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C
5. B 10.C
1) a sense of responsibility 2) a sense of safety/security 3) a sense of inferiority 4) a sense of superiority 5) a sense of rhythm 6) a sense of justice 7) a sense of shame 8) a sense of helplessness 9) a sense of direction 10) a sense of urgency 3. 1. mischief 2. sense 3. end 4. successful 5. contacted 6. individually 7. response 8. answer 9. directly 10. followed
The typical three parts of a joke:1)setup, 2)body, 3)punch line.
Different forms of humor:1)slap-stick, 2)Chinese “cross-talk”, 3)a play on words, 4)puns and double-entendres.
Humor will persist even though some professional humorists think today’s humor is not very intelligent or sophisticated.
Understanding Specific Information
Translation 1) Lively behavior is normal 2) Fasts cars appeal to John 3)diverse arguments 4) I asked my boss for clarification 5) very sensitive to light 6) Mutual encouragement 7) made of him 8) persists in his opinion/viewpoint 9) to be the focus/center of attention 10) we buy our tickets in advance
1)B 2)D 3)C 4)A 5)C 6)A 7)A 8)D 9)B 10)B
Vocabulary 1) A. 2) A. 3) A. 4) A. 5) A. 6) A. 7) A. 8) A. entertaining B. entertainment C. entertained D. entertainer recognizable B. recognized C. recognition tempting B. temptation C. tempt reasoned B. reasoning C. reasonable D. reason analyzed B. analytical C. analyst D. analysis valuable B. valuation C. valued/values D. value humorist B. humor C. humorous D. humorless understandable B. understanding C. understand D. misunderstood
Humor is universal, but people’s sense of humor varies.
Even animals have a sense of humor. The author’s dog is a good example.