


ENDຫໍສະໝຸດ 读写任务--主题句及拓展句
16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所向披 靡。
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃



6. 明示观点
明确表示对某观点支持、赞同或反对看法?(作者持反对意见, 因为太贵。) (2012广州二模) I couldn’t agree more with the author. / I totally agree with the author.(赞成) Though expensive, I still think study tours are worthwhile./ I’m afraid I can’t agree with the author because study tours are worthwhile in some aspects(反对)
2.你看完这个故事的感受。(2011广州调研) After reading the story, ___________________by I am so touched Alan, whose behavior is worth praising.
3 这个故事给你什么启示?
From the story, I ____________________________ learn a lesson that... This story reminds _________us of a proper attitude towards ups and downs.
因读写任务“写作内容”所列要点的顺序已具有内在 的逻辑性,所以考生应该按照试题所给内容要点顺序 写作。一般是每个写作要点安排为一个自然段,且将 写作内容的每个要点作为各段的主题句,将主题句放 在各段的开头,这样既可以避免考生在写作时跑题或 遗漏要点,又方便阅卷老师落实要点是否齐全 。



教学设计读写任务—主题句与扩展句主讲人:龚进英班级:高三(5)班1. 目的。


2. 学情分析。







)以约120个词就“时间穿梭”的话题进行写作,内容包括:(1) 如果能够回到过去,你最辑回到的时间(或时段)及地点;(2) 描述你回到过去后最想做的事情;(3) 说明事情的意义.After reading about this film, I imagined where I would go if I could travel through time. Personally, I would travel to Tiananmen Square in Beijing on Oct. 1st, 1949. It would be exciting to witness the historic moment when the People’s Republic of China was founded. If I were lucky enough to have the opportunity, I would interview Chairman Mao and other revolutionary pioneers, telling them how brilliant they were and showing them our gratitude for the new life they brought us. I would also take pictures to record how people lived at that time.After I returned, I would show those photos to people I know, reminding them of the hardship in the past, so that they would cherish what they possess now and be more positive toward life. Hopefully, what I brought back would inspire people today to follow the example set by those pioneers and contribute more to developing our society and building a better world.III. 扩展句写作需具有连贯性,故而扩展句与主题句之间必须:•意义相关(unity)•逻辑一致(coherence)1. 再读上面的参考范文,迅速划出正文部分的各段的拓展句。

如何写好主题句,高考英语作文技巧 2015年高考复习

如何写好主题句,高考英语作文技巧 2015年高考复习

1读写任务之学会写段落主题句1评分标准及解题要求概括(5分概括全面,表述清晰写作内容(20分 :主题明确 , 紧扣三个要点五年来读写任务的写作内容 2都是三个要点 , 三个要点最好依次用三个段落来写 , 每个段落前最好用一个主题句 , 这样做既不会漏掉要点 , 又层次清楚 , 能让阅卷老师一目了然。

段落的主题句其实就是一句过渡的话 , 用来表达观点 (赞成或反对或引出类似的经历,使上下文衔接得更加紧密。

主题句的模式:*引出经历*重述要点*回答要点*明示观点*引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等一、引出经历1. 时间、地点和起因。

【讲述一次想家的经历】 (11广东Like Sam, each of us may ___________________missing our family,_____________(包括我在内 .2. 你或你同学的做兼职的经历。

an unforgettable experience of my part-time job. I once3. 上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师(2012年广东高考After reading this story, it suddenlyWang , an English teacher who always carries a big smile on her face.二、重述要点这类主题句并不直接回答要点的提问, 而是翻译要点作为段落的主题句, 例如, 要点是“谈谈…… 的重要性” ,主题句则为“ …… 有重要作用” ,要点是“谈谈…… 有何重要意义” , 主题句可直接说“ …… 很有意义”等。

1. 同学们对周末补课的不同看法。

(11清远一模Students _______________________________ on taking classes at weekends.2. 在生活中谅解他人有何意义 ?From the story I learn that understanding and forgiving others_______________________in our life.3. 掌握急救知识的重要性As far as I’m concerned, for us to know some knowledge about first aid.4. 你怎样看待老师对学生的影响。





)The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一). What is more, ③-------------(理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三).While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (Besides), ⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (Finally), ⑦------------------(理由三).From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice.(2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点。


“分析原因”常用句 1. M式y views are based on the following
2. The reasons can be listed as follows. /The reasons for this are as follows.
“读后感受”常用句 1. What式I have learned from the passage is that…
2. I felt terribly sorry/ was deeply touched when I
3. After reading the story, I was touched by...
【1.在写作作T文要a中s求k可】: 以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论 点文,中也的1可句.三以子个参;主照题阅读句材料的内容,但不得直接引用原
五年来的写作内容2都是三个要点, 三个要点 最好依次用三个段落来写, 每个段落前最好用一 个主题句, 这样做既不会漏掉要点, 又层次清楚, 能让阅卷老师一目了然。
modern society.
e. It affects nearly every aspect of my life.
f. As a member of modern society, I am fully aware of the
significance of information to my life.
读写任务指导之“写好主题 句,令主题明确”
[写作内容] 1.概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约30左右; 2.有许多的伟人都是为了争取人民的自由而奋斗一生甚至献 出了自己的生命。请你就马丁路德金的一生发表自己的观点, 写一篇120词的短文:

读写任务 主题句

读写任务 主题句

• 谈谈你对平凡工作的看法。(2013广东高考) • (1)As far as I am concerned, I can’t agree more with the author on the view that we should respect ordinary workers. I hold my view for the (simple) reason that every ordinary job plays a part in society. What’s more, society can not go on even a single day without ordinary jobs. So it goes without saying that ordinary jobs are the necessity for the society and worth respect. • (2)From my point of view, I am in favour of the idea that we should respect ordinary workers. For one thing, society is arranged with ordinary jobs. For another, it is the ordinary jobs that make the world function a day effectively. Therefore, every ordinary job should be considered as an important part in society.
summarize (总结)
8.effects(影响) 7.Examples (例子) 6.assumption (假设) 3.Opinions(看法) 5.Advice/measures (方法、措施) 4.Reasons(原因) 9.Gratitude and wishes(感恩和祝 福) 1.Feelings(感受)



读写任务段落写作微技能----如何写好拓展句授课者: 增城市新塘中学黄志棉一、教学内容读写任务的阅读文章较阅读理解的文章容易,约200个词,题材贴近学生的学习与生活,为考生所熟悉。





二、教学目标分析●知识与技能:1. 学习并巩固积累展开主题句的各种的词汇与表达;2. 通过相关话题的口头与笔头训练,提高语言运用能力;3. 强化对展开读写任务写作要点的四种方法的微技能训练;4. 学会评价修改作文,提高作文档次。

●能力目标:1. 通过创立情境进行交际活动,提高用英语交际的能力;2. 通过自主学习、合作学习与探究学习的方法,掌握完成读写任务要点的一些相关写作技巧和语言的正确表达。

●情感目标:1. 本节课的选材以社会道德,正能量的传播为主题,通过了解人们对让座的理解和做法,诚信的意义等,体会助人为乐、诚实守信的美德,从而学习关爱别人,诚信待人,传递温暖,发挥正能量。

2. 享受学习的乐趣,学会合作,学会共享,学会欣赏他人。





如何写好读写任务的主题句 - 副本

如何写好读写任务的主题句 - 副本

1、以约120词就“家长的陪伴”的话题谈谈你的想法,内 容包括: (1)阅读上文(为得到父亲陪伴,儿子花钱买父亲时间) 之后的感想; (2)叙述你在家长陪伴下的一次难忘的经历; (3)家长的陪伴对孩子成长的影响。(2014茂名一模)
After I read the passage, I am lost in thoughts ,feeling sorry for the poor son. It brings back to me an unforgettable and sweet moment when my parents are by my side. It cannot be denied that the accompany of parents is more important than any thing else during the growth of children.
4、你认为她的捐助对受惠学生有哪些影响? (2014高考) ______________________________________ From where I stand, her donation will be of ______________________________________ great significance to those who got help. 5、举例说明你的英语老师教给你某种记忆单词 的好办法。(2014东莞一模) ______________________________________ It reminds me of my experience of getting a good ______________________________________ way to memorize English words from my teacher. 6、简述信息安全的重要性。(2014湛江一模) ______________________________________ The safety of information is playing an ______________________________________ increasing role in our daily life.



( 2 ) I n my o p i n i o n ,h e r d o n a t i o n w i l l ma k e a g r e a t e f f e c t o n
t h e s t u d e n t s w h o a c c e p t h e r h e l p .
英 语胜 经
精 确亮 出主题 句 ,确保读写任 务得高分
一林 天乐
今年笔者批阅考生的读写任务答卷近 7 0 0 0份 ,分数总体
平均分 为 1 1 . 3分 。与全省 的平均分 1 1 . 3 9分非 常接近 ,以又
阅的近 7 0 0 0份考生答卷中,能够在此句用虚拟语气的不多。
在英 语 阅卷 中 ,一个 考生 能正 确地 写好每 段 的 中心 句 ,
分答卷 ,其三个段落的中心句是 这么写的 :
( 1 ) I t h i n k h i g h l y o f Mi s s Mc C a a y ’ S d o n a t i o n .
另一篇 的是 :
( 1 ) A s f a r a s 1 9 m c o n c e r n e d ,I c a n ’ t a g r e e m o r e w i t h w h a t
Mi s s Mc Ca r t y d i d .
( 2 ) Mi s s M c C a r t y ’ S d o n a t i o n w i l l h a v e a g r e a t e f f e c t o n t h e
s t u d e n t s wh o r e c e i v e h e r d o n a t i o n .
当然 ,一篇 能让阅卷 老师在一刹 那间喜欢 上 的读 写任务 答 卷 ,除 了要精 确亮 出中心句 ,还应 注意这些 因素 ,如在 主 题 句后有紧扣 主题 的充 实内容 ,准确得体 的语 言表达 ,流 畅 整洁的书写 .详 略分 明的段落 ,等等 ,但这 些方面此 处不作

读写任务之 写好主题句

读写任务之 写好主题句

There is no doubt that what a cleaner does is harder comp red with any other jobs in the society. On one hand , they mu
t get up in the early morning every day) to clean the street while we are s (要点1 主题句 l in the sweet sleeping dreams . On the other hand, they also suffer from less respect and lower pay , working all day on the street no matter it is sun shines strongly or snow, wind heavily.
即学即练 3
1.要点:建设绿色校园的重要性。 It is very important to build a green campus. 2.要点:中学生活和大学生活的差别. As we all know, the college life is widely different from the middle school one.
即学即练 2
1.写作要点:对作者写感谢信这种习惯的看法。 明示观点:如:我高度赞扬作者写感谢信的习惯。 I think highly of the author’s habit of writing thank-you letters. 2.写作要点:你怎样看待老师对学生的影响? (12年广东高考读写任务要点3) 摆明观点:如 :我认为,一个好老师在学生的成长 中起着重要作用。 译成英文:From my own experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that a good teacher plays a really important role in students’ lives.



• 读写任务之写好主题句(两课时) • 在读写任务中, 每段的开头需要写好主题 句,这是关系到是否能把握要点的关键。 • 一.写好主题句的重要性:

写作时,要让压力山大的阅卷老师不用 刻意寻找而能一眼就看到文章中的要点。 最好是在每段的开头就点题,并且要紧靠 主题句加以拓展修饰润色,以达到画龙点 睛的效果。
11. Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …世界上没有什he world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast food restaurants. 世界上没有什么比到 快餐店吃汉堡包更令我高兴。
• 直接回答:假如我是野生动物园里的动物,当 游客一直与我拍照, 我会不开心。(2009广东高 考读写任务要点2) • If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel unhappy when people keep taking photos with me. • 例2:你理想中的大学生活是什么样的? • As for me, my ideal college life is wonderful/relaxing.
6. According to my personal experience = Based on my personal experience根据我个人经验 According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good. 根据我 个人的经验, 微笑带给我很多好处。
• 2.上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师? (12年广东高考读写任务要点1)



读写任务写作训练----学会写段落主题句Learning aims:1. To learn how to write the topic sentences, such as expressing the feelings, sharing an experience, and so on.2. To learn some important words as well as phrases that can be used in writing topic sentences. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 BrainstormingAsk students to read aloud some words and phrases for writing and try to memorize them.表示“起始”:first of all,to begin/start with,in the beginning,in the first place表示“递进”:besides,what‘s more,moreover,furthermore,in addition表示“条件”:as/so long as,on condition that,provided that,in this case表示“转折”:otherwise,on the other hand,on the contrary,in spite of表示“解释”:that is to say,in other words,believe it or not,to tell you the truth表示“举例”:for example/instance,take…for example/instance,such as表示“总结”:in short,in a word,in conclusion,in general,in brief,generally speaking,on the whole,to sum upTask1 Check the words and phrases in the form of a game.Step 2 Introduction of the topic sentence1.The importance of writing a good topic sentence2.What is a topic sentence?(2014江苏苏锡常镇四市一模)It was 7:30 in the morning. As usual I was on the subway to school.It was so crowded with people that it felt like the air conditioner wasn't working. I was standing there looking around. Then, I saw an old lady get on the train with a 7-year-old child who seemed to be her grandson.A warm-hearted gentleman generously offered his seat to the old lady. Instead of sitting down herself, however, the old lady called her grandson over and told him to sit.Sooner or later, children mature and step into the complicated world. Love is necessary in the early development of children, yet, to the disappointment of many, too much love definitely prevents children from learning the rules of the real world. Teaching the child about the rules of society within the family helps the child to achieve success later. By giving up seats to their children, grandparents may destroy kids' best chance for character development.写作内容]1.以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。















5. 老师恰到好处地发挥引导者用。








1. 这个故事使我想起了自己一年前参加英语演讲比赛 的经历 。 [引出经历]
The story reminds me of my own experience when I entered an English speaking competition one year ago.
实战演练 (1) 假设你当时就在事故现场,你是伸出援助之手还是袖 手旁观?(2010茂名二模) If I were at the scene, I would offer to help him and send him to the nearest hospital or dial 120 for help. (2) 你是否赞同作者的观点? I totally agree with the author. I’m afraid I can’t agree with the author because… (3) 你从故事中学到了什么道理?(2009广州二模) From this story, I learned that we should (not)…
按照题目要求,每个任务点各为一段, 每段段首写一个主题句,然后再围绕这个主 题句展开。
1. 说出感受
如何 写好 主题 句?
2. 引出经历 3. 直接回答
4. 复述内容
5. 引出建议、原因、 方法、措施、步骤等
6. 明示观点
1. 说出感受
(1) Tom 来信说他现在学习压力大,请谈谈你读 信后的感受 I felt terribly sorry for you when I read your letter, in which you expressed the pressure from your study. (2) 吴菊萍挽救了一个从10楼掉下来的2岁女婴后 被称为“最美妈妈”,请谈谈你对此感受。 After reading the story, I was absolutely touched by Wu Juping who saved the two-year old baby.



如何写好读写任务主题句No sweet without sweat!Yuying Lee如何写好读写任务主题句1. 评分标准及解题要求2.1. 重述要点;2. 回答要点;3. 明示观点;4. 引出经历;5. 引出方法、建议、措施、步骤等;1. 重述要点:翻译要点作为段落的主题句,如要点是”谈谈……的重要性”,主题句则为”……有重要作用”,要点是”谈谈……有何重要意义”,主题句不回答”有何”,而直接说”……很有意义”等。

说明必要、重要或意义的相关表达有:1) Sth. is necessary to sb.2)It is important / significant for sb. To do sth.3)Sth. plays a very important rold / part in…4)Sth. is playing an increasingly important role in our life.5)People are coming to realize the importance of …6)The significance of… cannot be overvalued.1. 受到这个故事的启发,我突然间意识到独立的重要性。

Inspired by the story, __________________________________ __________________________..2. 没有人会否认梦想在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。

Nobody will ___________________________________________________________________.3. 谈谈中学生活与大学生活的差别____________________, college life will be ________________ that in high school.4.人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照When people are visiting wildlife park , __________________________________ ____________.5.谈谈建设绿色校园的重要性。





那么,什么是主题句呢?段落主题句,顾名思义,就是该句表达了支配全段的主导思想(controlling idea)。


全段其它句子都是围绕主题句,对其进行说明、支持或扩展的,这些句子称作句,对其进行说明、支持或扩展的,这些句子称作“扩展句(supporting sentence)”。






二、主题句模式总结近年广东高考真题和各地模拟题,主题句模式可归纳为如下几种:二、主题句模式总结近年广东高考真题和各地模拟题,主题句模式可归纳为如下几种:1. 回答要点。


[例1] 假设你当时就在事故现场,你是伸出援助之手还是袖手旁观?(2010 茂名二模)If I happened to be present at the scene, I would[例2] 假如你处在那些动物的处境,你会有什么反应?(2009 年广东高考)If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I2. 重述要点。





概括的写作步骤:1. 确定主题句。

2. 寻找关键词。

3. 重构主题句。

4. 重组支撑句。


A.定时态:如果阅读材料是过去时,那么基本时态用过去时;如果是现在的,那么基本时态用现在时;不过,模板的开头语一般为现在时如The passage tells us that …B.定人称:一般情况下采用第三人称来写作。

(特殊如书信的,可能会使用第一、二人称;)模板A. 议论文:The essay/passage/author highlights the importance of encouragement for students.The essay/passage/author argues in support of …, stating that …The essay/passage/author argues that w…The essay/passage/author discusses the impact of email.The essay/passage/author compares friendship with the comfort of home.The essay/passage/author outlines the harmful effects of smoking.B.记叙文:The passage/story is about a misunderstanding between a student and a teacher.The author tells us a story about a ________.The passage is a story about ________.According to the passage, the hero in the story ________.The writer tells us…(主题)by showing us an example of…, who/which…(故事情节).In the passage, the writer mainly tells us his experience of doing sth, which……This passa ge is mainly about sb’s experience of doing sth…..C. 说明文概要模板a. 现象揭示类:This article points out the common phenomenon ----(主题), which….(补充解释).b. 利弊对比类:The article compares the disadvantages/ benefits of A and B. A…while B…The passage discusses the impact(影响)of sth. On the positive side…, but it may also….c. 研究显示类:The study reveals(揭露) that…The purpose of the report is to show that…D. 通用型模板:According to the passage, we know…This article is mainly about…The writer states that…As can be learn this passage, - - -The passage says that…In this passage, the writer mainly tells us his experience of范例一1. It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, “I don’t think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.” I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “ I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”“So do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he’s busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”“Well, I’d prefer to stay here,” I said. “ You see, I’ve forgotten my key.”“Your what?” he called.“My key,” I shouted.Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me范例二2. Advertising can be a service to customers. This is true when advertisements give reliable information about the goods advertised. Such information is needed if the customer is to make a sensible choice when he buys something. It is useful in that it lets him know of the kinds of goods in the shops. Printed advertisements do this job best. Customers can collect them and compare them. They can be taken along to the shops and their statements can be checked against and actual goods in the shops.Some advertisements are not very useful to the customers. Instead of helping the customer to satisfy his real needs, they set out to make him want things. They set out to make us believe that what they advertise will make us cleverer, prettier, more handsome, if only we use it. The voice on TV says, “ Getaway people use XYZ petrol.” The screen shows a picture of petrol pump for a fast expensive car owned by a boy with a pretty girlfriend. They drive off to the wonderful country or a lovely beach. Some people may feel that clever, successful people use XYZ petrol. Some might choose that petrol every time they fill up their cars.范例三3. Students should think now about what extracurricular (课外的) activities they'd like to participate in. Participating in extracurricular activities may help you deepen your physical, creative, social, political, and career interests by bringing you into communication with other like-minded people you didn’t previously know.You can join groups as a way to get support from other students. A club or group can also be a great way to meet people who are different from you. Lots of youth programs bring people together with those who are different as a way to break down the barriers between people.Participating in extracurricular activities helps you in other ways, too. It looks good on college and job applications and shows admissions officers and employers you're well-rounded and responsible. Specific activities help with specific goals.The most basic reason for joining a club or team is that it gives you something better to do than staring at the wall, wandering the hall, or sleeping all afternoon. People who are participating are less likely to pick up bad habits, like smoking or drinking.Summary 1: On arriving home at about two in the morning, the writer failed to wake up his wife by the doorbell. He tried to climb towards the bedroom window, but was found by a policeman. Soon his shouting woke his wife.Summary 2: Advertising can be useful when it provides customers with reliable information,while some advertisements are not the case as they are produced only to persuade customers to buy what they don’t need.(31 words)Summary 3:The author (The passage) discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities including being a way to improve students’ health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people. (30 words)。

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读写任务之写好主题句在读写任务中, 每段的开头需要写好主题句,这是关系到是否能把握要点的关键。



好句背诵:用于文章的主题句1. It goes without saying that…不用说……It goes without saying that our success depends on diligence. 不用说,我们的成功取决于勤奋。

2. There is no denying the fact that…. 不可否认这个事实……=No one can deny…谁也不可否认……There is no denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 不可否认, 成功的关键在于健康的身心。

3. I am greatly convinced (that)…=I am greatly assured (that) …我深信……I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 我深信预防胜于治疗。

4. Among various kinds of…=Of all the …在各种……之中, ……Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 在各种运动中, 我尤其喜欢慢跑5. In my opinion…=As far as I am concerned, …在我看来, ……In my opinion, playing computer games not only takes up much time but also is harmful to our health. 在我看来, 打电脑游戏既花费也有害健康。

6. According to my personal experience = Based on my personal experience根据我个人经验According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good. 根据我个人的经验, 微笑带给我很多好处。

7. Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than…在我认识的人当中, 也许没有一个人比……更值得我尊敬。

Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Zhang, my English teacher. 在我认识的人当中, 也许没有一个人比我的英语老师张老师更值得我尊敬。

8. In the course of my schooling, I will never forget …在我的求学过程中, 我忘不了……In the course of my schooling, I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English. 在我求学的过程中, 我忘不了学习英语的巨大困难。

9. With the increase / growth of the population, …随着人口的增加, ……With the advance of science and technology, …随着科技的进步, ……With the rapid development of our economy, …随着我国经济的快速发展, ……With the rapid development of our economy, people are getting richer and richer, and many can afford to buy their private cars. 随着我国经济的快速发展, 人民生活水平逐渐提高, 许多人买起了私人车。

10. In the age of information and communication, …plays an important role.在这信息年代, ……扮演重要的角色。

In the age of information and communication, the computer plays an extremely important role. 在这信息年代, 计算机扮演着非常重要的角色。

11. Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …世界上没有什么比……更令我高兴。

Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast food restaurants. 世界上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡包更令我高兴。

12. It is necessary/ important /proper that S. (should) V. ……是必要的/重要的/适当的。

It is necessary that we master a foreign language.我们掌握一门外语是必要的。

13. It is said /thought /reported /believed (that)…据说/人们认为/据报道/人们相信It is believed that health is above wealth.人们相信健康重于财富。

15. The main reason why/for …is (that)………的主要原因是……The main reason why he failed was that he didn't work hard.他失败的主要原因是他不努力。

16. To…, there are at least three things we can do.要…, 我们至少要做三件事。

To keep healthy, there are at least three things we can do every day. 要保持身体健康, 我们每天至少可做三件事如何写好主题句呢?以下介绍7种方法:模式1:直接回答要点写作要点是询问考生的看法时,对提问直接作出回答。


(2009广东高考读写任务要点2)If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel unhappy when people keep taking photos with me.例2:你理想中的大学生活是什么样的?As for me, my ideal college life is wonderful/relaxing.即学即练1:1.假如没有清洁工,环境会变得如何?(13年广东高考读写任务要点2).Nobody could imagine what an bad environment we would live in if there were no cleaners.There is no denying that what an bad environment we would live in if there were no cleaners.2.上文使你想起哪位对你帮助最大的老师?(12年广东高考读写任务要点1)This passage reminds me of my Chinese teacher, Mr. Li, who helped me a lot.Of all the people I know, perhaps no one deserves my respect more than Miss Zhang, my English teacher.模式2. 表明立场明确表示对某观点支持、赞同或反对。

例1: 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照。

(2009年广东高考读写任务要点3)I believe that taking photos with animals should be banned.例2:你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法。

(2010年广东高考读写任务要点1)I agree with the idea of using money to encourage kids to get good marks.I disagree with the idea that people use money toencourage kids to get good marks.表示支持或赞同的句型:I agree with the statement/idea that …I am in favor of …I appreciate the idea ofI agree with what the writer said/says.表示反对或不赞同的句型:I disagree with the idea that…I am opposed to the idea that …I disapprove of the idea that…What the writer said sounds reasonable,but…你怎样看待老师对学生的影响?(12年广东高考读写任务要点3)From my own experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that a good teacher plays areally important role in students' lives.模式3. 重述要点不直接回答写作要点,而是翻译要点作为段落主题句。
