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It's 66:0:7160964::900:::422:00030550
整点 o’clock
后 to
30分钟以内 past
刚好30分钟half past
1.___时_ o’clock
3. half past __时___
2. __分__ past ___时__ 4. _6_0_-_分_ to ___时__+_1
go to school
have lunch
What time is it?/ What’s the time? It’s …
4:05 four five
6:10 six ten
7:15 seven fifteen
9:30 nine thirty
6:40 Six forty
What time is it?/ What’s the time? 逆读法
school, I sometimes play basketballf_o_r_ half an hour. When I get home, I always do my homework f_ir_s_t_(one). In the evening, I either watch TV o_r_ play computer games. At ten
It’s …
seven o’clock fifteen past seven twenty-five past six a quarter past seven
half past nine
twenty to seven
five past four
What time is it?
Read the passage again and fill in the
blanks. P11
Tony’s Activities
At eight _g_e_t_s_u__p_
eats a quick breakfast
At eight thirty _g_o_e_s__to__s_c_h_o_o__l At noon _e_a_t_s_h__a_m__b_u_r_g_e_r_s
5. 15分钟 a quarter past _时__
6. 45分钟 a quarter to __时__+_1
• Can you tell me the time below?
07:05 • five past seven in the morning 6:15a.m. • a quarter past five in the morning 9:17p.m. • seventeen past nine in the evening 20:30 • half past eight in the evening 19:56 • four to eight in the evening 11: 45p.m.• a quarter to twelve p.m.
Mary’s Activities
_A_t__si_x_t_h_i_r_ty__ gets up
A_t_e_i_g_h_t_t_h_ir_t_y_ At twelve
After lunch
takes a shower and eats a good breakfast goes to school _ea_t__lo_t_s_o_f_f_r_u_it__a_n_d_v_e_g_e_t_a_b_le_s_ _p_la_y_s_v_o_l_l_ey_b__a_ll_ _e_a_ts__ic_e_-_c_re_a_m___
get up
get dressed
brush my teeth
in the morning eat/have breakfast
go to school
A: What time do you usually ...
B: C:
I usually ... What time
at ... does
Mary is my sister. Her life is _h_ea_l_th_y_. She u_s_u_a_ll_y gets up at six thirty. Then she _a_lw_a_y_s_takes a shower and eats a _g_oo_d_ b_r_e_a_k_fa_s_t . A_f_t_er_t_h_a_t , she goes to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats __lo_ts_ o_f_ fruit and _v_eg_e_t_a_b_le_s_ for lunch. After lunch, she _so_m__et_im__e_s plays volleyball. She always _ea_t_s_ic_e-_c_re_a_m__ after dinner. She _k_n_o_w_s_it's not good for her, but it_ta_s_t_es _g_oo_d_ ! In the evening, she _d_o_e_s _h_er__h_o_m_e_w_o_r_k__ and usually _sw__im__s or _t_a_ke_s_ _a__w_a_lk__. At nine thirty,
After school _p_l_a_y_s__b_a_s_k_e_t_b_a_l_l_f_oLeabharlann Baidur__h_a_l_f_a_n__h_o_u__r _d_o_e_s__h_i_s_h_o__m_e_w__o_r_k
in the evening _w_a_t_ch__es__T_V__o_r_p_l_a_y_s_c_o_m__p_u_t_e_r_g_a_m_es At ten thirty brushes teeth and goes to bed
在我们组里 in our group 对晚餐来说那真是一个有趣的时间。
That’s a funny time for breakfast. 迟到 be/arrive late for 吃得快 eat quickly 当我到家,我先做我的作业 When I get home, I do my homework first. 大量的 much/many/a lot of/lot of 它唱起来很好。It tastes good. 得到一份好工作 get a good job 放学到家 get home from school
she _g_o_es_ t_o__be_d___.
Hi! I'm Tony. I don't like to get up early. In the morning, I get up_a_t_ eight. Then I go to school at eight thirty. I don’t have_m_u__ch_(许多)time for breakfast. So I usually eat very _q_u_ic_k_l_y_(quick). For lunch. I usually eat hamburgers. After
at night
clean the room take a shower
go to bed
usually意为“通常地,一直地” often 意为“经常地”
sometimes 意为“有时”
I _u_s_u_a_ll_y_ (通常) get dressed at six forty.
Jack is _a_l_w_a_y_s_ (总是) late.
His grandpa __n_e_v_e_r_ (从未) goes to school.
He _o_f_te_n___(经常) takes a shower at 7:00.
Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station Scott, what time is your radio show? Scott: From twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning. Interviewer: What time do you usually get up? Scott: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine. Interviewer: That’s a funny time for breakfast! Scott: Yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. Interviewer: When do you go to work? Scott: At eleven o’clock, so I am never late for work.
do sports
have classes eat/have lunch have classes
D: He/she ... at ...in the afternoon play sports
go home
have dinner
take a walk
in the evening do homework
Pair work
--What time do you usually get up at school? --I / We usually get up at 6:10 a.m.. --What time do students eat breakfast? --They often have breakfast at 7: 05 in the morning. --When does Lai Jiale eat dinner? --He usually eats dinner at 5: 00 p.m.. --When does he do his homework? --He usually does his homework after dinner.
Let's enjoy Jamie's day in school!
take a get up get dressed brush teeth shower
go to bed
watch TV
do homework
daily activities
go home
eat breakfast
in the evening _d_o_es__h_e_r_h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k_,_s_w_i_m__s_o_r_t_a_k_e_s___ _a _w_a_l_k___
At nine thirty goes to bed
I'm Tony. I don't have a h_e_a_l_th__y lifestyle. I don't like to _g_e_t _u_p early. _In_ t_h_e_m_o_r_n_i_n_g, I get up at eight.Then I g_o__t_o__sc_h_o_o_l at eight thirty. So I don't have much time _fo_r__ breakfast, so I usually eat very q_u_i_c_k_ly_. For lunch I usually eat h__a_m_b_u_r_g_e_r_s_ . After school, I sometimes play basketball for _H_a_l_f a_n_h_o_u_r_. _W__h_e_n_I get home, I do my homework__fi_r_s_t _. In the evening, I e_i_t_h_e_r watch TV _o_r_ play computer games. At ten thirty, I _b_r_u_sh_ _m__y_ t_e_e_th__ and then _g_o__t_o__ _b_ed__.