Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 部署指南说明书

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 部署指南Microsoft Corporation發行日期:2011 年 1 月作者:Microsoft Office System and Servers 小組(**********************)摘要本書提供 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 的部署說明,其適用對象包括應用程式專業人員、企業營運應用程式專業人員,以及準備著手部署 SharePoint Server 2010 並需要了解安裝步驟的 IT 管理員。
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Eaton CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 火警面板安装和用户手册说明书

Installation and user manual for theCF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels 16 zone panelsImportant InstructionsInstallation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 2ContentsPANEL INSTALLATION..........................................................................................................................................................3Installation................................................................................................................................................................................3PANEL WIRING......................................................................................................................................................................3Mains power supply................................................................................................................................................................3Recommended Wiring Types..................................................................................................................................................3Fuse Ratings............................................................................................................................................................................3Battery connection..................................................................................................................................................................3Zone Wiring (5)Sounder Wiring........................................................................................................................................................................5WIRING CONNECTION DRAWING.......................................................................................................................................5Wiring Connection Drawing 16 Zone........................................................................................................................................ 5Fault Fire Relay........................................................................................................................................................................5Class Change...........................................................................................................................................................................5Repeater Panel........................................................................................................................................................................6Auxiliary Relays........................................................................................................................................................................6Interlink Panels........................................................................................................................................................................7Installation Check....................................................................................................................................................................7Zone Circuits............................................................................................................................................................................7Sounder Circuits......................................................................................................................................................................7COMMISSIONING THE SYSTEM.........................................................................................................................................8USER INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................................9 Mute buzzer ............................................................................................................................................................................9Silence alarm...........................................................................................................................................................................9Reset after alarm activation.....................................................................................................................................................9Reset without a fire activation.................................................................................................................................................9Evacuate..................................................................................................................................................................................10Enable sounders......................................................................................................................................................................10Disable sounders.....................................................................................................................................................................10Disable a zone Enable a zone..................................................................................................................................................10MAINTENANCE......................................................................................................................................................................11 User Inspections and Tests.....................................................................................................................................................11One man walk test (by engineer)............................................................................................................................................12Individual zone test facility.......................................................................................................................................................12Latch on fault facility................................................................................................................................................................13 PANEL PROGRAMMING OPTIONS......................................................................................................................................14 Non latching zones.................................................................................................................................................................. 14TABLES...................................................................................................................................................................................15Sounder and Visual Indication..................................................................................................................................................15Technical Specification. (16)Panel Wiring Mains Power SupplyThe mains supply should be exclusive to the fire alarm as detailed in BS5839 part 1 or applicable local standard. It is recommended that a double pole fused spur unit is used and marked “FIRE ALARM DO NOT SWITCH OFF ”, this should be for the sole use of the fire alarm. Within the panel, the mains supply should be isolated from the zone and alarm line wiring and should be connected to the terminal block marked MAINS .Recommended Wiring TypesThe following cable type and size are recommended:Mains wiring 1.5mm 2, 2 core, fireproof cable Zone wiring 1.5mm 2, 2 core, fireproof cable Sounder wiring1.5 to2.5mm 2, 2 core, fireproof cableFire/Fault Output Wiring 0.5mm 2, 2 core, fireproof cable WARNINGDO NOT USE AHIGH VOLTAGE TESTERWHEN WIRING IS CONNECTED TO ANY ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTFuse RatingsMains Fuse Battery Fuse Sounder Circuits 1.6A AT Anti Surge 6.3A AT Anti Surge 500mA PolySwitch deviceImportant Instructions3Installation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panelsFebruary 2015 Mount the panel, using pre drilled screw positions, to the wall. This will prevent any possible brick dust contamination of the panel internal circuitry. Use Three No.10 x 1 ¼” (5.0 x 30mm approx.) pan head screws. When using 20mm conduit entry direct to ensure a wide distribution of pressure whentightening the coupling.Panel InstallationPlease read the following instructions before installing and wiring the fire alarm panel.These ranges of panels are EN54 parts 2 and 4 certified and have been designed to comply with BS5839 part 1:2002 installations. The panels have two optional features: •FIRE ALARM DEVICES: (EN54 part 2 clause 7.8)•TEST CONDITION: (EN54 part 2 clause 10.0)In common with all electrical equipment the panel should be installed in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area, not in direct sun light and avoiding cold areas where possible. Note that temperatures in excess of 40°C and below -5°C will affect the panel operation. The panel should be located away from any potential hazard, in a position where it is readily accessible to authorised staff and the fire services. Ideally on the perimeter of a building near a permanent entrance.Battery connectionThe 16 zone panel requires two YUCEL 12V 4Ah Batteries (supplied).Connect the red battery wire to the red battery terminal (+)of battery one.Connect the black battery wire to the black battery terminal (-) of battery two. Then connect the link cable as shown here.Battery Installation1.Ensure that the panel is disconnected from mains power.Carefully remove the ribbon cable from the main board.Note: Do not attempt to remove the cable from the display board connector.2.Attach battery cables to battery as shown in illustration above “Battery connection”.Note: Do not attach battery cables to main PCB before completing the next stage.4.Connect the mains cable and power up the panel.Once powered up attach the battery cable to the main panel PCB following the illustration above “Battery connection”.3.Carefully reattach the ribbon cable.The 16 Zone panels have a battery bracket to secure the batteries this should be fitted before reattaching the ribbon cable.Important InstructionsInstallation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 4Zone wiringEach zone circuit is supplied with an End of Line Monitor unit (EOLM-1). All zone circuits must be terminated with an EOLM-1, taking care to observe the correct polarity.Sounder wiringThe fire alarm control panel has four separately protected,line monitored, sounder circuits for use with polarised and suppressed bells, sounders, strobes, relays etc.The wiring for each sounder circuit is to be a parallel circuit with the 6K8, end of line resistor (EOLR), fitted at the end of the installed sounder circuit wiring. No ‘spurs’ nor ‘tee’s’ are permitted.Wiring Connection DrawingOn-board Fault/Fire relayEach panel has one Fire and Fault relay fitted.The Fault relay provides a fused volt free set of change over contacts. These contacts are not monitored.The relay has been designed to be ‘fail safe’, so that in the event of a total power loss, the relay contacts will be active.The Fire relay provides a fused volt free set of change over contacts. These contacts are not monitored.The relays are fused with a PolySwitch device rated at 500mA / 60V DC.Class changeThe sounder circuits can be operated by an external volt free contact (Relay, Switch, Timer etc.). A short circuit at this terminal will activate the sounder circuit outputs (non-latching), removal of the short circuit will de-activate the sounder circuit output.It should be noted that activation of the class change input will give no visual indication on the panel and will not operate the auxiliary relays.Important Instructions5Installation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 Repeater panelThe panel has a RS485 repeater output as standard. The repeater panel has been designed to provide a cost effective installation solution, requiring only two interconnecting wires from the master panel. Several repeater panels can be installed from the master panel by ‘cascading’ each repeater panel; again only two interconnecting wires are required between each repeater panel.As each repeater has its own mains supply and standby battery, the main panel standby time is not affected by the number of repeater panels installed. The repeater panel is suitable for up to 16 zones and displays all the same indications as the main panel, but with the addition of an indicator test and mute buzzer facility.WiringConnect the repeater, RS485 TX+ and TX- terminals of the main panel, to the repeater panel positive and negative input terminals. Main Panel Repeater Panel TX+ to +ve input terminal TX-to-ve input terminalAuxiliary RelaysThe Auxiliary (“Zonal”) relays provide additional external fire indications per zone, for example AUX 1 will activate when there is a fire condition on Zone 1 and will deactivate when the fire condition is cleared.The polarity of the auxiliary relay can be changed to either Normally Open or Normally Closed via the associated jumper on the auxiliary relay board.Important InstructionsInstallation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 6Normally Open = Jumper across 1&2Normally Closed = Jumper across 2&3Interlinking PanelsTwo panels can be linked together as illustrated below.Zone 1 of Panel 1 must be connected to AUX 1 of Panel 2,with and EOLM-1 and 680Ω resistor as shown in the diagram above.Zone 1 of Panel 2 must be connected to AUX 1 of Panel 1,with and EOLM-1 and 680Ω resistor as shown in the diagram above.Zone 1 on both panels must be configured to Non-latching mode. This changes the operation of AUX 1 so that it triggers on any zone fire condition excluding zone 1.When Panel 1 detects a fire on zones 2-8/16, AUX 1 will activate placing the 680ohm resistor across Zone 1 of Panel 2.This will cause Panel 2 to go into fire but will not activate its AUX 1 output.Likewise, when Panel 2 detects a fire on zones 2-8/16, AUX 1 will activate placing the 680ohm resistor across Zone 1 of Panel 1. This will cause Panel 1 to go into fire but will not activate its AUX 1 output.Installation CheckWith the EOLM-1’s and EOL resistors fitted in the main panel, connect the mains supply and battery. Check the green power on LED is lit and that no other indicators are lit.Check that the panel operates correctly by entering the access code (3112), followed by silence, followed by reset,check all indicators light up momentarily. Check each zone and alarm line for open and short circuit fault monitoring.Zone circuitsDisconnect the mains and battery supply, wire in the zone circuits, one at a time, with the EOLM-1 transferred to the end of the zone (check polarity) but with no detectors fitted.Power up the panel by connecting the mains supply and battery. Check that the last call point in each zone operates correctly by using the supplied call point test key. Reset the panel after each activation. Fit all the detectors (a zone at a time) and check that the panel shows a healthy state. If there is a problem (zone fault showing) check the faulty circuit for continuity, correct polarity and polarity of the base diodes.(DO NOT USE A HIGH VOLTAGE INSULATION TESTER).Sounder circuitsDisconnect the mains and battery supply. Wire in the sounder circuits, one at a time, transferring the end of line resistor to the end sounder/bell on each circuit. Power up the panel as before and verify that no fault shows. If there is a fault indication, check the affected circuit for short circuit,continuity and polarity.(DO NOT USE A HIGH VOLTAGE INSULATION TESTER).Important Instructions7Installation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panelsFebruary 2015 Important InstructionsInstallation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 8Commissioning the systemAssuming that the installation instructions and installation checks have been carried out successfully, the fire alarm system is ready for commissioning.Each detector and call point should be tested in turn to ensure that it operates, indicates the correct zone fire LED and operates the alarm output correctly, ensuring all sounders/bells operate.Walk test facilityA walk test function has been included in this range of panels to enable one person (electrical contractor or installer) to test the fire detection system without an assistant. This function is for the sole use of the electrical contractor or installer and not for normal operational use.The walk test facility access code is located inside the fire detection control panel.Once the walk test code has been correctly entered the ‘test in progress’ indicator will show and the buzzer will pulse, this sets a time window of 10 minutes.If a detector or call point is triggered within this period the sounders will operate for a short time then the system will automatically reset ready for the next call point or detector activation.If a detector or call point is not operated within the 10 minute period then the system will automatically reset and return to normal operation.The walk test facility can be terminated at any time during test by pressing the ‘reset’ button.Important Instructions9Installation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 User InformationThere are 2 access codes used by the control panel:•Access level 2 - client code (3112)•Access level 3 - engineers codeThese codes are displayed on the rear of the front panel. The access level 2 code is also shown on the panel key fob.Level 2 access permits the following functions:- Silence alarm - Evacuate- Enable and disable zones - Enable or disable sounders - System resetThe access code (level 2 or 3) is enabled by pressing the six control panel front buttons in the correct sequence.An audible signal indicates that the access code keyed in is correct.Mute buzzerSilences control panel’s internal buzzer Access code level 2 +1234556Reset after fire alarm activationSilences buzzer, resets the panel indicators, resets detectorsand resets control relays Access code level 2 +2Reset without a fire activation(e.g. to reset a fault indication when zone fault latch facility)Silences buzzer, resets the panel indicators, resets fault relayAccess code level 2 + +12Silence alarmSilences buzzer, resets the panel indicators, resets detectors and resets control relaysAccess code level 2 + +15The yellow LED of the zone 1 will light up and the internalbuzzer will pulse rapidly, push button �several times until both the required zone and disabled yellow LED’s are lit.Push button to disable the indicated zone. Repeat this procedure to disable further zones.Internal buzzer will rapidly pulse. Push button �several times until sounder LED turns off.Push button to confirm enable soundersThe yellow LED of the zone 1 will light and the internal buzzer will pulse rapidly, push button �several times until both the disabled and sounders disabled yellow LED’s are lit.Push buttonto disable sounders.Important InstructionsInstallation and user Manual for the CF5000, MF5000 and FXP5000 range of fire panels February 2015 10EvacuateOperates the control panel’s sounder circuits and fire relay(s)Access code level 2 +3Enable SoundersEnable Sounders 2 +4Operates the control panel’s sounder circuits and fire relay(s)Access code level 2 +The internal buzzer will pulse at a slow rate and the disabled and sounders disabled LED’s will remain lit.To silence the internal buzzer Access code level 2 +115Disable SoundersIsolates sounder circuits from the system Access code level 2 +Disable a zoneIsolates required detection zone from the systemAccess code level 2 + �4141The internal buzzer will pulse at a slow rate and the disabledand zone disabled LED’s will remain lit.To silence the internal buzzerAccess code level 2 + �5Maintenance GeneralIt is vital that the fire alarm system is checked for correct operation as per the requirements of BS5839 or applicable local standard.Daily inspection (by user)The panel should be visually inspected daily to ensure that the green ‘power on’ indicator is lit and that no fault indication is showing.Notify any fault indication to your maintenance company.Weekly Test (by user)Visually inspect panel as per daily inspection.Test panel indicators:Access code level 2 +All indicators will light up and the panel internal buzzer will sound.The test in progress LED will light up, the panel is now in a ‘one- shot’ auto reset mode. The call point can now be activated using the test key, the sounders will operate for a short period (3 seconds) after which the panel will automatically reset and return to normal operation. If a call point or detector is not operated within a short period, the panel reverts to normal operation and the test is abandoned.It is advised that a different call point is tested each week to ensure that all call points are tested in rotation.Log test results in log book.The yellow LED of the zone 1 is flashing. Push button �several times until the yellow led of the relevant zone is flashing.Push button to enable the indicated zone.Repeat this procedure to enable further disabled zones.Enable ZoneOperates the control panel’s sounder circuits and fire relay(s)Access code level 2 +4416Inspection and servicing(by service provider) Quarterly TestCheck log book entries since last visit and verify that remedial action has been taken (if required). Visually inspect panel as per daily inspection. Carry out weekly test. Visually inspect battery and battery connections. Carry out battery load test by disconnecting the mains supply and check that the battery is capable of supplying the alarm sounder load by activating a call point. Log test results in log book.Bi-yearly TestAs per quarterly test.Visual inspection of site to check for compliance of system to recommendations of local standard.All controls and indicators of control panel need to be checked for correct operation.All external circuits should be tested for correct fault monitoring.Log test results in log book.Annual TestAs per by-yearly testAlso all call points on the system should be tested and the automatic fire detectors should be visually inspected to ensure they have not been damaged or painted over. The automatic detectors should then be test- operated.Log test results in log book.Every 5 yearsReplace sealed lead acid battery every 5 years (recommended).It is advised that a different call point is tested each week to ensure that all call points are tested in rotation.Log test results in log book.Repeat the process for all zones.Once finished useAccess code level 3 +Toggle to the zone in test- use button to cancel the zonetest.If another zone sees a fire event then the panel will over-ride the individual zone test and go into full fire.1Maintenance Engineers code facilitiesThe engineering access code label can be found in the panel back box (internal).One man walk test facilityAccess code level 3 +Individual zone test facilityThis enables the engineer to test a relevant zone while the other zones can still be activated upon a fire event.Access code level 3 +Latch on zone fault facilityThis does not meet the requirements of EN54-2All zone faults will latch on the panel Access code level 3 +The test in progress LED will light up, the yellow LED of zone 1 will light up and the internal buzzer will pulse rapidly: push button several times until the required zone is selected.Push button to confirm the indicated zone.The internal buzzer will pulse at a slow rate and the corresponding zone LED’s will remain lit.The call point can now be activated using the test key, the sounders will operate for a short period (3 seconds) after which the panel will automatically return to test mode operation. If a call point or detector is not operated within a short period the panel reverts to normal operation and the test is abandoned.Test in progress LED will light up. Panel will now ‘latch until reset’ on all faults.The latch on fault facility can be terminated at any time by pressing the ‘reset’ button.633134Panel Programing OptionsSwitch setting facilityThe dip switches installed on the PCB allow certainprogramming options to be selected by the installationengineer.•Optional zone monitoring•Non latching zones•Sounder configuration (see diagram)NoteThese DIP switches are only read at power-up and notafter a reset.Please note the white blocks represent the switchpositionOptional Sounder ConfigurationThe sounder circuits can be programmed to have acontinuous or pulsed tone.The alarm panel must be programmed, via switch 4 of theDIP switch SW19 for the sounder settings required.Non latching zonesEach zone circuit can be configured to be latched orunlatched. This can be done by setting the switches on DIPswitches SW20 (Zones 1-4) and SW21 (Zones 5-8) asillustrated below.Zones 1 - 4Zones 5 - 8LED Flashing Internal Buzzer Intermittent LED IlluminatedInternal Buzzer SteadyPanel Fire/Fault IndicatorsS i t u a t i o nIndicationTechnical SpecificationPower SupplyMains Voltage230VA +10% -15% Nominal Current70mAMaximum Current200mAInput Fuse 1.6A AT Anti Surge Ripple Voltages24V 500mV24V Raw - 600mV5V O/P 100mV Output Voltages24V 24V +/-5%24V Raw - 24V +/-5%5V O/P 5V +/-5% Maximum Load Imaxb24V 650mV24V Raw - 2000mA5V O/P 300mA Standby Current Imaxa24V 100mA24V Raw - 80mAImin24V 25mA24V Raw - 25mA5V 20mA BatteriesNumber of Batteries2Part Number (Manufacturer)Yucell Y4-12 (Yuasa)Capacity4AhBattery Fuse 6.3A AT Anti SurgeMax Battery Charge Current500mAStand By Current220mAFloat Voltage27.1VBattery Switching Off Threshold19.98V (22.4V)+/- 200mV (Reinstatement Voltage)Battery Internal Resistance 1 OhmsInputsPanel Type16 ZoneDetection Zones16Detectors per Zone30OutputsAlarm Lines4Sounder Circuit Maximum Alarm Line Load400mA per Alarm LineSounder Circuit Minimum Alarm Line Load15mA per Alarm LineFire/Fault Relay Yes 500mA Maximum Current24V External power supply output Yes 300mA Maximum CurrentZonal Inputs Load Quiescent 3.5mAFire Indication Load35mA。
Forefront TMG2010安装配置超详细说明

1、系统要求 (1)
2、安装过程 (2)
3、配置说明 (22)
4、客户端代理上网设置 (42)
根据下图设置工作时间,蓝色区域为工作时段,星期一至星期五每天8:00-12:00 13:00-17:00,星期六8:00-12:00。
3)、单击“工具” “Internet选项”

Typedef struct LAYER_PARA
// 打标次数
double dbMarkV;
double dbJumpV;
double dbQFreq;
//Q 频(KHz)
double dbQRls;
6、HS_GetDocList 语法:int HS_GetDocList(TCHAR szDocList[][50], int* pCount) 作用:获取当前所有已打开文档列表,文档名不允许超过 50Bytes。 参数描述:
szDocList:文档列表指针。 pCount:传入缓冲区数组大小,处理完成后返回实际获取文档数。
二次开发软件接口使用手册 V1.2
HANS 二次开发软件接口使用手册(V1.2)
1.0 1.1
2010.10.10 2010.12.01
钟四化 杨秀锋
初版 根据富士康需求,增加 Unicode、取错误接口. 根据定制部门的需求、增加对象及文档操作接口,提 供更丰富的应用
二、 返回值及结构体定义
0 //成功
1 //另一个程序在运行
#define HL_ERR_PATH
2 //路径不正确
TORNATECH GPX + GPU型 电动消防泵控制器安装和维护手册 带转换开关号 说明书

电动消防泵控制器安装和维护手册(带转换开关)GPX + GPU 型号目录1. 简介2. 安装3. 主要功能4. 主页5. 警报6. 配置7. 历史8. 检修9. 下载手册10. 语言11. 技术文件Table of Contents简介 (5)电动消防泵控制器类型 (5)自动转换开关类型 (6)启动/停止方法 (6)转换开关操作序列 (7)手动操作转接开关 (8)安装 (9)FCC 规程和无线电标准规范(RSS)规则 (9)位置 (9)安装 (9)存储 (10)布线和连接 (10)水管接头 (10)电气接线 (10)电气连接 (10)能耗 (10)规格 (10)输入电源连接 (10)电动机连接 (10)端子板描述 (11)端子板描述 (12)快速启动指南 (13)主要功能 (20)ViZiTouch (20)警铃 (20)首次设置 (20)ViZiTouch:手动重启方法 (21)压力传感器测试 (21)主页 (22)主页(菜单) (22)屏幕保护程序 (24)警报 (25)警报(菜单) (25)配置 (28)配置(菜单) (28)数字键盘页面 (29)日期和时间页面 (29)用户登录页面/键盘页面 (30)高级配置页 (31)控制计时器 (31)警报 (32)转换开关参数和计时器 (33)选择传感器 (34)输出 (36)更新程序页面 (38)出厂设置 (38)互锁锁定 (39)输入 (39)I/O 卡信息 (40)网络 (40)重启 ViZiTouch (40)历史 (41)历史(菜单) (41)事件页面 (42)压力曲线 (42)功率曲线 (43)已保存日志 (44)泵曲线 (45)统计 (46)所有时间统计 (46)首次服务统计 (47)上次服务统计 (48)下载 (48)检修 (49)检修 (49)下载手册 (50)语言 (50)技术文件 (50)电动消防泵控制器用于启动由电动机驱动的消防泵。
FIRE v2008 缸内计算控制参数说明

C-PM / FIRE-100004, 2008
Spray:湍流扩散模型 Tubulent Dispersion Model(1)
湍流扩散模型 湍流涡团的无规则运动必然使液滴在其运 动过程中不断受到一种随机的干扰力。 动过程中不断受到一种随机的干扰力。因而改 变了液滴的运行轨迹, 变了液滴的运行轨迹,由湍流脉动在运动粒子 上产生的这种附加的随机运动就是所谓的湍流 扩散。( 扩散。(如下图所示 。(如下图所示) 如下图所示)
C-PM / FIRE-100004, 2008
边界条件的设置( 边界条件的设置(1)
边界条件的设置 柴油机的部分模型整个计算过程气缸是闭口 系,边界的类型一般都是wall,直接设置壁 面温度即可
柴油机的部分模型,为保证中心网格是六面体,在中心处形成的面, 设置为对称边界
C-PM / FIRE-100004, 2008
SharePoint Server 2010 单服务器配置指南说明书

Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2010 as a Single Server with Microsoft SQL ServerThis document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. You may modify this document for your internal, reference purposes.© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2010 as a Single Server with Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft CorporationMarch 2012Summary: This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint 2010 Products and step-by-step instructions for configuring a single-server SharePoint Server 2010 test lab and demonstrating the facilities of a default team site.ContentsIntroduction (3)In this guide (3)Test lab overview (4)Hardware and software requirements (4)Steps for Configuring the SharePoint Server 2010 Single-Server Test Lab (5)Step 1: Set up the Base Configuration Test Lab (5)Step 2: Install SQL Server 2008 R2 (6)Step 3: Install the Prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2010 (6)Step 4: Install SharePoint Server 2010 (6)Step 5: Demonstrate the Facilities of the Default Contoso Team Site (8)Snapshot the Configuration (9)Additional Resources (10)3IntroductionMicrosoft® SharePoint® 2010 Products make it easier for people to work together. UsingSharePoint 2010 Products, you and your employees can set up Web sites to share information with others, manage documents from start to finish, and publish reports to help everyone make better decisions. SharePoint 2010 Products consist of SharePoint 2010 Foundation and SharePoint 2010 Server.SharePoint Server 2010 has the following capabilities:∙ Sites Provides a single infrastructure for all your business Web sites. Share documents withcolleagues, manage projects with partners, and publish information to customers.∙ Communities Delivers great collaboration tools —and a single platform to manage them.Make it easy for people to share ideas and work together the way they want.∙ Composites Offers tools and components for creating do-it-yourself business solutions.Build no-code solutions to rapidly respond to business needs.∙ Content M akes content management easy. Set up compliance measures ”behind thescenes”—with features like document types, retention polices, and automatic content sorting —and then let people work naturally in Microsoft Office.∙ Insights Gives everyone access to the information in databases, reports, and businessapplications. Help people locate the information they need to make good decisions.∙ Search Cuts through the clutter. A unique combination of relevance, refinement, and socialcues helps people find the information and contacts they need to get their jobs done. For more information about Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, see the SharePoint Product Information site .In this guideThis paper contains instructions for setting up a test lab based on the Base Configuration test lab guide and the SQL Server 2008 R2 test lab guide and configuring SharePoint Server 2010 using two server computers and one client computer. The resulting SharePoint Server 2010 test lab demonstrates the default configuration of SharePoint Server 2010 on a single computer usingMicrosoft® SQL Server®.ImportantThe following instructions are for configuring a SharePoint Server 2010 test lab using the minimum number of computers. Individual computers are needed to separate the4services provided on the network and to clearly show the desired functionality. Thisconfiguration is neither designed to reflect best practices nor does it reflect a desired or recommended configuration for a production network. The configuration, including IP addresses and all other configuration parameters, is designed only to work on aseparate test lab network. Attempting to adapt this test lab configuration to a pilot or production deployment can result in configuration or functionality issues. For detailed design and planning information, see Planning and architecture for SharePoint Server 2010.Test lab overviewIn this test lab, single-server SharePoint Server 2010 functionality is deployed with:∙ One computer running Windows® Server® 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named DC1 that isconfigured as an intranet domain controller, Domain Name System (DNS) server, DHCP server, and enterprise root certification authority (CA).∙ One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition namedAPP1 that is configured as a general application server, the SQL Server, the SharePoint Server 2010 application server, and the SharePoint front-end Web server.∙ One member client computer running Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate named CLIENT1. The SharePoint Server 2010 test lab consists of a single subnet named Corpnet ( that simulates a private intranet. Computers on the Corpnet subnet connect using a hub orswitch. See the following figure.Hardware and software requirementsThe following are required components of the test lab:∙The product disc or files for Windows Server 2008 R2.∙The product disc or files for Windows 7.∙The product disc or files for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. See SQL Server 2008 R2 Trial for a trial version of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.∙The product disc or files for SharePoint Server 2010. See Download SharePoint 2010 Trial fora trial version of SharePoint Server 2010.∙Two computers that meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition.∙One computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate.Steps for Configuring the SharePoint Server 2010 Single-Server Test LabThere are five steps to follow when setting up the SharePoint Server 2010 single-server test lab.1. Set up the Base Configuration test lab.2. Set up SQL Server 2008 R2 on APP1.3. Install SharePoint Server 2010 prerequisites on APP1.4. Install SharePoint Server 2010 on APP1.5. Demonstrate the facilities of the default Contoso team site.NoteYou must be logged on as a member of the Domain Admins group or a member of theAdministrators group on each computer to complete the tasks described in this guide. If you cannot complete a task while you are logged on with an account that is a memberof the Administrators group, try performing the task while you are logged on with anaccount that is a member of the Domain Admins group.The following sections provide details about how to perform these steps.Step 1: Set up the Base Configuration Test LabSet up the Base Configuration test lab for the Corpnet subnet using the procedures in the “Steps for Configuring the Corpnet Subnet” section of the Test Lab Guide: Base Configuration.56Step 2: Install SQL Server 2008 R2Use the instructions in the Test Lab Guide: SQL Server 2008 R2 to configure SQL Server 2008 R2 on APP1.Step 3: Install the Prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2010In this procedure, you install the prerequisite software components for SharePoint Server 2010on APP1.To install the SharePoint Server 2010 prerequisite software1. On APP1, log on using the User1 user account.2. Connect APP1 to a network that has Internet access and configure the TCP/IP protocolon the Local Area Connection as needed. The SharePoint Server 2010 prerequisiteinstaller must download and install components from the Microsoft Download Center. For example, if the network that has access to the Internet uses DHCP, configure the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use automatic addressing and toautomatically configure a DNS server.3. On APP1, navigate to the drive or folder that contains the SharePoint Server 2010installation files and double-click default.hta .4. On the SharePoint Server 2010 Start page, click Install software prerequisites .5. On the Welcome to the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool page, clickNext .6. On the License Terms for software product page, review the terms, select the I acceptthe terms of the License Agreement(s) check box, and then click Next .7. On the Installation Complete page, click Finish .Step 4: Install SharePoint Server 2010In this procedure, you install SharePoint Server 2010 on APP1.To install SharePoint Server 20101. On DC1, click Start , point to Administrative Tools , and then click Active Directory Usersand Computers .2. In the console tree, open , right-click Users , point to New , and thenclick User.3. In the New Object - User dialog box, in Full name, type SPFarmAdmin, and in Userlogon name, type SPFarmAdmin.4. Click Next.5. In Password and in Confirm password, type P@ssword1.6. Clear User must change password at next logon.7. Click Next, and then click Finish.8. Connect APP1 to the Corpnet subnet and configure the TCP/IP protocol on the LocalArea Connection as needed. For example, configure the Internet Protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use the address with a subnet mask of and the preferred DNS server of On the SharePoint Server 2010 Start page, click Install SharePoint Server.10. On the Enter Your Product Key page, enter your product key as needed, and then clickContinue.11. On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, select the Iaccept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.12. On the Choose the installation you want page, click Server farm.13. On the Server Type tab, click Complete.14. Click Install Now.15. When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of yourserver. Ensure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.16. Click Close to start the configuration wizard.17. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.18. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted duringconfiguration, click Yes.19. On the Connect to a server farm page, click Create a new server farm, and then click78Next .20. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, type APP1 in Database server ,type CORP\SPFarmAdmin in User name , P@ssword1 in Password , and then click Next .21. On the Specify Farm Security Settings page, type P@ssphrase in both Passphrase andConfirm passphrase , and then click Next .22. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, click Next .23. On the Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard page, click Next .24. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish . Internet Explorer launches with a tabnamed Initial Farm Configuration Wizard.25. In the Help Make SharePoint Better dialog box, click No, I don’t wish to partici pate , andthen click OK .26. For How do you want to configure your SharePoint farm?, click Start the Wizard .27. On the Configure your SharePoint farm page, in Service account , click Use existingmanaged account , and then click Next .28. On the second Configure your SharePoint farm page, in Title and description , typeContoso Corporation in Title , and then click OK . This step creates a team site at the URL http://app1/.29. On the This completes the Farm Configuration Wizard page, click Finish . The InternetExplorer tab shows the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration site, from which you can configure and manage the SharePoint server.29. Close the Internet Explorer window. On the SharePoint Server 2010 Start page, clickExit .Step 5: Demonstrate the Facilities of the Default Contoso Team Site In this procedure, you click through the default SharePoint facilities and resources for theContoso Corporation team site at http://app1/.To see the facilities of the default Contoso Corporation team site1. Attach CLIENT1 to the Corpnet subnet, and then log on with the User 1 account.2. Run Internet Explorer on CLIENT1.3. In the Address bar, type http://app1/ and then press ENTER. You should see aSharePoint team site for the Contoso Corporation.4. Under Libraries, click Site Pages. These Web pages can act as a team wiki library toshare information and ideas and collaborate among the members of your team. You can click Add new page to create a new site page. Click How To Use This Library to show the Wiki page that tells you how to use this wiki library.5. Under Libraries, click Shared Documents. This is a list of shared documents that you canwork on together. Each document can be worked on by multiple people in a centrallocation, which makes document collaboration much easier that sending files around in email. You can click Add document to add a new document to the list of shareddocuments.6. Under Lists, click Calendar. This is a shared team calendar that can be used to manageand share events across your team. You can point to a day and then click Add to add acalendar event.7. Under Lists, click Tasks. This is a simple task list from which you can add and edit tasksand track progress. You can click Add new item to add a new task to this list.8. Under Discussions, click Team Discussion. This is a simple newsgroup-style teamdiscussion forum from which you can ask questions and share information for issues and topics important to your team. You can click Add new discussion to add a new topic for discussion.9. Click Home to return to the home page of the Contoso Corporation team site. Snapshot the ConfigurationThis completes the SharePoint Server 2010 single-server test lab. To save this configuration so that you can quickly return to a working configuration from which you can test other SharePoint TLGs or test lab extensions or for your own experimentation and learning, do the following:1.On all physical computers or virtual machines in the test lab, close all windows and thenperform a graceful shutdown.2.If your lab is based on virtual machines, save a snapshot of each virtual machine and namethe snapshots SharePoint2010SingleServer. If your lab uses physical computers, create disk images to save the SharePoint Server 2010 single-server test lab configuration.9Additional ResourcesFor more information about SharePoint Server 2010, see the SharePoint 2010 product information web page.To submit your questions about this test lab or SharePoint Server 2010, see the Setup, Upgrade, Administration and Operation SharePoint 2010 Forum.To provide the authors of this guide with feedback or suggestions for improvement, send an email message to *******************.For a list of TLGs related to this test lab or extensions to demonstrate additional functionality, see SharePoint Server 2010 Test Lab in the TechNet Wiki.Microsoft strongly encourages you to develop and publish your own TLG content for SharePoint Server 2010, either in the TechNet Wiki (example: Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate Remote Access VPNs) or in your own publishing forum (example: Test Lab Guide (Part 1) - Demonstrate TMG PPTP, L2TP/IPsec and SSTP Remote Access VPN Server). If you want to publish your TLG content in the TechNet wiki, see the How to contribute series of TLG blog posts for information about the types of content you can create and for links to templates and guidance.For a list of additional Microsoft TLGs, see Test Lab Guides in the TechNet Wiki.10。
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 2010 用户指南说明书

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Microsoft Office 2010 Producer用户指南说明书

that was a five -year projectno you can’t have iti brought everything with mestop showing off nowthe commentary is hilariousif you run you can make itdo you have time to hear them allthis is just my commercial workit’s not long, it’s epiclet me drivewhat are thosedon’t call me obsessiveit’s a surpriseFreeAgent ProTMWith software that lets you access your content from anywhere,share it with anyone, and sync it to almost anything.FreeAgent Pro Highlights• A utomatically move your content to multiple locations • S hare your pictures online and automatically update without even thinking about it • A ccess your data anytime, from anywhere • A utomatic revisions of your content help keep you safe from goof-ups • S hould something happen to your PC, roll back system settings to a better time • 5-year limited warrantyIdeal forAccessing your content from anywhere, sharing it withanyone, and syncing it to almost anything.CompatibilityInterface USB 2.0/eSATASelect models include dual FireWire 400O/S PC W indows Vista, Windows XP Home,or Professional Edition, or Windows 2000 Pro O/S MacF reeAgent Pro software and drive formatting works only with Windows, but drive can be reformatted for Mac using Disk Utility:• Power PC G3, G4, or G5 processor running OS X 10.3.9 (or higher), or• Intel Core Duo or Core Solo processorrunning OS X 10.4.6 (or higher)Product Dimensions7.5" tall x 1.4" thin (without 3.0" wide base) x 6.3" deep 19.05 cm tall x 3.55 cm thin (without 7.62 cm wide base) x 16 cm deepbase dimensions: 1" x 5.2"x 3, 25 cm x 13.2 cm x 7.6 cmInside the box• F reeAgent Pro data mover drive• F reeAgent software and electronic documentation pre-loaded on the data mover drive • A ll models include: USB2.0 + eSATA interfaces, select models include dual FireWire 400 interface module and cable • U SB 2.0 cable (eSATA cable not included)• A C power adapter • Quick start guide Performance SpecificationsUSB 2.0 480 Mb/sec (max)eSATA3 Gb/sec (max)FireWire 400 400 Mb/sec (max included with select models) Spindle speed7200 RPMRetail Packaging SpecificationsBox Size 10" x 10" x 5"25.4 cm x 25.4 cm x 27 cm Box Weight 4.5 lbs 2.05 kgMaster Carton Size 25.375" x 10.86" x 10.625" 64.5 cm x 27.5 cm x 12.7 cm Master Carton Weight 24 lbs10.89 kg Retail Boxes per Master Carton 5Master Cartons per Pallet24Pallet load size47.5" x 40.0" x 45.0" 120.7 cm x 101.6 cm x 114.3 cm Pallet load weight 628.85 lbs285.25 kgCopyright © 2007 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. FreeAgent, is a trademark of Seagate Technology LLC.Other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment, formatting and preloaded programs and content. Quantitative usage examples for various applications are for illustrative purposes. Actual quantities will vary based on various factors, including file size, file format, features and application software. Seagate Technology, 920 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 U.S.A. STX Sales Sheet-12/06_FAFreeAgent Pro Model Numbers/UPC CodesInterfaceCapacity Model Numbers UPC CodeUSB 2.0/eSATA 320 GB ST303204FP C 1E2-RK / ST303204FPD1E2-RK 7_63649_00303_9500 GB ST305004FP C 1E2-RK / ST305004FPD1E2-RK 7_63649_00304_6750 GBST307504FP C 1E2-RK / ST307504FPD1E2-RK 7_63649_00305_3FreeAgent Pro Model Numbers/UPC CodesInterface Capacity M odel Numbers UPC CodeFireWire 400, USB 2.0/eSATA 320 GB S T303204FP C 1E3-RK / ST303204FPD1E3-RK 7_63649_00359_6 500 GBST 305004FP C 1E3-RK / ST305004FPD1E3-RK 7_63649_00365_7750 GB S T307504FP C 1E3-RK / ST307504FPD1E3-RK 7_63649_00371_8。

目录1 特点................................................................. 12 技术数据............................................................. 13 结构与安装........................................................... 2 3.1外观图............................................................ 2 3.2嵌墙式安装尺寸图.................................................. 3 3.3壁挂式安装尺寸图................................................... 3 3.4外接导线要求...................................................... 43.5外接线端子排列图................................................... 44 基本功能............................................................. 4 4.1开机.............................................................. 4 4.2火灾报警.......................................................... 4 4.3故障报警.......................................................... 44.4故障查询.......................................................... 55 菜单操作功能......................................................... 5 5.1存储映射.......................................................... 5 5.2号码过滤..........................................................6 5.3位置描述.......................................................... 6 5.4位置拷贝.......................................................... 8 5.5系统管理.......................................................... 85.6返回待机.......................................................... 96 系统自检............................................................. 97 维修和保养........................................................... 98 我们的服务........................................................... 9FXP5i型火灾显示盘用户手册您好!欢迎您来到蓝天的世界!融合最新技术设计的FXP5i型火灾显示盘(以下简称显示盘)是本公司开发研制的新一代火灾显示盘,与5i智慧型火灾报警控制器配套使用。

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Fire Extinguisher System Manual for FIA Standard 88652 Engine Nozzles, 1 cockpit nozzle.Please read all parts of this manual carefully before you proceed to install your new purchase. The system has been carefully developed to meet the new standard 8865 2015 which is part of the FIA’s new program in making Motorsport a much safer sport for all who take part.The new standard has been designed to meet much tougher criteria, testing with much larger and hotter fires with greater quantities of fuels together with plastics and masking elements to extinguish. In this new standard electrical components are now IP rated and other parts have been vigorously tested to meet certain BSI standards.FIAIt must be emphasised that any plumbed in fire extinguisher system is mainly designed to delay the development of the fire and consequently give the driver and co-driver time to exit the car; the system is not designed to put out the fire and prevent the car from burning. Please do not tamper with, make changes or use non FEV parts on your new fire extinguisher system as this will invalidate the Homologation and affect the performance of the product. If any new parts are needed please call FEV on 0044 (0) 1243 55 55 66You will have to purchase a 9volt PP3 battery for the control box.Also if any changes have been made to this product from the specification, it could in effect stop you racing.REMOTE CHARGE SYSTEM Knowing if the system been firedA remote charge system has a separate pressure capsule which means that the cylinder is not pressurised until either of the two push buttons are pressed to activate the pressure capsule which will then allow pressure into the cylinder. To see if the cylinder has been activated there is a tell-tale pin in the end of the cockpit nozzle, if the system has not been activated the tell-tale pin is flush with its holder body, if the cylinder has been activated the tell-tale pin in the end of the cockpit nozzle will protrude. See photo.Contents.2 Plumbing schematic drawings1 Installation instructions1 cylinder full N-TEC2950R-CF2 Cradle straps FE-CRL-S-29501 Hard-line pressure hose 8 mm FE-HL-PH-81 38-gram remote charge FE-REM-38-CHAR-29504.0mtr of 10mm Aluminium tubing for cockpit FE-ALI-101.0mtr of 8 mm Aluminium tubing for engine FE-ALI-810 pipe clips FE-P-CLIPS1 Cockpit 16-hole bar nozzles red FE-16-H-BAR-NOZ-R2 Engine X nozzles – 8mm FE-X-NOZ-8FRONT INSTALLATION1 Y connector 10mm metal FE-Y-CON-101 Tee connector 8mm X ¼ BSP male metal FE-T-CON-8 x ¼ metal1 straight connector 10 x ¼ BSP female metal FE-ST-CON-10 X ¼ female metal REAR INSTALLATION1 Tee connector 10-10 metal FE-T-CON-101 Tee connector 8mm X ¼ BSP male metal FE-T-CON-8 x ¼ metal1 straight connector 10 x ¼ BSP female metal FE-ST-CON-10 X ¼ female metal 1 straight joiner10mm FE-ST-J-10 optional 1 Push-in Elbow 10mm ¼ BSP FE-ELBOW-10-1/4 optional 1 internal firing button FE-INT-FB1 fire button metal shroud FE-INT-FB-S-M1 External fire button & fly lead FE-EXT-FB-FL1 Control box 8865 FE-CB-8865, Control box,battery not included.1 Control box loom FE-CB-L-8865Installation of cylinder and other components.Cylinder.Find a suitable place either behind the drivers or co-driver’s seat s or in the front or under the drivers seat to fix the fire extinguisher cylinder, the cylinder assembly can be fixed either in a transverse or longitude position. There is no need to take the cylinder out of the cradle bracket and straps as the cylinder comes already installed into the cradle bracket. The newly designed cradle bracket has access to the four fixing holes and only needs marking through onto the car floor where you want to fix the assembly. Once the markings have been made put the assembly to one side then carefully drill holes for 4 off fixing bolts – we recommend M6 bolts with shake-proof washers and Nyloc nuts, bolt the cylinder assembly to the floor.Please note the system must be installed in accordance with the championship technical regulation.Plumbing connectorsPlease note that if the cylinder is going to be installed in the front foot well a Tee connector must be used to change the orientation of the cylinder See contents list.Cylinder Installed in FrontSee assembly drawing in the user manual. 1 off Tee connector and 1 off Tee connector with 10mm straight adaptor.Cylinder Installed in RearSee assembly drawing in the user manual. 1off Y connector, 1off Tee connector with 10mm straight adaptorOptional connector1 x 10mm straight adaptor can be used to aid installation if needed. FE-ST-10-ST optional Cockpit nozzleThe one cockpit 16 hole bar nozzle is designed to be fitted between the drivers and co driver’s seat with the 10 jets facing forward and the 6 jets pointing upwards and just behind the line of the two seats towards the roof. The nozzle should be fixed by using the two fixing holes each end of the nozzle or on a preformed bracket.Engine nozzles.The two engine nozzles must be fitted through the cockpit/engine bulkhead equidistance to the width of the engine bay and as near to the top as possible unless obstructed, nozzle installation hole size 13.5mm.Aluminium tubing.The pipework for the system is Aluminium. Route the pipework neatly around the car to the different locations. When making bends in the piping try and make a minimum radius of50mm, use a pipe cutter to cut the pipes and make sure the ends are square if possible de-burr the ends of the pipes, wipe a small amount of silicone grease on the pipe end then insert the pipes into the various fittings, they should push in 20mm.See separate plumbing instructions for the complete plumbing schematics.Control box.Mount the control box in a suitable position where it can be reached by the driver and co-driver, making sure that the LED lights are visible to the driver and co-driver. Please ensure that the wiring loom for the control box is fixed suitably and not trapped anywhere and cannot be damaged or become a hazard.Wiring loomThe wiring loom has two screw connectors; the connector on the longest length of cable is a two pin connector and connects to the plug on the remote charge which is attached to the fire extinguisher connect this lead last and make sure the control box is in the test position. The shorter length of cable with the three pin plug attached connects to the control box. The branch in the loom goes to the internal fire button, make a suitable connection. Using the separate (supplied) cable already attached to the external fire button fit the button externally then route the cable inside the car to attach to the connections of the internal fire button.Activation buttons.There are two activation buttons, one internal with a metal shroud and one external with a fly lead attached. Mount the internal button in a position within easy reach for the driver and co-driver where applicable (19mm diameter hole), mount the external button (22mm) next to the electrical cut off switch. Apply the E decal label next to the external firing switch.F.E.V. CONTROL BOX - FIA 8865INSTRUCTIONSThe control box is supplied with a separate wiring loom with a connector on each end; the longest length of wire has a male 2-pin IP67 rated plug for connection to the female 2 pin IP67 socket in the Remote Charge Cartridge, when connected they are screwed together to make a seal. The other end of the loom is fitted with a male 3 pin IP67 rated waterproof plug, this plug connects to the female 3 pin IP67 socket in the bottom of the control box and when connected they are screwed together to make a seal. The branch in the loom goes to the internal fire button, make a suitable connection. Using the separate (supplied) cable already attached to the external fire button fit the button externally then route the cable inside the car to attach to the connections of the internal fire button.Setting up The SystemThe control box has a 2 position on-on toggle switch to select the function.The up position is ARM with a red LED and down position TEST with an orange LED.Test position LED orangeAfter all wiring connections have been made, test the system – put the switch into ARM position (do not press any of the firing buttons). Then move the switch in to TEST position, press either of the external or internal firing buttons. If the test is successful, the orange LED will be on for 10 seconds. If the test is unsuccessful the orange LED will flash for 10 seconds or more, indicating a fault in one of the following items – low battery, electrical discontinuity, b utton t o t rigger t he s ystem, p lug on the r emote c harge o r f iring actuator i n t he r emote c harge. Armed Position red LEDSwitch to the armed position - whenever the switch is moved from the test to the armed position, the control box will r u n an automatic test to ascertain that there is no anomaly, only after those checks will the LED start to flash continually indicating the control box is operational. Only press the fire button if needed, this will activate the s ystem. Recommend after use.Whenever the control box is not in use, position the switch into test mode – all the lights are off - this will enable the control box to go into sleep mode and save battery, however even in sleep mode the battery will drain. WE WOULD THEREFORE RECOMMEND THAT THE BATTERY IS FITTED JUST BEFORE SCRUTINEERING/RACING AND IS REMOVED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE RACE.Preparation for raceCheck all wiring connections and run through the test position procedure before each race to test for any anomaly.Battery fitmentThis control box is IP67 rated. This is why the box has to be removed from fitment and the four screws removed from the back of the box to replace the battery - battery type 9 volt PP3 alkaline101.INSTALLATION DANS L’HABITACLE / COCKPIT INSTALLATION WITH CYLINDER AT FRONT a) Emplacement et orientation du corpsFind a suitable place either behind the drivers or co-driver’s seat or in front or under the drivers seat to fix the fire extinguisher cylinder, fix transversely or horizontallyb) Emplacement et orientation des busesLocation and orientation of nozzlesLocated between passenger and drivers seatsc) Précaution à prendre lors de l’installation du systèmeSpecial care to take with the installation of the systemMake sure the nozzle is installed onto the floor with 10 jets facing forward and 6 jets pointing towards the roof just behind back of seatsE1-1) Installation dans l’habitacle (emplacement et orientation du corps)Cockpit installation (location and orientation of body)E1-2) Installation dans l’habitacle (emplacement et orientation des buses)Cockpit installation (location and orientation of nozzles)102.INSTALLATION DANS LE MOTEUR / ENGINE INSTALLATION a) Emplacement et orientation du corps Location and orientation of bodyN/Ab) Emplacement et orientation des busesLocation and orientation of nozzlesMount through bulkhead or on pre-formed brackets equidistance to the width of the engine bay and as high as possible. c) Précaution à prendre lors de l’installation du systèmeSpecial care to take with the installation of the systemCheck all connections are secure.E2-1) Installation dans le moteur (emplacement et orientation du corps)E2-2) Installation dans le moteur (emplacement et orientation des buses)Engine installation (location and orientation of nozzles)。

CC2010正式版用户手册广东群英网络有限公司2010年9月目录第一章CC客户端的安装 (5)1.1 安装所需的软硬件环境 (5)2.2 CC客户端软件的安装 (5)1.2.1 获取CC客户端安装包 (5)1.2.2 安装CC客户端 (6)第二章CC客户端的基本应用 (7)2.1 客户端用户登录 (7)2.2 系统设置 (8)2.2.1 常规 (9)2.2.2 热键 (9)2.2.3 声音 (10)2.2.4 提醒 (11)2.2.5 软件更新 (11)2.3 主界面介绍 (12)2.3.1 用户信息栏 (13)2.3.2 快捷搜索栏 (14)2.3.3 内部沟通面板 (14)2.3.4 视频会议面板 (15)2.3.5 协同工作面板 (15)2.3.6 快速启动栏 (16)2.4 组织架构面板 (16)2.4.1 同事会话窗口 (17)2.4.2 小工具栏 (21)2.4.3 组织架构路径 (23)2.4.4 语音会话 (24)2.4.5 视频会话 (26)2.4.6 文件传输 (27)2.4.7 查看消息记录 (29)2.4.9 联系人Tips (31)2.4.10 面板右键菜单 (32)2.5 讨论组面板 (34)2.5.1 讨论组会话窗口 (34)2.5.2 启用/禁用消息提示 (35)2.5.3 讨论组公告 (36)2.5.4 讨论组快速搜索栏 (37)2.5.5 讨论组文件共享 (38)2.5.6 管理讨论组成员、注销讨论组、退出讨论组 (39)2.5.7 面板右键菜单 (41)2.6 最近联系人面板 (42)2.7 常用联系人 (43)2.8 CCAPI功能 (46)2.9 其它 (49)2.9.1 用户状态切换 (49)2.9.2 系统通知 (49)2.9.3 消息盒子 (50)2.9.4 我的企业 (51)2.9.5 帮助 (51)第三章CC客户端的集成应用 (51)3.1 视频会议面板 (52)3.1.1申请会议 (53)3.1.2 进入会议 (53)3.1.3 临时会议 (53)3.1.4 会议室主页 (53)3.2 协同工作面板 (54)3.2.1 新建工作单 (55)3.2.2工作单主页 (55)3.3 手机短信 (55)3.3.2 手机短信群发 (56)第一章CC客户端的安装1.1 安装所需的软硬件环境【CC 客户端】2.2 CC客户端软件的安装1.2.1 获取CC客户端安装包在浏览器中打开广东群英官方网站http://即可看到下载客户端安装包的界面,如下图1.2.1所示:图1.2.1 下载CC客户端安装包1.2.2 安装CC客户端运行“CC2010.exe”程序进行安装,按默认下一步即可完成安装。

EST3中文版操作手册E S T3火灾报警主机中文版操作手册第1章基本的系统操作概述本章叙述基本的系统操作指令。
(CPU Fail)4.接地故障指示灯:当连接机箱的非接地线与地相连时黄灯亮。
(Ground Fault)5.屏蔽状态指示灯:当一些点或区域被人工屏蔽时黄灯亮。

FIRE3使用手册(中文版)常用功能快速入门1.选择不同的鼓组:首次开机后默认在第一鼓组,通过转动主控旋钮可以选择不同的鼓组音色,如图中心为主控旋钮:选定某个鼓组使用超过一分钟,下次开机就默认到上次使用的鼓组2.使用节拍器:按CLICK 按键(右上角,即可启动节拍器,默认CLICK=4beat就是4拍,可以通过左右箭头按键改变拍子数速度TEMPO默认100,可以按下EDIT按键-----然后再转动主控旋钮控制节拍速度, 如果想保存当前节拍器设定,请按EDIT----REV/SAVE---- 上下箭头按键--------再按REV/SAVE两次,保存成功,下次开机使用节拍器,就会按本次设定运行3.使用手机蓝牙播放歌曲:主机带有蓝牙功能,默认为打开,名称为Edrum-Audio用手机搜索匹配即可使用注意:如使用中遇到不能正常播放情况,请重新搜索匹配或更换手机尝试,注意需要将已配对手机取消配对才可以配对下一部手机4.连接耳机:请使用3.5规格插头的耳机,尽量不要使用带麦克风的耳机,那样可能会发声不正常5.连接音箱:音箱输出为一个6.35双声道立体声插口(后面OUTPUT标识的插口),请使用6.35双声道线或者6.35单声道线连接到音箱。
显示屏幕显示 Reset All Data,然后就可以了。
7. 创建自己原创的音色鼓组1. 按下[Edit]键,灯亮。
2. 敲打欲设定的鼓或者镲片3. 转动主控旋钮改变VOICE 数值,击打试听4. 满意后按下[Rev/Save]键,显示屏幕显示如图。

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SPECjEnterprise2010用户指南版本1.03上次修改时间:2010年8月19日目录SPECjEnterprise2010用户指南o目录o第1节- 介绍▪ 1.1术语▪ 1.2概述▪ 1.2.1硬件环境▪ 1.2.2软件环境o第2节- 安装SPECjEnterprise2010▪ 2.1目录结构▪ 2.2 Java包结构▪ 2.2.1 EJB域o第3节- 构建和部署SPECjEnterprise2010▪ 3.1构建和部署过程▪ 3.1.1配置基准环境▪ 3.1.2设置基准套件的初始状态▪ 3.1.3创建数据库▪ 3.1.4构建企业存档(EAR)以准备部署▪构建.JAR,.WAR和.EAR文件▪创建数据库表▪加载数据库▪基于Web的数据库加载程序▪独立数据库加载程序▪平面文件▪部署供应商仿真器▪ 3.1.5部署继续o第4节- 运行SPECjEnterprise2010▪ 4.1 SPECjEnterprise2010驱动程序▪ 4.1.1驱动程序定义▪ 4.1.2驱动程序组件▪ 4.1.3驱动器的工作原理▪ 4.1.4驱动程序的InitialContext和Lookups▪ 4.1.5 Web服务配置▪制造域Web服务▪采购员域和仿真器Web服务▪ 4.2配置和运行驱动程序▪ 4.2.1使用Faban测试线束▪设置Faban测试线束▪ Faban线束用户界面▪ 4.2.2 Faban线束命令行界面(faban cli):▪ 4.2.3驱动程序配置提示▪ 4.2.4实时统计▪ 4.2.5记录配置▪ 4.2.6审计▪ 4.2.7故障排除o5结果提交▪ 5.2生成报告▪ 5.3提交结果o附录A - ant目标第1节- 介绍SPECjEnterprise2010 TM基准测试是一种端到端的基准测试,可以对Java EE 5服务器进行性能测量和表征,并支持基础架构(如JVM,数据库,CPU,磁盘和服务器)。
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Edition 10/2010Users GuideAVL IMPRESS CHARTVERSION 2010Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2010 AVL LIST GmbHHans-List-Platz 1, A-8020 Graz, AustriaAST Local Support Contact:/ast-worldwideNo. Revision Date Description DocumentB 09-Feb-2007 IMPRESS Chart v5.0.1 – Users Guide 18.0108.0501C 31-May-2007 IMPRESS Chart v5.0.2 – Users Guide 18.0108.0502D 31-Oct-2007 IMPRESS Chart v5.0.3 – Users Guide 18.0108.0503E 30-Apr-2009 IMPRESS Chart v2009 – Users Guide 18.0108.2009v2009.1 – Users Guide 18.0108.2009.1ChartF 17-Jul-2009IMPRESSG 02-Nov-2009 IMPRESS Chart v2009.2 – Users Guide 18.0108.2009.2H 19-Nov-2010 IMPRESS Chart v2010 – Users Guide 18.0108.2010 Copyright © 2010, AVLAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without prior written consent of AVL.This document describes how to run the IMPRESS Chart software. It does not attempt to discuss all the concepts required to obtain successful solutions. It is the user’s responsibility to determine if he/she has sufficient knowledge and understanding to apply this software appropriately.This software and document are distributed solely on an "as is" basis. The entire risk as to their quality and performance is with the user. Should either the software or this document prove defective, the user assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. AVL and its distributors will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or this document, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damage.All mentioned trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the corresponding owners.Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2010 Table of Contents1. Introduction___________________________________________________________________1-1 1.1. Scope_______________________________________________________________________1-1 1.2. User Qualifications___________________________________________________________1-1 1.3. Symbols_____________________________________________________________________1-1 1.4. Configurations_______________________________________________________________1-21.5. Documentation______________________________________________________________1-22. IMPRESS Chart Post-processing______________________________________________2-1 2.1. Getting Started______________________________________________________________2-2 2.2. General Information__________________________________________________________2-22.2.1. Menu Bar________________________________________________________________2-32.2.2. Icon Toolbar_____________________________________________________________2-72.2.3. Plot Object Toolbar_______________________________________________________2-82.2.4. Mouse___________________________________________________________________2-92.2.5. Context Menus__________________________________________________________2-102.2.6. Window Area____________________________________________________________2-102.2.7. Working Area___________________________________________________________2-112.2.8. Exporting IMPRESS Chart file to PS file from the command line_____________2-112.2.9. Export CSV_____________________________________________________________2-112.2.10. Export HTML__________________________________________________________2-11 2.3. Report_____________________________________________________________________2-112.3.1. Create Movie____________________________________________________________2-112.3.2. Global Parameters_______________________________________________________2-12 2.4. Page_______________________________________________________________________2-132.4.1. Page Setup______________________________________________________________2-132.4.2. Save as Page Template___________________________________________________2-142.4.3. Page Properties_________________________________________________________2-14 2.5. Layer______________________________________________________________________2-152.5.1. Save as Layer Template__________________________________________________2-162.5.2. Layer Properties_________________________________________________________2-172.5.3. Statistics_______________________________________________________________2-342.5.4. Import Data_____________________________________________________________2-35 2.6. Curve______________________________________________________________________2-362.6.1. Curve Properties________________________________________________________2-38 2.7. Text Grid___________________________________________________________________2-432.7.1. General_________________________________________________________________2-432.7.2. Title___________________________________________________________________2-442.7.3. Measurement___________________________________________________________2-44 2.8. Options____________________________________________________________________2-442.8.1. Layer Packing___________________________________________________________2-44 2.9. Reports____________________________________________________________________2-452.9.1. Report Buttons__________________________________________________________2-472.9.2. Report Tree Folders______________________________________________________2-47IMPRESS Chart v2010 UsersGuide2.9.3. Shortcut Navigation in a Report___________________________________________2-472.9.4. Context Menus__________________________________________________________2-482.10. Results____________________________________________________________________2-502.10.1. Result Buttons_________________________________________________________2-512.10.2. Result Tree Folders_____________________________________________________2-522.10.3. Context Menus_________________________________________________________2-522.11. Templates_________________________________________________________________2-542.12. Operations________________________________________________________________2-552.12.1. Copy Curve____________________________________________________________2-572.12.2. Copy Layer____________________________________________________________2-572.12.3. Export Curve Data______________________________________________________2-572.12.4. Algebra________________________________________________________________2-572.12.5. Calculus_______________________________________________________________2-592.12.6. Data Analysis__________________________________________________________2-592.12.7. Data Transformations___________________________________________________2-672.12.8. Acoustics______________________________________________________________2-75Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2010 List of FiguresFigure 1: IMPRESS Chart Main Window............................................................................................................2-2 Figure 2: Example of a Movie Step.....................................................................................................................2-12 Figure 3: Global Parameters Window................................................................................................................2-13 Figure 3: Save as Page Template Window.........................................................................................................2-14 Figure 4: Page Parameters Window...................................................................................................................2-15 Figure 5: Layer Properties – General Window..................................................................................................2-17 Figure 6: Fringe Plot of a Lubricant Temperature............................................................................................2-19 Figure 7: Regular and Inverse Fringe Plots.......................................................................................................2-19 Figure 8: Fringe Plot of Response Amplitudes Over Frequency and Engine Speed with Order Lines..........2-20 Figure 9: Stacked Layer Type V Regular Layer Type.......................................................................................2-20 Figure 10: Layer Properties – Parameter Window............................................................................................2-23 Figure 11: Colors.................................................................................................................................................2-28 Figure 12: Color Bar Properties – Alignment Window......................................................................................2-29 Figure 13: Legend Properties – Layout Window...............................................................................................2-30 Figure 13: Layer Statistics Window....................................................................................................................2-34 Figure 14: Import Data Window.........................................................................................................................2-35 Figure 15: Example of Cartesian Co-ordinates Converted to Polar Co-ordinates...........................................2-37 Figure 16: Curve Properties – Units Window....................................................................................................2-40 Figure 17: Curve Properties – Make (Results) Window....................................................................................2-40 Figure 18: Edit Make Information (Results) Window.......................................................................................2-41 Figure 19: Curve Properties – Make (Import) Window.....................................................................................2-41 Figure 20: Edit Make Information (Results) Window.......................................................................................2-41 Figure 21: Curve Properties – Parameter Window............................................................................................2-42 Figure 22: Layer Packer Window.......................................................................................................................2-44 Figure 23: Layer Packing Example....................................................................................................................2-45 Figure 24: Reports Window.................................................................................................................................2-45 Figure 25: Result Case Selection Window..........................................................................................................2-49 Figure 26: Replace Result Cases Window...........................................................................................................2-49 Figure 27: Results Window.................................................................................................................................2-50 Figure 28: Preview Layer....................................................................................................................................2-51 Figure 29: Template Window..............................................................................................................................2-54 Figure 30: Bar Plot of Frequency Band..............................................................................................................2-62 Figure 31: Running Averages (Diagram 1)........................................................................................................2-66 Figure 32: Running Averages (Diagram 2)........................................................................................................2-66 Figure 33: Cyclic X-Shift (X-Range: Diagram 1)................................................................................................2-68 Figure 34: Cyclic X-Shift (X-Range: Diagram 2)................................................................................................2-68 Figure 35: Cyclic X-Shift (X-Range: Diagram 3)................................................................................................2-69 Figure 36: Cyclic X-Shift (X-Range: Diagram 4)................................................................................................2-69 Figure 37: Cyclic X-Shift (User Defined: Diagram 1)........................................................................................2-69 Figure 38: Cyclic X-Shift (User Defined: Diagram 2)........................................................................................2-70 Figure 39: Cyclic X-Shift (User Defined: Diagram 3)........................................................................................2-70 Figure 40: Cyclic X-Shift (User Defined: Diagram 4)........................................................................................2-70 Figure 41: Make Periodic (Diagram 1)...............................................................................................................2-71 Figure 42: Make Periodic (Diagram 2)...............................................................................................................2-72 Figure 43: Make Periodic (Diagram 2a).............................................................................................................2-72 Figure 44: Make Periodic (Diagram 3)...............................................................................................................2-72 Figure 45: Make Periodic (Diagram 4)...............................................................................................................2-73 Figure 46: Operations – Y Versus Curve Parameter (X Cuts)..........................................................................2-74Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v20101. INTRODUCTIONThis document describes the basic concepts of using IMPRESS Chart.1.1. ScopeThe Chapters of this manual do not attempt to discuss all concepts the required to obtain successful solutions. It is the user’s responsibility to determine if he/she has sufficientknowledge and understanding to apply this software appropriately.1.2. User QualificationsThe Manual is a basic qualification for operating IMPRESS Chart. Users are recommended to continue with basic and advanced CLIENT training courses.1.3. SymbolsThe following symbols are used throughout this manual. Safety cautions must be strictly observed during operation and service of the system or its components.)Note: Notes provide important supplementary information.Convention MeaningItalics For emphasis, to introduce a new term.monospace To indicate a command, a program or a file name,messages, or input / output on a screen or file contents.AVL Workspace software uses files with lower caseextensions only.MenuOpt A MenuOpt font is used for the names of menu options,submenus and screen buttons.IMPRESS Chart v2010 Users Guide1.4. ConfigurationsSoftware configurations described in this manual were in effect on the publication date ofthis manual. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the configuration of the equipmentbefore applying procedures in this manual. 1.5. DocumentationAVL Workspace documentation is available in PDF format and consists of the following: Release NotesGraphical User Interface (GUI) Users GuideIMPRESS Chart Users GuideIMPRESS Users GuideDoE and OptimizationPython Scripting Installation GuideLicensing GuideSystem Requirements and Supported PlatformsKnown Issues are available on the AST Service World – Knowledge Base:Link to AWS Known Software IssuesWe Want to Hear from YouYour comments and suggestions help us to improve the quality and practicalrelevance of our documentation.If you have any suggestions for improvement, please send them to:ast_doc@We look forward to hearing from you.2. IMPRESS CHART POST-PROCESSINGThe 2-dimensional post-processing tool IMPRESS Chart is the technical graphics and data analysis tool of the AVL Workspace. It is optimized to handle AVL Workspace simulationresult sets quickly and easily in a way that allows plots and data configurations to bereused. The user can import data in a variety of formats, perform a range of mathematical and statistical analyses, and exchange data and graphics with the other applications of the Workspace. IMPRESS Chart features a comprehensive set of graphical styles, allowing the user total control of each individual graphics element. The user can create plots of different types and layout. Pointing and clicking lets the user manipulate the plot and graphicalelements.IMPRESS Chart is included in AVL Workspace and is used in the post-processing of results for BOOST, BOOST Hydsim, BOOST RT, EXCITE Power Unit, EXCITE Piston & Ringsand EXCITE Timing Drive.The contents of this chapter will instruct the user in the capabilities of IMPRESS Chart,thus enabling the user to generate plots quickly based on different calculation results.Two plots are available:•Cartesian plots•Polar plotsThe data, which must be imported to represent result curves, can be in 5 data formats: •ASCII format: *.dat files - data is stored in text columns.•GIDAS format: Similar to ASCII, except header data. The header includes information about the data. This data can be exported to an ASCII file.•GIDASEX format: A GIDASEX file contains several blocks of GIDAS files.Only available on Windows/PC.•CSV (Excel Comma Separated Files): Data is stored in an EXCEL filewhich can be imported.CSV files are similar to *.dat files:•Optional 1st line: Column titles with or without unit information in parentheses “()” or brackets “[]”•Optional 2nd line: Unit information with or without parentheses or brackets•Data lines - all columns are separated by semicolons “;”.Time;Angle;Displacement;Velocity[s];deg;mm;mm/s0;0;0;100.1;0.2;1;120.2;0.4;1.5;17.2e100.3;0.8;3.2;17.89e12….Time (s);Angle (deg);Displacement (mm);Velocity (mm/s)0;0;0;100.1;0.2;1;120.2;0.4;1.5;17.2e100.3;0.8;3.2;17.89e12….•DBSQ format: Binary files.2.1. Getting StartedSelect IMPRESS Chart from the AST Launcher. Alternatively from a CLIENT selectIMPRESS Chart from the Programs menu or select Show Results from the Simulationmenu. The main window opens as shown in Figure 1.2.2. General InformationMenu Bar Icon Toolbar Plot Object Toolbar Window Area Working AreaFigure 1: IMPRESS Chart Main Window2.2.1. Menu BarMenu Submenu IconDescription Programs New Opens a blank AVL Workspace or an additionalsession of any of the programs, while the previoussession(s) remains accessible.EXCITE Designer,EXCITE Power Unit,EXCITE TimingDrive, EXCITEPiston & Rings,BOOST,BOOST TNG,BOOST RT,HYDSIM,IMPRESS Chart,IMPRESS 3D, PP3Select one of the CLIENTS or a program for post-processing. ExitTerminates the Workspace session. File NewOpens a new IMPRESS Chart report and clears the current report. OpenLoads a new IMPRESS Chart report. SaveSaves the current report. Save As Saves the current report with a different file name.ResultsLoad:Loads the results files (*.ppd ) from a directory tree.In the Select Project Directory dialog select adirectory by selecting an arbitrary file from thedirectory to be loaded to the Results tree .Load GIDASEX File / Load GIDAS File:Loads a GIDAS file into the Results tree of theResults Tab of the main window. The first column ofthe GIDAS block is used for default X values.Load ASCII File:Loads a plain ASCII file (*.DAT, *.dat) into the Resultstree of the Results Tab of the main window. The firstcolumn of the ASCII file is used for default X values. Page Default Setup Define the page Size, Layout and units formeasurements related to plot objects and graphics.The settings in this dialog apply to all newly generatedpages.Apply to All applies the settings in this dialog to allpages of the report (.i.e. they are the default settingsof each page).The default page setup can be defined at Page|PageSetup .Print Prints the current IMPRESS Chart report. Only thosepages that have been selected for printing are printed(default). On Linux and UNIX only printers listed in thefile /etc/printcap are available.Refer to section 2.9 for details about printing pages.Print to file Exports the report to file:UNIX and Windows: Postscript (*.ps), EncapsulatedPostscript (*.eps), GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp), XPM(*.xpm)Windows only: EMF (*.emf). Refer to section 2.2.8.Print Single Objects to File Exports all layers and textgrids of the report to separate files:UNIX and Windows: Postscript (*.ps), Encapsulated Postscript (*.eps), GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp), XPM (*.xpm)Windows only: EMF (*.emf).Exit Closes IMPRESS Chart.Edit Allows the user to perform cut and paste commandsfor the creation and manipulation of the elements ofthe working area. One or several elements of themodel must be selected before using a function.Cut Removes the selected part from the screen andstores the corresponding information in the clipboardbuffer. The previous contents of the buffer areoverwritten.Copy Stores a copy of the selected part in the buffer withoutremoving the part from the screen. The previouscontents of the buffer are overwritten.Paste Puts a copy of the buffer on the GRAPHIC window.A copy of the elements is still available in the buffer.The same elements can be pasted several times.Delete The selected element or element group is removedwithout storing a copy in the clipboard buffer. Thebuffer remains unchanged.View ShowReport Show / Hide the Report results, templates and Operationtabs.ShowModelViewShow / Hide the model.ShowParameterValuesSwitch between parameter values and parameter names.SlowRefreshAllows operating with layers (e.g. Fringe) without redrawing. LockView Disables the moving/resizing of objects on the page.Insert The elements which can be inserted are as follows:Layer, Polar Layer, Curve, Marker, Text Grid, Line, Arrow,Polyline, Ellipse, Rectangle, Image, Text, TextboxThese are also on the Icon bar.Overlay Report Opens the file browser. The selected report overlays thecurrently active report so that the matching curves onmatching pages can be compared.Matching pages: If all pages in the active report have a titlethen the pages are handled by title, otherwise they arehandled by page number.Matching curves: Curves of layers with the same names arecompared.Create Movie Refer to section 2.3.1 for details.Report Global Parameters The global parameters are listed in the properties dialogs.Refer to section 2.3.2 for details.Page Clear PageDeletes the contents of the current page. Open Page Loads a previously saved page into the current page. Loading an active report with this command will result inloading the first page of the report into the current page.Save Page Saves the current page with the file name <IMPRESS Chart report file name >_<page number >.pp2Save Page As Saves the current page with a different file name.Page Setup Opens the page setup dialog. Define the page Size and Orientation as well as snapping grid and units formeasurements related to plot objects and graphics for aparticular page. Refer to section 2.4.1 for details.Print PagePrints the current page. Print Page to File Exports the current page to file:UNIX and Windows: Postscript (*.ps), EncapsulatedPostscript (*.eps), GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp), XPM (*.xpm)Windows only: EMF (*.emf). Refer to section 2.2.8.Reset (Clear Curve Data) Resets all curves on the page (i.e. deletes the data records of the curves and makes them "empty "; an empty curve consists of only 2 points and runs from the lower left corner ofthe layer to the top right corner of the layer, regardless of thecurrent scale of the layer).Make (Restore Curve Data) Makes all curves on the page (i.e. reloads the data records from the disk and restores the curves according to Make Information). Refer to section 2.6.1.Delete CurvesDeletes all curves on the page. Delete MarkersDeletes all markers on the page. Save as PageTemplate Saves the page as a template with a filename in a specific template location. Refer to section 2.4.1 for details.Properties Page parameters are the only properties. Each page has a set of default parameters. Refer to section 2.3 for details.Page parameters can also be user-defined (similar to user-defined Layer and Curve parameters).Layer This menu is enabled only when a layer is selected.Reset (Clear CurveData)Resets all curves in the layer. Make (RestoreCurve Data)Makes all curves in the layer according to Make Information. Delete CurvesDeletes all curves in the layer. Delete MarkersDeletes all markers. Print Layer Exports the selected layer to a postscript (*.ps and *.eps) file. Prints the current layer.Print Layer to File Exports the selected layer to file:UNIX and Windows: Postscript (*.ps), EncapsulatedPostscript (*.eps), GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp)Windows only: EMF (*.emf), XPM (*.xpm).Save as Layer Template Saves the layer as a template with a filename in a specifictemplate location. Refer to section 2.5.1 for details.Use as Standard Layer TemplateDefines the current layer as standard layer template. Thelayout of a layer contains: graphical appearance and all layerproperties. By using Layer Properties (section 2.5.2) orLayer Packing (section 2.7) the graphical appearance of thelayer can be changed. Save the layout configuration of thecurrently selected layer by clicking on this menu item. Reset Standard Layer TemplateRestores the standard layout configuration to the AVL standard layer template. Save Curve Styles Saves the line style settings and the line color settings for a set of curves loaded to a layer of a page set.PropertiesOpens the Layer Properties window. Refer to section 2.5.2. Statistics Opens the Layer Statistics window. Refer to section 2.5.3for details.Import Opens the import dialog. Refer to section 2.4.1 for details.Export Exports data to a Gidas, Ascii or CSV file. If the x-values ofthe curves in the layer differ, only Ascii export is possible.Select Horizontal Major GridlinesHorizontal Minor GridlinesVertical Major GridlinesVertical Minor GridlinesMajor OrderlinesMinor OrderlinesCurveOnly enabled if a curve is selected. Reset (Clear CurveData)Resets the curve. Make (RestoreCurve Data)Makes the curve according to Make Information. PropertiesOpens the Curve Properties window. Refer to section 2.6.1.Textgrid Print TextgridPrints the current textgrid. Print Textgrid toFile Exports the textgrid to file: UNIX and Windows: Postscript (*.ps), EncapsulatedPostscript (*.eps), GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp)Windows only: EMF (*.emf), XPM (*.xpm).PropertiesOpens the Textgrid Properties window. Refer to section 2.7. Options GUI Options Defines the number or recently opened files to be kept in thefile menu.Defines the initial position and size of the AVL Workspacewindow.FrameThree frames are available – None, AVL Report andCustomer Report Landscape . A frame is a set of graphicalelements used in a page, i.e. a rectangle (frame), logo andtext elements. None removes the frame from the page andselect AVL Report to open the standard AVL frame or selectCustomer Report Landscape to open a frame in landscapeformat, including a customer logo. The file for the customerlogo should be selected in Frame Definitions . Frame Definitions Opens a dialog with the customized settings of the current frame. Specify texts and the customer logo for the frame.Layer Packing Opens the Layer Packing window, where various layers can be arranged on the page. Refer to section 2.8.1 for moreinformation.Monochrome Mode Changes all colors of the contents in the Graphic Window to black and white.Case Curve Styles Define if either the curve line style or color should bechanged when adding curves of a new case to the page set.Units Used to display and set the units used when importing datavia the results tree. Refer to section 2.8.3 of the GUI UsersGuide .Help Contents Opens this Users Guide for online help.AboutOpens the About window with program and versioninformation. 2.2.2. Icon ToolbarFor the Icon Toolbar descriptions, refer to the GUI Users Guide .。