例如,苹果公司一直以来强调创新和设计,其广告语“Think Different”(非同凡想)就很好地体现了这一品牌定位。
比如,可口可乐的广告语“Taste the feeling”(畅爽开怀),针对的是追求快乐和享受生活的年轻消费者,传递出积极向上的情感。
例如,宝马的广告语“The Ultimate Driving Machine”(终极驾驶机器),强调了其卓越的驾驶性能,使消费者能够迅速感受到宝马汽车的独特魅力。
例如,耐克的广告语“Just Do It”(只管去做),不仅体现了其运动产品的高性能,更传递了一种勇于挑战、积极进取的品牌精神。
例如,麦当劳的广告语“I'm lovin' it”(我就喜欢),简单直接,容易上口,让人一听就能记住。
彼岸人民文摘 PEOPLE DIGEST 2009.760哈根达斯冰淇淋传奇◎水铃铛 一句“爱她,就请她吃哈根达斯”的广告语,让哈根达斯品牌享誉世界。
记忆里的牛奶水果冰 1921年,在开往美国纽约的客轮上,22岁的鲁本·马特斯心事重重。
为情心动 一夜走红 1947年5月,鲁本把刚刚做好的香草味牛奶水果冰放在了桌子上。
最经典的广告语_成功的广告语(2)最经典的双语广告语52句:1、Just do it.(nike)只管去做。
(耐克运动鞋 )2、Ask for more.渴望无限。
(百事)3、One World One Dream同一个世界、同一个梦想。
(2008北京)4、build your dreams.(BYD)建立你的梦想。
----(比亚迪)5、We lead,others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
(理光复印机)6、Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。
(佳能)7、Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢)8、The relentless pursuit of perfection. (lexus)不懈追求完美。
(凌志轿车)9、Come to where the flavour is.( marlboro country)光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。
(万宝路)10、To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却一直是彩色的。
(轩尼诗酒)11、Let's make things better.让我们做得更好。
(飞利浦电子)12、Buy Australia, Buy you a job.买澳大利亚货,给你买份工作。
(澳大利亚)13、Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天长地久。
(斯沃奇手表)14、Make yourself heard.(Ericsson)理解就是沟通。
(爱立信)15、Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz)人类精神的动力。
(梅塞德斯-奔驰)16、Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒脑,喝七喜。
哈根达斯甜蜜邂逅核心提示:“爱她,就请她吃哈根达斯”(If you love her, take her to Haagen-Dazs.)——对很多人来说,这不过是一个奢侈冰淇淋品牌的广告语而已,但对于其创始人鲁本·马特斯(Reuben Mattus),这是一个饱含深情但来不及实现的承诺,与一场发生在丹麦的邂逅有关。
耐克Nike牢牢的掌握住了目标市场的脉动–青春、性格及挑战现实的青少年所有的Nike产品都特别彰显它的「钩形」品牌标志同时发展出「Just Do It」传播主题伴随着「以你的方式去赢」的广告口号由世界顶尖的运动巨星代言背书很快地就掳获了全球青少年的心。
迅速成为体育用品的第一品牌. 锐步锐步被收购后重新定位成一个强调个人的高档运动品牌现在的广告语是YOUR MOVE由你做主过去最经典的广告语之一就是I am what I am我就是我尤其突出个性。
阿洗锼拱⒌献艿墓愀婧诵奈 谱舏mpossible is nothing阿迪将自己定位于―团队体育‖品牌全民健身运动系列的高档专业的运动产品。
卡帕令人难忘的广告语―He who loves me follows me‖使Kappa的品牌形象不断得以提升。
李维斯广告语包括‖stay true.保持真我‖和‖不同的酷相同的裤‖要从一个有责任心的成功企业变为―休闲服装的权威‖。
哈根达斯广告语有―爱他她就请他她吃哈根达斯‖ 产品定位是追求高贵的消费心态的群体哈根达斯走的是情感路线。
agen- Dazs had a girlfriend who was finally his wife. At first, the girl’s parents didn’t Haallow their daughter to marry Haagen-Dazs. They deceived him by the girl’s death.A friend convey the news and said that the girl couldn’t forgot the milk ice cream from Haagen-Dazs. In order to memory her ,Haagen-Dazs collected the best fruits and used the best stone material to make the milk ice cream everyday,and watched it melting helplessly , just like the girl enjoying it in the heaven. One day, a couple quarreled in Haagen-Dazs’ store. The girl was so angry that she ate the milk ice milk that on the table at one go. From the on, Haagen-Dazs was famous for his ice cream. Because Haagen-dazs’ ice cream is limited saled, there were so many couples lined up for it early in the morning to buy the delicious ice milk to their lover. Finally, Haagen-Dazs got a call from the girl who was thought be dead. The girl said that she still loved him and missed him every day after he left. They got married and run Haagen-Dazs ice creams, developing the immortality of coffee, vanilla, etc. If you love her, take her to Haagen-Dazs.
爱她 就请她吃哈根达斯
• 3、细节和情感融为一体 • 每一处细节尽显爱意,哈根达斯深知蕴涵在冰淇淋其中 的情感意味。自 1921 年在美国纽约布朗克斯市诞生之初, 哈根达斯便被赋予了罗曼蒂克的情感元素。来自马达加斯加 的香草代表着无尽的思念和爱慕,比利时纯正香浓的巧克力 象征热恋中的甜蜜和力量,波兰亮红色的草莓代表着嫉妒与 考验,来自巴西的咖啡则是幽默与宠爱的化身。这些取自世 界各地的顶级原料,拥有着哈根达斯近百年来忠贞不渝的热 爱,结合了卓越的工艺和不朽的情感,独创出各种别具风情 的浪漫甜品,让唇齿间细腻香滑的味道,营造出恒久的爱的 回味。
• •
5、高质量和近乎苛求的检测程序 哈根达斯迷你杯重106克,同样大小的其他品牌大约 只有60克左右。这也就是说,哈根达斯冰淇淋含有更多的 鲜奶和奶油,而其他品牌含有更多的空气。哈根达斯绝无 仅有的用电子显微镜检测的冰晶,39μ的大小远远小于舌 头所能感觉的颗粒大小。所以她的细腻程度,连最挑剔的 舌尖也要叹服。
爱她 就请她吃?
• 哈根达斯是一个叫鲁本.马塔斯的波兰人, 靠销售水果冰起家,积累了自己的第一桶 金。在其他冰品制造商以降低产品价格进 行竞争时,例如在冰品中加入安定剂、防 腐剂及增加空气含量的同时,马塔斯决心 制造最好的冰淇淋,而坚持使用纯净、最 天然的原料。马塔斯为他的冰淇淋取了一 个丹麦名字-Haagen-Dazs,他认为这个斯 堪地维尼亚的名字可以唤起人们对新鲜、 天然、健康及高品质的追求。
“新鲜”、“纯粹”、“浓郁”和“幼滑”是极品冰 淇淋的关键,它们分别由“新鲜牛奶”、“纯粹配料”、 “空气含量”和“冰晶大小”决定。新鲜和纯粹自不必解 释,空气越少和冰晶越小,冰淇淋就越浓郁越幼滑,品质 就越好。不同品质的冰淇淋差别非常大。 • 6、永远的四种天然成分 • 纯粹经常是奢华的最高境界,哈根达斯冰淇淋的基础 配方永远只有4种天然成分:脱脂鲜奶、鲜奶油、鲜蛋黄 和糖。其它品牌常用的黄油、淀粉、食用香精、乳化剂、 稳定剂、水果糖浆、增稠剂等材料根本进不了哈根达斯的 配料表。这种天然的纯粹,使得哈根达斯在独有超卓味道 •
冰激凌---哈根达斯、DQ、八喜、ColdStone 哈根达斯 DQ 八喜 Cold Stone1.哈根达斯(H?agen-Dazs):哈根达斯是风靡全球的冰淇淋品牌,1921年由鲁本.马特斯创建于纽约。
它的广告做的很好,“爱她就请她吃哈根达斯”,很浪漫的那种,当然也很好吃,就是有些贵了,一个球的冰淇淋要38块钱,有冰淇淋火锅的套餐,大概230左右2. DQ:是Dairy Queen的首字母缩写,1940年夏天开第一家冰淇淋店在美国伊利诺伊州的乔利埃特开业,迄今为止,已在25个国家,开了近8000家连锁店。
它提供Dairy Queen冰淇淋、Orange Julius 鲜果露、Karmelkom爆米花等休闲食品,是世界销量第一的软冰淇淋专家和全球连锁快餐业巨头之一。
4.Cold Stone 是一家冰淇淋连锁店。
在美国已经有1500多家门店,发展很快,是Susan and Donald 在一个沙漠里开的第一家COLD STONE.CS的特色就是炒冰淇淋,它颠覆了传统冰淇淋的制作方法,顾客挑选好冰淇淋基底,在里面拌入各种你喜欢的配料,如:巧克力、新鲜水果、坚果、饼干、蛋糕等,然后在大理石台面上搅拌店员将球状的冰淇淋用小铲压扁、搅拌、翻转,再将多种配料糅合在冰淇淋中,折叠、挤压、炒,就可以制造出属于你自己的冰淇淋,这个过程类似于调酒师调酒的过程,可以有很多花哨的表演,给人特别热情的感觉,氛围特别轻松.主要是让顾客体验极至的冰淇淋的快乐。
创造潜在消费者 (机场) 客户关系管理 (VIP卡) 本土化策略 (哈根达斯月饼、粽子、火锅)
产品包括雪糕、雪糕条、雪葩及冰冻奶酪等。 以纯天然的原材料制造,进入中国的所有产品都是从 美国空运过来的,冰淇淋的包装盒是在法国印刷制作 的,所有的冰淇淋都是包装好再运到中国来的,以全 球统一的新鲜、天然的口感
一天,马特斯和几位从事冰淇淋业的朋友一起去商店 买东西。当时天气很热,有几个穷孩子在商店门口买 冰淇淋吃。这时,门口又有一对衣冠楚楚的富人夫妇 走过。男人提议说:“买两份冰淇淋吧!”女人的脸 上刚出现一种赞同的神情,但是她看了看那几个正津 津有味地吃着冰淇淋的穷孩子之后,马上改变了主意, 说了句“算了”,就继续往前走了。许多看到这一幕 的人都很不平,马特斯的朋友气愤地说:“怎么会有 这种人,穷人在吃,她就不要吃了?难道你还想有人为 你们富人专门生产一种冰淇淋?”说者无心,听者有 意,马特斯立即闪出一个灵感来:这个市场缺少了一 种象征高贵与时尚的冰淇淋!
1996年,哈根达斯登陆中国大陆,上海首家冰淇淋甜品屋开业,风靡一 时。 1997年,哈根达斯登陆菲律宾和巴西。 1998年,哈根达斯在北京隆重登场,上海淮海路旗舰店大放异彩。 2000年,随着广州第一家分店开幕,哈根达斯正式进军华南市场。 2001年,哈根达斯成为美国通用磨坊旗下品牌。 2004年,哈根达斯扩张至宁波,苏州,南京等地;上海,广州,北京多家新 店揭幕;哈根达斯在中国专卖店达到四十多家,甜蜜气息迅速蔓延。 2005年,哈根达斯专卖店在成都,青岛,常州闪亮登场 2006年,哈根达斯甜蜜气息迅速蔓延,风靡全国十多个城市,时尚生活 全新体验。 2007年,占据4层楼面,气势恢宏、极富创意的全球旗舰店落户巴黎 香榭丽舍大街。 今天,哈根达斯已在全国的二十多个城市,开启100多家专卖店。
”4.“爱她就请她吃哈根达斯”if you love her, take her to h?agen-dazs.h?agen-dazs's ice cream is made with the world's finest natural ingredients: madagascar vanilla, brazilian coffee, hawaiian nuts, oregon strawberries, belgium chocolate, swiss almonds... and they come out with one fine flavor after ano 之前你所述的广告都太“伪”,做广告的真谛是直接给指定客户群体一个很强的心理映射!广告做得好不好,是否能够达到非常好的效果就看你是否触动了“对应客户群”的心弦!这里说的“指定客户”指产品直接对应的客户群,并不是说所有人。
下面是店铺带来关于经典西式餐厅广告词的内容,希望能让大家有所收获!经典西式餐厅广告词优秀1. Ham’s Restaurant A good time(火腿餐厅,一个美好时光)2. America Runs On Dunkin(美国的一天从唐恩都乐开始)唐恩都乐快餐连锁品牌3. Buy a bucket of chicken and have a barrel of fun(有了肯德基生活好滋味)4. Casa Rico We’re better… We’re fresher… We’re tastier!(我们更优质、我们更新鲜、我们更美味)5. Chili’s Grill & Bar Like no place else(不同于其他)6. Domino’s The Pizza Delivery Expe rts(多米诺披萨,披萨专家)7. Sir Walter Raleigh Good food Good cheer Good times(好食物、好心情、好时光)8. Summer Shack Food is Love(美食就是爱情)9. Sveden House Food for the Entire Family!(全家的美食)10. Thai Orchid The Place To Be For Thai Food!(泰国菜的地方)11. The Plum Tomato “Food so good… it’s addictive!”(好食物,会上瘾)12. Your Mom Wants You T o Eat At Jimmy John’s!(你妈妈要你在Jimmy John’s就餐)13. 麦当劳:"你理应休息一天。
"14. Arby's, quick-service restaurant Now That Your Tastes Have Grown(现在,你的口味已经长大了!)15. A & W All American Food(所有美国的美食)经典西式餐厅广告词简短1. Think outside the bun -Taco Bell想起小面点的外层2. Here at 经典西式餐厅广告词TW The Whole Wide World in your dish 在这里经典西式餐厅广告词TW整个世界都是你的菜3. Your taste is our taste 您的口味是我们的追求4. Tasty eats from everywhere吃遍来自世界各地的美食5. Just the right place for taste buddies! 拿捏到位的口味死党6. "L'émotion au bout des papilles" “情感在味蕾终结”7. "Le savoir-vivre est une question de goût" 礼貌是口味的问题8. la gastronomie a l'état pure des sensation a l'état brut 美食是纯感觉的原始状态9. vous avez eu le bon goût de venir ,a nous de vous faire revenir 你有过的好味道,由我们来送还给你10. nos étoiles c'est vous 我们的明星就是你经典西式餐厅广告词精选1. Carl's Jr Slogans: little place BIG TASTE卡尔(小地方。
Haagen-Daz By Sindy
1 Being a luxury in China 2 Haagen - Dazs in China's higher - end route, select only open up shop in a busy section of the big city
• 爱她,就带她去哈根 达斯 • If you love her,take her to Haagen-Dazs.
vanilla from Madagascar, cocoa from Belgium and milk and cream ingredients from Europe.
All kinds of products
Nowadays, its products throughout the United States and South- east Asia, selling the best in 44 countries. Stores throughout New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and other places, with annual sales 年 度销售量 of more than 1 billion US dollars. Häagen-Dazs becomes one of the world's most popular ice cream brand.
英语广告翻译2班 By 元芳蕾 朱怡 张梦可
哈根达斯冰激凌1921年诞生于纽约布朗克斯市的一 个家庭。二十世纪五十年代,由于冷冻技术和科 技的发展而导致很多冰激凌制造商在产品中加入 更多的空气,稳定剂和防腐剂以延长产品的保质 期限和降低经营成本。因而使冰激凌的质量大不 如前,鲁本· 马特斯当时便立下宏愿要生产纯天然 的,高质量,风味绝佳的冰激凌产品,让世人享 受真正高品质的冰激凌美味。
Thank you
时至今日,在世界各地,哈根达斯已成为高档冰激凌的标志。自哈 根达斯在大中华区的第一家店于1984年在香港落户后,经过26 年的发展, 目前已在大陆、台湾、香港拥有百余家专卖店。在大中华区,所有销售 的哈根达斯冰激凌产品100%由法国进口。 哈根达斯的名称很欧洲化,但其实并不来自欧洲,只是由两个合成的 字所组成,它甚至在北欧没有任何分店。其创办人则是来自波兰的欧洲 移民。哈根达斯的品牌于现由通用磨坊持有。在美国和加拿大,产品为 雀巢旗下品牌。哈根达斯通过独特的营销策略,在中国已经成为了顶级 冰激凌品牌,月饼冰激凌口味深入人心——甚至成为某种生活标志,哪 一个小资不知道它的大名呢。高端的消费阶层固然是它的忠实顾客;中 低端的消费者也被它所吸引,一旦有了闲钱,也会奢侈一把。哈根达斯 在已经成熟的冰激凌市场取得了高档次消费者的认可与欢迎,其“奢侈 品”营销手段成为业内经典案例。
哈根达斯的冰激凌有多种不同味道,亦被称为“超级品 牌”,因为其冰激凌密度较高,在生产时混合的空气比较 少,亦有较高的牛油脂肪。 如今,不仅在全美,在全球都是极受欢迎的品牌。无论 在那里,一提到“哈根达斯”,人们就会想起极其美味诱 人的冰激凌,在中国也是如此,她似乎更象是优质生活和 品味的象征。 哈根达斯提倡"尽情尽享,尽善尽美"的生活方式,鼓励 人们追求高品质的生活享受。在提供冰激凌的同时,哈根 达斯非常注重营造一种氛围,使品尝哈根达斯冰激凌成为 一种难忘的体验.。这也就是“哈根达斯一刻”。其著名 的广告词“爱她,就带她去哈根达斯”可以说是家喻户晓。
1. 哈根达斯,那简直是冰淇淋中的爱马仕啊!就像你对最爱的人的感情一样,独一无二!你想想,当你咬下那一口哈根达斯,细腻的口感,浓郁的味道,是不是感觉幸福都要溢出来了?
2. 哇塞,哈根达斯呀,那可是甜蜜的魔法棒!好比在炎热的夏天突然吹来了一阵凉爽的风,让你瞬间清爽愉悦!你还不赶紧去尝尝?
3. 哈根达斯,这不是一般的冰淇淋哦!它就像是生活中的小惊喜,给你带来意想不到的快乐!难道你不想体验一下这种快乐吗?
4. 嘿,哈根达斯哟,那是能让你心情瞬间变好的神器呀!就如同久别重逢的好友给你一个大大的拥抱,温暖又满足!你不打算去拥抱这份美好吗?
5. 哈根达斯,绝对是冰淇淋界的明星呀!像璀璨的星星在夜空中闪耀,让人忍不住去仰望!你难道不想仰望一下这份美味吗?
6. 哎呀呀,哈根达斯啊,那可是舌尖上的享受!好比一场浪漫的音乐会,让你的味蕾尽情舞动!还等什么呢,赶紧去感受呀!
7. 哈根达斯,是能让你陶醉其中的美味呀!就像沉浸在一本精彩的小说里,无法自拔!你不想沉浸在这美味里吗?
8. 哇哦,哈根达斯呢,简直是甜蜜的漩涡!仿佛把你卷入一个满是幸福的世界!你还不快点跳进去?
9. 哈根达斯,那是能点亮你生活的火炬呀!像黑暗中的一束光,给你希望和快乐!你还不抓住这束光吗?
10. 哈根达斯呀,无疑是冰淇淋的王者呀!如同站在巅峰的强者,让人敬仰!你难道不想去朝拜一下这位王者吗?
下面是小编带来哈根达斯英文广告语,欢迎阅读!哈根达斯经典英文版广告☆ the original ad such as: "delicious Haagen Dazs, like gold in the 24K gold, Kobe beef in Japan, especially the original palm oil, ordinary mushroom truffle, Chinese ceramics, Africa Simon ... ... is the 'ice cream field' in the best for.☆ "New York Times" to give domineering ad: "cars have Rolls Royce, ice cream with Haagen Dazs."☆ warm words of the ad, such as: "always inadvertently, to bring you the most meticulous care."☆ and "love her, please her to eat Haagen Dazs" this classic sensational ad is to attract countless couples to become Haagen-Dazs regulars.20xx year-end, Haagen-Dazs "reunion" series of ice cream in people looking forward to reunion, sharing a year of harvest hard time added a sweet memories. As is the very sensational "reunion" series of ice cream ad:Haagen-Dazs always need you when you need to send a most intimate care, this is no exception. "Heart" series of Haagen-Dazs has always uphold the brand and creative style: make the United States taste, more beautiful implication, presented to focus on the quality of life has always been you. (Haagen-Dazs slogan)You will be deeply loved by it; dressed in plain green tea, you will for this elegant and portrait ... ... at this moment, you will lovethe fruit, You will understand that the sweetness of ice cream and tea fragrance can be so perfect combination. "" Matcha ", like a beautiful green memory, in all the past days," Green Tea "ice cream gives that an indelible Graceful sweet.If you love her, take her to H? Agen-Dazs.Haagen-Dazs always need you when you need to send a most intimate care, this is no exception. "Heart" series of Haagen-Dazs has always uphold the brand and creative style: make the United States taste, more beautiful implication, presented to focus on the quality of life has always been you.哈根达斯英文广告赏析Some people say that Haagen-Dazs may be the most selling concept of ice cream brand, it is expensive because of love. It is because of its expensive to meet a lot of petty bourgeoisie and vain psychological. For many people, it is the pursuit of high quality of life to enjoy the symbol, coupled with its "pure natural raw materials processing" and "high quality", making it the ice cream market high-end brand.As Haagen-Dazs in China's positioning is the high-end brand of ice cream market, the target customers locked in urban white-collar workers, have a certain economic base, the pursuit of high quality of life of the crowd, therefore decided to print advertising mainly in the form of the main.Because television advertising coverage is too broad and too loose, and print ads more targeted than television ads. Color sense, a strong sense of quality print ads can more easily lock the appropriate consumer groups.Haagen-Dazs advertising around the theme of the appeal: "had a 'enjoy, perfect' life." Haagen-Dazs advertising is an important concept - romantic emotions, it hopes to pass to people's information is: we do not just a cold drink, but also away of life, a romantic expression. So that "Haagen Dazs moment" feeling from the lips and teeth of the sublimation of the soul of the most wonderful experience. Haagen-Dazs most famous one slogan is: "love her, ask her to eat Haagen-Dazs." This will be the sweet taste and love the perfect combination of slogans, like "love buzzwords" the sameQuickly in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities spread. For a time, Haagen-Dazs ice cream has become a fashion crowd rush urban fashion food, Haagen Dazs around the "love" spared the article - it sells not only ice cream, but "sweet moment" is a symbol of romanceExperience.Second, reasonable ingredientsHaagen Dazs print ads to fine screen shows its advertising audience is mainly in the income pyramid peak, the pursuit of fashion, young consumers. It will target their own customer base in those who focus on sensory enjoyment, pay attention to taste, romantic and wealthy young consumers. Such consumers are mainly divided into two categories: First, the family rich, food and clothing worry-free young people, people of this age do not have family burden, A family, they live independently, holding a generous salary, this age is the cause of life into the peak of the stage, there is the pursuit of utilitarian psychology. These two types of consumer groups have two common characteristics of consumption, one that is the most expensive the best, most able to show their grade. Especially in the same kind of human comparisons, this high consumption is increasingly showing a growing momentum. Second, the pursuit of exquisite, and perfect. The Haagen Dazs print ads show the information: love yourself, let yourself get the full emotional and spiritual enjoyment. This is to cater to the crowd of consumer psychologyand leisure to enjoy the way of life - in the process of consumption into a happy feeling.Haagen Dazs most of the print ads cleverly conceived, creative unique, to show people a sense of ice cream with the past completely different ice cream products, causing great interest. Haagen-Dazs print ads just fit the brand in the hearts of young people is a symbol of romance and natural, noble, refined quality of this psychological. Love in the young people are eager to a romantic experience, and for the young white - collar family, are in the pursuit of quality of life of natural, outstanding. Inspired by the brand, the narcissistic men and women petty bourgeoisie, the first love of the boys and girls, or love of men and women, are invariably to Haagen Dazs. Ice cream contains the meaning of emotion, surrounded by the feeling of being loved, just as in the clouds that sweet, dreamy, quiet enjoyment.Haagen-Dazs ads in addition to emphasizing their emotional appeal, there are special highlight it exquisite quality of the ad. This series of ads, the different flavors of ice cream ball and its corresponding raw materials in a print ad show, fine picture directly shows that each of its raw materials are carefully selected. Advertising creative point is: each Haagen-Dazs are the best quality, each product has a story behind. Consumers not only taste of ice cream, as well as Haagen-Dazs exquisite culture.Third, unreasonable ingredientsHaagen-Dazs ads are mainly print ads, the reason is mainly to be more targeted. But now with the development of the Internet age, the power of the network can not be ignored. When searching for Haagen-Dazs ads online, only a small amount of print ads and one or two video ads can be found. Although Haagen-Dazs ads are exquisite, but the number is very small. Andmost of its advertising products appear in the image of Hagen Dazs iconic ice cream box, there will be no specific image of the ice cream. Although this can enhance the public recognition of the Haagen-Dazs logo, but it is very unique and beautifully produced image of the product has not been reflected, but also a shortcoming.The latest Hagadas ad, invited from the good voice of China out of the star Jake Jun Yi endorsement, likeTo use its chocolate color for Haagen Dazs chocolate flavors of ice cream for the endorsement, but the whole screen color is very bleak, and chocolate color skin, chocolate color clothes, chocolate color sofa, and a chocolate ice cream, the whole to People feel the lack of sense of screen and realism, but not the original Haggadas should be "aristocratic", I think this is the failure of a comparison of advertising.哈根达斯英文广告文案Advertising theme (slogan) Haagen-Dazs, the witness of love Haagen-Dazs, accompanied by a lifetime of television advertising ----Scenario One Christmas night, the streets crowded, Santa Claus is busy distributing gifts, a pair of couples walking hand in hand, the children play around to catch up, a pair of white-haired old couple, mutual arm on the road. (Music Ten Ringo Bells Ringtone)Scenario II.Handsome boy kneeling on one knee, holding a bunch of Haagen Dazs made of roses, bouquets in the center of a ring, the girls surprised, moved to look at him. Boy: Honey, marry me!Girl (moving): I am willing. Boys to girls with a ring, and then the two hugged affectionately. Around the outbreak of warmapplause, that the old couple also laugh. Scenario two time back to the 70's in the United States, in Haagen-Dazs retail store door. "Hello, give me an ice cream" male and female uttered, they look at each other at the same time. Boys wearing a dark coat, girls wearing a pair of twisted braids.Waiter (slightly apologetic, smiling) said: I am sorry, ice cream only one, you can choose other flavors. Boys and girls said: This to you.Girl (shy to say):Thank you! The boys selected another variety of ice cream, the two go back together.Scenes three. Christmas night (music ringing bells) boys kneel in front of girls, hands holding ice cream (shy): Xiaoyun, marry me!Girls (shy, cheeks flush): I am willing! Boys hold up the hands of girls, for her to wear rings. Scenario four grandfather pretend very casual to the grandmother's hand stuffed a box of Haagen-Dazs, grandmother looked up at him. Grandfather (looked up elsewhere): buy grandchildren to grandson to eat (with a smile): I know. Grandmother, grandfather mutual arm to leave.The banner appears:Haagen-Dazs, the witness of loveHaagen-Dazs, the witness of lovePrint ads: Haagen Dazs, accompanied by a lifetime of thanks to watch!Haagen Dazs love witness * Nestle: Advantages: and road snow more similar to invest heavily in the construction of modern ice cream production line, the brand design and light blue road and snow distinction between the product packaging design and road snow more beautiful. Disadvantages: As a foreign brand-name products, and Nestle and snow, as the directface of zero-batch, and even retailers marketing ideas, so that these foreign brand-name ice cream company's business is like a store.。
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10、哈根达斯,爱情可以如此清爽( )
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下面是小编带来哈根达斯英文广告语,欢迎阅读!哈根达斯经典英文版广告☆the original ad such as: delicious Haagen Dazs, like gold in the 24K gold, Kobe beef in Japan, especially the original palm oil, ordinary mushroom truffle, Chinese ceramics, Africa Simon ... ... is the ice cream field in the best for.☆New York Times to give domineering ad: cars have Rolls Royce, ice cream with Haagen Dazs.☆warm words of the ad, such as: always inadvertently, to bring you the most meticulous care.☆and love her, please her to eat Haagen Dazs this classic sensational ad is to attract countless couples to become Haagen-Dazs regulars.2000 year-end, Haagen-Dazs reunion series of ice cream in people looking forward to reunion, sharing a year of harvest hard time added a sweet memories. As is the very sensationalreunion series of ice cream ad:Haagen-Dazs always need you when you need to send a most intimate care, this is no exception. Heart series of Haagen-Dazs has always uphold the brand and creative style: make the United States taste, more beautiful implication, presented to focus on the quality of life has always been you. (Haagen-Dazs slogan)You will be deeply loved by it; dressed in plain green tea, you will for this elegant and portrait ... ... at this moment, you will love the fruit, You will understand that the sweetness of ice cream and tea fragrance can be so perfect combination. Matcha , like a beautiful green memory, in all the past days, Green Tea ice cream gives that an indelible Graceful sweet.If you love her, take her to H? Agen-Dazs.Haagen-Dazs always need you when you need to send a most intimate care, this is no exception. Heart series of Haagen-Dazs has always uphold the brand and creative style: make the United States taste, more beautiful implication, presented to focus on the quality of life has always been you.哈根达斯英文广告赏析Some people say that Haagen-Dazs may be the most selling concept of ice cream brand, it is expensive because of love. It is because of itsexpensive to meet a lot of petty bourgeoisie and vain psychological. For many people, it is the pursuit of high quality of life to enjoy the symbol, coupled with its pure natural raw materials processing and high quality, making it the ice cream market high-end brand.As Haagen-Dazs in Chinas positioning is the high-end brand of ice cream market, the target customers locked in urban white-collar workers, have a certain economic base, the pursuit of high quality of life of the crowd, therefore decided to print advertising mainly in the form of the main.Because television advertising coverage is too broad and too loose, and print ads more targeted than television ads. Color sense, a strong sense of quality print ads can more easily lock the appropriate consumer groups.Haagen-Dazs advertising around the theme of the appeal: had a enjoy, perfect life. Haagen-Dazs advertising is an important concept - romantic emotions, it hopes to pass to peoples information is: we do not just a cold drink, but also a way of life, a romantic expression. So that Haagen Dazs moment feeling from the lips and teeth of the sublimation of the soul of the most wonderful experience. Haagen-Dazs most famous one slogan is: love her, ask her to eat Haagen-Dazs.This will be the sweet taste and love the perfect combination of slogans, like love buzzwords the sameQuickly in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities spread. For a time, Haagen-Dazs ice cream has become a fashion crowd rush urban fashion food, Haagen Dazs around the love spared the article - it sells not only ice cream, but sweet moment is a symbol of romanceExperience.Second, reasonable ingredientsHaagen Dazs print ads to fine screen shows its advertising audience is mainly in the income pyramid peak, the pursuit of fashion, young consumers. It will target their own customer base in those who focus on sensory enjoyment, pay attention to taste, romantic and wealthy young consumers. Such consumers are mainly divided into two categories: First, the family rich, food and clothing worry-free young people, people of this age do not have family burden, A family, they live independently, holding a generous salary, this age is the cause of life into the peak of the stage, there is the pursuit of utilitarian psychology. These two types of consumer groups have two common characteristics of consumption, one that is the most expensive the best, most able to show their grade. Especially in the same kind of human comparisons, this highconsumption is increasingly showing a growing momentum. Second, the pursuit of exquisite, and perfect. The Haagen Dazs print ads show the information: love yourself, let yourself get the full emotional and spiritual enjoyment. This is to cater to the crowd of consumer psychology and leisure to enjoy the way of life - in the process of consumption into a happy feeling.Haagen Dazs most of the print ads cleverly conceived, creative unique, to show people a sense of ice cream with the past completely different ice cream products, causing great interest. Haagen-Dazs print ads just fit the brand in the hearts of young people is a symbol of romance and natural, noble, refined quality of this psychological. Love in the young people are eager to a romantic experience, and for the young white - collar family, are in the pursuit of quality of life of natural, outstanding. Inspired by the brand, the narcissistic men and women petty bourgeoisie, the first love of the boys and girls, or love of men and women, are invariably to Haagen Dazs. Ice cream contains the meaning of emotion, surrounded by the feeling of being loved, just as in the clouds that sweet, dreamy, quiet enjoyment.Haagen-Dazs ads in addition to emphasizing theiremotional appeal, there are special highlight it exquisite quality of the ad. This series of ads, the different flavors of ice cream ball and its corresponding raw materials in a print ad show, fine picture directly shows that each of its raw materials are carefully selected. Advertising creative point is: each Haagen-Dazs are the best quality, each product has a story behind. Consumers not only taste of ice cream, as well as Haagen-Dazs exquisite culture.Third, unreasonable ingredientsHaagen-Dazs ads are mainly print ads, the reason is mainly to be more targeted. But now with the development of the Internet age, the power of the network can not be ignored. When searching for Haagen-Dazs ads online, only a small amount of print ads and one or two video ads can be found. Although Haagen-Dazs ads are exquisite, but the number is very small. And most of its advertising products appear in the image of Hagen Dazs iconic ice cream box, there will be no specific image of the ice cream. Although this can enhance the public recognition of the Haagen-Dazs logo, but it is very unique and beautifully produced image of the product has not been reflected, but also a shortcoming.The latest Hagadas ad, invited from the good voice ofChina out of the star Jake Jun Yi endorsement, likeTo use its chocolate color for Haagen Dazs chocolate flavors of ice cream for the endorsement, but the whole screen color is very bleak, and chocolate color skin, chocolate color clothes, chocolate color sofa, and a chocolate ice cream, the whole to People feel the lack of sense of screen and realism, but not the original Haggadas should be aristocratic, I think this is the failure of a comparison of advertising.哈根达斯英文广告文案Advertising theme (slogan) Haagen-Dazs, the witness of love Haagen-Dazs, accompanied by a lifetime of television advertising ----Scenario One Christmas night, the streets crowded, Santa Claus is busy distributing gifts, a pair of couples walking hand in hand, the children play around to catch up, a pair of white-haired old couple, mutual arm on the road. (Music Ten Ringo Bells Ringtone)Scenario II.Handsome boy kneeling on one knee, holding a bunch of Haagen Dazs made of roses, bouquets in the center of a ring, the girls surprised, moved to look at him. Boy: Honey, marry me!Girl (moving): I am willing. Boys to girls with a ring, andthen the two hugged affectionately. Around the outbreak of warm applause, that the old couple also laugh. Scenario two time back to the 70s in the United States, in Haagen-Dazs retail store door. Hello, give me an ice cream male and female uttered, they look at each other at the same time. Boys wearing a dark coat, girls wearing a pair of twisted braids.Waiter (slightly apologetic, smiling) said: I am sorry, ice cream only one, you can choose other flavors. Boys and girls said: This to you.Girl (shy to say):Thank you! The boys selected another variety of ice cream, the two go back together.Scenes three. Christmas night (music ringing bells) boys kneel in front of girls, hands holding ice cream (shy): Xiaoyun, marry me!Girls (shy, cheeks flush): I am willing! Boys hold up the hands of girls, for her to wear rings. Scenario four grandfather pretend very casual to the grandmothers hand stuffed a box of Haagen-Dazs, grandmother looked up at him. Grandfather (looked up elsewhere): buy grandchildren to grandson to eat (with a smile): I know. Grandmother, grandfather mutual arm to leave.The banner appears:Haagen-Dazs, the witness of loveHaagen-Dazs, the witness of lovePrint ads: Haagen Dazs, accompanied by a lifetime of thanks to watch!Haagen Dazs love witness * Nestle: Advantages: and road snow more similar to invest heavily in the construction of modern ice cream production line, the brand design and light blue road and snow distinction between the product packaging design and road snow more beautiful. Disadvantages: As a foreign brand-name products, and Nestle and snow, as the direct face of zero-batch, and even retailers marketing ideas, so that these foreign brand-name ice cream companys business is like a store.。