Legal English 法律英语培训讲座课件PPT
AAA!Legal English PPT(双语)
![AAA!Legal English PPT(双语)](
冤假错案之呼格吉勒图案Wronged cases of Hugejiletu case案情简介:1996年4月9日,呼和浩特卷烟厂工人呼格吉勒图和工友闫峰向警方报案,在烟厂附近的公厕内发现一具下身赤裸的女尸。
Case Description:On April 9,1996, Hohhot cigarette factory worker Hugejiletu and his workmate Yan Feng and reported a crime to the police,found a lower body naked corpse of a woman in a public toilet near the factory.After 48 hours ,Huang Zhiming,the deputy director of Hohhot Public Security Bureau (PSB)in New City branch ,who was responsible for this criminal case ,and other investigators affirmed that ,Hugejiletu molested the deceased with choking the deceased‟s neck by hands caused her death .On May 23, 1996 , Hohhot Intermediate People's Court found Hugejiletu was guilty of hooliganism , intentional homicide and sentenced him to death.On June 5,Inner Mongolia High Court ,court of Second instance upheld the verdict , approved the death penalty .In early 2005, several cases of rape and murder tragedy occurred in series in Inner Mongolia Wulanchabu .Police concluded that all the cases were committed by the same person through authentication.On October 23 ,in that year , the suspect of series cases of rape , robbery, murder ,Zhao Zhihong was arrested.Zhao Zhihong voluntarily confessed the its first case of rape and murder committed in 1996 , the " April ninth case of dead woman".案件追问:一个10年前就已经被执行枪决,一个10年后才落入法网,两人均承认在呼和浩特市同一厕所内杀害了同一名女性,究竟谁才是真正的凶手?Case questioning:One had been executed by firing squad 10 years ago, another one arrested after 10 years, both two admitted killing the same woman in the same toilet in Hohhot, who on earth is the real murderer ?证据审查:1.作为定案依据的最有利证据:血样鉴定,存在着巨大的技术问题,据警方一位知情人士透露,呼格吉勒图与受害者的血型相同,均为O型。
法律英语pptLegal English in PracticeIntroduction:Legal English is a specialized form of language used in the legal profession. It includes specific terminology, expressions, and grammar structures that are unique to the field of law. This presentation will delve into the importance of legal English, its characteristics, and how it is applied in practice.Importance of Legal English:1. Clarity and precision: Legal documents and contracts must be written with utmost clarity and precision to avoid misinterpretation or ambiguity. Legal English ensures that each word and comma carries precise meaning.2. International scope: Legal English serves as a common language for legal professionals worldwide. It enables effective communication between lawyers and clients from different countries and legal systems.3. Understanding legal concepts: Legal English is vital for comprehending complex legal concepts and principles. Whetherit's studying case law or reading statutes, a strong grasp of legal English is essential for legal research and analysis. Characteristics of Legal English:1. Formality: Legal English is known for its formality, with an emphasis on objective and neutral language. It avoids personal opinions or emotions and presents information in an authoritativemanner.2. Technical language: Legal English incorporates specialized terminology and jargon specific to the legal profession. This language ensures precision and avoids ambiguity in legal discourse.3. Structure and style: Legal English uses specific structures and formats for legal documents, such as contracts, pleadings, and legal opinions. These formats have specific headings, subheadings, and numbering to ensure clarity and organization.Application of Legal English:1. Drafting legal documents: Legal English is used extensively in drafting contracts, agreements, and legal correspondence. It is crucial to use precise language and pay attention to detail to ensure legal documents are valid and enforceable.2. Courtroom proceedings: Legal English is spoken and written in courtrooms during trials, hearings, and legal arguments. Lawyers must effectively communicate their arguments, cross-examination, and present evidence to the judge and jury using legal English.3. International relations: Legal English facilitates legal negotiations and interactions between countries and international organizations. It is used in treaties, international agreements, and diplomatic communications.Conclusion:Legal English is a necessary skill for legal professionals as it enables effective communication, precision, and clarity in the fieldof law. Understanding the importance, characteristics, and applications of legal English is crucial for success in the legal profession.。
法律英语(Legal English)(第二版)法律出版社,2003年•北京何家弘Lesson One Legal System1. 公诉制度 public prosecution2. 普通法系 common law legal system3. 判例法case law4. 成文法(制定法) written law (statutory law)5. 遵从前例 stare decisis6. 判例汇编 reports7. 有约束力的法律解释binding interpretation8. 法学方法论 legal methodology9. 颁布•••为法律be decreed10. 巡回法官itinerant judges11. 英国皇家法院 English Royal Court12. 令状,法院令状writ13. 诉讼请求的强制执行 enforcement of a claim14. 追诉权 recourse15. 牛津条例Provision of Oxford16. 本案令状writ upon the case17. 诉讼行为forms of action18. 衡平法 equity law19. 公平且善良 ex aequo bono20. 特定履行(实际履行)方式之救济relief in the form of specific performance21. 大法官法院 Court of Chancery22. 补偿性损害赔偿金 compensatory damages23. 强制令the injunction24. 衡平法准则 maxims of equity law25. 法律概念 legal concept26. 不动产real property/ real estate/ immovable property/ realty27. 民事诉讼 civil suit28. 衡平法院 Chancery Court29. 财产法上的所有权分割 division of title in the law of property30. 先例 precedents31. 普通法系the Common Law Legal Family/ the English Law Legal Family/ the English-American Law Legal Family32. 大陆法系 the Roman Law Legal Family/ the Civil Law Legal Family/ the Continental Law Legal Family33. 五月花号公约the Mayflower Compact34. 制宪会议 the Constitutional ConventionLesson Two Legal Profession1. 法律职业/律师职业 the bar法官职业 the bench2. 律师协会 The Bar Association3. (律师)执业 practice law4. 执业律师 practicing lawyer5. 出庭辩护/代理诉讼 advocacy6. 法律咨询 counseling7. 法律文件的起草 drafting of legal instruments8. 法律文件 legal instruments9. 单独执业者single/individual practitioner10. 合伙关系 partnership11. 薪水律师 salaried lawyer12. 律师业务 law practice13. 专职法律顾问 house counsel/corporate counsel(公司或团体法律顾问)14.辩护人/律师 advocate15. 私人开业 private practice16. 州检察官/律师 state prosecutor/state attorney17. 地区检察官/律师 district attorney18. 起诉检察官/公诉律师 prosecuting attorney19. 检察系统prosecutorial system20. 联邦检察官 federal prosecutor21. 地方检察官 local prosecutor22. 助理检察官 assistant prosecutor23. 检察行业prosecutorial profession24. 个人尊严 the integrity of the individual25. 机会均等equality of opportunity26. 职业道德规范 ethics codes27. 听证会hearings28. 社区法律服务community legal services29. 单人开业 solo practice30. 律师/法律工作者(美国)attorney/attorney-at-law/counsellor/counsellor-at-law31. 律师(英国)barrister/solicitorLesson Three Legal Education1. 法律博士 Juris Doctor(JD)我国现称“法律硕士”并有新名“Juris Master(JM)2. 法学硕士 Master of Laws(LLM)3. 法学博士 Doctor of Juridical Science(SJD)4. 法律文书写作 legal writing5. 批评性思维 critical thinking6. 案例教学法 case method7. 苏格拉底式教学法 socratic method8. 讲演式教学法lecture method9. 美国律师协会认可的法学院 ABA accredited law schools10. 案情摘要briefs11. 模拟法庭 moot court12. 模拟审判 mock trial13. 课程指南 curriculum guide14. 刑事司法 criminal justice15. 自由资本主义laissez faire/lesei’ feə/Lesson Four Judicial System1. 联邦法院federal courts2. 联邦法院的组成:联邦最高法院the Supreme Court13个联邦上诉法院 Courts of Appeals95个联邦地区法院 District Courts此外还有:索赔法院 the Court of Claims关税法院 the Customs Court关税及专利上诉法院the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals等联邦特别法院 special courts3. 各州法院系统一般包括三级法院:基层法院多称为审判法院 Trial Court或巡回法院 Circuit Court中级法院多称为上诉法院 Appellate Court or Court of Appeals高级法院多称为最高法院 Supreme Court许多州也有一些专门法院:遗嘱检验法院 Probate Court青少年法院 Juvenile Court家庭关系法院 Court of Domestic Relations小额索赔法院 Small Claims Court4.联邦和州最高法院法官称为大法官 Justice上诉法院和审判法院的法官则称为法官 Judge有些基层法院的审判人员还称为治安法官 Justice of the Peace或司法官 Magistrate5. 美国联邦最高法院首席大法官 Chief Justice其他8人称大法官 Associate Justice6. 巡回法官Circuit Judge7. 合议庭Collegiate Panel/Collegiate Bench8. 诉讼当事人 litigant9. 司法管辖区 judicial district10. 案件数量caseload11. 联邦巡回法院 the Federal Circuit12. 复审案件 review a case13. 复查判决 review a decision14. 特别法庭 tribunals15. 死刑 capital punishment/death penalty16. 调案复审令writ of certiorari17. 具有开业律师资格be admitted to practice law18. 职业法官 career judiciary19. 民众选举 popular vote20. 现任法官 sitting judges21. 严重不端行为 gross misconduct22. 正式诉讼 formal proceedings23. 负民事责任incur civil liability24. 美国律师协会的“法官行为准则”The American Bar Association’s Code of Judical Conduct25. 私人开业律师 private practitioner26. 重罪felony27. 轻罪misdemeaner28. 审查案件的事实并作出判决 review the facts of a case and render a disposition29. 终审法院 court of last resort30. 司法巡回区judicial circuit31. 保释金 bond32. 预审听证 preliminary hearings33. 杀人 homicide34. 强奸 sexual assault35. 累犯 repeat offenders36. 惯犯 habitual offenders37. 驳回上诉 deny the petition for appeals38. 发回重审remand the case back to the lower court for reconsideration39.行使广泛的自由裁量权 exercise wide discretion overLesson Five Constitution1. 法律分类 classification of law2. 普通法Common Law衡平法 Equity3. 实体法 substantive law程序法 procedural law4. 公法public law私法private law5. 联邦条例 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union(1977年,美国联邦会议通过,美国最早的宪法性法律文件)6. 宪法修正条款amendments7. 人权法案 the Bill of Rights(美国1787宪法前十条修正条款的合称)8. 宪法至上原则 doctrine of constitution supremacy9. 基本法 fundamental law10. 通过投票选举来表示其意思 express their will through the ballot box11. 严重不法行为 extreme misconduct12. 渎职行为 malfeasance13. 弹劾程序 process of impeachment14. 第二条第四款 article II, section415. 弹劾案 bill of impreachment16. 众议院 House of Representatives17. 参议院 Senate18. 严厉措施 drastic measure19. 众议院司法委员会House Judiciary Committee20. 生效 enter into force21. 无效 have no force22. 司法解释 judicial interpretation23. 叁权分立 separation of powers24. 制衡原则 checks and balance25. 滥用职权 excesses26. 行政法令合条例 executive acts and regulations27. 马伯里诉麦迪逊案 case of Marbury vs Madison28. 司法审查原则the doctrine of judicial review29. 合宪性 constitutionality30. 酸度测试/严格检验 acid test31. 否决 veto32. 特赦grant pardons for33. 拨款 appropriate funds for34. (法规、条约等的)序言、导言preamble35. 联邦条例 Articles of Confederation36. 权力的滥用 excessive power37. 英国普通法中的“自然正义原则”principles of “Natural Justice” under British Common Law。
VIII. Homework Topics for oral presentation: 1. American history 2. Development of common law 3. Emergence of equity law
Lesson 2 Legal Profession
V. What is characteristic of American legal system? The American legal system, like the English, is methodologically mainly a case law system. Case Law: law based on decisions made by judges in earlier cases.
Solicitors have direct contact with their clients. In most cases, barristers do not. In almost all cases, a client who needs the services of a barrister must go first to a solicitor, who will then instruct, or brief the barrister.
Many solicitors deal with a range of legal work, such as: litigation, commercial, conveyancing, employment, family, immigration, licensing, probate, etc.
法律英语课件 第一讲Legal English (2)
![法律英语课件 第一讲Legal English (2)](
我学英语仅仅是为了看电影看得爽一点。 (剑走偏锋的英文学习之路)
其实学英语就是一种态度,只要你敢说,老 外就敢懂。(这很重要)
For me, English just a tool of communication, so in my class you are free to ask any thing, I mean any thing, with one condition, which is in English.
The first lawyer replies,
“It’s the $100 I owe you.”
Confusing English 1. Sporting house 2. Dead president 3. Confidence man 4. Rest room 5. Dressing room 6. Horse sense 7. In ones birthday suit 8. An apple of love 9. Have a fit 10. Pull up ones socks
“You lawyers are so materialistic. You make me sick.” The officer snapped, “You are so upset about your stupid BMW, that you didn’t even notice that your left arm was ripped off in the accident.”
While this is going on, one of the lawyers jams something into the other lawyer’s hand. Without looking down, the second lawyer whispers, “What is this?”
Elements of criminal composition
Actus Reus
Mens Rea
The physical element of a crime, which refers to the voluntary act or omission that constitutes the criminal behavior.
• Incomplete crime and completed crime: Incomplete crime includes attempted crime, discontinued crime, and joint crime; completed crime refers to a crime that has been completed.
Motive and purpose
The motive refers to the inner reason that prompts the actor to commit the crime; the purpose refers to the actor's hope to achieve the result through the crime.
refer to the actual harm caused by the actor's criminal act to the protected social relationship.
Causal relationship
refers to the causal relationship between the actor's criminal act and the harmful consequences.
目 录
• Introduction to textbooks and teaching objectives
• Vocabulary and Phrase Analysis • Sentence structure and grammar points • Chapter Understanding and Translation
Teaching methods and means
Teaching methods: The course adopts a combination of teacherled lectures, group discussions, case studies, and practical exercises to encourage students' active participation and autonomous learning.
Teaching aids: The course utilizes multimedia teaching aids such as PPT presentations, videos, and audio materials to enhance students' understanding and interest in the subject matter.
Evaluation methods: The course adopts a comprehensive evaluation system that includes written tests, oral presentations, group projects, and practical exercises to assess students' knowledge, abilities, and attitudes towards legal English learning.
Syntactic discontinuities
If, after informing the supervisory authority concerned under subsection (3), any measures taken by the supervisory authority against the insurance undertaking are, in the opinion of the regulatory authority, not adequate and the undertaking continues to contravene this Act, the regulatory authority may, after informing the supervisory authority of its intention, apply to the High Court for such an order …
lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law’.
Archaic or rarely used words and expressions
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective representations, warranties, covenants and agreements set forth in this Agreement and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Frequent repetition of particular words,
Case introduction
Provide a brief overview of the case, including the parties involved, the main issues, and the background information. Ensure that the introduction is clear and engaging.
Expert knowledge
Lawyers must have a comprehensive understanding of the law and legal principles, as well as the ability to apply this knowledge to practical legal problems. They must keep up-todate with legal developments and changes in the law.
Summative assessments include written assignments, presentations, and exams at the end of eachledge of legal English
Legal English Vocabulary
course arrangement
Teaching methods
Lectures, discussions, case studies, and simulations are
used to illustrate legal concepts and practical applications.
Unit 1 Introduction to Law New Words: evict vt. 逐出 【法律】 vt. 没收 enforce vt. 强迫 【法律】 vt. 强制 conformity n. 一致 administrative a. 管理 therapeutic a. 治疗的 accusatory a. 非难的 marijuana n. 大麻 pretentious a. 自负的 litigation n. 诉讼
Functions of Law
(1)Maintaining Social Control While Facilitating Social Life (2) Protecting the Public Order (3) Resolving Disputes (4) Protecting the Status Quo (5) Facilitating Orderly Change
law consists of enforceable rules governing
relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.
This very broad definition of law implies the following:
5. Holmes, contended that law was a set of rules that allowed one to predict how a court would resolve a particular dispute: "The prophecies of what the courts will do in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by law.”
法律英语课件-legal English(2014)
![法律英语课件-legal English(2014)](
,其计算方法是根据选择的正确的答案的数目 来确定。选对25个左右,分数大概为130分; 选对39个左右,分数大概为140分;选对55个 ,分数大概为150分;选对72个,分数为160; 选对87个,分数为170分;选对98个以上,分 数为满分180分。一般好的学校要求的成绩都在 160分以上。考试成绩一般在考后五周左右由主 办机构寄出,直接寄给考生本人。LSAT成绩在 5年内有效。
Advanced; TOLES Higher; TOLES Foundation。
ILEC作为ESOL于2008年推出的又一项崭 新的职业认证证书目前已被欧洲公司律师公会
、欧洲法律专业学生协会、国际青年律师公会 及欧洲青年律师公会认可。ILEC考察证书申请 人在法律领域运用英语的能力,分为听力(40 分钟)、阅读(75分钟)、写作(75分钟)和 口语(16分钟)四个部分。语言等级相当于雅 思(IELTS)5.0-7.0分。成绩分为三个及格等 级和两个不及格等级。
该考试的目的是以法律英语这门技术语 言为媒介,来核查考生对英美法民商事部门 法知识的掌握,从而满足律师事务所、公司 、法律机构、律师和法律系学生测评个人法 律英语水平的需要。
Key Term Identification
Train students to identify key legal terms and concepts in a text,
and understand their significance in the legal context
Summarizing and paraphrasing
Practical exercises
provide opportunities for students to practice legal writing and communication skills, develop critical thinking and analytical reasoning in legal contexts
Application of Law
Help students understand how legal principles and priorities are applied to the facts of a case, and how they shape the outcome
Critical Thinking
Writing an appropriate introduction and using the correct sales for the recipient of the letter
Body of the letter
Describing the legal issue or matter at hand, stating the facts, and explaining the legal argument or position
Crimes of Infringing Upon the Rights of the Person and the Democratic
Rights of Citizens侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪 The Crime of Encroaching on Property侵犯财产罪
Roles of Law
Guiding Judging Predicting Warning
Criminal Law
Three main points
Crime-------felony, misdemeanor Punishment------guidelines for sentencing Criminal liability(age 14)
What is law?
The characteristics:
1. Law is a social norm(准则) regulating social relations or human behaviors.
2. Law is a social norm reflecting the will of a state.
Legal English
Characteristics of Legal English
1.Lengthy and complex sentences 2.Archaic words and expressions tin words and expressions 4.Passive consruction
我国刑法第13条规定:“一切危害国家主权、领土完 整和安全,分裂国家、颠覆人民民主专政的政权和推 翻社会主义制度,破坏社会秩序和经济秩序,侵犯国 有财产或者劳动群众集体所有的财产,侵犯公民私人 所有的财产,侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他 权利,以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受刑 罚处罚的,都是犯罪,但是情节显著轻微危害不大的, 不认为是犯罪。”
Case Analysis of Legal English
Case selection and background
Case selection
The cases selected for the course are typically real life cases that have been heard by a course or trial, and are there of legal significance
The grammar of Legal English is often complex and formal, using archaeological language and legal jargon
Synthetic Characteristics of Legal English
Interpretation of Case Judgman
Interpretation of judgments
The course specifically includes the judgments or decisions rendered by the course or trial in each case Students are expected to read and interpret these judgments, understanding the reasoning behind the course's decision and its impact on the parties involved
Voice and Mood
The voice and Mood of Legal English are both formal and personal, emphasizing objectivity and precision in communication
法律翻译 ppt课件
![法律翻译 ppt课件](
1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
Article 2 第二条
The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
automatically terminate upon the bankruptcy or insolvency of either opfpt课t件he parties hereto. 13
3. Archaism
- hereafter, herein, hereof, hereto, heretofore, hereunder, herewith;
2. Formal Words frozen style (庄重文体) formal style (正式文体) consultative style (商议文体) casual style (随便文体) intimate style (亲密文体) prior– before; Subsequent to– after provided that-- but 尽量用大词是法律英语用词的一大特色 The Agreement shall commence on this day and
• Question Three: What are the difficulties in studying legal English?
A. (1)法律英语专业术语众多,有自身独特的含义/且用语正式。 action: 诉讼 consideration: 对价、约因 minor: 未成年 major: 成年 party: 当事人 instrument: 法律文件
A.(2)外来语较多,尤其是拉丁语和法语 • alibi 不在犯罪现场 • bona fide 善意 • stare decisis 遵循先例 • jus cogens 强行法
法语: • voir dire 诚实审查 • trespass侵害
• B. Legal System:不了解英美法制度和背景,需 要系统学习英美法律制度。
• 那些在意大利、法国或英国过去的传说 中湮没的那些事件,是美国有文字记载 历史的一部分。
• And the American record
Comprehensive 复杂 Immense 繁多
• Record of the colonial era • 殖民时代的记载 • Record of the Nation since 1776 • 国家从1776年开始的记载 • Record of the present fifty States • 当前50个州的记载 • The intricate network of relationships
e.g. lawyer solicitor (英国初级律师/非出庭律师) barrister(英国高级律师/ 出庭律师)
information ( 检察官起诉书,公诉书) indictment (大陪审团起诉书,公诉书) complaint (民事起诉状,或刑事自诉状)
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5. Holmes, contended that law was a set of rules that allowed one to predict how a court would resolve a particular dispute: "The prophecies of what the courts will do in fact, and nothing more pretentious, are what I mean by law.”
1. To have law, there must be established rules,
such as constitutions, statutes, administrative
agency regulations, and judicial decisions. 2. These rules must be capable of enforcement;
marijuana n. 大麻
pretentious a. 自负的
n. 诉讼
conciliatory a. 安抚的
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
n. 不正常者
jurisprudence n. 法理学 【法律】 n. 法学
a. 暂时的
implement n. 工具,vt. 实现 【法律】 vt. 生效
【商务】 n. 贷方,货方
Definition of Law
1.Aristotle saw law as a rule of conduct. 2.Plato believed that law was a form of social control. 3.Cicero contended that law was the agreement of reason and nature, the distinction between the just and the unjust. 4.Blackstone descried law as "a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong.''
月;2000年5月;2000年11月。 5.董世忠、赵建主编《法律英语》,复旦大学出版社,1997年 6.樊林波编著《高级法律英语教程》,陕西科学技术出版社1994年2月 7.何家弘编《法律英语实用教程》,吉林人民出版社,1996年 8.李荣浦主编《法律英语教程》(上),成都科技大学出版社,1995年5月
http://.com./ lawdictionaries.htm http://.com. http://.com. http://.com. 法律语言学研究网: 中国法律网(英文): 法律翻译网:http://.com/ 法律英语学习网:http://www 法律语言学习与研究:http://.net/dujinbang/index.htm 等。
legitimacy contend penal debtor justify
coercion induce compensatory creditor
n. 合法 【法律】 n. 婚生 vi. 斗争 【商务】 vi. 争夺 a. 刑事的 n. 债务人 vt. 辩护 【法律】 vt. 为某人辩护 n. 强迫 vt. 劝诱 【哲学】 n. 归纳 a. 补偿的 n. 债权人 【法律】 n. 贷方
law consists of enforceable rules governing
relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.
This very broad definition of law implies the following:
Legal English 法律英语培训讲座课件PPT
Legal English
Legal English
1.罗俊明《法学英语》上海外语教育出版社,1994年 2.何家弘《法律英语》法律出版社1997年8月第一版 3.陈庆柏《涉外经济法律英语(第二版)》法律出版社2001年2月 4.赵建、夏国佐《法学专业英语教程1-3册》中国人民大学出版社,1999年8
宋雷主编《法律英语教程》(下),成都科技大学出版社,1995年5月 9.谢立新主编,《法学英语教程》 (上下),中国政法大学出版社,1993年7月 10.王金玲主编,《英汉对照法律英语导读》(上下),西苑出版社,1999年 11.沈四宝等《国际商法教学案例选编(英文)》法律出版社 12.陈忠诚《法律英语五十篇》,中国对外翻译出版公司,1987年 13.林小龙主编《外国商法英语》北京理工大学出版社,1994年8月 14.胡壮麟 等编,《语言学教程》,北京大学出版社2001年7月 15.桂诗春 著,《应用语言学》,湖南教育出版社 1988年 16.宋雷主编《法律英语高级教程》中国人民法制出版社 2001年
Unit 1 Introduction to Law
New Words:
vt. 逐出 【法律】 vt. 没收
vt. 强迫 【法律】 vt. 强制
conformity n. 一致
administrative a. 管理
therapeutic a. 治疗的
accusatory a. 非难的
implement n. 工具,vt. 实现 【法律】 vt. 生效
adjudication n. 判决 【法律】 n. 裁决
restitution n. 偿还【法律】 n. 恢复原状
n. 制裁,vt. 制裁 【法律】
vt. 处分,n. 处分【商务】 n. 批准
admonition n. 警告