

山东省潍坊市2020届高三数学第一次模拟考试 理(潍坊市一模,含解析)新人教B版

山东省潍坊市2020届高三数学第一次模拟考试 理(潍坊市一模,含解析)新人教B版

20 1 3年高考模拟考试数 学(理工农医类)本试卷共4页,分第1卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.共150分.考试时间120分钟.第1卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题:本大题共1 2小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.复数31i z i +=-的共轭复数z =(A) 12i + (B)12i - (C)2i + (D)2i -【答案】B 【解析】3(3)(1)24121(1)(1)2i i i i z i i i i ++++====+--+,所以12z i =-,选B. 2.设集合{}|24x A x =≤,集合B 为函数lg(1)y x =-的定义域,则A B =I (A)()1,2 (B)[]1,2 (C)[1,2) (D) (1,2]【答案】D 【解析】{}|24{2}x A x x x =≤=≤,由10x ->得1x >,即{1}B x x =>,所以{12}A B x x =<≤I ,所以选D. 3.已知直线l ⊥平面α,直线m ∥平面β,则“//αβ”是“l m ⊥”的(A)充分不必要条件 (B)必要不充分条件(C)充要条件 (D)既非充分也非必要条件【答案】A【解析】当//αβ时,由l ⊥平面α得,l β⊥,又直线m ∥平面β,所以l m ⊥。

若l m ⊥,则推不出//αβ,所以“//αβ”是“l m ⊥”的充分不必要条件,选A.4.设随机变量~X N (3,1),若(4)P X p >=,,则P(2<X<4)=( A)12p + ( B)l —p (C)l-2p (D)12p -【答案】C【解析】因为(4)(2)P X P X p >=<=,所以P(2<X<4)= 1(4)(2)12P X P X p ->-<=-,选C.5.设曲线sin y x =上任一点(,)x y 处切线斜率为()g x ,则函数2()y x g x =的部分图象可以为.【答案】C【解析】'cos y x =,即()cos g x x =,所以22()cos y x g x x x ==,为偶函数,图象关于y 轴对称,所以排除A,B.当2cos 0y x x ==,得0x =或,2x k k Z ππ=+∈,即函数过原点,所以选C. 6.运行右面框图输出的S 是254,则①应为(A) n ≤5(B) n ≤6 (C)n ≤7(D) n ≤8【答案】C 【解析】本程序计算的是212(12)2222212n nn S +-=+++==--L ,由122254n +-=,得12256n +=,解得7n =。



山东省潍坊市2020年高考模拟(一模)英语试题word含答案ing Jane” XXX Jane Goodall。

XXX is held in Washington。


from November 22.2019.to September 7.2020.and features interactive digital displays。

3-D experiences。

and a hologram-XXX。

For those who are familiar with Goodall’s work。

XXX offers a glimpse into her personal life。

Visitors can view her childhood birthday gifts。


field notes。



personal belongings。

and photos。

This aspect of the XXX to see the person behind the public figure。

XXX Goodall’s life。

from her childhood dream of working with animals to her XXX。


“ing Jane” offers a comprehensive look at the life and work of Jane Goodall。

With XXX and personal artifacts。

this XXX in the life of this XXX.Mom and I were finishing up XXX when my little niece Jessica walked in to set the table。

Instead of grabbing plates from the dish。



2020年山东省潍坊一中高考数学模拟试卷(一)(3月份)一、单项选择题(本大题共5小题,共15.0分) 1. 若随机变量X ~B( 5 , 13 ),则P(X =2)=( )A. (13)2×(23)3B. (23)2×(13)3C. C 52(23)2×(13)3 D. C 52(13)2×(23)3 2. 在(x 2−yx )5的展开式中,xy 3的系数为( )A. 20B. 10C. −10D. −203. 某校有1000人参加某次模拟考试,其中数学考试成绩近似服从正态分布N (105,σ2),(σ>0),试卷满分150分,统计结果显示数学成绩优秀(高于120分)的人数占总人数的15,则此次数学考试成绩在90分到105分之间的人数约为( )A. 150B. 200C. 300D. 4004. 将标号为1,2,3的3个不同小球,随机放入5个不同的盒子A,B,C,D,E 中,恰有两个小球放入同一个盒子的概率为( )A. 425B. 1225C. 4125D. 121255. 下列说法:①将一组数据中的每个数据都加上或减去同一个常数后,方差恒不变; ②设有一个回归方程ŷ=3−5x ,变量x 增加一个单位时,y 平均增加5个单位; ③线性回归方程y ̂=b ̂x +a ̂必过(x,y )﹔④在一个2×2列联表中,由计算得k =13.079,则有99.9%的把握确认这两个变量间有关系.其中错误的个数是( )本题可以参考独立性检验临界值表:A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3二、填空题(本大题共4小题,共12.0分)6.某校从2名男生和3名女生中随机选出3名学生做义工,则选出的学生中男女生都有的概率为.7.如图,用6种不同的颜色给图中的4个格子涂色,每个格子涂一种颜色,要求相邻的两个格子颜色不同,且两端的格子的颜色也不同,则不同的涂色方法共有______种(用数字作答).),则Dξ=______ .8.设随机变量ξ~B(10,259.在多项式(1+2x)6·(1+y)5的展开式中,xy3项的系数为____.三、解答题(本大题共4小题,共48.0分)10.口袋里装有7个大小相同的小球,其中三个标有数字1,两个标有数字2,一个标有数字3,一个标有数字4.(Ⅰ)第一次从口袋里任意取一球,放回口袋里后第二次再任意取一球,记第一次与第二次取到小球上的数字之和为ξ.当ξ为何值时,其发生的概率最大?说明理由;(Ⅱ)第一次从口袋里任意取一球,不再放回口袋里,第二次再任意取一球,记第一次与第二次取到小球上的数字之和为η.求η的分布列和数学期望.11.某小组有4名男生,3名女生.(1)若从男,女生中各选1人主持节目,有多少种不同的选法?(2)若从男,女生中各选2人,组成一个小合唱队,要求站成一排且2名女生不相邻,共有多少种不同的排法?12. 对某种书籍每册的成本费y(元)与印刷册数x(千册)的数据作了初步处理,得到下面的散点图及一些统计量的值.xy ω ∑(x i −x 6i=1)2∑ωi 2−6i=16ω2∑(x i −x 6i=1)(y i −y) ∑ωi y i −6i=16ωy 4.834.220.377560.17 0.60−39.384.8表中ωi =1x i,ω=16∑ωi 6i=1.为了预测印刷20千册时每册的成本费,建立了两个回归模型:y =a +bx ,y =c +dx .(1)根据散点图,你认为选择哪个模型预测更可靠?(只选出模型即可)(2)根据所给数据和(1)中选择的模型,求y 关于x 的回归方程,并预测印刷20千册时每册的成本费.附:对于一组数据(u 1,v 1),(u 2,v 2),…,(u n ,v n ),其回归方程v ̂=α̂+β̂u 的斜率和截距的最小二乘估计公式分别为:β̂=∑u i v i −nuv ni=1∑u i2−nu2n i=1,α̂=v −β̂u .13.某商场举行抽奖促销活动,在该商场消费的顾客按如下规则参加抽奖活动:抽奖中有9个大小形状完全相同的小球,其中4个红球、3个白球、2个黑球(每次只能抽取一个,且不放回抽取),若抽得红球,获奖金10元;若抽得白球,获奖金20元;若抽得黑球,获奖金40元,(1)若某顾客在该商场当日消费金额为2000元,求该顾客获得奖金70元的概率;(2)若某顾客在该商场当日消费金额为1200元,获奖金ξ元.求ξ的分布列和E(ξ)的值.【答案与解析】1.答案:D解析:本题考查n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率,本题解题的关键是正确写出概率的表示形式,再代入数值进行运算.根据变量符合二项分布,即可得到概率的值. 解:∵随机变量X ~B( 5 , 13 ),∴P(X =2)=C 52(13)2×(23)3.故选:D .2.答案:C解析:解:在(x 2−yx )5的展开式中,通项为T r+1=C 5r ⋅(−1)r ⋅x 10−3r ⋅y r ,令r =3, 可得xy 3的系数为C 53(−1)3=−10,故选:C .在二项展开式的通项中,令y 的幂指数等于3,求出r 的值,即可求得展开式中xy 3的系数. 本题主要考查二项式定理的应用,利用二项展开式的通项求二项展开式的系数,属于基础题.3.答案:C解析:本小题主要考查正态分布曲线的特点及曲线所表示的意义等基础知识,概率密度函数曲线以均值为对称中线,方差越小,分布越集中在均值附近.先根据正态分布曲线的图象特征,关注其对称性画出函数的图象,观察图象在70分到110分之间的人数概率,即可得成绩不低于110分的学生人数概率,最后即可求得成绩不低于110分的学生数,属于中档题.解:∵成绩N (105,σ2),(σ>0), ∴其正态曲线关于直线x =105对称,又∵数学成绩优秀(高于120分)的人数占总人数的15,∴成绩在90分到120分之间占总人数的35,∴成绩在90分到105分之间占总人数的310∴数学考试成绩在90分到105分之间的人数约为:310×1000=300.故选C.4.答案:B解析:解:将标号为1,2,3的3个不同小球,随机放入5个不同的盒子A,B,C,D,E中,基本事件总数n=53=125,恰有两个小球放入同一个盒子包含的基本事件个数m=C32A52=60,∴恰有两个小球放入同一个盒子的概率p=mn =60125=1225.故选:B.基本事件总数n=53=125,恰有两个小球放入同一个盒子包含的基本事件个数m=C32A52=60,由此能求出恰有两个小球放入同一个盒子的概率.本题考查概率的求法,考查古典概率、排列组合等基础知识,考查运算求解能力,是基础题.5.答案:B解析:本题考查了线性回归方程与独立性检验的应用问题,属于基础题.根据方差是表示一组数据波动大小的量,判断①正确;根据回归方程的系数判断x与y是负相关,得②错误;根据线性回归方程必过样本中心点,判断③正确;根据观测值与临界值的关系,判断④正确.解:对于①,根据方差是表示一组数据波动大小的量,将一组数据中的每个数据都加上或减去同一个常数后,方差不变,①正确;对于②,设有一个回归方程ŷ=3−5x,变量x增加一个单位时,y平均减少5个单位,②错误对于③,线性回归方程ŷ=b̂x+â必过样本中心点(x,y),③正确;对于④,在2×2列联表中,计算得K2的观测值k=13.079>10.828,对照临界值表知,有99.9%的把握确认这两个变量间有关系,④正确.综上,其中错误序号是②,共1个.故选:B.6.答案:910解析:本题考查古典概型求概率,先求出基本事件总数,由选出的学生中男女生都有的对立事件是选出的3名学生都是女生,由此利用对立事件概率计算公式能求出选出的学生中男女生都有的概率,属基础题.解:某校从2名男生和3名女生中随机选出3名学生做义工,基本事件总数n=C53=10,选出的学生中男女生都有的对立事件是选出的3名学生都是女生,∴选出的学生中男女生都有的概率为p=1−C33C53=1−110=910.故答案为910.7.答案:630解析:本题主要考查组合、排列的综合应用与分类计数原理的运用,属于中档题.注意分类时,明确分类的标准,做到不重不漏.解:根据题意,分为三类:第一类是只用两种颜色则为:C62A22=30种,第二类是用三种颜色则为:C63C31C21C21=240种,第三类是用四种颜色则为:C64A44=360种,由分类计数原理,共计为30+240+360=630种.故答案为630.8.答案:125解析:本题考查二项分布的方差的求法,是基础题,解题时要认真审题,注意二项分布列的方差的计算公式的灵活运用.利用二项分布列的方差的计算公式求解.解:∵随机变量ξ~B(10,25),∴Dξ=10×25×(1−25)=125.故答案为:125.9.答案:120解析:本题考查了二项式定理的应用,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于基础题.利用二项式展开式的通项公式即可得出.解:根据题意(1+2x)6(1+y)5=(1+∁61⋅2x+⋯)(y5+∁51y4+∁52y3+⋯),∴xy3的系数为∁61×2×∁52=120,故答案为120.10.答案:解:(Ⅰ)由题设知ξ可能的取值为2,3,4,5,6,7,8,P(ξ=2)=C31C31C71C71=949,P(ξ=3)=C31C21×2C71C71=1249,P(ξ=4)=C21C21C71C71+C31C11×2C71C71=1049,P(ξ=5)=C21C11×2C71C71+C31C11×2C71C71=1049,P(ξ=6)=C21C11×2C71C71+C11C11C71C71=549,P(ξ=7)=2C71C71=249,P(ξ=8)=1C71C71=149,所以当ξ为3时,其发生的概率最大.(Ⅱ)由题设知η可能的取值为2,3,4,5,6,7,P(η=2)=C32C72=17,P(η=3)=C31C21C72=27,P(η=4)=C31+C22C72=421,P(η=5)=C31+C21C72=521,P(η=6)=C21C72=221,P(η=7)=1C72=121,∴η的分布列为:E(η)=2×17+3×27+4×421+5×521+6×221+7×121=4.解析:本题考查离散型随机变量的分布列和数学期望,解题时要认真审题,属于中档题.(Ⅰ)由题设知ξ可能的取值为2,3,4,5,6,7,8,由题设条件分别求出P(ξ=2),P(ξ=3),P(ξ=4),P(ξ=5),P(ξ=6),P(ξ=7),P(ξ=8),由此求出当ξ为3时,其发生的概率最大.(Ⅱ)由题设知η可能的取值为2,3,4,5,6,7,分别求出P(η=2),P(η=3),P(η=4),P(η=5),P(η=6),P(η=7),由此能求出η的分布列和E(η).11.答案:解:(1)完成这件事情可分为两步进行:第一步,从4名男生中选1名男生,有4种选法,第二步,从3名女生中选1名女生,有3种选法,根据分步计数原理,共有4×3=12种选法答:有12种不同的选法;(2)完成这件事情可分为四步进行:第一步,从4名男生中选2名男生,有C42=6种选法,第二步,从3名女生中选2名女生,有C32=3种选法,第三步,将选取的2名男生排成一排,有A22=2种排法,第四步,在2名男生之间及两端共3个位置选2个排2个女生,有A32=6,根据分步计数原理,不同的排法种数为6×3×2×6=216答:有216种不同的排法.解析:(1)完成这件事情可分为两步进行:第一步,从4名男生中选1名男生,第二步,从3名女生中选1名女生,根据分步计数原理即可得.(2)完成这件事情可分为四步进行:第一步,从4名男生中选2名男生,第二步,从3名女生中选2名女生,第三步,将选取的2名男生排成一排,第四步,在2名男生之间及两端共3个位置选2个排2个女生,根据分步计数原理可得.本题主要考查了分步计数原理,如何分步是关键,属于中档题12.答案:解:(1)由散点图可以判断,模型y =c +dx 更可靠.(2)令ω=1x ,则建立y 关于ω的线性回归方程y =dω+c ,则d ̂=i 6i=1i −6ωy ∑ω26−6ω2= 4.80.60=8. ∴c ̂=y −d ̂ω=4.22−0.3775×8=1.2, ∴y 关于ω的线性回归方程为y ̂=1.2+8ω. 因此,y 关于x 的回归方程为y ̂=1.2+8x .当x =20时,该书每册的成本费y ̂=1.2+820=1.6(元).解析:(1)利用散点图直接判断函数即可.(2)利用已知条件求出回归直线方程的数据,即可得到过的直线方程,然后估计印刷20千册时每册的成本费.本题考查回归直线方程的求法与应用,考查计算能力.13.答案:解:(1)某顾客在该商场当日消费金额为2000元时,该顾客共有4次抽奖机会,顾客获得奖金70元,由两种可能,抽中3红球,1黑球;抽中1红球,3白球; ∴改顾客获得70元奖金的概率为P =C 43C 21+C 41C 33C 94=221;(2)X =1200时,共有2次抽奖机会, ξ的取值为20,30,40,50,60,80, ∴P(ξ=20)=C 42C 92=16,P(ξ=30)=C 41C 31C 92=13,。

2020年山东省潍坊一中高考生物模拟卷 一(答题纸+含答案)

2020年山东省潍坊一中高考生物模拟卷 一(答题纸+含答案)



下列有关叙述错误的是()A.人体成熟红细胞膜上无SGLT1载体蛋白B.上述两种吸收葡萄糖的方式都需要消耗A TPC.上述两种吸收葡萄糖的方式都可以体现细胞膜的选择透过性D.两种载体蛋白的合成、加工与核糖体、内质网、高尔基体有关5.下列关于染色体或DNA发生交换的叙述,错误的是()A.四分体中非姐妹染色单体可互相缠绕并交换部分片段B.非同源染色体上的片段互换移接属于染色体结构变异C.肺炎双球菌转化实验中R型菌转化成S型菌发生了DNA分子交换D.染色体倒位是同一条染色体上发生了两次断裂后的片段颠倒交换形成的6.如图中a、b、c、d为某二倍体动物一个细胞的部分染色体组成,1、2为DNA分子中的两条链,下列说法正确的是()A.1、2之间氢键的形成需要酶的催化,遵循碱基互补配对原则B.等位基因的分离应发生于减数第一次分裂的后期,分离后a与c一定分配到细胞的一极C.若将此细胞染色体b中的1链用3H标记后置于正常培养液中培养至第二次有丝分裂中期,则每个细胞中只有一条链带3H标记D.若d中基因发生了500个碱基对的缺失,则这种变异的本质与镰刀型细胞贫血症类似7.某昆虫种群中,AA个体所占比例为30%,Aa个体所占比例为60%,aa个体所占比例为10%。












1.文中加点的词语,注音和字形都正确的一项是( )A.间(jiàn)或婉如B.黑黝黝(yōu ) 笑容可掬C.累累(léi) 安详D. 遒劲(jìnɡ) 峨冠2.依次选用文中括号里的词语,最恰当的一项是( )A. 灼灼幽静映照B. 灼灼宁静映照C. 濯濯宁静映衬D. 濯濯幽静映衬3.在文中两处横线上依次填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是( )A.池中有一座湖心亭滴青流翠,楚楚动人B.湖心亭位于池中楚楚动人,滴青流翠C.池中有一座湖心亭楚楚动人,滴青流翠D.湖心亭位于池中滴青流翠,楚楚动人4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( )A.现在一些大学生制作简历时,多彩色打印,铜版纸印刷,贴艺术照,不惜工本,然而那些华而不实的简历即使投到用人单位也不过是泥牛入海,起不到实际的求职作用。





AStagecoach Buses — Popular ticketsDayriderTravel as much as you like in one day.With Stagecoach Dayrider bus tickets you can make as many journeys as you like for one day. They offer more value for money than buying a single or return, as you can travel on all Stagecoach buses within your chosen ticket zone. Buy tickets using the Stagecoach Bus App or buy on the bus. with contactless payments now available on all our buses, you don't need to worry about finding the correct changeBus and BoatUnlimited bus travel for one car in the selected zone, plus a boat rideExplore the countryside on bus and then enjoy the fine mountain views from the comfort of a boat deck. You can board one of our many boats or steamers located at four of the districts most outstanding lakes. Stagecoach have combined bus boat tickets which are available for Coniston, Detwent Water, Ullswater and WindermereSightseeing TicketsNever get lost and don't miss a thing.Hop-on and hop-off all day as much as you like at any of the bus stops on the route and see all the best sights and attractions your chosen town or city has to offer. You'll also leam lots of history along the way from one of our expert guidesStudent TicketsFlexible student bus ticketsAre you a student and getting ready for the new term? You can travel for a lot less with Stagecoach's student bus tickets. You'll need a current student ID card with a photo to buy aStagecoach student ticket. The name on your ID card will need to match the name on your ticket.1. What is true about the “Dayrider” ticket?A. You need the correct change to buy itB. You can use it to travel anywhere in the city.C. It can be purchased with your mobile phone.D. It can be used with any bus company.2. If you want to go sightseeing around of the lake areas, which ticket is the most suitable?A. Dayrider.B. Bus and Boat.C. Sightseeing.D. Student tickets.3. What is needed if you want to buy a student ticket?A. A photo of yourself.B. Your name.C. The bus app.D. Valid student ID.【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D【解析】【分析】本文为一篇应用文。



2020年山东省潍坊一中高考英语模拟试卷(3月份)第一部分阅读(共两节,满分37.5分)第一节(共4小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.1. Top Sites to See in New YorkCentral ParkFor more than 150 years, visitors have come to Central Park’s 843 green acres in the heart of Manhattan.Since 1980, the Park has been managed by the Central Park Conservancy, in partnership with the public.You can visit the official website of Central Park to learn more about Park happenings and activities and to learn how to help Central Park.Telephone: 212﹣310﹣6600Location: 59th to 110th Street, Manhattan Borough, from Central Park West to 5th Avenue, New York City, NY10022Open Hours: 06: 00﹣23: 00The National 9/11 Memorial MuseumThe national 9/11 Memorial & Museum is a place of remembrance honoring those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.The 9/11 Memorial Museum displays Monumental artifacts linked to the events of 9/11, while presenting stories of loss, sympathy and recovery that are central to telling the story of the 2001 attacks and the consequence.It also explores the global impact of 9/11 and its continuing significance.Telephone: 212﹣312﹣8800Location: 180 Greenwich St, World Trade Center, New York City, NY 10007Open Hours: 09: 00﹣20: 00The Metropolitan Museum of ArtAt New York City’s most visited museum and attraction, you will experience over 5, 000 years of art from around the world.The Met is for anyone as a source of inspiration, insight and understanding.You can learn, escape, play, dream, discover and connect.Telephone: 212﹣535﹣7710Location: 1000 5thAvenue, New York City, NY 10028﹣0198Open Hours: 10: 00﹣17: 30(1)How can you get more information about the activities in Central Park?________A.By calling the park.B.By visiting its website.C.By consulting the staff.D.By writing to the manager..(2)Where can you go if you’re interested in a rt?________A.59th to 110th Street.B.180 Greenwich St.C.World Trade Center.D.1 000 5th Avenue..(3)Where can you probably find the text?________A.An official report.B.A popular magazine.C.A tourist brochure.D.A product handbook.【答案】BDC【考点】说明文阅读广告布告类阅读【解析】本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了一些纽约的顶级景点,如中央公园,国家9/11纪念馆,大都会艺术博物馆等吸引读者前往参观.【解答】(1)B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段“You can visit the official website of Central Park to learn more about Park happenings and activities and to learn how to help Central Park您可以访问中央公园的官方网站,了解更多有关公园的事件和活动,以及如何帮助中央公园”,可知通过访问它的网站才能获得更多关于中央公园活动的信息;故选B.(2)D.细节理解题.根据文章倒数第二段“Location:1000 5th Avenue,New York City,NY 10028﹣0198地址:纽约市第五大道1000号,邮编:10028﹣0198”,可知如果你对艺术感兴趣,你可以去第五大道1000号;故选D.(3)C.推理判断题.根据文章第一段“You can visit the official website of Central Park to learn more about Park happenings and activities and to learn how to help Central Park您可以访问中央公园的官方网站,了解更多有关公园的事件和活动,以及如何帮助中央公园”,可知你可能在旅游手册里找到这篇文章;故选C.2. A dog spent the last four years of his life waiting at a crossroad in the Thai city of Khon Kaen as if waiting for someone.People originally thought the dog had been abandoned, but then realized that he looked healthy, so people asked around about him.It turned out that the dog had indeed been spending most of his time around that crossroad, but a woman had been coming round regularly to bring him food and water.One day, while photographing the dog everyone called Leo, a reporter met the womanwho had been taking care of him.She had come to drop off some food.After learning the story about the dog and the woman, the reporter decided to share the story on social media.The post soon ________ and the photos of Leo got shared hundreds of times.And the photos reached the eyes of Leo∧former old owner.Nang Noi Sittisarn, a 64﹣year﹣old woman from Thailand’s Roi Et Province, almost had a heart attack when her daughter showed her a photo of the beloved dog named BonBon she had lost during a car trip.When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the same spot for the last four years, her heart melted(融化).Auntie Noi told her daughter to drive her to where the dog was waiting.When she got there and called his name.BonBon, the poor dog started wiggling(扭动)his tail and came to her, but when she tried to take him home with her, he was unwilling to follow.She didn’t want to force the dog to come with her so she agreed to leave him with hi s new master.However, she and her daughter will come to visit him regularly.(1)Why did the dog look healthy after separation from his former owner?________A.He walked around the crossroad constantly.B.He was kept at a woman’s home all the time.C.A local reporter brought him food and water.D.A woman looked after him on a regular basis..(2)What does the underlined phrase “went viral” in paragraph 2 probably mean?________A.Changed surprisingly.B.Spread quickly.C.Appeared gradually.D.Fell directly..(3)How did Nang Noi Sittisam feel about the dog’s waiting for her?________A.Shocked.B.Regretful.C.Touched.D.Proud..(4)What can we mainly learn from the story about the dog?________A.Unbelievable success is worth waiting for.B.We should adjust ourselves to environments.C.We need to learn to be faithful and thankful.D.No one knows the restu1t 1mtil the 1ast minute.【答案】DBCC【考点】议论文阅读人生感悟类阅读【解析】本文是一篇记叙文.NangNo Stiam四年前不小心丢了一条狗.这条忠诚的狗在走丢的地方等了四年,四年期间他得到了一位好心女士的悉心照料,最后在记者的帮助下与主人重聚.作为回报,他留下来陪伴这位女士.【解答】(1)D.细节理解题.根据第一段“but then realized that he looked healthy,so people asked around about him.It turned out that the dog had indeed been spending most of his time around that crossroad,but a woman had been coming round regularly to bring him food and water.”但后来意识到它看起来很健康,于是人们四处打听.结果发现,这只狗的大部分时间都是在这一点上度过的十字路口,有一个女人经常来给他送食物和水.可知,那条狗看起来健康是因为一位女士定期照料他.故选D.(2) B.词义猜测题.A、变化惊人.B、迅速传播.C、渐渐地出现了.D、直接倒下.根据此句的前面一个句子the reporter decided to share the story on social media.记者决定在社交媒体上分享这个故事,再根据画线短语所在句的句意“那个帖子很快就走红了, Leo的照片被分享了成百上千次.”可推断,画线短语意为“迅速传播”,与Spread quickly意思最为接近.结合选项,故选B.(3)C.推理判断题.根据第三段最后一句“When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the same spot for the last four years,her heart melted(融化).”当她得知过去四年他一直在同一个地方等她时,她的心融化了.可推断,NangNoi Sittisarn得知她的狗一直在等待她,她深受感动.结合选项,故选C.(4)C.推理判断题.这条狗能够等自己的主人四年,说明了他很忠诚;根据最后一段的叙述可知,这条狗找到主人后还要留下来陪伴自己的恩人,说明他知道感恩.由此可推断,我们通过这条狗的故事应该学会忠诚与感恩.结合选项,故选C.3. It’s easy to think that the globe’s vast oceans would be effective barriers to the movement of land animals.An elephant can’t swim across the Pacific, after all.But it turns out that plenty of plants and animals have unintentionally floated across oceans from one continent to another.Now comes evidence that tiny, trapdoor spiders(蜘蛛)made such a journey millions of years ago.Moggridgea rainbowi spiders can be found on Kangaroo Island, which sits off the south coast of Australia.These spiders build a silk﹣lined hole in the ground, notes Sophie Harrison, a biologist in Australia.The hole and trapdoor provide these spiders with shelter and protection.It also provides them an out﹣of﹣sight spot from which to wait for approaching creatures.There is evidence, though, that the ancestors of ________ might have traveled millions of meters to get to Australia from Africa.That isn’t as unlikely as it might at first seem.Australia used to be connected to other continents, long ago, as part of a supercontinent called Gondwana.And humans have been known to transport species all over the planet.But there’s a third option.The spiders might have rafted(乘筏)long distances across the sea.To figure out which story was most likely true, Harrison and her colleagues looked at the spider’s genes.They looked at the genes in seven Moggridgea rainbowi spiders from Kangaroo, and five species of Moggridgea spiders from South Africa.The Australian and African spiders split off from a common ancestor some 2 million to 16 million years ago, the genes showed.If a large swatch of land washes into the sea, filled with arachnids(蛛形纲动物), the spiders may be able to hide themselves throughout the journey.Plus, they can“hold their breath”and survive on stored oxygen during periods of temporary flooding, the researchers note.(1)What is the common belief about land animals according to the text?________A.They are sensitive to natural disasters.B,They are unlikely to move across oceans.C.They can’t make a long ocean voyage.D.They float across oceans accidentally..(2)What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?________A.Biologists.B.Australians.C.The spiders.D.The creatures..(3)How did the researchers conclude Australian and African spiders are from a common ancestor?________A.By comparing their genes.B.By observing their living habits.C.By making changes to their genes.D.By studying their physical characteristics..(4)What could be the best title for the text?________A.These Spiders Traveled Globally to Hide ThemselvesB.These Spiders Became More Adaptive When TravelingC.These Spiders Crossed an Ocean to Australia for SurvivalD.These Spiders Crossed an Ocean to Become Australians naturally.【答案】BCAD【考点】阅读理解综合说明文阅读完形综合【解析】本文是一篇科教类阅读,文章主要介绍了人们很容易认为,地球上广阔的海洋将是陆地动物迁徙的有效屏障.一头大象不能游过太平洋,毕竟,许多植物和动物无意中漂洋过海,漂洋过海到另一个大陆.现在有证据表明,在数百万年前,微小的蜘蛛门蜘蛛已经踏上了这一旅程.【解答】(1)B.细节理解题.根据第一段"It’s easy to think that the globe’s vast oceans would be effective barriers to the movement of land animals.’ 很容易认为,地球上广阔的海洋将是陆地动物运动的有效障碍.可知根据文本,人们对陆地动物的共同认为是它们不太可能跨越海洋.故选B.(2)C.细节理解题.根据第三段“There is evidence, though, that the ancestors of them might have traveled millions of meters to get to Australia﹣from Africa’ 不过,有证据表明,他们的祖先可能走了数百万米才从非洲到达澳大利亚.可知”them“指的是”Thes piders’.故选C.(3)A.推理判断题.根据第四段"To figure out which story was most likely true,Harrison and her colleagues looked at the spider’s genes.’ 为了弄清楚哪个故事最有可能是真的,哈里森和她的同事们观察了蜘蛛的基因.可知研究人员通过比较他们的基因断定澳大利亚和非洲的蜘蛛来自同一个祖先.故选A.(4)D.推理判断题.根据第一段“Now comes evidence that tin y,trapdoor (活板门)spiders made such a journey millions of years ago.’可知”These Spiders Crossed an Oceanto Become Australians 现在有证据表明,微小的,陷阱门蜘蛛在数百万年前就进行了这样的旅程.“可知”这些蜘蛛穿越海洋成为澳大利亚人.这些蜘蛛穿过海洋变成了澳大利亚的"是本文最好的题目.故选D.4. For many, music is as important to the human experience as eating and breathing.We hear music everywhere at home, the gym, parties and stores.But what kind of music do we prefer to listen to, and when and why do our musical preferences change?The relationship between the change of seasons and musical preferences was the focus of a study led by psychologist Terry Pettijohn.He and his team based their research on a previous study that examined the relationship between popular music preferences and the Environmental Security Hypothesis(假设).The results showed that over time, when social and financial conditions were more risky, the songs of the year that wereslower, longer, more comforting and serious were most popular. And during periods in which social and financial conditions were generally stable, the result is opposite.Building on these findings, Pettijohn and his team wondered if the Hypothesis could also be applied to the change of seasons. For college students, the participants in this study autumn begins at the start of the academic school year.Gone are me carefree days of summer, when school is out.When summer comes’clocks fall back, stealing an hour of daylight, which feel like losing precious time.Winter means colder temperatures, shorter days, and, in many places in the country, snow.Spring, however, is a different story.It represents a flesh starts and when clocks spring forward, we gain an extra hour of day light.As students walk into summer, they’re absorbed in the sunshine and social activity﹣and enjoy a break from schoo1.But do changing seasonal conditions influence musical preferences? To answer this question, the researchers designed two studies.What did they find? Both groups of college students favored more serious music during the seasons of fall and winter, and more active and energetic music during the spring and summer seasons.And these findings, Pettijohn argues, have practical significances.(1)What is the purpose of the question raised in Paragraph 1 ?________A.To present a different opinion on music.B.To prove where to listen to music matters.C.To introduce the topic on musical preferences.D.To stress the importance of music to humans..(2)What influences a person’s choice of music types according to the previous study?________A.Whether one has enough free time.B.Whether one lives in a stable situation.C.Whether one is exposed to sunlight.D.Whether one chooses to change his life..(3)What does Paragraph 3 imply?________A.Spring has a special meaning to people.B.Students aren’t fond of scho ol in any season.C.The Hypothesis disagrees with Pettijohn’s studies.D.The length of summer time is longer than winter time..(4)How does Pettijohn feel about the findings of his studies?________A.It’s unexpected,B.It’s significant.C.It’s humorous.D.It’s discouraging.【答案】CBAB【考点】社会文化类阅读议论文阅读【解析】本文是一篇文学艺术类阅读,文章主要介绍了对许多人来说,音乐对人类的体验和吃饭和呼吸一样重要.我们到处都能听到音乐﹣﹣在家里、健身房、聚会和商店.但是我们喜欢听什么样的音乐,什么时候和为什么我们的音乐偏好发生变化.【解答】(1)C.推理判断题.根据第一段"But what kind of music do we prefer to listen to, and when and why do our musical preferences change?但是我们更喜欢听什么样的音乐,什么时候以及为什么我们的音乐偏好会改变’可知第1段提出的问题的目的是介绍关于音乐偏好的话题.故选C.(2)B.推理判断题.根据第二段"The results showed that over time, when social and financial conditions were more risky, the songs of the year that were slower, longer,more comforting and serious were most popular. And during periods in which social and financial conditions were generally stable, the result is opposite.结果表明,随着时间的推移,当社会和金融状况风险较大时,一年中节奏较慢、时间较长、较为舒适、较为严肃的歌曲最受欢迎,而在社会和金融状况总体稳定的时期,结果则相反’可知根据之前的研究,一个人是否生活在稳定的环境中影响了一个人的音乐类型选择.故选B.(3)A.推理判断题.根据第三段"Spring, however, is a different story. It represents a fresh starts and when clocks spring forward, we gain an extra hour of day light.然而,春天是另一个故事,它代表着一个新的开始,当时钟向前跳动时,我们获得了额外的一小时的白昼光’可知春天对人们有特殊的意义.故选A.(4)B.细节理解题.根据最后一段"And these findings, Pettijohn argues, have practical significances.佩提约翰认为,这些发现具有实际意义’可知Pettijohn认为他的研究结果很重要.故选B.第二节(共1小题:每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.The world is a colorful landscape of different languages,skin colors,and different cultures.It’s important to have a good understanding of different cultures in order to become a well﹣rounded person.(1)_______One way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture.Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an authentic glimpse into the food,music,language,religion,and way of a life of a particular group of people.(2)_______Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language.(3)_______A person can choose a language she has always wanted to learn and locate learning programs to help her master the language.Besides,one can enroll in a foreign language class in order to learn in a more formal setting.One can also try to visit areas of the city to establish social connection with native speakers of the language.(4)_______Seek out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries.Food is an important part of different cultures and allows people to gain deep understanding into a particular cultural group’s way of life.Communicating with people from other countries through email or snail mail is another useful way to become familiar with different cultures.(5)_______Various websites offer pen pal services,offering to connect individuals with pen friends around the world.A.Stories based on a local culture expose one to a different culture.B.Trying authentic food from a specific cultural group is also a great idea.C.There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures.D.Making contact with native speakers allows one to gain firsthand knowledge.E.A variety of language﹣learning books,software,and audio programs is available.F.The Internet has made it possible to communicate with others from different countries.G.One way to develop this appreciation is to try to team about other cultures around the world.【答案】C,A,E,B,F【考点】说明文七选五【解析】本文是一篇选句填空阅读,主要讲述了世界是不同语言,肤色和不同文化的丰富多彩的景观,重要的是培养对不同文化的欣赏,以便成为一个全面发展的人,培养这种欣赏的一种方法是尝试了解世界各地的其他文化.【解答】CAEBF(1)C.推理判断题.根据前文It’s important to have a good understanding of different cultures in order to become a well﹣rounded.可知重要的是培养对不同文化的欣赏,以便成为一个全面发展的人.C项:There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures.了解不同文化有几种方法.符合文意,故选C.(2)A.细节理解题.根据上文Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an authentic glimpse into the food, music,language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people.可知,来自特定文化的作者的阅读作品使人们能够真实地了解食物,音乐,语言,宗教和特定人群生活方式.A项:Stories based on a local culture expose one to a different culture.以当地文化为基础的故事使人接触到不同的文化.符合文意,故选A.(3)E.文章衔接题.根据前文Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language.可知学习不同文化的另一种方法是尝试学习一门外语.E项:A variety of language﹣learning books, software, and audio programs are available at the public library or bookstores.公共图书馆或书店提供各种语言学习书籍、软件和音频程序.符合文意,故选E.(4)B.理解判断题.根据后文Seek out restaurants that feature authentic food from a variety of countries.可知寻找那些以来自不同国家的正宗食物为特色的餐馆.B项:Trying authentic food from a specific cultural group is also a great idea.尝试来自特定文化群体的正宗食物也是一个好主意.符合文意,故选B.(5)F.推理判断题.根据下文Various websites offer pen pal services, offering to connect individuals with pen friends around the world.可知各种各样的网站提供笔友服务,提供连接个人与笔友世界各地.F项:The Internet has made it possible to communicate with others from different countries.因特网使人们能够与来自不同国家的人交流.符合文意,故选F.第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节(共1小题:每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.A couple in Ohio accidentally dropped off a bag containing almost ﹩100, 000 at an Ohio charity shop. Thanks to(1)_______employees, they got money back.The employees were going through(2)_______last week when they came across a(3)_______.Inside was ﹩97, 004.“It was so much cash,”employee Kelsey Croy said."I looked in the bag and we (4)_______ it right there on the desk.And it was ﹩97, 004."Thankfully, the owners(5)_______a receipt for tax purposes when they dropped off(6)_______ that morning.The employees (7)_______called the couplebut there was no (8)_______.Not wanting to(9)_______ that amount of cash in the store, they called in the Zanesville Police Department.(10)_______ repeated calls, officers finally got a hold ofthe couple.The couple hadn’t realized the money was (11)_______.They told police they withdrew all their money to another bank.On the way, they (12)_______at the charity shop to donate a bag of clothes.That’s (13)_______the money ended up there."When we finally(14)_______ them, they just asked if they could get it sometime tomorrow."the officer said.The couple has since made contact with the original (15)_______ who found the money to thank them.“I’m just glad that I meet with a bunch of honest and loyalpeople, ”Croy said.(1)A.honestB.generousC.braveD.clever(2)A.goodsB.donationsC.foodD.money(3)A.suitcaseB.boxC.bagD.wallet(4)A.putB.countedC.hidD.cleared(5)A.asked forB.asked aboutC.gave upD.gave out(6)A.cardsB.fruitsC.billsD.clothes(7)A.surprisinglyB.hesitatinglyC.eventuallyD.immediately(8)A.concernrmationC.replyD.1etter(9)A.depositB.1eaveC.wasteD.spend(10)A.AfterB.DuringC.BeforeD.In(11)A.foundB.missingC.stolenD.forgotten(12)A.stoppedB.sighedC.quarreledD.wandered(13)A.whyB.whenC.whereD.how(14)A.inspected toB.got rid ofC.got throughD.dropped in on(15)A.policeB.officersC.customerD.employee【答案】ABCBADDCBABADCD【考点】故事类阅读【解析】本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了一对夫妇在雇员们的帮助下找到了丢失的钱.【解答】(1)A.考查形容词辨析.A.honest 诚实的;B.generous大方的;C.brave 勇敢的;D.clever 聪明的;感谢诚实的员工,他们拿回了钱.故选A.(2)B.考查名词辨析.A.goods 货物;B.donations捐款;C.food食物;D.money金钱;员工们上周正在接受捐赠,这时他们发现了一个袋子.里面是97,004美元.故选B.(3)C.考查名词辨析.A.suitcase 手提箱;B.box盒子;C.bag 袋子;D.wallet钱包;员工们上周正在接受捐赠,这时他们发现了一个袋子.里面是97,004美元.故选C.(4)B.考查动词辨析.A.put 投入;B.counted计数;C.hid 隐藏;D.cleared清除;我在包里看了看,并且坐在桌子边上仔细的数了数.故选B.(5)A.考查短语辨析.A.asked for 要求;B.asked about 问及;C.gave up放弃;D.gave out发出;谢天谢地,那天早上脱掉衣服时,老板们因为税务的原因要了一张收据.故选A.(6)D.考查名词辨析.A.cards 卡片;B.fruits 水果;C.bills 票据;D.clothes 衣服;谢天谢地,那天早上脱掉衣服时,老板们因为税务的原因要了一张收据.故选D.(7)D.考查副词辨析.A.surprisedly出人意料地;B.hesitatingly犹豫地;C.eventually最终;D.immediately立即;雇员们立即打电话给这对夫妇,但没有得到答复.故选D.(8)C.考查动词辨析.A.concern关注;B.information 信息;C.reply 答复;D.letter 字母;雇员们立即打电话给这对夫妇,但没有得到答复.故选C.(9)B.考查动词辨析.A.deposit存款;B.leave 离开;C.waste 浪费;D.spend花费;不想把那笔钱留在店里,他们打电话到Zanesville警察局.故选B.(10)A.考查介词辨析.after在…之后;经过多次通话后,警官终于找到了这对夫妇.故选A.(11)B.考查动词辨析.A.found 找到;B.missing 失踪;C.stolen 被偷的;D.forgotten 遗忘;这对夫妇还没有意识到钱不见了.故选B.(12)A.考查动词辨析.A.stopped;停止;B.sighed 叹息;C.quarreled争吵;D.wandered 游荡;在路上,他们在慈善商店停下来捐赠一袋衣服.故选A.(13)D.考查关联词辨析.A why为什么;B when什么时候;C where什么地方.根据前文句子they (12)Aat the charity shop to donate a bag of clothes.可见说的是钱是怎样到那儿的.how如何,故选D.(14)C.考查短语辨析.A.inspected on 观察;B.got rid of 摆脱;C.got through通过;D.dropped in on 顺道来的;当我们终于熬过去的时候,他们只是问他们明天能不能拿到钱.故选C.(15)D.考查名词辨析.A.police 警察;B.officers 军官;C.customer 顾客;D.employee 雇员;此后,这对夫妇与为了感谢他们夫妇帮他们找到钱的原员工取得了联系.故选D.第二节(共1小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.China will emerge stronger from the coronavirus challenge,experts said at a seminar here on Tuesday,while (1)________(praise)China’s efforts to stop the impact of the COVID﹣19 epidemic(传染病).Speaking at the seminar (2)________(title)“Battling Coronavirus,”Sumit Mullick,chief information commissioner of India’s southwestern state of Maharashtra,said that China has created a new criterion in addressing a health issue by quarantining(隔离)Wuhan,the epicenter city of the virus outbreak.“The coronavirus does not understand or respect borders.It does not need a visa or passport.”Mullick said."Challenges are (3)________(true)in global in nature." However,Chinese labs have quickly decoded the genetic sequence of the coronavirus and shared it with the world,(4)________ is now working on a new vaccine,he said.R.N.Bhaskar,a senior journalist and consulting editor with Indian English newspaper Free Press Journal,said that China is doing all it can (5)________(contain)the spread of the virus and create a vaccine."As (6)________very big player in the global economy,there will be negative impact (7)________ the Chinese economy for a temporary period.However,thanks to the swift responses to the virus outbreak,the Chinese economy will overcome this crisis and emerge stronger,"he added.Health officials at the panel discussion also listed the steps(8)________(take)to fight the virus and shared their experiences in countering misinformation and creating(9)________(aware)among the public at large.The event (10)________(organize)jointly by the Observer Research Foundation,a think﹣tank body,along with the Chinese Consulate General in Mumbai.【答案】praising,titled,truly,which,to contain,a,on,taken,awareness,was organized【考点】说明文语法填空【解析】文章讲述了中国对抗新冠疫情的有力举措得到国际认可.【解答】1.praising.考查现在分词,while引导的时间状语从句,省略了they were,故填praising.2.titled.考查过去分词,title与seminar是动宾关系,使用过去分词做后置定语,故填titled.3.truly.考查副词,修饰介词短语in global,故填truly.4.which.考查连词,引导非限定性定语从句,先行词是world,在定语从句中做主语,故填which.5.to contain,考查不定式,to do做目的状语,故填to contain.6.a.考查冠词,表示泛指,作为一个国家经济大国,故填a.7.on.考查介词,impact on:对…的影响,故填on.8.taken.考查过去分词,take与steps是动宾关系,使用过去分词做后置定语,故填taken.9.awareness.考查名词,名词作宾语,创造公众意识,故填awareness.10.was organized.考查被动,主语是event,被组织,结合上下文使用一般过去时,故填was organized.第三部分写作(共两节,满分15分)第一节(满分15分)假如你是李华,你校将于下周五晚八点在体育馆举行一场中国功夫(Chinese Kungfu)的表演.你想邀请外教Michael一起观看演出.请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1.演出时间、地点;2.简单介绍中国功夫.注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.【答案】Dear Michael,A Chinese Kungfu performance is going to be staged in our school stadium at 8:00 p.m.next Friday evening.Learning that you are interested in Chinese culture,I’m writing to invite you.【高分句型一】(演出时间、地点)Chinese Kungfu,a traditional sport,has a long history and is regarded as our national treasure.It is a means of self﹣defense and it can also enhances people’s physical fitness.So far,Chinese Kungfu has attracted numerous fans both at home and abroad.Several Kungfu masters will be invited to perform,which is sure to make it splendid.【高分句型二】(简单介绍中国功夫)Looking forward to your reply.(期盼)YoursLi Hua【考点】提纲类【解析】高分句型一:Learning that you are interested in Chinese culture,I’m writing to invite you.译文:得知你对中国文化感兴趣,我写信邀请你.分析:使用现在分词作状语.高分句型二:Several Kungfu masters will be invited to perform,which is sure to make it splendid.译文:会邀请几位功夫大师来表演,一定会让它精彩纷呈.分析:使用which引导非限制性定语从句.【解答】Dear Michael,A Chinese Kungfu performance is going to be staged in our school stadium at 8:00 p.m.next Friday evening.Learning that you are interested in Chinese culture,I’m writing to invite you.【高分句型一】(演出时间、地点)Chinese Kungfu,a traditional sport,has a long history and is regarded as our national treasure.It is a means of self﹣defense and it can also enhan ces people’s physical fitness.So far,Chinese Kungfu has attracted numerous fans both at home and abroad.Several Kungfu masters will be invited to perform,which is sure to make it splendid.【高分句型二】(简单介绍中国功夫)Looking forward to your reply.(期盼)YoursLi Hua第二节(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事.________ was the most amazing person in all of Minneapolis, and he was my________. By the age of 19, Steve was a star baseball player at the University of Minnesota. I wanted to be exactly like him. So when Steve asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota, I was excited!After planning the trip, we gathered ________ and ________, and began our great________. We reached the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota by early evening. On our way to the ________, Steve pointed to a small house faraway in one of the mountains, saying that it was the ________ (护林站) where the ________ worked.Finally, after a long walk, we reached the campsite and set up the camp as the sun was setting. Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper. After we gathered enough wood from the ________, he started the campfire using only stone and steel ﹣ no matches. For supper we feasted on freeze﹣dried beef, wild rice and pea soup. I ate greedily after all that work.Tired enough, we climbed into our sleeping bags early and talked about our plans for fishing the next day. We were still talking quietly when a sudden north wind picked up;the temperature dropped and it began to snow. Steve found a way to increase the temperature inside the tent. He dragged a log (原木) from the forest to the opposite side of the campfire. Then he wrapped (包裹) aluminum foil (铝箔) around the log. The heat from the fire reflected off the foil and into the tent. Soon images of lake fishwere filling my dreams.The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind must have kicked up the flames of our dying ________. I was abruptly awakened by Steve. Our tent was on fire. Frightened, I ran out of the tent immediately. The tent collapsed (倒塌) with Steve inside. Without any thought of endangering myself, I reached into the burning tent and pulled him to the icy lake. Fortunately, we were not seriously hurt.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语.Paragraph 1:Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm, we considered our difficult situation._____Paragraph 2:Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest.______【答案】Steve,cousin,clothes,supplies,adventure,campsite,ranger station,forester,forest,fire【考点】读后续写【解析】本题是一篇文章续写,写作要求已经给出,包括:1)所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2)应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3)续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4)续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语.通过阅读所给文章可知:我的表弟.19岁的时候,史蒂夫是明尼苏达大学的明星棒球运动员.我想和他一模一样.所以当史蒂夫让我和他一起去明尼苏达州北部钓鱼时,我是兴奋的!在计划好这次旅行后,我们收集了衣服和用品,开始了我们的伟大冒险.下雪了,温度很低.史蒂夫找到了一种提高帐篷内温度的方法.他拖着沉重的步子.从森林到营火的对面,他用铝箔包住了一根木头,可是我们的帐篷着火了.幸运的是,我们没有受到严重的伤害.续写部分分为两段.分析:高分句型一:We were in the middle of nowhere, wearing only underwear, with our supplies burntinto ashes, including our cellphones.翻译:我们不在任何地方,只穿着内衣,我们的补给被烧成灰烬,包括我们的手机.本句使用了wearing是现在分词做伴随状语,with的复合结构的使用,增添了文章的色彩.高分句型二:We jumped into the warm vehicle and the forester drove us to the ranger station, wherewe were given clothes and were able to call our parents.翻译:我们跳上暖和的车,森林管理员把我们送到了护林员站,在那里我们得到了补偿.本句使用了where引导的定语从句是文章的一个亮点.【解答】Para 1:Later, as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm,we considered our difficult situation. Our campsite was in the deep of the forest, really far away from the highway. We were in the middle of nowhere, wearing only underwear, with our。





1.已知函数f (x )=x 2-ln|x|,则函数y=f (x )的大致图象是( )A .B .C .D .2.等比数列{}n a 中12a =,公比2q =-,记12n na aa L =⨯⨯⨯∏(即n∏表示数列{}na 的前n 项之积),则891011,,,∏∏∏∏中值最大的是( )A .8∏B .9∏C .10∏D .11∏3.函数23420182019()(1...)cos 223420182019x x x x x f x x x =+-+-+-+在区间[3,4]-上零点的个数为( )A .4B .5C .6D .84.函数在定义域内可导,的图象如图所示,则导函数可能为( )A .B .C .D .5.如图,网格纸上的小正方形的边长为1,粗线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的体积为( )A .23 B .1 C .43 D .2236.若函数()()2ln 1f x x ax x =++-的图象不经过第四象限,则正实数a 的取值范围为( )A .[)1,+∞B .1,e 2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦ C .1,2⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭ D .1,1e ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦ 7.在ABC ∆中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别是a ,b ,c ,60A =︒,3a =4b =,则B =( )A .30B =︒或150B =︒ B .150B =︒C .30B =︒D .60B =︒8.过双曲线2213y x -=的右支上一点P 分别向圆1C :22(2)4x y ++=和圆2C :22(2)1x y -+=作切线,切点分别为,M N ,则22||||PM PN -的最小值为( )A .5B .4C .3D .29.已知()f x 是定义域为(,)-∞+∞的奇函数,满足(1)(1)f x f x -=+.若(1)2f =,则(1)(2)(3)...(2018)f f f f ++++=( )A .50B .2C .0D .-201810.若变量x ,y 满足约束条件3123x y x y x y +⎧⎪-≥-⎨⎪-≤⎩…,则yz x =的最大值为( )A .4B .2C .12D .5411.已知直线a ,b 和平面α,若a α⊂,b α⊄,则“a b ⊥rr”是“b α⊥”的( ). A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件12. “函数2()2(1)3f x x a x =--++在区间(,2]-∞上单调递增”是“4a ≤-”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。

山东省潍坊市2020届高三数学第一次模拟考试 理(潍坊市一模,含解析)新人教B版

山东省潍坊市2020届高三数学第一次模拟考试 理(潍坊市一模,含解析)新人教B版

20 1 3年高考模拟考试数 学(理工农医类)本试卷共4页,分第1卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.共150分.考试时间120分钟.第1卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题:本大题共1 2小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.复数31i z i +=-的共轭复数z =(A) 12i + (B)12i - (C)2i + (D)2i -【答案】B 【解析】3(3)(1)24121(1)(1)2i i i i z i i i i ++++====+--+,所以12z i =-,选B. 2.设集合{}|24x A x =≤,集合B 为函数lg(1)y x =-的定义域,则A B =I (A)()1,2 (B)[]1,2 (C)[1,2) (D) (1,2]【答案】D 【解析】{}|24{2}x A x x x =≤=≤,由10x ->得1x >,即{1}B x x =>,所以{12}A B x x =<≤I ,所以选D. 3.已知直线l ⊥平面α,直线m ∥平面β,则“//αβ”是“l m ⊥”的(A)充分不必要条件 (B)必要不充分条件(C)充要条件 (D)既非充分也非必要条件【答案】A【解析】当//αβ时,由l ⊥平面α得,l β⊥,又直线m ∥平面β,所以l m ⊥。

若l m ⊥,则推不出//αβ,所以“//αβ”是“l m ⊥”的充分不必要条件,选A.4.设随机变量~X N (3,1),若(4)P X p >=,,则P(2<X<4)=( A)12p + ( B)l —p (C)l-2p (D)12p -【答案】C【解析】因为(4)(2)P X P X p >=<=,所以P(2<X<4)= 1(4)(2)12P X P X p ->-<=-,选C.5.设曲线sin y x =上任一点(,)x y 处切线斜率为()g x ,则函数2()y x g x =的部分图象可以为.【答案】C【解析】'cos y x =,即()cos g x x =,所以22()cos y x g x x x ==,为偶函数,图象关于y 轴对称,所以排除A,B.当2cos 0y x x ==,得0x =或,2x k k Z ππ=+∈,即函数过原点,所以选C. 6.运行右面框图输出的S 是254,则①应为(A) n ≤5(B) n ≤6 (C)n ≤7(D) n ≤8【答案】C 【解析】本程序计算的是212(12)2222212n nn S +-=+++==--L ,由122254n +-=,得12256n +=,解得7n =。



绝密★启用前山东省潍坊市第一中学2020届高三毕业班下学期高考考前模拟(一)英语试题(解析版)2020年6月注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。


AThe following picture books are a wonderful way to improve the summer experience with kids.♦ Vampirina at the Beach by Anne Marie PaceVampirina and her best monster friend head to the beach during the full moon on a perfect summer night to enjoy all the fun and festivities the beach has to offer. Along the way, Vampirina’s beach adventures highlight the importance of beach safety to ensure a heroic adventure for all.Available from Amazon, $11.50♦ Summer by Alice LowSummer brings so many things to a spirited boy, an eager girl, and an excitedlittle dog. The season is filled with adventure. With clever rhyming words, clever phrasing, and playful images, children will love following along as this energetic trio (三重唱) takes in all the sunshine, big beach waves, fireworks, and sweet treats of this truly memorable time of year.Available from Amazon, $6.23♦ Waiting for Pumpsie by Barry WittensteinSummer is the season of baseball, and there’s no better way to celebr ate summer than with the true story of Pumpsie Green’s rise from the minors to the Boston Red Sox in 1959. As the final major league team to include black athletes, young Bernard and his family travel to Fenway Park to witness Pumpsie Green take the field in this inspirational tale of equality and progress.Available from Amazon, $9.61♦ The Night Before Summer Camp by Natasha WingSure, camp sounds fun, but when you don’t quite know what to expect, it’s only natural to feel a little nervous away from Mom and Dad. With rhyming prose (散文) and cheerful illustrations (插图), this cheering story of an unwilling boy who comes to enjoy all the fun summer camp will have children ready to take on their own camp adventure!Available from Amazon, $3.521. What benefit can children get from Vampirina at the Beach?A. Enjoying the excitement of sports.B. Making friends with pets more easily.C. Strengthening the sense of shore safety.D. Gaining the courage to enjoy summer camp.2. Which of the following book is related to human rights?A. Summer.B. Waiting for Pumpsie.C. Vampirina at the Beach.D. The Night Before Summer Camp.3. What do the four books have in common?。



山东省潍坊市2020年高考模拟(一模)英语试题word含答案试卷类型:A 潍坊市高考模拟考试(2020年潍坊一模含答案)英语2020. 4 注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。





A“Becoming Jane”Through September 7,2020National Geographic MuseumJane Goodall began observing chimpanzees in 1960 at Gombe StreamGame Reserve in what is now Tanzania, but her first study of animal behaviortook place some 20 years earlier, when she, at 5 years old, spent several hoursin a henhouse, waiting to see how a hen laid an egg.That curiosity helped drive Goodall to become one of the most famousscientists of the 20th century. Her evolution from innocent child to “global ic on(偶像)” is documented in. “becoming Jane”, an exhibit in Washington, D.C. through September 7. After that, it heads to the Natural History Museum ofLos Angeles Country.“Becoming Jane” is technology heavy. Interactive digital displays, 3-D experiences and a hologram(全息图)-like appearance by Goodall herself will draw the attention of both adults and youngsters. For those who have followed Goodall’s career closely, the real treat is seeing her birthday gifts and books from her childhood, field notes, Ph. D. papers and other personal belongings and photos.Visitors will follow the path of her childhood dream gradually coming true, then the course of her field study about chimpanzees in African wild forests, with remarkable achievements, and finally her recent life as an Animal Rights activist.PRICE $15WHEN November 22, 2019—September 7, 2020LOCATION 1145 17th Street NW Washington, D. C. 200361.Where is “Becoming Jane” held befo re September 7, 2020?A.In TanzaniaB.In Washington, D.C.C.In Los Angeles Country.D.In Jane’s hometown.2.What may attract Jane Goodall’s followers most?A.Treats for children.B.Free books by Jane.C.Jane’s personal items.D.The applied technology.3.What type of writing of this text?A.A story.B.An advertisement.C.An official report.D.A celebrity profile.BMom and I were putting the finishing touches on dinner, and my little niece Jessica came in to set the table. Instead of going to the dish cabinet, she went into the pantry where there was a stack of old,mismatched dinner plates on the bottom shelf.When she had set all six places, she stood back and sighed, “Oh, Grandma, your plates are so beautiful. Ours are all alike!” We had a good laugh at her innocent remark, but as I think back to all those years ago, I believe she was right. Those plates were beautiful.Mom worked for the local council on aging as a housekeeper. She did many of the little things that allowed elderly people to stay in their own homes. Most of her clients got Meals on Wheels, a service in the 1970s. They received a hot lunch and a cold snack to have later in the evening. This is really not very much food. Every evening Mom would make to-go meals on these mismatched plates covered with1aluminum foil, and then deliver them to the people who she knew didn’t get enough to eat.This was about ten years before microwave ovens became common so it was important that the food be on a plate thatcould be reheated in a regular oven. Instead of a cold sandwich and macaroni salad, Mom’s clients dined on Beef Manhattans, pan-fried chicken or meatloaf, along with veggies and a piece of pie or cake. Mom and Dad did this even after Mom left her job, and Mom continued after Dad’s death until all her former clients had either passed away or moved out.When I was cleaning our Mom’s house after her de ath, I kept one as a souvenir(纪念品). That plate is a sweet reminder of the lessons of generosity and caring for one’s neighbor that were modeled for me by my parents.4.Why did the author think those plates beautiful?A.They were not all alike.B.They were little Jessica’s pride.C.They were collected from different places.D.They were symbols of the parents’ kindness.5.What did the author’s mother do to earn a living in the 1970s?A.Be a housewife.B.Run Meals on Wheels.C.Deliver food to houses.D.Do housework for the old.6.Why did the author’s mother make to-go meals?A.It was her job.B.She was good at cooking.C.She wanted to help beyond her duty.D.Her family didn’t have enough to eat.7.What is the best title for the text?A.Plates of SympathyB.A Precious SouvenirC.Services for the SeniorD.A Kind-hearted MotherC“A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth can put its bots on.” That quote is attributed to Mark Twain. In today’s Internet world of “fake(假的)news”, lies spread even faster than the truth is having trouble finding its boots.To make matters worse, most young people get news from social media sites where facts are mixed with rumors(谣言), half-truths and complete lies. This has led to young people becoming confused. Inthe latest PISA, which tested 15-year-old worldwide on academic subjects, fewer than one in ten of the examinees were reported to be able to distinguish fact from opinion. A Stanford University study showed that students at all levels of education could not tell real news from fake news. In one instance, 80 percent thought that a paid advertisement was a real news story.Fake news is spread by people who have a prejudice. They want to influence public opinion either for or against something or someone. It is important, then, for young people to recognize when they are being used and to be skeptical of online information.Traditional media, such as newspapers and television, are still the more credible sources of information. Reporters are professionally trained to look for facts, and editors have the job of making sure those facts are correct. However, if you getting most of your information online, you have to be your own editor. In that case, the first thing to do is to look at the writer of a post. Is this person known to becredible? Does the site where you read the post have a prejudice? Next, look for other sources from mainstream mediato confirm the information. In other words, by putting on your truth boots you won’t be fooled into chasing lies.8.Why is the quote mentioned in paragraph 1?A.To give a definition.B.To introduce the topic.C.To offer background information.D.To highlight the wisdom of Mark Twain.9.What will always happen to young people with news around?A.They prefer a read news story.B.They are easily taken in by fake news.C.They can distinguish fact from opinion.D.They get worried about their education.10.What is the author’s suggestion from the text?A.Fight against prejudices.B.Avoid traditional media.C.Be an editor of your own.D.Believe in trained reporters.11.What is the text mainly about?A.The truth about fake news.B.The influence of fake news.C.Problems with online information.D.Sources of online information.2DAn infectious disease is a disease that is caused by the invasion of a host by pathogens(病原体)whose activities harm the host’s tissues and can be spread to other individuals.Microorganisms(微生物)capable of causing disease are called pathogens. A true pathogen is an infectious agent thatcauses disease in any p ossible host. The terms “infection” and “disease” are quite different. In order to cause disease, pathogens must be able to enter the host body, stick to specific host cells, invade and multiply and do damage to host tissues.Pathogens may be spread through either direct or indirect contact. Direct contact occurs when an individual is infected by contact with the infection source. It also includes taking in the infectious droplets released by sneezing or coughing. Indirect contact occurs when a pathogen can survive the environment outside its host for a long period of time. So lifeless objects that are polluted by direct contact with the infection source may be the indirect contact for easily infected group.Public health measures typically involve killing the pathogen from its source or from its route of spread. Those measures include ensuring a safe water supply, effectively treating waste water, and initiating animal control and vaccination(疫苗)programs, etc. Personally, the first line of defense is to keep pathogen at bay by following good personal hygiene(卫生)habits. Prevent infection before it begins and avoid spreading it to others with some easy measures, such as washing hands, getting vaccinated and so on.Man never stops fighting against all kinds of infectious diseases. But in the past two decades at least a dozen “new” disease have been identified, and traditional diseases that appeared to be “on their way out”are re-emerging. Globally, infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death. Clearly, the ballet has not been won. Nevertheless, it is increasingly difficult for most of us to deny the claims of science. We are continually presented with great amounts of relevant scientific and medical knowledge, which encourages us to take more responsibility forour own health.12.What does paragragh 2 focus on?A.Origin of true pathogens.B.Nature of infectious diseases.C.Strategies for avoiding tissue damage.D.Differences between infection and disease.13.What is likely to cause disease spread through indirect contact?A.Getting bitten by an infected dog.B.Playing toys a sick child played with.C.Breathing in tiny drops from sneezingD.Shaking hands with an infected person.14.Which of the following can best explain the underlined phrase “at bay” in par agragh 4?A.At risk.B.Off course.C.Under control.D.Within reach.15.What does the last paragragh imply?3A.Man is at a loss about infectious diseases.B.Traditional infectious diseases are dying out.C.Science counts in defeating infectious diseases.D.The battle against infectious diseases is in vain.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。





1、图1所示为一列简谐横波在某时刻的波动图象,图2所示为该波中x=1.5m 处质点P 的振动图象,下列说法正确的是A .该波的波速为2m/sB .该波一定沿x 轴负方向传播C .t= 1.0s 时,质点P 的加速度最小,速度最大D .图1所对应的时刻可能是t=0.5s2、在实验室观察到如下的核反应。

处于静止状态的铝原子核2713Al ,受到一个运动粒子撞击后,合在一起成为一个处于激发态的硅原子核2814Si 。

对此核反应下列表述正确的是( )A .核反应方程为2712813114Al n Si +→B .该核反应是核聚变反应C .新生成的2814Si 与2914Si 是同位素 D .新生成的2814Si 处于静止状态 3、在如图所示装置中,轻杆一端固定着一个质量可以忽略不计的定滑轮,两物体质量分别为m 1、m 2,轻绳一端固定于a 点,悬点a 、b 间的距离远大于滑轮的直径,动滑轮质量和一切摩擦不计。

整个装置稳定时下列说法正确的是( )A .α可能大于βB .m 1一定大于m 2C .m 1可能大于2m 2D .轻杆受到绳子的作用力22cos 2m g β4、光滑水平面上,一物体在恒力作用下做方向不变的直线运动,在t 1时间内动能由0增大到E k ,在t 2时间内动能由E k 增大到2E k ,设恒力在t 1时间内冲量为I 1,在t 2时间内冲量为I 2,两段时间内物体的位移分别为x 1和x 2,则( )5、如图甲所示,开口向上的导热气缸静置于水平桌面,质量为m的活塞封闭一定质量气体,若在活塞上加上质量为m的砝码,稳定后气体体积减小了△V1,如图乙;继续在活塞上再加上质量为m的砝码,稳定后气体体积又减小了△V2,如图丙.不计摩擦,环境温度不变,则()A.△V1<△V2B.△V1=△V2C.△V1>△V2D.无法比较△V1与△V2大小关系6、在物理学发展的历程中,许多物理学家的科学研究推动了人类文明的进程,以下对几位物理学家所做科学贡献的叙述正确的是()A.牛顿运用理想实验法得出“力不是维持物体运动的原因”B.安培总结出了真空中两个静止点电荷之间的作用规律C.爱因斯坦创立相对论,提出了一种崭新的时空观D.法拉第在对理论和实验资料进行严格分析后,总结出了法拉第电磁感应定律二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。



2019-2020学年潍坊一中高三英语模拟试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThree Things to Do Before You Are 18Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18.★Learn to swimSeriously, this is so important that it can save your life. If you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to dowater sports like waterskiing, surfing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it.★Try at least one kind of team sportsBeing a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too—you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.★Collect somethingOne of the best hobbies for under-18s is collecting things. You could collect kinds of stamps, or you could collect things that make you remember what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or letters from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won’t forget.1. The most important reason for learning to swim is that ________.A. you might feel wellB. it can make you healthyC. you might easily do lots of thingsD. it can save your life2. The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies is to ________ .A. collect somethingB. do some water sportsC. send letters to your friendsD. play basketball with your friends23. The passage is mainly about ________before you are 18.A. good habits to keepB. skills to haveC. things to doD. sports to playBA dog spentthe lastfour years of his life waitingat a crossroad in the Thai city ofKhon Kaenas if waiting for someone. People originally thought the dog had been abandoned, but then realized that he looked healthy, so people asked around about him. It turned out that the dog had indeed been spending most of his time around that crossroad, but a woman had been coming round regularly to bring him food and water.One day, while photographing the dog everyone called Leo, a reporter met the woman who had been taking care of him. She had come to drop off some food. After learning the story about the dog and the woman, the reporter decided to share the story on social media. The post soonwent viraland the photos of Leo got shared hundreds of times. And the photos reached the eyes of Leo’s former old owner.Nang Noi Sittisarn, a 64-year-old woman fromThailand’sRoiEtProvince, almost had a heart attack when her daughter showed her a photo of the beloved dog named BonBon she had lost during a car trip. When she learned that he had been waiting for her in the same spot for the last four years,her heart melted(融化).Auntie Noi told her daughter to drive her to where the dog was waiting. When she got there and called his name. BonBon,the poor dog started wiggling(扭动)his tailand came to her,but when she tried to take him home with her, he was unwilling to follow. She didn’ t want to force the dog to come with her so she agreed to leave him with his new master. However, she and her daughter will come to visit him regularly.4.Why did the dog look healthy after separation from his former owner?A. He walked around the crossroad constantly.B. He was kept at a woman’s home all the time.C. A local reporter brought him food and water.D. A woman looked after him on a regular basis.5. What does the underlined phrase “went viral” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Changed surprisingly.B. Spread quickly.C. Appeared gradually.D. Fell directly.6. How did Nang Noi Sittisam feel about the dog's waiting for her?A. Shocked.B. Regretful.C. Touched.D. Proud.7. What can we mainly learn from the story about the dog?A. Unbelievable success is worth waiting for.B. We should adjust ourselves to environments.C. We need to learn to be faithful and thankful.D. No one knows the result until the last minuteCThe Jewish(犹太人)family-had-just finished supper and the woman had placed the dishes in the sink.The kitchen was quite damp and even gloomier than in the main room.It was their third apartment since the start of the war,they had abandoned the other two in a hurry.The woman came back into the room and sat down again at the table.The 3-year-old boy sat with his back straight,his eyes fixed on his father,but it was obvious that he was so sleepy that he could barely sit up.The man was smoking a cigarette.His eyes were blood-shot and he kept blinking in a funny way.This blinking had begun soon after they fled the second apartment.It was late,past ten o'clock and they could have gone to sleep,but first they had to play the game that they had been playing every day for two weeks.Even though the man tried his best and he moved very quickly,the fault was his and not the child's.The boy was.marvelous.Seeing his father put out his cigarette,he opened his blue eyes even wider.The woman,who didn't actually take part in the game, stroked the boy's hair.“We'll play the key game just one more time only today.Isn't that right?"she asked her husband.He didn't answer because he was not sure.They were still two or three minutes off.He arose and walked towards the bathroom door.Then the woman called out softly,“Ding-dong."At the sound of the bell ringing so musically from his mother's lips,the boy jumped up from his chair and ran to the front door,which was separated from the main room by a narrow corridor.“Who's there?"he asked.The woman,remaining in her chair,shut her eyes tight as if feeling a sudden, sharp pain.“I'l1 open up in a minute,I'm just looking for the keys,"the child called out. Then he ran back to the main room,making a lot of noise with his feet.He ran in circles around the table,pulled out one of the sideboard drawers,and slammed it shut.“Just a minute,I can't find them,I don't know where Mama put them,"he yelled,then dragged the chair across the room,climbed onto it,and reached up to the top of the shelf.“I found them!”he shouted triumphantly.Then he got down from the chair, pushed it back to the table,and calmly walked to the door and opened it.“Shut the door,darling,"the woman said softly."You were perfect.”The child didn't hear what she said.He stood in the middle of the room,staring at the closed bathroom door.“Shut the door, the woman repeated in a tired flat voice.Every evening she repeated the same words,and every evening he stared at the closed bathroom door.At last it opened.The man was pale and his clothes were streaked with lime and dust.He stood there,eyes blinking in that funny way.“Well?How did it go?"asked the woman.“I still need more time.He has to look for them longer.I slip in sideways allright,but then...It's so tight in there that when I turn...And he's got to make more noise-he should stamp his feet louder."The child didn't take his eyes off him.“Say something to him,"the woman whispered."You did a good job,little one,"he said mechanically.“That's right,”the woman said,“you're really doing a wonderful job,darling. You act just like a grown-up.And you do know that if someone should really ring the doorbell when Mama is at work,everything will depend on you?And what will you say when they ask you about your parents?”“Mama's at work.”“And Papa?"He was silent.“And Papa?"the man screamed in terror.The child turned pale.“And Papa?”the man repeated more calmly.“He's dead,”"the child answered and threw himself at his father,who was standing right beside him,but already long dead to the people who would really ring the bell.8. What does the underlined sentence in Para.5 mean?A. The family needed to practise the game for another 2 or 3 minutes.B. There was still 2 or 3 minutes left before someone knocked at the door.C. They would become too sleepy to play the game 2 or 3 minutes later.D. The father needed 2 or 3 more minutes before the kid opened the door.9. Why did the boy make a lot of noise when he was looking for the key?A. Because he needed to drown out the noise caused by his father.B. Because he was too little and just couldn't control his footsteps.C. Because he was too anxious to find the key to open the door with.D. Because he met many barriers on his way to where the key was.10. In Para.12,why did the mother repeat“shut the door”in a tired,flat voice, instead of the previous soft one?A. She was angry because her son didn't close the door as he had been told to.B She felt anxious because she knew her husband would be annoyed at the boy again.C. She was disappointed because the boy's movement betrayed again where her husband was.D. She was impatient because she was asked to repeat these words again and again every evening.11. What is the best title of the passage?A. A Scary NightB. The Key GameC. My Father Is DeadD. An Innocent BoyDRecently,as I watched my son Nathan play basketball for his high school team,I was starting to feel sorry for myself and for him.His team was facing adversity(逆境)on the court and he was playing in a hostile environment-it was the opponent's home gym filled with their supporters,and Nathan's team was trailing(落后)for three quarters of the game.As for me,I had been dismissed from my job earlier in the day.During my drive home,I kept telling myself that I will find work again in a short time-I am confident in my experience and abilities.This is the same belief that I tried to instill in my son.The basketball game entered the fourth quarter with Nathan's team still trailing.I saw the determination on his,as well as his teammates'faces as they fought back to not only tie the game(平局),but then go ahead by three points.Then,a player from the other team made an unbelievable shot to tie the game up again.With a tie game and seconds on the clock,Nathan found himself with the ball and with skill and confidence,he proceeded to make the basket with a defender hanging all over him.The other player was called for a foul(犯规).As Nathan stood at the foul line preparing for a shot that would put his team up by three points,I saw the focus and determination on his face,there was no room for self doubt.Nathan was able to tune out all the distractions and nail the free throwwith such skill,it was as if he had done it a thousand times.As I sat there,my heart bursting with pride,it dawned on me.I had taught him perseverance in the face of adversity,and he had just taught me the same lesson.That brief moment of self-doubt andfeeling sorry for myself was blown away by the actions of my son on the basketball court.He will play in the finals,but it doesn't matter if he wins or loses,at this moment,we both won.12. What did the author estimate his son's team would be like at first?______A. The team would lose at home court.B. The team would finally win.C. The team would win the championship.D. The team would lose at visiting court.13. Which of the following words can best describe the author?______A. Self-doubting and pessimistic.B. Self-confident and optimistic.C. Hardworking and intelligent.D. Easy-going and warmhearted.14. What does the underlined phrase"tune out"in Paragraph 4 mean?______A. AvoidB. Focus.C. CreateD. Receive.15. Which of the following is the besttitle for the text?______A. Life Goes Just Like Playing Basketball.B. It Matters Whether to Win or Lose.C. A Lesson in Life and Basketball.D. Father And Son in Life.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。











第1页(共10页)2020年山东省潍坊一中高考数学模拟试卷(一)(3月份)一、选择题1.(3分)设随机变量X 服从1(6,)2B ,则(3)P X =的值是()A .316B .516C .38D .582.(3分)25()x x y ++的展开式中,52x y 的系数为()A .10B .20C .30D .603.(3分)某校在模块考试中约有1000人参加考试,其数学考试成绩2~(90,)N a ξ,(0a >试卷满分150分),统计结果显示数学考试成绩在70分到110分之间的人数约为总人数的35,则此次数学考试成绩不低于110分的学生人数约为()A .200B .300C .400D .6004.(3分)已知袋中装有标号为1,2,3的三个小球,从中任取一个小球(取后放回),连取三次,则取到的小球的最大标号为3的概率为()A .23B .1927C .2027D .795.(3分)下列说法:①将一组数据中的每个数据都加上或减去同一个常数后,方差恒不变;②设有一个回归直线方程ˆ35yx =-,变量x 增加一个单位时,y 平均增加5个单位;③||1r …,||r 越接近1相关程度越高;||r 越接近0相关程度越小;④有一个22⨯列联表中,由计算得213.079χ=,则有99%的把握确认这两个变量间有关系.其中错误的是()本题可以参考独立性检验临界值表:2()P k χ…0.50.400. 0.4550.7081.3232.0722.7063.841 5.0246.6357.87910.828A .①B .②C .③D .④二、填空题(共4小题,每小题3分,满分12分)6.(3分)若某学校要从5名男生和2名女生中选出3人作为上海世博会志愿者,则选出的志愿者中男女生均不少于1名的概率是.(结果用最简分数表示)7.(3分)如图,图案共分9个区域,有6种不同颜色的涂料可供涂色,每个区域只能涂一种颜色的涂料,其中2和9同色、3和6同色、4和7同色、5和8同色,且相邻区域的颜色不相同,则涂色方法有.8.(3分)随机变量ξ的取值为0,1,2,若1(0)5Pξ==,()1Eξ=,则()Dξ=.9.(3分)设423401234(22)x a a x a x a x a x+=++++,则2202413()()a a a a a++-+的值为,3a的值为.三、解答题(共4小题,满分0分)10.甲乙两个袋子中,各放有大小和形状相同的小球若干.每个袋子中标号为0的小球为1个,标号为1的2个,标号为2的n个.从一个袋子中任取两个球,取到的标号都是2的概率是110.(1)求n的值;(2)从甲袋中任取两个球,已知其中一个的标号是1,求另一个标号也是1的概率;(3)从两个袋子中各取一个小球,用ξ表示这两个小球的标号之和,求ξ的分布列和Eξ.11.现有7位高中毕业生,其中4名男生3名女生,(1)他们准备报考3所高等院校,每人报且只报一所,不同的报名方法共有多少种?(2)他们准备报考6所高等院校,每人报且只报一所,且要求每所院校都有学生报考,不同的报名方法共有多少种?(3)7人站成一排合影留念,其中甲乙相邻且丙丁相邻,共有多少种不同的排法?(4)7人站成一排合影留念,要求女生按从左到右由高至矮排列,共有多少种不同的排法?(5)从7人中选取3人进行问卷调查,要求至少有一名女生,共有多少种不同的选法?12.某公司为确定下一年度投入某种产品的宣传费,需了解年宣传费x(单位:千元)对年销售量y(单位:)t和年利润z(单位:千元)的影响,对近8年的年宣传费i x和年销售量(1i y i=,2,⋯,8)数据作了初步处理,得到下面的散点图及一些统计量的值.xyw8211()i x x =-∑r8211()i w w =-∑r811()()i x x y y =--∑r r811()()i w w y y =--∑r r46.6 563 6.8 289.81.6 1469 108.8表中i i w x =,8118i i w w ==∑r(Ⅰ)根据散点图判断,y a bx =+与y c d x =+哪一个适宜作为年销售量y 关于年宣传费x的回归方程类型?(给出判断即可,不必说明理由)(Ⅱ)根据(Ⅰ)的判断结果及表中数据,建立y 关于x 的回归方程;(Ⅲ)以知这种产品的年利率z 与x 、y 的关系为0.2z y x =-.根据(Ⅱ)的结果回答 当年宣传费49x =时,年销售量及年利润的预报值是多少?附:对于一组数据11()u v ,22()..()n n u v u v ⋯,其回归线v u αβ=+的斜率和截距的最小二乘估计分别为:121()()ˆˆˆ,()ni i i ni i u u v v v u u u βαβ==--==--∑∑.13.某商场举行有奖促销活动,某商场举行有奖促销活动,顾客购买一定金额的商品后即可抽奖,顾客购买一定金额的商品后即可抽奖,顾客购买一定金额的商品后即可抽奖,每次抽奖都是从装有每次抽奖都是从装有4个红球、6个白球的甲箱和装有5个红球、5个白球的乙箱中,各随机摸出一个球,在摸出的2个球中,若都是红球,则获得一等奖;若只有1个红球,则获得二等奖;若没有红球,则不获奖.(1)求顾客抽奖1次能获奖的概率;(2)若某顾客有3次抽奖机会,记该顾客在3次抽奖中获一等奖的次数为ξ,求ξ的分布列和数学期望.2020年山东省潍坊一中高考数学模拟试卷(一)(3月份)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题1.(3分)设随机变量X 服从1(6,)2B ,则(3)P X =的值是( )A .316B .516C .38D .58【解答】解:Q 随机变量X 服从1(6,)2,3336611205(3)()()22216P X C ∴==== 故选:B .2.(3分)25()x x y ++的展开式中,52x y 的系数为( ) A .10B .20C .30D .60【解答】解:25()x x y ++的展开式的通项为2515()rrrr T C x x y -+=+,令2r =,则23()x x +的通项为23633()kkkk kC x x C x--=,令65k -=,则1k =,25()x x y ∴++的展开式中,52x y 的系数为215330C C =.故选:C .3.(3分)某校在模块考试中约有1000人参加考试,其数学考试成绩2~(90,)N a ξ,(0a >试卷满分150分),统计结果显示数学考试成绩在70分到110分之间的人数约为总人数的35,则此次数学考试成绩不低于110分的学生人数约为( ) A .200B .300C .400D .600【解答】解:Q 成绩2~(90,)N a ξ,∴其正态曲线关于直线90x =对称,又Q 成绩在70分到110分之间的人数约为总人数的35,由对称性知:成绩在110分以上的人数约为总人数的131(1)255-=,∴此次数学考试成绩不低于110分的学生约有:。

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AThe following picture books are a wonderful way to improve the summer experience with kids.♦Vampirina at the Beach by Anne Marie PaceVampirina and her best monster friend head to the beach during the full moon on a perfect summer night to enjoy all the fun and festivities the beach has to offer. Along the way, Vampirina’s beach adventures highlight the importance of beach safety to ensure a heroic adventure for all.Available from Amazon, $11.50♦Summer by Alice LowSummer brings so many things to a spirited boy, an eager girl, and an excited little dog. The season is filled with adventure. With clever rhyming words, clever phrasing, and playful images, children will love following along as this energetic trio (三重唱) takes in all the sunshine, big beach waves, fireworks, and sweet treats of this truly memorable time of year.Available from Amazon, $6.23♦Waiting for Pumpsie by Barry WittensteinSummer is the season of baseball, and there’s no better way to celebrate summer than with the true story of Pumpsie Green’s rise from the minors to the Boston Red Sox in 1959. As the final major league team to include black athletes, young Bernard and his family travel to Fenway Park to witness Pumpsie Green take the field in this inspirational tale of equality and progress.Available from Amazon, $9.61♦The Night Before Summer Camp by Natasha WingSure, camp sounds fun, but when you don’t quite know what to expect, it’s only natural to feel a little nervous away from Mom and Dad. With rhyming prose(散文)and cheerful illustrations (插图), this cheering story of an unwilling boy who comes to enjoy all the fun summer camp will have children ready to take on their own camp adventure!Available from Amazon, $3.521. What benefit can children get from Vampirina at the Beach?A. Enjoying the excitement of sports.B. Making friends with pets more easily.C. Strengthening the sense of shore safety.D. Gaining the courage to enjoy summer camp.2. Which of the following book is related to human rights?A. Summer.B. Waiting for Pumpsie.C. Vampirina at the Beach.D. The Night Before Summer Camp.3. What do the four books have in common?A. They tell what happens in the hot season.B. They introduce camp adventures.C. They describe sweet music.D. They have the same price.BClara Barton, born on Christmas in 1821, is widely known as one of the most honored women in American history. She began teaching school when most teachers were men at that time. Later, she became one of the first women ever to be employed by the government.Her career in helping the sick began when her brother David became her first patient. He fell down from the roof of a house when Clara was just 11 years old. She stayed by his side and looked after him for three years, learning how to give him all his medicines.When the Civil War began in 1861, she immediately recognized that the poorly equipped soldiers needed help. Instead of waiting for others to step in, Clara collected necessary things on her own, asked the public for donations and learned how to store and distribute them to soldiers. She also read to the soldiers and wrote letters for them.After the Battle of Cedar Mountain in northern Virginia in 1862, Clara arrived at a field hospital at midnight with a vehicle full of supplies. A doctor named Paul Smith at that hospital would l ater write, “I th ought heaven had sent out an angel that night — her assistance arrived at exactly the right time.”In 1869, Clara went to Europe and learned about the International Committee of the Red Cross. Upon her return to the United States, she successfully founded the American Red Cross. She led the organization for the next 23 years. Her last field mission as president of the American Red Cross was to help the victims of the 1900 Galveston hurricane. She did not retire (退休) from the American Red Cross until she was 83. True to her nature, Clara always went to where the need was the greatest.Today, the American Red Cross continues the mission Clara started more than 100 years ago. With the help of thousands of volunteers, the American Red Cross provides relief to victims of disasters, as well as helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to all sorts of emergencies.4. What quality of Clara Barton can be seen from Paragraph 2?A. Honest.B. Caring.C. Talented.D. Modest.5. What did Clara Barton do after the Civil War broke out?A. Joined the army and fought bravely.B. Went to Europe for further study.C. Continued to work as a teacher.D. Did a lot to help soldiers6. When seeing Clara Barto n’s a rrival, how did Dr. Smith feel?A. Excited and grateful.B. Proud and joyful.C. Shy and nervous.D. Sad and sorry.7. What is mainly described in Paragraph 5?A. The aim of the American Red Cross.B. The importance of voluntary donations.C. Clara Barton and the American Red Cross.D. Clara Barton’s contribution to the Civil War.C5G has the potential to disrupt a huge number of industries, including one of the world’soldest: Farming. Next-generation 5G networks can be 100 times faster than 4G, making communication between devices and servers much quicker. 5G can also carry much more data than other networks. That makes the technology ideal for transmitting information from remotesensors and drones, key tools that are being tested by farmers. 5G is also helping to automate farming processes.UK initiative5G RuralFirst launched a smartphone app in March called Me+Moo, which lets farmers track a “connected”cow and receive daily updates on the animal’s health and behavior. The system, which is being tested on cows at the Agri-Epi Center in Somerset, England, is funded in part by UK government and supported by the tech company Cisco (CSCO). The cows wear 5G-connected collars that send data to the app on everything from what they’re eating to how they’re sleeping. Farmers can see the information instantly. “This provides peace of mind that the cows are happy, healthy and behaving normally, as well as early warning if they are getting sick, are pregnant or need to be checked,” said project manager Duncan Forbes.Yet to make a difference, 5G will first need to be install ed in rural areas. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts that in order to provide for the world’s ra pidly rising population, the plane t will need to grow 70% more food in 2050 than it did in 2009. “To respond to those demands, farmers will need new technologies to produce more from less land, with fewer hands,” reads one report from the organization.In 2017, another 5G RuralFirst project became the first in the world to successfully plant, tend and harvest a crop without a single human stepping foot in the field. Autonomous Automatic tractors sowed the seeds, drones with sensors monitored the crops, and smaller machines took sample s from fields to assess what fertilizers and pesticides to apply.8. Why can 5G help the farming?A. Because it can carry more information.B. Because it can be equipped with sensors.C. Because it can disrupt a lot of industries.D. Because it can be installed in rural areas.9. What did farmers do firstly if they wanted to use Me+Moo?A. They founded a tech company.B. They let the cows wear 5G-connected collars.C. They kept cows behaving normally.D. They made sure the cows were checked often.10. According to FAO, how will the world solve the food problem?A. People should control the rising population.B. People should find more and more land.C. People should turn to the new technology.D. People should learn to get more money.11. How did RuralFirst decide what kind of fertilizer to apply?(错误较多)A. It analyzed the soil.B. It dug earth with tractors.C. It employed experts.D. It hired drones with sensors.DFew people can refuse a delicious ice cream, especially on a hot day. The only thing that stops the fun is that the treat is hard to enjoy slowly, ending up with a sticky, melted mess. Now, researchers from Colombia’s Pontifical Bolivarian University may have found an unlikely thing to help solve this age-old problem — a kind of fibre from banana plant waste.Bananas, as you probably know, grow in groups on a tree-like plant. Each group is connected to a central rachis (叶轴), which is thrown once the fruit has been gathered. The team, which was led by Dr. Robin Zuluaga Gallego, began by abstracting /drawing out cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) from the powdered rachis. The tasteless fiber, thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair, was then added to 100 grams of ice cream mix.With the right amount of CNFs mixed in, the dessert lasted longer in its frozen state than the traditional ice cream, extending the amount of time that the treat can be enjoyed.What was even more exciting was that the fibre increased the stickiness of the low-fat ice cream to levels higher than the full-fat one. Since this is what determines the frozen treat’s creaminess and taste, CNFs could help create the healthier ice cream without influencing the taste of it.The researchers, who presented their findings at the American Chemical Society( ACS) meeting in New Orleans in March, 2018, next plan to study how different types of fat, such as coconut oil, influence the behaviour of CNFs in other frozen treats.The Colombian researchers are not the only ones working on creating a slower-melting ice cream. In 2015, scientists at the University of Dundee in Scotland found that a natural protein called BsIA was very effective in keeping the treat frozen for longer periods of time. With both teams fighting to b e the first to get to the market, the future of everyone’s favorite dessert certainly looks bright.12. What prevents people enjoying an ice cream slowly?A. A kind of fibre from bananas.B. The ice cream’s quick melting.C. The ice cream’s stickiness.D. The fat in the ice cream.13. Why were CNFs added to ice cream mix?A. To improve its taste.B. To increase its stickiness.C. To reduce its fat content.D. To make it melt more slowly.14. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. The ice cream.B. The fiber.C. The fat.D. The stickiness.15. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. BsIA is popular in the market.B. CNFs are more useful and expensive than BsIA.C. Ice creams with CNFs have been on sale at the market.D. Slowly enjoying an ice cream will soon become a reality.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
