
allow readers to decide whether they want to read the report, article, or paper.
Informative abstraห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ts
An informative abstract provides detail about the substance of a piece of writing because readers will sometimes rely on the abstract alone for information. Informative abstracts typically follow this format:
Unit 5 Abstract
What is an abstract? Types of abstracts Why write an abstract? What should the abstract include? How do you write an abstract? What is the style of an abstract? An outline for writing an abstract Common problems in writing an abstract Difference between an abstract and an introduction The Tricks, Conclusion of the lecture
3. evaluative abstracts: comment on the worth of the original are included.
Difference between descriptive abstracts and informative abstracts
Informative abstraห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ts
An informative abstract provides detail about the substance of a piece of writing because readers will sometimes rely on the abstract alone for information. Informative abstracts typically follow this format:
Unit 5 Abstract
What is an abstract? Types of abstracts Why write an abstract? What should the abstract include? How do you write an abstract? What is the style of an abstract? An outline for writing an abstract Common problems in writing an abstract Difference between an abstract and an introduction The Tricks, Conclusion of the lecture
3. evaluative abstracts: comment on the worth of the original are included.
Difference between descriptive abstracts and informative abstracts

表达自己观点: As far as I am concerned… From my perspective… Therefore, I’m fully convinced that…… We should……,which, of course , will benefit ……
3.段尾常用语 (1)As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ... (2)In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ... (3)Only in this way can ... in the future.
【写作范文(利弊分析型)】 My View on Travelling with Parents
由于人们生活水平的不断提高,【与父母旅行】 受到了各种人群的欢迎。不可否认,每一件事物都 有其两面性,以上提及的话题也不例外。
在我看来,【与父母旅行】的确是把双刃剑。 首先,它能促进相互理解,从而增进关系。其次, 它对于缩小代沟是一个好的方式。然而,尽管【与 父母旅行】有其积极的影响,它会从消极的方面影 响人们的关系。比如说,人们可能(在旅行的过程 中)有沟通困难,这会让人们变得不和谐。
Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___________(讨论议题). In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in__________(讨论议题). Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,_________(优点一). And secondly, __________(优点二).
表达自己观点: As far as I am concerned… From my perspective… Therefore, I’m fully convinced that…… We should……,which, of course , will benefit ……
3.段尾常用语 (1)As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ... (2)In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ... (3)Only in this way can ... in the future.
【写作范文(利弊分析型)】 My View on Travelling with Parents
由于人们生活水平的不断提高,【与父母旅行】 受到了各种人群的欢迎。不可否认,每一件事物都 有其两面性,以上提及的话题也不例外。
在我看来,【与父母旅行】的确是把双刃剑。 首先,它能促进相互理解,从而增进关系。其次, 它对于缩小代沟是一个好的方式。然而,尽管【与 父母旅行】有其积极的影响,它会从消极的方面影 响人们的关系。比如说,人们可能(在旅行的过程 中)有沟通困难,这会让人们变得不和谐。
Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___________(讨论议题). In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in__________(讨论议题). Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,_________(优点一). And secondly, __________(优点二).
英语学术论文写作 PPT课件

address as a data. A qualitative one rather than a quantitative one.
❖ Anderson, R. The power and the word—Language, Power and Change [M]. London: Praeger Publisher, 1998.
do for you; ask what you can do for your country”—derived from Kennedy’s presidential inaugural address
Thank You!
2. Literature review
Previous studies:
❖ 1、Halliday :defines the semantic system. ❖ 2、Brainslaw Malinowski:puts forward phatic communion. ❖ 3、Buhler:from a psychological perspective, distinguished three functions of
Somethings we have learned:
❖ 1 realizes the significance for the successful use of interpersonal meaning in political speech.
❖ 2 makes comparisons with each review,finds the deficiency,and trys to make good.
Candidate:xxx Supervisor: xxxxxxxx
❖ Anderson, R. The power and the word—Language, Power and Change [M]. London: Praeger Publisher, 1998.
do for you; ask what you can do for your country”—derived from Kennedy’s presidential inaugural address
Thank You!
2. Literature review
Previous studies:
❖ 1、Halliday :defines the semantic system. ❖ 2、Brainslaw Malinowski:puts forward phatic communion. ❖ 3、Buhler:from a psychological perspective, distinguished three functions of
Somethings we have learned:
❖ 1 realizes the significance for the successful use of interpersonal meaning in political speech.
❖ 2 makes comparisons with each review,finds the deficiency,and trys to make good.
Candidate:xxx Supervisor: xxxxxxxx
(法学英语unit 5课件)write an academic essay

(To be continued)
Write an Academic Essay
contrast paragraphs are used to show differences between two things. The purpose is to show the differences of two things to help the readers evaluateite an Academic Essay
Write a short essay to finish the following task.
Opposing ideas on the issue of euthanasia have existed until now. Although numerous arguments have been made, no set conclusions have been arrived at.
The anti-euthanasia camp holds the idea that it is immoral to accept euthanasia because it is the essential morality of human being’s society to protect the vulnerable people and respect the dignity of life.
Use the information in the unit to write a well-organized essay to compare the differences between the two groups. In writing you may refer to the writing strategy—contrast.
Write an Academic Essay
contrast paragraphs are used to show differences between two things. The purpose is to show the differences of two things to help the readers evaluateite an Academic Essay
Write a short essay to finish the following task.
Opposing ideas on the issue of euthanasia have existed until now. Although numerous arguments have been made, no set conclusions have been arrived at.
The anti-euthanasia camp holds the idea that it is immoral to accept euthanasia because it is the essential morality of human being’s society to protect the vulnerable people and respect the dignity of life.
Use the information in the unit to write a well-organized essay to compare the differences between the two groups. In writing you may refer to the writing strategy—contrast.

其次,本文从市场转变,职业竞争的角度切入,提出现代企业秘书应具备 的市场意识、竞争意识和改革意识。市场意识主要是包括了两个方面,即秘 书工作中的法规意识和保密意识。而竞争意识主要就分析了秘书人员在时代 要求下所要做出的对自身能力的提高,改革意识谈论了秘书人员应取得思想 上的何种蜕变。
再次,本文由对秘书人员意识的外在要求转向其内在,关系自身的发展问 题。提出了秘书人员如何规划自己的职业生涯,为自己创造出更美好的明天, 也是其必备的时代意识之一。
在改革开放、企业转型、知识经济全球一体化的市场环境下,企业秘书面 临着职业职能的转变和新的挑战。主体的内在意识决定其外在行为的根本, 因此,秘书人员只有发展出适应现代经济需要的时代意识,才能发挥自己的 才能。所以,当今社会秘书工作中所需要的思想和意识,非常值得我们的关 注和做出进一步的探讨。
首先,本文指出了知识经济时代的到来,其所带来的重要特征就是人力资 源成为企业竞争之间重要的核心力量,从而引出作为秘书人员工作中的重要 性。
• 范围不当 • 选题随意 • 标题陈旧 • 缺少学术性
• 研究什么? • 为什么作此研究? • 如何对此进行研究?
• 按怎样的程序进行? • 需参阅哪些文献资料? • 采用哪些分析手段和工具? • 存在哪些局限性? • 研究在理论和实践方面有何价值和意义?
(一)撰写正文的注意事项 内容要层次分明、结构严谨、文字通顺、语言生动
➢ 理论研究论文,要有理论证明、有理论建树。 ➢ 算法研究论文,要提出新的或改进的算法,并给出相应的数值实
验结果,以验证算法。 ➢ 综述类论文,要有述有评有比较。
再次,本文由对秘书人员意识的外在要求转向其内在,关系自身的发展问 题。提出了秘书人员如何规划自己的职业生涯,为自己创造出更美好的明天, 也是其必备的时代意识之一。
在改革开放、企业转型、知识经济全球一体化的市场环境下,企业秘书面 临着职业职能的转变和新的挑战。主体的内在意识决定其外在行为的根本, 因此,秘书人员只有发展出适应现代经济需要的时代意识,才能发挥自己的 才能。所以,当今社会秘书工作中所需要的思想和意识,非常值得我们的关 注和做出进一步的探讨。
首先,本文指出了知识经济时代的到来,其所带来的重要特征就是人力资 源成为企业竞争之间重要的核心力量,从而引出作为秘书人员工作中的重要 性。
• 范围不当 • 选题随意 • 标题陈旧 • 缺少学术性
• 研究什么? • 为什么作此研究? • 如何对此进行研究?
• 按怎样的程序进行? • 需参阅哪些文献资料? • 采用哪些分析手段和工具? • 存在哪些局限性? • 研究在理论和实践方面有何价值和意义?
(一)撰写正文的注意事项 内容要层次分明、结构严谨、文字通顺、语言生动
➢ 理论研究论文,要有理论证明、有理论建树。 ➢ 算法研究论文,要提出新的或改进的算法,并给出相应的数值实
验结果,以验证算法。 ➢ 综述类论文,要有述有评有比较。

a. The purpose of comparison: to show similarities
b. The purpose of contrast: to show differences
Unit Five
III. Language Focus
A. Comparison and Contrast
A. Comparison and contrast
2. The following is a result from a market survey of personal
computers. Report the result from a university student’s
perspective. First, describe the student’s needs in personal
as whereas
as well as
also different from
in the same way
the reverse
elements you find in each sentence of the paragraph.
Information Elements
Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4
Review of the rReesveiearwchofistshuee method Review of the mReevtiheowdof the method
b. The purpose of contrast: to show differences
Unit Five
III. Language Focus
A. Comparison and Contrast
A. Comparison and contrast
2. The following is a result from a market survey of personal
computers. Report the result from a university student’s
perspective. First, describe the student’s needs in personal
as whereas
as well as
also different from
in the same way
the reverse
elements you find in each sentence of the paragraph.
Information Elements
Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4
Review of the rReesveiearwchofistshuee method Review of the mReevtiheowdof the method

A specific topic: International Cooperation
as Exemplified by the World Bank
• It is aimed to tell other people your findings and claims on a selected topic.
• Introduction • method • results or findings • discussion and conclusion
• The purpose and background of present study
• The scope and focus to develop the study
• Problems, argumentation and hypothesis
• Theoretical framework or models and research design
• Experimental apparatus and procedures
• Descriptions of data treatment
• Although (the research subject)…, (the related problem)
• …is as yet undetermined. • (The research subject)…; however, (the
related problem)…remains unsolved.
Research Paper
Chapter 5
Definition General steps Sections comprising a research paper
as Exemplified by the World Bank
• It is aimed to tell other people your findings and claims on a selected topic.
• Introduction • method • results or findings • discussion and conclusion
• The purpose and background of present study
• The scope and focus to develop the study
• Problems, argumentation and hypothesis
• Theoretical framework or models and research design
• Experimental apparatus and procedures
• Descriptions of data treatment
• Although (the research subject)…, (the related problem)
• …is as yet undetermined. • (The research subject)…; however, (the
related problem)…remains unsolved.
Research Paper
Chapter 5
Definition General steps Sections comprising a research paper

在充满矛盾与悖 论的世界,经济 管理成功经验, 就是解决矛盾化 相反为相成
第三节 学术论文的写作
第三节 学术论文的写作
这是一步深入一步,由浅入深的论证。 张岱年《中国传统文化的分析》的结构形
第三节 学术论文的写作
二、基本结构。 (一)绪论。
绪论,又称前言、引论,它是学术论文正文的起始部分,这 一部分可以包括这样一些内容:
研究这一课题的目的、理 论文的目的、应用范围、研究成
提出问题、表明作者的见 解和观点
说明作者论证这一课题所 使用的方法
概括介绍论述的内容或提 示问题的结论
第四节 引用、加注与附录
第四节 引用、加注与附录
第三节 学术论文的写作
( 2)在段尾。
第三节 学术论文的写作
Unit 5 General Introduction to Academic Writing共39页PPT资料

Unit Five General Introduction to
Academic Writing
I. Definition
• What is a scientific paper? • (p.44)
II. Format
• A. Writing in the humanities and the social sciences
2. Formal definition/ sentence definition • A formal definition is written as one or two
complete sentences and consists of three parts: (1) the word to be defined, (term) • (2) a general class to which the word belongs, • (3) the characteristics of the word being defined that distinguish that word from other members of the general class. • Eg. 1. A sole proprietorship is a business which is owned and operated by one individual for personal profit. • Eg. 2. A star is a celestial body that shines by itself and whose source of energy is nuclear fusion occurring in its core. • Eg. 3. Annealing is a metalworking process in which a material is subject to elevated temperatures for a period of time to cause structural or electrical changes in its properties.
Academic Writing
I. Definition
• What is a scientific paper? • (p.44)
II. Format
• A. Writing in the humanities and the social sciences
2. Formal definition/ sentence definition • A formal definition is written as one or two
complete sentences and consists of three parts: (1) the word to be defined, (term) • (2) a general class to which the word belongs, • (3) the characteristics of the word being defined that distinguish that word from other members of the general class. • Eg. 1. A sole proprietorship is a business which is owned and operated by one individual for personal profit. • Eg. 2. A star is a celestial body that shines by itself and whose source of energy is nuclear fusion occurring in its core. • Eg. 3. Annealing is a metalworking process in which a material is subject to elevated temperatures for a period of time to cause structural or electrical changes in its properties.
Unit5英语写作课件overview of a research paper

15 - 2
5.1 Tasks for Critical Thinking and Discussion
1. Make a list of some major professional journals in your field of study. Tell the class about the journals that you know well.
• The kinds of information included in your discussion section are not fixed. However, the information elements in this section can generally be classified into two types: i) a question, problem, or hypothesis; ii) data; iii) analysis and interpretation of data.
Five (plus the list of references). The format of this article is identical to the model shown in this unit.
15 - 10
(5) What kind of information does each major section contain? Complete the following table with the required information. The first item has been done for you as an example.
15 - 9
(3) In your opinion, is the paper well organized and easy to read?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
A. possible explanations for the finding(s); B. the new finding which is different from previous studies; C. a reference to the main purpose / research questions of the
Unit Five
_C__1. The first research question investigated how learners’ choice of language for thinking influences
lexical collocation production.
_D__2. Statistically significant results revealed that learners primarily using Chinese mingled with English in
thinking had the lowest inaccuracy rate, supporting the assumption that type of language for thinking directly impacts oral lexical collocation.
Unit Five
II. Sample Reading
2. Some verbs can be used to locate the results of the research, such as “show” and “indicate”. Read the second and third paragraphs in the Results part carefully and think of the question: Which verbs did the authors use for locating the results?
5.____d_i_h Academic Writing for Graduate Students
东南大学外国语学院 制作
Unit 5 Results & Discussion
Unit Five
Learning Objectives • To understand the function and the major elements of the results and discussion section; • To learn how to describe graphic information; • To grasp the tips for making comparison and contrast; • To learn how to present the cause and effect relationship; • To learn how to strengthen and weaken a claim.
Sentences Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4
Information Elements Review of the research issue Review of the method Review of the method Review of the method
Unit Five
II. Sample Reading
3. Read the Discussion part carefully and match the information elements with the sentences from this section. Put the correct letter before the corresponding sentence.
study; D. a review of the most relevant/important finding(s); E. the comparison with expected results and other studies; F. a summary of the finding(s).
graphs? • How do you present a cause and effect relationship? • How do you strengthen or weaken the claims?
Unit Five
II. Sample Reading
1. Read the first paragraph in the results part and identify the information elements you find in each sentence of the paragraph.
Unit Five
I. Warm-up • What is the function of the results and discussion section? • What are the major elements included in the results and
discussion section? • How do you describe graphic information in the results section? • How do you compare and contrast the data presented in the
Unit Five
_C__1. The first research question investigated how learners’ choice of language for thinking influences
lexical collocation production.
_D__2. Statistically significant results revealed that learners primarily using Chinese mingled with English in
thinking had the lowest inaccuracy rate, supporting the assumption that type of language for thinking directly impacts oral lexical collocation.
Unit Five
II. Sample Reading
2. Some verbs can be used to locate the results of the research, such as “show” and “indicate”. Read the second and third paragraphs in the Results part carefully and think of the question: Which verbs did the authors use for locating the results?
5.____d_i_h Academic Writing for Graduate Students
东南大学外国语学院 制作
Unit 5 Results & Discussion
Unit Five
Learning Objectives • To understand the function and the major elements of the results and discussion section; • To learn how to describe graphic information; • To grasp the tips for making comparison and contrast; • To learn how to present the cause and effect relationship; • To learn how to strengthen and weaken a claim.
Sentences Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4
Information Elements Review of the research issue Review of the method Review of the method Review of the method
Unit Five
II. Sample Reading
3. Read the Discussion part carefully and match the information elements with the sentences from this section. Put the correct letter before the corresponding sentence.
study; D. a review of the most relevant/important finding(s); E. the comparison with expected results and other studies; F. a summary of the finding(s).
graphs? • How do you present a cause and effect relationship? • How do you strengthen or weaken the claims?
Unit Five
II. Sample Reading
1. Read the first paragraph in the results part and identify the information elements you find in each sentence of the paragraph.
Unit Five
I. Warm-up • What is the function of the results and discussion section? • What are the major elements included in the results and
discussion section? • How do you describe graphic information in the results section? • How do you compare and contrast the data presented in the