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2.2 Principles of Business Letter-Writing
7 “C”s Courtesy 礼貌 Consideration 体谅 Completeness 完整 Clarity 清晰 Conciseness 简洁 Concreteness 具体 Correctness 正确
and the writer’s signature and official position.
Supplementary knowledge Optional parts of a business letter: • Attention line 交由某人办理
eg: Attention: Miss Wang Hui;
Learn some general tips of writing a business letter by studying sample letters
I.Lead-in Activity
Qs: ①Do you often write letters or e-mails? ②Who do you write to? ③Do you think it still necessary for us to write
2.4 Styles of the Letter
• The Full Blocked Form 齐头式(平头式 )
• The Indented Form 缩进式 • The Modified Form混合式
2.4.1 Sample Letter A
Smith &Evans Ltd. Registered No. 596183 England 123 Upper Thames Street London EC4V
2.3 Parts of a Business Letter
Q:What should be consisted of in a business letter?
A: The business letter consists of seven standard parts: the letter head 信头, the date 日期, the inside name and address封内名称与地址, the salutation称呼, the body正文, the complementary close 结尾敬语
We await your reply with keen interest.
Yours Faithfully, For Smith & Evan Ltd. (signed) J.B. Anderson
Q:What do you think is the importance of business letterwriting?
Key Terms: • International trade • Business correspondence • Business negotiation Importance:
For the attention of Miss Smith • Subject 标题 eg:Re:Order No.3033 译为:事由:第3033号订单 • Enclosure 附件
• Etc
Study the following sample letters carefully and find each part: the standard one and the optional one.
Your ref:
Wongsheng&Co. Rm 509-511 Tongle Bldg Shennan Rd., Shenzhen China
Tel: 01-36562341/2 Fax: 987-42-883907 Banker:Westminster Bank E-mail:Smith Evans@co.com VAT No. SL114533535 Our Ref: MMB/334-02 Sept.2,2005
letters to others in an information age?
Ask students to discuss with their partners and then air their view freely.
II. Business Letter-Writing
2.1 Introduction to Business Letter-Writing
Business letters are of crucial importance in the conduct of business activities. They play an essential role in a company’s correspondence with the outside world.
商务英语函电课件ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
After studying the lesson, you should be able to
Know priLneciaprlensinofgbOusbinjeescst-lievtetesr writing
Know parts of a business letter
Learn the styles of a business letter
Dear sirs,
Re: Autumn – 2005Guangzhou Fair
We shall visit your Autumn – 2005 Chinese Export Commodities Fair. Kindly let us have the following information: 1 Your Hall Number and Room Number at the fair. 2 Can you furnish us with some sample toys for free distribution? 3 The date on which we will visit your head office in Shanghai.