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大学英语四级 -80

( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )

一、 Listening Comprehension( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)

二、 Section A ( 总题数: 4,分数: 45.00)

(分数: 15.00 )

A.Get some change from Jane.

B.Go and look for a pay phone.

e the woman"s phone.

D.Pay for the phone call.

解析: [ 听力原文 ]

M: Hi, Jane, do you have some change? I need to make a call on the pay phone. W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.

Q: What will the man most probably do?

[ 解析 ]本题实际上是“建议题”。答案规则很明显:建议题型根据动词选答案mobile phone)表示建议,因此男士很可能是接受建议而使用女士的手机。故选

A.Her notebook is missing.

B.Her handwriting is difficult to read.√

C.She wasn"t in class this morning, either. ! 女士用


why not(use my

D.She"s already lent her notes to someone else.

解析: [ 听力原文 ]

M: I missed the class this morning. Could you lend me your notes?

W: My notes? You"ve never seen my handwriting, have you?

Q: What does the woman imply?

[ 解析 ] 本题是反意疑问句题,第二个说话者的反意问句并无疑问的含义,其观点等同于反意问句中主句陈


A.She looks good in blue.

B.She never wears sweaters.

C.She might prefer another color.√

D.She enjoys receiving gifts.

解析: [ 听力原文 ]

W: I am going to buy Joan a blue sweater for her birthday.

M: Are you sure she"d like a blue one?

Q: What does the man imply about Joan?

[ 解析 ] are you sure表示怀疑,所以Joan 可能不喜欢蓝色,故选

A.Someone painted it for her.√


解析: [ 听力原文 ]

M: Wow, your apartment looks great. When did you have time to paint it?

W: I didn"t. I had it done professionally.

Q: What does the woman say about her apartment?

A 正确。

[ 解析 ]本题是“让某人做某事”题。have sth. done往往表示找人做了某事,

A.Today"s seminar was informative.

B.Another seminar will take place the following week.√

C.Next week"s seminar is on a different topic.

D.There will be two seminars next week.

解析: [ 听力原文 ]

M: The seminar scheduled for today has been canceled.

W: That"s too bad. But at least the one for next week is still on.

Q: What does the woman mean?

[ 解析 ] 本题是中间带but 的转折题, but 后面是答案。 B 表达的正是But 后句子的含义,故为答案。 the one 指代 seminar , on 意为“召开”。

(分数: 9.00 )

A.It"s dull.

B.It"s fun.

C.It"s simple. √

D.It"s complicated.

解析: [ 听力原文 ]

W: Yes, but all this considered, life in the country is still a lot less complicated than life

in the city.

Q: How does the woman think about life in the country?

[ 解析 ]比较句型要反应快,本题关键在于听清less complicated,即simple,故选C。





解析: [ 听力原文 ]

M: I"d like to send this package by rapid service.

W: Sure. That will cost $2.5 for the postage and another $1.15 for the rapid service.

Q: How much will it cost the man to send the package?

[ 解析 ] 数字题一般要运算,another 意味着本题做加法。 2.5+1.15=3.65 ,即D。

A.At a shoe store.√

解析: [ 听力原文 ]

W: Could I see a pair of cotton shoes like the brown ones in the window ? I need a size six

and a haft.

M: I"m sorry, but that style doesn"t come in haft size. Can I show you a six or a seven?

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

[ 解析 ]解答地点题的重点在于理解相应的地点名词所确立的语境,以及在该语境下的关键词。shoes ,window 和 size这些关键词说明是在买鞋。

(分数: 12.00 )

A.How to get Jack out of the office.
