



的经 营者 不推定 为 支配 地位 ) 当然 , 。
业或 者 以其他 方 式参 与经 营 者集 中 ,涉
及 国 家安 全 的 ,除进 行经 营 者集 中审查
外 ,还要 按 照 国家有 关规 定进 行 国 家安
全 审查 。
四是 针 对行政 垄断 问题 。反 垄断 法
限制 相关 市场 的竞 争并 且能 让 消费者 分
享 由此产 生 的利益 ,反 垄断 法对 此作 了 豁 免 ,如 为 了改进 技术 、研 究开 发新 产 品 的 、实 现节 能 、保护 环境 、救 灾救 助 等社 会公 共利 益等 。
制 定 与实 施 ,对维 护 与 规 范 市场 竞 争 , 促进 市场 在 资源配 置 中的 基础性 作 用将
可能 是纵 向 的 ( 如上下 游 企业 或者 产品
市 场支 配地 位 的经 营者可 以 自由决 定 自 己的市 场策 略而 无须 过 多考虑 其竞 争 对 手 或购 买者 的 反应 。市场 份额 本 身并 不 意 味市 场 支配地 位 ,还要 综 合考 虑市 场 结构 、 竞争 状况 、 准入 门槛 等诸 多 因素 。
促进与保障公平竞争的 部重要法律

《 中华人民共和国反垄断法 》述评
20 07年 8 3 l 月 0E,十 届全 国人 大 常务 委员 会第 2 9次会议 审议 通过 了《 中 华人 民共 和 国反垄 断 法 》 以下 简称 “ ( 反 垄断 法 ” 。反 垄断 法 是我 国社会 主 义市 ) 场经 济法 律体 系 的重要 组成 部分 ,它 的
法 经 营 者 集 中 申报 制 度 又 与 一 般 公 司
法上 的企 业并 购不 一 样 ,它强 调的 是指 取得 控制 权 的企业 并 购 。无 论 是善 意并 购 ,还是 恶意 收 购 ,都会 加强 收购 方 的 市场 力 ,提 升其 市场 份额 ,进 而有 可 能



• 案例:2008年9月18日,可口可乐公司向 案例:2008年 18日 商务部递交了收购汇源的申报材料, 商务部递交了收购汇源的申报材料,此后 多次根据商务部要求对申报材料进行了补 11月20日 充。11月20日,商务部认为可口可乐公司 提交的申报材料达到了《反垄断法》 提交的申报材料达到了《反垄断法》规定 的标准,对此项申报进行立案审查。 的标准,对此项申报进行立案审查。2009 18日 根据《反垄断法》 年3月18日,根据《反垄断法》第二十八 条和第二十九条,商务部认为, 条和第二十九条,商务部认为,此项经营 者集中具有排除、限制竞争效果, 者集中具有排除、限制竞争效果,将对中 国果汁饮料市场有效竞争和果汁产业健康 发展产生不利影响,否决了这起并购。 发展产生不利影响,否决了这起并购。
• 案例:1994 年5 月27 日,江都市教育局下发 案例: 关于统一拍摄中学生学籍照片的通知》 《关于统一拍摄中学生学籍照片的通知》,要 求从该年起,今后全市普中、 求从该年起,今后全市普中、职中一年级新生 学籍照片按统一尺寸、统一色彩、 学籍照片按统一尺寸、统一色彩、统一背景的 要求拍摄。该教育局将此项工作委托江都市教 要求拍摄。 育实业公司统一组织巡回上门服务。 育实业公司统一组织巡回上门服务。该通知发 出后, 出后,江都市教育实业公司按照通知要求编制 印发了拍摄日程表,实际拍摄了40 印发了拍摄日程表,实际拍摄了40 余所学校 新生学籍照片。在拍摄遇到阻力的情况下, 新生学籍照片。在拍摄遇到阻力的情况下,江 都市教育局及江都市教育实业公司的有关工作 人员声称:不按“三统一” 人员声称:不按“三统一”标准拍摄的照片不 能办理新生学籍卡。 能办理新生学籍卡。
• (三)宗旨 • 为了预防和制止垄断行为,保护市场 为了预防和制止垄断行为, 公平竞争,提高经济运行效率, 公平竞争,提高经济运行效率,维护 消费者利益和社会公共利益, 消费者利益和社会公共利益,促进社 会主义市场经济健康发展。 会主义市场经济健康发展。



中華人民共和国独占禁止法(中華人民共和国主席令第68 号公布)「中華人民共和国独占禁止法」は2007 年8 月30 日第10 期全国人民代表大会常務委員会第29 回会議にて可決されたので、ここにて公布し、2008年8月1日から施行する。

目 次第1 章 総 則第2 章 独占協定第3 章 市場支配的地位の濫用第4 章 事業者の集中第5 章 行政権力の濫用による競争の排除、制限第6 章 独占の疑いがある行為に対する調査第7 章 法律責任第8 章 附 則第1 章 総 則第1 条 独占行為を予防、阻止し、市場の公平な競争を保護し、経済運営の効率を高め、消費者の利益と社会の公共利益を確保し、社会主義市場経済の健全な発展を促進するために、本法を制定する。

第2 条 中華人民共和国国内の経済活動における独占行為は本法を適用する。


目 录第一章 总则第二章 垄断协议第三章 滥用市场支配地位第四章 经营者集中第五章 滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争第六章 对涉嫌垄断行为的调查第七章 法律责任第八章 附 则第1章 总则第1条 为了预防和制止垄断行为,保护市场公平竞争,提高经济运行效率,维护消费者利益和社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。

第2条 中华人民共和国境内经济活动中的垄断行为,适用本法;中华人民共和国境外的垄断行为,对境内市场竞争产生排除、限制影响的,适用本法。


第3 条 本法に定める独占行為は以下を含むものとする。

(1)事業者による独占協議の締結(2)事業者による市場支配地位の濫用 (3)競争を排除、制限する、もしくは、その怖れのある事業者の集中第4 条 国家は、社会主義市場経済に相応する競争規則を制定、実施し、マクロコントロールを完全化し、統一的、開放的、競争的、秩序ある市場体制を健全化する。
















2012年,最高人民法院出台《关于审理因垄断行为引发的民事纠纷案件 应用法律若干问题的规定》。
我国反垄断法在第1条规定:"为了预防和制止垄断行 为,保护市场竞争,提高经济运行效率,维护消费者 合法权益和社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济健 康发展,制定本法。
其直接目的:是反对垄断和保护市场竞争 其最终目的:是提高经济效益和维护消费者的利益。
一些国家的反垄断法明文规定,企业的市场份额达到一定标准,就被 推定具有市场支配地位,例德国。一些国家的反垄断法对市场支配地 位的界定标准并无明文规定,而是由判例来确立规则。
对市场支配地位的界定无论采取何种模式,标准是趋同的。如果企业 的市场占有力超过70%,其市场支配地位是明显的;如果企业的市场 占有力不足30%,一般不具有市场支配地位;如果企业的市场占有率 在30%--70%之间,必须考虑其他一些进一步说明企业竞争地位的因 素。这些因素包括:其一,对新的竞争者进入市场的障碍;其二,企 业的财力;其三,企业垂直联合的程度;其四,企业转向生产其他产 品的可能性;其五,交易对象转向其他企业的可能性;其六,市场行 为(企业的某些交易行为与竞争条件下可能实施的行为相差越大,该 企业不受竞争制约的能力就越强)。
各国反垄断法列举的滥用市场支配地位的行为大致有二类:剥削性滥 用和妨碍性滥用。
剥削性滥用的典型表现形式是对交易相对人(包括供应者、顾客和 最终消费者)索取不合理的垄断高价。
妨碍性滥用是指,拥有市场支配地位的企业为了维护或进一步加强 其市场地位,往往凭借业已获得的市场支配地位,妨碍公平竞争,目 的是为了排挤竞争对手,或者阻碍潜在竞争者进入市场。
对滥用市场支配地位的企业及其行为进行监督控制,被称为反垄断法 的三大支柱之一。


















反不正当竞争法与反垄断法的区别及其相互联系集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]遇到产权纠纷问题赢了网律师为你免费解惑!访问>> 我国反不正当竞争法与反垄断法的区别及其相互联系【反不当竞争法】我国反不正当竞争法与反垄断法的区别及其相互联系当前,在我国经济领域里,不正当竞争行为已具有相当普遍性,造成了一系列严重的消极后果,这些消极后果是竞争机制本身所无法克服的,这就要求国家以强制力对竞争秩序进行必要的干预,以排除妨害竞争的不正当行为,《反不正当竞争法》和《反垄断法》正是为了建立公平的市场秩序,保护消费者和企业的利益而制订的适应我国社会主义市场环境的两部法律。







银行卡跨行查询收费一时引起了轩然大波,更 有持卡人上法院起诉要求取消收费。今年两会期间, 广东团人大代表黄细花、陈雪英向人大提交了《关 于停止跨行查询收费的再建议》的议案,要求取消 银行卡境内跨行查询收费。(又如:办卡时的身份 证复印件;零钱兑换事件;贵宾窗口事件)
4、小灵通:无线市话(Personal access System)简称 PAS,是一种新型的个人无线接入系统。它采用先进的微 蜂窝技术,通过微蜂窝基站实现无线覆盖,将用户端(即 无线市话手机)以无线的方式接入本地电话网,使传统意 义上的固定电话不再固定在某个位置,可在无线网络覆盖 范围内自由移动使用,随时随地接听、拨打本地和国内、 国际电话。是市话的有效延伸和补充。
垄断 (英语:Monopoly) (或者称卖者垄断;台湾 通常译独占),一般指唯一的卖者在一个或多个市 场,通过一个或多个阶段,面对竞争性的消费者— 与买者垄断 (Monopsony) 刚刚相反。垄断者在市 场上,能够随意调节价格与产量(不能同时调节)。
是个 不 横 不社 同 看 一会 。 成 样事 从 岭 的件 法 侧 。, 律 成 所的峰 得角, 出度远 的去近 结看高 论同低 也一各
第一讲 反垄断法 《中华人民共和国反垄断法》 2007年8月30日第十届全国人民代表 大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过,自 2008年8月1日起施行。
、可口可乐与汇源果汁2008年9月3日联合发布公告称,可 口可乐旗下全资子公司将以总价179亿港元现金收购中国汇源 果汁集团有限公司。对于此次收购,业界看法不一,舆论亦 是哗然。新浪网发起的投票结果显示,参与投票的四万余人 中,持不赞同意见的比例高达82.3%。中国食品工业协会一 位专家表示,这让他想起十几年前可口可乐进入内地市场时 本土碳酸饮料全军覆没的往事,汇源被收购后,果汁市场也 许将重蹈覆辙。记者在一些论坛上看到,不少人在宣泄对此 事的不满。有人不无讽刺地说,汇源集团总裁朱新礼年初还 在“掷地有声”地声称“要做民族品牌、做百年老店”;有 论者惊呼:“难道我们只能眼睁睁地看着民族品牌消失殆尽 吗?”(据9月4日《北京晨报》《北京商报》) 乐百氏、大宝、中华牙膏、乐凯、娃哈哈……现在又轮 到“汇源”了 ……

中华人民共和国反垄断法2007(英文版)Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China

中华人民共和国反垄断法2007(英文版)Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China

烟台大学法学院法律硕士张川方中华人民共和国反垄断法Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China(Adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on August 30, 2007)No.68 Order of the President of the PRCThe Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China, adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on August 30, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of August 1st, 2008.Hu Jintao, President of the PRCAugust 30, 2007 C- I General ProvisionsArticle 1This Law is enacted for the purpose of(为了) preventing and restraining monopolistic conducts(垄断行为), protecting fair market competition, enhancing economic efficiency(经济运行效率), safeguarding the interests of consumers and the society as a whole(社会公共利益), and promoting the healthy development of socialist market economy. 2012-10-10 16:07:22Article 2This Law is applicable to monopolistic conducts in economic activities within the territory of the People’s Republic of China; and it is applicable to monopolistic conducts outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China, which serve to eliminate or restrict(产生排除、限制影响)competition on the domestic market of China.Article 3For the purposes of this Law(本法规定的), monopolistic conducts include:(1) monopoly agreements(垄断协议)reached between undertakings(经营者);(2) abuse of dominant market position(市场支配地位) by undertakings; and(3) concentration of undertakings(经营者集中)that lead, or may lead to(具有…的效果)elimination or restriction of competition.Article 4The State shall formulate and implement competition rules(竞争规则)which are compatible with(相适应的) the socialist market economy, in order to perfect macro-economic regulation(完善宏观调控) and build up a sound(健全)market network(市场体系) which operates in an integrated, open, competitive and orderly manner.Article 5Undertakings may, through fair competition and voluntary association(自愿联合), get themselves concentrated according to law, to expand the scale of their business operations(经营规模)and enhance their competitiveness on the market.Article 6Undertakings holding a dominant position on the market may not abuse(不得滥用)such position to eliminate or restrict competition.Article 7(1) With respect to the industries which are under the control of the State-owned economic sector(国有经济成份) and have a bearing on(关系到)the lifeline of the national economy(国民经济命脉)or national security(国家安全) and the industries which exercise monopoly over the production and sale of certain commodities(实行专营专卖) according to law, the State shall protect the lawful business operations of undertakings in these industries, and shall, in accordance with law, supervise and regulate their business operations(经营活动) and the prices of the commodities and services provided by them, in order to protect the consumers’ interests and facilitate technological advance(促进技术进步).(2) The undertakings mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall do business according to law(依法经营), be honest, faithful(诚实守信)and strictly self-disciplined(严格自律的), and subject themselves to public supervision, and they shall not harm the consumers’ interests by taking advantage of their position of control or monopolistic production and sale of certain commodities(专营专卖).Article 8Administrative organs or organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of(具有…职能) administering public affairs(公共事务) may not abuse their administrative powers(行政权力)to eliminate or restrict competition.Article 9(1) The State Council shall establish an anti-monopoly commission(反垄断委员会)to be in charge of(负责)organizing, coordinating and guiding anti-monopoly work and to perform the following duties:(a) studying and drafting(拟订)policies on competition;(b) organizing investigation and assessment of competition on the market as a whole(市场总体竞争状况) and publishing assessment reports(发布评估报告);(c) formulating and releasing anti-monopoly guidelines(发布反垄断指南);(d) coordinating administrative enforcement(行政执法工作)of the Anti-Monopoly Law; and(e) other duties as prescribed by the State Council.(2) The composition of and procedural rules(工作规则)for the anti-monopoly commission shall be specified by the State Council.Article 10(1) The authority responsible for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law(反垄断执法)specified by the State Council (hereinafter referred to, in general, as以下统称the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council) shall be in charge of such enforcement in accordance with the provisions of this Law.(2) The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council may, in light of the need of work, empower(授权)the appropriate department(相应的机构)of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government to take charge of(负责) relevant enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law in accordance with the provisions of this Law.Article 11Trade associations(行业协会)shall tighten their self-discipline(加强行业自律), give guidance to the undertakings in their respective trades in lawful competition, and maintain the market order in competition(市场竞争秩序).Article 12(1) For the purposes of this Law, undertakings include natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations that engage in manufacturing or selling commodities(商品经营), or providing services.(2) For the purposes of this Law, a relevant market consists of the range of the commodities(商品范围) and the range of the regions(地域范围), in which undertakings compete with each other during a given period of time for specific commodities or services (hereinafter referred to, in general, as “commodities”).C-II Monopoly AgreementsArticle 13(1) Competing(具有竞争关系的)undertakings are prohibited from concluding the following monopoly agreements:(a) on fixing or changing(固定或变更)commodity prices;(b) on restricting the amount of commodities manufactured or marketed(销售的);(c) on splitting the sales market(销售市场) or the purchasing market(采购市场) for raw materials;(d) on restricting the purchase of new technologies or equipments, or restricting the development of(限制开发) new technologies or products;(e) on joint boycotting(联合抵制) of transactions; and(f) other monopoly agreements confirmed(认定的)by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council.(2) For the purposes of this Law, monopoly agreements include agreements, decisions and other concerted conducts(协同行为) designed to eliminate or restrict competition.Article 14Undertakings are prohibited from concluding the following monopoly agreements with their trading counterparts(交易相对人):(1) on fixing the prices of commodities(物价)resold to a third party(向第三人转售);(2) on restricting the lowest prices of commodities resold to a third party; and(3) other monopoly agreements confirmed by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law(反垄断执法) under the State Council.Article 15(1) The provisions of Article 13 and 14 of this Law shall not be applicable to the agreements between undertakings, which they can prove to be concluded for any of the following purposes(属于下列情形之一的):(a) to improve technologies, or to engage in research and development(研究开发) of new products; or(b) to improve product quality, reduce cost, and enhance efficiency, to unify specifications(统一规格) and standards of products, or to implement specialized division of production(专业化分工);(c) to increase the efficiency(经营效率)and competitiveness of small and medium-sized undertakings;(d) to serve public interests(实现公共利益)in energy conservation(节约能源), environmental protection and disaster relief(救灾救助);(e) to mitigate sharp decrease(严重下降) in sales volumes(销售量) or obvious overproduction caused by economic depression;(f) to safeguard the legitimate interests in foreign trade and economic cooperation with foreign counterparts(对外经济合作); or(g) other purposes as prescribed by laws or the State Council.(2) In the cases(情形) as specified in Subparagraphs (a) through (e) of the preceding paragraph, where the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of this Law are not applicable, the undertakings shall, in addition, prove that the agreements reached will not substantially restrict(严重限制)competition in the relevant market and that they can enable the consumers to share the benefits derived therefrom(由此产生的).Article 16Trade associations may not make arrangements(组织)for undertakings within their respective trades to engage in the monopolistic practices(垄断行为) prohibited by the provisions of this Chapter.C-III Abuse of Dominant Market PositionArticle 17(1) Undertakings holding dominant market positions are prohibited from doing the following by abusing their dominant market positions:(a) selling commodities at unfairly high prices(不公平的高价)or buying commodities at unfairly low prices;(b) selling commodities below cost(低于成本价) without justifiable reasons;(c) refusing to enter into transactions(进行交易) with their trading counterparts without justifiable reasons;(d) without justifiable reasons, allowing their trading counterparts(交易相对人)to make transactions exclusively with(只能与)themselves or with the undertakings designated by them;(e) without justifiable reasons, conducting tie-in sale of commodities(搭售商品) or adding other unreasonable trading conditions(交易条件) to transactions;(f) without justifiable reasons, applying differential prices and other transaction terms(等交易条件)among their trading counterparts who are on an equal footing(条件相同); or(g) other acts of abuse of dominant market positions confirmed by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council.(2) For the purposes of this Law, dominant market position means a market position held by an undertaking that is capable of controlling the prices or quantities of commodities or other transaction terms in a relevant market(在相关市场内), or preventing or exerting an influence on(影响)the access of other undertakings to the market.Article 18The dominant market position of an undertaking shall be determined on the basis of the following factors:(1) its share on a relevant market and the competitiveness(竞争状况) on the market;(2) its ability to control the sales market(销售市场) or the purchasing market for raw and semi-finished materials;(3) its financial strength(财力)and technical conditions(技术条件);(4) the extent to which other business mangers(经营者) depend on it in transactions;(5) the difficulty(难易程度) that other undertakings find in entering the relevant market; and(6) other factors related to the determination of the dominant market position held by an undertaking.Article 19(1) The conclusion that an undertaking holds a dominant market position may be deduced from(从…推定出) any of the following circumstances:(a) the market share of an undertaking accounts for half of the total in a relevant market;(b) the joint market share(合计市场份额) of two undertakings accounts for two-thirds of the total in a relevant market; or(c) the joint market share of three undertakings accounts for three-fourths of the total in a relevant market.(2) Under the circumstance specified in Subparagraph (b) or (c) of the preceding paragraph, if the market share of one of the undertakings(有的经营者) is less than one-tenths of the total, the undertaking shall not be considered to have a dominant market position.(3) Where an undertaking that is deduced to hold a dominant market position has evidence to the contrary(有相反情况), he shall not be considered(被认定) to hold a dominant market position.C-IV Concentration of UndertakingsArticle 20Concentration of undertakings means the following:(1) merger of undertakings;(2) control over other undertakings gained by an undertaking through acquiring their shares(取得股权) or assets; and(3) control over other undertakings or being capable of exerting a decisive influence(施加决定性影响)on the same gained by an undertaking through signing contracts or other means. 2012-10-11 19:04:40Article 21When their intended concentration reaches the threshold level(申报标准) as set by the State Council, undertakings shall declare in advance(事先申报)to the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council; they shall not implement the concentration(实施集中)in the absence of such declaration.Article 22In any of the following circumstances, undertakings may dispense with(摒弃,省掉)declaration to the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council:(1) one of the undertakings involved in the concentration owns 50 percent or more of the voting shares or assets of each of the other undertakings; or(2) an undertaking not involved in the concentration owns 50 percent or more of the voting(有表决权的) shares or assets of each of the undertakings involved in the concentration.Article 23(1) To declare concentration(申报集中)to the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council, the undertakings shall submit the following documents and materials:(a) statement of declaration(申报书);(b) explanation of the impact to be exerted(即将施加的)by the concentration on competition in a relevant market;(c) concentration agreement;(d) the financial accounting report of each of the undertakings involved in the concentration in the previous fiscal year(上一会计年度), which is audited by a certified public accountant(注册会计师) firm; and(e) other documents and materials as specified by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council.(2) The statement of declaration shall clearly state the titles(名称)of the undertakings involved in the concentration, their domiciles, business scopes(经营范围), the anticipated date(预定日期)for concentration and other matters specified by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council.Article 24In case the documents or materials submitted by the undertakings are incomplete(不完备的), the undertakings concerned shall supplement(补交)the relevant documents or materials within the time limit prescribed by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council. If they fail to do so at the expiration of the time limit, they shall be deemed to have made no declaration.Article 25(1) The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council shall, within 30 days from the date it receives the documents or materials submitted by the undertakings which conform to the provisions of Article 23 of this Law, make a preliminary review(初步审查)of the concentration and make a decision whether to conduct a further review, and notify the undertakings of its decision in writing. Before the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council makes such a decision, the undertakings shall not implement the concentration.(2) Where the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council decides not to conduct a further review or fails to make such a decision at the expiration of the time limit(逾期), the undertakings may implement the concentration.Article 26(1) Where the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council decides to conduct a further review, it shall, within 90 days from the date of decision, complete the review, decide whether to prohibit the undertakings from concentrating(禁止经营者集中), and notify them of the decision in writing. Where a decision on prohibiting the undertakings from concentrating is made, the reasons for the decision shall be given. The undertakings shall not implement concentration during the period of review(审查期间).(2) Under any of the following circumstances, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council may extend the period for review as specified in thepreceding paragraph on condition that(经)it notifies the undertakings of the extension in writing, but the extension shall not exceed the maximum(最长不得超过) of 60 days:(a) the undertakings agree to(同意照办)the extension;(b) the documents or materials submitted by the undertakings are inaccurate and therefore need to be further verified; or(c) major changes have taken place(发生重大变化) after the undertakings made the declaration.(3) Where the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council fails to make a decision at the expiration of the time limit(逾期), the undertakings may implement concentration.Article 27The following factors shall be taken into consideration in the review of concentration of undertakings:(1) the market shares of the undertakings involved in concentration in a relevant market and their power of control(控制力) over the market;(2) the degree of concentration(集中度) in a relevant market;(3) the impact of their concentration on access to the market(市场进入) and technological advance;(4) the impact of their concentration on consumers and other relevant undertakings;(5) the impact of their concentration on the development of the national economy(国民经济); and(6) other factors which the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council deems necessary to be considered(认为应当考虑)in terms of its impact on market competition.Article 28If the concentration of undertakings leads, or may lead, to elimination or restriction of competition, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council shall make a decision to prohibit their concentration. However, if the undertakings concerned can prove that the advantages of such concentration to competition obviously outweigh(明显大于)the disadvantages, or that the concentration is in the public interests(符合社会公共利益), the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council may decide not to prohibit their concentration.Article 29Where the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council does not prohibit the concentration of undertakings, it may decide to impose additional restrictive conditions(附加限制性条件) for lessening the negative impact(不利影响)exerted by such concentration on competition.Article 30The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council shall, in a timely manner, publish its decision on prohibition from the concentration of undertakings(禁止经营者集中)or its decision on imposing additional restrictive conditions on the implementation of such concentration.Article 31Where a foreign investor(外资)participates in the concentration of undertakings by merging and acquiring a domestic enterprise(境内企业)or by any other means, which involves national security, the matter shall be subject to review on national security(国家安全审查)as required by the relevant State regulations(国家有关规定), in addition to the review on the concentration of undertakings in accordance with the provisions of this Law.C-V Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict CompetitionArticle 32Administrative organs and organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs(管理公共事务) may not abuse their administrative powers to require, or require in disguised form(变相), units or individuals to deal in(经营), purchase or use only(限定)the commodities supplied by the undertakings designated by them.Article 33Administrative organs and organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs may not abuse theiradministrative powers to impede(妨碍) the free flow(自由流通)of commodities between different regions by any of the following means:(1) setting discriminatory charge items(收费项目), implementing discriminatory charge rates(收费标准), or fixing discriminatory prices for non-local commodities(外地商品);(2) imposing technical specifications(技术要求) or test standards(检验标准)on non-local commodities, which are different from those on local commodities of similar types(同类), or taking discriminatory technical measures (技术措施)such as repeated test and repeated certification(重复认证), against non-local commodities to restrict the access of non-local commodities to the local market;(3) adopting a special practice of administrative licensing(专门的行政许可)for non-local commodities to restrict the access of non-local commodities to the local market;(4) erecting barriers(设置关卡)or adopting other means to prevent non-local commodities from coming in or local commodities from going out; or(5) other means designed(其它手段) to impede the free flow of commodities between regions. Article 34Administrative organs and organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs may not abuse their administrative powers to exclude(排斥)non-local undertakings from participating, or restrict their participation, in local invitation and tendering(招标投标)by imposing discriminatory qualification requirements(资质要求) or assessment standards(评审标准), or by refusing to publish information according to law.Article 35Administrative organs and organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs may not abuse their administrative powers to exclude or restrict non-local undertakings from making investment or establishing branch offices locally by treating them unequally(不平等待遇) as compared with the local undertakings, or by other means. Article 36Administrative organs and organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs may not abuse their administrative powers to compel(强制) undertakings to engage in monopolistic conducts specified by this Law.Article 37Administrative organs may not abuse their administrative power to formulate regulations(制定规定)with content of eliminating or restricting competition.C-VI Investigation into Suspected Monopolistic ConductsArticle 38(1) The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall investigate suspected monopolistic conducts(涉嫌垄断行为) according to law.(2) All units and individuals shall have the right to report to the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law against(对)suspected monopolistic conducts. The latter shall keep the information confidential.(3) If the report is made in writing(举报采用书面形式) and relevant facts and evidence are provided, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall conduct necessary investigation.Article 39(1) When conducting investigations into(调查)a suspected monopolistic conduct, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law may take the following measures:(a) conducting inspections of the business places(营业场所) or relevant premises of the undertakings under investigation;(b) making inquiries of(询问)the undertakings under investigation, the interested parties, or other units or individuals involved, and requesting them to provide relevant explanations(说明有关情况); (c) consulting and duplicating the relevant documents and materials of the undertakings under investigation, the interested parties and other relevantunits and individuals, such as bills, certificates(单证), agreements, account books(会计账簿), business correspondence and electronic data;(d) sealing up or distraining relevant evidence; and(e) inquiring about(查询) the bank accounts(银行账户) of the undertakings under investigation.(2) To take the measures specified in the preceding paragraph, a written report shall be submitted for approval to the principal leading person(主要负责人) of the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law.Article 40(1) When the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law to conducts investigations into suspected monopolistic conducts, there shall be at least two law-enforcement officers(执法人员)who shall produce their law enforcement certificates.(2) The law-enforcement officers shall make written records(笔录)when conducting inquiries and investigations, which shall be signed by the persons inquired or investigated.Article 41The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law and its staff members are obligated to(有义务) keep confidential the commercial secrets they come to have access to(知悉的)in the course of law enforcement.Article 42The undertakings under investigation, the interested parties or other relevant units or individuals shall cooperate with the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law in performing their duties in accordance with law, and they shall not refuse or hinder(拒绝、阻碍)the investigation conducted by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law.Article 43The undertakings under investigation and the interested parties(利害关系人)shall have the right to make statements. The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall verify the facts, justifications(理由)and evidence presented by the said undertakings or interested parties.Article 44If, after investigation into and verification of a suspected monopolistic conduct, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law concludes that it constitutes a monopolistic conduct, the said authority shall make a decision on how to deal with it in accordance with law and may make the matter known to the public(向社会公布).Article 45(1) With respect to(对)the suspected monopolistic conduct which is under investigation by the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law, if the undertakings under investigation commit themselves to(承诺)adopt specific measures to eliminate the consequences of their conduct within a specified time limit(在一定期限之内)which is accepted by the said authority, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law may decide to suspend the investigation. The decision shall clearly state the details(具体内容)of the undertakings’ commitments.(2) Where the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law decides to suspend an investigation, it shall oversee the fulfillment of the commitments(履行承诺)made by the undertakings. Where the undertakings fulfill their commitments, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law may decide to terminate the investigation.(3) In any of the following circumstances, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall resume the investigation:(a) the undertakings concerned fail to fulfill their commitments;(b) material changes(重大变化) have taken place in respect of the facts on which the decision to suspend the investigation was based; or(c) the decision to suspend the investigation was based on incomplete or untrue(不真实的)information provided by the undertakings concerned.C-VII Legal LiabilitiesArticle 46(1) Where an undertaking, in violation of the provisions of this Law, concludes and implements a monopoly agreement, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall instruct it to discontinue the violation(责令停止违法行为), confiscate its unlawful gains, and in addition impose on it a fine of not less than one percent but not more than 10 percent of its sales amount(销售额)inthe previous year; if the monopoly agreement has not been implemented, it may be fined not more than RMB 500,000 yuan.(2) If an undertaking, on its own initiative(主动), reports to the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law about the monopoly agreement reached, and provides important evidence, the said authority may, at its discretion(酌情), mitigate or exempt the undertaking from punishment. (3) Where a trade association, in violation of the provisions of this Law, has arranged the undertakings in the trade to reach a monopoly agreement, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law may impose on it a fine of not more than 500,000 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, the administrative authority for the registration of public organizations(社会团体登记管理机关) may cancel the registration of the trade association in accordance with law.Article 47Where an undertaking, in violation of the provisions of this Law, abuses its dominant market position, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall instruct it to discontinue such violation, confiscate its unlawful gains, and in addition impose(并处)on it a fine of not less than one percent but not more than 10 percent of its sales amount in the previous year.Article 48Where the undertakings, in violation of the provisions of this Law, implement concentration, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law under the State Council shall instruct them to discontinue such concentration, within a specified time limit(限期) dispose of their shares or assets and transfer the business(转让营业), and adopt other necessary measures to return to the state prior to the concentration, and it may impose on them a fine of not more than 500,000 yuan.Article 49To determine the specific amount of fines(具体罚款数额) prescribed in Article 46, 47 and 48, the authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law shall consider such factors as the nature, extent and duration(持续的时间) of the violations.Article 50Where the monopolistic conduct of an undertaking has caused losses to another person, it shall bear the relevant civil liability(承担民事责任) according to law.Article 51(1) Where an administrative organ or an organization authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs abuses its administrative powers to eliminate or restrict competition, the organ at a higher level shall instruct it to rectify; the person directly in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given disciplinary sanctions(处分)in accordance with law. The authority for enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law may submit a proposal(提出建议)to the relevant organ at a higher level for handling the matter according to law. (2) Where laws or regulations provide for otherwise(另有规定) in respect of administrative organs or organizations authorized by laws or regulations to perform the function of administering public affairs abusing their administrative powers to eliminate or restrict competition, such provisions shall prevail.Article 52。





二、立法目的和适用范围(一)立法目的1. 预防和制止垄断行为,保护市场公平竞争;2. 提高经济运行效率,维护消费者利益;3. 促进社会主义市场经济健康发展。

(二)适用范围1. 在中华人民共和国境内发生的垄断行为,适用本法;2. 外国经营者在中国境内发生的垄断行为,适用本法;3. 中国境内经营者对外国经营者发生的垄断行为,根据情况,可以适用本法。


包括:1. 价格垄断协议;2. 限售垄断协议;3. 限购垄断协议;4. 限制出口垄断协议;5. 限制进口垄断协议;6. 限制新进入垄断协议;7. 限制合并垄断协议;8. 其他具有排除、限制竞争效果的垄断协议。


包括:1. 抬高价格;2. 搭售或者附加不合理条件;3. 拒绝交易;4. 限定交易相对人;5. 限定交易方式;6. 其他滥用市场支配地位的行为。


包括:1. 合并;2. 收购;3. 合营;4. 其他可能排除、限制竞争的经营者集中。

四、反垄断执法机构及其职责(一)反垄断执法机构1. 国家市场监督管理总局;2. 省级市场监督管理部门;3. 直辖市市场监督管理部门。

(二)职责1. 调查和处理垄断行为;2. 审查经营者集中;3. 制定和发布反垄断指南;4. 组织开展反垄断培训;5. 宣传普及反垄断法律知识;6. 其他反垄断执法职责。








比如,作为现代竞争法发源地的美国,其最高法院1911 年在”标准石油公司案”中确立了”合理原则”,即只有”不合理”的限制竞争行为才属于《谢尔曼法》第1 条的禁止范围,而那些被认为合理的限制竞争将予以豁免。
















二、反垄断法的立法目的和基本原则1. 立法目的(1)预防和制止垄断行为,维护市场竞争秩序;(2)保护消费者利益,提高社会整体福利水平;(3)促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,实现国家经济战略目标。

2. 基本原则(1)公平竞争原则:禁止垄断行为,维护公平竞争的市场秩序;(2)市场准入原则:鼓励和支持企业进入市场,发挥市场机制在资源配置中的基础性作用;(3)公开、公正、公平原则:反垄断执法机关在执法过程中,应当公开、公正、公平地处理案件;(4)经营者自主原则:尊重经营者自主经营的权利,不得干预企业合法经营活动。

三、反垄断法的适用范围1. 主体范围(1)垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中等垄断行为;(2)涉及垄断行为的经营者、行业协会、政府部门等。

2. 地域范围《反垄断法》适用于中华人民共和国境内发生的垄断行为,包括境内企业、行业协会、政府部门等。

四、垄断行为的认定标准1. 垄断协议(1)垄断协议的定义:两个或两个以上经营者为限制竞争而达成的协议、决定或者其他协同行为;(2)垄断协议的类型:横向垄断协议、纵向垄断协议;(3)垄断协议的认定标准:具有排除、限制竞争的效果,损害消费者利益。

2. 滥用市场支配地位(1)市场支配地位的定义:一个或多个经营者控制一定市场份额,对其他经营者、消费者具有重大影响,能够排除、限制竞争的地位;(2)滥用市场支配地位的表现形式:拒绝交易、搭售、限定交易、不公平价格等;(3)滥用市场支配地位的认定标准:具有排除、限制竞争的效果,损害消费者利益。

3. 经营者集中(1)经营者集中的定义:两个或两个以上经营者合并、分立、收购、合并、控股等;(2)经营者集中的认定标准:可能对市场竞争产生不利影响,损害消费者利益。







































反垄断法2007版English Answer:The Competition Act, 2007 is a comprehensivelegislation that seeks to prevent anti-competitivepractices and promote a healthy competitive environment in India. The Act provides a framework for the regulation of anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position,and mergers and acquisitions.One of the key features of the Competition Act is its prohibition on anti-competitive agreements. This includes agreements between enterprises that fix prices, restrict output, or allocate markets. The Act also prohibits cartels, which are agreements between competitors to act in a coordinated manner to restrict competition.Another important provision of the Competition Act isits prohibition on abuse of dominant position. A dominant enterprise is one that has a significant market share andthe ability to control prices or exclude competitors. The Act prohibits such enterprises from engaging in practices that are likely to harm competition, such as predatory pricing or exclusive dealing.The Competition Act also provides a framework for the regulation of mergers and acquisitions. The Act requires certain mergers and acquisitions to be notified to the Competition Commission of India (CCI). The CCI reviews these transactions to ensure that they do not substantially lessen competition in the relevant market.The Competition Act has been instrumental in promoting a more competitive environment in India. The Act has led to the break-up of several cartels and the imposition of penalties on enterprises that have engaged in anti-competitive practices. The Act has also helped to create a more level playing field for small and medium-sized enterprises.中文回答:2007年反垄断法是一项综合性立法,旨在防止反竞争行为、促进印度的健康竞争环境。



一、市场支配地位的概念和认定 (一)市场支配地位的概念 1、市场支配地位的含义 是指经营者在相关市场内具有能够控制商品价格、 数量或者其他交易条件,或者能够阻碍、影响其他 经营者进入相关市场能力的市场地位。简单说,就 是经营者具有控制相关市场的能力。 2、相关市场的概念和界定 (二)认定市场支配地位时应当依据的因素 (三)市场支配地位的推定
(二)纵向垄断协议 纵向垄断协议是指经营者与交易相对人之间 所达成的限制竞争的垄断协议。 1、固定向第三人转售商品的价格; 2、限定向第三人转售商品的最低价格; 3、国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断 协议。
案例介绍: 2010年1月,中国出版工作者协会、中国书刊发行业协会、 中国新华书店协会联合制定发布《图书公平交易规则》, 其中规定出版一年内的新书(以版权页出版时间为准),进 入零售市场时,须按图书标定实价销售,网上书店或会员 制销售时,最多享受不低于8.5折的优惠幅度。 此规则一 出台,即遭受广泛质疑。中国人民大学商法研究所所长刘 俊海教授认为,《图书公平交易规则》中的八五折限价规 则的实质是一种价格垄断协议,违反了反垄断法。为维护 市场竞争机制的活力,我国反垄断法不仅在第十三条禁止 具有竞争关系的经营者达成固定或者变更商品价格的垄断 协议;而且在第十六条禁止行业协会组织本行业的经营者 从事价格垄断行为。2010年9月, 《图书公平交易规则》 修改,争议条款被删除。
案例介绍: 2009年11月,上海第一中级人民法院就北京书生电子技术有限公司依据反垄 断法诉上海盛大网络发展有限公司和上海玄霆娱乐信息科技有限公司滥用市 场支配地位一案,作出了一审判决。法院认为原告诉讼请求缺乏事实和法律 依据,不予支持。这一案件的宣判,是2008年8月我国反垄断法生效以来法院 做出的首例相关判决。该案源于原告运营的读吧网的网络作品《星辰变后传》 与两被告共同经营的起点中文网的网络作品《星辰变》存有版权争议,原告 认为被告以胁迫手段要求《星辰变后传》的两位作者停止为读吧网继续创作, 并在起点中文网上发表致歉声明,还限制其他网站转载该作品,属于滥用市 场支配地位限定交易的行为。案件诉讼过程中,原告依据被告盛大公司官方 网站的宣传内容、起点中文网及其他网站有关“盛大文学”旗下三家网站的 宣传内容的公证文书,主张两被告在中国网络文学市场上占80%以上的份额, 并依据反垄断法第19条推定两被告具有市场支配地位。但法院认为难以认定 两被告具有市场支配地位,其理由是,原告提交的证据仅为各网站的宣传内 容,这些内容未经核实且无其他证据印证,将宣传的市场份额等同于实际所 占的市场份额,依据不足。同时法院认为原告证据无法证明两被告采取了胁 迫手段,且《星辰变后传》两位作者行为确有不当之处,即便两被告确有要 求两作者停止创作或要求其他网站停止转载,其行为也在情理之中,因此从 行为正当性上判断,法院认定被告未构成滥用行为。原告不服,提出上诉。 上海高院审理后维持原判。



















第七章 反垄断法

第七章 反垄断法

结构主义:确定一定的合并水平,超过的不允许合并 行为主义:以具体案件为出发点,分析合并的利弊
有利于竞争的合并和反竞争的合并 横向合并和非横向合并
企业化趋势 • 1968年的并购准则以市场集中度为主要判据
益为代价而变得更富有。 (二)分配无效率:哈伯格三角形的面积代表着社会总剩余因垄断而
(三)寻租。当市场势力通过政府干预而人为地保持下来时,可能会 产生第三种类型的无效率——寻租。寻租(Rent Seeking)是指 那些企业为了影响政策制定者而耗费的没有用于生产的资源。 (四)生产无效率。具有强大市场势力的企业很少有动力来提高成本 效率。


维护自由、公正的竞争机制; 保护竞争企业和消费者的利益。
哈佛学派——市场结构决定市场行为,市场行为产 生市场绩效(SCP)。因此,反垄断法关注的重点不 是企业行为,而是市场结构; 芝加哥学派——竞争行为,尤其是提高经济效益的 竞争行为,就其本性而言,是要损害竞争对手的。 关键不在于某种行为是否损害竞争者或排斥竞争对 手,而在于它是否促进社会的经济效益,因此,反 垄断法的重点“应从市场份额转向经济效益”

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中华人民共和国反垄断法(2007年8月30日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过2007年8月30日中华人民共和国主席令第68号公布)目 录第一章 总 则第二章 垄断协议第三章 滥用市场支配地位第四章 经营者集中第五章 滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争第六章 对涉嫌垄断行为的调查第七章 法律责任第八章 附 则第一章 总 则第一条 为了预防和制止垄断行为,保护市场公平竞争,提高经济运行效率,维护消费者利益和社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。

第二条 中华人民共和国境内经济活动中的垄断行为,适用本法;中华人民共和国境外的垄断行为,对境内市场竞争产生排除、限制影响的,适用本法。

第三条 本法规定的垄断行为包括:(一)经营者达成垄断协议;(二)经营者滥用市场支配地位;(三)具有或者可能具有排除、限制竞争效果的经营者集中。

第四条 国家制定和实施与社会主义市场经济相适应的竞争规则,完善宏观调控,健全统一、开放、竞争、有序的市场体系。

第五条 经营者可以通过公平竞争、自愿联合,依法实施集中,扩大经营规模,提高市场竞争能力。

第六条 具有市场支配地位的经营者,不得滥用市场支配地位,排除、限制竞争。

第七条 国有经济占控制地位的关系国民经济命脉和国家安全的行业以及依法实行专营专卖的行业,国家对其经营者的合法经营活动予以保护,并对经营者的经营行为及其商品和服务的价格依法实施监管和调控,维护消费者利益,促进技术进步。


第八条 行政机关和法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织不得滥用行政权力,排除、限制竞争。

第九条 国务院设立反垄断委员会,负责组织、协调、指导反垄断工作,履行下列职责:(一)研究拟订有关竞争政策;(二)组织调查、评估市场总体竞争状况,发布评估报告;(三)制定、发布反垄断指南;(四)协调反垄断行政执法工作;(五)国务院规定的其他职责。


第十条 国务院规定的承担反垄断执法职责的机构(以下统称国务院反垄断执法机构)依照本法规定,负责反垄断执法工作。


第十一条 行业协会应当加强行业自律,引导本行业的经营者依法竞争,维护市场竞争秩序。

第十二条 本法所称经营者,是指从事商品生产、经营或者提供服务的自然人、法人和其他组织。


第二章 垄断协议第十三条 禁止具有竞争关系的经营者达成下列垄断协议:(一)固定或者变更商品价格;(二)限制商品的生产数量或者销售数量;(三)分割销售市场或者原材料采购市场;(四)限制购买新技术、新设备或者限制开发新技术、新产品;(五)联合抵制交易;(六)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断协议。


第十四条 禁止经营者与交易相对人达成下列垄断协议:(一)固定向第三人转售商品的价格;(二)限定向第三人转售商品的最低价格;(三)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断协议。

第十五条 经营者能够证明所达成的协议属于下列情形之一的,不适用本法第十三条、第十四条的规定:(一)为改进技术、研究开发新产品的;(二)为提高产品质量、降低成本、增进效率,统一产品规格、标准或者实行专业化分工的;(三)为提高中小经营者经营效率,增强中小经营者竞争力的;(四)为实现节约能源、保护环境、救灾救助等社会公共利益的;(五)因经济不景气,为缓解销售量严重下降或者生产明显过剩的;(六)为保障对外贸易和对外经济合作中的正当利益的;(七)法律和国务院规定的其他情形。


第十六条 行业协会不得组织本行业的经营者从事本章禁止的垄断行为。

第三章 滥用市场支配地位第十七条 禁止具有市场支配地位的经营者从事下列滥用市场支配地位的行为:(一)以不公平的高价销售商品或者以不公平的低价购买商品;(二)没有正当理由,以低于成本的价格销售商品;(三)没有正当理由,拒绝与交易相对人进行交易;(四)没有正当理由,限定交易相对人只能与其进行交易或者只能与其指定的经营者进行交易;(五)没有正当理由搭售商品,或者在交易时附加其他不合理的交易条件;(六)没有正当理由,对条件相同的交易相对人在交易价格等交易条件上实行差别待遇;(七)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他滥用市场支配地位的行为。


第十八条 认定经营者具有市场支配地位,应当依据下列因素:(一)该经营者在相关市场的市场份额,以及相关市场的竞争状况;(二)该经营者控制销售市场或者原材料采购市场的能力;(三)该经营者的财力和技术条件;(四)其他经营者对该经营者在交易上的依赖程度;(五)其他经营者进入相关市场的难易程度;(六)与认定该经营者市场支配地位有关的其他因素。

第十九条 有下列情形之一的,可以推定经营者具有市场支配地位:(一)一个经营者在相关市场的市场份额达到二分之一的;(二)两个经营者在相关市场的市场份额合计达到三分之二的;(三)三个经营者在相关市场的市场份额合计达到四分之三的。



第四章 经营者集中第二十条 经营者集中是指下列情形:(一)经营者合并;(二)经营者通过取得股权或者资产的方式取得对其他经营者的控制权;(三)经营者通过合同等方式取得对其他经营者的控制权或者能够对其他经营者施加决定性影响。

第二十一条 经营者集中达到国务院规定的申报标准的,经营者应当事先向国务院反垄断执法机构申报,未申报的不得实施集中。

第二十二条 经营者集中有下列情形之一的,可以不向国务院反垄断执法机构申报:(一)参与集中的一个经营者拥有其他每个经营者百分之五十以上有表决权的股份或者资产的;(二)参与集中的每个经营者百分之五十以上有表决权的股份或者资产被同一个未参与集中的经营者拥有的。

第二十三条 经营者向国务院反垄断执法机构申报集中,应当提交下列文件、资料:(一)申报书;(二)集中对相关市场竞争状况影响的说明;(三)集中协议;(四)参与集中的经营者经会计师事务所审计的上一会计年度财务会计报告;(五)国务院反垄断执法机构规定的其他文件、资料。


第二十四条 经营者提交的文件、资料不完备的,应当在国务院反垄断执法机构规定的期限内补交文件、资料。


第二十五条 国务院反垄断执法机构应当自收到经营者提交的符合本法第二十三条规定的文件、资料之日起三十日内,对申报的经营者集中进行初步审查,作出是否实施进一步审查的决定,并书面通知经营者。



第二十六条 国务院反垄断执法机构决定实施进一步审查的,应当自决定之日起九十日内审查完毕,作出是否禁止经营者集中的决定,并书面通知经营者。





第二十七条 审查经营者集中,应当考虑下列因素:(一)参与集中的经营者在相关市场的市场份额及其对市场的控制力;(二)相关市场的市场集中度;(三)经营者集中对市场进入、技术进步的影响;(四)经营者集中对消费者和其他有关经营者的影响;(五)经营者集中对国民经济发展的影响;(六)国务院反垄断执法机构认为应当考虑的影响市场竞争的其他因素。

第二十八条 经营者集中具有或者可能具有排除、限制竞争效果的,国务院反垄断执法机构应当作出禁止经营者集中的决定。


第二十九条 对不予禁止的经营者集中,国务院反垄断执法机构可以决定附加减少集中对竞争产生不利影响的限制性条件。

第三十条 国务院反垄断执法机构应当将禁止经营者集中的决定或者对经营者集中附加限制性条件的决定,及时向社会公布。

第三十一条 对外资并购境内企业或者以其他方式参与经营者集中,涉及国家安全的,除依照本法规定进行经营者集中审查外,还应当按照国家有关规定进行国家安全审查。

第五章 滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争第三十二条 行政机关和法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织不得滥用行政权力,限定或者变相限定单位或者个人经营、购买、使用其指定的经营者提供的商品。

第三十三条 行政机关和法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织不得滥用行政权力,实施下列行为,妨碍商品在地区之间的自由流通:(一)对外地商品设定歧视性收费项目、实行歧视性收费标准,或者规定歧视性价格;(二)对外地商品规定与本地同类商品不同的技术要求、检验标准,或者对外地商品采取重复检验、重复认证等歧视性技术措施,限制外地商品进入本地市场;(三)采取专门针对外地商品的行政许可,限制外地商品进入本地市场;(四)设置关卡或者采取其他手段,阻碍外地商品进入或者本地商品运出;(五)妨碍商品在地区之间自由流通的其他行为。

第三十四条 行政机关和法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织不得滥用行政权力,以设定歧视性资质要求、评审标准或者不依法发布信息等方式,排斥或者限制外地经营者参加本地的招标投标活动。

第三十五条 行政机关和法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织不得滥用行政权力,采取与本地经营者不平等待遇等方式,排斥或者限制外地经营者在本地投资或者设立分支机构。
