按摩椅 英文说明书--龙岗德立--英语Harry陈老师


奥佳华 按摩椅OG-5008爱沙发 使用说明书

奥佳华 按摩椅OG-5008爱沙发 使用说明书

安全说明保修权 限产品结构安装说明产品移动说明控制器说明操作说明功能特点产品规格异常情况产品保养联络我们25689 10 11 14 15 16 17 18目录安全说明警告!此按摩椅必须使用和插头相匹配的插座。




1. 务必使用和插头相配的插座。

2. 一定要确保插头完全插入插座内,以减少短路或火灾危险。

3. 在使用后或清洁前,请务必及时拔掉插头。

4. 请勿在高湿度的环境下使用本产品。

5. 请勿在室外或阳光直射的地方存放或使用本产品。

6. 如果在使用的过程中突然停电,请立即将开头拨至“O” 的位置,且拔掉插头,以免来电时损坏本产品。

7. 当电源线潮湿或损坏时请勿使用按摩椅。

8. 请勿用湿手插入和拔掉插座,以免发生意外。

9. 当小孩、伤残人士、行动不便者在按摩椅附近或使用按摩椅时,一定要有人在场看护。

10. 只能将本产品用于本说明书中阐述的用途。

11. 不要使用非OGAWA推荐的附件。

12. 在使用过程中请勿坐在按摩椅小腿上,以免导致意外。

13. 请勿试图站在扶手或靠背上,以免按摩椅发生倾倒从而导致意外。

14. 按摩过程中请勿进入睡眠状态。

15. 请经常保持按摩椅清洁,避免将其他物体插入按摩椅的缝隙中。

16. 请勿直接通过拉扯电源线来移动按摩椅。

17. 请确保当降低小腿或靠背时,其下方无其他物体,特别是小孩。

18. 请在每次使用前,检查按摩椅靠背绒布等处是否有异常裂缝。


19. 本产品仅为居家使用而设计。

20. 当您无法确定自己是否能使用按摩椅时,请先咨询医师。

21. 为避免因使用此按摩椅而导致不适或伤害,以下人士在使用本产品前应咨询医师:●患有严重恶性肿瘤者●患有严重心脏病者●孕妇、产妇或月经期者●刚动完手术,且伤口还没愈合者●体内植入医用电子器械者●因意外而造成脊髓疾病、脊椎骨折、肌肉拉伤或断裂者●局部皮肤破损、溃疡、出血患者不适宜按摩。

艾力斯特按摩椅培训教材.doc - iRest中国

艾力斯特按摩椅培训教材.doc - iRest中国



到目前为止, iRest在国内有500多家专卖店了!销售第三步:iRest展示产品的卖点A、自动检测功能:iRest按摩椅安装了可探测人体穴位的光学体型感应器,可以准确的探测到人体背部的主要按摩穴位点。

















各个按摩模式的主要特点如下:1. 整体按摩模式:该模式覆盖整个背部区域,以全面放松身体肌肉,缓解压力,并促进血液循环。


2. 部分按摩模式:该模式适用于对特定区域有针对性需求的用户,如腰部、颈部或大腿等。


3. 热敷按摩模式:该模式在按摩的同时提供热敷功能,可以加速血液循环,舒缓僵硬的肌肉,并有效缓解疼痛。



下面将介绍几种常见的按摩强度调节方式:1. 按键式调节:按摩椅上设置了相关按键,用户可以通过按键来实现按摩强度的调节。


2. 遥控器调节:按摩椅配备了遥控器,用户可以通过遥控器上的调节按钮实现按摩强度的调节。


3. 自动调节功能:按摩椅还具备自动调节按摩强度的功能。


四、使用注意事项为了确保用户的安全和舒适体验,请用户在使用按摩椅时务必遵守以下注意事项:1. 使用前请确保按摩椅的电源已经正确接入,并检查电源线是否有损坏。

2. 请确保身体部位干燥,避免使用过程中穿着湿润的衣物。

3. 长时间使用按摩椅可能会导致肌肉疲劳,请合理安排按摩时间,避免过度使用。






1. 安全使用须知在使用电动按摩椅之前,请仔细阅读以下安全使用须知,并务必遵守:- 请确保电动按摩椅在使用前已经正确接通电源,并处于正常工作状态。

- 在使用过程中,请保持坐姿舒适,并注意身体平衡。

- 请勿在椅子上跳跃或进行过于剧烈的活动,以免造成意外伤害。

- 对于椅子上的按摩功能和频率设置,请根据个人情况适度调整,以免过度按摩导致不适。

- 如果您有以下症状之一,请在使用之前咨询医生意见:怀孕、使用心脏起博器或其他医疗植入物、患有心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、深静脉血栓、皮肤感染或开放性创伤等。

2. 使用说明2.1 椅子的基本操作- 将电动按摩椅放置在水平且稳定的地面上。

- 打开电源开关,确认椅子电源指示灯亮起。

- 通过控制面板或遥控器选择所需的按摩模式和程序。

- 舒适地坐入椅子,调整坐姿,确保身体各部位都可以得到按摩。

- 按下开关,开始按摩。

- 在按摩过程中,您可以根据需要调整按摩强度、部位和节奏等设置。

2.2 按摩模式和程序- 电动按摩椅配备了多种按摩模式和程序,以满足不同用户的需求。

- 常见的按摩模式包括:揉捏、推拿、敲击、推拉等。


- 按摩程序可以根据不同的部位(如颈部、背部、腿部等)和需求(如放松、缓解、舒适等)进行设置。

- 具体的按摩模式和程序设置,请参考使用说明书的附录部分。

2.3 其他功能除了基本的按摩功能外,电动按摩椅还具备以下附加功能: - 加热功能:通过加热,提供更温暖舒适的按摩体验。

- 伸缩功能:通过调节椅背和腿部的伸缩程度,适应不同身高的用户。

- 按摩强度调整:根据个人需求,选择适当的按摩力度。

- 按摩时间设定:设定按摩的时间长度,以避免过度按摩。

3. 维护和保养为了保证电动按摩椅的正常运行和延长使用寿命,请按照以下维护和保养指南进行操作:- 定期清洁椅面和按摩头部,使用柔软的布进行擦拭。

松下 腿部按摩椅 EW-NA84 使用说明书

松下 腿部按摩椅 EW-NA84 使用说明书

整 体
部 位
低高 温热
强 中 弱
进 行 按 摩
˔按键后,强度指示灯按以下顺序切换 弱 → 中 → 强 → 关
˔按键后,程序指示灯按以下顺序切换 自动 → 拿捏 → 按揉 → 放松 → 小腿重点 → 足部重点
˔按键后,温热指示灯按以下顺序切换 低 → 高 → 关

( 操作器调整空气的声音)

( 马达声)
该产品电源为交流电100 - 240 V ~,是中国国内专用,不能在海外使用。 另外,使用变压器和转换插头时,可能会引起故障。 请勿使用。
请确认以下内容。 确认后,仍然存在异常时,首先请将AC适配器从插座上拔下,然后与经销商联系。 (详见P.23)
˔请 在皮肤上使用较薄的手帕等物覆盖。
˔绑 带(气囊)中残留的空气较多时,排放干净需要一定的时间。请将气管插头拔下, 稍等片刻,空气即可自行排出。
( 空气进入绑带(气囊)时,表面粘带张紧的声音)
常 见
自动 拿捏 整 体 按揉
放松 小腿重点
部 足部重点 位
低高 温热
强 中 弱
强度指示灯 关/强度选择键
缝线(P.10) 脚掌衬垫袋(P.12)
温热指示灯 温热键






二、产品特点1. 多功能按摩:本产品配备多种按摩功能,如揉捏、敲打、推拿和空气袋按摩等,能够满足不同用户的需求。

2. 按摩程序:具备多种预设按摩程序,例如全身按摩、肩颈按摩和腿部按摩等,用户可根据个人需求选择合适的按摩模式。

3. 调节功能:家用电动按摩椅具备座椅高度、背部角度以及按摩强度等多项可调节功能,用户可根据自身情况进行调整。

4. 舒适材质: 家用电动按摩椅的座椅和靠背采用高品质材料,柔软舒适,能提供极佳的坐感。

三、操作指南1. 准备工作在使用家用电动按摩椅之前,请仔细阅读本说明书并正确理解各项功能。


2. 按摩程序选择通过面板上的按键选择所需的按摩程序。



3. 安全注意事项- 请勿让婴幼儿、儿童或体力较差人士单独使用家用电动按摩椅。

- 使用过程中请勿戴首饰或穿着过于松散的衣物,以免可能发生的危险。

- 使用结束后,请及时关闭电源并断开电源插头。

4. 按摩时间为了保障安全和效果,请合理控制单次按摩时间。


5. 操作维护家用电动按摩椅配备了易于操作的清洁按钮,可清洁和保养按摩椅外观。


6. 故障排除如果在使用按摩椅时遇到任何故障或异常情况,请及时停止使用并咨询售后服务中心。


四、维护保养为了延长家用电动按摩椅的使用寿命并保持其良好状态,请注意以下几点:1. 清洁保养请使用干净的湿布擦拭家用电动按摩椅的各个部位,以保持其整洁。



PhilipsNeck massagerFinger pressing massageErgonomic support designThermostatically hot compressPPM3304Anytime private massage & relaxationWearable massage, 360° support and careThis neck massager uses a high-fitting kneading massage nodes, which simulates fingers torelax tight muscles. The ergonomic design cares and supports the neck. Hot compresspromotes blood circulation so as to improve massage effect.Deep massage, relax stiffness•Imitate manual pressing massage to quickly relax the neck•42? hot compress, promote blood circulation &relieve fatigueComfortable fit, 360° strong support•Fits the neck curve and provides good neck support•Soft and comfortable, strong supportUnique design, care about every detail•Intimate reminder, easy to operate•Removable and washable to maintain healthy skinIssue date 2023-05-15Version: 1.1.1© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective SpecificationsNeck massagerFinger pressing massage Ergonomic support design, Thermostatically hot compressHighlightsImitate manual acupressureEquipped with 4 high-fitting kneading massage nodes, it fully covers the levator scapula and trapezius muscles without missing any fatigued area. Simulating real fingers to physically rotate and knead, and adjust the intensity in 2 strength levels, which can easily cope with the fatigue and soreness of the neck muscles.Thermostatically hot compressA constant temperature hot compress at 42C can effectively promote blood circulation, relax rigid muscles, and let the warmth reach the texture, for further enhancing the therapeutic effect of massage.Ergonomic designDesigned according to ergonomics, it adapts to the natural shape of the neck, fits the neck curve,prevents crooked neck, and effectively reduces the compression of the cervical spine to protect the health of the neck.Slow rebound memory spongeThe main body uses slow rebound memory foam, which has a soft touch and can provide goodsupport, assist the vertical cervical spine and avoid bad habits such as tilting the head. It helps users release stress and relax their minds and bodies.Voice promptBuilt-in voice prompt module, which makes it easy to operate the massager for users.Detachable designThe pillowcase of the massager Removable and washable, which is convenient for daily care. You can maintain the pillowcase clean and hygienic for the health protection of the skin.General specifications•Massage type: Hot compress, Kneading •Color:Light Blue•Product Dimension (LxWxH): 255x230x105 mm •Net weight: 0.78 kg•Main materials: Poly urethane, Mesh clothMain parameters•Working voltage: 3.7 V•Auto shut-off time: 15 minutes•Temperature of heating: 42 (±3) °C •Working power: 12 W•Battery: 3200 mAh •Charging current: 1 A •Charging voltage: 5 V•Charging port: USB Type-C •Massage strength levels: 2Country of origin•Made in: ChinaService•Warranty period: 2 years。


6、 常 见 现 象 处 理 ·运行中发出电机声:属正常运作声音。 ·控制器无法正常运作:检查电源插头与电源插座连接是否可靠;检查电源
开关是否打开。 ·本器具运作停止:额定时间到,此器具自动激活关闭按键;此器具连续工
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
地址:浙江省平阳万全轻工基地家具园兴隆路18号 电话: 0577-63176666 传真: 0577-63176699 服务热线电话 : 800-8577-202 400-8888-786 E-mail: iRest@
中国制造2025高峰论坛指定礼品品牌 本产品由中国人保财险股份有限公司承保
13 14
9 10 11
17 18 19 20
12 1 .头 靠 垫 2 .上 手 臂 气 囊 组 件 3 .手 控 器 袋 4 .手 臂 气 囊 组 件 5 .座 垫 6 .搁 腿 架 7 .搁 脚 架 8 .小 腿 挡 封 板 9 .靠 背 垫 1 0 .扶 手 11 .扶 手 装 饰 1 2 .侧 罩 1 3 .靠 背 盖 1 4 .手 控 器 1 5 .驱 动 盒 盖 1 6 .电 源 线 与 插 头 1 7 .手 控 器 线 插 口 1 8 .电 源 开 关 1 9 .保 险 盒 2 0 .电 源 线 插 口
人士(包括儿童)使用,除非他们得到那些对他们的安全负责的人员关于如 何使用该器具的监督与指导。 ·儿童必须被监督以确保他们不会拿器具来玩耍。 ·如果电源软线损坏,为了避免危险,必须由制造商、其维修部或类似部门 的专业人员更换。

多功能按摩椅 BP-E300使用说明书

多功能按摩椅 BP-E300使用说明书

在 接 通 电 源 状 态 下,童 锁 键 默 认 打 开,手 控 器 按 键 不 可 操 作,按 下 手动模式键 童锁键即可操作手控器按键,再按下此键锁定手控器按键功能。
在 接 通 电 源 状 态 下,童 锁 键 默 认 打 开,手 控 器 按 键 不 可 操 作,按 下 靠背下降键 童锁键即可操作手控器按键,再按下此键锁定手控器按键功能。
按此键开启肩部或手臂或腿部气囊,当屏幕上相应图标亮起后,表 手动气压键 示开启当前气囊。
按此键调节按摩时间,按一次调整5分钟,最多30分钟,到达30分钟 后再按一次变5分钟。
按此键调节气囊力度,有五挡强度选择,循环切换按摩强度。 气囊力度键
按此键开启腰背加热状态,液晶屏上相应图标点亮;再按一下关闭 该功能,图标熄灭。
安 全 说 明 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 01 产 品 规 格 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 02 产 品 结 构 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 02 产 品 安 装 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 03 使用前准备 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 05 产 品 保 养 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 05 控制器说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 06 操 作 说 明 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 07 异 常 情 况 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 产 品 功 能 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 保 修 条 款 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Handicare MiniLift 160EE MiniLift 160EM 移动坐立抬升椅说明书

Handicare MiniLift 160EE MiniLift 160EM 移动坐立抬升椅说明书

Manual nr: 450 ver. 10 151210English81011Visual inspectionInspect lift functions regularly. Check to ensure that material is free from damage.Before useMake certain the lift is properly assembled.Check sling bar connection and safety latch function.Check lifting function and base-width adjustment.Check to ensure that the actuator is correctly installed.Always read the user manuals for all assistive devices used during a transfer.Keep the user manual where it is accessible to users of the product.Always make sure that you have the right version of the user manual.Under no circumstances may the lift be used by persons who have not received instruction in the operation of the lift.It is strongly prohibited to modify the original product.Safety informationAlways read the user manualEnglishAssemblyCheck to ensure that all components are included:Lift unit, control box and battery pack, undercarriage, footplate, leg support, hand control and cord, user manual and charger.The lift is collapsed when delivered. Set up the lift, according to the following instructions (no tools required):1. Lock castor brakes.2. Place the mast in the base3. Mount the lockninghandles at the base of the mast.4. Tighten locking handle (1).5. Check all mounting fixtures and locking handles.6. Deactivate the emergency stop function and perform a final inspection (see Final inspection).Connect cables: Hand control cord in HS, cable to lift unit on mast in outlet M1, andcable to base-width motor in outlet M2. (EE)To collapse the lift, follow the instructions below.1. Lock castor brakes.2. Change the base width pedal to horizontal.3. Remove legsupport and footplate.4. Run the lift arm to the lowest position, and then activate in the emergency stop button.5. Push the lift arm in as far as possible.6. Loosen the locking handle at the base of the mast (1). You need not remove the locking handle.7. Lift up on the mast and lower it towards the undercarriage.Warning , risk of pinching (between base and mast)8. Pull the mast back and tighten the locking handle (1).1Final inspectionInspect the lift for signs of wear and damage. Check all castors and castor brakes. Check all connections and fixtures including screws and bolts. Check the packaging to ensure that there are no loose parts.Check the emergency stop function by activating the emergency stop button, and then pressing either the up or down button. If nothing happens when the up or down buttons are pressed, the emergency stop is functioning properly.Grasp the hand control, press the up button and run the lift arm all the way up. Then, press the down button and run the liftarm all the way down.Test base-width adjustment function by pushing down on the respective pedals for widening and narrowing the base. For EE use the buttons on the hand control.EE• The lift must be assembled according to the assembly instructions provided with the lift.• The lift may only be used indoors and on a level floor.• Lifting accessories must be properly trial fitted and tested in relation to the user’s needs and functional ability.• Do not leave the user unattended during a transfer situation.• Under no circumstances may max. load be exceeded. See section on Safe working load.• The lift arm must be loaded throughout the entire lowering procedure to ensure a soft and smooth experience.• Ensure that the user’s feet do not get caught between the footplate and the floor. Ensure that the user’s feet do not get caught between the footplate and the base when adjusting the base width.• MiniLift160 is not intended for transporting users. It may only be used for short transfers. • Never move the lift by pulling on the actuator!• The lift should not be left / stored in a high humidity environment.• The lift must not be charged in a wet room.• To ensure optimal function, the lift must be inspected regularly. See section on Maintenance.• Warranty applies only if repairs or alterations are done by an authorized technician.• Using lifting accessories other than those approved by Handicare can entail a risk.• Note the risk of pinching between base and mast when collapsing the lift.Important InformationSafe working loadDifferent products on the same lift system (lift unit, sling bar, sling, scales and other lifting accessories) may have different allowable safe working loads. The lowest allowable safe working load always determines the safe working load of the assembled system. Always check the safe working loads for the lift and accessories before use. Contact your dealer if you have any questions.Using the productTo transfer with MiniLift160, the user must be able to:• support weight while standing • understand instructionsCharging batteriesA tone sounding when using the lift indicates that the battery need recharging.Charge the lift after use to ensure that the battery is always fully charged.Lock the castor wheels when charging the battery.1. Connect the charging cable to a power outlet and in the connection for charger cable. The symbol for charging is shown on the display.2. Check to ensure that the lamps on the control box light up. The green LED lamp indicates that the charger is receiving power and the yellow LED lamp indicates that the battery is charging.3. Charging stops automatically when the battery is fully charged.Wall-mounted charger.1. Remove the battery pack from the lift and place it in the wall-mounted charger.2. Check to ensure that the LED lamp on the front of the charger lights up.NOTE!Before the lift is used for the first time, it must be charged for at least 4 hours.For maximum battery life, charge batteries regularly. We recommend daily charging when the lift is used daily.The emergency stop must be deactivated during charging.The control box and battery have the following features1. Emergency stop2. Charging lamps3. Display showing battery charge level4. Connection for charger cable5. Connection for base-width adjustment motor6. Connection for lift arm actuator7. Connection for hand control8. Electrical emergency lowering9.Handle for lifting battery7654228Service information read-outBasic service information can be read out on the display. To get the service information on the display please press the lifting arm up button for half a second. The information will be shown for ½ minute or until other buttons are activated.• Total cycles done by the actuator• Total work done by the actuator (ampere usage times seconds in use)• Total number of overloads•Days since last service/Days between servicesBattery information on the displayThe battery discharging will be shown in four stages:Battery state 1: The battery is ok, no need for charging (100 - 50 %).Battery state 2: Battery needs charging. (50 - 25 %)Battery state 3: Battery needs charging. (Less than 25 %) A tone sounds when a button is pressed in this battery state.Battery state 4: The battery needs charging (17V or lower). At this stage some of the functionality of the lift is lost. At this battery stage it is only possible to drive the lifting arm down. Furthermore an audio signal will sound when a control button is activated. The symbol will switch between the two pictures for 10 seconds.The battery symbol is shown when the box is active until power down (2 minutes after use). It is not possible to use other batttery types than BAJ1/BAJ2.The battery level is measured via voltage level. This means that it is possible to experience e.g. thatthe battery switches from state 1 to state 2 and back to state 1.EMEE EMlectrical emergencyInstructions for useThese instructions must be followed for correct use of MiniLift160.CautionThe actuator does not lower the lift arm when the lift is being lowered. This reduces the risk of the user being pinched by the lift arm. To prevent the lift arm from at first catching, and then suddenly fal the lift arm must be loaded throughout the entire lowering procedure, so that it is always supported by the actuator.Hand control functionsThe hand control has four functions: up and down (lift arm), out and in (base width).Two functions cannot be used at the same time.NOTE: The hand control functions do not operate if the emergency stop button is activatedNOTE: MiniLift160 is not intended for transporting users. It may only be used for short transfers.Caution Never move the lift by pulling on the actuator.Caution Ensure that the user’s feet do not get caught between the footplate and the floor. Ensure that the user’s feet do not get caught between the footplate and the base when adjusting the base width.Instruct the user to lean back and allow himself/herself to be supported behind theback during raising. Raise the lift to the desired height and ensure that the user isstanding with both feet on the footplate and is grasping the sling bar handles withboth hands to avoid being pinched between the slingbar and lift loops. (7)6Helpful hint:Use a longer loop alternative for short users and for users that cannot be fully raised.Use a shorter loop alternative for taller users, and pull the lift arm out to allow the user to rise to a standing position.Raise the locking handle and draw the boom back, so that the lift straps on the sling are stretched, and then lower the locking handle back into position. (6)Trouble-shootingIf the lift adjustment cannot be activated, check the following:- That the emergency stop button is not activated.- That all cables are properly and securely connected. Pull out the contact and plug it in again firmly. - That battery charging is not in progress.- That the battery is charged.If the lift is not working properly, contact your dealer.If the lift makes unusual noises:- Try to determine the source of the sound. Take the lift out of operation and contact your dealer.AccessoriesThoraxSling, polyester, XS-XXL, article no.: 45500003-009ThoraxSling, wipeable, S-XXL, article no.: 45500004-009ThoraxSling, with seat support, polyester, S-XL, article no.: 45600004-008ThoraxSling, with seat support, disposable, non-woven, S-XL,article no.: 45690004-008CalfStrap, article no.:70200033SlingBarWrap MiniLift, wipeable, article no.: 70200012Hand controlHand control HB33-6, 6 buttons, with service, battery status and overloadindicators, article no.: 70200089MaintenanceThe lift must undergo thorough inspection at least once per year. Inspection must be performed by authorized personnel and in accordance with Handicare’s service manual.Repairs and maintenance may only be done by authorized personnel using original spare parts.Used batteries are to be left at the nearest recycling station. Used batteries can also be returned toHandicare or a Handicare dealer for recycling.Cleaning/disinfectionIf necessary, clean the lift with warm water or a soap solution and check that the castors are free from dirt and hair. Do not use cleaning agents containing phenol or chlorine, as this could damage the aluminium and the plastic materials. If disinfection is needed, 70 % ethanol, 45 % isopropanol or similar should be used.Storage and transportationIf the lift is not to be used for some time or e.g., during transport, we recommend that the emergency stop button be pressed in. The lift should be transported and stored in -10 ° C to + 50 ° C and in normal humidity, 30% -75 %. The air pressure should be between 700 and 1060 hPa. Let the lift reach room temperature before the batteries are charged or the lift is used.Service agreementsHandicare offers the possibility of service agreements for maintenance and regular testing of your mobile lift. Contact your local Handicare representative.EMCThis equipment/system is intended for use by healthcare professionals only. This equipment/system may cause radio interference or may disrupt the operation of nearby equipment. It may be necessary to take mitigation measures, such as reorienting or relocating the equipment/system or shielding the location.Technical InformationMedical Device Class I. The product complies with the requirements of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.。

美国UL公司 按摩座椅标准中英文对照版

美国UL公司 按摩座椅标准中英文对照版

SUPPLEMENT SE - Massage Tables and ChairsINTRODUCTIONSE1 ScopeSE1.1 The requirements of this supplement cover Massage Tables and Chairs and are applied independently from Part 1 unless specifically referenced in the supplement.SE2 GeneralSE2.1 Part 1 Electrical requirements apply for massage tables and chairs that have electrical features.SE3 GlossarySE3.1 For the purposes of this Supplement, the following definitions apply.SE3.2 MASSAGE CHAIR - A seat used to support a person while performing the act or art of treating the body by rubbing, kneading, patting, or the like, to stimulate circulation, increase suppleness, relieve tension, etc. The chair may or may not be motorized (motor-operated) to adjust the chair position and/or provide the massage function(s).SE3.3 MASSAGE TABLE - A typically horizontal surface used to support a person while performing the act or art of treating the body by rubbing, kneading, patting, or the like, to stimulate circulation, increase suppleness, relieve tension, etc. The table may or may not be motorized (motor-operated) to adjust the table position and/or provide the massage function(s).SE4 General Massage Tables and ChairsSE4.1 Massage tables and chairs shall comply with the structural testing specified in Section SE5, Massage Tablesand Section SE6, Massage Chairs. The massage table and chairs shall not:a) Collapse, tip over, or deform to a degree that results in a risk of injury to persons; orb) Present a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons by causing the supporting structure to collapse or deform to such a degree that components are damaged or electrical spacings are reduced below minimum required levels.SE4.2 The maximum normal load shall be marked in accordance with SE7.1.SE4.3 Upholstered massage tables and chairs intended for use in other than public occupancies shall comply with the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Technical Bulletin 117, Requirements, Test Procedure and Apparatus for Testing the Flame Retardance of Resilient Filling Materials Used in Upholstered Furniture (March 2000) or Technical Bulletin 133, Flammability Test Procedure for Seating Furniture for use in Public Occupancies (January 1991). The furnishing shall be marked for household/residential use in accordance with SE7.2.SE4.4 Upholstered Massage tables and chairs intended for use in public occupancies shall comply with the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, Technical Bulletin 133, Flammability Test Procedure for Seating Furniture for use in Public Occupancies (January 1991). The furnishing shall be marked for public occupancy use in accordance with SE7.2.Exception: An upholstered massage table or chair intended for use in public occupancies marked in accordance with SE7.3 does not need to be evaluated for flammability.SE5 Massage TablesSE5.1 GeneralSE5.1.1 Each configuration of a massage table is to be assembled in accordance with the instructions on a smooth level concrete surface. A massage table that is provided with leveling legs or glides is to have the leveling legs adjusted half way out and with the massage table level. The massage table is to be situated in the most severe condition of use.SE5.2 Stability testSE5.2.1 The massage table is to be loaded by applying the recommended normal load in the instructions or 300 pounds (136 kg), whichever is greater, through a 1 foot by 1 foot (0.3 by 0.3 m) area to at least the following points on the table: side edges, front and rear edges, and any other point which may be considered less stable. The load shallbe applied for 1 minute.SE5.3 Dynamic load test - Vertical impactSE5.3.1 The massage table is to be subjected to the impact of dropping a 15 inch (381 mm) diameter disc from a height of 6 inches (152 mm) above the top surface of the table at the intersection of the centerlines of the table. The weight of the disc shall be the maximum normal load recommended in the instructions or 300 pounds (136 kg), whichever is greater.SE5.4 Lateral load testSE5.4.1 The massage table is to be uniformly loaded to the recommended normal load in the instructions or 300 pounds (136 kg), whichever is greater. A horizontal force equal to 1/6th the maximum normal load or 50 pounds (22.7 kg), whichever is greater, is to be applied to each vertical edge perpendicular to the plane of the edge at the corners and at the centerlines through a 1 foot by 1 foot (0.3 by 0.3 m) area. The force shall be applied for 1 minute.SE5.5 Static load testSE5.5.1 The massage table is to be uniformly loaded to four times the recommended load in the instructions. A minimum normal load shall be 300 pounds (136 kg). The load shall be applied for 1 minute.SE6 Massage ChairsSE6.1 GeneralSE6.1.1 Each configuration of a massage chair is to be assembled in accordance with the instructions on a smooth level concrete surface. A massage chair that is provided with leveling legs or glides is to have the leveling legs adjusted half way out and with the massage chair level. The massage chair is to be situated in the most severe condition of use.SE6.2 Static load testSE6.2.1 The massage chair is to be loaded to the recommended load in the instructions or 300 pound (136 kg), whichever is greater, by applying the load uniformly along the width of the least supported edge(s) of the chair. When the surface is wide enough the load shall be applied 8 inches (203 mm) in from the edge. The test shall be repeated until each edge has been tested. The load shall be applied for 15 minutes.SE6.3 Stability testSE6.3.1 The massage chair is to be subjected to an increasing force by applying the force through an 8 inch (203 mm) diameter disc 4 inches (102 mm) below the chest pad area. The force is to be increased until 40 pounds (180 N) is measured or until the chair tips to a 10 degree angle without continuing to tip over.SE6.4 Dynamic load test - Vertical impactSE6.4.1 The massage chair is to be subjected to the impact of dropping a 16 inch (406 mm) diameter disc from a height of 6 inches (152 mm) above the top surface of the uncompressed seating surface at the intersection of the centerlines of the seating surface. The disc shall be the maximum normal load recommend in the instructions or 300 pounds (136 kg), whichever is greater.SE6.5 Leg strength testSE6.5.1 Each massage chair leg shall be subjected to a 115 pound (512 N) force applied through a 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) diameter rod 1 inch (25.4 mm) above and parallel to the floor. The force maybe applied at any angle around the leg. The chair shall be blocked to prevent it from sliding but not blocked at the leg under investigation. The force shall be applied for 1 minute.SE6.6 Dynamic cycle load testSE6.6.1 The massage chair is to be subjected to the impact of dropping a 125 pound (57 kg) 16 inch (406 mm) diameter disc from a height of 2 inches (50.8 mm) above the uncompressed seating surface at the intersection of the centerlines of the chair. The disc shall be dropped 25 times. The chair may be blocked at the floor to prevent chair movement along the floor when impacted.SE6.7 Dynamic load test - Pendulum impactSE6.7.1 Each of the massage chair assemblies is to be subjected to a single impact of a lead- or steel-shot-filled canvass bag having a diameter of 8.0 ±0.5 inches (203 ±13 mm) and a weight of 50 pounds (22 kg). The bag is to fall as a pendulum from a pivot point 48 inches (1.2 m) above the point of impact so as to traverse a horizontal distance of 24 inches (610 mm) and strike the massage chair. The point of impact is to be at a point 4 inches (102 mm) below the center of the massage chair chest support.MARKINGSSE7 Massage Tables and Massage ChairsSE7.1 The maximum normal load used to evaluate the massage table or chair shall be marked where visible to the user "WARNING - Risk of collapse and serious injury. Maximum load___pounds" or equivalent, where the blank space specifies the maximum load in pounds.SE7.2 A massage table or massage chair that has been investigated and found suitable in accordance with the for public occupancies and/or household use shall be marked on the furnishing to inform the user that the furnishing is for either public occupancies or household use only, or both as applicable. "For Household / Residential Use Only" or "For Public Occupancy Use Only" or an equivalent statement. This marking is required to be permanent. This marking shall also be on any container and be visible while displayed.SE7.3 The furnishing shall be permanently marked "This furnishing has not been evaluated for flammability or cigarette ignition resistance" or an equivalent statement.按摩座椅1 范围1.1这个补充部分的要求涵盖按摩椅和桌,除非特别说明可以独立于part1之外使用。


by the manufacturer. ● N ever operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or
Types of Symbols and Description
No wet hands Prohibited
Do not handle with wet hands.
Do not use in a bathroom or shower room.
Do not disassemble
Prohibited → Could result in electric shock or damage to the chair.
●Install on a flat, level surface only.
→ Chair could tip over accidentally if placed on an uneven surface, resulting in an
HCP-N333 HCP-N333W
● Please read this Operating Manual before use. ● Keep this Operating Manual nearby so that you can refer to it anytime. ● This product is designed for home use. ● 使用前請詳細閱讀本操作手冊。 ● 請妥善保管本操作手冊於方便查找之處,以備不時之需。 ● 本機僅限於家庭使用。



BM40201 Rev. B 2013-08-07RgoSling Toilet HighBackRgoSling Toilet LowBackGeneral (2)Test and Warranty (2)Safety Precautions (3)Inspection (3)Periodic inspection (3)Description (4)Etac Molift RgoSling Toilet LowBack (4)Etac Molift RgoSling Toilet HighBack (4)Care/Washing (4)Sling application (6)Sitting lifts (7)Lowering into sitting (7)Sling adjustment and checkpoints (8)Removing sling (9)Combination list (10)Slingguide (10)Troubleshooting (11)Thank you for choosing a sling from Molift by Etac.The manual must be read thoroughly to avoid injuries or damage when handling and using the product.In this manual the user is the person being lifted.The assistant is the person operating the sling.Etac continuously makes improvements to the products. We therefore reserve the right to modify the products without prior notice.We cannot be held responsible for any printing errors or omissions.this product is CE-marked.Etac Molift slings are tested by accredited test institutes and comply with the standards outlined in the Medical Devices Directive for Class 1 prod-ucts (MDD 93/42/EEC). The slings fulfil the require-ments specified in the EN ISO 10535 standard. Warranty: Two years for material and manufac-turing defects with correct use.English manualIt is important that the sling has been tested with the individual user and for the intended lifting situ-ation. Make a decision on whether one or more assistants are required.Plan the lifting operation in advance to ensure that it is as safe and smooth as possible. Remember to work ergonomically.Assess the risks and take notes. You as a carer areresponsible for the safety of the user.InspectionThe sling must be inspected regularly, preferably prior to each lifting operation but especially after it has been washed.• Check to ensure that there is no wear or dam-age to seams, fabric, straps and loops.The sling should not be stored in directsunlight.Periodic inspectionPeriodic inspection must be carried out at least every 6 months. More regular inspection may be required if the sling is used or washed more often than is normalEtac Molift supplies a wide selection of slings for different types of transfers. The Molift RgoSling is designed to distribute even weightand pres-sure to make it as comfortable as possible.There is a guide handle to help position usersin the correct sitting position and it is used only when users are in lifting mode.The Molift RgoSling is developed to be combined with a 4-point suspension but the sling also works with a 2-point suspension. See the com-bination list for the correct sling and suspension combination.The Molift RgoSling Toilet is available in sizes XXS – XXL, in padded polyester.Etac Molift RgoSling Toilet LowBackhas a low back, split leg support with a wide opening. The sling can be used for lifting to and from a sitting position.Etac Molift RgoSling Toilet HighBackhas a high back, split leg support with a medium opening. The sling has headsupport. The sling can be used for lifting to and from a sitting position.The RgoSling Toilet LowBack and RgoSling Toilet HighBack are not suitable for persons withlow muscletonus. There is a high risk of user with low muscletonus slipping out of the sling, because the sling has a wide opening.The product has an expected service life of 1 to 5 years under normal use. The service life of the product varies depending on usage frequency, materials, loads and how often it is washed.A1. Product labelA2. (01) EAN-codexxxxxxxxxxxxxx(21) Serial numberxxxxxxxxA3. QR-codeA4. Label: Periodic inspectionA5. Label: User nameA6. Upper strap loopA7. Waist beltA8. PaddingA9. Guide handle, sideA10. Guide handle, backA11. Head support adjustmentA12. Leg supportA13. Application pocket, legA14. Lower strap loopsA15. HeadrestA16. Symbol: Read the manual before useA17. Symbol: Max. user weightA18. S ymbol: This side of the product is turned upward and outwardA19. S ymbol: Fold out for more informationRead the care instructions on the product.1. W ater washable slings can be washed attemperatures ranging from 60 to 85º Cdegrees.Washing at higher temperatureswears out the material faster.2. Tumble drying, max 45º C.C an be autoclaved at 85º C for 30minutes3. Do not dryclean.4. Do not bleach.5. Do not iron.Sling applicationunintentionally sliding out of the sling.B5. S uspend the sling in the suspension’s hooks.B6. S tretch the sling straps without lifting the user.Check that the sling is correctly fitted aroundthe user and that the strap loops are correctly fitted to the suspension hooks.B7. L ift the user no higher than necessary.Remember that wheels on a mobile lift must NOT be locked.B8. W hen transferring the user into sitting, the fol-lowing techniques can be used when loweringthe user as far back into the seat as possible:A. P osition the user with the help of the steering handleB. P ush gently on the users kneesC. Tilt the seat backwardsLowering into sittingSling adjustment and checkpointsC1. M ake sure suspension is away from the users faceC2. Waist belt locked and tightened C3. C ross suspension loopsC4. L eg support placed correctlyC5. B ackrest placed in correctheightRgoSling Toilet LowBackC6. M ake sure suspension is away from the users faceC7. Waist belt locked and tightened C8. C ross suspension loopsC9. L eg support placed correctlyC10. B ackrest placed in correctheightC11. Head Support adjustmentRgoSling Toilet HighBackC13. A lternative legsupport placement using exten-sion loops in addition.C14. A lternative legsupport placement, with bothlegsupports underboth legsC12. Incorrect positioning of the sling. The backpiece is fitted too high and legsupport too far forward. Situation can also occur if the user does not haveenough muscle tone.D1. R emove the leg support by folding the legsupport under the users thigh and pull out.D2. S tand next too the chair and lean the user for-ward while supporting with one hand. Pull thesling away with the other hand, and lean the user back in the chair. If you pull the sling up hard, the user may fall forwards and be injured.Always hold one hand around the user.Removing SlingSlingguideThe size to choose depends partly on the user’s weight, function and body circumference/size.SWL (Safe Working Load) is 300 kg.Size Weight (Kg)XXL 230-300XL 160-240L 90-160M 45-95S 25-50XS 17-25XXS12-17Symptom Possible Cause/ActionThe sling does not fit the user.Wrong sling size. Try other size.The sling is too small when the leg supports donot reach halfway around the inner thigh and thesuspension is too close to the user’s face. Try othersize.The sling is not correctly positioned.Pull the sling enough down at the back whenfitting it.All the straps does not lift at the same time.If the sling straps lift unevenly, it means that thesling can slide up at the back which can lead tothe user sliding down in the opening of the sling.Make sure that the leg supports are positionedcorrectly on the thighs.User is sliding through/out of the sling.The sling is not connected correctly according toindividual prescription.The user is wearing to slippery clothes. Remove orchange some of the clothing.11.。

Sentra Extra-Heavy-Duty手动轮椅产品说明书

Sentra Extra-Heavy-Duty手动轮椅产品说明书

Swing-away Footrests
Detachable Full Arm
Swing-away, Elevating Leg rests 1/cs
Detachable and Adjustable Height Desk Arm
attractive, chip-proof, maintainable finish. • Reinforced steel gussets at all weight bearing points
provide additional strength. • Durable, heavy-gauge reinforced naugahyde
Universal Forward Stabilizer
Overhead Anti-Theft Device With IV Hooks 1/ea
Anti-Tippers With Wheels
Overhead Anti-Theft Device Single Pole
upholstery. • Comes standard with carry pocket on backrest. • Reinforced side frame, caster journals and dual • cross bars. • Dual-position front fork.
Detachable Full Arm
Swing-away, Elevating Leg rests 1/cs



充電式無線按摩器電子產品網上保養登記請到:Online Warranty Registration for Electrical Product at:服務熱線 Service Hotline:(852) 2810 4868地址:香港新界葵涌工業街23-31號美聯工業大廈21樓B室Address:Unit B, 21/F, Mai Luen Industrial Building,23-31 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., H.K.HLEC-00004_1用戶指南點壓按摩頭3D 關節頭充電式無線按摩器圓形頭用於按摩腰、背或大腿(深層組織和運動按摩)電源按鈕主機 (前)主機 (後)充電孔充電器充電式無線按摩器:快速充電,方便攜帶可企立設計,無需額外支架,三種按摩頭可選。


電池:3.7V 鋰離子2600mA 18650 1 Cell。








Press the power switch for 1 second until the blue light is on. Set the speed and start massaging.The speed of use decreases with 1 press to 5 stages. Please be aware that the charger needs to bepulled off from the product, otherwise it won’t work.根據按摩位置,選擇合適的按摩頭。

TherAdapt 喂食椅子(FC-100)高椅说明书

TherAdapt 喂食椅子(FC-100)高椅说明书

Feeding Chair-Height ChairPlease read all of the following information before using this product. TherAdapt ® Products Inc. has designed and manufactured this product with the well being of the user and caregiver(s) in mind. It is our endeavor to provide products which are attractive, comfortable, useful, highly adjustable, long lasting and safe. As when using any product, precautions must be taken.THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURIES RESULTING FROM ANY CUSTOMIZATION OR MODIFICATION OF THE EQUIPMENT THAT WAS NOT COMPLETED BY THE MANUFACTURER.USE: The Feeding Chair is designed for a single purpose: as a freestanding floor chair. No other use is permitted , including, but not limited to a seat used for transportation in an automobile, stroller, or any other mobility device.CARE: Take care to inspect the ongoing condition of all parts of your Feeding Chair. Verify that all knobs, bolts, and washers are properly positioned and secure. Contact the manufacturer for replacement or repair of necessary items. All components may be cleaned with mild soap and water, or a gentle sanitizing spray. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Wipe components dry after cleaning. Always store indoors.PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETAIN FOR YOUR RECORDSFeeding Chair FC-100 Serial Number: _____________________Purchase date: __________________Feeding Chair (FC-100) - Height Chair Instructions Packing List:(2) Wooden chair sides(2) Wood base supports(2) Black metal cross support(1) Slotted wooden seat with (2) black metal brackets and (6) ½” 10/32-24 Phillips head screws, a1” wide pelvic strap complete with (1) side release buckle and (2) double slotted rings(1) Slotted wooden back with (2) black metal brackets and (6) ½” 10/32-24 Phillips head screws(1) Slotted wooden footrest with (2) black metal brackets and (6) ½” 10/32-24 Phillips head screws(8) ¼-20 x 1” Phillips Head bolts *(8) ¼” metal washers *(8) ¼” locknuts *(2) 5/16-18 x 1 ½” Phillips Head bolts *(2) 5/16” metal washers *(2) 5/16” locknuts *(12) 5/16-18 x 1” carriage bolts *(12) Large black knobs with threaded inserts *(12) Nylon washers * * Included in hardware bagTools needed:(1) Phillips Head screwdriver(1) 7/16” wrench(1) 1/2" wrenchThe Height Chair must be properlyassembled before use. Once fully assembled,it should be adjusted properly to theindividual user to provide a customized fit.1. Attach the metal cross support to thechair sides.A. Position the front support with the“fins” facing the rear of the chair andthe rear support with the “fins” facingthe front of the chair. Attach the (2)support to one side of the chair first,then the other.B. Slide a ¼” metal washer onto the ¼-20x 1” Phillips Head bolts. Push thebolts through the (4) pre-drilled holesat the bottom of the chair side.C. Place the “fins” over the protrudingbolts. Place the ¼” locknuts on thebolts and tighten securely with aPhillips Head screwdriver and 7/16”wrench.D. Repeat on the opposite side.2. Attach the wood base supports.A. Insert the wood base supportsinto the grooves at the bottomof the chair. Be sure the holein the wood base support isaligned with the hole in themetal base support.B. Slide a 5/16” metal washeronto the 5/16-18 x 1 ½”Phillips Head bolts. Push thebolts through the alignedholes in the wood and metal.C. Place the 5/16” locknuts onthe protruding bolts andtighten securely with aPhillips Head screwdriverand ½” wrench.3. Attach the seat support to the sides. (SEE NEXT PAGE)Place the seat between the two sides with the brackets facing down and the pelvic belt positioned at the back, resting on top of the seat. Insert the (4) 5/16-18 x 1” carriage bolts through the brackets, thenthrough the short vertical slots on the side of the chair. Place a nylon washer over each bolt and secure4. Attach the back support to the sides.Place the backrest between the sides of the chair with the brackets positioned on the backside of thesupport. Insert the (4) 5/16-18 x 1” carriage bolts through the brackets, then through the top horizontalslot and bottom hole on the side of the chair. Place a nylon washer over each bolt and secure with a largeknob with threaded insert. Tighten loosely until the chair is adjusted properly.5. Attach the footrest to the sides.Position the footrest between the chair sides with the brackets on the underside and the two holes towardsthe back. Insert the (4) 5/16-18 x 1” carriage bolts through the brackets, then through the long verticalslots on the side of the chair. Place a nylon washer over each bolt and secure with a large knob withthreaded insert. Tighten loosely until the chair is adjusted properly.Once the chair is assembled it should be adjusted to fit the user properly.1. Adjust the seat depth and angle.The seat should be 1 ½ “ – 2” behind the bend ofthe knee with the user sitting on the seat, bendingforward to get the hips to the back of the chair.A. To adjust the seat depth, loosen the (4) largeknobs that secure the seat to the side. Move itforward or backward to achieve the desireddepth.B. To position the pelvis, the seat can be angledslightly by moving the front and / or rear of theseat in the short slots on the side frame.Once the desired depth and angle are achieved, tighten all knobssecurely.2. Adjust the seat depth and back angle.Note: The back support can be secured in two positions on the side of the chair. If a short seat depth is required, position the back support in the front set of holes. If a longer seat depth is needed place the bolts in the rear set of holes.To adjust the back angle, move the top of the back support back from vertical until the desired angle is achieved. Tighten the knobs securely.3. Adjust the pelvic positioning belt.The 1” adjustable pelvic belt with side release buckle should be positioned in the notch created by the bend of the lap between the thigh and the pelvis, and tightened snugly. Note: The double slotted rings on each side of the pelvic strap have the loose ends of the strap threaded back through. This prevents the strap from slipping, makes the belt completely adjustable and allows the belt to snap closed at any location.4. Adjust the footrest height and angle.the(4) knobs on the chair sides. Raise or lower the footrest so that the end of the thighLoosenis resting securely on the front edge of the seat. Angle the footrest to the position desired andtighten knobs securely.Attach chair Options purchased and follow instructions.Note: Placement of options may affect previous adjustments. Re-assess steps 1 – 4 for a proper fit.Feeding Chair- Height Chair Options- Instructions1. Attach the Abduction Pommel. (FC-100AB)Packing List:(1) Padded pommel with metal “L” bracket(2) Knobs with ¼ - 20 threaded boltsPlace the pommel on the padded seat pad with the metal bracketunderneath the seat. Secure with (2) knobs with bolts into the (2) pre-installed ¼ - 20 threaded T-nuts on the seat.2. Attach the Armrests (FC-100AR)Packing List:(2) Armrests(4) 5/16 – 18 x 1 ¾” carriage bolts(4) Nylon washers(4) Thru-knobs with 5/16-18 threaded insertsA. Insert (2) carriage bolts through the slots on side of the chair from theinside. Attach the armrest to the inside of the chair. Place a nylon washerover the bolt and secure with knobs. Repeat for other armrest.B. Adjust to desired height and depth. Tighten all knobs securelybefore using.3. Adjust the butterfly harness. (FC-100BK)The butterfly comes attached to the chair withstraps secured around the back pad. It should beadjusted such that the top of the strap is levelwith the shoulders. To do this: loosen (or remove)the back pad from the back of the chair byloosening (or removing) the (2) Phillips headscrews on the backside of the chair. Slide thestraps to the desired location on the pad andtighten (or replace) the Phillips head screws.Note: The butterfly harness should be positioned on the chair so that the top of the butterfly straps is even with the shoulders and the buckle is below the collarbone. Adjust the length of the top straps to position the chest piece at the desired location on the chest (see below). Providea “snug” fit by pulling on the lower set of straps only.Care should be taken not to position the harness higher than the notch felt at the top of the sternum (breast bone) as strangulation could occur.Packing List:(2) Foot sandals(4) Foot straps with (1) side release buckle each(4) ¼ -20 x 1” carriage bolts(4) Thru-knobs with ¼ -20 threaded inserts(4) Nylon washersA. Attach the foot straps such that the longer strap is placed inthe slots toward the heel of the foot sandal and the shorterstrap is toward the toe of the foot sandal. Thread the end ofthe strap without the buckle through the top, underneath thesandal, and back up through the other side.B. Attach the foot sandals to the footplate with (2) 1” carriage bolts and knobs with threaded inserts.Place a nylon washer between the footplate and the knob. Tighten all knobs securely.5. Attach the headrest. (FC-100HR)Packing list:(1) “T” shaped headrest(1) Head pad with Velcro(2) Knobs with 5/16 - 18 threaded stem boltsSecure the pad to the headrest. Remove the (1) self-adhering strip of Velcrofrom the pad. Adhere the Velcro to the top, front of the headrest. Positionthe pad on the headrest and secure. Place “T” shaped headrest behind the back ofthe chair. Using the (2) 5/16 stem knobs and (2) nylon washers (found in abaggie shrink wrapped to the headrest), pass them through the long slot in theheadrest, then through the existing T-nuts in the back of the chair and secure.6. Attach the Heel Stop (FC-100HS)List:Packing(1) Heel Stop with (4) straps, (2) curved side release buckles, and(2) ¼ - 20 hanger bolts(2) Thru-knobs with ¼ - 20 threaded inserts(2) Nylon washersInsert the hanger bolts through the paired holes at the back of thefootplate. Place nylon washers on the bolts and attach knobs.Tighten securely.7. Secure the padded seat. (FC-100PS or FC-100PSW)Note: The padded back has already been attached.The padded seat pad attaches to the seat with Velcro . Remove the (1) self-adhering strip of Velcro from the pad. Adhere the Velcro to the top of the seat. Position the pad on the seat and secure the Velcro .(2) Support blocks with metal plates and ¼-20 bolts(4) Nylon washers(4) Thru knobs with ¼ - 20 insertsAttach in desired set of paired slots on the back and / or seat. Place nylonwashers on the bolts and secure with knobs. Tighten securely before use.9. Attach the support wedges. (FC-100SW)Packing list:(2) Wedge shaped blocks(2) Pads with Velcro(2) Knobs with ¼ - 20 threaded bolts(2) Nylon washersA. Secure the pads to the wedges. Remove the (1)self-adhering strip of Velcro from eachpad. Adhere the Velcro to the front of thewedges and secure the Velcro together.B. Attach the wedges to the front of the headrest. Place the knobs with bolts through the desired sloton the backside of the headrest. Secure in the pre-installed T-nuts on the support wedge. Place a washer between the knob and the wood. Tighten securely.10. Attach the tray. (FC-100T or FC-100TC)Pull the quick release spring lock pins. Slide the tray onto the armrests and releasethe spring lock pins into one of the three sets of holes on the armrest.。

ogawa+og6383+massage chair+user 说明书

ogawa+og6383+massage chair+user 说明书

User ManualOG6383使用手册This user manual is also can be download via internet: 01 - 040506 - 0708 - 0910 - 1213 - 161718Before Use● Important safety instructions ● Grounding instructions ● Setup of the massage lounger● Before use ● Product partsHow to use● Operation Guide ● After massageMaintenance● Cleaning and maintenance Q&A/Important notes● Q&A● Troubleshooting ● Specification ● Contact Us1920-212223SMART RELUXE MASSAGE CHAIRUser manualAll information is correct at the time of print0102Important safety instructionsMust be followedThese safety instructions must be strictly followed in use to aviod personal injuries and property damage are as follows:(1) pacemaker or another in-vivo electronic medical device tendingto suffer electronic jamming;(2) Patients with malignant tumors;(3) Patients with heart disease;(4) Persons proved to be unable to identify temperatures;(5) Pregnant persons or women who have just had childbirth;(6) Persons with perceptual disturbance because of diabetes or another serious peripheral circulation disturbance;(7) Osteoporosis patients, spinal fracture patients, or persons with acute painful diseases such as sprains or muscle strains;(8) Persons with injuries in the massaged parts;(9) Persons with a body temperature above 38℃(with a fever)(For example,persons with intense acute inflammation symptoms such as listlessness, cold shivers and blood pressure change or persons in poor health );(10) Persons who are unwell or must have a rest;(11) Persons with an abnormal or bent vertebra;(12) Persons with protrusion of intervertebral disc;(13) Persons who feel very uncomfortable(except for the circumstances above)All the safety instructions are described in compliance with degrees of the injuries or damage as a result of wrong use.Pay attention to the symbols before safety instructions(an example is given below).Actions that must be absolutely forbiddenBefore using the product,persons who are being treated or have any of the following symptoms should consult a physician.If you feel physically abnormal while using or no effect after use, stop the product immediately and consult a physician about it.Before being massaged or moving the backrest or the lower Leg/Foot massage section, make sure there is no people or pet close to the product(in front, behind, below or on the side)Before use,make sure there is no foreign matter between the backrest and the back cover.Before use,lift the back cushion and check whether fabric of traveling sections of the massage wheels or of other positions Do not massage for more than 30 minutes each time.Do not massage a single part for more than 5 minutes.After use each time, turn the power switch to the “O”position,then pull out the power plug.Follow the regulations about use of the socket and the wiring devices.Insert the power plug thoroughly into the socket.Use a 220-240V~, 50-60Hz power supply.(Do not use the product in a foreign country or connect it with a transformer without permission.)are damaged.(Even if the fabric is slightly damaged, stop the product immediately, pull out the power plug and send the product to repair.)Otherwise accidents or physical discomfort may happen.Remove such dirt and dust on the power plug at regular intervals.In the case of any abnormality or fault, stop the product immediately and pull out the power plug to avoid smoke,fires and electric shocks.Otherwise fires caused by poor insulation due to factors such as moisture may happen.(Wipe the power plug with dry cloth.)Do not put the back cushion between the backrest and the back cover.Otherwise product faults may happen.When handling the product,hold its frame.Otherwise product faults or personal injuries may happen.The following persons should not use the product.Persons for whom massage is forbidden by doctors, such as persons with thrombosis, serious aneurysm, acute venous aneurysm, various skin inflammations(such as subcutaneous tissue inflammation) or various skin infections.The following persons should not massage their waists.Do not put hands,arms or feet into the backrest’s fabrics of traveling sections of the massage wheels.Do not use the Waist Warm massage for a long time Do not damage the Knee Warm(heater) section.Do not damage the power line or the power plug.(Do not damage , machine, forcedly bend, twist or prolong the power line or the power plug, or place the power line or the power plug close to a heater, or tie or bind any heavy objects on the power line or the power plug.)Do not climb onto the backrest or the armrests.Do not lean or sit on the backrest.Keep your head from reachable areas of the backrest and the back cover.Persons unable to espress themselves clearly or unable to operate the product should not use the product.When massaging the neck, pay attention to moving directions of the massage wheels and do not massage with a too large force or massage front part of the neck.Children should not use the product. Keep them from playing on the product or climbing onto the Lower Leg/Foot massage section, the seat, the backrest or the armrests.Persons with acute lumbago, protrusion of intervertebral disc,or displacement of a lumbar vertebra;Persons with the deformation or oher discomfort of the hip joint;Otherwise diseases may get worse.Otherwise diseases may get worse.Otherwise accidents or personal injuries may happen.If the internal heater is damaged, fires or electric shocks may happen. Otherwise you may get low-heat burns.Do not insert or pull out the power plug with the wet hands.Otherwise electric shocks may happen.Do not refit, disassemble or repair the product with out permission.Otherwise fires, abnormal movements or personal injuries may happen.Do not insert pins or needles into the product.Do not cut the product with a cutter.Even if the temperature is relatively lower (40℃~60℃), low-heat burns may happen after longtime contact with skin (in spite of no obvious hot or painful feeling).A damaged power line or power plug may result in electric shocks, short circuit faults or fires. Please consult the shop from which you bought the product or a designated authorised service center about maintenance method of the power line or the power plug.(Abnormality and fault examples)In any of these abnormalities and faults, have the product inspected and repaired by an authorized service center immediately.The product fails to work after the power switch is turned to the ON position;After the power line is moved, the product is discontinuously powered on;In use, the product gives off a burning smell or an abnormal sound; The product is deformed or abnormally heating;Otherwise accidents or physical discomfort may happen.If the product is used when the fabric is damaged, you may get injured or get an electric shock.If any of these safety instruction is not followed, you may suffer an adverse effect and be injured.Otherwise accidents or injuries may happen due to naughty behaviors of children.Otherwise electric shocks, product faults or fires because of overheat may happen.Otherwise electric shocks or fires cause by overheat may happen.Otherwise accidents or physical discomfort may happen.Must be followedMust beForbiddenWet-hand operation forbidden Disassembly ForbiddenfollowedActions that must be doneWarning WarningWarningActions tending to cause serious injury or death CautionActions tending to cause minor injuries or property damage0304The following persons (even if they are physically healthy at present) should consult a physician before using the product.(1) Persons with musculer atrophy due to aging or thin persons;(2) Persons feeling lumbago because of bone or viscus problems;(3) Persons tending to suffer sprains of bruising;(4) Persons with carsickness or seasickness or strong response when taking other transport means;(5) Persons who once received a heart operation or another visceral operation;Before sitting on the product, make sure there is no foreign matter between any two parts of it.(Make sure there is no foreign matter on the back cover, the backrest, the seat surface, the Lower Leg/Foot massage section or inside surface of the back cushion.)Do not use the product when wearing any hard decorative article on head(such as hair pin).Do not put hands or feet between the product and the Lower Leg/Foot massage section.Do not stand or sit on the back cover.Do not put hands, feet or head between the backrest and the back cover.Do noy put pets on the product (such as its back cover, backrest and armrest).Do not pull out the power plug or turn OFF the power switch suddenly during massage.Do not put hands, arms,or head into the seam of the Lower Leg/Foot massage section(footrest).For safety, admit the Lower Leg/Foot massage section after massage.Before sitting on the seat, make sure the massage wheels are in the retracting positions.When pulling out the power plug, do not pull the power line but hold the power plug.If you want to leave the seat during the massage, stop the product first.If there is any hard article (such as mobile phone or key) in a pocket of the trousers, take it out before massage.Before hand or arm massage, remove watch, nail wrap, ring, etc.Otherwise health may get worse.Otherwise injuries may happen.Otherwise injuries may happen.Otherwise an electric shock or a short circuit fault may happen.Before moving the product, make the Lower leg/Foot massage section back to the original position by adjusting its angle.Otherwise injuries may happen.When moving the product by pulleys, put articles such as mats on the floor.Otherwise marks may be left on the floor.Keep children from the retaining screws on the remote controller holder.Otherwise children may cause accidents or suffer injuries by eating it or playing with it.In use, place the product horizontally.Keep head abdomen or skin from the massage wheels and do not put hands or feet between the massage wheels.Do not put the knees between the Lower Leg/Foot massage section.Do not fall asleep while using the product. Do not use the product after drinking.If air in the filling of the air bag on the seat is not completely discharged, do not stand or jump on the seat or put things on it.Otherwise accidents due to turnover of the product may happen.Do not use the product and other devices at the same time.Otherwise accidents or physical discomfort may happen.Otherwise accidents or injuries may happen.If any symptom such as skin inflammation, itching or swelling in use, stop the product immediately and consult a physician.Otherwise accidents or physical discomfort may happen.If the product is used again for massage after a period of out-of-service, read the operating instructions again and make sure the product can run normally first.Otherwise accidents or injuries may happen.Before moving the product by pulleys, remove the obstructions close to it. Lift the seat surface of the Lower leg/Foot massage section to a position a little lower than the waist and move the product slowly. Otherwise accidents or injuries may happen because of turnover of product.Othewise accidents, injuries, or product faults caused by clamping of hands, feet, or other articles by the product may happen.Otherwise injuries may happen.Otherwise personal injuries due to the product toppling mat occur.Do not stand or sit on the Lower Leg/Foot massage section or the footrest.Do not stand or sit on the armrests.Otherwise personal injuries may happen.Do not drag or push the product after it is installed.Otherwise the floor may be damaged.Do not move the product while there is a person on it.Otherwise, accidents, or injuries may happen due to a toppling of the product.Do not use the product on heating devices such as electric blankets.Otherwise fires may happen.Do not put the remote controller on the product.Otherwise the product may be damaged.Do not use the product in a bathroom or another wet place.Otherwise electric shocks or product faults may happen.Do not sprinkle substances such as water on the product or its remote controller.Other wise electric shocks, short circuit, or product faults may happen.Before cleaning or maintaining the product, pull out the power plug first.Otherwise electric shocks or injuries may happen.In the case of a power failure, pull out the power plug at once.Otherwise accidents or injuries may happen when power is restored.When the product is not used, pull out the power plug.Otherwise electric leakage fires may happen because of insulation aging cause by dust and moisture.Otherwise accidents or injuries due to rotation of front of the footrest or turnover of the product may happen.If bottom of the Lower Leg/Foot massage section runs into floor, the floor may be damaged.Must be followedWet-hand contact forbiddenProduct wetting forbiddenPull out the power plugForbiddenForbiddenCautionCaution0506Setting of Massage Chair2MatThe contact area betweenthe legs and the floorthe contact area betweenthe seat frame and the floorDo not expose the massage chair to the direct sunlight or high temperature condition (e.g. in front of heatingequipment), as it may lead to color fading or hardening of the synthetic leather of the massage chair.Please lay a mat under the machine to avoid causing damage to the floor. When laying the mat, the size ofmat should be big enough to cover the contact area between the machine and the floor and the foot contactarea.Floor area (at least 200cmx90cm), as shown in the figure.It should keep close to the power socket when the machine is installed.※ Caution1. Please lift and move the massage chair onthe damageable floor, such as wood floor.2. Please stretch your hands into the bottomof the seat frame to hold the steel frame andlift it, so as not to damage the plastic parts onthe outside of the seat frame.Put the machine down slowly and becareful not to crush your foot.Do not let go of the legs of the machineuntil it is kept completely flat. A suddenloosening will cause the legs beingrebound to its original position.The floor may be damaged. Therefore, it issuggested to lay things like mat on the floor.Due to the heavy weight of the machine, pleasehandle it with care, so as not to cause strain ofback. (The machine must be handled by two ormore people.)CautionGrounding instructionsIf the grounding conductor is not correctly connected, electric shocks may happen. If you are not sure about correctness of the grounding,have it inspected by a professional electrican. Even if the grounding plug provided with the product does not match with the socket youhave, do not refit it by yourself but ask a professional electrician to install an appropriate socket.The product has a grounding plug. Make sure the product is connected with a socket matching with shape of the grounding plug.Do not connect the product to a multi-plug.If the power plug is damage, it must be replaced by a special plug available from OGAWA or authorize agents.The product has a heat surface, people who are not sensitive to heat must pay attention to it!The product must be grounded to reduce the electric shock hazard because of functional faults of the product.The product has a power line with a grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The grounding plug must be inserted into anappropriate socket that has been correctly installed and grounded in full compliance with the local code and decree.1. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mentalcapabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of theappliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.2. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision3. The appliance has a heated surface. Persons insensitive to heat must be careful when using the appliance.4. The appliance is intended for indoor use only.0708Method 2: Use the rear castor to move the massage chair.Press the “on / off” key to turn off all functions.1Reset the backrest and legs of the machine to the original position.Set the power switch below the rear of the machine to the position “o” (off) and unplug the power plug.2Tilt the massage chair downward and backward about 45 degrees before moving it, according to the methods shown.Note: The movement range should be moderate when pushing it down, so as not to cause damage to the hood due to the complete tilting of the chair.rear wheel09101112Product Parts Product PartsFunction distribution diagramShoulderairbagmassageHead,neck to seat:MovementmassageFootrest calveairbagmassageFootrest feetairbagmassageFoot rollermassageArm airbagmassageRemotecontrolstorageController7651ON/OFF2PAUSE3TIMER4Full Body Auto Program5SPOT / PARTIAL6UPWARD / DOWNWARD7WIDTH8MANUAL MASSAGE9SPEED10FULL BODY AIR MASSAGE11MANUAL AIR MASSAGE12INTENSITY13HEATER14ROLLER15INCLINE/RECLINE16ZERO GWaistheater1314I. Please take note on below information when using this product:II. Control button for massage chairConnect to the power supply and turn the switch to “I” position, and the chair is now in idle mode. During this idle mode, the ON/OFF button will blink, which mean the electric supply is connected. During its idle mode, there are only six function: ON/OFF, Pause, Incline, Recline and Zero G.1. ON/OFF button S tart stop control buttonPress once on this button, the LCD backlight and ON/OFF button will lit. Press any massage function button to begin the massage chair function. This will also start the timer. Press this button again to stop all massage function and the massage roller will return back to the origin position.2. Pause T he Pause buttonWhen the chair is in the massage mode and user want to temporary pause it, press the Pause button and all massage button will stop. The Pause button will blinking and the set time countdown will pause as well. Press the Pause button again to immediately cease the pause function and resume the original massage function. The countdown will continue.3. Timer T ime interval control buttonWhen a massage function is activated, the time is preset at 15 minutes.Every time this button is pressed, it will change the time interval sequence at “20>25>30>5>10>15>20” minutes.6. Upward / Downward buttonW hen the spot or partial massage was activated, press and hold the button to move the massage roller upward / downward. Release the button when the desired location is reach.Remark: During shoulder height scanning, if require to do adjustment, press this 2 button to do fine tune within 10 second.7. Width adjustmentT he width adjustment for Tapping, Shiatsu, Clapping, RollingAfter activated the Tapping, Shiatsu, Clapping or Rolling function, you can press this button to adjust the massage width to “narrow> medium> large” in a cycle.Press this button to activate manual massage, press again to change the "massage “kneading> Swedish> taping> Shiatsu> clapping> rolling> stop “"Massage direction Press this button to change the massage mode, example “kneading mode 1> kneading mode 2”.8. Manual Massage FunctionPress this button once to activate the Spot massage at the required location. Press this button again to switch to Partial function. The massage will take the spot position as center to perform partial massage at a distance of approximate 8cm. Press again to stop the function.5. Spot / Partial4. Full Body Auto ProgramWhen either 1 of 6 auto program is activated, the chair will automatic perform a shoulder height scan. The user can manually adjust the shoulder height position to the desired comfort.6 Auto massage programDeep tissue Relaxation BeautyNeck n Shoulder SeniorSweet DreamProduct Operation Guide16.Zero GPress this button to activate zero G angle, press again for “ZG1> ZG2> End” in a cycle.End OperationPlease press the ON/OFF button after used, the chair as well the massage roller will back to the origin position then switch the power supply button under the chair to “O” and remove the plug from the socket.151612.IntensityAir Intensity button – 5 level adjustmentIn either auto or manual massage, press this button to adjust to air pressure “LV1>, LV2> LV3>, LV4>, LV5” in a cycle.13.Waist heaterWaist heater control buttonPress this button to activate the waist heater, press again to turn off.15.Incline / ReclineThis two button is to adjust chair incline or recline position. When the desire angle was reach, press incline / recline button again to freeze it.14.Foot rollerFoot Roller buttonPress this button to activate foot roller massage, press again to turn it off.The speed adjustment button for Swedish, Tapping, Shiatsu and Clapping – 5 level of speed to be adjust. After activating the Swedish, Tapping, Shiatsu or Clapping, every time this button was pressed, the speed can be adjust to “LV1> LV2> LV3> LV4> LV5 “ in cycle.9. SpeedPress once to activate whole body air massage, press again to stop the function.10. Full body Air Pressure massage11. Manual Air massageSetting Air sequencePress this button to activate footrest air massage, press again cycle.the massage will switch to “Footrest> Hand> Shoulder> End” in a cycle.1718The end of the massageChildren are forbidden to use this machine.In addition, children or pets are not allowed to play on the machine body, or climb up the legs, foot massage part, seat, backrest or armrest. Otherwise, it may cause accidents or injuries.CautionEvery time when you finish the use of it, slide the power switch to the position “o” (off), and unplug the power plug.Otherwise, it may cause accident or injury due to child’s mischief.WarningEnsure there is nothing in the legs massage part Slowly remove the legs from the legs massage partPress the back lifting up key on the controller to retract the legs massage part to the original position.Retract the foot massage part to the original position.1Cut off the power.4Method to retract the legs massage part:2Put the controller in the storage bag on the right side of the machine seat.3For security, be sure to put your legs away after used.1. Turn “off” the power switch.2. Unplug the power plug.Cleaning and maintenanceCleaning of the synthetic leatherCleaning of the plastic partsWipe the synthetic leather with a soft dry cloth.Put a piece of soft cloth into water or neutral detergent contained hot water, wring it out and wipe the plastic parts.Do not clean the product with chemicals such as thinners, gasoline and alcohol.Wipe with a piece of cloth once soaked in clean water and wrung out.Have the plastic parts take natural air drying.Wring the cloth out before using it to wipe the remote controller.Do not clean the product with chemicals such as thinners, gasoline and alcohol.When using a leather maintenance product(cleaning cloth) sold on the market, follow its directions for use.If the synthetic leather is very dirty, wipe it with the method below.①Put a piece of soft cloth into water or 3% to 5% neutral detergent contained hot water and wring it out.②Wipe surface of the synthetic leather with the soft cloth③Wipe the detergent with a piece of cloth once soaked in clean water and wrung out.④Wipe with a piece of wrung soft cloth.⑤Have the synthetic leather take natural air drying.If it is difficult to remove the stains on the synthetic leather, soak a piece of melamine foam bought from the market into a neutral detergent and use it wipe the product.Do not dry the surface by a hair drier.Surface of the synthetic leather may be dried by fabric colors; therefore, be careful when wiping the product with denim or colored cloth.Keep these positions from long-time contact with plastics to avoid fading.Synthetic leather may discolor, so the position in contact with the hair dye used should be covered by a towel.1920Can persons paying frequent visits to hospitalsbecause of diseases use the product?Questions and answers(Q&A)These persons should consult physicians before using the product.Massage is the so-called “touch-pressure stimulation”:Muscles are compressed to relieve their tension and promote hemokinesis. Some diseases may get worsened because of massage.Thus, consult the attending doctors before using the product.Select method or below:Tilt the backrest and lower the Lower Leg/Foot massage sectionMassage the upper body only with the help of the footrest.(Massage the feet and the upper boday separately.)Raise the backrest and lift the Lower/Foot massage section.Massage the upper body only with the help of the footrest.(Massage the feet and the upper body separately.)The body height requirement differs with the specific body type. See the rough reference below when using the product.Pay attention to the following things during moving.If a person shorter than 145 centimeters or taller than 185 centimeters uses the upper body massagefunction and the Lower Leg/Foot massage function of the product at the same time, it will be possible that his soleswill have poor contact with the foot massage If the original packing box is available, make sure the power line is not wound on the product, wind it and place it on the seat surface. When handling the product, keep the power line from falling off and rubbing with ground.If the original packing box is unavailable, properly keep other packing auxiliary materials and wrap the product with them to avoid scratch and vibration during handling.Press the button until backrest and footrest stopTurn off the power switch and pull out the power plug.How about the body height requirement for use of the product?Are there any things needing special attention during moving ?If the fault still exists after that, contact the shop from which you bought the product.For safety, the massage wheels will possibly stop upon a too large external force during use.For safety, the product will stop upon an obstruction or a too large force.If all marks and buttons on the remote controller begin to flicker, it suggests an extreme abnormality. In this case, turn off the power switch and turn it on about 10 seconds later.If the massage wheels stop again, adjust your sitting posture and do not lean on the backrest completely. (Users, particularly those heavier than 100 kilograms, should follow relevant precautions.)If all contents and buttons are flickering and the backrest or the footrest has stopped, turn off the power supply and turn it on about 10 seconds later and then operate the product.If the head is not in contact with the headrest, or the back is not in contact with the backrest, the shoulder position in body type detection will possibly be lower than the actual position. Sit in the deepest position of the product, lean your head on the headrest and operate from the beginning again.It is not a fault but a normal phenomenon because the product is provide with a massage core allowing alternate beats of the massage wheels. T o avoid accidents, contact an authorized service center.The power line is disconnected.Due to the heater structure, the product will still feel warm shortly after heating because of the residual heat.If a single part is continually massaged even after the heating function is disabled, you will feel increasingly warmer.The power switch is not turned on.No program is selected after ON button on the remote controller is pressed.The massage wheels stop during use(The product beeps and all icons and buttons on the remote controller flicker and then go out.)The product cannot tilt, or the footrest can not be raised or lowered(The product beeps, the running light on the remote controller go out and the product stops)The massage wheels cannot reach the shoulders or the neckThe left and right massage wheels have different heights (intensities)The product cannot run at all.The product cannot cool down even if the temperature function is disabled The product is damaged The power line or the power plug had abnormal heatingUpper body (the neck to the waist) massageLower leg/Foot massageAfter a fault happens, inspect and try the corresponding method below.FaultCause and elimination methodTroubleshooting。













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User′s Manual目录Table of Contents产品特点及其实效 (1)安全注意事项 (2)外部构造名称 (3)按摩前的准备工作 (4)按摩椅的调节 (5)按摩程序说明 (6)故障原因检查 (7)常见问题回答 (8)保管和保养方法 (9)安全检查 (10)产品技术参数及其附件 (11)Product Features And PerformancesSafety PrecautionsExterior Structure DescriptionsPreparations Prior To MassagingAdjustment Of Massaging ChairMassaging Program DescriptionTroubleshootingFAQsStorage And Maintenance DirectionsTechnical Parameters And Accessories亲爱的用户:您好!非常感谢您购买本款按摩椅,能为您的健康提供忠心的服务是我们莫大的荣幸。










Dear Users,Thank you for purchasing this Massaging Chair. It′s our honor to offer you with our committed services. We will spare no efforts to enable you enjoy the unique performance and excellent quality of our products.This Chair is designed to give you a healthier life. She′s elegant in appearance, unique in style and advanced in technology. Features complicated functions to simulate a massager to offer you massaging in a human friendly manner. She is a professional massaging apparatus integrating traditional subject of channel and collateral with modern Anatomy, and standing at the focus of new fashion. The massaging robots, air bag massaging, and various combinations enable you to enjoy personalized and all-round massaging. Her delicate care allows you have a total relaxation and shows our infinite care to our customers. She is the best companion in your way to health of life and the most loyal guard to ensure your health in life, work and study.Hope this Manual be a good assistant to you for the operation of this Chair. Hope our considerate service accompanies you at any time.We firmly believe, our happiness lies in not anywhere else but the satisfaction of you, the user of our Massaging Chair. We will make unremitting efforts to ensure each close contact between you and her a pleased experience worthy of being remembered.Thank you again for using this Massaging Chair※阅读好说明书之后,请妥善保管,以备后需查阅。

※ Many thanks to you for purchasing our Massaging Chair. You are kindly required to read this Manual prior to operating this Chair to ensure proper operation.※ Please keep this Manual properly after reading for further use.产品特点及其实效Product features and performance特点Features从手心到脚底心全身按摩的功能Full-body massaging from palm to sole.使用了所有的技术手段,为您做全身按摩,让您舒适放松。






Employ all kinds of technologies to enable you have a full-body massaging and a thorough relaxation. Recently air-bag assembly is equipped at the arm position to enable massaging of part from the acupoint-aggregational palm to your elbow. When the chair turns, the forearm massaging unit will turns along to enable comfortable massaging of the forearm at any time. In addition, multi and combined massaging programs are available for the massaging of back, hip and calf similar to human operation. The newly equipped sole massaging unit allows comfortable massaging even when the chair turns.液晶背光大显示屏back-lighted LCD遥控器上有鲜艳的一目了然的显示屏。


An eye-catching display is available on the remote controller to allow easy operation by the user.振动器的功能Functions of Vibrator在座位、脚架(脚底组件)内隐藏着振动功能。


Vibration units are hidden in the seat and stand (sole unit) to offer comfort vibration for relaxation from fatigue.背部,腿部电动自动调节舒适角度Back and leg part is allowed for adjustment electrically to obtain a cozy angle.The angle between backrest and the ground is between 120°—170°, and the angle of foot stand . is less than 90°. You can vary it depending on your preference.引入了先进的技术内容丰富的组合功能Introduce advanced technology and various combinations.我们准备了5种医疗程序(自动程序)和能根据自己喜好组合的自由选择程序。


We have 5 medical programs (automatic programs) and free selection programs organized depending on your own preference. The operators may chose the favorite massaging type to meet their respective demands.根据脚底的位置可以自动调节长度The length is subject to automatic adjustment depending on the position of sole.脚架滑轨长度调节功能Foot stand slide length adjustment function脚架和按摩椅连接。
