android开发工程师工作岗位职责说明(通用32篇)android开发工程师工作岗位职责说明篇11. 从事Android平台客户端软件产品设计、开发;2. 负责与其它相关团队技术问题的沟通配合与协调工作;3. 项目管理:项目评估、成本控制、进度控制、质量、风险管理等。
android开发工程师工作岗位职责说明篇51. 负责Android平台的浏览器APP开发;2. 在Android手机上设计并开发应用程序;3. Android平台框架层的维护以及扩展;4. 负责Android项目的架构设计、方案的制定;5. 根据产品功能需求设计并完成软件实现;6. 参与产品需求分析并制定技术实施方案。
瑞芯微Rockchip Android11 SDK开发指南说明书
![瑞芯微Rockchip Android11 SDK开发指南说明书](
密级状态:绝密( ) 秘密( ) 内部( ) 公开( √ )文件状态: [ ] 草稿[ √ ] 正式发布[ ] 正在修改文件标识:RK-KF-YF-279当前版本:V1.1.5作者:吴良清完成日期:2021-08-31审核:陈海燕审核日期:2021-08-31title: Rockchip_Developer_Guide_Android11_SDK_V0.0.2_CNdescription: Android11开发指南published: truedate: 2021-07-13T06:21:56.250Ztags: sdkRockchip Android 11.0 SDK开发指南版本号作者修改日期修改说明备注V0.0.1吴良清2020-12-25发布RK3566/RK3568 Alpha版本V0.0.2卞金晨2021-01-06发布PX30/RK3326 Beta版本V1.0.0吴良清2021-01-29增加RK3566/RK3568 EVB板编译方法V1.1.0吴良清2021-02-23发布RK3399 Alpha版本V1.1.1吴良清2021-03-09修改单独编译kernel的说明V1.1.2吴良清2021-05-12支持RK3288W芯片平台V1.1.3吴良清2021-05-23增加常见问题说明V1.1.4吴良清2021-07-12支持RK3566 BOX产品形态,支持RK3328 BOX产品形态,增加repo服务器搭建及常见问题说明V1.1.5吴良清2021-08-31增加常见问题说明文档问题反馈:******************免责声明本文档按“现状”提供,瑞芯微电子股份有限公司(“本公司”,下同)不对本文档的任何陈述、信息和内容的准确性、可靠性、完整性、适销性、特定目的性和非侵权性提供任何明示或暗示的声明或保证。
CH9343 Android应用程序开发手册版本:V1.1简介CH9343是基于Android Open Accessory协议开发的USB Android Host芯片。
针对USB Android 设备提供了GPIO、PWM、UART、SPI Master、SPI Slave及I2C主机,共6种接口。
Android Device、CH9343、Accessories三者关系如下图。
CH9343提供的接口需要基于Android 3.1及以上版本系统,用户可以选择上述任一接口与Accessories通讯。
本文档将会重点说明Android Device和CH9343的USB通讯数据格式。
关于Android Open Accessory协议说明,可以参考Google官方文档。
1 Android Device本文档所描述的例子程序皆是在Android 3.1及以上版本系统下编写的。
Android 应用程序的启动参数是定义在accessory_filter.xml文件中的manufacturer、model和version。
基于CH9343开发的Android应用程序主要分为两个部分:图1: WCH CH9343 Android ApplicationsUser Layout:主要由用户根据自己的需求完成相关代码,通过调用CH9343 Interface Layout 提供的GPIO、PWM、UART、SPI Master、SPI Slave或I2C主机接口函数实现。
CH9343 Interface Layout:实现了6种接口模式下的Interface类,提供给User Layout调用。
此外还实现了Android Device和CH9343芯片之间的USB通信,6种不同的接口具有不同的通信协议,具体内容参考后续说明。
2 Android GPIO Demo2.1 GPIOCH9343提供了8个GPIO端口,可配置成输入或输出方式。
Android2.2——API中文文档LLGYZB@目录:(1)—— TextView(2)—— EditText(3)—— AccessibilityService(4)—— Manifest(5)—— View(6)—— ImageView(7)—— ImageButton(8)—— QuickContactBadge(9)—— ZoomButton(10)—— CheckBox(11)—— RadioButton(12)—— Button(13)—— ToggleButton(14)—— ViewStub(15)——GridView一、TextView1、结构ng.Object↳android.view.View↳android.widget.TextView2、已知直接子类:Button, CheckedTextView, Chronometer, DigitalClock, EditText3、已知间接子类:AutoCompleteTextView, CheckBox, CompoundButton, ExtractEditText,MultiAutoCompleteTextView, RadioButton, ToggleButton二、EditText1、结构ng.Object↳ android.view.View↳android.widget.TextView↳ android.widget.EditText已知直接子类:AutoCompleteTextView, ExtractEditText已知间接子类: MultiAutoCompleteTextView2、xml 属性补充说明:a).由于是继承自TextView,所以属性是一样的,但是这里重点补充了输入法相关的属性说明和研究,部分注释也做了相应的调整。
b).Word格式下载/source/26641643、例子3.1<!--[endif]-->android:imeOptions例子<EditText android:id="@+id/txtTest" android:imeOptions="actionGo" android:layout_width="100dp" android:layout_height="wrap_con tent"></EditText>((EditText)findViewById( new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {@Overridepublic boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionI d,KeyEvent event) {if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_GO) {Toast.makeText(TestActivity.this, "你点了Go!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();}return false;}});三、AccessibilityService1、结构ng.Object↳android.content.Context↳android.content.ContextWrapper↳↳android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServicepublic abstract class AccessibilityService extends Service2、类概述当AccessibilityEvent事件被启动后AccessibilityService 会接收回调函数运行于后台,这些事件指的是在用户接口间的状态转换,比如,焦点变化,按钮被点击等。
萤石云视频Android SDK接口使用说明合作伙伴交流使用版本日期修改人修改原因3.0 2015-10-15 夏兴锁SDK大版本重构3.1 2015-12-05 夏兴锁 1 UI改版2增添广场接口3.2 2016-01-13 夏兴锁增加设备操作/留言/等相关接口3.3 2016-01-28 夏兴锁1,增加A1 探测器接口2,修正版本升级界面bug3,播放时给出终端绑定错误码1200314,修正其他bug特别说明1:本SDK只包含真机调试的功能,不支持任何模拟器的调试;特别说明2:本SDK提供的功能都已经在文档上说明,任何不在文档上说明的功能不支持,用户可以向我们提需求来完善功能;特别说明3:请频繁查看内容更新,特别是FAQ栏目。
1.简介 (3)2.名词解释 (3)3.功能介绍 (3)4.SDK配置 (3)5.快速接入示范 (5)5.1获取摄像头列表 (5)5.2添加设备 (7)5.3Wifi一键配置 (8)5.4设备预览 (12)6.接口 (15)6.1SDK整体接入流程 (15)6.2SDK初始化 (15)6.3登录模块 (16)6.4设备模块 (18)6.5设备升级 (24)6.6报警信息模块 (24)6.7留言消息模块 (26)6.8SD卡操作 (27)6.9录像相关模块 (28)6.10设备控制模块 (29)6.11EZPlayer模块 (30)6.12广场相关接口 (37)6.13安全验证接口 (39)6.14其他接口 (40)6.15实体类 (41)6.16EZOpenSDK枚举值 (43)1.简介本文档用于说明萤石开放平台SDK Android版本接口之间的关系以及接口调用顺序,对开放平台SDK Android版本各接口都有详细的说明。
主要分为四个部分,第一部分为名词解释;第二部分为SDK环境配置;第三部阐述了开放SDK的主要调用流程;第四部分对各模块接口进行了详细的说明2.名词解释名词释义accessToken 访问令牌,由server返回给client用于认证camerId 摄像头唯一标志AppKey 应用程序keyAppKey的申请可以参阅deviceSerial 设备唯一标志OSD 视频当前时间PTZ 云台控制,可以通过终端控制操作设备3.功能介绍V3.0: 授权登录、获取摄像头列表、直播预览、查看回放(SD卡、云存储)、设备添加删除、设备的设置功能(h5)、设备控制接口(云台、镜头画面)、WiFi配置、视频本地录像、视频截屏、报警消息等V3.1: 安全验证接口、获取设置设备验证码、数据解密接口、视频广场相关接口等,主要功能是完成UI版本的开源项目4.S DK配置1.新建android app工程2.导入EZOpenSDK.jar(拷贝到libs/下)3.拷贝lib*.so到libs/armeabi/4.设置AndroidManifest.xml权限:<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_OWNER_DATA" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_LOGS" /><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION" />应用组件:<activityandroid:name="com.videogo.main.EzvizWebViewActivity "android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden"android:screenOrientation="portrait" ></activity>用于sdk中间页显示,包含登录、设备添加、设备操作等页面<receiverandroid:name=".EzvizBroadcastReceiver"android:exported="false" ><intent-filter><action android:name="com.videogo.action.OAUTH_SUCCESS_ACTION " /><action android:name=".conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE" /></intent-filter></receiver>用于接收网络变化刷新SDK网络状态,接收中间页登录成功消息启动其他界面5.快速接入示范本节旨在引导开发者进行快速接入,通过介绍几个关键的接口,并给出对应的界面和接口,以及代码范例,让开发者对sdk有个初步了解首先请下载并安装萤石云app, 登陆以后,进入的是监控列表界面,如下所示 [图中橙色矩形框仅作为标注,并非原生app界面]5.1获取摄像头列表try {List<EZCameraInfo> result = null;result = mEZOpenSDK.getCameraList(0, 10);return result;} catch (BaseException e) {mErrorCode = e.getErrorCode();return null;}说明:通过调用getCameraList,可以得到一个列表,列表每一项包含一个摄像头的信息。
clone():克隆当前BundlecontainsKey(String key):返回指定key的值getString(String key):返回指定key的字符hasFileDescriptors():指示是否包含任何捆绑打包文件描述符isEmpty():如果这个捆绑映射为空,则返回trueputString(String key, String value):插入一个给定key的字符串值readFromParcel(Parcel parcel):读取这个parcel的内容remove(String key):移除指定key的值writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags):写入这个parcel的内容二、实例Java代码1.public class BundleDemo extends Activity {2. private EditText etName;3. Button btn;4.5. /*6. * (non-Javadoc)7. * @see */9.@Override10. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {11. // TODO Auto-generated method stub12. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);13. setContentView(yout.bundle);14.15. etName = (EditText) findViewById(;16. btn = (Button) findViewById(;17.18. btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {19. @Override20. public void onClick(View v) {21. String info = etName.getText().toString();22. Bundle bundle = new Bundle();23.24. //保存输入的信息25. bundle.putString("name", info);26. Intent intent=new Intent(BundleDemo.this,BundleDemo1.class);27. intent.putExtras(bundle);28. finish();29. startActivity(intent);30. }31. });32. }33.}Java代码1.public class BundleDemo1 extends Activity {2. private TextView etName;3. /* (non-Javadoc)4. * @see */6.@Override7. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {8. // TODO Auto-generated method stub9. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);10. setContentView(yout.b1);11.12. etName=(TextView)findViewById(;13. Bundle b=getIntent().getExtras();14. //获取Bundle的信息15. String info=b.getString("name");16. etName.setText("您的姓名:"+info);17. }18.}三、与SharedPreferences的区别SharedPreferences是简单的存储持久化的设置,就像用户每次打开应用程序时的主页,它只是一些简单的键值对来操作。
android app 技术方案
![android app 技术方案](
Android App 技术方案1. 引言本文档旨在为开发 Android 应用程序提供一个技术方案。
在本文中,我们将讨论开发 Android 应用程序的一些关键技术,包括开发环境的搭建、架构设计、用户界面设计、数据存储和网络通信等方面。
2. 开发环境在开发 Android 应用程序之前,我们需要准备一个合适的开发环境。
以下是一些必要的工具和软件:•Android Studio:Android 开发的官方集成开发环境(IDE)。
•Java Development Kit(JDK):Android 应用程序的开发语言是 Java,因此需要安装 JDK。
•Android 调试桥(ADB):用于在设备和开发机之间进行调试和通信。
3. 架构设计良好的架构设计是开发高质量 Android 应用程序的关键。
•Model-View-Presenter(MVP):类似于 MVC,但引入了一个表示器(Presenter)来处理视图与模型之间的通信。
4. 用户界面设计用户界面是用户与应用程序交互的重要部分。
以下是一些用户界面设计的准则:•Material Design:Google 推出的一种用户界面设计风格,具有简洁、平面和响应式的特点,可增强用户体验。
本android帮助文档为在学习视频时自己制作比较混乱和粗糙,使用时查找第一页导航,再用word的查找功能进行查找导航页——基础说明——监听器的设置->创建监听器——调用android自带的短信发送功能——Activity的方法和生命周期(创建对话框风格的)——Activity的布局方法--LinearLayout线性--常用标签--TableLayout表格--GridView滑动表格--RelativeLayout相对布局——常用控件--除去title和全屏显示--EditText可输入文本框--RadioGroup和RadioButton单选按钮--Toast提示框--CheckBox多选按钮--ProgressBar进度条--ListView可选列表--MENU菜单控件的使用--Animation动画效果--4种动画效果--动画实现--JAVA中的实现--XMl文件中的实现-- Gallery (走马灯式的)移动选择控件--ImageSwitcher图片显示控件--ImageButton图片按钮控件--AlertDialog提示框——Handler的使用---线程--handler的简单应用--用handler更新ProgressBar进度条--handler与线程--线程之间的数据传递--Bundle对象(大量复杂数据) --Message对象(少量简单)--建立一个新的线程--HandlerThread类——SQLite的使用--SQLiteOpenHelper的方法注:带有下划线的是一些封装--代码的编写的可以直接调用的类,在”帮助文档的链接文件\封装的类”文件--封装的DatabaseHelper类夹中都有保存可以直接导入调用--主java文件--命令行的查询方法——文件下载--文件下载--步骤--在注册文件中注册权限--封装的HttpDownLoad类--在Activity中的调用--访问SDCARD --注册权限--封装的FileUtils类--在Activity文件中的调用——_XML文件的解析--SAX常用接口--XMl文件解析实例--实现ContentHandler接口的类--在Activity中的调用 XMl文件实例aaa.xml——广播机制--android中的广播机制--编写BroadcastReveicer类--创建包含BroadcastReveicer类的java文件--在onReceive中处理收到短消息的事件--AndroidManifest.XML注册文件中注册--代码当中进行注册--Activity中发送广播——WIFI--WIFI网卡的状态--操作WIFI网卡所需要的部分权限--改变WIFI网卡的状态——Socket编程--使用基于TCP协议的Socket--使用基于UDP协议的Socket——ServiceAndroid创建基础:src文件中为包类,其中用于建立activity的java文件res中drawable中为图片和标签layout中为布局文件,用于每个activity.java文件的标签布局AndroidManifest中为注册文件,每一个activity的建立都需要在其中注册代码的编写intent对象(用于在不同activity转换时的监听器设置)ponent name 指定activity2.Action 指定activity的作用3.Data 传送的数据类型4.Extras (额外)传送的键值对创建监听器的关键代码:(在第一个activity中)//创建一个Button监听器class myButtonListener implements OnClickListener{public void onClick(View v) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub//创建一个intent类Intent intent = new Intent();//创建一个键值对intent.putExtra("nexttext", "跳转成功");//创建关联intent.setClass(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);FirstActivity.this.startActivity(intent);}}在第一个activity中的转换关键标签上绑定监听器:(例在Button标签)(在onCreate中)//在Button上绑定监听器myButton.setOnClickListener(new myButtonListener());在第二个activity中的应用键值对(数据传递):(在onCreate中)//获取键值对Intent intent = getIntent();//获得键值对的值String text = intent.getStringExtra("nexttext");在Activity中调用android自带的短信发送功能的关键代码://调用短信发送功能class myButtonListener implements OnClickListener{public void onClick(View v) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub//发送号码Uri uri = Uri.parse("smsto://0800000123");Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO,uri);//发送内容it.putExtra("sms_body", "the SMS text");startActivity(it);}}Activity的方法和生命周期:--onCreate 一个activity启动时运行(第一次)--onStart 当activity处于可见状态时运行--onResume 当activity可以得到用户焦点时(可以被操作)运行--onPause 当activity处于暂停状态时(例如弹出其他activity而原activity未被完全覆盖),可在此保存数据,以便此activity释放时恢复原状--onStop 当activity完全不可见时--onRestart 当activity未被销毁而在此被调用时--onDestory 当activity被销毁时当调用finish();语句时,Activity被销毁。
Android中文文档:开发和调试在eclipse上开发Android应用程序在用eclipse IDE开发android应用程序之前,你首先要创建一个Android工程,并且建立一个启动配置,在此之后你才可以开始编写,运行,以及调试你的应用程序。
参考安装eclipse 插件(ADT)创建一个android工程ADT提供了一个新的工程向导,你可以快速的创建一个新的工程或者在现有代码上创建工程。
创建工程的步骤如下:选择File > New > Project选择 Android > Android Project, 然后按下 Next选择项目内容:选择 Create new project in workspace,为编码创建一个全新的工程。
输入工程名称(project name),基础软件包的名称(the base package name),以及Activity 类的名称。
以创建stub .java文件等文件和程序名字。
选择Create project from existing source ,为已有代码创建一个工程。
浏览包含已有代码的目录,点击ok,如果目录中包含有可用的android manifest 文件,ADT 将为你填写合适的软件包,activity,和应用程序名称。
按下Finish.ADT插件会根据你的工程类型创建合适的文件和文件夹,如下:src/ 包含stub .java Activity文件的文件夹.res/ 资源文件夹.AndroidManifest.xml 工程清单.创建一个启动项能够在eclipse上运行调试应用程序之前,你必须为它创建一个启动项。
Android Studio App开发开发文档
![Android Studio App开发开发文档](
安装JDK(Java Development Kit)E%\jre\bin;
JDK是整个Java的核心,包括了Java运行环境,Java工具和Java基础的类库。进行java开发,首先要安装 ,安装了 后还要进行环境变量配置
变量值填写 的安装目录(例如E:\Java\jdk1.7.0)。
点开【Setting】,在搜索处搜索【Instant】,把instant run给关掉。
CH34x 系列芯片串口功能Android程序开发说明版本: 1.2简介CH34x系列芯片是USB 总线的转接芯片,主要包含CH340、CH341、CH345,通过USB总线提供异步串口、打印口、并口、MIDI以及常用的2线和4 线等接口。
本文档主要介绍其中CH340/CH341的USB转异步串口功能(以下简称CH34x UART),以及Android 下如何使用APK操作CH34x实现串口通讯。
该功能基于Android USB Host协议完成,用户可调用相关的接口API实现与Android设备进行通讯。
Android Host、USB Device、串口设备三者关系如下图。
USB HOST USB DeviceCH34x串口提供的Android接口需要基于Android 3.1及以上版本系统,使用CH34x串口Android 驱动条件:1、需要基于Android 3.1及以上版本系统2、Android设备具有USB Host或OTG接口本文档将会重点说明Android USB Host与Device的通讯接口API以及测试程序的操作说明。
关于Android USB Host协议说明,可以参考Google官方文档。
1、Android Host本文档所描述的例子程序皆是在Android 3.1及以上版本系统下编写的。
Android 应用程序的启动参数是定义在device_filter.xml文件中的product-id和vendor-id。
基于CH34x UART开发的Android应用程序主要分为两个部分,如下图:2、Android USB To Uart Demo2.1 UART针对CH34x UART的操作提供了EnumerateDevice、OpenDevice、UartInit、SetConfig、WriteData 和ReadData方法以及WriteTimeOutMillis和ReadTimeOutMillis属性,实现与CH34x UART功能模块的通讯。
android sdk帮助文档说明
![android sdk帮助文档说明](
1、解压Android SDK文件,里面有两个应用程序:“SDK Manager.exe”(负责下载或更新SDK包)和"AVD Manager.exe"(负责创建管理虚拟机)。
我们先运行“SDK Manager.exe”进行SDK下载。
2、运行后出现下面的界面,我们选择自己想安装的Android 版本,我选择了最新版本,然后点击“Install X packages”安装。
3、在新出现的界面上,选择接受并遵守所有许可内容(Accept All),再点击“Install”。
Android SDK 管理器就开始下载并安装你所选的包了,我们等上一段时间就好了。
4、安装好后,在Android SDK 管理器界面上你所选的包后面会显示“Installed”,表示已经安装好了。
5、接着我们回到文件夹界面,运行AVD Manager.exe。
6、打开AVD Manager.exe后,点击“New"创建新的模拟器:7、创建一个新的Android Virtual Device (AVD):输入AVD 名称、选择Target、输入模拟的SD Card 的容量大小、以及选择外观皮肤Skin。
然后“Create AVD”。
8、开始运行你新建的模拟器Virtual Device:选中这个虚拟设备并点击“Start”,在出现的界面上直接点击“Launch”就可以启动Android 模拟器了。
一、Introduction(入门)0、Introduction to Android(引进到Android)Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment. The documents listed in the left navigation provide details about how to build apps using Android's various APIs.To learn how apps work, startwith App Fundamentals.To begin coding right away, read Building Your First AppAndroid提供了丰富的应用程序框架,它允许您在Java语言环境中构建移动设备的创新应用程序和游戏。
Apps provide multiple entry points 应用程序提供多个入口点Apps adapt to different devices 应用程序适应不同的设备Android apps are built as a combination of distinct components that can be invoked individually. For instance, an individual activity provides a single screen for a user interface, and a service independently performs work in the background.Android应用程序被构建为能够单独地被调用不同的部件的组合。
1) What is Android?It is an open-sourced operating system that is used primarily on mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets. It is a Linux kernel-based system that’s been equipped with rich components that allows developers to create and run apps that can perform both basic and advanced functions.2) What Is the Google Android SDK?The Google Android SDK is a toolset that developers need in order to write apps on Android enabled devices. It contains a graphical interface that emulates an Android driven handheld environment, allowing them to test and debug their codes.3) What is the Android Architecture?Android Architecture is made up of 4 key components:- Linux Kernel- Libraries- Android Framework- Android Applications4) Describe the Android Framework.The Android Framework is an important aspect of the Android Architecture. Here you can find all the classes and methods that developers would need in order to write applications on the Android environment.5) What is AAPT?AAPT is short for Android Asset Packaging Tool. This tool provides developers with the ability to deal with zip-compatible archives, which includes creating, extracting as well as viewing its contents.6) What is the importance of having an emulator within the Android environment?The emulator lets developers “play” around an interface that acts as if it were an actual mobile device. They can write and test codes, and even debug. Emulators are a safe place for testing codes especially if it is in the early design phase.7) What is the use of an activityCreator?An activityCreator is the first step towards the creation of a new Android project. It is made up of a shell script that will be used to create new file system structure necessary for writing codes within the Android IDE.8 ) Describe Activities.Activities are what you refer to as the window to a user interface. Just as you create windows in order to display output or to ask for an input in the form of dialog boxes, activities play the same role, though it may not always be in the form of a user interface.9) What are Intents?Intents displays notification messages to the user from within the Android enabled device. It can be used to alert the user of a particular state that occurred. Users can be made to respond to intents.10) Differentiate Activities from Services.Activities can be closed, or terminated anytime the user wishes. On the other hand, services are designed to run behind the scenes, and can act independently. Most services run continuously, regardless of whether there are certain or no activities being executed.11) What items are important in every Android project?These are the essential items that are present each time an Android project is created:- AndroidManifest.xml- build.xml- bin/- src/- res/- assets/12) What is the importance of XML-based layouts?The use of XML-based layouts provides a consistent and somewhat standard means of setting GUI definition format. In common practice, layout details are placed in XML files while other items are placed in source files.13) What are containers?Containers, as the name itself implies, holds objects and widgets together, depending on which specific items are needed and in what particular arrangement that is wanted. Containers may hold labels, fields, buttons, or even child containers, as examples.14) What is Orientation?Orientation, which can be set using setOrientation(), dictates if the LinearLayout is represented asa row or as a column. Values are set as either HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL.15) What is the importance of Android in the mobile market?Developers can write and register apps that will specifically run under the Android environment. This means that every mobile device that is Android enabled will be able to support and run these apps. With the growing popularity of Android mobile devices, developers can take advantage of this trend by creating and uploading their apps on the Android Market for distribution to anyone who wants to download it.16) What do you think are some disadvantages of Android?Given that Android is an open-source platform, and the fact that different Android operating systems have been released on different mobile devices, there’s no clear cut policy to how applications can adapt with various OS versions and upgrades. One app that runs on this particular version of Android OS may or may not run on another version. Another disadvantage is that since mobile devices such as phones and tabs come in different sizes and forms, it poses a challenge for developers to create apps that can adjust correctly to the right screen size and other varying features and specs.17) What is adb?Adb is short for Android Debug Bridge. It allows developers the power to execute remote shell commands. Its basic function is to allow and control communication towards and from the emulator port.18) What are the four essential states of an activity?- Active – if the activity is at the foreground- Paused – if the activity is at the background and still visible- Stopped – if the activity is not visible and therefore is hidden or obscured by another activity- Destroyed – when the activity process is killed or completed terminated19) What is ANR?ANR is short for Application Not Responding. This is actually a dialog that appears to the user whenever an application have been unresponsive for a long period of time.20) Which elements can occur only once and must be present?Among the different elements, the and elements must be present and can occur only once. The rest are optional, and can occur as many times as needed.21) How are escape characters used as attribute?Escape characters are preceded by double backslashes. For example, a newline character is created using ‘\\n’22) What is the importance of settings permissions in app development?Permissions allow certain restrictions to be imposed primarily to protect data and code. Without these, codes could be compromised, resulting to defects in functionality.23) What is the function of an intent filter?Because every component needs to indicate which intents they can respond to, intent filters are used to filter out intents that these components are willing to receive. One or more intent filters are possible, depending on the services and activities that is going to make use of it.24) Enumerate the three key loops when monitoring an activity- Entire lifetime – activity happens between onCreate and onDestroy- Visible lifetime – activity happens between onStart and onStop- Foreground lifetime – activity happens between onResume and onPause25) When is the onStop() method invoked?A call to onStop method happens when an activity is no longer visible to the user, either because another activity has taken over or if in front of that activity.26) Is there a case wherein other qualifiers in multiple resources take precedence over locale?Yes, there are actually instances wherein some qualifiers can take precedence over locale. There are two known exceptions, which are the MCC (mobile country code) and MNC (mobile network code) qualifiers.27) What are the different states wherein a process is based?There are 4 possible states:- foreground activity- visible activity- background activity- empty process28) How can the ANR be prevented?One technique that prevents the Android system from concluding a code that has been responsive for a long period of time is to create a child thread. Within the child thread, most of the actual workings of the codes can be placed, so that the main thread runs with minimal periods of unresponsive times.29) What role does Dalvik play in Android development?Dalvik serves as a virtual machine, and it is where every Android application runs. Through Dalvik, a device is able to execute multiple virtual machines efficiently through better memory management.30) What is the AndroidManifest.xml?This file is essential in every application. It is declared in the root directory and contains information about the application that the Android system must know before the codes can be executed.31) What is the proper way of setting up an Android-powered device for app development? The following are steps to be followed prior to actual application development in an Android-powered device:-Declare your application as "debuggable" in your Android Manifest.-Turn on "USB Debugging" on your device.-Set up your system to detect your device.32) Enumerate the steps in creating a bounded service through AIDL.1. create the .aidl file, which defines the programming interface2. implement the interface, which involves extending the inner abstract Stub class as well as implanting its methods.3. expose the interface, which involves implementing the service to the clients.33) What is the importance of Default Resources?When default resources, which contain default strings and files, are not present, an error will occur and the app will not run. Resources are placed in specially named subdirectories under the project res/ directory.34) When dealing with multiple resources, which one takes precedence?Assuming that all of these multiple resources are able to match the configuration of a device, the ‘locale’ qualifier almost always takes the highest precedence over the others.35) When does ANR occur?The ANR dialog is displayed to the user based on two possible conditions. One is when there is no response to an input event within 5 seconds, and the other is when a broadcast receiver is not done executing within 10 seconds.36) What is AIDL?AIDL, or Android Interface Definition Language, handles the interface requirements between a client and a service so both can communicate at the same level through interprocess communication or IPC. This process involves breaking down objects into primitives that Android can understand. This part is required simply because a process cannot access the memory of the other process.37) What data types are supported by AIDL?AIDL has support for the following data types:-string-charSequence-List-Map-all native Java data types like int,long, char and Boolean38) What is a Fragment?A fragment is a part or portion of an activity. It is modular in a sense that you can move around or combine with other fragments in a single activity. Fragments are also reusable.39) What is a visible activity?A visible activity is one that sits behind a foreground dialog. It is actually visible to the user, but not necessarily being in the foreground itself.40) When is the best time to kill a foreground activity?The foreground activity, being the most important among the other states, is only killed or terminated as a last resort, especially if it is already consuming too much memory. When a memory paging state has been reach by a foreground activity, then it is killed so that the user interface can retain its responsiveness to the user.41) Is it possible to use or add a fragment without using a user interface?Yes, it is possible to do that, such as when you want to create a background behavior for a particular activity. You can do this by using add(Fragment,string) method to add a fragment from the activity.42) How do you remove icons and widgets from the main screen of the Android device?To remove an icon or shortcut, press and hold that icon. You then drag it downwards to the lower part of the screen where a remove button appears.43) What are the core components under the Android application architecture?There are 5 key components under the Android application architecture:- services- intent- resource externalization- notifications- content providers44) What composes a typical Android application project?A project under Android development, upon compilation, becomes an .apk file. This apk file format is actually made up of the AndroidManifest.xml file, application code, resource files, and other related files.45) What is a Sticky Intent?A Sticky Intent is a broadcast from sendStickyBroadcast() method such that the intent floats around even after the broadcast, allowing others to collect data from it.46) Do all mobile phones support the latest Android operating system?Some Android-powered phone allows you to upgrade to the higher Android operating system version. However, not all upgrades would allow you to get the latest version. It depends largely on the capability and specs of the phone, whether it can support the newer features available under the latest Android version.47) What is portable wi-fi hotspot?Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot allows you to share your mobile internet connection to other wireless device. For example, using your Android-powered phone as a Wi-Fi Hotspot, you can use your laptop to connect to the Internet using that access point.48) What is an action?In Android development, an action is what the intent sender wants to do or expected to get as a response. Most application functionality is based on the intended action.49) What is the difference between a regular bitmap and a nine-patch image?In general, a Nine-patch image allows resizing that can be used as background or other image size requirements for the target device. The Nine-patch refers to the way you can resize the image: 4 corners that are unscaled, 4 edges that are scaled in 1 axis, and the middle one that can be scaled into both axes.50) What language is supported by Android for application development?The main language supported is Java programming language. Java is the most popular language for app development, which makes it ideal even for new Android developers to quickly learn to create and deploy applications in the Android environment.Guru99 Provides FREE ONLINE TUTORIAL on Various courses likeJava MIS MongoDB BigData CassandraWeb Services SQLite JSP Informatica AccountingSAP Training Python Excel ASP Net HBase ProjectTest Management Business Analyst Ethical Hacking PMP ManagementLive Project SoapUI Photoshop Manual Testing Mobile TestingData Warehouse R Tutorial Tableau DevOps AWSJenkins Agile Testing RPA JUnitSoftware EngineeringSelenium CCNA AngularJS NodeJS PLSQL。
Android开发文档(二)一、Android Library (2)二、圆角 (4)三、适应屏幕的背景图 (6)四、改变图片的颜色 (7)五、仿iphone的点击效果 (8)六、有最大最小宽高值的ImageView (9)七、屏幕的某位置弹出缩放动画 (10)八、列表项的删除动画效果 (12)九、自定义padding动画 (14)十、Activity向右Touch退出 (16)十一、点击编辑框外任意点,隐藏软键盘 (20)十二、Activity的ContentView添加删除 (22)十三、Activity的WindowManager (25)吴健兴/2013.08.19一、Android LibraryLibrary工程的好处一些util 方法或者我们自定义的控件放到Library工程,实现复用;相比jar 包而言,他可以实现资源文件的复用甚至覆盖;模块化设计实现代码共享,便于管理,提高效率;Library工程的设置在包资源管理窗口,右键点击要进行设置的项目->属性->Android->勾选Is Libarary;Library工程的引用在包资源管理窗口,右键点击要引用Library工程的项目->属性->Android->右下Add ->选择要引用的Libarary->确定;二、圆角方式一:使用xml文件定义圆角方式二:canvas.drawBitmap()此方法需要new一个canvas来生成圆角;方式三:canvas.clipPath()此方法需要View中canvas对象来生成圆角,这个对象在draw类方法中被传入;所以要继承View并重写draw(),onDraw(),dispatchDraw()等方法进行实现;通过第三种方法的效果作用范围更广,使用更灵活:三、适应屏幕的背景图一张720*1280的图片占用的内存大概为:720*1280=921600B,接近1M,一张1M的图片存在于应用内存中,是一件很危险的事情,不仅会影响当前的页面的绘制性能,会占用了大量的内存,使得OutOfMemoryError错误出现的概率更高;所以对于大背景图,应当做一些降低消耗的处理;而当背景图很长,或者很宽时,我们应该对背景图进行截取,使得图片的宽高比与屏幕的宽高比一致,使得图片中的图案不至于被拉伸;所以,对于一张比较大的并且高宽比与屏幕的宽高比不一致的可以做以下的处理:1、缩小到和屏幕一样大;2、裁剪得和屏幕宽高比一样;四、改变图片的颜色下图动态条目的声音图标,原来是白色的,可以通过代码改变图标为红色。
Android 开发从入门到精通Android 是一种基于 Linux® V2.6 内核的综合操作环境。
最初,Android 的部署目标是移动电话领域,包括智能电话和更廉价的翻盖手机。
但是, Android 全面的计算服务和丰富的功能支持完全有能力扩展到移动电话市场以外。
Android 也可以用于其他的平台和应用程序。
本专题提供的教程、技术文章首先带大家了解Android 开发,进而深入到 Android 开发的各个方面。
Android 开发入门•Android 开发简介Android 是 Google 提供的移动、无线、计算机和通信平台。
通过使用 Android Eclipse 插件,可以在强大的 Eclipse 环境中构建 Android 应用程序。
本教程介绍如何用 Eclipse 插件 AndroidDevelopment Tools 进行 Android 应用程序开发,包括对 Android 平台和 AndroidDevelopment Tools 的介绍,并开发两个示例应用程序。
•用 Eclipse 开发 Android 应用程序Android 是一种基于 Linux® V2.6 内核的综合操作环境。
最初,Android 的部署目标是移动电话领域,包括智能电话和更廉价的翻盖手机。
但是, Android 全面的计算服务和丰富的功能支持完全有能力扩展到移动电话市场以外。
Android 也可以用于其他的平台和应用程序。
在本文中,阅读对Android 平台的简介,并学习如何编写基本的 Android 应用程序。
Android 开发简介开源的设备平台Frank Ableson, 软件设计师简介: Android 是一种基于 Linux® V2.6 内核的综合操作环境。
最初,Android 的部署目标是移动电话领域,包括智能电话和更廉价的翻盖手机。
但是, Android 全面的计算服务和丰富的功能支持完全有能力扩展到移动电话市场以外。
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第四步测试环境是否搭建好,以此用命令javac、android –h进行测试,如果命令窗口中出现相应的说明,则证明开发环境搭建成功。
在用百度账号进入,设置自己的key值,将key值添加到自己程序里的public static final String strKey="iDneBU6NBrm9wyLxdOODPTM5";这段代码中。