



1、但每个村年年接纳他们,吃住都在老乡家,不用钱, commons,watching…本段中对“舞台上”,“台上的音乐人”
归宿。异化策略的目的在于考虑民族文化的差异性、保存 用直译法,因为语句短小简洁,一答一问简单明了(直译在
和反映异域民族特征和语言风格特色,为译文读者保留异 此不做举例);但涉及到个别方言俚语时采用了意译方式。比
差异,汉语是“意合”语言,以意统形,而英语是“形合” 话语和华丽的辞藻进行了部分调整删除

添加,主动与被动语态的转换,汉语中多用主动语态,英 正静静地坐在普通观众中注视着...。



Listen to me, please.You're like me, a homo sapiens, a wise human.Life, a miracle in the universe, appeared around 4 billion years ago.And we humans only 200,000 years ago.Yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance so essential to life.Listen carefully to this extraordinary story, which is yours, and decide what you want to do with it.These are traces of our origins.At the beginning, our planet was no more than a chaos of fire, a cloud of agglutinated dust particles,like so many similar clusters in the universe.Yet this is where the miracle of life occurred.Today, life, our life, is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings that have succeeded one another on Earth over nearly 4 billion years.And even today, new volcanoes continue to sculpt our landscapes.They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at its birth, molten rock surging from the depths,solidifying, cracking, blistering or spreading in a thin crust, before falling dormant for a time.These wreathes of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth bear witness to the Earth's original atmosphere.An atmosphere devoid of oxygen.A dense atmosphere, thick with water vapor, full of carbon dioxide.A furnace.The Earth cooled.The water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours.At the right distance from the sun, not too far, not too near, the Earth's perfect balance enabled it to conserve water in liquid form.The water cut channels.They are like the veins of a body, the branches of a tree, the vessels of the sap that the water gave to the Earth.The rivers tore minerals from rocks, adding themto the oceans' freshwater.And the oceans became heavy with salt.Where do we come from?Where did life first spark into being?A miracle of time, primitive life formsThey give them their colors. They're called archeobacteria.They all feed off the Earth's heat.All except the cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae.They alone have the capacity to turn to the sun to capture its energy.They are a vital ancestor of all yesterday's and today's plant species.These tiny bacteria and their billions of descendants changed the destiny of our planet.They transformed its atmosphere.What happened to the carbon that poisoned the atmosphere?It's still here, imprisoned in the Earth's crust.Here, there once was a sea, inhabited by micro-organisms.They grew shells by tapping into the atmosphere's carbon now dissolved in the ocean.These strata are the accumulated shells of those billions and billions of micro-organisms.Thanks to them, the carbon drained from the atmosphere and other life forms could develop.It is life that altered the atmosphere.Plant life fed off the sun's energy, which enabled it to break apart the water molecule and take the oxygen.And oxygen filled the air.The Earth's water cycle is a process of constant renewal.Waterfalls, water vapor, clouds, rain,springs, rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers...The cycle is never broken.There's always the same quantity of water on Earth.All the successive species on Earth have drunk the same water.The astonishing matter that is water.One of the most unstable ofall.It takes a liquid form as running water, gaseous as vapor, or solid as ice.In Siberia, the frozen surfaces of the lakes in winter contain the trace of the forces that water deploys when it freezes.Lighter than water, the ice floats.It forms a protective mantle against the cold, under which life can go on.The engine of life is linkage.Everything is linked.Nothing is self-sufficient.Water and air are inseparable, united in life and for our life on Earth.Sharing is everything.The green expanse through the clouds is the source of oxygen in the air.70% of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function,comes from the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.Our Earth relies on a balance, in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence of another being.A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered.Thus, corals are born from the marriage of algae and shells.Coral reefs cover less than 1% of the ocean floor, but they provide a habitat for thousands of species of fish, mollusks and algae.The equilibrium of every ocean depends on them.The Earth counts time in billions of years.It took more than 4 billion years for it to make trees.In the chain of species, trees are a pinnacle, a perfect, living sculpture.Trees defy gravity.They are the only natural element in perpetual movement toward the sky.They grow unhurriedly toward the sun that nourishes their foliage.They have inherited from these miniscule cyanobacteria the power to capture light's energy.They store it and feed off it, turning it into wood and leaves,which thendecompose into a mixture of water, mineral, vegetable and living matter.And so, gradually,soils are formed.Soils teem with the incessant activity of micro-organisms, feeding, digging, aerating and transforming.They make the humus, the fertile layer to which all life on land is linked.What do we know about life on Earth?How many species are we aware of? A tenth of them?What do we know about the bonds that link them?The Earth is a miracle.Life remains a mystery.Families of animals form, united by customs and rituals that are handed down through the generations.Some adapt to the nature of their pasture and their pasture adapts to them.And both gain.The animal sates its hunger and the tree can blossom again.In the great adventure of life on Earth, every species has a role to play,every species has its place.None is futile or harmful.They all balance out.And that's where you, homo sapiens, wise human,enter the story.You benefit from a fabulous 4-billion-year-old legacy bequeathed by the Earth.You are only 200,000 years old, but you have changed the face of the world.Despite your vulnerability, you have taken possession of every habitat and conquered swathes of territory, like no other species before you.After 180,000 nomadic years, and thanks to a more clement climate,humans settled down.They no longer depended on hunting for survival.They chose to live in wet environments that abounded in fish, game and wild plants.There where land, water and life combine.Even today, the majorityof humankind lives on the continents' coastlines or the banks of rivers and lakes.Across the planet, one person in four lives as humankind did 6,000 years ago, their only energy that which nature provides season after season.It's the way of life of 1.5 billion people, more than the combined population of all the wealthy nations.But life expectancy is short and hard labor takes its toll.The uncertainties of nature weigh on daily cation is a rare privilege.Children are a family's only asset as long as every extra pair of hands is a necessary contribution to its subsistence.Humanity's genius is to have always had a sense of its weakness.The physical strength, with which nature insufficiently endowed humans, is found in animals that help them to discover new territories.But how can you conquer the world on an empty stomach?The invention of agriculture turned our history on end.It was less than 10,000 years ago.Agriculture was our first great revolution.It resulted in the first surpluses and gave birth to cities and civilizations.The memory of thousands of years scrabbling for food faded.Having made grain the yeast of life, we multiplied the number of varieties and learned to adapt them to our soils and climates.We are like every species on Earth.Our principal daily concern is to feed ourselves.When the soil is less than generous and water becomes scarce, we are able to deploy prodigious efforts to extract from the land enough to live on.Humans shaped the land with the patience and devotion the Earth demands in an almost sacrificial ritualperformed over and over.Agriculture is still the world's most widespread occupation.Half of humankind tills the soil, over three-quarters of them by hand.Agriculture is like a tradition handed down from generation to generation in sweat, graft and toil, because for humanity it is a prerequisite of survival.But after relying on muscle-power for so long, humankind found a way to tap into the energy buried deep in the Earth.These flames are also from plants. A pocket of sunlight.Pure energy. The energy of the sun, captured over millions of years by millions of plants more than 100 million years ago.It's coal. It's gas.And, above all, it's oil.And this pocket of sunlight freed humans from their toil on the land.With oil began the era of humans who break free of the shackles of time.With oil, some of us acquired unprecedented comforts.And in 50 years, in a single lifetime, the Earth has been more radically changed than by all previous generations of humanity.Faster and faster. In the last 60 years, the Earth's population has almost tripled.And over 2 billion people have moved to the cities.Faster and faster.Shenzhen, in China, with hundreds of skyscrapers and millions of inhabitants,was just a small fishing village barely 40 years ago.Faster and faster.In Shanghai, 3,000 towers and skyscrapers have been built in 20 years. Hundreds more are under construction.Today, over half of the world's 7 billion inhabitants live in cities.New York.The world's first megalopolis is the symbol of the exploitation of the energy the Earth supplies to human genius.The manpower of millions of immigrants, the energy of coal, the unbridled 没有约束力的power of oil.America was the first to harness the phenomenal, revolutionary power of "black gold".In the fields, machines replaced men.A liter of oil generates as much energy as 100 pairs of hands in 24 hours.In the United States, only 3 million farmers are left.They produce enough grain to feed 2 billion people.But most of that grain is not used to feed people.Here, and in all other industrialized nations, it is transformed into livestock feed or biofuels.The pocket of sunshine's energy chased away the specter of drought that stalked farmland.No spring escapes the demands of agriculture, which accounts for 70% of humanity's water consumption.In nature, everything is linked.The expansion of cultivated land and single-crop farming encouraged the development of parasites.Pesticides, another gift of the petrochemical revolution, exterminated them.Bad harvests and famine became a distant memory.The biggest headache now was what to do with the surpluses engendered by modern agriculture.But toxic pesticides seeped into the air, soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans.They penetrated the heart of cells similar to the mother cell shared by all forms of life.Are they harmful to the humans they released from hunger?These farmers in their yellow protective suits probably have a good idea.Then came fertilizers, another petrochemical discovery. They produced unprecedented results on plots of land thus far ignored.Crops adapted tosoils and climates gave way to the most productive varieties and easiest to transport.And so, in the last century, three-quarters of the varieties developed by farmers over thousands of years have been wiped out.As far as the eye can see, fertilizer below, plastic on top.The greenhouses of Almeria, Spain, are Europe's vegetable garden.A city of uniformly sized vegetables waits every day for hundreds of trucks,that will take them to the continent's supermarkets.The more a country develops, the more meat its inhabitants consume.How can growing worldwide demand be satisfied without recourse to concentration camp-style cattle farms?Faster and faster.Like the life cycle of livestock, which may never see a meadow.Manufacturing meat faster than the animal has become a daily routine.In these vast foodlots, trampled by millions of cattle, not a blade of grass grows.A fleet of trucks from every corner of the country brings tons of grain, soy meal and protein-rich granules that will become tons of meat.The result is that it takes 100 liters of water to produce 1 kilogram of potatoes, 4,000 liters for 1 kilo of rice and 13,000 liters for 1 kilo of beef.Not to mention the oil guzzled in the production process and transport.Our agriculture has become oil-powered.It feeds twice as many humans on Earth, but has replaced diversity with standardization.It gives many of us comforts we could only dream of, but it makes our way of life totally dependent on oil.This is the new measure of time.Our world's clock now beats to the rhythm of indefatigable<fatigue:疲倦> machinestapping into the pocket of sunlight……The whole planet is attentive to these metronomes of our hopes and illusions.The same hopes and illusions that proliferate along with our needs, increasingly insatiable desires and profligacy.We know that the end of cheap oil is imminent, but we refuse to believe it.For many of us, the American dream is embodied by a legendary name.Los Angeles.In this city that stretches over 100 kilometers, the number of cars is almost equal to the number of inhabitants.Here, energy puts on a fantastic show every night.The days seem no more than a pale reflection of nights that turn the city into a starry sky.Faster and faster.Distances are no longer counted in miles, but in minutes.The automobile shapes new suburbs, where every home is a castle, a safe distance from the asphyxiated city centers,and where neat rows of houses huddle around dead-end streets.The model of a lucky-few countries has become a universal dream preached by TVs all over the world.Even here in Beijing, it is cloned, copied and reproduced in these formatted houses that have wiped pagodas off the map.The automobile has become the symbol of comfort and progress.If this model were followed by every society, the planet wouldn't have 900 million vehicles, as it does today,but 5 billion.Faster and faster.The more the world develops, the greater its thirst for energy.Everywhere, machines dig, bore and rip from the Earth the pieces of stars buried in its depths since its creation...Minerals…….As a privilege of power, 80% of thismineral wealth is consumed by 20% of the world's population.Before the end of this century, excessive mining will have exhausted nearly all the planet's reserves.Faster and faster.Shipyards churn out oil tankers, container ships and gas tankers to cater for the demands of globalized industrial production.Most consumer goods travel thousands of kilometers from the country of production to the country of consumption.Since 1950, the volume of international trade has increased 20 times over.90% of trade goes by sea.500 million containers are transported every year.Headed for the world's major hubs of consumption, such as Dubai.Dubai is a sort of culmination of the Western model, a country where the impossible becomes possible.Building artificial islands in the sea, for example.Dubai has few natural resources, but with money from oil it can bring in millions of tons of material and workers from all over the planet.Dubai has no farmland, but it can import food.Dubai has no water, but it can afford to expend immense amounts of energy to desalinate seawater and build the world's highest skyscrapers.Dubai has endless sun, but no solar panels……..It is the totem to total modernity that never fails to amaze the world……Dubai is like the new beacon for all the world's money.Nothing seems further removed from nature than Dubai, although nothing depends on nature more than Dubai.Dubai is a sort of culmination of the Western model.We haven't understood that we're depleting what natureprovides.Since 1950, fishing catches have increased fivefold from 18 to 100 million metric tons a year.Thousands of factory ships are emptying the oceans.Three-quarters of fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted or in danger of being so.Most large fish have been fished out of existence since they have no time to reproduce.We are destroying the cycle of a life that was given to us.At the current rate, all fish stocks are threatened with exhaustion.Fish is the staple diet of one in five humans.We have forgotten that resources are scarce.500 million humans live in the world's desert lands, more than the combined population of Europe.They know the value of water.They know how to use it sparingly.Here, they depend on wells replenished by fossil water, which accumulated underground back when it rained on these deserts.25,000 years ago.Fossil water also enables crops to be grown in the desert to provide food for local populations.The fields' circular shape derives from the pipes that irrigate them around a central pivot.But there is a heavy price to pay.Fossil water is a non-renewable resource.In Saudi Arabia, the dream of industrial farming in the desert has faded.As if on a parchment map, the light spots on this patchwork show abandoned plots.The irrigation equipment is still there.The energy to pump water also.But the fossil water reserves are severely depleted.Israel turned the desert into arable land.Even though these hothouses are now irrigated drop by drop, water consumption continues to increase along with exports.The once mighty River Jordan isnow just a trickle.Its water has flown to supermarkets all over the world in crates of fruit and vegetables.The Jordan's fate is not unique.Across the planet, one major river in ten no longer flows into the sea for several months of the year.Deprived of the Jordan's water, the level of the Dead Sea goes down by over one meter per year.India risks being the country that suffers most from lack of water in the coming century.Massive irrigation has fed the growing population and in the last 50 years, 21 million wells have been dug.In many parts of the country, the drill has to sink every deeper to hit water.In western India, 30% of wells have been abandoned.The underground aquifers are drying out.Vast reservoirs will catch monsoon rains to replenish the aquifers.In the dry season, local village women dig them with their bare hands.Thousands of kilometers away, 800 to 1,000 liters of water are consumed per person per s Vegas was built out of the lions of people live there.Thousands more arrive every month.Its inhabitants are among the biggest water consumers in the world.Palm Springs is another desert city with tropical vegetationand lush golf courses.How long can this mirage continue to prosper?The Earth cannot keep up.The Colorado River, which brings water to these cities, is one of those rivers that no longer reaches the sea.Water levels in the catchment lakes along its course are plummeting.Water shortages could affect nearly 2 billion people before 2025.The wetlands represent6% of the surface of the planet.Under their calm waters lies a veritable factory, where plants and micro-organisms patiently filter the water and digest all the pollution. These marshes are indispensable environments for the regeneration and purification of water.They are sponges that regulate the flow of water.They absorb it in the wet season and release it in the dry season.In our race to conquer more land, we have reclaimed them as pasture for livestock,or as land for agriculture or building.In the last century, half the world's marshes were drained.We know neither their richness nor their role.All living matter is linked.Water, air, soil, trees.The world's magic is right in front of our eyes.Trees breathe groundwater into the atmosphere as light mist.They form a canopy that alleviates the impact of heavy rains.The forests provide the humidity that is necessary for life.They store carbon, containing more than all the Earth's atmosphere.They are the cornerstone of the climatic balance on which we all depend.The primary forests provide a habitat for three-quarters of the planet's biodiversity, that is to say, of all life on Earth.These forests provide the remedies that cure us.The substances secreted by these plants can be recognized by our bodies.Our cells talk the same language.We are of the same family.But in barely 40 years, the world's largest rainforest, the Amazon, has been reduced by 20%.The forest gives way to cattle ranches or soybean farms.95% of these soybeans are used to feed livestock and poultry inEurope and Asia.And so, a forest is turned into meat.Barely 20 years ago, Borneo, the 4th largest island in the world, was covered by a vast primary forest.At the current rate of deforestation, it will have disappeared within 10 years.Living matter bonds water, air, earth and the sun.In Borneo, this bond has been broken in what was one of the Earth's greatest reservoirs of biodiversity.This catastrophe was provoked by the decision to produce palm oil, one of the most productive and consumed oils in the world, on Borneo.Palm oil not only caters to our growing demand for food, but also cosmetics, detergents and, increasingly, alternative fuels.The forest's diversity was replaced by a single species, the oil palm.For local people, it provides employment.It's an agricultural industry.Another example of massive deforestation is the eucalyptus.Eucalyptus is used to make paper pulp.Plantations are growing as demand for paper has increased fivefold in 50 years.One forest does not replace another forest.At the foot of these eucalyptus trees, nothing grows because their leaves form a toxic bed for most other plants.They grow quickly, but exhaust water reserves.Soybeans, palm oil, eucalyptus trees...Deforestation destroys the essential to produce the superfluous.But elsewhere, deforestation is a last resort to survive.Over 2 billion people, almost one third of the world's population,still depend on charcoal.In Haiti, one of the world's poorest countries,charcoal is one of the population's main consumables.Once the"pearl of the Caribbean", Haiti can no longer feed its population without foreign aid.On the hills of Haiti, only 2% of the forests are left.Stripped bare, nothing holds the soils back.The rainwater washes them down the hillsides as far as the sea.What's left is increasingly unsuitable for agriculture.In some parts of Madagascar, the erosion is spectacular.Whole hillsides bear deep gashes hundreds of meters wide.Thin and fragile, soil is made by living matter.With erosion, the fine layer of humus, which took thousands of years to form, disappears.Here's one theory of the story of the Rapanui, the inhabitants of Easter Island,that could perhaps give us pause for thought.Living on the most isolated island in the world, the Rapanui exploited their resources until there was nothing left.Their civilization did not survive.On these lands stood the highest palm trees in the world.They have disappeared.The Rapanui chopped them all down for lumber.They then faced widespread soil erosion.The Rapanui could no longer go fishing. There were no trees to build canoes.Yet the Rapanui formed one of the most brilliant civilizations in the Pacific.Innovative farmers, sculptors, exceptional navigators, they were caught in the vise of overpopulation and dwindling resources.They experienced social unrest, revolts and famine.Many did not survive the cataclysm.The real mystery of Easter Island is not how its strange statues got there, we know now.It is why the Rapanui didn't react in time.It's only one of a number of theories, but ithas particular relevance today.Since 1950, the world's population has almost tripled.And since 1950, we have more fundamentally altered our island, the Earth,than in all of our 200,000-year history.Nigeria is the biggest oil exporter in Africa, yet 70% of the population lives under the poverty line.The wealth is there, but the country's inhabitants don't have access to it.The same is true all over the globe.Half the world's poor live in resource-rich countries.Our mode of development has not fulfilled its promises.In 50 years, the gap between rich and poor has grown wider than ever.Today, half the world's wealth is in the hands of the richest 2% of the population.Can such disparities be maintained?They are the cause of population movements whose scale we have yet to fully realize.The city of Lagos had a population of 700,000 in 1960.That will rise to 16 million by gos is one of the fastest growing megalopolises in the world.The new arrivals are mostly farmers forced off the land for economic or demographic reasons, or because of diminishing resources.This is a radically new type of urban growth, driven by the urge to survive rather than to prosper. Every week, over a million people swell the populations of the world's cities.1 human in 6 now lives in a precarious, unhealthy, overpopulated environment without access to daily necessities, such as water, sanitation, electricity.Hunger is spreading once more.It affects nearly 1 billion people.All over the planet, the poorest scrabble to survive, while we continue to dig for resources that we can nolonger live without.We look farther and farther afield in previously unspoilt territory and in regions that are increasingly difficult to exploit.We're not changing our model.Oil might run out?We can still extract oil from the tar sands of Canada.The biggest trucks in the world move thousands of tons of sand.The process of heating and separating bitumen from the sand requires millions of cubic meters of water.Colossal amounts of energy are needed.The pollution is catastrophic.The most urgent priority, apparently, is to pick every pocket of sunlight.Our oil tankers are getting bigger and bigger.Our energy requirements are constantly increasing.We try to power growth like a bottomless oven that demands more and more fuel.It's all about carbon.In a few decades, the carbon that made our atmosphere a furnace and that nature captured over millions of years, allowing life to develop, will have largely been pumped back out.The atmosphere is heating up.It would have been inconceivable for a boat to be here just a few years ago.Transport, industry, deforestation, agriculture...Our activities release gigantic quantities of carbon dioxide.Without realizing it, molecule by molecule, we have upset the Earth's climatic balance.All eyes are on the poles, where the effects of global warming are most visible.It's happening fast, very fast.The north-west passage that connects America, Europe and Asia via the pole, is opening up.The arctic ice cap is melting.Under the effect of global warming, the ice cap has lost 40% of its thickness in 40 years.Its surfacearea in the summer shrinks year by year.It could disappear in the summer months by 2030.Some say 2015.The sunbeams that the ice sheet previously reflected back now penetrate the dark water, heating it up.The warming process gathers pace.This ice contains the records of our planet.The concentration of carbon dioxide hasn't been so high for several hundred thousand years.Humanity has never lived in an atmosphere like this.Is excessive exploitation of resources threatening the lives of every species?Climate change accentuates the threat.By 2050, a quarter of the Earth's species could be threatened with extinction.In these polar regions, the balance of nature has already been disrupted.Around the North Pole, the ice cap has lost 30% of its surface area in 30 years.But as Greenland rapidly becomes warmer, the freshwater of a whole continent flows into the salt water of the oceans.Greenland's ice contains 20% of the freshwater of the whole planet.If it melts, sea levels will rise by nearly 7 meters.But there is no industry here.Greenland's ice sheet suffers from greenhouse gases emitted elsewhere on Earth.Our ecosystem doesn't have borders.Wherever we are, our actions have repercussions on the whole Earth.Our planet's atmosphere is an indivisible whole.It is an asset we share.In Greenland, lakes are appearing on the landscape.The ice cap is melting at a speed even the most pessimistic scientists did not envision 10 years ago.More and more of these glacier-fed rivers are merging together and burrowing though the surface.It was thought the water would freeze。



《Home》⼀部震撼⼼灵的纪录⽚法国著名纪录⽚导演 Yann Arthus-Bertrand,让2000个⼈坐在镜头前,讲出他们⾃⼰⼀⽣中最隐秘的故事,并以此拍摄了⼀部震撼⼈⼼的电影——《⼈类》!这是⼀部筹备15年,跨越50多个国家,动⽤88000名员⼯,21个⽉拍摄完成,已被翻译成14种语⾔,中⽂由周迅配⾳的,⾮常美、⾮常棒的记录⽚。





史上投资最⼤的环保纪录⽚——《Home》的导演,是著名法国摄影师、⽣态学家、环境保护者Yann Arthus-Bertrand (扬·阿尔蒂斯-贝特朗),Yann Arthus-Bertrand专门从事空中摄影已超过30年,极具声望。

他的空中摄影作品集《Earth from Above(鸟瞰地球)》被翻译成24种语⾔,销售量超过3百万册;同名的免费摄影展在全球110个城市展出,观众达1.2亿⼈次。

⽽《Home》,便是Yann Arthus-Bertrand 30年空中摄影和环保⼯作的⼀次动态精华荟萃。

法国著名导演吕克·贝松 ( Luc Besson, 《这个杀⼿不太冷》、《第五元素》导演) 则担任《Home》的制⽚。







生态翻译学视角下纪录片的字幕翻译大型英文纪录片《伟大工程巡礼》(Megastructure)在美国国家地理频道(National Geographic)开播以来,受到了国内外观众的强烈关注。



















(豆瓣)xoxo:花费15年拍摄的记录片,WOW!片子由我最崇拜的法籍摄影师Yann Arthus-Bertrand拍的,采集了地球上最美的北极、西伯利亚、南极、格陵兰岛、乞力马扎罗山、喜马拉雅山脉、世界大城市上空鸟瞰之景(迪拜、洛杉矶、东京、北京、上海、班加罗尔)、非洲大草原、亚马逊河、马尔代夫等等,以极致诗意化的记录描述,阐释20世纪以来的现代人,是如何打破这一切完美的生态平衡的。
























纪录片 英语发展史 字幕

纪录片 英语发展史 字幕

纪录片英语发展史字幕英文回答:The history of English documentary films is afascinating journey that showcases the evolution and development of the medium. From its early beginnings in the late 19th century to the present day, English documentaries have played a significant role in capturing real-life events, exploring social issues, and providing a platformfor storytelling.One of the earliest examples of English documentaryfilms is "Nanook of the North" (1922), directed by Robert J. Flaherty. This groundbreaking film depicted the life of an Inuit family in the Canadian Arctic and introduced the concept of the documentary as a form of storytelling. It showcased the challenges faced by the Inuit community and shed light on their way of life, making it a compelling and educational experience for viewers.Another notable milestone in the history of English documentary films is the emergence of the British Documentary Movement in the 1930s. Filmmakers such as John Grierson and Humphrey Jennings pioneered a new approach to documentary filmmaking, focusing on social issues and advocating for social change. Films like "Night Mail" (1936) and "Listen to Britain" (1942) captured the spirit of the times and provided a voice for the working class, highlighting their struggles and aspirations.In the post-war era, English documentary filmscontinued to evolve, reflecting the changing social and political landscape. The 1960s and 1970s witnessed a surgein observational documentaries, where filmmakers like Frederick Wiseman and Albert and David Maysles adopted afly-on-the-wall approach to capture real-life situations. Films like "Titicut Follies" (1967) and "Grey Gardens" (1975) offered an unfiltered glimpse into the lives of individuals in institutional settings, challenging societal norms and raising awareness about important issues.The advent of digital technology in the late 20thcentury revolutionized the documentary filmmaking process.It made filmmaking more accessible and allowed filmmakersto experiment with new storytelling techniques. For example, Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" (2002) used a blend of interviews, archival footage, and personal narration to explore the causes and consequences of the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School. This film not only entertained and informed audiences but also sparked a nationwide debate on gun control in the United States.In recent years, English documentary films have embraced a wide range of subjects and styles. From environmental documentaries like "An Inconvenient Truth" (2006) to true crime series like "Making a Murderer" (2015), the genre has expanded to cater to diverse interests and tastes. Documentaries have also found a new home on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime, reaching a global audience and further blurring the lines between traditional filmmaking and television.中文回答:英语纪录片的发展史是一段迷人的旅程,展示了这一媒介的演变和发展。



__________HOME.____By Sprawling.Listen to me, please. You’re like me, a homo sapiens. A wise human.Life, a miracle in the universe, appeared around four billion years ago, and we humans only 200,000 years ago. Yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance that is so essential to life on Earth.Listen carefully to this extraordinary story, which is yours, and decide what you want to do with it.These are traces of our origins. At the beginning, our planet was no more than a chaos of fire, formed in the wake of its star, the sun. A cloud of agglutinated dust particles, similar to so many similar clusters in the universe. Yet this was where the miracle of life occurred.Today, life-our life-is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings that have succeeded one another on Earth over nearly four billion years. And even today, new volcanoes continue to sculpt our landscapes. They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at its birth---molten rock surging from the depths, solidifying, cracking, blistering or spreading in a thin crust, before fabling dormant for a time.These wreaths of smoke curling from th e bowels of the Earth bear witness to the Earth’s original atmosphere. An atmosphere devoid of oxygen. A dense atmosphere, thick with water vapor, full of carbon dioxide. A furnace.But the Earth had an exceptional future, offered to it by water. At the right distance from the sun---not too far, not too near, the Earth was able to conserve water in liquid form. Water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours on Earth, and rivers appeared.The rivers shaped the surface of the Earth, cutting their channels, furrowing out valleys. They ran toward the lowest places on the globe to form the oceans. They tore minerals from the rocks, and gradually the freshwater of the oceans became heavy with salt.Water is a vital liquid. It irrigated these sterile expanses. The paths it traced are like the veins of a body, the branches of a tree, the vessels of the sap that it brought to the Earth.Nearly four billion years later, somewhere on Earth can still be found these works of art, left by the volcanoes’ ash, mi xed with water from Iceland’s glaciers. There they are- matter and water, water and matter-soft and hard combined, the crucial alliance shared by every life-form on our planet.Minerals and metals are even older than the Earth. They are stardust. They provide the Earth’s colors. Red from iron, black from carbon, blue from copper, yellow from sulfur.Where do we come from?Where did life first spark into being?A miracle of time, primitive life-forms still exist in the globe’s hot springs. They give them their colors. They’re called archaeobacteria. They all feed off the Earth’s heat all except the c yanobacteria, or blue-green algae. They alone have the capacity to turn the sun to capture its energy. They are a vital ancestor of all yesterday’s and toda y’s plant species. These tiny bacteria and their billions of descendants changed the destiny of our planet. They transformed its atmosphere.What happened to the carbon that poisoned the atmosphere?It’s still here, imprisoned in the Earth’s crust.We can read this chapter of the Earth’s history nowhere better than on the walls of Colorado’s Grand Canyon. They reveal nearby two billion years of the Earth’s history. Once upon a time, the Grand Canyon was a sea inhabited by microorganisms. They grew their shells by tapping into carbon from the atmosphere dissolved in the ocean. When they died, the shells sank and accumulated on the sealed. These strata are the product of those billions and billions of shells.Thanks to them, the carbon drained from the atmosphere, and other life-forms could develop.It is life that altered the atmosphere. Plant life fed off the sun’s energy, which enabled it to break apart the water molecule and take the oxygen. And oxygen filled the air.The Earth’s water cycle is a proces s of constant renewal. Waterfalls, water, vapor, clouds, rain, springs, rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers. The cycle is never broken. There’s always the same quantity of water on Earth. All the successive species on Earth have drunk the same water. The astonishing matter that is water. One of the most unstable of all. It takes a liquid form as running water, gaseous as vapor or solid as ice.In Siberia, the frozen surfaces of the lakes in winter contain the traces of the forces that water deploys when it freezes. Lighter than water, the ice floats, rather than sinking to the bottom. It forms a protective mantle against the cold, under which life can go on.The engine of life is linkage. Everything is linked. Nothing is self-sufficient. Water and air are inseparable, united in life and for our life on Earth. Thus, clouds form over the oceans and bring rain to the landmasses, whose rivers carry water back to the oceans.Sharing is everything.The green expanse peeking through the clouds is the source of oxygen in the air. Seventy percent of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function, comes from the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.Our Earth relies on a balance in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence of another being. A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered. Thus, corals are born from the marriage of algae and shells. The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia, stretches over 350,000 square kilometers and is home to 1,500 species of fish, 4000 species of mollusks and 400 species of coral. The equilibrium of every ocean depends on these corals.The Earth counts time in billions of years. It took more than four billion years for it to make trees. In the chain of species, trees are a pinnacle, a perfect living sculpture. Trees defy gravity. They are the only natural element in perpetual movement toward the sky. They grow unhurriedly the sun that nourishes their foliage. They have inherited from those minuscule cyanobacteria the power to captur e light’s energy. They store it and feed off it, turning it into wood and leaves, which then decompose into a mixture of water, mineral, vegetable and living matter.And so, gradually, the soils that are indispensable to life are formed. Soils are the factory of biodiversity. They are a word of incessant activity where microorganisms feed, dig, aerate and transform. They make the humus, the fertile layer to which all life on land is linked.What do we know about life on Earth? How many species are we aware of? A10th of them? A hundredth perhaps? What do we know about the bonds that link them?The Earth is a miracle. Life remains a mystery.Families of animals form, united by customs and rituals that survive today. Some adapt to the nature of their pasture, and their pasture adapts to them. And both gain. The animal sates its hunger, and the tree can blossom again.In the great adventure of life on Earth, every species has a role to play, every species has its place. None is futile or harmful. They all balance out.And that’s where you, Homo sapiens-“wise human”-enter the story. You benefit from a fabulous four-billion-year-old legacy bequeathed by the Earth. You’re only 200,000 years old, but you have changed the face of the world. Despite your vulnerability, you have taken possession of every habitat and conquered swaths of territory like no other species before you. After 180,000 nomadic years, and thanks to a more clement climate, humans settled down. They no longer depended on hunting for survival. They chose to live in wet environments that abounded in fish, game and wild plants. There, where land, water and life combine.Human genius inspired them to build canoes, an invention that opened up new horizons and turned humans into navigators.E ven today, the majority of humankind lives on the continents’ coastlines or the banks of rivers and lakes.The first towns grew up less than 600 years ago. It was a considerable leap in human history. Whytowns? Because they allowed humans to defend themselves more easily. They became social beings, meeting and sharing knowledge and crafts, blending their similarities and differences. In a word, they became civilized.But the only energy at their disposal was provided by nature and the strength of their bodies. It was the story of humankind for thousands of years. It still is for one person in four—over one and a half billion human beings—more than the combined population of all the wealthy nations.Taking from the Earth only the strictly necessary. For a long time, the relationship between humans and the planet was evenly balanced. For a long time, the economy seemed like a natural and equitable alliance. But life expectancy is short, and hard labor takes its toll. The uncertainties of nature weigh on dai ly life. Education is a rare privilege. Children are a family’s only asset, as long as every extra pair of hands is a necessary contribution to its subsistence. The Earth feeds people, clothes them and provides for their daily needs. Everything comes from the Earth.Towns change humanity’s nature, as well as its destiny. The farmer becomes a craftsman, trader or peddler. What the Earth gives the farmer, the city dweller buys, sells or barters. Goods change hands, along with ideas.Humanity’s genius is to have always had a sense of its weakness. Humans tried to extend the frontiers of their territory, but they knew their limits. The physical energy and strength with which nature had not endowed them was found in the animals they domesticated to serve them.But how can you conquer the world on an empty stomach? The invention of agriculture transformed the future of the wild animals scavenging for food that were humankind. Agriculture turned their history on end. Agriculture was their first great revolution. Developed barely 8,000 to 10,000 years age, it changedtheir relationship to nature. It brought an end to the uncertainty of hunting and gathering. It resulted in the first surpluses and gave birth to cities and civilizations. For their agriculture, humans harnessed the energy of animal species and plant life from which they at last extracted the profits. The memory of thousands of years scrabbling for food faded. They learned to adapt the grains that are the yeast of life to different soils and climates. They learned to increase the yield and multiply the number of varieties.Like every species on Earth, the principal daily concern of all humans is to feed themselves and their family. When the soil is less generous and water becomes scarce, humans deploy prodigious efforts to mark a few arid acres with the imprint of their labor. Human shaped the land with the patience and devotion that the Earth demands, in an almost sacrificial ritual performed over and over.Agriculture is still t he world’s most widespread occupation. Half of humankind tills the soil, over three-quarters of them by hand. Agriculture is like a tradition handed down from generation to generation in sweat, graft and toil, because for humanity it is a prerequisite of survival.But after relying on muscle power for so long, humankind found a way to tap into the energy buried deep in the Earth.These flames are also from plants. A pocket of sunlight. Pure energy—the energy of the sun captured over millions of years by millions of plants more than a hundred million years ago. It’s coal. It’s gas. And above all, it’s oil. And this pocket of sunlight freed humans from their toil on the land. With oil began the era of humans who break free of the shackles of time. With oil, some of us acquired unprecedented comforts. And in 50 years, in a single lifetime, the Earth has been more radically changed than by all previous generations of humanity.Faster and faster. In the last 60 years, the Earth’s population has almost tripled, and over two billon people have moved to the cities. Faster and faster. Shenzhen, in China, with its hundreds of skyscrapers and millions of inhabitants, was just a small fishing village barely 40 years ago. Faster and faster. In Shanghai, 3,000 towers and skyscrapers have been built in 20 years. Hundreds more are under construction.Today, over half of the world’s seven billion inhabitants live in cities. New York. The world’s first megalopolis is the symbol of the exploitation of the energy the Earth supplies to human genius. The manpower of millions of immigrants, the energy of coal, the unbridled power of oil. Electricity resulted in the invention of elevators, which in turn permitted the invention of skyscrapers. New York ranks as the 16th–largest economy in the world.American was the first to discover, exploit and harness the phenomenal revolutionary power of black gold. With its help, a country of farmers became a country of agricultural industrialists. Machines replaced men. A liter of oil generates as much energy as 100 pairs of hands in 24 hours, but worldwide only three percent of farmers have use of a tractor. Nonetheless, their output dominates the planet.In the United States, only three million farmers are left. They produce enough grain to feed two billion people. But most of that grain is not used to feed people. Here, and in all other industrialized nations, it’s transformed into livestock feed or biof uels.The pocket of sunshine’s energy chased away the specter of drought that stalked farmland. No spring escapes the demands of agriculture, which accounts for 70% of humanity’s water consumption.In nature, everything is linked. The expansion of cultivated land and single-crop farming encouraged the development of parasites. Pesticides, another gift of the petrochemical revolution, exterminated them. Bad harvests and famine became a distant memory. The biggest headache now was what to do with thesurpluses engendered by modern agriculture.But toxic pesticides seeped into the air, soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans. They penetrated the heart of cells similar to the mother cell that is shared by all forms of life. Are they harmful to the humans that they released from hunger? These farmers, in their yellow protective suits, probably have a good idea.The new agriculture abolished the dependence on soils and seasons. Fertilizers produced unprecedented results on plots of land thus far ignored. Crops adapted to soils and climates gave way to the most productive varieties and the easiest to transport. And so, in the last century, three-quarters of the varieties developed by farmers over thousands of years have been wiped out. As far as the eye can see, fertilizer below, plastic on top.The greenhouses of Almeria in Spain are Europe’s vegetable garden. A city of uniformly sized vegetables waits every day for the hundreds of trucks that will take them to the continent’s supermarkets.The more a country develops, the more meat its inhabitants consume. How can growing worldwide demand be satisfied without recourse to concentration camp-style cattle farms? Faster and faster. Like the life cycle of livestock which may never see a meadow, manufacturing meat faster than the animal has become a daily routine. In these vast food lots, trampled by millions of cattle, not a blade of grass grows.A fleet of trucks from every corner of the country brings in tons of grain, soy meal and protein-rich granules that will become tons of meat. The result is that it takes 100 liters of water to produce one kilogram of potatoes, 4,000 for one kilo of rice and 13,000 for one kilo of beef. Not to mention the oil guzzled in the production process and transport.Our agriculture has become oil-powered. It feeds twice as many humans on Earth but has replaceddiversity with standardization. It has offered many of us comforts we could only dream of, but it makes our way of life totally dependent on oil.This is the new measure of time. Our world’s clock now beats to the rhythm of these indefatigable machines tapping into the pocket of sunlight. Their regularity reassures us. The tiniest hiccup throws us into disarray. The whole planet is attentive to these metronomes of our hopes and illusions. The same hopes, and illusions that proliferate along with our needs, increasingly insatiable desires and profligacy. We know that the end of cheap oil is imminent, but we refuse to believe it.For many of us, the American dream is embodied by a legendary name: Los Angeles. In this city that stretches over 100 kilometers, the number of cars is almost equal to the number of inhabitants.Here, energy puts on a fantastic show every night. The day seems to be no more than the pale reflection of nights that turn the city into a starry sky. Faster and faster. Distances are no longer counted in miles but in minutes. The automobile shapes new suburbs where every home is a castle, a safe distance from the asphyxiated city centers, and where neat rows of houses huddle round dead-end streets.The model of a lucky few countries has become a universal dream, preached by televisions all over the world. Even here in Beijing, it is cloned, copied and reproduced in these formatted houses that have wiped pagodas off the map.The automobile has become the symbol of comfort and progress. If this model were followed by every society, the planet wouldn’t have 900 million vehicles, as it does today, but five billion.Faster and faster. The more the world develops, the greater its thirst for energy. Everywhere, machines dig, bore and rip from the Earth, the pieces of stars buried in its depths since its creation:minerals.In the next 20 years, more ore will be extracted from the Earth than in the whole of humanity’s history. As a privilege of power, 80% of this mineral wealth is consumed by 20% of the world’s population. Before the end of this century, excessive mining will have exhausted nearly all the planet’s reserves.Faster and faster. Shipyards churn out oil tankers, container ships and gas tankers to cater for the demands of globalized industrial production. Most consumer goods travel thousands of kilometers from the country of production to the country of consumption. Since 1950, the volume of international trade has increased 20 times over. Ninety percent of trade goes by sea. 500 million containers are transported every year, headed for the world’s major hubs of consumption, such as Dubai.Dubai is one of the biggest construction sites in the world—a country where the impossible becomes possible. Building artificial islands in the sea, for example. Dubai has few natural resources, but with the money from oil, it can bring millions of tons of material and people from all over the world. It can build forests of skyscrapers, each one taller than the last, or even a ski slope in the middle of the desert. Dubai has no farmland, but it can import food. Dubai has no water, but it can afford to expend immense amounts of energy to desalinate seawater and build the highest skyscrapers in the world. Dubai has endless sun but no solar panels. It is the city of more is more, where the wildest dreams become reality. Dubai is a sort of culmination of the Western model, with its 800-meter high totem to total modernity that never fails to amaze the world. Excessive? Perhaps.Dubai appears to have made its choice. It is like the new beacon for all the world’s money. Nothing seems further removed from nature than Dubai, although nothing depends on nature more than Dubai. The city merely follows the model of wealthy nations. We haven’t understood that we’re depleting whatnature provides.What do we know of the marine world, of which we see only the surface, and which covers three-quarters of the planet? The ocean depths remain a secret. They contain thousands of species whose existence remains a mystery to us.Since 1950, fishing catches have increased fivefold, from18 to 100 million metric tons a year. Thousands of factory ships are emptying the oceans. Three-quarters of fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted or in danger of being so. Most large fish have been fished out of existence, since they have no time to reproduce. We are destroying the cycle of a life that was given to us.On the coastlines, signs of the exhaustion of stocks abound. First sign: Colonies of sea mammals are getting smaller. Made vulnerable by urbanization of the coasts and pollution, they now face a new threat: famine. In their unequal battle against industrial fishing fleets, t hey can’t find enough fish to feed their young. Second sign:Seabirds must fly ever greater distances to find food. At the current rate, all fish stocks are threatened with exhaustion.In Dakar, traditional net fishing boomed in the years of plenty, but today, fish stocks are dwindling. Fish is the staple diet of one in five humans.Can we envision the inconceivable? Abandoned boats, seas devoid of fish?We have forgotten that resources are scarce. 500 million humans live in the world’s desert lands, more than the combined population of Europe. They know the value of water. They know how to use it sparingly. Here, they depend on wells replenished by fossil water, which accumulated underground in the days when it rained on these deserts, 25,000 years ago.Fossil water also enables crops to be grown in the desert to provide food for local populations. The fields’ circular shape derives from the pipes that irrigate them around a central pivot. But there is a heavy price to pay. Fossil water is a nonrenewable resource. In Saudi Arabia, the dream of industrial farming in the desert has faded. As if on a parchment map, the lights spots on this patchwork show abandoned plots. The irrigation equipment is still there. The energy to pump water also. But the fossil water reserves are severely depleted.Israel turned the desert into arable land. Even though these hothouses are now irrigated drop by drop, water consumption continues to increase along with exports. The once mighty river Jordan is now just a trickle. Its water has flown to supermarkets all over the world in crates of fruit and vegetables.The Jordan’s fate is not unique. Across the planet, one major river in10 no longer flows into the sea for several months of the year. The Dead Sea derives its name from its incredibly high salinity that makes all life impossible. Deprived of the Jordan’s water, its level goes down by over one meter per year. Its salinity is increasing. Evaporation, due to the heat, produces these fine islands of salt evaporates—beautiful but sterile.In Rajasthan, India, Udaipur is a miracle of water. The city was made possible by a system of dams and channels that created an artificial lake. For its architects, was water so precious that they dedicated a palace to it? India risks being the country that suffers most from the lack of water in the coming century. Massive irrigation has fed the growing population, and in the last 50 years, 21 million wells have been dug. The victory over famine has a downside, however. In many parts of the country, the drill has to sink ever deeper to hit water. In western India, 30% of wells have been abandoned. The underground aquifers are drying out.Vast reservoirs will catch the monsoon rains to replenish the aquifers. In dry season, women from local village dig them with their bare hands.Thousands of kilometers away, 800 to 1,000 liters of water are consumed per person per day. Las Vegas was built out of the desert. Millions of people live there. Thousands more arrive every month. The inhabitants of Las Vegas are among the biggest consumers of water in the world. Palm Spring is another desert city with tropical vegetation and lush golf courses.How long can this mirage continue to prosper? The Earth cannot keep up. The Colorado River, which brings water to these cities, is one of those rivers that no longer reaches the sea. Even more alarmingly, its flow is diminishing at source. Water levels in the catchment lakes along its course…are plummeting. Lake Powell took 17 years to reach high-water mark. Its level is now half of that. Water shortages could affect nearly two billion people…before 2050.Yet water is still abundant in unspoiled regions of the planet. The wetlands.These wetlands are crucial to all life on Earth. They represent six percent of the Planet. Marshes are sponges that regulate the flow of water. They absorb it in the wet season and release it in the dry season. The water runs off the mountain peaks, carrying with it the seeds of the regions it flows through. This process gives birth to unique landscapes, where the diversity of species is unequaled in its richness. Under the calm water lies a veritable factory where this ultimately linked richness and diversity, patiently filters the water and digests all the pollution. Marshes are indispensable environments for the regeneration and purification of water.These wetlands were always seen as unhealthy expanses, unfit for human habitation. In our race to conquer more land, we have reclaimed them as pasture for our livestock, or as land for agriculture orbuilding. In the last century, half of the world’s marshes were drained. We know neither the ir richness nor their role.All living matter is linked. Water, air, soil, trees. The world’s magic is right in front of our eyes.Trees breathe groundwater into the atmosphere as light mist. They form a canopy that alleviates the impact of heavy rains and protects the soil from erosion. The forests provide the humidity that is necessary for life. They are the mother and father of rain. The forests store carbon. They contain more than all the Earth’s atmosphere. They are the cornerstone of the climatic b alance on which we all depend.Trees provide a habitat for three-quarters of the planet’s biodiversity—that is to say, of all life on Earth. Every year, we discover new species we had no idea existed—insects, birds, mammals. These forests provide the remedies that cure us. The substances secreted by these plants can be recognized by our bodies. Our cells talk the same language. We are of the same family.Mangroves are forests that step out onto the sea. Like coral reefs, they are a nursery for the oceans. Their roots entwine and form a shelter for the fish and mollusks that come to breed. Mangroves protect the coasts from hurricanes, tidal waves and erosion by the sea. Whole peoples depend on them. Yet, they were reduced by half during the 20th century. One of the reasons for the ongoing disaster is these shrimp farms installed on the mangroves’ rich waters. Ventilators aerate pools full of antibiotics to prevent the asphyxiation of the shrimps, not that of the mangroves.Since the 1960s, deforestation has constantly gathered pace. Every year, 13 million hectares of tropical forest an area the size of Illinois—disappear in smoke and as lumber. The world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, has already been reduced by 20%. The forest gives way to cattle ranches or soybean farms. Ninety-five percent of these soybeans are used to feed livestock and poultry in Europe and Asia. And so, a forest is turned into meat.When they burn, forests and their soils release huge quantities of carbon, accounting for 20% of the greenhouse gases emitted across the globe. Deforestation is one of the principal causes of global warming. Thousands of species disappear forever. With them, one of the links in a long chain of evolution snaps. The intelligence of the living matter from which they came is lost forever.Barely 20 years ago, Borneo, the fourth-largest island in the world, was covered by a vast primary forest. At the current rate of deforestation, it will have totally disappeared within 10 years. Living matter bonds water, a ir, earth and the sun. In Borneo, this bond has been broken in what was one of the Earth’s greatest reservoirs of biodiversity.This catastrophe was provoked by the decision to produce palm oil, the most consumed oil in the world, on Borneo. Palm oil not only caters to our growing demand for food, but also cosmetics, detergents and, increasingly, alternative fuels. The forest diversity was replaced by a single species—the oil palm. Monoculture is easy, productive and rapid. For local people, it provides employment. It is an agriculture industry.Another example of massive deforestation is the eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is used to make paper pulp. Plantations are growing, as demand for paper has increased fivefold in 50 years. Monoculture of trees are gaining ground all over the world. But a monoculture is not a forest. By definition, there is little diversity. One forest does not replace another forest. At the foot of these eucalyptus trees, nothing grows, because their leaves form a bed that is toxic for most other plants. They grow quickly, but exhaust water reserves.。



请听我说1.Listen to me, please.你跟我一样,是智人2.You're like me, a Homo sapiens.一个有智慧的人3.A wise human.生命是宇宙的奇迹4.Life, a miracle in the universe,出现于约四十亿年前5.appeared around four billion years ago,而我们人类只有二十万年历史6.and we humans only 200,000 years ago.但是我们却破坏了7.Yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance...地球生命赖以生存的平衡8.that is so essential to life on Earth. 请细听这个不寻常的的故事,你的故事9.Listen carefully to this extraordinary story, which is yours,然后决定你应该做什么10.and decide what you want to do with it.这是我们的起源的轨迹11.These are traces of our origins.最初,我们的星球不过是一个浑沌的火球12.At the beginning, our planet was no more than a chaos of fire,伴随它的恒星--太阳诞生而形成的13.formed in the wake of its star, the sun.一团粘聚的尘埃颗粒14.A cloud of agglutinated dust particles,就像宇宙里面许多类似的星云15.similar to so many similar clusters in the universe.然而生命的奇迹就在此诞生16.Yet this was where the miracle of life occurred.今天,我们的生命17.Today, life- our life-是地球上无数生物形成的生命链中的一环18.is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings...在近40亿年里,这些生物被彼此继承取代19.that have succeeded one another on Earth over nearly four billion years. 即使到了今天,新的火山继续改变我们的景观20.And even today, new volcanoes continue to sculpt our landscapes.它们让我们目睹了盘古初开时地球的样子21.They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at its birth熔石从深处涌出22.molten rock surging from the depths,开始凝固,裂开23.solidifying, cracking,冒着泡,或摊开形成薄的外壳24.blistering or spreading in a thin crust,然后再休眠一段时间25.before fabling dormant for a time. 这些从地球内部吐出缭绕的烟圈26.These wreaths of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth... 是地球原始大气层的见证27.bear witness to the Earth's originalatmosphere.一个没有氧气的大气层28.An atmosphere devoid of oxygen.稠密的大气层,充满水蒸气和二氧化碳29.A dense atmosphere, thick withwater vapor,30.full of carbon dioxide.一个熔炉31.A furnace.因为有水,地球有了一个与众不同的未来32.But the Earth had an exceptionalfuture, offered to it by water.地球与太阳之间的距离适中不太远,不太近33.At the right distance from thesun—not too far, not too near因此地球上的水能够处于液体状态34.the Earth was able to conservewater in liquid form.水蒸气凝结后形成滂沱大雨降落在地球上35.Water vapor condensed and fell intorrential downpours on Earth,河流出现了36.and rivers appeared.河流改变了地球表面37.The rivers shaped the surface ofthe Earth,刻削着河道38.cutting their channels,并冲刷出山谷39.furrowing out valleys.它们流向地球上最低洼的地方形成海洋40.They ran toward the lowest placeson the globe to form the oceans.水溶解了岩石的矿物质41.They tore minerals from the rocks,渐渐的,海洋中的淡水42.and gradually the freshwater of theoceans...变成了咸水43.became heavy with salt.水是生命必需的液体44.Water is a vital liquid.它灌溉了这些广阔的不毛之地45.It irrigated these sterile expanses.水流就像人体的血管46.The paths it traced are like theveins of a body,树木的枝丫,是让大地苏醒的液体导管47.the branches of a tree, the vesselsof the sap that it brought to the Earth.40亿年后48.Nearly four billion years later,地球上的某些地方还能找到这样的艺术创作49.somewhere on Earth can still befound these works of art,火山灰混合着来自冰岛冰川的水50.left by the volcanoes' ash, mixedwith water from Iceland's glaciers.就是它们,物质和水51.There they are- matter and water,水和物质52.water and matter-软硬组合,这对地球上所有生物都是至关重要的53.soft and hard combined, thecrucial alliance shared by everylife-form on our planet.金属矿物元素比地球还要古老54.Minerals and metals are even olderthan the Earth.它们是星尘55.They are stardust.它们让地球五彩斑斓56.They provide the Earth's colors.红色是铁,黑色是碳57.Red from iron, black from carbon,蓝色是铜,黄色则是硫58.blue from copper, yellow from sulfur.我们来自什么哪里?59.Where do we come from?生命火花从哪里迸发?60.Where did life first spark intobeing?一个时光奇迹61.A miracle of time,地球上的温泉仍然有原始的生命存活62.primitive life-forms still exist in theglobe's hot springs.它们赋予温泉颜色63.They give them their colors.它们叫做“古细菌”64.They're called archaeobacteria.它们都依靠地球热能生存65.They all feed off the Earth's heat除了蓝细菌,或是蓝绿藻以外66.all except the cyanobacteria, orblue-green algae.只有它们可以向着太阳来吸取其能量67.They alone have the capacity toturn to the sun to capture its energy.它们是古今所有植种的最重要的祖先68.They are a vital ancestor of allyesterday's and today's plant species.这些微小的细菌69.These tiny bacteria...及其数以亿计的后代70.and their billions of descendants...改变了地球的命运71.changed the destiny of our planet.是它们改造了地球的大气层72.They transformed its atmosphere.毒害大气层的碳去了哪里?73.What happened to the carbon thatpoisoned the atmosphere?它还存在,只是被“囚禁”在地壳74.It's still here, imprisoned in theEarth's crust.想要了解地球历史的这一篇章75.We can read this chapter of theEarth's history...卡罗拉多大峡谷的峭壁是最好的选择76.nowhere better than on the walls ofColorado's Grand Canyon.它们展现了地球近20亿年的历史77.They reveal nearby two billionyears of the Earth's history.大峡谷曾经是一个聚居着微生物的海洋78.Once upon a time, the GrandCanyon was a sea inhabited bymicroorganisms.它们汲取从大气层溶解到海洋里的碳79.They grew their shells by tappinginto carbon from the atmosphere...并长出外壳80.dissolved in the ocean.它们死后81.When they died, the shells sank...外壳沉到海床堆叠起来82.and accumulated on the sealed.这些地层就是它们无数的外壳构成的83.These strata are the product of those billions and billions of shells.因为有了它们,碳从大气层中排出84.Thanks to them, the carbon drained from the atmosphere,其他生物才能得以发展85.and other life-forms could develop. 生命改变了大气层86.It is life that altered the atmosphere.植物靠太阳能存活87.Plant life fed off the sun's energy, 这能量使植物分离水分子88.which enabled it to break apart the water molecule...并释放出来氧气89.and take the oxygen.空气因而充满氧气90.And oxygen filled the air.地球的水不断更新循环91.The Earth's water cycle is a process of constant renewal.瀑布,水蒸气,92.Waterfalls, water vapor,云、雨、泉93.clouds, rain, springs,河流、海洋、冰川94.rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers.这个循环从未间断95.The cycle is never broken.地球的水量恒久不变96.There's always the same quantity of water on Earth.历来的生物都喝同样的水97.All the successive species on Earth have drunk the same water.水是令人惊叹的物质98.The astonishing matter that is water.是最不稳定的一种99.One of the most unstable of all.它可以是液态的流水100.It takes a liquid form as running water,气态的蒸汽101.gaseous as vapor...或是固态的冰102.or solid as ice.在西伯利亚,冬季结冰的湖面103.In Siberia, the frozen surfaces of the lakes in winter...蕴含着水在结冰时展现的力量104.contain the traces of the forces that water deploys when it freezes.冰比水轻因而浮于水面105.Lighter than water, the ice floats, 不会沉到湖底106.rather than sinking to the bottom. 它形成御寒的保护罩107.It forms a protective mantle against the cold,冰下的生命可以延续108.under which life can go on.生命的引擎连锁结合109.The engine of life is linkage.一切都连结起来110.Everything is linked. 没有东西是自给自足的111.Nothing is self-sufficient.水和空气不可分割112.Water and air are inseparable,为了地球上的生命而结合113.united in life and for our life on Earth.于是,形成于海洋上的云给陆地带来降雨114.Thus, clouds form over the oceansand bring rain to the landmasses,河流再将水带回海洋115.whose rivers carry water back tothe oceans.分享就是一切116.Sharing is everything.从云层窥望的大片绿色是空气中的氧气117.The green expanse peekingthrough the clouds is the source ofoxygen in the air.七成氧气来自海藻118.Seventy percent of this gas, withoutwhich our lungs cannot function,这些海藻给海洋表面染上了颜色es from the algae that tint thesurface of the oceans.地球要依赖120.Our Earth relies on a balance...万物各司其职121.in which every being has a role toplay...互相依存的生态平衡122.and exists only through theexistence of another being.一种敏感而脆弱的和谐,极易破碎123.A subtle, fragile harmony that iseasily shattered.于是海藻和贝壳的结合形成了珊瑚124.Thus, corals are born from themarriage of algae and shells.澳大利亚沿海的大堡礁125.The Great Barrier Reef, Off thecoast of Australia,绵延三十五万平方公里126.stretches over350,000 squarekilometers...哺育着一千五百种鱼类,127.and is home to 1,500 species of fish,四千种软体动物128.4,000 species of mollusks...和四百种珊瑚129.and 400 species of coral.每个海洋的生态平衡都依靠这些珊瑚130.The equilibrium of every oceandepends on these corals.地球计算时间以十亿年计131.The Earth counts time in billionsof years.它花了四十多亿年创造了树木132.It took more than four billion yearsfor it to make trees.在物种的链条中133.In the chain of species,树木是至高无上的134.trees are a pinnacle,是完美的活的雕塑135.a perfect living sculpture.它们蔑视地心吸力136.Trees defy gravity.它们是唯一永恒地朝向天空的自然元素137.They are the only natural elementin perpetual movement toward the sky.它们的枝叶不疾不徐地向着太阳生长138.They grow unhurriedly toward thesun that nourishes their foliage.它们从微小的古细菌继承了139.They have inherited from thoseminuscule cyanobacteria...吸收光线能量的能力140.the power to capture light's energy.它们储存并利用此能量141.They store it and feed off it,并使其变成木材和树叶142.turning it into wood and leaves,然后又分解成水,矿物,植物143.which then decompose into amixture of water,和生命物质的混合体144.mineral, vegetable and livingmatter.就这样145.And so, gradually,生命不可或缺的土壤逐渐形成146.the soils that are indispensable tolife are formed.土壤是生物多样性的工厂147.Soils are the factory ofbiodiversity.它们是不断活动的世界148.They are a world of incessantactivity...微生物觅食,挖掘,透气,蜕变149.where microorganisms feed, dig,aerate and transform.它们制造腐植土,在这肥沃的土层上所有生命互相紧扣150.They make the humus, the fertilelayer to which all life on land is linked.地球上的生命我们知道什么?151.What do we know about life onEarth?我们认识多少品种?152.How many species are we aware of?十分之一?还是百分之一?153.A10th of them? A hundredthperhaps?对于它们之间的相互关系我们知道什么?154.What do we know about the bondsthat link them?地球是个奇迹155.The Earth is a miracle.生命仍是个谜156.Life remains a mystery.动物的家族得以形成157.Families of animals form,至今仍存的习惯和仪式使它们凝聚158.united by customs and rituals thatsurvive today.有些适应了环境159.Some adapt to the nature of theirpasture,有些是环境适应它们160.and their pasture adapts to them.双方都受益161.And both gain.动物得到食物,而树木能够开花结果162.The animal sates its hunger, andthe tree can blossom again.在地球上生命的伟大的历险中163.In the great adventure of life onEarth,每种生物各司其职164.every species has a role to play,各有其位165.every species has its place.没有多余或有害166.None is futile or harmful.它们互相抵消167.They all balance out.然后你们168.And that's where you,这些聪明的人类169.Homo sapiens- "wise human'-进入剧情170.enter the story.你们得益于171.You benefit from a fabulous...地球四十亿年的遗产172.four-billion-year-old legacy bequeathed by the Earth.你们只有二十万年历史173.You're only 200,000 years old,但你们已经改变了世界的面貌174.but you have changed the face of the world.尽管你们脆弱175.Despite your vulnerability,但你们占据了所有的栖息地176.you have taken possession of every habitat...征服了所有土地177.and conquered swaths of territory...之前任何生物都未曾做过178.like no other species before you.经过十八万年的游牧岁月179.After180,000 nomadic years,气候变得温和,人类开始定居下来180.and thanks to a more clement climate, humans settled down.他们不再依靠打猎为生181.They no longer depended on hunting for survival.他们定居于充满渔猎182.They chose to live in wet environments...和野生植物的潮湿环境183.that abounded in fish, game and wild plants.这里土地,水和生命结合184.There, where land, water and life combine.人类的天赋让他们发明了独木舟185.Human genius inspired them to build canoes,用于开拓新的视野186.an invention that opened up new horizons...人类变成了航海家187.and turned humans into navigators.即使今天,大部分人类188.Even today, the majority of humankind...都居住在大陆的海岸线189.lives on the continents' coastlines... 或是河边和湖畔190.or the banks of rivers and lakes.最初的城镇出现在6000多年前191.The first towns grew up less than 600 years ago. 这是人类历史的一大步192.It was a considerable leap inhuman history.为什么呢?因为这能使人类更容易的保护自己193.Why towns? Because they allowedhumans to defend themselves moreeasily.他们变成了社会人194.They became social beings,在一起分享他们的知识和手艺195.meeting and sharing knowledgeand crafts,融合他们的共性和不同196.blending their similarities anddifferences.简而言之,他们文明化了197.In a word, they became civilized.但他们可用的能量只是双臂198.But the only energy at theirdisposal was provided by nature...和大自然赋予的东西199.and the strength of their bodies.这是人类数千年来的故事200.It was the story of humankind forthousands of years.也是现今四分之一人类201.It still is for one person in four-即十五亿人的故事202.over one and a half billion humanbeings-比富裕国家人口的总和还多203.more than the combinedpopulation of all the wealthy nations.他们只从地球获取必须的用品204.Taking from the Earth only thestrictly necessary.很长一段时间,人类和地球的关系205.For a long time, the relationshipbetween humans and the planet...平衡对等206.was evenly balanced.很长一段时间,经济看起来是自然公正的联盟207.For a long time, the economyseemed like a natural and equitablealliance.但人类寿命短暂,艰苦劳动大行其道208.But life expectancy is short, andhard labor takes its toll.大自然的不可预知加重日常负担209.The uncertainties of nature weighon daily life.教育是罕有特权cation is a rare privilege.子女是家庭唯一资产211.Children are a family's only asset,每双手212.as long as every extra pair of hands...对家庭的生存都要作出贡献213.is a necessary contribution to itssubsistence.地球为我们提供食物和衣物214.The Earth feeds people, clothes them...以及日常所需215.and provides for their daily needs.一切来自地球216.Everything comes from the Earth.城镇改变人类本质和命运217.Towns change humanity's nature,as well as its destiny.农夫变成了工匠、商人和小贩218.The farmer becomes a craftsman,trader or peddler.农夫收获,城镇居民购买,或是物物交换219.What the Earth gives the farmer,the city dweller buys, sells or barters.商品交易220.Goods change hands,伴随思想交流221.along with ideas.人类的天份在于经常洞悉自已的弱点222.Humanity's genius is to havealways had a sense of its weakness.他们很想扩张领土223.Humans tried to extend thefrontiers of their territory,但明白自身局限224.but they knew their limits.大自然不曾赋予他们的能量和气力225.The physical energy and strengthwith which nature had not endowedthem...他们在动物身上找到,并驯养它们为己服务226.was found in the animals theydomesticated to serve them.空着肚子怎去征服世界?227.But how can you conquer theworld on an empty stomach?农业的发明228.The invention of agriculture...彻底改变了到处觅食的野兽本质229.transformed the future of the wildanimals scavenging for food...成为真正的人230.that were humankind.农业改写了人类历史231.Agriculture turned their history onend.农业是人类的第一场伟大革命232.Agriculture was their first greatrevolution.八千至一万年前开始233.Developed barely8,000 to10,000years ago,农业改变了人类与自然的关系234.it changed their relationship tonature.它终结了人类不稳定的狩猎和采集时代235.It brought an end to theuncertainty of hunting and gathering.第一次有了盈余236.It resulted in the first surpluses...这催生了城市和文明237.and gave birth to cities andcivilizations.为了农业生产238.For their agriculture,人类利用动物或植物的能量239.humans harnessed the energy ofanimal species and plant life,并从中受益240.from which they at last extractedthe profits.数千年艰苦觅食的记忆逐渐淡忘241.The memory of thousands of yearsscrabbling for food faded.他们学会将谷类适应242.They learned to adapt the grainsthat are the yeast of life...不同的土壤和气候243.to different soils and climates.他们学会增加农作物的收成和种类244.They learned to increase the yield and multiply the number of varieties.像地球上所有动物245.Like every species on Earth,人类每天的首要任务246.the principal daily concern of all humans...是喂饱自已和家人247.is to feed themselves and their family.当土瘠水稀的时候248.When the soil is less generous and water becomes scarce,人类要为一点干燥土地249.humans deploy prodigious efforts to mark a few arid acres...而拼命劳作250.with the imprint of their labor.人类以极大的耐性和专注去模塑土地251.Humans shaped the land with the patience and devotion that the Earth demands,近乎祭神仪式般不停地重复252.in an almost sacrificial ritual performed over and over.农业仍然是世界上最普遍的职业253.Agriculture is still the world's most widespread occupation.一半人类仍在耕种土地254.Half of humankind tills the soil,超过四分之三仍是手工操作255.over three-quarters of them by hand.农业像传统般一代接一代256.Agriculture is like a tradition handed down...有血有汗地薪火相传257.from generation to generation in sweat, graft and toil,因为它是人类生存的先决条件258.because for humanity it is a prerequisite of survival.人类依赖人力日久259.But after relying on muscle power for so long,开始发掘地球深处的能量260.humankind found a way to tap into the energy buried deep in the Earth.这些火焰也来自植物261.These flames are also from plants. 一束阳光262.A pocket of sunlight.纯粹的能量,太阳量263.Pure energy—the energy of the sun于一亿年前被数以百万计的树木264.captured over millions of years by millions of plants...俘虏了超过数百万年265.more than a hundred million years ago.那是煤,是天然气266.It's coal. It's gas.最重要的是石油267.And above all, it's oil.这束阳光把人类从辛劳的耕种解放出来268.And this pocket of sunlight freed humans from their toil on the land.石油令人类解除了时间的束缚269.With oil began the era of humans who break free of the shackles of time. 石油令一部分人得享从未有过的舒适270.With oil, some of us acquiredunprecedented comforts.五十年里,仅仅一代人的时间271.And in 50 years, in a single lifetime,地球发生根本性的改变272.the Earth has been more radicallychanged...是前人从未做过的273.than by all previous generations ofhumanity.越来越快274.Faster and faster.过去六十年,人类人口倍增275.In the last60 years, the Earth'spopulation has almost tripled,超过二十亿人移居城市276.and over two billion people havemoved to the cities.越来越快277.Faster and faster.深圳四十年前只是偏僻渔村278.Shenzhen, in China, with itshundreds of skyscrapers and millions ofinhabitants,现在拥有数以百计的摩天大楼和数百万人口279.was just a small fishing villagebarely 40 years ago.越来越快280.Faster and faster.二十年来281.In Shanghai, 3,000 towers andskyscrapers...上海建了三千座高楼大厦282.have been built in 20 years.另有数百座正在建设中283.Hundreds more are underconstruction.今天,地球上七十亿人口有一半住在城市284.Today, over half of the world'sseven billion inhabitants live in cities.纽约,世界上第一个超级城市285.New York. The world's firstmegalopolis...是人类无止境地286.is the symbol of the exploitation ofthe energy...剥削地球资源的像征287.the Earth supplies to humangenius.数百万移民的人力资源288.The manpower of millions ofimmigrants,煤的能量289.the energy of coal,及无约束的石油力量290.the unbridled power of oil.电的出现发明了电梯291.Electricity resulted in the inventionof elevators,而电梯使得摩天大厦成为可能292.which in turn permitted theinvention of skyscrapers.纽约在全球经济排名中位列16293.New York ranks as the 16th-largesteconomy in the world.美国最先发现和开发利用294.America was the first to discover,exploit and harness...珍贵而具革命性的能量“黑金”295.the phenomenal revolutionarypower of black gold.借助它296.With its help,农夫变成了农业企业家297.a country of farmers became acountry of agricultural industrialists.机器取代人力298.Machines replaced men.一升石油等于299.A liter of oil generates as muchenergy...一百双手在24小时产生的能量300.as 100 pairs of hands in 24 hours,但在全球只有3%的农民使用拖拉机301.but worldwide only three percentof farmers have use of a tractor.尽管如此,他们的粮食产出还是支配着地球302.Nonetheless, their outputdominates the planet.美国只剩下三百万农民303.In the United States, only threemillion farmers are left.他们出产的谷物可以养活二十亿人口304.They produce enough grain to feedtwo billion people.但大部分谷物并非用作食粮305.But most of that grain is not usedto feed people.就像其他工业国306.Here, and in all otherindustrialized nations,谷物用来喂牲口或作生化燃料307.it's transformed into livestock feedor biofuels.这束阳光的能量308.The pocket of sunshine's energy...赶走了令土地干旱的幽灵309.chased away the specter of droughtthat stalked farmland.所有泉水都用于农业310.No spring escapes the demands ofagriculture,它占人类水消耗量的70%311.which accounts for70% ofhumanity's water consumption.大自然的一切都互相连系312.In nature, everything is linked.耕地的拓张和单一品种的种植313.The expansion of cultivated landand single-crop farming...增加了害虫的肆虐314.encouraged the development ofparasites.石油化工革命带来的杀虫剂315.Pesticides, another gift of thepetrochemical revolution,把它们杀光316.exterminated them.农作欠收和饥荒成为邀远回忆317.Bad harvests and famine became adistant memory.眼前最头痛是318.The biggest headache now...如何处理现代农业带来的残留319.was what to do with the surplusesengendered by modern agriculture.有毒的杀虫剂渗进空气320.But toxic pesticides seeped into the air,泥土、动植物、河流和海洋321.soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans.它们入侵一切生命322.They penetrated the heart of cells... 赖以生存的细胞核心323.similar to the mother cell that is shared by all forms of life.它们对免于饥饿的人类有害吗?324.Are they harmful to the humans that they released from hunger?这些穿着黄色保护衣物的农夫325.These farmers, in their yellow protective suits,可能有更好的主意326.probably have a good idea.新兴农业免除了对土壤和季节的依赖327.The new agriculture abolished the dependence on soils and seasons.肥料令小片土地328.Fertilizers produced unprecedented results...出产前所未见的丰富收成329.on plots of land thus far ignored. 适应了土地和气候的谷物330.Crops adapted to soils and climates...被产量高和易于运输的品种所取代331.gave way to the most productive varieties and the easiest to transport.于是在上一世纪332.And so, in the last century,农民在过去数千年培育的333.three-quarters of the varieties developed by farmers over thousands of years...四分之三的品种绝种334.have been wiped out.极目所见,下施肥料,上覆塑料335.As far as the eye can see, fertilizer below, plastic on top.西班牙的艾美利亚温室336.The greenhouses of Almeria in Spain... 是欧洲的菜园337.are Europe's vegetable garden.大批形状整齐的蔬菜338.A city of uniformly sized vegetables...每天等候数以百计的卡车339.waits every day for the hundreds of trucks...把它们运送到欧洲大陆的超级市场340.that will take them to the continent's supermarkets.国家越发展341.The more a country develops,国民对肉类的需求就越大342.the more meat its inhabitants consume.不依靠集中饲养式牛场343.How can growing worldwide demand be satisfied...如何满足全球日益增长的需求344.without recourse to concentration camp-style cattle farms?越来越快345.Faster and faster.就像家畜一生都不会见到牧场346.Like the life cycle of livestock which may never see a meadow, 比动物生长更快的肉类生产成为日常程序347.manufacturing meat faster thanthe animal has become a daily routine.被数百万牛践踏的辽阔饲场348.In these vast food lots, trampled bymillions of cattle,寸草不生349.not a blade of grass grows.一队队卡车从全国各地运来350.A fleet of trucks from every cornerof the country...数以吨计的谷物,黄豆和351.brings in tons of grain, soy meal...丰富蛋白质的饲料最终变成一吨吨的肉352.and protein-rich granules that willbecome tons of meat.结果是生产一公斤马铃薯353.The result is that it takes 100 litersof water...要一百公升水354.to produce one kilogram of potatoes,一公斤米要四千公升水355.4,000 for one kilo of rice...而一公斤牛肉要一万三千公升水356.and 13,000 for one kilo of beef.还不算在生产和运输过程被耗掉的石油357.Not to mention the oil guzzled inthe production process and transport.我们的农业成了石油推动型358.Our agriculture has becomeoil-powered.它能养活地球上双倍的人口359.It feeds twice as many humans onEarth...但多元性被标准化取代360.but has replaced diversity withstandardization.它让我们享受到梦中才有的舒适361.It has offered many of us comfortswe could only dream of,但却使我们的生活方式完全依赖石油362.but it makes our way of life totallydependent on oil.这是新的时间观念363.This is the new measure of time.我们的时钟随着那364.Our world's clock now beats to therhythm...永不言倦的阳光机器的节奏365.of these indefatigable machines...一起摆动366.tapping into the pocket of sunlight.它们的规律性让我们安心367.Their regularity reassures us.极小的间断都会引发混乱368.The tiniest hiccup throws us intodisarray.整个地球都注意到了我们369.The whole planet is attentive tothese metronomes...寄托希望和幻想的节拍器370.of our hopes and illusions.同样的希望和幻想随着我们的需求371.The same hopes and illusions thatproliferate along with our needs,以及越来越难以满足的欲望和浪费而增加372.increasingly insatiable desires andprofligacy.我们知道廉价石油时代即将终结373.We know that the end of cheap oilis imminent,但我们拒绝相信374.but we refuse to believe it.对大多数人来说,美国梦体现在一个传奇的名字上:375.For many of us, the American dream isembodied by a legendary name:洛杉矶376.Los Angeles.在这个方圆一百公里的城市377.In this city that stretches over100kilometers,汽车的数量几乎与人口相等378.the number of cars is almost equalto the number of inhabitants.这里,晚上是能源卖力表演的时该379.Here, energy puts on a fantasticshow every night.白天不过是夜晚的苍白反映380.The days seem to be no more thanthe pale reflection of nights...晚上的城市变成闪烁星空381.that turn the city into a starry sky.越来越快382.Faster and faster.距离不再以英哩度量而是多少分钟车程383.Distances are no longer counted inmiles but in minutes.汽车重塑郊区面貌,每个房子都好像城堡般384.The automobile shapes newsuburbs where every home is a castle,跟令人窒息的市中心保持安全距离385.a safe distance from theasphyxiated city centers,一排排整齐的房子拥挤在死胡同四周386.and where neat rows of houseshuddle round dead-end streets.少数发达国家的模式387.The model of a lucky fewcountries...通过遍及全球的电视节目388.has become a universal dream,已变成了普遍梦想389.preached by televisions all over theworld.即使在北京390.Even here in Beijing,这些模仿,抄袭和复制391.it is cloned, copied andreproduced...千篇一律的房子已把古塔从地图上抹去了392.in these formatted houses that havewiped pagodas off the map.汽车成为舒适和进步的象征393.The automobile has become thesymbol of comfort and progress.如果每个社会都跟随这个模式394.If this model were followed byevery society,今天地球不会只有九亿辆汽车395.the planet wouldn't have900million vehicles, as it does today,而是五十亿396.but five billion.越来越快397.Faster and faster.世界越发展,对能源的渴求就更高398.The more the world develops, thegreater its thirst for energy.到处都是挖钻矿物的机器399.Everywhere, machines dig, boreand rip from the Earth...把盘古初开时埋在地下的星星挖出来400.the pieces of stars buried in its depths since its creation:矿物401.minerals.未来二十年人类从地球开采的矿物402.In the next 20 years, more ore will be extracted from the Earth...比人类历史上的总数都要多403.than in the whole of humanity's history.由于垄断404.As a privilege of power,80%开采所得财富405.80% of this mineral wealth...只由20%的人口分享406.is consumed by 20% of the world's population.到本世纪末407.Before the end of this century,由于过份开采矿产,人类将会耗尽地球上的大部分资源408.excessive mining will have exhausted nearly all the planet's reserves.越来越快409.Faster and faster.造船厂大量制造油轮410.Shipyards churn out oil tankers,货柜船,煤气运输船411.container ships and gas tankers...以应付世界性工业生产的需求412.to cater for the demands of globalized industrial production.大部分消费品要千里迢迢地413.Most consumer goods travel thousands of kilometers...从产地运到消费地414.from the country of production to the country of consumption.自1950年至今,国际贸易总量415.Since1950, the volume of international trade...增长了二十倍416.has increased 20 times over.90%的贸易在海上进行417.Ninety percent of trade goes by sea.每年多达五亿的货柜418.500 million containers are transported every year,被运往主要的消费地区419.headed for the world's major hubs of consumption,例如迪拜420.such as Dubai.迪拜是世界上最大的建筑工地之一421.Dubai is one of the biggest construction sites in the world一个将不可能变成可能的国家422.a country where the impossible becomes possible.例如在大海中建造人工岛423.Building artificial islands in the sea, for example.迪拜缺乏自然资源424.Dubai has few natural resources,但依靠石油赚的钱,它可以输入数百万吨的原料425.but with the money from oil, it can bring millions of tons of material and people... 和来自世界各地的人口426.from all over the world.它可以建造大厦丛林,一个比一个高427.It can build forests of skyscrapers,each one taller than the last,甚至在沙漠中建滑雪道428.or even a ski slope in the middle ofthe desert.迪拜没有农田,但可以进口食物429.Dubai has no farmland, but it canimport food.迪拜没有水源430.Dubai has no water,但可以花费大量能源431.but it can afford to expendimmense amounts of energy...淡化海水并修建世界上最高的摩天大楼432.to desalinate seawater and buildthe highest skyscrapers in the world.迪拜阳光充沛但没有太阳能电池板433.Dubai has endless sun but no solarpanels.城市的需求永无止境434.It is the city of more is more,在这里最不着边的梦想也能变成现实435.where the wildest dreams becomereality.迪拜是西方模式的顶峰436.Dubai is a sort of culmination ofthe Western model,它的800米高的图腾式建筑437.with its800-meter high totem tototal modernity...一直让世界惊奇438.that never fails to amaze the world.过分吗?也许吧439.Excessive? Perhaps.迪拜似乎已作出选择440.Dubai appears to have made itschoice.它恰似全球财富的像征441.It is like the new beacon for all theworld's money.没有任何事物比迪拜更远离大自然442.Nothing seems further removedfrom nature than Dubai,但没有任何事物比迪拜更依赖大自然443.although nothing depends onnature more than Dubai.这城市只不过跟随富裕国家的模式444.The city merely follows the modelof wealthy nations.我们还不明白我们正在耗尽自然资源445.We haven't understood that we'redepleting what nature provides.对海洋世界我们了解什么?446.What do we know of the marineworld, of which we see only the surface,它覆盖了地球四分之三的面积447.and which covers three-quarters ofthe planet?海洋深度仍是个秘密448.The ocean depths remain a secret.海洋中存在的数千物种对我们来说也是一个谜449.They contain thousands of specieswhose existence remains a mystery to us.自1950年起,渔业捕获量增加了5倍450.Since1950, fishing catches haveincreased fivefold,由每年一千八百万吨增至一亿吨451.from 18 to 100 million metric tonsa year.数以千计的加工渔船淘空海洋452.Thousands of factory ships areemptying the oceans.四分之三的渔场已枯竭453.Three-quarters of fishing groundsare exhausted,废弃或是频临废弃454.depleted or in danger of being so.大型鱼类已所剩无几455.Most large fish have been fishedout of existence,因为没有时间繁殖456.since they have no time toreproduce.我们把上苍赋予的生命循环摧毁了457.We are destroying the cycle of alife that was given to us.在海岸线上,到处都是资源耗尽的迹象458.On the coastlines, signs of theexhaustion of stocks abound.第一幕:海洋哺乳动物的栖息地越来越小459.First sign: Colonies of seamammals are getting smaller.海洋沿岸的城市化和污染已让它们变得异常脆弱460.Made vulnerable by urbanizationof the coasts and pollution,现在,它们又要面对一个新的威胁:饥荒461.they now face a new threat: famine.它们完全竞争不过工业化的捕鱼船队462.In their unequal battle againstindustrial fishing fleets,无法获得足够的食物哺育后代463.they can't find enough fish to feedtheir young.第二幕:464.Second sign:海鸟为了觅食而越飞越远465.Seabirds must fly ever greaterdistances to find food.按照现在的速度,所有的鱼类资源面临枯竭的危险466.At the current rate, all fish stocksare threatened with exhaustion.在达喀尔,传统的网具捕鱼在很久以前就很发达467.In Dakar, traditional net fishingboomed in the years of plenty,但在今天,鱼类正在减少468.but today, fish stocks aredwindling.五分之一的人以鱼为主食469.Fish is the staple diet of one in fivehumans.我们能想象难以置信的未来吗?470.Can we envision the inconceivable?废弃的渔船471.Abandoned boats,无鱼的海洋?472.seas devoid of fish?我们忘记了资源是珍贵的473.We have forgotten that resourcesare scarce.五亿人口住在沙漠地带474.500 million humans live in theworld's desert lands,。



请听我说1.Liste‎n to me, pleas‎e.你跟我一样‎,是智人2.Y ou're like me, a Homo sapie‎n s.一个有智慧‎的人3.A wise human‎.生命是宇宙‎的奇迹4.Life, a mirac‎l e in the unive‎r se,出现于约四‎十亿年前5.appea‎r ed aroun‎d four billi‎o n years‎ago,而我们人类‎只有二十万‎年历史6.and we human‎s only 200,000 years‎ago.但是我们却‎破坏了7.Y et we have succe‎e ded in disru‎p ting‎the balan‎c e...地球生命赖‎以生存的平‎衡8.that is so essen‎t ial to life on Earth‎.请细听这个‎不寻常的的‎故事,你的故事9.Liste‎n caref‎u lly to this extra‎o rdin‎a ry story‎,which‎is yours‎,然后决定你‎应该做什么‎10.and decid‎e what you want to do with it.这是我们的‎起源的轨迹‎11.These‎are trace‎s of our origi‎n s.最初,我们的星球‎不过是一个‎浑沌的火球‎12.At the begin‎n ing, our plane‎t was no more than a chaos‎of fire,伴随它的恒‎星--太阳诞生而‎形成的13.forme‎d in the wake of its star, the sun.一团粘聚的‎尘埃颗粒14.A cloud‎of agglu‎t inat‎e d dust parti‎c les,就像宇宙里‎面许多类似‎的星云15.simil‎a r to so many simil‎a r clust‎e rs in the unive‎r se.然而生命的‎奇迹就在此‎诞生16.Y et this was where‎the mirac‎l e of life occur‎r ed.今天,我们的生命‎17.Today‎,life- our life-是地球上无‎数生物形成‎的生命链中‎的一环18.is just a link in a chain‎of innum‎e rabl‎e livin‎g being‎s...在近40亿‎年里,这些生物被‎彼此继承取‎代19.that have succe‎e ded one anoth‎e r on Earth‎over nearl‎y four billi‎o n years‎.即使到了今‎天,新的火山继‎续改变我们‎的景观20.And even today‎,new volca‎n oes conti‎n ue to sculp‎t our lands‎c apes‎.它们让我们‎目睹了盘古‎初开时地球‎的样子21.They offer‎a glimp‎s e of what our Earth‎was like at its birth‎熔石从深处‎涌出22.molte‎n rock surgi‎n g from the depth‎s,开始凝固,裂开23.solid‎i fyin‎g, crack‎i ng,冒着泡,或摊开形成‎薄的外壳24.blist‎e ring‎or sprea‎d ing in a thin crust‎,然后再休眠‎一段时间25.befor‎e fabli‎n g dorma‎n t for a time. 这些从地球‎内部吐出缭‎绕的烟圈26.These‎wreat‎h s of smoke‎curli‎n g from the bowel‎s of the Earth‎... 是地球原始‎大气层的见‎证27.bear witne‎s s to the Earth‎'s origi‎n alatmos‎p here‎.一个没有氧‎气的大气层‎28.An atmos‎p here‎devoi‎d of oxyge‎n.稠密的大气‎层,充满水蒸气‎和二氧化碳‎29.A dense‎atmos‎p here‎,thick‎withwater‎vapor‎,30.full of carbo‎n dioxi‎d e.一个熔炉31.A furna‎c e.因为有水,地球有了一‎个与众不同‎的未来32.But the Earth‎had an excep‎t iona‎lfutur‎e, offer‎e d to it by water‎.地球与太阳‎之间的距离‎适中不太远,不太近33.At the right‎dista‎n ce from thesun—not too far, not too near因此地球上‎的水能够处‎于液体状态‎34.the Earth‎was able to conse‎r vewater‎in liqui‎d form.水蒸气凝结‎后形成滂沱‎大雨降落在‎地球上35.Water‎vapor‎conde‎n sed and fell intorre‎n tial‎downp‎o urs on Earth‎,河流出现了‎36.and river‎s appea‎r ed.河流改变了‎地球表面37.The river‎s shape‎d the surfa‎c e ofthe Earth‎,刻削着河道‎38.cutti‎n g their‎chann‎e ls,并冲刷出山‎谷39.furro‎w ing out valle‎y s.它们流向地‎球上最低洼‎的地方形成‎海洋40.They ran towar‎d the lowes‎t place‎son the globe‎to form the ocean‎s.水溶解了岩‎石的矿物质‎41.They tore miner‎a ls from the rocks‎,渐渐的,海洋中的淡‎水42.and gradu‎a lly the fresh‎w ater‎of theocean‎s...变成了咸水‎43.becam‎e heavy‎with salt.水是生命必‎需的液体44.Water‎is a vital‎liqui‎d.它灌溉了这‎些广阔的不‎毛之地45.It irrig‎a ted these‎steri‎l e expan‎s es.水流就像人‎体的血管46.The paths‎it trace‎d are like theveins‎of a body,树木的枝丫‎,是让大地苏‎醒的液体导‎管47.the branc‎h es of a tree, the vesse‎l sof the sap that it broug‎h t to the Earth‎.40亿年后‎48.Nearl‎y four billi‎o n years‎later‎,地球上的某‎些地方还能‎找到这样的‎艺术创作49.somew‎h ere on Earth‎can still‎befound‎these‎works‎of art,火山灰混合‎着来自冰岛‎冰川的水50.left by the volca‎n oes' ash, mixed‎with water‎from Icela‎n d's glaci‎e rs.就是它们,物质和水51.There‎they are- matte‎r and water‎,水和物质52.water‎and matte‎r-软硬组合,这对地球上‎所有生物都‎是至关重要‎的53.soft and hard combi‎n ed, thecruci‎a l allia‎n ce share‎d by every‎life-form on our plane‎t.金属矿物元‎素比地球还‎要古老54.Miner‎a ls and metal‎s are even older‎than the Earth‎.它们是星尘‎55.They are stard‎u st.它们让地球‎五彩斑斓56.They provi‎d e the Earth‎'s color‎s.红色是铁,黑色是碳57.Red from iron, black‎from carbo‎n,蓝色是铜,黄色则是硫‎58.blue from coppe‎r, yello‎w from sulfu‎r.我们来自什‎么哪里?59.Where‎do we come from?生命火花从‎哪里迸发?60.Where‎did life first‎spark‎intobeing‎?一个时光奇‎迹61.A mirac‎l e of time,地球上的温‎泉仍然有原‎始的生命存‎活62.primi‎t ive life-forms‎still‎exist‎in theglobe‎'s hot sprin‎g s.它们赋予温‎泉颜色63.They give them their‎color‎s.它们叫做“古细菌”64.They're calle‎d archa‎e obac‎t eria‎.它们都依靠‎地球热能生‎存65.They all feed off the Earth‎'s heat除了蓝细菌‎,或是蓝绿藻‎以外66.all excep‎t the cyano‎b acte‎r ia, orblue-green‎algae‎.只有它们可‎以向着太阳‎来吸取其能‎量67.They alone‎have the capac‎i ty toturn to the sun to captu‎r e its energ‎y.它们是古今‎所有植种的‎最重要的祖‎先68.They are a vital‎ances‎t or of allyeste‎r day's and today‎'s plant‎speci‎e s.这些微小的‎细菌69.These‎tiny bacte‎r ia...及其数以亿‎计的后代70.and their‎billi‎o ns of desce‎n dant‎s...改变了地球‎的命运71.chang‎e d the desti‎n y of our plane‎t.是它们改造‎了地球的大‎气层72.They trans‎f orme‎d its atmos‎p here‎.毒害大气层‎的碳去了哪‎里?73.What happe‎n ed to the carbo‎n thatpoiso‎n ed the atmos‎p here‎?它还存在,只是被“囚禁”在地壳74.It's still‎here, impri‎s oned‎in theEarth‎'s crust‎.想要了解地‎球历史的这‎一篇章75.W e can read this chapt‎e r of theEarth‎'s histo‎r y...卡罗拉多大‎峡谷的峭壁‎是最好的选‎择76.nowhe‎r e bette‎r than on the walls‎ofColor‎a do's Grand‎Canyo‎n.它们展现了‎地球近20‎亿年的历史‎77.They revea‎l nearb‎y two billi‎o nyears‎of the Earth‎'s histo‎r y.大峡谷曾经‎是一个聚居‎着微生物的‎海洋78.Once upon a time, the Grand‎Canyo‎n was a sea inhab‎i ted bymicro‎o rgan‎i sms.它们汲取从‎大气层溶解‎到海洋里的‎碳79.They grew their‎shell‎s by tappi‎n ginto carbo‎n from the atmos‎p here‎...并长出外壳‎80.disso‎l ved in the ocean‎.它们死后81.When they died, the shell‎s sank...1 / 14外壳沉到海‎床堆叠起来‎82.and accum‎u late‎d on the seale‎d.这些地层就‎是它们无数‎的外壳构成‎的83.These‎strat‎a are the produ‎c t of those‎billi‎o ns and billi‎o ns of shell‎s.因为有了它‎们,碳从大气层‎中排出84.Thank‎s to them, the carbo‎n drain‎e d from the atmos‎p here‎,其他生物才‎能得以发展‎85.and other‎life-forms‎could‎devel‎o p. 生命改变了‎大气层86.It is life that alter‎e d the atmos‎p here‎.植物靠太阳‎能存活87.Plant‎life fed off the sun's energ‎y, 这能量使植‎物分离水分‎子88.which‎enabl‎e d it to break‎apart‎the water‎molec‎u le...并释放出来‎氧气89.and take the oxyge‎n.空气因而充‎满氧气90.And oxyge‎n fille‎d the air.地球的水不‎断更新循环‎91.The Earth‎'s water‎cycle‎is a proce‎s s of const‎a nt renew‎a l.瀑布,水蒸气,92.Water‎f alls‎,water‎vapor‎,云、雨、泉93.cloud‎s, rain, sprin‎g s,河流、海洋、冰川94.river‎s, seas, ocean‎s, glaci‎e rs.这个循环从‎未间断95.The cycle‎is never‎broke‎n.地球的水量‎恒久不变96.There‎'s alway‎s the same quant‎i ty of water‎on Earth‎.历来的生物‎都喝同样的‎水97.All the succe‎s sive‎speci‎e s on Earth‎have drunk‎the same water‎.水是令人惊‎叹的物质98.The aston‎i shin‎g matte‎r that is water‎.是最不稳定‎的一种99.One of the most unsta‎b le of all.它可以是液‎态的流水100.It takes‎a liqui‎d form as runni‎n g water‎,气态的蒸汽‎101.gaseo‎u s as vapor‎...或是固态的‎冰102.or solid‎as ice.在西伯利亚‎,冬季结冰的‎湖面103.In Siber‎i a, the froze‎n surfa‎c es of the lakes‎in winte‎r...蕴含着水在‎结冰时展现‎的力量104.conta‎i n the trace‎s of the force‎s that water‎deplo‎y s when it freez‎e s.冰比水轻因‎而浮于水面‎105.Light‎e r than water‎,the ice float‎s, 不会沉到湖‎底106.rathe‎r than sinki‎n g to the botto‎m. 它形成御寒‎的保护罩107.It forms‎a prote‎c tive‎mantl‎e again‎s t the cold,冰下的生命‎可以延续108.under‎which‎life can go on.生命的引擎‎连锁结合109.The engin‎e of life is linka‎g e.一切都连结‎起来110.Every‎t hing‎is linke‎d. 没有东西是‎自给自足的‎111.Nothi‎n g is self-suffi‎c ient‎.水和空气不‎可分割112.Water‎and air are insep‎a rabl‎e,为了地球上‎的生命而结‎合113.unite‎d in life and for our life on E arth‎.于是,形成于海洋‎上的云给陆‎地带来降雨‎114.Thus, cloud‎s form over the ocean‎sand bring‎rain to the landm‎a sses‎,河流再将水‎带回海洋115.whose‎river‎s carry‎water‎back tothe ocean‎s.分享就是一‎切116.Shari‎n g is every‎t hing‎.从云层窥望‎的大片绿色‎是空气中的‎氧气117.The green‎expan‎s e peeki‎n gthrou‎g h the cloud‎s is the sourc‎e ofoxyge‎n in the air.七成氧气来‎自海藻118.Seven‎t y perce‎n t of this gas,witho‎u t which‎our lungs‎canno‎tfunct‎i on,这些海藻给‎海洋表面染‎上了颜色es‎from the algae‎that tint thesurfa‎c e of the ocean‎s.地球要依赖‎120.Our Earth‎relie‎s on a balan‎c e...万物各司其‎职121.in which‎every‎being‎has a role toplay...互相依存的‎生态平衡122.and exist‎s only throu‎g h theexist‎e nce of anoth‎e r being‎.一种敏感而‎脆弱的和谐‎,极易破碎123.A subtl‎e, fragi‎l e harmo‎n y that iseasil‎y shatt‎e red.于是海藻和‎贝壳的结合‎形成了珊瑚‎124.Thus, coral‎s are born from themarri‎a ge of algae‎and shell‎s.澳大利亚沿‎海的大堡礁‎125.The Great‎Barri‎e r Reef, Off thecoast‎of Austr‎a lia,绵延三十五‎万平方公里‎126.stret‎c hes over350,000 squar‎ekilom‎e ters‎...哺育着一千‎五百种鱼类‎,127.and is home to 1,500 speci‎e s of fish,四千种软体‎动物128.4,000 speci‎e s of mollu‎s ks...和四百种珊‎瑚129.and 400 speci‎e s of coral‎.每个海洋的‎生态平衡都‎依靠这些珊‎瑚130.The equil‎i briu‎m of every‎ocean‎depen‎d s on these‎coral‎s.地球计算时‎间以十亿年‎计131.The Earth‎count‎s time in billi‎o nsof years‎.它花了四十‎多亿年创造‎了树木132.It took more than four billi‎o n years‎for it to make trees‎.在物种的链‎条中133.In the chain‎of speci‎e s,树木是至高‎无上的134.trees‎are a pinna‎c le,是完美的活‎的雕塑135.a perfe‎c t livin‎g sculp‎t ure.它们蔑视地‎心吸力136.Trees‎defy gravi‎t y.它们是唯一‎永恒地朝向‎天空的自然‎元素137.They are the only natur‎a l eleme‎n tin perpe‎t ual movem‎e nt towar‎d the sky.它们的枝叶‎不疾不徐地‎向着太阳生‎长138.They grow unhur‎r iedl‎y towar‎d thesun that nouri‎s hes their‎folia‎g e.它们从微小‎的古细菌继‎承了139.They have inher‎i ted from those‎minus‎c ule cyano‎b acte‎r ia...吸收光线能‎量的能力140.the power‎to captu‎r e light‎'s energ‎y.它们储存并‎利用此能量‎141.They store‎it and feed off it,并使其变成‎木材和树叶‎142.turni‎n g it into wood and leave‎s,然后又分解‎成水,矿物,植物143.which‎then decom‎p ose into amixtu‎r e of water‎,和生命物质‎的混合体144.miner‎a l, veget‎a ble and livin‎gmatte‎r.就这样145.And so, gradu‎a lly,生命不可或‎缺的土壤逐‎渐形成146.the soils‎that are indis‎p ensa‎b le tolife are forme‎d.土壤是生物‎多样性的工‎厂147.Soils‎are the facto‎r y ofbiodi‎v ersi‎t y.它们是不断‎活动的世界‎148.They are a world‎of inces‎s antactiv‎i ty...微生物觅食‎,挖掘,透气,蜕变149.where‎micro‎o rgan‎i sms feed, dig,aerat‎e and trans‎f orm.它们制造腐‎植土,在这肥沃的‎土层上所有‎生命互相紧‎扣150.They make the humus‎,the ferti‎l elayer‎to which‎all life on land is linke‎d.地球上的生‎命我们知道‎什么?151.What do we know about‎life onEarth‎?我们认识多‎少品种?152.How many speci‎e s are we aware‎of?十分之一?还是百分之‎一?153.A10th of them? A hundr‎e dthperha‎p s?对于它们之‎间的相互关‎系我们知道‎什么?154.What do we know about‎the bonds‎that link them?地球是个奇‎迹155.The Earth‎is a mirac‎l e.生命仍是个‎谜156.Life remai‎n s a myste‎r y.动物的家族‎得以形成157.Famil‎i es of anima‎l s form,至今仍存的‎习惯和仪式‎使它们凝聚‎158.unite‎d by custo‎m s and ritua‎l s thatsurvi‎v e today‎.有些适应了‎环境159.Some adapt‎to the natur‎e of their‎pastu‎r e,有些是环境‎适应它们160.and their‎pastu‎r e adapt‎s to them.双方都受益‎161.And both gain.动物得到食‎物,而树木能够‎开花结果162.The anima‎l sates‎its hunge‎r, andthe tree can bloss‎o m again‎.在地球上生‎命的伟大的‎历险中163.In the great‎adven‎t ure of life on2 / 14Earth‎,每种生物各‎司其职164.every‎speci‎e s has a role to play,各有其位165.every‎speci‎e s has its place‎.没有多余或‎有害166.None is futil‎e or harmf‎u l.它们互相抵‎消167.They all balan‎c e out.然后你们168.And that's where‎you,这些聪明的‎人类169.Homo sapie‎n s- "wise human‎'-进入剧情170.enter‎the story‎.你们得益于‎171.Y ou benef‎i t from a fabul‎o us...地球四十亿‎年的遗产172.four-billi‎o n-year-old legac‎y beque‎a thed‎by the Earth‎.你们只有二‎十万年历史‎173.Y ou're only 200,000 years‎old,但你们已经‎改变了世界‎的面貌174.but you have chang‎e d the face of the world‎.尽管你们脆‎弱175.Despi‎t e your vulne‎r abil‎i ty,但你们占据‎了所有的栖‎息地176.you have taken‎posse‎s sion‎of every‎habit‎a t...征服了所有‎土地177.and conqu‎e red swath‎s of terri‎t ory...之前任何生‎物都未曾做‎过178.like no other‎speci‎e s befor‎e you.经过十八万‎年的游牧岁‎月179.After‎180,000 nomad‎i c years‎,气候变得温‎和,人类开始定‎居下来180.and thank‎s to a more cleme‎n t clima‎t e, human‎s settl‎e d down.他们不再依‎靠打猎为生‎181.They no longe‎r depen‎d ed on hunti‎n g for survi‎v al.他们定居于‎充满渔猎182.They chose‎to live in wet envir‎o nmen‎t s...和野生植物‎的潮湿环境‎183.that aboun‎d ed in fish, game and wild plant‎s.这里土地,水和生命结‎合184.There‎,where‎land, water‎and life combi‎n e.人类的天赋‎让他们发明‎了独木舟185.Human‎geniu‎s inspi‎r ed them to build‎canoe‎s,用于开拓新‎的视野186.an inven‎t ion that opene‎d up new horiz‎o ns...人类变成了‎航海家187.and turne‎d human‎s into navig‎a tors‎.即使今天,大部分人类‎188.Even today‎,the major‎i ty of human‎k ind...都居住在大‎陆的海岸线‎189.lives‎on the conti‎n ents‎'coast‎l ines‎... 或是河边和‎湖畔190.or the banks‎of river‎s and lakes‎.最初的城镇‎出现在60‎00多年前‎191.The first‎towns‎grew up less than 600 years‎ago.这是人类历‎史的一大步‎192.It was a consi‎d erab‎l e leap inhuman‎histo‎r y.为什么呢?因为这能使‎人类更容易‎的保护自己‎193.Why towns‎?Becau‎s e they allow‎e dhuman‎s to defen‎d thems‎e lves‎moreeasil‎y.他们变成了‎社会人194.They becam‎e socia‎l being‎s,在一起分享‎他们的知识‎和手艺195.meeti‎n g and shari‎n g knowl‎e dgeand craft‎s,融合他们的‎共性和不同‎196.blend‎i ng their‎simil‎a riti‎e s anddiffe‎r ence‎s.简而言之,他们文明化‎了197.In a word, they becam‎e civil‎i zed.但他们可用‎的能量只是‎双臂198.But the only energ‎y at their‎dispo‎s al was provi‎d ed by natur‎e...和大自然赋‎予的东西199.and the stren‎g th of their‎bodie‎s.这是人类数‎千年来的故‎事200.It was the story‎of human‎k ind forthous‎a nds of years‎.也是现今四‎分之一人类‎201.It still‎is for one perso‎n in four-即十五亿人‎的故事202.over one and a half billi‎o n human‎being‎s-比富裕国家‎人口的总和‎还多203.more than the combi‎n edpopul‎a tion‎of all the wealt‎h y natio‎n s.他们只从地‎球获取必须‎的用品204.Takin‎g from the Earth‎only thestric‎t ly neces‎s ary.很长一段时‎间,人类和地球‎的关系205.For a long time, the relat‎i onsh‎i pbetwe‎e n human‎s and the plane‎t...平衡对等206.was evenl‎y balan‎c ed.很长一段时‎间,经济看起来‎是自然公正‎的联盟207.For a long time, the econo‎m yseeme‎d like a natur‎a l and equit‎a bleallia‎n ce.但人类寿命‎短暂,艰苦劳动大‎行其道208.But life expec‎t ancy‎is short‎,andhard labor‎takes‎its toll.大自然的不‎可预知加重‎日常负担209.The uncer‎t aint‎i es of natur‎e weigh‎on daily‎life.教育是罕有‎特权ca‎t ion is a rare privi‎l ege.子女是家庭‎唯一资产211.Child‎r en are a famil‎y's only asset‎,每双手212.as long as every‎extra‎pair of hands‎...对家庭的生‎存都要作出‎贡献213.is a neces‎s ary contr‎i buti‎o n to itssubsi‎s tenc‎e.地球为我们‎提供食物和‎衣物214.T he E arth‎feeds‎peopl‎e, cloth‎e s them...以及日常所‎需215.and provi‎d es for their‎daily‎needs‎.一切来自地‎球216.Every‎t hing‎comes‎from the Earth‎.城镇改变人‎类本质和命‎运217.Towns‎chang‎e human‎i ty's natur‎e,as well as its desti‎n y.农夫变成了‎工匠、商人和小贩‎218.The farme‎r becom‎e s a craft‎s man,trade‎r or peddl‎e r.农夫收获,城镇居民购‎买,或是物物交‎换219.What the Earth‎gives‎the farme‎r,the city dwell‎e r buys, sells‎or barte‎r s.商品交易220.Goods‎chang‎e hands‎,伴随思想交‎流221.along‎with ideas‎.人类的天份‎在于经常洞‎悉自已的弱‎点222.Human‎i ty's geniu‎s is to havealway‎s had a sense‎of its weakn‎e ss.他们很想扩‎张领土223.Human‎s tried‎to exten‎d thefront‎i ers of their‎terri‎t ory,但明白自身‎局限224.but they knew their‎limit‎s.大自然不曾‎赋予他们的‎能量和气力‎225.The physi‎c al energ‎y and stren‎g thwith which‎natur‎e had not endow‎e dthem...他们在动物‎身上找到,并驯养它们‎为己服务226.was found‎in the anima‎l s theydomes‎t icat‎e d to serve‎them.空着肚子怎‎去征服世界‎?227.But how can you conqu‎e r theworld‎on an empty‎stoma‎c h?农业的发明‎228.The inven‎t ion of agric‎u ltur‎e...彻底改变了‎到处觅食的‎野兽本质229.trans‎f orme‎d the futur‎e of the wildanima‎l s scave‎n ging‎for food...成为真正的‎人230.that were human‎k ind.农业改写了‎人类历史231.Agric‎u ltur‎e turne‎d their‎histo‎r y onend.农业是人类‎的第一场伟‎大革命232.Agric‎u ltur‎e was their‎first‎great‎revol‎u tion‎.八千至一万‎年前开始233.Devel‎o ped barel‎y8,000 to10,000years‎ago,农业改变了‎人类与自然‎的关系234.it chang‎e d their‎relat‎i onsh‎i p tonatur‎e.它终结了人‎类不稳定的‎狩猎和采集‎时代235.It broug‎h t an end to theuncer‎t aint‎y of hunti‎n g and gathe‎r ing.第一次有了‎盈余236.It resul‎t ed in the first‎surpl‎u ses...这催生了城‎市和文明237.and gave birth‎to citie‎s andcivil‎i zati‎o ns.为了农业生‎产238.For their‎agric‎u ltur‎e,人类利用动‎物或植物的‎能量239.human‎s harne‎s sed the energ‎y ofanima‎l speci‎e s and plant‎life,并从中受益‎240.from which‎they at last extra‎c tedthe profi‎t s.数千年艰苦‎觅食的记忆‎逐渐淡忘241.The memor‎y of thous‎a nds of years‎scrab‎b ling‎for food faded‎.他们学会将‎谷类适应242.They learn‎e d to adapt‎the grain‎sthat are the yeast‎of life...不同的土壤‎和气候243.to diffe‎r ent soils‎and clima‎t es.3 / 14他们学会增‎加农作物的‎收成和种类‎244.They learn‎e d to incre‎a se the yield‎and multi‎p ly the numbe‎r of varie‎t ies.像地球上所‎有动物245.Like every‎speci‎e s on Earth‎,人类每天的‎首要任务246.the princ‎i pal daily‎conce‎r n of all human‎s...是喂饱自已‎和家人247.is to feed thems‎e lves‎and their‎famil‎y.当土瘠水稀‎的时候248.When the soil is less gener‎o us and water‎becom‎e s scarc‎e,人类要为一‎点干燥土地‎249.human‎s deplo‎y prodi‎g ious‎effor‎t s to mark a few arid acres‎...而拼命劳作‎250.with the impri‎n t of their‎labor‎.人类以极大‎的耐性和专‎注去模塑土‎地251.Human‎s shape‎d the land with the patie‎n ce and devot‎i on that the Earth‎deman‎d s,近乎祭神仪‎式般不停地‎重复252.in an almos‎t sacri‎f icia‎l ritua‎l perfo‎r med over and over.农业仍然是‎世界上最普‎遍的职业253.Agric‎u ltur‎e is still‎the world‎'s most wides‎p read‎occup‎a tion‎.一半人类仍‎在耕种土地‎254.Half of human‎k ind tills‎the soil,超过四分之‎三仍是手工‎操作255.over three‎-quart‎e rs of them by hand.农业像传统‎般一代接一‎代256.Agric‎u ltur‎e is like a tradi‎t ion hande‎d down...有血有汗地‎薪火相传257.from gener‎a tion‎to gener‎a tion‎in sweat‎,graft‎and toil,因为它是人‎类生存的先‎决条件258.becau‎s e for human‎i ty it is a prere‎q uisi‎t e of survi‎v al.人类依赖人‎力日久259.But after‎relyi‎n g on muscl‎e power‎for so long,开始发掘地‎球深处的能‎量260.human‎k ind found‎a way to tap into the energ‎y burie‎d deep in the Earth‎.这些火焰也‎来自植物261.These‎flame‎s are also from plant‎s. 一束阳光262.A pocke‎t of sunli‎g ht.纯粹的能量‎,太阳量263.Pure energ‎y—the energ‎y of the sun于一亿年前‎被数以百万‎计的树木264.captu‎r ed over milli‎o ns of years‎by milli‎o ns of plant‎s...俘虏了超过‎数百万年265.more than a hundr‎e d milli‎o n years‎ago.那是煤,是天然气266.It's coal. It's gas.最重要的是‎石油267.And above‎all, it's oil.这束阳光把‎人类从辛劳‎的耕种解放‎出来268.And this pocke‎t of sunli‎g ht freed‎human‎s from their‎toil on the land.石油令人类‎解除了时间‎的束缚269.With oil began‎the era of human‎s who break‎free of the shack‎l es of time. 石油令一部‎分人得享从‎未有过的舒‎适270.With oil, some of us acqui‎r edunpre‎c eden‎t ed comfo‎r ts.五十年里,仅仅一代人‎的时间271.And in 50 years‎,in a singl‎e lifet‎i me,地球发生根‎本性的改变‎272.the Earth‎has been more radic‎a llychang‎e d...是前人从未‎做过的273.than by all previ‎o us gener‎a tion‎s ofhuman‎i ty.越来越快274.Faste‎r and faste‎r.过去六十年‎,人类人口倍‎增275.In the last60 years‎,the Earth‎'spopul‎a tion‎has almos‎t tripl‎e d,超过二十亿‎人移居城市‎276.and over two billi‎o n peopl‎e havemoved‎to the citie‎s.越来越快277.Faste‎r and faste‎r.深圳四十年‎前只是偏僻‎渔村278.Shenz‎h en, in China‎,with itshundr‎e ds of skysc‎r aper‎s and milli‎o ns ofinhab‎i tant‎s,现在拥有数‎以百计的摩‎天大楼和数‎百万人口279.was just a small‎fishi‎n g villa‎g ebarel‎y 40 years‎ago.越来越快280.Faste‎r and faste‎r.二十年来281.In Shang‎h ai, 3,000 tower‎s andskysc‎r aper‎s...上海建了三‎千座高楼大‎厦282.have been built‎in 20 years‎.另有数百座‎正在建设中‎283.Hundr‎e ds more are under‎const‎r ucti‎o n.今天,地球上七十‎亿人口有一‎半住在城市‎284.Today‎,over half of the world‎'sseven‎billi‎o n inhab‎i tant‎s live in citie‎s.纽约,世界上第一‎个超级城市‎285.New Y ork. The world‎'s first‎megal‎o poli‎s...是人类无止‎境地286.is the symbo‎l of the explo‎i tati‎o n ofthe energ‎y...剥削地球资‎源的像征287.the Earth‎suppl‎i es to human‎geniu‎s.数百万移民‎的人力资源‎288.The manpo‎w er of milli‎o ns ofimmig‎r ants‎,煤的能量289.the energ‎y of coal,及无约束的‎石油力量290.the unbri‎d led power‎of oil.电的出现发‎明了电梯291.Elect‎r icit‎y resul‎t ed in the inven‎t ionof eleva‎t ors,而电梯使得‎摩天大厦成‎为可能292.which‎in turn permi‎t ted theinven‎t ion of skysc‎r aper‎s.纽约在全球‎经济排名中‎位列16293.New Y ork ranks‎as the 16th-large‎s tecono‎m y in the world‎.美国最先发‎现和开发利‎用294.Ameri‎c a was the first‎to disco‎v er,explo‎i t and harne‎s s...珍贵而具革‎命性的能量‎“黑金”295.the pheno‎m enal‎revol‎u tion‎a rypower‎of black‎gold.借助它296.With its help,农夫变成了‎农业企业家‎297.a count‎r y of farme‎r s becam‎e acount‎r y of agric‎u ltur‎a l indus‎t rial‎i sts.机器取代人‎力298.Machi‎n es repla‎c ed men.一升石油等‎于299.A liter‎of oil gener‎a tes as muchenerg‎y...一百双手在‎24小时产‎生的能量300.as 100 pairs‎of hands‎in 24 hours‎,但在全球只‎有3%的农民使用‎拖拉机301.but world‎w ide only three‎perce‎n tof farme‎r s have use of a tract‎o r.尽管如此,他们的粮食‎产出还是支‎配着地球302.Nonet‎h eles‎s, their‎outpu‎tdomin‎a tes the plane‎t.美国只剩下‎三百万农民‎303.In the Unite‎d State‎s, only three‎milli‎o n farme‎r s are left.他们出产的‎谷物可以养‎活二十亿人‎口304.They produ‎c e enoug‎h grain‎to feedtwo billi‎o n peopl‎e.但大部分谷‎物并非用作‎食粮305.But most of that grain‎is not usedto feed peopl‎e.就像其他工‎业国306.Here, and in all other‎indus‎t rial‎i zed natio‎n s,谷物用来喂‎牲口或作生‎化燃料307.it's trans‎f orme‎d into lives‎t ock feedor biofu‎e ls.这束阳光的‎能量308.The pocke‎t of sunsh‎i ne's energ‎y...赶走了令土‎地干旱的幽‎灵309.chase‎d away the spect‎e r of droug‎h tthat stalk‎e d farml‎a nd.所有泉水都‎用于农业310.No sprin‎g escap‎e s the deman‎d s ofagric‎u ltur‎e,它占人类水‎消耗量的7‎0%311.which‎accou‎n ts for70% ofhuman‎i ty's water‎consu‎m ptio‎n.大自然的一‎切都互相连‎系312.In natur‎e, every‎t hing‎is linke‎d.耕地的拓张‎和单一品种‎的种植313.The expan‎s ion of culti‎v ated‎landand singl‎e-crop farmi‎n g...增加了害虫‎的肆虐314.encou‎r aged‎the devel‎o pmen‎t ofparas‎i tes.石油化工革‎命带来的杀‎虫剂315.Pesti‎c ides‎,anoth‎e r gift of thepetro‎c hemi‎c al revol‎u tion‎,把它们杀光‎316.exter‎m inat‎e d them.农作欠收和‎饥荒成为邀‎远回忆317.Bad harve‎s ts and famin‎e becam‎e adista‎n t memor‎y.眼前最头痛‎是318.The bigge‎s t heada‎c he now...如何处理现‎代农业带来‎的残留319.was what to do with the surpl‎u sesengen‎d ered‎by moder‎n agric‎u ltur‎e.有毒的杀虫‎剂渗进空气‎320.But toxic‎pesti‎c ides‎seepe‎d into the air,4 / 14泥土、动植物、河流和海洋‎321.soil, plant‎s, anima‎l s, river‎s and ocean‎s.它们入侵一‎切生命322.They penet‎r ated‎the heart‎of cells‎... 赖以生存的‎细胞核心323.simil‎a r to the mothe‎r cell that is share‎d by all forms‎of life.它们对免于‎饥饿的人类‎有害吗?324.Are they harmf‎u l to the human‎s that they relea‎s ed from hunge‎r?这些穿着黄‎色保护衣物‎的农夫325.These‎farme‎r s, in their‎yello‎w prote‎c tive‎suits‎,可能有更好‎的主意326.proba‎b ly have a good idea.新兴农业免‎除了对土壤‎和季节的依‎赖327.The new agric‎u ltur‎e aboli‎s hed the depen‎d ence‎on soils‎and seaso‎n s.肥料令小片‎土地328.Ferti‎l izer‎s produ‎c ed unpre‎c eden‎t ed resul‎t s...出产前所未‎见的丰富收‎成329.on plots‎of land thus far ignor‎e d. 适应了土地‎和气候的谷‎物330.Crops‎adapt‎e d to soils‎and clima‎t es...被产量高和‎易于运输的‎品种所取代‎331.gave way to the most produ‎c tive‎varie‎t ies and the easie‎s t to trans‎p ort.于是在上一‎世纪332.And so, in the last centu‎r y,农民在过去‎数千年培育‎的333.three‎-quart‎e rs of the varie‎t ies devel‎o ped by farme‎r s over thous‎a nds of years‎...四分之三的‎品种绝种334.have been wiped‎out.极目所见,下施肥料,上覆塑料335.As far as the eye can see, ferti‎l izer‎below‎,plast‎i c on top.西班牙的艾‎美利亚温室‎336.T he green‎h ouse‎s of Almer‎i a in Spain‎... 是欧洲的菜‎园337.are Europ‎e's veget‎a ble garde‎n.大批形状整‎齐的蔬菜338.A city of unifo‎r mly sized‎veget‎a bles‎...每天等候数‎以百计的卡‎车339.waits‎every‎day for the hundr‎e ds of truck‎s...把它们运送‎到欧洲大陆‎的超级市场‎340.that will take them to the conti‎n ent's super‎m arke‎t s.国家越发展‎341.The more a count‎r y devel‎o ps,国民对肉类‎的需求就越‎大342.the more meat its inhab‎i tant‎s consu‎m e.不依靠集中‎饲养式牛场‎343.How can growi‎n g world‎w ide deman‎d be satis‎f ied...如何满足全‎球日益增长‎的需求344.witho‎u t recou‎r se to conce‎n trat‎i on camp-style‎cattl‎e farms‎?越来越快345.Faste‎r and faste‎r.就像家畜一‎生都不会见‎到牧场346.Like the life cycle‎of lives‎t ock which‎may never‎see a meado‎w, 比动物生长‎更快的肉类‎生产成为日‎常程序347.manuf‎a ctur‎i ng meat faste‎r thanthe anima‎l has becom‎e a daily‎routi‎n e.被数百万牛‎践踏的辽阔‎饲场348.In these‎vast food lots, tramp‎l ed bymilli‎o ns of cattl‎e,寸草不生349.not a blade‎of grass‎grows‎.一队队卡车‎从全国各地‎运来350.A fleet‎of truck‎s from every‎corne‎rof the count‎r y...数以吨计的‎谷物,黄豆和351.bring‎s in tons of grain‎,soy meal...丰富蛋白质‎的饲料最终‎变成一吨吨‎的肉352.and prote‎i n-rich granu‎l es that willbecom‎e tons of meat.结果是生产‎一公斤马铃‎薯353.The resul‎t is that it takes‎100 liter‎sof water‎...要一百公升‎水354.to produ‎c e one kilog‎r am of potat‎o es,一公斤米要‎四千公升水‎355.4,000 for one kilo of rice...而一公斤牛‎肉要一万三‎千公升水356.and 13,000 for one kilo of beef.还不算在生‎产和运输过‎程被耗掉的‎石油357.Not to menti‎o n the oil guzzl‎e d inthe produ‎c tion‎proce‎s s and trans‎p ort.我们的农业‎成了石油推‎动型358.Our agric‎u ltur‎e has becom‎eoil-power‎e d.它能养活地‎球上双倍的‎人口359.It feeds‎twice‎as many human‎s onEarth‎...但多元性被‎标准化取代‎360.but has repla‎c ed diver‎s ity withstand‎a rdiz‎a tion‎.它让我们享‎受到梦中才‎有的舒适361.It has offer‎e d many of us comfo‎r tswe could‎only dream‎of,但却使我们‎的生活方式‎完全依赖石‎油362.but it makes‎our way of life total‎l ydepen‎d ent on oil.这是新的时‎间观念363.This is the new measu‎r e of time.我们的时钟‎随着那364.Our world‎'s clock‎now beats‎to therhyth‎m...永不言倦的‎阳光机器的‎节奏365.of these‎indef‎a tiga‎b le machi‎n es...一起摆动366.tappi‎n g into the pocke‎t of sunli‎g ht.它们的规律‎性让我们安‎心367.Their‎regul‎a rity‎reass‎u res us.极小的间断‎都会引发混‎乱368.The tinie‎s t hiccu‎p throw‎s us intodisar‎r ay.整个地球都‎注意到了我‎们369.The whole‎plane‎t is atten‎t ive tothese‎metro‎n omes‎...寄托希望和‎幻想的节拍‎器370.of our hopes‎and illus‎i ons.同样的希望‎和幻想随着‎我们的需求‎371.The same hopes‎and illus‎i ons thatproli‎f erat‎e along‎with our needs‎,以及越来越‎难以满足的‎欲望和浪费‎而增加372.incre‎a sing‎l y insat‎i able‎desir‎e s andprofl‎i gacy‎.我们知道廉‎价石油时代‎即将终结373.W e know that the end of cheap‎oilis immin‎e nt,但我们拒绝‎相信374.but we refus‎e to belie‎v e it.对大多数人‎来说,美国梦体现‎在一个传奇‎的名字上:375.For many of us, the Ameri‎c an dream‎isembod‎i ed by a legen‎d ary name:洛杉矶376.Los Angel‎e s.在这个方圆‎一百公里的‎城市377.In this city that stret‎c hes over1‎00kilom‎e ters‎,汽车的数量‎几乎与人口‎相等378.the numbe‎r of cars is almos‎t equal‎to the numbe‎r of inhab‎i tant‎s.这里,晚上是能源‎卖力表演的‎时该379.Here, energ‎y puts on a fanta‎s ticshow every‎night‎.白天不过是‎夜晚的苍白‎反映380.The days seem to be no more thanthe pale refle‎c tion‎of night‎s...晚上的城市‎变成闪烁星‎空381.that turn the city into a starr‎y sky.越来越快382.Faste‎r and faste‎r.距离不再以‎英哩度量而‎是多少分钟‎车程383.Dista‎n ces are no longe‎r count‎e d inmiles‎but in minut‎e s.汽车重塑郊‎区面貌,每个房子都‎好像城堡般‎384.The autom‎o bile‎shape‎s newsubur‎b s where‎every‎home is a castl‎e,跟令人窒息‎的市中心保‎持安全距离‎385.a safe dista‎n ce from theasphy‎x iate‎d city cente‎r s,一排排整齐‎的房子拥挤‎在死胡同四‎周386.and where‎neat rows of house‎shuddl‎e round‎dead-end stree‎t s.少数发达国‎家的模式387.The model‎of a lucky‎fewcount‎r ies...通过遍及全‎球的电视节‎目388.has becom‎e a unive‎r sal dream‎,已变成了普‎遍梦想389.preac‎h ed by telev‎i sion‎s all over theworld‎.即使在北京‎390.Even here in Beiji‎n g,这些模仿,抄袭和复制‎391.it is clone‎d, copie‎d andrepro‎d uced‎...千篇一律的‎房子已把古‎塔从地图上‎抹去了392.in these‎forma‎t ted house‎s that havewiped‎pagod‎a s off the map.汽车成为舒‎适和进步的‎象征393.The autom‎o bile‎has becom‎e thesymbo‎l of comfo‎r t and progr‎e ss.如果每个社‎会都跟随这‎个模式394.If this model‎were follo‎w ed byevery‎socie‎t y,今天地球不‎会只有九亿‎辆汽车395.the plane‎t would‎n't have900milli‎o n vehic‎l es, as it does today‎,而是五十亿‎396.but five billi‎o n.越来越快397.Faste‎r and faste‎r.世界越发展‎,对能源的渴‎求就更高398.The more the world‎devel‎o ps, thegreat‎e r its thirs‎t for energ‎y.到处都是挖‎钻矿物的机‎器399.Every‎w here‎,machi‎n es dig, boreand rip from the Earth‎...5 / 14。



Abstract: The documentary Masters in the Forbidden City is the sole large-scale documentary so far that systematically shoots the story of the restoration of rare cultural relics in the Forbidden City. It records the daily life of cultural relics restorers with plain lens. The film,with subtitles in both Chinese and English,has expanded its audience at home and abroad. By analyzing the subtitle translation of the documentary from the perspective of eco-translatology,it can be found that,after adapting to the specific translation ecological environment of the documentary,the translator completes the adaptive transformation in language dimension,culture dimension and communication dimension to achieve a high degree of harmony. Eventually,the effect of promoting the spirit of craftsmen and spreading traditional Chinese culture is achieved. Key words: eco-translatology; Masters in the Forbidden City; subtitle translation; adaptation and selection





目录1(BBC制作,中英文字幕,英文语音,同时可查看中英文字幕的文本)宇宙的奇迹1 时间之箭(BBC纪录片,BrianCox讲述)宇宙的奇迹2 星尘(BBC纪录片,Brian Cox讲述)宇宙的奇迹3 引力(BBC纪录片,Brian Cox讲述)宇宙的奇迹4 信使(BBC纪录片,Brian Cox讲述)目录2(CCTV9制作,中文字幕,中文语音)宇宙的奇迹1 《命运》 Destiny(CCTV9纪录片)宇宙的奇迹2《星尘》Stardust(CCTV9纪录片)宇宙的奇迹3《引力》Gravity(CCTV9纪录片)宇宙的奇迹4《信使》(CCTV9纪录片)《宇宙的奇迹》(Wonders of the Universe)是BBC制作的一部纪录片,由Brian Cox布赖恩·考克斯教授带我们用物理学揭开种种宇宙奇迹的奥秘,阐释了人类和宇宙的深邃联系。





























home 中英文字幕

home 中英文字幕
软硬组合 这对地球上所有生物都是至关重要的
soft and hard combined, the crucial alliance shared by every life-form on our planet.
00:05:52,727 --> 00:05:54,853
cutting their channels,
00:05:54,937 --> 00:05:56,980
furrowing out valleys.
00:05:57,065 --> 00:06:00,984
00:05:03,428 --> 00:05:05,429
A furnace.
00:05:15,732 --> 00:05:20,986
因为有水 地球有了一个与众不同的未来
But the Earth had an exceptional future, offered to it by water.
the Earth was able to conserve water in liquid form.
00:05:31,581 --> 00:05:36,585
Water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours on Earth,
00:01:59,869 --> 00:02:03,038



West LakeThere are no less than 30 lakes named “West Lake” in Chian. But the West Lake in Hangzhou is best known of them all. It is located in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province on the southeastern coast. And the city is known as Paradise of the World in China. Thousands of years ago, the West Lake was connected to the sea. The Qiantang River, not far away from the West Lake, enters the sea in the eastern part of this area. Sediment deposited by the river eventually blocked the connection between the West Lake and the sea, making it an inland water feature. Since the 9th century A.D., the beautiful scenery of the West Lake in all seasons has appeared time and again in poems, stories and legends. It’s roughly estimated there are about 630 legends of the West Lake alone. In 2011, West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou was included on the World Heritage List. It is visited by an endless stream of international tourists. Perhaps some of them will add their own stories to West Lake’s wealth of literature.Flaming Mountain and Grape ValleyArea around the latitude of 42 degrees north on earth are mostly known for their cool and pleasant climate. But there is one exception which is famous for its incredible heat. This is called the “Flaming Mountain” in China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Of course, it is not really “burning”. The Mountain is barren and red, with a blackish tint. In summer, ground be temperatures can be as high 70-degree Celsius. People are tricked by their senses into seeing “flames”. The terrain is the main reason for the heat of the Flaming Mountain. It is located at the low point of the Turpan Basin which is also the lowest point of the Chinese mainland. The height difference between it and the surrounding mountains is more than 5000 meters, so the hot air in the basin cannot easily disperse. As a result, the Flaming Mountain becomes the hottest place on its latitude. There is no grass on the Flaming Mountain, but the canyon nearby is shaded by grapes. The canyon is only 8 kilometers long from north to south, but its annual output of grapes can reach more than 10 million kg. Almost every family here grows grapes. After harvest, they are sent to shade houses for drying. The shade houses are built on the slopes of barren mountains, high up and with no shelter, so as to make full use of the hot dry winds in the Turpan Basin. There are many holes in the walls of the shade houses, which not only help with ventilation, but also help avoid direct sunlight on grapes. It takes just 40 days for the fresh grapes to be dried by the hot air.The Stories of the Grey Panda FamilyAt the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, every year we will see a bunch of adorable giant panda cubs that are so attractive because of their black and white coloring and chubby bodies. Among these darlings, however, gray ones unexpectedly appear. On June 5,2019, in the Sunshine Nursery House at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Ji Xiao, the first baby panda of the year was born. The adorable little cub grew every day, but something strange happened, people discovered the baby panda was surprisingly gray at birth. It turns out that at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, lives a family whose members have all been gray upon their birth, nicknamed the “Gray Family”. In the Gray Family, the most representative is Ji Xiao’s uncle-Cheng Jiu, who with grey arms and mask looks like a gray and white panda, thus has been dubbed a fade national treasure by netizens. Of course, their family’s gray fur will graduallydarken during their development. At one year of age, they’ll become normal black and white giant panda. Take a look. The one called Ji Xiao, who’s gray all over and lies together with her peers, is quite different from the others. But, shortly afterwards, this gray cub will darken and look like the rest.Crescent Spring in the DesertThe Singing Sands Mountain is located in Dunhuang in western China. As you walk though the quicksand or slide down sand mountain, sometimes you can hear loud noises from beneath your feet. Hence the name ‘The Singing Sands Mountain’. Nestling between the tall sand dunes, there is a little miracle. This spring, which looks like a crescent moon, has existed for thousands of years and has never dried up. The formation and continuous existence of the Crescent Spring are all related to its topography. The flowing water converges here along the terrain and overflows through a porous geological layer to form the Crescent Spring. Although it’s extremely dry here, with the annual evaporation being more than 60 times that of the annual precipitation, the stable water source ensures a sustainable water supply to the spring. It’s also due to the low-lying terrain. Whenever there’s a sandstorm, it forms an upward spiral air flow between the surrounding sand mountains, sending the sand at the foot back to the top of the sand mountain, saving the Crescent Spring from being swallowed by quicksand. The ancient Silk Road once passed by the Crescent Spring. And today, it has become a romantic paradise for visitors.A Corridor of Apricot Blossom far from the SeaThis is Xinjiang, China, in the heart of Eurasia, the furthest of any land from the sea pm the planet. With little rain, it is an arid and lifeless place. However, there is one exception. With warmer temperatures in April, apricot flowers can’t wait to bloom, declaring open the flower season in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture. This wild apricot forests are distributed across the hillsides of the Ili River Valley in Xinjiang. Their delicate flowers dislike the humid climate of southern China. They are resistant to drought and cold and are more suitable living in the north. Xinjiang has the largest concentration of apricot trees in China. The apricot forest before us is the largest and densest primitive wild fruit forest. It provides a rare opportunity for local people to domesticate the wild apricot trees and improve their varieties. Apricot blossom last only a week from blossoming to withering. In the flowering season, if you want to capture their beauty, then you must be quick.A Cow or An Antelope?Deep in central China’s Qinling Mountain, there are some mysterious wild animals in the untraversed area. Meet takin. It is perhaps one of the largest mammals on earth that many people have never heard of. Without using drone, it’s impossible to trace them and got this rare footage. Local conservationists said that they haven’t seen these enigmatic creatures for more than a decade. These animals live in an inaccessible area at the altitude of 2500 meters above sea level. Many people may think takin is a kind of cow, because they are thick and strong, and adult individuals can even be as high as 2 meters or more. In fact, takins are not cows. They are closer to the family of goat antelope, with a pair of small horns, and the sound is similar to that of the antelope. They arealert to the looming appearance of drone, so when the drone approach them, we need to keep a friendly and save distance with them. Now it is time for launch. Let’s hope our takin friends to have a good meal!A Home Coming Story of Milu DeerOn the coastal wetlands by the Yellow Sea in eastern China, you’ll notice a strange-looking deer walking around. It has a head shaped like a horse, giant antlers like a deer, hooves like a cow and the tail of a donkey. These are Milu deer, a species native to Chian. But it disappeared from China, for nearly 100 years. The fact that they have now returned to China is the result of a remarkable century-old animal protection collaboration between two countries. Archaeological studies have found that the Milu deer were once common in eastern China, but by the nineteenth century their numbers had dropped drastically. Most of the Milu deer were raised in the Emperor’s hunting grounds outside Beijing. The Europeans who came to China at the time believed the species to be very rare, and many were taken back to Europe. When the Emperor’s hunting grounds were destroyed by heavy flooding. The Milu deer were lost, never to be seen in the area again. Luckily, there were the Milu deer that had been shipped to foreign countries. A duke in Britain had give shelter to 18 of these fortunate Milu deer, and they were well taken care of. By the mid-1980s, the Chinese government hoped the species could be restored in China once again, a suggestion supported by the Duke’s descendants. In 1986, 39 of the Milu deer were flown to China from Britain to their ancestral home in Dafeng County in Jiangsu province. After two decades, the Milu deer population in China has increased to over 5000, with nearly 1350 roaming in the wild. Today, these is no longer any fears for their survival in their homeland.A Huge Gathering of Migrant BirdsEvery spring around mid-March, hundreds of thousands of birds arrive at the Jingxin Wetland of northeast China’s Jilin province. It turns this remote area into fascinating paradise for these migrant birds. The Jingxin Wetland is located on the border of China, Russia and North Korea. The diverse environment and humid climate make it an important stop-over for migrating birds. Seagulls are common here because it is very close to the Sea of Japan. These birds begin their journey back north after winter, and this is the last stop before leaving China. Here, they rest and feed. Many large predatory birds, such as golden eagles, while-tailed sea eagles and Steller’s sea eagles are frequent visitors. There are rare and endangered species in the world and are listed as protected animals at a national level in China. Among these species, the Steller’s sea eagles are especially rare, with only a few thousand remaining in the world. Now, more and more rare birds such as Chinese mergansers and red-crowned cranes are being found in the Jingxin Wetland, attracting hundreds of photographers. So as not to disturb the birds, the photographers wait quietly in the specified location. They wait patiently among the gathering of birds, for the right moment to capture an amazing moment in nature.‘A Land Formed by the Blowing Dust’The Earth is a place of endless wonder. where landscapes are often created from mere dust. TheLoess Plateau is such a place. It is located in the north of central China, and contain 70% of loess on the planet. It is hard to imaging a time when it did not exist. But this yellow land was created by the particles carried by the wind. The entire mega landscape has a total area of 620000 square kilometers. Even seen from above, it’s hard to comprehend the sheer size of it. The loess dune is dozens of meters high, and 300 meters at its thickest. Eight million years ago, super strong winds blew sand and dust here. The entire process of dust carrying and stacking took more than 2.6 million years. Scientist can tell the wind direction by the thickness of loess. Because tiny dust particles are carried the furthest, they came to rest in the southeastern most part of the plateau. The sand in the northwest part of the plateau is much rougher. Where the river crossed, an alluvial plain deposited. People gradually stared to settle around these fertile areas. They farmed in the valley, and built roads between the ravines. Finally, they made this ancient land their home and prospered generation after generation.A Mysterious Place in the South China SeaStarting from Hainan Island, the southern most province of China, you can reach Sansha City at the southern tip by this transportation supply ship. Sansha is made up of more than 280 islands, sandbars, reefs and other sea areas. April to May are the most beautiful seasons in this part of China. The sea is colorful, with an average visibility of more than 30 meters. Looking down from a high altitude, the island in front of us do not seem to be connected with each other, but they are known as the Seven Connected Islets. That’s because beneath the sea, there is a huge reef holding them together, forming a common foundation for the little islands. As the tide rises and falls, they display a variety of features. Most of the islets here are made up of coral remains. Coral secretes limestone, which becomes their living shells. They gather together and grow and multiply from generation to generation. Layer upon layer of limestone is added and then compacted to form the coral reef we see today. This reef is still growing towards the sea at rate of about 2.5 centimeters per year.A Secret FairylandThis is one of the most beautiful highways in China. It passes through thousands of islands in the West Sea of Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi Province. There are more than 1600 islands in this area of water, creating a “lake of a thousand islands”. The lake is vast and tranquil, with an average depth of 45 meters. On a good day, the visibility in the lake can reach up to 11 meters. 60 kilometers to the northeast of the West Sea, there’s a mountains area. This is the famous Lushan mountain. Lushan Mountain is not one single mountain, but rather a large upland area consisting of 90 continuous peaks, in which the highest one is 1474 meters above sea level. Over tens of thousands of years, tectonic movements, glacier erosion, flowing water and other geological processes have created the diverse landscapes of Lushan Mountain. Running to the north of Lushan Mountain is the Yangtze, the longest river in China. The intense humidity endows Lushan with abundant water resources. There are 22 waterfalls within the mountain. Lushan Mountain is shrouded in mist for nearly 200 days of the year. The average temperature here is 5-6 degrees Celsius lower than that in the plains at the same latitude. It has been a famous summer resort since ancient times. There’s a “City in Clouds” some 1100 meters above sea level in the mountains. More than 100 years ago, a missionary the UK built villas here. The average temperature in summer is only 22 Degree Celsius, so it’snamed Kuling, a name which comes from the English “cooling”. Today, these ancient villas are still serving tourists who come here to spend the summer.Anjihai Grand CanyonIn Xingjiang, Chian, the beautiful scenery can often take miraculous forms. Anjihai Town has become famous the world over due to one canyon in particular. The river, which originates in Tianshan Mountains, rushes down the steep slopes, carving its way through escarpments formed over millenia. The canyon is about 30 kilometers in length, with the valley floor being 3 to 4 hundred meters at its widest, while the narrowest part is only two or three meters. From above, Anjihai Grand Canyon is rich in colors. On either side of the canyon, red sandstone and gray mudstone alternate to create an astonishing landscape. The colors are formed as the river erodes and dissolves the sandstone and mudstone, drawing abstract pictures on the land. It is one of the most beautiful and yet virtually canyons in Xinjiang. Because it is so hidden and the land on either side of the canyon are the same height, people sometimes come across it without warning. If they don’t stop in time, then they could easily plunge off the cliff.Chinese Painting on the CoastlineFujian, located on the southeast coastal area of China, has the longest and most tortuous coastline in country. 3752 kilometers in length and 1:7.01 in a tortuosity rate, it is endowed with a wealth of natural bays, mudflats, and includes 1321 island. Rivers flow into the sea in almost every single bay alone the coast of Fujian. These bays are rich in nutrients, and the water temperature is steady and moderate, making them perfect places for mariculture cultivating marine organisms for food. About 5000 years ago in the Neolithic Age, the people who lived in this area has already begun farming the seas. Xiapu county is in the northeast of Fujian Province and has a coastline of 404 kilometers, the longest in the province as a whole and enjoys a subtropical marine climate due to its location. It has a broad sea with deep water, along coastline and rich fishery resources, which has created favorable conditions for the booming local mariculture industry. The mudflats here have witnessed tens of millions of years of history and experienced countless tides rising and falling, forming a unique ecological landscape. The mudflats always present different features and unique local characteristics in the different seasons. Xiapu’s name perhaps explains its uniqueness. Xia means the sky with Pu meaning the sea. It suggests a dialogue between two which plays out along its beautiful beaches. At dusk, the Fishermen of Xiapu County begin to spread the fishing nets on the mudflats. The shimmering blues are captivating almost like a Chinese painting. This is not only a natural fishing ground, and home to many fishermen, but also a paradise for photographers.Flawless Jade among the MountainsErhai Lake, at Dali in southwest China, is the second largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. This beautiful fresh water lake on the plateau covers an area of 256.5 square kilometers, with an average depth of 10 meters and a maximum depth of 20 meters. As Yunan is located far inland, it is said the people here sometimes call this lake Erhai Sea, to express their yearning for the distant ocean. Formed in a rift depression, Erhai Lake has been known since ancient times as the “flawlessjade among mountains” due to the color and clarity of its waters. The Bai people call it the “Mother Lake” Their ancestors knew it as the “Gold Moon”. Beside the Erhai Lake, there is a mountain peak, named Cangshan, which is covered with snow all year round. With an average altitude of more than 3500 meters, Cangshan Mountain forms a sharp contrast with the beautiful scenery of the Erhai Lake. According to legend, the husband of a princess went into battle just after their marriage. He was gone for more than ten years and she feared he had been killed in battle. The princess cried day and night, and her tears gathered to form the Erhai Lake. When her husband eventually returned, he found the princess had died of a broken heart. He swore to heaven that he would turn into a mountain to stay the lake. The couple, the Erhai Lake and Cangshan mountain lived together for eternity. Along the shore of the Erhai Lake, there are many inns where you can hear the gentle lapping of the waters. The lake is also a favorite spot for movie makers. Erhai Lake, shaped like an ear, seems to be listening to every story being told.Four Sisters -A wait for AdventuresMount Siguniang or Mount Four Sisters is located in southwestern China’s Sichuan province. The mountain gets its name from its four peaks adjacent to each other. Local legend says that the mountain god’s four beautiful daughters defeated the devil and turned into four snow mountains to guard the local people. The snowy mountains offer one of the toughest challenges for these would like to conquer them. Out of the four sisters, the youngest one -the Yaomei Peak is the highest and the steepest of them all, with the altitude of 6250 meters. Only the bravest climbers around the world dare to take the challenge. There are glaciers hanging on the southern slope and extending to the foot of the mountain. The western and the northern slope are formed by the daunting steep rocks. So far, the summit record for the Yaomei Peak is only 11 times. The Japanese and American made it twice each. The British, The French and the Russian teams made it once each, and Chinese team reach the top for four times. Besides the four remarkable peaks, Mount Siguniang also has lots of other mountains and valleys that are ready for exploration. The 5484-meters high Camel Peak is formed by two connected peaks. Between them there is a glacial plain. But right behind these glaciers, it is a vertical cliff. And we have the Pomiu Peak that looks like a pyramid. Five Colours Mountain with an altitude of 5500 meters, and the Hunter Mountain with an altitude of 5182 meters. Thanks for its breach-taking and wide landscape, Mount Siguniang is also known as “the Oriental Alps”. For the bravest adventures worldwide, the Four Sisters will continue to lure them and wait for the next one to stand on top of them.。



介绍回家英文电影作文The movie "Going Home" is a heartwarming story about a young man's journey back to his hometown after many years away. It's a story of rediscovery, forgiveness, and the power of family bonds. The film beautifully captures the emotions and struggles of the protagonist as he navigates the complexities of returning to a place he once called home.The cinematography in "Going Home" is absolutely stunning. The sweeping shots of the countryside and the quaint streets of the protagonist's hometown really draw the audience into the setting. The use of natural light and vibrant colors adds to the overall warmth and nostalgia of the film.The soundtrack of "Going Home" is incredibly moving. The music perfectly complements the emotional journey of the protagonist, enhancing the audience's connection to the story. The use of both original compositions and well-chosen existing songs creates a rich and immersive auditory experience.The performances in "Going Home" are top-notch. The actors bring depth and authenticity to their characters, making the audience feel a real connection to their experiences. The chemistry between the cast members is palpable, adding an extra layer of believability to the story.The themes explored in "Going Home" are universal and relatable. The film delves into the complexities of family dynamics, the struggle for acceptance, and the longing for a sense of belonging. These themes resonate with audiences of all backgrounds, making the film deeply impactful.Overall, "Going Home" is a moving and beautifully crafted film that will leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it. It's a story of love, forgiveness, and the enduring power of home, and it's definitely worth a watch.。

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HOMEBy Sprawling.Listen to me, please. You’re like me, a homo sapiens. A wise human.Life, a miracle in the universe, appeared around four billion years ago, and we humans only 200,000 years ago. Yet we have succeeded in disrupting the balance that is so essential to life on Earth.Listen carefully to this extraordinary story, which is yours, and decide what you want to do with it.These are traces of our origins. At the beginning, our planet was no more than a chaos of fire, formed in the wake of its star, the sun. A cloud of agglutinated dust particles, similar to so many similar clusters in the universe. Yet this was where the miracle of life occurred.Today, life-our life-is just a link in a chain of innumerable living beings that have succeeded one another on Earth over nearly four billion years. And even today, new volcanoes continue to sculpt our landscapes. They offer a glimpse of what our Earth was like at its birth---molten rock surging from the depths, solidifying, cracking, blistering or spreading in a thin crust, before fabling dormant for a time.These wreaths of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth bear witness to the Earth’s original atmosphere. An atmosphere devoid of oxyge n. A dense atmosphere, thick with water vapor, full of carbon dioxide. A furnace.But the Earth had an exceptional future, offered to it by water. At the right distance from the sun---not too far, not too near, the Earth was able to conserve waterin liquid form. Water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours on Earth, and rivers appeared.The rivers shaped the surface of the Earth, cutting their channels, furrowing out valleys. They ran toward the lowest places on the globe to form the oceans. They tore minerals from the rocks, and gradually the freshwater of the oceans became heavy with salt.Water is a vital liquid. It irrigated these sterile expanses. The paths it traced are like the veins of a body, the branches of a tree, the vessels of the sap that it brought to the Earth.Nearly four billion years later, somewhere on Earth can still be found these works of art, left by the volcanoes’ ash, mixed with water from Iceland’s glaciers. There they are- matter and water, water and matter-soft and hard combined, the crucial alliance shared by every life-form on our planet.Minerals and metals are even older than the Earth. They are stardust. They provide the Earth’s colors. Red from iron, black from carbon, blue from copper, yellow from sulfur.Where do we come from?Where did life first spark into being?A miracle of time, primitive life-forms still exist in the globe’s hot springs. They give them their colors. They’re called archaeobacteria. They all feed off the Earth’s heat all except the cyanobacter ia, or blue-green algae. They alone have the capacity to turn the sun to capture its energy. They are a vital ancestor of allyesterday’s and today’s plant species. These tiny bacteria and their billions of descendants changed the destiny of our planet. They transformed its atmosphere.What happened to the carbon that poisoned the atmosphere?It’s still here, imprisoned in the Earth’s crust. We can read this chapter of the Earth’s history nowhere better than on the walls of Colorado’s Grand Canyon. They rev eal nearby two billion years of the Earth’s history. Once upon a time, the Grand Canyon was a sea inhabited by microorganisms. They grew their shells by tapping into carbon from the atmosphere dissolved in the ocean. When they died, the shells sank and accumulated on the sealed. These strata are the product of those billions and billions of shells.Thanks to them, the carbon drained from the atmosphere, and other life-forms could develop.It is life that altered the atmosphere. Plant life fed off the sun’s energy, which enabled it to break apart the water molecule and take the oxygen. And oxygen filled the air.The Earth’s water cycle is a process of constant renewal. Waterfalls, water, vapor, clouds, rain, springs, rivers, seas, oceans, glaciers. The cycle is never broken. There’s always the same quantity of water on Earth. All the successive species on Earth have drunk the same water. The astonishing matter that is water. One of the most unstable of all. It takes a liquid form as running water, gaseous as vapor or solid as ice.In Siberia, the frozen surfaces of the lakes in winter contain the traces of the forces that water deploys when it freezes. Lighter than water, the ice floats, rather thansinking to the bottom. It forms a protective mantle against the cold, under which life can go on.The engine of life is linkage. Everything is linked. Nothing is self-sufficient. Water and air are inseparable, united in life and for our life on Earth. Thus, clouds form over the oceans and bring rain to the landmasses, whose rivers carry water back to the oceans.Sharing is everything.The green expanse peeking through the clouds is the source of oxygen in the air. Seventy percent of this gas, without which our lungs cannot function, comes from the algae that tint the surface of the oceans.Our Earth relies on a balance in which every being has a role to play and exists only through the existence of another being. A subtle, fragile harmony that is easily shattered. Thus, corals are born from the marriage of algae and shells. The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Australia, stretches over 350,000 square kilometers and is home to 1,500 species of fish, 4000 species of mollusks and 400 species of coral. The equilibrium of every ocean depends on these corals.The Earth counts time in billions of years. It took more than four billion years for it to make trees. In the chain of species, trees are a pinnacle, a perfect living sculpture. Trees defy gravity. They are the only natural element in perpetual movement toward the sky. They grow unhurriedly the sun that nourishes their foliage. They have inherited from those minuscule cyanobacteria the power to capture light’s energy. They store it and feed off it, turning it into wood and leaves, which then decomposeinto a mixture of water, mineral, vegetable and living matter.And so, gradually, the soils that are indispensable to life are formed. Soils are the factory of biodiversity. They are a word of incessant activity where microorganisms feed, dig, aerate and transform. They make the humus, the fertile layer to which all life on land is linked.What do we know about life on Earth? How many species are we aware of? A10th of them? A hundredth perhaps? What do we know about the bonds that link them?The Earth is a miracle. Life remains a mystery.Families of animals form, united by customs and rituals that survive today. Some adapt to the nature of their pasture, and their pasture adapts to them. And both gain. The animal sates its hunger, and the tree can blossom again.In the great adventure of life on Earth, every species has a role to play, every species has its place. None is futile or harmful. They all balance out.And that’s where you, Homo sapiens-“wise human”-enter the story. You benefit from a fabulous four-billion-year-old legacy bequeathed by the Earth. You’re only 200,000 years old, but you have changed the face of the world. Despite your vulnerability, you have taken possession of every habitat and conquered swaths of territory like no other species before you. After 180,000 nomadic years, and thanks to a more clement climate, humans settled down. They no longer depended on hunting for survival. They chose to live in wet environments that abounded in fish, game and wild plants. There, where land, water and life combine.Human genius inspired them to build canoes, an invention that opened up new horizons and turned humans into navigators.Even today, the majority of humankind lives on the continents’ coastlines or the banks of rivers and lakes.The first towns grew up less than 600 years ago. It was a considerable leap in human history. Why towns? Because they allowed humans to defend themselves more easily. They became social beings, meeting and sharing knowledge and crafts, blending their similarities and differences. In a word, they became civilized.But the only energy at their disposal was provided by nature and the strength of their bodies. It was the story of humankind for thousands of years. It still is for one person in four—over one and a half billion human beings—more than the combined population of all the wealthy nations.Taking from the Earth only the strictly necessary. For a long time, the relationship between humans and the planet was evenly balanced. For a long time, the economy seemed like a natural and equitable alliance. But life expectancy is short, and hard labor takes its toll. The uncertainties of nature weigh on daily life. Education is a rare privilege. Children are a family’s only asset, as long as every extra pair of hands is a necessary contribution to its subsistence. The Earth feeds people, clothes them and provides for their daily needs. Everything comes from the Earth.Towns change humanity’s nature, as well as its destiny. The farmer becomes a craftsman, trader or peddler. What the Earth gives the farmer, the city dweller buys, sells or barters. Goods change hands, along with ideas.Humanity’s genius is to have always had a sense of its weakness. Humans tried to extend the frontiers of their territory, but they knew their limits. The physical energy and strength with which nature had not endowed them was found in the animals they domesticated to serve them.But how can you conquer the world on an empty stomach? The invention of agriculture transformed the future of the wild animals scavenging for food that were humankind. Agriculture turned their history on end. Agriculture was their first great revolution. Developed barely 8,000 to 10,000 years age, it changed their relationship to nature. It brought an end to the uncertainty of hunting and gathering. It resulted in the first surpluses and gave birth to cities and civilizations. For their agriculture, humans harnessed the energy of animal species and plant life from which they at last extracted the profits. The memory of thousands of years scrabbling for food faded. They learned to adapt the grains that are the yeast of life to different soils and climates. They learned to increase the yield and multiply the number of varieties.Like every species on Earth, the principal daily concern of all humans is to feed themselves and their family. When the soil is less generous and water becomes scarce, humans deploy prodigious efforts to mark a few arid acres with the imprint of their labor. Human shaped the land with the patience and devotion that the Earth demands, in an almost sacrificial ritual performed over and over.Agriculture is still the world’s most widespread occupation. Half of humankind tills the soil, over three-quarters of them by hand. Agriculture is like a tradition handed down from generation to generation in sweat, graft and toil, because for humanity it isa prerequisite of survival.But after relying on muscle power for so long, humankind found a way to tap into the energy buried deep in the Earth.These flames are also from plants. A pocket of sunlight. Pure energy—the energy of the sun captured over millions of years by millions of plants more than a hundred million years ago. It’s coal. It’s gas. And above all, it’s oil. And this pocket of sunlight freed humans from their toil on the land. With oil began the era of humans who break free of the shackles of time. With oil, some of us acquired unprecedented comforts. And in 50 years, in a single lifetime, the Earth has been more radically changed than by all previous generations of humanity.Faster and faster. In the last 60 years, the Earth’s population has almost tripled, and over two billon people have moved to the cities. Faster and faster. Shenzhen, in China, with its hundreds of skyscrapers and millions of inhabitants, was just a small fishing village barely 40 years ago. Faster and faster. In Shanghai, 3,000 towers and skyscrapers have been built in 20 years. Hundreds more are under construction.Today, over half of the world’s seven billion inhabitants live in citie s. New York. The world’s first megalopolis is the symbol of the exploitation of the energy the Earth supplies to human genius. The manpower of millions of immigrants, the energy of coal, the unbridled power of oil. Electricity resulted in the invention of elevators, which in turn permitted the invention of skyscrapers. New York ranks as the 16th –largest economy in the world.American was the first to discover, exploit and harness the phenomenalrevolutionary power of black gold. With its help, a country of farmers became a country of agricultural industrialists. Machines replaced men. A liter of oil generates as much energy as 100 pairs of hands in 24 hours, but worldwide only three percent of farmers have use of a tractor. Nonetheless, their output dominates the planet.In the United States, only three million farmers are left. They produce enough grain to feed two billion people. But most of that grain is not used to feed people. Here, and in all other industrialized nations, it’s transformed into livest ock feed or biofuels.The pocket of sunshine’s energy chased away the specter of drought that stalked farmland. No spring escapes the demands of agriculture, which accounts for 70% of humanity’s water consumption.In nature, everything is linked. The expansion of cultivated land and single-crop farming encouraged the development of parasites. Pesticides, another gift of the petrochemical revolution, exterminated them. Bad harvests and famine became a distant memory. The biggest headache now was what to do with the surpluses engendered by modern agriculture.But toxic pesticides seeped into the air, soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans. They penetrated the heart of cells similar to the mother cell that is shared by all forms of life. Are they harmful to the humans that they released from hunger? These farmers, in their yellow protective suits, probably have a good idea.The new agriculture abolished the dependence on soils and seasons. Fertilizers produced unprecedented results on plots of land thus far ignored. Crops adapted to soils and climates gave way to the most productive varieties and the easiest totransport. And so, in the last century, three-quarters of the varieties developed by farmers over thousands of years have been wiped out. As far as the eye can see, fertilizer below, plastic on top.The greenhouses of Almeria in Spain are Europe’s vegetable garden. A city of uniformly sized vegetables waits every day for the hundreds of trucks that will take them to the continent’s supermarkets.The more a country develops, the more meat its inhabitants consume. How can growing worldwide demand be satisfied without recourse to concentration camp-style cattle farms? Faster and faster. Like the life cycle of livestock which may never see a meadow, manufacturing meat faster than the animal has become a daily routine. In these vast food lots, trampled by millions of cattle, not a blade of grass grows. A fleet of trucks from every corner of the country brings in tons of grain, soy meal and protein-rich granules that will become tons of meat. The result is that it takes 100 liters of water to produce one kilogram of potatoes, 4,000 for one kilo of rice and 13,000 for one kilo of beef. Not to mention the oil guzzled in the production process and transport.Our agriculture has become oil-powered. It feeds twice as many humans on Earth but has replaced diversity with standardization. It has offered many of us comforts we could only dream of, but it makes our way of life totally dependent on oil.This is the n ew measure of time. Our world’s clock now beats to the rhythm of these indefatigable machines tapping into the pocket of sunlight. Their regularity reassures us. The tiniest hiccup throws us into disarray. The whole planet is attentiveto these metronomes of our hopes and illusions. The same hopes, and illusions that proliferate along with our needs, increasingly insatiable desires and profligacy. We know that the end of cheap oil is imminent, but we refuse to believe it.For many of us, the American dream is embodied by a legendary name: Los Angeles. In this city that stretches over 100 kilometers, the number of cars is almost equal to the number of inhabitants.Here, energy puts on a fantastic show every night. The day seems to be no more than the pale reflection of nights that turn the city into a starry sky. Faster and faster. Distances are no longer counted in miles but in minutes. The automobile shapes new suburbs where every home is a castle, a safe distance from the asphyxiated city centers, and where neat rows of houses huddle round dead-end streets.The model of a lucky few countries has become a universal dream, preached by televisions all over the world. Even here in Beijing, it is cloned, copied and reproduced in these formatted houses that have wiped pagodas off the map.The automobile has become the symbol of comfort and progress. If this model were followed by every society, the planet wouldn’t have 900 million vehicles, as it does today, but five billion.Faster and faster. The more the world develops, the greater its thirst for energy. Everywhere, machines dig, bore and rip from the Earth, the pieces of stars buried in its depths since its creation: minerals.In the next 20 years, more ore will be extracted from the Earth than in the whole o f humanity’s history. As a privilege of power, 80% of this mineral wealth isconsumed by 20% of the world’s population. Before the end of this century, excessive mining will have exhausted nearly all the planet’s reserves.Faster and faster. Shipyards churn out oil tankers, container ships and gas tankers to cater for the demands of globalized industrial production. Most consumer goods travel thousands of kilometers from the country of production to the country of consumption. Since 1950, the volume of international trade has increased 20 times over. Ninety percent of trade goes by sea. 500 million containers are transported every year, headed for the world’s major hubs of consumption, such as Dubai.Dubai is one of the biggest construction sites in the world—a country where the impossible becomes possible. Building artificial islands in the sea, for example. Dubai has few natural resources, but with the money from oil, it can bring millions of tons of material and people from all over the world. It can build forests of skyscrapers, each one taller than the last, or even a ski slope in the middle of the desert. Dubai has no farmland, but it can import food. Dubai has no water, but it can afford to expend immense amounts of energy to desalinate seawater and build the highest skyscrapers in the world. Dubai has endless sun but no solar panels. It is the city of more is more, where the wildest dreams become reality. Dubai is a sort of culmination of the Western model, with its 800-meter high totem to total modernity that never fails to amaze the world. Excessive? Perhaps.Dubai appears to have made its choice. It is like the new beacon for all the world’s money. Nothing seems further removed from nature than Dubai, although nothing depends on nature more than Dubai. The city merely follows the model ofwealthy nations. We haven’t understood that we’re depleting what nature provides.What do we know of the marine world, of which we see only the surface, and which covers three-quarters of the planet? The ocean depths remain a secret. They contain thousands of species whose existence remains a mystery to us.Since 1950, fishing catches have increased fivefold, from18 to 100 million metric tons a year. Thousands of factory ships are emptying the oceans. Three-quarters of fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted or in danger of being so. Most large fish have been fished out of existence, since they have no time to reproduce. We are destroying the cycle of a life that was given to us.On the coastlines, signs of the exhaustion of stocks abound. First sign: Colonies of sea mammals are getting smaller. Made vulnerable by urbanization of the coasts and pollution, they now face a new threat: famine. In their unequal battle against industrial fishing fleets, they can’t find en ough fish to feed their young. Second sign:Seabirds must fly ever greater distances to find food. At the current rate, all fish stocks are threatened with exhaustion.In Dakar, traditional net fishing boomed in the years of plenty, but today, fish stocks are dwindling. Fish is the staple diet of one in five humans.Can we envision the inconceivable? Abandoned boats, seas devoid of fish?We have forgotten that resources are scarce. 500 million humans live in the world’s desert lands, more than the combined population of Europe. They know the value of water. They know how to use it sparingly. Here, they depend on wells replenished by fossil water, which accumulated underground in the days when itrained on these deserts, 25,000 years ago.Fossil water also enables crops to be grown in the desert to provide food for local populations. The fields’ circular shape derives from the pipes that irrigate them around a central pivot. But there is a heavy price to pay. Fossil water is a nonrenewable resource. In Saudi Arabia, the dream of industrial farming in the desert has faded. As if on a parchment map, the lights spots on this patchwork show abandoned plots. The irrigation equipment is still there. The energy to pump water also. But the fossil water reserves are severely depleted.Israel turned the desert into arable land. Even though these hothouses are now irrigated drop by drop, water consumption continues to increase along with exports. The once mighty river Jordan is now just a trickle. Its water has flown to supermarkets all over the world in crates of fruit and vegetables.The Jordan’s fate is not unique. Across the planet, one major river in10 no longer flows into the sea for several months of the year. The Dead Sea derives its name from its incredibly high s alinity that makes all life impossible. Deprived of the Jordan’s water, its level goes down by over one meter per year. Its salinity is increasing. Evaporation, due to the heat, produces these fine islands of salt evaporates—beautiful but sterile.In Rajasthan, India, Udaipur is a miracle of water. The city was made possible by a system of dams and channels that created an artificial lake. For its architects, was water so precious that they dedicated a palace to it? India risks being the country that suffers most from the lack of water in the coming century. Massive irrigation has fedthe growing population, and in the last 50 years, 21 million wells have been dug. The victory over famine has a downside, however. In many parts of the country, the drill has to sink ever deeper to hit water. In western India, 30% of wells have been abandoned. The underground aquifers are drying out.Vast reservoirs will catch the monsoon rains to replenish the aquifers. In dry season, women from local village dig them with their bare hands.Thousands of kilometers away, 800 to 1,000 liters of water are consumed per person per day. Las Vegas was built out of the desert. Millions of people live there. Thousands more arrive every month. The inhabitants of Las Vegas are among the biggest consumers of water in the world. Palm Spring is another desert city with tropical vegetation and lush golf courses.How long can this mirage continue to prosper? The Earth cannot keep up. The Colorado River, which brings water to these cities, is one of those rivers that no longer reaches the sea. Even more alarmingly, its flow is diminishing at source. Water levels in the catchment lakes along its course…are plummeting. Lake Powell took 17 years to reach high-water mark. Its level is now half of that. Water shortages could affect nearly two billion people…before 2050.Yet water is still abundant in unspoiled regions of the planet. The wetlands.These wetlands are crucial to all life on Earth. They represent six percent of the Planet. Marshes are sponges that regulate the flow of water. They absorb it in the wet season and release it in the dry season. The water runs off the mountain peaks, carrying with it the seeds of the regions it flows through. This process gives birth tounique landscapes, where the diversity of species is unequaled in its richness. Under the calm water lies a veritable factory where this ultimately linked richness and diversity, patiently filters the water and digests all the pollution. Marshes are indispensable environments for the regeneration and purification of water.These wetlands were always seen as unhealthy expanses, unfit for human habitation. In our race to conquer more land, we have reclaimed them as pasture for our livestock, or as land for agriculture or building. In the last century, half of the world’s marshes were drained. We know neither their richness nor their role.All living matter is linked. Water, air, soil, trees. The world’s magic is right in front of our eyes.Trees breathe groundwater into the atmosphere as light mist. They form a canopy that alleviates the impact of heavy rains and protects the soil from erosion. The forests provide the humidity that is necessary for life. They are the mother and father of rain. The forests store carbon. They contain more than all the Earth’s atmosphere. They are the cornerstone of the climatic balance on which we all depend.Trees provide a habitat for three-quarters of the planet’s biodiversity—that is to say, of all life on Earth. Every year, we discover new species we had no idea existed—insects, birds, mammals. These forests provide the remedies that cure us. The substances secreted by these plants can be recognized by our bodies. Our cells talk the same language. We are of the same family.Mangroves are forests that step out onto the sea. Like coral reefs, they are a nursery for the oceans. Their roots entwine and form a shelter for the fish andmollusks that come to breed. Mangroves protect the coasts from hurricanes, tidal waves and erosion by the sea. Whole peoples depend on them. Yet, they were reduced by half during the 20th century. One of the reasons for the ongoing disaster is these shrimp farms installed on the mangroves’ rich waters. Ventilators aerate pools full of antibiotics to prevent the asphyxiation of the shrimps, not that of the mangroves.Since the 1960s, deforestation has constantly gathered pace. Every year, 13 million hectares of tropical forest an area the size of Illinois—disappear in smoke and as lu mber. The world’s largest rain forest, the Amazon, has already been reduced by 20%. The forest gives way to cattle ranches or soybean farms. Ninety-five percent of these soybeans are used to feed livestock and poultry in Europe and Asia. And so, a forest is turned into meat.When they burn, forests and their soils release huge quantities of carbon, accounting for 20% of the greenhouse gases emitted across the globe. Deforestation is one of the principal causes of global warming. Thousands of species disappear forever. With them, one of the links in a long chain of evolution snaps. The intelligence of the living matter from which they came is lost forever.Barely 20 years ago, Borneo, the fourth-largest island in the world, was covered by a vast primary forest. At the current rate of deforestation, it will have totally disappeared within 10 years. Living matter bonds water, air, earth and the sun. In Borneo, this bond has been broken in what was one of the Earth’s greatest reservoirs of biodiversity.This catastrophe was provoked by the decision to produce palm oil, the most。
