中国科技大学材料合成化学PPT(1-1) Introdution (b-w)(1)

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Chunhua Chen

Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology of China

Fall, 2013

Classroom: 5501

Time: Wednesday 9:45-12:10AM Department of Materials Science and Engineering

-Nature 443, 1-2(7 September 2006)



Xia YN (35, 4)

Lin WB (54)

Yang PD (10, 1)

Duan XF (41, 20)

Sun YG (61,5)

Yin YD (55, 2)









2006-:主要参考书增加了徐甲强等编著《材料合成 化学》和Ulrich Schubert, Nicola Husing著《Synthesis of Inorganic materials》 2007-:加入参观部分制备技术环节(主要参观晶体 生长和静电喷雾沉积),由姚连增教授和杨萍华高工负 责现场讲解。 2008-:姚连增教授讲授本课程“晶体生长”一章;入 选研究生示范课程建设。 2009-:先后获批中科大校级、安徽省省级研究生精 品课程。 2012 -:获安徽省省级质量工程教学成果一等奖。

本课程是中科大材料系第一门省级精品课程,也是系里最 早的一门网络课程!

Professors of this course
Prof. Chunhua Chen: responsible for most of the chapters
Dr. Louis Winnubst: (visiting prof. from Univ. Twente, The Netherlans) responsible for “Microstructures and processing of ceramics” Prof. Lianzeng Yao: responsible for “Crystal growth”

Contents of this course
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction (3 class hours) Fundamental theories for materials synthesis (3) Metallic materials syntheses (6) Polymeric materials syntheses (8) Chemical syntheses and processing of ceramic materials (9) Fabrication of thin films (6) Crystal growth (6) Syntheses of porous materials (3) Special topic 1: Pechini’s method to ceramic powders (3) Special topic 2: Electrostatic spray deposition of thin films (3) Special topic 3: Other synthesis techniques (3) Students group report session (7)
10. 11. 12.

About the professor: Chunhua Chen
81-86: Solid Oxide Ionic Conductors (Bi2O3-based) @ USTC, China ( B. Sc.) 86-89: High Tc Superconductors (YBCO and Bi-based) @ USTC, China (M. Sc.) 89-92: Semiconducting gas sensors (SnO2- and Fe2O3-based) @ USTC, China (Lecturer) 92-94: Oxygen-permeable dense membranes (LaSrCoO-based) @ University of Twente, Netherlands (Research fellow) 94-98: Thin-film components for Li-ion batteries (many) @ Delft Technology University, Netherlands (Ph. D.) 98-01: High power Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles (many) @ Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Postdoc) 01-02: High power Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles (many) @ Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Staff scientist) 02-present: High performance Li-ion batteries and thin-film technology @ USTC, China (Professor)
