
新概念19课教案教案标题:新概念19课教案-提高学生英语口语表达能力教案目标:1. 帮助学生掌握新概念19课的词汇和语法知识。
2. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力,尤其是在描述和解释事物以及表达个人观点方面。
教学准备:1. 新概念英语教材第三册2. 多媒体设备和投影仪3. 单词卡片和图片4. 学生练习册和笔教学步骤:引入(5分钟):1. 利用多媒体设备播放一些相关图片,引起学生对主题的兴趣。
2. 提问学生是否有类似的经历或见过类似的事物。
导入(10分钟):1. 激活学生已有的知识,复习与本课相关的词汇和语法。
2. 利用单词卡片进行词汇复习,让学生快速回忆并说出对应的中文意思。
3. 通过问题和回答的形式,复习本课所学的语法知识。
讲解(15分钟):1. 介绍新课文的主题和背景,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 解释生词和短语的意思,并帮助学生正确发音。
3. 分析课文的句子结构和语法要点,引导学生理解和掌握。
练习(20分钟):1. 分组进行角色扮演,模拟对话场景,让学生运用所学知识进行实际对话练习。
2. 将学生分成小组,给每个小组分发一张图片,要求他们用英语描述图片中的内容,其他小组成员猜测图片是什么。
3. 给学生发放练习册,让他们完成相关的口语练习题目。
巩固(10分钟):1. 随堂检测,出示几个句子,要求学生用所学知识进行翻译或解释。
2. 学生互相评价,给予建议和鼓励。
作业(5分钟):1. 布置相关的口语作业,要求学生用所学知识描述自己喜欢的一件事物,并准备下节课进行展示。
教学延伸:1. 鼓励学生积极参与英语角或其他英语交流活动,提高口语表达能力。
2. 建议学生多听英语广播、观看英语电影或纪录片,提升听力和口语能力。
教学评估:1. 在课堂上观察学生的参与度和口语表达能力。
2. 收集学生完成的练习册和口语作业,评估他们的掌握程度和进步情况。
教学反思:1. 根据学生的表现和反馈,调整教学方法和内容,以提高教学效果。

Are you all right now ?
Yes , we are ,
thank you !
Are you all right now? Yes, we are, thank you!
二. Translate the following into chinese: 母 亲: 怎么啦,孩子们? 女 孩: 我们累了…… 男 孩: ……口也渴,妈妈。 母 亲: 坐在这儿吧。 你们现在好些了吗? 男 孩: 不, 还没有。 母 亲: 瞧!有个卖冰淇淋的。 请拿两份冰淇淋。 拿着,孩子们。 孩子们: 谢谢,妈妈。 女 孩: 这些冰淇淋真好吃。 母 亲: 你们现在好了吗? 孩子们: 是的,现在好了,谢谢您!
• long • [lɔŋ] • adj. 长的
• shoe • [ʃu:] • n. 鞋
• grandfather • [‘ɡræ nd,fɑ:ðə] • n. (外)祖父
• grandmother • ['ɡræ nd,mʌðə] • n. (外)祖母
New words ['mætə] • Matter n. 事情 • Children ['tʃildrən] n. 孩子们(复数) ['taiəd] • Tired adj. 累,疲乏 [bɔi] • Boy n.男孩 • Thirsty ['θə:sti] adj. 渴 ['mʌm] • Mum n. 妈妈 • Sit down [sit'daun] 坐下 [rait] • Right adj. 好,可以 • Ice cream [ais'kri:m] 冰淇淋
Written exercises A Complete these sentences using am, is or are. Example: Those children ______ thirsty. Those children are thirsty. 1 Those children ______ tired. 2 Their mother ______ tired, too. 3 That ice cream man ______ very busy. 4 His ice creams ______ very nice. 5 What's the matter, children? We ______ thirsty. 6 What's the matter, Tim? I ______ tired.

2016新概念第⼀册Lesson19-20课堂及课后练习新概念⼀lesson19-20课内语法新课内容:⼀、单词:拼读、过关、讲解1.matter n.物质;物品:solid matter 固体,事情;问题:It's no laughing matter. 这可不是开玩笑的事。
⿇烦事;病因,⽑病:eg. What's the matter(with you?)(你)怎么了?2.children: child的复数(man-men;woman-women)3.tired a.①疲劳的,累的:eg. Are you tired? 你累了吗?4.boy ①([对]girl)男孩;少年②([同]son)⼉⼦(尤指年轻者)③侍者;童仆:a cow boy 放⽜娃5.thirsty a.①渴的:eg . I am(或feel)thirsty. 我感到⼝渴。
②(for)渴望的;渴求的:be thirsty of knowledge.渴望知识③(⼟地等)⼲燥的;⼲旱的(=dry):a thirsty land ⼲旱的⼟6.Mum 妈妈(= mam)Dad 爸爸7.sit down 坐下:eg . Sit down here. 坐在这吧。
8.right a.([反]left)右⾯的;向右的:the right hand 右⼿all right 好吧eg:Are you all right now? 你们现在好些了吗?9.ice cream n. 冰淇淋(表份数是可数, 否则不可数) eg. Two ice creams, please.(请给我)两份冰淇淋。
10.big 修饰物:不仅体积⼤⽽且重;修饰⼈:⼤⼈物(个⼦未必⾼)。
11.small a.(形状、规模等)⼩修饰物:物理量值的⼩或少(不带感情⾊彩)。
12.open a.①开(着)的;没有遮盖的eg. The door is open. 门是开着的. ②开阔的;空旷的13.shut ([同]close)(▲shut⽐close通俗)14.light ①光;光线;光亮②(分量上)轻的;不重的:as light as a feather 轻如鸿⽑15.heavy a. ①重的,沉的eg. The box is very heavy . 箱⼦很重. ②⼤量的;沉重的:a heavy rain ⼤⾬16.long ①(长度、距离、时间)长的,长期的eg. It is a long time . 那时间很长啊!②[数词+long](具体)有……长ten meters long 10⽶长17.shoe 鞋、⽪鞋shoes (复数) 18.grandfather n.[⼝]爷爷;外公19.grandmother n.[⼝]奶奶;姥姥,外婆⼆、课⽂:领读、句⼦过关、讲解1.What's the matter?怎么啦?这个句型通常⽤来询问发⽣了什么事。

新概念英语青少版1a教案lesson19第一篇:新概念英语青少版1a教案 lesson19Unit 10lesson19ⅠTeaching aims: 1.Words in this unit:my, your, his, her, our, your, their cameras,cars,books2.sentences stuctures: Is your bag / Are your bags full? my, you, his, her, our, your, their My bag is / My bag's full.My bags are full.3.More regular noun plurals: cameras, cars, books Motion aims:talk about what happened in the school.ⅡTeaching points:importantpoints:words and sentencesdifficult points: change words in Sentence structure.ⅢTeaching aidsPPT words card.Recording video.ⅣTeaching procedureStep 1.Warm up / Lead inLet's sing the song :good morningReview the words and spell it.Game: spelling bee.Then:loading to this part.look about the pictures , can you guess what’s happen in the picture? Point out the words which your don’t know it Turn to page76.learn about the words Jump.Hurry(do an action)bus(guessing game)wait a e on!oh dear!Point to the school!People , never mind!Game : bomb game, to cosolidate the wordsStep 2.listen the vedio and answer the questions What happen to the school bus? How do the go to the school at last?Which group get the answer,then get the pointsHurry up!here’s the bus!Hurry up/ come on Give them an example about:give an example.Draw some pictures.One is full of apples , another is empty.Pay attention about full.Heavy---light full---emptyStep 3:conersations in this unit Hurry up!Here’s the bus!wa it a minute!My bag is heavy!The bus is full!What’s in your bag?there are full of books Answer the question, let students to answer the same question.what’s in your bags ? What happpen on the way to school? Discuss about with themselves and answer the questionsThen listen and repeat the sentences.After that let’s act the conversations /s/sorrynonsense Lucy hatshouseshirtssocks/z/Please pyjamas noise she’scars there’s dogs bagsStep 4: intensive learningMy / Your shirts are white.● Are your shirts w hite?Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.● What color are your shirts?They are / They're white.● Put my shirts / Put them in the washing machine.Step 5: Practice & Consolidation Here is/’s the bus.There is Claire.My bag is/’s heavy.My bag is/’s full of books.The buses are full of people.Is Lucy’s bag heavy? Is the bus empty? Are their bags heavy? What is/’s full?Which buses are full? Whose bag is/’s full?第二篇:新概念英语青少版1a新概念英语青少版1a Unit 1 Lesson 1 Meet the family!William: Hello.My name is William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen.Karen is my wife.Karen: How do you do?William;This is Lucy.Lucy’s my daughter.Lucy: Hello!William: This is my son, Robert.Robert: Hi!William: And this is Paul.Paul’s my nephew.Paul: Hello!Nice to meet you!Unit 2 Lesson 3 What is it? Robert: Hey, this is good!Look, Lucy!What is this? Lucy: It's a wheel.Robert: No, it isn't!Look!It's green!It's a hat!Lucy: OK.It's a green hat.Robert: Now look!What's this? Lucy: It's a flower.It's a red flower.Robert: No, it isn't.It's a red umbrella.Lucy: OK.What's that? Robert: It's grey.Is it a bird? Yes!It's a grey bird.Lucy: No!It's a key!Robert: Right!It's a silver key.Unit 3 Lesson 5 Who's that? Annie: Who is that boy, Polly? Polly: Which boy, Annie? Annie: The boy on the silver bicycle.Polly: That's Robert Jenkins.Annie: Who's that man? Polly: Which man? Annie: The man with the black umbrella.Polly: That's Mr.Jenkins.He's Robert's father.Annie: Who's that woman with the white umbrella? Polly: That's Mrs.Jenkins.She's Robert's mother.Annie: And who's that girl on the red bicycle? Polly: That's Lucy Jenkins.She's Robert's sister.Annie: Look at that young man.Who is he? Polly: Which young man? Annie: The young man in that old car.Polly: Oh, that's Paul.Paul is Lucy's cousin.Annie: So Paul is Robert's cousin, too.Polly: That's right.Robert is Lucy's brother.And Paul is their cousin.He's a student.Unit4 Lesson 7 Robert isn't well.Linda: Hello, Karen.How are you? Karen: I'm fine.But Robert isn't very well.Linda: Oh, I'm sorry!What's the matter with him? 2 Karen: I'm not sure.He's very hot.He isn't well.Linda: Is he hungry? Karen: No, he isn't hungry.Linda: Is he thirsty? Karen: Yes, he's very thirsty.Linda: Poor Robert!I am sorry!What about the doctor? Karen: The doctor's very busy.Linda:Yes, but Robert is ill.Karen: Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry!Unit 5 Lesson 9 Meet the neighbours Paul: Hello!My name's Paul.Claire: Hello, Paul.My name's Claire.I'm your new neighbour.Paul: Claire!That's a nice name.What do you do, Claire? Claire: I'm a student.What about you? Paul: I'm a student,too.I'm at the sports academy.(体育院校)What about you? Claire: I'm an art student.I'm at the art college.(艺术院校)Paul: Come and meet Karen.She's my aunt.She's a writer.Karen, this is Claire.Claire's our new neighbour.Karen: Hello, Claire.Nice to meet e and meet the family.This is William, my husband.This is Lucy.And this is Robert.William: How do you do, Claire? Claire: Hi, everybody!Thank you for the welcome!Unit Unit 6 Lesson 11 Gossip!3 Annie: Who's that girl, Polly? Polly: Which girl, Annie? Annie: The girl over there.That tall girl with the Jenkins family.Polly: Oh, that's Claire, our new neighbour.She's an art student.Annie: She's a very pretty girl.Polly: Yes, she's clever, too.She's a nice girl.Annie: Where's she from? Is she English? Polly: No, she isn't.She's American.She's from Washington.Annie: Is her family here, too? Polly: Yes.Her father's an accountant, and her mother's a famous photographer.Look!That's her mother over there.Annie: That woman in the expensive car? Polly: That's right.She's very pretty.Annie: Pretty? She's beautiful!What about her husband? Is he handsome? Polly: Wait and see!Unit 7 Lesson 13 Where's my pen?Karen: Where's my pen, Lucy? Lucy: Which pen, Mum? Karen: The blue one.Lucy: This one? Karen: Yes, that one.It's my favourite pen, Lucy!Lucy: Sorry, Mum!Karen: And where's my new ruler? Lucy: The long one? 4 Karen: The long silver one.Lucy: It's in my schoolbag, Mum.Karen: Oh, Lucy!Give me my ruler, please.Lucy:Here you are.I'm sorry, Mum.It's a very nice ruler.Karen: Yes, it is.Lucy: Mum!Karen: Yes? Lucy: Is this your pencil-case, too? Karen: No, it isn't.It's your father's old pencil-case.That's his favourite thing!Lucy: Sorry, Mum!It's my favourite thing, too.Karen: Oh, well!Put it on his desk.No harm done!(不要紧)Lucy: Thanks, Mum!Unit 8 Lesson 15 A bump in the night!Karen: William!Wake up!William: Mm.What's the matter? Karen: Listen!There's a noise in the living-room.It's a burglar(夜贼)!William: A burglar? Nonsense!You're right!There's a noise in the kitchen now!It is a burglar!Karen: Shh!There's a torch(手电筒)here.William: Give me the torch, please.Karen: Here it is.Oh, William!Please be careful!William: Shh!There is someone downstairs.Who's there? Who is it? Lucy: It's me, Dad!I'm wide-awake(完全清醒的), and I'm hungry.William: We're all wide-awake now!5 Karen: Oh, well!No harm done!Unit 9 Lesson 17 Red, white and...pink!Robert: Here are Paul's new pyjamas.(一套睡衣裤)Look at them!They are bright red!But they are a bit dirty.Lucy: Here are Dad's shirts.They are pure white.But they're a bit dirty, too.Put them in the washing machine.Lucy: What about your shirts? Robert: Yes.My shirts are dirty, too.Lucy: Put them in the washing machine.William: Karen!Where are my new shirts? Karen: They're in the washing machine, with Paul's pyjamas and Robert's shirts.Here you are!Two lovely clean shirts!William: Those shirts aren't white!They're pink!Karen: Yes, they are, and they're very pretty!Unit 10 Lesson 19 Jump in!Robert:Hurry up, Lucy!Here's the bus!Lucy: Wait a minute!My bag's heavy.Robert: My bag's heavy, e on!Oh, no!The bus is full!Lucy: Oh, dear!Our school buses are all full.Robert: What's in your bag? Lucy: Books, of course!Robert: My bag is full of books, too.Look, there's Claire!Hello, Claire!Claire: Hello, Robert!Hello, Lucy!What's thematter, Lucy? Lucy: The buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.6 Claire: Gee, they are heavy!What's in them? Robert: They're full of books, and the buses are full of people.Claire: Never mind!Here's my Mom with the car.And the car's empty.Jump in, and put your bags in, too!Unit 11 Lesson 21 Very smart!Robert: Look!These are our outfits for the school play.Karen: Oh, very smart!Look, William!William: Yes, you're both very elegant.Lucy and Robert: Thank you, Dad.William: That's an interesting tie, Robert.Robert: Um, yes, thanks, Dad.William: It's very colourful.Very unusual.Robert: Yes, um, it's my favourite tie.Karen: Those are funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you? Robert: These shoes? No, Mum.They're all right.They're right for the part.Paul: Where are my new shoes? They aren't in my bedroom.Karen and William: Oh, Robert!Paul: Hey, Robert!That's my tie!Those are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!Unit12 Lesson 23 Just like you!Jack: Claire? Claire: Yes, Daddy? Jack: Show me your new drawings, honey.Claire: OK.These drawings are new.They're all people at the sports academy.7 Jack: Hmm.They're very good, Claire!Who is this tall man with the big muscles? Claire: Oh, that's Mr.Ford.He's a teacher.He's very strong.Jack: And who are these little men?Claire: That's Gary, and that's Tom.They're students.They're both small, but they're strong, too.They're gymnasts.(体操运动员)Jack: And who is this boy here?Claire: That's Paul.He's a student at the sports academy.Jack: He's a handsome young man.Claire: Yes.He's very nice.Jack: Your drawings are good, Claire.Claire: Thank you, Daddy.Maybe they aren't bad.Jack: No, honey!They're great!Just like you!Unit 13 Lesson 25 Late or earlyRobert: Come on, Lucy!We're late!Lucy: OK, OK!What time isit? Robert: It's eight o'clock.Hurry up!Daisy: Hi, there, kids!Are you in a hurry? Robert: Yes, we are.We're both late for school.Daisy: Never mind.Jump in!Robert: Gee, thanks, Mrs.Austen.Daisy: You're welcome!Call me Daisy, please.OK, kids!Let's go!Robert: Wow, what a speed!What a car!Daisy: Here you are!The school gates.You aren't late now.What's the matter, 8 Lucy? Lucy: Look!The gates are shut.We're both early now!Unit 14 Lesson 27 One, two, three, catch!Karen: Give me that jar, please, Robert.Robert: Which jar, Mum? This one? Karen: No, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.Robert: Here you are, Mum!Ready? One, two, three, catch!Karen: No, Robert!Stop!Robert: What's the matter, Mum? Karen: I can't catch it!Bring it here, please!Robert: Here you are, Mum!Karen: Thank you, Robert!Unit 15 Lesson 29 That’s not fair!Robert: Where are Paul and Gary? Sam: They're over there, on the football field.They're with Tom and Mr.Ford.Robert: Great, we can play football with them.Hey, Paul!Can we play football with you? Paul: That's a good idea, Robert.Right.You're the captain of one side, Robert.And Sam, you're the captain of the other side.I'm the referee.Now, how many players are there? Robert: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.So there are seven on my side, and six on Sam's side.Sam: That's not fair!Robert: Yes, it is!Mr.Ford's on your side.He's very big and very strong.He can 9 play very well.He's like two players!10第三篇:新概念英语(青少版)单词表1A新概念英语 1A 词汇表U1LI meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;满足vi.相遇;集合the [ðə, ðɪ] art.这,那family ['fæmɪlɪ] n.家庭,家族 Hello ['hə'ləʊ] int.喂 my [maɪ] pron.我的 name ['neɪm] n.名字 is [ɪz] v.是this [ðɪs] a.这;这个 wife [waɪf] n.妻子How do you do? 您好 [初次见面时打招呼的用语] daughter ['d ɔ:tə] n.女儿 son [sʌn] n.儿子 Hi!你好,嘿,喂and [ænd, ənd] conj.和,又,并,则 nephew ['nevju:] n.侄子,外甥Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。

2010-05-16 初一【前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、背诵课文、听写单词。
10’Lesson 19 - Tired and thirsty & Lesson 20 - Look at them!一、教学重点1、词汇:形容词(成对反义词)。
复数名词(规则/不规则)→复数代词(we, you, they)2、句型:We’re... / They’re...Are you...? / Are they...?【第一节课】1、引入话题(详见右框)。
5’4、提出问题:Why do the children thank their mother?看一遍视频,解答问题。
10’2、Lesson 20的单词正音。
5’3、复习Lesson 20图片中的所有职业(详见课本)。
5’3、根据图片对话演练Lesson 20的句型(一传一)。
10’2、听写Lesson 19、20的单词,记忆法指点。
1’三、精讲课文1、What’s the matter? = What’s wrong? = Is there something wrong?【口语】2、We’re tired and thirsty. 句型:什么人是什么样的。
造句:We’re hungry and thirsty.3、Sit down here. 祈使句。

(完整版)新概念英语第一册Lesson19-20练习题(无答案)Lesson 19 and Lesson 20一根据汉语提示填入适当的单词(10分)1. What’s the ______ (事情)?2. We are ______ (累的)and thirsty.3. Are you ______ ______ (可以,正常)?4. Look, there is an ______ (冰激淋) man?5. Here you are, ______ (孩子们).6. ______ (这些) ice creams are nice.7. They are ______ (开着的).8. They are ______ (关着的).9. These boxes are ______ (轻的).10. Those pencils are ______ (长的).二用所给形容词的反义词填空(10分)1. The boy’s hands ar e ______ (clean).2. They are ______ (hot).3. The men are ______ (fat).4. The shoes are ______ (big).5. They are ______ (open).6. The boxes are ______ (heavy).7. These hats are ______ (old).8. These policemen are ______ (young).9. The policemen are ______ (short).10. The shirts are ______ (short).三根据句意填词(10分)1. What’s the ______? We are tired and thirsty.2. Are you all ______ now? No, we aren’t.3. ------ Here you are, children.------ ______, mum.4. These ice creams are nice. I like ______.5. These hats are not old. They are ______.6. The shops are not open. They are ______.7. They drive taxis. They are taxi ______.8. They send milk every day. They are ______.9. The sales reps aren’t ______. They are very lazy.10. Our names are Blane and Mark. ______ are Swedish. 四选择填空(10分)( ) 1. ______? We are tired and thirsty.A. What’s matterB. What’s the matterC. What’s a matterD. What’s an matter( ) 2. Are you all right? No, we ______.A. areB. aren’tC. isD. is( ) 3. They are fat. They aren’t ______.A. thinB. fatC. tallD. short( ) 4. The ______ are tall.A. policemanB. policemansC. policemenD. policewoman ( ) 5. ______ teachers are all very good.A. IB. MyC. MeD. Them ( ) 6. These are ______ books.A. TomB. TomsC. Tom’sD. Toms’( ) 7. ______ is this? It’s a box.A. WhoB. WhereC. How oldD. What ( ) 8. Please come ______ and sit ______.A. on, downB. in, downC. in, upD. up, in ( ) 9. Look, ______ an ice cream man.A. thereB. there’sC. hereD. there’re ( ) 10. Those are your books. Put ______ on the desk.A. some booksB. theyC. booksD. them五句型转换(10分)1. The children are tired and thirsty.(就换线部分提问)What’s the ______ ______ the children?2. The children are all right.(变为一般疑问句)Are the children ______ ______?3. His trousers are long.(就划线部分提问)______ ______ are long?4. The ice cream man is Russian.(就划线部分提问)______ ______ is the ice cream man?5. Jim is an office assistant.(就划线部分提问)______ is Jim’s ______?6. These cases are heavy.(就划线部分提问)______ are these ______?7. The sales reps are lazy.(变为同义句)The sales reps are ______ ______.8. That man is Mr. Jackson.(就划线部分提问)______ is that ______?9. The coats are grey.(就划线部分提问)______ ______ are the coats?10. Their friends are tourists.(变为一般疑问句)______ their friends ______?六补全对话(10分)A: Who’s ___1___?B: I don’t know.A: ___2___ and see Jim.B: OK, Dad. I ___3___ it’s Jack. Hi, Jack.C: Hello, Jim.B: Nice to ___4___ you. Please ___5___ in. This ___6___, please. C: OK, thanks.B: This is Jack, my ___7___ at school. Jack, this is ___8___ father. C: How do you do?A: How do you do? Sit ___9___, please.C: Thank ___10___.1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______7. ______8. ______9. ______ 10. ______七根据汉语提示,完成句子(10分)1. 怎么回事?______ is the ______?2. 孩子们又累又渴。

Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty一、听力Mother: _________’s the matter, children?Girl: We’re tired…Boy: …and _______,Mum.Mother: Sit down ________.Mother: Are you all ______ now?Boy: No, we aren’t.Mother: Look! _______’s an ice cream man.Mother: Two ice creams ________.Mother: Here you are, children.Children: _________, Mum.Girl: These ice creams ______ nice.Mother: Are you all ______ now?Children: Yes, we are, thank you!二.写出对应的反义词clean short short old old light big fat三. 选择.1.__________the matter with you? A.What B.How C.What’s2.The door isn’t shut.It is ___________.A .open B.tall C.heavy3.Look________the fat man.A.inB.atC. into4.I want __________ice cream.A.aB.anC.the5.__________apples are very nice.A.ThatB.ThisC.These6.---Are you ________now?—Yes,I am.Thank youA.all rightB.rightC./7. There are two birds in the tree. I can’t them .A. lookB. look atC. watchD. find8. There 5 apples , but I bananas.A. are / like B is/ like C. are./ am D. are / is9. those your pencils ?A. Is B . Am C. are D. Are10. They didn’t _________ to the park yesterday .A. wentB. goesC. go四选择题(复习a, an, the 用法)1. Can I help you ? Yes, egg and a glass of milk, please.A. aB. anC. theD. /3. Is ( the , / ) Mary playing ( a, the) piano ?4. Can you play ( the, a, / ) tennis with me ?七、阅读短文。

备课人陈香合使用人陈香合学科新概念1课题Lesson 19 Tired and thirty课时 2教学目标1、词汇:形容词(成对反义词)。
复数名词(规则/不规则)→复数代词(we, you, they)2、句型:We’re... / They’re... Are you...? / Are they...?教学重难点教学准备ppt, 教案教学过程个性化设计一、早晨的问候,学生对老师作出问候二、游戏1:击鼓传花,传到谁谁把LESSON18的职业单词7个单词上来写,教大家读,两次,其他人在下面写,当场要求背六单词,然后听写。
4、提出问题:Why do the children thank their mother? 看一遍视频,解答问题。
引入话题:Is it hot outside today? What do you really want to eat at this moment? Do you likeice-cream? Me too. Today we will learn a story about ice-c reams. Ok, now, let’slisten to the audio and try to understand the main idea of the stor1. Words.(1)matter What’s the matter?What’s wrong?What’s up?What happened?What’s the trouble?Are you all right?回答:I’m all right. I’m fine, don’t’ worry. (all right 还能用在什么时候呢?想一想Thank you 的回答方式,复习一下)(2)thirsty be thirsty of sth. eg. She is thirsty of knowledge.(3)Mum mum / mam / mom mother mammy/ mommy /mummy(也有木乃伊的意思:The Mummy Mummy Back)Mama (4)sit - sit down. Sit here. n.是seat对于晚辈或者比自己职位低的人,可以说:Sit down.对于客人、朋友、或长辈、长官,要说:Take a seat, please. (5)right a. 好,可以。

新概念英语第一册第十九课教案English proverbA wise head makes a close mouth.真人不露相,露相非真人。
Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。
1. right (1)adj. 好的,可以all right = OkMother: Are you all right now?Children: Yes, we are. Thank you.right (2)adj.右边的; n. 右边反义词:leftmy right eye 我的右眼on the right 在右边right (3)adj. 正确的反义词:wrong [rɔŋ]Teacher: What’s 3 and 7?Student: It’s 10.Teacher: That’s right,TipsAll right. 行,好吧= OKThat’s all right. 没关系,不客气。
既可以回答thank you,也可以回答sorryThat’s right. 对,正确1.A: Let’s play football.B: All right.2.A: Thank you for your help.B: That’s all right.3.A: I’m sorry. I’m late.B: That’s all right..4.A: Is David a teacher?B: Yes, That’s right.5.A: Where’s the chair?B: It’s on the right of the table.2. matter n.事情,问题v. 关系到Eg: I have an important matter to talk with you.我有件重要的事情和你说。
It doesn’t matter. 没关系→What’s the matter?〓What’s wrong? 怎么了?Eg: ---Oh, my God!--- What’s the matter?→What’s the matter with + sb/sth?〓What’s wrong with + sb/sth? “某人或某物怎么了”Eg: What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了?What’s wrong with the computer? 电脑怎么了?→as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上Eg: As a matter of fact, she is really a hard-working employee.事实上,她确实是一个勤劳的员工。

Lesson19Tired and thi rsty[词汇](9)★matter n.事情(尤其强调麻烦)①n.事情,事件It's a private matter.He's not very interested in such matters.②n.麻烦事,困难What's the matter?=Tell me what's wrong?eg.What's the matter with+sb./sth.What's the matter with you today?你今天怎么回事?What's the matter with the children?③v.要紧eg.It doesn't matter,没关系。
It matters to him,和他有关系。
Does it matter?有关系吗?可以吗?短语:eg.as a matter of fact事实上,其实=in factno matter无论no matter where you go=wherever you go无论你去哪里no matter what you do=whatever you do无论你干什么(以上2句在《right here waiting for you》一歌中出现)★children n,孩子们(child的复数)eg.Tom is a lovely child.baby婴儿the only child独生子女childhood童年(-hood后缀)(通常表达一种状态,做儿童的状态)my childhood我的童年motherhood做母亲的那种状态一为人母fatherhood为人父neighborhood街坊★tired①adj.累,疲乏eg.Jack always has lots of work to do and he feels tired.②adj.厌烦的be tired of sth./doing sth.厌烦做某事(be tired of对什么感到很累,引申为“厌烦,讨厌”。

新概念英语第一册第19课教学设计新概念英语笔记第一册matterchildrentiredboythirstyMumsitdownrighticecrea m①n.事情,事件It’saprivatematter.He’snotveryinterestedinfinancialmatters.②n.麻烦事,困难What’sthematter?=Tellmewhat’swrong?=What’swrong?What’sthematterwith+sb.What’sthematterwiththechildren?I tdoesn’tmatter.没关系Itmatters.有关系Doesitmatter?有关系吗?可以吗?①adj.渴的,口干的②adj.干旱的adryandthirstyland干旱的土地③adj.渴望的,渴求的Thestudentstherearethirstyforknowledge.那里的学生有强烈的求知欲Therebe句型therebe句型:表示某处有某物thereis+可数名词的单数/不可数名词Thereisapen,twobooksandaknifeonthedesk.n.事情n.孩子们adj.累,疲乏n.男孩adj.渴n.妈妈坐下adj.好,可以冰淇淋课桌上有一枝钢笔、两本书和一把小刀thereare+可数名词的复数形式on:在…上面,接触物体表面over:越过,垂直上方,不接触表面in:在…里面,物体里面to:往,向,表示去向方向into:进入…里面,从外到里进入的过程outof:在…外,从里面出来across:横穿[在物体表面横穿],从平面穿过through:从里面穿过under:在……下面deside:在……旁边near:在……附近between:在……两者之间among在…中间over:从斜面穿过介词用法:1、跟在be动词之后2、跟在一些不及物动词之后课型:Newlesson 教学内容与目的要求:1、LearnLesson53Aninterestingclimate2、LearnSimplePresent.3、LearntheexerciseofPassage8inPETS(1B).4、ReviewthePhoneticSymbols.(3)重点句型及重点单词、词语:Phrases:intheEast/West/South/North表示一个国家的东/南/西/北部intheeast/west/south/north表示方向太阳升起用rise,太阳降落用set.Structure:Wheredoyoucomefrom?Icomefrom.Whichdoy oulikebest?一般现在时中主语为第三人称单数时的动词加S教学准备:①Recorder②tape③phonogramcards④wordcards⑤stars⑥poster⑦phoneticsymbolcards⑧teachingplan⑨教学流程表⑩Pictures教学程序及教学游戏安排:Step Ⅰ:Warmingupexercise1.Gealgreeting1>Howistheweathe r?2>Whocooksbreakfastforyou?3>Whichanimalsdoyoulike more,bearsorpandas?4>WhatdoyouusuallydoonSundaymorn ings?5>InwhichmonthisourNationalDay?ReviewthePhonog rams,thePhoneticSymbolsandthewords.flashcardsPasscardsStepⅢLearnLesson251.Learnnewwordsmildalwaysseasoneastwe stsouthnorthrisesetinterestingsubjectconversationcl imatecertainlypleasantfavourite(根据福尼斯英语的单词教学步骤进行课文中新单词的教学)①Tsoundsthewords3times.②TmakessentenceswiththewordsandSsguessthemeaning.③Sswritethewordsintheirnotebooks.④Tchecksthewords.⑤Ssreadthewordstogether.⑥Sslistentothewordstapeandtranslatethesentenceswitht henewwords.(训练学生的听力及理解能力)⑦Game:Directiongames2.Learnthetext.①Introducethestory.T:Todaywe’regoingtotalkabouttheweatherinEngland.②Understandthesituation.AskSstointerpretthepicture.③Listentotheobject.T:Listentothestoryandseeifyoucana nswerthisquestion:WhereistheJonesfamily?④Intensivereadingandunderstandthetext.Playthetapeorr eadthedialogueagain,pausingaftereverylinetocheckthe studentsunderstand.Phrases:intheEast/West/South/Nor th表示一个国家的东/南/西/北部intheeast/west/south/north表示方向太阳升起用rise,太阳降落用set.Structure:Wheredoyoucomefrom?Icomefrom.Whichdoy oulikebest?Game:击鼓传花:传到的小朋友选一纸条,纸上有国家名称和主语,请小朋友马上组成对话:Wherecomefrom?come(s)from⑤Askquestions.⑥Dotranslations.(EnglishtoChineseandChinesetoEnglish .)⑦SsaskTquestions.Reviewthequestionwords:whywhatwhere whichwhohowTaskSstoaskTquestionsaccordingtothetext.⑧LittleJournalist.(themorethebetter.)StepⅢGrammar1LearnSimplePresent.1>引出一般现在时基本用法:一般现在时表示经常发生的事情或者经常存在的状态动词表示动作和状态的词基本结构:Heisoneofmydearestfriends.(2)他的女儿是他心爱的宝贝Hisdaughterisverydeartoher.2.(Dear)usedatthebeginni ngofaletterbeforethenameortitleofthepersonthatyouar ewritingto(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的3.[notusuallybeforenoun](BrE)expensive;costingaloto fmoney昂贵,价格高现在什么东西都那么贵edwhenspeakingtosb.youl ove(常作称呼所爱的人)亲爱的喝点什么吗,亲爱的?Wouldyoulikeadrink,dear?adv.(atahighprice)高价地,昂贵地(1)他的错误使他付出很高的代价Hiserrorscosthimdear.(2)贱买贵卖tobuycheapandselldearexclamation[,ekskl?’mei??n]us edinexpressionsthatshowthatyouaresurprised,upset,an noyedorworried(惊奇,不安,烦恼,担忧等时说)啊,哎呀,糟糕,天哪哎呀!我忘了寄信Ohdear!Iforgottoposttheletter.2.kidnapper[‘k?dn?p? ]n.绑票者;劫持者劫持者索要100万元赎金Thekidnappersaredemandingaransomof$1million.kidnap[‘kidn?p]v.(-pp-)[vn]totakesbawayillegallyandkeepth emasaprisoner,especiallyinordertogetmoneyorsthelsef orreturningthem劫持;绑架两名商人遭恐怖分子绑架Twobusinessmenhavebeenkidnappedbyterrorists.kidnapp ing(alsokidnap)n.[u,c]绑架(1)他对绑架的指控供认不讳Headmittedthechargeofkidnap.(2)对12名美国公民的劫持thekidnappingof12UScitizens[k?n’sid?r?bl]adj.(form al)greatinamount,size,importance,etc.相当多(或大、重要等)的e.Theprojectwastedaconsiderableamountoftimeandmoney .(2)对这栋建筑物的损坏相当严重Damagetothebuildingwasconsiderable.considerablyadv.(formal)much;alot非常;很;相当多地不同的人对睡眠的需要差异相当大Theneedforsleepvariesconsiderablyfrompersontoperson .[‘welθi]adj.(wealthier,wealthiest)1.rich;havealotofmoney, possessions,etc.富有的,有钱的,财产多的有钱人家awealthyfamily2.n.[pl.]peoplewhoarerich富人,有钱人;阔人n.wealth5.在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后靠;“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后前位限定词有all、half、both、such分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格和no、every、each、either、neither、enough、much、以及wh-起首的限定词[what(ever),which(ever),whose]等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词、past、same、many、more、most、few、fewer、fewest、little、less、least、own、last等,但序数词位于基数词前如:bothmyhands、allhalfhisincome等“描绘”类形容词表示事物的性质及人们的观点如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词表示“形状”的词如:roundsquare等“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词“材料”的词如:wooden,woolen,stone,silk等“作用类别”的词如:medical,college,writingdesk,policecar等具体应为限定词+描绘类+形状类+时间类+颜色类+出处类+材料类+用途类+作定语的名词、动名词v.1.(~sthwithsb.)tohaveorusesth.atthesametimeassb.e lse.共有,合用苏和另外三个学生合住一所房子Suesharesahousewiththreeotherstudents.2.(~sthwithsb .)togivesomeofwhatyouhavetosb.else;esth.t hatisyours分享;共享(1)汤姆把他的巧克力和其他孩子一起分着吃了Tomsharedhischocolatewiththeotherkids.(2)研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所Theconferenceisagoodplacetoshareinformationandexcha ngeideas.3.~(in)sth./~sth.(withsb.)tobeequallyinvol vedinsth.orresponsibleforsth.共同承担,分担(1)我努力让孩子们分担家务活Itrytogetthekidstoshareinthehousework.(2)事故责任由两个驾车人共同承担Bothdriverssharedtheblamefortheaccident.n.1.[c]~(of /insth.)onepartofsth.thatisdividedbetweentwoormorep eople(在若干人之间分得的)一份明年我们希望获得更大的市场份额Nextyearwehopetohaveabiggershareofthemarket.2.[c]~( insth.)anyoftheunitsofequalvalueintowhichacompanyis dividedandsoldtoraisemoney.Peoplewhoownsharesreceiv epartofthecompany’sprofits.股份;股票(1)英国电信公司的股份sharesinBritishtelecom(2)股票价格的跌落/上涨afall/increaseinshareprices7.flat[fl?t]n.[c](BrE)as etofroomsforlivingin,includingakitchen,usuallyonone floorofabuilding一套房间;公寓;单元房他们租了三楼的一层带家具的公寓Theyarerentingafurnishedflatonthethirdfloor.adj.(fl atter,flattest)1.havingalevelsurface,notcurvedorslo ping水平的,平坦的人们曾经认为地球是平的Peopleusedtothinktheearthwasflat.2.notshowingmuchem otion;notchangingmuchintone平淡的;单调的;无聊的令人兴奋的事过后,她感到平淡无味Aftertheexcitementwasover,shefeltflat.3.[onlybefore noun]notallowingdiscussionorargument;definite断然的;绝对的他断然拒绝了我Hegavemeaflatrefusal.adj.1.arrangedororganizedinane at,carefulandlogicalway整洁的;有秩序的;有条理的(1)平静有序的生活acalmandorderlylife(2)一行行栽种整齐的蔬菜vegetablesplantedinorderlyrows(3)头脑清晰的女人awomanwithanorderlymind(4)他条理分明地回答了老师的提问Hegaveanorderlyanswertotheteacher’squestion.2.beha vingwell;peaceful表现良好的;守秩序的秩序井然的示威anorderlydemonstrationopposite:disorderlyn.[C](pl.-ies)1.apersonwhoworksinahospital;usuallydoingjobsth atdonotneedanyspecialtraining(医院的)护理员soldierwhodoesjobsthatdonotneedanyspecialtraining勤务兵9.anonymous[?’n?nim?s]adj.1.(ofaperson)withanameth atisnotknownorthatisnotmadepublic不知姓名的;名字不公开的这笔款项是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的Themoneywasdonatedbyalocalbusinessmanwhowishestorem ainanonymous.2.written,given,made,etc.bysb.whodoesn otwanttheirnametobeknownormadepublic匿名的;不具名的我们收到一封匿名信Wereceivedananonymousletter.3.(written)withoutanyun usualorinterestingfeatures没有特色的单调的建筑theanonymousbuildingsadv.anonymouslyn.anonymity[,?n ’nimiti]n.[u]thestateofremainingunknowntomostothe rpeople匿名;不知姓名;名字不公开他同意在不披露姓名的条件下接受采访Heagreedtogiveaninterviewonconditionofanonymity.ins afehandsbeinsafehands在可靠人手中此处hands用来指人常见的此类短语有badgood能人ingreen在生手中new新old在使用中,应注意与介词短语inhand的区别inhand在句中可作状语、定语、补足语,主要用来表达以下几种含义:1.在手头;可供使用2.在掌握中;在控制中3.正在处理中;在进行中,如:(1)由于手中的问题紧迫,我们马上就把它解决了Asthematterinhandwasurgent,wedealtwithitatonce.(2)你能完全控制住这种形势吗?Canyouhavethesituationwellinhand?(3)开始新的工作之前,我们应完成我们正在进行的工作Weshouldfinishtheworkwehaveinhandbeforewebeginsomet hingnew.inthehandsofsb./insb.’shandsbeinglookedafterorcontrolledbysb.受某人照料;被某人控制这件事现在正由我的律师处理Thematterisnowinthehandsofmylawyer.11.ransom[‘r?ns m]n.[c;u]moneythatispaidtosb.sothattheywillsetfree apersonwhoisbeingkeptasaprisonerbythem赎金绑架者向他的家人索要赎金5万英镑Thekidnappersdemandedaransomof£50,000fromhisfamily.v.[vn]topaymoneytosb.sothatth★精品文档★eywillsetfreethepersonthattheyarekeepingasaprisoner (为某人)交付赎金他们用一万元赎回了被绑架的孩子Theyransomedthekidnappedchildwith10,000dollars.12.i nstruct??todo??instruct??todo??在此结构中,动词不定式在句中作宾语补足语大夫嘱咐那个病人上床休息Thedoctorinstructedthepatienttogotobedandrest.但当用于被动语态时,由于宾语提前作了主语,动词不定式则成为主语的补足语,如:他奉命把她带到纽约He’sbeeninstructedtotakehertoNewYork.13.cardboardn.[u] stiffmateriallikeverythickpaper,oftenusedformakingb oxes硬纸板,卡纸板(常用于制造盒子)这箱子是硬板纸制的Theboxismadeofcardboard.adj.[onlybeforenoun]notseem ingrealorgenuine不真实的;虚假的这个故事里有好几个虚构的人物Thestoryhasseveralcardboardcharacters.11/ 11。

Lesson19---Lesson20 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴一、填空。
1. 没关系 ____________2. 请坐______________________3. 口渴的 _______________4. 冰淇淋______________5. 好的,可以 _________________6. 轻的/淡的________________7. 重的 _________________8. 一双鞋子__________________9. 闭嘴 _________________ 10. 开着的_______________二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。
( ) 1. — ___ with you, Lucy? — I am tired and thirsty.A. What‘s the matterB. What‘s the thingC. What are you doing( ) 2. — How are you, Jill? — ____A. Fine, thank youB. Yes, I am fineC. How are you?( ) 3. I am tired of ___ this kind of things.A. doB. doingC. to do( ) 4. When the traffic light is ___, we must stop.A. greenB. whiteC. red( ) 5. This is ___ elephant. It‘s very big.A. aB. anC. the( ) 6. Everybody likes her. She always speaks in a ___ way.A. friendshipB. friendC. friendly( ) 7. Mum, I am hungry. Would you please pass ___ some bread.A. herB. meC. him( ) 8. It‘s my ___. Give it to me, please.A. bagsB. two bagsC. bag( ) 9. — ___ does the farmer have, do you know? — I don‘t know. Let‘s go and ask him.A. How much cattleB. How many cattlesC. How many cattle( ) 10. We always have ___ rice for ___ lunch.A. /;/B. the;/C. /;a( ) 11. There ___ picture on ___ wall, I like ___ picture very much.A. a/the/theB. a/the/a C a/the/a( ) 12. It‘s not good to be late ___ school.A. forB. onC. to( ) 13. — Whose book is this? Is this yours? — No, it‘s ___A. herB. hersC. my( ) 14. — Would you like some tea? — Yes, ___A. thank youB. here you areC. show me( ) 15. I am a student. ___ name is Tom.A. MyB. YourC. His三、阅读短文。

Lesson 19
1. B。
2. A。
3. C。
4. C。
1. 从Bill 说的No, this is Bill, Mike’s friend.可以看出,要这样回答:Bill is.
2. Bill 对 Kate 说No, he isn’t at home.说明Mike 不在家。
该题的答案是:No, he isn’t.
3. 由Bill 说的I think he’s at school.能够得知,该句要这样回答:He’s at school.
4. 对话中的Is Mr.s Green their English teacher?及Bill 的肯定回答已经告诉我们,正确的答案是:Mrs. Green is.
5. Bill 已经记起Mike 的号码是10,故应回答:He’s No. 10.
1. What’s matter with you?
2. Are you all right now?
3. That old man is tired and hungry.
4. Sit down there.
5. These ice creams are nice.
6. These children are thirsty.
7. Are they hot or cold?
8. No, we are not ready.。
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Yes , we are ,thank you !
二. Translate the following into chinese:
母 女 男 母 亲: 怎么啦,孩子们? 孩: 我们累了…… 孩: ……口也渴,妈妈。 亲: 坐在这儿吧。 你们现在好些了吗? 男 孩: 不, 还没有。 母 亲: 瞧!有个卖冰淇淋的。 请拿两份冰淇淋。 拿着,孩子们。 孩子们: 谢谢,妈妈。 女 孩: 这些冰淇淋真好吃。 母 亲: 你们现在好了吗? 孩子们: 是的,现在好了,谢谢您!
三. New words: clean 干净的 hot 热的
dirty 脏的
cold 冷的 thin 瘦的
small 小的 shut 关闭的 heavy 重的
open 打开的
light 轻的
老的;旧的 young 年轻的 new 新的
高的 long 长的
short 矮的;短的 tall
Match them: clean hot cold thin
young new
tall long
四.Write in the irregular pulrals of these nouns : --------- men man woman postman
No ,We are not .
Look ! Therece creams ,please . Here you are ,children . Thanks, Mum .
These ice creams are very nice .
Are you all right now ?
加-s ;
加-es ; 换y为-ies ; 换f,fe为-ves ;
以s , ss , x , ch ,sh 结尾 辅音加y结尾 以f ,fe结尾 以o结尾以下单词加es:
Heroes and Negroes like potatoes and tomatoes . (英雄和黑人爱吃马铃薯和西红柿。)
policewoman---------policewomen child foot tooth
---------feet ---------teeth
五. Chant :
The end !
Lesson 19 Tired and thirty
一. Fill in the blanks:
What’s the matter ,children ? We’re thirty , Mum .
We’re Tired …
Sit down , here . Are you all right ,now ?