8B Unit 3 Online Tour-T

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online 联网的,在线的 频道 channel

programme 节目,计划,方案 键盘_____keyboard______________

unit______机件,单位__________ 鼠标____mouse________________

screen______显示屏___________ 导游____guide_________________

receive______收到,接到_______ 点击_____click________________

Asia______亚洲_____________ 非洲______Africa______________

world-famous____世界著名的,举世闻名的 贸易 _____trade______________

Europe___欧洲___(形容词:_European____) 美洲___America________________

southern____南方的,南部的_____ 国际的___international____________

gather ____聚集,集合______ 巨大的 _____huge________________

island______岛屿_________ 黑暗__darkness____(形容词:__dark_ )

several _____几个,数个________ 放松 _____relax_________________

pick ______挑选_______________ 底部 ____bottom________________

pleasure ______高兴,乐意______ 帆 ___sail____________________

opposite ___对立的人(物)_____ 女王 __queen_________________

网站 ______website____________ 护照____passport______________

海岸 ____coast________________ 介意 _____mind_______________

预定 ______book______________ 美元 ___dollar_________________

1.遥控器____remote control______

2.(电脑)主机___main unit________________

3.在…顶部__at the top of___________

4.关于…就讲这么多,…到此为止_so much for sth


6.听说_____hear of/about_____________

7.由…组成__be made up of_ 8.名胜,景点_____place of interest_

9.梦想;想象 __dream of/about________ 10. 文字处理________________________

词汇默写 词组默写


1. Sending and receive emails 发送和接受邮件

1)send 动词,意为__发送,邮寄__________

埃米每周给我寄一封信。___Amy sends me a letter every week_______

搭配:send sth. to sb.= send sb. sth. 把某物寄/送给某人

send out 发送,传送

send for 派人去请

翻译:She is ill. You should send for a doctor at once. ___她病了,你应该赶紧让人去请医生。____ He sent some books to me.= _He sent me some books_. 翻译:__他给我寄了一些书。_

The ship is sending out an SOS signal. ___那艘船正在发出求救信号。___

2) receive 及物动词,意为:___收到,接到________________

玛丽今天收到了一封信。__Mary received a letter today._________

辨异:He received a gift, but he didn’t accept it. ___他收到了一份礼物,但他没有接受。_

receive 指客观上“收到,接到”,accept 指主观上“(愿意)接受”。


如:I received an invitation. 我收到了一张请帖。(不一定会去)

I accepted the invitation. 我接受了邀请。(准备去)

2. What do you usually use your computer for? 你通常用你的电脑做什么?

what… for 意为“……是用来做什么的” 强调某物的用途。

翻译:What are these ropes for? ___这些绳子是用来做什么的?_______________

拓展:what… for 还可意为“为了什么(做某事)”强调做某事的目的。

翻译:He knows clearly what he studies for. ____他清楚地知道自己是为了什么而学习。__

3. How often do you use your computer for this? 你多久用电脑来搜索一次信息?

how often 意为:__多久一次______________

翻译:—How often does your mum go shopping? __你妈妈多久去购物一次?___

—Once a week. ___一周一次。_____

用法:how often 常对every day, always, usually,sometimes,often,hardly,ever,never,once a week,twice a month等表示频率的副词或短语进行提问。

—How often do you read books? ____你多久看一次书?____

—Every day. ____每天都看。______________


—_______ do you take exercise every week?

—Twice or three times. C

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How often

4. Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of th e page? 您注意到本页顶端的图标“旅游”了吗?

1)notice 动词,意为__注意_______, 后可接名词或代词。
