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Use ultrasound flowmeter measurement ultrasonic velocity

Name:TianTian class: network (2) class student id: 090602231

Abstract:in university physics experiment, we studied the use is also called the resonant interfering method and phase comparison ultrasonic velocity measurement, but in engineering is the use of more precise time difference method for measuring the ultrasonic velocity. Here, we can use the ultrasonic flowmeter measurements. Ultrasonic flowmeter is through testing the fluid flow of ultrasonic beam (or ultrasonic pulse) role to measure flow meter. According to the principle of signal detection ultrasound flowmeter can be divided into velocity differential method (direct time difference method, the method of time difference, the method of phase difference and frequency offset method), beam migration method, doppler method, cross-correlation method, space filter method and noise method, etc. Ultrasonic flowmeter and electromagnetic flowmeter is same, because instrument circulation channel not set any block up pieces, belong to the unimpeded flowmeter is suitable for solving the flow measurement

difficult problem, especially in big class of flowmeter have prominent runoff measurement of advantages in recent years, it is a kind of flowmeter of rapid development.

Key word : time difference method, ultrasonic velocity, ultrasonic flowmeter

超声波是频率大于20KHz 的机械波,它的频率高于可闻波而波长小于可闻波,并且,它具有如下特性:束射特性、吸收特性、能量传递特性和声压特性。因此,超声波的应用非常广泛。如超声检测,超声处理等。超声波的波长比一般波长要短,具有较好的方向性,而且能透过不透明的物质,这一特性被广泛运用到超声波探伤、测厚、测距、遥控、和超声波成像技术。超声处理是利用超声的机械作用、空化作用、热效应和化学效应,可以进行超声焊接、钻孔、固体的粉碎、乳化、脱气、除尘、去锅垢、清洗、灭菌、促进化学反应和进行生物学研究等。此外,超声波作用于介质后,在介质中产生声弛豫过程,声弛豫过程伴随着能量在分子个子电度间的运输过程,并在宏观上表现出对声波的吸收,通过物质对超声波的吸收规律可探索物质的特性和结构,在这方面的研究构成了分子声学这一声学分支。


超声波流量计是从本世纪初发展起来的新型流量测量仪表,由于其具有压损小、适合大口径测量、通用性好、安装维修方便等优点,自问世以来,日益得到工业各界的广泛关注。时差法超声波流量计是由超声波换能器、电子转化路线、流量显示累记系统3部分组成。它利用超声波在横向传过流动的液体时,在其顺流和逆流介质中,其超声波的速度有差异而形成速度差(时间差)。时差法超声波流量计就是利用该原理对流体的流速和流量进行测量的,其测量原理如下: 测量原理图如图(1):TransducerA ,B ——超声波换能器 D ——管外径 d ——管内径1d ——管壁厚度 L ——换能器前端面的距离(理论距离) α——超声波入射角 β——超声波在管材中的折射角 χ——超声波在流体中的折射角

设超声波信号在被测静止流体中的速度为0c ,在管壁中的速度为1c ,流体的流速为u ,则对于顺流和逆流有:


111sin *sin 2cos 2τχ

χβ+++=u c L c d t (1) 202

112sin *sin 2cos 2τχ

χβ+-+=u c L c d t (2)
