


单元音 [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e [i] 发音字母 i y e ea t [i:t] 吃i t [it] 它 p ea[pi:] 豌豆 s i t [sit] 坐 m ee t [mi:t] 遇见 b i t [bit] 一点儿 t ea[ti:] 茶叶 b i g [big] 大的 b ee[bi:] 蜜蜂 r i ver ['riv?] 河 h e [hi:] 他 [e] 字母组合 ea e a [?] 发音字母 a e gg [eg] 鸡蛋 b a t [b?t] 球拍 b e d [bed] 床 c a p [k ?p] 帽子 p e t [pet] 宠物 gl a d [gl?d] 高兴的 h ea d [hed] 头 m a p [m?p] 地图 [?:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or [?] 字母组合 er or ou ar / o a e u b ir d [b?:d] 鸟 rubb er[`r?b?] 橡皮 g ir l [g?:l] 女孩 rul er[`ru:l?]

直尺 n ur se [n?:s] 护士 doct or[`d?kt?] 医生 sk ir t [sk?:t] 裙子 banan a[b?`na:n?] 香蕉 [a:] 字母组合 ar a [?] 发音字母 u o ou oo c ar[ka:] 小汽车 d uc k [d?k] 鸭子 st ar[sta:] 星星 d o ve [d?v] 鸽子 c ar t [ka:t] 马车 c u p [k?p] 杯子 p ar k [pa:k] 公园 b u s [b?s] 公共汽车 [u:] 字母组合 oo o u [?] 字母组合 oo o u ou z oo [zu:] 动物园 b oo k [b?k] 书


48个音标例词 以下音标字符与国际音标一致(1988年后EPD版本)。 辅音部分(28个) [ p ] pot pig put people piano potato [ b ] book bag big jo b bear but brother [ t ] t ooth t eacher t ea t able t ask t ell [ d ] dog dig duck dad d ouble day [ k ] cake keep cat cup cap [ g ] grandpa girl green good god [ f ] f ather f at f oot f ull f it [ v ] fi ve very vent dri ve vary [ s ] small st udy bu s ye s must [ z ] ja zz zoo zero cloth es zig [ θ ] eigh th for th ten th eleven th nin th [ δ ] th ose th ese th at th is th ere [ ? ] ca sh bush shake sh oe ship [ ? ] mea sure plea sure lei sure [ t? ] chair chicken lun ch change [ d? ] j ack j ob [ tr ] tr ee tr uck tr ain [ dr ] dr ess dr ink dr ain [ ts ] studen ts coa ts ca ts [ dz ] be ds od ds co des [ m ] m um m oon m orning [ n ] moo n nut needle [ ? ] i nk li nk ri ng [ h ] hello hurry hey [ l ] l ook l eg l ake [ r ] r ain r adio r oom [ w ] window w ake w eek [ j ] yellow yes you 单元音(12个): [ e ] y es y ellow b ed p en [ æ ] c at b ad d ad [ ɑ: ] are c ar f ar [ ? ] c ut n ut b ut m ot her c olor [ ? ] p ot g ot d og


一、字母 字母顺序表 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 字母的读音

二、语音 音素、音标的概念 (1)音素是记录英语语音的最小单位,英语共48个音素,20个元音,28个辅音。 (2)音标是记录音素的符号,现在我们用国际上通用的48个音标来记录英语语音。为了把音标与字母进行区分,常把音标放在[ ]或者/ /里。 音标的分类 记录英语音素的48个音标可分为元音和辅音两大类。 元音:发音时声带振动,呼出的气流在通过口腔时,不受阻碍发出的语音叫做元音。国际音标中有20个元音,里面包括12个单元音和8个双元音。 :] [ ?] [?:] [?] 单元音:[i:] [i] [e] [?] [a:] [?] [? [u:] [u] 双元音:[ai] [ei] [i?] [?u] [u?] [au] [ε?] [?i] 辅音:辅音音标:分为清辅音和浊辅音,清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带振动。 清辅音:[p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [θ] [∫] [t∫] [tr] [ts] [h] 浊辅音:[b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [δ] [з] [dz] [dз] [dr] [m] [n] [?] [l] [r] [w] [j] 元音: 前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [?] ?] [u:] [u] 后元音:[ɑ:] [? :] [ 中元音:[?] [?:] [?] 双元音:[ai] [ei] [i?] [?u] [u?] [au] [ε?] [?i] 辅音: 爆破音:[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 鼻音: [m] [n] [?] 摩擦音:[f] [v] [s] [z] [θ] [e] [∫] [з] [r] [h] 破擦音:[t∫] [dз] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] 半元音:[w] [j] 舌边音:[l]


单元音 [i:] [i] eat [i:t] 吃it [it] 它 pea [pi:] 豌豆sit [sit] 坐 bee [bi:] 蜜蜂bit [bit] 一点儿tea [ti:] 茶叶big [big] 大的 [e] [?] egg [eg] 鸡蛋bat [b?t] 球拍bed [bed] 床cap [k ?p] 帽子 pet [pet] 宠物glad [gl?d] 高兴的head [hed] 头map [m?p] 地图 [?:] [?] bird [b?:d] 鸟rubber [`r?b?] 橡皮girl [g?:l] 女孩ruler [`ru:l?] 直尺nurse [n?:s] 护士doctor [`d?kt?] 医生skirt [sk?:t] 裙子banana [b?`na:n?] 香蕉

[a:] [?] car [ka:] 小汽车duck [d?k] 鸭子star [sta:] 星星dove [d?v] 鸽子cart [ka:t] 马车cup [k?p] 杯子park [pa:k] 公园bus [b?s] 公共汽车 [u:] [?] zoo [zu:] 动物园book [b?k] 书moon [mu:n] 月亮bull [b?l] 公牛spoon [spu:n] 匙cook [k?k] 厨师stool [stu:l] 凳子hook [h?k] 钩 [?:] [?] door [d?:] 门pot [p?t] 壶saw [s?:] 锯子dog [d?g] 狗fork [f?:k] 叉子cock [k?k] 公鸡sword [s?:d] 剑box [b?ks] 箱子


48个音标以及单词举例 元音: [i:] eat [i:t] 吃 pea [pi:] 豌豆 bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 tea [ti:] 茶叶 [?:] bird [b??d] 鸟 girl [g??l] 女孩 nurse [n??s] 护士 skirt [sk??t] 裙子[ɑ:] car [kɑ:]小汽车 star [stɑ:]星星 park [pɑ:k]公园 [?:] door [d?:] 门 ball [b??l] 球 fork [f?:k] 叉子 [u:] zoo [zu:] 动物园 moon [mu:n] 月亮 spoon [spu:n] 匙 [?] it [?t] 它 lift [l?ft] 电梯 bit [b?t] 一点儿 [e] egg [eg] 鸡蛋 leg [leg] 腿 very ['ver?] 非常 [?] bat[b?t]球拍 cap [k?p]帽子 apple ['?p(?)l] 苹果 [?] duck [d?k] 鸭子 cup [k?p] 杯子 bus [b?s] 公共汽车 [?] pot [p?t] 壶 dog [d?g] 狗 box [b?ks] 箱子 [?] book [b?k] 书 bull [b?l] 公牛 cook [k?k] 厨师 [?] rubber ['r?b?] 橡皮 ruler ['ru:l?] 尺 doctor ['d?kt?] 医生 banana [b?'nɑ?n?] 香蕉 [e?] cake [k e?k] 蛋糕 plane [pl e?n] 飞机 table ['te?b(?)l] 桌子 [a?] eye [a?] 眼睛 tie [ta?] 领带 bike [ba?k] 自行车 tiger ['ta?g?] 老虎[??] boy [b??] 男孩 oil [??l] 油 toy [t??] 玩具 boil [b??l] 煮沸 [??] ear [??] 耳朵 beer [b??] 啤酒 deer [d??] 鹿 [e?] pear [pe?] 梨 bear [be?] 熊 hair [he?] 头发 chair [?e?] 椅子 [??] tour [t??] 旅游 flower [`fla??] 花 [a?] cow [ka?] 奶牛 house [ha?s] 房子 mouth [ma?θ] 嘴 [??] coat [k??t] 外衣 goat [g??t] 山羊 bowl [b??l] 碗


字母和国际音标一:26个字母 二:国际音标: 单元音(12个) [a:] car[ka:]小汽车star[sta:]星星cart[ka:t]马车park[pa:k]公园

[?] duck[d?k]鸭子dove[d?v]鸽子 cup[k?p]杯子bus[b?s]公共汽车 [?:] door[d?:]门saw[s?:]锯子 fork[f?:k]叉子sword[s?:d]剑 [?] pot[p?t]壶dog[d?g]狗 cock[k?k]公鸡box[b?ks]箱子 [?:] bird[b?:d]鸟girl[g?:l]女孩 nurse[n?:s]护士skirt[sk?:t]裙子 [?] ago[?`g??]以前ruler[`ru:l?]直尺doctor[`d?kt?]医生banana[b?`na:n?]香蕉 [i:] eat[i:t]吃pea[pi:]豌豆

bee[bi:]蜜蜂tea[ti:]茶叶 [i] it[it]它hit[hit]玩 bit[bit]一点儿kiss[kis]吻 [u:] zoo[zu:]动物园moon[mu:n]月亮spoon[spu:n]匙food[fu:d]食物 [?] book[b?k]书bull[b?l]公牛cook[k?k]厨师pull[p?l]拉拖 [e] egg[eg]鸡蛋bed[bed]床head[hed]头pen[pen]钢笔 [?] bat[b?t]球拍cap[k?p]帽子bad[b?d]坏的bag[b?g]包包

双元音(8个) [e?] cake[ke?k]蛋糕plane[ple?n]飞机table[`te?bl]桌子snake[sne?k]蛇 [ai] eye[ai]眼睛tie[tai]领带bike[baik]自行车tiger[taig?]老虎 [??] boy[b??]男孩oil[??l]油 toy[t??]玩具boil[b??l]煮沸 [??] ear[??]耳朵beer[b??]啤酒deer[d??]鹿here[h??]这里 [e?] pear[pe?]梨bear[be?]熊hair[he?]头发chair[?e?]椅子


(新)英语国际音标48个及例词 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?://?://i://U:/ 短元音/?//?//?//?//?//e//?/双元音/e?//a?//??//??//e?//??/ /??//a?/ 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p//t//k//f//θ//s/浊辅音/b//d//g//v//e//z/清辅音/?//ts//t?//tr//h/ 浊辅音/?//dz//d?//dr//r/ 边音/?/ 鼻音/m//n//?/ 半元音/j//w/ 1./ɑ:/arecarclassbanana 2./?/butbusnumberlunchsupper 3./?:/horsetallballfloordraw 4./?/boxdogmophotclock 5./?:/herbirddirtyshirt 6./?/rulernumbersupperdoctor 7./i:/heshebetheseChinesethreeteam 8./?/inissitJimEnglish 9./u:/youtooschoolmoverulerwho 10./?/booklookcookput 11./e/eggyespensevenspell 12./?/andcancatbagdad 13./e?/cakeKatelategreatplayeight 14./a?/finenicebikesky -来源网络,仅供个人学习参考

15./??/boytoyoilnoise 16./??/hereneardearcheer 17./e?/pearchairwheretheir 18./??/suretourpoor 19./??/nogozerothosenosecoatknow 20./a?/hownowmousedown 21./p/playparkpeoplesheep 22./b/bikebananabagweb 23./t/teatooteachercat 24./d/dogdoctorfrienddesk 25./k/carcakeKatedesk 26./g/greengladgooddog 27./f/friendfaxfiftyfloor 28./v/veryriversevenhave 29./θ/threethinkbirthdaysixth 30./e/thethisthesethosebrother 31./s/sitseeniceclass 32./z/zerotheseherstrousers 33./?/sheshipshirtshoeEnglish 34./?/usuallytreasurepleasure 35./ts/studentscatshatsparents 36./dz/bedsbirdsfriendsAIDS 37./t?/chaircheckChinawatch 38./d?/jeeporangeagepage 39./tr/treetrouserstreasuretravel 40./dr/drawdrivechildrenhundred 41./h/hewhohothelphouse 42./r/redrightreadroom 43./?/looklikelightbottleGoogle 44./m/mapmumnamenumber 45./n/nicenineknockfine 46./?/doingshoppingthinkEnglish 47./j/yellowyesyouyoung 48./w/whatwhitewherewar -来源网络,仅供个人学习参考


英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e y 单词举例:thr ee t ea m ea t t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n 2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y 单词举例:s i t p i g b i g man y happ y d i ctionar y 3) [?: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar 单词举例:w al l sh or t au tumn f our w ar m 4) [ ? ] 发音字母: o a ([?]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t w a nt w a sh w a tch 5) [З:] [?: ]字母组合: ir ur ear er or 单词举例:g ir l sh ir t t ur n n ur se l ear n ear th w or k 6) [?] 字母组合er or ar o a 单词举例:teach er doct or t o gether a round 7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a 单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d f a st cl a ss 8) [ ? ]发音字母: u o ou oo 单词举例:u p l u nch f u n c o me l o ve tr ou ble 9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u 单词举例:f oo d r oo m sh o e d o tw o bl u e f u ll 10) [u]字母组合: u oo ou 单词举例:p u t f u ll p u sh l oo k g oo d sh ou ld c ou ld


英语国际音标表(48个) 练习:根据音标,拼读单词 单元音 [i:] [i] ea t [i:t] 吃i t [it] 它 p ea[pi:] 豌豆s i t [sit] 坐 b ee[bi:] 蜜蜂b i t [bit] 一点儿 t ea[ti:] 茶叶b i g [big] 大的 [e] [?] e gg [eg] 鸡蛋b a t [b?t] 球拍 b e d [bed] 床 c a p [k ?p] 帽子 p e t [pet] 宠物gl a d [gl?d] 高兴的 h ea d [hed] 头m a p [m?p] 地图 [?:] [?] b ir d [b?:d] 鸟rubb er[`r?b?] 橡皮 g ir l [g?:l] 女孩rul er[`ru:l?] 直尺

n ur se [n?:s] 护士doct or[`d?kt?] 医生 sk ir t [sk?:t] 裙子banan a [b?`na:n?] 香蕉[a:] [?] c ar[ka:] 小汽车 d uc k [d?k] 鸭子 st ar[sta:] 星星d o ve [d?v] 鸽子 c ar t [ka:t] 马车c u p [k?p] 杯子 p ar k [pa:k] 公园b u s [b?s] 公共汽车[u:] [?] z oo[zu:] 动物园b oo k [b?k] 书 m oo n [mu:n] 月亮b u ll [b?l] 公牛sp oo n [spu:n] 匙c oo k [k?k] 厨师 st oo l [stu:l] 凳子h oo k [h?k] 钩[?:] [?] d oor[d?:] 门p o t [p?t] 壶 s aw[s?:] 锯子d o g [d?g] 狗 f or k [f?:k] 叉子c o c k [k?k] 公鸡sw or d [s?:d] 剑b o x [b?ks] 箱子 双元音 [e i] [ai] c a k e[k e ik] 蛋糕eye[ai] 眼睛 pl a n e[pl e in] 飞机t ie[tai] 领带 t a ble [`t e ibl] 桌子b i k e[baik] 自行车 sn a k e[sn e ik] 蛇t i ger [taig?] 老虎 [?i] [a?] b oy[b?i] 男孩b ow [ba?] 鞠躬 oi l [?il] 油c ow [ka?] 奶牛 t oy[t?i] 玩具h ou se [ha?s] 房子 b oi l [b?il] 煮沸m ou th [ma?θ] 嘴 [??] [i?] c oa t [k??t] 外衣ear[i?] 耳朵 g oa t [g??t] 山羊b eer[bi?] 啤酒 c om b [k??m] 木梳 d eer[di?] 鹿 r o s e[r??z] 玫瑰sp ear[spi?] 矛 [e?] [??] p ear [pe?] 梨t our [t??] 旅游 b ear[be?] 熊p oor[p??] 贫穷h air[he?] 头发br ewe ry [`br??ri] 啤酒厂


48个音标例词 辅音部分 [p] pot pig put people piano [b] book bag big job bear but [t] tooth teacher tea table task [d] dog dig duck dad double [k] cake keep cat cup cap [g] grandpa girl green good god [f] father fat foot full fit [v] five very vent drive vary [s] small study bus yes must [z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig [θ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth [δ] those these that this there [∫] cash bush shake shoe ship [з] measure pleasure leisure [t∫]chair chicken lunch [dз] jack job change [tr] tree truck train [dr] dress drink drain

[ts] students coats cats [dz] beds odds codes [m] mum moon morning [n] moon nut needle [?] ink link ring [h] hello hurry hey [l] look leg lake [r] rain radio room [w] window wake week [j] yellow yes you 单元音: [e] yes yellow bed [ae] cat bad dad [a:] are car far [?] pot got dog [?:] call tall or [?] cut nut but [3:]curtain further fur [?]mother color cooler [i] ink big pig [i:] jeep tea eat [u] good book look

48个音标 及 常见对应字母

48个音标及常见对应字母(组合)巧计表 20 3 2 3 [p]p[b] b [ts]ts,tes [dz]ds,des [m] m [w] w,wh [l] l [t] t[d] d[tr]tr[dr]dr[n]n[ j ] y[r]r [k]c,k,ck[g]g[t∫]ch,tch[d?]ge,dge, j [?]n[h]h,wh [f] f,ph[v]v [s] c,s[z] s,z 2. [θ] th[e] th (第49个音标[ ju:] u ) [∫] sh[?] 备注: 1. 熟记音标是记忆单词的基础和关键 3. 黑色:辅音28个;蓝色:元音20个 红色:对应字母 4. 字母i 常在词中,字母y常在词尾 5. 字母u的音标要记住:[ ju:] 48个音标及常见对应字母(组合)巧计表 20 [i: ]ee,ea [i]i,y [ei] a,ai,ay,ei,ey[ai]i,y[?i]oi,oy [?:]er,ir,or,ur,ear[?][i?][e?] [u?] [u:]o,u,oo[u]o,u,oo[?u]o,oa,ow[au]ou,ow [?:]or[?] o [ɑ:]含有a [∧]o,u,ou [?]a[e]e,ea 5. 爆破音有6个:[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 6. 除上表中所列常见字母组合外,还有:(熟读) ear, eer, ere, eir, air, are, oor, ore, ew, -tion, -ment, -ness, -ful, -ly,-less, gh(常不发音), -cial, -able, -ance, ence, qu-, un-, dis-,等


h e[hi]他m e[mi]我b e[bi]是 此外字母组合ee,ea,ie,ei在重读音节中都可以发/i/,例如: sh ee p[ip]绵羊gr ee n[grin]绿色f ee[fi]费 s ea t[sit]座位st ea m[stim]蒸汽m ea n[min]用意 ach ie ve['tiv]完成bel ie ve[b'liv]相信bel ie f[b'lif]信任rec ei ve[r'siv]收到conc ei t[kn'sit]想法dec ei t[d'sit]欺骗2、音标[]音的发音字母 字母i,y在闭音节和非重读音节中发//,例如: p i ty[pti]怜w i sh[w]愿望off i ce[fs]办公室 lil y[ll]百合rh y thm[rem]节奏bic y cle[baskl]自行车 字母e在非重读音节发//,例如: r e main[rmen]保持tick e t[tkt]票d e lay[dle]耽搁

3、音标[e]音的发音规则 字母e在重读开音节中发[i],在重读闭音节通常发[e],例如: ch e ck[tek]检查b e d[bed]床n e t[net]网 字母组合ea在重读音节中不仅可以发[i:]音,也可以发[e]的音,在什么情况下发[i:]或[e]没有特定规则需要在平时学习中分别记忆,例如: d ea d[ded]死的h ea ven[hevn]天堂h ea lth[helθ]健康 4、音标[]音的发音规则 字母a在重读闭音节中发[],例如: a pple[pl]苹果m a d[md]疯狂的c a sh[k]现金 f a mily['fmili]家庭r a bbit['rbit]兔子h a ppy['hpi]高兴的 5、音标[]音的发音规则 通常情况下字母组合er,ir,ur在重读音节中都发[],例如: c er tain[s:tn]必然的n er vous[n:vs]紧张的s er ve[sv]服务 sk ir t[skt]裙子d ir ty['dt]肮脏的s ir[s]先生 n ur se[ns]护士p ur se[ps]钱包f ur[f]毛皮 or字母组合在w后也发[],例如: w or ship[w:p]崇拜w or th[w:θ]价值w or m[w:m]虫 ear字母组合后接辅音时通常发[],例如: ear ly['l]早的ear n[n]赚ear th[θ]地球 6、音标//音的发音字母 在非重读音节中发//的常见字母及字母组合a,e,o,u,or,er,例如: a long/l/沿着 b a nana/bnɑ:n/香蕉 op e n/pn/开presid e nt/prezdnt/总统 t o day/tde/今天sec o nd/seknd/第二 s u pport/sp:t/支持ind u stry/ndstri/工业 fact or/fkt/因素hum or/'hju:m/幽默 met er/mi:t/米moth er/me/母亲 a bout/bat/关于stud e nt/stju:dnt/学生 p o lite/plat/有礼貌的s u ggest/sdest/建议 profess or/prfes/教授speak er/spi:k/演讲者 7、音标[]音的发音字母 字母o在m,n,v或th前常发[],例如:


个国际音标对应的字母 组合及例词可打印版 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

48个国际音标对应的字母组合 1 元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \ei ①ee: three[θri:](三) tree[tri:](树) green[ɡri:n](绿色) ②ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) tea[ti:](茶、茶叶) meat[mi:t](肉食) ③e: he [hi:, i] (他) me[mi:, mi](我,宾格) ④ie\ei: piece[pi:s](片, 块)receive[ri,si:v](收到, 接到) 2) [i] 发音字母:① i ②y③ e ①i : sit[sit] ((使)坐) picture.[,pikt] (图画, 肖像; 照片) ②y : any[,eni](一点, 一些) many[,meni](许多, 多的) ③e : defect .[di,fekt](缺点, 过失) women.[,wimin](女人) 3) [ ]发音字母: a a : bag .[b?ɡ] (袋, 包) hand .[h?nd] (手) and.[nd, nd](和, 与) 4) [e] 字母组合:① ea ②e ③a ①ea : head.[hed](头部 ) bread.[bred](面包 ) ②e : desk.[desk](书桌, 办公桌) bed.[bed](床, 床位) ③a : any[,eni](一点, 一些) many[,meni](许多, 多的) 5) [:] 字母组合:①ir② ur ③ear④ er ⑤or ①ir : girl .[ɡ: l] (女孩、少女) shirt.[:t](衬衫、衬衣) ②ur : turn.[t: n](翻转、旋转) nurse.[n: s](护士 )


英语国际音标表 英语音标一共有___48_个,其中元音有__20___个,辅音有_28____个 26个英文字母及发音音标如下: A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [d3i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai] J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [?u] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:]

V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed] 单元音 [i:] [i] ea t [i:t]吃i t [it]它 p ea[pi:]豌豆 s i t [sit]坐 b ee[bi:]蜜蜂 b i t [bit]一点儿 t ea[ti:]茶叶 b i g [big]大的 [e] [?] e gg [eg]鸡蛋 b a t [b?t]球拍 b e d [bed]床 c a p [k ?p]帽子 p e t [pet]宠物 gl a d [gl?d]高兴的 h ea d [hed]头 m a p [m?p]地图 [?:] [?] b ir d [b?:d]鸟 rubb er [`r?b?]橡皮 g ir l [g?:l]女孩 rul er[`ru:l?]直尺 n ur se [n?:s]护士 doct or [`d?kt?]医生 sk ir t [sk?:t]裙子 banan a[b?`na:n?] 香蕉[a:] [?] c ar[ka:]小汽车 d uc k [d?k]鸭子 st ar[sta:]星星 d o ve [d?v]鸽子 c ar t [ka:t]马车 c u p [k?p]杯子 p ar k [pa:k]公园 b u s [b?s]公共汽车


英语国际音标表( 48 个) 1.元音( 20 个) 长元音: / ɑ:/ / ?:/ / ?:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音: / ?/ / ?/ / ?/ / ?/ / ? / /e/ /? / 双元音: /e ?/ / ?? / /a ?/ /a ? / / ??/ / ??/ /e ?/ / ?? / 2.辅音( 28 个) 清辅音: /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ / θ/ /s/ / ?/ / h/ /ts/ /t ?/ /tr/ 浊辅音: /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e/ /z/ / ?/ /d ?/ /dz/ /dr/ / r/ 鼻音: /m/ /n/ / ?/ 半元音: / j/ / w/ 边音: / ?/ 英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音 : 1) [ ? ] 发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 2) [a:] 字母组合 ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 3) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 4) [ ? ] 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 5) [ I ] 发音字母i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 6) [i:] 字母组合 :ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 7) [ ε字]母组合 er or ou ar o a e u


[i:]me she he please teacher [i] it big six sixty city [?:]sir girl skirt work world [?] possible china again breakfast quiet [o:]bought thought wall ball talk [o] not hot shop hotter shopkeeper [u:] school through boot food room [u]bedroom classroom good look do [a:] are half class car far [?] cut son love come sun [?] apple bag map man has [e] pen desk head bread guess [ai]night right kind child by [ei] cake take same play way [?i]boy noisy noisier noise noisest [i?] ear here beer museum dear [e?] care air chair airport careful [u?] poor [?u] no home hello slow show [au]loudly house now down how [p]shop top hope stop post

[b] bag black bed beside [t]talk tought top tough stopped [d] do did dog read used [k] call card uncle stomach cold [g] dog give gate get gold [f]frog fox four food floor [v]five river voice move receive [s]nice city twice guess answer [z]bags this apples rivers zoo [t]it wanted watched stopped teach [d]need answered read used do [?]she machine moustache shop shopper [?] measure pleasure [ts]eats students sits minutes shirts [dz] friends stands hands heads records [tr] tree try trace(痕迹) tracer(追踪者) train [dr] drive drink July dream drag drama [t?]China change child children watch [d?] = [dr] [m]move mother moment mountain milk [n]answer not line student want


48个国际音标对应的字母组合 1 元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \ei ①ee: three[θri:](三)tree[tri:](树)green[ɡri:n](绿色) ②ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) tea[ti:](茶、茶叶)meat[mi:t](肉食) ③e: he [hi:, i] (他) me[mi:, mi](我,宾格) ④ie\ei: piece[pi:s](片, 块)receive[ri,si:v](收到, 接到) 2) [i] 发音字母:① i ②y③ e ①i : sit[sit] ((使)坐)picture.[,pikt??] (图画, 肖像; 照片) ②y : any[,eni](一点, 一些)many[,meni](许多, 多的) ③e : defect .[di,fekt](缺点, 过失)women.[,wimin](女人) 3) [? ]发音字母: a a : bag .[b?ɡ] (袋, 包) hand .[h?nd] (手) and.[?nd, ?nd](和, 与) 4) [e] 字母组合:① ea ②e ③a ①ea : head.[hed](头部)bread.[bred](面包) ②e : desk.[desk](书桌, 办公桌)bed.[bed](床, 床位) ③a : any[,eni](一点, 一些)many[,meni](许多, 多的) 5) [?:] 字母组合:①ir② ur ③ear④ er ⑤or ①ir :girl .[ɡ?:l] (女孩、少女)shirt.[??:t](衬衫、衬衣) ②ur :turn.[t?:n](翻转、旋转) nurse.[n?:s](护士) ③ear :learn.[l?:n]( 学习; 学; 学会) early .[,?:li]( 早的, 提早的) ④er :term.[t?:m](学期) her.[h?:](她)


英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?:// ?://i://U:/ 短元音/ ?//?//?//?//?//e//?/e?//a?//??/ 双元音/??//e?//??/ /??//a?/ 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/ 浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/ 清辅音/?// h//ts//t?//tr/ 浊辅音/?// r/ /dz/ /d?//dr/ 鼻音/m//n/ /?/ 半元音/ j// w/ 边音/ ?/ 新旧英语国际音标对照表 辅音新旧无变化。

英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y 单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s ee ea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m e p ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y 2)[ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u a 单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i x man y happ y d i ctionar y d e fect d e cide del i cious 3)[ ? ]发音字母: a 单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a d bl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n 4)[e]字母组合: ea e a 单词举例:h ea d br ea d b e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e ll l e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s 5)[З:]?: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or 单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir d t ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sday
