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Unit Two

Ceremonial Address and an Short-term Preparation

Teaching Plan


Class Profile: 04BE 1

Estimated time: 100 min. in 2 periods

I. Unit Objectives

1.Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the short run.

2.Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance.

3.Ss master the basic words and expressions about ceremonial address.

4.Ss know some cultural background knowledge about ceremonial address.

II Materials and/or equipment

1.Business Interpreting

2.Other reference materials prepared by the teacher

3.Overhead projector


III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures

First period (50 minutes)

Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m

Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations.

They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have

learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the

interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.

●While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make

assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well.

Peer's Assessment Form

II. Theory & Techniques: Short-term preparation 20 m

●Warm-up activity


1.What to Prepare?

1). Meeting Documents

2). A Glossary List

3). Dictionaries, Notebooks and Pens

4). Dresses and Name Cards

2.How to Prepare?

1). Read through the Relevant Documents

2). Surf the Internet

3). Contact the Organizer and the Speaker

4). Prepare a question list

A Sample Question List

To Organizer:

1.May I have the schedule? Will there be any changes about the schedule?

2.Is it possible for me to have the speakers’ speech drafts or ppt slides?

3.Who will attend the conference? Is there a Q & A session?

4.Who are the key-note speakers? How can I get in touch with them?

To Speaker:

1.How long will the speech last?

2.What are your main points? Are you going to add or cut any points?

3.Are you going to use any technical terms?

4.May I have your draft or ppt slides?

III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m

●Chinese- English


IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m

●Chinese- English


Second period (50minutes)

Phase 2 Performing 30 m

I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m

Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes.

II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m

Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes.

III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m

●Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage

during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class.

●Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own.
