教育学原理,自考真题 2018年10月

1.教育学的研究对象是( D )1-37A.教育制度B.教育规律C.教育体系D.教育问题2.关于教育起源的最古老观点是( B )1-11A.心理起源说B.神话起源说C.生物起源说D.劳动起源说3.实用主义教育学的代表人物是( D )1-46A.夸美纽斯B.洛克C.卢梭D.杜威4.特朗里编著的《英汉双解英语词典》中把“教育”定义为( C )1-6A.成功地教育B.成功地教学C.成功地学习D.成功地教授5.下列不属于“六学二馆”的是( A )1-21A.国子监B.太学C.书学D.算学6.德国教育学家拉伊的代表作是( A )1-44A.《实验教育学》B.《实验教育学纲要》C.《实验教育学入门讲义》D.《普通教育学》7.文化对教育的作用表现在( D )2-78A.文化制约支配教育的目的B.文化制约支配教育的评价C.文化制约支配教育的领导权D.文化制约支配教育的内容8.教育与政治制度的关系是( C )2-74A.教育是政治制度发展的根本动力B.教育对政治制度发展起决定作用C.教育对政治制度发展有加速或延缓作用D.教育是政治制度产生的前提和基础9.“最近发展区”理论的提出者是( D )3-93A.皮亚杰B.弗洛伊德C.艾里克森D.维果茨基10.“不凌节而施”要求教育符合下述青少年身心发展的哪条规律?( C )3-110A.阶段性B.不均衡性C.顺序性D.稳定性11.教育目的主要具有下列哪项功能?( A )5-165A.导向功能B.发展功能C.文化功能D.生态功能12.作为我国教育机构的“书院”最早始于( B )4-148A.隋朝B.唐朝C.宋朝D.清朝13.古罗马时期面向平民子弟开办的学校是( A )4-133A.文艺学校和游乐学校B.文法学校和修辞学校C.僧侣学校和寺院学校D.体操学校和舞蹈学校14.吉尔福特依据思维展开的方向将人的思维划分为( C )6-229A.抽象思维和形象思维B.逻辑思维和直觉思维C.发散思维和辐合思维D.归纳思维和演绎思维15.学校体育能够使学生在体力和精神上得到恢复和放松,这体现了学校体育具有( C )6-234A.健体功能B.教育功能C.娱乐功能D.医疗功能16.学校教育的基本途径是( A )7-263A.教学B.课外活动C.校外活动D.社会实践17.教育家罗杰斯倡导的理论是( D )7-254A.范例教学B.发现教学C.程序教学D.非指导性教学18.教师成为独立的、专门的职业始于( D )8-284A.原始社会B.奴隶社会C.封建社会D.资本主义社会19.中小学教师必备的主要教育科学知识除了教育学、心理学外,还有( D )8-296 A.社会学B.管理学C.哲学D.各科教学法20.中国第一个颁布并实施的现代学制是( A )4-150A.“癸卯学制”B.“壬子——癸丑学制”C.“壬戌学制”D.1951年学制二、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)21.教育影响1-10【解析】即教育过程中教育者作用于学生的全部信息,既包括了信息的内容,也包括了信息传递和反馈的形式,是形式与内容的统一。

全国2015年10月高等教育自学考试教育学原理试题(课程代码 00469)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题纸”的相应代码涂黑。

教育学原理历年真题(The education principle over the years)

教育学原理历年真题(The education principle over theyears)Zhejiang higher education self study examination in January 2002Principles of PedagogyCourse Code: 00469First, fill in the blanks (empty 1 points, a total of 15 points)1._ Bacon _ is known as "the originator of modern science".The development level of the 2. productivity restricts the structure of __ education development speed, scale and ____ __ school.The development and change of 3. teenagers of the body, including the body's normal __ __ and __ physical development enhancement ___ two aspects.4. school education system includes two parts: one is the___ school administrative system ___, two is __ school management system ___.5., Dewey put forward the idea of education without purpose, mainly based on two considerations. The first is _ social___, followed by __ education itself ___.The 6. primary and secondary schools "___ students ____" is the primary and middle school students must abide by thecode of conduct.7. school education mainly through the ____ __ intellectual culture _ and ____ activities to achieve.8. by setting a certain situation to make studentsnaturally have a teaching method called ___ cultivation method _____ education.9. student center theory mainly in France and the United States _____ ___ Rousseau as the representative of Dewey.10. students' ideas, personality, and the resulting behavior is affected by ___ social influence and restrict the __.Two, single choice (in each item of four answer options, choose a correct answer, the correct answer and fill in the numbers in parentheses. Every day 1 points, a total of 10 points)1. generally speaking, it is considered the first pedagogical work to be (c)A. "the Republic"B. "learning notes"C. "great pedagogy"D. "general pedagogy"2. the culture is transferred from one generation to another in the same social and cultural community. This function is called aA. education transfer preservation cultural functionB. education communication cultural functionC. educational choice enhance cultural functionD. educational creation renew cultural function3. "the wolf howl." It shows that B plays an important role in the development of human beings.A. geneticB. environmentC. education,D., subjective initiative4. "some children have deep and lasting emotions, while some children are unrestrained and enthusiastic." This shows that the physical and mental development of teenagers (d)A. sequentialB. disequilibriumC. variabilityD. individual variability5. "seven arts" refers to (d)A. grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, archeryB. grammar, law, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, musicC. grammar, rhetoric, oratory, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, archeryD. grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music6. the educational teleology put forward by Emile Durkheim belongs to (b)A. theological education teleology --B. society based educational teleologyC. individual oriented educational teleology --D. education without aim theory7. school sports can make the students in the physical and mental after recovery and relaxation. It means DA. fitness functionB. intellectual functionC. Germany functionD. entertainment function8. Hirooka Ryohide in Japan summed up the educational process as (c)A. preparation -- Internalization -- Consolidation ofB. hypothesis -- verification -- SummaryC. introduction -- unfolding -- endingD. preparation -- Internalization -- Application9.. The main representative of Teacher centered theory is(d)A. Platon RousseauB.C. Dewey HerbartD.The formation of the personality quality of the 10. people is mainly through (a)(1) monorail system(2) combination of unity and flexibility(3) the combination of general education and Vocational Education(4) the combination of formal education and informal education3. factors affecting the determination of educational content.(1) social situation and its development(2) the development of culture and science and technology(3) the reality of educational objects(4) teachers' values, knowledge level and personality characteristics4. characteristics of family education.(1) the life style of family education(2) the emotional education of family education(3) diversification of family educationSeven, discuss a problem (to match each 10 points, a total of 20 points)1. comment on experimental pedagogy.(1) time: Europe and America at the end of the twentieth Century and the beginning of nineteenth Century(2) representative: Mei Iman(3) main points of view:A opposed to Herbart as the representative of the emphasis on the concept of education, that education in test methods is of no use to learn this kind of education;B advocates applying the research results and methods of experimental psychology to educational research, so as to make educational research truly scientific";C education experiment must be divided into three stages: the hypothesis of a problem; the experiment plan accordingto the hypothesis; the experiment; the experimental results applied to the actual, to prove its correctness;D believes that the difference between education experiment and psychological experiment is that psychological experiment is carried out in the laboratory, while education experiment should be carried out in the real school environment and teaching practice;E advocates to explore the characteristics of children's psychological development and the level of intelligence development by means of experiment, statistics and comparison, and uses experimental data as the basis for reforming the educational system, curriculum and teaching methods.(4) evaluationThe quantitative research emphasized by A experimental education has become a basic paradigm of educational research in the twentieth Century. It has been widely used and developed in the past hundred years, which has greatly promoted the development of educational science.The limitations of B Experimental Pedagogy: some problems can not be dealt with by experiments or quantitative methods, so it is possible to go towards scientism.2. discuss the history of the establishment and development of school education system in our country. What experience can we get from it? What are the implications for thecurrent school system reform in China?(I) history(1) 1902~1904 year schooling system(2) 1912~1913 year schooling system(3) 1922 educational system(4) 1951 educational system(5) the system of schooling after the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee(6) the educational system in 1985(two) experience(1) the modern educational system should not only consider the nature of social productive relations, but also consider the social productive forces and the level of science and technology development.(2) the educational system reform to go its own way, cannot become the foreign educational system reform "yesman", or pull a rickshaw on the issue of "the educational system reform".(3) the reform of school system should be scientific and rational.(three) enlightenmentOpen the answer, as long as you can It stands to reason.National self taught higher education examination in October 2001Principles of PedagogyCourse Code: 00469The first part of the multiple-choice questionA single choice (the title of 20 items, each item of 1 points, a total of 20 points) in four options for each item listed onlyOne option is in line with the requirements of the subject. Please insert the letter before the correct option in the brackets after the question.1. the representative of the social standard educational teleology is (A)A. B. C. Zankov Rousseaus Durkheim D. Frobel2., the teacher's language as the main media, systematic, coherent to impart knowledge to students, express emotion and values of education methodsYes (B)A. demonstration method,B. teaching method,C. conversation method,D. cultivation method3. from the time point of view,Compared with other forms of education, family education is characterized by (B)A. begins the earliest and lasts the shortest.B. begins the longest and lasts the longestC. started late and lasted the longest,D. started late and lasted for a short time4. "three centers" in traditional teaching means DA. student center, activity center, life center,B. student center, social center and Practice CenterC. teacher center, practice center, life center,D. teacher center, classroom center, textbook Center5., the core position in the school education system is (C)A. logistics work,B. management work,C. teaching work,D. scientific research work6. the direct function of aesthetic education is (C)A. ethicsB. promote wisdomC. beautyD. fitness7., the amount of education investment in a country depends on (C)A. cultural tradition,B. educators' needs,C. productivity level,D. education scale8. the most fundamental and intrinsic factor that causesand determines the development and change of education is (A)A. social productivity,B. cultural tradition,C. social system,D. science and technology level9. the earliest private schools in China flourished (B)A. Shang ZhouB., spring and autumn, Warring States period,C., Qin and Han,D., Sui and Tang Dynasties10. in the theory of teacher student relationship, the representative of "child centered theory" is (C)A. B. C. Dewey D. Herbart Pestalozzi ComeniusThe physical and mental development of the 11. refers to (A)A. physical and psychological development,B. personality formation of moral characterC. weight and height increaseD. skills and skills12. the following characteristics of education in the primitive society are (C)A. systematicness,B., institutionalC., non class nature,D. hierarchy13.. Modern schools in China arise from (C)A.17 century end,B.18 century end,C.19 century end,D.20 century end14., on the issue of the origin of education, it is believed that the birth of education is entirely from the point of view of animal instinct (A)A. biological origin theory,B. myth origin theory,C. psychological origin theory,D. labor origin theory15. the fundamental task of intellectual education is (A)A. developing students' intelligenceB. and cultivating students' AutonomyC. to improve students' interest in life,D. to form students' conduct16. compared with general physical exercise, school sports are more (D)A. randomness,B. entertainment,C. consciousness,D.systematicnessThe world outlook of the 17. people is basically formed in (D)A. infancyB. childhoodC. adolescenceD. youth18. teachers are the organizers and leaders of educational activities, and they play an important role in the process of Education (C)A. compulsion,B. helper effect,C. dominance,D. mediation19. the educational work of Rousseau, a famous French educator, is (C)The "B. A." education "teaching" C. "Emile" D. "general education"20. the modern school education system in Britain is a typical one (A)A. double track systemB. monorailC. branchD. intermediate educational systemThe second part is the non selective questionTwo, (the title glossary 4 items, each item of 5 points, a total of 20 points)21. educational policyIt is the policy expression of educational purpose, the general requirement of a country's education work, and the root of a country's educationThis nature, the general guiding ideology and the general direction of education work.22. educational methodsTeachers and students in the process of education in order to achieve certain educational goals and the use of some internal relations activitiesCombination of means and means23. educational influenceIn the process of education, all the information that educators use to students includes both the content of information and the informationThe form of transmission and feedback is the unity of form and content24. moral educationIt is the value environment for the educators to organize the moral growth of the moral objects and promote them in morality, thought and PoliticsEducational activities that are constantly constructed and promotedThree, short answer questions (the big topic 4 items, each item of 8 points, a total of 32 points)25. why does education play a leading role in the development of human beings?(1) education is a kind of purposeful, planned, organized and systematic training of human activities;(2) education is a teacher's influence on teenagers according to the requirements of a certain social development to promote their freedomAll round development activities;(3) in a person's life, adolescence is the most necessary period of education and the best education.26. characteristics of modern education.The characteristics of modern education include:(1) the publicity of modern education;(2) the productive nature of modern education;(3) the scientific nature of modern education;(4) the future of modern education;(5) the international nature of modern education;(6) the lifelong character of modern education;(7) the revolutionary of modern education.27. the basic characteristics of educational objectives in china.(1) the purpose of education in China is guided by the theory of Marx's all-round development of human beings;(2) the educational purpose of our country has distinct political direction;(3) adhere to the unity of overall development and individual development;28. what are the constraints and decisive roles of the political system on education?1) the political system has the restriction and the decisive function to the education goal and the education content;(2) the political system determines the leadership of education and restricts who has the right to receive education and what kind of EducationFour, discussion questions (13 points)29. contact with practice, discusses what basic qualities teachers should have?(1) good ideological and moral accomplishment. It includesa firm political orientation, dedication to education, respect and warmthLove students, spirit of teamwork, and teacher Yanyilvji, etc..(2) reasonable knowledge structure. It includes systematic Marxist Leninist theory, profound professional knowledge and extensive knowledgeThe basic knowledge of culture and the necessary knowledge of educational science.(3) proper ability structure. Including the ability to organize education and teaching activities, language expression ability, organization and management ability,And the ability to control themselves.Five, case analysis (15 points)Five, case analysis (this topic 15 points)30. Guangming school is a weak school, students do not go to school, illegal activities occur from time to time,academic performance has been comparedWorse. In 1994, President Li worked in the school, determined to change this situation, designed on the basis of investigation and researchTaking aesthetic education as the breakthrough point to promote the reform program of school development. The specific way of the school is, in the good music, art classOn the basis of this, each student is required to participate in extracurricular art clubs or activities of interest groups, and the school drum orchestra is established,The choir, calligraphy society, art club, craft group and other art groups, art education run regular lectures, heldCampus art festival, timely exhibition and exhibition of artistic community achievements.After a period of hard work, school artThe education activities are in full swing, the students are bored with it, and the whole face of the school has changed, the offenseThe crime will not happen, academic performance is obviously improved, the spirit of the students has changed the face of.Question: (1) apply the principle of aesthetic education to analyze the reform measures of Guangming school;(1) the function of aesthetic education is: direct function, indirect function, super aesthetic education function (or moral education, intelligence promotion, health andaesthetic appreciation),Cultivate creativity, etc.. The reform experience of Guangming school with aesthetic education as the breakthrough point is mainly the comprehensive applicationof aesthetic educationEducation function, that is, aesthetic education can cultivate people's temperament and promote students' moral and intellectual progress. The school notesTeachers change research, through a variety of aesthetic activities to change their appearance, has a positive meaning.(2) if you are a school leader, what are you going to do next?The next step of reform design can be conceived in many ways. The main points are as follows: first, expand the existing onesThe result is that the advantages of aesthetic education should be carried forward; second, comprehensively improve the quality of students, and integrate them in morality,intelligence and bodyReform; third, renewing educational concept, reforming management measures, optimizing educational environment and so on.。

4月自学考试00469教育学原理试题答案教育学原理试题答案(4月自学考试00469)一、选择题1. C2. A3. B4. D5. C6. D7. B8. A9. D 10. B二、填空题11. 自由主义教育学和马克思主义教育学 12. 创造真理和传承真理13. 围绕群体总目标进行活动和治理 14. 头脑与手的结合 15. 社会距离和情感距离三、简答题16. 教育学原理是教师专业知识的核心,它是教师工作中的指导性理论。
17. 个别差异理论是指学生在个体差异方面存在着不同的特点和需求,如智力水平、性格特点、兴趣爱好、学习风格等。
18. 课堂教学是教师与学生直接交流和互动的重要环节,也是学生获取知识的主要场所。
19. 教育技术是指教师在教学中运用各种工具和技术手段来促进学生学习的过程。



2024年4月自考00469教育学原理真题及答案解析单选 :1、中国教育学的本土化在20世纪二三十年代就已经开始了。
其中,倡导生活教育理论并进行乡村教育实践的教育家是A、陶行知B、晏阳初C、蔡元培D、陈鹤琴正确答案:A答案解析:陶行知倡导生活教育理论并进行乡村教育实践单选 :2、中国封建社会学校教育的主要内容是A、六艺B、七艺C、四书五经D、骑士七技正确答案:C答案解析:中国封建社会学校教育的主要内容是四书五经。
单选 :3、根据皮亚杰对儿童认知发展阶段的划分,中学生的认知水平一般处于A、感觉运动阶段B、前运算阶段C、具体运算阶段D、形式运算阶段正确答案:D答案解析:瑞士著名心理学家皮亚杰(Jean Piaget,1896-1980)是认知发展理论的代表人物。
单选 :4、党的二十大报告强调,实施科教兴国战略,强化现代化建设人才支撑。
单选 :5、“教育是管理人员和体力劳动者之间的关卡。




全国 2016年4月高等教育自学考试教育学原理试题(课程代码00469)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.阿普尔的教育学属于A.实验教育学 B.文化教育学C.制度教育学 D.批判教育学2.“教,上所施,下所效也;育,养子使作善也。
”出自A.《说文解字》 B.《大学》 C.《进学解》 D.《劝学篇》3.下列属于我国封建社会启蒙读物的是A.《学记》 B.《大学》 C.《百家姓》 D.《师说》4.我国唐朝官学体系“六学二馆”中的“二馆”是指A.算学馆、律学馆 B.广文馆、武备馆C.弘文馆、崇文馆 D.进士馆、同文馆5.《论语》是记述一位教育家言行的著作,这位教育家是A.孟子 B.孔子 C.老子 D.荀子6.在教育的继承性中,对学校组织与制度的继承主要是A.教育内容的继承 B.教育模式的继承C.教育思想的继承 D.教育经验的继承7.教育是一种社会资源,这种资源的丰富程度,从根本上说决定于A.生产力发展程度 B.国家经济发展程度C.生活水平发展程度 D.国民素质发展程度8.人类与动物的本质区别在于A.人是政治动物 B. 人是思维动物C.人是合群动物 D.人是文化动物9.皮亚杰代表的学派是A.认知发生学派 B.个性发生学派C.生物主义学派 D.活动心理学派10.“学则不固”的说法体现了对人的发展起重要作用的是A.遗传 B.环境 C.教育 D.内因11.教育学家赞可夫提出的理论是A. “最近发展区”理论B. “一般发展”理论C. “一般能力”理论D. “特殊能力”理论12.古罗马为富贵子弟开办的学校是A. “文艺学校”和“游乐学校”B. “文法学校”和“修辞学校”C. “文艺学校”和“文法学校”D. “文艺学校”和“修辞学校”13.现代学校教育制度产生于A.北美洲 B.大洋洲 C.亚洲 D.欧洲14.我国“1922学制”又称作A.癸卯学制 B.壬子—癸丑学制C.壬戌学制 D.癸丑学制15.涂尔千的教育目的论是A.神学教育目的论 B.社会本位教育目的论C.个人本位教育目的论 D.教育无目的论16.罗杰斯倡导的教学模式是A.合作教学模式 B.发现或探索教学模式C. 最优化教学模式 D.非指导性教学模式17.苏格拉底提倡的“产婆法”属于A.讲授法 B.谈话法 C.演示法 D.陶冶法18.“教育的过程,在它自身以外没有目的,它就是自己的目的”。

2020年10⽉全国教育学原理⾃考试题及答案解析.doc 精品⾃学考料推荐全国 2019 年 10 ⽉⾼等教育⾃学考试教育学原理试题课程代码: 00469⼀、单项选择题(本⼤题共20 ⼩题,每⼩题 1 分,共20 分)在每⼩题列出的四个备选项中只有⼀个是符合题⽬要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.环境对⼈的发展的影响具有()A. 强制性B.⾃发性C.系统性D.计划性2.狭义的德育⼀般专指()A. 政治教育B.思想教育C.⼼理教育D.道德教育3.从宗教的⾓度论述教育⽬的的是()A. 夸美纽斯B.赫尔巴特C.培根D.康德4.强调在教育内容中应⼤⼒安排古典⽂化作品的教育流派是()A. 实⽤主义B.永恒主义C.⾃然主义D.结构主义5.我国最早专门论述教育教学问题的著作是()A. 《论语》B.《学记》C.《孟⼦》D.《中庸》6.将真诚、信赖、尊重等观念引⼊学校教育,表现新型师⽣关系特征的⽅法是()A. 讲授法7.教育制度的类型是多种多样的,可以从多种⾓度进⾏划分。
下⾯从教育阶段⾓度划分的⼀种教育制度是()A. ⾼等教育制度B.特殊教育制度C.奖惩作息制度D.封建社会的教育制度8.按教育内容的分类来说,法制教育属于()A. 美育B.体育C.德育D.智育9.不同的社会历史时期和不同的⽂化背景下,教育制度就不同,这说明教育制度具有()A. 客观性 B.强制性C.历史性D.教育性10.使学⽣得到精神上的满⾜和愉悦,增强其学习的动机,改善教育活动氛围主要有赖于()A. 惩罚 B.说教C.监督D.奖励11.建⽴学校、家庭、社会三结合的教育体系,有利于形成()1A. 教育系统B.教育集团C.教育合⼒D.教育⽹络12. 社会对教育事业的需求程度最终取决于()A. ⽣产⼒⽔平B.社会制度C.⽂化背景D.科技⽔平13. 学校在学校、家庭、社会三结合的教育关系中发挥()A. 制约作⽤14. 提出“⾃然教育”思想的教育家是()A. 洛克B.卢梭C.斯宾塞D.福禄贝尔15. 下⾯不属于对“学⽣主观能动性”描述的是()...A. 学⽣具有⾃觉性B.学⽣具有独⽴性C.学⽣具有创造性D.学⽣具有可塑性16. 在教育过程中究竟形成什么样的师⽣关系,主要取决于()A. 学⽣B.环境C.社会D.教师17. 教育与政治的相互关系是()A. 领导与被领导的关系B.⽀配与被⽀配的关系C.相互依存相互作⽤的关系D.相互对⽴相互割裂的关系18. 青少年学⽣在⼀定年龄阶段内所表现出来的⾝⼼发展特征是()A. 年龄特征B.⽣理特征C.⼼理特征D.精神特征19. 教育⽬的与教育⽬标的关系是()A. 教育⽬的与教育⽬标没有差别B.教育⽬标是教育⽬的的具体化C.教育⽬标可以取代教育⽬的D.教育⽬的可以取代教育⽬标20. 教育过程的关键是实现()A. 教师讲授过程B.学⽣学习过程C.校长管理过程D.教材呈现过程⼆、名词解释题(本⼤题共 5 ⼩题,每⼩题 4 分,共20 分)21.学⽣中⼼论22.教育的永恒性23.⼈的可教育性24.制度教育学25.教育内容三、简答题(本⼤题共 6 ⼩题,选答其中 4 ⼩题,每⼩题8 分,共 32 分,多选答者,按前4⼩题评分)26.如何正确认识全⾯发展与因材施教的关系?27.影响⼈的⾝⼼发展的基本因素是什么?28.资本主义社会教育的特征。

A. 中介B. 基础C. 评价D. 适应【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第2题与制度化的学校教育相比,家庭教育的特点首先表现为()A. 情感化B. 多样化C. 生活化D. 潜在化【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第3题教师主导的根本任务在于()A. 否定学生主体性B. 否定学生的主体地位C. 否定学生能动性D. 提高学生的主体性【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第4题英国现代学制最终确立是由()通过的。
A. 怀特布雷提案B. 巴特勒教育法案C. 初等教育法案D. 中等教育法案【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第5题在未来的社会中,教育的阶级性将随着阶级的消灭而()A. 呈现超阶级性B. 交替出现C. 不变D. 消灭【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第6题下面属于教育无目的论的代表人物是()A. 卢梭B. 涂尔干C. 杜威D. 福禄倍尔【正确答案】 C【你的答案】本题分数1分第7题教育内容要与社会的当前需要和未来发展的需求()A. 无关系B. 相背离C. 不相关D. 相一致【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第8题学生主体作用的最高表现形式是()A. 自觉性B. 创造性C. 独立性D. 可塑性【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第9题“生而知之者上也,学而知之者次也,困而学之又其次也,困而不学,民斯为下矣”,“唯上智下愚不移”体现了()A. 教育万能论思想B. 环境决定论思想C. 唯心主义思想D. 遗传决定论思想【正确答案】 D【你的答案】本题分数1分第10题经济基础是制约教育的()A. 前提因素B. 中介因素C. 直接因素D. 首要因素【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第11题在古罗马学校教育制度中为平民子弟准备的学校是()A. 游乐学校B. 文法学校C. 修辞学校D. 教区学校【正确答案】 A【你的答案】本题分数1分第12题皮亚杰关于儿童认知发展的时期划分中,儿童以日益复杂的方式运用符号的能力的发展为特点是()A. 感觉运动时期B. 前运算时期C. 具体运算时期D. 形式运算时期【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第13题以师生交谈的方式进行知识教学和价值辅导的教育方法是()A. 讲授法B. 谈话法C. 陶冶法D. 实践法【正确答案】 B【你的答案】本题分数1分第14题马克思在《资本论》中指出,()不仅是提高社会生产的一种方法,而且是造就全面发展的人的唯一方法。