












要求: (1)写出计算步骤;(2)给出最优的策略结果。



假设甲采取U 的概率为0.3,乙采取R的概率为0.6。

乙L R甲UD答:(1)当乙采取R策略的可能性为0.6时,采取L策略的可能性为0.4,那么甲据此判断采取自己的策略U时所获得的可能的期望收益EU(U)=0.6×2+0.4×3=2.4。


很显然,甲应该选择策略D,因为EU(D)> EU(U)。





A. 效用B. 支付C. 决策D. 利润2.博弈中通常包括下面的内容,除了()。




A. 策略组合B. 策略C. 信息D. 行动6.对博弈中的每一个博弈者而言,无论对手作何选择,其总是拥有惟一最佳行为,此时的博弈具有()。




A. 当一个垄断竞争行业是由一个主导企业控制时B.当一个寡头行业面对的是重复博弈时C.当一个垄断行业被迫重复地与一个寡头行业博弈时D. 当一个寡头行业进行一次博弈时10.一个企业采取的行为与另一个企业在前一阶段采取的行为一致,这种策略是一种()。


A. 策略式博弈无法刻划动态博弈B. 策略式博弈无法表明行动顺序C. 策略式博弈更容易求解D. 策略式博弈就是一个支付矩阵12.下列关于策略的叙述哪个是错误的():A. 策略是局中人选择的一套行动计划;B. 参与博弈的每一个局中人都有若干个策略;C. 一个局中人在原博弈中的策略和在子博弈中的策略是相同的;D. 策略与行动是两个不同的概念,策略是行动的规则,而不是行动本身。




A. 效用B. 支付C. 决策D. 利润2.博弈中通常包括下面的内容,除了()。




A. 策略组合B. 策略C. 信息D. 行动6.对博弈中的每一个博弈者而言,无论对手作何选择,其总是拥有惟一最佳行为,此时的博弈具有()。




A. 当一个垄断竞争行业是由一个主导企业控制时B.当一个寡头行业面对的是重复博弈时C.当一个垄断行业被迫重复地与一个寡头行业博弈时D. 当一个寡头行业进行一次博弈时10.一个企业采取的行为与另一个企业在前一阶段采取的行为一致,这种策略是一种()。


A. 策略式博弈无法刻划动态博弈B. 策略式博弈无法表明行动顺序C. 策略式博弈更容易求解D. 策略式博弈就是一个支付矩阵12.下列关于策略的叙述哪个是错误的():A. 策略是局中人选择的一套行动计划;B. 参与博弈的每一个局中人都有若干个策略;C. 一个局中人在原博弈中的策略和在子博弈中的策略是相同的;D. 策略与行动是两个不同的概念,策略是行动的规则,而不是行动本身。

















↬ Chapter 2: Dynamic Game: Complete Information
Chapter 2: Dynamic Game: Complet: 房地产开发博弈,信息集:
Dr.Guohong Wang, School of Economics, Qingdao University
2.2 博弈的扩展式表述
• n 人有限战略博弈可以用博弈树来表示 • 博弈树的每一个结点都是所有之前发生的事情的一个完整描述,
• 博弈树的枝不仅完整地描述了每一个决策结参与人的行动空间,
而且给出了从一个决策结到下一个决策结的路径,每一个终点结 完全决定博弈树的一个路径。
• 动态 (Static): 顺序!
在静态博弈中,所有参与人同时行动 (或行动虽有先后,但没有人 在自已行动之前观测到别人的行动) 在动态博弈中,参与人的行动有先后顺序,且后行动者在自己行 动之前能观测到先行动者的行动 • 一般用战略式表述来描述和分析静态博弈,用扩展式表述来描述 和分析动态博弈
Dr.Guohong Wang, School of Economics, Qingdao University
↬ Chapter 2: Dynamic Game: Complete Information
Chapter 2: Dynamic Game: Complete Information
2.5 博弈的扩展式表述
Dr.Guohong Wang, School of Economics, Qingdao University



第 1 次作业1、考虑一个工作申请的博弈。


工作申请规则如下: 每个学生只能向其中一家企业申请工 作;如果一家企业只有一个学生申请, 该学生获得工作; 如果一家企业有两个学 生申请,则每个学生获得工作的概率为 1/2 。

现在假定每家企业的工资满足:W1/2<W2<2W1 ,则问:a .写出以上博弈的战略式描述b .求出以上博弈的所有纳什均衡(包括混合策略均衡 )2、设古诺模型中有 n 家厂商。

q i 为厂商 i 的产量, Qq 1 q 2 L q n 为市场总产量。

P 为市场出清价格,且已知 PP(Q)aQ (当 Qa时,否则 P0 )。

假设厂商 i 生产产量 q i 的总成本为 C iC i(q i ) cq i,也就是说没有固定成本且各厂的边际成本都相同,为常数 c(ca) 。

假设各厂同时选择产量,该模型的纳什均衡是什么?当趋向于无穷大时博弈分析是否仍然有效?3、两 个 厂商 生产 一种 完 全同质的 商品 ,该 商品 的市 场需 求函数为Q 100 P ,设厂商 1 和厂商 2 都没有固定成本。

若他们在相互知道对方边际成本的情况下, 同时作出产量决策是分别生产 20 单位和 30 单位。


每只鸭子的收益v 是鸭子总数N的函数,并取决于N是否超过某个临界值N;如果NN,收益v v( N )50N;如果NN时,v(N)0 。

再假设每只鸭子的成本为 c 2元。


问:这三个博弈的纳什均衡分别是什么?这三对夫妻的感情状态究竟如何?矩阵 1:妻子丈夫活着死了活着1, 1-1, 0死了0, -10,0矩阵 2:妻子活着死了丈夫活着0, 01,0死了0, 10,0矩阵 3:妻子活着死了丈夫活着-1,-11,0死了0, 10,06、两个个体一起参加某项工程,每个人的努力程度e i [0,1] (i1,2) ,成本为c(e i ) (i1,2) ,该项目的产出为f (e1,e2)。



刑部 尚书
(斩,A) (斩,B) (不斩,A) (不斩,B)
(斩,A) 1,1,3 1,1,3 3,2,1 2,3,2
大理寺卿 (斩,B) (不斩,A) (不斩,B) 1,1,3 3,2,1 2,3,2 1,1,3 2,3,2 2,3,2 2,3,2 3,2,1 2,3,2 2,3,2 2,3,2 2,3,2
刑部 尚书
(斩,A) (斩,B) (不斩,A) (不斩,B)
(斩,A) 1,1,3 1,1,3 3,2,1 3,2,1
大理寺卿 (斩,B) (不斩,A) (不斩,B) 1,1,3 3,2,1 3,2,1 1,1,3 3,2,1 2,3,2 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 2,3,2 3,2,1 2,3,2
刑部 尚书
(无罪,B) (无罪,C) (有罪,B) (有罪,C)
大理寺卿 (无罪,B) (无罪,C) (有罪,B) (有罪,C) 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 3,2,1 2,3,2 2,3,2 3,2,1 3,2,1 2,3,2 1,1,3
容易知道在整个博弈中, 有 15 个 Nash 均衡 (用粗体标出) 。 结合第二阶段应有的选择, 可知博弈共有 9 个精炼 Nash 均衡,用灰色标出。 这些结果中,哪一个更有可能出现呢?注意到,其实对于尚书大人来说, (无罪,B) 是一个弱占优战略,而对于左督御史来说(有罪,C)是一个弱占优战略。如果剔除了所有 弱被占优战略,那么唯一剩下的 Nash 均衡就是( (无罪,B) , (有罪,B) , (有罪,C) ) 。相 对于其他的战略,这个战略显然更靠谱,更容易出现。此时,一枝花将有罪,并被流放三千 里。 (2) 如果刑部尚书可以承诺在第二期必然选择 C, 则他有可能通过子博弈精炼均衡 ( (无 罪,C) , (无罪,C) , (有罪,C) )为一枝花脱罪。如前所述, (有罪,C)是左督御史的占 优战略。给定他采用这一战略,如果刑部尚书威胁说: “我认为一枝花无罪,如果他被判有 罪,那么我宁愿将其斩首! ”这时大理寺卿会作何感想呢? 如果他确认尚书真能遵守承诺, 那么(无罪,C)就能成为其最优反应战略。此时, 均衡( (无罪,C) , (无罪,C) , (有罪, C) )将会实现,此时一枝花将会被无罪释放。 但是如果博弈真进行到第二阶段,那么尚书将会更偏好将“一枝花”流放而非处斩。因 此他的上述威胁是不可置信的。 如果其他两位大人预料到了这点, 那么上述的结果就不可能 出现了。 (3)如果博弈顺序改为先决定是否问斩,然后决定是否有罪。如果有罪,他将被流放。 ”或“流放(B) ” 。 则仍然可以先考虑第二阶段。这一阶段,三位大人可以选择“无罪(A)



第一题企业1投资收益:U1=P(Q)*Q1-F(此时成本c=0)企业2投资收益:U2=P(Q)*Q2-C*Q2企业1不投资收益:U1’=P(Q)’*Q1’-C*Q1’企业2不投资收益:U2’=P(Q)’*Q2’-C*Q2’若投资收益大于不投资收益,则企业1会进行投资,即U>U*,(a-Q1-Q2)xQ1-F>(a-Q1*-Q2*)xQ1*- CxQ1*, 得出F< P(Q)xQ1- P(Q)*xQ1*+CxQ1*第二题博弈的纳什均衡为(X/2,X/2)证明:就第T期来说,参与人I和II都有两个选择,即抢夺和等待,收益情况如下:抢夺I 等待II等待可以看出两位参与人会选择(抢夺,抢夺)战略,则倒推Xt-1,Xt-2,…..他们都会选择抢夺战略,因此,这个博弈的纳什均衡为双方在第0期就选择抢夺战略,博弈结束。

第三题Uc(s,b)=ln(100-s)+ln(s+b) Up(s,b)=ln(50-b)+Uc(s,b)分别对Uc(s,b),Up(s,b)求s,b的偏导,再令得到的式子等于0:1/(s-100)+1/(s+b)=0, 1/(b-50)+1/(s+b)=0, 联系两个等式,得到s=b+50,带入Uc中,再求Uc 对s的一阶导数,令它等于0,求出了s=62.5,相应的b=12.5综上所述,此博弈的子博弈精炼均衡为(62.5,12.5)第四题甲先从10根那一堆取两根,此时两堆都为8跟,因为规定只在其中一堆中取,接下来不管乙在哪堆取多少根,甲只需在另外一堆取相同的根数,就能保证获胜。

第五题解: max: -cπ²-(y-ky*)²St: y=y*+β(π-π^e)L=-cπ²-(y-ky*)²+λ[y*+β(π-π^e)-y]对y求偏导令导函数等于零:﹣2(y-ky*)-λ=0 ①对π求偏导令导函数等于零:﹣2cπ+λβ=0 ②y=y*+β(π-π^e) ③由①②③联立得:y=(βky*-cπ)/βπ=[β(ky*+βπ^e-y*)]/﹙c+β²﹚π^e=π=[β(k-1)y*]/cy=y*+β(π﹣π^e)=y*。



本科博弈论2014年第⼆次作业Homework twoNote:1. You can write in Chinese or English, printed or hand written.2. No late homework will be accepted. Please staple your homework and write your name and ID number on the cover.3.The deadline is Nov.12.1) 5.4 Splitting Pizza: You and a friend are in an Italian restaurant, and the owner offers both of you a free eight-slice pizza under the following condition. Eachof you must simultaneously announce how many slices you would like; thatis, each player i ∈{1, 2} names his desired amount of pizza, 0 ≤si≤8. Ifs1+ s2 ≤8 then the players get their demands (and the owner eats any leftover slices). If s1+ s2 > 8, then the players get nothing. Assume that you each careonly about how much pizza you individually consume, and the more the better.a. Write out or graph each player’s best-response correspondence.b. What outcomes can be supported as pure-strategy Nash equilibria?2) 5.9 Tragedy of the Roommates: You and your n ? 1 roommates each have five hours of free time you could spend cleaning your apartment. You all dislike cleaning, but you all like having a clean apartment: each person’s payoff is thetotal hours spent (by everyone) cleaning, minus a number c times the hoursspent (individually) cleaning. That is, vi(s1, s2, . . . , sn)=?c . si+ n j=1sj . Assume everyone chooses simultaneously how much time to spend cleaning.a. Find the Nash equilibrium if c < 1.b. Find the Nash equilibrium if c > 1.c. Set n = 5 and c = 2. Is the Nash equilibrium Pareto efficient? If not,can you find an outcome in which everyone is better off than in the Nash equilibrium outcome?3) 5.16 Hotelling’s Price Competition: Imagine a continuu m of potential buyers, located on the line segment [0, 1], with uniform distribution. (Hence the“mass” or quantity of buyers in the interval [a, b] is equal to b ? a.) Imaginetwo firms, players 1 and 2, who are located at each end of the interval (player1 at the 0 point and player2 at the 1 point). Each player i can choose its pricepi , and each customer goes to the vendor who offers him the highest value. However, price alone does not determine the value; distance is important aswell. In particular each buyer who buys the product from player i has a netvalue of v ? pi? di , where di is the distance between the buyer and vendor iand represents the transportation costs of buying from vendor i. Thus buyera ∈[0, 1] buys from 1 and not 2 if v ? p1? d1>v ? p2 ? d2 and if buyingis better than getting zero. (Here d1 = a and d2 = 1? a. The buying choicewould be reversed if the inequality were reversed.) Finally, assume that thecost of production is zero.a. What is the best-response function of each player?b. Assume that v = 1. What is the Nash equilibrium? Is it unique?c. Now assume that the transportation costs are 1/2di , so that a buyerbuys from 1 if and only if v ? p1? 1/2d1> v ? p2 ? 1/2d2. Write downthe best-response function of each player and solve for the Nashequilibrium.d. Following your analysis in (c), imagine that transportation costs areαdi , with α∈[0, 1]. What happens to the Nash equilibrium as α→0?What is the intuition for this result?4) Comparative Statics of Mixed Strategy Equilibria. C onsider the following two-player game.(a) Find all the Nash equilibria, pure and mixed. Explain how you know you have found all the equilibria.(b) Suppose that the payo_ of the column player u2(D; l) is reduced from 8 to 6, but all other payoffs remain the same. Again, find all the pure- and mixed-strategy Nash equilibria.(c) Compare the mixed-strategy equilibria in parts (a) and (b). Did this worsening in one of player 2's payoffs change player 2's equilibrium mixed strategy? Did it change player 1's? Give some intuition.5) 6.6 Declining Industry: C onsider two competing firms in a declining industrythat cannot support both firms profitably. Each firm has three possible choices,as it must decide whether or not to exit the industry immediately, at the end ofthis quarter, or at the end of the next quarter. If a firm chooses to exit then itspayoff is 0 from that point onward. Each quarter that both firms operate yieldseach a loss equal to ?1, and each quarter that a firm operates alone yields ita payoff of 2. For example, if firm 1 plans to exit at the end of this quarterwhile firm 2 plans to exit at the end of the next quarter then the payoffs are(?1, 1) because both firms lose ?1 in the first quarter and firm 2 gains 2 inthe second. The payoff for each firm is the sum of its quarterly payoffs.a. Write down this game in matrix form.b. Are there any strictly dominated strategies? Are there any weaklydominated strategies?c. Find the pure-strategy Nash equilibria.d. Find the unique mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. (Hint: you can useyour answer to (b) to make things easier.)6) 6.12 The Tax Man: A citizen (player 1) must choose whether to file taxes honestly or to cheat. The tax man (player 2) decides how much effort to invest in auditing and can choose a ∈[0, 1]; the cost to the tax man of investing at alevel a is c(a) = 100a2. If the citizen is honest then he receives the benchmark payoff of 0, and the tax man pays the auditing costs without any benefit fromthe audit, yielding him a payoff of?100a2. If the citizen cheats then his payoff depends on whether he is caught. If he is caught then his payoff is ?100 andthe tax man’s payoff is 100 ?100a2. If he is not caught then his payoff is 50 while the tax man’s payoff is ?100a2. If the citizen cheats and the tax man chooses to audit at level a then the citizen is caught with probability a and isnot caught with probability (1?a).a. If the tax man believes that the citizen is cheating for sure, what is hisbest-response level of a?b. If the tax man believes that the citizen is honest for sure, what is hisbest-response level of a?c. If the tax man believes that the citizen is honest with probability p,what is his best-response level of a as a function of p?d. Is there a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium for this game? Why orwhy not?e. Is there a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium for this game? Why or whynot?。































现在假定每家企业的工资满足:W1/2<W2<2W1,则问:a .写出以上博弈的战略式描述b .求出以上博弈的所有纳什均衡(包括混合策略均衡)2、设古诺模型中有n 家厂商。

i q 为厂商i 的产量,12n Q q q q =+++为市场总产量。

P 为市场出清价格,且已知Q a Q P P-==)((当a Q <时,否则0=P )。

假设厂商i 生产产量i q 的总成本为i i i i cq q C C ==)(,也就是说没有固定成本且各厂的边际成本都相同,为常数)(a c c <。

假设各厂同时选择产量,该模型的纳什均衡是什么?当趋向于无穷大时博弈分析是否仍然有效?3、两个厂商生产一种完全同质的商品,该商品的市场需求函数为P Q -=100,设厂商1和厂商2都没有固定成本。



每只鸭子的收益v 是鸭子总数N 的函数,并取决于N 是否超过某个临界值N ;如果N N<,收益N N v v -==50)(;如果N N ≥时,0)(≡N v 。

再假设每只鸭子的成本为2=c 元。


问:这三个博弈的纳什均衡分别是什么?这三对夫妻的感情状态究竟如何?6、两个个体一起参加某项工程,每个人的努力程度[0,1](1,2)i e i ∈=,成本为()(1,2)i c e i =,该项目的产出为12(,)f e e 。






















































Homework oneNote:1. You can write in Chinese or English, printed or hand written.2. No late homework will be accepted. Please staple your homework and write your name and ID number on the cover.3.The deadline is Oct.22.3.4Hunting:Two hunters, players 1 and 2, can each choose to hunt a stag, which provides a rather large and tasty meal, or hunt a hare—also tasty, but much less filling. Hunting stags is challenging and requires mutual cooperation. If either hunts a stag alone, then the stag will get away, while hunting the stag together guarantees that the stag will be caught. Hunting hares is an individualistic enterprise that is not done in pairs, and whoever chooses to hunt a hare will catch one. The payoff from hunting a hare is 1, while the payoff to each from hunting a stag together is 3. The payoff from an unsuccessful stag hunt is 0.Represent this game as a matrix.3.7 Public Good Contribution: Three players live in a town, and each can choose to contribute to fund a streetlamp. The value of having the streetlamp is 3 for each player, and the value of not having it is 0. The mayor asks each player to contribute either 1 or nothing. If at least two players contribute then the lamp will be erected. If one player or no players contribute then the lamp will not be erected, in which case any person who contributed will not get his money back.Write down the normal form of this game.4.5 Iterated Elimination: In the following normal-form game, which strategy profiles survive iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies?4.7 Campaigning: Two candidates, 1 and 2, are running for office. Each has one of three choices in running his campaign: focus on the positive aspects of one’s own platform (call this a po sitive campaign [P]), focus on the positive aspects of one’s own platform while attacking one’s opponent’s campaign(call this a balanced campaign [B]), or finally focus only on attacking one’s opponent (call this a negative campaign [N]). All a candidate cares about is the probability of winning, so assume that if a candidate expects to win with probability π∈ [0, 1], then his payoff is π. The probability that a candidate wins depends on his choice of campaign and his opponent’s choice.The probabilities of winning are given as follows:If both choose the same campaign then each wins with probability 0.5. If candidate i uses a positive campaign while j ≠ i uses a balanced one then i loses for sure.If candidate i uses a positive campaign while j ≠i uses a negative one then i wins with probability 0.3.If candidate i uses a negative campaign while j ≠ i uses a balanced one then i wins with probability 0.6.a. Model this story as a normal-form game. (It suffices to be specific about the payoff function of one player and to explain how the other player’s payoff function is different and why.)b. Write down the game in matrix form.c. What happens at each stage of elimination of strictly dominated strategies? Will this procedure lead to a clear prediction?。

博弈论第2次作业 (1)

博弈论第2次作业 (1)


企业1和2现在生产的边际成本都为不变的边际成本c(c >0),即()i i i c Q cQ =;企业如果进行投资f (f >0),那么其生产的边际成本为0.企业2能够观察到企业1是否进行投资f 。

在企业2观察到企业1是否进行投资f 后,企业1和2同时决定产量。

假设市场的需求函数为()()P Q a Q a c =−〉,其中,12Q Q Q =+。

试求f 不超过多少时,企业1才会进行投资?2、(政府对研发的补贴博弈)有2个国家i=1,2各自都有一个企业生产相同的产品出口到世界市场上。

世界市场对该产品的需求为12p a q q =−−,每个公司的生产成本为4()(0)9i i C q cq a c a =≤≤〈。

设i x 为国家i 对企业i 的研发补贴水平。

当国家i 对企业i 的研发补贴后,企业的生产成本变为()()i i i C q c x q =−(i=1,2)。

假设政府对企业i 的研发补贴水平达到产量i x 的总成本为:2()2i i i x TC x =。

这个博弈通过2个阶段进行:1、政府选择补贴水平2、在观察到政府的补贴水平后,企业同时选择产量水平0i q ≥。

求企业i(i=1,2)的最优产出水平和国家i=1,2的最优补贴水平3、考虑改变的Cournot 模型。

在一个市场上有2个企业(企业1和企业2)选择产量1q 、02≥q 进行竞争。

企业i 的利润为:⎩⎨⎧〉+≤+−−=1,01,)1(),(21212121q q q q q q q q q i i π(i=1,2)。

企业2是由企业主自己经营,而企业1是企业主雇佣经理进行经营,经理的收益为)10(),(),(121121≤≤+=ααπq q q q q w 。

此博弈的次序如下:在第1阶段,企业1决定)10(≤≤αα的值;在第2阶段,企业1的经理和企业2的企业主观察到α后同时选择产量量1q 、02≥q 。




A. 效用B. 支付C. 决策D. 利润2.博弈中通常包括下面的内容,除了()。




A. 策略组合B. 策略C. 信息D. 行动6.对博弈中的每一个博弈者而言,无论对手作何选择,其总是拥有惟一最佳行为,此时的博弈具有()。




A. 当一个垄断竞争行业是由一个主导企业控制时B.当一个寡头行业面对的是重复博弈时C.当一个垄断行业被迫重复地与一个寡头行业博弈时D. 当一个寡头行业进行一次博弈时10.一个企业采取的行为与另一个企业在前一阶段采取的行为一致,这种策略是一种()。


A. 策略式博弈无法刻划动态博弈B. 策略式博弈无法表明行动顺序C. 策略式博弈更容易求解D. 策略式博弈就是一个支付矩阵12.下列关于策略的叙述哪个是错误的():A. 策略是局中人选择的一套行动计划;B. 参与博弈的每一个局中人都有若干个策略;C. 一个局中人在原博弈中的策略和在子博弈中的策略是相同的;D. 策略与行动是两个不同的概念,策略是行动的规则,而不是行动本身。




A. 效用B. 支付C. 决策D. 利润2.博弈中通常包括下面的内容,除了()。




A. 策略组合B. 策略C. 信息D. 行动6.对博弈中的每一个博弈者而言,无论对手作何选择,其总是拥有惟一最佳行为,此时的博弈具有()。




A. 当一个垄断竞争行业是由一个主导企业控制时B.当一个寡头行业面对的是重复博弈时C.当一个垄断行业被迫重复地与一个寡头行业博弈时D. 当一个寡头行业进行一次博弈时10.一个企业采取的行为与另一个企业在前一阶段采取的行为一致,这种策略是一种()。


A. 策略式博弈无法刻划动态博弈B. 策略式博弈无法表明行动顺序C. 策略式博弈更容易求解D. 策略式博弈就是一个支付矩阵12.下列关于策略的叙述哪个是错误的():A. 策略是局中人选择的一套行动计划;B. 参与博弈的每一个局中人都有若干个策略;C. 一个局中人在原博弈中的策略和在子博弈中的策略是相同的;D. 策略与行动是两个不同的概念,策略是行动的规则,而不是行动本身。



Homework oneNote:1. You can write in Chinese or English, printed or hand written.2. No late homework will be accepted. Please staple your homework and write your name and ID number on the cover.3.The deadline is Oct.22.3.4Hunting:Two hunters, players 1 and 2, can each choose to hunt a stag, which provides a rather large and tasty meal, or hunt a hare—also tasty, but much less filling. Hunting stags is challenging and requires mutual cooperation. If either hunts a stag alone, then the stag will get away, while hunting the stag together guarantees that the stag will be caught. Hunting hares is an individualistic enterprise that is not done in pairs, and whoever chooses to hunt a hare will catch one. The payoff from hunting a hare is 1, while the payoff to each from hunting a stag together is 3. The payoff from an unsuccessful stag hunt is 0.Represent this game as a matrix.3.7 Public Good Contribution: Three players live in a town, and each can choose to contribute to fund a streetlamp. The value of having the streetlamp is 3 for each player, and the value of not having it is 0. The mayor asks each player to contribute either 1 or nothing. If at least two players contribute then the lamp will be erected. If one player or no players contribute then the lamp will not be erected, in which case any person who contributed will not get his money back.Write down the normal form of this game.4.5 Iterated Elimination: In the following normal-form game, which strategy profiles survive iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies?4.7 Campaigning: Two candidates, 1 and 2, are running for office. Each has one of three choices in running his campaign: focus on the positive aspects of one’s own platform (call this a po sitive campaign [P]), focus on the positive aspects of one’s own platform while attacking one’s opponent’s campaign(call this a balanced campaign [B]), or finally focus only on attacking one’s opponent (call this a negative campaign [N]). All a candidate cares about is the probability of winning, so assume that if a candidate expects to win with probability π∈ [0, 1], then his payoff is π. The probability that a candidate wins depends on his choice of campaign and his opponent’s choice.The probabilities of winning are given as follows:If both choose the same campaign then each wins with probability 0.5. If candidate i uses a positive campaign while j ≠ i uses a balanced one then i loses for sure.If candidate i uses a positive campaign while j ≠i uses a negative one then i wins with probability 0.3.If candidate i uses a negative campaign while j ≠ i uses a balanced one then i wins with probability 0.6.a. Model this story as a normal-form game. (It suffices to be specific about the payoff function of one player and to explain how the other player’s payoff function is different and why.)b. Write down the game in matrix form.c. What happens at each stage of elimination of strictly dominated strategies? Will this procedure lead to a clear prediction?。

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Homework twoNote:1. You can write in Chinese or English, printed or hand written.2. No late homework will be accepted. Please staple your homework and write your name and ID number on the cover.3.The deadline is Nov.12.1) 5.4 Splitting Pizza: You and a friend are in an Italian restaurant, and the owner offers both of you a free eight-slice pizza under the following condition. Eachof you must simultaneously announce how many slices you would like; thatis, each player i ∈{1, 2} names his desired amount of pizza, 0 ≤si≤8. Ifs1+ s2 ≤8 then the players get their demands (and the owner eats any leftover slices). If s1+ s2 > 8, then the players get nothing. Assume that you each careonly about how much pizza you individually consume, and the more the better.a. Write out or graph each player’s best-response correspondence.b. What outcomes can be supported as pure-strategy Nash equilibria?2) 5.9 Tragedy of the Roommates: You and your n − 1 roommates each have five hours of free time you could spend cleaning your apartment. You all dislike cleaning, but you all like having a clean apartment: each person’s payoff is thetotal hours spent (by everyone) cleaning, minus a number c times the hoursspent (individually) cleaning. That is, vi(s1, s2, . . . , sn)=−c . si+ n j=1sj . Assume everyone chooses simultaneously how much time to spend cleaning.a. Find the Nash equilibrium if c < 1.b. Find the Nash equilibrium if c > 1.c. Set n = 5 and c = 2. Is the Nash equilibrium Pareto efficient? If not,can you find an outcome in which everyone is better off than in the Nash equilibrium outcome?3) 5.16 Hotelling’s Price Competition: Imagine a continuu m of potential buyers, located on the line segment [0, 1], with uniform distribution. (Hence the“mass” or quantity of buyers in the interval [a, b] is equal to b − a.) Imaginetwo firms, players 1 and 2, who are located at each end of the interval (player1 at the 0 point and player2 at the 1 point). Each player i can choose its pricepi , and each customer goes to the vendor who offers him the highest value. However, price alone does not determine the value; distance is important aswell. In particular each buyer who buys the product from player i has a netvalue of v − pi− di , where di is the distance between the buyer and vendor iand represents the transportation costs of buying from vendor i. Thus buyera ∈[0, 1] buys from 1 and not 2 if v − p1− d1>v − p2 − d2 and if buyingis better than getting zero. (Here d1 = a and d2 = 1− a. The buying choicewould be reversed if the inequality were reversed.) Finally, assume that thecost of production is zero.a. What is the best-response function of each player?b. Assume that v = 1. What is the Nash equilibrium? Is it unique?c. Now assume that the transportation costs are 1/2di , so that a buyerbuys from 1 if and only if v − p1− 1/2d1> v − p2 − 1/2d2. Write downthe best-response function of each player and solve for the Nashequilibrium.d. Following your analysis in (c), imagine that transportation costs areαdi , with α∈[0, 1]. What happens to the Nash equilibrium as α→0?What is the intuition for this result?4) Comparative Statics of Mixed Strategy Equilibria. C onsider the following two-player game.(a) Find all the Nash equilibria, pure and mixed. Explain how you know you have found all the equilibria.(b) Suppose that the payo_ of the column player u2(D; l) is reduced from 8 to 6, but all other payoffs remain the same. Again, find all the pure- and mixed-strategy Nash equilibria.(c) Compare the mixed-strategy equilibria in parts (a) and (b). Did this worsening in one of player 2's payoffs change player 2's equilibrium mixed strategy? Did it change player 1's? Give some intuition.5) 6.6 Declining Industry: C onsider two competing firms in a declining industrythat cannot support both firms profitably. Each firm has three possible choices,as it must decide whether or not to exit the industry immediately, at the end ofthis quarter, or at the end of the next quarter. If a firm chooses to exit then itspayoff is 0 from that point onward. Each quarter that both firms operate yieldseach a loss equal to −1, and each quarter that a firm operates alone yields ita payoff of 2. For example, if firm 1 plans to exit at the end of this quarterwhile firm 2 plans to exit at the end of the next quarter then the payoffs are(−1, 1) because both firms lose −1 in the first quarter and firm 2 gains 2 inthe second. The payoff for each firm is the sum of its quarterly payoffs.a. Write down this game in matrix form.b. Are there any strictly dominated strategies? Are there any weaklydominated strategies?c. Find the pure-strategy Nash equilibria.d. Find the unique mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. (Hint: you can useyour answer to (b) to make things easier.)6) 6.12 The Tax Man: A citizen (player 1) must choose whether to file taxes honestly or to cheat. The tax man (player 2) decides how much effort to invest in auditing and can choose a ∈[0, 1]; the cost to the tax man of investing at alevel a is c(a) = 100a2. If the citizen is honest then he receives the benchmark payoff of 0, and the tax man pays the auditing costs without any benefit fromthe audit, yielding him a payoff of−100a2. If the citizen cheats then his payoff depends on whether he is caught. If he is caught then his payoff is −100 andthe tax man’s payoff is 100 −100a2. If he is not caught then his payoff is 50 while the tax man’s payoff is −100a2. If the citizen cheats and the tax man chooses to audit at level a then the citizen is caught with probability a and isnot caught with probability (1−a).a. If the tax man believes that the citizen is cheating for sure, what is hisbest-response level of a?b. If the tax man believes that the citizen is honest for sure, what is hisbest-response level of a?c. If the tax man believes that the citizen is honest with probability p,what is his best-response level of a as a function of p?d. Is there a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium for this game? Why orwhy not?e. Is there a mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium for this game? Why or whynot?。
