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39.Can you tell me if it ___will_ snow_____(snow) tomorrow
40.Couldyou tell me if you __have read(read) the story book
41.Hesaidthe lights in the roomhad gone(go)out when heopened the door.
9.Light ___________(travel )much faster than sound.
10.I __________(feel) much better after I _______(take) the medicine.
11.”Where ________we________(meet)”“Let’s meet outside the park gate.”
12.I_________(be) afraidMr.Johnson __________(not visit) ourschool tomorrow.
13.I _________(lose) my bike ._________you _________(see) it anywhere
14.________this kind of car __________(produce) inShanghai
15.We __________(see) several members of the family since we ________(arrive)
16.I found that the students _________(play) football on the playground.
17.The shop ___________(close) at this time of day.
23.What languageis spoken(speak) inAustralia
24.The color TVwas bought(buy) in that shop three days ago.
25.Hesaidhewould stay(stay) here foranothertwo days.
58.Herecomes(come)the bus.

59.I don’t know when the managerwill return(return), but whenhecomes(come) back Iwill let(let) you know.
60.“Wherewere(be) you this timeyesterday”“Iwas(be) at home. Iwas going(go) over my lessonsthen.”
19.Wasthe doctorsent(send) for last night
20.The childwas taken(take) good care by the nurse.
21.Some childrenare taken(take ) good care by the nurse.
22.Some new houseshave been built(build) by the villagers themselves.
4.Wherehaveyoubeen(be)these days
5.WhereisTom Heቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱas gone(go) to the post office. Hesaidhewouldcome(come) back soon.
6.Mikesayshewants(want )to be a worker after hefinishes(finish )school.
13.Ihave lost(lose) my bike .Haveyouseen(see) it anywhere
14.Isthis kind of carproduced(produce) inShanghai
15.Wehave seen(see) several membersof the familysincewearrived.(arrive)
42.Iwill be/ am(be) fifteen soon.
43.Tom, your auntwill come(come) this afternoon .
44.My teacher oftentells(tell) us not to play on the street.
45.They__are planting(plant) trees on the hill.Do you see
1.The boy is happy because hehas sold(sell) out all the newspapers.
2.The planwillbe given/ hasbeen given(give) up because of rain.
3.Ifitdoesn’t rain(not rain) tomorrow, wewill go(go )fishing.
46.The teacher said that the earth __moves(move) round the sun.
47.Shesaidshewould put(put) on a new coat the next day.
48.The Great Wallis known(know) all over the world.
33.We __were having(have) lunch when suddenly someone knocked at the door.
34.Lucy said shewould visit(visit) the school the next month.
35.I __will wait(wait) until he comes back.
49.Could you tell me whereAlicelives(live)
50.Hasthe film_been showed(show) many timessince last Sunday.
51._Are__the street lights usuallyturned(turn) on at seven in summer evening
21.Some children ___________(take ) good care by the nurse.
22.Some new houses _________(build) by the villagers themselves.
7.The last bushadjustleft(leave) when they _got(get) to the bus stop.
8.Shewon’tgo(not go) to beduntilshefinishes(finish) her work.
9.Lighttravels(travel )much faster thansound.
4.Where ____________you____________(be) these days
5.Where is Tom He _________(go) to the post office. He said he _________(come) back soon.
6.Mike says he _________(want )to be a worker after he _________ (finish )school.
16.Ifoundthat the studentswere playing(play) football onthe playground.
17.The shopis closed(close) at this time of day.
18.Wherewas/ hasyour watchlost/beenlost(lose)
36.Youare watching(watch) TV after supper,aren’tyou
37.Theyhave been(be) to that small village several times.
38. Hetoldme that he__hadread(read) the story book.
30.The big treewas blown(blow)down in the stormlast night.
31.I___have_____ never ____eaten____(eat) such delicious noodles before.
32.When we reached the town, itgot/ had got(get) dark.
52.Iwon’t go(not go) to the cinema because Ihave seen(see) the film before.
53.Itgets/is getting(get) dark.What aboutgoing(go) home at once
54.Youwill be(be) late if youdon’t hurry(not hurry).
7.The last bus ____________just ________(leave) when they ________(get) to the bus stop.

8.She _________(not go) to bed until she _______(finish) her work.
55.Use your headandyouwill find(find) a better way.
56.Look!Someoneis lying(lie) on the floor.
57.Itis raining/ rains(rain) harder now. Itrains(rain) quite often in summer.
28.We are in Grade One this year, so wewill be taught(teach )physics next year.
29.--“Wherewere(be) you last night”
--“Iwasasked(ask) to help Tom at home”
1.The boy is happy because he ___________(sell) out all the newspapers.
2.The plan _____________(give) up because of rain.
3.If it __________(not rain) tomorrow, we ____________(go )fishing.
18.Where ________your watch _________(lose)
19.________the doctor __________(send) for last night
20.The child___________(take) good care by the nurse.
10.Ifelt(feel) much better after Ihad taken(take) the medicine.
11.“Whereshall/willwemeet(meet)”“Let’s meet outside thepark gate.”
12.Iam(be) afraid Mr. Johnsonwon’t visit(not visit) ourschool tomorrow.
26.The doctor said Jim mustbe operated(operate ) on at once.
27.--“Hasthe bridgebeenrepaired(repair)yet”
--“Yes, theworkershavealreadyrepaired(repair) it.”